is F'S 11 ip4itrisatTß6a imAitimrs Oman or , Przrrinrseri %awn-re, fia;rtraDAY,* April 11, - 18(e.. 4 We did , think at the opening's the , - , weekwhioh has just oloeed „ tharthere was every Indication of _arv-karly Im - provement in business, • but - since , then; there has nothing transpired to warrant r !nab a prediction, and, we regret to , . the prormects at present are y noni _ •- flattering. Nearly everybody_ la re ing hard times; mciney tight,And 'coil tions unusually hard tit make. As systemgenerei,tbing the credit, system •.• badly, both forthe buyer and seller, d • • the more It is discounter:l%llmA and „s wage d, the better.. The• man t at makes it a rulertobuy on time i s a l at the mercy of hi% has to y more for his goeds,thatt he :who for cash; and .besides, is al s, cramped nioneY and Cannot 'take ad vantage . vanta ge of an sPPorting,i3VAe . e . offered. APPLES -Are coming hi more freely, but. with a steady demand; _prices are maintained, ranging • from 14@i6 per bbl, as to quality. • t APPLE BITITER,- . .1s quiet and -Un changed. at 90®11 per gallon. BUTIER-Thare is a continued steady demand, and we can report - regular sales, at 45@;48 ;prime -to choice Roll. BEAN4 3 .-In g9od supply and rather dull Ant unchanged; 0,50 to the . trade, • and-13,75 arretail way. . • • ' BUCKWHEAT FLOUR--Dull; BI@3X. ;CRANBERRIES-Salea at 118@1= • CHEESE-Sides of New,York„Goshen' at,.24012 t and the market , ahnoit bare, - • ..• CORN BALT-11,76@MS ner . cwt. "•• CAR BON OIL-May ix, quoted at 30(i): 411 for standard brands Ina jobbing way. . DRIED FRUIT-;Peaches dull but un-' changed,a with small sales of, quarters at 14 and prime halves at 18@l9. Apples /02112, as to quality. „ • SEGO-S.-There was an , active demand to-day, and but - very few in market. We now: at 21) @ 3 0. • Hd.Y we sales of some 800 bales strictly primetight pressed, on wharf and to-arrive, at ;25. HOMINY-$5,75®6 per bbl. ICEMP-1225 per ton. • - • IignSIONS-The- market, to steady with". 5 0 64 ettri; country deutand: Exima l remain tinclutriged. Sales_ of Bacon at 143pge Ani Bhatildersq Riobed Bides, 113%@' 17 ll4 l:itilg)ir and gNar Curednams.l934 Steamed Lard, 3i, kettle reridere4 -. 2naog. mega Pork 192„50;;I)ried Beer a 1..,,•• - POTATOES--In btter s upply but With a ..Continued good local demand prices are sustained, ranging from 75@ 80, hi_store. ' • PEANUTS-10 cts per pound. , GRAIN Wheat is quiekand tiruihang ed, prime red Winter 'being quoted at 11,48(g)1.50. Oats dull, notwithstanding the supply is light; may be quoted nom 'inally at 64@65 on wharf and track and 87@68', store. Rye quiet;, Western quoted at 11,40 and prime State 2 at 11.48. Barley is in rather better demturd with sales of some 1,500 btuthels. prime to choice Spring at $2.10®2,15. • Corn, dull andruichanged, at 701578f0r White and 75 for prime Yellow.. SEEDS--There is a very fair demand fbr - Clover, with sales at 110®10.50, and Timothy. at $3.50@8,75. - Flaxseed quoted at 12,4.5©2,6e. BALT-Is quiet but steady, and is still quoted at 12 by the car load. SORGHUM-4,0@65c. • FEATHERS-A shialle firmer, and we now quote live geese feathers at S• to the trade, and the usual advance in a retail way. I ' :413 • . ~ e ' , 14 1. ‘ 1:.:1 4:2., i . 1: .1 I II ONIONS—DuII at s4®s per bbl, ORANGES—U®4,SO box. FLOUR—There is q uite an improve zaent in the demand for Flour, "but notwithstanding the market is more ac. tine, prices. as yet, are no higher. Spring Wheat brands -16,25: to 6,75®7. Winter Wheat 17,50(48. Rye Flour $7,00@ 7,25. The following are the Pearl Mill prices for their brands of flour made of the best wheat: Pearl Milt three star green brand, in barrels, P. 90 in sacks .19,60; double extra in • bar rels lB,OO, and In sacks at 18,90; Pearl min family in barrels,: $8,40, and in sacks at -18,00, Spring Wheat brands in barrels 17,80, and in sacks $7,00: The Pittsburgh' City Mills prices are as fol lows: , Choice , White Winter Wheat Flour, in • bbls,. PAO, -and 'racks $B,OO. choice • Red" Winter Wheat Flour, in bbls, $7,75, and in: sacks $7,50; &Mee Spring Wheat Flour, bbls, 17,80, Ind in auks, $7 per bbi: • _ WEClSKY—Higliwiries very dull; may be quoted inn jobbing way at 91692. LARD 'Oil—Sales No. I at 11,8012)1,65, and N 0.2. at $L,28(01,80: • • . t Mules by Telegraph. ' • , , • • ._ Ntw 'Tour., Apra 11...'-cotian is Arm, WWI sates of 2,800 bales at ZaKo for mid dling uplands. - Flour; receipts of, 9 . 8213 barrels; the market' . is ' dull: sad '6oloo • • - ...•. , • • - , - lower, with sitles 0f5,900 tWivels at 16,60- ~ 06,10 for superfine State, szol , westerM i8;15®8,76' for common to. *Woe' extra • gi5te,141507,20 for extra western,' $7,85 , 08 ibr white wheat extra,' .6oloo7,66'for, Bound 'Hoop Ohio, .608,60' for extra:St. T: oads, and. ;9012 for good to cholcie do., the market aloidng quiet: ; Rye Sony is • ' steady; with males of 800 barrel!! 4150 7,10, the latter price being:an extreme. -.Corn Meal Is qtribt, Whisky Is nocciltal. . Wheat; no receipts; the market is . unset tled,cloeingdnulll-and declininglbrAprlng, and steady ibr winter, with sales ofAOOO bushels at 11.4601,46 for retail lob! No 2 Irrilat t liiBSlbr Winter red western..l,6s for inita California, ;1,70 for choiceera, ber nu n, and 485431.90 for good to . choice white Afic tlt r... Bye Is Seem with ' Was . of . bushels Weoterp, at. g o $1,400 - 1 42 - -Bar tl ey. . la. laottry. • th,, salsa otsoo bash 'Mast at IVO." '' bush G ermans id SAIS. Batley' t ' dull and heavy. Beoelpto Of Corn 16,1180 r • Oarntfaidts bOYera; sales- of 46,000 'bush: et 89090 e kw - 06w Miked westerniebielly at 88088 a, shipping parwlslBolB96, l lbr do fustore 98e, ibr doldloot."Ree810810f: Cats SOO bush; Oatitis a shade firmer ; sales'' • of 88,000bnah itt 76m0 for western In store, • 780 :abr do' ioo • Sloe 13 -, *toady' at 90830 for earolfas. - "s".7offkarfa 'fly. •- Sugar la rift , moderate 'mita* sale 's of -890 hhdir Cub k at' 1112012 V Molatioa 1 warty artfvr t aWor Of 85 bhdaPbrto lifixg= at 7W94 !Patrolman:lBlmm lit , 18 1 ,40) iske adder. 82@&234e- refiod , fit 13on 1 • Mod fadtdOefgribefor 'Amerfoin: Lind.. reed 'oll • lir firm At 1 1 0€1,04. Spirits- • pupentine II firm at 6I o. Coal quiet. • • - zembettl Hemlock ;side ' &toping .atfBo (0 3 21br;ThAndik • ATOM: an Rio Gond° • night • weight: -, Wool unchanged; .: sales of ;_26,00. pOunds - at 490 W lot ea - mastic ' ' .846)3/s'for •un,wealptele We_ fbr moored,. 10.11.1:_d i ,` No for oodibitPorklowatr,. . 1 )4190Y5 bble atsBl, 145 fbr ne w -Migf, (0 81 ,00 fora l d o, . 12 1 ,0 9 4 9 27 , 00 ;40.0 4 5tia. - figil B , 7s oBo,oo•for•.litinie' mess. vßeof quiet; - sales of 100 bbls fat 18,00012,06 for ' new plain mess;',l2,ooolB,oofor nett' 4 1 ,x-•1 tat mesa: Beef hams steady , at .1125,000. 81,00. Tierce beef dull; sales of 400 tierces at. 126,00081,60 for prime mess; and 527100 • far . Indiana mess. • Cut 'meats steady!' sales of 150 packs:tea at 12%@130 for' shoulders,and 103‘0170 for hauls. Mid dles quiet and steady. Lard heavy and lower; sales of 500 tierces at 17y,®17M0 1 for steam rendered, and 18%4011190 for • . , kettle rendered; -41 60 v 500 t 10190( Meten rendered, for seller. for May at >18340. Butter steady 'at 80®10e ler Ohlo, and 40®45 for State. ' Cheese fi rm Lt 18®22c. Freights to Liverpool dull; engagements* :7,500 bus wheat per stejitheriatlts. . . Latest—Flour closed dull inadin buy ers' favor. , * - Wheat dull and very heavy for spring, and winter le. in . fair raffling demand and at full prices. .Rye is quiet at 1440 for western., .oats . steady at 7634 err western in stor,e. : Corn dull , . at litS(ei 89 for new mixed,Western afloat, and 89 (gs:q34 fer old mixed western' inst Ore and &Mat. • Pork steady' and' unchanged. Cut Meats steady and in , Moderate de mend: : Bacon quiet and. unchaned. Lard dull at 18x,®18M for !hit "to p rime steam., Eggs firm. at 80®32.: Metals— Sheeting Copper quiet and unchanged at, 33 -. Ignot is dull, irregular and droop .l,nir at 23X®24 for Lake. , Ilk Iron quiet' and firm at .140042 ,,50 for Saohiti. And $87(j42 lei American. Be i Iron dull at 185®90 for refined English and Ameri can." Sheet Iron quiet 1134 @Win gold, for Russia. Nails quiet at 4%®5 for out, tii(36,4 for Which, and 27®30 for horse shoe. Carcruo, April S.—Eastern exchange quiet, at par for buying, and 440 pre mil= for selling. Y/our Aulet , and .un changed. Wheat; No. quiet at 1414® 1,15%; No. 2 at $1,08X®1,11;4 for regular and /fresh receipts, closing steady at 11,09 X; sales since. 'Change at 51,09Y,® 1,0934. Corn moderately active,• and x ®3.0 lower; sales of new at •53i130 for afresh , and 5114®52140 for regn ar; n 550 grade at 5034®510 for regular, and 52® 6334 c for fresh receipts; taming at 52® 523y0; in new nothing doing this afternoon. Oats quiet and firmer; Mg '5334c for regnler, and 54®56340 for strict 1y fresh receipts, closing at 339in,seller during the month., Rye, steady and nu. ;changed; closing at 11,20®1,2034 for fresh, ,and 118Q1,1834 'for regular receipts. Barley' dull Mid lower, with. sales No- 2 at 11,M®460; sample lots at 11,75, deliv ered; closing weak " and nominal at in aide figures. Highwines dull ,at 870. New Orleans Sugar • at 15015 Xe for own- Mon to. choice.: Molasses .. at ..11®1,06. Provisions dull and weaker. Mess Pork freely offered at 134 without buyers. Lard sold at .17eMlee for - steamy closed nominal at 1734 @AN. Bulk Meats la ve and-nominal: Reealpte for past 24.honis--8,6:24 bbls flour, 560 bus wheat, 4,355 - bush. corn,' 6,840 .bush tete, , 2,500 bush barley, 3,030 bogs. Shipmeets— aou 7,089 bbhr. flour, 6,037 hush wheat, 21;800 bush corn, 3,718 bush oats, 1141 btu rye, 4,431 hogs. ~ Latest—At theopen Beard in the after- ACM there was a fair demand for No. 2 spring Wheat, which closed steady at about 11,09%'®1,04‘ There lam noth ing done in Corn and . Oats. In the oven-, Ing business was dull. Wheat was Immo five and nominally. unchanged. Provis. , ions quiet, sales being confined to 500 bbls Bdess Pork at 131,50, cash. Sr. Louis, April 3.—Cotton; nothing doing. Tobacco unchanged. Hemp dull at 11,45 for prirr.e undressed, and 12,45 for dressed. Flour firmer,. but tin changed; small sales superfine at 14,25, rd extra at 15,244,00. Wheat fi rm at 1135®1,50 for common to p_ r i pe red fail; 7244480 for Choice de.; 11,56111,86 for . prime to choice. Corn heavy and lower, a staad in v B rut I. ks , 1 4altire. at 571:31410e: e4B l4 . 2 clill f. irn e d ryijonminaillyeunchiw firm aniecgt bet r" at 11,2541,P28. s p rin g. ,Whisky steady and. unchanged at 89e. Sugar easier at 13y,(gf 151‘o for Louisiana . Molasses dull and lower at 65©7.5c. Coffee weak, but not quotably changed. Pork easier and more doing, at $31 , 60@3l , 75; a round lot at Peoria sold at 1.31. Bulk Meats; very,, little doing; dry salt clear sides, 15,4.0. Bacon lower; clear rib, 16m ®l6Vr, clear sides, 17, ®l7x(3.- mostly at 17c. Sugar— cured Hams, inn. Lard weak; small retail sales choice tierce at 18o; keg, 200. Receipts-2,073 bble flour; 4,900 bus wheat, 9,100 tins corn, 5,500 bus oats, 500 bus barley. 200 hogs-. einem:ran, April 3.—Cotton _quiet unchanged and unchanged; middling 273i 0 . Flour and grain unchanged and quiet. Whis ky dull at 90®91c and not much demand. Provisions fiat and not much demand, 'Mess pork held at 131,50, but no demand. Bulk meats held at 12ya14go, but not saleable at better than .1.2®140 and 160,- 090 lbs sold at these rates. B acon:. held ati3X, 1634®170 for shoulders. clear rib and clear sides, but hardly any demand. Lard eold to the extent 0f.250 toe at 180, but city cannot be bought to any extent at this rate. 'Sneer cured hams dull and ['akar at - 40®430 / for ,fresii. Eggs &Mar and in demand at 22®2110. Apples stereo and selling at 15 to 7,50. Linseed cilia. 'held at 1406. Clover seed dull at 15f. 15 2 ,4 c. Ilmotby firmer at 13®3„16.: Su gar dial but the prices are not loiter; New Orleans 140L50. Coffee steady; sales 110, bags at 12®140 for fair, to"good lib; prime to choice 25®2641 • Molasses firm at SOO) 85e for New Orleans. Gold 131M - buying,' Money market close at 10®12per tent. ' New Onianues, Awil L....cote:in stiffer, mlddlings.,2lB39; sales of 2,100 bales; re ceipts, /,735; exnorts,:2,6o9. .r Gol 182. — Sterling ' 141X€1141K. Dammam) 140 ®140%. Nw e.YorkSight, Drain ,;. IgM wa -preminm, • Flour • has an .up 'ten tiencen. superfine,' $6,624 dottble `extra, 1 5 25; treble extra, ..16,50®7,25..:00rn is limit, white, 77410786 Gate ,•figin at 79. Bran. $25. _OAT firm; prime; 427. . , Mess; dull of 133. 'Bacon dull and lower. Lard dull at 18%01834; keg at2o®2oM.. Sugar firmer; common; 11%; prime, 14.. McdulinA. quiet; ;dine; 76. Whisky nom loakWestern Recitified.BB®9234. Coffee Inlet and firm;'- - lair, • 14X0151M prime, /13 1 8. ,- ; .. , .... - 4 r, I I i ' ;i - I Fitaitcisocki'Apritii.'-i-Flortin light for expert at- iti.50®5.50: best Ore ffsn brandsll 6 , 76, osL26.l.l'Wheat quiet at' e l,4s ® l „ 6 i tt,T=ders, 77%. Min , fin; &bares du the week Were native,' therefor exce edinga Wilton and a quer.' , ter of dollars._` Alpha; jlllt. Bele/ler 18; lkillks. 17; ••10h0liar, ISIV Confidenc e; 85; orrnn ipaiat, 68; Empire ,Mill, 80;:,(3fould. & Parry //8;:Hale & N'Orcrois, 86; lin-. gerb4l4 Kentucky, 276; Om/dental; 28; ph1r,134; Overman, 68;Savage, 78; Sierra , Hevada,Bo; /Yellow Jacket, 66:: :-. wToranxii4prlt B.=Flotir , dull and nein inal: Wheat' dull and 'nehade• lower; amber 1_4401 Na .-I white ;Michigan $1,76. , C8:021 dant' No: [offered at. 07o, , with buy ' f ere eV , 660; '24 . d. 2'll ;lower 'sit . 113tio; no Wilde 13/jiiii• 'Cate quiet 'at 60C fbrMlchl gen.rel,ye steady and nominally ; tin 'chair . • °Barley - dull`; and dtdeping. tßeee eti:800 bbls Sour. 800 bu wheat -11,901flineorn;2,200bti:U 'Shipments —l,loo . 4bleficlen B , 9 oo,l l. Wlierit, 21.600 fiti;:initn, 9,100 kgr eats: . ,-, , :•• , ,_,-- • ' , :'-.citiikiniudi.',4iiin: i 4 :ltbit t enieS aOf ggeawmiquiriandaddithdanntllitli leaf t. 114.1177.,. j..2.:°"tc* 2634°.' 44ss 'W I 182•04; I +fsroV 47)1A:,•. , ateett.ireales. 18 ,ige,lori. ihottideni c #9._Pr, clear- :lb 44y - r ent '.,17C, ,fer -. idese , ,,*l l .. , Iltak Inpatir:-4aletatailefer: ithoul; 1110 Or clear rib'eldee, and for 'clear rides. Flour $5,500:41,19 t , 191 62 0 . 1 ' Ceser foo @rt's• - th!gssr $4 . I4 Y hi l ice" - Anna) Ole. -‘ - ~ _'i --- ..!; ~.t :1 ./.. -, :t: , :,=. . 7 _ .lefilwainglis,' April' o. l aleittffidit Ind Witirk; sring **trim -Mired •at 118;5® A 8734 w ithout teryere....'Wheit dull; sides • at 11.06g01,1363i tbr-1it0. , 2 „. Lilo .1;10%. for lio.1; timing at the ' elitelde figures, Oats. 543f0. Corn weak' 'at 55c. 'Sy. nominal at 11,14: Bartel% dull, 11;70 de; livered. Receipts-600 bbls , flour, 16,(10(1 bu wheat.. Shipments-2,000 Mils flour, 8,000 bu wheat. ' BUFFALO, April B.—Flour dull at sO@ 6,25 for city ground. Spring Wheat—no its, ;; 'F4 • ' • "0 , -X-' . -sr4" e ,,c-el• • ;^^^oC, S.O 4 'N.-e-txg; - - VlTrSkritGH GAZETTE: 1 M 4 )NDAY, I .:.APRIL: 5, 1.869':4. MI .ingtdry....and market nominal:, Corn vest/Anil-and drooping, with small sales new, at 65c on track. Oatfidull; one car cold at alio on track. Rye nominal. Bar ley. doll .and drooping, with sales 2.00 Q. bash very,choice•at 12. delivered. High wines nominal at. 93. Pork and Lard un settled. • 4 • - • PiltraminixtrA, April B.—Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat , vely quiet and Bye; sales of 2,0u0 bush at NM.' Corn steady; sales 9,000 bush at 147 c for yellow, and 82@)83c for mixed western. rOats unchanged. Petroleum quiet at 810 4 fbr refined. Groceries and Provisions small business doing. Whis. kY dull at lA.; 13ALTlilotix,,April&—Flour quiet and steady. Wheat firm for high grades and receipts Olean; prime red' at $2,10®2,25. Corn at #36©870 far ;prime white, 'and 85 @no -for, prima yellow; receipts small. Oats dull at 8040168 o: Rve dull at $1,50. Proylidons• unchanged. 'Whisky nomi nal et 03c. ,• • , • , lelements, April.. 3.—Cotton--ieceipts for 'the week ending. yesterday,3,lss bides; week's' exports , 8,471 bales; stook, 22,251• bales; receipts , to-day. 212 bales; exports 143 bales. Flour firm. Other maikets are withciut decided change. Drrnorr, April &—Wheat—white win ter scarce and very 'firth; upper grades extra, $1,75; -No. 1, $1,58.- ,Barley , 11,33. Corn firm at 72c. Oats, 58c offered. Mill Stufts—Bran,- $20,00©20,50; coarse mid; dlings, $21,50@22,00; tine do., $28,00. NAtunaLLE, April 3.—Cotton active; Bales of low middling at 25; and good ordinary at 2.10. DEPORTS BY RAILROAD. PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYSZ & 0.030' RAILROAD: April 3.-20 cars metal, Nimick & Co;1 car bran, J Jenkins; 1 car wheat, Watson P & Bon; 600 bbls flour; owner; 400 eke 'do, Beghmyer de Vos , kamp, 100 do do, McKay, Bro; 100 do do, Bhomaker & Langenhelm;, 1 ear scrap iron, W Mullen% 1 do staves, W Hast ings; 181ixa tobacco, A Schaub; 18 des brooms, 1) Haworth & Co; sdo Alp, John Porterfield & Co;, 8 bbls apples, W G Mil lar; 83 bis tobacco, Head dZ Metzgar, 2 :bbls eggs, W H Graff & -.:Co; 70 dor. rbrooms„ a Ewart t CO; 6 oks cider, 19 bbls apples,' Voigt, Mikhood &Co; 84 bales cotton rags,. Pitts Paper Manufacturing Co *Oar barley; Heil :&. Ritottart; 1 car rye, Culp dr Shepard; 10 bia cheese, M W Rankin; 9 tots bitters, J Adler & Co; 12 bait Powders,- J' Henderson; 4 bales dry irides, 4 calleg; _29 bbls apPlesiJ Pettit; do do, P our & Bon; 1 obl'eggs, WoOduiorth& .Dabion. ADD •Prrnanmeir- Ran zweit, April &-8 cars iron ore, Sheen berm; Blair & Co; 2 do limestone,Zug & Co ; 1 car lumber Crowlow C oon; do lath, McQueentif h Dongltus.; 1 car lumber, I M.Pencock; 60 bbls .fluid. J J Palmer & Co; 6 aka clover seed, F • G Craighead; 5 cases tobacco, Dunlevy & Bro; s'do do, W D Cooper & Bro; 10 do do, E Hazelton: 10 do, 10 kgs do, Carter, McGrew it Co; 39 do do ' W 31 Gormley; 10 do do, L J Blanchard: 6 bbls 'green ap-, plea, Walt, Lang & Co; 18 bbla rye flour,. Culp it Shepard; 117 bdls chairs, 'lB do makers, Bedford Chair Co; 24 do do; Hammer & Denier; 24 jugs syrup, 1 bbl • oat meal, Lewis it McClure; 18 do do. Volgt, Mahood & Co; 2 cask& cheese, W EI Graff it - Co; 299 oil bbbs, B D Wore; 25 bbla potatoes, W B Kirkpatrick.* Co: 3 do beans, II Riddle; 25 bxs crackers, Reymer it Bro; 3 bbla eggs, V, Mahood it Co; :1 bbl eggs, J G Robinson. PITTSBURGH CINO/NNATI AND ST. Louis RAILROAD. April 3-30.bdls biooms, H R McClellan; 118 f hides, J C' , Lappe it Son; 1 lot hh g s. Thos Murray; 2 bbisscrap iron, Llov do Black; 12 do apples, Voigt. Mahood .t ;-6 bias eggs, 1' ex. bacon, F G Craigbaad; 6 tubs, butter, 8 bbla eggs, J H Grafir bdle paper, McCullough it Co; 9001 pea bulk shoulder; M M Freed; 200 bbis flour, D Wallace; 1 car staves, J Painter it Son: 5 but candles, 4 ‘ cases lard, W D Cooper it Bro; 10 tea hams; J J Pettit; 10 cases 10 kgs lard, H Lippincott; 5 bbls whisky. L Hilbert; 100.bbla flour, Mc Bane & Anjer. ALLEGE/MI /STATION, April 3.-1 oar middlings, 1 oar,shipstuffel car oats, R Knox &Son; 2 ears =wheat, R T Ken nedy Bro; 100 bblsilour, Spang, Chalfant & Co; 59 bdla• paper, Frasier & Bletzgar; &ear Mayon, .1' Ilemhill; 2bo J Mohan; 100 bbl. dour , onions,E & C Magin; aka potatoes, B Gray; 9 bbis 'apples, 8 do eggs F Essenwine. . • Armaassarr yArmar ltartnos.b, April &-54 C bbla oil, Fisher .13ro; 120 do do, Wm Dilworth; 1 car wheels, Lyon,, Short, t co; 4 pkgs onions, Martin Brick ell dt-Do: 1 bbl eggs, 3do beans, 'LA j Blinuguinii " oar grain, - W McKim; 5 , pkgs,.l3ll lb:: • . , • 431ensarr,vartra ,Vaterrnkr.lrattikn, April 8-5 ears metal, John Moorhead; 2 do do, Bryan t Cambay; 2 do do, 3 Painter & Son; 1 oar scrap iron, Mullen & Maloney;b aka rage, Pittalitugh Paper Co ; 1 ear lime; Mtge &Son.- RIDER -''l asn Atte ritier mathMtiit to retede slowly with scant•tweive feetrin the 'Channel by the MonOngithela" Marks' . last evening : and thirteen, feet by these' of the Ails gheny. Weather yesterdarwas cloudy and cold, withran occasional attempt to 311011 r. Meronryst noon. 80: • • • Tbe Robt. mania, from 'Cincinnati, and Waan lut; trona New 'Orleans, are the 'only arrivalk we hatieo report. ` t . , , • .Tbe`St.- Marva from Cincinnati is due . . buret:KV , ' and Will return as usual to morlgw. The., 41, atilt: .43C0. D. Moore, is the regular Packet for, ParkerPiurg day, leavintat noon. - The R. Ci - Gray arrived At Cindimikti on Friday and • having rwahrpprd ' her Arkansas River 'freight, will 'go to Lan: lavillwand re-load for Pittsburgh. While - al, the Ripley. landing, - the • ascending BoatonWalso landed there, and in idoing so, bruit° the whoa'', of the .Grey oonsid; erably, and.alio bloke several stationary fenders; and Abs. bull, rails on Alio lar board Ode of ,1,1444 Bostorui. • , . , —The_Presen of ilk° Gray is ,hlr. D. Blood. ' • , —ate • new cteamer , ,Aueiralla la an tbr New Orlcana. . Camilla was 'toi„have lett. Cin cinnati ib,r Pittsburgh on Friday. F. 7 , The: Lorene left Cincinnati otaxiday for Bt. Louis, as did also the Leonidaslbr New Orleans.- • - • —The New , 'York, eft- Nashville tbr. • Fittoburgh on Thursday, and, the, ;Marys left Cluoinneu for, "his : port on FrICISY•W !,'• 0-The Wannita,plokixl up& drift ltyt on - weditesday. maw. , which dam aged ter efbeat 0,14 1 7 and paused the loss of ageerf4AoPrO-dale• A. Drive wee i n ei na i nni m An Friday endeavoring to, secure - the P. , , Tr%, Arafat' ,a wee k ly ~..Piktsburgh 'peehe 'He did not eumeed, 010. AL •A. Cox and: the Nick 'Wall, Capt. Toni roe, both - hrart,tiew,raeuntain boats are announced for Si t lonia : and bilatotirl Wirer forth. with, Xonnts him the enainee of the Carrie V Konuts out of the bnrned boat and on board the Pentad'. They - ,were found to be- belt eery . , . . .. —The gate Putman. Capt. O.W. Reed, will depart for Nashville on Wednesday, and passehgere and 'shippers should bear in mind that she is the only boat loading for that point. -An , . . InditrnaiLolitt . (Ind.) dispatch says that reports from • all parts of the ! tate indicate thatmuch damage will be cone by the flood.. The; abash river is p to high' water mark of 1558. - —The tner I talie Combs, whichstea •' - • vras sold at .Marslud!si sale a few weeks ago to Mr. Clark. , Dienes, of Wheeling, has been ,disposed of. byhim to parties from 'Pertseionth; 0., who are putting per through , a course of repairs which, hen completed. will enhance her value j eondderably and make her 'present the appearance of a new craft. We Under stand it la the intention of the new own- era to put her into the Portsmouth and J Cincinnati_ trade as a towboat: _,' —A Sr. Louis despath under date of ;Thursday, says: U. S. Marshal Newcomb yesterday seized the steamer Diamond Uo for $2,500 damages claimed by the Bridge Company to have been done to their barges by the boat. Considerable snow has fallen to-day in the extreme Northwest, which will add to the swell in the upper rivers, and high water is •auticipated. The ice is breaking up daily at different Points, and the Liver will open to St. Paul ins few days. .. —The Alexandria,(La.) Democrat says: Capt. John C. Dowty has gone up to Pittsburgh for the purpose of contracting for the building of a boat ;for our trade.. Captain Dowty intends ' her to be a clip per,- and superior In all her various fig, rangements. She is to be two hundrdil feet long, forty feet beam, eight foet hold; engines, twenty .six inch cylinders, eight feet stroke, and will be ready early in the fall.' In the meantime Capt. Dow - - tyi with St. - Nicholas' • - orew, will put in our trade a small boat by the 15th* of April. -In the U. S. Senate on Thursday. Mr. liameey, from the' CoMMittee on Post vffiees and Post.roads, repOrted. a . joint resolution authorizing the construction of a railroad bridge over the 'Ohio River at Paducatii:lo.,' by the 'Paducah and Gtiltatt., ,Whlch passed with , the provi eion that the Span shall not be less than 400 feet over the' main 'channel of the river, and the anent of Congress shall be revoked if the bridge shall prove an ob struction to navigation: This previously passed the House, and when approved by the President, will bethrrie a law. —Every steamboittinan on ,the Upper Miasisaippi knows "Bill Wellington," one of the Superintendents df the White Collar Line, and :mie Of the livest men in the business. Here Is a sketch of his career from the Dublique Herald of the 28th inst.: Fourteen veers - age tci-daV W. E. Wellington landed In Dubuque, with his breeches tucked in the tops of his boots and fifteen cents in his pookets. He hired out as drayntan to R. West, then• Wharf-boat agent, and, by his exer tions and "ten strikes," is now worth. $lOO,OOO, and uwns stocks in both lines that consolidated their interests lately. He is_ now making < an effort to have the hulls of the two new packets towed from Paducah here,- to be completed, and is receiving proposals for the execu tion of the work. 1 _The Cincinnati Ga z ette, noticing the death of Capt. Joseph Scott, says : The first boat he ever commanded was the Swiss Boy, of the old "Ohio Pilot Line," running between Pittsburgh and Louis ville. This was about 1836. Afterward he commanded the Winchester, running between Pittsburgh and St. Louis. About ten years later he commanded the. .Fort Wayne andlloro Castle. Men whe have been Intimately connected with him for forty years are unable to tell 'when tie drat 'began rip er life. , The last :boat, he =commande ,Ivas the Swallow, two seas agtOghl iimowoOtnxnand ed by Capt. F. "r:ltatcheloi.,l344no yOare, tr ago he owned , and conducted attore in Ripley, Ohio. Capt. Scott leaves* *tiaras family on earth—a wife and twelve chil dren. ' —The Louisille Courier ys, A lit knot of steamboatt v hen wore standin tleg on the wharf yesterday, conversing, when suddenly the Captain of a Pittsburgh steamboat became very anxious, about his boat. andntepped up.into Pink :Var. ble's office to'get the telescope to see if she was. in sight. Ina few minute* af ter he, was seen on the balcony with, the glass levelled dead, at the after-guard of a steamer In port and in a ditection op posite to that from which the steamer was expected. All eyes were turned to the guards of .the steamer—the Palls. eity—kind Instantly saw the point. A and lassie who had, from s appear w ,ances,just.been ade one, were,billing and 'Owing at the ,rate of On knots an hohr,litterly unecinsolons 'of the many eyes upon them. k,'A , crowd of boys and wharf loafers hadgatheredatlthe water's edge'elose to the steamer and were en. joying the sight immensely. The little crowd of steamboatmen wore highly de- HAMS: With the exception of'one griz zled old chap, who grunted out a disap." Eryal of the scene , but was soon put to • RiMI by ;be cry, psoive gr*Pes , • River and Weather. , f." , • Lotrisviram, April 3.-Rtver station ary; with twent y five feet nine 'lichee. waterin canal., Weather olondyatid'cold. mina lactuoits, B , o . DAY, oti.oprioro WINES BRANDIES GIN, &C,, lIIISLIZIALE DEALERS SR PURE RYE WHISKIES , 409 PENN STREET,' • Will Rosso*. on Die 'lot or April to ..;. . 1iO9; 1 381 AND $B6 OW. gird ZievguelSto CfPrMaSY JOSEPH S.; SINCILit C0.,-1: • OW* and MIN Tiagi STISZT' :ts ' 11APMFACTOini 'OP • ppper Egad Pare Rye ,Inaltirse, - . , fiIIENOBLE WAlLMPltilhist xeceited.a, choice totor fresh Grenoble WHIButirSH Peente. got file by the, pound, it the Natality ortioeq I ; , lttX r dSit'CV. - 'limb` 'Cornet. Liberty' ea Hand IItINNILIL ICL AII4IIOI/°B E/4:' - - paurr HOUSVABBOOIATIOIi BUILDINGS, Nos. IS and*St.olAlr Street, Pittsburgh. ra. ovoidal attentitoi-nlven to the designing' and buildnan of COURT ROMIG and PUBL) BUILDINGS. RIVER PACKETS. 3111213MPHIS AND NEW ORLEANS, 'VOA' ItILEAMBITS AND IIEIifORLEANS.Ihr rteaxne AIIBTAA.Ith.:4* ' • ' Capt. --, Will leavr Ibr the *bore and intermediate ports on TiMeDLY, Anrll Stb. at 4.- r tr. Yor trehibt or overate, apply o nboard, or to - JOHN TE.Alus..; or • a=". COLLO4WOOTI, -.Agentr. NASHVILLE: VOR CLAIRKSVILLEz ia ggt . .A:, AND NiIeHVILLIC.—The Mit paesenger steam.' . . , . .SATE PUTNAM Capt. G. W. BZEris Will leave tor the above And Interraerbete ports on Wr DIS.ESDAY, April 'I th. at 4 P For frelght.or passage apply pn board, or to natal. FLACK & LOLLDIGWOOD. Agents. CINCINNATI G. _NI OR WITEMLIN. jil dr i t - A.-i It ARIRT rA,PARREaLIBURG ANT) CINCINNATI. Leaves Pittsburgh EVERYTI7ESDAY 4 P.M. Lieves Cincinnati EVERY FRIDAY-4 - F. M., The swift and superb Sidewheel • Steamer ST. MARYS, T. C. SWEENEY, Commander, will leave as announced above.. • For Freight or P 4111117118 apply on board, or to • : . • FLACK & COLi , INBWOOD, or . ', COLLIN* & BARNES, Agents. 11 A . N. 8. M. - rNo,Freight received on Tuesday after rah= UPPER 4119 . 5 . ISSIPPI 14 . 186 9 it NORTHERN LINE PACKETS - . FROM . , St. LOWS to Keokuk and St. Paul, AND ALL ISIERMYCDIATE PORTS. One of the splendid Sidewheei SteamerS of this :Line will leave St. Louis da ly for Iftok uk, Daven. pert, Dubuque, Witiona,htillwater a rse lit. Paul. Throuh:receipts for Freight and Passengers will. be given to all points oh the Upperlll4lB - on steamers running from this port and • connecting with the Northern Line Packets at St, ,Louls, , thus enabling Consignees to get their Freight through without delay and at lowest nits.. Apply to . • JOHN PEACH. ,• . o . . • ' • ' J. D. COLLINOWOOD Sent,,. - Aor to .: • • H..p. • GBAx. „ 91 Witerlt.teet.- , . . fORTHERIV. LINE % a s endid • SPIZAPOLIE44 Clppt dB. Raonss. Will leave fur BT PAQI, , spont the. .10th of April.4.rld go throngh dirett.' Tin. splendid steamer offers very superior secomutowitions for passengers , and 'neck. 'For partleolars apply to FLAOH.4I. Aentol, rer.,:eas • ' dr B. C.' ORLY. ST. toms. , pKIfOR ST. LOWS. B-adir m a NT VOI3B3' BI AND SU FORT ON .the steiener' ' - , NICK:WALL ' ' ' ' Capt.' Tom POi. Will leave for he above. and all intermedlate ports, on SATE' AY; April 31.1.• - • For freight or usage apply on board. olio ... , mbar FLAC & COLLMOWOOD. Agents. FOIL NT. Lotriti_;liAlc-t e iga6 - RAIS CITY,' RANEN wowrir, • JOSEPH. O.IIAHA._F_ORT BENTON. AND .ALL . POINTS ON lIHE missutrimarvEß. new lomat, er stepner, .. COLOSSAL :'. r• - Capt: H.. k cox, Will -leave for the. above and intermedlate.ports on THIS 'PAY,- April ittl, at 40. H. . , For freight or_pusime apply en board or to WC) FLACK & COLLiNGWoOD. Agents. PARKERSBURG PITTSBURGH, witzEwo. Marietta and Parkersburg Line Lease Company's Wharf Boat, foot of Wood Street, DAILY, AT 12'N. SIONDAYS AND THURSDAY& BATAPaTI GEORGE D. MOORE, Mister W.lLDNimimpra AM) SATURDAY& GIUkX BAOLE C. I. Buszarear. Mater. • Freight will be received at all hours by seta . JAMES COLLINS. Arent. I i KILLER CO., Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin; now offer to the tilde at low filmes, strictly Piiizie New Crop New Orleans Sugar and olasses. ' Porta Rico, Cuba and2nglish Island bugs.. New York, Plilladelptila and Baltimore Be fined do. r; Golden. Drips, Levering's, Brands, ittlart's, Adants , and Long Island bYniPl._ Porto Rico, Cuba and Rueful Island Nolaisses. Yount Hyson., Japan,/ mortal, Gunpowderend OoTong , • • Carolina and Bangoln Bice. Java, Lumina and lo'Collees. • • • . Tobacco, (Lard Ot4 Filth, Halls, Glass, Soaps, Cotton Yarns) conyµhtly on hand. !„131P,91LTBEBaor MIMES Fineßrandi*Vinea and Segara. . Rhenish,' Retells. and Sparkling Hock Wines or Hamel &Co.. In tottlina , • • . Sparkling Moselle, &harshen/ and .Tolannlik billT.•lloekheltoer iltintandy. itc. _ Brandeaborg * Freres , Fine Olive 011. _ _ ~.,,do ~.,. do - ; enaratir,_••ttniscirted in booms. tio do .do 'White • Wines. In hotline. • 31.;Wort &&inir Sparkllnk Catawba. • - • Plan old Sperm. Madelvin : 4Port Wines. pre. old Nonolirancia vitia tes' P ar & _ - . do, Area §upenlorOld telt do do. . . EloVenta thr Noel & liiiandonis, Grand Pin: , . , ~ Itspe . _ venranay and nelleryChatapaltme• . . Brindles (Komi' own selection and eranranzeo. :ROCK THE 'BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. LEMON & WEISE. 6eiical Furniture illaiudhetureis t ' 11.8 watrirritamEartai: , 'Where may be Antedate-II issortmenfetter: lon Chamber sad Kitchen • Item • dal tE MARK FE2 NoTWE ; • • OF , DISSOI4I7II.ON. ThePazitierDiliib6;t4iihrh tbsP/ between 4 11 / I MOII. ;- • - • • • .13issoitecS B. ' ugawzuoa mattisl pirtae; w al sign • : • • ill ln t r . 3 3. 1 tilica J. L. DONdELTH. PI3IttFIES THE BLOOD. POE 8411.11 CDT 'DRUGGISTS EVERTWENfin. 'de7;lll(l.3cirr• • • A • I ND3- RUBBER.. -BELTII#64 hose, Steam packing and Gasket, of the atop Belting Omenautoo manntsegure at prices as low as this quality of can be bone . t . the manufacturer . IA fut• stock alwartclo. .P._? at the India Rubber Depot, AG and . street. I 4. aH, PHI Iblt'n, Sole Agents for the CorePalrf: r a s ivolivi 3..10 k v iSJitraj.: f_N \ 9 41:1 J. L. DILLIZIGIM.••• -. ..... -_. • DILLINGER & STEVENSON, conissioN orrs, 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. RECEIVE ANTI BELL AU Kinds of Country .Produce, All orders for Merchandise promptly filled, at LOWkar. market rates. PariWail' • attention given to the sale of Butter. Eggs, Cheese Dried Frans, Co, We feel confident that we can Alva entire satisAtttion, by making Quicites.l.lB and PROMPT 8= 8. at UIOBZBT KAMM Plums, and therefore reiroectittlly solicit your consign. meats. All correspondence answered promptly. Marking Plates furnished free. Drain in store and to arrive daily. au31:178 IDISTA BLI SHED BY A. & T ja fie WW I 11 1 / 1 1. • Wo GOMM " 'WHOLESALE datiwka, No. 271 Liberty Street; Wriugorr,Tr OPP. Zama Rom,) , • • • 'Prrirtsinuman PA. m. sums a. A. anus: M STEIELE & ,SO.N, • ' • oemmission- - merchante, Azo I E`1.401111114 MIMED, ato. No. 96 OHIO STBZEI, near East Ooranton, -• • • - • ALLEGHENY CrtY. PICT= SUL " JAB.r. - xtuitaAar. .KEIL & RICHART, CO SSION MERCHANTS, ,,.: . . PLOITR, GRAIN, BREW, MILL •PEED; &c., ian34t:b379 Llbeirty tit. Plitsblurgb, J.. BLANcuAnD. wholesate,and J#3tlin,ormr!y, stasix•• 396 .rzzar llTBalatT;'' sl a 89 7 LITTLE, BAIRD - & PATTON, _Wholesale Eimer% 1C m.mlealan,liferchints 7A' Dsk* In Fk, C P d r oduce ,' O ai t nar, , 'B,aenaada Chees -Cotton Yn a me nd rl.:Vantanh- Wangtame. swum . . , wEtateke ii; AWN*iirte . . Por itawkaunriK r oaxiissiox icelunums, Massie o Origin Amon, bard, pot, terulieeds, Dri , PridLs3LProduoe generally. t o o. . _1 urgh. , B - rgazw, ,con4er„or Wird, , ; :24 -Anima Josh saunas • 11 IPTONIMATALACE, Wlsole- SALE - GROCERS AND PRoDuCX PEAL ' Nch 6 6 L I T4 WERAET% ros awn*. 1412:r91 - • 1011211. BOUM. .IIDW. BOUM, .1111. R, ROOM. l• - HOME: &BUCK, Sue. censors to JOHN L HOITSIC & CO., Whole. sato Grocers • and. Commission . lfercluints; Oar. nor of l'esdttd . 41d and Watertitreets. Menorah. PROFESSIONAL. G .w. Dec Amp, . ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAI& Deice. No. 137 FOURTH AVENUE: 'titti. burgh, ( formerly occupied by Hon. Walter H. Lowrie.) will practice in•the U.-8. Circuit and District Courts, in the State Supreme and all the Courts of Allegheny canary, and make celiac tlona in most of theadjaceat tamales. 7a29:417a Wlg. B. RpEPIR.R., ALDERMAN ANDNX-01PRICIO . .TURTICE OF • OFFICE - 89 FIFTH AV.ENUN. ijpeclal attention given to oonveyancing and 'collections • Deeds, Bonds and Mortgages drawl up t and all legal business attended to promptly and accurately. • JEERBU'rLEiti. ALDERILLT AND POI Moe. lAb WYLIZ BTARET, near Waehlngton PITTSBIPRGH, Deeds; Bonds, Mortgagee; AoknOwledgmeot • Depositios: Colleettoza„ me all other legitt mai e Dullness executed promptly. t0P20:02 • SA41:11111L Mcll - 41STE*11. • ~ Z7-o:fib Justlee of Mo . Nara SSA Polloolfip. trate.. °Mee, 012 ANT STRZAT,. opposite :Mr -Cache dra4 PITTSRITZGH, . • Deeds,,Zonsts, Montages, 1. oklarwledgmentlis Dooosisionit. all. Loma 1 :illness exeorrted, with promptness and dispotob. - . ratue - "E I MP A *CE‘. B ., 7.104R0WS ; . dearaklanatlCAPlG: N 14x-orriaz aurreciltioinrs — kinikoz Aisrp aw,laz JILSAUSTILATZ. - • OFFICE r .73 PENNA. AVENUE. PITTBBIIII . OH. PA. .. Deea i ßon4 NOrtiMagall o W/adraudi ti t , aninoalt oni and all lamb aim with Mega and dispatehie. ' =VA - - JOHN JL EX-01171the - Or ttia ::•t. •,„: MAGISTRATZ.:..• - i ttr i dr e ill a ffttinrg , 1713" Deetingit t gli s " a Ca " gmelolimowlgmentei Depositions. awl ail Le gi "Bulling sx,eciatell Inch oroamtuess /lad . dispatelh.; ,-„ • • , • A rAillaeNi%, , , 448 tiettVPeaim, CONVEYANCER, AUL MIATE ArD 111811- RANCLAa=f • - CABsOrl imuszr., wasTSI4I3IIIEIIAIL " Collection of Items solicited andneoutot4ir ArTOrtri/IY-A.T-i:AW oaks% no Manton& Oran, • topp9sgt" . the Orat. # Olll 4 l ll nrreinitten. nog* T :15."-FERGITEION, • ' -g#Jo: ; . -ATtoRNEY-AfrALaws otryiNire„ eicsoira hook. Steoxe Room, VlClEualwitalitsucl; ". acroroltrainnwita‘sw, - , • Areoll.firrig 0/ 11 Prgr, imemaCkitir PITTEIWURRIfiI% PIA 1:1:ji# ;(":1 EEC Ts -pirig . srpoL AND '.Q,PEENE.4.TrOwN777 -ft:44am rook, awair tnmiti• nadir t nip MS WA* dr .1 Bailing 61 Pier zes.rux Minn Nigwff - viratimmis, hither infostasilon =Dors° WaLIA s•-• T°-tiliTgrans44stritel.lll4V,lgi: f[IHE SAN. OR. TEI IEIII, who. bold ° 2 4 PATRON'S Lotrial or he an _Vet 8ER.1141. OF WAIML Ll ( iN‘l'lLNet. ate hereby Inform. 1 t *draw. tiles were made Jan *WV* add that air. • enters. gtving fan Int sloe of the flambe:* 011W/4 will Ile lent to persons interrAted.oa• their arldreattne th e WANNINOTON LION PEN 00MPANY. New York. - N.B.—Naan Tull .rumns OP Tag avis. . • • loom . . ' 7 . „.i. ...._ . , . .-- ; , ; . sw . et i r,,,,,,,,„,, AA ,,,,,,,,,,. trq:,7l,, II ' , 1' "'Aft A. B. 82111FINSON• MEI iiiiiii2 men BISE •