111 8 Urn=FEDERAL OIL COSI- T.— h er ePg lb% held on .the 15th Dex olr AP 0n...1 ti 250 at , 1.0 o'cleCk A. Y.. at the ,osice or. A. A. MILLS. )or. gudd ttie elitle nv, near Ninth 'trek.. Pittsburgh, f r. , waottaking art ion tbr the alas* u. tido et Me co.puoy. A mil attendance Is re quested. , R , • order of the Board. •1',•1. t'EHR P OrLECTURE BY as HENRY VINCENT' _ .. - • - ' Prrrsutnu;u, March. Rsth, 1862. - Mr. MESHY VINCENT, Care .11 . 4 WIC. Bax ter, RiCennond, 1nd...-Leeargin. Your fr elide In . e. . Ills vichilty. eenrulag that you expect iopaos ..througkrittebureth itt returning from th e west, mouid - se glad tr you - Would Consent to remain - here to , Atetive your lecture •on - 4 •Ol.lVEit . CROMWELL," walcb , gave so much - pleasure and satisfactien to toe Patrons ()Late Library 11 Association two years age.' Although th' c l oye --, .-tare Comizittes of that Association - tome d ) ahem course for this, pr-seal season, we, believe those gentlemen vreuld willingly_conient to pre -' sent yon Under their auspices. - Houbeir that ar • - - ream:tents can 1 lit Illade%%o imam your 'lecture ' . at all early day we remain. yours respectfully, Oliver al'CllnCtok, Jas. B. Scot , . . - . 'Be,. W. M. Howa-d, Josiah Bing. ' Bevy 8 - .IP . ScOrel„ - , • J. Ronwelsser. -. ~, John?, jelmluge, , . Joteph - Albree, .. ~ W. Vankirk, H. Edwards, D. P. Corwin,. •-. John - A. Cang . tray; B. C. Loongi, - Jas. COMM. • - P. P. &mita. •• - - John le,Loy. Wm. Pickerel/M. t and others. ' • • RWItiiCOND, Lao., Marchat, 1869. Wutlereen;-Teurf favor of ttiv2sth lust; Is re .'calved. I atialLbe delighted to RIVE, the lecture siLIVER CROMWELL, and the glorious days of MONDAYgh oinnuonwealth, tu Yittabuntil Apritallth.. I aucalways grarlded to visit )our city. ReapectAtlly. HENRY• VisrcEN.r. So Res. W. D. Howard. Oliver* McCllntOch, Zsg,, Jos. Scott, and others.. • Tn accordance with the above request. the Lee tare OomMittee would respectfully announce •t. %bat VINr.)Fr.TIT wILI deliver bls lecture at Rae ACADIUY Or Music, . . • • - MONDAY E.V.E3 I / 2 116, Aprll.l 12. • - Admission to alt parts of the house. 50 centa. "Ticket/lean be purcoaaed at the Mercantile Ll-' • I br a a l 7 - tiooma, corner rent' and Sixth street. poMM. ct ARMSTRONG, Successor 'li •to Yet,er & Armstrong, p.turoucE i kt1631.0.a MEht.MANT, Mo. 23 Market street. • . REDIOVAL. - : .• . ' IX MIDISTRONG tenceersor to Fe tzer & Armstrom I has removed to No. Ida MARKIC'ESVILICET.AfeW doors ab , we - Atte old stand. • , , ap91419 Co-part +-o nerßillp heretl t ifeye ealsting between the eanderalnnednAhls day dlssol‘ett bymutual con *ant. • Ali - aceouits `settled `t W. 0. ,A 11 411W,A0241/.. wbo ciliatinues the business at Ne‘.lll4Nifiet intact. J. riatlelt, *WW2 ' W. 0. ARMSTRONG. IVllo4,:iiitOpALL, piano Tascraan, 110. 517 Wstactii'etieet. - ein I:)foutiei it C. Anr , 1.1.0100,' No. al Wood' 'street. between 10 OrriOZA*A.LT &MELT BBTOON ComPAPIT, 6, 1889. ''SEALED :PROPOSALS. Will bn rennived.by the oudenirned until Apill:23, 1869, at Noon, . ,For building the Bridge of this Company over 'the Allegheny river, tram the foetof Ewalt, (now Torty-third) street; Pittsburgh, and the neeeshary ;masonry, according to Plan and dp _cificalions to • be seen at the rooms of the buildings of the Pitts ' burgh. Fort. Wayne and Chicago Railroad Com - liitabY• corner of Penn and Wayne streets, - of F. Pt &TAPER, - Esq.. Engineer. Proposals will be left witheitberol the undersigned. and must be • - in the Pon preitcrl bed sy the Engineer. Bidders will bs required to find ample security for the completion of the entire structure in . a • workmaniii e manner, and must submit with their Bids the names of their proposed securities. JAMES I. BENNETT, President. • - No. OR Water street. • Or JOHN W. RIDDELL, Secretary , • a • adj. . No. 116 Diamond street. LIBERTY STREET • 3101303 K OISICCIMM. • - NEW _nooks. - • CIEETTS Yo'OEUVRE''or 3be Industrial Arts. , Pastry l'oreelitn Glass, Ettalael Metal. Goldsmith Work, Jewelry sad, Tapestry.:llesa ttfalrylllust.ated. SPENQAPS PRINCIPLES OP PSYCHOL: OGY, • 4 ' • -75 c • .AUERSACEPS VILLA—ON THE RHINE EDILwEISSE. By Art.rbact 00 PIAZZI SMITR , B ANTIQUITY OF IN • TELLEOTOAL MAN -50 CARICATURE HLiTORy OP,THE OXON : CIES. Illustrated- 375 EMtAYS ONENGLIeH WRITERS. By Al • ' thor or "beetle Life" 4 - - 111STORYOP SIGN BOARDS. PRIM EAR. LIEsT TIMES TO THE PRESENT. DAY , 3 75 u BOW TO NORIC THE MICROSCOPE ! . _.- • • tie* beastlthlly Illustrated • .1050 'THINGS IsEW AND4.ILD.,'. By JobstSpets... ear, 9 4.!115 . . . noszaT is. DAVIS it CO • • 193 Liberty street, jest above SL - Clalr. apt • . .OF LETTERS LAW auciptxpr FOB/ to, , . jGai4ster •• - - -AuhleyCliretici'efetty W'F' - O'Connor ' T , •11 • • Ueron L • . O'Neill 0 • Moos* caw - 6 _• • , .IEI R Baraettll . ' HoirmattL Phelan C - Berwick Ale% Hoyt JnO Fewer B - Boyd . 1 1F. it • .; Hartman J B rowers JW. Barrett Fanny Hamilton J V R ~.- Bird Marion - Henderson H Roberts GW"' C_ Hend ers on • L 0' Cunningham D e 3' • IS Cunningham B Stewart W A Cunsingham , li ranithes Wm Saunders L Cline Lit • I utewart ti A Cleary Tbos lasso D Conway Mary ••• .K ' Shepherd Sue Crouse W H Belly Wm Swaneydos • • Cowan a D • ' Hearn T Ineeop .7 A Carter L Shepard Co Liston J irman W A arts XF_ A " .21 *ler Mare 31cirgaz - IT • S hook L.- Donnelly Tat Miller Jos , ' ' • dinitli.mtnins Dodds Thom Morrla Mary Smith W - Mortan 11 • Smith W ICiarts David Mercer ' Verne V ,IvariS 3 - • Me. . 1 ' r A V McHernsn W . W jtisimmonsT McMillen L. • • Masson B. Poster win Re( 'alit A ' Walters 40 ,Slo. slottOrJ '. , hicßain Wm • cum • • _ McDonald it Wallace T - T Sinai On N Wright Wm . Grilltlon 13 • Ntuono - - oardner W t 3 K - • ••••it KRA,: P. vottick o . 0 0 - PARTNERSHIR , "'The wi ndersilreint have • dor fanners' ea , partnership under the Mlle style of:;A P. IIIILLEICS,&" I . and will eitittnue the 'Privisloti await 4 ba slues as teirtgotore.' • ' • • - i3aLLER., 1')11455„ E. "lel 7 I r*ORMULIS. . *DUO. JrreillastAliAltritDAttf a t i t a si/ 'ar= Tetepow. Virteei , atone and Putting goulidarlaa pavement in mai of the ladepa . nqiii ~elletz °e Hones: OLIO EnOneerSire -Department. 1 .11- N imp _ ; jbarobrwara permu from tmettairl mj wilt% MAXI ANN zorr". on re , ' "heel!. 'el wlll ;47 iooop of her eehereetthg• • , ALYILED Privitsnirlir,r April A, 16. _ , 34:ENINIPrA. - 17./Ril2 l ll 4 Grgefict Ostia anQiweet riiiiieft i tior age, by the sis n; nay!: kaftan ',JOHN A4•RigNINIA.W,: • . Corner . Libros 111nui itzreu. • —7- 7 - josiorn • °Rims, - „ 7 WI N'l) 0 'YV G_ L, A S Warebolgile-24 ._ WOOD . 78/1";I7 - ntlibtirei A IMMO NEW ' ILDVERTIS DIE MM) NUMBER APPLETONS' JOURNAL PRESENTS TO ITS NUMEROUS SUB SCRIBERS ARC THE YUR Lie • • - A NEW FEMeIeIIE A ;;Superb . Steel Engraving PROS A PAINTING BY i .. TtfAidinguhlitd Landscape Painter ii The Engraving is executed in the most exquis• Its manner by Mr. b. V. HUNT, and is of itself worth ten times the - price of t he JOURNAL. Nearly every number will contain some . NEWALLUSTRIVED -.SUPPLEMENT' The -.Tc•laix.- CONTAINS 32 Pages of Reading Matter OF AN ENTIEIitaNIN;44.E'IIIt! INSTUUCTIVX THE MAN WHO LAUGHS; By The'King's Command., cotittmed 'atlas atg ' sber. ; :Tb extreoritheiry memowittehhsssttesded the lestie `of AiPiareirs — tetilbie't (103,008 epSep. of the Inttiniiiherharleg to etpdated), 'shoves that thiliab4eattea Veit& IDetkile Want. EINE Ilteo 10 coats per No., or 10 Persaaana, In D. APPLETON & CO„. Pib li shats, - . 90, 92 & 94 0114.NDE STREET, NEW '1,012K. §IXTII, LIST, L, ISMO, AIPPLICA• , TIONei TO SELL, LIQUORS.; tiled .the C erk's Otte: Pittsbarrb. John Metz. tavern, Ist ward; G. - H. Bretich, tavern. let ward: John o • COnnor, tavern, let ward: M. Thomas, tavern. Ist ward; C. Pi - stein, tavern, Let ward; •.A. E. budson, tavern. Ist ward; • Arch. Seville, tavern,- let ward; Dillinger & t , tephenson, other goods, Ist wart Joseph S. Finch & Co.. other goods, Lt ward, V. itch'. tavern. 941 wwa d; S.ll. Mal. tavern, 2d ward; Thomas trailey, tavern, 9d ward; Hobert Houston. tavern, 9d ward; A. Manner.. tavern, 3d ward: • Wns.Dict.llure. eattng house, 3.1 ward; E. Sledle, eatine house, 3d ward; Ludwig &"eating house. 34 ward; Jac. T. Keller, other goods. 34 ward; John Drew. eating house, 4th ward; Schmidt A Friday. other goods. 4th ward; John McCullongn: other goods. 4th ward; Louis Cella. tavern, sth ward; John Hassell, tavern. sth ward; A. Thilmann, tave r n, sth ward: M. McLaughlin. tavern. 6th ward; Mrs. .1. Gazzoloth er ' rn. sth wani; Vrennis Golden ds, sth ward; Rosa Itobßzer, tavern. Bth ward; J. H. Ditt er, tavern, 6,h ward; • Y' T. Laiser other-goods, Bth ward; Aug. "Brockman. tavern 7 th ward; PeteeSpreyer Laren, 7t h ward; X. Johnston. other goods, Bth ward; T. Buenter, tavern. 9th ward; Yells Mettle, tavern, 9th ward; • T. B. Byrne , . t 'Tern, 9th ward; Geo: Swing, tavern.• 9th ward: W. J. Morgan, tavern..9th ward; 11.. Wagoner, tavern, 92, ward; 11:Yreyberg. tavern. 9th ward; tieo. Bone. eating h use, 9th ward; A. Greenwood. tavern. 10th ward: - D. O'Connor. tavern. 10:h ward: - G.' Wertz. eating house. 10th ward; .Y.McCagerty. other goods, /Qin ward;. - L. Boil. eating house. 1111 ward; John.Suanissa.litthil heeler 11t h ward; 'Mitt. Campbell, tavern, Bri t t ward; Garret Phelan, tavern. littltward;.. - John Gamble, tavern, lath ward: Jos. McElhinny, tavern , 14th ward; .11. Toole, tavern, 14th ward max. tavern, 16 th ward; J. Ynurnhols. tavern, 18th ward; J. C. Bench. tavern, 18th ward; • .. 11: - L,ellier. other goo. 16th ward; John Smith, tavern, 17th ward; . • Joan Nasser, tavern. 17th ward; E. Miele!. tavern. 17th word; M. Nasser. tavern, 17th ward: M. Millman. tavern„.l9th ward; Y. Bop. tavern, 18th ward; , C. Ackerman , tavern . 19 th ward; J. Witmer. tavern, 19th Ward; H. %WIPP, tavern. 511 st wird; C. Boderns, taiern 5134 'ward. . • . JULNOIseISOA, : • .-- Yells Grant, tavern, Ist ward: . John Fletcher, eating house, Ist ward; Jehn riddons. eating house, Ist ward: V. SI Byrne, tavern, 2d ward; .J. McDonald. tavern. 94 ward • G. D. Lighteap. tavern, 84 wa rd; A. Miller, tavern 3d ward; V. Lang, tavern. ' 34 ward:. ' • W. Shugart, tavern. an ward; Ab. Tether, other goods. 3d ward:- L, Ste, u, other (00(111. 34 ward;, J. G. Eichenrellier, tavern, 4th G. Schleiein, tavern, 4th ward; Wm: Harper, tavern; 4th ward; Ws_Herrington. tavern , 4thward; Z.E.rebenbahl, tavern. 4lli ward; F. &blotter,' tavern. 4th mutt, Gratter,-tavern, 4th ward; L. Katt:Than, tavern, 4th ward; • H. & 4. Carson. other goods, 4thward .Phil. Huether, other goods, sth ward; Fred. Peldba.h. tavern, au} IwOra}. i P Gilt tavern, 6th ward; Damas Lutz, tavern. 7th ward; 0. Jagri. tavern, 74b.wYrrd;/, Bisehaer.livern: Vin ward' J. • Mantra: tartni.',7th null; - W. % trans, tavern, tan, ward. laorpuibi.B.'Osk'tu, tavern , Brddd s+ 31...Thleketri-taver6. itirmillanarn;, 11. Ullrich. tavern, Dirinlulthann !Jeat,,..yailaley. tavern, Blrmingh&m: G eo . grog°, tavern_, BirininithlBll.l John .ox. tavern, • naot'mirtolninant; . W. itossman. taTern. Soo Bttnatuglisso; F. Bader. tavern: ' Eat Blralidibllili; C. Grass, WM; anOt,_'attAntotliant.._ John Yheller. tavern,lt&E.Bhmtlignam ~ .o.....Rodolphi,tamern; East Blrialnithati; John Schlep', tale ln.,Esst .1 31 thilitgliant: - J. Sigingt. tavern.. moot eirtiliithimV • '"` Schauto..tortern, MettoeoPpa4 j,; • - . fr. P.M Uppers. tavern. Ora any ' Lese cierere• , o lll 2o7' ~ r:(;-. !,: - 401111 . Welch, tavern , Ormatt i - .MMtelionnon;•other oat BPittsburgyittl 11 , 14 a in'obr cab4r g o " d AMAPlttokatrat. tovern,ll, ; Ann Innuttos.. lUnkti. - iz r..'r • t4ttari...leto Wsatastaito 14 • REMAIN OFFICZ, April , d; ( . 7 ESE ' - cri; r Towliglifpal.• •„ „ ' George Groocterero. trrlsos; f,t , - , • leo s ir Hi Wit t legf gelYt el4ing u,PlaVilorli ; , °ee*, s t N JosephT gazer* terers.-gurghtv akleauldiforra. tegerniallglo.t. , 1; ego, Binger. cavern. Noveaelein Jar hart. haven.' McClure: Jot!! GogliefeOliter hoods, KeGi!lrev' Ira=eat,Yrkioinctu,ticaft !; di o tttnfidgosdete4 lei thgert • • • theerN:bow lily, • ( 1 . yla.x am vets. Iditer pt. MS • - 1. erg, titers ; Lowe, , -- .4.8a11„ , were: Lowerg;eolatrt • ; • s noirmani taverns bowie B * , ,C/01: Berulteg, U*o74 ' , James Ward, tavern: , Versallieei •• '; " A. MOOT% AllYerNie:Voir -T . ._ jere. 'jam, tavern. L, The Litietlie itior gems. .ttbe ibirre `aPtioattons oh' the 14th in. o .o ll GOteloak A•K; Ciemlfiti) 4C I ADENIEL, OF El tIENCE; 10 1 Irederat Street, Alligb y,, , (Baviage Rank dlag.)-. Spring term beg • • ' MONDAY APR ,IL illy 1888. UM Sour circulars, apply to 108, 8(1/3B. A. K., Psis. P NY.:=~_~.ab~ cfor THIS WEEK. KENSETT. Of Permanent Value. .TEDLETLENDID STOW It OF VICTOR HUGO, ' ItirtitrAD ' :.,x.~~ r - • . . . • 611241 M: ••• - ..lampxy.). *Tidy LADIES NELL FIND _ 'An Agsortment Ladies' , Embell White Skirts, Ladies' Ruined White Skirts, Ladies' EMraidered Underwear, Inilints', Embroidered Robes, Infants' Embroidered Waists, , Hamburg Edgings; Hamburg lisortions, Lace Collars, ,NainsoOk -11fuslins, Jaconet- M . uslins - Swiss, Skirting Muslims, ' Ladips'„ Stockimp, LadieO' . Spring Olovei Children's -Stocking, '&; OEM WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, lio.'lBo and 182 Federal tato% NIW. CARPETS Very 'L - ow iso AND 182 FEDERAL STREET, ALLianium NEW - ` "00 DS Popular Prices. BATES & BELL, 21 Fifth .Ivenue. Dress Silks, Uhintzes, Lawn Robes, Lace._ thirtEtins, gpring Sliaw • Silk and Cloth Mantles, Ladies' Furnishing floods Infante' Robes, Garibaldi Waists, • Cheinisettes, Cloaking Cloths, Alpaca POplinsr. .Linen Cioodis, Fringed Napkins, Fringed Dovlies, Cassimeres. NEW BOOKS,: • • - 'Mt SCHEME ,CF REDEMPTION.. By' Robert Milligan, Precluent or-the Col lege or, the BliSe., le Kentucky Delver- • stty WoOOD WARD'S - NATIONAL -.A.ECHI7-42 50 TECT .. • -• 12 'CO USIXPERIIEGY/NDe LIFE, OR MUfEB THE HEAVENS : e By 11° trace lllns ,* • L - 6nLlemla *lo 00 PRoP688011; PORTERII HUMAN IN-. • ELL,ECT • 00 7ERVILLE's MOLECULAR. ANL INCROSCOPIC SCIENCE 12 08 urns ON HOUSEHOLD TASTE . tested - • • • • 10 00 KERMONS.. Brlter&Chei; Wsdirteerth!:: • " THErEVita:r tit; lONS ift le PRE-NISTORIC NAT 175 MACKENZ IK*O_ , HISTORTorSCHYPLAInt 80 THEANtWp RUSSIAN TABULIST. 3180 Q uzzau 4 l 94V4Es.o* QUEER. Pia. 1 50 VERBS • JOURNALS& A LONDON PLAYGOER, 14 4 / 4 4 YOB R E SSM A ,R ezEIr**/*lttOr the Lot, * ' . S DEAN HOWSON' mirq?..guoicaor az', • • 50 PRIMEVAL MAN. By_pulte oi__Argyle... 180 THE DAY .DAS WM ,AND , wAIN. sermons by the Rev. John Kee,Glasgow, Scotland . 280 THE THEORY Or COLOWLIIIii. Result- , fully Ihnorsteg.,•,. ... 1 50' F/V.E.WHERS-"IWA-BALLOON.' Very B ANDAR b Amusing IM-W_ oz Or HISTORY 1 00 attlel9, 11Q VEN =ME - - - 2 - 80 Y 4 M TEN ROD TAGIL OE HOW lOW. CAME A FLORIST Vol.il ILLSIITRAMKTIRAMTI434fONDIERS. 71Gutewsse nsgbtultg, - 801Bustrettons. Vol. 11. Wonders or Iltustrations. Vol. 111. Wonders .c.; Plest,',9o3-Austrations. PRWEELSO Pit these IA thi, hawls~( year 112is,Liad VIGIL/Owe • /10 WOOd Street, one Door below TWA Avenue* sp7thhawir 1 1-1 0 - 15#41 , e '`tare And (or sale strictly at the LOWEST. MARRIpT, ITRICE.Priem fellekoin.eScellent suitable:s4lW • " 137 LIBERTY STREET, rs "; &Nib= Plttsbergh, WM MO • . 4 =I - OF 13E1 ALLEGHENY. stern ATOBTA, num', WAX as .miaanfliatura ot thaaolute.Wafebe s u e Company have devoted all the *dente and Iln tae art at • thelrraManand,. and% eonddently ielalm that for Oneness and btatny; Ito kis than for the greater excelancies of meqbarneAr Lad saiestlifo correctness. Or ( Italia; mut. exftu Usk , 'theoa watches are unsurptafed sur woem a this country the, imumitufmatliato of there Anewside Watt:heels not even Attempted, exceptWa4thaseu V ENV ,, Afifttliti i ii3EMENTEr. AT 12 1-2 CE BEST QUALITY Of CALICOES Light and IDark Colors, NEW STYLES, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY. NEW SPRING DRESS' GOODS, Fine-Black Alpacas. HEAVY BLACK ,SILKS, Extra Bargaine, at WILLIAM SE MI ) LE'S, 180 and 182 Federal St*at, • ALLTAHENy. SHEETING MUSLINS, llOw Case muatina, SiIIIITING "RUINS, TABLE. LINENS. Napkins and Towels, . . AT THE LOWEST PRIDES, ' anr WILLIAX SEMPLE'S, so. ISO AND FEDERAL STREET, 06 ?MU:O=NY. THIRD ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS Ea HORNE & CO'S, Will receive during Ibis week exteislve assort meats of Eats, Siindowns, Bonnets, Rfbbons, CALL SHADES AND WIDTHS.' flowers, Silks, Laces, Frames, Ill.usiont; Dotted Nets, AND MILLINERY GOODS . Of Every Description, Inp ludingVl the , LATEST; NOTALTIES, to wbitb we Ihvite thehttentlon : e'rhglthiois and ttnilers. ' spa IRON. OITY- . SPICE AND MUSTARD MILL, Fifth Aidiue, near high St., _ . STRICKLER & MORLEDCE, Wholesale Dealers in • ROASTED .COFFER. Spices and .• :Mustard. , We call the-attention of columnar' to ear EX- Ott sum iiIIAST I OFVEE, 'sold in • o ne pound' packages and WanuanTsc to be the very beet in the market. • _• • GORWHICA.L ground Ail arti cles warranted to be of the best quality' and de livered In the city free of charge. - ItTRICHILFIS 111E0114LEIRGE, , . mh2o Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. I have In stars and Am COnstently receiving direct fremimutscinvirs,is cosdplete assort ment of BUILDER,' ARDWARE which L I offer for We on as fair terms as any house In the City. together with a flue assortment of OUT% LNNT. @ONO and BAWOLVEIIn.. also, the best selection or MECIfANICIi , TOMAS, tom inP4nriocbazwinngtoepatitibpyet4ehteart ,raidliaret.esalllin:ol4Bl73l;l4 improvement,ri r same as fore , the Are of the.lld of February. smear ago if ding razors. saner., Mitres, pub light watblae nog In Wery lobules, and repairing all kinds of . SPAM. DOWN , NO. 113111wpon ISTILNIFF, PITTEIBIIIION, world. Mao. Aleut for Grosskopeis Museum MAO LINEN AtANNR, the mown aoreltyln the ' , • ,•-• =RM. _....auusrlrAlVECOL ~ MakeWateboa are of the weit.,:kopyru If plata style, anditrarraotrat to ratlaly*utorquel4na. demand for beauty, tialah'ii4fltaurseY• The mataufacturo of Watehos *f alai mut quality it not event f otterttptal tluay , lettlirr *4O 4.ll , WaNitsai:c .. viz EIALB BY INIME=II IL 8 .9 0 9. mi 4: PITTSBURGH. 84 Plate, 16 and 20 81sesk. POW BA LE BY :'. a Zl'? 4 LDEif_4' 00: 41'P. Ffig Mg aff-To C 4 .RPENTERS AND BUILDER-S.—Sealed proposals for the erection of I - • • TWOI.STATION HOUSES, • For City of Plttsbursh, one to be erected In Twelfth and one In Seventeenth Ward of said city, will be received at the Hardware Store'of J.G t _PEARoON, No. 47 Diamond street. be tween Wooditaid Smlthdetd streets. where Plans and Specifications can be seen. All droposale to b- In by 14 o'clock. April 17th. 1889. By order of Committee..N tr, BAR% • J oe, AtAtiStiAt.b. arta • GEO. B. Ps,ASSON. igrNOTICE IS HEREBY:GIVEN to all OWNERS OP DRAYS, CARTS, CARRIAGES. BUG6LEBi AO4 (whether reildent or non •resident,) in tue City of Pittsburgh, to pay their Licenses at this face YORTIMItt, in sacordance with an Act of AsasiiblpapprOred March 30, 1800, and an ordinance of the Conn ell, of the tar of Pittsburgh, passed April 18, 18410. ; All Licenses lot paid on or belbri MAY-16, 1869, wlll be placed in the bands of a pollee of?' deer Jim collection, - subject to a collection fee of 80 cents, and all persons who neglect or refaie to take oat Licenses will be subject to a penalty doable the amount of the license, to be recovered before the 11tror. • • The old metal plates of last yeartnnO be re- turned at the time Licenses are taken out, or 28 cents additional will be charged on each License. BATES LICSPEE: Each one horse vehicle , $ 7.110 Each two horse vadat) - 1.2.80 Each four horse vehicle 15.00 Each two horse badg • /5.00 Omnibus and Timber Wheels drawn by two horses, $lB.OO each. One. dollar extra will be Charged for each additional horse used in any of the above vehicles. A. J.:COCH.RAR, fel2:o4B:sncr City Treasurer. NEW SPRING GOODS JUST OPENED, AT THEODORE F. PHILL2f, 87 Market Street., Prints, Muslins, • Dress Goods, SILKS, SHAWLS. . - FULL LINE OF SILK SAC QT3ES, Paw Cheap. 87. MARKET STREET. 87. TAGGART & SIMEN. 6111.1.ArD 0P.E.V1L11114.. • _ a • • `Spring and' Suziamei. BOOTS, SHOES AND . GAITEBS, wsoriao.tra. AND RETAIL, NO. /29 FEDERAL STRNET, `Allegheny. '' Dive its a nail mnti . be isofaiineedo the Dur it, and Extra Quality of work at low_ Pnc And aU will be satiated with a good artic le at the lova& prices. - • BOOTS ABB Miff:ill/ADE TO ORDER. 0 ilUILI)EIIS ! ' 500.000 feet , Dry.Plesßoils., , • , 1110.1 M feet Ili loch Clear lank:, • 1115,000 het' ti Collin% n Plank: 533,000 Stet Dry 1 and IS lack Oak: *N i ece tr. t Dry li,. I, pi.E roplart. and 3 inch Poplirt 10.000 gha 10.000 feet Dry Yellow P leantllog:uts Boards: 100.000 feet Hemlock Scant/lag— • _ ~• • ' 308.1100 feet No. 1 , 18 loch thilinall BILUI-1 1 300.00020. 1184 ub Shingles. Sawed. 80, 0 000 Pin e 000 NelS 11 B 6.lneh M• • angl C. es, skived::: A*: - • •. • • ' l,OO O -Plre Tile. • , , ' •'! .... - WO Tens Fire Clay; Also, Paw Nlll Lumber. ••149east and Cedar Posts, Ind all articles. la the llneott hand and tor . sale 'b - ALEXANDER PATTI:a:4ON, Yordo— No. lel Rebecca street and corner .01Ereee. end' Juniata streets, Sixth Ward, A l leltka l o7:•lllto boi'. o - ugh O f Manchester. _ ' • -..•-, , .41,, 2,0004000 A•cß'F' " intoioEVisD' s'Ant• ci BY TSB , Union AtellieltalioattomPakii.' • • auLtmeas Dzvzsuile,' • T 055,00 PER AfIES, 414011 s ' OREP/T ;Torrarth. Lsppartlelleze, mare. Oa., 241desas irOllllP nEricsiaux. Lead Cloiasloalte, Topeka, Kama. Or CRAM. B. LANBORTI,OeoIy, St. Goals. Missouri. 01171 INDIA OR DELTIN tip nose, Steam Packing and Gaskets of the INDIA Belting Comma:dee maoutieture at mice 4 as low as thle quality of Jgoods can be bought of the maaufaeturer. A nun stuck always ouliand It the Indiaßobber, .Deot, SAO and 28 Street. - H, PHILLIPS, fee Sole Agent. fur tho Company. - , • 'ZirOTIO • 3 • ''ll ~,-.: • • ARIJILBTERLY DIVIDEND it/RSTIIALTIONAL X. pite s b ur .h nate Pittabur• h Trn il st " e X cm . Directors of the Bank have this day declared-a' dividend of _ THREE PER CENT* on the capital stack out of - the profits of the last three months, jmyable forthwith, free of - State and Government tax. J. D. SCULLY, Cashier. ata:hs Apayz,S, 116 ErIitOTICE. 1 THE AILEGNE?IY COUNTY Republican .Execu, Will meet • on TUESDAT, 11 o'clock A. -ix., IN T : Egli • Et erT•ineinber of t attend, as bastnen of lm. (April 20th, 1869, at Ellt BOUM! in 016 , . ooinndttee should nutter tentdre their RUSSELL JOHN H. ST7 WART. Be ra**NOTICE.--At Meeting of the Directors of the - - EWALT STREET BRIDGE CO. On April 3d, an assessment of $5.00 per share oit The Capital Bock wee made Payment Is re. quested on or before the 2:rd of April. at the of neep of t; hl CHRIS. SIEBERT, a 406 Penn street.' ggrA LLEGIIENT COUNTY • WORKHOUe , E.—Pr oposal swil l be rece i i n v g - WINDOWRAMSApd I BA S Rfo or th u centrrall part and west , wing of the building. now seeno gress of erection. hpecideations may be at tee office of KARR A MOSER Architects. Nos. S and 4 Sixth ,( formerly St. C lair; street, where proposala.mayhe left, addressed to . - H. S. FLEMING, W. S. B apa:g79 ' Building Comm Committee. ski' NOTION8—••=:Q Zre," "ler Sate. Lost," " Wanteol "Ainntto: 'Utaaritiog. lug UlltginAPO CR MIMS sae% trill be two eertitt in thcre to tenins ono* for 2' init2tl7-17 Vi OBB7.11: each additiona L Ulu "Ire. MM. W4I,E ANTED -LP. -•-AT PLOTIIIENT OFFICE, No. St. Clair Street.. 1101 re tilltLb and lik.ENi ;or diSerent Wads- of employment. Persona wanting help Of all kinds can be anoplled on abort notice. Ny• ANTED.;--A. purchaser for ' the whole tight Of one of the BEST PATENTS out. Wanted In Any one with a ten hundred can n14'13 n o vae. Chairusand. inquire of W .Bev. note!. •' - ,:ve Committee F , ANT ED -*- R OO Ol.--t wo young men. n nice furnished room.. onld like the privilege of bath. but this Is not indispensable. Location In Aileghenypreferred. Addre is, A. or Z GAZEI•TE OFFIG.E.I weiarTarx--.4 few good , agents at Dr, Bose. Medicui Depot, No. 51113 at. Glair Ztreet, second story. RETT, Chairman. • tart. ap2:o4-rIP Pooker BOOK:. on Fede street, Allestheny. The owner can have tne e x ame by calllng at the IRON CITY" oPICE MILLS, Finn avenue, ,provlng property att.:Limning charges.' ' • -- . . o LET.--A houge and `eight Tacres of ground In the Twenty-second ward, n, ar Silt Works Station. Connellsylile Railroad. Enquire of W. N. FLEXING, Esq„ Forbes !greet, near Pride street,. TO-LET.—The 2d, ad and. 4th Storie, on corner of LlbertY and St. Clair streets; TWO L aRGE ROOMS, SO by SO feet. suitabe r o om furniture rooms, c lott i ng warehouse. lodge s, &e.. Etc. PRANALIN IRISH, E 15 9, Penn street ; Pittsburgh. 0-LET.--- ROOMS.-- Two tine ROOMS In GAZETTE BUILDING, Apply minting Rooms, 84 and 84 Fifth avenue., a iO. LET.__ROOm, 40 by'' MOO tbrxrczowhaqourm,or R arar T of Per . and rpo LET.—Double Two-story -A- House on the corner of Stockton avenue and Beaver street; Allegheny City. Handeosue gar den, stable and carriage house. Apply at No. 6 Stockton avenue, or - Wayne Iron Worlui, Tenth, street, Pittsburgh. ' "VINE CLIFF," Homestead of bite Dr. R. A. Wilson, Mount- Washington, within ten minutes walk of the city:: an attain Cottage House, with tower,cou tabling 10 rooms and cellar, with spring and cis tern water; entrance for carriage. etc.: now oc cupied by Hr. , G: T. Robinson, ' of the Inn of Robinson, Rea & Co.._ Inquire of NALL PATTERSON Attorney-at -7.lBrattt street. ' F - - - 011 t SALE -- TYPE.—Abevit 400 pounds MINION TYPE. nearly_ as good as new. Enquire at THIS OFFICE. • VOA SALE. -NEW FRAME COTTAGE of 5 rooms, hall and cellar, in 18th Ward, (late East Lloerty.) Lot 60 by 187 feet; bread board walk from Railroad station. Price low and term; easy. Enqulreat Tuts di. Prot. FUR SALE Suburban Resi- DENCE, OR BUSINESS STAND. AND ONE ACRE OF GROUND,situate in the borough. of Braddocke, within two minutes walk of a station on either railroad. The house Is a neat frame of seven rooms, large ball and cellar', lot_ , contains all necessary out buildings, and an! abundance of all kinds of fruit, good spris g wit-I ter in kitchen; ten feet from the house is a store-1 room 18 by 30, with wail e-room Attached, atom', now rented and- doing a good business. The location of the property is all that could be desired either for a country residence or a bust- ' nese atand, or both. Apply to caw? r a PHU,. tart , : heal Estate . Agents, No.. 139 Fourth avenue. FOR SALE. GLASS HOUSE. Situated In Rochester, Beaver county, on the Pltt.burgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago ./tailroad. The property consists of a lot of ground 98 by 195 feet, In fee simple, frame factory complete In alt respects, s ten pot furnace, two tears,. mould shop, containing engine and lathes, cat• ting shop, packing rooms, storage house, sand null, all in good Order; and a goecitrade up to the capacity of the works already established. This Is a rare opportunity for a successful bualness. For particulars, enquire of • ONGR. ape:h2l 107, M Fou ßA rth Avenue. FOR SALE, NINE FORTY-ACRE LOTS Of land in Central Whkonsla, good soil: good timber, and near good market. • A - few heo. term implements will beraken la exchange. During a recent visit to Northwestern LOWS ar rangements were made by which i can supply a limited number of persons with land in that por tion of lowa at from $3 per acre, near lines of railroad. Address, (with stamps enclosed') 'Bakerstown,AOHNDe.Hcl ape egPnnysoLuvnLt,n y ia . VOR SALE. Near 'Osborn eta' Chicago Italboad • Bt: Wayne and b". TWO. EqTs, Containing•. About Two 4 Acres Ikudi.) ENQUIRE OE W. lIIIACKEOWN-ik mnw 195 Libertir Street./ "DOR SALE CHEAP.' - • tiro•-aeon- Bricks sones, on Alpha% near Chestnut; street; Brooms - and iellari'3o)ixloo. Price $1,200. • Two tefihetery Brie; HOuseukur Wit street; 0 mints each; lots 51 4x500. Price $3.000; term, $BOO cash, and balanCe, in yearly inebAnienta of $6OO eacL pkcinialigna' mono on Aiken Lane. • Price Ten dnetinlidinit trots, loiBo; on aciletst. Fiver - do no* staxMClL.upoPer_ it. Four do do guto;ouldlitieneS• Nlne small Brick Houses Of 4 mate each, NI Maria streef., , gripe? 41,1,t14110;43mytemil .1." 317,1M4 • 1111354 :112/ . B7 Glint t,,,,Arst door. pvisir.te will offer • titlFlrm at. Public Bald, on ‘94IITBDAT. or!! 10th /809, at o'clooit m.. on the •Prelillaell, on East Rain street, .redints, Cohn. ;Mans county Ohl% - aiati4wo- icnar4f choke Laid, under a Wilt state- ot . .cultivatists. with 19 ,14 frame houise and. bszu4sfood samara orals kinds of fruit the whole underhdd.with airood 'subsist Coal Also,•thelfol/s9 to Which/ UT% bthlt& new modern built brick house,' cents/ohm pig. rooms, .with EfAtVEN. =and,* TWO=TH/Wln AOREd- OP OHOIO9 LAND, ornamented with. an abundance of shrubmry, ousbardi good barn. .de.oto. Terms easy, which will be made 'moils on dad' ap11;g8.1 JAMES O. aitsys }Tsar PEINTIRO INK woßls. O. E. ROBINSON, aulcop,artialug ON' Black and Colored Printing 4 LithegraPhill INNS, VartNIIMES, ar.CL Graj P B Ferry Road and 88d Street.!..--, Se IMI , . P ANTED---EtE:LP WANTS. FOUND. TO LET. FOR SA LE EMI rumutmarzuA.