D QUESNE WORKS. CO MAN, WOW & CO • Manufactureh of . _IRO , .NAILS,. STEEL, • AX ES. AND SPRINGS, DLQ NE, L X AND FLAT AR, ROUND AND SQUARE IRON. BAND, liOOP, SHEET AND TANS: IRON, ROILY. PL aTn.B A.ND HEADS, ,GUAR TEON, DRAB and DROPP E R BARS, FLAN(} OUTrEIt BARS, CYLINDER viltL AM RAIL, for Coal Roads. CROW BaltS WEDGES tt HARItoW TEF.TH, - •SPRING.NLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL, azgawiNes AND MOULDS cut to pattern STEEL. TInES, STEEL SHAFTING, A. B . -STEEL - . • • COACH. RUGBY and WAGON WRINGS and AXLES, CUT NAILS AND SPIKES. 'All Goods First Masi and Warranted. OFFICES AND 'WORKS. sixteenth Street and hen- Alles ' and 77 Water Street.Pfttsburr • lOW GODEFtROY BRANCKER 42 Exchatge Place, New York, Are prepared, as Sole Agents la the States for the Prussian Mining and Iron Coln. Party of Duisburg, . Westphalia lo contract or sell in quantities is suit purchasers, (delivered in slither New York or Philadelphia,) the celebrated V. G. SPIEGELEISEN Used so extensively for the manniketuring of BESSIIMEE STEEL. This Iron is free from Snlpnr and Phosphorus, and contains a heavy-per cent age of Manganese. Full particulars, samples, pried° or chemical • nalysis will be . promptly forweided on apnlica• Ja3o:dn _ Won SHEFFIELD STEEL lliroltlLS. ~INQER, Nr4llOK,& ao., ITrrentraGa. Pa.. • ltannesistorers o f every descriptlon of _ CAST AND , GERMAN STEEL , ,11 . 11, . , :c. t31 / 1 1 gMTIfOilit3P111N41 g AXIAL BTUS. TIES, 4so • Warehouse, 88. Water and 100 First Sts. miwsw, BARR it PARKIN. comtiuy rawrinme: NEETOALF,REUBEN MILE% GEO. I BABB, CHAS. PABILDT. SpeCrA.L.PAsisita--8. 11. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, KEGLER, BARR PARKIN, Offloo, No. 339 Liberty St, • . feu: lITTSBUItog, 'BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. ' PARK, BROTHER & Manufacturers of all descriptions of SEPIrMIPMIT Office and Warehouse, THIRTIETH, THIRTY- FIRST and RAILROAD STREETS, PITTSBITRIZEL IRON WORKS. uB. Vssxzs , Prirt.-.. W. P. roams, Snot. pirrianunGu FORGE AND IRON CO., KArttrAcrtraißs or Ear 11r0111; 111111 read Fish Bars and Bolts) itaLlrOad Car Axles Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Harnmemk Locomotive Frames; Locomotive Frime Shapes; Side Rods: • Yokes, Straps; Piston Heads; Steamboat Shari* . Steamboat nks; Piston Hods, Wrists; Pitman Jaw. Collars, dm. Orrice, No. 17 I PITTSB MERSIN EN PROCESS. The Trueteis are no . ' I sea for the use of the OEBB. • rejured to rant 'leen -I,.R.SHAusBEN PRO - • • 'rho payed er quality the great Improvement reduced cost:commend Pa rties wishing to us .1 Applying to JAMES Imparted to good Iron, In inferior Iron. and the t to alt manufacturers of It can obtain lionises by '. SPEER, : •ey forthe Trustees,igllstve Balldin g, 963 Rooms 1"d Att. Rith avenue., 2Eni BH P o ar z e s le a s zaG inte im vesee,S .. are ncrw sum es °Denali Invited to visit the . where the prowls Is on. te8:417 vENERSON., PRESTON & CO, 'Pennsylvania Iron Wolti, Warehouse, Nos. 166 andleT 7/R6T ST/WM gopos Ire Monongamos House_,_ • PlTTSBuhafial. lg OVELTII-2W ITTSBITUGH NOVELTY WORKS, lambiled 41. D. lISU. 1117= a co. lausurAcnributs by KEYSTONE STANDARD )#AIRBANII 8 PAT ENT) PLATED= AND COUNTER SCALES. Janus /iced Patent Doti Locks 'Ltd Latsiku, Paint sad Cores Mills, ic. COSIES OP PI3ISPIVE3ME k OIWIT Pittsburgh, Penn's. - ~~~ , CI~ yaT~ ~i:y ~ii~L►i~ roan 74 .000rza ..„...ros. was—atm= MIL join 7. COOPER ek CO., BRASS POUNDERS, GAS AND Muir FrITIM manareutras n o Pines Aspiras.49Em iSgriuVitOiliara g !n Aa Arlaa Con of Pike and Walnut Streets, PITTSBURG4 ROREVSON, SEA & co, enceeesore to Bola:1mM Mims & Ktagiskik WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En ean.gßlittfingling sad Stins,Roller and Sheet Iron -Wort% Taake Office, No. /SI, cokner First and ftlittliteld Streets. fo A r seed gents fing o R r GIF FARDIS PATENT I NJECTOR ]all rffi ollers. iVrONT BLANC FOUNDRY. 'sutler Street, 1 4 Tinth Ward, (OPPoslie Union Izost ) hills j Bolling Mlll and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, SiACEMNIr AND CASTINGS GENZBALLT. Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Work', fiIi...VDIIBBY BT., ALLEGE:ENT ern . PA. Manufacturers or Steam Engines, 011 Presses, Ptuteys, Shafting, firist Anil Bair. MBA Work, Bolling Mill andmaohtne Castings, Orate Mire, Weights,_ Wagon Boxes, ac. Bond to order and have on nand Buttes of :all sizes. mrl4:qs - ENIT STREET 0 1 " 7 4 ,4 4.. FOUNDRY . AND ROLL WORKS 880 Penn Streep. BOLLNAN, BOYD & BAGALEY. Chill Rolle, Mil Casttags, Roll Lathes, 1.4. ram ANTHRACITE • COAL ! THE BRADDOCKS, FIELDS: Gas - Coal • Company Ras this"day been appOlnted SOLEr AGENTS for; Pittsburgh arid Allegheny Cities and stirroundhlif towns for the sale of the COM of Ibe Pennsylva nia and „Ohio Anthracite Coab , and Transports. tint Company. th Parties in - want of aat _ perloredalof An m elte Coal from Eastern Mines, will dwell to call on them. General thrice and Yard—CORNER OF AN DERSON ST. and P. Pt. W. ac C. R. R.. AUe. gheny. Branch Office and Yard—LYREBTi, opposite SIXTEENTH STREET, Pittsburgh. Postoilice Address, Boa 887 Pittsburgh. J.. D. MAHON, Superintendent, Penna. k Ohio Anthracite Coal and Transportation Co,, • Na 114 141trItT11 AVENUE; PittObaigh. mh23:g9D • isza cohau DICKSON, STEWART & 6 Hiving removed their Once to NO. 567 14IBERTY STREET, (Lately City hoar X111)9nOOND ZLOOS. Are now mimed to: fltreishgoeti TOUGRIO 6H2Dry zump. 27UT void. turtBLAOK, at the lowest market prim All orders left at their once, or addres pr attend ed thempt it through the as% will be attended tote Om. WEST COMMON_ Machine Stone Works, Northwest corner of West Common, Aneghany, FRED'K ATVATZIEL & 00. Have on band 'or prepare on short notice Hearth and Step Stones, Flags for Sidewalks, Brewer? Vanits, wo. Head a,nd Tomb Stones, kg. Orders DremPtlY executes. Prices reasonable, FOUNDERS, MAi KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, prrTsßußprt, PA. MrEngines, Rolling Min Ma chinery, Nail Machines,. Re torts, and Castings generally . NATIONAL FOUNDIST AND PIPE WORKS. Cantor Carroll and Renalladall street% _ WARD,/ Pr rTIBEECMCC/a, • WILLIAM SMITH, Manufacturer . or - CAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOR e.& AND WATER WORKS. •‘; My Floes are all oast invariably/a Pits, in dry sand, and 1.9 feet litaths. Also, hill usortment of general Coatings fOr Qui - and Water Works. I would also tall the attention of Blpiarintend • etas of Ras Works to my make Of Bzwirro: TLAS WORKS, MORTON STREET, Niath Ward, PlTTlSEtt;rltcal. tHOMA.S N. MILLER, Pred.dftlt. These Works are among the largest and moat complete 'establishments In the Wert, and are now prepared to tarnish Mmrilles, of eirery desertpUsa. Bailers. On Tanks.- Sheet Iron Work. Balllmsd CiasMws. jkoltihag Min casaba/6. Engine 'Castings. Maegine Castings. General Castings. aok' ORDERS SOLICITED neg Orders promptly and care:ally executed.. Chung reasonable. - EBBERT & IiACICIpah oelltd2B *ILLS CARLIN & CO., COAL AND COKE STONE. 6 : 1 G GAZETTE: THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1869 • HUOII-11. BOLE &CO, Con Point Alley and Duquesne St n (NzAr. rriY Pont?, • Engine Builders,. Founilers and Afaehiniste. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGDIE TIONARY XNGINES of all stem S find STA- Sp9cial attention inv ited to our noWSTATION.- ABA 011., WELL ENErINE AND PORTABLE BOILER, of 15-hereerpower. CASTINGS, of every kind. made to order atour Foundry, on THIRD STRE.ST, below Market. RIGS for Oil Wells, SHAFTING PULLEYS, HANGERS. ROUGE _and TOBACCO SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO Pr..Amizs, on hand and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL. WORKS, iTolll4lff on the Allegheny River, nest the point, PITTE3BUBaa, PA. ilar. All orders promptly filled. T - ea Ds FORT PITT BOIL R, STILL AU TANK TITBOLAR, DOCTILE•FLUED TIIBULAE, PBS•BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL.. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING -PANS, SALT , 'PANS AND CON. DEMERS; • • STEAM PIPES, GASOMETEES AND LEON BRIDGES; PRISON . DOORS AND COAL SHIITES °Mee and Warehouse. earner almond, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, * • /RP Orders sent to the above address will be promptly attendedto. mb7:189 WM. BARNHILL & CO., . . - . BOILER MASERS AND SHEET IRON 'WORKERS. -., NOB. 110. SIC lIHk AND Se PMIMI BT. • •_ - •► ~. .... Having secured a large yard and furnished It With the most approved machinery, we are_pre pared to mannfacture every description of BOIL .ERB In the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the oonntry. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, -Steen •Elpes, Lememotive Boilers, Conderuaaftlt Pans, Teaks.' 011 Stills. Una ton, Be 'Pans, - Boller Iron. Bridges, Sugar Pans, and w e asalutfacturers of Barnfilll , s Pat ent Boilers., . . • • Repairing done on thonest notice.' I aS:ttl JAMES .31.nrrEn, Noa. 53 and 86 Water Street, • iIan:R:AFZITIpin Oi IRON OIL TAISTES, ILITTLING P 3 :13,C0PP2:2 nTRAN PIPE, ROLLThre Nr.&033, 7 And BERET IRON WOKS, For Steamboats. JAN= Bursa saartEND D. BRUM epBED AL BRUSH A. SON, /LANDPACTINLEUS Or Stearn Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. =BET IRON WORE. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pitteburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &o. THE BEST STOVES. • A. BRADLEY & CO. Manufacturers of the greatest variety of . Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BE POUND IN THE STATE. Bole Agents for the celebrated Base Burning Oriental - Stoves and Furnaces for Inird Coal or Coke. Best In the World for Parlor,Ofrice, Store or Church. Flre needs no rekindling—burns all win. tes. Do notbay until you see or send for Circular. No. 30 WOOD STREET. Our Agents for Orientals—DEM AMER BROS., Smittuleid St.; GEO. nuuratx, Allegheny City. PITTf3BEIBGEr HUGUS & col MAErrACTT ECES OP MET VARIETY OP SEX I CONTinS 9 BOSTON COOKING RANGE, . 6 THE FIERY FURNACE If Pon WanEING THE NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, "REGULATOR. COLUMBIA COOK STOVE. VAN'S (Cincinnati Pattern) PO R TABLE RANGE OAST IRONMANTLES, WAN'S REM LECTOR GRATES, free from dirt and dust: GRATE 'RUNTS, PENDERS, 206 and 208 Liberty Street, se26:yl7 PITTSBURGH. PA. COOK STOVES. CET. THE BEST. • BISSEIOLd 6 COM TRIUMPH, FOB 81TU8122101711 COAL. Warranted to Cook s Bake or Road as will assay other Store is the Woo. BISSELL (iv Oa f No. 285 Liberty Street. iuso on hand and for sale ! rABL TAVI V ANITO 0 ND 011AI:FJPR 6AlNlCezant • • vsru DYER AND SCOURER; p r J. LANCE, .".+64 DYER AND SCOURER. O. 8 NM CLAM SWUM= And Nene 185 and 187 Third Street!, PrrTsinnieß. PA IDR;(TEIOTf3i wait & ntostai A.UCtiirj . W.CPrips 711171 T HOUSE ASSOCIATION BUILD/NG% Nos. - A and 4 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, ,Pa. glieulai attention given to the , designing 'and building of COtiaT ROUSZEI and pimp. BO:LIMING% ENGINES, 130II!ERS, WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, MANIIII'ACTUB2,B4 Co! PITTSBI74H, Pa. -FORT -Pin -BASEING.:COIPANY, No. 169 Woo d Street, • . CAPITAL, • • • • •$200,000. •• • : STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES ANDCOLD. • INTEREAT ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Collections made on all 'accessible points in the United States and Canadas. DIRECTO/18s D. Hoatetter, I ft°Ruh ' James t.R.T Walince,D. E. ulagrifltr Fawcett, I Tfiley. &MIL. Pires*t. D. LEET WILSON. Caindep. NATIONAL BANK OF COIIIIIBCK, Cor. of Wood and .Sixth sta. A. I; A 'Moat. JOS. H. HILL CAPITAL, : : $500,000. A. Patterson. ,DuacToßs: . I George W. CAM Wm. H. - M E . Dan. R. Wm. Seco.. DISCOUNTS DAILY, AT'II A. N. aD9:oti • • ' HART, CAUGRET & CO., BANKERS .AND 7BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, raTreistrulari. PAL., (SUCCEBBOIIB TO HANNA, .HAFT & C 0..) D/J.L118.8 IN Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And tiartlenlar attention paid to theparelsse and sale of COVERNNIENT -BONDS. • Sight Drafts on London. N. .HOLMES & SONS, 3BALINCELMI:IOII9, 57 Market Street, rrrzwrersureciEr. • .• , Collestloni made on all the printlpal points of . the United States and Canadas.' Stocks,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMILSSION. Panics/az attention bald to the purchase and sale of United States Securities. ja3o:al JAY COOKE & CO:, 3E3 Etaa.U. fa , 114 ,SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS and BONDS of all descriptioits bought and sold. „Special attention given to the purchase and sa : l of Government Securities. , mh3o i I OILS ECLIPSE ' PETROLEUM .REFINERY; HERBERT W. C. TiVEDDLE, IiAIkTRFAOT MIER OF - Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. Eellpse Railioad Azle 011. Stands great heat without change: remains limpid at-lowest temperatures. especial 011 for tropical climates or but weather. - . ' Loeomotise, Engine, Machine Shop, cut Screws. Saw 31111 and Planin g 11111 0118, Adapted for high speed, • 'Spindle 011, Wool !Head-Li g ht 011, 011, Tannpra' illnir-/Sensole ; ing*Flnisibingoll„Gasoli ne , Ilorness 011- - FParrafliate. ARMOR xmori td preserye Bright Iron Work and machinery . from Rust. These products are manufactured tinder Dr. Tweddle,a_pittetit.by Superheated Stea coo. The Lubricating tills are almostodorle s s,s perfectly pure, uniform, and mostly light col- , ored. stand high temperature unchanged. and remain limpid duringextreme cold. Theitallroad Oils are 'unequalled, and are In constant use on many, of the princi p al Railroads. Samples can be examined and orders leftat 174 'WOOD STRICRT Works at Sharpsburg Bridge. ARUM ANDIMO, Coaraireion Nerebants and Brokers la Petroleum and its Producti,ii DALIELL% BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, 'minim:e a / 3 4 PA , PHILADILPHIL ADDRESS, WARING, RING & CO., E= TACK BROTHERS; , , COMMISSION ninon% AND MMUS IN - Petroleum and its . Produels, co r arativengrALiargia=m. phiudelphis Oelco-ITI WALNUT . BT, aDlt ;•90 DIAMOND OIL' H. NI. LONCA Once, DAIZZLL BIIILD/Ne, EIEI Duquesne Way 'Plttsbibi,Rh . . Pa ramran swim aItATT „ ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL. CARVERS No. 61 Sandusky St.' . .illegkely Pa. film* assortment of NIMBI. POSTS • sod BALL MNS ,00nstAntly on hand. TDRNIND of AO 448Cf/P ra• done. , IxAsTIN . OUNTRAL AND UNION Pittsburgh, Pacific Mail and West Union were otherwise in great detnand. Later in the day the market became heavy for North Western, it being reported that 30)00 shares of preferred stock was ship ped to-day, per account of a local operator, to London, on his own account, . while another statement was that none of the stock had been sold in Europe; but carried there on borrowed money. Sub sequently the market was firmer, with , a general upward movement, the strongest being Central, Northwestern preferred, Fort Wayne, St. Paul, PACHIC Mail and Cincinnati, and prices closing steady, 5-30 Pricel—Cumberland, 35@37; Wells Express:: American, •10M.D , .12; Adams, 59®59,5g;, 31@313 Merchants Union, 5211® 56 , ,,'; United States, 57@5834; Quicksilver 22%422_ ‘ 3/: Canton, 58; Padtic Mail, 90K) 90.‘: Westetn.Ution, 41 gCs413f; Mariposa, 18Ret19; pref., 3 ,5 3 -4 - ®,35 N. Y. Cen tral,, 111 @1 54 %1 'Erie, 3 3 33‘; Hudson, 137013_71, ; Readin_g, 9.23,4g.92v ; Har lem, 1351 Terre Haute, atleg,3g; ' pre ferred, 64@,68; Wabash, 67®673/4 pre ferred, 76©78; St. PattL - 7,3X©74; pre ferred, 87®87; Fort Wayne, 129.‘11@ 1293; - Ohio 32Ne1a23; Michigan Central, 119; Michigan,,South.. ern, 86y,;@863/4; Pittsburgh 90)8'690X: Illinois Central, 139; Toledo, 96%®90.“ Rock Island, 130; Lake Shore, NM; St. pref., 11434; Chicago and Alton, 149%"; Burlington and Quincy, 1723 i. Mining shares. Smit , tt Parmlee 2,50; Montana 37; Quart; Hill 1,15. Copper stooks at Boston; Copper Falls 834; Franklin 17X; Hecla 75; Hancock 4y,; Minnesota 2; Quincy • Receipts of the Sub-Treasury were $105,399; Payments 81,023,911; Balance 387,637,713. .Exports for this week, ex cent specie, were #8,878,954. lir Interest Allowed on Deposits. I LIVE STOCK MARKETS PACIFIC RAIL AY BONDS, The cheapest Investment now in the market for sale by P.l-IC. 111.-EIEITZ, Corner FIFTH AVENUE WOOD STREETS Also; dealer In Government Bonds. Gold and Coupons . and European Exchange at market rates. JAS Ti BRADY & CO., _ (Successors 08. JONES & C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., 3E3 AL .INT IMM IR. Mr BUY AND SHIA. ALL HINDS 011' GOVERICKENT SECURITIES, SOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON HOST FAVORABLE TERMS. ../P3loney loined- on. GoYernment 'Botda it lowest market rates. Orders executed for the , !Purehase 'and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and 'GOLD. & CO ~ljt.lli.t4triii, i (D. .ok.i.tte:, 1 _ FINANCE AND TRADE, OFF/GE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, April 7, 1869.. The activity in money continues and keeps down the price of Goirernment bonds, and all stocks that can not be used as prime collaterals,' In old 1882'.3 , and 1865's more is doing, and some de- Mand for Europerin investment has ad 4,anced quotations slightly. The later issues are dull, but quotations have shown a slight improvement:, It is gen _ orally coneeded by bankers that bonds will rule much higher as soon as it is known what the Bank • of England will do in regard to a further advance of in terest. Should they decide on five per cent., speculation in bonds by foreign bankers would be checked and the mar ket would then depend on the ordinary investment demand. 'Gold is formerly held at 131 3 i to Lug; hut transactions are on a lirdited scale; the chances for any advance above 133 are vary slim, whilst on the other hand no de'Cline is anticipated. The supply of cash gold on the market being limited, it is difficult to borrow gold, and what may come in the market about next May is a &ere fraction. The bulk of it will go to Europe. a tocks are strong for all the leading r ;road shares. Express shares dull but firm. Money 12 pe - cent., for all out of bank discounts Business improving, and a better feeling exists. Quotations as 'received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 1 31%;-Silver, 125; Eighty. one's, 116; Five Twenties, 1882, 119; do 1884; 11434; do 1865, 11834; do 1365, Consols; 11334; do " 1867, 113%; do 1568, 113?4; Ten Forties, 104-i•'New York Central, 853‘; Erie, --ding, 92; Pittsburgh, Fort Warne.Chicago- Railroad; . 27; Ohio dr Mississippi, Michigsm Southern, 953; ,cleve land dr Pittsburgh, 90; Chicago & Rock Island, 30%; Chicago dr North- Western, 8388; Chicago dr North Western Preferred, 9.5; Adams Express Com pany, 593 x; Merchants Union Express, 1.5,1; Pacific_ Mail, 9 030 Western, Union Telegraph Corns any, 40N; Gregory; 2,70; Quartz Hill, 1,15; Corydon, —;, faith Parinlee, 2,70; W. Am. 'Express 403. —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady dr Co. Gold; 1313‘; United Satei Sixes, 1881, 116;, Five-Twenties, 1862,1119; do. 1864,11434,; do.' 1865,'1161; Ten-Forties, 105, ,q• Five-Twenties, Janu ary and July, 1885,'113%; do.' do. 1867, „1.1334; de.' do.* 1868, 1135; Seven-Thirties, par lest;%; 'Due Compounds,ll9; Union Pacific Railroad, par; Cental do. do., 103; Cy: Pacifies, 1045. Csi Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette., I NEW roGic,- 1868. The Money market was somewhat regulr in the morning and the demand • was presaing, borrowers evidently de ,to supply themselves early and not trust to the chances of an easier mar ,, ket. The rates paid for %mil loans were 7, per cent. currency, ,and /-16(g)X per cent. on Governments,' with 7 per cent. currency, and X(gil; per cent. on Stocks. As the clay advanced the market became easier, .land call loans were dull at ; 7 per cent. gold, which- was' the current rate just previous to the close of bank hours. Applications for discount from merchants are heavy, but the rates are almost'noni inal atl.lo§lls for prime doable and sin gle names. -Sterling is nominally steady at io7g@iosx for beat bills, and round amounts can only be sold at a conces sion, therefrom., Gold was quiet and firm' day, the two extremes being 131% m a de bulk pf the transac tions were at 131%, which was the closing.xate. The rates paid , for carry ing were 3,4, 2 andl : per cent., and for borrowing 3,, 2, 1-82(41-16 per cent. to fiat. No etports. The clearances of gold troM the Exchange Bank were *410,000: Governments are stronger and_ prices are higher, but the' market was dull, l ' closing firm, however , with a good in quiry for all bonds, and,holders are in dispooled to tell.' Coupons of '81; 115%@ 115%; d0."'82, 1191;1®119%; do. '64, 114%(i), 114%; do. '65, 1.1.6%@116%; new do., 113% ®118%; ; do. 1 8 T, ~ 113%@1/8%; :do. 'ft,' 11 3%®118%f 10.408, 1041+3.105%. State Bonds quiet but rather firma • Missouris, 871(0g87%; New Tennessees, 64%@64%; North Carolinas, 53%054; The Stock market in`the morning .was a trifle loft' last evening's prices, ex cept New York Central,which was strong and rose to 180 on the report of a bill in the Legislature to legalize the 80 per cent. certificates. Northwestern was comparatively Etna. Old Southern, PENN'A CENTRAL STOCK YARDS, WEDNESDAY, April 7, 1669. CATTLE—The market was considera bly firmer during yesterday and up un til noon to day, and ,nearly..all of the cattle on sale during that time were taken at full prices. About eleven o'clock A. AI. to-day, 'a dispatch was• received foom New York - , reporting that market . full and • prices ' froin a half to three quarters .of a cent lower; and . several othei telegiarini4Weits'i aflerwarde ''rep ceived cofirming the one alluded to. As soon as this b ecoineNUOlVW the Market assumed., a different character, and it is nrobable.that it be :and heavy during the balance of the week, as there are no other buyers excepting those from New York, and they will want to buy at a corresponding decline.' • Prices up 'until noono today ranged a shadelower than last week, prime to eat tra shipping steers selling at (djB, and one liuncliaveraging about 1,500, brought 81.. Medium steers may, be, quoted, at, 7 and fair at 6)4@f33V There a but a small number in the pens-, unsold today, but there are a good many on the way and it was thought that the arrivals ' during ;yesterday afternoon and last night would be liberal. All the commission firms at these yards appear ,to be doing a good busi-. ness. Holmes, rLalierty o Co. have an immense trade; and we are glad to re cord it, as they are live men-fully up to the business; prom*, reliable and cor rect in all its various, details. This'firm. we understand, sold about .t million and a half dollatri worth of stock' during the year 1868. THURSDAY, April I.—Hedges tt Taylor for Studingerto Kelly /9 weighing 19.. F 460, at 3+3,40; Holmes, Lafferty & Co. for Gault to Donald 40 weighing 47,125, at same for Dowlin to Kelly 31 weigh ing 34,,00, at 7; 30 in different lots at from .1 55,cr 1 - 9•9, the latter having been paid for 3 head of extra fat steers; same tor Miller to Simon weighing 21,425, at (IX. FRIDAY, April 2.—Holmes, Laffertv'at Co. for Wilson to Martin 42 weighing 5-,* 250, at N„; same for Brown to. Kelly 31 weighing 38,650, at 7 . 14; same for A. J. Glass to Beach & Bray 11 weiithing 13,975, at 6©6 . 34'; Smith &Blue for enell 4. 18 at 0 fo 4 . Riley to Carson 16 weighing 60 , at ' 6,i; Smith ct Bine for Pennell to Kelly 2 oxen, at 51.4. and 10 steers weighing .11,075, at 6%; Snider to Aurenz 20 bblla, at 4. TUESDAY, April s.—Orr & Williams to Beach & Brayl3, weighing 16,550, at 631; Traurman Lobman to Runyon 12, weighing 13,150; HolmeaeLafferty tt Co. .for Milligan tit Co. 17, weighing 18,175;• same for Castleman to Beach it Bray 7, weighing 6,400, at 6yo Tranrman Lob-' man to Kelly weighing 4,710. • WEDNESDAY, April 7.---Hazlewood Blackstock fur Kerwin to Beach & Bray, - 4 weighing 4,450, at , 6%; ..Holmes, Laf ferty it Co; for 'Bea& Bray, for E. Webb to same buyers 34, weigh ing 40,500, at 7,30; same for Dond to same buyers 29, weighing 34,225, at 7y 4 ; Gds.. mer. to Beach dc Bray 17, weighing 19,825; Holmes, Lafferty, ct Co. for Brandt to Beach it Bray.ls, weighing 18,8'80, at 7,75; 1 cow,'at 7. See to Kelly 31 (Texans) weighing 3 ' 5,400; Holmes, Lafferty &• Co. 15 bulls for Doted to Kelley, at 6; See to Martin 19 head .prince.steers averaging 1,5'00, at 83. i. • •• ' SHEEP The Sheep market has been quite active thus far this week, arid with; -1 , a diminished supply and good shipping demand, prices, eompared with last week, have advanced fully a. half cent. Sheared Sheep may be quoted at 5@6.14, as.to quality, while wooled Sheep sold at 'from 6®7t4, and an extra bunch, had shore have been any such on sale, would doubtless. have brought 8 eta. Buyers are.inaking=a diffetence of from a cent to a cent and a half between clipped and wooled Sheep, depending altogether on the weather. - • HOGS—The market is deoid' of an thing that is really new or v important the only ntiticable feature' being a slight decline compared with last week.- We now quote Philadelphia Hogs at 11W4) 113 i and Yorkers at 9X®lO, with a, sup- ply fully up to the demand, is light. Dry Goods Market. Yaw YORK, April 7.—Falx business doing at, some concessions in rates for various classes of cotton and linen goods. which we now quote ,as follows: Tusca rora Bleached bfuslins 20c; Arkwright do 19e;i3oott do /4c; 13oott R. 3.4 do 10o; Bed ford Rltrown" 10e; Clarki 4.4 Brown 4 6 e4' Santee Asnnaburga 7-8.19c; ' Wilmington Stripes 14o; Glen. Bleached Crasb Met Twilled Rolled Brown Crash 1730; N do 16e; P do 15; A do 14e.: and one cent advance on these prices on all numbers of bleached.:- H PHILADELPHIA Aptia 7, -F l out um+ and drooping; norkhwestern extra family' , `117,150@)7,25; Ohio /9. Wheat quiet; red 1140©1,65; amber $1,70@)1,75; white $l.BO @)2. Rye' $1,15. Corn - firm; yellow 88c; 'mixed western 85Q88c.' Oats steady; .Penna':' 6 so7oo; western 78@70c. Petro. - lawn steady but dull; crude, 2231 c; ,re-. 4. :fined 31c. Groceries unchanged.' Pro -visions inactive. Whisky selling slowly at 97c. • ettic.too, April 7.—Cattle Market.& Hogs steady and moderately active; s9;2ls @9,50 for fair to medium, and $ 0 , 0 5@10,00 for good, Beof cattle a shadomore active; .7 $4,30(0,00 for common cows and Chero kee steers; #5,50@3,00 for fair: $6,26@6,50 for medium to good, and #,OO for extra choice.