Ea NEW YORK CITY. Union Pacific• Railroad and Fisk—Con -1 filet of JurisdieUen Between ( Federal . . and State Courts—Circular from Agents of the Central Pacific Company —”uritered and Robbed--Conventlou of tfactroaa Ticket Agents. My xiaelirati'a to the raistairita (inane.) • NEW Yank - , April 8, 1869. Judge'lhatchford this morning refused to grant a stay of proceed ings in the Union Pacific Railroad case. In the Su preme Court Judge Barnard announced he had received a letter from one of the counsel of Messrs. Durant and Cisco, , stating they had concluded to act on the . op/ nof Judge Blatchford and not ap pearbe fore the. Supreme Court. M. Fie of the counsel. for Fisk, charac terized Judge Blatchford's decision as a more flagrant case of extra-judicial opin ion than the well known case of Dred Scott, and argued that the absorption of State powers into the Federal authority had already proceeded far enough. Judge Barnard rendered -an opinion ao-• knowledging no superior but the upper courts'of this State, and the Supreme Court of the United States, and an nouncing he would submit to no other. He then directed a reference in each of the contempt proceedings to ascertain Fisk's damages, etid report to the Court on the 2 3d.inst. Messrs Fisk and Hatch, the well known bankers, have issued a circular for that th e of their customers, - stating ' that _their firm is in no way concerned or interested In the litigation pending be tween Jas. Flak, Jr., and the Union Pa . cific .-Rallroael company. The Central Pacific Railroad Company, for which they are agents, is a , distinct and sePate corpo ration, hvin distinct' and ra separate property, a an d whose standing and financial affairs have no connection with the Union Pacific, - Company, or the Credit Mobilier. They claim also that that the_ subsidies from the general government and State of California, as well as the proceeds of stock and mortgage bonds, have been faithfully applied to the construction of the road, and that all its obligations to the government are being fulfilled with thoroughness, and •no dividends or . profits have been declared since the commehcement, the whole of the surplus earnings being ex pended in construction and equipment. The only point in dispute between the Central and Union Pacific Companies in volves merely the control as o g f about sev y- entfive miles of road lyin the et ern shore of Salt Lake. The n rights of both parties will.be examined and repor ted to Congress by a special commission during the coming summer. • In the meantime the actual connection of the two lines will be made in May, near Og den City, and the transit of passengers, mail and freight made without interrup. tion until the meeting point is estab lished. U J. W. Thomas was knocked o, - ~tally injured and robbed near d h wn is resifa dence in Bergen City, last night, by highwaymen. A, convention of Railroad Ticket Agents throughout the country met to-der. Forty -Seven delegates were present. C. P. Clelland was chosen President. Without transacting any other business an adjournment took place till to-mor row, when the reports of committees sill be subtnitted. The main business before the convention is the adjustment of freight and passenger rates between New-York, .the west and other sections. The mails for 'England, by H amb urg steamers, will herea ft er be landed at Plymouth, and those for France at Cher bourg. • - BRIEF TELEGRAMS: '..,:. ' • —The official Republican majority in St. Louis, at the recent election, is 2,884. • li —Gen. W. A. Nichols, Adjutant General of the Military Division of the Minis . • sippi. died on Thursday morning. 1, ' lars. ii i —ltis rumored at New York that a late Prussian mail from Bremen to that port was robbed of over s million dol :' —ln the Brooklyn Court of Sessions. .' on Thursday, Thomas McCann was sen .. 4 te_ncedto fur highway robb lon. H h o e r a P u e i s e t e y n m t i a r y o t t r , of N twenty ew T y ery. o elllll rk, is in Chicago. He has entirely recovered 111 from the injuries received at the recent 1 railroad accident. - ... —The German actress, Mad. Von Pit ". tendorf, committed suicide in San Fran '` sequence -of the death of her husband was the cause. • —Business In Chicago was never bet .-/ ter. The merchants generally have all -i f they can do. Field, Leiter & Co, BoWen N Brothers, Day, Allen it Co., and many other firms, report a heavy increase of. , trade over last year. -Hon. Leonard Swett, of Chicago, and ..1 his sister-in-law, Miss Quigg, weresevere ' ly insured. Wednesday evening, by being thrown from their carriage while the horses were running at full speed. Mr. Swett recaived the worst injuries. —About seven 'o'clock' Thursday morning, at Peoria, Illinois. a fire was discovered -in the round house of the ! Chicago and Rock Island Railway. The building and the locomotives were en- Urals , destroyed. Loss estimated at $ 50 .000; insured mostly in Chicago °filet*. ' '•=4 New Orleans dispatch says a for midable expedition under Frtmk P. Blair and General Steadman is fitting out there to assist the Cuban patriots. The first instalment of the expedition will be sent on a steamship to Cuba, and it is said there are no- fears of goyerateent inter ference. ..-.A fire at Enob-noster, on ,the Pacific Railroad, in the western part of Mis souri, Monday night, destroyed twelve business houses In the center of the downs. liias from fillylolixtyi thoUsand Insured u follows: !Etna, of Hartford_. 114,500; Phcenix, of Hartford, 14 ,50(4 -north Pdissotsit, t1E,704% Foment" and Mechanics, of Quincy, 1 11., $1,000; The State, ofHeinilton, lin., 11,0(M). —On WedlietidaY night two' brothers, named Montgomery -and Byron Lead, ' nraildered a you n g man named PAO. at t a 'ategitir Im - 1 ;In Liberty townshlp o 4dams county, one hundred miles south ftiC of Quitiiry, 44 The : two Leaches went to the tinging s cheol and naked for the teacher. >He refused to go , tb the door. • Price went out and was instantly stabbed, feral inns by both of the t i Leaches, and dl at, ono*. The mur der, fled. The t agedy is the result of an old family fen . . - th e Mich iga n Southern Bailibad are to meet in ohleago, and vote on the ques tion of consolidation with the Lake Shore Road. extending from Toledo to Erie. The Directors ofthe two roads have voted unanimously In favor of the arrange. ment. It is believed the 'Buffalo dr Erie Railroad will enter into the same ar rangenient. The entire length of the combined roads would be five hundred ?arid thirty-nine miles, and adding branches, about nine ' hundred miles, with a capital of qty-three millions. CITY liteat Estate Waiiilten. • • deeds 3 - . The fpllovring " dee d s filed . of • record before H. SnivOy, Esq., Recorder 4pril 9, 1869; - Robert Bole to Tbos. FL Babe. A_pr.l 1. l 8%; lot No. 15, in plan of bidden st al. Pittsburgo; Pa. ..... . ..... . .. - . ............... .Tune . $6. CO) Joan ti . rown . / . 0 ......... W. Black, l, 1 887: lot Nn . 1, Brown a plan, 'Colon township. lot 300 Allen Kira patrlek to &hos. If. Rabe. o Aprti 1, 1869; lot No. 15, hi Woods' plan Pitt brown , • • 4 6 000 Witham (Green 10 John Sherry, March 13. 1568; lot No. 26, Robb's plop, Eleventh ward Pitts - but gitt. 24 by 80 feet ................... „..... ... $5OO George Green's executors - to Henry Crons. au gust 23. 1566: lot I% Union Avenn-, bixtn ward. AlieghtnY. 24 by eet 1300 John tv. Taylor et ox. to John EL Matthews, April /, 167! lot on Liberty street, Ninth ward Pittsburgh, 14 by 50 feet. wall bullthugs.s2-333 Joan G. Matthews to Westley Chapel station Aprll 8. 1869; the shore described property.*soo Peter Ciows to. dohn Meinerl, March, 28, 1889 ; tract of land in la..lana township, containing ._ 0 acres 59 p e tthes•• •••.• ... , . *1,414) ThOl. W. Hoffman t' p e rche5..........., Cf well. March 13, 869; lot. No. 56. Brown's pia , at corner or lin o . and Jane streers , Orysb borough, irregn r R dolph Leonbart it. W.i- EL Dynasty:4 e s t 1a1.,.290 prli 5. 1869; Pact of land in Wi.kbati township ontalnkg 2 acres and 109 perches; also, a lot In the same t ,, wnshlp, containing 77 perches 3.268 A W. McCauley to , °Asper Ford. March 1, /859; ct of land in,Marsh.ll townthip containing 2, ins. acres, o e 1 n ;I! i t with i t z l ep cp ,7 r u o v . e Carson, .1 Persaliles township, co t a s rches, with buildings $4.40%) aird April ng l . 47 ac 1869: 4 4 ; 4 1 5 r i5 t Louis Bohnr to Geo. Reldle; Oct. 17, 1867; lot on Bout dary street, 48 I.y• 65 feet,- .... . ... $275 Louts Mertz to kla y liraff, - March 2 8 1569 .... on NV a. hingtou street, Birmingham, 10 b.:60 feet SI M JnoadcCreajr,toJno.Crnn,litarchB.l. 1869;lo on Market street 01x th ward. Allegheny, 21 by no fe Josejsk Babron to - Godfred Becket. Novembers, 1869; lot in • lndian in townshp cottllvper.hes. S. W. defftles to Dr. Dayid Cowley, Mar.h 1, 1869, lot on Turr p ke road- l'wenty-third wars. ' Pittabursh, 60 by 198 feet ... - . , .. .. ... ...SI fTh• s. McGirvey to Jo.eph /110 . 6 ....... April 0 9. 00 _ 1869; lot on (berry alle,y, Pittsburgh, 15 by_ 60 feet ~... - fr., 000 Geo. W. Fog & Wm. Anshutz to Jas. Stewart, March 16, i 1869; lot on Federal ' street. Third ward. Allegheny, 20 by 92feet, with building... . ... . ..... $5,500 "Night Stiller" In Limbo. John Coonrad, a German "night ioiler," was arrested last night by the Mayor's police, while cleaning a cess pool on Harrison street, in the Ninth ward, for which, it appears, he had no permit. He alleges that he appli ed to the proper officer for .a permit, phich was refused him, and having con tracted to do the job, proceeded to do the work without it.. At a meeting of the Board of Health last fall it appears that a resolution was adopted resolving to issue no permits to any person for cleaning cess pools ex cept to those who had iron boxes on the carts used for that purpose, and in order to conform to this resolution many per sons engaged in the business, and among others Coonrad procured the iron boxes and continued to ply his vocation under the new regu lations. Subsequently, however, the Board- of Health took another step in the matter, which, it appears, ex cludes all persons from engaging in the business of night soiling except those provided with the "steam vault cleaner," a patent arrangement owned by W. C. McCarthy, Esq., and it was upon the strength of this action that the permit was refused Mr. Comarad. Mr. C. is resolved to test the matter in the Courts, so he states, to see whether or not the Board of Health have the au thority to refuse permits, when the par ties applying for them comply with the city ordinances relative to the subject. Ingratitude. A few days since Jacob: Fluameen, a youth from Germany, arrived in Alle gheny with a letter of introduction to Mrs. Maria Knight, residing on Green street, Allegheny, from a relative in Germany. In accordance with the rec- ommen ation of the letter, Mrs. Knight interested her friends in behalf of the youth, which resulted in the securing of a situation for him in Pittsburgh. Jacob. accordingly determined upon settling hereabouts, and with this end in view se cured boarding under Mrs. Knight's roof. board went well for a few days, until j the ertiad'an opportunity of exhib iting his character which was afforded on Wednesday evening. On that even ing the lady went away an hour or two after supper, leaving Jacob and her only son in the house. A short time after she had gone Jacob dispatched the boy on an errand, and while he was absent, pro ceeded to ransack the house. In his runiagings he procured a twenty dol lar gold piece twent dollars in green backs and g o ld ring y valued at ten dol- ' lars, with wich he disappeared. I Mrs Knight on ret h urning home quickly-dis covered her loss, and at once proceeded to the Mayors office. The police were set on the track of the ungrateftil thief, and yesterday morning officers Camp bell and Ekery arrested him at the 'Union Depot, as he was about leaving on the two A. at. train. Subsequently he bad a hearing before the Mayor, when the facts in the case were developed as stated. Jacob is now in jail, awaiting trial on a charge of larceny. A Troublesome Chicken Coop. Philip Stackawalt, residing on Ohio street, Allegheny, rejoices in the posses session of a lot of chickens. Unfortu nately, however, the accommodations afforded by the premises occupied •by Philip are somewhat. limited, and the feathered objects of , his affections are compelled to live and -move and have their being is the attic of the, house. Had the whole home been in the posses sion of Philip perhaps no trouble would have been experienced by this conversion of a portion of it into *chicken coop; tut circumstances alter eases. The - lower part of the house is oothipied by Nicholas Haiti', who objects to , Philip's chickens. The principal objection ' .being the-exist ence of- apeculiar odori . tnitittoll agreest. ble, which permeates every part of the dwelling, and which he claims la directly traceable to the home of the ;'faitherld lodgers in'the attic. At - thet'listance of Nicholas amairant was issued-by Alder man Eggers for the arrest of Philip, for. nialntatningo nnisance. ' • - An Indefinite Bargain. .. Mrs. Mary . A. Murphy made informit tion . before Aldeiman re yester- , . sus . dayagainst A. A. Parsons for larceny as bailee.. The .difiloulty: Seems , to have arisen from the indefiniteness of a.bar, 'gain in regard to therepairing of 110010 furniture -by - the defendant, . who it a furniture dealer. i Mrs. , Murphy -sent A' lot of furniture: to his shop' to be repaired, for whidh; - according. to her statement,: she was to pay sixteen dollars. When finished, howeVer, the job failed to pleaie her, the articles tot beim. colored ati she, desired, hence she refased to pay for the work. Mr. Parson 'obntended \ the.job , was Performed according to Conti' _, and refused to givettppossessien eft e fund- - tare until paid of r his work, h nee the suit. A hearing was had,„and alter con ,siderable discussion the cisme was coM promised' and the information with:. drawn • ii - .-----.— j Vriendly Tus sie,riTesterday morning a free fight oceurred among a party of laborers engaged ,in unloading a , metal barge at the Point. on the Monongahela river. •Nobody wit; hurt, and the fight was of short duration, being brought to a close by the appearance of the owner of the boat. Pma tGH Amz 4 1 V.Mig6- 11 1,0 `. "•thii. - ..rbakrie &e., oat a, z• nttier, intsif sae wittrof tn. hated ft oisartsw 2WEBS;.PIirI 01172%1; eksoktilicmai Us* ?IV!. OSIVr& v,rlmmiw-HEz.p. 1911E1rAlliTEE16-....11ELP-AT En. V T Street, PILOO Y Y M r OEINETL OFFC ME Mo .1o r d dli C r a n i kinds of employment. Persons wanting help of all kinds ear be supplied on short notice. - - - ROOrI. - WASTED -1100,11:- By two yo z men. a nice' tarnished room. SlYtovddlitneliThe prialleite oi bath. but ibis is' not Indispensable. Location In Ade,rtieny preferred. Addre a, A. or Z • (JAZEFTE OFFICE. WANTED ---AGENTS ANTED AGENTS NEW Botts—soo ENGRAVINGS—The Far mers and Wechanica Manuel. A book of gnat - value to erery one. Send for IS page circular. Also, LIFE AND EP.ISTLES OF lir. Ettm, (03.00.) with Introduction by Rev. Bishop Hrop son. The only complete unabridged edition. A. L. TALCOTT d CO., -903 i Fourth arenue. Pl:tsbbrgh, Pa. - F_ECIIS WANTED--A fete - geed agents at Dr, Boss' Medical 'Depot, .140. AB C Clair Street, second story. , LET.—A house and efgi. ritres of around In the Twenty-second ward, near Salt Works Station, Connellsi hie Ba'lroad. Enquire of W. Zs. 114.111.biCi, Esq., Forbes street, near Pride street. TO-LET.—The 2d, ad and 4th Stories, on corner of Liberty and St. Clair streets: TWO LARGIE BOOMS, SO - by SO rect, suitable for thrulture Moms clothing warehouse. ledge rooms, &c.. &c. FR.3-ViaLLY,MOSH, 59 Penn atteet, Pitts:Jars:h. • 0-LET.-- ROOM.-- Two line ROOMS in GAZETTE BOILDING. Apply at onnidag Rooms,. 86 and 88 Filth avenue. r•LET. - $4Olll, 40 .1)5 105 feet, with power, on corner of Penn and strecte. Inquire of ROBERT RILL. TLET.-oouble Two-siory A. House on the corner of Stockton avenue and Bearer street, Allegheny City. Handsome rte. den, stable and carriage house. Apply at No. 8 Stockton avenue, or Wayne Iron Works, Tenth street. Pittsburah. TO -LET. "VINE CLIFF,''. Homestead of late Dr. R. A. Wilton; Mount Washington, witoin ten •minutes walk of the city; an elegant Cottage House, with tower,con tattling 10 rooms and-cellar; with spring and cis tern water: entrance for carriage, efo.:now oc cupied by Hr. G. T. Robinson, of the firm of Robinson, Rea & Co. Inquire of HALL PATTERSON, Attorney -at Law, 71 Grant street. tf FOR SA LEI FOIL BALE - TYPE .— About 400 pounds MINION TYPE. nearly as good tu new. Ennalre at THIS OFFICE. Tog SALLE. —NEW FRAIIiE #-COTTAGE of 5 rooms, hall and cellar'. m COTTAGE Ward. (late East Llnertyq Lot 80 by 187 feet: broad board walk from Railroad stailins. Price low and terms easy . Enquireatruts TICK. FOB SALE Suburban DENCE, BUsINEn9 &TANI>. AID ONE ACRE OF GROUND. situate In the borou h of Braddoeks , within two minutes walk o a station on either railroad. The house Is a neat frame of seven rooms. large hall and cellar:4ot contains all necessary out ballotage. and an abundance of all kinds of fruit., good sprlsg wa ter in kitchen: ten feet from the house is a store_ room 18 by 39, with we , c-room attached, store room now rented and doing a good bonnets The loestion of the property kali that cculd be desired either for a country reeldenre or a butt. ness stand. or both. Apply to evert PHIL LIPS. Real Estate Agents, • No. 139 Fourth FORe - ' GLASS HOUSE. Situated in Rochester, Beaver county, on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne # Chicago Railroad. The property consists of a lot of ground 90 by 195 feet, in fee simple, frame factory complete In all respects, a ten pot furnace, two lean, mould shop, containing engine and lathes, cut • Ong shop, packing rooms, stoup' house, sand mill, all In good order, and a good trade ap to the capacity of the works already established. This Is a rare opportunity for a successtal business. Fur paniculars, encore of , Ir: MOVANOE, apflatZt No. /07, Fourth Avenue. FOR SALE, • NINEFORTI'4CRE LOTS Of land In Ventral Wisconsin, good soil. good timber; and near good market. A few good farm hnnlements be taken In exchange. Doting a recent visit to Not thwestern lowa ar rangements were made by which I can stipole a limited number of persons with land In - that por tion of lowa at from 03 to flu per acre, near lines of railroad. Address, (with stamps enclo. ed.) BakerstJOHN D. HILL. own, Allegheny, county, Pennsylvania. F OR SALE. Near Osborn Station, on th e Pittlburigh' Wayne and Moog° litauroad, TWO LOTS, Containing About Two Acres Each: /09unts W. * NIACKEOWN & BRO., =au ; 195 Liberty Street. FOB SALE CHEAP. A two-story Brick House on Gibbon, ne►r Chestnut, street; 3 zooms and cellar; 20h'x100. Price $l, 400. . Two two-story Brick Nooses on Wlek street; rooms each; lots 94x1i00. Price $3.000:46m05, $BOO cash, and balance is yearly instauments of ssoo each.- 'One small Frame House on Aiken lane. i Price, $9OO. Ten fine Banding Lots. 20/80, on Lobate at. Fire do do 90z7S L on Cooper' st. Poor do do • 110lix8u,on Lyndon st. N.ne email Brick Houses of 4 rooms each, on Marla street. Price 81,880; ens rooms. terms. TUST/N 9,XL1C94 81 Grant street. diet door. , b.25;e21 Filinswe SALE.-4 will offer ~ inv FARM at Public tale, oh t.A.TILIWAY. nib lOtat ns X otellok ?..14 , on tbe premises, on gaseldain street, Salem, Colas'. plans eountyfillsitt, Eightptiro law of Choice Lad. , 4 .under state of cultivation, with goo ti frsme house and barn. good orchard °fall klndi :of mult tbe underlaid with salad o *COM. .Also, the HOUOit in millet:if. ilve, bein g ness modern built brit*. house. coutainint eight .rootnA with It GISVEN and TWti 'ffilMns Aegza. OP CHOIOIO LAND, hrnimenteo with al abundance of abrubmry. on:third, good barn: do • T4rms easy, which will bematle known on day apalgai JAMES G. PAIN 7.. DIFAIBABLE RESIDENCE , IN. 'ALLEGHENY YOB SALE. ..1 1 1, large Two< tory,.Brlek !louse. well ball; and conveniently. arranged, Portico, ball, parlor, sitting-109mi dining *pain, kitchen, !but cliiimbors, finisned attic, bath room. ce.lar,:v imb. bonsai - lag and water fixtures, marble manic, etc. etc. Room/ lately Ptaefed And painted. Lo. SO feet hont on' Hebeemt street by lie deep to Park strePt. Grape' BONS. trees, venuey to th CUTHBERT tt, bONBr. 39 /31xth a • gARDENERS.TAHE NOTICE. , —FOR IiALEO.-The FOLTRTSEN MILIt ARO, on the Allegheny River. and now used for gardening purposes; well !introvert and in a high suite of cultivation: containing 40 or DO aorta. now•offered at a bargain. Ceti soon. Alio, Other Rous e s , good location,. Woolen Factory two and twenty acres of land on the Central Railroad. Houses and Lots For . Salaam* Tadiet In both Mules. troy further par. Oculars inquire of WILLIAM WARD, feZO 110 Want street, °mamas, Ontitedral, **V - P • . , . •-•:-• — 7 , io . 1 tgrFOR CLERK OFCOIIRTS; • JOBlit- G. BROWN. attureie bereeen, ie teiprivate Co. H 1 0 211 Beat Penna. Vols.. subject to the decision of th_e Union Republican County Convention. apse. Far FOR SHERIFF. WILLIAM A. HERRON, Will be a candidate for the office of Sheriff, sub ject to the decision of the Union Renubl - can County ConvenVon; mbili:gle-d&F TO TRE CITIZENS OF AL LEGEY CO sera It I r-spectfulic annouece myself as a canuidate for the wilco of •!Lfilt K. OF COURTS, subject to the decision of the Union Republican tonere Convention. I would state that I ask the office but for oN"E TERM. at the termitation of which I would cheerfblly retire, believing that there are others equally entitled to the honor and emoluments of the office, and as competent as offmYsel i county under obligations to the citizens the for their support. Very resneetfullv. JO -EP H BRoWNE, Late 102 d (old 13th ,) and Stk Pa. Vol.. Regt. nah%igar ..... m............................• ---7-- ------ 16TICE S,------- grTHE FEDERAL OIL COM- Pio% Yl ' A I 11.-Iderr • meet'' , fr , will to held on the 15t h DAY OF APeLL, - 1969. at 10 o'clock a; R., at the office or A. At MILLS. Duquesne n av, near Ninth street. Pittsburgh, for the purpose of taking action for the dingo. u. tion of the company. A tall attendance Is re quested. By older of the Board. C. L GUMMING. Pres't. ar NO TICE.--At a Meeting of • the Directors of the EWALT STREET BRIDGE CO., On April 3d, an assessment of 65,00 per share on the Capital S. ock was made Payment le re quested on or before the 2:fd of April. at the of fice of ape. hl CH 406 SIEB ER tree T, 406 Penn s t reet. A i,15 ----- E G i ---- N Y COUNTY WOBERO ME. — Proposalswill be receiv ed until MONDAY, April 12th, for furnishing WINDuW FRASItS ancl BACH for the central part and west wing of the building. now In pro gress of erection. epecitications may be seen at A offic Sixthß & 1111JSER, Arcbitents. Nos. X and 4 (formerly St. Clair) street, where proposals may be left, addressed to 11. S. FLEMING, _flp3:g7s BtiTi.d&gi3CSogni'lLtt*ee. ar TO CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS.—SeaIed proposals for the erection of TWO STATION HOUSE.,iI, For City of Plttsbniah, one to be erected in Twelfth and one in Seventeenth Ward of said cpy will be received at the Hardware Store of J. tt G,_PEARcON, No. 47 Diamond street, be. tween Wood and timitheeid streets. where Plans and Specifications can be eeen. All proposals to b- in by las o'clock. April 17th, 1869. By order of Committee. i JOHN H. RARE. JOS. MAtitiii ALL. ,_ so 6EO. R. PeARISON. 'TO ann its. . • !Pittsburgh & Connellsville Railroad. Proposals will be received up to SATURDAY, May let, inclusive, for the GRADUATION, MASONRY AND BALLASTING Of the remainin upo n ectins of b e te d, situ ated at Interval the 96 miles en Con n, lisville and Cumberland. Specifications will be ready for distribution at the Pittsburgh and Cumberland Offices, on FRI DAY, the 9th of April. and all information necessary for the proper examination of the work will be afforded by the Engineer upon the line. By order of the President anilDirectors. BENJ. H. LATROBE. C felt Engiaeer. cornea Pirre'itati & Coign - ELL. ?Lt./tit. R. Co t Pittsburgh, March 1 :h, 180 .. I tatal•g33:STTli SPECIAL NOTICES. ~.........,................_________. ORNAMENTAL. AND USE. I-11 ' V FUL. BUY ONLY SILVER TIPPED SHOES. For children. Will outwear three pair* without _ ..__ tipe. - Jem:d6s-3:rius tgrEPILEPSY CAN BE CURED —Those havLug s afflictLetterr nestly solicited yo send formCirculaof References and Tastimonials, which will con -vince the most skeptical of the curability of Ms asease. Address VA-, BUREN LOCKROW, IL U.. 36 Great donee street, New Yore. nalaletee. -d&F igrMARRIAGE AND CELEBA. CT.—An Essay for young men on tbe crime of Solitude, and the DIcEASE'S and ABUSES which create Impediments to MARRIAGE, with sure means of relief. Sent in sealed letter en velops. free of charge. Addtess, Dr..l. SKIL LIN HOUGHTON, Howard A ssociati on . Phila delphia. Pa. ;al9:ditT arBATCHELOWS HAIR DYE. - This splendid Halt DI yeis the bestirs the world: the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, relia ble, instantaneo: re m ed i esappinttnent; no ri diculous Unts; the 111 effects of bad dyes; invigorates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful• black or brown. Sold by all Druggists and Perftncersi and properly applied at Battle. lor's Wig Factory, No. 18 Rend street. New York. anv•tall WEIOCTOR WHITTIER CON TIN UFA TO TREAT ALL PRIVATE Diseases. cyptalls in all its forms Gonorrheea, Meet, Stricture, &c., completelt eradicated. i That numerous class of cases rend hag from self &base, producing unmanliness, nervous debility. initabilitY, eruptions. seminal emissione, and finally impotency. permanently cured. Persons articled li delicate. intric.te and long stand ing constitutional coMPlatots are politely invited to call for consultation. which costs nothing.. Ernerlence. tbe best of teachers. 'has enabled him to perfect remedies at once efficient, safe, pweier,m o r u n tin an n w ce h to m b n sm o ess c . acMe dc bnn be p r ed • brdenehteonsaadlwhitingrowms;hesm, noarsdiog *no sleeping apartments for patients requiring dalY Personal attention, and vapor and chemi cal bath,: thus concentrating the famed mineral springs. No ma ter who have failed , state your case. Read wha tie Papilla hit ramphlet of fifty rages, sent to an address Int two stamns in seal ed envelope. T °wands of cases treated annu• elle, at niece and all over the country Conan.- tation free, perstinally or by mall. Office No. 9 I . Wylie Street, (near Court House) Pittsburgh, Pa. Hours 9 A. Ott. to 8 p. It. Sundays 12 if. to If P.M. Pamphlet aent to any address for ttoo stamps. . apt °Mali OF CITY -NOINZEN AND I 'UOVETOII, E Pi seffitatt. April 0, 1869. I NOTICE T CONTRACTORS.— nEA.LwD PROPOSALS for rebuilding TRY bIItEET SEWER, north of the Connellsville Itailroad track. and str e et s , din Paving and Curbing the following viz.: WEBSTER AVENUE, from Roberts to Kirk patties street,. THIRTY-NINTH AND 'FORTIETH Streets, from Butler street to the Allegheny Valley Raii • Als o, wad ,for constructing the following BOARD - I WAidald: ONE on Bound try sti'eet; - from Thirty-third street to Laurel street, tad al rag Laurel Street ' to Eittesteeetr -; ~ - ONE on Pearl and Cedar streets, from Main to tal! el streeL lath ward, and • ONE onDroad street, from Highland avenue to the Frankstown Road, 19th want, • • Will be received at. TUTS " OFFICE until 4 o'clock?. 3t., on • ..•, , . • THURSDAY, April: 15th, 1869. . . bet blds to•be acted on trifle ControlVee must be left al Me OFFICE velure the time aoove The Committee reserve the right to kedect any or all bids. , .. , - - ii. J. MOORE D . __ sptgl4_._,___..._._ClTT ENGINEER... ...- .0737c7 OF 'ATV JENOINZZR AND tiIIEVLYOB, 1 Perrentrittill, April 3d, 1869. OTICE ' • tat miszessznivii For , the construction' or the- BOARDWALK .. , . OW M NEVILLE SvIIRET to WILIIINA AVE. _ _ :BIM, ' Co 3 r ifth avenue. Also on SEVILLE , BlialEt from Fifth avenue to Centre 'aienne: ' sarthin7offireo7/TunforiewxamEDlNniiEtstopti.A., syn,6Acparunbeitetehn . When they will be returned to the City Treasu reels office. { ,_ ii. J. MOORE. - City lingineer. • FDDIUND LABE No . 1271 Smithfield street, Sole' Manutriturer of. arrenis Felt Cement and Gravel Roofing. Ma. cabal for sale. ' 4 hom w• E L RITIME.-200— bartels Fresh' White Lime; for sale by - ' J. 11. CANFIELD. WANTS. TO LET, aNI:030 WHITE ado by J. SATU III/i r AP 186° - , §MICH LIMN 1569, APPLICAw TION% -TO SELL LIQUORS, flied in the erk's Office. __ Pittsburgh. John Metz, tavern, Ist ward: G. H. Bretsch. tavern, Ist ward; John.o',Connor. tavern, let want: M. Thoinas, tavern. Ist ward; C. P, l stein, tavern. Ist ward: A. E. godson, tavern. Ist ward: Arch,' Seobie, tavern, let ward: Dillidger & Stephenson, other goods, Ist ward; Joseph S. FILM & Co.. other goods, /at ward; V. g ehl, tavern. 2d ward; S. H. Ritai, tavern. ad ward: Thomas tialley, tavern, Ed ward: Robert Houston. tavern Ed ward: A. Mamaux. tavern, 3d ' ward: Win. lictilnre, eating house, ad ward; E. Sledle, eating 1 , 0115 e, 34 ward; Ludwig & Co.. eating house. 3,1 ward; Jac. T. Keller, other goods. 3u warn; John Drew. eating house, 4th ward; Schmidt & Friday, other goods, 4th ward: John McCullough, otner goods, 4th ward; Louis Cella. tavern, sth ward; John Russell, tavern. sth wa.r; A. Unhnann. tavern, 5111 ward: M. McLaughlin. tavern, sth ward; • Mrs. J. Gazzola. tavern, sth ward: rlenals Golden, other goodir, sth ward; Rosa Robitzer' ' tavern 6th ward; J. H. Ditt er, tavern, O. h ward: • Ir T. Latser, other goods, 6th ward: Aug. Brockmann. tavern, 7th ward; PetecSpreyer tarern, 7th ward; • M: Johnston, other goods . , Bth ward; T. Buehler, ,taver n 9th ward; • Peitz Nettie, , 9th ward; T. B. Eyie, t tvern, 9th ward Geo. Ew i n g. tavern, 9th ward ; : W. J. Morgan, tavern. 9th ward; H. Wagoner, tavern, 9th ward; H. Freyberg, Tavern, 9th ward; . • - Geo. Bone, eating house, 9th ward; A. Greenwood, tavern. 10th ward; D. O'Connor, tavern, 10th ward: G. Wertz, eating house, 10th ward; P. McCafferty, other goods, tOth ward; L. Roil, eating house. Mk ward John Snannon, eating hogse, 11t h ward; Mat. Campbell, tavern, ward; Garret Phelan. tavern, litth ward; John Gamble. tavern, 14th ward; - Jos. McElbenny, invert', 14th ward; Max.TOME. tavern, tave r nard; Max. Hantingen, 15th ward; J. Prannholz. tavern, 16th ward; J. C. Kerseh. tavern, l ard; H. Leffler. other goo' s. 16th ward; John Smith, tavern, 17th ward; John Nasser, tavern. 17th ward; • E. Stiefeli tavern. 17th ward; M. Nasser. tavern, 1 7tnward: M. Shlrman, tavern. 19th ward; Y. Bopp, tavern. 18th ward; C. Ackerman, tavern. 19th- ward; J. °saner, tavern, 19th ward: H.Schtupp, tavern, 21st ward; C. Roderus, tavern. 23d ward. , Allegheny. Felix Grant, tavern,' Ist ward: John Pletcher, eating house,lst ward; Jehn Shicions, eating house, in ward; • Fs P. Byrne, tavern, 2d ward; J.qlcDonald. tavern, 2d ward; G. C. Lightcap, tavern, Sid ward; A. Miller, tavern, 3d ward; P. Lang, tavern, 3d ward; W. Shugart, tavern. 31 ward; • Tuteur, other goods, 3d ward; L. Ste: Other goods. 3d ward; ' J. G. Eichenmiller. tavern, 4th ward; G. Schielein, tavern, 4th ward; Wm. Harper, taVern. 4th ward: W. Herrington, tavern, 4th ward; • E. Ere h entinhl, tavern. 4111 wa,d; P. Schlotter, tavern. 4th ward; S. Graber tavern, 4th ward; L. Kanffnian, tavern. 4th ward; R. & Carson.,otner goods. 4th ward; Phil. Hnether, other goods, sth ward; Fred. Feldbn,h, tavern. 6th ward: P.Ulle, tave ward; Damas Lutz, tavern, 7th ward; • ' C. JageL tavern, 7th ward; P. Rischner. tavern. 7th ward; J. G. Walters, tavern, 7th ward; W. Gang,' tavern. 7th ward. Mos oughts. E. Oskins, tavern. Braddooka; M. Thieken, tavern,_Birmingham; Pat.artel:. tavern, Eirintughatil; Vanaley, tavern, Birmingham; Geo. Krugn, tavern , Birmingham; John • ox,, tavern, Bast Birmingham; W. Roseman. tavern, East Birmingham; P. Bader. tavern. East Birmingham; Johnrass. tavern. East Bmingham; • Toeller, tavern. E as t Birmingham; A. Rudolph, tavern, East Birmingham; John Schlegel, talent, East Birmingham; J. Sigwalt, tavern. East Rirniinghvm; Wm. &haunt, tavern, McKeesport; M. I.Appert. tavern, Orzosbn John Lutz; tavern, Ormsby; John Welch. tavern. Ormsby: Wm. Hannon, other goods, south Pittsburgh: Mena B.et-ch. other goods, West Pittsburgh; H. Thompson, tavern, Tarenrum Ann ;Vaudois. tavern, Union. John Wilbert, tavern, Mt. Washington. Robt. Cheatam, ta o vern, , liwnshipszabetb; George Grow. tavern, Harrison: Georae Hugely , eating house, Harrison; • 31. Shoptie.' taver.., Indiana; Joseph Enker. tavern. 'Main; Gouldstorm, tavern. Mifflin: George Benler, tavern. McCandless; Jac. Eckert, tavern, McCinre; John Hughes, other goods. McC:Ure; F. Limegrover. tavern. Penn; Hell eever & Curley. other Lowoods, Scott; Gottfreld Soaders, tave nider J. hit Ceyrolle . tavern,er St. Clair; Wm. Young. tave rn Lower St. Clair; John Leonard., Lower rt. Clair; R. K. Bell, tavern, Lower St. Clair;' L. Hoffman, tavern, Lower St. Clair; R. Remit:lg. - tavern, Union; James Ward, tavern, Versailles; • A. Moore, tavern, Ver.:stiles; Jere. Marty, tavern. Wilkins. The License Rood will sit forbearing the above inl aPeatlons on the 14th inst. at 9 o'clock A. M. ape • JOHN G. inst., 4'N, Clerk. owNzus or Drays . , Wagons, Carts, Hacks, OMNIBUSES,. And Every Description of Carriages, ARE REQUIRED TO CALL AT THE CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE ' AND Take Out their . Licenses 9N o*. BEFORE THE FIB . 9T,DAY OF .MAY NEXT. F o r e ugg ach or C and every Wagon, Cart, Car, Dray, sum of By arriage. drawn by one-horse. the „ ~..- nam ed 00 For each and every one of stio above named Ve hicles, drawn hy two horses, , the sum na m ed 00 For reel' and every one of the above Ve • hides, drawn by foe" horses, the sum ofel2 00 For each and every Back drawn by two horses. the Asum of ..... , *l3 00 For net and every Omnibus and Timber Wheels. drawn by wo horses, the sum of tlB OO For each additional horse attached to any of the above named Vehicles, the aunt 0f...—. . ill 00 SECTION 3. It shall be the duty of all Livery Stable keepers in said city, to make &return to the City Treasurer, within twenty days alter the passage of this Ordinance. and at:Lousily there after, on or before the lst day of May of each and every year, of the number of Vehicles of ev ery description. owned and used by them in their , business. and the kind thereof, and the same re turn shall be made under oath. Enc. 4. All owners of Carta, Drays. W a gons, and other Vehicles, who shall neglett or2ethse to procure a license as aforesaid, snail heti/Meet to a penalty of not less than ten per cent. for . 11 31 1 . 1 _1ver . the r ilt i Vy l oi s si .. y the e tY n :a r g n Vel a r n ik 1. !: stab a Keepers fat ine to make. the return re. gored in the 34 Section of this Ordinance, shall, in addition to the foregoing, be subject to a pen. , alty of not exceeding , fif4 dollars, all of which penalty shall be recovered before the Mayor, or o o n v o ct h en ta A d r s ha l l f be r th cidyt y h yt s h m e C m i r e y f of Police to seek oat all penmis who have Jailed to comply withAuy of the proristons of this Or dinance and report the same to the Cite Tt nista , Cr, for which service he shall .receire the sum of fifty eentain each can, to be taxed and collected as are (fibs costs; upon convictioa as aforesaid. The penalties for non.compilanoe with the or dinanCe will be strictly enforced after the above date.-.. .. .D. MACFEIt RON, _. Cite Treasurer. ..A.LLICIRINT CM April' 1,1111t9. 'antailli ______ OFFICE OF TIM TehiletTßlM OF ALLZOHILNY .cousTr. Pittsburgh, April let, IN PURSUANCE OF THE Ist section or an Act relating to Allegheny Con ti ty, approved the lst day of May,lB6l: and of the' amendment to said aectioxi,approved the 301 h day of March, 1888,1 do hereby give tletleelhet the Dupllcatea Air the /literal Wards, - Boroughs and TownshlpsWlLl e BE OPEN,: and I will be Pre pared tarecelve the, County, State. Poor,Workhouse and Improveme „ • nt 'Taxes for . 1869. • On and after. the Ist day of May. 111.* O. Bald taxes can be bald at tide Mike until the let day otAaguat with -a DEDUCTION Ot• FIVE PEE CENT. tor prompt iayment.to all persona paying the whole automat ot thelr taxes. There will be no deduction allowed during the mouth of August. There will be Ten Per: Cent. Added To all taxes reraalning impala on the day of Sentexaber, 1889. ! ' .1; F..DENNISTON, ap2iditT TresiurerotAllighenitovnty. 4{l -11U514'11%;"-E,3 -,r . tarivimr-ciptlis itottsis. -. ,• ManaLessee. ..... ... ... ............. Wis. RiNDBILSOXs ger .. .... . . .................. Sf. W. CAlccrsEls SATURDT A P T ERIiOOIS - . April 10, 11969. Grand Fam•lT Matinee. for .tic b occ Mon w ill be presented the great way ,1 ' EASt I.T.:CNR. After which, by Kind - permissin of Mr. W. G' slhe BEDOUIN -ARAB TROUPE. SATURDAY kVEY. LNG. benefit of OLIVER B. DOED Performance will commence with the minivitarr WATc4-1. To be followed by the Third Act of ' Hamlet. . . ....... .. HAMLET.— ... . ... Mr. Harry Harrison- To conclude with the celenrated play of ROB ROT. • GLAD MondcvSTAS Ecc E ning. the eminent actress. MrS. . - nr.LECTuri--------.--------: ' HENRY VINCENT Will, by special motet of a large number of cittiens, delirer his great Leotnre on OLIVER CROMWELL, AT THE. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Monday Evening, April 12, 1869. NO RESERVED SEATS. • Admissien 50c. Doors open at - 754; Lecture commences at 8 o'clock. . - Tickets for sale at the Mercantile Library Rooms, corner Penn and Sixth streets. awe rjr GRAND CONCERT AND EXUSDITION AT MASONIC (Fifth A.cenne,) Thursday, Friday and Saturday Eyen 9 gs, April 18th. 16th and 17th. Concert on THURSDAY E VENLNG, by !Wet heny Quartette Club. LA. THE . 16th,'CINDEREL LA. OR G L A SSLIPPER, and many other Interesting exerciser.. SATURDAY EVENING. April 17th. TEN NIGHTS IN A B R ItOO3L • apB:7g WIPIT'WEIBURGH THEATRE. H. W. WILLIAMS, Lessee and Manager, • EDWIN BLANCHARD 3IATINEE. DUMB BOY OF MANCHESTER And a Splendid Olio- IT NIGHT, A TREMENDOUS. BILL. • AT, SHEPPARD AND HIS DOG, And s splendid Variety Programme,— tar' ,- "111.1111ELLPS MUSEUM I AND -PARLOR MENAGERIE, The Great Family Reserte. • • FIFTH AVENUE. between Smithfield and Wood streets, opposite Oid Theatre. . Open Day and Evening all the year ronnd." Admission, 515 cents: Children. la cents. WA GRAND PAIR Is now being held at "MILLER'S HALL, corn er of Flith avenue and Gist street, for the•benefit of n. AGNES ( HURCH, Soho. Refreshments served and an excellent . band of music atter_d sine every evening. • ap6:g92 rrna LEGAL. ASSIGNEE'S SALE, TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER thethe District Court Pena United States tor Western District ofsylvaals, made March 4th, 1869. there will be exposed at Prth lie Sale, at ItcILW4INE'S AUDP/Orf BOOKS,' "'"' La the Cfty of Pittsburgh, on the 10th Day to April,lo69, . . At 10 o'clock A. 11.. the !allowing described Real Estate of JOSHUA RHODES. Bankrupt, sub. ject, however, to existing liens, viz.: • All that lot - of ground, situate in the -leLrst ward of tie City of Allegheny. county of Alle gheny, and Elate of' Pennsylvania, bounded sod described an follows: Beginning .at a point 132 feet 3 Inches southwardly of Rebeeca street. 14, inches westwardly from the line dividing ent-lots numbers 23 and .5341 n the Reserve tram opposite - Fitchburg': thence parallel with said line • tonth wardly 415 feet 3 incnee to Bank Lane; thence . along Bank Lane westwardly 192 feet °inches' to line of land. fJ. H. L'adsay one II D , Whip_ ple; thekce Moog said Lic.dsay and Whit plehs line northwardly 442 feet 2 incnes lo a point within 132 feet 3 Inches of said Rebecca street; '-• thence north 68' d- green east 208 feet 9 Lichee :. to the place of beginning. Also, a' certain other - Lot or strip of !arid. 11- inches in width and running irozn'Bank Lane to withi feet 3 Inches of Rebecca street afore- Said a l ong the - eastern boundary of the Jot of ground above described.and extending (aim said eastczardly boundary to the dividin. line between ont , lins numbers 23 and • 94 aforesaid, less the • following described piece of the above described • lot, to-wit: All that certain lot or pieee of grotind - Joshua g' d e s point at Lane; then c eropey of 'Rh on Bank ; Conk the - line of said property. of said Rhodes 241 feet to copoint; thence by a Lind s ay fee Mc Cue to nee of property of and cheon; • thence by the line of said Lindsay and MCCurcheon 225 feet to Bank Lane; thence along Bank Lane. 38 feet 8 inthcs to the. place of beginning, on which first and second described pieces of ground, • lest' the last des-riled pleat: ct ground, is erected • a large Brick Malt House. • - Also, all those two certain lots of gratind, situ ate in the City of Pittsbargh,con,ty of Allegheny state of Peausyllania. bounded -and de. scribed as fullocre: Beginning on Irwin street at the distance of 188 feet 7 inches from Duquesne ' Wa; ence at paral l elgtes with Irwin street 00 f e etcthence with Irwin. street' 40 • met; thence at right angles with Irwin street 60 feet to Said Irwin street; thence along the 61010 40 feet to the place of • beginning, being- lots '• - Number% 3 and 4 in a .plan of loch laid•ont by J Jo ge shua Rhodes, recorded - In Flan BOok, vol.. 3 , a 217: u11d.5429 • B. W. MACKEY, Assignee. ... OFFICE, EWALT STREET BRIDGEETANE. Pat:burgh, April 0, ) 1198}). SEALED PROPOSALS Will be received by the undersigned until Friday, April 23, 1869, at Noon , For building the Bridge of this -Company over the All.gheny river, from the foot of Ewalt, (now Forty- thftd) s treet, Pittsburgh. and the necessary masonry. according to Plan and Sp cidcallons to '' bones asthe rooms of the buildings of the Pitts burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Com pany, corner of Engineer. nWayne . streets, of P. . bLA.PAPER. Esq.. e ProposaL3 will be ' leftwith either o f the nudendened. and .mu - st. be in the roatrprescribed cy the-Engineer. Bidders will be required to find ample security for the completion of:the entire structure in a workmanlike manner: andtnust submit with their ' Bids the names of their proposed securities. . ... JAMES • - JAMES I. BENNETT, President, No. 96 Water street.* , . ' OrJOHN,W. RIDDELL. Secretary ap9;107 . . No. 116 Diamond street. , ' SLATE. • ROOFING ELATE OF halous Qualities and . Colorsi; ParttattiarLattentloa _elven to laiPlag Slate atel ' maltin 8 ate roots, For parties! ars and petees: J. & Ne. 42 Seventh Avenue, mbal:gsB PITTSBURGH. PA. 1/[ inABBHALLSB ELIXIR. OBALL , B ELIXIR WILL CURE ITEADACRIL MARSUIELL'EI ELixta Nit& CURE DYSPEPSIA.' TMARSHALL 8 ELIXIR 'WILL CIU/U3 COST/VS rICe Of afarshan'slCUZlr4 $l.OO per bottle. Depot 1301 Market street, M. aLiBrIIALL & Co . Dinggists, Proprietors. For !Ale wholerale anti retail. by GEO. A. CKELLY, rittaburgb. fet:a9E•Trili:B EDIEIRT--10 0 bbls Louisville 117am-tato Content, for sale br J. B. CANFIELD En M