Markete by Telegraph.' NEw Youir, April 10.—Cotton firm with a fair demand; sales 3,000 bales at 28%c for middling uplands. Flour; re. 43 eiPts 5,683 bbls and 4,150 bags; dull and prices generallc without change; sales 4,900 bbis at 45,50@5,95 for superfine • State and western, P®6,55 for extra State, ft3e.'.7 for extra western, $7,15®8,..V .. for white wheat extra, /6,25@7,40 for round hoop Ohio, 87@8,50 for extra s t. Louis, and s9@i2 for good to choice do, - -I closing dui/ Rye Flour heavy; sales 200, '.bbls at $5@t1,50 Corn Meal- dull and heavy; sales 356 bids Marsh's Caloric at g 7,50. Whiaky dull; sales 300 bbls wee, 1 tern at 972,;(.i. Wheat; receipts 2,9 bush; firm and quiet, shippers and millerls. 1 fusing to pay any advance; sales 86, 0 t - bush white California at 111 ,60®1,66, 1 - ) ter . price an e xtreme; spring in retail lots at $ 1, 46®/,48 for N . . 2, and i1,60@1,52 for No.. sales Rye dul!: s sa ta les te 5 1 , 1 2 , 0 40.8 bushar 1 ey we st er n d u l 1; sla a l e s t 14:M g e t i Ge rman at N, and 1,500 bush. State at $l,BO. Barley Malt (Inlet. Corn--re celpts 16.492 hush; market opened steady and closed dull and drooping, with sales 34,000 .bush at 8 7©891 for new mixed , western; closing at 87 @88®5®67 for common anti old do, in store and deliV ered; also, Sales 34,000 bush. Oats—re ceipts 2,200 bush; market dull, with sales 10,000 bush at 7414 c for western in store, and 78.14 c at railroad. Coal market quiet. —_- Leather—hemlock Sole dull at 30@31 for Buenos Ayres and Rio °retitle light and middle weighta. Wool quiet, with sales 25,000 Pounds •at 47@57c for domestic fleece, 35©40e for unwashed, and 45@490 for pulled. Rice quiet. Coffee quiet and Arm. Sugar inactive, with 410 lihds Cuba at 11/®tl3‘, Molasses• dull. Parole _ um quiet,: 163,0 for crude, and 313.6 e for -.. refined bonded. flops moderately ac tive. at 6©15 for American. Lin seed/011 tirin at 3 1 ,02®1,93. Pork heavy and closed more firm; sales 2,250 bbls at 1 30 ,50®30,95 for new mess, $30,75 for old do,' anti '8 28 ,50@29,50 far prime"mesa. • Beef dull; sales 90 bbls at f8©16,00 for new plain mess, and $ 1 2©18,00 for new extra mess. Tierce Beef heavy and inwer; sales 450 tierces at 1 2 3@26,00 for prime mess,. and $ 2 7®33,00 for India mess. Beef hams steady; sales' 250 bbls at 1 26 (4130,50. Cut Meats; sales 120 pkgs at 13c for shoulders, and 1634 ®l7c for hams. Middles quiet and steady; sales .310 boxes at 1 6%altime for Cumberland cut. Lard mush aimed; sales 480 tierces at /71.4®18_43/0. chiefly 18/c for steam And / 1 3X®163ic for kettle rendered; also, , ,gales sue tierces steam, sellers for Aril at 18 %©18.qc, 500 do for 4 menthe a tBc. , Butter quitt at 30&380 for Ohio, and 40@ 48e 2 .f0r State. . Cheese Rim at 18®22c. .Freights to Liverpool firmer, with en. gagemerite per steamer for 10,000 bus cam at 33id. !pirits Turpentine steady ts. t 4950430u' —S c., Metalsneathing Copper egV at 33e; Ingot at eie:ly hut still some- What 'unsettled, with, &ales of 23@23,1;c for Lake, Baltimoreand Tennessee.'' Pig Iron firm at 1.49®44 for Sootch, and s37® 42 for American; _bar quiet at 48e@so for refined English and American; sheet 3n Bmoderate request at 11 ;i®12.lic in gold for usaia. Nails quiet at 4 %®5c for cut, ©6Mc for clinch and 27@30c for horse shoe. Mil • LATEST. —Flour closed dull and un changed. Wheat nominal; Chippers and millers insist on lower prices. Rye , steady at 41,36@1,36 for western. Oats dull at 76'.e for western in store. Corn quiet at B,GBBc for new mixed western, and nominally 88(4)90e for old mixed western in store and delivered. Pork dull at $3O,b7M for new mess, cash and regular. Beef quiet and Unchanged. Cut Meats and Bacon quiet and steady. lard dull at 1804 for fair to prime steam. Eggs quiet at 2.6@28c. exteloo,'"' April 10 .—Eastern Ex change 1.10 discount buying and 1-10 premium selling, Flour dull; apring,extras $5,50(4;47,00. Wheat quiet and y,,Q03.4c lower; sales of No." 1 at $1,15 01,1736 and No. 2 at 4 / ,07 %1,10X for regular and fresh; closing with buyers at 11,e7 . % and sellers at 11,08 for regular; this afternoon No. 2 was n ominal at $l,OB. Corn quiet and ~i(gy,c lower; sales of netrat n 6 23i©553i0 and no grade at 54c; closig doll, at 6.2 1 @/5234c for regular •zieor; nothing doing this afternoon. Oats dull and ,Siglc lotrer, at 51 ,.;5%c for regular and fresh, closing dull at 61Xe for regular. Rye dull and a ahadelower; sales of No. lat $ 1 ,15®1,20 And sample lots at, m $1,21., dock, closing at 11,19 for No. 1. Ihrley . ,dull and nominal, clos ing with bnyere at $1,60 for No. 2in North side houses. -Highwines steady at,J36c. New Orleans molassea 1400® 1.05. Susan .14015 c for, common to choice. ProYlsious quiet. ..blet's Pork; sales at i 130,50, closing steady. Lard quiet at 173sc, closing steady. - Pickled Hams quietat 1530. Dr Sweet y S 54c. alted Shoulders firm and ateadY ceipts for the past twenty lour hours"-; 6,303 bbla dour; 8.650 bush wheat; 188,295 bush corn; 17,3f4 bush oats; 400 bush rye; 1,010 bush barley; 2,256, head, hogs. Shipments-11,186 bbls Soar; 4,075 bush wheat; 40,679 bush corn; 20.669 bush oats; B,22bush rye;,1,88.5 head hogs. • -. CLNOINNATI, April . /o.—Flour and Grain are unchanged, excepting Oats, which is firmer, with sales of mixed at 64®66c, and - white at 674@)88c. Cotton is unchanged and dall,• with sales of mid dlings at -2743. Tom is unchanged. .Whiskey is dull at 87c. Provisions are -dull and nominally unchanged, with no Sales of consequence. Mesa Pork could have been bought •at $3l. Bulk Meats. are still held at 12uo for shoulders, and 14340 for sides. •. Bacon is held at 180,. 16J.i0 and 174, for shoulder& clear rib and clear sides. •. Sugar cared Hams, 18®19c. -Lard fs nominally unchanged, and could . have been 'bought at 17,a 18c. . =Butter is in better supply and 'prices are -with - sales - ot fresh's% 4050450. Argo are, dull at • 19Q)20e: There is 'no change in °l hrt' Linseed,' 111,05: Lard, 111i50®1,55. * - Petroleaurr is held atl 3 / 1 0)8el. Sugar is firm; • with -sales of Cuba at 111X@1430 .andlffew Orleans at .13/@itlie. Coffee •is flrnr 214:feso: i-) Molansesrls firm at 80"