El tin littsburb etaith EPanERLS. —The baby woman is now in Boston. —The. Marchioness of Hastings is to many again. —Female lawyers manage the cases of - women in Tunis. —A. new Hebrew hospital is about to 'be built in New York. ' • —Prince Louis de Bourbon and his - wife are in Washington. . —A..velocipede race from New York to . 13an Francisco is on the tap is. —An exchange thinks the Grecian bend 'makes the ladies very forward. —How cheaply can a vessel be boarded? asks a NeW England privateer. —.An exchanke'thinits the lap of lux uy le- 7 4 cat enjoying her milk. ' —Secretary Fish speaks French, and - Bode tpeake French and Spanish. —The 13000:n Poat thinks laborers on. iron always have very hard work. —Robert Itachanan will be over here to read his , poems to us this coming. sum. —Professor Agassiz and. Count Pour taints ifs exploring in the same neigbor loci& • -311* Edmund Cunard was buried in Mew York, from Grace Cknrch, on Sat. airdai. • —Two Smericans have recently been arrested in Havre for passing counterfeit money. —lt is said 'that a colony of opium Inters has settled down in Union Square, New .York. ' ' —A. Chicago woman is pleading for a divorce from a mtm who swears he never married her. --Oen. McClellan's men, working on the Stevens battery, have struck for !higher wages. ---Tennyson's "Airy, Fairy Lilian" is mid to be :kW& Rawnealy and mother of seven children. —Jenny Lind's daughter, aged twelve, is said to have inherited all her mother's voice and talent. —Queen Victoria is going to visit 'Thomas Carlyle at his residence in Scot land this summer. —Strange to say, in Illinois, where di 'Torus is fashbnable and &elle, Mormon ism is on the increase. ' —ln New York, a -Judge has decided that :an - orchestra must , contain at least twenty-two performers, —Calvin Witty has in his turn been stied for an infringement of a velocipede patent—that of Kr. W. Smith. The London .Tekgroph - says that the new &lei& court dress is a copy of Geo. Washington's favorite costume. —New England had a fast day last 'week, much to the delight of newspaper men, who thereby got a holiday. —Poultry-4 e. fancy breeds—is fash ionable in, Boston and many stylish real dances have hen coops on their. roofs. —Whyis a modern stage like a tree? asks the Boston Post, and of course the answer, is, because it runs largely to limbs. —Almost every European lunatic sultan is 'said to have an inmate who Imagines himself to be Abraham Lincoln. Home.made bread was the only kind known in Rome nntll 174 B. C., when public bakers first appeared in the Eter. 7ml -;-Tha Chicago Butchers' Society offer a silver belt with a buckle of solid gold to the Welker who can kill and dress in ox in the shOrtest time. rogue in Cincinnati married a girl en!' short acquaintance, borrowed one hundred; and fifty dollars from her . and left, never, never to return—voluntarily. 4—An elchange says the Coast Survey axe now in Utah taking observations to ascertain, the longitude of Salt Lake City. Its immense latitude was ascertain long age,: —At New Haven the"other . day, a dar ingly, ;unskillfuln rode off the docifitik the water. He bad often rowed on the water but never before on such a vehicle: -4; the.Queem of the Gipsies succeeds in her endeavors to unite the scattered . Gipsies of this country, , we will have a • small monarchy:in the _Great Republic, and a genuine Queen. _ - : :Some morbid statistician s has corn. p A y,d that •in British India at least ten thousand-:persons:die every year from snake bites; indnbout as many_more are killed by lions, tigersond such. —Philadelphia is about the only town let where the Grecian bend still holds its oirn. On a br!ght Sunday, Walnut street soll'presents a fine , study of curves wangles --angels (in-petticoats) too. ,==The Sultan of Turkei luta. written to the Pope, about several pointa iii `the :Catholic ligion. . sie Holiness WOrtbir-surpriai the : world if he would bring the other sick man over to the faith. lxty men are engaged in tearing up thigrallioid tracks in Broad street, 1 3 kila. 40p1rls; ito tkat thi4andsome street:will probably soon beanobitructed and a thor• onOkpr# Nhettfcan we say as much for 44 owa'Libilitijtreet I FraanktatiStics collected at the French Colony of &ambits at Cayenne; it seems that infanticidal mothers Married to con -7 ts theie , mil* as aleneril the' blt• ter wives sad mother. m than e fatale Ildayes and pick pockets. iihri*ltiliht 'Ledger, :ajournsi • Of erudition, this sanctions a wholesale 1 . 1 4d 1 , tigkio the Ternatmlar: "People who went to establish - a velocipe - de rink ; can .oall it by any of the following names: !Junphlcyclotheatron, granacyclidluin, • velocipedrome or bicycle , ourr i ou i w o. N o wonder some people ar e afraid of the ma chines." —The Swedish U siversity of Upsali Is one of the largest in the world. It has at the present time 1,216 students, thirty ordinary and '.wo extraordinary profes sors, twenty ushers, thirty-seven private tutors and lour drill-masters. —The New York Leader, a paper whose frantic efforts to be funny we have already noticed, says in appointing Cress-well and Bont-well to positions in his Cabinet, (rant has unmistakeably de monstrated that he "loved not wisely but two well." —The St. Paul (Minn. . ) Pioneer of April 7th Aye the law and clllection firm of Rogers 4 Rogers, of that city, the day previous.brought thirty-sevenactions in the District Court for that county. It further says that that was the largest day's law business ever done in Minnesota. ' —The - Cincinnati Commercial says Auerbach is Making himself ridiculous by petitioning the Berlin Parliament to for bid by law the dramatization of any novel without the permimion of the anther. The Cornmermal evidently thinks it ridic ulous to attend to one's own business. —The Nati:mai Quarterly Review has an interesting article on the ancient his tory of Mexico. From it we learn that the Irish emigration to America began at a much earlier date than was supposed, at least when the North-men came over, at the beginning of the eleventh century, the first white man they met was an Irish- —On Thursday morning four men were thrown into the, Schuylkill at Philadel phia. They were_ rescued, but one, Mc- Peak by name, was so terribly burned that his life is in danger. A. pile of lime about which they were working slid into the river and carried them with it, and so it happened that McPeak was cooked in the Schuylkill. —New York thieves have in, training a number of dogs for summer operations. They are taught by repeated endeavors to rush into a room and seize from a counter a parcel and quickly bring it to, his mas ter. Their counter is made so as to re semble those in banks, and the parcel is covered with yellow paper, and inade to look like the packages of •17ank notes that are exchanged from one bank to another. - A Westin:claw correspondent gives some pen-pictures of the Senate, in which he sneaks. of Wilson's facial "strange mixture of phlegm and impenetz4le cun ning," of Chandler's "tallowy-hce," of Fessenden's head--"the hea d of a man without any passions and without affec tions. a face like that of Liszt, the pian ist," of Morrill, of •Vennont. "who looks more Sumner every year," of Carl Schurz, who "sprawls about in &leisure ly way, as if he had been In the Senate for the last thirty years, " and of Bucking ham, with his "gentle manly atmosphere, neither chewing tobacco, nor spitting, nor putting his legs into his neighbor's chair when his neighbor Is out of it, nor slouching around with his hands in • his pockets." Then' "there is Hanslin's tall, queer figure come back again, and looking very, natural. His coat-tails seem more antiquated than ever, but his face is just as good and elm ple and guileless as it used to be; but there Is a kind of feebleness exp ressed all over him , which shows that he is getting old. There is Nye, who always makes me think of a fat and well-to-do old spider, and now, when he bends over to speak to Fowler, that golden-haired, young. looking man, whose dress betokens an open revolt against the stereotyped, sena torial costume of black, which has be come to American Senators what the toga was to their Roman namesakes, he looks more apiderish than ever, just as if he were going to clutch at Fowler, who stands in the place of •an unfortunate fly. McCreery, 'of Kentucky, reminds you of a great black beetle. If you ever see him you will agree with me, especially if you see him from behind. McDonald, of Arkansas, looks less like a Senator than any man in the room. Ben ator Morton, of Indiana, is standing up, talking about finances. His face is noble, but worn with suffering and stamped with the impress of a strong will—he is evi dently much excited by what he is saying; but he ought not to be talking at all. He is partially paralyzed in both his legs and can only walk with crutches. The ex citement of to-day will cost him dear." f THE New York Bun says of Mr. Gree ley's 'apparent somnolence: "Mr. 4:lreeley's sleep is one of his re markable pecWiarities. It is really an at titude of profound attention. There is a tradition in the Tribune office that some twenty-five years ago he attended a lec ture delivered by Bishop Hughes, after ward,Archbishop of bis 'diocese. He oc cupied a seat on the platform. When the Bishop began. to speak,. Mr. Greeley closed his eyes and began to nod. His head dropped on his breast, and in ten minutes his placid but not inaudible breathing formed a monotonous 'accom paniment to the polished - and brilliant sentences of the Bishop. At the conclu sion of the lecture 3dr. Greeley returned to the Tribune office and at midnight learned that the repo rter detailed told,. tend the_meeting - bad =failed to appear. Thereupon Mr. Greeley went to his desk and wrote out a two. Column report of the lecture, even reproducing many of the Bisho_p's exact sentences. The editor Of . "the Trait/1.5, it, is said, has frequently written out :first,clieu reports of Dr. Chapin's eloquent sermons, though ap: parently in a sound sleep during their delivery. The, case is one of unusual puchologi p at and physiological interest. We hate never heard of any Other in. stance in which.the mental powers so wide awake while the ontward appear-. once was one of such , profound. somno lence." PDIVATr letters 'beta Ban F,rancisco State that the accounts of the richnese of the,White Pine silver mines are greatly exaggerated; that the stories published in the papers are gotten up by. interested parties; .that some few miners:WPM made money, but , most people whii,haietgone there have ,:been• •disappointed,,, write letters to: warn persons,lmat going there with - great expectations, as they are likelyto be disappointed. ~,~, ~. ~~Vv3.0 s asp ¢, -~~ PITTSI3URGI3. ,GAZETTE: MONDAY, APRIL 12, 1869, Why Ily Net Oat , tTeethhie Last Our LIOa• - That they are made perfect, if the right materials are furnished, there cannot be a doubt. But are the necessary elements furn ished to children as they are the young of other animals! And do we not subject our teeth to deleterious influences from which animaltthat bbey their natural in stinct are exempt. The former young of other- animals, while dependent on the mother, get lime, and phosphorus, and 'potash, and silex, and all the other 'elements of whith the teeth are composed, from the blood or milk of the mother, and she gets them from the food which Nature provides containing these elements in their natural proportions. But when can the child in its forming state get these necessary elements, whose mother lives principally on starch, and batter, and sugar, neither of which con tains-a particle of lime, phosphorus, pot ash or ailex Y Nature performs no mira cles. She makes teeth as glass is made, by combining the elements which com pose them according to her own 'Chemical priciples. And this illustration is the more forcible because.the composition of of the enamel of the teeth and of glass is very nearly identical; both, at least, re quiring the combination of silex with some alkaline principle. . If, then, the Mother of an unborn or nursing infant lives on white bread and butter, pastry and confectionery, which contain no silex, and very little of the other elements which compose the teeth, nothing short of a miracle can give her a child with good teeth, and especially with teeth well enamelled. But what articles of food will make good teeth? Good milk will make good teeth, for it makes them for calves. Good meat will make good teeth, for it makes them for lions and wolves. Good vege tables and fruits will make good teeth, for they make them for monkeys; Good corn, Oats,barley, wheat, rye, and, indeed, everything that grows, will make - good teeth, if eaten in their natural state, no elements being taken out; for every one of them does make teeth for horses, cows, sheep, or some other ani mal. But starch, sugar, lard, or butter will not make good teeth. You tried them all with your child's first teeth, and tailed; and your neighbors have' tried them, and i ndeed all Christendom has tried them, and the result is that a man or woman at forty with good, sound teeth is a very rare exception.—Dr. A. J. Tax first number of the "The Imperi alist" has made its appearance in New York City. It advocates the abrogation of a republican or democratic form of government for the United States and the substitution of a monarchy, on the assumption that the former is a failure. The same of the editor or publisher does not appear on the imprint. The le.adlng article declares that "the paper has been established togive expressions to opin ions long held and cherished by thou sands of Intelligent men and women in all parts of the country, who will hail its ad vent as the beginning of a new era in the political history of America." It is is form quarto, containing sixteen pages. The title is ornamented with the crown. Some assert that Louis Napoleon pro vides the money to sustain it, while others are quite as coafident that its real projector is an enterprising member of the. Erie Railway Directorship, who is anxious to create a sew sensation, of which he may be himself the hero. Duarno an experiment with an atmos pheric pressure gas machine In an office on Congress street, Boston, the other day, an explosion of chemicals took place, filling the room with flame, and bulging out the front wall and danite window caps. The flames spread fiercely through the lower story and up the stair case, cutting off the escape for the twen-- ty or thirty persons employed in the rooms . above. The fire had reached the fourth story before any means of escape was found. Then a ladder was thrown across an alley fifteen feet wide, whose length was barely enough to rest on the sills, and on a board placed on this frail bridge, five stories high, four young wo men and fifteen men pa ssed—a trial that made some of the men so dizzy that they straddled the ladder' and hitched across, but all the girls walked bravely over. A COKIIIINICATION was recently made . to the Society of Civil Engineers in Paris' on the use of asphalte for the preservt tion of buildings, and especially stores of forage, from fire. After five successive conflagrations at the stables and depots of of the Paris Omnibus Company, it-was observed that while the flooring and planks of the upper stories were complete ly destroyed, the flames bad always awed certain lofts, the boards of which had always been coated with bitumen, to preserve the forage from becoming im paired by the steam from the stables be low. The asphalts, laid on for a thick ness of about four-fifths of an luck, had , on each occasion been reached by the fire, but had only liquefied for a certain thickness, and on aid arriving, all that bad to be done to restore it to its former hard state was to cover it with water. THERE 113 considerable sectional_ ani mosity between Galesburg and Knoxville; in Knox county, 'lllinois.arising to 'a considerable extent, from a strbggle to Secure the county-seat. An illustration of this feeling Is the following from the Galesburtirtes Press: "During a visit to Knoiville, a few days since, passing in front of the principalitore in the village, we halted for a moment before the pro prietor, whom we happened to inow, and asked hits, 'How's trade?' 'Well,' said he, slowly rentoTing a halt-chewed straw from his month, And looking for enema &gement towards; - the court-hoase, pooty brisk;- tip a good 'eat Old y was in !yet this mornia', Fi r i a t i gt i ded for an egg's worth of tea, to be paid for when her bllet lays." A. wzAvrwr • and ' eccentric English woman few ' weeks since at her villa on the shores Of Lake . Geneva, and , her &nature is now offered for sale. Bhe thought she was to becomelhe'llessish's bride as soon as, he , could reappear oit earth. In the expectation that her mad idea was certain to be realized at *nearly day, she kept in her parlor a 'magnificent throne, throne, which was to be used as the bench of judgmonvon doonisday. The parlor itself is separated from the bridal chamber by matte of the most costly Turkey:ear. pets. The chamber contains an entirely untouched bed, ab _large that several fain files could sleep In Kahle by aide. ilnnul 1160 1 ,it Posthiusters for eauipbame totokileniinated: Bauer S. ey. at Greensburg'', and John Fritz, at Ra,dl/Ig. 4, „.tibßottwive , vamAttlfzio-ts - A "'-^ O W4gMa • .. , GAS FIXTURES NITEUMI & KELLY, • 1 lasaldhetarera aad Wholesale Dealers Lamps, Lanterns, Chandeliers, AND LAMP GOODS. Also, CARBON AND LUBRICATING OILS, BENZINE. &co. No: i 47 Wood Street. - ae9m2ll Between sth and 6th Avenues. FRUIT CAN TOPS. Fruits stamped upon the cover. radiatinitiom the center. and an Index or pointer stamped-upon the top of the can. It is Clearly, Distinctly and:Permanently . 1 1.11.13E1_,M1). - by merely pinch', the t ame' Of the fruiCthe can contains opposite the _pointer.and sealing in the customary manner. - .31 - o preserver of fruit pr good housekeeper will ~U se any other after once seeing it. • aim WALL PAPERS WALL PAPER AND' WINDOW SHADES, Op New and_Handsome Designs, NOW OPENLNG AT No. 107 Market Street (NEAR. VIETH AVJENUE,) Embracing s large and carefully selected stock of the newest desires from the FL'iEST STAlip ab GOLD to the CHEAPEST ARTICLE known to the trade. All which we offer at prices Dist Will pay buyers to examine. -JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. igqi234141 WALL PAPER. TIE OLD PAPER STORE IN A NEW PLACE, Wf &pSTar A T.T,'S NEW WALL j PAPER STORE, 191 Libi,rty Street, (NEAR MARKET,) ' SPRING GOODS VING DAILY. zah6 F, , ,413ia0: M'PHERSON 16' MUHLAiliiiiNi 1 Ne.,10 Sixth (Late St. Clair) Street. tlinceessoro to W. IL MeGES. di- C 0.,) RIERCILINT TAILORS, Have just received their carefully selected stock or Spring and Summer Goods. and will be glad to show or sell them to old and new cu.tomere. The Cutting Department wilt still be vivaria tended by kfr C. A. MITHLANDHING. I take pleasure in recommending the above Ilan to the liberal support of the pubilc. inh11:111 W. H. 31eGICE.I B TIEGEL, ° Mate cutter with W. Hespezheldej 31:ELUCTELANT TAITIAIts N o o n . 53 Smithfield Street,i l4 loburgh, s:IZ NEW SPRING GOODS. A splendid new stock of CLOTHS, cAssrmEßEs, Jost received by HENRY MEYER. ; sae: Merchant Tailor. T3IMAM el d street.' PIANOS. ORGANS; 4r.0. BUY BE O BES ARD T342. CEILIEAPO &hawker's Gold Medal Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN; The 11(THONACEE8 P/ifilo combines, all the latest valuable Improvements known in the con struction of a first class Instrument, and Du al riviten. rs tone r i d s e Lit saaor hut:IV:4T ;:e" workmanship, fordurabi i liity and beauty, all others. Prices from gee to 111110, ( to style and finish,) cheaper than all other n estled first elan Plano. Z,STICYIit t:OTTA.9IE 01/.911f Stands at the head or all reed Instruments. in producing the most perfect pipestualirr of tone of any similar instrument in the United States. It is simple and compact In oonatmatlon. and not ;Salim to ret out 01 order. CIARPICIITKIPIS PSTICNT VOX =IMAM I. TBEMOLO I, Is only_to be found In this Orgat Prleefrobt 0 $1 00 to 50. All guaranteed rot nye years. BABz, um a mmmul, so. in Err.'orAnt man.. lANOS AND ORGANS--An en- the new stock of • - 4 . IMAM'S MiIVALLED 1 , 111308: HAINICB BROs., P/ANCege - - 00 , 5020A.N8 AND urr...r.oxii• 018 pad .TitZAT.. vugausr 'a 00 , 8 010A18 AND 8081,0010}18. i COLILIELCIPTII IBLIC11111114:. • lBrittitsTeane4aige Awn% GLASS. OMNA‘ CATIWIRT.. 100 WOOD =STREET. NEW GOODS. FINE VASES, • 1101111111 AX AND . CHINA. Ninr 111CTS, • • T2A. • eLeT Cllrts, 811°G BAC A T IIise .toot of MYER PLATED GOODS of alldeseriptloei. sad examine earmit and we feel estlellsd mg one need los . 8.. , - _BREED ;11c. CO: ./00 W0041:0, STMDET... k A;=a1. : L . 4 ,d,. ; 8 EE wiardoN, due* at ,Welichte and 0..101131211 litEXlVrt ''' .. tßeiiresri if boita mad ?cis sirseiti Craw grantl7 atuadall W. ' ' ,wr#„, \ z, C. GREAT AUCTION SALE CONTINUED, op NACRIFiId, CARLISLE'S ENTIRE STOCK OF Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Trimming, EMBROIDERIES, FURNISHING GOOD?, NOTIONS, AT No. 27 -Fifth Avenue, a4Nien,ini.ergi" the e irg room , e . Ik V G' f o t . h , we have removed the entire stock - of • MACRUM & CARLISLE From their old store, ' , • • N 0.19 FIFTH AVENUE And will 'continue ' DAILY AUCTION SALES, • Commencing TRIIRSDAV, April Ist, at 2 P. M. and at 10 A. st.. SI and 71% N. every day here alter until the entire stock is closed out., H. B. SXIT/1150111.4k CO.. MACRUM T & CARLISLE int& th ( e - atttstfon of their old customers to the elegant new' stock they have just on . ned at their new store, Ifo ipl 7 apt TH AVER SECOND ARRIVAL OF New Spring Goods. EMBROIDERIES. A PULL LINE In Jaconet, Hamburg and - Swiss. WHITE GOODS. At the Lowest Prices. FRINGES, ALL STYLES AND COLORS. LACE COLLABS. new style. SUM SCARFS, for Indies, CORSETS, In white stud colored, VALENCIENNES AND TUREAD, , Cluney and . Maltese Laces. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Jockey, Dickens and Derby • Collars. WRITE STAR SHIRTS, COTTON HOSIERY A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT. BLII.ORTIN,I3fLYDE fr. CO. name: 78 and SO Motet Stmt. TAILORS. U E 4 ;41 Z la Ed a b g ° 'P 0 4) P i P4l rcWIC C4.a z 4 Hr.w a. 12 Z mi 0 I' A 0 PI !XI r 4 ci ' B 4 Z (lAMB, McCANDLESS (Leto Wilson, curt C 0.,) WHOIX3ALB DICALICES /11 Foreign and Domestic Dry 00049 No. 94 WOOD STREET, Third door above Dliusoad • PITTSBURGH. PA. UMAMIN IMINSUM. CIL INGERLY & CLEM successors r„,, t o q:°. F. Elcauctotaat t Co., PIIACTICATI , . The Mily. Steam Lithographic Sstablisioneat West'or the Woantains. •Similnese •Cards, Letter Heady Bonds, LabsinViroulars, Show , Card, Diploma*. Pulpit% _View*, Certificates of De- Se.. Woe. WS and 14 ThVa. Knife* ri.VlOllllll6 . • DR, WWITMIR, nattosONT ~r . TO,',TREAT,, ALL glt prifatedisesses' Syphilis 14" all • its finals, orreen. Slitietunt; Orebitii , and all nrinary:4lseitstia, end the dents • of ere completetY eradlcatodt'Spernatorrhea nr ba nal weaknees and Impotency," resulting -BOA tell-abase or other. causes; rand 'Which:produces scum of the following effects, as blouse's. ,119 0 417 weakness, indigestion, coitimniPtiolli .averelen seelety, 'unmanliness, dread of future events, bliss of memory;• indolence. nocturtial emission& and seedy so mworatlng the sexual nstemto, render marrit misatillactory , and ther efore Imprudent, are permanently tend. Persons at. Meted with these or any ether delicate intricate or long standing coattltetional complaint should give the Doctor a trial; hen fails. A particular attentiokstren to all Female nom. Plaints, Zeneorrhea or .hites. Falling Intlam matfett or Ulceration of the Womb.. tia. anent', Amenorrhoea. Nenorritagia.lDysmen ntirrboea, and bterliity or Barrenness , are, treat ed With the greatest sastesss.- - • It is seiVevident that-aphystelan who confines bloAcifezalesiVely ratite Stadler a nennittOisse of unities inns treats twresands of cases every year lain aeMilrogreater skill in that specialty . tuts a Ono in UMW • - • The Doctor pubitsbe. a medical :pamphlet of aW9itesthat steer &full imposttion °tortoises' , osmarirdisasseagaitt eau he had i rbe climes 4.r-bi fOr ; UFO Stanipl, male envelopes. Li% sentence emitsinirMatteetleti . the eV' Mine end enablingthem to determine the pre.' :else n 491 11 1 01 USW The est bmettt, comprising ten ample rooms, Is ea vial. - When it is not conveatent to visit tits the-Doctor's. opinion can be ob calcsd ov rivints written statement of the' case, and medial's* can be .forerosded , by mail or en- Drees. In some, instaneos. however, 1, personal nassnitiatton-is • absolutely • nedetsery, 'Me la others daily personal attention . Is: root Bed, and for the accommodation e f such Patilltheroare apatiments eoonected with thedlee t an pro- Vlded With every -reetildto that ' iS elated , to prolinittr , recovety, incindleg medicated vapor Doctor's Al i prescriptions era, prepared Ist the perrWbn own laboratOni 'tinder 'his al sli• pamphlets at - tree. or icr mall or two stamps... No Matter. who y have failed, What he sale. 'No Q'A.Y. to it: Sundays 19 Y. to SI r. tt. tittlee,No. 9 WYLIS kT&ILT, (near Court Heise ' ? Pittsburgh. Fa. MI DRY GOODS. LITHOGYLAPHERS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CAR~Ers 200 PIECES BODY BRUSSELS. 425 PIECES TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, 450 PIECES 3-ply .. and 2-ply. Ingrain' Tie above includes all the Newest Styles and Designs, and are now In Store andarilving, to be sold • LOW FOR CASH, OLIVER II'CLINTOCIC & CO'S, 23 Fifth . Avenue: mh22 NEW CARPETS. A.: ST:OCT:K. • MaT 3EL ..dEL 1.11 • IN THIS MARKET- We simp l y request a comoarl son of 1 Prices, Styles and Extent of Stock' The largest assortment of low 'priced goods in. any establishment, East or West. McCALLER BROS., .iro. 51 FIFTH .1 T' (ABOVE WOOD.) itabl2 CARPETS We are now receiving our Spring. Stock of Carpets, &c., and are pre pared to offer as good stock and at as lew prices as any ether house. In the Trade. We have all the new styles of Brussels Tapestry, Brussels,-Three Plys and Two Plys.. Best assortment of ingrain Carpets, in the Market. Bovni), ROSE & CO., AVENUE. - SAVE TIME AND MONEY FREUND & COLLINS NAVE NOW OPEN THEIR NEW SPRING STOCK FINE CARPETS. ROYAL UEMINSTER. . TAPESTRY VELVET. _ • ENGLISH BUDY BRUSSELS, • The choicest styles ever offered In this market. Our prices are the LOWEST. A. Splendid lane of Cheap Carpets. GOOD COTTON CHAIN CARPETS At 25 Cents Per Yard. NeFARLAND & COLLINS, No. 71 and 73 VIFTII :AVENUE, mla Iz): l3l a94kUe3tYlolo;TAPiiiiiCel HpLAM, BELL er. €O., ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. E O ='7EIO3XMU4.Hii tp.4timrs of =AFT iZlMM'andlaelL2 AIIONON AilID-1/1A61310/.IA iTilrith oft. Ajnoi3Armilik Eaflt:AN"D PER tmaiair. JTorgar...:PECK: OUNAKIMAL mint - Wonisar AND rinirtiMXN; No. A A , ye stf l eetv i i ta lopplett i Z a trVr ib. CIRIA. °sane Wit, EBNO • ALPS, .11:111.RD 0 447. ALMA 'rood Pries In cash will pivot •oar BA B.A.IFP Ladies at ~ e tiitiemws Hatt, outing' 'dam hi Ono OlsolitOnninsionnt.... • • ._. molt no SLIT ROOFING' SLAIN OF . TRIOES Qualities mad.. Colors.. Particular attention elven to Intuit Slate and t a r d rring llantroo% or: pe.p.itylara . and price, Jo Bi'FIEWPOrn s • • 80. 4S Bevervlt Avenue, labia: J l & co- . 7130! (AXE NAILIERY. CORP.EtTIONART 10.1 q ORZA/111 add blzilar4 841, 00 N, , lbedthaeli,A street, corder D4ritc9id. P es aad families !implied with 104 Cream aad Cakes toa short natio°. (Second Floor). Priveatracur, PA. r -