The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 15, 1869, Image 1

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.. • VOLITIEE'-; EX',XXIV.. . .
—•. • •
Proceedings of t he Legislature
'-Appropriation 113111-:Senate
elstire—.The Biagio
burgh_' Witter Commisidon,
' Itoardletineed ro-Nine llem
berstivate B f filitisit, rffilitory—
Regikstry Bill Passed.
tor Toursos to the Plttsbersti Gazette.]
RAMITEIBURG, Aprill4, 1869.
;'•• • IT • , BEisTATE.! , •
tilb‘ dilia*te this morning refused to
nOttettriin the report of the Conference
Committee on the appropriation hill, by a
deeded Me. the Democrats Voted
nay, with the following .B.;:publicaris
BroWn, (Mercer),
Coleman, Fisher, Graham, White and
Thitfkitis the bill, 'airless the vote is
reirimaktered before Elul adjournment
%Frills', and it is confidently_ asserted
that the Governor will not cui an aunt
_ The bill from the House taxin Na. &tonal and State Banks gand Savings In
.' ' Dogs-one per cent. in lieu ,of ail
Isixatkm, passed second. reading.
Wised lib attempt will be niade to
morrow to tack on an amendment taxing
coal and petroleam.
d efe
ThatesL- militia bill from the House was
RECnsviy .ifiLL. 't -
The report of the Conference Com
mittee on tke registry ., bill was adopted
in _both h oes. •
, •
I •
•.: " ' In the House this meaning Mr- AM
. :.' . • offered a resolution recalling from the
• - •:' • - Stellate the general taxt4.ll, which pulsed
,„:•ii::.- . ; the House at ten o'olook-Monday night,
. •
~...:-: with amendments taking coal
:ll.. lentn and relieving railroads on earn
.•:: 1. lags..
. •-• •...•' •• • The resolution was opposed by Messrs.
*' ' '"' '',l Davis, (Philai,) Herr and Strang, and
.:,..., . ; favored by Messrs. Chamberlain and
- - 1 Brown (C/arlob,) and defeated—yeas 41,
•: 7.
iii•• •,- nayss7.
. • •,.: • .3Frtarsitr unrrortr. , , .
!,' .'....• i." -- ' fdr. -hrl:3, Deadsitiskiniiiid ik ,„ raw
•! !anon au the. Stilt° Priatar to
;,:, ..• 1
ofd can es of the lint volttme
,‘ . • 1 , of thw Mibtary History to the • House at
,;.• ;• i five &liars ter volimne. ' • -
Amended by Mr. WEBB. to three and
a halfdollars per volume, and passed.
PITTSBURD /I:WATER 0021.1fiss;015:p,
Both It:Ousel; have clencarredin there
port of the Conference Committee on the
billy alltilbrizbag the Councils Of Pitts.'
burgh to appoint Water Commisaloners,
agreeing on the Senate amendment, re-,
ducting the number of the Board to nine
.I 1
, •
The bill 6om the Senate, changing the
time of holding borough and-township
elections In Indiana, Cambria and Jeffer
son COUTHIOS, passeoL
The bill from the Senate authorizing
the 0 9143;119r, Auditor General and State
Tyeasurer todaohaitge registered bands',
for oott'poh bonds, Passed.. -•-
the thatle fruitless effort was made to take np
There is considerable difficulty about
the appropriation bill. The Legislature
The Rouse
has ac cepted the report of the Confer
ence Committee, but the 'the Senate re.
jects it, the Democrats and seven Repub
licans voting against an d ly one day,
remains to reconsider. the Governor,
is usually allowed this one day to con
sider the 'bill. The seven Republicans '
this evening assert they will stick to
their , determinatlon. mr. Coleman is
opposed. to the bill, :because it "abolishes:
HIS Publication oppose it on other grounds, but
grounds seem to be the
twenty-seven additional . House . officers,
who are,ackaltted to pay by:the bill, un
der a certificate from the Speaker. The
Governor posittyely asserts that if the
Legislature adjourns without vreel ng
appropriations, be will not call an extra
session. , Many believe that a reconsider
ation will. be had - to-morrow,-, the par
ties(' being-therely to make • a favorable
record on the extra employe prrtion of
the bill. Nearly all the Senatora s vet
a sOiiditnence and other menibe
salary. rs
have 'already. drawn one :thousand del
• tßy ToteirtsDli to tai Pittsburgh 6itist:o.3
Him' Yonx, April 14,1869.
The A r atiliand Mema Gnixitties of the
House of Re phsentatives of the United
S fitonsto4llollCol lsolanGrinuelttoliv,;
sP hfy step toinquiiles to - be'
made In the general working of the rev
enue system. •
kgrand jury has been in:Tumefied in
the Unzedinates, Circuit Court, nefore
Judge lot, for the Investigation of
43 hirgell Venn hp under oftleers of the
h i r
emigrant ship J mes Foster, Jr.
It APpeire the mpet kittChis :ni l ii-g-:
inzw,,og,___bag . aNatet ;,,- . , i , i
_.yodge Domini,. has appelitiou' A. A.
atecinold asßeforee, for the purpose of as
rtaining- to ..who - belongs ...the five
mi oe llfolarat dollars thawed 4 ' by- RenelVdr
Tweed to be on deposit In . the Corn Ex
ohan_gt EatiA,..ponainali,74o redi the
Mr: yrs_ _ i nt) nut' ItiallY to' i use of
CsadWitotkiller . and Union , Paoltlo Rail
road.- -
Pfost la -Alabama.
tatTelegia*Ao the l'istsburei casette.)
• ito NT 6 O2IIIIItY, AIL, April 14.—Yoider
,12)(nto41g,:heno,,aaa a idled frost and
. atiOnow revere one, bed
-“,us "the naw,ootton crop and
.and.randaripa, the replantimg of
. .
—Police , Superintendent , /Kennedy, of
Chicago, being notified by a h3legram to
arreat a man who. had ' stolen a horse:and
buggy from Battle Crek, litiittan.
TueTuesday.afternoon captur e ed one John
Martin, at the Girard House, in Chicago,
on surspicion," Being closely questioned,
he confessed the crime, and the horse
was found the stable of the hotel. As
an inducement to be let off, the thief
showed the officer a Masonic badge and
certificate; but the dodge did not work.
—The Illinois Legialature,in adjourned
session met at Springfield on Wednesday.
The Governor has vetoed one hundred an d
fifty bills out of the number placed iti his
hands at the adjournment, the most im
portant of which is the Lake Front bill,
oedlng a certain portion of the lake front
to the Illinois Central Railroad,and the
bill allowing towns and cities to reserve
" p State taxes for the benefit of existing or
rctiv • railroads. The first named
;bill is likely to pass over the Govenor's
I•veto, but the fate ot the latter is consid
ered doubtfal. The session is likely to
-continue about ten days.
Patches from New Orleans an
nounce that the Chamber of Comerce of
that city will hold a meeting' to m conaider
subeceptions to the St. Louie Grain As
sociation, and asking; for,. information
.relative to the objects and • proposed
workings of the Association; also /eating
"that New Orleans will do her part. Geo.
P. Plant, Preeident of the St. Louis
Merchants Exchange, has replied, adviss
int New Orleans to orgsnire a similar in
dependent, but cooperative Assooiation,
to keep a stook of grain there to draw
purgiumni, And if necessary to buy and
ship. cargoes to foreign ports. The stock.
,holders of the St. Louis Association will
*Meeting for the purpoise , of elect
410 directors and perfecting their organ
u— r • . ,
—The New York Tribune has -a letter:
from %need W. T. Sherman. /Weave to ,
bisection at.thanurrender of Gen. John.
ston, ass that. at an, interview be
,rraVdent'r..Unooln; ,Gen., Grant,
Admiral Anter and hitnaelf, in regard to
"thenosltitni of ittkirs and :Mahansin
probanbs defeat of the rebel army n sr.
Lee,: Frelident • Lincoln expressed t
hope that --no More - 11100d cit /bed, all
that ha wished being, the 'disparsket of
the ermlesrand the' nannnption: of
rule. General Mere= evoke drew up.
the terms of Johnston's.surrender him
self.'Etecldnridga hadnothing, to do
with them, and he proceeded toelfect his'
escape Arom,the countrA a course which "
Gen. Sherman believes President 14ticagn
shed Davis and all ; , the leading SNP
political leadersto ,have„,boon qua..
oesarel le doing. General Sherman says
he makes the statement h order that:
byterthere shall be no oonstruction of the
ms whereby the course , pursued bZ
hitt should be thrown upon President
CBy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) •
Lorinox, April 14.--In the Rouse of
Commons this evening:the Merried Wo
nsan's Property bill, introjnced by
Right Hon. Russell-Gtferney was read a
second time. ,
LONDON, April 14 .—Amorig the races
at Newmarket, to-day, were those for
the Colurnfi stakes, and Newmarket han-
Mdicap. The former was won by the filly
artini n, and the latter _ by Mr. Say!le's
y, Skirmisher. •
. , .
Penis, April'l4.—The .Prea newspa.
per sa ysrejection of the -Alabama
Claims treaty by the United States Sen..
ate will be the cause of great prejudice
to the United States in Europe.
1131 3 _
/11A .
MADRID, April 14.—.1t is reported Gen.
Prim will go to Cabaiis Captain General,
accompanied by large reinforcements of
troops for the suppreesion of the insur
nrikiirciAr. AND coptftwnciAL.
' LONDON, April 14.-Beening-Consols
ibr money, USN: for, among; 93m. Five
' at 84. Stocks steady; Erie.
24.. lllino*, 96N; - Atlanti c and Great W eton. Western.
10. Tallow 46s SON. 'Linseed cakes £9 lbs©
. Sugar 395. 3d.
Oil 427 I s s®3o.
@53% fr a nc s.
April 14.-Petroleum 53
1 atm; April 14 . -Cotton 14734 francs.
Pems, 'April 14.-Bourse strong.
Rental 7 francs, 5 centimes.
LIVERPOOL, ADM/ / 2 . -Cotton la firmer
and higher; middling uplands 12ya
Orleans, 123§. Callformawhite wheat, 9s.
3d.: red western, Ba. Bd. Western Floar
225. Corn 28s. 9d. for new. Oats 35. sd.
Bulgy ss. peas 395. Pork 105 s. Beef 90s.
6d. Cheese 77. 'Bacon 625. 6d.
refined n ss. 3d. Spirits Petroleum
9d.,_... Is. 9d.
x.R.A.brirPORT, April 14.-Eveni
Bonds nc.--
Eimer. ' .Five-twenties closed' at
87 93@3736-
Revak, April 14-.E'vening.-The cot
ton met ' closed active of both spot
and to arrive, but without change in
- -
—,Ln Georige, recently,' the'. weather
hag been very -cold.- It is reported that
the heavy frosts in the'interior have ma
terially injured the cotton crop, and will
ne cesaitatbrephunin g .
—The Massaehnsitts Legislative
mitten on 'Woman Suffrage was Co
ld. mdreseed
.yesterday in its favor b Rev.
James Freeman Clarke and Rpm Cleorge
F.,.110ar,. -of Worcester-
-The bill to aid in_the construction of
iif - hdlrbedie- tq New ',Voir, 'giving lbur
thonased.dellara per - mile. wail ordered
to a third reading in the New York As
sembly, last night,. by a vote,of fi ft y-five
Ito twenty-tire.' ••'-. - . - • ' -
1 —The South Carolina Legislature at
its last session, passed an act approiria
hog two hundred thousand dollars fer,
the purchase of waste- lands. They are
to be sold to, actual settlers, on five,
lears' credit. .C. P. Leslie has been ap.
pointed Land Commissioner, under the
act, and - will at once Open a Land office.
—The Executive Committee of -the
Board of Trade of Cilleintlati have con
sulted Hon . . George H. Pendleton and
another. eminent lawyer, A. A. Fergu
son, as to the power of the Ot t aid
ibthe oonetruction of a railresd tb Chat
tanoog. a without amendment to the State
Constitutiome The question was referred
to six able lawyers for decision. Three
of them have already expressed opinions
thit the city can give such aid.
- I'44 4.,NgtrP
A -
!east° Seadon;-Unreconstrtiet •
ed States—Noirdaatialis con-
Ar med—Seizure of Cabaniroaa
an American .Veakel-'ele.olra
•to _be „Disaliased--liond I;ar-
Ceny—Jaly Intim est
_on Cou•,
17 Tohams to u3,Pittinousa ussatte.i
Wasziwo•row, - April' 19,1869.
SENATE seseroit. •
- After prayer and reading of the jour
nal of yesterday, the Senate immediately
went Into Execntitte session.
Alter the Execiitive session, without
doing other bmsineas, the Senate -a&
foamed. •
Many Senators are of the Cpirition that
the extra session will close this urea&
The Senate to-day briefly conaidered'tlin
naturalization treat i with Gras; lirltaiti
and the Darien Canal treaty, but arrisipit
at no conclusion on them. •
It is not probable that the Preahlt
will take any action in regard to
Misaissippi and Ts* till the -busluala
of acting on nominationfiby the !Senate
shall be completed, and iris not certain
whether he, will Issue a Proclamation in
regard to voting on the Constitutions in
those States, or addresis the
Commanderg through the -Wir Depart
, . '
In the discussion in the Senate yeetar.
day, after Mr. Summer's speecli. some ft
mark are reported to have been made;
Mr. Chandler said the American conti
nent was too small to hold the two soya.
reignities. Mr. Warner is reportea to
have equalled it not surpasaed Mr.
_Chandler in his sanguinary dochirations.
If he were President he would in Main
structions to Mr. Motley say not tu take,
any farther trouble in re ference to the
settlement of the question; would, let it
go by. /f Ea land wished/a - open ne
gotiations, let her do so. If not, Amen-.
ea can afford to weal/id- day of reokon
log; and altogether he was
,In favor.. of
holding a whip over her. ' -
.. -_.
ArrOiiiviika re. -
The President sent tote Senate to
day the following notninanet ,
Charles C. Crowe of Alabama, Gover
nor of New Alcamo:
United Statay Miretutisz.,Wordsh,
worth, Northern District 'Ot.Floilda, Geo.
J. /Amon, Arkansas; Angnsttis Arnt:
strong, for Minnesota; Enem a
F. Carroll,
for North Carolina.
Charles A. Da App raiser of Mer
chadiee for the Port na,
or ew York.
A Asuman= of Internal Revenue: James
Pcatmasters: S. abworth, Fifth District, Pennsylvania. Ohio; Stough. Bellefontaine
H. P. Davis, Mansfield; Ohio; Mrs.
Sarah L. Reizer;_Doylestosvia,, Pa.; Caro
line -A. Arndt, Easton,' Pa.; B. Blair,
Huntingdon, Pa.
Nokuram tess , "coarsinaram.
The Senate to-day oonfirmed the fol
lowing nominations.
W. W. Evans, Surveyor ' of Cus
toms Parkersburg, rgirda; Ed
. ward Townsend, Adjutant General of
Army, with rank of Brigadier General;
Lieutenant Colonel Richard C. Dnun, As-
Blatant Adjutant General, with rank of
Colonel; Major -Robert Williams, Aials•
'tent Adjutant General, with rank of
Lieutenant Colonel; Captain
_Ames P.
Martin, Assistant. Adjutant General
- with rank of Major.' ,
Lieutenant Commander Fellebrown, of
the United States steamer Narraganset,
reports under date of 7th inst., from I/a
y:ink the particulars 'of two passengers,
Cubans, having been taken out of the
American schooner Lizzie Major, ten
leagues from the coaat of Cuba by the
Spanish Mote Ferdinand° Cattolico and
Amprisoned. The two persons were
named D. Santiago A. Anniblo and Don
Ramon S. Rivas. It seems they took
; passitge on the LizZle Major, at Havana.
for New Orleans. • The schemer touched
at Remedios, took in a cargo and sailed
on the 26th of March for her destination.
I She was boarded the same day by the
Spanish frigate, as above. The prisoners
were carried back to Remedios and in=
carcerated. One is a lad 'about ten years
of age. They were s vielted 111 prienn „by
Mr. Stone. United States Consular A
at that port, who 'medal& demand Upon
the coattnandant of the province for M it
ease. This he did not feel authorized
to do without orders from superior' att
thority. The case having been made
known to Mr. Etall,'_ United States Vice
Co r i ata oo 49Cal ,I .4lgabs; he' has ordered;
Tha thorough, investigation to be made.
e ground of the arrest is said to- be
t the "fif she rpasseugails !too,
not lon the iniudfast of tee schitniiir.
T „t ;Wig• Valgoe Man...
The fiecisfon of . the .1311Preine detiri
diamlaidag the M'Ardlo.oasek* for tWant , of
Jurisdiction,. is founded on
_the actlievsed
at the htst session of tbe rorbteto Co.
Areas, repealing the act 'authorizing . sp-
Peale from She j u ditment'or the Circuit
Court go,the Suprem" Court. - Theßetut.
.dentded, Whi/0,14eF4,..
_,-1110014tieffetiO1 la'
derived Midi` the' vanaltntiOn 'itid not
,from •: sots. ot I Congress. it is- conferred a
exceptams and ender. lnt* '
r4mulatiOns IS Congresshiy zniikk'e. • it'l
i t. hardly 'possible to fie evildoer
instance of positive eseep on,
usititcvitereOUTlLD mile.
, , ,
The President has direokal ' the Semi.
ary of War to order Major General
molds I to 'prooeed with r egistration in
:Texas, Preparatory t o . an early (*lemon.
It is expected' 'similar Orders WIG bis is,
sued to the Commanding moan in vie,
glut and 1.
The President
!ink vall4amanitof‘ the s o idntouit.of the
Commanding Generals. before isstung
the roolaniation-authOrized, by thw act
of Co gress, with,volang on
,the„ natittdione Of these Suto.
Atufftdes billoCoftluiasury,
( . ''',
~q , ~ ; ~.~ ~~3
.~ "..i~
1 !9
sow cpcxxlcrit
.:ace or Olin. W. uJonsidiwa. 115
aly Telegraph_ to the xitturargs asseitc.3
sr. Uwe, April Prim, of
the Criminal Omirt, toiday delivered an
opiplan in the case of Capt. Win. B.z on .
swop, Whose collegial hail Moved a ille
ehsige on the ground that three terms
Hof the ' Court had passed -since indict
ineit,e his "and that under the law her
tion Could not Proceed nettle!, bin. The'
Judge decided spinet the motion and re
manded rDonaldson •to jail. "
p wi
doubtless be brought to trial, one- of th ll
nowhere. e
princial witnesses against him being
A Forger Arreited.
(By vomit -.
. '•
us to tho Pittstotztak Gazette.,
WILXINGTON, N. C.,' April 4.—vv. a
-Balitly, who presented a forged draft for
11,760 On lite First l i tationidlhtnit of this
'oity,_ - on , aaturday, woe arrested near
Darlington Court House, South Carolina,
Vneaday night and brought
,kuok-to this
city. AU the money was recovered 'but
, , ,
Fin,ittlittl Amend ment Itathied by New
i ..,-• Vont; - , -
IBYTtlevaplii2irt°.-Y,ther'i,PlAitt.ll/I''rslth',!-FuTeibete`Se.:l nate'
uthda ratitritlit the Fifteenth
. bY 4-4446-ofilleilfttekell to
.72'1. : . 1. -,...: 11 - •
, APRIL .15; : 18
, f
ti; Demoorstie members of the Johnson I. 'Psie Raitioad Land Salea.
Deartmental Club mid , C onservative Ar- CET Tel to the POW:moth Ouette.l
KO - andNiVv'trnion. The notices of di& Arealsow April 14.—The Land Com
imissal Will be sent' out, in a day or two. im'
large,ninnber of female clerks will be :To pic ll ll a a r d"
ic. on o rvorts the sales ,of land
lasioner oithe Central Branch of the
dlsehargeil• from the Treasury Depart- :during Marh of over #100,060, and the
meat , &l-Marrow. .
sales this month nearly double those, of
Down LitROENy 'CASE. 'the same time in March.. The Central
'ln the Criminal Court' to-day the jury
Frned a verdict of guilty against Branch Road are doing a large business.
' The contractors of the Atchison and
o atelarcany Nebraska Railroad - want Ave hundred
/Isom of aorerameat b os, a special laborers at two dollars -per day. Work
Pmt by Coloni3l D.. R. McNair with wi ll com mence on the. A tchison. Topeka
Murray i t c o; ...i r w i ll ,be recollected and tlanta Fe Road in May next. '
.}lnych was President of the Merchants . •
National Batik which
three years ago. exploded two or
C. Bancroft Davis, Assistant Secre
tary of State, is quite ill at his rooms in
thin city. Mr, Davis is suffering from a
severe attack of erysipelas, and has been
cOtitined to his room and bed for several
toys. Be is entirely unable to attend to'
his public or private bualness.
The following wail issued to-day:
reaturDtpartntent, Washif i :gton, D.
80,,„ April 14, 1889.—Notice hereby
given that the interest co i ns
on the ist day of July next will be
on' presentation at the proper offices
upbt: a rebate of interest at the rate of
siv per cent per annum.
The-Treasury Department adheres to
its elaisitleation of certain iron from
Gothenburg, of an octagonal shape,
under the act of 1804, not otherwise pro
vided for, and' decides, that it is dutiable
at'°ascent and a quarter per pound.
Washington '
The Monitor Saqhhi hi fitting out at the
twelve da Navy'Yard, and in about
coast. ys will be towed to the Cuban
Jy Telegraph is the Pittsburgh Gentle.)
HAVANA. April 14.—Napoleon Arran.
go and other insurgent chieftains are
heading a party in the central depart
ment in opmeition to General Queseda,
who. however , has the largest number of
adherents. A cousin of General Cespedes
dvice been killed near Zdansanillo.
A! from ft. Thomas report the ar
rival there ' of one of the Peruvian .. mon
ltors. '
for j 4
Suaradvaricing; sales at 8%©9 Heals
No. •
, Volunteers are organizing in the inte
The . F-Ixre de , seas warns the public
againitt over confidence in the termina•
non of tho insurrection.
i• The Mario says Spanish war steamers
are Watching for two 's editions which
are from the United States.
essay:lva has not yet been released.
A decree author/ma the raising o
thousand - 11d_ ,
_ditionli f t inenini t the
n u annawaii . ,,w-melapeetem
ere 40 PAW the - • ' ' ' _who
The very latest advice& from Puerto
Principe report a dearth of food. A con
voy had arrived from Santa Cruz, under
a guard of nine hundred troops; They
encountered two thousand Insurgents in
an entreziched pOaltiOn on the road, and
after a desperate fight dislodged them.
The troops admit a foss of eix killed and
wounded. -The, insurgents in the vicin
ity are nunierous. They have beef and
vegetables 'in plenty, but are without
bread and powder.
fight ti
advbeca to the 9th report a
troo on thelsabel Estate. Loss
n. On e thousand two hup had arrived from Bag:thank dred-
Advises from Sancta SPirittik of the
9th, state that Gen. Puello was there and
acting as , Governor. He has ordered
country stores Moved to the nearest
Saugus dates to the 10th give informa
tion that the Government troops had a
fight with Liebera, and that the Jones
were heavy on both sides.
A dispatch from Trinidad, dated the
10th, says thirty respectable citizens have
been arrested and imprisoned.
,Es.Preslaent Johnson is Memphis.
Lay Tetetrass to the ?Makurdi Gazette.]
Mautrars, April -14.— E x-President
Johnson, accompanied by a committee,
arrived here at four o'clock this after
noon. by special train on the Memphis
and Louisville railroad. He was met at
the depot by a vast coneourse of people
and escorted in procession by the Fire,
Police and Municipal department and
an immense ntunber of people in car
riages, and on horseback, and' a veloci
pede. After passing tbrongh the princi
pal streets, the procession halted at the
Overton Hotel, from the balcony of which
be was welcomed by Dr. Leftwich, and
Introduced to the audience. He
spoke , ten minutes, simply return.
ing thanks for the honor shown him on
his return to his old home after escaping
Irom the slavery of office. He was suf.
feting from fatigue and spoke in a low
tone. He speaks at the Opera House to
morrow afternoon, and on Friday night
will be
at present at a banquet tendered
rim e 'Overton, him the Overton Hotel. Along th
route from Nashvilie„here'he was me t
by crowds at , every station. 411 Hutu
boldt, ' Brownsville and Mason's o n ap
peared in answer to calls and responded
trieflyi Busineits witi almOst sumps/Wed
this afterneon.
Tao Insurance Case.
fay Telegraph to the Pittsburgh eases:so
Su Crricaoo: April ' 14. -The Wisconsin
c reme Court, in the case of Mrs.
Schneider vs. the Provident Life Insu
rance Company, of Chicago, has set aside
the ruling of the Court below, which was
that the deceased husband lost his life
by carelestmess in attempting
he to
aboard a train when in motion. T c ase
has been remanded for s new trial.
Markets by Telegraph.
aw ORLEANS, April 14 . --Cotton act
ive Middling, 28x ®2BX. Sales, 6,350
bal s; recaipts, 1,243; exports, 3,685.
Gold, 11,32 x. Sterling, 11,42%. New
York on sight, X premium. Sugar dull.
Common 8 610y 4 ; prime 13x. Molasses,
light supply, primp 63. Flour fir 812-
perfine 1 1;5, m: 87; double extra. $6,50;, treble
extra $6,75. Corn firm; whi to
1 8Oats
scarce at 74@75. Bran scarce it $1 0 ,86.
Bay firm, prime $2B. Pork $31,63. Ba
con retailing at, ahoulden 14; clear sides
17X, and clear ribs 17X. Lard dull and
unchanged. Whisky quiet; Western
rectified 3 7@893‘. Coffee firm; for
gia, 15x; _ prime 17x®17%. Geor-
BUFFALO. April IC—Flour inactive;
sales 200 bbls; city stmund spring 116,00®
6,60 ..; Wheat; no demand; prices are en
tirely nominal. Corn: very dull; a few
car lots were sold at: 75©82c, Ryerrive.
Oats nominal, at 67c in store. nomi-
nal, at $1,30 is store. -Barley dull;
sales of 450 bush Canada at $1,90,, on
track. Peas nominal, at $1,23 en track.
Seeds' firm: sales of 100 .bags of choice
timothy at 14,00, and 100 bags of prime
do. at $3,75, closing firm at the outside
figures; clover 19,00; flax 12,50. I Pork
dull at 131Q:31,50. Lard dull at lfiXigi
19c. Righwinee nominal at 92®93c.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 14.—Flour dull
at $4,5.50;19; Oregon extra 115,1 N. Wheat
very dull at $ 1 ,40®1,60. It 111 estimated
that the wheat crop ot - Oxegon the pres
ent year- VI be anekthird in exenw of
last. ` Le tenders 773 i. '
Nan-,ORK, April 14 .—Cattle - Market
—Beef Cattle active and advancing; pri
ces at 14®17.. Flogs 11@l1X. Receipts
340 cattle and 2,190 bogs. p
Nasrmraal, April 14.--Cotton active:
middling 2530; good to ordinary 24Xc.
- ---...----------
'rent the Independent,l'illalngton,Wlll Co: /IL
' 1 Col. John • Redman.
Among the most curious and interest
ing individuals it has been our fondue
ever to meet is the gel3lienstus wse
name heads this
.article—Col. John Red
man. A few friends were selected to at
tend one of his lectures at Sponsler's, in
Springfd recently. Of- all the lec
tures It w a s the cap sheaf, "Wasn't it,
Ent " Ilor two hours he ket
heard hint in a constant roar ofl a ug h ter,
His entertainment consisted of aide
splitting stories, songs, anecdotes and
button -bursting witticms:•" ; •
Col. Redman is a :Virginia, who many
years ago removed to Otties, bringing his
stook and his dogs and his guns. There
he lived and hunted for several
and finally moved to Illinois. years
He is stow a resident of. Buokhart,
Chrivesstia on his fin county, this State, where he
li ne farm and takes life
comfortably. Re
and his stands about six feet
nsusole is wonderful. He can
carry a horse of ordnliuu7 size ten or
Anew rods'with ease, or throws mule
or , dy ` over a five rail fence with ease.
But his character. He is the greatest
geal enius
anon the country for originality and
r 11. It is said that Dan Rice
offered him two thousand dolen; a
month to travel With him. His powers
in the `way of mimicry, in singing or in
imitating birds, animals or the human
Voice, are `remarkable. The Colonel
"runs to inn" as naturally as water runs
down hill, rind it is as impossible for the
most serious man in existence to listen
to - him for a single second and" not
'almost go into convulsions with laugh
ter, as it, is to bore an inch hole with a
two-inch- ang er , , 4 %141 it Alis." The
Colonel makes. no pretensions to origi
nality or ,smartness, and don't seem to
'know that he possesses anypeonliar trait
in the.way.ofamissing others, but knows
that whenever ho speaks ever7body:
laughs, and that he likes to see them
laugh: We hope to see him again and
become better acquainted with him.
.. an Mount:Pleasant (Iowa). Press, of
a recent date, says: t'Out of fifty women
eating supper at a festival; itis a. fact that
thirty of them sit on one of their feet.
Why do they?" • The • Oskaloosa Male
undertakes to give an answer In the fol
lowing atrocious manner: ”They don't
out this way. 'Ton min find no woman
in the bailiwick with a foot bigenongh for
law thirt y other, Women;tO, sit on. Not
much. -• od ,Heavensi. what underpi
ning . the . Mount , Plea:lent dames must
have If the above reflection of our bache
lor contei onprery waw suggested by actual
observation.- 'And yet, In case , of a ipues4
hopper raid, . two or .three such feet
at."., •
around, on a Arra . couldn't be sneezed
. Tiesoul of the a
o Fore . ' lip
Affairs at "C onshuitinople is Catholic
priest, rather &nevelt; an Italian, who
writes nearly all the foreign dispatches of
-the• Turkish flovernment. • He possesses
a wonderfbl fiunillarity with the leading
statesmen, the sovereigns, and the politi.
cal at of the various countries of Eu
roPei and no measure of importance Is
resolved upon by the Turidsh 'Govern
ment `without his . opinion - having'been •
ascertained. It is said that hetecedves a
larger salary than the' Turkish Minister' - of Foreign Affairs. •
--........______ a , . .-
( By Illinois
Tele Legialaturft—Adjourned Session.
graph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) .
, CiliaAao, April 14:--In the State Legisi
latnre to-clay a message was received
from the Governor vetoing a large num
beiof minor bills, . also the Lake front,
and tax exemption bills, with his' ob
jections. A. resolution w as adopted that •
no business but that relative to Execu
tive bommrinications and supplemental
bills be considered at the present session.
it aahington items.
Mr. I. Lothrop 3fotley,the new Minister
• to England, will not displace the able
' becretary of Legation, Mr. Benjamin
Moran. Mr. Moran was born in Lances
ter county, Pennsylvania, and has pre
served his attachment to his•native coun
try through all his long years of absence.
Hou. John Scott, the new Senator
from Pennsylvania, declareshimeelfearn
estly in favor of the confirmation of 'Gov.
Curtin for the Russian mission.
There will be no trouble about the con-
tirmation of Governor Curtin as Minister
to Russia, as Senator Scott asked
the Committee - on Foreign Relations to,
confirm him. - . Senator Cameron is not -
here. Hob. T. J. Coffey is to go out as 1
his Secretary.
The following persons were appointed
Postmasters in Petuusylyania today:
Pennsville, Payette— county Lewis
Miller, eke Rice Boyd, resigned.
Eagle Rock, Venting° .county--John,
M'Crea, eke J. S. Flanagan, resigned.
Noblestown. Allegheny county—G. W. .-
Hoffman, vice H. a M'Farland, resigned.: ).
Mt. P/earant, Westmoreland county_.
G. M. I3erger, vice J. D. M'Caleti, re- .
i •
The Sleepiest man in the World. ; ,
He is a Mqntanian, • and a typo.:: We
have known him frequently ' to drop into
a sound snooze while standing at his case
"distributing," and with halfa "takenof
matter in hand. As a compositor, he trn
allytakes a nap . at the end of each sen
tence, (as often in the broad ' day as any
,other time,) to be aroused therefrom only
by a sneeze from one of the boys, or from
some other unusual sound. If not par-
ticularly hungry, or engaged in exciting
conversation with the fellow opposite, he
invariably sleep s between courses, while
at his meals. • The other day, at noon,he
started down the stairs of the office to go
to his "hash," and afterr_eaching the d9ot
waf leading to the street, he suddenly ,
yielded to Morpheus, leaned up against
the broad door jam, and enjoyed a pro
found nap, 'until some sound or jar
awidsed him, and, -having dreamed r
bad actually been to dinner and tarried.
longer than usual, drew' forth • his tooth- •
pick, and hurried-up stairs again, where
he nervously rubbed his hands, hastily
finished picking his teeth, jerked off his
coat and went to work, All these WI
we have seen ourseif; hut WI,
his room-urigeh
and intimate brother Members of the Craft
tell us that on di veriroCcasions; fie,- ,r .
tiring to his room to go to bed, IlitS"VOlild
get off his hat, perhaps one beet, .and...
while contemplating the exertion' necei-
sary to finish the job undressing would
actually set to dozing, and be found next
morning still sitting in his chair, with his
legs crossed, 8.11138 folded, his head in- •
dined to one side and snoring lika'a , irr. ,
oLatent (26 . i ntottariferistd. 4 ' -
B riti
~ , •
sh "1 , Diii raszsurgeon of - the '
array,. who has been investigat:
ing the causes of the great prevalence of '
'heart disease among Engliah soldiers,
statesNthat it is due to the mechanical ob
structions to ,the proper flow of blood
through the arteries leading from the
heart, caused by the restrictions of the
h a ng cl o and accoutrements : AlteratiOns
in. dress of the English soldiers are ;
therefore • advised, the upright" collar
hooked tight around the neck being' es
pecially objectionable. Anetirisni of the
aorta, it is asserted, is produbed by this
this style of equipment. The tunic, with
a turn-down collar, worn by•the. Austri
ans, does not cause the c ompress on of
the throat, and Is therefore reeormemaded,
as a more suitable dregs.
Mn. FROUDE, in his address at St. An
drews the other day, commented severely
on the carelessness which England-had
shown in the work of colonization, and,
referring to the emigration of the Irish
peasant to America, he sald: "We bade
him carelessly go where he would, and •
shift as he could for himself. He went
with a sense of burning
_wrong, and he
left a root of bitterness behind him. In
justice and heedlessness haVe borne their
peeper fruit& We have raised up against
us a mighty empire to be the rival; it may
be the successful rival, of our poweil'..
The students here (says the Scotsman),
broke out into the chorus of "Rule Rifts
nia," Which they continued for '"some
time, to the great amusement of all pre
sent. • ' •
. ...
us Denver . .aretos -gives etatiatiesof '
the, products of Colorado forthe yearlBBB. •
The shipments, ' b ot including ; reship_ merits, nor those private hands, Werct \!-
of gold, '' $1,909,461; silver, $187,144;
total, $ 2 ,107,285. • The siumber'of ages' r
in tilitivition was in wheat, 1,410 earn;
10 ,884; oats, barley, ite., 8,709 i Potatoes, , .
1,960; total, - 28,919 acres. The yield .
averaged 28 bushels .of wheat,
,25 bushels -
'of Corti; 3 3 . bushels of barley and 'eke,
and 100 bushels of potatoes to the acre.
Several dist r i cts: are not Included in these
returns. The value of the sgrionittral
returns. was $2,688, 840 -:-eiceedipg that
of the shiptnentis of bullion pyhalftniff:
lion of dollars. • ' -
. Tan nocrativs of women a equality-is
• not so new as many people buropose.: A
writer in the Watchman and layfelatir
'says that, soon a ft er the Amerionth =Vo
lution, the sister of Riclind Henry. Lee; •
of Virginia, then a widow poasesied of
large landed interests In Riaunoad, ivnte
a letter.. still preserved, 'la ,which, With
the skill of an advocate, aloe aeked.2what
became of the doctrine gin
icotonies had contended fort indepenaen ;Pet
"No taxation withont representation's'
if women paying largelsaes hid no rer,
, presentation, while a beardless:boy, be. ••
cause he was a male and twenty-one. bad s .
a controlling _vote In governmental Ru'
TER Flumes elections f ermetnbets of
the Gaps Legislatit; about to take_pi ace •
in 1869, , tare exciting great 'interest,-,
a large number of candidates haye conie*
forwarit It is computed • that to fill -the
two huudred and tieventr_regg (war eight .;
hundred.• and . forty Rer.sona, Intend t 0 . ,"
presenfthemselves. realms nine depu
teq, and forty Peraons • are
tiaied to ' represent • the) capital: irb
'Preeent member" ail belong to. theoppo,
sitton, but some )(Intern notjN, ree-
zactefkii they 4ive Nen* *salos =
intimated 651146-for imp •
' :