21 ire littsbut Gaols. AN - AGRICULTURAL ODE. z. e. This day, ..ame Inguaged rfias i x & The wait/OW:0 litte-tiverade, Tee tasteless hat,(graillegiew, Tha table Woottpaappliee:, . . Unknown the art's rat gaidield, the bashing dof Vas pea aid wart The mitlar oil pew *Ow tot hist talll of oreitarda ripe and rare. Wild as the !gang he scorned to till, These vales theldie Indian trod: Nor knew the Maas crest Iva skill, The Joy of him who toils with God. oPairiter ante fruit and flowers I We thanklbee foe Thy wise death. Whereby these hurtles h.nds of oa rs In natnwsgarden work with Ilune. And thanks that from our daily need. Tbe ,joy ef is ample faith is born, r Thaehe who grates the summer weed May trust Thee for the autumn corn. Give fools their gold and knaves their power: Let fortune's bubbles raise and fail; Who sows afield or trains a mower, tar pumts a tree is more than all. For he who blesses most ts blest: Ana god and man shall have his wo h, Whotoils to lea eas a bequest • An sued beauty to the testa.. And Sala of late to all who sow, Th , time of harvest shall be given: The lowers thallbloorr, the fruit shall grow. If not on earth, at last In heaven. RELIGIOUS' INTELLIGENCE. • Several months since a society called "The Band of Faith" was organized at Shtirtieff College, Upper Alton, under the management of , the Baptists. The inebibe.4l consist or! aborit • twenty-five theological students, whose pecuniary means and opportunities for rernunera• the employments are so exce e dingly limited:as frequently to reduce them to the severest straits for the commonest necessaries of -life. ,The members, have' a common lifttird' And a common Durse. A box for conialititicins is placed in the dining room, which the treasurer opens every day ail keeps a record of the re °ebb ant , e4ol)ldltures. The journal of the gifts is tit Interesting affair. The social cre ed .of ~"The Band of Faith" is embraced in three short sentences: 1. To ask no one ut - God for • their support. 2.- Never • contract debts for their sup• plieti. ft: To be contented with what God gitei the Tn. • Recently We .-noticed the discussion going Onward for months past in the Church,; of the Brethren, known as "Dimkards," about feet washing. The organ or that body gives the doctrines of the Chink as follows: The. Church teaches',•that the New Testament is the will of; God, and that no one can have • the mise of salvation without observ ing its requirements, that among those are th, 'Repentance, Prayer, Baptism by Trine Immersion, . Feet Washing, the Lord's 'Supper, the Holy . Commu nion, .. Chatity,.,Nonconformity to the world, and is fail resignation to the whole 'will of God' as he has revealed it through his Bon, Jesus Christ. The Trfirune, tqieeddlig of the efforts in New York to change the Public School System , in that State, thinks that' there would be as much propriety in supporting schools out of.the public treasury of every Protestant denomination, 'as the parish schools of the Catholic Church. It pertinently argues, if the State does. not educate its children, what le to be . come Of: those whose parents are not in communion with any Church, in a country,without a State Church. The independent, in gleaning through ' its exchanges of the past week, reports over seven thousand conversions or ac cessions to churches as the result of revi vals. Of these, four thousand are among the Methodists, eight hundred and fifty among the United Brethren, and six him dyed each among the Baptista and Pres. byteriais. - _ Rev. Marshall B. Smith, lately an edi tor of the Proteatant Churchman, has sent a letter to Bishop Odenheimer, of New Jersey, withdraiving from the Episcopal Church': Hie " ' reasons are found in the bebef that the Prnyer-book is not thor oughly Protestant The Baptist Anniversaries, making a imacession of ten day meetings, will be held this year at Boston. The exercises of a regular prayar meet ing of ir Baptist church in Chicago were varied the other night by a wedding—two Burman students being married in the Burman language. They will return soon to bibor+as miaaionariesin their ownland. • The Advance, of Chicago, represents that a rich clurch in an Easiern dty,with not a poor man in it, which drained out , of the other Churches of its denomination , themembera essential to their usefulness+, • and in some cases to their, existence; and in which, the /Spirit. of covetousness so grew that it•ruled out all agents from its pulpit and then, Toted that no collection should:be made for benevolent objects till' Its own koeUy debt of five thousand dol. lava was paid _ . • ' The question usually Las been,in re: )• ‘ 6 11.0w shall we reach the -poor?",' The Readers' lieetleg In Neer :York City, of the Ide4sudist Chnrci;;has Moen* beett' dlignMing the question, "What shall be;dinite for the. nalvatiowof the *lob?" , •, Ovevice:headvelPealb e vli have been :€*319610E6 'Lafayette Avenue Church' of BroObig , ,Aaf.,T:if.oililer, pastor, .one.lialf of themobtßaisipn oflaithl This c,hutch `soli a twelve -4ndrelV and fifty comminicants. The isioinn meeting of the American ?met tieeiity,•of New York, *Who'd at; WaslOston City , Imo nights since, Chief AMigice Chase trending.- Interest , , ing specches were delivered bythe Bon. Mr. Posy; of 'Michigan ! and 'the Rev. Mr. Shearer; inlegard ,-eiangeli s,titioni and by the. , Rev. d. 'O. Fletcher concerning tis perionid observations in ittgazd,to 'the Uniform:, labors in Spaln ' Zla E 1 qiioitit , .t,44 47 1 1R V IW. W • 4 rAV A, • *, O' and Brazil. During the existence of this Society it has issued for the press 23,500,- 000 bOund volumes, 300,000,000 tracts, and 112,000,600 periodiaals. These pub lications lave been printed in one hundred and lortrane different languages and dialects. - . ' Bishop Domenec, Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of. Pittsburghfinnounces the appointment of Very Rev. John Hickby as Vicar General of the Diocese, made vacant by the promotion of Right Rev. T. Mullen to the Episcopate. Also. the appointment of Very Rev. J. Trugg as Vicar General" Foraneus, Rev. P. Kerr, Secretary- of the Bishop, and Rey. J. Shell, Bishop's Secretary for the Germans. Allusion was made some days since to authority having been given a Commis sion, by the General Ccinference of the . Methodist Episcopal . Church, to purchase property for the Publishing and Mission ary interests of that denomination in New York.' We have just learned that a val. uable property has been purchased on the northwest corner of Broadway and Elev enth street, at a cost of nine hundred ,thousand dollars. The lot, has a front on Broadway of aeventy-six feet, on Elev enth street of two hundred and twenty two feet; the rear or west side is one hun dred and three feet. A massive building five atones above the basement, with iron fronts, and of superior architectural de sign, covers the entire lot. The basement floor covers nearly one half acre. The yearly rental value of the first floor alone is estimated , at sixty thousand dollars. The Missionary Society has agreed y bear one-fourth of the expense in the purchase of the property. -The Atlanta (Georgia) Advocate men tions the conver s ion of a colored man in Whitesville, Georgia, who bad never spoken. He commenced at once to praise God aloud, and from that time began to speak. Now his utterance is so distinct that he bolds prayer meetings through the. country with marked interest. The editor of the Presbyterian was re cently interrogated "whether the wife of an ex-pastor may, with propriety, go to the theatre." He answered, with em phasis, No! Nor any other persons who wish to keep theratelves "unspotted from the world." • . Nllsson won't come to the United States. —The Prince Imperial of France is thirteen yeara • —Judy announces that you can't make a present of a ftmcida. •-• ,(4141. The crdtivation of the vine is in crest on Kelley's Island. —The Arlen Interoccanic Canai pro ject dogs n t progress so favorably as we had hoped. t. - - —A goodteal of log wood is , used at the great tolling mill in Washington.— Boston Post. —Now that ladies have taken to tinting their ears, we may expect them to turn a ready ear to compliments. —Real, the murderer, is reprieved by a . stay of proceedings. New York justice is not only blind, but halt. —Alaska is rapidly being initiated to civilization through the medlOm of burnt villages, soldiers raids, .f.kc., —A. detachment of 'United States fantry destroyed twenty-Ave illicit distil leries in Tennessee on one excursion. —An Arizona letter to the Missouri .Repubtican gives descriptions of the nu merous copper mines of that territory. —A. duel was lately fought on the Bel gian frontier between a nobleman aid an officer, at the distance of thirty-five paces. —The various and =natons =mid panties of London will probably be con solidated alter the manner of Philadel phia. —The White Pine mining excitement increases, and bids fair to be second only to the original rush for the California gold diggings. —Easter Sunday fell this year on its original day; Mirch 28. This is & singu lar coincidence, as it has not " fallen on the 28th. in 144 years. —Dr. Mudd has returned home smd been"interviewed" by Correivondents,io whom he gave full accounts of Ids con. nection with Booth. -Leland, the great Itotel-keeper, is go ing to Earope to establish a fiotel in Ber lin, and gather new ideas for his different . hotels in this Country. . —Frank rierdell Cabinet was the only one in the history of the United States that remained unbroken from therbegin fling to the end of the adniinistratiOn., —Lieutenant Governor Daus, the col ored presiding ofilor, of the- Louisiana State Senate, is in Wisidngton, and re ceives marked attention from politicians of every shade- —Triallet's poems are very popular in Europei especialli in Denmark and Sweden, and sell better in France and Chirmany than the, works et ani other Ameriem Poet • ..;;Disrlell has - ereatli disappointed his hi s speech In Mends by the weakness o fC hurch v s Irish -to Gladstone . oppositi on, severely criticised by the bill, and is; ost London newsp apers. movement for lowering' -The gr e at:._ th , French standardi the pitch w w- t slag. titter musicalmaiming nearly all the groan "^....- 4 ,-- inarnna - in its favor, . has at last Gm 41 : 4 .L.:-.a - - - to test an y,.a tes. reachedthe United St , new' ll -- Ikili 6111101 we Invented a ; A, worked t . o .aiscoeerY. Frenc hm an which new explosive po w der him and three others s'ehatet' blowing mamomn. and wounding li d club has been or 'to. atoms, ulEisexchange says ttist : 1 1 • Ch ii ° p i e w . T" organized in this c y =I NEE ' riTSE URGH GAZE ii : MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1869, EPHEMEUS. MEN pate in the Musical Jubilee in boston. Is it so? The .bailding in which the Jubilee will-be „held-covers two acres or more. • —The rasoltitions in Congress of sym pathy with Cuba, and inquiry into or future relations with Nova Scotki, lads. cate latent ideas of annexation, and show that &wird only expressesl. the natioatl ?pinion in, increasing our territory. . —Sonie men are very bloody-minded. An exchange has onits first page de tailed accounts of twol duels, one "des perate encounter" resulting in two' deaths, one case of Lynch hiw, two murders, and one-affray in a lunatic asylum. fine cittaloghe for a chamber of horrors —Several London theatres are about reverse the time-honored custom of Char • ing . extra to those wici purchase reserve. seats in advance, and, taking the growl. that it is really an. advantage to th- theatre to' sell Its seats, will make deduction to those who "book" their seats. vlltloil —The ren poh., tans are very pert in evading the law forbidding politi. cal meetings.. "Thi Life and Death of Abraham Lincoln" was the subject of a public meeting recently, and under its cover the strongest doctrines of republi canism and opposition to the Empire were ,taught. Chicago school-mistress has been arrested for arson; if there are many teachers of that kind, it is not hard to account for the precocity in crime of that youthful city. . It is already a bright and shining light in the criminal department, without the addition of pedagogical incen . - diarism. —The ladies of 4 London are to have a club. They do not pretend that it is in furtherance of .woman's rights; but it is really a Strong practical argument for the cause, as It is an assumption of one of the comforts which have hitherto been sup posed to be the exclusive prerogative of the other sex. —Mrs. E. Cady Stanton has glorious visions of female conventions and equal suffrage conversations to be held in neat en, twenty years hertce. Her male victims are to be Noah, Moses and the rest of the patriarchs; and she is going to incite Mi riam' , Deborah, Sisera and other formerly strong-minded females to revolt. - —London Fun says that the Peace So ciety is considering the feasibility of re ducing the height of the Alps below the line of perpetual snow. Their reason,for wishing to do this is, that at present these mountains endanger the peace of Enrcipe, as they give rise to piques, and produce coolness between France, Switzerland and Daly. —A newspaper correspondent, writing from Washington, makes - the following remark: "Yes, the Senate has been otit humming with an iteration of tenacity the winds of March, and it seems resolv ed that incarnate April herself, while _turning from the hearsed vexations of winter, shall not woo it .from this man made town." ' —The case of the State of Missouri vs. 11. B. Wilson—forgery, second degree— upon demurrer to the indictment has de veloped a singular fact, that there is no law in the State that makes it a felony to forge the name of any person, company, or corporation to a check or draft, when the same is drawn on a National Bank.— St Louis Dispatch. —The New York World very correctly criticises the performance of Hamlet by an actress. If women will assume the Characters of men, only those women should do it who are so masculine as to be‘nable to represent their own sex. Otherwise, they only lose their own proper graces, and but feebly imitate the characters they attempt to portray. —The Superior Court of Chicago has rendered a decision against the Chicago City Railway Company for personal dam ages amounting . to $4,500. The Court held that if companies permit cars to be overloaded, passengers are not responsi ble for damages resulting from standing on the platform L and that it a passenger leaves a seat he may not again claim it. —Mr. Greely is noted as a prodigious , ly accurate political statistician. "Who made up this election tablet" he asked one day in the Tribune Wade. "Mr. 8—. r.." "Well, where is he f" "Gone home." Well. here he has made Calaveras county, in California, give the Democrats amajority of four, when every schoolboy in New Yorkkaows` it never gave more, than two." —To wa is a happy State. It is not only out of debt, but has a surplus in the Treasury. The account stands as fol lows: Cajh in hand. $284,880; taxes for 1863 still unpaid, $680; 'egad= against the Untied States, .$889,8481 making total of $1,824,228... The indebtedness of the'StatiOnilet Ino oo l ooo war, and-de = fence bonds, which are being paid off as rages they be —When Atnight ,pf 'the (i,r4er of them &olden Fleece dies, his insignia are sent to the Knight *he is • appointed in his Thus it hoPPens,th,t the. insignia' of the order' have been Tr er*lii the course of lime successively by a great many lustrious men. The insignla•whlch once . covered the breast of the .ternble Philip the Second, of •Spain, are Dow wOrn by. Senor °Waage, the , Spanish Einbaesador Parle. , • 7: A noon telescope, with a 81 inch ape?. tu_ A re virtually ,3 brinsl - the MOOTl ' l within 1,200 miles of the eryitir, ot•Wi in one two-htindredths of its real Lord . Rosa' telescope brings liliqth* 42. 0111____est so that. objects op feetlong fire gilicer l 4- able. Bear has Calculated untt,an Instru ment of ten times the, poyfer. of Roes' would be required to - brix(ll thfti moon within a German mile, at whielVdlitisnce the body of a man be percei ved GAS MMTIM3 imix)* is KELLY, • Winnbatman ant Wholesale Deders ta Lamps, Lanterns, Chandeliers, AND LAMP GOODS. Also, CARBON AND LUBRICATING OIL& No. 147"W00d • Street. ae9:1122 Betireen sth szid 6th Aveaties. FRUIT. CAN TOPV • SELF, LABELINd . FRIIIT:CANTOr . . • • • ••• • .. • , • • • . Werare now Wei ared-to 'olopl3lTitillOsi ind Potters, It is perreet; shisple, and as cheap as the plain top, having the numeral' the various Fruits stmoped.upon. tbe:oover. radlationlrom the center. and or pointeritamped upon the top or the min.- ~ • . . , It is Clearly, Dblinetly and .'l:rimient4 T...433/311,4131).. • ' ; by merely placing the name of the fruit the can contains opposite the moister and sealing in the customary manner. Ito preserver of fruit or good housekeeper will nee any ether after once Seeing it. ish2s MERCHANT TAILORS . . . _ . . . M'PHERSON & MUHLANBRING, No. 10 Sixth (Late St. Clair) Street ISticeeßsori to W. 11. Xet:4l3lll *. C 0.,) 111111120 TAILORS, Hat just received their carefully Seleoted.stork of Spring and Summer Goods. and. Will be glad to show or sell them to old and new customers. The Cuttln .g Department wilt still be superin tended by Mr. 0. A. MITHLANBUING. • I take pleasure in recommending the above firm to the liberal support of the potato. - • mh11:181 W. H. MaGICE. Tit TIEGEL, e (Late Cutter with W. Hespenhelde.) MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 53 Smithfield Street,Pittobtirgh; se2B:v2l NEW SPRING GOODS. J. splendid new stock of mortis, CASHMERES, AC.; Jut reoefved MUCKY METER. 104; Merchant Tailor. TO Smithfield street. PIANOS. ORGANS. &O. B I ZT °HEAP ' Schomacker's Gold Medal Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The 13CHOMACEICE PIANO combines all the latest valuable linprovestients known In the am struction eta ant class instrument. and has al ways been awarded the hiR hest premium ex.;• hiblted. Its tone la sonorous and meet. The workmanship. for durability and beauty. a all ethers. Prices from WO to s um. /woo= to style and itnisto cheaper than all other so!. called Int class Plano. ISSTET43 COTTAgE ORGAN Staub &t b e: head of all • reed instruments. in prodticiU the most perfect yolyegnallm of tone of any similar Instrument in the United ittatee. It is simple and compact in construction, and not liable to aet ont 01 order. cAnpENTltins PATENT'• VOX HUMANA TRE.DIOIAP , is only to be found in this Urges. price from $lOO to CIAO. All guaranteed/dr Eve MB,' ERASE atIIEITLER, No. LSI ST. GLAIR STREET PIANOS AND ORGANS—An en tire new stook or. - SNARE'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS; • HAINES BROS.. PIANOS: PRINCE a CO'S ORGANS AND WALODE. ONS and TREAT, LINSLEY a CO'S ORGANS AND MELODEONS. C l / 2 141.RLOVITI BLIJIZE. 43 Fifth avenue. dole &gent. GLASS. CRINA. CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET. NEW GOODS. FINE VASES, • BOHEMIAN AND CHINA. NEW STYLES, ;.• DINNER Vt .!.BETS, . • SMOKING SETS, GIFT M 143, A large stock of SELVER.PLATED-GOODS of all deloriptiois. Call and examine one /mode, and 'we feel astlelled no one need Mil to be mated. R. E. BREED & 100 WOOD STREET. WALL PAPERS. WALL PAPER. THE OLD PAPER STORE IN A NEW PLACE, P. NEARSHALL'S NEW WALL:. PAPER STORE, 191 Iberty. Street ) SPRING EMDS AREIVILIit4 DAILY. mho FLOUR: PERL MILL FAMILY NIL prbm. stSl6l. Tbseb Star Greeit Braid: oftold to FRENCH FAMILY , FLOUR. arei ria 0 4 1 7. O 0 tont 10$ When eoPo ota rialaz sztrimailm, awl to best et. Lools. , MU. sum sioo 'run 00lit1 Ite4ll1 ° D a it i llft LT . lre 31104 Ansibeif. Bet'9. MAL' PIA= XIII. BREETwas ANDBATTINGo rieutes, & ApiCSiip'-'Coiloli..MiLLs. ' , 'l• - $::,00 . Eft;740.11Fi.*4 . r tanarne COMVIt sattl.lol/2 :,... ~,-,-: ...' - i: , :---- . ..•'''-- 'ol:Hoii---...4ti)73Woirotiti Triiii"thicis ,rBG DRIMGISTS, IiENDERSIONJ.&IIIIIOTIIIERS, sele Liberty) street, Dealers in DruP , and /*LP MEM ' - ■ r t.,0, 11.,Lci:11.:11-loy(4);I:Jir.141 .aLIT JOSEPH. HORNE do CO., BITIIERS WILL FIND . THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT • (SO. ( Notions. White Goods, Hosiery, Gloves • Handkerchiefs, • Embroideries Laces arid Laee Goods, -Boulevard and '• Balmoral Skirts, Hoop Skirts,. . Corsets, Corsets, Millinery and Straw Goods, Hata, Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Stmdowns, &e., . To at found in the city, and which will be bid VUUV LOWEST HATES Cash and Short Time payers. 77 AND 79 lIARKET STREET. m 1123 - • _ • SECOND ARRIVAL New Spring Goods. EmBRoiDERIEs. A FULL LINE In Jaconet, Hamburg and 8114813. WHITIZ GOODS, At the Lowest Prices. LACE COLL/BS, new style, ,• 4 SILK SVAIRFS for I wiles, / 00Kvhil es white sea colored, • o _ VALENCIENNES AulD.Friumw, GENTS lIIRNISHING GOODS, Jockey, Dickens and Derby Cellars. COTTON HOSIERY A OOMPLETE ASSORTMENT. MACE/17M, GLYDE & co. 78 and 80 Market Street, sai2S: .. . Q .. ;4 ui NI cd pa . ci' E 4 'i'.9 A • w z w E.! mr,.., O w 0 °Pp4 M 1 ;" ' a Z 14 z .4 0 a. EZ I A -It z TA • c ,. 4 q 0 rg c 4 I g :g cn 0 ' l4 ' E co ~. x .: c/a 5 , 1 E- 7 1)1 ui la 0 0 Z fil it 0 S S Z i'll as k . ' t 1 4 #‘ 0 Rs 1:Q r -I c 4 o s Pu 4 CUBA, McCANDLESS & CO., Late Wilson, Carr II(b.,) WHOM/MIX IMAM= IN . - Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, - No. 94 WOOD STREIT. , Third door above Diamond WM. - • PITTSBURGH. PA. MECHANICAL ENGINEER. 911308ANI0AL ENGINEER. And Bolicitcor (Late of p; P. W. A O. °Sloe, Be. 19 FEDERAL STIOLIt_ , fi T i t pt Stain. P. 0. ALLZ 80 1 7 1r lia ) 0 XOHINEII__T of all deacripAlarmy de BLAST PIIIINACE and WA:MIA& mussy Mew Banished. Pastleular attention gft to designing OOLLDTBY LOOOMOTIVICS. itenia esti ndentlaily poltolted. mr SVEN. 431t R AMBr rra iows for asinidi every • gammen • DR.- WEirlurEati, ONTINUES-. TO TREAT ALL - private diseases Syphilis IA all its forms, riorrbea,, ;fleet, , Stricture. 9ropitia , and au .urinary diseases, a nd the effects of mercury are eompletely. eradicated; Sperrestorthes'orairaml• g f .•Weu e s k e n o e r a ost n r d c im us p e o s t en a c nd . * e id s e u a l pr g o d h u a ce m s tome of tlin_follOWinit oirlieta l as hiptebea. bodily' weakness. zedigestion ; coninupptlon. INESTIi01:1 to society, unmenlin•ss. dread_ of fhture events, 0.11 of memory: todolence. nocturnal emisidone." snd dually so prostrating the serail oyateat se to render Marriaea titastbletztoty. and therelore imprudent: arc perassaently tilted: 'Persona s& qa• *tacitly them orally other ddicatU istrieaW lung /gliding ezustitothisal oosplUst aboald ve ue t enterv a that sMitever £ partiruler stteatienlirel to all Tomato ation, irom blahlt44.-Lettearrbeizositeiroing. naon or Ulcer ottbe omb, Ovular, prar ti itis. Alnentriabots. - Meno si Dir e r marabou', sod Mutiny or Barremmellissre • ed with the prat siteoslA- , - • • It La eating a plipileten wee' contuse himself omelet vely to the ready of s certain elan of dlseszes end treats Useasesdo sof cases evert En mustagnke eZuNe4.l! fit9l7r p The=Doctor s Medical patephlet; of M pbblilliblit give:Oaf sztValu °flit egg sn private Mileage 4 at Gan c or Cy mall for two stomps. Xvori sentence - eon tains unitization ro the staletted. and enabling them to .rermlne _the n! itl q • - The establishment; eointirlaleg .ten ample rooms, hi central. Wizen it is not coavenfent to TI SIC the ettr.-1 98 DietAn't -opinion' tam be ob. tented or 'WWI • wines stateasent tifir ease;, and medicates can be forwarded , by m or em. press.' in 'some festsneeit.•hOwever..e novel elimination is' stireiutely netierfaryo while others daily persowd attention' le.reU trod, end ; for the accommodation t.f saes liamenyi thae are, spell mo at connected mitts tne ofnee tont lye pro- , aided with every requisitelitiourniale4 to promote recovery, including medload Vapor baths: All prescriptions are prepared he-the' Doctor's owl. labdratory,ander his sonarcut pervidion. Medical: pamphlets at :canoe free , or by mall for two stamps. _NO matter abci beau falltdi read what he Hours 9 A.M.' to 9 P.M.' Nnnda r S 1 Y. to ,tiftice,_llo. - 9 WYLIE b'f9E9T7tiviAX, court / 10 9;11/ Arntoursh, rah OV FEU NOES, IN ALL STYLES AN CIOLOIIB. Cluney and Maltese Laces. OP ALL DIBORIPTIO2iB WHITE STAR SHIRTS, DRY GOODS. of *Patents. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARS 200'PIECES BODY BRUSSELS. 425 PIECES TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, 450 i PEC I CES 3-ply and _ 2-ply Ingrain. The above includes all the Newest Styles and Designs, and are now in Store and arriving, to be sold LOW FOR CASH, OLIVER II'CLINTOCK & CO'S, 23 Fifth Avenue. NEW CARPET& srrdca:K 3EIL. - I La 3EI 11::0 IN THIS MARKET , We simply request a compartscarof • Prices, lityles •and Extent of Stock.• . . The largest assonment of low orloed goods In any estaleltslaent, East cr West. 111cCALLIJ31 BROS., .ro 51 rE.rUE, (Ascinr. WOOD.) =tali CARPETS. We are now receiving our Spring Stock of Carpets, &c., and are pre- pared to offer: as good stock and at' as low plices as any other . 1094 in the Trade. We have 'all the new styles of Brussels Tapestry, Ilrnisels, Three Plys and Two Ills. Best assortment of Ingralit : Catimts in the Market. BOVARD, ROSE & CO.„ 21 FIFTH AVENUE. sohi:ditver SITE TIME AND MONET. EFARLAND4r, COLLINS Blue Now Open Their New Spring Sleek OF rine Carpets, ROYAL MMINS.nM TAPESTRY VELVET, English Body . Brussels. The Choiont Styles ever offered, .4os this Market. Our Prieto are' the Lomrsr. s LINE .0? C HELP CARPETS,. Good Cotton ChainCarpeta Oa 25 CENTS. PER YAR,D. lITARLIND & COLLINS 71 Ail) 'is zratln A.UNUE, sig4' RAU( AND nitruloaky. TORN PEGS` PEOR - ,:. ORNAMENTAL U. virit:WO AND:PBMILNIEMB. No. Third.streat, mom BmitlOleid. rittsbargh.., • 41Wa on Una. a aesal assortment or -B CONT.I4•_• 4 _3hottlemenli 11.0 CJHAINB. Se. Air/. mood Trim Ist nun .la, *Men Int law Kam „ ,Laamp, and . .fientlemenos, nab Mathis dons ta amOlst paasur k . '