a *DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN, IUI3II & CO., Xounfacturtrs of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, :AXLES AND SPRINCEI, DVQIjEDNE. L X AND JIINLITAi "MAY BAZ„TMOVND - AND SQU ABE IRON. BAND. HOOP, BRE= AND 'TANK IRON. BOILER PL ATAS AND HEADS, GUARD IBON,_DRAG and DROPPER BARS, • PLANGAD GUTTER -, BAIL', CYLINDER IRO, _ . AND FLAT RAIL, for Coat Roads. _ . ' CROW BAR SS B M ARIU TEETH, 'SPRING.PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL. WINOS AND MOULDS eat to pattern. STEEL. Tiara, STEEL SHAFTING, A. B. COACH, BUGGY and WAGON SPRINGS and AXLES, CUTNAILS - AND ; SPIKES. 'All Geode First Class and Warranted. • • • OFFICES. AND WORKS. Slxteenat.Miltreot and Allegheny River, -- - .and Yr Water Street. Pittsburgh. GODEFTROY BIIA?iCKER & CO., 42 Ric Wine Place, New York, 4 4re prepared, as Sole 'Agents in the United biotei.for the Primlax Mining and Inin Com pony of Duisburg, Westphalia, to contractor . aeU in quantities to snit pnrchuers, (delivered in either New York or Philadelphia ' ) the celebrated V. G. -Sl-7'IEGELEEN Used so extensively for the mantifsetnsine of 118811111111311 STfIEL This Iron Is free from gulpur and Phosphorus, and contains a heavy percentage of Manganese. partizulars, samples, prices or chemical anai3isis will be promptly forwarded on applies cation. 3aM:d7B la STEEN; WORKS. BMGEB, MEEK & CO., PAL. .111maficturors of erery de.ariptlon of VAST AND GERMAN STEEL, 3An er a AITAA.TroIudspRING9 4.xpss, mratr.Tthr;rne., War/diode, 88 Water wad 1(00 First Ste. NEIELEJECR, -BARR & PARKE". • GIBIZNAL raiitTNXES: vorlc Art, • • gill:7111ff , XII.LICB s. 8P CIAL PARTlnta—a. X. KIEE. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, lIILLER, BARR &. PARKIN, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, 1 4:d43 prrrntrhert, pi. BLACK DIAMOND . ,• • . STEEL WORKS. , . ['ARK,BRO'rITER & CO. ]tsantacturent of all descriptions of • , , 11EITWILE.T. A . %, *lce nadWarelsonse, ; fEfIRTI , TH, THIRTY. SWAT and ItALLItOAu - ' • • . PITTSBITROH sr Ylirania,'Pres 9 t...;:iii.P. POEM', Burl: pITTSIIIJUGH FORGE - ***.iit.o..N:ci.', IitiPOTACTORKES OP Bar Irens; 11allemid Fish Bars and 14114 Settidica car Ailee lotted; - 11; ° 1 4. 41 , 4ii4l ll es Kositatired; i .pieOeettse Pironses; Lie - entottve Frame Shapes; • , Platen Heads; • - Steamboat Shafts; _491 1 , 11 / 10011 _,,CCII! 1 .0 111 ; . WOOS , Wilits; nom. Jawav Vollork le. • °Moe' 177 PENN STREET, ELLBASILIESEN PROCESS.' •• .Tie'lsare now isre_pareA . to ant seotor the use of the - aLr•voIiHAUSEN 1139- vmse. The superior quality impaited to good host, ftig w eatluiproyement Interior iron. and the Cost.coulmend it to alt manufacturers of Iron. M Par arna to. ties wishitqc to nee It can obtain licenses by • ITAI4E P . gPEER. *turner Am the Trustees, BOODdB - l'and A, 'English's Building,. 903 Toulth avenue. arties Anterested are invited to visit the 8110ENBILEGEE OKS. where the pr. • se is now•lassoorneand • • le! an. , . _ . Evz - ,o - N,FREETopi & co Pennsylvania4on lforkt- Worohotio, Nos. - 166 0n0167 met ,' STAMM o noslte Mononga.leix Hone. 111011V411.:2 . • PITTSBURGH. I§IOvELTY w9RKs. . . ..410VELTY , WORKS t.....rmyseiv•A...4l /NW ,•• AILA1101;11101C11 Ar; 00. ..t»34,unnflortfam Or • • -i9/4044eitivratINBANNAPAN COUNrzu . a - . isaisitiood, **lS= "Socis F 4 4 4.• kess 4 - folattaaill 1 19 No, kgila* 104 G*RT 8,15. GAS - Ain) SiniAItPITTING. iNtlf 114 OCKess..:l;.lo4 XATN.4:4I23MY JOUN M. VOOWARAIi,CO4 misitosas, GAB-AND STEAM gRS oLasattpatiril Of Mee AND NZAJ AI R tnlAlb cra; ttesters - bre 1-14-1, Cot la WU& • qi;Ot 111102 03 1 WilitStintilt tot Aide. *Afro - L • T . . W - - KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTWITELGH, PA. lOrEngines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Be. torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS., Corner Carroll and Smallama llltglaonl, (2irnali WARD,) prrnErnmuami, • WILLIAM SMITH, 131an4ifacrturer of CAST IRON-BOWL PIPE FOR OAS AND WATER WORKS. MY Pines are all cut irmarlablyin Pits, In dry sand, and lA feet lengths. Also. tall assortment of general Castings for flu and Water Works. I woald also call the attention of Bar_rintead eats of fa aa Works to my make of BllavaTS. TLAIS WORKS, A MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, prx7rerritrztell. THOMAS N. MELLEB,President. These Warts are,among the largest and most complete establishments in the West. and axe now prepaimito - farnish "'" Zngthes, of 'every deSeripUsa. Boilers, 011 Tanks. Sheet Iron Werh. Rid'read Castings. Boning NUI Castings. Engine Castings. Iffsehine Castings. General Castings. ORDERS /SOLICITED so9:se - ROBINSON„ REA & CO., Successors to Boarssom, MOOS 4 M 114.143, WASH:CM:MON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND NACHINISTS.FIITBBUR6H, • • - Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Sleazing, Shafting, Castings of all descriptions: Oil Tanks and Stills, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Osoe, No. DI, corner First and Smithfield Streets. • Agents for OITPARD'S PATENT INJECTOR for feeding Boilers. . jailmS2 -Dueler BLANC FOUNDRY. — Dueler Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Union Iron MIL, I PITTBBUTIOII. Belling 1111 and Bridge Casting% THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACIEID 4 INRY AND CASTINGS GENZRALLY. Orden promptly cud euretally executed. Olutriessuucestilts. • • . zinnia'' , a ILICILLIED. oeLS:I2B ACULIEr& CO., Fourth Ward Foundry= and lonize Works 8,&NDIIIIET Irr.:44I.I,ZGRIEKT Mionfecuren of., nos= Knenes„,, - ; oll_rresser. elogusiw ortsCand 'saw 4EOI Rent, Bolling Mill sadMserdne Cestii su p erste Ears, WeAshre..WWlL4oxits, , to. so order and havw trlo Mina znimesof a.= • layl4l:qs CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS SSO Penn Street. ROLLIE% B 011) & BIGAMY. Chill 8011., Mill Castings. 801 l Lathes, de. - COAL AND COKE. ANTRA:LITE COAL THE BRADDOCKS FIELDS' . , Gas Coal Company Has this day heen appointed SOLE AGENTS for Pittsburgh and Allegheity Cities and surrounding towns loritbe ulster the Coal of the Pernnrylre bia and 0 hjo Anthracite Coal and Tratisporta. ties Company': • A Parties in want of a soperlOrinalliy of Anthra cite Coal from Kasten mines, iU do ireli_tcspiG on them. General Ofim and- Tard—CORNER OP IN. DERSONGro and P. Pt. W.. /1 C.'S.. 8., Alla gheny. • EAC/19119141193 and TGEIN, Pro l i BE1 1 1 1 1 : T ' °P"111, Past*Sof. Addrest, - BOX GIN Vittsburgh. J. D. MAHON Baperiutendeat raw* Ohicinthratite ,r=Coral ind.Ttinsporlation Co. Ni.' 114 FURTH AURA Pittobarghe " • • • r, -; r RLI' COAILU , ' , COALM 'DICKSON,' STEWART & . . Having removed the: NO. 567 LIBERTY STREET, (Lately City Mon" SZCOND ZLOOR. enz r.ittist*Alrthihdird TOUGHY°. , COAL MACH, at the lowest morket price. All orders left at their ofdoe, or addressed to them tbrailikA tbe .111141., will be attended to promptly. STONE. WEST COMMON 1 , Machine Eftotiii . Works, , .31VraediVesteigiosioik'Alifgbeay 1 I# . e ,. d. br.: *17 11 : 1 A: G e t waina e , s !mer i t • tor 1 im ydri t i r .' 4e6 * ill idiu li - ,.....;;'', • ~) , ,, ,, ,i.',lst .') :7'.. - • •:.• 5 , • PITTSBURGH . GAZETTE : MONDAY, APRIL 12',_ 186E' latGuris, 130dali;2* HDBrH 11. BOLE &`C Cor. Point Alley and &Nixon eStn (MLLE TI3Z POINT,) Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. , . Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINEjand STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all sizes. Arial attention invited to our new STATION OIL WELL ENGINE .AND PORTABLE BOILER, of 1 15 -horsespower. CASTINGS of every kind. made to order atonr roundiT, on IRD STREET,' beton- Market. RIGS for 00 Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS, sousioand TOBAC eo SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Treating on the Allegheny laver, near the Point, F1T1115E13111171, far All orders Promptly flied. Tar OS FORT PITT BOILER, STILL ANB TANK WORKS. CARROLL& SNYDER, IU , NITPACTIIIIIBB OP TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUED TIIEHLAR, FIRE-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL _ L - 0/L STILLS AND' OIL TAMES, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON- .DENSERS; , • STEAM PIPES, G ; ASOMICETP2S/3 AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND - COAL SHIITES OfHee sad Warehouse. eerner &woad, Third, Shorrase Liberty Streets. PITTSBURGH, Pa. air Orders sent to the above aAldreas will be promptly attended to. rahrslea WM. H4IJ LL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SKEET IRON . WORKERS, NOS. MO, AA, MIL AND 516 PENN ST. Raving secured a large yard and turnisked tt wan the meet approved machinery, we are pre mild to manufacture every description of BOIL, ash in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the mantra , . Chimneys Breeching, Eire Beds, Stem rims. Locomot ive Boilers, Coadensers, Salt Pins, Tanks, 011 Stills, harits. tom. Sett/ing Pans, Boller Irßridges..Flngar rank l ird sole vue,ausatuferi plita4Urs Pat- Bewaring done on shortest notice. lakcel jamEa at: ulna, ‘4 , Nos. BS and 56 Water Street, rrrienumell, • 1LL3117.11=11,113 OP IRON' OIL TANKS, anTratire PA.NS: Corr= STIGAit Pirt. ROLLING iiILL 3TACIEB. • - And SEM= TRW WORK, • For Steamboats. JAI= ....... EDDITND D. BRUSH JAILED M. MUSH & SON, ackstrimcruairass OP Steam Boilers, Oil. Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORK. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, BEO THE BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY dr, CO. Manufacturers of the grimiest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, TO HZ PODHD nP THY ETATS.' Holerti tor the celebrated Base Burning Open Stoves and Pomace" for Hard Coal or Coke. eat In the World for Parlor,CKEce. Store or Churl*. Plre needarto rekindling—bunts all win ter. Do notbry until you see or seed for Circular; No. 30 WOOD STREET. Our Agents for Orientals—DE MMLEH BROS., Smithfield et. ; GEO. RUBLES. Allegheny City. RAFT BUGUS sk,CO. KANIIPACIVEZILIS OF 711P7.3,2 IMILIXTT OP EITCONTJEI66 9 sofirox, COOKING RANGE, "THE- FIERY FURNACE," Pox Amman. Buttalses. THE NEW ANTI-DUST COOMMO STOPS, "BBOULATOIL" COLUMBIA COOK STOVE. 11A1411 OTST a kralla tt4 TlA IJE B ILIAL L C I I2 O II ii SlCA L eree trap:. and din; TS, " u ' am i " • • 206 and 208 14berty Street, oeM:yl7 PrrTsßUßell, Pi; COOK STOVES. — ' GET: THE BEST. BiIiiISELL CO.lll _ - TRIUMPH, . irOB BITUMINOUS • Coxi. warraoo4 ,oo o4*4gftWsi " •1!1. • • ,_! fedi 11311114 Other Star, to the WU; ;11T88 1 ,f, do 00., No. 485 Spreet. V.b0110411 iusdror mg% , ZION • NEAr liii i4Tl6 g lllo COOKUM, a/S. /lc rnriazt AND- soitmak` - DYER AND SCOURER. rfo• 3 er. CIALVMES larrniarer And Non. lAA and 187-ThlS Street• PITTSBURCip. PA. ARCHITECTS. Bmug & . a ' nn ; Baw Houma ..am00zwri0x,....6.,111111111V 1 k I aad4llt, Clair Iltrept,'"A'Airww4l.,_ ilikr 7 ~_, e ke ;Itpacial ' :Steatiolk iihin ,to 00'.giengiuma , i = ur ce, amunces4 rn„, ;i; "ea ; , '..! • u..,,,,. :-.4., , . r ". ' ' ' '' ~,4.• 5,-:cd • ONE 1 ) 117 BASKINq COMPANY. No. N 9 Wood Street. CAPITA 4 : : : : : $200,000 STOCKHOLDER?. INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DNALNICS /N GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED Oil TINE DEPOSITS. Collections made on all accessible pointa is the United States and Canadis. D. Hostetter. Janes Gordon, D. Wallace, .1 Z. Fawcett, NATI(IAL BANK OF COMIERCE, Cor.ef Wood and Sixth Sts. A. PATTERE10111.......—....--IPrealdeiat. JOB. H. HILL • CAPITAL, t t t 11500i000. DIBIOTOH8: A. Patterson, George W. Owls, rm. H.-Brawn, M, Telmer ho's. Loekhart, Wm. Donstlas,' Dan. It: 'Davidson, Wes, sea. W: 8. Haven, • PLIWOUJITR DUE aigo:on HAItT, CAIJOHEY & CO., • BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Weed Sheet,, przwrenurten. PA.; (81M0E813113 TO HANNA, Herr I C 0.,) Plikaanza IX Enchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to the pnroltaae sad eahe 9t • GOVERNMENT BONDS. Slatit Drafts. cs!!. London. - N.. HOLMES & EONS, . CollectSone made on all the principal points of the United States and Canada'. Stocks,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON OOKICISSION.. Particular attention paid to the puroluiso and sale of 'United States Securities. JAY COOKE _& CO., 33ist111r..eres, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. STOOKS and BONDS or all descriptions bought and sold. 4 Special attention given to the purchase and sal. or Government -Securities.'Olga WADING AND IMO, ic.lszton Mere Apace "ad Brekas POroleum and its Prodicts, DALZELL'S BLOCK DUQUESNE - WAY' 1 PHTLADXIAPHILL ADDRESS. , . Roans 17, Chamberr of Commeice, ' Oa mitTH mom BTZELT.••..• spin . ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. . . HERBERT W. C. TWEDDLE . MANEYAOTIIBiII. OP Librieatlngt High Test Burning Oils. 11 Pie INIOPOINIAxIIe Oil. Stands great heat without change; reilalus limpid at lowest tempeintnres. Special Oil for ._ tropical ciftatesor hot weather. • , - LmeamnettiveyEnglsse, Issehtoo Shop, &lrewa. !haws/1111 and Plant= /I[lll 011 s, Adapted ibr high speed. - • 40)f,' . Boil Wirt lta, 111414. I . Shooltse, • , liarisisou L•: Parranlase. .I.llllolt VARNISH,. to preserve Bright Iron Work and Machinery from Bust. . These, products are manufactured under Dr. Twaddle , a,patent by Superheated Steam in Vac ciao. The Lubricating Ms are almost odorless, Derrbetbr ' Uniform, and meal Hest col ored.- nand a - temperature an ed.,. sad OU remataLtatple4 extreme eold. e arelane. I • antfare In constant ue on =ay of as prinettial,Rallramts. Samples can be a:saddest mastrderai ien-at 174 WOOD OTIULIT. Works at Skarpsbarg Bridge. Veit • .: :. CONNESION -. .MERGRANTS Petroleum and its Products, t i rr i r i ' EL ie: C poonkay and win tea,• I rkuimtahOoktniot..ny-wmannurt.- • , • , Dl l4lll O lllll 011LOW0/140, N. M. LONC.,& CO., "omce, PALZaLLinniziOre. • ; Diunitaiie *An zniebiroets; I.';'l•llBM:i:6 Tir ' . 4.- '1••••• J. Ye 111741 T -';' . '' 'l , '" - 4 oniemeart. li,l. itvigm , .- Nei 11 .. • . o ~, OM" WI A • - iird ir ' m 4. 4 ! 4tUllg ,i9 1 .,._ 4' • trvi K-4?- DlBUTOittle • Jun. 0 Risher, Bobt. H. King, Andrew Mater, Jsmei M. Bailer. • SAIVL. areor.trimAN, ON. Clasistor. D. LEFT 1, AT 11 A. N. 57 Market Street,, prx-r-rsigultan. OILS. .it CENTRAL -AND ANION PACIFIC -RAILWAY BONDS, The cheapest Investment now In the market for sale by PH. R. IMillalarrZ, Corner FIFTH AVENUE & WOOD STREETS. Also, dealer In Government Bonds. Gold and Coupons and European Exchange at market rates. den JAKEB Ti BRADY el/ - 00., (Snceessort oS. JONES & 00.4 Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., . _ 3E3 AL.INT 33C, MR. IS • BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF PITTSBURGH MARKETS. ' OFFICE OF PITTSBIIROIC GAZETTE, SATURDAY, April 10 1869. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Business generally, although.still dull and depressed, is beginning to give some VOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS: evidence of im Provemeat d hopes are entertained that the worst Is passed. and .; that better times are near at hand. The ON MOST FAVORABLE TEENS. &friend for almost everything ' is re stricted entirely to supplying immediate Interest Allowed w _ lt its. ve=nts , the stringency in money , .nuaters preventing anything of a speculative /Mr Money loaned on Government Bonds , at character, while values generally-are ' lowest market rates, without important change. APPLES—Prime Apples, In sound Orders sweated for th e p urc h ase condition, are very icarce, and may. be and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and quoted at 16®6,50 per bbl. . • GOLD. • APPLE BUTTER--90®11 per gallon. BUTTER—There is a continued steady JAMBS T. BRADY & CO. demand and notwithstanding the arri vals continue liberal, prices are 'main tained ranging from 45®48. BEANS—SB,2S®3,SO per bushel. CRANBERRIOS—SaIes at $18®122; CORNMEAL—SI.7S®I,BO per. cwt. CHEESE—SaIes of New York Goshen at 24®25. CARBON OlL—May be quoted at 30® 81 for standard brands, in ajobbing way. DRIED FRUlT—Peaches dull.but un changed; at -14fbr quarters, and 18 for halves—sale 2 tons quarters. reported at 13%. Apples scarce and in good de mand, with sales of prime bright at 12®13. • ' EGGS—DuII and lower, with sales at 22@23c. HAY—Baled is firm and in demand; sale of 108 bales loose-Dressed, on wharf, at $2B. Tight pressed may be quoted at $ 24 ® 26 . HOMINY—SS,7S®6 per bbl. HEMP-4225 per ton. , PROVISIONS—Bacon is in regular de mand at 14@14/ for Shoulders; 16%@17 for Ribbed, and 18 for Clear Sides; and for Sugar Cured Hams. Steamed Lard 19, and - kettlerendered, 19%®20. Dried Beef 21. Mesa Pork $32,00. POTATOES—In fair demand but un changed, 75(480 per bushel: PEANUTS--10 eta per pound. = MAPLE SUGAR—SaIes in gallon jugs at $1,50®2 as to quality. GRAlN—There is little or no demand for Wheat. in this market and , prices are nominal at $1,45®1,50fqr Winter. Oats quiet and unchanged, wall sales at 64® 65 on wharf and track and 67®68. in Corn_ is scarce and iu good demand, with sales on wharf at 78®80 for prime Yellow; Shelled is dull but unchanged at 73(475. Rye is dull and nominal at $1,40®1,43. Barley does not appear to be wanted at all, and there are no established, prices. SEEDS—There Is.a very fair demand for Clover, with sales at $10®10,50, and Timothy at $3.50®3,75. Flaxseed quoted at $2,45(4)2,50. SALT—May be quoted at $1,80®1,85 by the car load, and $1,95( T for small lots in store. FEATHERS—A shade firmer, and we now quote live geese feathers at 80 to the trade, and the usual advance in a retail way. FLOUR—Is In fair local demand, and while the market is a little more waive, prices are unchanged. Spring Wheat grand $6,50®7, and Winter Wheats $7,50 ®B., Mill prices remain unchanged. •WHISKY--lis very dull and.tices are unchanged LARD 011—Sales No. 1 at $1,58®1,60. littsWO Gayttt. FINANCE AND TRADE I. OFFICE OP Pirrsnunett Gszsk-rh, SATURDAY, Aprli 10,. 1869. The gold market was very much ex cited on Saturday and closed strong in consequence of the great scarcity , of cash gold. The short interest is very large, but it, seems a good deal ofit has been cov ered on . Saturday, and the sadden ad vance is perhaps due to the unwilling ness of parties to submit to the exhorbi tant loaning rate, amounting to 34 per cent. over Sunday: Tne 'Secretary of the Treasury is very much blamed for his petet scheme, as it is decried, of the rebate of 6 percent. on the May interest cashed, although it is . perfectly legiti mate. • The bond market was strong. especial ly in 18625, in which it is talked of as be ing a corner in these bonds but that they are 'loaned flat; the whole list is well sus tabled, but it is admitted by all dealers that the present. prices cannot be sus tained even on an easier money market; the large dealers keep themselves barely supplied, and expect to buy lower for their regular stock kept on hand after the May disbursements have begun. The stock . market was off from Fri day's quotations, but steady at the. de cline. The stringency of the money Market makes buyers , very cautious, but the share market remains strong. )Money very scarce. • 7 - Business is improving very alowly. Quotations as received by, Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 133 X:. Silver, 126: Eighty one's, 116; Five Twenties, 1862, .120; do -1864, 115; do 1865, 117; do 1883, Consols, 1133; do 1867, 113 X; do 1868, 113 X; Ten Forties, 105 X; New York Central, '633 4 ; Erie, 34; Reading, 94; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne dt Chicago Railroad - 131 X; Ohio & 32X; Michigan Southern, 97; Cleve land dc Pittsburgh , 90X; Chicago & Rock Island, 13134; Chicago ?c North- Western, 84%; chicago dc North- West ern Preferred, 96;;; Adams Express . Com pany, 'sBy; Merchants Union Express, 403;;, ci Mail, 94; Western Union Telegraph Conipany i 41X; Gregory, 2,50; Quart:v - 91111, 1,15; Corydon, 10; f3mithilt Parndee; 2,80; W. Am. Express: 0. . ,(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gaiatte4 NEw Yong, April 10, 1869. The money inarffet, which at one time .was, easy at 7 per cent. curreney, subse quently became stringent, the demand • continuing until after bank hours, when 7 per cent. currency and commissions 'of •1-16®X. per cent, were paid. The amen datory tax bill, which has becoine a law, eaves the market from a severe drain which would otherwise have come on it in the- lattei part' of April.' Discounts dull; best names 10®15 per cent. 'Rank statements show a large contraction 'ln loans, and..a decrease of a "Millio ri " and three-quarters- in total reserve - , against a reduction of four millions in total liabil ities. ahowsthe banks relatively. stronger. Loans, 11427.730,_230: decrease,; 14,453,448; apeole,- $8,794,5i3;; 'decrea5e,„.U043,350. Conlation, 534,609,360; decrease, 1 9 07,550. Depoaits, /171,495,580; decrease, 113;836,- 209- Legal Tenders, 548,641,782increi5e `11148,373. • The payMents for - customs and duties this . week, amounted to .2,738,000. Sterling is dull at . 756@8 per cent. for prime : bills; Gold hi' firm,opened at .13334, rose to 133% and cl osed at 1.33%. The GOlO, ROOM was very much 'excited oh the:announcement that the Bank of New York had refased to pay gold checks to the linataint.Of_l"ooo... It **- pears the Gold Rank in mA-. ing fettletnenfn'With a prominent broker lirm.4atie twelve ,"iiidiVidatil certified gold (Menke oaths Bank , of New , York, whiCh - the letter; .refased Par •on the sonro .of a breech •of !kith by, the .Gold Exchange Banks to whom they' werei;it Isl,Plahned. given On ;the,anderstanding that they Were nottabe msed.to-day. :In the Gold Ram the conclusion was pimp ed at that ' the bank did , not - have' the The', tee paid . ler borrowing till Mon day were 342 (@)3i per cent: Clearaneas 1107,000,000: Exports, $62,255; and for the week 5326,350, little however, to EU rope. The coupon bonds held abroad are expected here next week, and will make gash gold plenty:. Disbursements on ac count of May interest thus far are only $371,000. Governments active and higher, closing steady; coupons of = 'Bl, 116® 116,,; do. '62, 12X2)12034; do. '64, 115® 115 X; do. '65, 117®117X; new do., 113% ®1131‘; , d0..'67, nay@l18;g:Ido:.?88,. 118% (D 114; 10-40 s, 108x1:044; Pacific Sixes, 3356@)34. state bon quiet and steady; new,.Teneenlisee,'B s )4oBslA,,Nortir Caro linas, 6535®38. Stock market generally lower, under Bel eettAA. l 4fiebsllo3isdialce.fif -Water day, and apprehensions concerning money zdarket. Most active stocks were Riuldei - abui4.lhiethleiriellirn, St. Paul, Wabash Now York Control. Market C 1,.•;•; ,, ozy wvicmq, !:! _ . 4 ; ,,,- t. l l -d• -•••;g4 - , 1,.-A,,„0) , • • •.. closed quiet and steady, with partial re covery from loitest ratan. -_,, L ._ 6-30 Priess—Cumberl find, 33®35; Wells Express g 31®3134: - Amarican, 40/®4O; Adams, 69%®69%; Mcbts. Union, 16!.® 16; 'United States, 68 1 ®58 1 ,¢; Quicksil ver, 22% ®22v.; Canton, .59;4®60; Pa cific Mail, 913{,@)92; Wes ern Union, 4114 l@'ll% Mariposa, 19%,®:2 ; preferred, ses4 31 t i ,@):36%; New York Centr 1, 1 63 1 g@i63,14„: lErle. 34®34iy; preferred, 52% ®64; Hud son River, a 144©148%; arietn, 1383© 1 88%; Reading, 93% ®9 1 .: Terre Haute, 37®39; preferred, 66@68; Wabash, Mx @n c 69%; preferred, 7 ,3;®78 St. Paul; 78® 7 S' A; Fort Wayne, 1 1 3 ®132; Ohio & Mississippi, 32%®33; lichtpan Cen tral, 118;.; Michigan Southern, 96%®97; Illinois Central, 138; Pittsburgh, 90X® 90%; Toledo, 97®971; Rock Island, 13614 ®13114; Northwestern, 84@84/; pre ferred, 9614®96%; Chicago and Alton, 155 1 ,1,1;4)158; preferred, 185®168, Mining shares dull. , Copper stocks at Boston : Copper Falls, 8; Franklin, 17; Hecla, 70; Han cock, 4; Quincy, 24. Receipts of ' the Sub-Treasury were 5799,999; Payments, 8480,058; Balance, 88.775,196. ' , . 1 Imports for the week, Dry Goods, 82,- 288, 988; General Merchandise, $5,693,685. PETROLEIJM MARKET: OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, SATURDAY,. April 10, 4869 , Up until to-day the oil market,,has been very tame throughout the 'past week, the business in the aggregate be ing unusually light, while. prices gener ally ruled.lqwer. To-day, however,there was a better feeling, and with consider able inquiry for _both present and future delivery, Crude as well as Refined, advanced fully , hid a cent. The time and attention of dealers generally has been pretty well absorbed in arranging for deliveries, and in - some cases this was a very-difficult matter, causing a good deal of trouble and creating considerable confusion.' We are cognizant of one' lot Of 500 bbls of , Crude passing through half a dozen hands before it found the right person, and in some instances the same oil would reach one person two or three tithes. The receipts of Crude dn. ring ,the week have beetl liberal.; but the great proportion of it was put in on for mer , contract; ~ao? that; the ,quatitityi of really . pn.the market for , isal4f, Is IP)t large 'Many" 'have been led to be lieve.. - •• f• - CRUDE—The — Crude market; as al ready Intimated, was : . stronger to-day, and compared with yesterday. Prices • are a' shade better. Sale 2,000 bbls seller Junes stall; 1,000 seller till July at 15; _l,OOO spot on private terms: and: 2,000 each, May and June at 16. Spot oil may be quoted strong at 15, against 'Bern few Offers 'to lien - yesterday, at 14x. Pr ivate advlcesloport• a stronger feeling in the oll.regisgh. also. . last half, - which .was quoted at. 313 5 . yesterday, opened ,torday ,st .31x, afterwards , advanoed to/12, and 8 82% wait bid, 'showing -On -ad vance of a cent.i, .Sale 1,000 last half at 84(000 May to September at 3634; and .2,000 April on. private •terms. . RECA PITULATION:.Reeedptir crude during the.week, 47.691 bbls; last week, 13,025; from January Ist to,' date, /97,369; , same AllllB • last year,- 232,817; Exports , Retined 'this week, 409:Aast week 4,751; from January Ist to , date 83.848; same-time/est year, 70,372; • salee this weeky.49,soo;.last week 69,600. • , :147.3111,10A.T1NG OILS. ' ' Eclipse Winter Lubricating ..... 40c Eclipse Eclipse Machine Railroad ry Axle 35e - • E° ll P44.B.P4clle , 800 OIL SR/RP/10,1:1ST BY A. V, lie IL Lockhart, Prow ..t Co .895 bble:refined to Warden Fre* & CO.; _Philadelphia.. FaWeett,"L.'&l3. "250 bbls retined.t4W. P. Logan Bro., Philadelphia"' ' 4- V% LiVillatOrk.•& ,Arch,.B.oo hble retitled - to _Warden, Frew & Co., -Philadelphia. , Cittianpa463l4ol6. 483 bide to - Tivil Bro. & Co., , Philadibatal• cn TOW filtipnaante Raped. ... . ........... 1838 !-..i I/14 II