B ~~` ~ ~;''~. ~~"F m=mEn El _. A , Frlghtral War Picture—The iterrois ..et Being •Instantly Killen.” Count Tolsbo 's "Sevastopol in May," in. course of p blication in "Hours at Home," gives a!very remarkable deserip. . non of the cleat& of a man who is instant ly`killed—as the living say, "instantly killed"--by apiece of a shell which strikes him. But to him, the dying Wan, his death seems a different affair. This surely ( is extremely poiverful writing"; littichailof looked behind him. The shining point of the bomb, seemed to stand at the zenith—in that position where it is impoiiible to tell its direction. But that lasted only a minute; the bomh came quicker and quicker, nearer and nearer, so that you could see the sparks from the tube and hear tbelatal whistling, and di rected its course straight at the middle of the 'oattalion. . „ "Lie'down," cried a voice. Miehailof andPraslrnkin lay down on 'the ground. Praskukin,- tig b omb closing his eyes, heard only how the - fell heavily somewhere very near on the hard ground. A second passed—it seemed an hour—and the bomb did not burst. Pros kukin began to be afraid that he had done a cowardly act without any reason, that 4 per/Apikthe bomb had fallen far away, and he thought he only heard the fuze fizzing. He opened his eyes and saw with satisfaction that Michailof lay im movable on the ground near his legs. But' hia: 'eyes at that moment met the snorklinefuse of the Whirling bomb not a yard'from him. ' A horror—a cold hor rep excluding all other thoughts and Teel jags --took,possession of him. He cov ered his face with his bands. - Another, .second passed—a second in . which a whole world of feelinge, hopes, • thoughts and recollections passed through his mind. "Whom will it kill: me or Michailof ? or both together? It it hits me, where will it hit? in the head, then It's all over; Wit. hits my leg, they will cut it off and I shall ask: - them to do it by all means by chloroforni—and I can still get through alive. But perhaPs it will only kill 31i chailofLthen I can tell how we Were ~, tt'tdking, together, and he was killed and .I was spattered with blood. No, it's near er tome-•-it will me ! " - Then he recollected the twelve rubles that he owed 3lchailof; he recollected also another debt at:St. Petersburg that he ought to have paid long ago; a gipsy air that he had sung in the evening came into his head. The• girl whom he loved ap peared to his imagination in a cap with lilac ribbons; he remembered a man whom helad'insulted years before and who had never paid it_ back, although at the same time with these and a thousand other reniembrances the feeling of his present circumstances —theexpectation of death—never for a moment quitted him. "However, perhaps it will not burst," he thought, and with despairing decision wanted to open his eyes: But at that in .. stout, through the still shut lids, he saw a red fire, and with a horrible noise some thing hit him in the middle of the breast. . "Thank Godl lam only bruised," was his first thought, and he wanted to feel of his breast, but his hands seemed to be bound down, and a weight to keep down his head. The soldiers'sbone,in his eyes, and. he.-unconsciously ,' counted them: "one, two, three soldiers, a that one whose overcoat has ,Flipped down is an officer," he thqught. -.Then he saw flash es, and the thought, ktilikkit are they firing from, mortars, or .4 4lfflition? Probably from cannon: They are firing again, and there are more soldiers, and they all go past." He almost became afraid that they would leave him there. He wanted to cry out that he was wounded, but his mouth was so dry that his tongue stuck to his palate and a horrible thirst tormen ted him. He, felt how wet-he was about the breast. "Really I fell in some blood when I lay dowD," bethought, and yield ing-more and more to the fear that the soldiers who were going past would leave him there, he collected all his forces and tried to cry out: "Take me along," but instead of that he groaned so horribly ' that it was awful to hear his own voice. Then some red fires danced in his eyes, and it seemed to him that the soldiers were laying stones on.him; the fires dan ced quicker, the stones which they laid on him oppressed him more.and more. Be made an effort , to throw off he stones, stretched cul,.and then neither astir nor heard nor thought nor felt. He.was killed on the spot by a fragment of shell in the middle of his breast. Ladies' Societies. A Philadelphia' husband writes as fol 'lows to the Prue of that city: My better half has a perfect mania for secret societies. Monday; with the sick, Tuesday s with the Daughters of the Forest ; Wednesday, on committees; Thursday . , at the sewing circle; .Friday, with the Lady Masons; Saturday,. atten tion to all; Sunday, , l can't 'tell where. - I come home and find the house empty, and the children divided around amoog the neighbors. I get my supper, - walk around until half-past nine o'clock, find the tire out and go to bed. Wake up about' eleven o'clock; - ask what time and where she has been. Of course she says, "to the Lodge:" This may be all right,' but `I can't see it in that way. Then they have ilairs, festivals," etc., and attend the "tables." After they are over, the talk begins, and hints are thrown out that "Sister Mrs. did not turn in all her money, See how she -comes out with her fancy dresses! Her husb nd can't supply her with them. I don't ady she hen done so-rim:it it looks suspicions!" I would like some one to tell me what todlo. I * can't stand it mttch longer: Draining Ate Kaitiillitee River. A correspondent furnishes us with the following important inforination in regard prOPosed improvement of the,lititt ee section of Indiana—country noted 4.Qtraillical;Ti W ll . gi fi at 41; " / ina ;:tY' • and partially covered . with Scriibby \ti s: • "I was informed by R. Luncheon, Esq., that under the ~ d itching laws of Indiana company,coniprising many such wealthy men as Judge W. C. Hannah, of Laporte, and G. W. Cass, President of the . Pitts burgh, Fort Wayne tb Chicago Railroad, has been. organized for the purpose. of draininglhe Kankakee region. It is be lieved that the straightening of the Kan kakee river will afford all the drainage re quired. Mr. Luncheon assured me that the work of the company will be driven forward to an early completion. Should this be done, over three'hundred thousand acres of fertile lands" which can now be purchased at an• average cost of five dol lars per acre, will immediately adviince to twenty-five dollars per acre.—Cin. Chronicle. . . _ • .. . ! • -,,`, r ...-:. . ~- ~ : - ttirrsli_Talerli P GAZETTE ' " THURtlitiV APRIL 'Bl''' 186 , 21, -.,...r.,,,,,,,,,14....„,:_.„--......„..„. ....,.„...,_„....:,,,,,Ar„.......-„,....., .„.._s•et.--;<......,--„„:,...,;.,„:„.„.,,.,..--,....,..: M=M 11 S. 3 1 tail. 1 "Old Pito 92 —He Golf , InWtbel Zeeture Tinithess. • CCOrresixondence Cincinnati Commercial, '2d.l The Scientific Association of Washing ton-I-I believe that Is the name—pressed upon General Thomas an invitation to give the members his story_of the. bat tle of Nashville. General Thomas, with great reluctance, const-nted. I k now that I am doing wrong to give art account of it, hnt I cannot. resist Thi day is near when every trait and every anecdote of this remarkable man will be treasured up, and the Boswells be thanked for re cording them. /With a map hung upon the wall, and armed with a light rattan, the stalwart ft?rm of the soldier stood before the little company as much embarrassed as a girl. The man who had marshaled great ar- - mies, and unhesitatingly took therespon sibllity in huge fights, when the fate of the Republic hung trembling on, the issue, blushed like a boy, while perspiration gathered in drops upon, his forehead. It wk rn as with the greatest efibri that he forced li self to proceed. ' He did so, however, with clearness and graphic power. He sketched in a few briefwords the campaign that culminated in the battle before Nashville. He then gave the position of the troops under both Hood and himself. Be told, with the power of words when uncolbred by any iniagination, the situation of the enemy as the two armies lay facing- , ,each other,, until the hour Dame. when - they were forced to try conclusions, and of the vic tory that followed. His voice Was never raised above a con versational tone, nor did he for a second betray any feeling. -It the great Cap tain changed to the historian and retain ing the traits in the one, that had made him famous in the other. In conclusion, he said, calmly, that looking over all the ground, and tracing back the train of events, he could not find abut one error with which to charge himself. But that, he said, was a grave error. At the close of the first day's fighting he thought of detaching Steedman with force enough to possess himself of the fords of the Ten nessee, so as to intercept the retreating enemy. Over-captious, and fearing to weaken his own forces, he hesitated and delayed until after the second day's fight, and then it was too late. That was the one error, but, he said, it was a grave one. It was a great treat tome to see crowds of intellectual hearers. Think of Wel lington, or the great Napoleon, telling to a select few, in this way, his knowledge of Waterloo; and the subdued,. modest way .of telling, here gave, a wonderful charm to the narration. Ifwas knowing of the battle Nashville and seeingthe hero, as if the audience were a part of the great event. i ! A New Theory of steam. 'Me. Thogas Eubank who is known 1 as if gentleman. of considerable attain ! ments, has broache ew theory of ! steani. His essay islong, and he goes I into the obtrusive features further than I we have time to follow him. He says : '1 "The proposed theory is based on the ! use of common or natural steam, reject -1 ing the superheating hypothesis .as un natural, fraught with danger,uncalled for and unprofitable. The following propositions are deemed incontrovertible: ! 11. The force or power in itetun is a nat ural _property, existing as fully in that 1 which-arises from open caldrons as when generated in high pressure boilers. They are considered as charged with ac i cumulated common steam, as condensed air is accumulated common air. 2. The natural and legitimate mode of Increasing i the power of steam is, like that of air, water and everything else, by, increasing 1 its quantity. Quantity and-pressure are (the equivalents of each - other. When pressnre is doubled, so is' the Iquantity; and the converse, doub ling the quantity doubles the pres sure. 3 The force which produces 1 expansion in one direction produces , a correlative contraction in the' other:. I Thus steam -has two forces, expansion and contraction or collapsion, which by the law of action and reaction, are abao lately equal to each other. It the forego ing be not sufficient to awaken inquiry into the merits of collapsion, and two other facts ' Which to most reflecting minds will be evident: 1. In high pres sure engines a cylinderful of common , steam is virtually lost at every stroke of the piston. Raving no expansive force, it only serves as a base on which the other steam acts, or places it in a condi tion to act. 2: That the steam discharged from such engines as waste, and nearly all that passes through the cylinders is discharged as such, contains, - or can be made to yield, more power than it im parted to the pistons. More than half the fuel .is therefore expended without producing .any mechanical effect what ever. I TEE Clearfield Republican of last week says: "The long pending quarrel be ' twean the Pennsylvania Railroad, Alle gheny Valley Railroad and the Winslow Colliery. with reference to the building of a road from the mouth of Mahoning creek, on the Allegheny river, to the ! month of Bennett's Branch, on the Phil. adelphia and Erie Railroad, has at length I been settled, and the road will be speedily made. It will pass across the western end of this county, through Brady, Union and Hudson townships, and will have the lowest grade of any railroad running between the 'Eastern and Western States. The grade will not exceed twenty-six feet, while the lowest grade on any of the roads now made is seventy-three feet. ". "The only point not settled with refer , ence to this road, is whether it shall enter our bounty by the Mahoning Valley route or the Red Bank. We are somewhat familiar with both these valleys, and are decidedly In favor of the Mahoning route, ,its the most feasible, because it is the most direct and the lowest grade. Be sides, the Sandy Lick coal fields can, be reached by this as well as by the other route.. A glance at any State map will establish this fact." • A NEW YORK dispatch says: It is re ported that. James_ Fisk and Jay Gould have bought a three-fottrth's interest in the New York' Times, for which they pay t860;000. The negotiations have been some time,in progress, but the papers are not yet signed. The Vigilance Committeejteld a meet ing to-night to consider oficase of John Real, and resolved to emplorcounsel, if necessary, to watch the interests of citi-, zens, and secure the enforcement of the laws. CARL BENSON thinks the "coming man" ought to weigh one hundred and fifty-five pounds. Professor Peasiee, on the other hand, thinks the perfect physio logical man will weigh one hundred and forty pounds. And so we don't know whether to fatten up or lean down, ~... - t.Foft cLutit Or:coons, JOHN G. BROWN; Mi!lrate borotigh. latelprivitte Co. H, 103 d Ren't Penna. Vcils., subject to the decision of the Union Republican County Convention. ap:S. rgrFOR SHERIFF. WILLIAM AL HERRON, .Will be a candidate for the once of hl eriff. ject to the decision of the Union Republican Countr Con•rention. mh:g.l9-(1&F, Igr'TO THE CITIZENS OF AL.' LEHELENT COOTS: I respectfully annource myself as a candidate for the_ditice of . CER.K OF CuIIRTS, subject to the decision of the Union Republican counts Convention. I would state that termination ffice bur. for OXE TER3I. at the or which I w , uld cheerfully.retire. believing that thereare others equally, entitled to the.bonor and emoluments of the office, and as competent as myself I will be under obligations to the citizens of the county for their support. Very respectfully. JOEPH BROWNE, Late 102 d (old 13th,) and sth Pa. Vol. Regt. mh23:g47 SPECIAL NOTICES. tarnperga WHITTIER CON- TititTES Ti.) TREAT ALL PRIVATE Diseases. syphilis In all its forms, Oonorrhesa, Gleet. ht l l ctare, dtc., completely eradicated. That num sous chute of cases resulting from self abuse, p acing ukmanliness, nervous debility; erubtions, seminal emissions, and thlaDTlmPotency, permanently cured. Persons afflicted delicate. Intricate and long stand ing constitutional complaint - a are politely limited to call for. consultation, which costs nothing. Experience, the best of teachers. has enabled him to perfect remedies at once efficient, safe, permanent, and which in most cases c be used without hindrance to business. 31edicaies pre-' pared in the establishment, which embraces W ade, reception and waiting rooms; also, boarding anti sleeping apartments for patients requiring dit'ly personal attention, and vapor and chemi cal baths, thus concentrating the famed mineral springs. No matter who hare failed, state your case. Read what he • ays his pamphlet of MT Pages, sent to axis address for two stamps in seal ed enveloppe. Thousands of cases treated snnu• ally, at office and all over the country'. Consn.- tenon tree, personally' or by mall. Office No.-9 - Wylie street, (near (.`ourt Ho) Pittsbgh, Pa. Hours 9 A. 74- to 8 P. , tom mSundays 14 M. to P. M. Pamphlet sent to any address for tern, stamps.. apt arBATCHELOWEI HAIR DYE. This splendid Hair Dye is the best la the world: the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, sells ble, instantaneous; no disappointment; no ri diculous • tints; remedies the ill effects of bad dyek; invigorates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful. black or &rotors. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers' and properly applied ,at Batche lot's; Wig Pac,ory, No. 16 Bond street. New : York. sang: p2B . lEPILEPSY CAN BE CIIRED —Those haviug friends afflicted are ear nestly solicited to send for a Circular Letter of. References and Testimonials, which will con vince Itie mostakeptical of the curability of the disease. Address VA , BUREN LOCIIRGW, 31. D.. 36 Great - Jones street, New York. mhis:g23-d6T: . • lermAnitace4E AND-CELIBA• CY. —An Ells Sly for youn men on the crime of Solitude, atut the. ino.BAS "muIIA_BUSES which create itopediniepts to 3.14 AGE, with care means of relief., 'Sent in se ed letter en elopes. free of calnajte, .Addiesvbr.. J. OK'D LIN HOUGHTON, Dowse. d Association. Phlla delphia. Pa. ;atilidt,T WOIINARIENTAL AND USE PIM. BUY ONLY SILVER TIPPED SHOES. For children. Wfll outwear. three pairs without tips. Jam:delle , r :rims A ROOFING SLUE OF VARIOUS - Qualities and layinColors. Paticular attention ve to M and repa r iring ate roofs, I. o gi r p a rt ienlarb g and ate rlees J. S. iEIIifTEI4 No. 43 Seventh Avenne, mh31:01 PITTSBURGH, PA. ROCK THE BABY • a . EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. SOLD ONLY In LEMON & WEISE. Practical Furniture Manufacturers, itc., ". 118 .roxata-x-r .A.VP.NUE. Where may be founfl a (111.1 assortment of Par. lor. Chamber and Kitchen Funaltare. de= TRADE MARK. DITIMIDGE'S Frirtm - PROOF Lamp CHIMNEYS. SPRING X - 1-41. 1 1 1 1 S, An linmense Stock at Low Prices, at McCORD & CO's, . 131 WOOD STREET. SPRING STOCK OF • BOYS' CLOTHING Now itzeirivlso BY GRAY- & LoGAN, ble 47 SIXTH STREET. (late St. Clair.) GRAY'S FERRY PRINTING INK WORKS. •C. E. ROBINSON, ILA NII7MYPORPR OP Ilack end Colored Printing 4 Lithographic smut vArtNrsatie, Gray's Ferry add and 88(1 Street, PHILA lUTES, 81iATEtil, American Rink, New York ,Ckb, Empire, Starr, In. All other styles Ind else, at the fen loireet :area ac IVILIMIDES & DRUM, M . - .19 itIERRALaT.. M.. oRPMf. KEYSTONE POTTERY, S ., M. KIER & CO., Mannlltetniers o • QUEENNIVARE. BIRISTOL WARE & e . office and Warehon!te. 363 LIIIERTY - 6TREZT. All ordera promptly attended to. 7711 BY It 11 .1311TRBON& 00. " BOOTS, SHOES AND CARPETS FOR THE MILLION; er SMITHSON'S EMPORIUM, • 54 AND 57 .71.7T8 AVENUE. Messrs. H. B. SMETHSON & CO.. proprietors or the well known Mammoth Auction House are creatin_cran excitement consequent upon the ar rival or new goods .which are being sold at re markably low prices. the ferery variety; the finest sewed bcotr, the most tardionnble moral gaiters and anklet shoes, clippers, /cc, blankets, faurneic, cloths. cuccimeres, cuilerY and carpets. Call and examine. No trouble- to show goods. Ladies,. misses , and children's tars at almost your own prices. All goods wen. ranted. as represented. nobi . . WINES, LIQUORS, Bro. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, IMPORTERS OP WINES, BRANDIES, GIN, &C., WHOLESALE HEALERS IN PURE RYE WHISKIES, 409 PENN STREET, Wlll Rein9ve on'the Ist of April to NOS. 384 AND<3B6 PENN, Cor. Mleyenth St., (formerly Canal.) JOSEPH S. FINCH & CO., Non. 185, lin', 189, 191, 193 and 195 1 POST STREET, PIT7I3I3ITRUH, NANZ - FACTUnIenS OF Copper Distilled - Pare Rye Whiskey. Alto, dealers In FOREIGN'WINES And TA- Q ._ UO .. OWNERS OF 9.13, HOP 3, &c. tnb2au st - Drays,jfagons; 'Carts, . Hacks, OMNIBUSES, And Every Deseriptionk)f Carriages, ARE REQUIRED TO CALL AT. THE CITY TREISUREIVS,'OFFICE Take Out their Licenses THE FIRST DAY OF KAY NEXT, For tub and every Wagon, Cart, Car. Dray.' Buggy or Carnage... drawn by one horse. tee sum of 16 00 For each and every one or the above named Ye hicks, drawn by two horses, the sum of 11.(t UO For each and every one of the above named Ve• hicles. drawn by four horses. the twoll2 00 For each and every }lack drawn by horses. the snot of *l2 00 For mech. and every Omnibus and Timber Wheels. drawn iwo horse/. the sum of $l5 00 For arch additional Force attached to any of the ab , seenamerl•Vebileles, the sem cf.." .... *1 00 SECTION' 3- It aball be the duty of all Livery Stable keepers in said city, to make a return to the City Treasurer. Within twenty days alter the passage of this Ordinance, and annually there after. on or before the Ist day of May of each and every year, of the number of Vehicles of ev ery description, owned and used by them In their business. and the kind thereof, and the same re turn shall be made under oath. Svc. 4. All owners of Carts, Drays, W gons, an procures hicle. who shad neglect orz!fuse to license as aforesaid. shall be - .Fq.jeet to a penalty of not lets than . ten per cent, for every thirty days the same remains unpaid after the Ist day of Any of each sear. All Livery nab e Keepers faillng to make the retunrre• oared in the 3d Section of this Ordinance, shall, fa addltton to the foregoing, be subject to a pen alty of not exceeding ilf , y dollars, all of which penalty shall be recovered before the Mayor, or one of the Aldermen of said city, by summary conviction; and it shall be the duty orthe Chief Of Pollee to seek out all persons who lahel to comply with any of the provlstons .of this Or dinanc whicheport the shall the City Treasure Cr. forservice he receive the sum of fifty cents In each case, to be taxed and collected as part of tne costs, upon conviction as aforesaid. The penalties for non-compliance with the or dinance will be strictly enforced after he above date. D. MACFIItIiON, Cite Treasu ap2 rer. " AALIGHINr CITY April 1, - 1869. - 463 OFFICE OF TUE TPEASURER or ALLEORENT COUNTY. Pittsburgh, April Ist, 1869, T PURSUANCE OF THE 21st -A- 'Mien of an Act relating to Allegheny Cou u ty, approved the Ist day of May, 1861, and of the amendment to said section, approved the 30th day of March, 1866, Lde hereby give notice that the Duplicates for the several Wards, Boroughs and Townships WILL BE OPEN, and I will be pre pared to receive the. 7 County, State, Poor, Workhouse an Improvement Taxes for 1869. On and after the list day of liar. 18 4 9. said taxes eau be paid at this (Mice until the Ist day of August with a DEDUCTION OF'.FIVE PER CENT. for prompt payment to all persons paying the whole amount of their taxes. - - There will be no deduction iallowed during the mouth of August. There will Ten Per Cent. Added To all taxes remaining unpaid on the let day of September, 11569; - ap2:d&F OFFICE OF CIT Y . Elertiszza AND ECRYITOIL, t PlTTgltUltoll. April 6, 1809. f NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.- 81CA.LitD PROPOSALS for rebuilding TRY • PACT SEWER. north of the Connelleville rtailroad track, and for trading, Paving and Curbing the ibilOwlng streets, viz,: WEBSTER _AVENUE, from Roberts tolfirk patties street. street the An Streets. from Butler streetto the Anegheny Valley Rah rdad. Also, for constructing the following BOARD WALiaS: OBE on Boundsry street, from Thirty-third street. to Laurel , 'street, I.nd al ug Laurel street to Elm street. wir. on Pearl and Ccir streets, from :lista to Lau el street, 16th wa rd, and ONE OD Broad street, frmr Highland avenue tothe Frankstown Road: 19th ward, Will be received at THIS OFFICE . until 4 cr ‘,elysl ! ; rot., on . TRURSDAY, April 16th 1889. .&t1 bids to be acted on by the ComufiPee must be left et THIS OPYICE !Wore the time soove mentioned. . '• • The Committee reserve the right to re.ect any or all bids. .., . ;11.4, MOORE, ap":o3 • CITY SNOINEER. ~„ orylcs or ()In xxat.Nzzu ra 3taisTon, - Pt sataax , 4prit 3d, 1309. I ti(jr; . . . THE MIRESSMENT For the constructiod or the BOAIiD,VTALK tram NEVILLE SVEEET WILKINd AVE NUE, on tltth Avenel , .c kW, on NEVILLE bEEZET,- froin -Fifth avenge to centre ayentie. are now ready for Oxaminatlon, and can be aten at thla °Zoe WEDNVDAY, April 14114 ' when they will be reterne to the City Treaan-$ oMcd. 11.. J moonz. City Engineer. atia:geo WIIITE LIELE.--200 bbla. foi bale e:t J. B.CANFIEL.D. Acz, . . AtTC(ii't AND ON OR BEFORE J. F. DENNISTON, Treunrer of Allegheny County. ;~:~~.~: ~ ~S y ~ w 'M TECV IRON OITY TUTU A U LIFE INSURANCE CO _ Of Pen.ns_ylvania. Office, 75 Federal St, Allegheny City DIRECTORS, Ron. JAMES L. GRAHAM, Rev. J. B. CLARK. D. D., • Capt..R. ROBINSON, Rev. A. K. BELL; D.D.. • Rer. S. H. NESBIT. Oat.. W. A. MEET). Cashier Allegheny Trust Co. JACOB BUSH. Real Estate Agent, SIMONTDRUM, Mayor of Allegheny, • C. W. BEt 1 Hatter. A. S. BELL, Attorney -at-Lase, • D. L. PATTERSON, Lumber Merchant, D. SIVDDER, Insurance Agent. Capt. FLOBT. ROBINSON. President, JACOB RUSH ~CLARK Dre D r Vce President, C. W. BENNY, WlT:waver. 4. - W. WRITE, MitnICAL ADviemt. DANIEL SWODER, Aeon Agent. This Is a nome cemnany. conducted on the mutual Principie, each polity holder receiving an equal share o i ssued profits of the Company. Policies will be on all the different plans of Life Insuranw and being conducted on an economi cal baslii will afford a safe investment to each policy holder, and thereby retain the money at home to encourage home industry. mh2:433 C ASIIL .. INSURANCE COMPANY, PBBLAN't BUILDING . No. 92 Fifth Avenue. llecond Floor. PITTSSITIiGH, PA. , I Capital. All Paid - Up. I DIRECTORS. N. J. Maley, • H.w.ollrer, Jr, ' Capt.N. Ball ey, Dan'l IVatlace, ;8. H. Hartman, •A. Chambers, Juke Hill. , 'B. EPCinrkun. ;Jas. 21. Batley. '/ Lomas Smith. iJno.S. Willock, i ROBERT H. KING, PrestdenL' - J.N - 0. Y. JENNINGS. Vice President. JOS. T. JOHNSTON, Secretary. Capt. R. Jd GRACE, Gen'l Agent. Insures (n Liberal Terms on, all Fire and Marine Risks. apt: gel . i - . • ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH, PA., (moo, No. 424 PENN • • aIT RATIONAL TRUST CO. BUILDING.) , DIRECTORS : Bobt. Dickson, IRObt. Liddell, IW. 'J. Friday, O. Sledle, I C. Can Buren, F. Kirsch, E. R. Myers, J. Gangwisch, Chris. 'Siebert. L. J. Blanchard, IJ. Weisser, Y. Schildecker* E. BOBT. 1 len: J BORT. 3. . J. AL: MYERS Pre icKso.ll. IV GRIER. Tr :IETZ. • przincrsyLve-vu. INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITOSSURGH OFFICE. No. 167,4 WOAD• STREET, BANE 01 C01.1311;ROE BUILDING. This is a lima Company, and insures against loss by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE Vice President. RGBEYIT PATRICK, Treasurer. HUGH kinELERzm Secretary. DIXACTOBS: Leonard Walter, I George o., E vans, C. Boyle, Geo. w . Bober. Patric J. C. Lappe, Jacob Painter, J. C. Fleiner. Josiah King, Voegtley, Jas. H. Hopkins, A. Ammon. Henry Sproul, 794: INDEMNITY • • • AGAINST LOSS BY FIRS. FRANKLIN ItiSURANCE CO. op PHILADELPHIA. OTTICE,4O 4 43? CHESTNUT ST.; near (Tn. ninr.cdenS. Charles ar: Rancher, 1 , Mordecai H.,Lottll Tobias 'Wagner, NITS(' S. Brown, Samuel Grant. Isaac Lea, Jacob R. Smith, .Edward 0: Dale, Feorge W. Richards, George rales. CHARLES' RANCHER, President, EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. 0 . . _STEELE, Secretary pro tent. North West J. GARDNER COIFF/N, AorterT nahntrarls , corner Third and Wood Streets. BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF AM:GREW ' PA. OFFICE IN FRANKLIN SAYINGS BANE BUILDINGS,- • No. Ohlo 13:t., A ROME COMPANY, tnanaged by Directors well known to' the community, who trust by fair dealing to merit a share of your patronage. murmur lawrar. GAD. D. ;.... Secretary. DIRECTORS: Benny Irwin, D. L. Patterson, I Wm, Cooper, Geo. R. Riddle, .Jacob Frans, Gottlelb Fan, Simon Drum.' J. B. Smith, Jacob Rush, W. M. Stewart, ; Oh. P. Whiston, Joseph Craig. Jos. Latimer, J. Zinkand, !Jere. apiO:oBs IMPERIAL FIRE' INSURANCECO., OF _LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1803. CASH CAPITAT. PAID UP AND IN.IVESTEU FUNDS EXCEED LNG 48,000,000 IN GOLD. Insurance against Flre effected on Houses and Buildings, Goods. Wares and 3ferchandise, Steamboats, go. Policies issued payable in gold or currency. 64. United States Branch Office, 40 PINE STREET, New York. All losses Of the United States Branch will be adjusted in New York. J. Y. IktoisELUGI-ELMIN, Anent. PITTSBURGH, PA. Wee., 67 MEATH STREET. IfIeMoLAUGHLIN is also Agent for the Man. hattan Life Insurance COMMIS. - 5e3:112 . IitiESTERN INSURANCE CONN P OF PITTSBURGH. HHZANDER HUMOR, President. ,_P. HERBERT. Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, General Agent. Office, 94 Water street, Sloan/ 4 COOS Ware. house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will injure a g ainst ail kinds of Fire and Xa• r ri e n ct o ß rs i s wo aAr ehome I known otno, tman mu b i D ty, - and who ars determined by promptness and Mar allty to maintain the character which therbave assumed, as offering the best protection to these who desire to bs insured. IntiatC7Ons: Alexander Ntinick, Jean R. Eelpaile, R. Miller, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke, James MoAtiley, mutan t S. sva n i. 1 Alexander Speer, Joseph Eirtpatrick. Andrew Acklen, Phillip Renner, i D. -L Did M. Long, Wm. Morrison, avD awn. uogy a.itol3lftS, INSURANCECO2I. lima'. MICE. X. X. OORNXXWOOD 1 minnow,. • El?me 010apany,taking Fire and Ravine Rid., • , rm. mumps Capt. John L, Rhoads, .faha Watt, _asinine/ P. Shriver, John R. Paita ta - Ch les A.rbuckle,sh t, .lantes er, far edM. Bru, Lo. until. Virrier f i r Samuel M clkori, , lit ,P ILL ?rest det . IiEN ATT. ke President. - _ ... P GARDNER. Seeretair. CAPT. La oodles Gener al Agent, . . LL EwynjRANCE comPktry___olr.P/TTBBUROH. / 010 r;O• WWNTETH STEET,BaIat BLOCS, TutWenMA all '' mos or Fire Litt marine Pak. t , Jomfrarrw. flt; Vislftent. • T. f. (41:1KrES T.T A , Treeldent. • C. (i. DuNPM.I, igeneetary. CAPT. W. DEASTi Geneeal Agent, JJ°bppltwln *B4°lliraineprook Hos.neolTe` Everson.. @. Hum% t •:, Robes; Davu, • Harvey Francis SeLlera, cbarles Rata,' ntnt..T. T. Stoelqtale. Capt. Wm. H. Nevin. • • 2 000 nli'snE" °PPE "Ii &Ilk STEVENSON. • II! I SO 61. I MOLASSES. ) DtLLINGER it ST/M1.1502i li n =a . ASSIGNEE'S SALE. N PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER I of the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvaala, made Maret 4th, 1869. there will he exposedat Pub lic Sale, at 31 cILWAIN.E'S AUCTION ROOMS,. In the City of Pittsburgh, on the 10th DO of April, 1869, At 10 o'clock A. at., the following described Real 'Estate of. JOSHUA RHODAS, Bankrupt, sub ject, however, to existing.liene, All that lot of ground, sitnate In the First ward of tie City of Allegheny, county of Atte gbeillY. and State of Pennsylvania, bounded mad described as folloWs: Beginng Re be cca point 132 feet 3 inches southwardly of street, Mit inches westwardly from the line dividing ent-lots numbers 23 and I 4 in the Reserve Vie' opposite Pittsburgh: thence parallel with said line south wardly *l5 feet 3 tneues-to Bank Loom_ thence along Bank Lane westwardly 199 feet 6 Inches to line of land of said L'udsay and H D.Whip pie; therce along Liudsay and Whlople's line north wardly i n c hes eet saidnce to s t ree t ; within 132 feet 3 of Rebecca thence nortie 683.44.grees east 205 feet 9 inches to the (dace of beginning. • Also, a certain other - Lot or strip of l 14; inches In width and running umm Bank Lane to saidn 139 feet 3 inches of Rebecca street afore- Meng the eastern boundary of the lot of ground above deseribed,and extending from said e ast w aid' y boundary to the d !Yid in 4 line between ' ont.lot a numbers 23 and 24 aforesaid, leas the following described piece of the above described • lot, to-wl t: All that certain lot orpleee of ground beginning at ti point at the line of property of Joshua ith property nk Lane; thence along tne line of saidf said Rhodes 241 feet to a point: thence by a line 34 feet 4 inches to thence cf property of L Lindsaynd MeCnteceon: be the ilne of saidand McCutcheon' 225 feet to Bank Lane; thence along Bank Lane 38 feet 5 Inches to the place Of beginning, on which first and second described pieces of ground s less the last described piece of ground, is erected a large Brick Malt House. Also, all those two certain lots of ground, te in the City of l'ittaburgh,com.ty of A llegheny and state or Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning on Irwin street at the distance of ISS feet 7 inches from Duquesne Way; thence at rlgnt angles with Irwin street 00. feet: thence parallel with Irwin *tree; 40 feet; thence at right angles with Irwin street 60 feet to said Irwin street; thence along the same 40 feet to the place of beginning, being lots Numbers 3 and 4 in a plea of tote laid out by Joshua. Rhodes, recordeu in Plan Book, vol. 3. page 277. •shlent.' ice Presidelt. rarer. tars. mlll9:gZ It. W. /LACKEY, Assignee. E. S. .11ARSFIA.L'S OFFICE, W. D. of Penn.sylvaida. PITTSBVRGH, Ap r il 3d. 1869. TH/S IS TO GIVE ivrxcE that on the 26th day of January, A. D. 1869. a 'arrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the • • Of Allegheny city,in the county of Allegheny.and State of Pennsylvtuyla..Yrho has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; tlai t the payment of any debts and delivery- of any property belonging to such bankrupt tohim oefor his use, and the transfer of any property try hint are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 110 Patera! street, Allegheny city, Allegheny county.. Pa.. befbre JOHN - 1 . .• PURVIANC E. Esqßegister, on the 7th day of MAY, A. D. 150 . % at 10 o'clock A. Si. • __ Marshal, A. ROWLEY, S.al as Messenger. ang:gBS N THE DHiTRICT, COURT OF '' THE UNITED STATES, for the Western Dis tr et of Pennsylvania. JACOB WEAVER, JR., a Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March Si .1, 11367; having ap plied for a discharge from all Ids debts. and other claims provable under said Act., by order of the Court, notice is - hereby given to an creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons Interested. to appear on the sth day of HAY, 1.568,nt 10 o'clock A. iv., before JOHN N. PIIR VIA.NCE, Esq. Register In Bankruptcy, at hts race. No. 116' Peoeral street, Allegheny City, Pa.. to show.cause, If any they have, why a dis ch.arge-t.sbould not be granted to the said Bank . apl:gls-Ta 'S. C. MeCANDLESS. Clerk. 4VESSIGIITEE'S NOTICE OF AP POINTMENT. • - • STERN DISTRICT OP FLINSYLTAITIR. SS: "At Pittsburgh, this - 30th day of March, - A. D. hereby lBoo. horls ii May Conceint—The Undersigned girt s notice of his appointment as As sigmee of AUGUST swzrcy, Of 'Freeport, in the county of Armstrong' and State of Penn ryiyania,. within said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt , upon tits own petition by the District Court of said District. D. T. WATSON, Aisignee, ' • apitgZ rit Attorney-at-Lair.S7 eith avenue. A DIWINISTRATREIL'S NOTICE. A —Whereas. lett ers of administration haring been granted to the 'undersigned, Ott the estate of GEORGE GSCRWENDER. --late of Allegheny altpersons Andebte4 to, the•said estate are requested to make immediate payment. and those having claims to present then , properly au hen- Ideated, without delay;'to ROSA GiO_RIFENDER, BNIS Patin eLrt, 7nhll:fe9."TY. ;_~ 2,000,000 A, E.B OHOM LANDS POR tim e Union Pacific goad Company, Lying Wont the line "14)td" at $4OO TO $4OO AWIX , And on a ORICtirT !Alle, !or Author partioniturs, maps, addreal. /Wimp. nrcutictui; Land Commissioner, Topeka, Ranats, Or oxiso. Liittuousr, aerp r , sot. Unto Idtesonti• g III I I IIINID ' LARE) No.' 124 Smithfield street; Pole Matinfaetnrer_of 'aeretos Felt Cement and Gravel Booting. ate, tarifa for sale. • jas:3o • " ^ ILlSrti • szirttzt.'•TE 'NEW OPERA HOUSE. Lessee..., Man*ger.. rriultsDAy EVFING, Atoll Eith. 1869, ben mit of the Doc r Truth Ofteerd end tshers, for vrhieh oeca -fon the molar drams mot • 'UNCLE TOWS CABIN; • oR,, mix AMONG THE LOWLY, • Will.be presented. Fridar EveataL—Benekt of lass AUGUSTA Saturday Afternoon—Grand Matinee. The BE.: DUIILN AR.A.kiS wtli appear. , GRAND CONCERT AND EXHIBITION 3 1A.SONIC 41. A. z, (Fifth Avenue, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Even , gs, April 15th. 16th and 17th. Concert Concert on TH URSDAY EVENING, by Allegh ny Quartette. Club. FttlD KY EVENNG. A ptil 16th, CINDVRL LA. Q R THE GLASS SLlP.PEtt,_and many other Interesting erercll•es. SATURDAY EVENIN'G, Aprll 17th. TEN NIGHTS IN. AB• d: R..103f. , anB:7c WPITTSRURGH THEATRE. _ H. W. WIILIAM4. Lessee and Manager, THIS EVENING- the Vera London sensation. Miss .ANIsIE 'LOPEZ and her troupe of JD ~ VENILE ACHOBATB. Miss BL A NOBLE S ANLEY. CONCHISTA. IivIcZATI. THOMAS W. BoLI.AM. Mr. and Mrs. XOW IN BLANCHARD. and all the Stars. Bee htlis of the day LadlesMatinee every Wed nesday an d Saturday. Admission to Matinee 25 cent'. IF'RURNELL S B INITSEXIE AND PARLOR TOEINAGERIII, The Great Family , Resorte. RUTH. AVENLIE. between SWUMWM and Wc.od streets opposite Old Theatre. lig'open Day and Evening, all the year round. Admission, Scents: Children. 15 cents. rgr"A GRAND FAIR Is now being held at "MILLER'S HALL, cOra er of Filth avenue and Gist street, for the benefit of ST. AGYRS CHUROH, Soho. Refreshments nerved and an excellent band of music to attet.d anc every evening: ap6:g92 TTHS LEGAL ESTATE OF lIGGII B. MURPHY, BTZ ZAITZEIN Dl{ zg LA liantuutrOst. -.11. W. Cenrimr..