M''nIBITRGM MARKETS. OTYloz or PrrrssuaoB SAzErra, WEDNESDAY, April -14, 1869. Business, although inpriovitoe slightly, and our is stall very dull, and our merchants generally continue to complain of Wird ' times, Foi some few articles there is a better demand, NO- .as a genial tMtig, it Is light, and confined a t, moat entireiy to supplying immediate smite; so far as values are concerned, theare no impqrtant changes,_ one way or t i e other. There is such a strong competition' in nearly all bikanches of business here that margins , are very light, and it would appear that the only way to make almost any kind. of bust [testi pay is to do a good deal .of it-- “sniall profits abd quick returns.” Money continues tight, and there is a general complaint in regard to the difll: culmiu making collections. • .• • , APPLES—Very scarce, particularly in sound. condition;' we continue to quote at 45@8 t 50 per bbh • ' ' APPLE BUTTER-901241 per gallon. BUTTER--Notwithstanding 4he arri vale contintie liberal, the- market •is steady and prices, unchanged, 45@48 fOr prinle to choice Roll. • . 'BEANP4 31 25 @8,50 per bushel. CELEEBr:--blarket almost bare; small sites New ;York Goshen at 24@25. CARBON ,OIL—Is still quoted at 22® 30 tLra jobbing way for. standard brands. WARR_ ERRIEa•--None in market.. VORNEA.L-81,7.5(§1,80 per cwt. DRIED FRUlT—Peaches dull but un changed at 14 for quarters, and 18 for halves. Apples scarce and in demand at.,120k13. EGGS —Market is a shade stronger, but unchanged at 200. .now shade fi rmer, and we .now quote live geese feathers at 80 to the tisike, and the usual advance in a • retall way:. FLOUR—The' demand is fair and the market barely active while prices are unchanged. Wksontinue to quote Spring Wheat I. , rmile . at • 56,50@7, and Winter Wheat at 67,50®8. Rye Flour 17@7,25. Mill priees unchanged. ' GRAIN-The grain. market bra little stronger. in . consequence .of -, very light stocks; but the demand is light and. prices are no higher. Red Wheat nonal naLatll,4, with. none in Market; -Ear Cern• is in demand for feedhig and scarce' with' Ades' ; prime Yellow at Mpso; Shelled HI dull and unchanged , at 73('075. o.i:taw:Mit-tat = flrtti; sales on track at . 66 lua• store at 68@70.... Rye is dull' and At Thertils nothing doingia!Barley. aliflthete are no estalx ! ' - lished quaatione.: • - 11ArY - --13aled is in steady deMand with salea . on wriert'ar.l44@)26, - as to quality. HOMINY-0,75€6 per bbl. .; HRMONL-112215 per ton. 4 LARD 011-43 ales No.- 1 at $1,55®1,58. MAPLE 110 LASSES--Sales in 19 111 9 n Etas at $1,50(41,76.` - • - PROVISIONS—Bacon is in steady-de mand at 14@i4y; for Shoulderm 1635' for Ribbed,-and -17.1.1®18 for Clear Sides; and 19% tbr Sugar Cured Rams. Steamed Lard 19, and' -kettle rendered, 19%@20. Dried Beef 21. Mesa Pork 132,00. POTATOES—In good supply and un changed; sales in store, at 75686. PEANUTS-10 ots per pound. SEEDS—There is a very fair demand for Clover, with sales at 110®10,50, and Timothy at $3.60@;t3,75. Flaimed quoted at $2,.45@2,50. SALT—May be quoted at 51.80®1,85 by the car load, and $1,95@2 for small lots in store.. WHISKY The Whisky market is dull and so irregularthat it is difficult to give aqourate - quptatione. Markets by Telegraph. Nnw Yong, April 14.—Cotton Sic bet ter and more active;. sales 5,800 bales at' 28%®290 for Middling uplands. Flour , dull and declining; receipts, 6,522 bbls; sales 5,400 bbls at $5,40®6.00 for super fine State and western, #6®6,45 for extra` State, #6®6,90 for extra western, $7®8,20 for, white wheat extra, #6.15@7,30 tor round hoop Ohio, $7®8,50 for extra St. Louis, and ;9©12 for good to choice' do, closing quiet. Rye flour quiet and heavy; sales 200 bbis at #5®6,90, the latter an ex treme. . Corn meal dull. Whiskey quiet and heavy: sales 30 bbls western - at 92e for free. Wheat dull end 1(42e lower; receipts, 2.100 bus;- sales. 28,000 bus at $1,40®1,43 for No. 2 Spring in store 'and delivered, #1',6234 for white California,' and #1,7235 , for. amber Michigan. Rye dull'and.drooping, sales 1,500 bus prime Milwaukee at #1,35.•• Rye malt dial; sales 1,000 bus at .$1,85. Barley heavy and declining; sales 14,000 bus at $2 for German and Canada West. Barley &alt dull and drooping. Corn- not • so active; heavy, 1 lower; 67;000 bushels at 85v2;87; new mixed Western, closing at 86®86M; shipping lots 85®88, old do. in store and afloat, 8e34; handsomeeld white Western, 95; prime new white Southern; receipts Oats, 11,631; Oats dull, 27,000: bushels at 78®783,x; Western afloat, 76% bid. 77 asked, do; in store; Rice dull , at 133,,‘®9M; Carolina Coffee quiet; Sugar dull, 150 hhds Cuba, 12(4112M: Molasses quiet, 60 hhds Cuba at 15®50; Petroleum quiet and unsettled, 17 for Crude; 3114® 32 for refined; Bonded Heps quiet at 8@ 15; American Coal, domestic, quiet; $5.00 ®6.00 by cargo; foreign dull at' $9.50; New Castle Gas 12; Liverpool Gas; Loath er: Hemlock sole quiet, drooping' about previous prices. ' 'Wool continues quiet, 16,000 pounds at 45®67: domestic • fleece; ' 33®34 unwashed; 25®48 pulled. Linked oil steady at #1.024411.03. Pork firni;'l,Bso bbls' at #30,80®31. 'New mess, pi® 31.12. Job lots do. $30.75; old do. s26® 26.25; prime 428.50®29.4 - Prime • Mess Beef du11,130 barrels at 8®16: new plain mess 12018, new extra mesa. 'Tierce beef,; heavy, 200 tierces: ' 23®28 for`prime mess, and #25032 for • India mesa. Beef Hami heady, with sales of 175 bbbs at #26(x. Cut Meats" steady;' sales of 325 pkgs at 124:413mc for shoulders, 16®170 for hams; middles ,qtuer, with .sales of 130 bag `it - 16 'c 'for 'Cumberland ant, and /6)4e.for...short ribbed, lard Ilan; sal es ;of ,986 tcs at 17 %®18Ncr chiefly. at isgo for 'steam, and ley,®l9Mc for kettle render:Welt*, 250 taw main; seller May at 183(c.: ••Britter 20®87c for r Ohio, and 30 @kgc for , state- Cheese Arm at 18 63 22c. Freights to Liverpool firmer, with en gagernente 'per stesiter. for 10;000' bus corn at 23 d. Spirits Turpentine firm at 60®503 e. • Mar, —Sheathing Copper le @ i s stead at 83e; Ing ot quiet sad- steady at 2ZIM Me for all kinds. Pig Iron mod erate activelit 140@44 for Hmteh, and - ;37 -for American; Bar quiet at sBs® 90 fer.Nnglish and Amercican; Sheet In moderate request at lim@l234e in gold for Russia. Nails quiet at 4% c, for cut, .6/3634c for clinch and 27c • 1 , for horse-shoe.: • -,' Latest.—Flour closed dull and fie low er for medlutn and low grader. •= Wheat is dull and lo lower for spring, and win- ter issearce and held more firmly, Rye is dull- and • held at $1.86 for western. Oat.; prices were nominal at the clamor the•market, and western in store mild have been bought at -76 ®76%0. Corn is lowerand dui* at 85@Mqo for new mlxediresters, and 87% WM& for' old mixed , weittenvin Ono 'and delivered, Pork itokit; wilt inryerit of new mate at illlpatiCaellere at 1111,1254, Beer is dull , and Anahaagel, - Vitt 'Haste and Aim= are nomipal. Lard IS 'Atm at 15e • vt.. - -q-f1," , ..* ; - - 1.0 ' • ' • _ • , -• • • - . • , ••4 ' • I=l T " YMOLIWIr -4/ T-TE' ; T . . for prime Steam. EggS are dull and - held at 21®23c. • ST. Louis; April 14.—Tobacco more ac tive but unchanged. In Cotton there Is, some inquiry at 270 for middling. Hemp —tonsil sales choice undressed at $ 1 ,50@ 1,55. Flour very dull with only a small order demand; spring and fall superfine ranges at ‘4®5,25; do. extra' $4,75®5,75; do double extra 86,25®7; fall treble ex tra $7,50®9. Wheat—choice fall brought full prices, but medium and low grades are dull and lower; prime to choice red sold at $1,50®180; strictly choice to fanCy j1,85®1,95; spring lower at $1,07®1,10. the latter ; for choice, and some lots of fancy at 11,20. Corn dull and lower at 11,65®1.6634 for yellow and white, and 68®69c for !tinny white: Oats dull at 61 0 1ey 640, firm at diein $1,75 g lOweri for at 61:11V2h•o. •Bar- Illinois; 112,22 X for:Riney Minnesota. R y e e firmer, $1,23. Whisky dull and easier, 87®8736. Groceries are in • rather better deman d. Sugar ranges from 1234 ®l4yc for Loins 'ann. Coffee. higher, 26X®260 for *choice rio; other ;grades _range tr:im 20®2530: .Molasses steady at 75®85c for plantation.- Pork quiet and drin; small jobbing sales at 831,00. In bulk meats there is nothing doing. Bacon dull,l and jobbing sales were made at 13y,c -- for shoulders, 16;0 for clear rib, and 1634®16 3 / 4 o„ for clear sides. - Lard quiet with' a demand at. 17. 1 , 417%e, and no sellers. Receipts--flour, 1,500 bbls; wheat,23,900 busliele; corn, 1 16.8K0 bushels; oa ts, 8,200 bushels; rye, 1 358 bushels. Cuicsoo, April 14.-Eastern Exchange (firm at par, buying. and 1-10 per cent. /premium, selling. Flour dull. at $5,50® 6,25 for spring• extra. Wheat dull and di 3, , ,c lower, with sales No.;)1 at $1,12® 1.15, and No. 2 at $1,04%®1,07M;' closing steady at $1,05; Sales No. iisinee 'Change at $1,01%. Corn quiet and ;;(4)34elower, with sales new at 50% ©act no grade at 50(350;4,1 cloaing at 50®501 for new; I nothing doing this a ft ernoon. Oats dull at 513 .@53N; closing at 540; sales , at 540, seller for the last half of Apr/L(l4'e more active'and Mc higher at $1,16®1;19 for regular and fresh; cloning at. $1,16® 1,17 for regular and fresh. 'Barley 2(413e higher; with sales at, $1,88(41,75; closing steady , at $1,70®1,75. Highwines-88c offered; and 87e asked. . , New Orleans Molasses at $1®1,05., Sugar at, . 1 .4@1 6 f0 for common to choice. Provisions steady and firth. Mesa Pork at 130,50, cash, $3l seller for last half of May. Lard at 179 ®lB. Sweet Pickled Hams at 18)4.( Cumberland Middles at 14%, loose. 'Bulk Shoulders at 12c, buyer for ,this month. Reaelpts for the pant 24 hours-4,816 bbla -flour,_/8,772 bush wheat, 41,098 bun corn, 4,276 bush arta. 1• 3 6.4. bush rye,..1,200 bush 'barley, 7,4 D) hogli. i Shipments-10;795 blibiflour.,l2,334bgah wheat, 20,557 bush corn, 9,890 bnak oats , 1,876 bush rye, 2,275 'bush barl ey, 9,004.h0ip3. c [ CINCINNATI, April 14.--Blotir firmer and in better ' demand at $0,25(0)0,50 for family. Wheat itt good, demand; sales of 2,500 bush No:2 red winter at deman a 11435,5 and $1,45 for No. 1. Corn in t 650 for ear. "Oats firmer at 660@j900. ' Cot 7 ton firm at, 27"@275j0•1br middling. Tobacco firm'and in good - demand at ful l price& Whisky in but moderate de mand at 90c. ,ftovisions quiet and:un changed. ' Mess Pork held at s3l,but not saleable at better than $3O. Balk meats dull at 11Notor loose shdnlders, but they are generally held at 12c, and 1434 c for sides. Ramon dull at 13e for shoulders; isy.o for sides, and 163ic for clear rib and clear; a lot of country shoulders are offering at 1234 c packed. Lard firmer at IBc for city, and 17;4c for country. lint ter dull at 38®44e. Eggs declined to 17 ®lBc with a large sup t i . : No change in Oil; Linseed at $1,05; at51,45®1,50. Petroleum at 33®35c for r fined. Tim othy seed advanced to $3, ®3,50. Chi t verquiet at 15L ®l5 Sugar dull at 13344@15 for New Orleans. Molasses at 80®65e and scarce, and Porto Rico de dined to 70®75c. Coffee steady at 20® 26c. Gold 13234 buying. Exchange firm at par to 50 premium buying and 1.10 premium selling. TOLEDO, April 14.-our nominal. Wheat dull, closing 234 c lower: amber 111,42% white $1,44; am .1,45, buyer for April. Corn steady and fairly active; No. 1 67c; No. 2 62Mc. Rye dull and nominal at $1,28®1,30. Barley; Canada held at 51,95; State $1,75; no sales. R4s ceipta-2,100 bbla flour; 2,000 bush wheat; 7,200 bush corn; 400 bush oats; 200 bush rye. Shipments-2,600 bbls flour; 12,000 bush• wheat; 12,700 bush' Corn; 12,600 bash oats; 2,100 bush rye. - LouravlLLE, April - 14.-Tobacco; sales of 220 hbds at $5, ,50 for lugs and manuiacturing leaf. Mess Pork 131,50. Lard 1714®18e. Ba • n; shoulders .133ic, clear rib sides 1630, clear sides /7 ict.. Balk shoulders MK and clear sides 16y,u.. Flour 15,50®6 00. Wheat $1,55® ia 1,60. Corn 65(g)G6c. is 60®65e. Hay $20®21. Sugar; New O rleans fair 13%c e prime 14%c, and chef e 1534 c. Molasses 75®85c. Cotton 27e. Whisky 910. ParLennuextrs, Apr il 14.-Flour is quiet and unchan - except Ohio extra family, which sells at $8®9,25. Wheat is firm at $1,80®1,85 for amber. Rye is unchanged. •Corn is in good demand, with sales 'of mixed at 84®88e. Oats steady at 73®75e. Petroleum is steady and unchanged. Provisions are nu. changed. Whiskey is quiet and un changed. CLEVELAND, April 14.-Flour market dull and unchanged. Wheat-No. 1 red winter held at .1,45; No. 2 do.l . held at 111,33. Corn-sales 2 cars shelled mixed at 71c. Oats belch at 64e. Rye dull and nominal at 11,2501,28. Petroleum mar ket quiet and the' eneral asking price Is 30®310 for standard white refining, but there is nothing doing; small lots held at 32@33e. ' 1 MILWAUKEE, April 14.-Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat unsettled and lower, 51,11 for No, 1, and $1,06 for No. 2. Oats dull' and nominal: Corn steady, 65® 5535 c for • new. Rye entirely t nominal. Barley ateadY , at 1450g1,7050r No. 2. Re celpts-2,000 bbls nuur, 7,000 bushels wheat, 2,000 buihels oats. 'Shipments -6,000,bb1s HMV. 9,000 bushela Wheat. , • BALTD/Wiai 1 14.—Flour Is dull. • Wheat is dull. ~torn firmer, white 0 1 .06 01.80: Oats du at 75®70 for western. Rye dull.'prinieSe r Mesa Pork quiet 4 1 at lig& low 8 ,!B rib sides at -16%, elear,do.. - 123fits 1d 0 r 014 34. me 200, 21. lArd buiettatT9M . Whis hi better dementiat 92098,the latter eat Om& 4 a m nn isig ; 4'prit i4.:-Cost*ff efal` g;5,03280; rwmfpte 49t bales; s'3o: Flour dull,iirlth'istipstfine iit ' ,_ 0,00. Corn'7o42ll%t Oats '• tiSe. . . 12b@20. Pork. 02: 'laird 19(8200.% P quiek ers should 13X sides 1714 e. Bulk meets quiet; shoularlyl23e; sidea,lo3o. Drzatirii;A:ol 14,....Whetkquiet4 No. 1 white winter $1,42; No. 2 d .41,29 1 1 40; 210.'1 amber tiggel,42i mill stu ff s firms bran 112hat20, , ' coarse middlfngs 0 2 4 fine 127,66402(1 1 . Clover,Nood edverming, being firm et 12 Per. o o lb& 2 • , . Live Mac Curcaao, Apyll'l4,--Cotatt Marrkelo= Bogs tolerably satire and 10016 a lower; me,00,9,95 for madittro,fltr,2s(4lo,7&"Thf, good to choice, Caine sictlve but steady; at opening the market tvse quid AM eaay,• at clone Nab* vtere made at 06/2050 5,76 (or conittioN $641/4,16 fef ter , tO rortiv Moro i roviti of good to ohotio, fir, Lobo, April 14;--Orgde Cattle', and Uhehofiged,, with 1 shi jibmagadi 005, tatige (1%142 tatorlor to 0010, /lege Id 'l/114ks par vow, M Dry GOOdI Martex. '' NEW; YortE.- April 14.—The market has been generally steady at the recent dechne;.,and there is an improved in quiry for all staple fabrics suited to the season; although the trade is far from be ing active or satisfactory. The only change of importanee to-day is in Pequot 10 4 bleached shootings, whjch are sell ing at 65c. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. PITTSBURGH. FORT WAYNE & CRT, CARO RAILROAD, April IA.-17 ears metal, Nimick it Co; 1 do do. Coleman, Rohm di Co: 4 do do, Bryan dr OaugheY; 1 do do, J W Porter; ,3 do do, J Wood, Son &Co 1 do do,,Zug &- Co; 250 bags timothylseed, W W Knox: 6,:c bilis ' han dles, .H . R ;M'Clelland; 60' do 'do, Camp bell, GI Co; 50 do seed, Kirkpatrick & Cop 114ills'handlesVWilt .&" Babee; 42 do . hi* es, - E H ,M'Olei c "ol ; 48- do' o, . : Boyd,- .4t Co; 2,sibble highWideo, ( lt i t Lyon & or AO do Tour,. Watt, , Lang & Co; 100 do do, CA Leechn. 100 do do, 4 A Dietz; 100 do do,iiieghmyer dtTVoskrimPi 200 dodo, Ownern; 100 do do, 5 tos lard, E- Haielton;';l Oaf staves, M P Adams; 1 do do; W Hastings;=l do corn, .1' W Simpson; 1 do -- iye, W r Meek; 57 bbls apPies.•l2`.Pkg* ;butter and eg ff gse Voigt, M it Co: 10 billblipples, P Du& - son; 20 do do, Carter, MtGrew it Co; 3,pligs sun dries, Kikkbatrick, ile , CO; 2do butter. 3 bbls eggs, ii di4plos, H Rea; 6 bbl 4. butter, NY .O trongv s".da , apples Broggeman & 0;.. 16 hides, B Tibtiim; 100 bms cheese, owners: 25 do , do; Smith a Johnston; 20 do, do, J A Scott; 32 tubs butter, W H Gzaffr 2 bbls eggs, Little & Baird; 20 do appleis, Voigt, M it Co. CLNOZLAND AND .FITTNININGI3 NAIL. Boma, April 14.-1 car shingles, Mellon & Bros; 4 cars blooms, .Ninalck t Co; 1 car clay, Hussey & Co; 2 cars iron ore, Reese, Graff & Dull; 60 bbls fluid, J J Paltrie:& Co; 3• kegs . apple butter, P Lichel; 10 pases:.tobaco, W Miller dc Co; 25 do do, S P Schriver & Co; 7 bbls eggs. G Cnerson; 3 do apples, Volgt. Mahood & Co; 20Jugs 'Molasses, A L Cramer Co;.A 10 do do, A M•Byertn74) do do, J Poetoift; 3 hhds 1 tec shoulders, Watt, Lang do Co; 7 casks bacon, 2 kgs lard, J J Pettit d; Co; 17 rolls leather, G N flotretott; 42 bdls chairs, Smother dr. Dauler 1 bx batter, 1 do eggs, P Duff & 50n; . 1.4 bales hemp, 1:1 Gerwig it Co. ALLEGE/0T VALWIT , APrill4.-7 pkgt hides, James Callery;'l bbl,esgs, W EXiikpatriok A Co;.; 1 car stone, Henderson, A 4t, Co: ;1 do do, Har rison d i p; bbLeggs. Wallace & K;..2 caritm McKnight, P Co; 2 do do, John: 40 0 4 ; 41 01 oat crap ;- iron , Jones iStlnughlling, 400 bbls oll; Standard 011 ColB bbla whlskyl_McOullough4Sadth & Go; 4 .blio seed,. 1. bx onions,' Shiptors Wallace; 2 sks rags,. •Godfrey, Clark; 8 oars railvaild iron, Hannibal A Naples RR Co; 4 .; bbli eggs, 5 do potatoes. Volgt, Mahood & Co; 1 car graio, , Bingham A ALT...wawa' Szstunt, April 14.-50 bales hay;:& Beekert; 2 cars staves, Ralya & obertson; 6. tee lard; G W.,Pusey; 1 car metal, Lewis, Bailey & Dalzell; I do shingles, J M'Briar; 2do metal / 6 do limestone, &aped& TroisCo; 6de metal, Spans, Chalfant & Co; I ear corn, M. Steel & Son; 1 do barley, Lutz & Walz. Pyrrantrnati ANDC Corrimuivir.rar. Razt.noan, April 14.-3 bbls • tallow, W Fifteens & Son; 1 do eggs, Smith, John ston & Co; 19 eke rags, Christy & Ben ham; 60 do outs, Scott & Glsal; 3 bbls vinegar, Munhail Megraw .t Co. RIVER. NEWS. The river was ibout stationary last evening with seven - feet in the channel by the Monongahela marks last evening. The weather continues cool but pleasant, and very favorable for outdoor business. There are no arrivals to report except ing the regular packets,__ The Mary Davage and barges, from St..Lonis; New York from Nashville; and R. C. Gray Cincinnati, are among the first boats. The Kenton from Ports Mouth will be in port today, and will return as usual to- Morrow. . • The Grey Eagle arrived and departed for Parkersburg, as 'usual, yesterday. H The Maggie Hays departed for St. Louis yesterday with an excellent trip: The Gallatin. In command of Capt. A. S. Shepard will take her .place In the Pittsburgh and Parkersburg trade to morrow. - The Amaralia. Capt. Dan Moore, Is fill ing up steadily for New Orleans. The Waunica, Capt. C. A. Dravo, is the only boat now In port for St. Louis and the Upper Mississippi, and passen. gera and shippers will bear in mind that. she will soon 'be ready to take her de parture. The Armadillo, Capt. M'earty, will positively leave for St. Louis today, and shippers can rely on this. She Is a tip top boat and is in first rate condition for business. The Camelia, Capt. Thos._ H. Golding, takes her departure for Nashville to.day without fail. • [ The high•headed Alaski, Capt. F. J. Oakes, le filling up steadily for New Or leans and le announced to take her de parture to-day. She is a big carrier, and no mistake. —Tho Emma No. 8 arrived at New Or leans on Monday. • —The Lorena left St. Louis for Pitti burgh on Monday. —The New York and R. C. Oray, were advertised to leave Cincinnati for Pitts• burgh on Tuesday. —The Wild Duck and Bollevernon Were at Evansville on MondaY, and the Glendale, passed Louisville the same day. —The towboat Grand Lake was at Cairo; on Monday, and the Simpson for ner,‘Plttaborgh to New Orleans, passed Memphis the Hama day. 44 , -onstor Morten ! a of ognion that the River arid Harbor Bill i es wits enable:the Secretary of War to provide for the sodtintlanee of work pti the Lou , „ •, -p f Ar rive•at Pittsbargkat 9:80 A. li. Passengers laktug express train' have Vol one change of cars between Pittsburgh, Baas, , arid 011 Regions. Hal and Eipress Trains stop only at principal. ponds.' Mice WaY and ito. - commodariod trains'stop at all stations. THOMAS IL BIN(, Assn. linp , te, W. FOSTER HOPE. Ticket Agent. re* ETTSBURGH . CDTCIKNATI-.7-A . Lpints it o t.u.wAY. . . . FAN HANDLE BOWL ORANGE QP TIME.-On and after SUNDAL 170r0.22d. 1618, trains will leave and arrive of tut Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh Win: Depart. Arrive., • .161111Crpie5.. « ,.......... 3:13 giscii4/1:.11.10. Past Line 10:13a. m. 41 p. m. £ 4 4 1 ElPress: - .)... 4 - 0:01f m m..12:111 a. Mel_ Mixed Way 5:43 a. 0:43 p. me. MeDensl4 , ...tuxen, No.111:118 m. 0:33 Oat./ Steubenville Accommod, 3:33 p. a. m. lieDonalePs Acen. Na.,245:08 ar sag P. x . .Ezpteae wltl l e s s i dany. ' 191:13 Y. la- Nan will arrive daily. • • The 10:13 a. m. Train loaves daily, •Bandayllr' m eased, and makes close commode= at New. ark for- Zanesville and points on' Sandtaky Manalley a Newark B. 8.. , ' - 8. P. sotru., General Ticket Aoint. 1.8kM3. Pi7TBEDEGH . 4 Pip , T.WAYNX,I.CMAffai B. W. - arid CLEVELAND & l'ir*l3l7BEifiX H. From Dec. NlOt__,h 1888, trains 'Will leave heir" and arrive at the -Casee-Depot,, , north side, Pith bilri f ir l.72:2? ; lll ,,, o qi n g : if : 1 ;Airtikoii ...1:' tti;;;X:011a la Chicago isit, Erie IgallVlEdlalstia Miele 1PX..4 , 11111141. -I , • ' 01. & "y4111 , 16:211 ara ee lag EXirgar t , , ,l ; Chicago 11b3L.411:1 Bass Malden Claes .Ex..10:013 a- ao. EV x .. tat , CL Ilk i_r7irEsazsg Chicago_Ax.. P:43 /km rie &Nen EX 6 :I3 0 , W le-eaeftEx&iiii pt. W.* . L , g Ex(ksso - Deßartfrees Altegfivati. - Arrays ta , 4lMat , N. , Erigrar t ie.B:llant __: , llrlgt , ,, n A . Ils. :8;518 ~ I le, llle ..... tit:: &ZVI% -10,33 r i Boeh..riv .. : . 11;a3 pas Leessdalo - ... 5P:13410 Leetsdale Act.a:sBonl ' ', .. Ittilips, 14'..Brigen ~ ..15:.3.3pin N. Brisk% ..,54431ziaJ N. Blist'il " :MAW pea Meeßidele ' " 41 -45 3 inla Leetle P , /D:IkaPSO " • - - • " - Tail tar.. • Leetsdale Bun. 'Leetsdale . Sen. it ~ day Church. 'l:l3..pin • day Wearch. , DOS las' m• . SP:43 p:ns. Chicago Express leases.daily., ///fril:118 a. . Ohicako Express arratea daily.. dele. r. 12. . Deneria Ticket Agee ~. EIENNSILLVA-awisiore : lILS, CENTRAL RAIL AD. (Mend after Nov, RElth , VMS. Tiling. will arrive at and depart from the Colon Depot, corner oi Washington and - Liberty streets, aa Arrive. '• 1 • • Depart:: ' ' • Rail Train.— 1:30 to Day Express.. 9:30 ma: Fast Line.: '.. 11.40 a m Wall a Ne."l::etao ant Weirs:lo. 1..6 SOS /II hiatiTrabi Balsam !: BrintonArsen.l:soa m •Cincinnitx 1.91:115 pm WalPs No. 2.. 8:502an Wail , ' No. 2..A1120ant. i CincinnatiTx.9:4owm 'Johnstown Ac. 3:115 pm Johnskrwe Aclo:3s.am BradiloctiNolikalOpm.i: Baltimore Ex. FAS-pm Phil*, Express 5:)10 pm Phile..4l_npresslit:os , pm Wail's MI. If.. 5.140 pna. ' WalPsNo. 8.:;1.30p in Weill, No. 1..615 pm BrachboekeNoi fWialvin Past Line ' 7 :50 oar Wall!! No. 1. If:2111, ni.l Wallrallo. 5 1 4150 L4ll - Way PasszOr 10:180 p in ' •- - • , The Church Train leaves Walls Station every Sunday:at 9:1.5. a. to., resahing Pittsburgh et ' ' .10:VO , a. M. Returning, lessee Pittsburgh at. 12:50 p.. zu.. and arrives at Walls tStation 14 21 , :00 p. m. Cincinnati Express. Maras dallY.• All other trout s. daily except Bandar. • . For Prither information apply_to - • • - • . D. BRCEWITH, Agen t ...,. The PentitylVanießaliroadeornpany will notes.. some any rift roeliaggage,except toe wearinßaP': pareVand limit their responsibility to One Nur are., Dollars in same. Mi Bs/UMW esceediae thiamin:at in • value • will be Si the - ria of its °wear. tu leas taten.bv 'wads' contrast.. 11u -•- . • ' ' EDWAW • H; WILMAiI tis., Gen eral ; thiperinteltAitenuok ~1. ' E 8 E 11 .11111i1M1 WINN/SYLVANIA LROAD.-On and after Nov. And, MIL the renter „Trains on, the Western Pennsylvania Railroad* will arrive at and , de hem the Yodetpl Stre r rts. et DepOt, Allegheny Cityiatibllowet A Derd!l SprLaid , e_Nols:44llnM .. • • s 2:00 est • Freeport No .19:13 a m Freeporttio. 19:15 as Express..., , ..illt aut arphlg N 0111490 ant • Sharpb , g No.l : 3p m Express..., ".51:55 'Freeport No:2 :00 pm Med% N 013310 pa Mall 5:55 pta reeport N0.28:90 pet endued's N015:4159 Suringee No 2 VW pet Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. , Th. Church •Trale_lekves -Allegheny Junctie e . every eunday at 2:40 a. m.. reaching Alleg_heny City at 9:50 a. m. Returning, leaves Alleheny City at 1:31 . Q p. and arrive at Allegheny Junes ; non at 3:en p. m. _ - ConittrreSion TlCtiorrn-Tor sale le package", of Twenty, between Allegheny' City, Citestnuit street. Herres, Rowlett, • Tine Oreek.Stne And Sharpsburg and good only on the trains stoir9ln4 at Stations specthed ontickets. The trainrieavlng Allegneny City at 2:00 a, wt. make direct eonnection at Freeport withWabs . • keys line of Stages ler Butler and llannaltstown. Through ticket& may be purehaeed the °Meg- N'o. 1 tit Clair streehtlear the Suspenslonßrldge, Plttsbnr. h, and at the Depot, Anegheny. • For further Inlbrmstion apply to JAMBS LEFFERTS, Agent: ' Federal Street Depot, The Western Pennsylvania - Railroad win no,- - aurae say risk for Baggage, except Ibr wearing apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars In 'glue. All baggage ex ceeding this amount In value willbe at the dekat the owner, eaten* taken by spatial contreet. EDWARD H. WILLIAMB, ' ni=l Geestal Superintendent,' AltOolle. , Fli,f • , , QMOILY HILLE IJ ROUTX. UNION PACIFIC RAIIMA; .Eastern 'Division. Too aIiORTIIMT AND i MOST =WADI RtKITIt from Um gut to all points In Colorado,. Neradat, California, lUtalk;'' New MUtoo, . Idaho, — : Oregoo. - ,: • . • .„•,, 0 i • t,l OW i+ • .1. 11• .VlO *Mir 1011V0 IS!Ke Liiii. RDA Leiyorfiro ta . ...,11Lu2ir iiseep.).ontheiorrivatettrilus = of 1.,a a road MID, ut. Lours; ond klumf! bid AO k 0 0 itafirota two' faufirmoollisteet: JouLirffivuoc, ,Topeffs ;mid. ogo..as stAti• ri : for Alf points la Sanaa .salt ,lefiff - LI,RIMS ALAilirpeth _ yrltit, TA li t :sTiMaterm 1-0 114 , , , .iasp f*AILFI . . DEN VEU; ISAJCM. LAIr.II% , sU Pointe' ririteriesti Aiwt with BAilTolttliPMA TILEWnif:GY LIES! o WACHS' , for Fort Union , slant's Tort . Pass; A taduOrglite. Banta ire,_ um allPa:l4 In £tl - rad Ave Xialeo.. • • • . , 11:41 t he. tetra.. addition& of, 'aatainniint,' an . the "afraropin f la n a , = wile sponslble tiverLand Transportation Luis trot:3,ns western terminus...this road now' GPM , ouleigalled ficlinlen ~fbr Al),k - tainnononlon net tto the Par West. - • , Tiotetia l og t =g l i all ,ttia pfinnipat sllnes i le t igun nst tor Ca .uketa iladu la.pm t i iiit i b i ef 0 WWI! IlifathlPLlri - , !'• • _Oa 91111111.. WWl* .- I i r Arrives. MEE II N I:4 lIIMJ