EWE 13,„ tfry sumwt Notice to Our Beidem—Any subscriber who removed on the first of April, tumid leave the ncuuber of his present real ' dem*, at our . .u3nntiiiii ritoitt, lo ,that his paper may be left without: interrap• ton by the carrier. • Mayor Drum., yesterday committed three yagmnXto jail, for thirty clays each. A new iron cralvert has been laid across the gutter •at the corner of Laoock and Federal streets, Allegheny. A bill to ' abolish capital punishment was defeated 'in the House, at Harris burg, yesterday, by a very decided ma jority. • Bath Branches of Legislature have ac cepted an invitation to be present at the dedication of the Gettysburg Monument, on July ist. Committed. Justice Stepheni. of 13ankinrille, Union, township, yesterday committed to the county jail for trial., Artn.Dening. onaninformation for sure ty of the peace, preferred against herby Thomas Delft& Taken ttahe Rouse of liefage.—John Sullivan, the boy sentenced to the House of Refuge by the Court, for setting tire to MoAfde's glass works, - Birmingham, was taken over to that institution yester-. day by Deputy Sheriff S t ubb s. . Ankle Sprained.—On Wednesday even ing, Mr. John Livingston, stable boss of the Citizens Passenger - Railway, fell through a hatchway at the commission home of Scott & Gisel, near Canal street, and had his ankle severely sprained. He is recovering. Degree Conferred.—TheFaculty of William and Mary College, Virginia, bare conferred the degree•of D. D. on Bey. Wm. M. Young. pastor of the Union 'Baptist Church of this city. The honor could not have been conferred upon a more worthy -Minister. Attention is directed to the advertise ment offering to let "Vine Cliff," a wellin de thedg a view of Ohio, Allegheny andcommandin Mo g nongahela rivers, and surrounded by beautiful grounds. Mr. Hall Patterson, No. . 71 Grant street, has the letting in' oharge. belting Liquor to Minors..-David :Lynch made information before Alderman Mc- Master% yesterday, against Stephen Cav anaugh for selling liquor to minors. Cavanaugh is an Italian, and prdprietor of a fruit, confectionery, &c. stand on Fifth avenue. The accused was arrested and held for a hearing. Mr. Wm. C. Armstrong, very favorably. known in business cireles,succeeds Fetzer Armstrong in the general commission and produce Ipusinees, at No. 25 Market street. We can safely commend Mr. A. to our readers as a careful, prompt and honorable gentleman with whom it is a pleasure to deal.. • Aggravated Assault...44mm° Shepert lodged an information, before Alderman hicbdatters, yasterday, against Peter Schlegel, tor aggravated assault and bat tery. The parties reside In East Birming ham. Annie alleges Peter dragged' her dooms pair of stairs by the hair of her bead, an& then kicked and otherwise maltreated her. A warrant for the ar rest of the accused was issued. Another Lunatic.—Yesterday morn ing, about seven o'clock, one of the police officers arrested Philip Trottman in the vicinity of the Union Depot, while acting in a manner that would indicate him to be crazy. He was taken to the lock-up, where he still remains.. He statesthat he came from Chamberibing, and is evidently insane on monetary affstrs.. - He asserts that be is worth one million dollars in gold and silver. • Mr. J. P. AV ickerstuun, the able and ao3omplished State Superintendent of Common Schools,'•glas been re•appointed by Governor Geary for the ensuing term. The Senate misery confirmed the nomi natilum ,Under Mr & Wickersham's man *gement the free schools of the State have rapidly advanced towards perfec tion, thus affording - ample evidence of that gentleman's competency for the pa altion. Resigned.—td. P. Long, Esq. the . zealous Superintendent of the Young Men's Christian Aipiodation, has resigned that position. The good work this gen tleman has performed in the. cause of his /taster:should merit for him the bless-._ ings of Providence in whatever new on. he rimy adopt, and, while we regret lus action in withdrawing, we earnestly hope hU - may prove as useful to &misty in any other sphere of life he may enter. Forestalling the Market.—Market Con stable Valentine Stork, of the Allegheny market house, - yesterday afternoon ar rested Wm. Morrison for forestalling the market. The accused was noticed by the officer buying several lots of eggs from obuntrymen, and he promptly arrested htm. W hen taken before - Mayor Druni, ;Morrison acknowledged purchasing the eggs to sell again at his store in Pitts burgh.„ He was fined lett :dollars and rightlftettveen Emptereee„—yesterdsy morning two employees, engaged in the shifting and of "the Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne and ,Phicago Itailroadi off Penn street, got into a quarrel. .The 'result seems to have been unfavorable Id °too - them, Patriok. Jo.d_ged an informationwbefOrt. Aldetosin, Taylor, against his opponent. Thomas McGill. for Naar& and battery. The accused was -arrested whenthe 000,Was oompromisedi McGill paying the costs. ES .4 Gose.—Odr; highly tl ' mend, Dr. J. L. ittolt4e. has entered nto a part nership which we mist may last through a long. Prosrprod. and happy life. We mean that be has entered matrimony, selecting for his partnerone of hfilitralalt fairest and moat acnoiftlfithbil Chaste tars. The happy couple are tendered oar heartiest wishes for their welfare, addmiity P#ottillotp,biltra. in Thin ee 10, them ill the y.. .content 'and hip.` pines' which their many friends earn estly desire ahonldfall to theirlot. • The third number of z it n's Jour sat is aciaothplmiK-byllt linglyeipeolited Hen steel ehgriviiig;Sim nimbi sett, celled "Noon on the Elea•shore." 13teel engravings:with -weekly jotirtals are a newleatnr,e in-perkidlcal Heretofore they have been used as illut; trstions Or monthly magazines, but even with_ these higher priiied woritall,luts :belga rare to tout any thing -so truly ex liipllent as the plate given with Appleton'a Journal. It is really a work Or ert; the enxravinFi excellent, Mid snobubject pe cqUArly charming. How anemirav ing can be afforded for ten cents, supper,- ing the price of the Jokrnat to befor this slone,, is a Mysterir. "~i~~rCx a ' S' _4',._'Y M==2 . Lectureby,,rii.ll Stilitaii,-Liiiiii. wilt het siffidtatio iifii Mitav,iet of wo r m - m- AMmt chits* , MS It 'y'VlitelentiLthe eminent Engliiih'oratibt, will iedtfire in this city at the Academy of ; Music :on Monday evenifig./ EN subject,' "Oliver Cromwell," is sKifficient guarantee of the intellectual !twit in store for those who may attend: :There will be no reserved seats, but titkets for all parts of , the house at;ftfty'cents each are'now ready 1 for sale at tlie Mercantile Library corner of Penn and. Sixth streets. Read the correspondence in another column. IMEN An V.ftert was made in the House at Harrisburg to introduce a joint resolu tion proposing an amendment to the State Constitution bestowing on females the right of suffrage. The members voted it down by a hearty majority. How very unkind it was to refuse giving the women a fair show at tee ballot-box. There are but few unmarried men in that body, so they can afford to be inde. pendent on the subject of women's rights, or perhaps, they see too much of that doctrine at home, and don't care about - giving it a wider range. Dlsttict Court.—Judge Hampton. THVBSDAY, April B.—The case of Has tings & Co. vs. Laeock, previously re; ported, occupied the greater part of the day. Jury out. _ . Kingan vs. Arbuthuot, aci. fa. on mechanics llen. On trial„ . TRIAL LIST. FOR FRIDAY. 34... Mercer vs. Barclay. 38. Gillespie [dente Ve. Stevtart 39. Same vs. same. 40. Smith vs. Duncan .t Lainb. 43. Peters & Rutherford ,vs. Bannautine & Co. 48. Young vs. Schlipper. • 85.. Dithticige vs. McKee. a. Hardy et tut vs: Patton. Common Pleas—Judge Sterrett. , THURSDAY, April B.—Adam Jacobs vs. R. C. Howard, action on the ease t o re cover money paid• for a horse, vrhich„ it was alleged was not what it was repre sented to ha. Verdict for the plaintiff for $288.75. John J. Voltz vs. F. Hahn, garnishee of John Hockschwlnder, execution attach ment to recover the sum of 1225 30. The jury found for the plaintiff and garnishee in the sum of of 1225 30 and costs of the snit. . . Rev. S. J. Hays vs. Michael Hays, ao. tion in lunady. The jury found the de fendant a lunatic and. Rev. S. J. Hays was appointed a commttee to take charge of his person and effects. • , _ TRIAL LIST FOR FRIDAY. 49. Com. of Pa. v.. 4. J. S. Leggett. Co. 64. Jarnison vs. Schott. 84. Abel vs. Keiffer. 94. Morris & Co. vs. Oattub t Co. 96. Armstrong vs. Morningstar etul. 197. Allison vs. Benson et al. 98. Hart for use vs. P. 4 B. P. Railway. 99. Peckert vs. Wells et ux. - . 100. Sheath vs. Sneathen. 10L Stusw vs. Franck'. 103. Daly vs. Nesmith. 104. Vironderlink vs. Comstock. 106. Dickson, Marshall do Co. vs. Lover 108. Binh. vs. Haid. 109. Robinson vs. Meyers.. • • Tstritertar, April B.—ln the ease of the Cemirtonwealth vs. Johnson Poland, Henry Neeland prosecutor, the jury re turned a verdict of not guilty, and the prosecutor, Henry Neeland, to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Anton Bellein, indicted for cheatin:g by false pretense. Indictment quashed. David Auclay, indicted for felonious assault and battery, the circumstances of which have been published, was ar raigned, plead guilty, and was remanded. for sentence. Commonwealth vs. Samuel Griffith. indicted for' larceny, plead guilty, and was sentenced to pay a fine of 63.‘ cents, the costs of phi/mention, andl to undergo an imprisonment of fifteen days in the county jail TRIAL LIST _FOR FRIDAY. 141. Com. vs. Wm. C. Armstyng. 111. COrn: vs. Joseph Letzkas, 2 cases. 113. Com. vs. Freaerick Lang. 816. Com. vs Wm. W. Keenan. 90. Com. TEL J. R. Dahlia?. 92., Com. va. Henry Goldstein. 134. Com...vs. Francis Limegrover. caser 187. Corn. is. Josephine Price. 143. Coto. vs. Jeremiah Martz. 144. Com. vs. Wm. Tephfora. 145. Com. vs. Frederick Elk. 165. Com. vs. George Schmidt. 2 cases.. 172. Com. vs. E. McCafferty., 8 eases., 178. Corn. vs. Samuel Matthews." 200. Corn. ys.-Frank Wolff. 1 . 216. Com: vs.-Harriet Kerr. • 220. Com. vs. Michael Feeny. 221. Corn. vs.'Llrge Seymour. 2 cases. 222., COrn. vs. Charles King. ' 225. Corn. va..7olur Hughes and Wm. hicKein. 253. Com. vs. Robert Oliver. 258. Com. vs. John Shannon. 260. Corn. vs. RoDert Vogle.• 281., Corn. vs. Joseph Bender. 282. Corn. vs. Robert Foster. 11 cases. The prosecutors and defendants in the above cases - must, be in Colirt' athalf past nine o'clookirroMDtlys otherwise an attaohmiont will be Issued for , their sr.' rest. Many of the suites are liquor , suits; and' conenthies who made the returns must be (intend without further notice. ~~ .~"t,""~. THE COURTS. quarter Scottanti--Judge Stowe. , Al'efged Aggravated Asitatakt• • John Martin made Information before AldermanLynobi,-; ;:yeaterday,:.ng st Thomas Matelot , aggravated tudninit and' battery: Martin alleges . he hasbeen em ployed as a hack dthier by Dysini•whOgi :proprietor of a livery itable.:. , He states that about four weeks -age Dam pulled him off the hack to the ground, breaking his collar hone and one - oda' otherthe abusing him to snob an extent' as to necessitate. his lying .at restdenee since that .Aime under tardiest treatment.'::: A'Avatrant ';1Or the arrest .of the accused was leaned. • - — Alteged Assanit. Charles Grauviler •made infOrthitlided • , before Alderman Eggenhiof Allisbeny t t yesterday,:.agidust • Teter Albrimht • &r. assault .nnd battery. The., *WS are emploYed at a. bliekamith shop.: in tke Seventh . ward The prosecutor alleges that Albrecht attacked - him in alwn. yesterday, wlthous: - cense.. , And ,pl3,nt• inelled'hlnisernely,:stilklng Lim? kthe face :AMU 4'Pliftce blnchiughip eyes and otheilvlse - . abusing . Mini'', 'TO Coons. il ,leas arrested; and . 01ter 4;104, big the coemie coinpreiniso:' HA Driver's BO*. Henry likibafer and Tames McOord, rival hack drivers, got , into a , dispute in the vicinity of the Union Depot , yester. day, which Mildly proceeded from words to 'blows, and caused quite• a severe bat tle between them for some time. After the was over Winder' lodged infor mation before Alderman Taylor - against mocrord," for assault and .hattory.... The accused was?arreated; and afters beari lug, gave ball,for 1441appeattineest. cent? • • ' , ~.~,-:.: • . ' CRdll,: . _ OA 2 titt Pf'~T~~! imAilb2stimtNoie. Petitions and leaoastratices—itepero of r : ••' ' A regular meeting of Select Velp mon Councils of Allegheny City was held yesterday (Thursday) evening, April 8th,;11389, at 7 °Napoli. • Select Council. Members present—Messrs. Gallery, En glish, FaUIkILAT, ()winner, Hall, Hart man, Morrison, •Myler. Patterson, J. C., Patterson, A., Phillips, Reed, Reiter , Wettach and President Moß:ier. On motion or Mr. J. C. Patteroon, the reading of the minutes was dispensed with. Mr. Phillips presented a petition for a sewer on. Western avenue. Referred to Committee on Streets and Sewers. Mr. Wettaoh, a petition ibr a over on Spring Garden avenue. Referred to Com mittee on Streets and Sewers. Mr. Myler, a petition for the grading and paving of Montgomery alley. Re ferred to Committee on Streets. CONTROLLER'S REPORT. Mr. Hall, Chairman of •the Finance Mmmittee, .presented the report of R. B. Francis, City Controller, of which the following is a. ILA loses 51831 11Ml Fl sa) 45 ' $5 Of OI tECit'iTIIL:A.TION: No. 3. Engines. No. 4. ertutlnit. No. 5. Streets... No. 8 'Wharves No. 7. Surveys . No. 9. Contingent Fund No. 11. water works.— Total Paid Pollee worce for Maruli :frozenPaidz for idareb.....4.1-0,16.... - e, Paidviou Citys Pre Warrants Outstanding - • Total . - ' , `110,3111 Receipt!) from all sources from January lit to April Btli, including slB,oto, motes discounted 38 912 08 Deficiency $111,450 The report was 'accepted and the Con troller authorized to,gertify his warrant on the Treasurer for the payment of the several amounts set forth.- REPORT OF STREET COMMITTEE. , , , . COMMIT TEE. Mr. M.yler,..Chairman of the' Street Committee. presented the report of that. Committee: .. ... . • The attention of your Committee hav ing been directed to the fact that the data furnished by the Treasurer to the Solici tor, in , reference to the collection'of un paid sewer assessments Is inatifficient to proceed against owners ~ .of property by reason of a want of proper description thereof: To remedy , this matter your Cominittee offer the following resolu tions : Resolved, That the City Engineer be arid is . hereby authwisetito employ suf ficient assistance for the purpoee of fur nishi to the City Solicitor descriptions of the property of which the owners have led to pay sewer assessments. Yon Committee have instructed the Street • Commissioner to ascertain and prep e a list of the prominet localities where stone crossings were needed, that officer reports crossings necessary at over sixty lots throughout the city, and re quirin about 2,400 feet of stone. The il list w approved by your Committee and t e following resolution is sub mitted: , Resolved, That the Controller be and is hereby authorized to' advertise for proposals to A:welsh the city two thou sand four hundred feet of undressed flag stone for crossings. . and in conjunction with the Street Oommittee award the contract'to the lowest and best bidder. The report, was accepted and the reso lutions adopted" REPORT OF : FINANCE 003EUITTEIS. Mr. Hall, Chairman of the Finance Committee, submitted the following re. port : . . In the matter of providing funds for the payment of current expenses of the city, your committee submit the follow ing resolution: ___ i Resolved, That the Fi nance - be, and they are hereby empowered to borrow the sum of 515,000 fur the pur- pose of meeting current expenses. I The controller called the , attention of I your committee to the fact that a number of bills had been presented, in which members of. Councils are interested. Under the law he does not feel at liberty to give them the sanction of his official approval, and yet there is no doubt in his mind about their correctness. To relieve him therefore, your committee submit the following resolution : Resolved, That the Controller be and he is hereby instruct ed'to - certify -war.: rants on the Treasurer- in favor of the following parties for the following amounts: Mesars.Voesttly ,t Kopp, $lOl.- 11; Tate, Munden it Tate, 512.10; Stuck rash & Co., 1180; James Mcßrier. 113.12. REPORT OF WATER COMMITTEE. Mr, Wittach, Chairman of the Water Committee presented the report of the Committee, recommending the 'laying of water pipes on a number of streets. The entire cost of which will be 1108.05. Accompanying the report was a reso lution authorizing the laying of the i p pe& The report wad received and the reso lution adopted. REPORT Olt POLICE COMMITTEE. Mr. English, from the Priliee Commit tee. submitted the following report: The attention of your -Committess,hav ing been directed by the Mayor to an or dinance passed by the Councils of Pitts. •burgh, for the suppression of disorderly houses, housee di ill-fame and disorder ly assemblages, and the necessity for the, passage of one of a similar. character by your Honorable Bodies, being strikingly apparent? •:your Committeep after,, ,con 'dde*able discutuden,, decided to reporty said ordinance; making it conform, of coarse, to the City tif Alh4heny, and riii` .spectfuly,ask its Adoption. , ... .. I The report Wis received. " , The ordinance was referred to the City Solicitor lor 'his opinidn , as to Whether Councils have power to. pasfirgath . an or-,,, (Unarm. ' . ,__ ' Mr. Myier presentedsw erdinanwv-Pro viding for tbe construction of simmer= Spring Garden avenue, two thousarittt Mr. all objected to the Passake of the; ordinance until the ',Comtaittee laid re. ported .on the .matter.. -... ~ ~ .-, ,- :•, • On motion of Mr. Patterson, the-rirdi nance was referred to theceintStyeedn i StreettinfilleireritV,ll.,. #. . 4. , ...z WI 1 1 _,.- _ 1 ModONATION 0,7, ,CIONTBRF4T ip+op, , ; Mi. ,S.C.J. C . Matinee: presented the rase i *nation Qf P.. B._frencis,..qty.,gpu trol l I `ter, to tate s effeet MO 15th, Dos. ,a, ~ ~..- -I Whiletbe.matterwits under consider- I ation, several of the members spoke in 1 complintentdry , terms of the retiring , cG~e offi Ttie resignation was scoeptedi Mr. J. C. Patterson offered the tb11047- ing resolution ; • ' -'' Resolva,..lllrthe` aileiValidlfOrnmon Council that Ciouncits meet this evening in joint leadon for, the pUrPOse.hf elect log a Controller to fill the riolOoy when the resignation of the'ProtAntiOu nibent, takes effect. ... Mr. Myler moved to &Mendhie reso lutloo,by inserting, win sauces" Instead of _joint session. _ .. in .. ' TheTresident refused to e ntert a in the amendment. , . :-.2 4 1 % Phillips-moved tri sinews by etrik lug Out :" this evening" Anteintertige ds2=Fla= "the next re g Of Councils." goutiliAitil ' The amenOnntut pas adopted. 'rho reaointicifi,call Ak - ended, waif then 'adopted. , ~.. ~ .. ~ ... . , Mr. Myler presented fu2•Ordinancepro viding for thelxonstruction of a sewer on Liberty. and Washington streets. • Flutes suspended and, the ordinance ll passed natty. • • • - " ' Also an °Wit - mince for the construction of a la teral sewer on Moiton alley, from Montgomery avenue to North , alley. Passed finally. - Alse, profile of the proposed grade of Diehl street, In the Seventh ward. Adop ted. ' , • - ' Mr. Wettach, a resolution Instructing the engineer to report a grade for Willow street. Adopted. An ordinance to grade Manhattan street, which had been laid over under the rules, was taken up and passed finally. Mr. lifyier presented a profile of the plan for a pipe sewer en White Oak al loy. Adopted. C.. . oil adjourned. i , .- -• , Coalmen Councils. 1 Prepident, Slack milled ,the 4.9cmusion Council to order at seven and a half 0 , 0 1 0 ck,. ; ', . • ~, Members preeentt, Messrs. Blair, Comley, Gilliland, Orenet;Hruum,,Haet7 ings„ Kirkpatrick, Krebbs, Kopp, Long, Megraw. M0N111,, , 'Porter, Relneman, Seidle, Tate, T h ompson , Voegtly, War ner and President Slack. 'The minutes of the preceeding meet ing were read and approved. . • Mr. Voegtly presented a petition from citizens on Blossom alley_ asking forthe having of the same. ' , Referred to ~tlie Committee on Streets. • Mr. Kirkpatrick, a remonstrance against the report , of the viewers on the opening of Taylor avenue, Second ward. Referred to Committee on Streets. Mr. Seidle, a petition ' from property holders on Carpenters.'alley, Eighth ward, asking for the grading and paving of the same.', - • ; ~ • , Referred to Committee on Streets. • Also, a petition for water pipe on .said alley. Referred to Committee on Water. Mr. Long, petition from citizens in the First we,l asking for the removal fcten public loadings on the banks of the Al legheny river of a number of boats, oc- - oupiedby persons who are the source: of considerable trouble to the neighborhood. Referred to Committee on Wharves and Landings. Mr. Tate, e petition for a sewer on Bid wellstreet. Referred to Committee:on Streets and Sewers. _ ' Mr. Hastings offered a resolution in- ` strutaing • the Superintendent" of the Water Works to have a four inch water pipe extended along Poplar street, Third ward, to. the terminus of the street.;', Adopted... _ . -•- , ,ru •_•• Mr. Thompson, a resolution ins cting the Street Commissioner to notify the party depositing a pile of rubbish on the sidewalk on Fayette street, Fifth ward, ' near Fulton, to have the same,emoved immediately. Adopted.- • -, Mr. Krelateif's resolution requesting the Committee on; Poor. Farm h? report to Councils why the -Directors of the , Poor have not purchased the• Boyd Farm, as authorised by. Councils at a meeting last fall. After considerable discussion the resolution was, adopted. B.r.sLionstam concurred. - " 1 C. C. adhered, and appointed. , re. Hanna, Kirkpatrick and McNeil a Com mittee of Conference. No tirther action Mr. KirkpatiloiLa resolution instruct ing the CoMmittee on .Gaii to have s lamp placed on the corner . of Grant avenue and North avenue. -Referred to the Committe on Gat,. * Also, a resolutiOn instructing the Su perintendent of Water to have water pipe laid on 1,11 the streets now under contract-for gradingand paving. ' Refer:. recite the Committee on Water. Mr. Grenet, a petition for extension of water ,pipe on Sedgwick street. from Washington street to foot of hill. Refer red to Committee on Water. - Also, petition for grading and paving Evans alley, _Fifth Ward. Referred to Committee on Streets. • - '- ' ' Mr. Warner, remonstrance against the grading and paving of Market street, Fifth and Sixth Wards. Referred to Committee ,on Streets. Also, remonstrance against' reduction of width of same street. Referred to Committee - on Streets." Also, petition for water pipe on Man.' batten street between Franklin and Ham ilton streets. Referred to Ctenraitterf on iWater. Ala°, a - petition for the - rescinding of en ordinance relative to the grading and paving of South alley.. Refereed to the Committee on Streets. Also, a rdsoliition instructing the City Engineer to locate and report a proper I grade for Ohio street, Fifth ward. , Adopted. • Mr. Seidle, a - resolution instructing the Street Committee, in conjunction with the City Solicitor to arrange with , the Butler Plank • R oad Company for a, transfer of so much of the road as lies within the city limits.. and report to Councils. Adopted. Mr. Long, a resolution instructing the . City Controller to have bound twenty separate volumes ; of City Reports tip to the present time, M a total cost of sixteen dollars. Adopted. ---- • THE FIRE' DEPA RTM EN T. Mr. Megraw, from the Committee ori Fire Engines and Hobe, presented a re port embodying the following resolu4,', tions: . • _ , Resolved, That the •Committee on Fire Enuines be and they,are 'hereby author lead to dispose of the ,Ellsworth horse -and purchase a more suitable one in case theCoinudttee deem such a change idesirable, Resolved, That the Controller be and 1 he is hereby authorized to certify a'war rant to the Treasurer, in favor of John P.Erown; to'the amount of $289.99, the same being for repairs . mede •to the . CO- Jumble Engine House. .• •. • . • Report received and the resolutions , . 12,810 58 •‘ .. 810 02 1, 11• 112,7 A 50 ..: N 43817 . . 111 Surrotrktd at.e-.toitiarrarnsf.','. , '• - , Mr. TacelPPlloOstsf•ttM *Sport' of the I Committee 04 Ode; .450.1tretd: ..„ - , • • . Gitietlitillatit Yoo4•oo.lloingteo. - iki,GlJl.ll:' report.that:all 4 the :petitions. - referred tut hoot•iiive.bee*leld[...orisi. tot the , watt:of.' specithiltiforisuitierk:•thit , :•the ,, lanipe ll o 4 '• plied , for : ', ~ Were • Ilene& - - In', matter , of supPlitif.iferthapresent..yesir the iblickii•:•', Um resolution is reported '4 ',=-3 : ti'l4." - it'li. :',i.' r Resolved, That the Controller be and ti illeztt ClOithibillettYlb iithhitigialltkitri* for i furnishing, gas . wets .- mid • ir — i CPiltai the' view ar,lsindolliibeol junction with the Gas Committee, eruct contract to lowest and best: bidder:. • :•.?•-771• 1 Read, accepted and resolution ad o pte d. , 1 -. MARKET 0031413TTWIIIMPOW; .:';-', i • . Mr. Hanna- i.'• from . - ,the Oommittek , on , Marketa,•presinted: ateport;ihoWlinithe knowing:, reoeipi97,*,'lhe • mout h h. - of • Marchf. ''.. •..". • • • ..= ~..- .: .. . ... : Duncan - Dallapi Clerk - ot-Marketi.,.• .' ... •.: - .9l4iiii , : teeserge 111.• Mel MP... - •• Dtambad Beaves.•,..: , .172 71 • James limner, crewed Ward eaates.'. , ...... •:...-4c • . • ... • •. • • . . ... ... . . . . Total.: .... .... :•4:,•:. .-4 . : i . .. ;+i.... R, 43 The-report Was - read::, - ~ . :• Mr. Hastings piked for an explanatlon,;„ • • wby there•was no report :from the •;,Stes7••• , a n d Ward 1541.387.' - .- .-_, •- .- • • , - . • .- - . , ••: • , ' 1 Mrs. Manna .- .lltateit*.ne 'bed • been io‘=", ••(ieivedtiorntheoftbobi): .-.- -.':-:,. .-. ; , -..-- - • ,-':,, Or. '8i0.N014,P9T9.0.0-*vier the , tfopoit - NM M to 'alb Committee to - intVe the blink filled. ' • . *Mr. Hanna thought it could do no harm to; receive the report and let the matter be attended.to'hereafter. Hr. Long tbonght it would be estab lishing a bad precedent to alloy the case to, be passed. After some farther discussion the re port was referred back to the Committee in accordance with Mr. 'McNeill's motion. Mr.lSlcNeill offered a resolution that Connolli go,into a joint session for the election of ran additional Board Measurer for the Eighth ward. Adopted. !SeleeV Connell concurred, and. Coun cils then met in joint session in accord ance with the resolution. 'Common Council was called to order after the adjournment of the joint ses sion, and proceeded to act upon business presented from the Select branch, in the matter of the report of the Committee on City ;Property. Adopted. in S. C. C. C. non•concurred. Mr. Tate offered a resolution referring the report back to the Committee, with instructions to report in regard to the feasibility of converting the - room-'now occupied by the library into rooms for. the wife of city officers. Quite a spir ited discussion ensued upon the resolu tion. It was finally . passect by a vote of fourteen yeas to four nays, Messrs. MO- Neill, Long, Voegtly. and Warner voting in the negative. • On motion, adjournedi I JOINT SESSION. Councils met in joint session for the purpose of electing art -additional Boatd bileasnrer.for the Eighth ward. - President Moßrier.called the joint ses• Idonto order and stated its object. Mr. Morrison nominated Mr. Albert Holmes. On Motion, the nom i nations c.losed and Mr. Holmes was unanimously elected. The joint sesslowthen adjourned. - . • Amtuientents. OPltak HotrsE.=-The audience at the Opera Armse last night was reasonably , large and the entertainment excellent. To-night Miss Dargon, the leading lady of the establishment, will tale a benefit. Since' her counection With the Opera Houle in this city Miss Dargon has made a holt of friends, and as an actress she is held in high appreciation by the amuse ment 'going public. .She:isa lady of rare talent and evinces a degreeof cultivation tion which can be reached only by oh se application to the pretession and hard study. While she may have an occasion al superior in the brilliant galaxyof fe4 male stars, wholioW grace the ainerlean ,stage, she is destined to - oacapya nigh place in- herprofeasiOn; and evgn now. althdogh playing anengagement as lead ing lady, .posmace more genius and a higher degree of cultivation than many who have not only ammired a high reputation, but accumulated fortunes in the profession': ' She is in every respect deserving of the popularity she has attained in this city, and we hope her numerous friends wrill evince :their appreciation of ber Aslant in a substan tial manner by tilling the house from pit to dome, so that there may be no room left for odead.heads.": -• , . Diamond Sobbry. 14 On- Friday last six evaluable dia mondo used for cutting glass,were stolen from.the office.of Messrs. D. Stlt.'Ciiam- Dere' glass house,Birminghaut„' Two lads, aged about ifteen and seventeen : respectively, were noticed:Ushort time before the discovery of the loss of the diamonds loitering around - the place, and-it was 'Suspected that. they were id some way connected with the-disappear ance of the articles. Officer Stemler of Justice Barker's police was informed of the affair, and with the clue afforded, succeeded yesterday in arresting.one of the suspected lads, with four .of the din monde In his possetsion. The -name of the lad secured is Michael Loughrey. ge.-wss, elleX a hearing, committed to jail, for trial on a charge of larceny. , The other boy has not been arrested yet,but the officer is on his track-and will doubt less arrest •him to•day. • The property stolen was valued at about .11fty dollars. • P/TISBURGIt Old. Trot. etre appears to be the, most attractive place of amusement in the city at present. Fall heutieii are•nigtitliocourrencesiJand ~the chief attraction this week are- Sig-, norettilliopes and her troupe of limonite acrobats, Bonzanti and Miss. Annie Hindle. , Master. Charles Gardirierl',in "'My Father $01214 ! Charcoal,"' is .a very prominent festurg,_ as __are also Miss Blanch Stanley . and Tom Rollos. , Allsged , liarceiny. • .• • Mr. John McCanibridge, preprietor of a Hotel on Penn street, in the twelfth ' , Ward, made Information benne the May or yesteirday, charging StePhen Mange with the larceny of 6 . 90, inan two dollar bills: It appears that the accused boarded with the proPrieter, and a few days since Mr. MoCambridge received lotof money, among whic A b. were the one and two dollar taus' stolen, the ' two dollar bills • all marked , by being punched 'through • the lower left hand corner. The money had been missing several days. 'and _yesterday 'morning Blange came in to pay hia board bill, and in doing so paid out, it is alleged, some of the identical twos, with the mark as desoribbd. A warrant was issued for his „ OPring Sala of Flue Clothing. For gentlemen and boys. An entire mew stock! By far the largest and most varied,. _ , The most elegantly made up, , • In new, and stylish moded. 'Well sewed and haudeomely trimmed. . - Grave and tts7i to anivall:tastAiti. .• , Boys of sizorumen or sixty. Seale of prices, 'cheap, cheaper, cheapest. ‘Hasnow opened, atter months of prepa ' ration, a stock of Spring and Summer Clothing, which for . surpasses even_ his former. efforts. This he will riiisposeof by a . • Lynx:v.:inn utritinl4l.3, _ • ''Toinsure which he has put the ' • , • Lowest Figure poseible • ," ad every article in More. Arrhm--Come and see for yourself. Secure a "first -pick" out . of this stock. ' Register your enders early' in - the,Oustom Departnient. •' • Ask your with to e x amine' his ' Boy'a Clothing. • f Buy your - Shirts, Cravats, lto his enlarged Gent's Foy • abolaingDepartMon • '1" Ti vnitiasinne an. 48. , • • • The Wi t t Clothing Hone& •in the City, h street. (late St. Clair.) M== MEM Lemon Bi Sugar BlagrOt. Ginger' ' Spiced Jumbles,;• Are for sale :by • all gracing at retin. cheaper, andef better quality, than .peopiti can make at ko e. ltelter9 Nop 91 Lib: arty atteet.„ , - . intrzaw„ It loft I aM a confer! to -bathe, shave, or have your tair'ent or drmed, at the elegant establishment or, H. B. Williamson A No 190 Federal' street, Al. leghertY. Try it. 41 ' .71.1 ' 1.- " 410 --'-`11"'3..0 • • fateurailrouni .„: i , . s:iiileili nOilr#l, ,4 2 ~ , i Leisure Soars. . Has reading for the young, Reath ng fig 41 ,old, ~ . , EMdini tot 11 1 ,Y .'_l',.° 9 The April number conuons, ,.. .tiO. of Mr. King's serial histot7 of this vicinity --graphfc descriptions and interesting reminiscences, anecdotiis did statistics; "Arthur Maynard's* Love," 7 "The Stoic and Volatile 'Maid." f!Biography of J. , Edgar Thompso, ~" and the , con clusion of "Cast 'Adrit *" "Long Ago," ....\ "Fame, and How - to • „, in :it," • "Non. Conjunctions," "Local' Fuaillton_r 1)0. nundrums, &c., &o. For salebyaU news dealers, and by O'Dwyer st CO., Pub lishers, 59 Fdurth avenue. ' 6 Just Received.—Six crates of - Queens- ware just received, and have to be 'sold within a few, days. Call' at once, as ' bar- ' gains canbe'llad,'at Beggs Jr McGraW'll, • No.lo Diamond, Allegheny. " ' Great • Auction Sale Continued of 'Ma crum & Carlisle's entire stock of facia goods and trimming's at No. 22, FIBb avenue, in the -store lately occupied by- A. H. 'English tcCo. Auction sales at le. A. M. and 2 and 7.P. M. See advertise- - ment. 'EL B. Shrimixsox & Co. •• Openini, onFriday, 9th inst., asplendid . stock of New 2441ilittery.l3kxxia, at Mrs. M. • KlTaansr'e,looEtederalstreet, Allegheny . City, .Pa. rt 4 Conn:nation Water is a cenain cure fen Diabetes ; and afl diseases of the Hid neye., For , sale by at Druggists. Burnett's Florin:tel.—lie nature may toe ea:pressed in two, words—aweet and stain- 4 . plaift to get WintelLune, Col clued Plaster, 10dratillo Cement, is at Ecker 4r Caskri3r , s. 18 Sniittifield skeet Very tine Queeneware, Iron, stone, China sets, only $5, at Sens a Me- Graiv's, No. 10 Diamond, Allegheny.- , MARRIED. HAMILTON—WLLNINI3 , 7 4 . Do Thursday, April Sth, at the - residence of the bride's itientakby' Bev • J. B. Bittenger, D. D.., 'Mt. J. Er. HANTL-' TON. of Pittsburgh,' to Idles lIEPPIE MINE, of Seirichley. (That naught but peace undisturbed. apd -unbounded' may cross their pithway;ltiat their , fr journey _through life ma be fr ee from cgs! and unclouded :by - sorrow; and that unallOyetitiappf ,- nese may theirS: - )tterthe earnest yrithei their - mini friends.] • ''' •- 4 : t IicKBE—BEILBAON :Ine'sdaY esining, AprilAprill,6th, 1869, at the eesideuee of the bride's parents, Milivale, by Bev. Bicirard Let; D'. D:, I, " Dr. J. L. 31cif.F.E,'of 'Pittsburgh, to Miss HEN— BIETTA., U. PICIT4tAOII; of the former place.;4 ' .BIICKLEY—TeNEBER—in New Brighton,,* the Bth inst., Major J. BUCKLEY and Mir TF.E • WIZ bEtEliEt.,,, . DIED. • HOWARD—At Shadyelde isloth • • burgh.) A. ) April 8. 188 e, at ' 41% o'clock .11 7 4040 Mrs. ANIKTT B. NV HOAltD,.nife of 7.11 . , Howard, Eeq. • - ' Funeral from her lateireeldenee, fliernhoit 110111TING.' April 10, at 10 Welt/CC , Carriage's will leave tbe 'stables . ' otltorelind*. l , , t .Mitchel, at coelocri: Y,, Baturday., HIGHEISHGEH—On Thttriol.y_moraing. Mint' Stn. at 8 o'clock. ALF BUSIMIT HlollBEltli 'l3EtLonly son of C. F. and MargaretHlghberger.: in the 10to year of his age: - God gave, Ne took, He will . restoret He doeth all thlnitavrell.., _ , 4ri Eve n ed;'ll'atlier; for so it ipemethitiOtl In thy. 7.. fight Futieraltnem the residence grandiktheil: - Richard McOlitchey, No. HS itreet, ELATITEDir AFTZTINOO2I. 0'43 Oek Pyiersta: . of the fatally are hivited to attend without notice, Ii:INDELRTAILERf3,. ALEE. . _., .., AI li E N i j , . UNDr2a.: ;„ TAKER. No. leg rOURTECGTEEIM - ci..burgh, L's. 0017111030ta1l Iands,OILIXEB. GLOVEI3, and e , ery.descrl9ll.6Loclippt; slashing Goods Turalstsed4 . MOtss 9 sad: . nicht. liesitsf s rid' Carthiges tUral is _•t , ". . -- usnammate—ltev. Dania Ktrr, D.D., Re 0.11.1 ' W. Jacobus: D. D., 'Mamie Zwingiltow: l lleciOr . • E . Mi ll er, moo. .: -,,. . ~ r.,1 fl-,•.;;-, ..' t.. ~-.1--i 013ARLES 8* PEEBLES}' UM+ DMITAKEIS ANllhiEllifY , STABLIM2II: Cornet ."1 iiANDIISKYST : : , W.."1,— ,,, 111 Ofillir' AVY.NIis. Allegheny Olty. where their COY 1. 1300116 a: e eanstantiy_supplirsi =with .real, a ' ialliatlOTl 120 SKOOG, *a.ao4/121i tj 'and Walnut. 'Calms, st prices varying frost. 0 tot" 11100: Ito •'",- dies prepared for hittrment. esrses and PIM ii. lieges furnished: , alro,_ 11 ends of Mourning: ~ Goode. Jf required. Mice, nun atalrhoUrs. 0111 , -. and night _._ WTT. T. RODNEY" UNDEIW: TARIM AITEVEMEA.Vintit, -- .Z:To. 4 5 COME . Allegheny, germs constantly' on - Munn— , a large assortmentoZ ready•made Manna ni. n.-llowing kinds: First, the celebrated; Am Burial Cases, Metallic Self-seallng__Alr4l V • Casts and Catkins, and ,Moienitiod• , WMnut - tte Bosewot d Imitation - Coffins. Walnut Com ; . from glib upwards . Rosewood imittuoaccogi -;:' say i from $5 'upwards, and no pains-will be • ~,-... to give entire satiaraction. - Crape and olliii tarnished f reer fe.UM. Stilt Beane, Cat'_ ' tiara furntihed•on Wort bonen. t Carriagettart it, • .. . .../ UT/ON: ''' The great popularity, on account otlts man. medicinal effects, of 13QUIRE'ff LONDON K?-, 81. kOTA.,S"tor which , I am the sole Agent, has Induced c ertain unitrin7, : ,. : ,cipled parties to imitate MT libel, I?•eiff,..Pnft: l !im • as the genniiii - , tvorthiess „treat 3 - vtiietS resemblance even to this impor4dirthele. 'Thoele o . _ desiring the true' rOmes esti Messrs. J. C. marimist, is. minors a CO. and B. Ki SIMaI•T , 'JOITINkTOS,: - JrL j. •,.: r" Agent for thellinntifietereri ' Corner Fourth 'Avenue, end'Asqltkiw , • 'field * . refet.r. air I have redact:4 , oe Prtee - B — ' —h. asemeg";' NISLI'BBEINBOAP.2III per cent.; aaL?ill othils Bowl to men loie rater. , 1X1144:rm6 • vorissravainALA JILL: , 4 ,.,„ AIERCHANT,TAILOR - w ool I tspeemult mibne his Ikkends linty thll,1 L . publiegalerally, that Ma": • • , :‘• !,,„ • ' f•L.I4 , • SPRING , : S TOCK' . -z- x.„Eizz souerrne . ' unef,lit l ir agtorstifii* W HESPENWEID l 1 -004 ) ' • • - 3 F . # 111 0 1 *- Mri I hm 01.14) Now* 1114 viewed tosii , ol,ll9o. kW r/ttuitsesmiliiiritrituritt, t" be ii444l l lo :l` ri l i t i *. sad =kik 01 1 2itt:u :44* 4 4 ea msiguifia,:pt fiItUTIPIMPAPViIW: DIG CIOODS , zit al all times tqbe fdaa4ratthis WO& 14.14,11, D.ok• e •-elige,e• 4,..;talnittgitiCrtitn :,11;itara ti .....,% foodkootros tolottkot tot uto PRACTICE OIt , IMIPIMISIri P.,c) ~.u p „:i4 f. ,,,,r ei tpn timr, -,...„., ..!u5ae.,,.*. , ..,:;...,..y,, , -, .7•E f ' , ' -1!,6.,_A,17.11,-ii,d, 11 ISM ILE n 1;1 1 - I -,,c; =II