NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WA GRAND FAIR Is now being beld at "MILLER'S /JAIL, corn er of Filth avenue and Gist street, for the benefit of BT. AGNES CHURCH, Soho. Refreshments served and an excellent band of music In Wes. d anee every everting. - alahlt92 IFOR CLERK OF COURTS, JORN.G. BROWN, !titivate borough, latei private Co. H. 1034 Resit Penns. WIN. entdeet to the decision of the Union itepnbiteA County Convent lon. ap:6. t ar* NoncE.- 7 At a Meeting of the Directors of the EWALT STREET BRIDGE CO. , On April 3d. an assesement of $5.00 per share on the Osultal S ock was made Payment is re quested on or before the AU of April. at the of -Ace of CHRIS. SIEBERT,' ape. hi 406 Penn street. - WItUARTERLY DIVIDEND MIST NATIONAL B Pittsburgh.- pa., Gate Pittsburgh Trust Company.) The Directors of the Bank have this .day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT, on the cat ital stock out of the profits of the last three months, payable forthwith, free of State and Government tax. APRIL 5; 110, A. D. SCULLY, Cashel rhiebl4 • flEncriAL BECIELE'rT, ME CHANICAL ENGINEER and Solicitor of met lean and Foreign Patents, No. 79 FED ERAL. eTREET, Allegheny City, Pa. N. 8.-Branch office, Washington, D. C. ap6 pATE DE FOX GBAS--In &Ball Pots, fresh Imported. Also, FRESH VENISON PASTE In small Cans, for Luncheon, &: , for sale at the family Grocery Store of , • . JOHN A. RENSHAW, _ apd Corner Liberty and Ninth str.e:s. FOll SALE, NINE FORTY-ACRE LOTS Of land in Central Wisconsin, good soil. good limber, and near good market. A. few good farm implements will be taken in exchange. During a recent visit to Northwestern lowa ar rangements were made by which I can supply a limited number of persona with land In that por tion of lowa at from $3 to $3 per acre, near lines of railroad. • Address, (with stamps encloFed 1 JOHN D. HILL, Bakwatown, Allegheny county, • .ap6 • Pennsylvania. DissoLuinox NOTICE.-NO TICE —NO= .TICE Is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore existing between ROBERT BIIROAN and JAMES E. COP, under the style and firm of BURGAN & COX, Planning Mill and Lumber business at. Mansfield Valley, Pa., was dissolved on April Ad inst., by mute al consent. ROBERT BURGAN, the present owner, is alone authori sed to settle up the books, receive all accounts due the firm and to pay all debts due by them. ROBERT BURGAN, • JAMER E. COX. MAZ.TI37I7LD VALLEY, April 5. 1869. apO:E9O TO BUILDERS . 800.000 feet Dry Pine Boards. 150.1100 feet 1% inch Clear Plank 25,000 feet 'l% inch Common Flank: 25,000 feet Dry 1 and SI inch Oak: 28,000 D. %,A and a Web Poplar: • 10,000 feet Dry Poplar Scantling: 10,000 feet Dry Yellow Pine Boards; ' 100,000 feet Hemlock Scantling. 303.000 feet No. 1' 18 Inch Saginall Shin gles. • 200,000 No. 10-inch Shingles, sawed: 50,000 No. 115-Inch Shingles, snaved; 50,000 Fire Brick; • 1,000 Fire Tile. • SOO Tons Fire Clay; Also, Saw Mill Lumber, Locust and Cedar and - all articles in the Ilne on band and for sale by ALEXANDER PATTERSON. Yards No. 151 Rebecca street and corner of Pre ble and Juniata streets, Sixth ward, Allegheny, late bor on • h of Manchester. • . ap:11 nOURT HOUSE AND JAIL lII 'La "MOVEMENTS, IRONWORK. PitorOsAis for the Iron Work required for the proposed additions to the Allegheny County Jall and Court-House will be received by the under signed until SATURDAY; April 10, noon. Drawings and specifications of the work are - ready for examination at our office, Nos. X and 4 Sixth street, gate St. Clair,) where all neces sary information will be given. The right to re _fedt any or all bids is reserved by the Board of Inspectors. • BARR & MOSER.. • . Architects., E XCAVATION—ProposaIs will be received for the excavation for cellars and foundations of Court House and Jail improve ments until SATURDAY, April 10, noon. speci fications to be seen at the one., of • BARB a MOSES. Archiercta, N,,s A and 4Sixth street, (late bt. Clair.) aP6:1399 NEW - BOOKS! STANDARD BOOKS, POPULAR. BOOKS, STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS AND MEDAL BLANKS. Plain and Piney note riser stamped to order. Bibles at from 3 Ge to $OO. Theological, School and MISCELLA'NEOUS BOOKS. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK AT JOSEPH HORNER'S, Bookseller and Stationer, (Methodist Book Depository.) 129 SMITHFIELD ST. IMPORTANT - spEca.A.r., SAME FRENCH AND BRITISH DRESS GOODS, LUPIN'S FABRICS!, &c., Of the tinvortation of Messrs. BENHARD & HUTTON, ON FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1869. • ON km?, MONTHS' CREDIT. by FURNESS, BRONLEY & CO., No. 615 Chestnut !Street, Philadelphia. Comprising a full Ilue of LUPIN'S GI.KIDS. 40 eases 'French and British Dress Goods, Alpacas, Poplins, Gingham', prop Vade, heel, Bareges, Shawl., Le. ape:gloo Orrias or cm: guano= AND as unvrron, it grmemman. April 0, 1889 . , NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.- 131CALAD 'PROPOSALS for rebuilding TRY ZIT !SEWER, north of the Connelirrille trellroad track, and for grading, raring and Curbing the following streets, viz.: WEBSTER, AVSNUE, from Roberts to Kirk parks. street. TiIytTY.NINTH AND WORTIRTH Streets , from utter street to the Allegheny Valley Bali road. ADO, for constructing the following BOARD ONE on Boundary street, from Thirty-tkird to Laurel.street, cud al. ng Laurel Street 'to RIM street. Milton Pearl and Cedar streets, from main to Lau el street, 16th ward. and _ ONE on Broad street, tram Hlghland 'Loth° Frankstown Road, 10th ward, Will be • received at THIS °mole until 4 o'clock?. M.. OD THURSDAY, April. 16th, 1869. All , bid. to be acted on by the Committee must be left at THId OFFICE before the time noose mentioned. The Committee reserve the right to rese c t a n y or all bids. H. Jr."MOORE, spg:iftl VEATHERS—Sbagson steamer .2: Nei York to arrive. For osle Or BALA!! DICKEY .111 CO. COTTON -14 Bales now land ing from steamer Camelia. For ule - bt /SAUL! DICKILY 4CO, ' • .=M NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ITHE ORPHANS! COURT OF . Allegheny county. JAMES HINDMAN, Deceased No. 7, December Term, 1868. Alias Writ of Partition. To Margaret Ann *Hindman, widow of James Hindman, deceased; Eliza H. Dunlap, for merly Eliza . H. Hindman, intermarried with John Dunlap; James Hindman, William Hindman, Joseph 'Unduly', Margaret H. Goshen, formerly Margaret H. Hind- Man, intermarried with William Goshen; sad Mary. Aber, formerly Wary Hindman,intermar yied with William Aber,. heirs do , of lames- Hindman, dec'd, late of Jefferson township, Al legheny county, Pa. You are hereby notified that an inquisition will beheld in pursuance of the, above mentioned writ of partition and va'ustiou, on the premises, Jefferson townbhip, Allegheny county, Denali., to make partition to and among the heirs of said deceased in such manner and - In such proportions as by the laws of this CoMmonwealth Is directed, &c., at which time and place you may attend If you think proper. SHERIFF'S OFFICE. April stb, 1869. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF -L Allegheny county. WILLLIM CALDWELL, Dec'd. No. 3, December Term, 1869. Attu Writ of Partition. To Mrs. Jane Sklllen, formerly Jane C.ldwell. now Intermarried with Samuel Sit Caen, Margaret Powell, formerly widow of William Caldwell, deed, now intermarried with Reuben Powell, Robert Caldwell, J. NV: Caldwell, Elizabeth Scott, fbrmerly Elizabeth 'Caldwell, now intcr. married with Daalel Scott, heirs, &c., of William Caldwell, deceased, late of West Deer Township, Allegheny county. Penna. Yon are hereby notified that an Inquisition will be held in pursuance of the above mentioned writ of-partition or valuation on the premises In the Eleventh ward, late Seventh ward, in the City of Pittsburgh, on TUESDAY, MAY 18th, 1869, to make partition to and among the heirs of said deceased in such manner and In such proportion as by the laws of thin Commonwealth Is directed, c., at which time and place you may attend if you think proper. SAMUEL B. CLULEY. Sheriff. Suratrr , s OFFICE. PlttsourglhApril 3th,1869. i aps:gflr TNTHE- ORPHANS' COURT OF Allegheny county,. FREDERICK WEHLTSG, Decd. No: 3,, March Term, 1489. Writ otPaititlori To Charles Welding. John Welding. William Welding, Wilhemina Wehling. Intermarded with Henry Degineyer. Sophia trebling, inter m,arrled with William Widde,___Sophia Fr. Notte. 'Eliza S. M. Node, Caroline W. Node. Ida W. Notte, Frederick W. Notte. Anna W. Node. children or Caroline Meyer, deceased, who was married to Frederick W. Node. she being a daughter of Caroline Welding, deceased. Sophia Meyer, intermarried wit h Frederick Stuck meye r, Gala Sophia having died and lett one child. Bertha Stuckmeyer, Charles Stuckmeyer. Wllhelmina Meyer, intermarried with John Ford. Sophia Welling. Intermarried with Henry Vogel. Wil liam Weh' Mg, Lisa Wehlt.g. Wilhelm ins Weh ling, children of David Welding, Henry Weh ling. Eliza Welding. Maria Wedding. William Welding and Frede•ick Notte. Guardian ad Mum of Sophia Node, Rites Node, Caroline Node, Ida Node, Frederick Notte, Bertha Stuckme , er, Charles Meyer, Wilhelmina Meyer. Louisa Weh lla a Welding, Eliza Welling, Marla We and William a. Oiling, heirs, Ac., of Frederick Wehling, deceased, late or Lower St. Clair township, Allegheny' county, Penna. - if on are hereby notified that an impish ion will be held in pursuance or the above mentioned Writ of Partition and valuation ou the premises in" Lower Bt. Clair tow nshi p, Allegheny county, Penna., on Tuesday, 25th Day 6f Nay, 1869, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., To make partition to and among the heirs of said deceased In such manner and In such proportions üby the laws tim e is Commonwealth may directed. and at which and place you may attend If you think proper. -_ SAMUEL B. IDI.IILEY. Sheriff. enzairars Orrws, Pittsburgh, April B. 1889. IL -THE DISTRICT COURT' OF TILE TH& UNITED STATES, for the Western striet of Pennsylvania. JOSEPH B. HUFF, a Bankrupt, under the Act of Congress of March 9d. 1867. having applied for a discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable ander said Act, by order of the Court notice is hereby given to all creditors wbo have proved their debts, and other persons Inter ested,to appear on the SW h day of April,lBo9,st 10 o'clock A. R.. before SAMUEL ilearr. it. Es?., Register in Bankruptcy. at his ofece, No. 93 D &- mond street, Pittsburgh- Pa., to show cause, if any they have. why a discharge should not be granted to the said bankrupt. And fur her, notice is hereby given, that the second and third Meetings of creditors of the said Bankrupts. re quired 'vile 27th and 2 lith sections of said Act. will be held before the said Regis' er, at the same time and place. _ape:g2MT B. C. McCANDLESS. Clerk. THE DISTRICT COURT OF iI I THE UNITED STATES, for -the Western strict of Pennsylvania. WiLLIAM BBITTON, a Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March SS, 1887, having ap plied for a diseharga from all his debts. and other claims wovable under said Act, by order of the Court, Notice is hereby given, So all persons who have proved thar debts and other persons inter, ested, to appear on the 23d day of Arai, 1809, at 1 o'clock A. M., before SAMUEL HAUER, Esq., Register in Bankruptcy, at his °Mee No. 93 Diamond street. Pittsburgh. Pa., to show cause, if any they have. why a discharhould not be granted to the said Bankrupt. An d fur ther. notice is hereby given, that the Second and Third Meetings of Creditors of tee said Bank rupt, required by the 27th and 28th Sections of said Act, will be held before the said itegister, at the same time and place. apl6;gkil-T. S. C. MeCANDLESS. Clerk _ . _ N ATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Cor. Fedora! St. and Diamond, Allegheny, Omce,ln the SECOND NATIONAL BANK BUILDINU. W: W. MARTIN, Presidcnt, JOHN BROWN. •R., Vice rresident, JAMES I. BTRVZNAON, Secretary. SLILECTOII6: - 1 John A. Myler, Jae. Lockhart. Jos hf_yere, Jaa.L.Orsham. Robert Lea. C. C. Boole, Jno. Brown. Jr. Oaorre Cent. Jacob hope, O. R.PWlClams Jno. Thoapsou I. hicNaagher. as • DISSOLUTION.—The Co-part- NXRBHIP heretofore existing between the undersigned, In the manufacture and application of Warren's Felt, Cement and Gravel /tooling. is this day dissolved by mutual cousent. Alt ac counts will be settled by EDWIN LANE who continues the business at the old stand, No. 114 limithileld street. J 0 39.P111 lIARTMAN, EDWIN LANE. MARCU 31st, 1669. CITY ENGINEER. Haring wlthdraten from the arm of HARTMAN & LAItIt for the purpose, of engaging In other business, I most cordially' recommend my late partner and successor, Mr. EDWIN LABE, to the continued patronage of my friends and the pu bilc general. spa JOSEPH HARTMAN. In the Estate of ON THURSDAY, May 20th, 1869, AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M., HAMIIEL B, CLULEY, Sheriff. In the Estate of AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., In the Estate of , „ ,realwQsa.,*xi-ffpiv.04.73,14-,ratamps7v-ems..zaT,"4c---;t4-i7,n444z,ix674;:r.f.'"wri:Wst-VAMP:II4.' - 4 ?" -,kw, lA - - ri" .", % , a je jr... • Pt z, - - T.ev..l. PITTSBURGH GA ZETTE : NEW ADVERTISEBI:MTS. LADIESA WILL FIND An Assortment Ladies' Embr'd White Skirts, Ladies' Ruffled White Skirts, Ladies' Embroidered Underwear, Infants' Embroidered Robes, Infants'. Embroidered Waists, Hamburg Edgings, Hamburg Insertions Lace Collars, Nainsook Mnslins, laconet wiss Mnslins, Muslins, Lees' Stockings, Ladies' Spring Gloves, - Children's Stockings, &c., &c.,- WILLIAM SEMP LE'S, apC:gsGT No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, NEW CARPETS Very Low Prices, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 AND 182 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. GREAT AUCTION SALE CONTINUED, or HMI& CARLISLE'S ENTIRE STOCK OF Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Trimmings, EMBROIDERIES, FCRNISDING GOODS, NOTIONS, &c., &e. No. 27- Fifth Avenue, Elaving secured the store room, No. 5119 Fifth avenue, lately oc•upled by A. 8. Co., we have removed the entire stock of MACRUM & CARLISLE From their old store. N 0.19 FIFTH AVENUE, And will continue DAILY AUCTION SALES, Commencing THURSDAY, April Ist, at 2 P: and at 10 A. x.. 2 and 7 P. 31. every day here after until the entire stock Is loud out. H. B. SMITH ON de CO. .UCTIONEES. MACRUM 41. CARLISLE invite the attention of their old customers to the elegant new stock they havejolt opened at th eir pow store, No. 27 Fie TH AVENUE. - •. _ apt NEW SPRING - GOODS JUST- OPENED, AT THEODORE F. PHILLIPS', 87 Market Street. Prints, Muslims, Dress Goods, SILKS, SHAWLS. FULL LINE OF SILK- SACQUES, Very Cheap. 87. MARKET STREET. 87. ap3 •os:rfs KRIM PLAYED NI 52.00. - TR!lii CARD entitles the bearer, on presentation, to TWO DOLLARS abatement on a cash purchase of omoo at the great cheap clothing house of IL O. TRAVERMAN, osiumAL rruitszu 11, • Sixth Street, late Bt. Clair. Nobody beat by this establishment, but fair dealing to all I Call and be convinced. AU clothing plainly marked by printed cards, at LOWEST CASH PRICES, So that no one insy be deceived. Remember the place, original big number 11, SIXTH 'STREET, late St. BZWAUR OF dezmu.s COUNTERFEITS OF THIS! g. TRAM:MAN. T VITEN Tr JO THE MOCKING JBIBD.—The Prairie Whistle and Animal-Im• Aator can be.used by wchild. It Is made to Imi tate the songs of every bird, the neigh of a horse, the bray of an ass, the grunt of a hog; birds, beasts, and snakes are enchained and entrapped by it. the need by Dan Bryant, Charley White and all Minstrels and Warblers. Ventrdo quiets can be learned In three days by its aid. bent anywhere upon receipt of lib eta • thr o for go etc: $1,513 per dozen. A. J, HITCHCOCK, 148 Fulton street, New York. to81:07m - CADENn OF SCIENCE. i Federal Street, Allegheny, (savizgellank ding.) Spring terni begins MONDAY, APRIL. &h i 1869. for circulars, IC., apply t o bag • S. ROBB. A. M., Prin. OF Ea ALLEGHENY Ina MI TUSEDAT. APRIL 6, 1869. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ,rowve,,, e 4 v . "ftwe , nr..oven.,,o,,,nee,,o , emenr.:r - e e AT 12 1-2 CENTS, BEST QUALITY OF CALICOES, ES] Light and Dark Colors, NEW STYLES, - 081 WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS, Fine Black Alpacas. HEAVY BLACK SILKS, Extra Bargain , -, at WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY. SHEETING MUSLINS, Pillow Case Muslims, SHIRTING MUSLINS, TABU LINENS. Napkins and Towels, AT THE LOWEST PRICES, AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, NO. 180 AND IS2 FEDERAL STREET, sp6 ALLEGIVEINT. WALL PAPEII . AND WINDOW SHADES, oI , New a nd Handsome Designs, - NOW OPENING AT: No. 107 Market Street (NEAR FIFTH AVENUE,) Embracing a large and carefully selected stock of the newest designs Dom the. FINEST STA3IIs- ED GOLD to the CHEAPEST ARTICLE known to the trade. All of which we offer at prices that will pay buyers to examine. ' JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. IRON CITY SPICE AND MUSTARD MILL , Fifth Avenue, near - High St., STRICKLER & MORLEDCE, Wholesale Dealers In ROASTED COFFEE. Spices and Mustard. We call the attention of consumers to our EX CELSIOR ROAST OFFFEE. sold In one pound packages and WARRANTED to be the•very beat In the market. FREeki CORNMEAL ground daily. All art!. Oes warranted to be of the beat quality and de. livered in the city free of charge. STRICKLER et NOBLE DOE, mh2S Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. • HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. I have in store. and am constantly receiving direct horn manufacturers, a complete assort ment of BUILDER4' HARDW ARE which ~I offer for wile on as fair terms IN any house in the city, together with a line assortment of CUT LERY. OURS and REVOGVER.S. Also, the beet selection of MECHANICS' TOOLS, com prising all the latest and best Improvements the trade. I have my factory in WI °negation U usual,. and am prepared to do all kinds ill 3ob work the same .11.5 before the fire Of the Sid of February. such as al-letting razors, scissors , knives,put tinght in knif e : y blades, and repairing all kinds of lig machin. JAMES BOWN , • NO. 130 WOOD STREET, .PITTSBURGH. Also, Agent for Orosskope's Dimon' MAGIO LINEN MARKER, the greatest novelty In thu world: revar STEM-WINDINC WALTHA3I WATCHES. These Watches are of the well•known if plate style, and warranted to satisfy the most exacting demand for beauty, finish and accuracy. The manufacture of Watches of this line Una Hey is not even attempted in this country except at Waltham. FOR BAIA BY Z. R. REED & CO, mh4: WALTHAM WATCHES, 84 ride, 16 and 20 81zeth To the manufacture of these tine Watches the Company have devoted all the science and skill In the art at their command, and confidently claim that for fineness and beauty, no less than for the greater excelencles of Mechanical and scientific correctness of design and execution, these watches are unsurpassed anywhere. In this country the manuractrise of these fine grade of Watches Is not even attempted, except at Waltham. FOR BALE BY J. B. M'IVIDDEN & CO. ' ~~~~ P ~ GP ~~ oo ~ G ~ P ~~ J ~ o o ~ S S 3 Q S c,~ EMEDIT-100 bbh Louisville Hydraulic Cement, for alh9 by J. B. OANFIWLD. wHITE LIME.-200 barrels Fresh White Lime, for sale by J. B. CANFIELD. D RIED PEACHES.- 100 bush for male by J. X. CIANFDLLD. I. NOTICES. prTfIE. ANNUAL RIVETING of the S. St L.' ALLEN CON. SILVER *ism, CO. for the electlotiof officers will be held ou TUESDAY, at 14 o'clock H., in NEV ILLE HALL, No. 7 Fourth avenue. By order of the President. WMERCANTILE LIBRARY. —The regular quarterly meeting of the YOUNG MEN'S MERCANTILE LIBRARY AS SOCIATION, will be held at the Rooms of the Library, on TUESDAY EVENING, April Bth, at. 734 o'clock. Business of Importance will be prpsented. *mg a A. H. LANE, Secretary FrALLEGII ENY • COITNTI 1 - Iv( la HHOH , E.—Proosals will be receiv ed until MONDAY, April I2th, for tarnishing WINDOW FRAMS.S and SASH for the central Part and west wing of the building, now In pro gress of erection. bpethicatlons may be seen at 'rue office of itARR & MOSLE.,-Arctiltects. Nos. 2 ant 4 Sixth (formerly St. Clair) street, where woposals may be left, addressed to H. S. FLEMING, W. S. B,SsKI.L. ! ap3;g79 Budding Committee. TO C RPENTERS AND erectlonßoYlLDEßS.—Sealed proposals for. the TWO STATION HOUSE?, For City of Pittsburgh. one to he erected in welfth and one in Seventeenth Ward of said cl:y, will be received at the Hardware Store of PRAItr,ON, No. 47 Diamond street, be t Ween Wood and Smithfield streets. where Plans and Specifications can be seen. All proposals to b in by 111 o April-17th. 1869. By order of Committee. - JOHN H. HARE, JOS, MAI:SHALL apt - . 'DEO. R. PrIABSON. TO LET. mo-LET.---A. BB ICH HOUSE, situated on Grantham - street, near River ave nue, containing 4 rooms, fluisned attic. gas and water, &c. Inquire of H. M. GRAHAM, at Bates & Bell, 2 h Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh. M0 1 7 , !. 0 E , Furnished t }ront iltquire 3i th r e a r rirtilliE w Enu ti r e nTe e i l ti , Hand.) atTO-LET.-- ROOMS.— Two fi ne ROOMS In GAZETTE BUMMING. Apply omitting Rooms, 84 and 86 Fifth avenue. pthLET.--1100111, 40 by 105 feet, with power, on corner of Penn end streets. Inquire of ROBERT HILL,. MO LET—Frame House, five rooms. with hall and. attic, on Manhattan street, Fifth ward. Allegheny Clty. Inquire of JOHNn'ON A JOHNeTON, No. 81 Diamond street, Pittsburgh. TO LET.-IDouble Two-story House on the corner of Stockton avenue and Beaver street, Allegheny City. Handsome gar den, stable and carriage house. Apply at No. 6 Siockton avenue, or Wayne Iron Works, Tenth street, Pittsburgh. FOR SALE F°R SALE—TYPE.— About 400 pounds MINION TYPE. nearly la jood as new. Enquire at THIS OFFICE. FOR SALE.-A PEW BRICK NOUSE- of 5 rooms and lot, 50 by AOU feet, SWO grapevines, fruit trees, shrubbery, &e.. on she lot, at No. 160 Ridge street Fifth ward, Allegheny City. For terms and purlieu. lays apply on the pr•mlses. • ' • FOR SALE-FURNITURE:-A small family, breaking up housekeeping, wOula like to sell their honst.hold goods, which luive only been In use 15 months. A small fain ilY going to housekeeping would find it a good chance. Price very low, Call at 169 /LEAVER AVENUE, Manchester. FOR SALE.-IDEAUTIFUL SU BURR N BUILDING CITE, situated on the Hal overlooking tee Monongahela river and within one mile of Ilaziewood :station. on Pitts burgh and Coune Isviile Railroad. The grounds coinorise almost nine acres, and will be sold as a whole, (win lots to suit purchasers. This would bn a very desirable location for a country resi dence, bovine &delightful view, pure wate' and air. and within one mile of the proposed • 4 CITY PARK." Terms easy. Apply to °Bowl , .t PHILLIPS, Real Estate agents, N 0.139 Fourth .oetur• ORF SALE. Near Osborn Station, on the Pittsburgh, Wayne and Chicago Railroad, TWO) - LOTS, Containing About Two Acres Each EN Qt7RE OE W. MACKEOWN & BRO., 195 Liberty Street. mhls F°' SALE. GLASS HOUSE. A Glass Rouse property In a good location. a few miles from the city on the P., Ft. W. & C. It. R., conaliting of one Ten 'Tot Furnace. with tears, 3161i1d Shop, Cutting Shop, and all the requisites foria complete works. ?he fletory Ls now in successful operation. and thus offers unusual inducements to those wishing to engage in the business, as no time need be lost. Parties purchasing would have the advp tage of a good trade already established. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Address Box `lf," Ovetnterefal office F OR SALE CHEAP. A' two-story Brick House on Gibbon, near Chestnut, street;'3 rooms and cellar; 20X:100. Price $1,200. ' two two-story Brick Houses on Wick street: 6 rooms each; lots 514.00. Price 88,000; terms, 8860 cash, and balance in yearly installments of 000 each. One small Frame House on Aiken lane. Price “60. Tin fine Building Lots. 20180, on Locust st. Five do do 110:7511,,on cooper st. Four do • do 20Six186,on Lyndon's. Nine Email Brick Houses of rooms each; on Harts street. Price $1,850; easy terms. TUSTIN KLEE, 87 Brant street. first floor. mb2.5;g21 loJOBLIC SALE.—I will offer i my FARM at Public Eale, on PATURDAY, rli 10th 1689, at 2 o'clock P. 8., on the premises, on East Blain street, Halm, Coluta blana county, Ohio, ' • Eighty-two Acres of Choice . Land, und l er a high it.tte of cultivation, with good frame bons° and barn, good orchard of alt kinds of atilt the whole underlaid with kgood vein of coat, Also, the 1101:ldX tit which I live, being a new; modern built brick house, containing eight rooms, with ICLEVEN and TWO linituoi ACHES OF CHOICE LAND, ornamented with au abundance of shrubtx ry, orchard, good barn, ac.,l &c. Terms easy, which will be made known on day of side. apf.;gB2 JAMES G. SAINT LOST. THANKS.—The person Who abstracted the , bilk Umbrella. with limey handle and owner's name marked thereon from a halt rack In - Allegheny, and so kindly refrained Irons Appropriating the cloak , baugtug above It, Will please to accept the appreciative thanks of THE OWNER. IOST.-4letween Thiid avenue 4 Pittsburgh,- and Stockton avenue; SLEEVE glieny. sometime last, week, a GOLD SLEEVE hIII,TObi, with a raised black enameled initial letter. SLOG reward will be mild to the finder who will return It to the OAZETTZ onus. LOAN. 525.000 ~:f?„ rifw-rarge.v:ANWruirlhAle',?,Tet?'"Q" JOSEPH TORRENS, MA2OT7AOTORIIII OP WINDOW GLASS. Warehouse—No. WI WOOD STREET, _ml o:r7 Pittsburab . BUTTER. - 10 packages Fresh Ilion Batter gnatreceived and fir sale by J. B. OANYULLD. i i Slut mane. weNTED---HELP. WANTED.—A Smart, active BOY, 15 to IS years of age, at BATON'S hr ORE, 17 1511 avenue. .WANTED. --A man well ac :qvainted honehe city, as Solicitor for a g firm In anrable business. The man must be sober. upright and energetic, and give good references. ineady employment given. Ad • dress for three days, etre of Box W., tiAMT 2 OFFICE. apo:2&4 EM PLOYMENT OFFICE. No.l St. Clair Street, BOY:- Butvs and MEN, tor different kinds of employment. Persons wanting help of ai kinds can be supplied on short notice. ANTED-SITUATION WANTED.— SITUATION: —As artificial gardener by a German. who un derstands milt/acing all minds of flowers, vines, grapes, fruit tress and vegetables. The •ppil. cant has been educated to the business and has bad practical experience for several_yeara in the most celebrated sardena in Europe. Understand!' the popular Freed,' system of raising stes and shrubbery. Is A* years of age, sober, holiest and industrious. A perinanent situation is de sired. or Superintendent of a large Nurierv. Can also procare trees from Europe cheap. Ad dress CHARLES liEnise,care of kienry Hein es, Sharpsourg. Pa. WANTS. W - --- ANTED. — IMMEDIATELY, a SALESMAN in a Diy Goods Slor4._ Ap. ply at No. 60 Market street. •S. JA eFA._ TV ANTED-A few good men to sell the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Ma.: chine on a salary or, commission. No CAP/Tar. REQUIRED. Wid. SUMNER &CO., • dT Pittsburgh, Pa. WANTED—TO IBEY.—Two or o Ga z e t te mall Houses. Address at once., Box H. Office, stating terms and loca tion and where an Intervitw can-be had. WANTED:—OId Newspapers, Books and - Brown Pa per _ of all kinds, at C. P. MARKLE CO., 155 First avenue. WANTED—A tew good agents at Dr, Boss' Medical Depot, No. 5111 St. Clair tltreet, second story. BO ARDING. BOARDING. -An elegant large FURNISHED leituNT BOOM for gentle .man and wife. A 150.21 BM ALLEB RED nOO3IS. In pleasant location, No. 373 BEAVER AVENUE, Allegheny. Bath room. WANTED - BOARDERS. - A second story front Nom, with balcony in front—suitable for a man and wife. inquire at No. 18 Wiley street. FOUND FOUND. -A. POCKET BOOK. have edeem street. Allegheny: The owner can toe sam. by calling at the IRON CITY bPICE MILLS, Firm avenue, proving property and paying charges. REMOVALS. RE ItIOVAL. W. P. I`ItICE, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT. has removed to No. Al (South side) DIAMOND, east of Federal street. Allegbeny Clip. an3:o7 ItE.MOVAL. • S. CUTHBERT & SONS Have removed their Reid Estate Office to No. 39 SIXTH AV:ENIIR, near the corner of S.mtthtteld ap8:01 Q 732! REMOVAL AND RE-OPENI NG OF AN OLD ESTABLISHED DRUG STORE TO A NEW PLACE. The undersigned hive opened at 172 WYLIE STREET, Wi h an entire new outfit and Ftnek of IMPORTED and DOM'. STIC DRUGS, CHEMI uaLs, PERFUMERY, &c. Also, everything kept in a firbt-class Drug Store. Pretcrlptions carefully c , mpounded at &I hours of the day and night. Pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes, CHAS. ABEL & CO., argi:gB9 No. 172 Wylie St., Pittsburgh, Pa ETNA IRON WORK§: SPANG, CIIgANT & CO„ MANUFACTUREBB OF Iron, Nails, Boiler Plate, WROUGHT IRON TUBES, HAVE REMOVED To Their New Waiehouse, ALLEIGICENT CITY, Corner of Bandu•ky street and the West Penna. and Pittsburgh. Ft. Wayne % Chicago Beltways, where they are prepared to 1111 orders promptly. Postoffice address, PITTSBURGH, A. mb30:00 SABLE IRON AND NAIL WORKS, ZUG a Co. Manufacturers of Iron and Nails, RAVE REMOVED TO THEIR .irEW OFFICE, Corner Erna and Tkireetnth Streets, (THREE BLOCKS FROM UNION DEPOT.) arrartionlar attention paid to the filling of city orders. • apt REMOVAL. - NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY Of the City of Allegheny, WILL BZIKOVIC AT THE FIRST OF APRIL TO THE second Rational Bank Building, CORNER OF FEDERAL ETREET AND THE mti4 DIAMOND. REmovAL. LEWIS, OLIVER & PHILLIPS Have Removed to the irarehouse FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY SPANG, CHALFANT & 91 and 92 Water EMI eet,and 114 and 116 First Avenue. ap1:01 REMOVAL. THE CASH INSURANCE CO. Has removed from Its old Mee In Burke's Build ing, Fourth avenue, to _ SECOND il.oon, PHELAN' . B BUILDINC, No. 22 Fifth Avenue. &WV% j i b EMOVAL.-11. McCain & Co., eamvDealers ot h eral Estate Blocks. Bonds. tgages and securities. have removed to their new Office, 104 - Fourth avenue, Paulson'. new Building. Any parties desiring to buy or sell Real Estate of any kind. Blocks or Bonds and Mortgages will do well to give they a call. =27 ~~~ 0 AND