NO ,; + r. •,:.' - :' , Dl):4lT!'l,il:.:lY.-011103 . ..; - . .70914V0i.'''Vq04)5.i....:':00;;; litaittatistri ttioN, „14:jeki— tsi-STEEL - • AXLEfI AND SPRIPi6B X• AND zvattATA„ TI.AT BAIL,BOLBD AND KU ME IRON. ,BAND. HOOP,. SHEET AND TANK MON , BOILER HO . L OP HEADS,L'' , GUARD IRON; DRAM nd DROrrEs BARS, IrLANGED ouTrER, BARS, CYLINDER EL V N ASID PLAT•RAIL, for Coal Roads. :CROW II a ES,WEDEIEs & N ARROW TEETH. SPRING _PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL, rif-WINGS AND MOULDS ear orpattera. .r• aNii, STZEL , SHAFTING, A. R. • COACH. BUGGY and W N AGO SPRINGS and 4 :• 1 1 11 L cUT ES AAILS AND SPIKES. . _ ,&11,0oodsTipt Gass 'and Warranted. ' • OFFICES AND WDDICB. 111xtinnith Street. andAltegheny fiver, mhland IT Water Street. Pittsburgh., , • GIDEFFROY BRANCKER 42 Eichange Plact l / 2 New York, Are prepared, .Bole -Ascents In the United States for the Prussian Xlnina and Iron Com— ItsiriyittitstA a sir, Westphalia, to contract or fell in quantities to suit purchasers, idellvered In either New York or Phila , ilelnlila,) the celebrated V. G. SPIEGEL,EISEN Veen so extensively for the inarodeetliring of BESSEMER: STEEL.• This Iron Is free from ilulptir and Phosphorus, land contains a hears Der cant ale:of Illanganese. ~. 'inn particulars, samples,' prices or cherniCal analysis will be promptly forwarded on, applies 741ittori'd - • ' Ja3o:d76 SECEMELD STEEL WORE& OGERI mica & 00., ' PITTEWURGII ! irA.e. Manfootorers, of every description of CAST - AO GERMAN STEEL, VO .:c A re Br Wiberrovat imenuos_ 4141A8. EITZEL 93.11, ids Warekiwge, 881 Tater agdloo First* irYL BABB ra4trxip: irs: calm, =OBEN anuaLß. GKO. W. BABB,. 0)32.„8. YAKKJK. smut. rAwarsa-8, M. KOLB. qI*SCMIT STA/4 , WOrt-TCA KILLER, BARR & PARKIN, °Mee, No. 339 Liberty St, . wrramrsen, PA. , BILA.CIL DMIKOND "swm , WORKS. PAllli, BROTHER & CO., aniahirers of all dm*?!lons of Isiorremir Oiaft 3/BSTt W RA h ILRO , AO u TRrEETt S f, TRUT- UtONIVORICS. jimmy, Preet....«Sir. P. Paatzs. fair • • . 'FORGE - mil) !RON co.,i ausrtnPAorerzias cr c 'Bar Leos; ifarlisesil Bolts; • , liiiiisiiiideoVAitike Zoned; " Paflroad Oar Axles italitoleritel Locomotive names; Legelnotalretr a rli b ,r llB - • - - Yokes, Straps! . • 'item:Moat SIMON ' "PioutiJaws;Voillats, dte. 0 NO. :177 „PENN STREET, BLLERSILOSEN MUSS. The Trustee:* are now ormi i iigr_ant !Men ses for **Mee of l ate Vß/LN PRO OThe& reperior eh - silty imparted to good Iron. . the great improv eat In inferior irou:' and Um ?Paced cost, It to all manufacturers of, sirlPirtle' wishing to use it can obtain Menses try arnit to 4A: 1 ). SPEER, Attorney for the Trustees, BOOMS 1, and ;S i Beiltding, 98% Ponith arantio; ' • ~ , ;t„ . Parties Interested are Invited ta visit the MELORNMEBSElMONall.'lrhare 3 tliepractialla now in SUCCUBI= oaaramm. trauU 1.. , :Tennov'Tama iron Works. ;gar, Oti.irkanciMlir, - mar ol4:de , „ „ . prrnalagatit, tf XONEM. .WO111& ADAI/% 71 InC 4 t Li, ".4*l2lolllifiir ! () ingaZ irs ONZAVIAR I VieatMPT • 1) 12 2 3% rOX.E isnot Vat towiliatisir:siiii, , , A ii 3 A. 94 1 0 3 11 44 1 1.ecv - -.; cl • orunniciiimwolizZifitetrirts , ' , tv : 4 .41? FITTIPirat ' Tositlittool i oWatA 9' "sas„Flatt r tA54 41 17 r 211.14 k ) GAB AND .13TIWif ;FITTERS, gaaohotolsrO of 11:=, 6 413g 0 ligefolalrotill kinds. Wr. ofßike ant Walnut kraut virrimußcari; •...!.:LTIXI“J'. ,7 : 4 ; I - • ?.."4A - "Pi I p ~. • _li p ' V; MI TORT 'PITT FOTINDRY COYPANY. • OFFICE AND . WORKS, TWEMFirizt STREET, Prr'rSEittitt*H., Mr-Engines, Rollhsir Mill Pia , . c hinory, -Nail, Machines, Re torts, and . Castings generally* NATION*. POIDADItT ; • • WOICKs• ; . Corner Carroll and „ • ' (NUMB WABD,) e . • • PrP17881731,43:13; PA. WILLIAM • SMITH, . ._ • *arArapturiir CAST IRON BOWL PIPE • . • 'f . , JOB OAR AND wATED WORE& By Plow are all tint trivariablyin rite, I! dry mind, dad IA feet lengths. Also,lun assortment, of general - Casting's for fikts and Water Works. • AlSrallTv ZglitluiegirofifiSClN e ste) l4 " ATLAS WORK • 110it.T011 STREET, Ninth Ward, • THONLIS N. NILLEB, President. These Works ere among the Wien sad lost complete eetabllshatenta la the West. and are now premed to terulea E:oginiii, of eve*? deseelptlem BflHers. on Task". omit iron Work. tall*cold'aiith4Ph Soiling IIU INmitiags. ' EaSine'~tiuis. lEimMae - (:kitMtzw. Gleneval Castings. zo9:nt9 ORDERS sotarray. ROBINSON, BEA. lc co., linc.cessors to BOW:FOOL MINIS 11=1.135, - _ W. ASRINGTON WORKS • 4611N0E118 MiD.IIIACHINISTIVITiBBURGH, • Itannfteturem of Bost and Btationarr Melon En. sines, Blast Engines. 3181,MacnUterl• ftattin ti S: l ll.stings of all' descriptions: Oil Tanks and 8 Boller and Sheet Iron Work. Office. o. 32, comer First and timithlield Agouti for BATMTT IffiZCTOR for seeding Boilers. Plrreospwg: MONT lILANC FOIINDEL seisiet; irrinik Ward, • (Opposite tf uloa Ircri WU%) Rolling laic, ilUd C,astlngs, THIMBLEAKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, r XADINJIIINir AND suinwas ezlizzazzy. Wrteitts TllO 'esittiri Youth Wad Pandit ozd Madan Wor4, BT BANDIIBIT ~,ILIILBe=fICW.If, l'A., •j... '. , i.i ;,, :,,,,, Itaxatecrtarere of Stearn !res. OH Preach reinartiostitant_Aherdnat-,rist as Bay 11311 , Wart, maxedeasohlad oastists3 erste Nan, Weigh Wagon Boxes, 20. Solid to order arm have oa d Eastaesotahliarka , • ::- ' Ervitqa CFATRAL FOUNDRY AND. ROLL WORKS Street. 404314N1 - MD,* BAUM: ae. niza ANTHRACITE 004 ! THE B : Gam- coal .'Coikpany ~.:A, ~.-,:- J 1 jtoljeliftg/8 Has tills day Wet appoll It , for Pittabtaltb anti ,Allegnany ties ana Intro Mawr towns for the sato of Osglt OrlbeSenSailro , nix &MIAOW AntUraolis tCoa l And ,wranspOrta- Mt econtikayr -•-'- - -2 0 — t . ;... do ; . parties in want of a spOilor di 4 tiOt c Ptn__,lll; Coal from rasters Mines . 'wi trit e /. to n.m. on Orin. ; 5-Ati1;1311166 - 1111,1 .TA2I- 1 00fifillft O l4 i..."-; ST.. `ll4Y•irit4FOlCl/flq*,,i, rfaii.. iteiiK. -,- ~ ~ - i t s - " 1 ,.., ? . qiesnelts_ _ollici ukiffirliinktmunim. strrinuTuirrazrr, , rbuil ..POstOeco A4dress....l3ex. BST-PIUS ail: '' -- 40 ?' ,, .,i.‘z, ,i t-i - k...- , t ~t-L I at -,,, :1,4 1 Z. T.D. MAHON 1. ''. ' t -.'.- • linperintendent Penna. k Ohio Anthracite Oaal AsOlinnoperiationfeci •.; - - - I‘. 1 . ~....:Lui.,... J. ,J.-,..,. ~ .t%.,A J,L.L. , --. , ..,..1, , , , -t.i.!-i' , Ifo. 114 FOURTH AVENUE ) Pittsburgh. COAL* COMA: COAL!!! t iDICKSONAMDWART .41 remcMt4 their Oftee to AO. 567, c , LIBERTY STREET ,: cuter car ifitnigtrooNn iLoo [WNW Mir iPr tiabten,lBrEic'• si the crzir=rll2osir vise, them' through He mw. 17 o r 11 =4:1 1 1: ercalletere, . . • . WEST COMMON .. - 7. t .., Akkikrine74 lo 4 6 C l rarksh I 5 ~., . N s2:4ll4'it ilittrnerof.WettAlommasi AUsghte.,V , ~ 10 , 1311r.WK.ALTVATIaltidi 43 0 11 , L ry . _ litts'ini Unit or E.Mairp tallabotA • eillit : ' and etawinquinger X i Ibillitle . ; ViltUsi is . Head Ati 'Tomb 1111tontio. c" " 1 or viviaptly i teo. Mem resionitA FIE %. ,e;e4f.-10 ,-47,..-a,,'%-rl'tF;:::7-4.4MW141,`,-,-, " 0t;*,..N.1 , 4- - - - -ATAffgo , "4l , o:-.14- - • Aka, , • • - • • "4 • ' = pIZT~B TRGB. "114 1 1 , ISNX ) ,) POS:10 ' STONEL IMO .• 4s,,h[NCl , EffillOLE4oo4: 0. Point Alleiso Dutinesne - (NFAR TUX POINT.) Engine Builders, Founders and Mckinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY. ENGINES,. of all alsec - , pelt attention invited to our newSTA.TIQI ARY OIL WELL ENGIN& AND PORTABLE BOlLEtt,of IS-borsenpower. CASTuilifil„of ererylakel, made to orderatbur 'Foundry,. on THIRD SMEET. below Market. RIGS for 011 Wel% SHAFTING. PIILLKYI4 HA.NGERS, HOUSE and TOBAOOO SCREWS Pa LEWN TOBAcpo PSEBB&I3, on band sad mad• to order, at tbe INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Tiro' Ulair oa thnAllegheny River, near the Point, przresimm. P.& ar All orders promptly tilled. TEtT FORT PUT ' EIIALVAND WORKS cminok.k stAlrairA'Orulaze cat Timtadur, Dolma-nano , TußtriAL MS -BOX AND OWN/GM 'MAAR BOIL OIL STILLS AND OIL TANN& CHIMNEYS, BRIMMING. AND. Afal-PAIO , SISPPLING PANS. SALT&PANS AND 00N. DEMERS; STEAM PIPES, easomwrzsb BRUMES; FROsott"Docats Aarit sainsti Office and Warehonuse. corner Second. Third. Short mid Liberty Streets. PitTsstrAGEr, Pa. tar Order* sent AO tbe abate addiNies wM be proMpti7 attended to. telarag WIL BLltargaig All CO; :': ESOXIM:ft,M2Ur...ERS 1 i ANDS Erk IRON *TORKICIO, - 'Nos. o,liiiifiAtib l atitlitirtrnr - . Having s d si large yard and furnished R wit& the ost approVaAl machinery, we are pre pared to ufactum every description of BOIL NMI In the muses , and warranted equallo 24:1=44 001417....24 tellreadnif, 'Oan e • lialani -i siti, /ga tors, d e Pans, Boiler Iron,llrlilses, emar Pan& sad enuniThepplirevaZarakurs PO ent oileriL - Bevaaring done on shortest notice. tame . - . j MIES Miry* Yos. 53 and 56 Water Street, „ . 111.4211:77•CT1UM1 01 IRON OIL TANKS, urrimie PJNE. COPPI3II STRAY PIPS. - ROLLINS lIICILL STAUNd. And SHEET IRON WORK. . For Steamboat& • JARED D. ......CDMIIND D. Eat= JARED. M. BRUSH dc. SON, Kmiirrieroarait ' Steam Boilers, Oil Stills,: -Tangs. SHEET IRON WOME.4kO. 61 Penn Street, Piggotirghi Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &C. THE BEST 'STOVES. A. ILIUM )0.& CO. blannacturers of the dinar trarletyCl Cook, Parlor, and Heating StOyes, TO •• - OU D * BTA 1. Bole AWE.' for the celebrated Rue B ()Heatertoves ant Ittraaces for Hard MI Coke. Be st thq u orld fbr Parlor.Oftice. Store or Church. Fire n slO rekindling—burns all win teAtak9kor _ TO! eta Ottend far Circular. No. 30 WOOD STREET. Oar Agents for.Q_llentals-,•_DBUNPLABB. BROIL, =MUM %SEW.' HUBLWY, - Allegheny Clty. • • tAYOTACTIIIIKOO 07 yli s 1121*Y4SIXIT OP .03 i r x - L BOSTON COWLING WOE G Tom, Mgr FIMINACV • TO& Wasauato , summee. ma • tpmeirnvEgg,BTO "REG Vi&ft:W/L' V m OLiniab po l o WN. O- STOVE, VIE. YAWS (01nclnuitt Patten') PORTA.BLZ ION( C II 7 e ll irTratels=ela 'S It WALTZ Y to. . . guilt !OS; liberty- Street, - • . was ,riTislsußGH, rA• IL , IVJ ''ttlelitto - ausr. --- - • • . .. ....... ..... .... ........... ..... . . ..,.. . ,! .. tr... n . -:?;. s - • , 7 BISINWE4 di CO ..y. - ..1 .- ,...v-1.. , . . ,-.,_ , , , ii. i 'r.. -. .,.;TlEctictiap.*:k. , ...: ,,, ti , .-,..4...:... -,,. ,i..„,:. , :,. i. :.:T:f_,. ~,, .1 ,,,- 1:'. ' . :• . 1 - - , ii• , • ./ . :1 c 7:.: 4!.si . u::.t I , i , .; s•: - ~ • s .., s • ~..a !, , .. " I itrOmili - ciill'otkik'''' !pals .1i . . _. : ,-./1::.4,1::, ~ .11, i . P.).,. i.11..t ...t.,,;•,. ~.1-: 7.1i..P.f! .3VarrourtetitptippliO l a kt korili st o . '•erl wad. . ..Sta firthe Value.- , t ;.,,,:..-:•; i_,.. :.:,,i;,:.„i., ::,. „..,...,..,_ ',I . . -• -T,•-•,,illit:/--.7,i0. -.',.:.:•,.. i• ... . .{ . , • . .. ..1'1'.;',4.1311338W . ' ' Ste. 7*" ' ... 4 k 00ii - • .r .: la.)-kiifiL tr,c.T-1,_CitcA,14'.3z;,..,. ~;,,, •AU• - il. OU • - perw _fttrpet l ili. ir.H141, , 41 ~ e. : (0,0,A0 7: , •,,• : rx•;;,,, ... •,.. auig ,:: : ...,4,,„.....,,,i. .. . .... . :- • •.•., 000 0, 0 aa. DYER, ANT/ EIOOMA ii r IEL° ,•!• 744131.3_1in 14.11 &.; : DYER AN D 311001111111111: ). ' Nori'lSemtaccia.z.. gut 'Wig& rrrrasußea. mi l • • - • . 1 3 Aita mom% '4,11iM:101434 - ;! 4.3 isurr scittai ikuibmiree. is and 4 et. enair street. glOsbulki , BMW otteation given to the dustpan and : building of Opfrgif ROlrki44: spa rw rial !nwarristee: AND IRON AIIOMPHMS. EM==MI ~ .. ~ r ..t- 4 FORT 00111 1 : • No 1.69 Wood Street !,:t. , _ CAPITAL,.: : : : : V 200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. VEALI4IIB IN • eoußNEkifi smoußints AND COLD. -, HUBER ALLOWED:ON TINE.DIPOBITIL ,iDedeetloas,laila Ad all - aemisabils Zahn. to the UnZe4 States an, claadmi i. . DZIOIXITIZ: , , 1 D. Hostetter, :. Ll . . .D*110031402. • James 60rd04, - Boa, .u. Hang, D. Wallace. . Andrew Mill er• Z. Fawcett, 1 ' Jamealf. Bailey. • itiiiiiiii,iresia. samt.; D. LEE! NATIONAL Biit 40 1 MOVIERCIT I co 'f Wlicid -. " - st Siiihi3b3. r. o 1 . - an _:.___t_n , ._Lc .t.,--4-, - iii , A. PATTERAO I / 4 .. • ..... g ait. CAPITAL, .: : : , $500,000. I _DIRACTOBS: A. Patteram. Heo_me W. Cu., • Wm. H. Brawn. - B H. Pabner . iloßgym....- V.ll.§ttr s4ll2. ''' .: Wm M ''''' .. 1 1 D180011:15111111 DAIL' tottoss Mail 111CrALIT, CALCONCI/ & CO., Aj. •1 J BANKERS AND BROKEIIB' Corner Third tend Wood Street., •Nwralimspiieskix„P*., l 01110013:1380118 TO EtAIiNA, HAAT • 00..1 PLOW= tor EXehallge, .V O / 11 1 • COUPOnk • 1• 7 ._ t. • And particular attention Dud to the parolta ' ae and sale of COV litiN s MigNi r *BONDS. I •sati g ht : 33:reszt?. 021-A.pnain*. - N. HOLMES & SONS, 57 Markvt-Stieet, • Oollection'eniiiie oa all the ofincipal points of the United Btates and Oanadsik SU)&39BOildB tlnd other 13eenritieil BOUGHT AHD sou) OR comas:avg.,' Particular attention pad to the purclnue and gale of United States Seouritie i s. 030:al JAY COOKE & CO., 341a3alr.,exlis, 4 • I 114 SOUTH THIHD STREET, STOCKS and 'itibriis of all deicilptions bought and • Special attention given toahe purchase and ii vJ: .' of Government — - , ECLIPSE PETR i lIMIREPINERY. HERBERT W. CIIIIIDDIS,', MARTITAOTITRIR OS, -- T. ~, , •...,k Lubricating & High Test tinning Oils. zeups. Raurimd Azle 0,11:..„ '; , Stands great heat withotiiitairtii4l"iimalur limpid at lowest temperatures. SpeZfil Oil for tropical climates or hot w_cathcr. ... .. Locomotive, Enalue,-saelliiireilliroart, Will eat Screws. Saw 111U1 era& Malang Kill 01119 Adapted.for high eaceSt , ,• ' " __ _.' _•,__ Spindler 'Oil; • tialikeilidit , LtithAwi. mu nra_inatioro. sting ! sensopb, ~ ~ • , ... . 1 WllialshiPiro ll l 4 4001.4;gt .. -,' i PlSE... ll l l iiii 1. •., Parr sera. .i.t.• ~ ;1 e i j.,Slioll. v L ,, H t _ta.prieserre , Braut lira wore au,d,strui erat arum mist,' .• t, .11 .-t:. i r•S'iiirle Jialviricts. s e. manufactured..uader - 11 r. l'weadle sipateat Superheated Steam 111 Ville• eio.-. The xtultrics, s. oils are almost odless, Pareecti • PureiLitilfarall , and meetly ' night 'vol. 4 0.,46„. 0 . rtit ompe,stur. uuchatmettothil remma a extreme eolt.TattX.eums4 91,lemilre imisialle . pad are in ccarstaat assrea, many o ipm• adpas liallindlil. 2 Saretaat ..easi lama_ ,atad . artkiri. Aibtl'lll Atr . S, 41 , 4,. ores at riaa l _ b r,r irrid r ° 1 : )" WAIBIANGIA!rip , • - 0,, , ~ •• - ~, : /.... , • . ..-1.- 1 .r. , 1, r,l. ~-• J •fil: : ... I t 0011131111a011ilitilihilitifiilikiitrbki4li • t,, ~, ••••• ........... •-••• • ,• , • ... . teiirolerus , - and , - i its - - -Prodneta;- .„. . ... , ~ 1, ~ EL DAL war, .- -..... , maymiines* Ps. ' ,•• • - t'llilltilDiltraUlt,..4.DDßlFS, :.' ,•;' ~ ~, . . , - . ‘ ,- ;l4rM4 ))1461ErliGelktbjr l'' ' ' ' flit _. .: -;: •IP : 4" , ,•, ' '.fitc.,l cio. ,Lifigt. , • Iluak: :t . • .• •i ' " 1 ;109 BIMINON MEBOTION, • I AD I iudisisaiii --, f Petiolettai aad , ite)'.lV4,ducte ar ritubm ( ,ose-i i retALIMEINgi earner of mesasit 'a .4 .L. A L .plitlattelpktiOlko—lLST WALNUT • spirldfkro ,4 - tt 1;)1L13103110 OIL WORILS, INf.' - "LO1NCI le CO - ' ; Offlea. } fen Way. Plitabarst !a. setouri. • IiaWINT BRATT, 1 " . irnarinur. AND OftriAMENTA4 . "GA R vE its litnitiskY litge'Altelkeiltill. • , oolitsmitionluamk of en down/ done fund. odslral MEE -~~~ "11 1 IS-11,,AND" ONION "' " 4 PACMCr . ItAILWA.Y - I BONDSy; Thejniespestlirrentinent nowt' tine •nnutet sale by REL.-3t.MjEllEit r iCZ Comer 111TH AVENUE a WOOD STREETS. . . - = . 61111 itti'lltratbßannirlf . setraket rates. deal n :LIES TV BRADY 86 1- 1109 (Successors 08. JONES a C 0..) • Cotner - Fotrit 811 a. Wood, Sto., SOT iND SELL ALL KINDS OF OOMMIIENT swarays,• 60144 simile AND. COUPONS. oic MOO TAVORABLE TZE,MI3! - Fir Interest Allowed on Deposits. isr3Cohey loaned on Government Bonds at lowest market rates. . - Orders expented for the ' , Purchase. and Sale of STOLES, BONDS and : JANIB.S:M. BRADY & CO. Na Ti AZ 11,44 N. 64ttlittaiUrglj. aidtt. trask. .-Prlo4 . ov GAZETTF., Tnurniar, April 8, 1869.' The money market was more strin gent to-day than at any time during week, and bonds and stocks_ _were checked in their advancing tendency, iszoipt JAM Ffire-Tweniiin; viMeh 'sold up, to, 119%. , The. later banes were 'Stead,* at vesleiday'e 'quotations, with a kmitedbosineosi .• Considering the strin lency of the money market, prices were sustained. - • The gold market opened_dull at 181%, but suddenly adianced to 132%. It is expected that Eaturday's steamer will take out specie, and the advance is iZt trltnited to that report. The stock market is strong for nearly all the cliqued stocks. Fort Wain° IS is rumored to be cornered. Other rumors say that a large stock dividend', is soon , to be expeCted, and that the stook would advance to about the same as New York Central. However, these rumors lack confirmation.' None but a favored few will find it Out, and if a stock-scrip dial i - dend is to In made, t is likely to be done before' Menday next, when the books will be closed for the quarterly ., dividend. Money in our home market is scarce and scarcely any notes ;are discounted under ten or twelve per cent.' The only local:securities now mitch demand, and commanding - high ...rates, are Bank stoeks, with May dividend.. There is quite a demand fer Allegheny' Bank stock, in thebope of getting good dividends' (hiring, ,the time the ,g4te Treasurer le 'exp p oted to' keep. &large balance of lira* there. quetatinne',eB.l. by';Ph. B. Mertz: 132 Mims 126; Eighty-- one's, .115%;J:FIVe Twenties*, 1862 1 11 W; do 1884, 114%;,. d0!,1885,' 118%;!do,18W, Consols, 11830: do . ; 1887, do 1888, —; Ten J FortieSi 105%; New , York Central, 63i5; Erie, Reading;, 02.44; Pittsburgh, = Fort -'Wnyne tdo Chicago Railroad, - ,81;' •,• 2111.10 lillightsippi, 32%; Mieblean • :Southern, land dr, Pittsburgh; 96% *; ohicago••-a Rock island,' '3l3;;` ChiCago - A Mirth- Western, 84%; Chicagol&North Western Preferred, 98%; Adams Express 'COM 583f.f.Blercliaatt(VnionExPreels. 15%; Pacific Western Union Telegraph Company ' ~ 41%; Grefory4,lo; Quartz. Hill, 1,05 ; ' Corydon, Brantli 'Si Parmlee, 2,50; W. Am.' Expre ss 40. --Closing uotations received by James T. Brady t , l Op.• 1. Gold, 182; • Uni4d Sates Siker, 2881 ie%; Five Twenties, 1882, 119%; de. 1864,114%; do. 18 65, 116%; Ten-F0rt1ei41.05%4 Five - Twenti es. cry and July; 100;118%; , do.. "1887, 118%; do. do. 1888,1183%; Seven Thirties, par less, yo,Lotitvcoinpeunds; 119; Union Pact& ; Railroad, palr; Central do. I do., 103; Cy. Pacitlesil 101%:,' , • • [By Telesrspli PittetailSidiSefte.] , N.Tit ' 1 4104, April 8 1889; Money worked fdlday 'very -tuni4 , the same as yesterdii/st l te:Mgheit rates bo on call loans. - .EarlY In the morning transactions! were ''made at 7 per' eelit. currency,: commilsions • added , at 5c 1-16 Afterwards rates 11 11411/Pdlft*.!kg 36'*X-01iir cent., enTrentudnect - there some thnefbnt finallAtel-k t niqiii et money iiierareed, which 4004 r p : cieoline 7.. , per' gold interest en skiiik hefOre" 8 'o' .. platik, land goyernmer4re ~41 0 f#g balineesst7iper cent. eurrenay ThwiviblitifirtApin *0P.:01#041404 , 504 1 j the lowest rtiteltra;iiptima, paper :was s 3t per oentei:4llWreigiVekaange'dull/PriMe ( bankers 7+ @8 Gold &men j opened at ; 4-w4/#1,2,34...and closed- at A sudden rise to 4a2y, ,, Ottratte r d (much itttualtihi anti ,a(iiiieonbe4,,Wthe j report that the 'lrak lel EhEla?d - iid • raised the FaKle .431" per cent ., ' " ,w turned outeet'fOupdation. ma t er t itnenspircslahat a pro minent operatcfra On ;the bear aide toiiskpbuil Ito his ebillisets, , and Nisei placedshorC 10! this ware,qtdetly buying iugoldi",,Thiere :was n°4ll-0110 .100tinettifent40.4AdV, the room, consequently there was tio gold bought in under ,rulee. " The lateit'Ved i d *for borrowing were from fiat tb1.64,1,322, , 03 7, 3, ra te , 4.46,11.82 , ind v9x;cepti. s show growing scarcity 'Of . ear gOldk,earned by :heavy ~ .paymental :Intel _the', sub-Treasury for duties ler mutt 41 3 3.PN1 0 , , ;Governments were stronger owing to ;considerable talkon the street of s , cor'JJ ner, in 1882 s to-morrow., .It was current ly re lineted tliatkielding .prominent stock house were short , to gether nearly, fi've !billliOnt;'' and * the serene were to' hetpUt 'to • these parties H. PA. ritria.tiatnue: . ORME J. x. sa•re r • r • As,, VP:4V! -2 , NV, riNAACE AVIIIY.TRADE. ~ v~ r --' c F, 3g,..,y " - Is -° "" WitrifPga laroplaileit round - amount could not be 85) 44: 1 F 403 1 g'C',l4k bettor thairitill'hic h gaga , some :,ocr to _ the repotted 'earner, 'brit in - any (Milt' thcfuture Prw ) :Wl* l3 9,* litAS' time in Gdyie#liiient bond market. -Coupons- of !81,, - 116%® 116; d 0.% 119%®litt do. 134;• 1143a115; do. '66, 116%®116%; new d04113%®113%; do. '67, 113tt®11.3%': do. _ 2 6Bs 113% ® 113%; 10-441 e, 106%®101g. State &Rids firm: lidissourle, 87Y6@ 87%; Old • Venneseees, 66%;. Dlaw do., 66K ®65%; -Width Carolinas; Tne stock mat•lret Wee, active during 'the niothing and prices geolaraltY *ell maintained. : The special reattimWasthe New York Central which feillrore i 66 to 163%, and went subseqtrentlY 'iletWeen 163%@164%. The cause of theliieak is supposed to be- the heavy otters. from Albany to sell with a limit.• ". The Most lictrve istockii . were the Southent, Pitts burgh, Northtlestern and Pacific Mail. At the 1 o'clock lioard; the) - >sifitifet was generally fins with an advance• ,on St. Penland Northwestern Pacific; thilfirm nese cotitinued:at the 'seccrad' board, es pecially ". in 'Northwestern, New • 'York Central, Pantile-Mall, Reading, lohlgan Southern And: St. Paul. StMseg NJ ttentiy the market was quiet, but stionelh a general advantie, though Centzsi not recover the high figure of the mOr rig. 'Express shares are steady and.dulL s.Bo•Priera-Cumberbmd3B®363 ; Wells EspreSs, 81®31%; American, 40040$; Adwah 69®52%;Mar'chantallnibtly 154® lox; U. S., 67%®58%; Quicksilver,' 22® WO, Oapt4mA9%:®6o; Pacific man,92xo :AV Western Union ..41%®411%;,MAripo sa, 19 ®19%; pref., 5r;%®35%;-N,Y. Cen tral, 16464644. - Erie, &IX:. Hudson, 144®1451 • Reedit:lg, 934®93y,, ; 134@136; Terre 'Haute, 37; preferied, 66%®68; Wabash, 67%; preferied,. 774, @79; 75 1 A@M% , preferred, 83%083%; Fort, Wayne,. 131%0131%; Ohio & Afiaatisippi, 32%®®33; _Mich ' igen' Central, 119®120; Michigan South ern, 97®97%; Pittsburgh, 907 ®9l ; • 138; Toledo,' , 96%®97; Bock Island, 131%®181%; Lake SloCore, Northwestern; 86; pref., 97%®97% . ; . Ma rietta and Cin. pref. 23. Burlington and Quincy, m 172. ' • A. Mining shares.—Sih:(t arnziew;-755; Quartz 118; Gregory, 2,10; Lacrosse, Gold eleaxenees, $43,040,001 "Receipts of the Sub-Treasury- were ; $1.040, , Payments; 1670,67/041arkee,- 688198.220. rgniotieu* inJulidA,.l *6440 of l'frio ration 1 :1 - 4-iiii ; k1? - ';;Pitritsmtv, April 8, 1839,„' 5 • We - - -la/deed yesterday that there Was a clog in the oil basitiltia, and '''tcht# 4 ms true yesterday 12F equally applicable to day. The brokers appeared to. be bus!- , . , . ly engaged, but they-had their-labor-in vain, as it - seemed iMpossible albiostio get -buyers and'sellers togethert , there were any number of ,offers oat, to. buy and sell, but as a general thing there was a hitch on one .side or_the other; and this it was, all day; and Indeed-this-is the way it hie been all week. The great drawback appears to'be, that oil is rela tively cheaper at the distripating points „ " is at the producing centre, and while it continues so re cannot „Mason - ably look for any material or healthy improvement. To illustrate,- Crudi,is relatively, lower here than it is at 011 City, and the same is equally 2#11.6 of Pittsburgh and New York. It *26f/trot ed at 17 at the latter point this afternoon, while herelhere -were no sellers below 15, a difference of two.cents, while trans portation alone:; to New. York costirdon ble that; not counting other inci dental expeuses. — There is still 'talother obstacle in the •war - of business; crude is"too high for .ftetintid. We are assured that,, taking present- prices ,as a basis, - there margin for the refiner-what -ever, and our , retinas; as ;a 'general thing,..are -not, disposed to ;run - their worksirhen there lame margin, or at a Joss; if they'atM ;hOl kt'• _PrIOM4hIs It ;Mtn rillY follown, that Ihetradewill con %intro dui Inntit • there is - on the one baud o.ith advance on the Other, or, antilinen time as there is a ;Margin np pareat; atiestst;lo the ; rmtner:aswell as *ttem& dealea_ .7, WS noted, the mrd. sensitive but withtiut iinetable change. • • There were sales re ported of LourMines' of 4,000 each for 4prll to J une at 1534, and ; wenre cogpi nerd of a n 'offer having been made to sell 54)(4P egeh;llaMeadonth.kat IfatruiSlgar - h, without finding a buyer: Eipot"_6lk_iii• stfillll held at 15, with buyers at 1434 ®11 4 4%.'.' . REFINED—SaIe '.1305'.• each,_gay and June at 8334. Later in like day, the last /half liprilwas quoted at 300)31X; April ta'Jiture quotint at 83 May to Sep tember 35: Aptal- to Septemberi, same; May. Id December 35%;','atid 'lcily.; to - De- ' ceral;ler allyear non:analat 38. M7BRlctth`EKOr OILS. . Eclipse 'Winter Lubricating oil 400 Eclipse .ROiroad Axle 1 850 Eclipse ,Mobinery r 780 Eollpeaßoindle i_, ' ' ' • _ Eintiumn xpet A - ... 14.1 i; lonoltliart; Frew & ax, 61r2 bbla' refined to Wattdett•Frew & Do., Philadel phia... ; ::_, 041011e:11,rifiniiig l)).:500 bble to Tack, • Total Shipments Itidned4.. .. 1132 OIL ialuzprAn BAST". FRAM nuoraNn • DEPOT. Jobnaton & Pa3ine;',s3 bble tar.tol/i. Parldizie di Oil Co., Red Hook,' New ; Totarehipmente tar 53 ,` Ar LIVE STOCK 9111 0 1NME1M - , . The following live stook was shipped fbr ratsteii. Markets Oen. totk r titpok -7Esrds, Parthig•thso, we end ing April Bth, 1809, as furnished by 11. Gramm.: Csttie. Ho s. Eiliee t Horses. WeilPOadaYt!•!•,,,2°B 1 ,52 , 5b,56 . itlittraday, 188 1,092 8,0 81 2,284 2,808 90 BatUrday,' 198 2,424., 1,087 gz, madkr,..-- 8,r28 I,lBBl'' 175 T us iday, 418 1,487 ,48e'rein, Tote! tv-205V114110 -18,617 551 :,•1! ig... 8 1 05 1,1.785 iflatiO, 446 • ; goildiebtait i et- , ) ' Out,-.1;-LThe -Dry Goods market continues NrAlmalms more active at con one. redu ced tier reake.bleached-utusllns :arei rediuted ri 4 N 39 0 441310194 to 12 „ Loins dale re uell. R. Wit attdAr Eltt bibles to ; currency; ug gold: Thi sentinel to tell how demor liaised th e markee,lep ;EMU cheeses cot' . veedtiare now selling at fat.ibelew 'i.the Oast of production yet the demandle in egelffllool,TOire.:Be6arthliteliiiirld9. Ilaines t howeyer,hold their own pretty WiralV:lii:e ( C*tt ioW inton w ' e', g nte the iharkel ar who re, trade, f4frtitn`-btOng tiatitd'actary,and brit few 1 ,131 anted in towel or tioantry are likely ;to flake much m91 1 P7t 13 0 spring. Cistotrievrt, April-13.,CatUe `efarket— Beef Cattle -unchanget- ; and.;:quistiF6o 17;51); ,the %tip unekanied I1E(50% 11, the latter rates' ally obtained for `those ranging from 275t0 300 t `4lo li i*ACWAWC ": ` ,.. M 4 § o7 ;N : Atl 'r ' ''s * % • - Vg4p:t.V.,SlNgcfi 42 .It,g. tg?ke OEM A 1 f i r ,