11 PITTSBURGH HAMLETS. Ovrian OF Prrrsnunalr GAZETTE, / Thera 18 ~ a light improvement to note in business, as the markets in a general , • way were Mere active to = day , e 1 .1, 41 we, are . topes that once". the eather . lie. comes m'ore settled and the .roads get in better condition, that there will be astill 'thither improvement. ' The , fact that moneys extremely tight has a•ten eney to retard 'business; but this,. obataele is likelytelberemoved before long; and in ' that event we expect see a Mneh . , ter dem and fordmosteverything- Coun try merchants will , :then , beginto lay in their spring and-"sunnier supplies, and our merchanta hay° • all, the orders they can fill. ; As wejiave repeatedly re marked, however, it. looks as if the, day for big margins had paesed, and people . • have to settle' to doing but note in the old faini oiled may; APPLES=Are Wining in more freely, but with ,a steady. demand, prices are maintained, ranging.: inconis4®6 per bbl, as to ' , APPLE `l4UT=t— ,. . Is quiet and un changed. at 90®$1 per gallon. BUTTER—There is 'a continued good deniand'and we can report regular sales ofprime to' holee Ito"' At 46 to 48@50. ,. 'AN..4-4ii good suPply and rather dull but unchanged: sv,p to the - trade, and 13,75'in a retail way. ' BUCKWHEAT Ff4OUß—Dull; , CRANBERRIESSMes at 118®122. CKKESE—ldarket almost bare; sales of New York Goshen at 24(4)25. _ CARBON OIL-- 7 May be quoted at 30® 31 for standard brands, in &jobbing way. DRIED FRUlT—Peaches dull but un changed, with small sales of quarters at 14 and prime balviail y etlB®l9. Apples 10(4112, as to quality .. EGGS--Were in rather better supply to-day; and while there were some sales at 30, 28 may be regarded as the ruling quotation. • HAT , There is a continued geed de r . mend, In consequence of the fact that there is little or none - coming in from ..the country,- and prices are well • sus t,ained•at $24(25 for prime tight pressed. H0M1NY:46,7 . 608 per bbL. •,,- , 'HEMP-0125per ton. . PROVISION The. demand is more naive. and we °en , report regular sales at 14®14X, for :Shoulders; ..16%®17 for and41340/8X : for Clear_ Sides, and 1 1 / 3 ‘,,0r , Siagar . Cired Hams. Steamed Turd, :and , kettle • rende red 2A12)201. Mesa Pork. 13450® 4'emaria but un enan_ged, oneoeper bushel. " . GRADT-:- I there is little or nothing doing haVheat, and prices are nominal at $1,49®1,5_,0 for, prime Red, Winter. • Oats in "retrial better demand, and, a shade stripier; We now tinote 85@;63,cin track, anti 67®88stere. Rye also, is in better demand,' With soles at 11,40® 1,43; • Conliodull although' the. supply . is by no means large, and there in "no disposition to make conciseadons in' order to effect sales; we quote White: at 70®72, and prime Yellow at -,76,®77.- Bales , of prime to Choice Spring Barley, at V2,10® 02,15. _ • SEEDS—There is a ` ivery fair demand for Clover, with sales at $10®10.50, and Timothy at 13.60®3,76. . Flaxseed 'quoted at 112,45®2,50. SALT—Is quietlitit steady,and is still quoted at 32 by the car load. FEATHERS-,A ahade firmer, and we now quote live geese feathers at 80 to the trad‘ and the usual' advance in a retail Way,: ._ FLOUR=The demand continues fair . . . with fair volumo of business in the ag, Ftthough prices ire unchanged. Whest, Amanda $8,25 .k 6,75®7. inter Whea; $7,5048, Rye Flaw 57,00® 'FL, 7,25. The _ ;following . are :the , Pearl MEII-.. , primi. ,for . their brands llour made of tlie . beet wheat: ' Pearl Mill three star greeu_brand,ltiharrels,-19,90 - ,in F sacks ;9,6o;doxilile. • extra in bar rels $9,00 and in sack s at $8,90; Pearl Mill - fami ly - in barrels;" $8,40,' and.-in sacks at' 18,00, - Spring Wheat brands in barrels ;7,8(4' and in sacks 47 00 The Pittsburgh City Mills-prices are as fol lows: Choice White Winter Wheat Flour, in bbls, $9,30, and , lack's . 19,00; choice Red Winter Wheat' Flour, • in [ bbls,' 17,75, and' in sacks $7,50; 'choice F ' . Spring Wheat Flour, in bbls; ':57,30, and in sacks, $7 per bbi. • 1 W lllSSTF—Highwines very `dull;may be quoted in a jobbing way at 91@92. LARD 011—Bales No. 1 at $1,6901,65, and No. 2,"st $1,28®1;30.. M r / 6 /flt. l 3. : b Y:Te i . e iMP U i Naw Tong. April 6.t—Cotton is a shade lower; sales of 1i305- bales at. 28340 for middling. Flour'rebeipts 0f..6.768' bbial Flour is dull and heaVY at 5(41(k; lower; sales of 5.300 bbls at 15,50 ®Cifor superfine state and,western; $6,05®6,60 - for extra state; 16,05®7,10 for- extra western; 57,20 08 for white wheat extrarl 6 , 3o @ B LE* for R. H. C.; 1/7®8,50• for extra , fit. Louis; 19®12 for good to choice; do closing heavy: Rye flour quiet and heavy; sales of. 200 bbbS, at 55®7." Oammeal • quiet. M Whiskey are active; sales of 175 bbls at 9234®9334. The Receipts of Wheatwere 887 bash; Wheat heavy and! strongly in buyers (*dor; sales of 53,000 bulls "at 51,41 for No. • 2 spring in store; 21,44® 1.4534 for db delivered; latter prices for very choice; 11,6034 for ember Indiana; 12,08 for,white Michigan. Rye's in mod. erate demand; sales of 400 bustle at 51,88 ®l4O for•western; 31,40 for - state- • BarleY is quite heavy;" sales of 3,000 bush Gerd , than. at s2,o2.—Barley Malt quiet; salmi of 600 bush state at 12,10. " , The ' receipts of Corn , were- 4,084. bush;, Corn about lower; sales tor - 55,000 bush at 85088o' for new mixed western; chiefly 'B6®67c shipping parcels; • 86; , for 'poor store; 88®89c fOrneWweatetzt` , yellow: Ofitsrecelpts 2,400 bush; 'market quiet, with Sales. 13,691). bush at 77X6 for wed. em in itore.-iihd' 78% at raliroad. Rice - quiet. Cortes quiet ; and firm; With` Sales V 5 , Maricaboatl3@l9; the 1448riM extreme.:,' t3hinir, - drooPik o t with Wes Mash& Cnbiiist laseeettodet, With salmi 2Pobhdaold._Ptina and 88tificoiradit ' '413& 85 Vida: ratto Rico at 53 ®63; 2fig bblaiTew Orleans' at 3r f 67 170 r. r =e ll 2a n kitt l f3 l 3 tft r w e I tarblOt bonded: '"HoPaitteady t kittfr testi. Linseed' Olt firth' at '11,02, 'cash; SpiriteTdrpentiffe quiet 5 1 ei :Turk heavy Mid' droophig t with nisi bbls at sBl®3l - ,18; new mbar closi_ngLiti 531, cardifl3o,6s6Bl: old,* WWl' for, EollEV2 B , 3 o' fcir ue P aillgq. slat bb meats; Se ller',for May, lir vase 'Orbit - "Beef Op; with Wei bbli ifitBol6'fbivriew plan' 18 for extra Mars. ' Tierce Reert m with isles 15 ' tierces et 11124®29 for p e Was, 227@84 for India mess. Beef hams! In better demand, with, Wes 450 bbla at 1260314,60. tintgßat•Oilet,wicti'salep 1 1 E ; 30 IPI•at 12 3i@M for ishaulders,;l634 (ail i for hams. , Middles quiet; withsales 146tceu smoked hams at 200. ',`Lard firmer, • and in moderate denaandi with sales 650 names at 17yalsy,c for steam, an d ismigisig for kettle Tendered. . But ter steady at .80®40 for Ohio, and 40®500 for State! Cheat* firm' at 18@22- Freights to LiverpoOl dull rindheavy. • __ Lashosr.r ,, Flour closed dull and dealti jug;. Wheat:elosed doll 'and strongly 11 buyers falior. Bye quiet and heavy at . . . $1.87®1,38 for western. Oath quiet r at 770 for western in store. CornLdtr il ist 8814e87140_fctr_ afin—atieMotoy 831 'bash an' 'regular' for -new mess. Beef Aniet and-steady. Cut Meats in limited request at tiMshank-.. ed. prices., Baoon quiet and steady. Lard steady at 18%018%s for fair to prime SWAIM'. Eggs steady at 35@38c, Cineuio, April 6.—Eastern Thcchange par at 4-10 buying and 1-10 premium selling. Flour, in fair request for low grade to medium; spring extras 14,75011 5,50; other gradss -neglected and nomi md: 'Wheat quiet and Vgilc -lower; ‘iialeabf; No. .1 at $1,14©1,15' and No. 2 at ~1,05%@1.„07, closing. at $1,06%@)1,86%; sales since the change at 41,05.. Cornunz settled and irregular, and . 34 ®yo lower; sales of .'new at 49(4)52346 for ,regular and fresh redelptig.io grade 481g.42e; closing at 5034®503ic for regular new; mpthing doing this afternoon. ()ate dtill and 14c lower; sales of ..No. 2 52;g65510 for regulae and fresh receipts , - closing' at' 52);®58c; 'Rye. morel active 102 c lower; sales at $1,15®1,18 for regular and fresh.receipits, closing at $1,15 for rep* /sr and 81,17 for fresh...i,Barley quiet and 2@2 1 .4c lower;-sales. at 1/1,55(41,62,, aloe ing at $1,55®1,60 for , regular and fresh receipts; - sample _;.lots 1,5801.60 on track. Highwfnes dull and neglected; Sales at 84®8iNc. New Orleans sugar at 144153;c for common to choice. Mo lasses, $1,00©1,05. Provisions dull. Mess pork at P0,50®30,75 cash; and 831,50. buyer for the month. Lard, 17m ©l7%c. Bulk meata—sales of short ribbed middles at .15Xo; loose pickled hams, 1535 ®l6c; dry salted shoulders, 11,3‘©12c; rough sides, 14X0150. Re ceipts past 24, hours: 12,156 b.bla flour, 17,138 bus wheat; 7,39.5 : brai cOin,'. 4,240 bus oats, 700 bus rya, 260 bustrarley, and 680 hogs. Shipments: 5;000 bbis flour, 4,448 bus wheat; 1,260 bus corn, 3,298 bus oats, 2,857 bus rye, and 860 bus barley. Ciwctimuri„--April 6.—Cottoh dull and lower; middling at.27c. Tobacco in good demandr sales of 199 hhda and 16 boxes; trash and lugs at 413,10®9,80;. leaf , at $11,20®19,60. Flour and grain unchanged and _quiet. Whisk .declined to 870 and dull; market unsettled.. Eggs advanced to 2444.25 c. Butter scarce and in demand at 44®480 for fresh. Mess Pork dull at 181,50 for city, but no sales; Country sold at 1131. - Balk meats held at - 12.V1("p14, but these rates are 3:6* aboVe the views of buyers; btit aides were made at 12M© 14'4c. Bacon in fair 'del:Maid; sales of 146 hhds at' 13@l3;fc for shoulders, and 16%®16)4c for clear rib sides, lnd 17c fOr clear;/here was not. much offering and no . wessure.to sell, but on ' the otherand a ilit increase in the demand Makes holderslirni. Ifird dull •at 18% ; ,with small Sales. Sugar dull, but not lower; New Orleans 13%@1534 . 6. Coffee ruin and the demand . goOd at 2lig26c. Moths- Bee flrmf , Bo®Bsc ler New Orleans. 'Beef cattle' dull; common tolariniti at $4,00® 6,60; extra shipping'et $7.00©7,60. Sheep scarce and ffrm at- 54,00(6;60 per oental gross. Hogs in better demand and sold at $9,00®11,00. per cental gross, the latter rate for extra large.. Gold 121 V,, buying. Exchange, steady, par buying. The Money market is stringent. Loom, 6.--Tobacoo in goOd demand, but not quotably Changed. Cot- ten; nothing doing. Hemp dull, with sales of common to choice undressed at $1,15@1,20. "Flour firmer and in better demand, but prices are ;unchanged, su perfine ranges ow, extra , 1.1,75@5,75, double extra 5,25@7, treble extra p®B. Wheat firm at $1,60©1,85 'for strictly prime to choice, red $1,85®1,90 for choice white, No. 1 spring heavy at 11,57@1,01 in bulk, $1,651 1,67 in sacks. Oats is firmer at 60@63, and small lots of fancy at 65. Barley_ dedlining and onset tied, good to pfirne Spring sold at P. 55, good to choice fall at $1,90@2,25. Rye higher at P.28®1,30. Whisky quiet at 88. Groceries are anchanged. Pork; jobbing sales made at $31®32. Bulk Meats nominal. Bacon dull and heavy, small order salea:at 13N;(4)133 for shord dere, isw,l'orclear rib sides', 17 for clear sides. - Laid at •18 for choice. The re ceipts for the past forty-eight bours were 1,500 barrels at flour, 11,200 bushels of wheat, 6,200 blithels of corn, 5,500 bush eAp of barley 400 bushels of rye and 850 lilmveurcEE, April B.—Flour dull with a decline on some grades,at $5,75@6,12 fOr turriog extras, ana $5;15@5,25 forme- dium country. Wheat closed dull and nominal at $l,lO for No. I, and 51,05 for No. 2. Oats more actiVeats4(4)s4mo for N 0.2. ' Corn In fair demand at for new. Rye more active at $1,18®1,14 for No. 1. ley, in' fair'demand of 111,50f,i) 1,70 for good delivered: Boceipts--florcr 1,000 obis; wheat 13,000; Corti , l3,ooobush. Shipments—flour, 4,1)00 bbls; wheat 6,000 busGO els. Lotatrvraik, April '6.—lnbaocop 'sales of 294 hhds; at $5,00 for lup; $28,00 for Clarksville leaf. . and 181,50 for Hart countyr•wrapper. .:Mess Pork 581,50. lard 144 c. Bacons , shoulders 18mc; clear rib sidei I,olp;,.clear sides 171,c. Balk Meats; Shoulders 125 c; clear rib sides 15lic; clear sides 1003. Flour f 5,50 @O,OO. Wheat. 41,55(4)460. _Corn 65c. Oats, 68@t1640. Hay imaai., Sugar dull and unchanged. Whisky; raw Et. Mr.xreus, April 6. —Cotton quiet and quotations unchanged; receipts 291 tales; exports 1,101 bales. Flour steady at 55,75 *4OO. Corn 72c.. Pork 1 3 21 6 9. Bacon steady. . Bulk meats unchanged. Oata 650: Lard 19)4g20)ic. Shoulders 14c. Bulk shoulders 12y 4 c. Hay $2B. Sides 17%o; and 16%0 in bulki , , BUFFALO, April 6.-The market Itsten orally . dull , and unchanged. , Wheat— sales of 2eurs Canada whits, at 51,60 in itore and 500 bus No. 2 Chicago ,spririg at 10cr.. Corn—salet of 10 tars new at 7460 on track. Crastrillartre, Aptil.6.-:Flour • market quiet, steady and' unchanged; , 'Wheat market Hat ;and nominal. 4Dorn; 4 cars st:fect Oatsheld at; 60, '.. ~ • ' - piinioii•;4ollo.l l iiiikv Tiiet. Wheat a shade higher, eqtra at 51 ,76, Oats are selllos4 s o- 41Pcligt 50 ;,, %al" ' / 1 4 0 ," Mtge 1 11,130 27",` '"I - . "' .. Illigl*A.li liiiiillOAD.' ' 7 . .PlTTsitussilsi FONT :WATIUS, At . VIM OADO,ItAiLaoAD, 'April til-200bbla dour, owners,loo do do,2l3homakterndo:.bangers. helm; 100 da dap Watis Langr&Ooslabblo =lens, 2, itk*,eggs,...Woodworeb , 411.,Divi‘ eons XL.bget•potstowElliott: BIOS& Dlr. gess; -2.bbis em„ rWulit-COOpers , 4 , COS stavesoM B..Admetßro; lath's= Evert & Co; 6 kp flatter, Voigt, it goti2s.pkipel Ifiabpiroltablim 4c , Cot, 2 bagels's, 14atbacottoliir II Graff it Cosi pkplatowi.B hidesiSetbdirt . it ,liergt-1411 bass obeeserSA , Bs. IGO , do lAN loarnerp , 1 Mott:A*ooo;EMagri* lfreswore, Hussey, Wells &Cps 1401sEptinloveraelid, Wallace & • Jotuattio; i 4 oar , lehpaloT.S ilelgett &Cad..,.t. , 1 , :ill I:. , ): .1. rt AO J ELP 'I , 1, 1 ; -t,PlTTssuitonc.iCmccorrrATT r AND . Sr, IMIDS I a/AIL/WAD* -414prilif,„5„ ',.... 2., irro white lead,'Wdreater, 40 1 skicitoOle , Wal Barker; .Ifillsbarleyr4 41o.loniorls,1 ogle brandys F ShieldsrateksaddealiPesekssi W•riiOrillithi it ;Cot/)100'. bp/wapiti 1 g Knowil.oo rAiti dopThottlasolitypinc2oo49o do Lbsdeay,lB , nit COO , * tattoo 4.m' i i , 2 bble , lard, 2,5 tes••bamasS/Selksra * , OOl 189 bgs seed, W H Platt:lls4ll4lutra.t& bacos, 13 , P. , kihriVers' 5 , eases wine& i E Berkoff; 24• caddies tobaccio,lfaiOxi it On; 10 oases do, W L ;done* 6 isbiswhisky; 11 123wiggens 11 car ship stuff,. Shoemai ker & Langenheins. ; . ~. A.LINGSNAY . VALINT ' RAILROAD, April 6,516 cases .refined :oil, Living. tit 'QU A Bro; 160 bias oil, Fisher & Bro; . . PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : WED • munmetal, -,M'S.night,,4 l o^ter& Co; J. 0 dor* AlObrbead; ~tot oat i k - 6 qe, 63 do, UMW azi a as, - Kirkpatrick & C0; . 4 pkge - eggs; 9 do -latittet,-16iti Reynoldr4-.1. bbl ink, Barrie -& Ewing; 2 bail eggs; 2 do batter; Geo Jewitt; 6 -pkge batter and eggs, J C Caddy, _ S ,da do, J Hilly, • ~ . exarnit.uHim AND PrrTeMtow. RAIL. EOAD, April 13..-11 jugs maple syrath d'Mllls it Sonk 25 dd &kill% n Gorda/ &8; 82 do do, Braggetutin & o!Briau; ,a- Pkgs liquor, W Crowell; 28 jugs maple sYruP, T Porterfield; 1 car lumber,lll.'Quewan -& Douglas; ,2 do iroti ore; linCrilght, Porter & Co; 2 do do, ShOeuPerger, Blair & Co; 3 do rye, 1 1. Moore & Son; 2 lsbls eggs, P Duff lit ' Son; 18 'do. - do, Wll Grair&, Co ;, ` 40 aks oats, Keil it Ititehart. . A.l.Axalauf 7 STATION, April: 8.-12 l i lags whisky, & A .Ourson: 1 oar oats, B Knox & SiDa '4O she rags, J M ratter son; T 1 car ; zu feed, IG; Stewart; Ado lime, J Craig. dg metal, Pitts Forge& ir 6 V Co; 2 dotitaFf** B 3f4 &TOW: I KM; 5 ~rolls leath ;Giraharo .4t Spaugler;.l car iheat., ee .Gino 2 . . 011 03 .4 Mt' ion, Iten ' X 4141 200 , eke ,oatS, fit Steel 84 So ". 4pipe, /Pd. Tate, Itr!P . R :N„E73, The river contlittei tb re dede steadily • • with scant nine feet in _the.. channel, by the Monongahela marks. Weather • yes terday mild and pleasant, though at times; there were Indicatlens of another change. There has been no arrivals"since the date of our, last report. The _Camelys froth Nashville, and' Maggie Hays finin St. Louis are due. Joel Bates, who has • been hired to go mate on the Importer, left for St. Louis last night. The Importer will leave there shortly.' for•the mountains. The Ste Marys' cleared for Cincinnati with an excellent -trip, including quits a number of passengers. . 'The Colloads' departed tor'Fort Ben ton, with a fair trip, and—probably—en gagements below . The Wild Duck and barges depaied for St. Louis, with a pretty full cargo. The Grey Eagle, Capt. C. li. Brennan, is the regular ,packet for Parkersbufg to- day,' leaving at noon. The rarkera bulk packets appear to be•doing's very good butiness; ,• ' • - The 'Julia -No. 2 departed. ibr 'Zanes. • i3tibiness Made ont pretty well, taking everything into consideration. 'There is not mueh'•complaining • about the scarcity of fierght' as there is , in regard to low'priees: Zklearly'OVerir boat leaving here hastifulf Cargo; brit tho*re obliged to, take It lit ss&' extremely hilt , ligures, that It ia ettly'by fery close fithinciering that' they come out ahead or make both ends Meet. ' • - ' " Thelda Rees No. 2, E 0211314 No. 3 and Dfollfe.Ebert, alLarrived at Cinow, nati, during Saturday and Sunday. . -z-Theliellevernon from New Orleans to Pittsburgh,. and Torn Farrow -Pitts burgh to St. Louis. were at Cairo on Sun- rai —The President has signed the Padu cah Railroad Bridge bill. It will be con structed with a elearehannel span of 400 feet. —Capt. J. C. Yanhook assumed com mand of the Oreat Republica' Saturday and she departed for New Orleans bn Sunday. —The new mountain steamer Nick Wail, Capt. Tom Poe, is announced to leave -for Fort Benton ,on. Thursday, without fad. , --Tee Glendale reshipped her Upper Mississippi freight on the Northern Llr,e packets,' and is now loading at St. Louis for Pittsburgh:, —The Kate Putnam, Capt. G. W. Ree will leave for Nashville today with° , t fail: She will be Ibliowed by, the Came lie, Capt. Golding. . . —lt has been computed that the insur ance companies lost, by the sinking of the Ruth, exclusive of the insurance on the boat, the sum of .126,000. —The new Northern Line . packet Min neapolis, Capt. T. B. Rhodes, it is ex pected.' will be ready to take' her depar ture for St. Paulin a few data. --Time relit °fallow fell at St. Paul on the Ist, The , Mississippi bad, risen five feet at that'pOlnt; yet the Ice 'still held, but was expfttedlO start at any mo ment. . ; . , . .• —The , Alice yi, having had her ina- Chinery taken opt at Madison, was to be towedloi Evansville Saturday, where she will receive., 20,000 . sacks corn. for New-Orleans.: ~ -• , p ub lic :•-;•. , ~ • The • Lena; sold at public 'sale on Pe den at Louisville; brought 51,475, and *as plychased by parties - in New Alba ny., The barge Nashville was.bought by Capt. Moses litirn, for;01,58. . • .. , .. .. ,. . —During the quarter, ending March Slat, 27 : steamers were inspected . at, Lou isville. ~TotaLitinnage, 9 , 993 , 70 ...Derh1ic the same. perk 4 licornseri were grantea tO'49 engineers knd 44 Allots. Amount . 1 9 received, - 11,98'9. -•- . - .- • . steamboat • - -4. is being built in Mor gan county, Indiana;'to run as a trading arid , trapping +easel on the White and Wabash rivers. It Will he thirty-nine feet long; nine feet wide, with a ten-horse wer - engine, . and , will 'draw ' fifteen „ , —A - .lll6trrphis " paper of Pride*: says: The Anvers trip was transferred to.the Natoma, she leaving last night for Jack. sonpor.t with a ;fair cargo. The Argosy was turned over to.. , Capt. :Vandergrift, her owner, 'who : arrived ; fri. the city yer* terdayio receive her. ; ~, • • - • :.. i , —A Cair o telegram te,the , Cincinnati COmittercial,evs: ~ Aloupg lady of high standing; Ulm Mollie. How, danghter of a Wicicrw,Aid," .lehe. geePe . a beftr.dol37 house op' Wastungton,aventiO,4zas kttut de'r4l44ttig,idd .114tic r . tot': eroiltri. An atieebinent" has'',long 04104 between the youut lailf•OUttilot• 'lhow en ' the Davld Watts,. 'Mi. : Geck: • Clarke, which was szel'atrongly ;Obi Oaten:to ! by Mrs., edind as itheWatUrTaieed. Out PerhieetAtight ithe,Most Ayr:treble , solai., 1104:90hftmtilter7 ,0 .ghePidleePPearance c.9.4}otlos o vtd 'O4 her ,: ,_:••,-., , , ctil7A9 Peatit4tentlgt?:Merchil hat}hean i t *rtiePlihr un fo rtunate 94eikr. litearabost el.?r,9ll, shia . .Y 0 1411 1 3 0 0 . 14 will, ehell :Amor, - 4,1 1 00 1 ' h!- 1 -4NiVeAbse louden, ta),, . 03 rliq ix. bi. .F 94114 rihille,', • ere - , '4o'. )36n, ,a', .. .tattoo , ititrt lisiiiis eiti i i*,,i -4 thaf.' - `o44itirforf:wThnink_gtho - to e month', ithloh, • - •ivhert;raectii' Mated the pant look dark and gloOmy to *Warn boat:lilittm, -..twelre , qnetailsteem. boatmethfrOMMstaitt ibevirsiesSed into in ecorrklty,lDcwipg, 4 ' 1 r=lls4. , one Pi_./9910.:044r_utell'Alt , Rie *Mlle M 1 4 11§240 0 ,0i f '7 _i t sp , sep i wpx. car .6, r isG P r ' e id faii;rl;l :PT dig . - glf. tAlt 1 i'. - , i'-','''• 0 ~' .4 otiwila r A n ipie.iiitio 6 44,va ~ „„ ,-. oliffiari r- WfTq511014 1 176 1 -Wn_. 4 1 . iti stiiiikiiik ebbe fininitite -the:: einoin nati, tlionm'ecgit, bityet - , `She , ' left the bar rackeabove New Crleabs on i MOnday,44 IS P: are; arriving luirei'day tit' 7 A. at.,;making :her timeAtorti :Greenville , &quake tgiOltreintutti-ifkdays n and ,2014 *ours,- . Capt. ; .13MWO- informs .no,' sire came from the berracki to Violreburs in 29 hours 'end made the run . from the mouthet.g.edjkiYer 'tug 4 1 ,4 1 4 , ; light. e)3heleellati tb Ale gem and 14 houo,,J3b,ifleft„tiop 7iktalAtu der 6:241P - .lt4lttiviitig - herle ..*,atata 7 A. IC I making her, tanlelfaifil .- P4rt port 1234 'lowa. She bat conilaeribla time, believer; by bad Aireathei. • "" River and , weather. [By Telegraph to, the Pittsburgh Gazette.] 1 - 40 U/SVILLIg. April B.—The river is fall ing, with twenty-two feetorwater in the canal. The Iceatherja unsettled. PACKETS. MEMPHIS SSD NEW OBEESES, Veit: MEMPHIS :ANW NEW 9R.I.E#Nfe7-The steamer AIISTEAUA ; —"- 'Capt---" — . WU; lease for the above and intermedl.ite Porte on THIIRoDAY . , Aura Bth. at 4 r. Si. -For height Ornsteire, -apply onitoird; "or to .JOHE PIAVE, or an2'• 'J. 1).; COLLINOWOOD,-Agento.- NASHVILLE.. F°', CLARKSVILLE AND NASHVILL,E.—Thd line passeagrr.stearier.: - CAMELIA • Capt. GOIMING. the ab o v e . . Will leave for the above and Intermeditite ports on SATURDAY. Inthirun..at4 P. M. 71" I FL orle' P l id or _ v r3 lAOiirgLEAVgl,lgea,._ F OR -IL 'CLABSVILLE AND NASHVILLE.—The fine , passenger steams r KATE PUTNAIII: • ' Capt.-a. NV:J=IN . for the above and. intermed late ports `on WA DNESDAY, - April Ith, at 4 P. 3t. For fret ht or passage apply on board or to . ° mh3o •FLACK &' COLLTNESWOOD. Agent=." : OCOICIN NA.VI. • • VOIR WitigELnEG. M &HIRT PA,PARREAISHITRO AND c1 N OIls; NATI. - • . . LeaVes Pittabirgh EVERY TIIEBD Ay: PI M. Leaves' Cincinnati EVERY:PRIDAY.U4 . P. M. • The swi ft and snperb Sidewbeel Steamer ST. 'MARYS, T. C. SWEBN Sit, Commander. will leave as announced abcre.. . • t For Freight or Passage apbly on board, or to . FLACK COLLINGWOOIis, or _ COLLINo & BARNES ;. Agents. N. B.—No Freight received on Tuesday after I A. mb..V . . *UPPER 3111148115011PP/I. .411dria ,1869. Ai:frisk NORTItERN"LIn - r&corrs St.lonis KeokOk and St. Paul, AND ALL INT ArItHirDLLTE PORTS. Acne of the splendid Sidewbeel Steamers of this Line will leaveht. Louts deaf for Keotele,Dayen pert, Dubuque, Winona, Stillwater and 13t. Paul. • Through receipts for Freight and Passengers will be, gluts, to all points oh the UpperMl+als sissippl on steamers running from this port and connecting with-the Northern-Line Packets at gt,,Louls, thus enabling 4;9uslignees, to get their Freight ;through withodt delay tend at lowest rates, • Apply to JOHN FLACK, J. D.. COLLIAGWOOD, Agents, or to nitaitg23 . 91 Water street. ORTIIERN - LINE • PACKET.—The fie* and audit* • • 1 1 11 - NE•rOtta . Ca. J. B. ltdOiate. Will leave 'fur ST. PAUL, about the 10th of April. Lndwgo through 'direct. • This splendid steamer ,offers very superior accommodations for passengersand stock. For particulsra apply to - - 'FLACK & CULLINUWOOD; Agents, -.M.:e98 ~ . , , ... - .orß. C. (FEAT. T. LOUIS. OR ST. LOUIS. MlSA i dg i t SOURS' RIVER. AND FOR ENTON the steamer PICK WALL... leave tor the above and all intermediate ports, on WEDNESDAY, April 7th. For freight or passage app i 77 on board, or to mb3l FLACK A COLLU WOOD. Agents. OR ST. LOUIS. KAN. dY s i ar i g ,SAS CITY.I,EANENWORTR, JOSEPIi OMAHA FORT BENTON. AND ALL rum's ON rikElussouNi new PINCUS er steamer COLOSSAL .. Capt. M.- A. COE, Will leave for the above and Intermediate porta on 'RES DAY, April GIA. at 4 r. mhfreight - or passage amply on board ' N) MACK & COLLTIDIWOOD.Agents. PARIXERSBURII. pITTS BURGH, adf i gt wurzume, Matta :Parkersburg:Tajo. Lesii Company's Wharf Bolt, foot of Word Street, : MILT; AT 12 N. MONDAYS AND THLMSDLIII. BA YARD GIOEGS D. Moos', Mutter WKIiNZEIDATS AND BASIIIIDATE6 OREM MAGLX • C. L. BaumAs, Master. ?..Freight willioarecalied at 41 hours-by • sate- *• CO . - cant.,_ ' . W .. IKWiIRA:.O:', 1194.,; : 221 .iud,223, Liberty: Street. Consei of itirts, , itlOw Agures„ str4ctly • - Prime New. CrolN o ew Orleans Sugar and Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Bogus. New York, Philadelphia .and Baltimore Be• lined do. Golden Drips, Loverings, Brugge, Stuart's, flsland Adams' and Lon isynspr Porto Bico, Cuba and Englishlsland Molasses. Young Japan, Imperial, Gunpowder add Oolong Teas. " Carolina and Hangoin MOO. Java, LaSuayra and., lo Caffein. Tobacco, 'Lard OU,ilsh. Nails, Glass, Soaps, Cotton Yarns, Ao., constantly on band. - • " ATA3O; .., , , tinaßrandies,Wines and Segara. . , . iibeldsb. AloisllO. Inn Sparkling Hock Wines ot Unmet A Co..:lit bottles. •• . . , Spark Unit Aloselle,(l3olumberg and amnia"- DOM. 'flookbeinter Burgundy. 'se. 11randenbarg lltems Tine Olive 013. ''. - - „ „ do ... Illszets.,__4altorted la bottles. , do' -- do ' - White 'wines.' In bottles. :. X. Wort,,Al3onsi Sparkling Ontawbs. tine old itnesti. Madelrii kaA.SortlYlnoA. Free Old Monongsnelt nye warszter.'pors: .„ do -Wry thine:nor Old Footob 14p '. 'do. • • ~ oole A to intAOeta i caandOnis Brand Yin, uneasy and Oniery tnimpaine. a , *stolesorburown ileettOn An:warranted. , '.321 4 3 411 .,.! ,:i : : :,1 it,fa ail "-: mmensg StOck)it -LOW— ices 41 ;:i!T t.') ••eCO D &•CO l B • Iffil - :181",WOMNITMET4 ,DE,MARK. IDIMOVS , 111116EY:0; . , KEYSTONIE'POTTERY: Ct Di . HIES & N2O Asuutdotnieri gtim l or 4 vOz• filluntol. WAWA &e otifi:44 aga tiBRATT STBSET r .11r41111 orders Pm 3 / 1 111" itteedal to. . 7,1869: REMOVALS. Rpm°34.l6, REAL ESTATE LIESURANCE AGENT, his removed ,to Not 21 (Sotp aide) DIAMOND, east of Federal street, Allegheny City. ap3:g77 REMOYAL* S. OIriNBEIRT & SONS Have removed their Beal Estate Office to No. 39 SIXTH AVENUE; near the censer of Smithfield street REMOVAL AND RE-OWNING OF AN OLD ESTABLISHED DRUG STORE TO'li NEW , PLACE, - _i , . . ' The undersigned haTeppened atl72 WYLIE ST BERM, wl ti an entire new outfit and eteek of DI - PORTED and DOMPB7I.O DitIIUS, CIIEBII -06.1.4, PERFUMERY. Alen. everyitilng nens.l3 ,- kept in I firet•class .Drag Store. Prescriptions carefully empounded at al hours of the day end n'ght. Pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal] purpoaes. - CHAS. c CO., aps:o9 , N'o. PIA . Wylie 8G; Vittebiargh, ETNA IRON - WORHS. SPING9 , CLIALFAiNT & 00 ItAiDFACTURERS OF 1 . Iron, Nair, BOiltr Plate, WROUGHT IRON TUBES , RATS REMOVED - To - Their New Wa rehouse, , ezzi?osErint caw, Co of Sandoe'hy street and the West Penna. an Pitsburgh. Ft. Wuoad f r ii V i V e go Italgra i rs, w- tti e tilgaVdl l MlTtsinnicar, " ..?l ° . Y. :SABLE IBOYAND NAIL VORIS ! tuct a. Co. manufacturers of Iron and Nails, , HAVE REMOVED TO 24 MEne _Corner kJ* -and Thireetoth Street% • 'CTHREE BLOCKS FROM WHOM DEPOT.) Jar Particular attention paid to . . 0" filling - of ,city orders. . a.l ipp EMOVAL. LEWIS, OLIVER & PHILLIPS Have Renioved to the Warehouse . . FORMERLY OCCITPIRD BY RANO; CHALFA.NI'. & CO., • 91 and 92'Wat e rStceet,and 114 and 116 Fikat Avinue. _ap1:01. - . REMOVAL. THE CASH INSURANCE CO. Has removed from Its old office In Burke's Build ing. Youth avenue, to - - SECOND FLOOR, . , PHELA-N•'S BUILDINC. .11o: 22 Fifth Avenue. aratzu - - Capt. Tom POE. ItwtEMOVAL.—B. McLain & Co., Dealers In Real Estate Stocks. Bonds. gages and other securities. have removed to their new Office, 104 Fourth avenue, Eaulson's new Building—Any 'parties de:siring to buy or sell. Real. Estate of any kind.. Stocks orDeadt 'and Mortgages win do weir to give them It Call. THE NEW METHOD wtini THE PIANO ifO,TE, ty -WILLIAM* MASON. distinguished 'Maniac) and E. B7BOADLY, is .a greatinrovensent open all-previous worts, and is used d recomniended 'as such by' the best teachers.' It preserves wh at ..wap valuable ;in previous Welts, and adds many new features. It Is the only • matleilk Plane Potie.fnetrizetor published. presenting the technics of modern .Plano Porte playinit. - .lt•ts eseler to' teach Auld learn from, and secures-more rapidand thorough praUre ea than anyi other .boolt.l No teacher .of the Piano Forte can afford to do without its aid. It la the bettsbOot. nor beginners:and the be scrftir those who have made progress. Price**, , To etazainationt by 'teachers; we Will. unlit jai, la U. sends single cupy.to any teacher orate Piares Torte. -by mail, ostage' pald, , for half price. two dollars. An.uslitiou ia not:tidied with iturosssaa flambe, and one with'Altliti. CAN irmacanca, rablb•k4,lly.•• - • MA I BEUTIIIERB,' 154 Tremont Street, Boston. • m1031:03 - • • • 595 Broa dway. If ew TOrit:` SPRING STOCK OF BOYS' CLOTHING NOW lIICCEIVING GRAY & LOGAN, . MS 47 Stint STREET. (latelt. • NoTzer OF , DISSOLUTIOL Tbe Partneieblp lie}•etollare betii•een Ike undersigned, 1.11 ' .174 is Day Dissolved Bemutual,eopeent. Itithei pertain: ri siva lb ' inh3o:lo2 " D NeIEATH. • MUM NION ENTER/PHISE.- ' 'r '•d'FOtTNXS I II I I" • . Ytti ,4. , .11!,aT. • , j VW. „as, Jpusrisojar. ,Mansitactnter C0911:1N6 , 13TOVEO, Alnhoh randeit, Saab Welgbta, and all kinds ,o 1 gollaw, Warll.'C'lir Ab i ra*.t •rr artßT :°: Machinery 0188 IiTS.. PITTnntIBEIH. PA. an26:v27Wk; =EI rt.p . ,m4 - IDr4or. e tis PURIFIER TUB BLOOD; you SAL I II 3 3. deD;bIO.I(WP , , • T - prism airAftir Pkvvir ~LA that 'aPpl eittoe for t e Pardon of Who Mead [dflty 'atell% l4l it lTl er VAL t ,tdseatee 'd!:Vt=r°ftgstouthi.rluVeaA eor. !,(IPlTTatearitr. March sew WOG. Inhltigmr, ifxx)x , ~,~':. i. , ts. .~~U;7Si3~_p ME FL° vi OIL CLOTHS; ' • MOIL CLO H it FOR T WI D WNT AD , EN , N I L CJ ALVT I U*411"113 " 4 ' , X 6 and and xlh N I.:, avi _ • .i 310.11011 1AATIIIAIC& LABE, - . Smithfield street, Sole Mi-nori cil l n lia, Warrens Felt Ceuttnt. and Grave , j oie , jowls!wiggle. Sc _ . , ..,„ i 1 COMMISSION MI:FLCELAFTS J. L. DILLMGZII DILLINGER & STEVENSON, COMMISSION maims, 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. RECEIVE ARD SELL AU HiUde of Country Produce, All Order* for kierebandise promptly Ailed at Lowe/yr market rates. Particular attention given to the sale of Butter, eggs, Cheese Dried M ita, &c, We feel confident that we can give entire sans on. by making QUICK Batas and PROXY! EZMNfI, at HIGELTZT MARK= rims% and therefore respectfuUy solicit your consign ments. All corregfondence answered promptly. Narking . Plates ftrnished-free. Grain in store and to arrive dalW. • • • atal:tre ap3 , g33 ETABLISHED BY A. & T EV RIMY, MU. M. GORKLY, *HOtESALE No: 271 Liberty Street, akinsomi oir.litiazat NOM, .F I i'I"T'SI3I:TROII. PA. =3M!!! sTEELE & SON, > .09tnntidiaiO4 .. ii4 r erthanth . .. AND DRA.LICBE4 Etir No. 95 OHIO - '87'9.93M near not COoloion, ALLEGHENY 42.71 r. PA. MT= SOL KEIL & RICHAILT, COMMISSION BIZECITAN'TS, mar Dxsittiliffx mots, 6/111117, BMW& MILL TEED. ko.. 349 'Abair fits Pittiburgh. mr/4:1:47 L e J. "BLANCHARD. Wholesale and No. aye lizzor ninon. aravissi - BAIRD -& PATTON, Wholesale timers; Cestingsdon Merchant,* an Dealers lisProduce. "DAY, • Bacon, - Cheese, Fish. Carbon and Lard . oll,lzon,- OMAN Cotton Yarns and all r•lasburall Iltannfactomen przr y t thr and , /1. 1 .4 „eta:MIS , STBEEZ. FETZER & ARMSTRONG,. lIIRWARDINWOOMELBSION 11011,011ABIS, for the sale of !lour, emu., Bacon. Lard. But ler; Med Pcutt slid Trainee generally. Ark :Icr:4 , laparr. ..c6 . 9te; of VIM, atttsbunih;J."- - • - re 22211/ „lONN , §8.11310T0,_ ti 114WALLAIPE,Whole BALE ROMS AND PBOD.IIGN INad 4.EaszEi writraz - Prit saurth. lsitv.riso • JOICR 1101181. :EDW. - nOutur,; 'EOM. JOHN I. HOUSE '41113110414 Snow cessors to JOMMI t , HOME & CO., Wnote. sate Grocers and commission Merchants, Car. nerol&mithaeld grid Water litrfetocrAttstnagh. plioo,Elistorrha.: De.CAIIIP, • : .• • ATTORNEY AND COURSELLOR* AT LAW. Office, No. 137 :FOI7IITH AVENUE, Pitts burgh, (formerly occupied by Hon. Walter H. Lowrie,) will practice - hi the U. g. Circuit and District Courts, in the State Supreme and all the Courts of Allegheny county, and make collec tions in most of the adjacent counties. ja29,473 NMI. NEEPER I , • ALDERMAN AND EF•OFP'ICIO JUSTICE OP THE PEACH. - OFFIPF., 89 F/FTUA-N r ElsIVE'• Speelal attenlion even to, couvertneln= eollectlont Deeda:Monde and Mortgages up. and all legal bushiest) attended to prowpUy McmAiiirnts, Aoutomuatuatir, Ex-Officiodustlea of the Peat.eand Pollee MAR trate: • (Mee, GRANT' SMEST, opposite UM Cathedral, PITTSBURGH,PA,' • .. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgaq i Aelmowledgmenta. Denositions, .and !Wine* executed ti►itlipromptness and arm . inble . tIISTACE . i. 11010 AlaYmna tax-cannel atrwrieweor • ran PEACE MW (MICE ateeprirateqc. , „ ~,•-, 0FF1CE,,73 PENNA. AVENUE. PITT6JIIW I !! , b s," liorWiges, owledgments. Deposl eed tloVit i o l l' MI Ir , vil • &Wm examsted vita promptness aml dispatch,. ~ , mrrE e l - po r. - , ;;; ; 214061016 ;Tonna tar PiallSZAtilliiiD os PC ,4,1 9 11 4,? / 177, • •• • csice,;ll.4 Citatie • itie Sheds: , A LW en antras. In Ms*. M cknowledgmts, Depitions * and all 141 :Basuteu +executed •with• soloontsess iukti dispatch. . • , . . • . - rTuSiiCe' of this .reicksfh CONVEYANCER. 'REAL MIE ..tarit• : - RANCE Auxin OtLESION STILILT.T. EAST BEEIKIBGEtA3I." CoUecuon of Befits oblitited'and promptlyst tended to. . , • to31:70:1 JOiPir W. lUDDELL I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. • (Mlle"no iffreet,. • (Opposite the . MeV, Tionte.) ' ' ' rri 77 l L T I. lETB6IVEION 2 , • T,J • ATTOIL}NF.TrAT—Li.*, - , No. Bt7 Pitt"' Eitzepet, esoowairuxoi.vsolivitooar..' I ' "s•ims ' Asemati4szeualtine;,'' age. WM= elluatryi. ' 101116T6112.11044PA Fre LIVERPOOL ANDges Traumata! muarmaissnim stuinoitt%ifirwitiii;owatreirwaiti;) TrZol , oriti isiiittAmet2 (11 47 , 11'1 1r :MtWittedFaa -BAYIAM,S4 glib% c'FlC*4s4kiratraiii • o ! I I !. WV, crixWOlitCWVlngati: . .. . . ' ,THE BIEN TBE DIALPk -OS / ito Wow p.A. itONIII umn ot thtl an 11.1,88M4A-gtiffeeduktiumaAt: latnrji"rallua.l"ujil ltnr i tir tio4ogl ructi 7 ef ,,,,,, e goo flito t o o A unmsers anewn. imyrrwip o viatr i i. - welt 0ddire 43 4.... . Xillttiß ITiLI tirolkma v i1 ,, 1 , • 13.-r or wit ays szi. ' , ~, • , ‘ - r 1::}clo Lo '3 i V:11 mucous IgssOi 0 .r . . , IANor osiz iox,CILICAN paid 83 Matthaei/ street, , corner o(Dlamorid pctabrgb. • • , . iar-Partlet ;feaallleir res Mena sad cakes short :mum. = - _ 11.• STIeriNSON. 1=3411 40 As 'EITZJILII• .lIICEANT Ea lII'rEI3UBOH, PA. STX WagEOREt. IMRE