s~ 7 YS'..~ 4`t ~~. rPI TTSBURGH THEA II H. W. WILLIAMS, Lessee and M " ager. 'Benefit of Mr. and Mrs. EDWIN BLANC: AHD. JAW( SHEPPARD AND lILIDAI3. Aunt • llla. die, Conchlta Bonzatl, Signorita Lopez a.ft be Infant Acrobats. P. W. Bolas and the great Co mbination. MatinLadies MATINEE on Saturday. Admis •on to ee NIS cents. 111 : OTICE. I!tereby warn all persons from trusting my :wik, BURT A.NwLyTLE, on my account, if I 1 , 111 Pay no debts of her contracting. ALFRED I;TTLE. P/r761111R611, Ayr 6,.1669 NEW ‘ - 3X.E.BBINA. 011A-liiGiE ' e • Extra large and sweet must received and r sale bit the dozen; also, neve Messina Lemo for ..\ sale by. Joint A. RRNSHA , aDB Corner Libert , and Ninth Strt LE q- p utuR4BLE O RESIDIINCE IN ALLIGHZNT RALE. -A large Two ilr tory Brick House, well built and conveniently arranged. Portico, hall parlor, sitting room, ',' dining Loom, kitchen, four chambers, finished •: 4 . ' attic, tisith room, ce.lar, rash house, gee and 'j water fixtures. marble man' les, etc, Rooms :lately papered and painted. Lo• RO feet front on itubeeca street by 110 deep to Park street. _,Grape ', arbor, trees. &o. Apply to S. CUTHBERT, & SONS, 39 Sixth avenue. 't ' -...-------7 44 . ' giXECUTOREP NOTICE.. 1 Whereas letters testamentary on the estate ro RNJAMIN FEELS ,0 SR., deed, late of No biestown, Allegheny county, have been duly granted to the undersigned by the Register of said estintY, all persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them, duly antstenticated, for settlement, and those Indebt ed to said estate will make payment, immedl ately, to II BENJAMIN Mc. KELSO, JR., MARK KELSO, • Eneelitora, Nobleatown, Allegheny Co., Pa. EMOVALL. LOCKHART & CO., Manufacturers of Lightning Rods, HAVE REMOVED TO A. t 234 PEX2+I STREET. BIIICALEVN PQTAINIES. f , 1,000 Bushels In. Store • Aud for sale strictly at the tOWEST MARKET PitICE. A pints lunge In excellent condition. - suitable for seed Er table se., W. W. KNOX, VOW BOONS STANDARD BOOKS. sm:hl2 I'OPOLAR BOOKIA--:'STATION74KT. _BLANK BOOKS AND Lzakr. ra.onos. irainar 41101tirazro $ fsiver staiope, 'to order. 11711e0/OgiCaL, School „and mimenzadmEDlrs *kmB. CALL AND KKAIDNir. OM; STOCK AT . JOSEPH HORNER'S, Bookseller and fEliatiOners I (Methodist Book Depository.) so:~'n'are T.IBERTT STREET, j • 3304215. STORE. We have received—. Bayard Taylor's By-Ways or Europe. .. . .49 25 Ma: Muller'sthips from s German Work • shop.. ............ . 500 iier ......... 7 1 4 oirei.. 50 Brewiter's Digest, - fram 3d Wright to sth -American Chess. Nuts; a collection of Pre. bleats In Chess n . .... . . ............... Memo:riot 8ar0..... Force and Nature. by Winslow ..... Oniceloll's Life of Byron. Biographical Sketches.. by Harriet Mar. tinean .... . .. • .2 50 Essays Pitirtsinhia and l eat.b y • James 2 dartinean.-- .. . . . .. 5OO The Ring and the Book, vol. .... le i-... lug the work) 00 Think and Act. Men and Women. Work 2 and Wages. By Virginia Penny .. .. . 150 Bdelweiss, by Auerbach, author of tha . the Heights ........ . .... .. ... . .......... 100 Martrrimeval, by Duke of Argyle. . 50 Bates' Cyclopedia of Moral acid Religious Truths, London ....... ...... 00 Dr. arntax-s new eti,. Cm. 3 75 ROBERT S. DAvo CO., 193 Liberty street. . api:ra:r:s OR SAILA AT IHIC STATION= WAREHOUSE, Car. Wood Street and 'Third Avenue _BLANK BOOKS, CHXCK, DRAY, REMIT DRAW, MOTT., BILLS LADING, scam,. INVOICR AND LiTTEB BOOKS, by W. S. HAVEN & CO., Printe,rs and Stationers, apnns NOTICE. -4-1 . • * PROPOSALS Win be received until SATIJEDAT. Apilllo, at tatone he Pus Alarm Telegraph Office. for 1112111J11110ff and putting dorm a gas pavement in trent of theinduptaidence and UMW an Hmises. JOHN N. HARZ. .*97 Chief . Zngineer Sire Department. UTHAT EVERT ONENEEDS. atiLow Fiticr.thitgaturlke C h ff 3 / 1 2 have succeeded in fretting Me beet Flour tai lowest price offered in this market for the last lye years. They warrant every barrel to give attire satisfaction, and It has never Med in a !Ingle instance to do so. Dealers will4lnd it to trial Weir advantage to give their WEITX BMOC a . Zaps constantly on band at their Ware- UNIMP, as LIBILILTT BTRZST,Pittsburgh. Pa. —FOE SALEREIhe A FgrAILDENE TK NICE. . — TOU E RTEEN OT MILE AND, on -the Allegheny. Elver, and now lased lbr gardening purposes; well Improved and in a high state oi-cultivation; containing 40 or 50 acres. now offered at • bargain. Call soon. other Farms In good !mations. Woolen Factoly: two • Houses, and twenty serer of land on the Ceatral Rallros4. Rouses and Lots Foy WC and 4:004et 111 both cities. For farther par. ilea ' s "' h ar r i n _ o ' WILLIAm WARD. MIS ..,...t street. onnnalto