The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 03, 1869, Image 8

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    svau. BAIL!
Notice to Out Resslettnysubaeriber
lvhb relieved on the fast of April, iihonld
leave the, number 'of his present.resi-
Ileum, at our cOiinting room; so that
his paper may be left viithout interrap•
lion by the carrier., •
Yesterday was a cold dreary day.
Futter Street, Sixth ward, Allegheny,
is being graded and payed.
e underetaml our Iron Manufaettt.
Ten are crowded with orders.
The Lockup contained thirty-three in-
I natea this morning at one o'clock.
Four common cases were disposed of at
the Allegheny Mayoz's office yesterday
• Mayor Brush has instructed his police
to rigidly -enforce the new ordinance in
regard to.-disorderly houses.
Retired.—C. Hanson Love, one of our
oldest and wealthiest merchants, has re
tired from mercantile business.
Street Commissioner Megraw bad a
„number of men engaged in cleaning Fed
eral ani Ohio streets, Allegheny, yester
A petition istheing numerously signed
for liicolson pavement on Smithfield
street, from Liberty to the Monongahela
Bridge . . Let us have it at once.
• False Alarm.—Last night about nine
o'clock an alarm of fire was struck from
:box 14, corner of Ohio avenue and Bid
well•street, Allegheny, which proved to
be false.
Concert.—A ooncert will be given at
Grace Church, Mt. Wasainglen, Tues
day evening next, the proceeds of whi ch
are to be donated to the church. Tickets,
fifty cents:
African M. E. Conference.—The Pitts
burgh Conference of the African Metho
dist-Episcopal Church, will meet at the
A. M. E. Churoh. Wylie street, this
morning, Rev. Dr. Paine presiding..
Alderman Donaldson. yesterday, COM
!rated for trial David Hawthcirne, the
boy charged with robbing the money
drawer of a milk wagon. a few days
nix c6,‘ the panionlars of whine we pub
lished. -
We notice the "time-honored Real Es
tate Agetiev of S. etttnbert & Son have
removed their agency t 3 No. 39 Sixth
avenhe near Sniitlilield street: No
real estate. agency deserves the confi
dence of this community more than the
above firm.' Note their change and g ive
them a
. _
• Meld for a Further Mtaring,—Clutrles
• St. Clair, the young man charged with
the larceny of a lot of Jewelry from
Xnoehel's jewelry store, on Smithfield
strut; bad a preliminary hearing beforW
Mayor Drum ymterday 'morning, and
was held for's further beaOng on, Satur
day, diPtil Eith, - •
Salea—To day •at 10 o'clock
N. Maratuil Rowley will sell at pub.
lie didellallon'si Vinegar Manufactory,
Ron. 188 and 169 Second avenue.As this
has bien: postponed' several 'tittles after
being announced, we would say that the
tae above poaitively take place taday at,
hour. _
Sheriff's isideg..-..Seven cell:101119 and
more of, our imilde-pages are menopo
lizi3d by Sheriff °inlay this morning,in
• the announcement of real estate sales, to
take place under his auspices, at the
! Court House on Monday, April 26th.
The advertisement is very readable and
Interesting to those desiring to make
good investments in desirable propertes. ,
Arrangements on a liberal scale are be
ing made for a grand fair to be held by
the ladies of St. Agnes Church, Soho, at
Miller's Hall, cornet of Pennsylvania
avenue and Gist street, to commence on
Monday evening next. The church is in
heavy debt and it is to be hoped that the
Fair will be a success. ,New attractions
to ensure enjoyment of visitors will be
offered each night.
Another Red.—The police made a des
cent on the "Continental," an establish
ment well-known to readers of police
news, last night between eleiren and
twelve o'clock, and captured twenty of
-the inmates, the majority being women.
The keeper of the hone,' wag among the
men - captured. They were all furnished
with lodgings at the lock-up until this
Staple Entered.=-At an early hour yes
- terday morning a raid was made on the
stable of Mr. James Mcßoberts, near
Rarmarsville on the Western Pennsyl
vania Railroad, - by burglars, who suc
ceeded In taking away with them two
- valuable horses, onewa Boreal, and the
other a dappled gray. Mr. Mcßoberts
called at 'the Mayor's office and made
known the fact of the robbery, but could
give no clue to the perpetrators.
Provoked the Assault.—Thomas Sloan
made' information , before Alderman
Humbert yesterday against Patrick
LPrice for assault and battery. Sloan al
leged he was sitting in a saloon at the
eveningssince, when Price cam ein and
knocked him down. At the hearing it
appeared that Sloan bad used insnltilog -
words to Price, which , provoked the as
sault. •The case was discharged, the de
fondant paying the coats.
Apollo Institute. Apollo Btaldinz,No.
80 Fourth . avenue, between Wood and
Market. This school opens after the
Easter, .recess. on MondaY, April btb.
The system of instruction is based on the
most approved principles. , physiological
as Well as pryological. The ,elementary
branches are particularly attended to.
Pupils can beenterettat any time dating
the session. Call at the rooms for circu
lar, or addßes the principal, J. M. Ma-
With pleasure we refer our Allegheny
readers to the removal notice of W . P.
Price in's 'Minors. Bfra. P.
removedretiwved,his`real estate. billoe to No. 21
south side of the Diamond;east of Fed
eral street. where he will 'fi e to
wait on all who nay .want. se pia
hither way of Selling orienting real estat4
/434.10WAgent for several first class in;•
=mote companies. - Paities wishing In
*moot. Should call and examine hut
ecln tlAdes• cheerfully commend
Mr. oe to Allegheny , readapt as a fair
Net Wig;—mr. murdook, the emi
nent nett% elocutionist and* lecturer,
who was engaged to lecture under the
auspices of the Mercantile Library Ana
elation, has been released from the en
gagernent till the next season, owing to
his illness and itiabliitv to perform his
part of tho oontra4.- The lectitre saffron,
sixteen first class literary entertainments
having been afforded, is thus at an end.
The season has been a brilliant one, and'
we hope the enterprise and liberality of
the Committee;l2lo been awarded sub
stantially helarge profits to the benefit of
the Library.
_ •
The Process of Marbleizing—liow it is
• to be Popularized in Pittsburgh.
.Almost every decade of years, which
have flown since the incoming of the
present century have been marked with
some new scientific development which
lessened the labor of toiling millions,
carried ease and comfort into the slavery
bof.labor, and helped to obliterate lines
which divided society and withheld en
joyments and luxuries from those not
blessed with much of this world's goods.
Perhaps the greateat luxury leveler of
the last few years has been the art or
marbleizing elate,which has placed within
the reach of all the most elaborate de
signs, wrought in the finest marbled of
the world, which enter into domestic
architecture, which, if in the solid.
originals, would cost such figures
as • to be obtained only - by monied
princes and. millionaires. AlthOugh
slate has long occupied humble place
among the useful products of the quarry,
it is now used as the basis of an art
which has so rapidly attained perfection
that it threatens to revolutionize the
marble busineas and close the leading
wealth-prodncing quarries of the world.
In the process. of - marbleization the peo
ple have placed within their reach, at
trifling cost, marbles, hardly to be called
I imitations, much prettier and more dur-
I able than the expensive originals from
which copied. ' , Slate possesses many pe
r cn o l t iarand desirable properties which do
to marble. It willstand high
degrees of heat and cold mach better;
it is a perfect non-absorbent of moisture,
being close. grained and very compact; it
will not' chip„blister or lose its polish;
neither beat nor dampneas affect it—be
coming harder with ordinary use, and,
therefore, more durable than. marble.
Moreover, it will not stain or deface by
oil, smoke or,coal gas, and it is not'easi
ly damaged, even with acids—tests to
which marble is never subjected without
serious injury. In the marbleizing pro.
cess certain mineral colors or metalic
oxides are applied to, and absorbed by
the stone, which is then subjected to a
proper degree of heat until the enamel
is perfectly incorporated with the slate,
and becomes one substance forever.
The popularity of the art has induced
the establishing of works for marble
izing on an.extensive scale in this city
by Messrs. Daniel Hugus dr. Co., who have
opened their laboratory and sam
ple wareroom at •Nd. 187 Liberty street.
A large force of skilled elate -critters and
' a complement of the most expert, fin
ished and experienced artists In the
country have been sactued to preside
over the marbleizing department. Mr.
James F. O'Brien, who is one of the reit
masters of the art in this country, has as
slimed charge of this department,
which is full guarantee of the ex
cellence of the work of the firm. Mr.
Timothy O'Brien, a skilled slate-cutter,
is foreman of the cutting room. which Is
equal goad evidence of the proficiency in
that important branch of the btudneas.
We have not the space to describe the
process, but as its results the elegant
wareroom presents a study of marbles
which must gratify the lover of the cu
rious and the beautiful. The firm, in
order to supply the large demand for
their manufactures, have been accumu
/*ling a n stock, of mantels, making that
branch a leading opecialty. On exhibi
tion they have exquisite imitation Span
, ish marble, beautiful Egyptian, rich
lyl variegated S.enna, much
rig pret
tier han admired Oinal
haying higher polish and better itnish. ,
Verd Antique of the most luxurious
shades, serpentine, BMcatelle, dark red
Italian, red and green Pyrenees, Turkish,
Emile Lazuli, Scotch and American• Gra
nites, Galway green, Inlaid' mosaic and
other fancy marbles held in high estima
tion. The black Genoese; with golden
colored and white veins coursing
through it; is magnificent, while the bril
liant red and brown California marbleiza
lions would set off and adorn the
parlors of any mansion. The mantels
are all made up in the beat style of art,
and - are manufrictured in any shade of
color ordered, to suit carpets, paintingor
furniture. New styles are monthly re.
ceived from European designers, which
enable the firm to be always ahead with
the latest patterns for mantels. The
priees are very liberal, costing hardly
any more than those for a highly finished
wooden mantel.. An invitation is exten
ded to all our readers' to call at the ware t
rooms and examine the brilliant display
of rich marbleized slate mantles made at
home, and offered at such inducing
figures as to render them popular.
Officers Dismissed.
Daring the , last two days three men
have been 'dismissed from the police
force, one for incompetency and two for
drunkenness. The Mayor adheres strict
ly to the rules published' for the govern
ment of the ate them in lice force,
a n
case of drun k
" - will -in no
enness. By this means he will soon rid
himself and the city of all worthless
aranken officers, and we will then have
a pollee force that will reflect credit to.
the city. There is perhaps no chris of
persons in whom drunkenness is sogreat
a crime, and is so utterly inexcaseable,
as members of the police force, and
the- man who has no more respect • for
himself than to get drunk is not fit for
the responsible poiition of a policeman.
If there are any more drunkards on the
force.they had better resign or let whis
ky alone, for there is only one other al
ternative, and that is dismissal.
The Prelthlent7s-IPlano.
• The grand plan 9 for the White House,
manufactured by the celebrated Soho
meeker Piano Forte Company, of your
cityarrivedihere on Monday, and was
plaaed in • • ,the Cramson. Roma. Mrs.
Grant was highly delighted with the in
strument. The piano is full -ooncert
grand, in a' magnificent rosewo od case,
with pearl mouldhag, beautifully :fine
Ted with white enamelled .plate. The
have are of the purest ivory. Thus for
twOsucceolVe Administrations have the'
iscnotnaoher Company carried off the
palm against all others in furnishing
pianos for the. White House.' The in.
atrument selected by Mrs: Lincoln -` will`
ba sent in , a few dayii lo Philadelphia,
where, on account of ith historical ass*
alations,'lluive no doubt it will create
as lively an• interest as it does here.--
.Phandethin Prem. • '
, Harr, Knake litiettler, No. 12 S i zth
streetcars the sole agents for the above •
'splendid Pianos, an are just receiving
their spring aasortment. •
Papule Pri
Jr_ any of our readers desire to know
what "popular prices" are, they Can ob.
tall* 'foil information by calling at the
dry goods store of E. B. Gardner, on the
west corner. of. Market street and Fourth
avenue: We have already alluded to the
handeonte stock of goods now being of.
fmed at this house,,but we again call at
tention to the fact , that in point of com-,
pleteneu, quality of materials and var ,
ety it - cannot be surpassed. The M.. •
importpnt fact is that the gdsids ateheing
sold at such reasonable, rates, `as wlll
seen by glanciog at gricettgiVen eloo. ;
Where. ' ParChallerEl 8110111 d Oct fill to.e*..
amine festocite • •
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' PIVMAIRGI litAT.ritrAti,.:APßlL. 3, .I.Bip.
Quarter Session Judge Steave-the
Verdict In ;48 Den A.rlin Nase:-IflOt
ERIDLY, April 2. Upon the opening
of Court the Jury in the case of the Com
monwealth vs. John Bell, Charles Prow
itt and Thomas Graham, indicted for at
tempting to burn Bells Trunk F•Actory,
came into Court and rendered a verdict
of not guilty as to all the defendants.
'ln thavaseofJames Allen, indicted for
highway robbery, previously reported,
the jury returned a verdict of guilty and
the defendant was remanded for sen
• -
The case of the Commonwealth vs.
Caroline Meyers, indicted for assault
and battery, Ann 'Kelly prosecutrix, was
next taken up. It was allegedlithat the
offence was committed in "Limerick."
The jury returned a verdict of not guilty
and directed that the costs be divided
between the parties.
Frederick Richter indicted Ibr maul
.and battery, plead none contendere. Sen
tense 'deferred.
J. Buffing, indicted for the larceny of
1205, the property of Henry. Shupe, was
next placed on trial. The larceny it was
alleged was committed at a drinking sa
loon near East Liberty- The prosecutor
And defendant, it appeared had been
drinking and were put out of the saloon,
when it was alleged the defendant put
his hand in the prosecutor's racket and
took out his Docket book which contain
ed the money. • When the testimony in
the case was concluded and Mr. Maekrell,
who represented the defendant, arose to
address the jury, the foreman told him
that it was not necessary for him to take
up the time. The counsel for the prose
cution argued the case briefly, and after
the charge of the Court the jury returned
the verdict of not guilty, without leaning
303. Com. vs. Richard Pear.
139. Com. vs. John Kurtz.
1 95. Corn rn . vs. John Smith.
93. Co. vs. Christian Mueller.
254. Com. vs. Julius Dougherty, 2 cases
256. Com v a
s. James Brown.
280. Corn. v David M'Knight.
262. Com. vs. Henry Steiner.
129 Com. vs. James Thackeray, 2 cases.
228. Com. vs. Martin Rice.
319. Corn. vs. Henry M'Cormick et al.
308. Gom. vs. Win. Hingh.
279. Com. vs. Wm. 31'Closkey.
278. Cern. vs. Fred‘k Anderson.
190. COED. VS. Thos. Williams et al.
141. Com. vs. Wm. C Armstrong.
88. Corn. vs. Win. Bowers.
34. Corn. vs. George Ornsbnrg.
89. Com. vs. Geo. H. Pauline and Win
111. -Corn. vs., Wm. Johns. •
120. Corn. vs. Win. Messick.
187. Com. vs. Joseph Rowe.
232. Corn. vs. Frank Least etter.
230. Com. vs. Frerd Miller.
300. Coin. vs. Wrii. Keller.
301. Com. vs. Anton
315. Corn. vs. J. A. Lippeot. •
311. Com. vs. Johnston Poland.
299. Com. vs. Robert• Menem. 2 0111 fies.
233. Corn. vs. Robert Auday.
259. Corn. vs. J. Allisen Trainer.-
District Cowt—Judge Kirkpatrick.
FRIDAY, April 2.—ln the case Of. Sam
uel Rowan et itx. vs. Cleveland wig Pitts
burgh Railroad company, the jury re
turned a verdict for plaintiff in the sum
'of $2,372,93.
• Powell F. Clayton vs. W. and W. F.
Seibert. action on Book account. The
plaintiff is a wholesale boot and' shoe
merchant doing business in Philadelphia,
and it is alleged sold defendants a lot of
boots and shoes. For the recovery ofthe
mat of which this suit was brought. On
Alleged Conspiracy.
Adam Weigan made information be
fore Alderman McMasteri, yesterday,
against Geo. Shactmyer, for !orbit:de_ de
tainer, and against Shactmyer and Geo.
Draft for conspiracy. The prosecutor al
leges he negotiated for the purchase of a
saloon on Smithfield street from Shad
myer for eight hundred dollars. Acoord
ing to the terms of the agreement he
says he paid one hundred dollars down
to secure the bargain, and was to pay
four hundred more when taking posses
sion on the first of. April, and give a ne
gotiable note for the ' balance , after
paying the , four hundred. He states
he engaged workmen and had Ihe saloon
thormighly - renovated and repaired, at
considerable expense, the owner, Shoet
meyer, still retaining possession of the
- premises. Oa Thursday, in pursuance of
the stipulations of the agreement, he as
serts he was on hand and offered the note
as agreed 1111013, togothpr with the four
hundred dollars cash, and was diet with
a refusal on -the part of ShactmeYer to
give - up possession- Finding everyother
effort unavailing, he at last, he alleges,
made the informations. as stated; that
against Buft bping made from a 'suspi
cion that he was influential in inducing
Shactmyer to,,break the agreetnent, The
accused weteArrested, and after, a hear
ing gave bail Tor trial.
Allmp Atjead.
When '
:laughing gas_. was first intro
duced for the purpose •of patillen tooth
• _
extracting, it was , supposed to be perfec
tion in that line. But after manY years'
experienCe in its use, ' and *irefully
studying its.chemical combinations, and
tho various demands made upen it for a
successful operation, it was found to be
wanting in some essential properties.
But we are happy, to say that• Dr. 43111e5,
pie, 246 Penn street,. has so improved the
gas as to be able to : extract -an number
of teeth without the least pain, and.war-.
rants it perfectly safe in every ease. Go
and try his - improved. gas. Sht - number
is 246 . Penn street. •
• ,
'The ContbaintaL.'
; Contineptid Mnuehttle ematiubeted Pe n '
grass, continental andcontinental
laws'were denbtlesi all good 8 in
their lime; but their day and generation
have pased, and greenbacks, The con rasa
• of the United fliates,..FaritStyieS and, the
laws of congress have superbeded them;
h b e u i t ni tb er e ii ee ropri nti e n to en r tsl w ' h isil ich oolt. ei : e ' o gr w
H y olt
the city knows is ,
g on Fifth Avenue' neit
door to .she - .Past^ Wiles ili.Ml.o Admire_
has been, theleadtag esesblis Mittens
character, -in the-city, ri , - -itot yet
beeu stMesseded initny,reo 0134:we
feel confldenti it „will not - so long as.
Hort zheliner is the prcprleters' •
coon ilium! iouglg,-,..„..A11_74b e 1 i t ~at
Aueuell.—The property 'rm. A % z% yes.
avenue will be said' on ,Ttutsti_ tg,r . l. a
April bit, at two o'clock. : Woe : 41 ` ''' ''''.
by 135. The bonze Is A - threit.sicry brick
of, eleven rooms, in, good ow:mum. The
locality, near to bfechanicestreet Bridge,
is eetrveclent to businessoentem.,_ RAWL
ticalars of A. Leggste, Auctioneer, 15s
Federal street. 1
Mutant Aad Madera Art
The great rivalry and oompetition of
modern pattern and color designers, in
contributing original designs of grace d
and beauty, and in dreseing up it
tractive forms, but for new purpc '''. Z.
quaint conceits of the aucientr d. have h .
TisfY singular restate In Var) 'latest and
most popular trianifesta"-T'ons of indui.
trial art it: , Carpets, Oil C";i ot h s . W a d pa
pers, &c.
It is said, that in lids eager and world
wide search for semething new, the de
signersin carpets have forced into con
tribution all that is attractive in both
ancient and modern art, penetrating ey-
I cry country and clime, and ransacking
even the tombs of the dead. These cos.
I mopolitan art-laborers have in this way
stolen for our common use the clows
devices upon the banners of the oors
and the shawls of Cashmere, appr pizl,
ated whatever was chaste and bed Lful
in the productions of the looms of er
sla and India; copied the choicest
gems of the Alhambra frescoes; em
ployed the typical figures and symbols
of the monuments Of Egypt; and delved
deep down in Pompeii's treasury of
quaint, but elegant art. Messrs. Oliver
M'Clintook & Co., Carpet Dealers No. 23
Filth avenue, determined to be ' in the
van of the enterprise and activity of this
department ofindustry, have so enlarged
their connections with the best foreign
manufacturers, that by direct importa
tion they can place before their custom
ers the latest styles, at the earliest possi
ble moment. They inform us, with:par
donable. pride, - 'that their large spring
stock of carpets is made,up of the latest
results of the labors of the best Euro
pean designers in devising new carpets.
The curious and those interested will
find a practical demonstration of the cos
mopolitan tendency of the carpet de
r signer's art, by an inspection of their
new stock. The newest styles now are
the Moorish, Etruscan, Arabesque, Tur-.
key, Alhambra. Persian, Smyrna, Porn
eiian and Egyptian, eac style having
such distinctive features as to be et once
identified,with the peculiar school or na
tionality of art whose name it bears: It
I is worthy of remark, and certainly can
not be gainsaved by the indifferent, that
an article so important in the furnishing
of a room as the carpet, and that cannot
help but before our eyes every day for
years, may Just as well be in one of the
newest and most tasteful patterns as oth
Those interested should at least be
come familiar with the latest expressions
or manifestations of the carpet manufac
turer's art by an inspection or the above
named styles at the spacious and well
appointed warerooms of Oliver McCain.
cock it Co., 23 Fifth avenue.
Magic for the Mlllion--Sacree, Operatic,
Pathetic, Comic, and in Fact all Clas
ses- or motto to Meet the Popular De.
niand, at Five Cents a Piece.
Twenty new pieces just received.
No. 54. Five O'clock in the Morning.
" 53. Those Tassels on the Boots.
" 52. Pretty Bird.
" 51. Why Wandering Here.
" 50. Call me 'Thine .Own.
' 6 49. Le Sabre de m Pere.
" 48. Wobdaide Waits on
and Polka.
47. Home, Sweet Home. (Inat'l.)
" 48. Perichole's Letter.{ (Inst'l.)
" 45. Thelidoonlit Sea.
" 44. St. Nicholas Galop;
" 43. Velocipede Johnny.
11 42. Gem d'Armes Duett. (Violin and
Piano.) .
4L Gems from Orphee. (Violin and
40. Belles of Broadway.
11 39. Flying Trapeze.
" 38. Power of Love. (Inst'l.)
" 37. Susan's Story.
" 36. Iwill not ask to Press that Cheek.
" 35. The Rosy Wreath.
New pieces received as soon as pub,
lished. Sold ky JoarriV. Pirrocz.
Opposite the Postoftlce, Pitbiburb, Pa.
Newj Goods at Popular Prices.
White Clover Honey. . •
Brazillian•Cassava or Tapisca Farina
Eagle Ifrand Condensed Milk. -
Bordents Pure Extract of Beef.
Baker's Broma Cocoa. '
Chocolate and Cocoa Shells.
Boston Spiced Salmon.
Orange Pine Ap le.
Strawberry and ' pberry.
nun Guava Jelly.
Fine Canned Peaches.
Pine Apples, Plum* ' '
Asparagus, Green Corn.
Green Peas. '
Lima Beans, &c., at
142 Federal street, Allegheny City.
. This Morning, at Gardner's.
13c, New mixed Drew Goods.
25c, Chena mixed Dress Goods.
31c, Mixed Poplinens, iron twist.
31e, Granite mixedDl Goods.
3730, Satin finish Moh Twists.
37y 3 c, 7.8 Chinese mixed Dress Good&
41,25 to $6,00, Ladies' white. muslin
tucked and pleated - Under Skirts, new
gore. •
$l,OO, Bleach satin damask Table Lin
ens, special bargain, two yards wide,
worth $1,50.
$4 0 0.t0 $6,00, New 'Black Silks..
Large stock of new goods opened and
being received, at popular Wices- to suit
all purchasers, on west corner of Market
street and Fourth avenue, No. 69.
• , •
The Pretty Bpririg Styles, commencing
to make their appearanbe on the streets,
do not afford a fair idea of what has
thus air been introduced, at our leading
depots of fasnion. Any of our lady
readers detdrilig to examine the .111110V14.
Aosta and novelties in bonnet trimminge,
ribbons; Bowers; lace goods. embroider.
les, gloves, etc., should pay the estab•
liahment of W. W,,lvldoorhead. No. 81
Market, street;a ,sfalt, ~ They will there
And one of the most admirably assorted
stotiks of:goods ever Opened in this city,
and,we are assured that = the, prices'are
Axed lower, than •they have been for a
number Olean.
The highest cash prices are 'paid for
second-band books and Magazines at Col.
J. D. Egan's Sixth avannei near Smith;
;field street. 'A 'full assortment of rare
and valuable seoond-hand boOks are
ofibred at, reasonable prices. • No where
elee'pait the aoholar secure literarY.Uva&
ores to so goo advantage.
AL Good Hotel is a benefit to :the tom
intud I tq, and= Bowen may well be pond of
Iht nomad airattiosar novas, ko ion g and
so, well kept by lambs Eke. Pao. Thor
otigifir batted and sefo,rniebed it need
*sr CO enopesltOr. 4
sa EMMA,
tea d ol lar s tor Wealthlars .
b Thba en why nonrt
o ve Avow y ng_y
large thinks for Intygling at I yi O4 Wood
street!, &amine thexu before pniohas•
Jog elsewhere, is the . advice - we give to
air who Inidall good think. - •
Thosty:wfie Amore to: make .seleatiOne
of 43,botoo's.iiress patterns, for • Spring
elktOte4 lll • isd-And Roo the new
goodejeettolietted et .fiates Ot Bell's, No.
PA. Faith avenue.,
The Mammoth Cave.
Artractfrons a Private Letter.
* * * We groped about for
boars in thta-vronderfal I never
taw anything like it. The freaks of nature
displayed here are very strange, and
strike the beholder with awe. But the
air in some parts of the cave is close and
stifling, and when we came out I found
en saddle with a terr,
which eirely d
postrated me. ible
The fever phY
sician had never seen a case like it before,
and no remedy he prescribed seemed to
do the least good. 11y life was deSpaired
of. Mrs. Wilson, with whom I was re
siding, had in the house a bottle of
PLANTATION BITTERS, and she insisted
that I should try it, for she said she
knew it to be a certain cure in all cases
of fever, debility, ague, dyspepsia, &c.
I had but little faith, but, finally consent
' ed to try it as a last resort. - In less than
three hours after the first dose my fever
left me: in two days I was up,
and before Saturday night I was sitti as ng
as ever. I tell you all this that you may
know how to act in case of fever, or
any similar disease.a Iny
firmly believe the
* * * * * In my next I will tell
you atxmit the cave in detail. A. J. r.
bir:osroras WATER.- - Superior to the
best imported German Cologne, and sold
at halt• the price. Tzt.s.T.F.
Where to Get It.
A good cigar,to those who have acquired
the habit of using the weed, is indeed a
lury. It is often, however,
among the quantity of inferior articles
on me, to get a good one, and thus
it becomes a matter of some im
portance to know just where the
article may be procured. To our
readers we , have a word of ad
vice to offer in this respect. Ey calling at
the establishment of John Megraw, No.
45 Hann,street, they can have all their
wants in this direction supplied from the
immense stock which is there kept con-.
stantly on hand, and warrant one visit
and a trial of any of his goods will be
but the prelude to many more visits and
purchases. Remember the place, 45
Hand atreet.
• What They Will Do.
Dr. Ross' Remediss are 'purely vegeta
ble preparations, anct are cueing more
good to the people thalgtny other medi
cines ever offered to CU public. They
are sold 'at one dollar per bottle, ana
generally one or tgib bottles have the de
sired effect. We Wake a specialty of the
following diseases, and warrant a cure in
every case: Acute or Chronic Rheuma
tism, Catarrh, we have cured hundreds
of cases, some of long standing; DysPeP
slit, we believe we have the beat remedy
for this disease ever oompounded. For
diseases of thb Throat and Lungs our
Tar Compound is doing wonders. Dr.
Ross' Remedies are manullictured and
for sale,wholesale and retail, at Nos. 26
and 28 Sixth street, (late St. Clair. .
Grocers who do not sell. the Excelsior
Browned Coffee, put up in pound pack
ages by Strickler et Mori - edge, of the ex
tensive Iron City Spice Mills, Fifth Av
enne, near High street, are unmindful of
the best interests of their customers.
The Excelsior Coffee so carefully
browned and prepared as to retain all
the aroma, and one-half &pound is equal
in strength to a frill pound of that
browned in the old-fashioned way by
housekeeper& The pure spices manu-
factured at the :Iron =City Mill are the
beat in the market, and are kept for sale
The best and Orwmat Tonic of Iron,
Phosphorus and Ualisaya, known as
Caswell, Mack & Co's Ferro Phospho•
rated Elixir of Calisaya
restores color to the Bark. The Iron
blood, the Phospho
rus renews waste of the nerve tissue, and
the Calisaya giv es a natural healthful
tone to the dig estive organs, thereby
curing dyspeps in its various forms,
Wakefulness, General Debility and De
pression of Sexits. Manufactured only
by Casvvell, & Co., New York.
Bold by all druggists, •
The glepliant.—Several of our cotem
porariea are going wild over the large
elephant landed from one of the steam
boats on Friday, on his way to Philadel
phis. Hundreds followed him out Fifth
ayenite . yeaterday, all remarking what a
wonderful trunk ho bad. A newsboy
near by, who is always wide awake, re.
marked he could buy a nicer and better
trunk than that elephant bad, at Lib
ler'a, 104 Wood street.
The Keystone Pottery.of S. M. Kier &
Co., No. 863 Liberty street, now supplies
hundreds of merchants and dealers with
their stocks of Qtteensware and Bristol
ware. Their manufactures are fully
equasoldl to the
at b much low rt er ed est im
prices.po M es - aernd
chants who study their own interests
in making up their spring stock should
not fail to examine the wares, of this
Pottery and inquire the prices before
Pnrchasing elsewhere.
Cure lbr the Blues.—To go to Lieber's
store, 104 Wood street, and see l
amount of business he is doing in the
Trunk, Valise and Satchel line. Always
wide awake, he keeps his trade moving,
sells low, keeps good work, and always
•gives satisfaction. . . •
Alt the latest novelties in dress goods
for Spring wear, direct-from the import
ers Just opened at Bates Bell's, No. 21
Filth avenue.
Dart and Gloomy.—The weather . is'
dark and gloomy, but Liebier's trunks
are the very best, and sad' at a very
small price over cost, 104 Wood street.
Beauttfal l new styles of fresh Spring
goods hale just been - received and
opened at Bates & Bell's, No. 21 Fifth
*onus. •
A line 'assortment of housekeeping
[ 4. 4:117 floods is inoluded in the splendid
stook of now oprin_g gOodf just opened at
Bites and Bel e, No. 21 Filth' avenue.
W e Earnestly itnuress it on the minds
of our readers that Mr. Leibler's,' No. 104
Wood street, is the place to buy a trunk,
valise or anything in his line. It is , a
fact that he sells goods 10 per. cent. /ower
than any first class house in the city.
His No. 14 las Wood street. ' •
, •
Rid .Gloree-.A specialty. Also .the
beet Dollar ,Coreet Imi the city, at
eares, 118 Federal street.
U r for School.—if your son or daught-.
er intends goingaway to school, it la re
ally neeeboary to have a good ' trunk."
Mr. Leibler.'No. 104 Wood street, sells
the fkieat made trgnka , for new+ money ,
than any hotusein ther,olty. Call'and
them. - -••
Fu assiiklettent of new Spribg goods
just opened at Bates & dry goods
house, No: 21 Fifth avenue. .
For bout elbowing we Winoberatari-:
man do Co's IFifehina 'lbaKkr. For-1140
by all grooorw• •
. •
New stylei 10loaka, walking coats and
acquotJust intratinned &tea &Nell%
No. 21 Mb &mum .
lorlaket.—its naturtiltivj
expretied fn two words--Bweet sod 41
The attractive stock of fresh dry_soods
just opened at Bates ec Bell'R, No. 21
Fifth avenue, should be seen by all our
lady readers. ' The selections and assort
ments are very fine.
At 15 cts elegant Chintz, Prints, very
handsome, at J. M. Carr's.
New Table Linens, Towels, Napkins
and Prints just opened at .T. Iturek
field et Co.'s, No. 52 St. Clair street.
Spring Goods have just been r eceived .
at Bates & Bell's, No. 21 Fifth avenue
Ladies will find in their large stock all
the noveltieis yet introduced in 'the ,
Eastern market.
The place to get Waite Line, Cal
cined Plaster, Hydraulic Cement, le at'
Eckel, Caakey's.l3 Smithfield street
Melodeon Covers— All colors, cheap at -
J. M. Carr's, 118 Federal street.
Plain. Pink, Buff and - Blue Percleos,.
Just received at J. M. Burchfield & Co.'s,
No. 52 St. Clair street.
Ladles will find a magnificent assort
ment of new Spring dry goods, embrac
ing all thelatest styles and patterns= in
domestic and foreign goods. at Bates do
No. 21 Fifth avenue.
Black Poplin Alpacas-t-An extra good
bargain, at J. M. Carr's, 118 Federal
11-4 Sheeting Moe Lint j ust opened
J. M. Burchfield & Co.'s, No, 52 St. Clair
Street. •
A Grand Opening of Spring goods luni
been made at Bates and Bell'sdry goods
store, No. 21 Fifth avenue.
For hous. cleaning rum Ilrincher Efq,
man lc Co's Washing Ititoder. For
by all grocers. ' •
. •
That Spring is. bare za evinced by tba
brilliant display of new goods just open
ed at Bates dc Bell's guadonable dry goods.
store. No. 21 Fifth avenue.
burgu, Is, COFFINS of all kIuds,CRAFFS,
GLOVES, awl ery descript..on.of Funeral Fur.
nisitlug Goods furnished. Rooms open (MY and
Went. Trea.e. slid Carriages furnished. •
Itssimnimns—Rev.Davio Kerr, 11.1)., Iter.ll.
W. Jacobus D. D., Thomas Ewing, ESQ., Jacob
SS Miller, gm.
. •
AVENUI , Allegheny City. where their COkliTH
ROOMS is• e constantly s_upplied with ; real and
Amltatlon Ito eifood, Mahogany and Walnut
Coffins, at prices taxying from to; to 11.00. Ba •
dies prepared for iro ratent. Manes and Car•
riages n:sited! also, II /rinds or Mourning .
Goods, If required. (Wee •• en at all hours. day'
. .
11:11T. T. AECODNET i B I /an) EMBAL3fEIt, No. 45 0810
ET, Allegheny, seeps constantly on hand,
s large assortment of ready-made Conine . of. the
Allowing kinds: First, the celebrated American.
Burial Cates, Metallic Belfzsesling Air-tight: l
Rosesd Caskets, and Rosewood,' It'alitut and
d Imitation Coiilns. Cogins
from 525 upwards. Rosewood Imitation Cortina
from 40 upwarda, and no p ains will be spared'
to give , entire satisfaction. Crape and elms
furnished free efcharge. Beat Rearms sad Oar
riages furnished to short notice. Carriages fur.'
jllabed to funerals at Ilk. •
The great popularity, on account of its gelatin ,
medicinal errata.. of SQUIRIVS'I.ONDON EP
PERVEaCENV 81. CABS. POTASSi for .which
I am the sole Agent, has induced certain Unprin
cipled parties to imitate my lahel, and palm 01
as the genuine, .worthless trash whicn been no
resemblance even to the imported article. Those
desiring the true Potassa can °Win it from
Idealize. J. C. 31ATTE.B.X. J. B. effsautr, J.
B. BURNS & CO. and a. R. brOialtiV.B.
Corner Fourth Avenue, and Smith-
Zip I ;have 'educed the price of BRUN—
NICIA;43 SKIN SOAP AS per cent.,l aid aU other •
Soaps to very low rates.
Would respeethaly Illbrat his telends sad tit.
public geserally. that big •
_I3OI,II:MMAIt B9lla-Cam'.
. ,
Corner of Penn and _Sixth Stmts.
•No, so Enrru nazism, lists
two it's* reeehrlsii4im tbe Eau oit .
tot of New Goode the riming Suitt ever*Nt4-
to the mar4et. the arm iiirratit to estisit $1
end mate Clothes ehespee and better Qui
Itt4caut 'mite in this city. w &Pd obit
did suckitiiient ot amrtuticrsis szniamix t ,
tad gown' al* at all thees Jobe toyed it Isis==
sow. our irmatiox is so Slim Biluut4
?flu* P:DWI; It* b... S. $ tIMII• We D.
TEIE imnsnarsenex) mint
AsioclATlm tatfunselVel Sclifethelior tbe.t
osoe_, ner
No. mtyl
ibenitg74 •
mama - • 31.17T02;* Y. • F,
Great Auethui Sale Continued of ids.
arum dc Carlishea entire stock of fancy
goods and, tribitulogs at_ No. 29 Fifth
avenue, in the store lately occupied by
A. H. English ct Co. Auction sales at 10
s. Y. and 2 and 7P. M. See advertise,
The Spring fashions are now opened a t
Bates ct. Bell's dry goods house' No. 21
Fifth avenue. •
Shaving, Hair Dressing or Bathing._
No better place for elzher than at the
finely furnished aparlinents of H. B. Wil
lliamson, No. 190 Rederal Street, Ale.
Hare yeu MU:allied the fine stock of
new dry goods fresh from the importers
and m anufacturers, at Bates& Bell's, No.
21 Fifth avenue.
Constitution 'Water is a certain cnre fel
Diabetes and all diseases of , be Rid
nays. For sale by all Druggist-
owels—Extra good bargains 'at 11,50,
12,40, 13,00, 13,00 per dozen, at 3. M.
Carr's, 118 Federal street.
Black and Colored Silks selling cheap
at J. M. Burchfield 'lc Co.'s, No. 52 St.
Clair street.
Agent for the Manufacturer,
field Stredu