* efitititrargij Say*, FAlrlf, CLEM( AND HOUSEHOLD. Domestic Cooking Salmi of Wild Ducks.—Roast the ducks on a spit, take them off before they are done and cut them in small pieces. While they are cooking, fry in oil or but ter. some pot-herbs,. half a jolty leaf, a chopped onion and bead of cloves; mola r ten with broth and a glass of white wine; add some cooked celery and stoned olives; then sprinkle with crumbs of bread. After boiling up once or twice, add the hashed duck, let the whole simmer in a corner of the range, turn out on a dish - and serve. There are some hunters who cook the ducks by a very small fire, with butter, white wine, pot-herbs, bay leaf, cloves, salt and pepper, and serve them with • butter sauce, acidulated with tarragon vinegar. Every one to his taste. treatt ej' Veal a is .Procencale.—Cat the breast into small' Square pieces, place them in a sauce Pan with some spoonfuls of oil, butter or drippings, onions cut in thin slices, a bay leaf andthyme, chopped finely, salt and pepper. over the saucepan and cook slo wly for two hours, with fire above and below, taking care to. Stir the contents from time to time. Some minutes before serving add a lit tle soup stock and a large spoonful of chopped parsley; put it back on the fire, • detach from the bottom with a wooden spoon, let it cook a n instant and serve. Here is a little secret for the Improve ment of maccaroni. • While the water is boiling in which the maccaroinf cooks at its ease, and at the moment you think it is done, throw into the saucepan a large glass of cold water and take It immediately from the fire. This fresh water has the effect of harden ing the paste of the macaroni and renew . ing its consistence. - Ens, -Remoulade Sauce—Melt butter in a pan, season with salt; break the eggs without bursting the yolks; sprinkle with a little cream if convenient; spread 4-few - morsels of butter over the top;of the , ; eggs, season with fine salt, coarse pepper and nutmeg; put the - pan over Ave coals, holding a red hot shovel above, removing the eggs while the yolks . are still partially soft. To this dish is added Remoultule Sauce, made of olive , oil, vinegar, mustard, cut shallots, pars , ley chopped fine, salt and pepper. Serve the sauce in a boat, for each guest to help hiniselL Fish Boup.----Seak some crushed dried peas, previously well washed, then put them to cook in warm spntor or river Water. After softening, pass through a colander, so as to form a thin puree. Take, afterwards, some- scraps 01 fresh fish, put them in a saucepan with an on ion stuck with one or two heads of cloves, slices of tarots and pot-herbs, salt and pepper; moisten with half water and half broth; add bread crumbs and a lump of butter; let the whole cook thoroughly and then strain through a colander. A.• GARDEN HINT OR TWO. The out door grapevines should now be tied up to the trellis; the raspberry . • and blackberry canes should be staked and tied, but not tied -too closely-to' the stake, as it prevents free room for-natur td growth. Asparagus beds sho uld , have the coarser portion of the manure raked off, the rest forked In, and in about ten days the beds should receive a goof dressing of salt. The rhubarb beds should be put in ordef, and new beds ' planted if needed. The currant bushes should have all the' dead and unproduc tive wood removed. Currants make the best bushes if planted from the cuttings. Take last year's wood, from ten to twelve inches long, and if you desire a busk plant it as it is cut, and insert it in the ground where you wish it to stand, some five or six.inches, and press the soil with the feet firmly around it, and you will have currants the second year. If you would prefer a pretty little tree, cut out the eyes from jhe wood that goes beneath the surface. The bush is the most pro ductive. Gather up from every quarter all the rubbish about the garden, put it in heaps •on different beds, - burn and scatter the ashes. - Lose no time now inplanting out your frnit trees, vines, and. fruit-bearing canes. The sooner it is done the better, and the more time. you will have for other things not so pressing as now. Evergreen trees can be delayed until the end of April or to the middle of May if necessary. • . Pruning - the flowering vines, shrub ' bery and rose bushes should be done 3vithout delay, If not already done. Peas . should be in the ground as soon as possi ble. Ours we planted several days ago - that is the first and second crops, the Ex tra and Early Frame, with some "Ad vancers." An early start in the garden has a good effect the whole season:—German- town Telegraph. ABOUT PAINTRCG, PAPERING, ETC. Select paper with quiet tints, as being in better taste than gaudy , colors.: Some • paper the ceilings also; For this a white or nearly white watered paper should be used, with a broad and delicately colored border. Side walls can be papered by women. Trim the Imprinted edge from one side of - the PaPer, cut into stripe the right length, matching the figure as you cut, then lay one strip at a time on a long tsble, and with a goodwhltewash bruattorr even a clothes brasl4'spread on therpaste—com mon boiled flour paste, made rather thin, perfectly smouth—then•witlf your as instant, lift the strip to its place, and with cloths irk -yout, T hand pat it thoroughly from the top downwards and the middle utwards. /n. putting , ,on the, second ( Vice; limits trimmed edge over the un trimmed ege of the first, and match the flitnr ; , • Do n ot ' °emu in a corner, for these are seldom straight, but begin by a door, so that when you come around to the piece of beginning, there - will not be a ship of • broken 'figure to close up with. •In the corners of a room; always cut the paper insteadof turning the corner whole, - and - then lap a little soi4o that the paper will go in smooth to any irregularities in the corner, and not bridge across, as it will do if put on whole. If your house is nice, and you wish to repaint within doors, do not fall to get the zinc paint for the last coat. It costs more, but is vastly more durable, has a beautiful pollah, and is very easily clean ed without soap. But if you are build ,: .ing a nice. house, by all ' means have the wood work varnished, and dispense with paint entirely- Almost any • wood is ~:Y, s:,'::-sue r:~,~...:~,~,:-:~: hatulaomer, vandehed than any paint can makilt, and a simple damp cloth will then remove all dirt. All the old varnished furniture, bed steads, chairs, tables, Ito., can be made to look almost like new, if well rubbed with turpentine and oil. It past- such a remedy, buy a cup of varnish, get the loan of a brush and varnish the furniture . yourself. A nicely varnished table is handsomer to my taste without a spread than with one. • If new curtains are wanted for "any part of the house, get buff chintz, and the size of the windows, run a fiat rod into the lower hem, and nail the upper edge to a round rod, such as you cau get at the stores arranged to draw up by a cord at the sides; or if you cannot do better' put a round rod at.the bottom and roll up, tying with a cord and tassel thrown over the top. White - curtains can be added, if wanted. I Carpets should be taken up at least once a year and thoroughly beaten With ri whips. All common ones should beta ed the• other side up. Good straw eve IY laid down is the best to keep dust ft; m wearing carpets. Carpets that are to, be stretched much should be bound ! all around, and oil cloths should also be bound with carpet binding. In purchasing a carpet, remember that large patterns are only suited to large rooms, and that a carpet with a small figure, covering neaily , the whole sur face, will last longest, especially if the carpets be three-ply. Let there be a har mony of colors between the carpet And wall paper. Select substantial colors as well as substantial cloth, don't get I green carpet, and then keep the room dark to protect it, but get one that loves the light. Cotton carpets or even linen are poor economy, but for honest wear give us the old fashioned rag carpet yet. —Ohio Farmer. IS MIME CLOVER PASTURE GOOD POD, Bazar? Having kept sheep for six years, prin cipally upon white clover, I can recom mend it as being durable and affording about one-third more food than other grasses, and it will stand closer feeding, and sheep will do well on it. I have about ten acres that have been seeded: eighteen or twenty years. It was sown with prai rie grass, which is long since extinct, and the clover still - flourishes, (the ground has never been broken,) and it has often been remarked that my pasture will sustain more stock than any pasture of its size In the L neighborhowl. It also makes good hay for sheep. I mix white clover seed. and sow for meadow; it bode over better and yields all of one-third more per acre, and makes much better hay for sheep. I wintered sixty-flve sheep on hay thus mixed, without teedinz any grain, and lost none after winter set in, and none are poor and weak. My lambs have need of but little. care, their dams all being in good condition. The above sheep kept better than flocks in the vicinity that have had hay and grain without white clover. Wis. Simmer. FOWLS 111 ORCHARDS. The public has yet to jearn ibrkfull ad vantage of keeping pourffy. FeW seem to appreciate what they may - do among trees in an orchard. Let any one try them in an orchard of a quarter of an acre, where they may be kept by the picket fence four or eve feet high. putting m, say 125 fowls, and observe the result. He will avoid the annoyances in 'tbe gar den, of which so many complain, while they will work among the trees, doing just what is needed and destroying every. thing that can injure *the fruit trees, in the shape of bugs, worms or other Insects, and lay a large number of eggs, -which are a cash article, to say nothing of the chickens, which pay well for raising at the present time. - I have tried it, and know it is so. I have about one hundred fowls, which have worked admirably among my trees, keeping the -ground in good condition, keeping off the insects and promoting the growth of the orchard. lam satisfied that we have yetF to learn the frill benefits which may be derived frcim the-proper management of fowls, and it is quite possible that the method I have suggested may offer the best way of getting our apple orchards into bearing condition.—Exelienge. SOAP BUDS. A cistern or tank, of the capacity of from two to four hogsheads, should be constructed in the vicinity of the sink or laundry of every farm house, and a sys tem of conductors so arranged as t4llesd the suds and slops into it as they are made. • This liquid matter Is a most powerful fertilizer, containing the food of plants in a state ofsolution, and consequently in a condition to be readily taken up and ab sorbed by vegetables as soon as applied. - Irrigating gardens with soap suds, alter the liquid has become stale, is a powerful means of promoting vegetable growth, es pecially in dry weather. Some have con sidered the value of such to be equal to that of the same, weight .of manure; this, however, la probably an exaggerated*es timate; yet.we want no additional corro boration to satisfy us of its intrinsic worth as a vegetable stimulant. • Great care should be observed that the decaying matter and suds do not taint the air about the' dwelling, as in the process of fermentation and decomposition stil phuretted hydrogen gas , is thrown off. This is an active poison. When inhaled It acts directlx_on the blood, thickening It and turning it black. A_sinirle gallon of it, mixedwith 1,200 of air, will render it poisonous to birds, and one. gallon in 100 will kill a dog. Many of our people are not sufficienty careful about allowing such "Sinks of iniquity" to exist near their dwellingok—New England Ammer. . AND TOMATOES. Every person can raise his own to math and egg-plants with very little trouble. Select a warm border, enrich heavily with horse.manure, pulverize the ground thoroughly, and sow pretty thick-• ly thinning out if necessary .. A. common window sash or two, raised two or three inches . over them, on any kind of sup ports, will greatly' facilitate their vegeta tion and growth. If they are transplanted into other beds when they are three or four inches high, - ith that they shall stand about three inches apart each way, it will cause them to become "my 'put in the stem auditing will branch 'considerably, making much stronger and more produc tive plants. Tomatoes should not-be set out for a crop until the ground. is warm and weather settled, say the Ist of , April or Ist of May, the latter perhaps the bet.. ter. Egg-plants should never be Set out before the last week in May. We 'porefer the Fijh tomato, and the Long Purple egg-plant, though many other excellent varieties of the tomato are now intro duced, some of which it would be well to cultivate also. Not a day should be lost in getting in the seed.—Germantown Tele graph. " r T creT .. - ..4(.11.31 • e...‘ 4,&14.1. = vrxkos CLERK OF COVRTS, Minvafe boissigh, Ist& private Co. H. 109 d Beni t. Penn.. Vol.. entlect to the decision of the Union Wont lic , :tiCousfy Convention. a fr'FOR • SIIERIFF. Will be a candidate t,r the *Mee of Merit. lab. lent to the decision of the 'Union Republican County Convention. inh2s:oo-2141cF • THE CITIZENS OF AL. LEtIFIENY I vspectfully annotr ce myself as a candidate for the office of i..Lh.RIC OF tiOIIRTP, subject to the .decision of the Union Republican County Convention. I would state that I ask the office but for tINE TERM. at the termination of which •I wuld, cheerfully retire, believing thatthereare others equally entitled to the honor and emoluments of the uMce. and as competent as myself I will be under obligations to the citizens of the county' for their support. Very respectfully. Late 105 Id (old .13t JO:EPtI BROWNE, nth=h,) and sth Fa. Vol. Itegt. g 47 • OBNAMENTAL AND USE. FEU BUY ONLY • • • SILVER TIPPED SHOES. For chlAren. Will outwear threepitra'without tips. Jam:darwr:Tirre !EPILEPSY CAN BE CURED —Those havizg friends afflicted are ear. nest's solicited to send for a Circular Letter of References and Testimonials. which 'will „con since the most skeptical of the curability of tits efireass. Address VAN BUREN LGO6.I3GW, M. L.;"36 Great Jones street, New York: mhl9:g29-d&F . FrrNARIIIIAGE AND CELIBA. CY.—An Essay for young men on the crline of Solitude., and the ,-- DISEASES and A_RUSICS which create Impedimenta to MARRIAGE. with sure means of relief. Sent In sealed letter en velopes. free of charge. Add. ems, Dr. J. SKIL. ROUGHTaId, Howard Association. Phila. delphin, P3l. . I ifin:iforT Or BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE. This splendid Hair Dye is the beetin the world: the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, tella ble, Instantaneous; no disappointment; •no ri diculous. tints; remedies the ill e ff ects of bad dyer,' invigorates and leaves the Bair so ft and beautiful. - Stack or brown, Bold by all Druggists and Peribment and properly applied at B lor'a Vito Factory, No. 16 Bond street. " A ti et York. ackg:ola MT — DOCTOR WHITTIER CON TINIIER TO TREAT ALL PRIVATE Rheum eyphilis In all Its forms, Genorriusea,* (fleet, Utrieture, ac., completely tridicated. That numerous class of cases resulting from self abuse, producing =manliness, nervous detallty, irritability, eruptions.- seminal emissions. and impotency permanently cared. .Persons afflicted wl h delicate. intricate and long stand ing constitutional complaints are politely invited to call for consultation. which costs nothing. - Experience, the best of teachers. bar •enabled him to perfect remedies at once efficient, We, permanent, and which in most cues cal be used without hindrance to business. Medloinespre pared in the establishment, which embraces of fice, reception and waiting rooms; also, cloardlni ana sleeping apartments for patients requiring daily personal attention. and vapor and chant cal baths, thus concentrating the farmed mineral springs. No matter who have failed. state your case. Read what be sushi his Pamphlet of My Pages, sent toe= address for two stamps In seal• ed envelope. Thousands of cues treated annu ally, at office and all over the country Consul tation free, personally or py mall. (Moe .N0..9 Wylie street, (near Court House] Pittsburgh, Pa. Hours 0 A. M. to B.P. X. ilundays 1.% R. to 9 r. x. Pamphlet sent to any address for two stomps. api A N ORDINANCE Mutborlsetke Grading' of Nanbet tan Street.from Hopkins street to Rebores !Hi edt. SEC. 1• Be it ordained and enacted by theSetect and Common COUIIGUR of the Qtty orAllegheny, and it fir hereby ena , /, , t by the authority n.r tto acme. That the Centro , nee on Streets be end they are hereby atithortzed and directed to Invite and receive proposals tor the grading of Manhattan street as aforesaid. and to contract therefor with the lowest and best bidder or bidden, at their discretion. sac. A. That for the purpose of defrayibg the cost and expenses of the said Imnrvvemsn, .there and Is hereby levied a special tax. toW„ equally assessed upon tue several lots. bounding - and abutting itho the proportionsaid Manhattan street re spectsvely Lu to the feet front In hem' respectively comprised, and bounding and abut ting as aforesaid. • Six. 3. Thetas soon as the cost and expenses of said improvements shall be fully ascertalned. It shell bo the duty of the Street Commissioner to asse t s and apportion the same among th e several lots bounding and abutting upon said Man hattan Street respectively. according to the rule above indicated, and therennon proceed to mete demand and collect the same, according to the provisions of the Act of the General Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en= titled "An Act defining the manner of culleeting the expenses of grading and paying of the streets and alleys of the City of Allegheny, and for other pu poses," passed the thirtieth day of March, 185 A. lizc. 6. That so much of any ordinance as may conflict with, or be supplied by the foregoing, be and the same Is hereby repealed Ordained and enacted Into a law, this the MO day of April, A, U. 06V. SAME. MOTTO ER. .Presldent of Select Council. ' Attest: J. R. °Mum, • Clerk of Select Connell, • • •.ALVELDSLACK. President of Common Council. Attests R. DiLwOnTa. . ; AN ORDINANCE To iinthorise the Construction of lateral newer en Washington and Liberty Streets. fretn Borah street to Cedar Avenue. SECTVOw 1. Be tt ordaisid and etztieled by the Select and Common Coign la of the (Nty.qf Jilt pheity. and It to hereby or aimed and enacted by thi authority of the same, That the Bawer Com mission be, and they - are hereby authorized and directed to invite and receive proposals tbr the construction of a Lateral Sewer on Washing too 1111 , 1 L'berty streets u atm esaid, and to con• tract therefor with the lowest and best bidder or bidders, at their discretion. • sac. Z. That for the purpose of defraying the cast and expenses of cue said Improvements, there be. - and is hereby levied, a special tax, to be equally assessed upon the several lots bound ing and abutting upon the said Washington and Liberty streets Sewer respectively in proportion to the feet frost In them respectively comprised, atio boundlnd and abutting as aforesaid. Sac. 3. That as soon as the cost and t• =lenses of raid Improvements shall be fatly ascertained, it shall be the duty'of said Sewer Commission to anew and apportion the saint, among the several low bounding and abutting upon said Washing ton 'anti Liberty streets respectively. according to the rule above indicated, and thereupon pre eeed to wake demand and colle.ct the same, ac cording to the provisions of the ACt of the Oen oral As tembly of the Comtdon*ealth of Penn evlvanin 'nutted. "A Bupplem•nt to a Supple ment oeSee.e r Law," passed March 24, IV6B. Sae. 4. That' 99 much of any ordinance as may chnd , ct with, orbe Supplied by the foregbing, be and the same is hereby repealed. • Ordaitied and enacted into a law this the Bth day or April, A. D. 1869. ' JAMES MeBRIER, President of Select Council. • Attest: J. R: OXLEY. ' theft of tidied Council. • - • AL FRED SLACK, President of Common Council. 11 Attest:.. _ - ' '' Clerk of Common Council. apl2 • • • , A ORDINANCE ,t3L. Anthortne the Cinasiimation of a Lateral Newer on Ntirtote Ailey from Montgomery Avenue to Same berry Al ley. Sac. 1. Be it ordained and gadded 'by the Re ' leer and OrMSMOri Vouncits of the Otty to' 4114. chesty: and II to hereby enacted kr. the tretlioritt/ qr. ro f .same, T hat the hewer ,00mmistioci be, and they are hereby authorised 'and directed to 'invite and receive Propos/hi for the conetruetion, of a lateral sewer 011. Morton alte as afbresaid, and to eoptrarit therefor with the ii arid beet bidder or b‘dders.gt their discret ion. Sac. It. That for the purpose of defraying the cost and expenses Dread improvements, were be. and Is hereby levied, a e ecial tax, to be equabY o.essed upon the several lots bounding and abut sing 'upon the said Morten alley respectively in proportionto the feet front in them respectively comprised, and bounding and abutting as afore. said. expenses h he. 3. nut as 1100 as te cost and, of said improrements l) shall be fully aseertalned it shall be the duty of the Sewer COMMlssioa assess In l. apportion the saMe among, thel sev eral lots bounding amt' ablating uppn tee said Merton alley respectively. according to the rule above Indicated, an thereupon proceed to make demand anti collect the same, according to' the provisions of the actof the General Amembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyltatila. .. , •A Supplement to •is empplentent -of the Sewer . Law." tmesed March Si. 11109. es , 4. That au much of any ordininee conflict with, or be supplied by the foregoing, be sod the same Is hereby rvperal•d. Ordained and enacted Into a law this ths * Sth Aar of Ayrll. A. D. abets. - , , 414141Z8 McBRIEII, .• f i rc . sideut of Select I Attest: S. R. Ort,ar, Clerk of Select (louncal. ALFItED SLACK. President of Common CO115014". Attests R. Dttmourn. Clerk of Common Council apl2 rm - mviw JOIAN G. BROWN. WLLLI&M L UERRON, SPECIAL. NOTICES. 11)3014,1.:1034z4 Cleric of Common Cotinell kaN, ••• I Vb.*. ,-,-;4Po•-•,-714-W:P511*.. • *iy-""V, 1 1-1 4,,,,-,.. datWINV A AtetpV.-sz. , 44NAfe_ 001.4_ Ade*Tinet..,{, r r I ct.t z:11;,, 1•EG.,414..., I • rtl RPOANS' C O U RT - or auegblny ,contity, ht. the Estate of WILLIAN CALDWELL, reed. N 0.3. Det.ember Term. lasp. Alias .of Partition, To Mrs. Jane Sk Ile n, formerly Jane .0 adwell. now lnterniar'rlen With Samuel St ilkn. Margaret Powell, .forrderlv widow 'of William Caldwell, &old, now• internaarried with Reuben Priwell, Robert Ciildwell„ J. W, Caldwell, Ella:ibeth Scott, formerly Elizabeth-Caldwell, now Harr married with MIMI Scott, heirs. tee., of William Caldwell, - deciased,'lsfe of West Deer Townahip, Allegheny county. Penni: ' 1 You are hereby notified that an Inquisition will be held i¢ pursuance of the above mentioned writ of partition or valuation on the premlees in WeatDeer i TOwnahlp, Allegheny county, Pit.,on TUESDAY, NAY 18th; 1869, • 0 ATCLOCK A. to make pastPian to and among the heirs of said deceased 14 such manner and in such proportion ail by the Ulla of this Commonwealth Is directed,' c,, et which time, and Disce yo u may attend 11 you think proper. " , SAIIIIIIEL B. CILII.L.111T; ShoVitt Sneutitirli Ovvict, Pittsoutzti.April Sth,i669. 1 apthgVn TN THE ORPHANS' COURT-OP silegbeny county. .Tn•the Estate of .IMdES IMDKIIN, Deceased. No. 7, December Term, 18651.. Alla, Writ of Patatfon., .. . To Margaret Ann Hindman, widow of James tsae Hindman. d d; 'Eliza H. Dunlap ,' . for merly Xliza .. Hindalaa, intermarried with John Dtmli F; ',fames Madman, William Hindman; . asteph . Mlndmaii, - Margaret H. Goshen, tomer!). . Margaret H.' Mind man, intermarried. Wit - William Geshen;; and Mary Aber, forroerly.lifery Hindman, interitim . .. Med with William Aber, heirs go.. of James Hindman. ,deo'd, late of Jefferson township, Al legheny. county. P a. 'Kea are herehy . notified that an inquititlon will beheld in . porinance of the above mentioned writ of partitioii,mid . raltiatios, on the premises, Jefferson township, Allegheny comity, Penna., 1 ON THURSDAY, May 20th, 1%30, AT Aiiippummt, A. M., to-make partition to and among the heirs of said deceased In suck'snitiner and In stteli proportions as by the taws Of ihistotittnonwealtb is direated, ac., at ',stitch nine 'place 'you may attend if you think proper. . switrit. ii.,CLIDLEY, Sheriff. • SBxarrr 014 MIL. ♦pd bib, 113139 t: I apB:gi6T , T N THE- OEFHANfe COVET OF Alleff heap ' In the Estate of FREDERRK.WERLDIG, Dee'd. No. 3, Mach TorM, l oo3. Wtit of Pat talon. r • o tetkA Wehling, William -3."- WWeli fi litftl.fulailligttAntannazried with Henry .Degmeyr. r il .4lntibitS,Wehling, inter, married with William de*,__lsophis Fr. Notre,. Eliza 8. M.- Notts, "Alarel W•ti-lklotte.. Ida W. children Frederic W. Notte4 d eceased Notte, of Qaraltne Mayer, • ho was married to Frederick W. ?tette. she being a daughter of Caroline Wattling. derseaked.' :aphis Meye, intermarried wu Frederick lituckmeyer, said Sophia baying died end left erae child. Bertha Btuckmeyer, Charles- titackmetkr. Wllhelmins Meyer, latermanled, with 4ohn- Foell. Sophia, Welding. intermatried with Henr4 e Vogel. •Wil- Ulm Wetting, Lin& Weifireg. haus Weh ling, children of David Weblint, Henry Watt ling, Eliza - Wehllng, Httria -Welding.- William Welling and Fred°, ick Natio, Guardian ad Mum or floptiliC Notte, "NotteeCarollne Notte, Ida Natio, Frederick Notta, Bertha Stuckmever, Charles Meyer, Wilheimitsilieyer. Louisa Web ling, .Wilbelmin a Wattling, ElltraWehling, Marla We hillg and Williams "selling heir ac., of Freoerick Wehling,. deceased, late of Lower St. 011ir township. Allegheny county, Penns. A °ware - heretry notikati that an inquieitiOnWlll he 'held If pursuance vir the above mentioned Wilt of Pailitionand valuation on the ureznises In,,,oster Bt. Clair, Allegheny county, Pans., on- • -• • • Tuesday, 25th Day of May, 1869, apl2 AT 10 O'CLOCK A. 11., To make partition to and amour the heirs of amid deceased In such manner and in such proportions u by the laws of this Commonwealth le direcbed. end at which time and place you may attend if yen think proper. BARBEL B. CLULEY. Sherlff. Stlintrir 8 Orrio*, Plttsborgh, April 5, 1 e 69. f ' . apatgeer : N THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, for the Western Istria of Pennsylvania. 2[.. JOSEPH B. HUFF, a Bankrupt, under the Act of Congress of March 9111, 1907, having applied for a discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, by order 9f the Court notice is hereby given to all creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons inter ested, to appear on the 20th day of April ,1869, at 10 o'clock a. W. , belore ISAMTJEL HARPER,. Elm., Register in Bankmptcy. at his office, No. 93 Dia mond street, Pittsburgh. Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why a discharge should not be granted ' to the said bankrupt.' And fur her, Dope° is hereby given, that the second _ and third meetings of creditors of the said Bankupts, re quired by the'irftb and 28th sections of said Act, will be held before the said Register, at the' same time and place. : a p6, 4 24.2! .S. C. DfcCANDLESS. Clerk. INTHE DISTRICT COURT; OF . THE .UNITE D STATES, for the Western strict of PennsyIvania..WILLIAMBRITToN, a Bankrup t under the Act of Congress of March 9d 186 having ap plied for a discharge from all hie de ‘s. and,other elating p2ovable.undervald /Rot; brorder of the Court, Notice is hereby given, to all persons who have proved their debte,Land Whet persona Inter sated, to appear on the 93d day of April, 1969, at 1 O'clock A. M.,_before SAMUEL HA itP-911., Esq. a Registe stre et. Banknaptey, , at his °flee No. 93 Diamond Plitehurgh, Pa., to. show Cause. it any they have, why a discharge should not be granted to the said Bankrupt. • And fur ther. notice le hereby.givelt,that the Second and Third Meetings ,of Creditors, of t'e said Bank-. rupt, required by the 97th and 98th Sections of . Bald Act, will be held 'before the. geld Register, at the same time and Inset. .- • . ap:6;g9fi-r. - IS. C. Mac ANDLESS, 'Clerk. 1:1 THEIFISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED. STATES FOR TR WEST - N DISTIUOT OF PENNSYLVANIA . WILLIAM GIRSON,• s bankrupt untie t he Act of Congressof March Ad,1.861, having ap lied for tgritl i te r geglas t ei n eV. derid and Ai cl aims native is hereby given to 1 Creditors w • have proved their debts, and other persons ini loosed, 0 sinner on ,tbe" lith der or MAY, 1 SU, at o'clock P. tr., before JOHN 7 1. PIIEV ANCE, Esq.,. Register in .Bankraproy, at his erg . N o . 116 Federal street, Allegheny city, Pa., o Show cause, If any they nave, why a diseharg s hould not be granted to the said bankrupt._ ~ , , • 14,0.. BiCCANDL 88, Clerk of V. 8. District Court for Bala !strict. ; inhilel4l.T • Lit ME .DISTRICT COU OF. VTR 'UNITED STATEd, FOR THE WEST.' N DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. , JOHN , M. APPEL; a ;Bankrupt . tinder the , act or Congress of March ,Ad 11161, Wine p rad 7 t voetrdcie.appear thei r z on b t, _h t . e a; 1. e4 : t ti : tde o i , :1 , 1 and -other Nel e ola (I r a il a rgi e hle ar rindi f fr?Tat i l h A l te e liT ts 'ord 'ali e_e a te n et. /0 o'clock A, 311“ before of the Court notice is hereby given t, 4 1, ai l um 1 1 1 171 i: 1 re k ok r nw f p Nlio t c y nB 8: ! Di'ar a e:v e tra his on c e , No. U rederid Street,- Allegheny city, Ps, to show cause, if any the y ,_, Save, why * discharge, should not be gr anted th;:l:l:loYbitUn.ki7. PLtYloBe:o43o.llnMeCitorANl3sal-0.171181:::' • ,intOß ge-r ; _ , , , , . F vne ERCIVAL. : BE CK ',ME. • OIiANDOAL ZNOINEDB and Solicitor of elean And.•l4relga 'lnept., No. 79 , PED- S AL Allegheny city. PA. • • B.—Bratch omce, Wutiington, D. C. *Pe # 1 .4 1 4CE. THE IRON CITY MUTUAL LIFE IBLEINCE CO. Of pennsylt-ania. Office, 75 Federal St., Allegheny City. DIRECTORS • Hon. JAMES L. HRADAM, Rev. J. B. CLARK. D. D., Capt. R. ROBINSON. Rev. A. K. BICLL. D.D.. , Rev. S. R. E• BIT. 1.),11 W. A. REED. C..al,:er Allegheny Trust CO. JACOB RUSH. Real Estate Agent. armoN DAUM. 3lyor of Allegheny, C. W. BE NN k Hatter. • A. S. BELL. Attorney nt-Law. D. L. PATTERSON, Lumber Merchant, D. WOOER, Insurance Agent. Capt. ROBT. xtoniscsolv.. President. Rev. J. B. CLARK, D. D..Vtee President, JACOB RUSH, Seeretair, C. W. BENNE. Treantier. M. W. WHITE, I MEDICAL ADVISER. DANIEL SWOIIER, tien'l Agent. This is a nome company. conducted on the mutual prlnclpie, each policy holder receiving an equal share of the- profits of the Company. Policies wiff be Issued on all the different plans of Life Insurance, and being conducted on an economi cal. baste will afford a safe Investment to each I holder, and t eretait the neyat L=tTl lge Industry..gn NATIONAL • INSURANCE COMPANY, Car, Fideral St. and Diamond, Allegheny, 0004 tr.'tkie SECOND NATIONAL BANE BITILDIN G. W. W. MARTIN President. , JOIIN BROWN ,_• JR., Vice Irresident, JAMES Z. bTAV.SINSOki. Secretary. - DIRECTORS: John A. Myler, !Jas. LoCkhart. (Joe Myers, Jaa.L.Graham. Robert Lea. ;C. C. Boyle, Jno. Ilionn,Jr. George Gerat, Jacob ILOPP.. O.Hpa Jno. ThOmpsoni I. DlcNaugher. ?s • \ CASH.' • , . . . INSURANCE COASPANY,. PHELAN'S ISEIN No. AA. Filth Avenue. Second Floor, • PITTSBURGH, PA. !Capital Ali Pald.Up. DIQR . C T. N. J. Higley, H. Br llver, OßS jr, Capt.M.Balley, Dan'l Wallace, S H. Hartman, ,A. Chambers. Jake Hill. S. N'Ciark..n. !Jas. M. baler, Thomas Smith. Jno.S. Willock, ROBERT H . .KING, President. JNO. Jr.N NIMES, Vine President. JOS. T.. JOHNSTON, Se , retni7. Capt. R.J. GItACE, Gen , l'Agent.' Insures on Liberal 'Terms on all Fire and Marine Rinks. ap2:oo. ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH, OMlee, No. 424 PENN ST., (ANNATIONAZ. TRUST CO. BIIIMOINGle) DIRECTORS Robt. Liddell, !W.'S. Friday, C. Van Buren, IP. Kirsch, J. Fiangnisch,!Chris. 'Siebert. J. WeLsser, IP. Sal:Meeker. H. MYERS. President. DICKSON. .Vice President. ..T. GRIER. Treasurer. LBULTZ. , Secretary. • BOA. Dickson, G. Bledle, 'E. H. Myers, L. J. Blinchard, BOBT BORT . J. J. . PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIMSBUREIH OFFICE. No. 167.4 WOOD STREET, BANS OP 003IMERCE BUILDING.„ This is a Home , Company, and insures against LEONARD WALTE Iy. R., President. C. C. BOYLE • Vice President. ROBE= e IeetEJCJI, Treasurer. • HUGH PC sr PNV. Secretary. • • • DISZCZORS: Leonard Walter, George Wilson, • O. C. Boyle Geo. W. Evans, Hobert Patrick. J. C. Lappe, Jacob Painter, , J. C. Fleiner, • Joelah John Voegtley, Jas. H. Hopkins, A. Ammon. Henry Sproul. .IYei INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BT FIRS. FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO.OF PHILADELPHIA, OFTICE,43I a.*37 CHESTNUT T. ,near DIEBOTERB. Charles A . Banter. Mordecai H. Lt wi lltisi Tobias Wagner, David S. Bro Samuel Want., • larAeLea, Jacob B. fianittr, Edward C. Dal 7 F corr. eW. Richards, • George Bales. CHANCES D. BLIMILER, President". , EDW. C.: DALE; Vice President. W. C. STEELE, Secretary tear. J.' GMIDNER PIN, .AOSET, Borth West corner Third and Wood Streets.. inh29:wls BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE. COMPANY; OP ALLEGHENY, PA. OFFICE U. FRANKLIN SAVINGS BASK BUILDINGS, No. 41 Ohio St.. Allegheny. A. HOME COMPANY,. managed by Directors web known to the community, who trust by fair dealing to merit a share of your patronage. RERUN . . . 0160. D. ILIDDLR DIRECTORS Henry Irwi, I Gee. R. Rid n dle, Simon Drum, W. M. Stewart; Jo 010:085s. Madam, I H. - I....iiatierion, Wal, Cooper, Jaeob Frans, Gottleib Yaw J. B. Smith. Jacob' ush, Ch. Y. Whitton, Joseph Craig, H. J. Zlnkand. Jere. Kellen. pnrEnu.i., FIRE INSURANCE CO., OFD LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1803. p.m CAPITAL PAID DP AND INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED. INtl $8,000,000 IN aota). Insurance against Fire effected on Holmes and Buildings, .eloodz,, Wares. and Merchandise, Steambosta, - Ac. Polleles paned payable In sold currency. dir United States &ranch Ornce. • 40All PINS STREET, New York. losses of the United States Branch will be adjusted la,New .York. 3. Y. .111014&1:1GEIECEath. Agent. • , • ; HTTEIIII3II,6H, PA. Mee, 67 FOURTH STREET: 31:11. MeLAUGHLIN is also Agent for the Man. hastan Llle lantana. Ooleoartr. 5e6612 • COM. • • PANT DP P ItINEOURANCE ITDDIIIRGH. . - TINANDaItIiptIOK, President. FDA. P. HlASnn_gx_Secretary. M: Dzeltgra reazr.D. ueneral Anent. ce, 93 Water street.4Oun 4 Doe 'if iNare. hca3lllEntiesizz'anaTtirtidi of Plre and Ma. rine Disks. • A bona inlititetleihmanaired by Di= rectors wboAre seburk. ,P) Abe community: sad - 1010 ary deter min ed promptness and Libor• ally maintain character erideb they have ass ti.its Olterien tbelmist protection to those who esire to bs lured. • Alexander blimiCk. l3. T " -Zil M Matisse,' • t le Miliirt Jr., v• films. J. Clarke. I wet cAnkry.' , ' Williamaa s sz t. And e, r Apes; - ,s Andrew AMOK, , •'Flrp,itelsau, ~ David M. Lo ng , . .. M. neMent. • D. Ibinsen. - am -pisio, A p N trAp . INSURANCE MM.. (071014 t. Z. CORNMMWOOD • 71171111T11. A Hon Compsaf;taki as Pire and Macias Risks ~. DilirTolllll -._ r ' 1 . Wm. M.' Phillips; Capt.' John L. nom% JohttWath • • • ~ . Samuel P. Shrive?, • • John 71...Park_s, '.. ,tlaries Arbuckle, Capt. James AMU!, .. seed M. Brush, Win."Van3lirk, ' ' mP. Lang,_ • • James D. Vernet: Ll , Cannel lioCrioNAD, WM. ?HILL re - ablaut. JOHN WATT toe President. W. P. GABDliitazattta zy. CAPT. JAL; N, eeneril Agent. . . ~..+--. •, dz .V.::;.'-:.t., : i."'P- * z- -- -, - -",,,,,,,,, • 1'.. ,, ,.. • 1 . : -. '4't'i-%f j-•• ,- 'e , 4'..t - '**;?• , ;•.-;••:' ,-,-,..., • T-.•","."-: .': - .` ,. .": 7 '.."'rf - '•'• z- 1,- ;'. , - - -?z -- .n'rr,ze4 •Ais . -*•;,,,,...;•,, 1 ,, 1.:, - 41') ,, .. ,, ,i c t54;11i - 4 ~: , -,,: lit- r -i, : •, , ,V-4, 1 1•-tV.tix1. - : Ars'..."..gAp• '.: 1 •5i.f.:-"IV4 - '•,' ,- 4 , :--„.” . --:,' , :i 4 1.1 ..... , R ,- .1‘.-,i ~,k,',.,„e•-,,,_*--;,-'...iV.:=72q4=W• Vj..:,;Wap.,eq„9,v.,7;t4,o4Ntetk-4.-44.-:',,, Ttim-si ,'c.,..,;-.-14....;4•..i,,A-AAvt.4,%.447V,,,t.-40,40,,11,..... ,----,---`k----,,2e ;,,,,v.0,,:-.=-.v.;g.-fsii,.gvt.,-e."-,,N..-.t.4.yqpa_tvvvv.>.krivm4-4.7rA--z:WrgP'3 - ' ""- , 7' ,-°4---'4Woite:t. 7,47-000hr-ie0,41.3t000x"4- 1 ,-, ;..."‘ : :, & - PiS._ ,--4 4 , 44 . 1 , 4 4 % - .4o i ttAS ." • - 'e- %-.l* - - -• • • •-- , ---:•,- , --- , ••-. , •--- , ,,,, , tr&E,„., r ,-.., • ..--,,,, • AISMISKt - TO. arNEW OPERA HOUSE. wv.mrinanisow.. M. w..(4l,olDire. Leme.. Manager Euccess of tt g" fled end aecoutplidaelt ante e, &emit NARY 1.711.4,11111TANE.r • TUESDAY EVENTNrs. A ntlll3.b. 113e9, wilt be produced the new creme In tem.! act...mooted: by John Dr(mtham. SK.. from Bilea novel. entitled. LADY RIDLEY'S BESET. Mars, Glatt Lady Audtry G'aidstane Matinee on Saturday, lar PITTS KU H tal THEATRE. A. v.. wIL LTAMS, Lesser and Manager. T..) , tilga therest Londowt;ontique, JAMES TAYLOR, in Ws unequalled chara.-:erK so , Re, An., jee. Tne monitor of rthloplan comedians J. W. Me.A NDRE SIONOR 1'44 LOPEZ' and her INFANT ACROBATi, and the great Varletr Cutgbinatlon. Ladles' Mialnee every Wednes daand ar GRAND • CONCERT AND EXHIBIT/0N AT MASONIC T3A.I-41.d. t : (Fifth Avenue,) Thursday, Friday and - Saturday Evenly, Aprll 115th..1601 and 17th. Concert on , TRW EnDAY EVENING, by Allegheny Quartette., Club. FWD AT EVENING. A pill 16th, CINDVRED. LA, OR THE GLASS SLIPPErt, and many o t h er intereatlne euercl-es. . . sATUEDAY EVENING_, April /7th.. TEN NIttHTtIIN A B Ht.KOZ.I. apB:7K- igr'BUILNELI,B MUSEUM AND:PARLOR MENAGEMM, The Great Family , iteseM3•. FIFTH AVENUE, 'between Smithfield and Wood streets, opposite cild Theatre. 41WOpen.Day and Eveni n g, all the year round. Admissltin. 115 cents: Cklldren. 15 cents. ' !W.& GRAND FAIR Is now being held at "MIL LEE'S-HALL, corn ernf Filth *venue and 61st Street, for the boned: of 81'.. AGNES ( HUNCH, Soho. Refreshments served and an excellent band of music in attexd slice every evening. stsiseerrrns AUCTION SALES. B. B. BILITEBON & 00. BOOTS, SHOES AND CARPETS FOR THE MILZION. SMITHSON'S . •EMPORIUM' EMPORIUM, 66 AND 67 7 / 7 TH AVENDIC• .„„„ •. • • ..essrs.. B. SMITHSON & CO., proprietors of theme'. known Mammoth Auction House are t. creating an`excltement consequent upon the ar , •••. rivarof new 'goods whtci are being_ sold at re- , markably low prices. Goods ofevery variety the finest sewed boots, the most - fashionable bal., moral gaiters anti anklet shoes, slippers. &c., blankets, flannels; \ clOths. 'casameres, - cutlery tied carpets. Call and examine. No trouble to show goods. ' Ladies% misses , . and 'children's fats at almost your own prices. 14 goods war ranted Si reDreffellted. , vast BY A. WILWAINE. ,SHARES EAGLE • COT-, 4 1 W TON MILLS, ENSURA CE, • PENN-, b L La. QM VI. TUESDAY. EYENINO, 5011 13th at 1' o'clOek, will be.aold on secordiloor. of Commer. mai sales Rooms. 100 Smithfield street by order ; of .R. W. MACKEY, assignee of JOfilaUA. RHODES 5 CO.. bankrupts: 870 shares Eagle Cotton Mills Company. Also, will .be added to sale: . 1.000 shares ,stern Pennsylvania OR Co." 10 shares Pennsylvania Insurance Co. shares Western Insurance C 0.4 shares Pacific ,t Attantio mole eiraph Co' 15 shares PittsPurgh Grain Elevator Co. apt° . • A. hIcILWAIRE, Auctioneer WIXCHANGE NATIONAL BANS _12.4 M. a M. NATIONAL AND UNION NA TIyNAE BANKS. TUE :DAI? EVENING. April 13th, 1889, at 73 o'cloak, witi be sold on second floor of Com mercial, Balm; Booths. 108 kimithlleld street, dn. addition to former list, 40 shares Exchange Nationatitank. 80 shares M. & M. National Dank; 4 shares Union National Bank. an= A. meiLwAntz, Auctioneer. OFFICE!: OF THE TTEASIIRIE OF ALLEGHENY/ COUNTY. Pittsburgh, April lit. 1809. TN PURSUANCE OF THE *st .1. section of an Act relating to Allegheny Conte ty, approved the lit day of May, 1801, and of the amendment to said section,approved the 30th day of March, /868, I dU hereby wive notice that the Duplicates for the several Wards, Boroughs and Townships WILL BE OPEN, and I will be pre pared to receive the County, State, Poor, Workhouse and. Improvement Taxes for 1869. On and after the Ist day of May. iS's. Bald taxes can be paid at this Once until the Ist day of August with_i DEDITCTION: OF FIVE PE$ CENT. for prompt payment to all persons paying. the whole amount of their taxes. There will be ao deduction allowed daring the -mouth of August. There will be Ten Per Cent. Added To all taxes remaining unpaid on, life Ist day of September, 113.68. J. P. DENNISTON. Treasurer of' Alleghe Count !IS Orrics OF CITY Emu :Kw AND nunvaron, prrrsnonOtt. April 6, 1E169. f MOICICE TO CONTRACTORS.- ' SEALED PROPOSALS for rebuilding TRY ET SEWER. north of the Connellsville Railroad track. and for Grading, Paving and Curbing the Tollowlag_streets, viz.: WEBSTER AVENUE, from Roberta to Kirk-. patties street. THIRTY-NINTH AND FORTIETH Streets. from Butler street to the Allegheny Valley Rail road. Also, for constructing the following BOARD— WALKS: , . . ONE on Boundary street from Thirty-third etret to Laurel street, and al' ng Laurel Street to Elm street. ONE on Pearrand Cedar streets, from Main to Lan el street, iota ward. and OVE on Broad street, from Highland avenue to tlie Frankstown Boad,_l9th War.s. • Will be received at THlo OFFICE until AL o'clock r. IT., on THURSDAY, April 155, 1869. All bids in be seted t tn_by the Commit ee must be left at THIS OFTjCE oofore the time stove mentioned. • The Committee reserve the right to ?elect any or all bids. H. J. /MOORE. api:gt4 SLA ROOFING SLUR OF VARIOUS Qualities and Colors. , :• Particular attention itlielitolayl4 Mate arid repadressg B. ate roots, k or. particuiva and prises .Migirrai• , . N*. Seventh ivcinne, mh31:(56 • .0181 g)ITT JCNCIII4II4BI AND BURVATOB • •• PI7III3IIIIGHi Aprallidilli69. NV r TBB /1888~1~NT Foe the construction t the 110ARDWALIE fom . RICVILL& sniszT. Nur, 011' 111ft11,mreana. Also, ZiEVILLA BTRKET, from. Binh Avenue to Centre avenue. are now _ready for eximtnatton, and can be seen at thisr Moe until WEDNX.S;rAt, when they will be, returned to the City Tressit— rer's - • 491100/1114 CM Et tr TTEß. — utes Freda Roll Butter. liqtytoetriel and BR sale 0, J. B. BABINLSIdR. 111 RUA MUM% r~ ~.-: I tane Crry EsoirrEEß. L,.;T ), :,.1 ii ITTABIIBGH, PA. Cl .irailieer