PITTB33tIRGH MARMETS. D OPTICHGB PITTSBURGH GAZSITH I WEBNISSDAT, April 7, 1869 ' The slight improvement noted in the markets yesterday still continues, and with' a continuation of fine weathei', we marlook for a still f ir ther improVement and better times. Business can by no means be termed, active, but it is a little better then what it has been, and the in dications for the future look more en couraging. Flour is in better demand and a shade stronger, and there is more inquiry for Provisions. Grain'' ' dull while Groceries are moderately active but with the exception of Sugars, which are a shade lower, unchanged: The stringency in money matters tends Ma terially to depress business, but this drawback, it is probable, will be of 81141 duration. APPLES—Are coming in more freely, but with .a steady demand,priees are maintained, ranging from s4@(l per bbl, as to quality. APPLE BUTTER—Is quiet and un changed, at 90@lii. per gallon. BUTTER—Thereis a continued steady demand and'we can report regular sales at 45 to 45450, for primeto choice Roll— the outside tigutes only for small pack. BEAN good supply and rather dull but unchanged; $3,50 to the trade, and $3,75 in a retail way. • CRANBERRIES—SaIes at $lB,(4)$M. CHEESE Market almost bare; sales of New York Goshen at 24@25 % CARBON OlL—May be qubted at 30@ 31 for standard'brands, in a jobbing way. DRIED FRUlT—Peaches dull but un changed, with small sales of quarters at 11 and prime halves at 18@19. Apples 10©12, as to quality. EGGS—In rather better supply, though fresh packed still command 28. .'HAY—There is a continued' good de mand, in consequence of the tact that there is little or none coming ityfrom the country, and prices are 'well ens * tained at :321@25 for prime tight presSed. HOMINY-85,75®6 per bbl. HEMP-3225 per ton. PROVISIONS—The demand is more active, and we can report regular sales at.l4@lW for Shoulders; 16%@17 for Ribbed, and 18®18 for- Clear Sides, and 193, for Sugar Cured Harris. Steamed Lard, 1919.1 y, and kettle rendered, 20@20%. Mess Pork $31,50@ 832;00- POTATOES—In fair demand bat un changed. 75a80.per bushel.. •PEANUTg-10 eta per potind. •MAPLF.SUGAR—SaIes in gallon jugs at $1;50@2 as to quality. - GRAlN—Wheat is dull and nominal 'at 81,45©1,50 for prime red Winter. Oats steady but unchanged at 65@66 on . track and 68(4)70 in store. Rye may be quoted at $1,40©1,43, with a sale of 300 bushels at outside figure. Corn is dull, although the 'arrivals are light and the supply soewhat at; we continue to na quote at 70(g)72 for White and 75©77 for prime Yellow. Barley is still quoted at $2,10@2,15 for prime to choice Spring. SEEDS—There is a very fair demand for Clover, with sales at $10®10.50, and Timothy at $3.50@3,75. Flaxseed quoted at $2,45@2,50. SALT—Is qui:4 but steady, and is still quoted at $2 by the car load. FEATHERS—A shade firmer, and we now quote live geese feathers at 80 to the trade, and the usual advance in a retail way. FLOUR—The demand continues fair with a fair volume of business in the ag gregate, though prices are unchanged. Spring Wheat brands 36,25 to 6,75@7. Winter Wheat $7,50@5. Rye Flours7,oo® 7.25. The following are the Pearl . Mill prices, for their brands of flour made of the bes; wheat: Pearl Mill three star 'green brand, in barrels, $9,90 in sacks 0,60; double extra in bar rels $9,00, and in sacks at $8,90; Pearl Mill family in barrels,sB,4o, and in sacks at $B,OO, Spring heat brands in barrels $7,30, and in sacks $7,00. The Pittsburgh. City Mills prices are as fol lows: Choice White Winter Wheat- Flour, bbls, $9,30, and lacks $9,00, choice Red Winter Wheat Flour, in bbls, $7,75, and in sacks $7,50; • choice Spring Wheat Flour, in bbls, $7,30, and in sacks. $7 per bbl. . GROCERIES—There is a slightly im proved demand, but with the exception of Sugars, which have declined, there are no changes in prices. •The following are the leading quotations: Suoams—Crushed 17N: "A" Coffee 16%; "B" 16M; Ex "C," 16; Cuba, 13®15; Porto Rico, 13®15; New Orleans, 13@16, as to quality. MoLansks--New Orleans, 85@90; Porto Rico, 68@78. • SvnuPs--Whits Honey Drips, 0,25; • Bay State, $1,15; Silver Drips, $1; fair to medium, 75@95. Comz—Fair, to Good Rio, 20@22; Prime, 24M@25;• Choice, 2642635. Ricx---Carolina, 11 to 1.45 c; Rangoon, good, 10c. TEAS—Young Eyson, 81,10 to 1,85,. O. P.. 81,10 to 1,90. Imperial, $1,40 to 1,60. Oolong, 85 to 81,45. Son Chong, 90a to 81,50. . - Sy/Lam—Pearl, 7%; Silver Gloss, 12%c, and Corn Starch, 13c. CONCENTRATED Lyn-48,00 per case. - Fnurrs—Layer Raisins, $4,00 per box; Matt do, :, 1 8,25; Prunes, 15c; Currants, 14c. Smcns—Cassia, 90o; Cloves, 45e; grain Pepper, 38 to 38c; Allspice, 33e; Nut megs, $1,50. Ben LEAD-1234C; Shot, $3,50 per bag. Sows--“ Rabbit's," 12c; “Oakelps,". IW3; Rosin., 5 to 7o; "Dobbin's," 15c; 'W ax, 100; Chem. Olive, 93ic. CANDLES--I.lould, 16c; Star, 25c. Br CARR SODA—S7,SO per 100.- Free—White Fish $934 per half bbl. Lake Herring $ 43. W BEISKY--Highwines very dull; may be quoted in a jobbing way at 91(02; LARD 011—Sales No. 1 at $1,60@1,65, and N 0.2, at $1,28@1,30. PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFIOE of PrrTtrsurtert GAZETTE, .WEDREIseAT, April 7, 1869. : : There is rtially, nothing new or , impor tant to be said about the oil market in a general way. There is evidently a clog somewhere asit is only occasionally that the wheels move at all, and,then the mo tion is very feeble, scaroelyt perceptible. Where the difficulty lies we do not knonw, ,but that there is something wrong is evident from the very small volume of business for several days past. I n regard to prices there is no material change compared with yesterday; the feeling, if anything, seemed to be a little stronger, and, apparently, the pressure to sell was not so great, and , in regard to the future, opinions seem to be pretty evenly divided. The market is itt that beculiar condition, that it would take' ut very little to turn it either Way,' though the events of this week thus far, have favored the low-priced men; how long it will continue so time alone' will d e velope. There are many -arguments on both sides, most of which we have given, recently. CRUDE.— The Crude market , com pared with yesterday, has undergone , no quotable Change; the demand for both present and future deliveries appears to ~~~~~~~; be.light, which is owing to the ' acct that buyers generally are holding- off in hopes of a still further decline. But Imo sales reported, 500 bbls on spot at 14X, and; 500 at 15, both 40 to 46. Quotations may be fairly given for spot or seller till July, at 14% bid and 15 asked; - offer to buy 600 or 1,000 each May and June, at .15, and July to December may be quoted at 17. REFINED—The Refined market was also quiet and unchanged to-day; sales In lots, of 2,51 1 0 rbr the last half of May at 3335, and WO for •June tic, 3334. Offers to buy May and June together, at 3334; May to September, at 35%@3d; and sel ler, all the year, at 38, LUBRICATING OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 40c Eclipse Railroad Axle 1. 35c Eclipse Machinery 75c Eclipse Spindle :Soc OIL SHIPPED LIST Br A. V. R. Lockhart,Trew & Co., 684 bbla refined to Warden Frew dc Co., Philadelphia.; Fawcett, L. t S. 250 tibia relined to' W. P. Logan Bro., Philadelphia. J. P.. Wood 100 bbla tar to Slemnrtt tiro" Downington Pa. Total Shipments Refined 884 Total shipments tar -100. OIL SHIPPED EAST FROM DEQUES:NE DEPOT. Duncan & Williams, 109 bbls refined to W. P. Logan tle Bro., Philadelphia. Eureka Oil Co„ 1 bbl lubricating oil to Win. McCurdy, Lambertrill N. J. Total shipments Refined 109 NEW Yons, tiprii 7.—Cotton firmer; sales of 2,000 bales at 2834 for middling uplands. Flour—receipts of 6.968 bar rels. Flour dull and lower; sales of 5,300 barrels at 85,44;5,90 for superfine, State and western, 16©6,50 for extra State, $6 ©7 for extra western, $7,15@8 for white wheat extra, $6;25©7,40 for R. H. 0., $7,50 for extra St. Louis, 89®12 for good to choice do.; closing heavy. Rye Flour quiet; sales of 200 barrels at ;5©7. Corn meal quiet. Whisky dull and;declining; ales of 50 barrels of western ut 93%. ecelpts—Weeat 2,986 bushels. Wheat eavy and I®2 lower for spring; sales of - 900 busheis at $1,42©1,4434 for No. 2 spring in store and delivered, $1,00©1,02 or whlte California, $244,05 for white Canada. Rye dull and heavy, males of ,500 bushels of western at e1,38©1.40. Is . ley dull; sales, of 4,000 krushela of anada West on private terms. Receipts Corn of 21,971 bushels.; Corn with nit any decided change; sales of 3,000 .ushels at 86688 e.dr new mixed astern, chiefly 87©83c, and 8.33ic for • estern yellow. Oats; . receipts 3,217 fish; market dull and easier; sales Of .3,000 bush, at 7616 c for western in store; 78©78.?4c on track. Rice quiet, at 8;616 fir Carolina. Coffee quiet and lanai. Sugar dull; sales of 330 hhds of Cabe at 1135©Ilaic. Molasses dull. Petroleu; firm, at 18c for crude 30 and 32 for r fined bonded. Hops quiet, at 6©lsc for American. Coal; domestic in moderate request at e5©6,50 by the cargo; foreign Scarce and firm. Liather; Hemlock mole lower, at 30©32c for Buenos Ayres and Rio Grande light weight. Wool un changed; sales of 20,000 pounds, at 400 47c for'domestic fleece; 40(345 for pulled, and 55c for tubbed. Linseed Oil steady at a1,t12©01,04. Pork. heavy and lower; sales of 300 bbls, at 830,75110131,00 for new mess, closing at $30,75 cash; 8'10,73® 31,00 for old do.; 827 for prime, and 5•'5,50 for prime mess; also sales of 1,000 bbis of new mess, seller for alay, at 831,75®31;50. Reef dui.; sales of 86 (ibis, at ke.©l6 for new plain mess and 818,12; t : for new extra mess. Tierce 13eef dull; sales of 150 tierce. a: .25030 for main mess mei 827,00430,00 for India mess. Beef Hams steady; sales of 175 barrels at 826,00©28,00. Cut Meats quiet; 130 pkga at 123‘©13c for shciulders, and lel; ®l7c for hams. aiid dies dull. lArd a shade firmer and quiet at 17;,©13,: 1, ,',c for steam, and 1834©183,/,c for kettle rendered; also 500 tem steam seller for flay at 1330. Butter dull at 30040 c for Ohio, and 40®50c for State. Cheese firm at I.Bfai22c. Liverpool freights are heavy and lower; engagements per steamer, 7,500 bush wheat at 3d. Spirits Turpentine firm at 50j ; ©slc. Metals— Sheathing Copper steady at 33c. Ingot Copper dell and lower at 22,,q(a)23J5c for Lake Superior, and 22.3( 5 ®23c for Balt& more. Pig Iron in moderate reouest at $0©42,50 for Scotch, and 1137©42 for American. Bar dull. Sheet quiet at e1,11M©1,13 gold. Pressed Nails dull at 43;cauld clinChed at 27©30c. LATEST.—FIouf closed doll and 5c lower. Wheat nominal and le lower on Spring. Rye dull and heavy at vi,37® 1,39 for western. Oats heavy at 76, , ,ic for 4 western'in store. Corn steady at 87®88c for new mixed ,vrestern; old, 'nominal. Perk nominal ate3o for new mess, cash and regular. Beef qniet and steady. Cut Meats dall. Bacon closed quiet and steady. Lard quiet at 18y,©183;c for to prime steam. Eggs 27c. , CHICAGO, April 7.—Eastern exchange firm at par buying, and 1-10 premium selling. Flour dull and heavy at $5,50© 6,65 for spring extras. Wheat moderately active; sales of No 1 at e1,13©1,15; No 81,6601,09 for fresh and regular receipts: do closing at 81,05X©1,06;4; also; sales at 81,0735, buyer, to the 15th inst., and 81," seller for ,May; sales since 'Change at $406 for No. 2. Corn active and firmer and 1. 1 1(3114o - higher; sales of new at 51 1 ,0530 for regular and fresh receipts, and no grade at 51©52c; do, closing at 51N©520 for regular receipts new sales of No. 1 at 61©62e, seller, for May, and 650, seller, last half of April; ' No. 2 at 57©5710,, seller, for May, and 5635 c, seller, for last half of April; new'at 52c, seller, for the month; sales since change at 52c. Oats dull and. weak at 523pgt50 for regular and fresh receipts; closing with sellers and no buyers at 52y,c; sales at 53c. buyer, and 529‘c, sel ler, for the month; and 56c, buyer, for the last half of April. Rye quiet, steady and unchanged at $1,1514©1,17% for regular, and fresh closing • at 0,15 for regular. Barley quiet at 0,55(4)1,57, closing at 111,56 for regular; sample lots on track at $1,40©1,70. Highwines dull at 85 1 i©86c. New Orleans Molasses at 81,00©1,05. Sugar, 14©15% for common to amide. Mess Pork nominal, ;130,50. -Lard 1734 c. Sweet pickled hams 15,4,1© 16c. Dry salted shoulders 113,5©11agc. Receipts for the past twenty-four hours —845 bats flour, 11,476 bu wheat, 9,141 bu corn, 8,456 bu oats, 1,150 lan rye, 840 bu barley, 4,857 hogs. Shipments-7,532 bbl. flour, 5,114 bu wheat, 19,094 bu corn, 0,710 bit oats, 2,403 bu rye, 735 bu barley, 2,001 hogs. , ST. Louis, April 7,-Tobacco steady and unehanged. Cotton , nominal at 26,5, ©276. Hempon the. best qualities are wanted e common /to choice Undreesed ransom e1.,10©1,50; choice dressed $2,46. Flour Inactive, with only a local,demand; Slorl,kig to fall superfine range 134.0007,75, do. extra 134,75©7,75, dotible extra L, fall tieble extra to fancy $7,60®11. Wheat firmer at $1,40©1,45 for faie to good red fall, $1,60©1,75 for strictly prime do.; a few choice and fancy lots of sPrins brought $1,18©1,25; No. 2 sold at ei,10(5 1,1234. Corn heavy at 54©67c in sacks, and 60(a;e1c for choice white 'in bulk. Oat firm and buoyant at 61©,65c. Barley very dell, with small sales of lowa spring at $1,67X. Rye heavy and easier at $1,20 @/,28. Whisky steady at 88c, Groceries dull and very little doing. Louisiana Sugar ranges 1 234 , 2)143;c. Coffee firmer 75 ' 2 Wie fok choice. Molasses quoted at @ssc for plan 7 tation. Pork nominal at .P=prrisßtVO"it c3rvEitlrti Markets by Ttlegraph. -'v-tft. --474-M,44,`,T50x,A4420.04-4:04- -131®81,50. Bulk Meath; nothing do;hg at 140 for shoulders. 1631 c for clear !iv ; and 17c for clear sides. Lard; choice was offered at 1734 c without buyers. Cat tle quiet, with only a local demand, at .133.1@37. Hogs sell at B®lo4c for good to choice. ClscricivAxr, April 7c—flour andlgrain unchanged and quiet. Cotton dull; sales of Middlings at 27e. Tobacco firm; sales of 215 Wads. Whiskey dull at 87c, and not much offering. Linseed Oil is in moderate demand at 81,05. Lard Oil at 81,50@1,55. Ideas Pork is nominally and unchanged; held at 131.50, bat no de mand. Bulk meats quiet at 124.4.014, 1 ,(c; the demand is light and those having orders offer but 12 and 14e. Bacon un changed and nominal. Shoulders at 12,;.(c; clear rib sides at 16340 and clear Lc. Lard dull at 18e, and no sales. Butter scarce and firm at 44@48c, Eggs dull at 24@25e. There is no change in groceries and the demand fair. Potatoes dull: supply large and the market over stocked. Gold 13.134 buying. Money closed at 10@1034 per cent: buying. Ex change firm at par buying; 140 premium selling. • TOinno, April 7.-Flour dull at s6©B for choice brands. Red and 'white win ter Wheat dull and unchanged, with sale amber at $1,40, No. 1 red at $1,40, 1 and No. 1 white Michigan at $1,75. Corn; No. La shade better at 6 3 ? ye; closing quit at 60M foi No. 2; no grade at 59c. Oats quiet and unchanged at 60(,60;i for No. 1 and Michigan. Rye quiet and steady at $1.30 for No. 1, and $1.25 for No. 2. Barley dull. Receipra-1,800 barrels flour, 2.400 bush wheat, 8,600 bush corn. 1,500 bush oats. Shiptuents-2,200 bbla flour, 105 bush wheat, 10,005 bush corn; 16,4000 bush oats, 3000 bush rye. ) airmvAtrgns, April 7.-Flour dull ands t prices unchanged. Wheat closed at F1,11:$: for No. 1, and $1,053f, for No. 2. Oats dull and weak at 54@54;e:c for N 0.2. Corn dull and lower at 54c for new. Rye in fair demand at $1.13@y1,14 for No. 1. Barley in fair demand at $1,50@1,70 far good to. choice. Receipts-1,000 barrels flour, • 1,000 bush wheat. Shipments -3,000 bbls flour, 3,000 bush wheat. Batirimoun, April 7.-Flour dull and irregular. Wheat dull and unchanged. Corn: receipts small, white 83e, yellow 86c. Oats dull, sales light at 63Q65c, and heayy at 75c. Rye dull at $1,40@1,50. Mess Pork quiet at $32,50. Bacon quiet; rib sides 13ye, clear aides 17)4c, shout -1 dera 14%c, hams 20@elc. Lard quiet at 20c. Whisky dull and. unchanged. . . Lorm isnE,.April 6.-Tobaceo steady at full rates. Cotton 264 c. Mess Pork $31,50. Lard 18l4e. • Bacon-shoulders 13y,,c; clear rib, sides . 163 c; clear sides 17!/;c: Bulk Meats; shoulders 12 ;c; clear rlb - skies 15Nc; clear aides 16lie. Flour 85,50@6. Wheat $1,45@1,55. Corn 65e. Oats 62@64c. Hay $20@21. Sugar-New Orleans privae lo?..;:c. Whisky BSa, AIENIPErIffi April 7.-Cotton dull and nominal; receipts 424 bales; exports 83 bales. Flour dull and prices unchanged. Corn 72c. Oats 65c. HaV $26. Pork $32,50. Lard steady. bacion quiet. Shoulders 14c; sides 1734 c. Bulk meats quiet. Shouldora 12Nc. Sides 163ic. CLEVELAND, April 7.-Flour very quiet, steady and unchanged. Wheat; sales 1 car 140. 1 red western. at $1.39, No. 2do is held at #l.co. Cirri; sale 1 car at 70c. Oats hold at 61c. - Petroleum very dull, refined held at 301@i3le for standard white, crude quiet at 20e. DETROIT, April 7.-Wheat .carce and again higher; extra white 81.77. No. 1 $1,60; No. 2 .51,3 8 - Corn declined ' to 700 for No. L Mill stuffs-bran 81.95; coarse middlinga 2:2c; line do. 27c. Clover seed firm at #3,75a9 per bu of 60 lbs. I IMPORTS BY RAILROAD PITT CINCINNATI AND ST. Loris RAILROAD, April 7. —0 bbis eggs, I kg butter, F li Craighead; 4 do eggs, 3 bxs butter, 1 basket. chickens, A H Vance; 14 rolls leather, (.1 Orr; 1 car sheevand hogs, S Clark; 1 bx Inds°, J G Lauer .t Bro: 50 bells brooms, H B M'Clelland; 25 do hoes, rakes and forks Whiteside & Drum; 2 cars staves, NV Hastings; 100 bbls flour, J Gregg; 187 tea lard, 35 do hams, 10 do bacon, F Sal -tars & Co; 2 bbls dried beef, W H Wil son; 5 tcs, 5 ht bbLs, 10 kgs lard, Watt, Lang t Co; 8 bbls lard oil,_ 12. caddies to bacco, 11 hhds,. 5 bxa bacon, J Lippin cott; 3 tcs sausage, E H -Myers It Co; 2 cases tobaco, Pretzfield Bro. ' 8. do do, Haworth D; 1 car lumber, Excelsior Coffin Co; 1 car staves, P Adams; 100 bbLs flour, W M'Cutcbeen; 55 bdls fel loos, Hardman & Son; 10 tos lard, J H Parker; 100 übLs flour, S B Floyd & Co. CLEVELAND AND PIT'IRSURuit :ten, MOAB, April 5.-5 cars blooms, John - Moorhead; 30 bbls lime, Ecker & Quaky: 100 do do, Bryce,, Walker & Co; 111 eke potatoes, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 1 car bar ey, Carson & Co; 150 sks flour, H Res Jr;' lot furniture, , & Co; SO 'bbls' flour, 'J M Montgomery; 25 .do do, W C Armstrong; 15 bxs cheese, J A Graff; 1 bbl eggs, Head & Metzger; 55 oil bbls, D B Moore; 10 bids apples, J. .1 Pettit; 1 car oats, Scott & Glsal; 1 carlwheat, J 5 Lig gett & Co; 5 bbls oatmeal, Strickler & liorlege; 34 jugs maple molasses, Lewis .& McClure; 2 cars clay, Miller, Barr de Parkin; 5 bbls bones, Seward & Camp bell; tot furniture; Bedford Chair Co. PITTSBURGH, FORT • WATBR & CHI CAGO RAILROAD, April 7.--3 cars iron ore, Chess, Smyth it C0;,2 do do, Zug & Co; 300 bbls flour, , owner; 1 car oats, H Henderson Bro; 4 • ,bales paper, Godfrey & Clark: 5 bdis twine, H Gerwig& Co; 50 grindstones, B Wolf & Co; 6 bbts eggs, 10 bbls apples 2 pkgs butter, W H Grail & Co; 55 bag candles 5 toe dry beef, 2 bars tongues, E Sellers '& Co; 12 sewing ma chines, W Sumner & Co; 3 bbls eggs, H Rea Jr; 1 bx eggs, Vaugorder & Shep pard; 1 oar rye, Thos Moore & Son; 60 bbls mess pork, Dalzell & Townsend; 1 car wrought , iron, Pittsburgh Iron & Forge Co; 18 carsinetal, Nimick & Co; 2 do do, Bryan & Caughey; 4 do do, James Wood, Son & Co. , ALLEGHBITY V ADDErT RAILROAD, April 7.-1 car grain, Bingham & Laing; 11 cars railroad iron, HA & D Dudley; 1 car clay, Dithridge & Son; 2 oars metal, John Moorhead; 2 do , do, McKnight, Porter & Co; 1 bdl hides, D Struss; 1 car lime, D L Reynolds; 2 bbls eggs, 2 bbls onions, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 1 bbl do E Heazleton; 1680 bbls crude oil, Fisher Bro; 240 do do, Owstonp. Sowers; 240 do do, 1) M Edgerton; 486 do do, Waring, King & Co; 240 do , do t Pool Bro; 75 bbls Austin & Staples; • 3 do do, Geo Melee. ALLEGHENY STATION, April car staves Ralya & Robertson; 1 do oats G Stewait; 218 bdls paper, Frazier & Metzgar 10 slay rags, J M Patterson; 4 cars metal,. Superior trot/ Co; 1 do do, Lindsay'& M'Cuteheou; do do, Lewis, E,itiley Ac Dalzell; 1 bbl eggs, F lieckert; .1 car ship stuff, Voeghtly & Kopp; 3 do wheat; Kennedy & Bro; 4 rolls leather, J Bailey. XTOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The Partnerebip heretofore extettng belineen the underslgned, • This Day Dissolved Dr mutual consent. Elth%r partner will Sign In liquidation, - SELLEItS, • IL OWENS, J. L. DUNSEA.II3. inii3oTs2 HuZ tvNY, RIVER NEWS. The river continues to recede steadily with eight feet two inchen in the channel by the Monongahela marks. The weather yesterday . Was very changeable, with frequent.showers, The Maggie Hays from - St. Lords, is the only transient arrival we have to re port. The Camelia from Nashville was due last night, and will doubtless be found in port this morning. The Kate/Putnam, departed for Nash vill with an excellent trip, including quite a number of passengers, and 100,000 feet of lumber. The Nick Capt. Thomas Poe, is announced to leave for St. Louis and Fort Bentob to-day without fail, The Nick is a brim new craft, and is admira bly constructed for the mountain trade. The new ieamer ...kustralia will be the first boat on for New Orleans. We clip o the ibliowing from the St. Louis Dem prat: When Capt. Donald son, late of the Republic, left this city the other day , he was bound to Pitts / • burgh, vrhere he intended to contract for an immense steamer for ,the St. Louis and New Orleans trade. - • The Bellevernon, from New Orleans, will be here within the next week. The Glendale was to have left St. Louis for Pittsburgh on Tuesday. C 9131. James Rem was the recipient yesterday of a pet bear, which was sent her by some friends in St. Louis, on the Maggie Hays. The Commodore is like the man who. drew The elephant, he does not know what to do with the ani mal. —The R. C. Gray has laid up at Cinein , nati to await an opening. —The Fort Gibson, from Cincinnati, arrived at Little Rock, on Friday last. —The Bayard. Capt. Geo. D. Moore, is the regular packet for Parkersburg to day leaving at noon. —The Northern Line Packet Company is paying roustabouts e4O, and deck hands I{4E , per month, . —Parties were in Memphis the other day, negotiating for the steamer Hesper for the Osage river trade. —The Emma No. 3, left Cincinnati for New Orleans on Monday. j Pilots—Alf Jolly and David Dunseth. ' —The Ohio No. 4 made the run from Manchester to Maysville, a distance of twelve miles, against a heavy head wind, in thirty-two minutes. —The barge sunk by the Minnesota at Burlington bridal was loaded with sacks of wheat,. barley, oats and onions. It was afterward towed to the lowa shore. —Messrs. J. P. de C. W. Keiser have settled with the insurance 'companies of this city in relation to the insurance of the Gerard B Allen, by taking the wreck in I)art payment. . Nmety-eight barrels( of flour and three casks of bacon, fro the wreck of the steamer Ruth, were sold at Vicks burg on the 29tb, by W . Mcßae, auc tioneer. The flour aver ged ?2,33 per barrel. —Two thousand bales of cotton at Memphis were awaiting shipment to New Orleans on the 31st. The Olive Branch bad engaged 1,500 bales of the lot, and the other 500 wilt:go on the next boat down. INHEELING, —The new and splendid Northern 1 Line - packet Minneapolis, Capt. Rhodes. iu. .1 is im- eng - tgfittfreight and passengersY , "-nretta ai . O. Parkers•burg Line. for St. Loan , . and St. Paul., and will takel Li.-3,,ie comp:lt:vs 'Wharf Boa:, foot, of Wood ller denarture in a day or two. Here is i k Street, an exeellf-ut opportunity - for persons i . , going west. —Cara: Henry Simmes' new boat. Utah, is nearly vt.impleted. • She may raise steam at St. Louis this week. Her hull is stout and her build suited fora mountain boat. The Emile Labarge is also assuming the praportions of a fine side-wheeler. —The New Orleans Times says that the steamer Mexico, while on her last trip off Tortugas, was more than an hour and a half passing through ..a sea 'of snakes. writhingand twisting through the wa ter as thick as minnows in a country brook. They *ere of all sizes, from the ordinary green water snake of two feet,- to monsters—genuine sea serpents—of fourteen to fifteen feet in length. —The R. E. Lee made the run from New Orleans to Vicksburg, this trip in 29 hours 35 minutes. This, says the Vicksburg lientld, is doubtless the fast est time on record, if we make-allowan ces for the lack of pine knots furnished by relays as were the Eclipse and Shot well. The Eclipse made the time - to this place in 29 hours and 11 minutes, and had asteamer with a load of pine knots in thefiend just above here waiting for her, as were other boats below here, which cracked on all the steam she could carry when the Eclipse came up alongside of her. The Lee had on board a regiment of soldiers. —A St. Paul dispatch nutter date of Monday says: The ice In front of the eity commenced moving yesterday.' A piece half .a mile square fell down the stream about one hundred yards, carrying with it the steamers Chippewa Falls and Rovoy and two Government store boats. This noon another piece moved, taking with it the wharf-boat, which struck the Government steamer Montana, aid car ried it down a`few yards, inflicting some damage, ou its bow. There are serious apprehensions expressed that if furt er movements take place before the i is more broken, considerable damage * l be done, not only to the above named o i l boats, but also to the Lake Superior Railway bridge, on which the ice is now pressing heavily. The riveris very high and rising rapidly. I River and Weather. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] LOUISVILLE, April 7.-The-river is fal ing, with eighteen' feet of water in th canal. The weather is clear and wind A PROFESSIONAL. W. De CAMP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAYI6 °nice, No. 137 FOURTH AVENUE, -Pitts burgh, (formerly occupied by Hon. Walter H. Lawrie) practice in. the U. S. Circuit and District Courts, in the State Supreme and all the Courts of Allegheny county, and make collec tions in most of the adjacent counties. ja2s:d73 Witt. B. NEEPIEB, ALDERMAN AND EX•OFFICIO JUSTICE OF • THE PEACE. OFFICE, 89 FIFTH - AVENUE. Special attention gii , en to * convejanclng and - Collections Deeds. Bonds and Mortgages drawn up, anti all lenal business attended to promptly SAITIMiL MeMASTEItS, AMINEIRMAIV, Ex-OZcio ',indica of the Peace and' Police Mar. trate.. °lnce GRANT STREET, eppostte the Cathedral. 'PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgmenti s Denositionsi and _all - Legal' Business executed with promptness and dispatch. • • Wile /MN A. STRAIN, 11I.ADERAW4r. rdx.cirputo JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND POLICE MAOISTRATE. ofece,ll.9 -FIFTH STEEET, opposite the Oa. thedral, Pittsburgh, Ps. 'Deeds, Bonds, Mort gages, Acknowledgment!, Depositions ...and mil Legs Business executed with Uremotness and .lispatchl IsB9 IR;IZaUta=IEI .11(E311`HIS AND NEW ORLEANS VOR MEMPHIS AND _a: NEW ORLEANS—The steamer AIISTIiALIA • • • Wilt leave for the above and intermediate ports onTHCM. 4 .I3.A.Y, Anrll . Bth.`at 3f. r` or treight cr nassare. apply on board, or to FLACK & COLLINGIVOOD, GHIitIEST, SWANICY &AO.. • gents. \ ASHVILLE. FONT CLARKSVILLE d ugW i t AND NASHVILLE.—The line paz i rsengrr steamer' CAMELIA. ' Capt. Cr.Diintato. Will leave for the above and intermediate ports on AT CEDAY, 10th Inst.. at 4 p. For freight or I:l3,Sflage apply on boat ti or to FLACK & COLLINGWOOD, 011121P.ST, SWANEy & OP, tti;6 Agents. CICIRNATI. VOR WITZELING.Iiarg a ,: MA.RIETCA,PARII - EnSBURC. AND CINCINNATI. lAaves Pittsiairsh EVERY TUESDAY- It/ Leaves. Cincinnati EVERY FRIDAY-4 P. M. Tne swill and innerb Sidewheel Steamer ST. MARYS, T. C. SWEENEY. Commander. will lucre as announced above. PO! Frel3lit or Passage appiv on board: or to c aI6NN - V,'":2lD'Zs. B. — No•Preight received - on Tuesday after ILA. 31.. lIPPEIA aitgrae 1869. ---- NOKTIEERN LINE PACK FROM St. Louis te, Keokuk and St. P u), JAND ALL LITE R.ll mD LATE PORTS ' • • One of the splendid Sidewheel Steamers ' this Lino will I eave Louis da Pc for Keokuk,D aven pert, Dubuque, Winona, Stillwater and St. aul. Thr?ough receipts for Freight' and l'wse gem i y given .to all points oh the tipper M asi en steamers running' from this port and cone cting with the _Northern Line Packets at St, Louis, thus enabling consignees .to get their Freight through without .delay and at lowest Apply to xonx FLACK, retest if. D. COLLINGWODD, R. C. GRAY. Agents, or to • 91 Water st.teet. mIiN:RM F G OR ST. LOUIS, A- ifi ar m a LE VA. DUBUQUE AND ST. FOR passengtr steamer MAGGIE HAYS Capt. B. C. ll.Annn. Will leave for thiabove Dor* on SATURDAY, 10th ii t. For freight or passage CULLap board or to FI.ACK. NGWOOD. . UHRLEST'et SWA.NEY, anB • Agents, NORTHERN LlNTEadr i t PACEET.—The new and splendid • • MINNEAFOLLS CaPt. J. B. ERODES. Will leave for through. about the splendid Apri t.nd go direct. This steamer offers very superloraccommooations for. passengers and stock. For particulars apply to t FLACK & COLLySO WOOD, Agents, fe22fe.9B or if. C. GRAY, ST. LOU FOR ST. LOUIS. MIS- j a deg SOURI RIVER AND FORT B 1 TON the steamer N ICKI WALL Hapt. TOM POE. Wilt leave tor the above and all intermediate ports, or jo n THIS DAY. April Bth. u F iI3FL h ACK pa CuLL p INOWO bOoDr. d A ogr ntots . PAEIiERSBUIdIIi T'i'S BUR till, DAILY, AT'l2 M I NONDAY6 ARM Taciastut.xs,, BAYANL OLORGE L. MOORE, VikitEE 1 WRIENESDAYS AND SATURDAYS', EntEl EAGLE C. L. Baix.NAN, Master. Freight will be received at all hours by JAMEs COLLINS. FLACK it CoLLINCIVOOD, Aeent. EPi4 ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS J. L. PILLINGEII.... ...• • • ......A. Y. BT.E I JENSON. DIWNGER & STEVENSON, , • CON3LISSION M.ERCIIATS ) 87 ipeond Street, Pittsburgh ) Pa. RECEIVE AxriSELL All 'Kinds of Country Produce, Ail orders for Merchandise promptly filled. at LoWEST market rates. Particular attention given to the sale of Butter, Eggs, Cheese Dried Fruits; Am, We feel confident that we can • give entire! sat lsfaMton, by _making VOCE SALES and PROMPT, EIMUMNS, at HIGHEST MA I taET PRICES, and therefore resoectrauy solicit your consign. Marking Al l correspondence answered promptly. Mies linnished free. Drain ra atom and to!arrive daily. an31:111 S E TA i II i. ,I I EFD fly A. & E we GORMLY, WEIOLESALE GROCER, iNo. 271 Liberty Street, I (Drapcns OP.T. KAGLIC HOTEL,),. P.A. se :rlB K. BT .g . J. A. MULL M I STEELE 0. SON, Commission. Melthanta, .1 Mill DEAL.II.IO lIQ- VX.01:111, GIatA.TN, No. 95 01320 neaiSast.Contraon, ALLURE:Cr CITY. PA. mrzragral, JAL T. nicumm KEix. & RITIPEIART, COMMISSION MERCHANT% A.2fD DEALERS n't . , FLOUR, GRAIN, BRED.% KILL FRIG. &c.. . 1149 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, -mres:b37 T I J. BLANCHARD, • 4u• Iyholesale and Retail grocers, No. 396 PENN STREET. I. I ITTLE, - BAIRD & PATTON, Wholenale (inners, CommissionMerahants an Dealers Produde, Flour, Baoon, Cheese, Irish, Carbon and Lari Oil, Iron, Ralls,'lllass, Cotton Yarns and all P'lceburgh Manufactures generally, .112 and • oZCOND BYBEE% Pittsburgh. p"!zEft. a. Alimswito.No, 011W,AIDEKer rOIOIII3MON YEItORLITB, For the mile or Flour, u 114114 Bacon , Lard, But ter, thiede_,Dried Cud Produce generally, No. 16 MARKET STREET, Corner of First, alum:nun. - - ' JOHN outprotr • • A WALLACE. §unwroN&WALLACE_ Mhole- SALE GROCERS AND PRODUCE DEAL- S. No. 1 SLXTEI STREET,. Pitt sburati.: JOHN I. 110178Z...211W. HOUbli.,.'WHt. H. /10U§Z. 1 - rOHN I. HOUSE, 15 1•11HOS*, Sue. 'cesisore to JOHN I. 130178 E &• CO., Whole. sato Grocers and Commission:Merchants, Cor. net set §mithdeld and Water litreets. Pittsburgh. THE , MAN. Oft THE MEN, h SERIES,ATRON'S TIOERTS MED A L. '3d ON WASHINGTON LIONiPENti, are hereby Informed that the draw. Inge Were made January 319•1809, and that az.- enters giving full Information of the numbers drawn, will be sent to persona Interested, on their addressing the WASHINGTON MEDAL! LIONIPEN COMPAN Y, - New York. N. B.—ItZAD ,rmit TWILUTaGig Taa ‘lll te2Stil _ IVISBURGH& aggim coNNELLsvILLE On and atter 'I CRSDA.Y, l`rovember, 17th. leoP, turas wilt arrive at an.t depart from sae Depot corner of Grant and 'Water streets, a* follows: Capt. ----, Mall to andfrorcalnion town 7:00 A. at. 6:00 p. Y. McKeesport Aceonit'n 11:00A. x. 2:05 Y. X. Westo and front linz"n. 3:00 r. 1010 A. tg.. Newton Aceorn'd 4:30 r. 8:33 A. M. Braddock's Accomdl'n. 615 P. E. 760 P. SE Night Ac. toliclE'sport,lo:3o di. 6:43 A. X Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton 1:00 P. x. 10:00 A. For tickets apply I-1 E. M. BAYSIOND. Agent W. B. STOUT: Supernnendent. nwp OZIANGE!O.Fampin fit!! TIME. ALLEGRENT VALLEY RAILROAD, On and after MONDAY, November 9th, MpsB,, TWO TRAINS DAILY will leave Pittsburgh Station, coruer of Eleventh and Pike streets for Franklin, 011Wity, Buffalo, and all points in the Oil Regions. OrIAVS PPTTSBURGII. .1.41111117 • IN PITTSBURG'S ..... 7:15 am Mall . 0:40 pns Express • 7:10 to Mi Express ' 6:30a as. Brady's BAc 3:00 p mißradys ll_Ac 10:30a na /st Soda Works !Ist Soda Works I . Accomd.... 10:50 a m Accomod'u. S.AO aEI Ad Soda Works Ad Soda Works Accomod'n. 5:00 p m Accomod'n. 3:40 pnt Church Train leave ittsburgh at 1:10 T. K. Arrive at Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. M. .. • Passengers takin express train , have but g one change of cars between Pittsburgh, Buffalo and Oil Regions. Mail and Express - Trains stop only at principal points. Mixed Way and Are• commodatlod trains stop at all stations. THOMAS Ti c ket A g ent , Sup't. W. POSTER HOPE, noel rurpsßß6ink lammit C.INCDMAI LOUIS HAILWA TTA It. • PAN HANDLE ROME. Tlllll.—On lea v efterDAY. Nev.22d, 1868; trains will and arrive ag tut Union Depot, as fellows, Pittsburgh time; • Depart. Arrive. Dull Expre5.„«........... 3:13 a. m. .12:13 a. za. Fast, Line - 10:13 a. zn. 7:33 p. gait Expre55............ :58 p. m. 121:18 6.414 Itilzed Way.— .. 8:43 m. 6:43 p; m. Ace”n, No. 111128 a. aa. 8:33 p.m. Steubenville Aeoonunod. 3:38 p. m. 9:48 a. m. MeDonald , s Aeons, No. 2..5:08 p. m. 3:18 p. m. Jur 2:15S P. Y. Express will leave daily. 12:13 Mall will arrive daily. The 10:13 a. m. Train leaves daily, Sunday* ez cepted,. and makes close connections arNeyr• ark fo: Zanciville and points on Bapdukky Mansfield d Newark it. • S. F. SCULL. General Ticket airent. W. W. IIAS.D, Sup , t., Steubenville. Ohio. n 02.5 stimmit .„. 1868; PITTSBURGH FORT WAYNE & CHIDAIH3S F. W. and - CLE VELAND & PITTSBURGH A, B. From Dec. 20th, 1858, trains will leave frot4' and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, Fitts. burgh city time, as follows: Chicago Ex .... 3:b3 a m!' Erie Egn31 , 17:2S a m Cl. Wh_ , g31 , 16:28 a m Chicago Mail.. 6:58 a m Chicago Ex..lO:OS a mi Cl. &Whtir Ex 2:23p m Chicago Ex, 2:43 p m W , es 4rie Ex4:43 pm Dep_artfrom dlieghenir• N. Brigt , n 13:58 a m Leqsdalel 1 0: :5S am2S m:, " 1 Rochester 1:33 p m Leetsdale. Ac0.3:58 p m • N. Bnist , st " .3:33 N. Brigt , n " .O:2S pm Leetsdale_" 1e:43 p Leetsdale Sun day Church. 1:13p Ai? 2:43 p. m. Chick Sir 11:58 a. m. Chica de22 P. R. MYERS, ENNSTLVA-MEINRIE . NLL CENTRAL RAIL E AD. Onand after Nov. 28th. 1868, 'Train, t ill will arrive at and depart from the Union Depot,' corner ur Washington and Liberty streets, as failows:. Arrive. Depart. Man Train.— 1:30 a miDay Express.. A:3O alp . Fast Line..., 2.40 a nrall's- No. 1.. 8:30 am Wall's No. I:J6 20 a m 311%11 Train_.. .. t 8:15 am BrintonAce'n. 7:50 a in,!Qincin'ti Ex 12:35 pm Wall's No. n.: 8:50 a miWall's No. 2..11:20 am Clacinnati E a x..9:40 a mlJolmstown Ae. 3:2opm, Johnstown Ao10:35 a mißraddocks No 1.1:200:5- BultLmore Ex. F 45 p m 'Phila. Express 5:10 pat Phila. Express2:os pm Wall's No. 3.. 5:20 pm Wail's No. 1...1:30 p mWalt's No. 4..8:15 pro. Bruddocks Nol 5:50 pm Fast Line 7:50 pm Wall's No. 4. 7:25 p mWall'sNo.s.s. 11:50 pm Way Passn'r 10:20 p mi The Church Train leaves Walls Station even.: Sunday at 9:15 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:00 a. in. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh :at 12:50 p. In and arrives at Walls Station at 2:0017. m. Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All other . .- tr. , t , a daily except Sunday. • For further information apply to ' w. a. toEwn - R. Agini. The Pennaylvtudallailroad Company will not as. same any risk forßaggage, except fOr wear c rlap - parel,_and Mutt their responsibility to-One un. firer Dollars in value. All Baggage ex ng thst amount in value will be at the risk of the °win?. Inlets taken 'war contract. EDW ti. WILL • no2S General Superintendent, Altoot i Va,%. . E 8 TERN-assinis PEZrNSYLVA-'4IA BOAD.—On and after licrv.• 99d.1868:1110 Pat senger Trains on_the Western Pennrylvanta Ear road will arriveat and depart from, tic, Feder,: I Stre et Depot, Allegheny G'ity, as folk , * Stiringd% No 2 6:40 ain 700 nt Freeport Ito. 1 8:20 a m reeport.No. TOll5 ant Express 10:40 aat arpb + gNvlll:Ao ina 0 Sheryl:og N0.11:25 pal press . 51:45 put Freeport No. 24:00 pm rim/4 , 0E013:50 pnx Mail— 5:55 p m eeport-No. 2 5:20 eprinscise No 26:45 rt m Pringd'ONo 2 7:10 p Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Juntition every dunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. m.c Returning; 'Wes Allegheny- City at 1:210 p. in. and arrive at Allegheny Janes tion at 3:45 pi m. - ComittrrATion TICKETS — For oale Chestnut'. of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut' street, Beres, Bennett, Pine Greek, Etna. and . Sharpsburg and good only_on the trains stop Plait at Stations specined on meets.. The trainsleaving enegaeity City at 7:00-a. in. make direct connection at Freeport with Walt. ker.s line of Stages for Bailer and Bannahstown. Through tickets may be purchased at the Oftitte- No.l St. Clair street, near the Suspensionßridge., Pittsburs b, and at the Depot, Alleghen y, -Tor ftrther information apply to JA.litEo,LxFE'rB, Avow. Federal Street Depot. The- Western Pennsylvania Railroad :will not at sums nay risk for-Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit their responsibility lo sacm . Hundred Dollars in value. All baggage ex. ceeding this amount In vane willbe at the risk of the, owner, unless taken by special corstraot. EDWARD B. WILLIAMS_;' - n 022 Getwval Sunerintendente Altoona. fis. S UTZ HILL ,IEMM UNION PACIFIC RAIIWA/. Eastern Division. The SHORTEST AND . MOST RELLABI • ROUTE from the EiuM to ail yl:Asti la Co!olitulo, Nevada, Caiklornia, "nab, Aritona, 11111pahhigton, New Mexico, Idaho,' '• • •- •i• , Orly Two Trains leave titaie M' Nenda exeeptoda Lw heantesT of racing d Ut.. yew itt.,/..effit,- sad " bal and Si. Joe. Railroad front tinta,Or, Oortnegt.. , in. at: Lateremeni, and Waste* win' trackantic west o Dokod.K.ansam.. At and ot :west or Ellsworth. with 'l4 wirraD LINE BTATES Eir e M a OF .OV 00A0/48 spa - " DEN V3111t3 EL‘ILVZ 31,1E3D. . . AU Pointe in the ,Territeries t , • And with SANDOSONIS THIAVIEEKLE of COACHES for Fort, Union, Bent's. Fort. Fyias , Albuquerque, ,Banta Be, and all points' in an. sous and New Mexico. With the ream' additions' 'of , roUing stook and ointment, and the . arrangements made with. rerimatible Overland TranspOrtation Lines. • from its western terminus, this road now offers. unequalled facilities • for the transmission of freight to the Far West. • Tickets for sate 'at ali the principal Offices inc.. the United States and Canadts -- He sure and ask for tickets via THE sis,,‘ , „ l 9r KILL ROUTSITNI,ON R., I .10 NAVA" " $ EASTERN D/V-1100N.As ANDERSON, tneria /reigns aztd Tlrkoi 4ll Ei RAILROADS. D Tart, 4 1 friveit. !Chicago Ex.. A:l3 pCre l i cago Ems. 11:58 • eeling Ex 11:13H stlind Mail 3:53p! 'Chicago Ex....4:380 1 1 pcleveland 4:oRpe Erie & Yg'nExB:l3pi Cl. & Wh , g ExB:sBot Arrive ta 6/ 1 4gIlinsik N. Erigt , n At . .7:03 Brigt , n 8:28 am !New Castle "10:33 am Leetsdale " 9:13 as " 1:08 pea . Britt% " 2:483 put Leetsdale " 4:83 ma 44 St g „ in Leetsdale T. _ day Church:. tr:sB as go. Express, leaves daily. .go Express arrives daily. Genaal Ticket Ameat. AND Geueral Supalistendele ¶ wanwriths, 4,, e 11 0"