The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 09, 1869, Image 4

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~,- 4 -
PENNIMAN, REM & 00„ Proprietors.
Editors and Proprietors.
I') 4 4 (is /A in ;rl4 :1
Of Plttiburgim ty
h. Allighony o-
) . sony
Terigie—Dativ. lekett-Waditi I. week
One year... 118,011 One year.*L 50 Single e0py..51.50
One month Thi c Stx mos.. 1.50 5 eoples,eteh 1.25
1341j:week " 15 )
Three mos IS
= lO " _• _ 1,15
melee. done to Agent.
FRIDAY. APRIL 9. 1889.
rziNr on the inside pewee of this
- morning's GezErrn -- &send page :
Ephentikii, ifiseellaneente.
and. Bin* pagu: - Finanetni, ConlinerAtl,
irarksts:-Imikrtei.:lltver Arm. ;Seventh
Page: The (7apital, Brief Telegrams,
Beal Estate Transfers.
B. •iloNia at Fissaffort. 8-71.
PwritizumL at AnVArerp,,§sl4@t!3*.
Goren closed iri NerW York yesterday
at 181 ' , _
Taa Market oOnunittee Of - City Coun
cils met yesterday for the , purpose of se
lecting a site for the proOosed new mar
ket house. No choice was made.
1111..jOillt UT, NeW . Yorli, is said
to have declined the offer ot the Austrian
Elision.- He would 'accept the Englsh
Ernhaisy, lint it is not likely tole tender
ed tO him. . •
• MB: REM= JOHNSON has not shown
the good sense' to resigichis position as
Minister to England. - In:consequence of
the oversight on his part, it is said that he
been telegraphed to by the President
requesting that he adopt such a course.
A PIM/ORAL quarrel between the Min
" later and, Secretary of our Legation at
Madrid meets its just solution in a request,
from our Government, for the resigna
tion of both of the wrangling - diplomat
ists, whose successors will be speedily
designated. •
TEE Parapayan question is to be in.
yestigated by a committetrof Represents.
tivee, during the recess of Congress.
ADAIDIAL DA•vls c and Mr. ItteldAuox, at
present our *Older to that country, are
to be called'hone, and will appear before
the Comialttee.
• THE Cincinnati Gazette is demonstrat
ixig that the Goyernment fails to get half
of its - dues from the whiskey distillers in
that neighborhood. We believe in no
other part or the country are the distil
lers so honest and faithful In making
their returns as those in this locility.
Tu Alabama treaty is at present the
_special order for.the Senate in, executive
..seasion, but is deferred 'from day to day,
'under the premof other executive btud
nese. Including this, there are twelve
-treaties aWaiting . the action of . this body,
All el nay go over to an extra
sesskm, after the adjournment of the
Sincn the refusal of the Cincinnati and
Dayttasailiia3r„ Company to matte a
lease to the Erie Company, the lattir in=
'slats that It is 'a violation of contracts,
and will appeal to the Courts to enforce
the original ,ayeement. In the mean
time;the Erie will: se other roads, if it
cat, to make the connection between
Urbanty.. and •Chtchinal. Is that new
real still to be "built 'titian sixty' days ?"
A DISPATCH to the evening Chron
ids sets forth that much bitter
ness' ' developed itself at Philadel
phia against Governor Gzenv and
other officers of the Commonwealth who
refused to reach forth their..bands to save
the murderer who died yesterday
s on the
scaffold. It is popular at all times to de
cry officers valo have firmness enough to
do their whole . duty. From theis
outlook • Gevernor Gnarl and his
adei as one in - eieniency- ecnibl
only;be exercised at Gie expense of Jas.
•Uce, and they deserve czedit for their in-
depeadenc e , of action In the premises.
Twirauithe Philidephis murderer.
escaped the,posniety.of , the kw yeaterdey
by taking hie ,ownilie, dying the death of
s suicide. 4.1041 ti l 110. he proved how
just was the 4 seedowhipiii consigned him
to the " '
Poor_BwrotrOdtiroteatiog_. his°.
eence, but he,mea, bisttideewith Cool
_ aid .„.r9W5E,0031.,,1t may ' ;hive
Deen,thst no recollection of cont.
tatting .the 'crime done under ; the insane
impUlee of liquor, put that he was guiltY
theiican bete just 'O4 of the
two•livela widifedVdiuntarify and iiiitol
int_arilY into eternity by the law pre
serlblug 'capital puilihinent,' how much
good will.follow? ' • •
— Pncorearrgois are ipPr9Ted bT 3 4
Ohio_ Senate, ath are penciing , in the
Amuse; for the eutwibision • , oViselrezal
aniiindnieitfict tht cctiioliCtifoit4
Oise' auceiaftiati;,Voti
one exception, relate t 4 JJOlclfty,
c hidi)iipoodilkesunialitcatioil of tie sys 4
tem; with an enlargement of the functions
ad ari increase of the in
-.~+~ _ _ _
exception altudefitit, is a proposition to
restore that featitre of the old Constitution
abrogated in 1850, which allowed coun
ties, townships and municipal :corpora.
'tions to lend their credit to aid in the con
struction of railroads. Unless submitted
separately, the last proposition would be
likely to defeat the one relating to the Ju
diciary, whioh,,otherwise, could not fail'
to be ratified.
Tun szmouncauxur made yesterday
that the bill allowing interested parties to
give testimony in Courts, had passed both
branches of the Legislature, applying only
to certain , counties ? and Allegheny not
one of them, created considerable feeling
hereabouts, as on no question of reform
are our people more pined in - advocacy.
The slight, however, is folly explained
by the; telegrams la3Vevening. Alle
gheny, it seems, waaincluded,in another
bill which was matte& 'yesteiday in the,
House, and so.amended as to make it
getral, law, and passed.. The Senate
non-concurred in 'the amended part and
thus the ruder rests. • The, Legislature
should not' for an instant hesita r te tO make
a law-so just and equitable 'apply -to all
the Courts in the Commonwealth. The
eiperlinent has been tried'elsewherit with
,most satisfactory results, and no good
reason can be put forward why Pennsyl
vania should remain on the old beaten
track discarded by more progressive local
ities. Whether the law be made general
or not, we urge our members to see to it,
that Allegheny county be placed among
those securing fthe reform, for our people
are unanimous in the demand that it shall
be made. .
The Xlrth Article has been, atified by
thirteen Legislatures, all of which were
chosen last year upon the broad issues
presented by a living and progressive Re
publicanism. They were chosen in
plain view , of the Democratic allegation—
reiterated by every orator and'journalist
of that party, and presented as the lead
ing Democratic, objection to the Republi
can Presidential and State tickets of 'l3ll—
a Republican triumph would Mean
the inaurtration of the political equality
of all citizens, irrespective of color or
race. On that view, then, we conquered:
on that issue the XVth amendment to
the Constitution was altogether justified,
has been duly proposed, and ratified by
nearly one half of the needful number of
More than that! Since the proposition
of the Article, four States, and four only,
have held general elections, and each of
the four ratifies thatratification, re-aflirm
lag the great princiVe which last Nov
ember proclaimed, and which the new
Article embodies. , New Hampshire,
Michigan, Connecticut and Rhode Island
have, within the past month, again en
dorsed the Republican doctrine of equal
ity before all the laws, by majorities
showing, in each ease, an increased per
centage of the total vote, cast on the aide
of progressive liberty. In all these States
the same issue was again presented—and
once more we have the same answer.
How long will a purblind partizanship
lead the opposition, stumbling along from
disaster to disaster, in their suicidal re
sistance to en inexorable justice? Why
will they net exhibit, even at this late
hour, some reasonable degree of sense,
and unite with us upon the wise policy
Which the EV'th Article embodies, that of
taking the question, which is so distaste
iial to them, outof American polidce for
ever? The wisest of , the opposition lead
ers would have been glad to do this last
year; the policy which declined a course
obvious to their prudence, and which once
more bound the Democracy to be the
victims of their own traditional mistake,
was openly deplored by the best of their
journalists and statesmen. We cannot
forgethow• urgently 'that party watt en
treated, even after the unfortunate nomi
nations at. New York, to abandon the
obnoxious candidates and the fatal poi:
icy, and to come squarely Atti to the sup
port of a really Democratic Liberty and
Equality. The result ofNoveraber as
titled "iliese4lie apprehensions. a ,
~ i_ ky in\,
that insane , partisanship learns rt ng.
Once more, it, has : its hour of graco T -Its
locus itiukatialif PPliorttuqtY to save
Willi: Let it join, with us in all UntDli
ino6 .doiiilerStie,oo,7;*l9!",de
of Vaerty7aaigesi; and it may'escape ' ite
Otherwise inevitable annihiletiOn , •under
the wheels of American Pro less.
The reconuneadation from the Presi
dent, that, ()anew should ' further
arringeinentri,for: elections InTirginia
had' IllssiseiPA Infers:the ' close -of Its
'mai, 'meta 'filo' cordial of
tbel - Ptiople,:iiidiiiisidicii• and Obit to
thi i general sentiment,. which we have
heretofore frootaiiii:iitiiited to; .' We
hart liver been able to see any good m
op:tor the action biriillich''' the. How l
de q in , : g ' ,with th e _ . Mississippi 000 bud
weal,iri'effect threvi , air these qunstions
overboard for the pre*. session. Nor
hat'aw, at.WY tithe been Convinced that
the Senate has shared in the restlisa im
patience which seems to have governed,
Representatives. On the contrary, it has
been clearthat a laigo - number. if not a
majority, of ' the Republiaan Senators
were , and still are, ' of the - opinion -as
expressed by Mr. Broom and othere,
that the ;.completion of Southern recoil
strnction wss really,the leading duty, of
this iestdon, which could not properly be
closed while these questions remain
open. '
With dke Viestdent,lha S ena t e a nd the
~, . .
:P1T1'8111711.611 GAZETTE i I DAY , 413114 _9, 1861
people alike concurring in this conviction,
that the proper work of the session can
not otherwise be completed, we shall teal
a renewed confidence that the just claims
of the situation are not to be ignored by
the House.
Indeed, it'is apparent that the message
of Wednesday was a word in season,
fitly spoken. It has convinced the House,
not only that something should be done,
but that it is a very simple thing which
the case requires. it may: be true, as a
Senator declares, that no further legisla
tion is required, for. the holding of an
election in Virginia, but the Honse at
last peiceives that it must cover the whole
ground, and that...this can properly be
done by clothirig the Eletutive,' at once,
with'the needful power to 'order the elec
tionsin Texas and Mississippi as well, 'Sub
mitting the three Constitutions respective
ly, by sections or otherwise, and to make
inch other provisions as will ensure in
each state a fair and orderly expressicmof
•the popular sentiment. This looks very
much like abandoning the legislative
ftinctionsin,a bnip to• the Execntive !Rs
cretin; but, if it be the best we can have,
it is a good 'deal better than nothing, -,lt
will impose vastly Increased responsibili
ties upowthe Tresident, - and intbat view,
is a marked irCi . of of the confidence with
which Gen. GlexT - has inspired' Repre
sentatives. We could have wished that
members bad sooner realiFed the situation.
And we should be glad to t see Georgia in
cluded in the measure now pending.
TEE ennui Brix, which passed the
House a few days since, makes merely
the preliminary provisions for the organi
zation of a specific Haim, which it; to
prepare schedules and perfect other need
ful arrangements for the work, subject to
the approval of Congress at its next ses
sion. Beyond this, the fourth section
comprehends the only really important
feature of this bill. That section reads
'The census shall exhibit •the number
and condition of the population of the
United States as it may exist on the lat
day of June of the year in which the cen
sus is taken; the number of births, mar
riages. divorces and deaths thatmay have
occurred within one year next preceding
said date; the statistics of agriculture and
productive industry within the year pre
ceding, and statistics of the educational,
religious; intellectual, charitable or other
social Interests, and vital and sanitary
The bill still hangs in the. Senate
Tna Pittsburgh Dispatch has this' re
port from Washington :
Tour Representative, Hon. Jas. S. Neg
ley, succeeded in getting the bill ' , la re
lation to bridges across the Ohio river,"
reported by the House Committee yes
terday, and had the bill immediately
sent to the Senate where he has sanguine
bopips it Wi ll al s o be favorably enter-
Miffed. He feels confident of Its passage
in both Houses. The struggle for and
against the bill was well fought and stub.
bornly maintained through four separate
meetings. On both sides the enormous
interests to be affected were steadily kept
in view. The commercial Interests of
the navigation of the Allegheny, lielonon
gahela and Ohio rivers concerned in this
bill aggregate, Gen. Negley stated, ;100,-
000,000, and employed, directly and indi
rectly, 30,000 people!
The resolution submitted by Mr... Paine.
Chairinau of the Committee on Elections,
and adopted by the House, disposes of
thls due for the present, as follows:
Each claimant is required to file notice of
the ground . of his claim by the first of
June, and to give answer to Ids opponent
by the 20th of June; that Covode shall
take his testimony from the lst to the 15th
of. July, August and September; ; that
Foster shall take testimony friiin the 16th
to the list day of each of the above
months; that the final submission of all
the papers relative to the cue shall be
made by the 15th of October, 1669, to the
Clerk of the House, who shall have them
printed, and the printed arguments in be
half of each shall be filled by the first !lay
of. the session. , '
For some weeks past a number of
young men, or large boys, have been an
noying the jailors, the courts, residents
on Fifth avenue, opposite the jail, and,
in fact, every person passing along Fifth
avenue, at Wylie street, by assembling
in the room over the Common Pleas, from the windows of which
they could see infe 4 the windows , of-the
upper tier of cells v wkdoh Ispoonpied by
the female prisoners: A huge majority
of, hew prisoners RTC lewd .4wemeni and
the patties referred to would annoy them
and uncplecepo.lariguag4 „Irhieb, of
course, would be rettirried P.Y.Abe vile.
crest fUthe Wine M ost diagraceful
manner. The annoyance beeamemo great
that complaint was made,at the Mayor's
office and yesterday morning several of
the officers ware en the lookout for the
scampai,who - created the nuisance, and
succeeded in arresting Samuel deckled,
Fred. Zaohitrimaud licnith Elkins. They
were taken Co . the • Mayor's office, when,
in default of tha.finea :imposed by His
Honor: ..ElkitliWaatOningt s e 4 . l4 X - M int Y ,
da o ther for ten OPsligh
TheY-williptotisbly , fitid , seide other - 44e
ing place tbeik the . Court House whe y
they are relieved.
CCt, of 41%5°44 e,
vie of the most convincing proofß of
the debasing Olean of liquor driitking
was furnished at the Allegheny look up
on :Wednesday. The night previous a
middle aged woman, with a few traces of
former comeliness, was poked up, by the
police Irian alley leading from the Dia
mond, in a. state of beastly intoxication.
She was taken to the look up, and re.
maned • until - Wednesday morning In au"
insensible condition., Later in the day
she was attacked:Withconvulsions, wen
Dr . Hamilton, revolted and rendered'
Medical assiatialta, 'which 'relieved her
somewhat for a few hours.
=ln the evening • she , again sunk into a
stupor apparently unconscious and
breathing heavily. • The 'Physician was
of the opinion that her condition was the
effect of excessive drinking, but thought,
she would reooverin a day , or twci..
Gough never had a better; Illustration
of the effects of intemperance luau
would have been afforded him by -"a visit
to the Allegheny tombs last night.
. .. .
_. , - .
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rbe Covode and Fc•ster Case.
A blabanee Abated.
Thursday's Proceedlaw.
Bishop Payne called the Conference to
order at nine o'clock. Rev. J. W. De
vinempened the proceedings with prayer.
Rev. B. P. Tanner presented a draft of
a constitution and byllaws for the Preach
ers' Literary and Historical Society,
which was adopted, and the Society or
ganized with the following' officers:
President, Rev. W. H. Hunter, Secreta
ry, J. W. Asbury; Treasurer, D. E. AE
bury. - Revs. W. H. Brown and D. E.
Asbury,.candidates for orders,
and J. W. Asbury, Thornton 'Hurley and
W. A. J. Philips, candidates far full con
n with the . Conferenoe, were placed,
probation. Addresses were next de
livered by Rev. W. H. Minter Lewis
woodsen i Esq., and Rev. W. n:B wn,
after which Rev. Dr. h. H. Nesbitt' and
Rev. R. T. Miller,' of the M. E. Church.
(white) Pittsburgh, were Introduced to
the Conference.
Bishop Payne closed the morning ses
sion with an eddreseto the Ministers on
their 'duties, urging upon them all a
faithful, zealot:El and untiring devotion
to and labor in the work.
At three o'clock In the afternoon the
ordination of the newly' elected Elders
took place. Bishop Payne cbriductSd the
services, which were of* solemn atidini
ipiressive character. At the cOnclusion of
these services, Rev. B. F. Tanner, editOr
of the Christian Recorder, preached , a ser
mon appropriate to theioacatdon... ,
In the evening, at seven lend a half
o' clock, a meeting of the Missionary Ss-
Oiety WBB held, Rev. JJ W. Devine pre
siding.. After the usual introductory ex
ercises, addresses were delivered, by
Revs. Lewis Woodson and W. H. Hun
ter on the topic "The cause of missions
the cause of Christ." Revs. B. T. Tamer
and D. E. Asbury followed on the quee
tion "How may we taist promote tile In
terest of the` missionary . work."
The closing addresses were made by .
Revs. J. J. Tindall and J. W. Asbury,
who argued that upon the extent of mis
sionary work done in and through its
ministry, depended the future prosperity
of the African Church; All of the ad
dresses were able and developed consid
erable thought and acquaintance with
the subjects discussed. The proceedings
were interspersed with excellent music
by the char. which added in a great
measure to tho interest of the occasion.
It is expected the business of the Con
ference will be finished to-day.
The Proposed New Market Place—
Sites Examined by the Committee—No
Selection Made.
The Market Committee of City Coun
cils met yesterday afternoon and visited
the various sites suggested for the pro
posed new market place for the accom
modation of the people residing in the
upper and outlying wards of the city.
The first site visited watt that on the cor
ner of Magee street and Fifth avenue,
property held by Meaara. Watson and
Magee. The dimensions of thisiand, on
which a number of common buildings
are erected, were not furnished. It is
within five minutes walk of the Court
House,.and those who . tidvocate its selec
tion argue that at nc/ other point can so
many people be hwonveniently accommo
The next site examined was that on
the south-eastern corner of Fifth avenue
and- Stevenson street, now covered by
B. C. & J. IL Sawyer's soap factory, and
Pier, Dermas & Co.'s brewery. It has a
front on Fifth avenue of 130 feet, run
ning along Stevenson street to Forbes
street 260 feet, exclusive of Beech alley,
24 feet wide, whieli'divides the property.
A sewer is to run along Forbes street
in the rear, while there is ope already
constructed on Fifth avenue. On the
ground stand the soap factory and brew
ery; both large and good buildings,
which would furnish considerable ma
terial for a new structure. Underneath
all there is a dry cellar ten feet deep, an
object "in' Importance, should the 'Own
mittee select that site. The location is
very good for the purpose, but the figures
are rather steep. c , • • • -
At tae corner .of 'Reed • and Fnitim
streets, and lacing'un Crawford 'street,
the property of Messrs. tileolseSteckeer,
and William Ward, was examined. The
site is an out of the way sort "of a place,
on the side of a hill. It contains a few
'common buildings. -'''
The estate of Jacob' Tomer,e:Zect., on
Filth avenue, nearly 'opposite the Relief
engine house, was examined. It has a
front of 140 feet on the avenue and runs
back • 200 feet to Colwell street. The
principal objection to this place is Its
hilly characiter,,whieh would render ex.
pensive grading necessary.... There are a
few old buildings erected on this ground..
At the corner of Miltenberger street
and Fifth. avenue a fine site was ex
amined, being a part of the old Clark
beer _garden. we believe, and now owned
by Win. B. Lyon and others. .It has a
front of 240 feet _on the avenue,. and a
depth of 120 feet to Beech alley, running
along Miltenberger street. <ln the rear
there .is another plot:of the same size,
fronting on Forbes , street..:Theae- two
to -. 240x240 , feet, .exclusive of -the'
• alley, are offered the city.. ; There are no'
improvements on the ground: , The dia.
tame from the Court. House is three
quarters of, a . mile, neat. measure: The
property hopiero in the neighborhood
strongly urge a choice in favor. of the
' locality, but the CoMuilt j tee quietly Hs
tened to all they had to Imr,. two gave no,
intimation Of, favor or dieferer. The,
•111 0 4baii 6 0/ 661 14 ,r9.4fi1E4 11 0/0.4-•
, - 0 '1 4 4 10 1h rate ctroktittfis,4o s g a'
front of , 40:, eti ' Mi., Arum ';. avenge,.
running haok - along - Dliiiri4dys 04.,001.d...
well kitreet'l9sl•34, wan intAk exittehiesio:
AU 'elegant Mansion 'stands on : • thiii`
ground ,
Alter hiving examined the ,• sites .of
Fifth avenue, ilie•OomMliftlie repaired to
Centre avenheandi'vloireittke proper
of W. B. He and,:prabga,bousi -.
od by. cent.° ityantio;',9lir*, R 9. its 'and:
Miller Week!: ~,Xt /Ow *.fFou ' oXP 100
1 'Pentre . ap* 4 1 4 a - de . 01 1 ! feet,;
0 4
, ‘4 l o o er 0 :00024: 4 11 4 ' g Ipg „
&ref /Footed:on' thO_ :til : grAnft '
that'ufged by .Pr. McCall' eeset a -
1 mHouseeetOit of 9gOellat PDX Pr Rew tkek
_. .-
The neatalkt etkinsigafid litultliq -
- ,
tilar triangle, or flat tritiftirn i 4 t
head of ,Wetager avenue , and ;o by,
tho' city, ' Thip - eite had Atothilitio re".
dOmmend it to the attention of the teitt-',
mittile, anil' the ldea of using le,for mai. , :
ket }lmpose' was dispelled' at' Wee,' Tt,
woxild'malte wheat rate lebtftibil'fbr an'
.engine hotistVor fdieskiti'bhatliAdhook
but Is hardly good for'„an' other use
i t .
• The Committee rested' ''="their 'lab*"
and adjburned . tbAneet at the call: Of.tke
Chairman, to take .aotion on `the subject.,
It is eapeoted that estimates kif ihe'valtie
of the places`examined will be laid before
the Committee_.' at .their Ihext , :xneetlagg,
tinctin the' Meantime. ths,Viace for the
new market' hones remelt:ls. unttelc , eted,
but in all probability one - IA the. Sites'
enumerated. Will he.tiliceem
trye natiOratiotiotß4vXraderioliD. 6
anntingdon, D. 1)., Bishop of the Diocese
of Central New York, took place yestar
dayt Einaintel church, Briatory, in the
pretence otA time:audience,' '
(By Telegraph to tbe Pittsburgh Eisaette.l
WASHINGTON, April 8, 1869
The following nominations were sent
in to-day: Assessor internal Revenue,
N. B. Sherman, 18th District, Ohio.
'Collectors bf Customs: Samuel J. Hol
ley, Buffalo; Jno. L. Thomas, Jr., Balti
more; J. C. Stoever, District of Minne
sota; Surveyor of Customs id Baltimore,
Ellington Fulton; Naval Officer at Balti
more,' John Lee.
United States . Marshals: Joseph R.
Bennett, Eastern District, Michigan;
Geo. Smith, Western District, Missouri.
'United States District Attorneys: J.
Weslpy Purviance, Western District,
Atnos Webster, to be Register of . Wills,
Washington, D. C.; William T. Collier,
Pension Agent, Washington, D. C.; Cyrns
Reed, Surveyor General of Idaho; Benj.
J. Swett, Pension Agent, Chicago.
• Postmasters: S. S. Turney, Greens
'burg, Pa.; John Fritz, Sending, Pa.
The Senate has confirmed the follow
ing nominations: Edward L. Plumb,
,Coniui General at Havana. •
, United States AttOrneys: Edward
Plerrepont, Southern 'District chf New
York; Win. F. Sapp, District of Iowa;
Gerry W. Hazleton, District of Wiscon
'sin; W. W. Bateman, South District of
Ohio. ' • ,
Collectors of Internal ReVenue: Wm.
R. Leed's, Second Pa; C. A. Luckenback,
Eleventh Pa; - Isaac B. Clara, Erie. Pa;
Jno. Leider ' Chambersburg, Pa; Robt.
J. Cannon, Franklin, Pa; J., A. Cogs
well, Titusville, Pa; W. H. . Denny, Or
cleville,eo; That. O. Blossom, Buffalo,
Marshals: Alex. Murdock, West. Dist.
Pa. ; J. N. Quimby. Northern. Dist. of
N. Y. ; . Thos. E. Young. Diet. o Oregon.
• Wm. C. Brockway, Indian -agent,
Mich. ; C. F. Brown agent for the Chip
pewas; B. F. Denrason, Chief Justice
Supreme Court. Territory of . Waahing
tour Ellwood Evans, As 4, Justice same
court; Hy. D. Washburne Surveyor
General, Montana ; H.' Be. Stocking,
Receiver of Publics Money, and E. M.
Bartlett, Register Land Office, Eau
claire; Charles W. McLaughlin, Receiver
Public Moneys at Denver, 'Col.. ' Wm. J.
Berry, Register Land °Moe. at Prescott,
Arizona; W. J. Bonhammer, Awl:fiver
Public Moneys, and Win. Teed, Register
Land _Office, Springfield. Mo.; Jolm W.
Douglas Deputy Commissioner or Inter
nal vice Harland; resigned.
=swan ur REVENUE oraursaa.
Itls believed that in a abort• time al
most a aeneralohanga•in the more proth
inent offices - in .-the Bureau or Internal
Revenue will be made; •irrespective" of
whatever politicai opinion may be enter
tained by.presentrincumbents. • •
Vice President Colfax has, the re
qttritst of the friends of Father McMahon,
formerly of Indiana, asked the friendly
interposition of the Government in his
favor with a view of pbtalning his re.
'lease. if possible, finm imprisonment at
Toronto. 11fr. Colfax's request was trans
mitted by the Secretary of State to the
British Minister, who has forwarded it
to,his Government.
The President sent all the Alabama
claims correspondence to the Senate to
By Telegraph to the• Pittsburgh Gazette.]
LoAr DON, April B.—in the House of
Commons this evening Hon. Robert
Loire, Chancellor of the Exchequer, sub
mitted the annual bqdget, in explana
tion of which he said the Ministry pro
posed to , deal separately with general
expenditures. Those for the Abysain
ran war e stimates, made' by Hon. George
Enni,,his predecessor in office, were
78,000,000 pounds, 'while the recelpta
Were 725,600,00'peunds, leaving a deficit
of 500,000 pininde, which 'had to be met
this year. Mr. LoWe estimated the ez
; nditureaof the present year at 08,250 e
&Midi, showing a reduction of 2,750,
000 pounds from the estimated_expmdi
tares last year, which was given chiefly'
in the admiralty and war office. He es
timated the revenue of the present
year at 73,000,000 pounds, or an 'exam
over last year of 250,000 pounds. ' So,-if
the Abyssinian war werb not to be pre.
vided for, the surplus would be 4;500,000
pounds. The whole: expensa tif the
A.bysabilan war was 9,900,000 pounds, of
wnich'7,ooo,ooo were expended in
The, country , has still 4,000,009 of this'
amount' to pay. The surplua .of - the
present Year would just balsams the
Abyssinian anitthe general deficit. Un
der the circumstances, said the Chancel
lor, it is desirable to raise &further sum,
by taxation: He. regarded 'the 'present
means.of collection as expensive and un
satisfactory, and said its only warrant
was in its antiquity. He proposed to
collect; the assessed taxes by means'
of excise licenses, granted at , - the
commencement year, on - &
return to be furnished by the tax-payer, -
the , income tax to be collected in the
same manner. Bythese measures 8,250,-
000 pounds will lbe brotight into the ,
,financial year in addition,to the amount
heretofore., collected. Out this amount
he' proposed a , rednotion et a penisy .
upon lisoome , to, rep"; she
1 41 1 1Pari duty - h 9 •gCrIVIN4 4 };3 II 9 , •
nuance d.atyl• 'and, .la, : re.arginge
several emali:Eems. „VMS will give - a
dearease of 3.090,000 pounds. end , will
give snarly 500,000 pounds clear surplus.
Mr. Hunt, late Chancellor of the
chequer, in reply_ to Mr. Lowe, said the
reduction in the estimates was due to tfio
efforts of the late government in malting
the - , army‘and.ditiy,More efficiant.
After' a lOng oonversation, the usual
reOlatitas of leavatobringin the !fidget
stasitiireed tO. - . ,
•tr 4 • _ • • •
Lon , Ora fl.-4dvicei :from
rid givd repeit that Marshal Serrano, ;
-PrAddens of tile'', Council of 'gdirdatine,.;
and AdMirerlAnete,'*iniiteret Marine,
are about re; - .tind Unit* tdreetory7
libmor fciiinAtolikt`ti o n t ret'l4il:!the ,, 1
r .
the • cioniiitutioiti
the Ver - tee otildenday,.,hae beeemestatith..
Senor Castellon,- an i eminent republican,
a-speec- yeeterdaw. strongiu in
apposition-. that.:'-inatrunient.'•'-'sTheY
liltmolaitGeOrnmenthiea deternihrect to
disallori.the 'introduction of Any amend.?
Inente which 'hive the effect , bfi • tart*
tne,lspirit ofAbe Ometitutlem ..:•
• . „ ,
PARTS,. April 13. 1 -Three , Publiiiineer. ,
Inge; 'which wore •held, were die-J
parsed by ' , the pollee,- and'bruany arrests
made.. • , • - • -
VIENNA. April B.—The Aknetrisin oov
ernment bee refolved tp redgee tbearny
and to peatoonelbe call forieorinto, on.
the ground Of - economy. -„ • •
-~_ ~ --
Thefollowing is from the St. Louis Be=,-.
ere ne'CisPlials W. - o.4 l l o nald9sn.' , ~
publicas of Monday :
The killing of the negro Anderson on
board the steamer Great Republic while
lyinglYing at the Wharf in thie city tiet June
by Captain Donaldson, is not, it apPears,
destined to sink into oblivion' as quietly
as seemed probabtea few days ago. Some
unexpected and important developments
have occurred which promise to, bring
the case again before the Criminal Cliurt
in a little time.
It may be remenibered that the rend- r;•- , ,
pal witnesses were ' two lie/roes named
Glover and Samuel Ray, who both disap- ~,-.
psared shortly after the arrest of Captain '
Donaldson, and successfully managed to *7
elude the officers of the Taw, althoUgh an
indictment for murdet had been procured
1 against Ray, in order to enable him to -
be retained in custody in case` . sf his
I capture. , .., ,
On account of the abienetf,theini wit
nesses the case had to' be • uthined re
peatedly by the Circuit Attorney, - and a $
week or so ago • Captain Donal:Jinn's
counsel applied for the dies:barge .of the
defendant, on the ground that the - case
had been continued through three terms
of Court. The . Judge took the matter
under advisement, but before a decision.
was rendered, Mr. Johnson entered a
nol• pros., which left the case open 'for a
future prosecution,although the defend
,ant was released. During the time *.the
ease was pending, no effort was spa red to
capture the absconding witnesses, panic- I
•ultirly Ray. A description of him was
sent to the police authorities of the dif
ferent cities, and Governor Fletcher of
fered a reward of five hundred dollars
for his arrest. It appears both the men
went to Canada, • and for the'past ten
mouths or so have been living at Canada
West. Recently, Ray, who heard the
case had been disposed of in St. Louis.
concluded' he was safe and came; to Cin
cinnati, and last week was 'arrested
by Detective Hazen, formerly .of .the „ •
force of 'this city.. and • was • brought
over here on Saturday and la now Jr the ,
hands of the Chief of Police, having
consented to oome without a requisition.
The Circuit Attorney and Captain Lee,
Chief of Police, having secured the main
witnesses in the case, turned their atten
tion to • Captain Donaldson; they fottnd
he bad just gone to Cincinnati, and' im
mediately ;telegraphed- to the Chief of ,
Police there, and ordered his arrest, -
which was duly effected:- Yesterday the
necessary papers to preened a requisition '
were prepared and sept on, and Captain
Donaldson will probably be brought on
in wday er l Bo. ' 80, thier interesting and
involved case etandeat present. an d the
next phase will* robably be , 'a Murder
trial in the Criminal Court. Iteppektie 1
from the statement of Ray that": he .and '
Glover have been living at Torontd.;:Ro
cently. the latter got into allifficri in
that city and started for the east ' ; is
supposed now to be in New Yor "
Ray is the negro who entered —;.-hig
gageroom of the boat with D ldson.
and was present when 'Anderson was
shot. Glover was in iron in the room
with the deoeased, but managed to jump
through the window, and was arrested
as he was running up the levee.
Captain laeeitad - Mr. Johnson have been
active in gradually working up this case,
which is now in a shape that it is 'diffi
cult to see what can arise to prevent
Its being brought to a final. trial by a
Republican ,Convention, to nomi
nate a candidate for Congress in the
Third District of Illinois, in place of
Hon. E, B. Washbnrne,will meet . at
Freeport on the 26th pf ay. There are
about fifteen - .or eighteen aspirants for
the office. - I -
The sad and deplorable condition of many who
are afflicted with hernia or rupture of the bow- 1
els. calls loudly for some efficient and normistak
able remedy that , willnot only la every case give
efficient relief, bat tlmany cases effect *Meal
and thorough cure., These- cases of hernis have
become soireqUerit,.. Licit it is comintedthatonel
sixth of the reale population_ are said Jo,. be
troubled, In some way or another, vvitli,ttdeler.-
rible ailment; and in very many eases do not
know where tonPply an appropriate remedy,
oftentimes'not knonink whether an appliance Is
really needed or not; aid if it • should be iteeffell,
they often do: not know-witere; or to W1101:11 they
should make. . The• world , la fall of
Trimmed fcirths retention and care of tills Lunen
table evil. oftentimes an, incontestable proof of
their total and inadequate Stash to relieve the
sufferer. This neod'nOt • be; Dr. Keyser, itt'lll
sew medicine Store,:o.. 181 Libertj 'street, is
abundantly supplied' with every appilanie.iiied
(al to. the kretention ^.aad relief of thislierribie
affliction, so. that :or r ery- 17110 can be teireliT
fitted at s moderite cost 4 with the full Issininice
that the appliance II the best that the metbahltal
department:of surgeri eau afford.: The. liNletor
has pursued. the investigation of: hernia! with
more than OrdluarY -care :for aver thirty yearn;
so that the sal:Meted: , can place implicit re=
Italica on his skill and integrity with thi foil air ,
=nee that they will not only get the bent:ruse.
suitable to tee:case. bat likewise a thorough and.
efficient knOwledge of its proper application:" - '
There are many persons who net only tactile.'
their ; health. but even their lives; for went o •
proper truss, or a truss preperlvapplied.
gulated and irreducible rupture. is a fir m -
common ailment now than in former years; and
maywe not PAU)! arrive at the_ conclusion. that'
ILI frequency is often ooculoned by the neglect
andeareleuttess,of .the. sufferers thansalves. No
one would be regarded as sase or excusable whew
would go fora whole whiterwlthout the sawyer
clothing to shield them from the.laclemsacy of
the weather, but, at the same tilde. - it is thought
alight affair to suffer for years with a Protrusion
that not only;subjects the person 10 liUMMent ,
CAM but evin places Ufa Itself Lu jeopardyi ,
,Thosepf gio heads/m*llo stneritie anfortuaitif
it*:tPPltalPirsoffi4Ls Iltinsti cannot act cathira
!shell than 46 out ' , this advertisement - ant and
pram/rye Is, w as to. enables than to retain the'
Place where such Important presetversofllfe and
hesithAre to he - Proenreit•
RILYBER , B, NEW_ maAntorsz mouse,"
1Q0..161f. LISNETT
4 : ; 2 111 g ,, TWO : DOORS, '
No. gito TANN MAST, teem 10 A: H.- until
OP. 11. -,? • '
*Pied by the,lew 'of fistula lt aniii * l O 4
a 1 . 2 04 1/4 ft la W 1444 Man il:aaitinDt* 4,4lolClifx
pecidially 4114tAtioll to tie test matt att *steal'
stieweeli au
)- • Aa, t,.
=Mg* W WM 64I " " Z la' ‘
1 241 . 11 # 63 44 1111 4 10 i.
} A CI,Ii TFT I I OI3 # 4 * CII I II M44 S atignin i kt
/ 7.: 13 00 4 - " 0 . 0 44 °it wFFasr.
il)th e ra rl ll 7 lll4 h arp Tested zfAik.
16 04 p pFeriklattlA proPertlis; . 1,2 41 1 149 1 r:
4/iOrYik tvieispeit;” and 11ao yltb , tke__ow:
tion sif able philletaris, who have imisitAyßtig4..
the previ#ll4iilsitheir Amide skstießtSp,J**!o_,
it i l te -ca t 444istlousl direngeipoiti yrlth
the 491.0* 'tesults. , Almost mil teuilo f ,
11041/iti ofspeehtl sise t er iteceomplioesed !Ma •
mental gloom ,Itnit:peSpoodeney, _ pad
eihilenthwi elects of thlsybiAirlTM
liamuitc4 othictubia, adapt. adn,ilrably for camik:
of Oda.CokliDick ;Asa resit'dY ter .!'•
hysteria, =4 midst beltethistlons which scolti',
time, mart both thkeirlier sf4„the
hi the of a woman, I{ has po,lgsst la Yte,rl l l":
osPri of the heialog artootd is a pease,ol,Te .
11(wing the isuseiand other unplesunt reelloP
which pretwae waenkiti4i eitianieXatics"•
Nntitni toothercelokoflid edsalsOls!ATifJ
want. Xt.!' Wittily astisfsetoWthat s Prelarik - ,
tloo, whlhh embrace. la Its remedial ranges so,
limnY of thetoomil'hiints mown to
shouldprove IQ endoent4 to, IT,(4`