ii II Ii 11 II stit - 101111alit 1 :-4titts 0 cAPiTAL. . . (By Telegsiph to the Pittsburgh thiaettel Washington "Apill 7 1869 , Anmy las Trans. , , The. *knowing additional Paymasters . of that *Artily `, are mustered_ out cif t ile= service froni Jone let: Bre v et Lenten:int . pownelirpavid Gibbon, Joshua H. Watts , ~ and Odra . Holmes. - „ .- .1. • ' ','. Capt.' .148;T. Hoyt, Assistant Quarter = master, has resigned. Brevet Maj. Gen. 8, w,,,crawford, Colonel,l6th ,Infantry, has beep otdered to . loin his Zegirizent in chtplitments of tom South, ~ wiff=ions have been inine4ificnii the artment mustering a nuMber of clerks and Messengers tolieadiptartore of xfl inf o ry divisions and-.4rtments out' ' o f mimics. Hecruits s win-be- received froze July lat, .80 they wilA 'net exceed —in the ' aggregate,; all, Of whom will' be rated as clerks , - and:allowed , the extra 1- pay.atut . ..cOnnautatkons7itratatitted for clerksKi.Tiatinturthetr-.oli hired citizens employed by the Quartermaster's De partnienat vbethari. rated-as cleirke,teams.., stersontabareis,:itilt be",..fe. duceelt ail zapidly or pesaible,i NO'. that • by the lst of Julyand thereafter they .10111 not exceed . to nr tin:minter-, I%B.4l;p:tarter mut*.gebM ivilitliatHElttei the auto=: ber tbtheaaVersd departments entording to the:uttmlber - of ttoops therein, or so. cording :11r the work to be done, and who n , arises for; a siecial undthet=ifed men in excess of the shwa it r, he wilt submit the case. for Orders of the President. Tto..commanding Generals of military di visibp. rand departments. , will' eine& thorongh inspection to he made aato.the number of Officernifriwing commutation km fael,and.quartmandreduce tbannta ber aainuch Atippi*llle._-.All officereansi troops should boketeartOrecl Indio reglilar• forts antifiarracks of. the _United States 'whenever' it may be poenible. and when the barracks arsinadeqyafa.for tat tallita-, ry pnrpeees they may stOmitplatuk and estimates tortes , and eularjfed barracks with a tie w" to accomModation , in publio buildings' of the army o'n, ita presents h arl„. in like _manner ' the Cont. mys . ,if: G enerals Of divisions and del- Mut rtiik Will cause a thorough earui 12—atili. Into all the, means of.,tranerta.: Lion,, nbether, animala,:lbaprea, ' boatti, ?to g witii aView to a fedection'to the ac-. tuna ,taanta of.the service, and, willf,S-' Port LlLer,fin sPecialiY. to the belicicirw. • Mus,s4 VAIN*TuVr• • s ; ,_. - ' ~e ~.• y': "; aangtIOANI3 IN 117033 X. • The following is a list of the Avert- sansidefied to by AdMiral Hoff in his dispiitithestci• the Navy - Department ; as remaining in the vicinity of , Pitarto Principe; and lgthiiiinfin - Bruce, Charles McCormack, Patrick M. Cavil, lohn.Titus r Alexander Crow ,ly • Charles Smith, John }Kemple: dirrledicni See- Fostnr;ltobert Stevens,' wifeandfalnily; Hengsr4;tory and felltiln.,Tobn i Corneff, 'Thoppiqtalw, D. Simons, A Tohn hoeaelm,loulton, Mrl;. d ,Toaeplibte bel rim , near Principe; -Mrs, -Agremente, Steelton Blake and wife, and-sit Nnevitas • Robett Fullerton. • atev'er: nnrrzerwry, t s , HI • t, Dispetehesirem Adddral-lEftiff. dated Ilspura. .Iktarch alst, say:the Engllsh 'hi General had redeive4in reply to' ur ids demand fbr the,returro the-Mary, - Loicell,a note staling the ,11118 in the SPanish .: Admiralty Co, , r , nd *soon as the - decision was made -known he wabld be Informed of It. - - -. ..a.gartn.a.s • surritarsnir.--'-• .. --- , Speed S. Fry 'has beee'ioPo T ant ed Su perokskit sif Internal Revenue t Sen. triekigk * rplace of D. SlGrcxrdloe/ • WM TEL, xii -,,- EG S. , . —There was an earthquake shock at Ie Oxigia. Mexico, on the22d ult. 4The Mexican Congress ' to - meet ildrielf, I A' stormy session is antici pa • —The river at St. Paul is , Ing rap. Idly.. The:upper and lower levees are inundated. A fire at Brownsville. Temiessee, on Monday night destroyed several stores. Loss ;30,000. • - —Edward Cunard, manager of `the . Canard hne of ateamships, died at New York Tuesday night. , • , . -- - -The Summit Hotel, at Toledo, Ohio, 'was destroyed by, fire Tuesday, night. Loss $10,000; insuranoe $3,500. . —Hon. ;Luther Dixon was • re.elected Chief ..lustioe of Wisconsin, on Monday, with no.organized.oppoaltion. —The billiard match at Montreal, bo• tween Dion and Poster, was won by "the former. Score: Dion 1,200, Foster 1,115." —An: Insane man on' the 'Stillwater' Road; Minnesota; killed his wife and ibur children "Monday 'night. ' He ' *as 'ar rested/ ' r'• • •• - ~• . •. --,Thi;,fpe it St. Pahl, billi.D.. figs broken ' up. Two of the stone piers of the new Milwaukee and St. Paul. Railroad bridge We/.e partially carried away._ - - .. —A young man name,U rb an Wohl rab was fatally Injured on Tuesday in the totiiirof Good" Hope. npariMiliyaukeey . Wis.; ht the bursting of a mill aibue in Henn", is grist: l P4L - .: ~ —tit. Marys Ch u rch , in Jersey c ity , was bad l,rdamaged by lightning On Thurs.. day: The steeple was .part y demolish ekthe windows smashed and the entire ahaken ' - -*Thomas Jones,- a =conductor:en-Ina Memphis and Charleston Ballroad e was shokby_aman _named _Push ket m ir of an eating house, at t.Vortlandy _ ma, Wednesday morning, and instenti —The entire Bepublietn city -ticket was elected on Tuesday at Denver, Col undo. L The Citizens' ticket: as -elected. at Jefferson City, Miseottri, The Demo, orate carried the election at Leaven worth, *ems. r been discharged from ~crustody at - ton,,patteida. the American ,detective,, Hudteivailkett an 1a after the case been remanded several gme e.o.o l 'rt;t l l 4 ,4c fip —Arthur Devine, of the Brit o fDevine a Bros., Chicago t who shot and instantly {O, • , emplo# . 4 ; 4 gp i ivey, wo iopthnSet 44zioy;) • last, 7 1 n admitted to bail by Judge , oyes • 13 0 2 4g9tVARDIPrel a a entiou or. i tigipliof the lai • and cl. the Profttaht Etlisoopel ClltgolYissde imbeetttreitr the -ritual iatielealtdinides , the , „Bishop ..or , the. ageltle r aPl9 o . l %,ArdTbilkr ggloriet n*es hf 1 . 4 14 0 Tun P. o °Ncc't 44: Itiv: ettderiehillie'piopositionidlo en 1631111- 2 waitlite.CYoung Mett'S tionLibriki :yen Sunday, providetkthe hourt shall be afternoon and; evening..timatlPA. • Ito be submitted to a vote "a the meT7 ^- 431 0 ! lioffman hal. sent a'atessage.tok the New York Legislature. calling atteni - lion to the overcrowding of State prig: - one 4a:4 :recommending instead of the enlargement of the present prisons ' the emir Of a new one, and suggested;it be a tato penitentiary, with a' view a ' fi t I 'Nur ' • - making it a aep of r ec c "49:AlE l 4 - OR ptmlidunent; -4.11 explosion of nitro.glyceriitei 101 Hudson _ Gity6 New irk,. ikbiaek smith shop, deatroyed sad killed, Nathaniel, Guant trip body,. being , torn to shreds, ...Pohl] Coal: was hurled twenty•five feet; blit. not .ap-. riously hurt. , . • •, —Among the bills vetoed by Governor Palmer, of Illinois, was one to prcivide for the•publication of the general: litWs of the State in • the' (sonar ! papers. An examination of thejournal of thwrlouse; since the veto; develol3es theittet.thitt the bill never passed that body. • ' —The proceedings before thii 'Referee in the 'Union Pacifie case, at New York, Were brought to &sudden stop - yesterday, the`witnesses rertlßil3g to testify tinder the decision of Judge Blatchford, declaring the procendings in State , Ckurtsnuit - ind void. --Michaeltui:Mary Wail,..residing at Brodklyn,lad;ii Pimily quarrel a fon¢ nighte,ago, daring which Mary threw a kerosene limp at ,her husband, neatly fractNiringAle-,skall. The lamp broke, the .‘ if emexici exploded,' setting fire to clothing, and she. Was :fatally burned. , • —Winona, Minn.,oted on: Monday, by a i ajority of 300, to give a bonus of 5100.000 t 3 aid in the.construction of the ' St. Paul and Chicago Railroad. Several other towns on the Mississippi river have voted in the same way, say to an aggre gate of $325,000. .13t. Paul has voted an- Other-#lOO,OOO, making 5425,000. —At Chlitago on Wednesday a warrant ! was Issued (but not, served) for the arrest offlev. James Marshall, aCatholin Priest, Pastor of St. BonifsoeChurch, on a charge of forgery., It isallegesithat he ibrged the name of his predecessor, Rev. Mr. Albert, on expnass.receipts,:thereby receivinkra quantity of wines, grapes, ttc., intended for the-Utter gentiernan, , and appropriating themtnbis own use. —A special from St. Pant-says that on Tuesday .night,-:eight, Miles front that. city, in Washington county,, a _horrible tragedy was enacted.' A man 'killed hie, wife and four 'childmn with an ax, mangling' them in a shocking . manner:. He alterwards cut all their threats. 'Ali' . were. found lying. near each other In Pools of blOod," presenting a most sick ening "spectacle; Gray is • insane. He was arrested and is no*ln jail at St, Pain • —Four boys, the bldisst seventeen years, have , been, arrested at tilleas New. York, for robbing freight Cam on the Cen-: tral Assiltstad. ; Ilse have been in the habit; for a yer or more, ;concealing- them selveson the tralna and then breaking, into ears whilst - hey. were in motion and, robbing. them, of valuable'. goads.. !It 1w thoughtthat ce.they And commenced theyAava plundered trains of upwards of one hundred thousand • ctollara' worth. of 800 awe portion of which they 43111 ziesinfgay - destrved. They all plead guilty and imisliftteWa mannamed WM. Perry as the instigator of the robberies. ,Georgia Politics—The Delegationagthe .CllTTeliteaph to the Pfttabiret Gazette.) Anti.ANTI; April 6.-The-following ap pears in an editorial in the 2reti,' Era, of this morning, in refereffee to the Georgia delegation in. 'Washington,' ' Including Governor2Bultocki "As a Grant Rapid,- licap,,yee loathe.these_monsterain human shape. and hope they may parish, by the way4lide, and the State never again be cursed - by theli presence." The, above incentive, to . murder is denounced by every 'respectable citizen of Atlanta. Be-Arrest of Capt. Donaldson at St. Loeb. terzeteerarette the Pittsburgh thlettte.7 , : -- LOtcht. Aprit:7:—Captain William B. Donaldson. was arrested -again today on the! old charge •cf niturdering Henry Anderson on the eteamerGreat Republic last June, and bulged ln jaiL An effort,' it Is said, will be .made to procure 'his discharge' by habecia .Corpus,-' on the ground. that ;three. terms' o 4 Court have eharelapsed since • his first arrest' on this Attempt to-Ammatiate an:Editor. 836 Telegiapb to theiPittsbarah Gasette.l RALEIGH, N C., April 5.-4 n attempt was made last Eight toEssassinate Josiah Turner, Jr., editor of the ' About midnight a., ahot Was tired - through. a Window of his - room, as hOssit Et a table , writing." The bullet Ailed. of, Its - mark 'and !aged' in. 'the 3 130'.'" The quittiisin made his eacape, and lireatAndignation is expressed at the ocenkrente." - • BEEF EMS The following deeds:were-tiled of reo ord before Ili ignivelyi,Beri" Recorder c April 7, /869 Adainsotal.: to E. C. Dalzell, March 27, 1869; lots No 62t0 n iticaupice, Gazziure plan. 18th Ward, PittSburph.s - itobertlrwin to Jo, ephJohrultonarth 7 AM: lot, Leggett's plan,- 11th !ward,. title- , burgh. on CLlff street,,_=reet front .. .... . 1;925 August Habra to•Writ. , l4artzdan,• - _Out..' 9,1i611; lot . south side of the Diamond. 2ddieesport, 161. 60 by 65feet $4,960 Trisneg et id; to ntepben'Camptiell:Het. 29. ' MS; lot= the'village of Clinton perches • „eolitalnlnal Aileshen_y City to Westrtnna. ..*a; go.. April 5.-180; los on Evergreen. riaultroad, _ billlvale borough - Elizabeth S., Denney to Joetr.B sating& April 1.1869; lot on Bed to-d aven ue „and Elm street.' Pittsburgh, Mhy 190 feet".L. , $2.400 W.thltinar Roberts to John 1 Kerfoot , ono Mal- Cohn Hay, March .4, PM,* lot, on Cliff street. Elena) ward, Pi tsburgh4llllb. 129 feet"...10.600 Hiram K. /ample to the Wast:.Penna. B 4 8.470..• April 6, 1869; lot In I,lll,vale borough James Bryce, Guardian, 10,640. Shaffer. Apra!”. 1869. lot on Ormsby street, Birmingham, 40, by 60feet ' • --, • 1 4.64,003 rhos. S. Guy to Jno. N. Provost.AP2ll 1559 :14 in Moon township, cotalninglacre,lroOussma 29 Demme Abraham Duff to Joseph Apr i lliftiler, -- 1411116; lot fa Tat entum, oa 0121111 street, 6ohy 147 feet 4,479 , 3arbara.nchundt t0...5. J.. Blllek, Anrtl 3. 1869; lOt oil Penn !Over.N,larh weril.l2 by 1011 Bat. with' bnikllagt ' • gia.ooo rameai,Ve,; , 9 11./catior., Aprll,7, Mg; lot Ott r hire *Ott. Illxtb mord. Athasheny. yebyrt;a.rces.,...; $1,6C0 lro.. Iltort 40barnold: D.. Januau 23,:/Wk. lot on Mortal, Comutoh . , ,Thirtl A ItelibeET; 10 b3clo !vet 83,01 Z John Btsebaberger to,ldatpewliteele, March 30, issogot on ohlq iitreet. Youth ward, *Hobe. nyrHarriet obaxwatualarith 29, ,111110: lcit on Trulou Nr!nnei Tblrd ward,.4lllegneny. 30 by 111 , reet - • • - O l3 'George Myrick to P. Hankie, November, 1, :11111:: :Loth I.ower pt. Olalr towns/4,,201,4180 not , 'SAM° Wifiltun HAMII/184,0_ +P t ? •17 int. trAUtiary 11, 1803; lot In Vspalles washlp ISO by 120 feet -.. John H. Glitsm, 40 , 1 91111mrrAtten. Arctober2272 8, / 268 .1 igt 111 Braddoeks botong_b 91,000 George I,Atitow to•Mrst. 'Atka Howell, March 22, ,1809; 10k 4n Allegneny,"Ow.kliewlitost-62[54112.. **,* • .........- • , • 0, 241 1105151•22/15. • forrecor. - 24granet8tii4 *April S .1869. ..t.itiarlbs•ownsenbireh. March 10. U09:704 Ori - Whigyitt Asti:et, a ass Blrmltg. , biu, 25 by r.. 0 rot ••. , 1111,000 WilltlimilliiMlllet to dantim•3llohisilii.lsmeary 8, ,40:421.r 4 .4rA0i , 0,Fft. 41 ,-.;41 2 1CB 1 1:m1oshoto. Phones PLOW Phones If erg teijoUl 21. 1 /LoOri, January 24, 1860: lot lotlto.l4.MnelAfttlfalii' Centro Al , ley. Ormsby borengb, 70 by met. ..... AtelHJ vs at seano Hemp rxiet AtmLli.llllr lot Jo.4.k.Wlo.l9 l 4: l l . 3 l 4 ll ol 4 oPTlMUMlA'kegs_t talent( 4 acres tti•wat William Woolslotr Itats- Hattersmlth, • ADM 1, 1094:441•OkAartOf llit and Park streets,Sixteentu Ward, SO by 0 Thomas Thicket to George .11,S" ell'id;itsmo• her 21, ,19084 lot NO. WWC O O4 I OO/OP . p It b werim -third ward 21 by M. M. Patierstin to hubert Mt er; Merest sr 9 184 : lot on Carroll streetv nitatatdi , 2o.hz 180 least..., . IS Waft to John Lsrklttip, Ap I 2,7 : 1 0 t, woo tre.:t, hirtaintti , sss/5i /520)5 5 thl SO by ITO; reset: ... ..... • i...l9litiligv Peter 1. purr to James Stratton Aprlll,w, on tt fat Street, illerCeemort, bee/at - a &MIS Or 32 feet. el SCO Edon Saktrunuto Jas.. Utl.eeir.AprLKlC,lol74lllo2 of land Allegheny and 13 0 11 tic tatting 2 se y eti '' • ... • .. .r•""; MOrtVaAtigk i Hanle day eleven Mortgages Were Sled to Mit. • Ord. PMfalkißgAl. WM z iiiM re 410111001 ; .: mtu t wernorovaboitalprivate. Co. 8, 102. be Ti nt on ittoject tO the -decision tt tbe Tinton Ite .eltlkan Covettreonvent lon. ap :6 Wroirt sirkilirr. • .-. wtt i taani. 11. 21111ilt0Dir, Will be a eandidatelbr the once of iTheriff, cub. Ject to the deelsien of the :Upton • Itehabltean pinuttl Cothrentloire:' . A' AL . , arTO THE CITIZENS O. LEOHENY f+GOvIITY 1 ropectfolly annonreemyself as cationtate for the °Mee of 51LE11.33 - COSlRTdvatibjtct tathe decision:Of the: Union Republlcan (minty '.Converition. I woald. state thaCl aalo. the. otpce but for UNP. TERM: •at 'the' termination of which - I ,rvuld cheerfully retire; :believing thatthereare others. equally entitled to the . konorand emoluments of the omce , and as Oompetent as myself Z will : be under obligations to the citizens of the county for their support. , Very resneetfally, • .10zEPFI. BROWNE, Late 10114(01d131.14 . ) and sth Pa. Vol. /Mgt. mh22:07 arENTLIWNT CANBE Thaw hav i lng _friends p4icted.are ear. been . * "soircited to Sera for a Circular Letter,ot References and Testimonials. which will con. .nince the post , tha ourabiligist tha Addrss* V.X.r. BUREN LOOKRVAT., M. 1);. , Se Grime Jones atreelyNeW Vora: SEMIS g23ed 4 A nrAillilkagArairg e' of for ming Mclean tlip=me • of Solitude. and the DUAL'AM,W aud . .MAIRS whielkorelltellaPediacents V ABRi t L lure means or relief. Sent salt etter en !aloes. free of chem. 'Addreas. - Dr. - 3. ISEPILZ /4tH 1101FORTON. Howard AuociatioPittleok IigrIBATCIEMIGORIXIMB,Wr.. This sidendldlial i f o gye is the beellzi th e *orld: the only tme and , eet.Dyet barmleas, .rellal yil a w ble. Instant emu, no olsapporntgient; nb" el% decula: tin • eontedies. tem .Ill'ellecte! of bedi dyes• ln and, Immo thelletr: soap beanilig 6 It Of frrown. hold by all Drug and Pe eyetand'nropeely. tipphed nt Bit he* lore Wilt . ..rectory. No. 15 1343nd:street: New York.... „ . - . , . ~ ~. enhirpht ‘ OrDOCTOR WHITTLER ,_, TIMM:TO TEtAT. ALL PRIVATE .Dlseases., syphilis in all its forms, tionorrhees, (Beet, etricture,' de., completely eradicated. That numerous class of cases resulting from self abuse, producingtitunanliness, nervous debility' irritability; eruptions, seminal emissions,, an d! finally impotency, - .Dertitauently cured. Xarsons Intricate and loomtand log cohltitutiOnaloomplaints are politely luvited to call: erconsultation, which costs nothing. •Itxperience, the best of teachers. hll3 enabled' him to perfect' remedies at Once efficient, safe • permanent, and which to most cues cut be wad without, bineratiee to business. Medicines pre!' pared in the 'estabWhinent; which embraces' OP Zee, reception and waiting rooms: also, searditia' `ana steeping , apartments for patients requiring daily herWmalattention; and vapor- and chemi cal baths, thus concentrating the famed mineral springs. No matteryWhlvbave failed( state _your case. - Read what he ays In his pamphlet of dal , . Pages, sent tent address, for two stamps In seal ed envelope.: . Thousands ;of' cases Matted /1111111* 'KIM at °Mee and all over the country.: Ocilla'. Wien free, personagy °face No. 9 :wyno street,' tneat-COnrt Eloils,c) Pittsburgh, Pa. Hoare 9 8 ?.at . liundays 1.2 N. to Pamphlet sent to any 'address for two . LIFRINSURINOBCOMPINT. • O? THE U ED.STMESOF- ERICA. Chartered by Special Act of.Caiiitrtie,. Flash agpitca $1,000,000. itlEtAage/1 O.E'ETICM EMI FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, Where the Itenerut bulbie/k of the Company ie • :ratisseted. . and to which, eurrel pondenen should be addressed.• • ,-, , • • 01/1/10E86. , - OLZE I RCE B. 04A1211- President. 'JA , COOKE, MkOmazi Fir.ince • And Eeentivel • • ittee.- - _ ) HENRY D. COOKE, Vice _President. EXEIIBOI.I W. MEE T, tiecretary,suAl Acinary. Ibis Company offers tbe following advantages: It Is a NailOnal Compsny. OA artered special* set of Congress. 11180: It hie a paid-up Capital 'of 11.0%000. It hirers low•rates of premium. • It furnishes larger Institute d than other corn. ponies for the same money. It Ucenite and natal') In ltistetrs.- itsPolicise are exempt from attachment.. . There are no unnecessary restrictions in the' - • . : - - Exery pojicy Is non•forteltnole. Policies msy be taken which pay ter the" iniured their full amount, and return ail the premittuus.- sio that the insurance coats only the interest on the annual payments..:.,,., • • Yolteles may be taken tnatiall pay td the it - eared, atter: a certain ntitiberoryearip duridg Ate. an anima income of one tenth the ' amount named lathe lacy, ;go atm rieW is charged for risks upon thellyes ' of f ea. . it 'neural. notta WY dividends to policy•holiti. -- 'eas; bin at so low a cost that,elividends 7111 be Jai cheyietee,•paaphiete. and thll Dartietdars Apron on npidfnattina.so the ATVICh lidaqn ttb vow. : 111:17.13LAEX-1b • 'General Agents for, Peintrylirathvind tout ern . . JAY COOKE £ CO., Wishingtoa,ll. C.. 0!or litcrylarilh-Dqiimirevl.VArglitisc District CoicTN./CO. ol l 4lst l'lMals.. . -7 '• 4 b. ly&Y.titst 1: 1 0. ' . / 4 ° 2 0 f Aili f 2ali ki&e!' 4 1 .) 7, 1 ime aspliCk/ AVINTISABZ WANT= in evert 01._.and , am2;44llisPPlSsits" boulisc4lZ tent partici Arr scA,Acencle trith ici id n.. dorsimmitt y ikiallic be isAlaresSOATN 'VIM 4 • PANY- 1 8 OirtigYKAL, AezzasUNlAreiii• thou! Au • •tly• 01Mit •-•- ' WO: It . NATIONAL INSURANCE 'COIRIAOIti .--" CoviedeiallSAAS Nog, dot . Ileg holm. ) omi t I* 111 ECOND:N&TION411; BANK , W. w. i lt r AWristeldinr ' ) , ~. , JORN: 8R0M:44 Linea Wee! dent, • 0494 1- .PITZV 4. ..„ . 6 9 .. /fwM„ ,LWAntaFf... 1.,t•r.0i jPlll.'",rFol,k,;:!•, I John A. Miler, in.' Leeithert. Joi. Mien. Jas.l...3lsham. Bohm Lea, C. O. Boyle anky.wrolyn,Jr. Geotge Beres; , Jacob hogi ~ 0.11 Madams Jno. - Tholinneen J. •AloNa ha. KEYSTONE - POTTERY: Fk„,ThL. KIER , '-• - 4 111IXVOWAYs . ivepti go: Once and wanhouse. 303 =Miry !OMIT. orderi promitlfattaded to.. • Mtal=== SPEOUk.J : I,, Altypir3,?p. INS'CNCE: NATIONAL Apiroved °July- 515, .1888. ••••••••1 PAID IN FULL. riIIikDELPEIZA: ttmtl MIMM Izr-,.;Tal 323 a BY B. B. IMPlllerk 00. =I WM z, l 3lloE64:wavAievel% - Po r k - ricti-.,vtgaroar.' SMITHSON'iI '6IIPORIUM, '5 ASP 51 Frilif AVENIIE Messrs. R. B. 311ITB3Cibt , proprietors or the well known MamMoth Auction House are creating an excitement consequent upon the ar. Mal Of new 'goods' whietc are being sold atle markably itrlf prices. Goods °revere variety; the finest _sewed boats, the most, fashionable :bal. 'moral gaiters and%. am:jet shoei, .slippers. &c.. hlinter 4 4 ilannele Goths. _cashmeres. entlerr and. carpets. 0111 and etaminit... No trouble to and' goods. Ladles'. misses' and children's fins at almost ;roar own prices.' Ail goods war. ranted as represented. . • eobi WINES. LIQUORS, &0. . SCHMIDT'!fk FRIDAY, .11 N,.;;,:fooLips;_;gl.s;,;•i,-4.c..,.., irsouram.E DEALERS M EMI PIAM RYE AWFPEINitSTIpt=, 1194; • Ue , April to . .. • .. MK; 8 84 AND 886 PENN, Cora-Zieventh St.; (formerly Canal.) JOSEPH-, & NINCII & ID I. Nos. 189,1014 MI and My FUMY EiTREJM.PrrraVii,E}H. PM es p e Tir z s ga Bye' *MAT WOW HOM 1 " ad. , . 93 ! :6 9, 1 1 1 1 1 4, " a f"Ewl 'P r Drays, Iliflgi;w4 Carts, Hacks, • OMA T IBUSES, • And Every Description of Carriages, ABE EEQUTRED TO CALL AT THE CITY; TREASURER'S OFFICE Take. Out their laieenses TEE,FIRST DAY .OF MAY NEXT. . . . For each and every Wagon, Cart, Car, Dray,, ' Bugg:, or' Cdrnage. drawn by one horse. the' sum of • • • 48 00 For each and every one of tea above sattredVe blank drawn by two horses; the sum of 410 00 For Ascii and every one of the. above panted bitten; drawd by Moir horses,. the sum or el 9'oo breech and every Hack drawn : by two horses, the stun of 412 00 For each and every Omnibus and Timber Wheels. drawn by swo horses, the sum of 415,00. For each additional borne attached to any, of the abdve named Vehicles, the sum of II 00 SECTiO:i • shall be the, duty of all Livery. Stable keepers in said city, to make a return to the City T rowithin.twentv dossed*r the paasage of this Ordinance, and anomaly. there after. on or befOre the Ist day of Hay of each And every year,: Of the number.of Vehicles of ev ery destitution, owned and used bythem in t hea. business, and the kind tnereot. and the same few turn shall bemadde under Oath.: Elmo. 4, All owners of Carts, Drays , W gone ,; . andetheY'Vebicles,- who. shall neglect or his to procure a license as aforesaid, snail begMulet to a penalty. of not less Mart. ten •pertcent.- fo every thirty days *Miasma remains L i ve, the Ist day o.f flay of each year. All etab'e Keepers falling to make the return re gelled in the 3d Section of this Ordinance, shall in addition to the foregoing, be subject to a pen alty of not exceeding y dollars, all of which penalty;shall be recovered .before the Mayor, or one of the Aldermen of said city, •by summary conviction; and it shall be the duty of the Chief of Pollee to seek out all yiersons who have tilled' to comply with any ot the•-provistons of this Or. dlnance and report the same to the City Tresses. Cr, for Which Service he shall receive the sum of fifty cents in each ease, to be taxed and collected as art of the costs,•upon oonvctlion si atomism The penalties for non.comp i iance with the or dinancewill he strictly enforced after he above date. D. 11A0FERHON, Atizomerr CITY . April 1;1660. AlAtino-.. OFFICE OF THZ TRZAIWZICZ OP.ALLEHMENT I, couyrr, Pittsburgh, April Ist, 11030. IN. PURSUANCE OF Tur. 1 21st section Of an Act relating to Allegheny Dou ty, approved the Ender of May. , 1061, and *Mut =tuft:tentto gala section, approved the 30th day of March,'lB6o, Ido berth, give notice that the Duplicates for the several Wards, • BoroughgAnd Townships WILL BE 0.11C.E,, and I will be pre pared to receive the oinity, State, Poor, Workhouse an! Improvement Tales 'for 1 .869. On and after the 7.st day of May. 11109. Said taxes can be 6iiid at this Oftee until the Ist day of Angtist wfth a „ DEDUCTION OF FIVE PEE. CENT. for prompt payment to all persona paying , the whole filgOttni of their taxes. There will' be no deduction allowid during? the month of..Augnst. There Will be . •.' Tell Per 'Cent.. Added To all taxes remhintng linplid on the let day of Septembei, leto. • ; - . - F. DENNISTON, • ap3:d&P • Tresonirer of Allegheny Cotmty. Or,lc; of :Orr llnannitra AND manvajon, s - • • " Prrrsistratmi: April 8, 1889. NOTlClO,T6t_goltiTitAcird 8841,1,88 PROPonsALS for rebuilding Tilt' ENT SEWER, north. of. the hailro track, „and, tbr eroding, Tarving . and ad. _Curbing the following ,streeth via. : . WEBSTER AVEHOE; Prk vatrica street. • --. • , THIIITT.NIPIT'FI AND 7011TIETRAtreets, from Butler sin:eta° :the A'iegbetlf Rah- Also, 'for constructing the follciwlig BOARD WALAB: • . OFEicin l 'Thinindsry 'Kr • al from , Tl:frit-third strwst - .to' aurel street, an -al ng Laurel Street , to Zhai 141kehi , : 21 •••• ,• • • - ONE on Pearl and Cedar streets, from • ldain to •Lan el etreet, lo U1 1 7 1 . 1 F.dp aW2 • - ONE on Broia.atreet, linsterlllgtuaa• (1 avenue tett'. PrinksisnirilHold, 19thware, - : Will be received at THIS 'OIIIfICE until G 'o'eloohr.X..• on, - • • r , • • TireitkitliAY, * ,;•• .0;.;?:r '• "t ' All bids, 'to beacted on bye C thoMmlttee moat be-lets so THIS antics mob the tlineaabre meatlooeA.: - — 7 . • • ' • • The Committee reTTe:9/11`rig,ht t`P•2*.°P!..ir er all bldg. • • - • „ILA. . .. apt :gOll., • r•• CITY - ENGINEER., GFICT. or I ,ITY ZNOINI2B AND nerwrcron, • • • TArrffeuson. April 8(1,1889. r. , • ~i; TUXIIMIXESSDIENT,•,..-.. Tor the eenstraction - or, the BOILItb*&t; froni ) zank.tlc writ Elm to wivaiiror4 x me; ' • Alio; on; HAyllpi*, STREET; TIMM - Fifth avenue 'to Conti:4l46fmk' , are now ready for examination, and c a n be it* this of until WEDNESDAY, Apill-14th, when 'thii will tie returned to thrOltrfTreastiz' rer , s °dice. '• ' is• 4.• 11. :1, aa0:g80 City Enstnear„':: / 1 / 1 11, LEIltEr-200 leg bY " ' J. B.CANYIELD ~r~~ t ' ~:°`'~~; <. ~ . _ ~ . . " • IMPOSTMS OF ON OR BEFORE . _ fP4 , I;. ril,Er;OM -I' - ‘w. T' OM CITY IIUTIIAL' LIFE INSURANCE CO. Of Pennsylvania. Office 75 Federal St., Allegheny City. DIRECTORS: Hen. JAMES L. GRAHAM, Rev J. B. CLARK. D. Dri Capt. R. ROB N. itev. A.• H. BELL, D. D. Rev. ti. H. VEtBIT. W. A. EFED. Cashier Allegheny . Trust Co. JACOB RUSH. Real Estate Agent, SIMON DRUM, Mayor of Allegheny C. W. HENN Y. Hatter. A. S. BELL. Attorney. at-Law, D. L. RATTERSON, Lumber Merchant, D. BWOGER, Insurance Agent. _ Capt. ROpT. ROBI NSON President, Herr. J. B. CLARK, D.D.,Vie e President, JACOB RCNH , Secretary, ' C. %V. DENNY. Treasurer. , W. warrE, MEDICAL ADVISEE. DANIFIL SWOGEB, Gen'l Agent.' This Is a home company. conducted on the mutual Principle, each policy holder receiving an equal share of the profits of.the_Ckanytmiy. Policies will be issued on all the different plane of Life Insurance, and being conducted on an economi cal basis will'afford safe tavettioent to each policy holder. and thereby retAlit the money it acme to eVoarsse home !midi:ant. tehmsst 0 11. • INSURANCE cONIPANY, - • rinsiziervs sunansto. • No. AA Firth Alialltle. Second . Floor, " • ' PlTTBBtraillt. Paid Up. DIRECTORS. N. J . iIL39 - .‘ olive r, .14:Capt.31.Balley. ' , Da Wailace, IS. H. Hartman.lA. Chambers, Jake ' Ni , Clurksn. !Jas. M. nailer. Thnu° 0 Smith,_ , Jno.S. ROBERT H. SING. President. • - JNO. F. JENNINGS, Vice President. JOS. T. JOHNSTON, Secretary. Capt. R. J. GRACE, Gang Agent. Insures on Liberal _Teems on nil Fire anki Marine Risks. ap2:o7, ERpMEtPRISE INSURANCE - COMPANY ;o}' "PITTSBVItOII. PA., office, Na. 424 PENN, S'rb, • O;) G.) TIMIT CO. BUILDING.) DIRECTORS: Robt. Dickson, Robt. Liddell, Friday, G. Media, C. Van Buren, P. Klrseh, H. H. !dyers,' J. Gangwhch, Chris. adebert. L. J. Blanclu4d, #..Welaser, P. ,Schildecker P,,H; MIMES, Preddeni. DICKSON,IVIce" PrestlealL .7. GEIER, Treunrer; •BIETZ. neCretarr. . : BOW. JIM • pENNSIELVAVILi: INSURANCE' COllifvANT OF PIIIIBBUREIN • OPTICS. No. 1613 WOOD STHEZET. BANK OP OOKHEROB. BUJI,HING. This is a Home Company, anti Insures aguisisi low by P'ire'exclusivelv: • LEONARD WALTER.; Preilkent. • - C. 0, BOTILE, , Vieepresident. BoIuEBT PATIOuig, Treasurer. • HUGH McELHICNY. Secretary. Leonard Walter' Dniseroagr . • 0. 0. Boyle, Geo. . e Hvans, Robert Patrick, J. 0. sem • Jacob Painter.- . J. 0. rielner, ' Josiah King, John Voegt,ley, • Jar. K . Hopkins,'Y. Ammori. ' ' Henry Sproul, , . . INDEMNITY . ..., AGAINST LQSS . BY FIRIA, . . . - , , ... ~.. , FRANILIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA OITECZ,AiIi A 4 8TD1bC8'12717T HT., near its iheidelln : Baisot a gr, l-11 ,cifidendffli - Lentia • . oble.g 'Pawner. , ' . % '', Mit I . LlBroini4'- • Plurill?""ntai, Mita c ' a I*—HAR ' .B., l3 ; eckire HD ;C. DALE. Vice dent. prep / _W. . HTIT tl it t r 3ed i li i e t tiz l mews: t • . . CL iiftritgonAr TWllip4l,.. Nyood.Btreets. BEar i wKw. INSURANCE ciDIRPANY, OF ALLEGHENT, PA. OFFICE IN FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK BULLRINGS. No. 4.1 Ohio Bt.. Anon • ROHL CONYANY. ingneind by Direeton web known to Me isommonity, who trust by fair dealing to merit 4 entre of your nitronera.' HENRY- ........Presldomt." OkO. D. RIDDLE .. , . . • DIRECTORS :. ._ - • 1 Beurr Irwtn_, - D.L.Patterson, Wm; Coimer, fteo. It. Diddle, Jaeohltratur, Bottlelto Yuri Simon Drum, J. 11: Sretth, • • Jacob W. M. Stewart, Ch. P. Whlatoa, &aleph Drag, Jos. Lautuer, H' , 7:Ziakand, Jere. Kohea. aplihoiD . C , FIRE INSAIOANCE:j6O., ZI3I'ABLIBRED 111401; WISH CAPITAL. PAM' :131" AvtiviszpoegviDAEXD..CAULD• Inimrance vans Fire eirected Cu Houses and Buildings, .ods Wares .snd lierchandis% Steamboats, /lc. 'Polities • awned payable 114 so or currency. Air .11nited • Mateo .srancli (Moe, 40 PINE OTREETI Mew York. • .• An loses of *be - United Slats 'l3raitch will tie adjusted In New York: , • • • •• Y. 31["L ILicen mentOr PA. • • , • "Weep, ,117 11111110,14111F4* ' DLR. /licLkllfitiLlit b alati,titent for the Nan. boson Lila Insurance tempany. • ees:vl2 limittitiiirelle • NIEM D EBN PANT or prrrstronort." • • • zwi dtß a NlXl ximaterryien oX - Preelt i en i t. ii:eiLt. Oguas,-OS• Witturstreetallosor a 00.aa Wares , . noulleatils Stairs. Pittsburgh. , Wilita.."Ure• swat aU Icings ot lire • and' Ma.' riot Risks, A.ltorna Institution, siataged lerfilf; • rectors who are - .wen known to ' sae 'comma_t tg, sad wllO sit tiotatiVagby Nromistoess arid twat, r i it a t ir d malingn euSraCtsittiAiwthey hays cal Oillirist protecoolt to those whodealra to to. -•- • ilieiraatierkaticA L Jahn '• • •B. YlUera f f.i' Clow a: J ames e 9,• • :William - Darla 1L , z •. . PANT'. PLIES" 1111 . &„ omOlk N. IL cxmarfsitr?p, t inns MM. A # 4)3,51971 *!RiMr. AAA gaft4se Pigs . riti -- zt , • 4 ~- `,. I—, ~, , ,:- &itoha Piwklb _ att,,,,, . 11 1!IM", ijti_43:4lilA23l4 8h°411,-1/4 u ages nuttily .!ti....e ff M. B r i t z 411 14 ' i t imm IN l W ciart ' • I ;? •:s a 4 % ' At .- , ~. 1: • • ATI; , IA a am MW-----------Enis onuass i g`VßlNKTTsfrrao3l4i ii...... ilk. maito, - Alt kfsbt i ...kilo. TORN rimig.. - .1.... pi.„ . .,, ..t. T. J. HOSHlNELititdohipnt. 0 . DONNEL DAM' VgtD . eal lM l ASenti G Ito: 1 ipiliji.tw*Jr., ~. 'B. 1.,, Tahnestock i • T.. 1. zibmnsoa, W. H. 14'verson. 0 + Qr. RUM,. r ' Rebell IT. Davis,' ' Kilrys7 w ari s ' % • "'mai della*, , unarles ui, , nant..T. T. etcekpuie: Capt. D 141,11, ' .. T. it: Nevin. _ S 9 )&,: _IL _BLOWS. ,J I • . l a2 ,r 4 lir , 1 .117 4 0 && & STEVENSON. 7An BARBELS 'OF , 11011181EWAT . :11)wl. jgr'NEw oimal uousE. Lessee . . ..... ... .......... wm. mexuasos. .11tutafer. M. IV., 9-‘42!ufg• Betefit of tb. Carom., artiste. _ ' Bits% AIIIsaIUSTAL. L. DAIMON. FRIDAY ENENINo., awn Ste, will be pre senteu thr great arnsatlotral play of BAHL' LYNNE. Lady Isab 1, Madame 1 71.)e. Miss Augusta L. Dargon. SHERIDAN'S BIDE, Recitation, by '!Sits Au gusta Dargon. To conclude with the popular fare of DRIBS':NH THE LIN tr. Saturday Evening—Benefit of OLIVER B. DOIID. awards, Afternoon-Grand Mattuee. '1 he BE, DOVIN'AEASS will appear. arGßAtill CONCERT AND E7111.15/TION AT MA S ONIC HAL L. Thursday, Friday and Saturday Fren , gs April 15th. 36th and 17th. Concert on* THURSDAY EVENING, by Allegheny . Quartette Club. Irian AT EVENING. A_pril 160, CINDEREL LA, OR THE GLASS SLIPPErt, and many other Interesting exeret,es.. _ . SATITRDAT EVENING., April 17th, TEN TS IN A B ltuoll. auSair IIarPITTSRERGH THEATRE. . THIS:' W. WILLIAMS, Lessee and Manetrer. S'EYEAT NG, the great London sensation. , Miss ANNIE HINDLE, SIGNORITA LOPEZ and her 'troupe of JUVENILE ACROBATS. Miss BL &NCH EhANLEY. id , de CONCHISTA RuNZATI, THOMAS W....UVULAS. Mr. and Mrs. EDWIN BL ANCHARD. and all Jim Stars. .See =sof the day. :Ladles MatleeeeYert nesday • and Saturday. Admission ;to.iMatinee • . X 3 centr grIIURN•E.LLII ItIIISEUDI • . • AND F I ADION, DEENAGERD3, The Great P144611'5 , Resorte. ITTra AVENUE. between Extrilthdeld turd Wood streets, opposite Old Theatre. ' 41 - Spen Dar and Evening, all the year round. Witeents: Children. lib cents. • IlgrA " GRAND "'Awn Is now being held at "MILLER'S HALL, eora-• er of Plith avenne and Gistatreet, for the bereft of BT. AGNES CHURCH, Soho. Refreshments • served and an excellent band of music in atterd• dace every evening. • autitgarriim ASSIGNEE'S SALE. • TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER A. of the District Court' of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania, made March Ch. 1869. there will he exosed at Pub. lie Sale, at ItICILWAINE , B AUCT I ON ROLM, in the. City of Pittsburgh, on the - 10;h.Day of April,lB69, • . _ . At 10 o'clock A. sr., the ibllowing described Real Estate otJOSHITA - BRODES, Bankrupt, sub. • ject, boWeVer, to existing liens, • . AIL that lot. of ground, situate In the . PIMA wardet the City of Allegheny, county °Phila. ghenyi and state of Pennsylvania, boitndtd'ac d. described , ae, follows: Beginning at .a point 132... 'feet '3 inches sonthwar'dly of Rebecca street, 14 : inclies . westwardly from .the line dividing eat-lots munibsts A 3 and itathe Reserve tract opposite :Pittsburgh: thence parallel with said line south- ... wardly 415 feet 3 thanes to - Bank Lane; the m e s "' 'along Bank Lane westwardly 192 feet flinches to line of land or J. H. L • ndsay env H D,Whiti ple; there's - alorui said and. hinsole's line. aorthwardik 442. feet.. - Inctitirld &point: within 1311 feet inches, of said Rebecca street; • thence north 68, greets east 205'feet %inches ' to the Place of beginning. - '!' Also, a certain other Lot or strip of. land,l4 , • inches In.idth, and running tram Bank Lane to ithin 139 feet 3 Inches of .beects street afore.' • said along_ the. eastern bonndarr of- the *lot of ground above described, and extending rrormaaid • outwardly boundary to the dlvidin,, line Moen: ont-lots numbers 23 and 24 aforesaid, less the following described piece of the above described lot, to-wit: All that certain lot orple^e of grdnud r • beginning at a point , at the line of property of: • Joshua. Rhodes on Bank Lane; . thence along the.., line of said property of said Rliodes 241 feet - to a point; thence by a line 34 feet 4 Inches to • co ner Of Ploperty of Lindsay and McCutcheon; thence by the line of said Lindsay and RC Cu. cheon. 925 feet to Bank Lane; thence along Bank 3B feet 5 Inches to the place of beginning, on whteliArstand second described piecesmf ground, less the tut described piece, cf grentid, la °loth& a large Brick Malt House. . • • Also, all those two certain lots of ground, situ ate in the City of Pittsburgh,con..ty of Allegheny 'and 'State of Pennsylvania, - bounded and de scribed as followm._ Beginning, on . Irwin street air the dial ante of 188 feet!: ins e" _Duquesne_ War: thence at tient atelea 'Trysts street. 60inetrilience parallel with: twin street 40 ieet; thence at right angles with, trwinstreet 50 - .. feet 'Mutt flrwin street:ltepee along tb e same 40 feet to the place of beghininoitheMe. lots ' • Numbers 3 and 4in a plan of, lois laid out by • - Joshua RhodSs, recorded in Plan „Book, page 977. ' ' • mrACHEY, Assignee. mbla . . 4 DMINISTRATOWS NOTICE.' —Le BURNSnistration upon the estate o J OH N deceased, late of the city of Elttsburgh, county of Allegheny. having been granted to the undersigned. all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and all those having claims oryleinfteds against taut estate will 'present them to •, ELIZABETH BORNS, Admlnistratrix. Or to her Attorney, J. BRASTUB facKELVre No. Olt Want street. SLA T • ROOFING SLATE OF VARIOUS . . Qualities and Col Ors. Particular attention given to 'ming Slate and ad rvp dressalring S ate roofs, lor particialars and prlees J.. 8. ILIUM% mh31:01 ROCK. THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. LEMON & WEISE. lU(madnmatare Itai,suip4iml3l 1187 'oVinrsrA:Sridrivet Where toey.!be !tined& full assortnient-ot Paris lop (lliambdr sod Kllchen Vorolture. den SPRLIG • . • • • 1164301L115ir.• An Immense Stock at Low- rliesi at - !'.::'.' . MMOM: I :: - 4'..-PP7,oi:::;'' SPJPARATOW. O . I I7,::: BOYS' CLOTIEEN6I RN , • GRAY LOGA.N , 1:410:- 47 BT7CTie STEWST, (late Si. 'Clair.) .81UTE8i • filiLA'I'VP American Rink, New York Club,' PinPIM Starr: ite. ' All Other styles' and Rhea at the ,viirr: loured rates at • . • - • •• • ITIOTESIDES & DEUtre • deli 19 AIJAZO/Drarri ~: ~- • . . - I`' (Fifth Avenue') LEGAL. No. 43 Sevensh Avenne, "• - PITTSBURGH, 'PA: BOLD omit Dv - MEM NOW 12E0=60 BY El