The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 03, 1869, Image 7

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by indblerst dated the 11th day orApril,
A. D., and recorded /in Allegheny
oonntf Deed Book, volume 193;• page =7,
together'idth all and singular the build.
Ing andlinprovements, streets, lanei
, ways, water courses rights,
bert privileges hereditaments and
appurtenances. wha tsoever thereuuto be.
longing,or any wise appertaining, and the
reversion and remainder thereof; having
Ihereon.lireoted one two story brick
lionse;• . . •
Seised<and taken in execution as 'the
' property Af Col. Wm. ffirwell and Eliza;
Beth Sitwell, at the snit Hannah Freal
All the right, title, interest and claim O
.Davictßustiot; in and to all that cortal
lot of ground situate in the Thirteenth
ward, late Pitt township, in the city of
Pittsburgh, county of Allegheny, and
State of Pennsylvania. boUnded and de
scribed as follows, viz: Beginning on
Harrison street at the intersection of said
street with Quarry alley; thence south
thirty degrees fifteen minutes east.
forty-eight and seven-tweifiha feet along
said street; thence north flfty-four three
' fourth degrees, east eighty-seven three.
twelfths feet to the Bee T'a ptairi Brere•
ton's property; thence *north thirty-five
degrees fifteen Minute*, west sixty4hree
eleven-t weiftits feet alongsald Brerston's
line MAttarry alleY; thence along Quar
ry alley eolith forty- four ; degrees forty
five mirmiteit, west eighty•eight four and
whalf:twelitha feet .to Harrison street
the point of beginning,being lots Nos. 50
::'and 51 in plan of lots laid out by Mra.
Elizabeth F. Denny, laid out on the east
aide 43f the township road in late Pitt
township, being the same *property con
veyed to . said defendant by said. Mrs.
Denny'. by deed dated February 25, 1868;
as recorded'next day in Recorder's office
of Allegheny county, in Dmi Beck, vol.
225, page 628,.&c,0n whichlots ofgronnd
• are eretted two frame dwellings E one a
one doffed, the other a two storied
dwelling. •
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of David Rush, at the snit of
John Willock.
• . ' . ALSO,
All the right, title,. ieterest arid claim of
Berman Schindler, of. in and to all that
that certain lot or piece of ground,' sit
uate in the city of Allegheny, (late bor
._ ongh of Manobester,). county of Alto.
gheny and State of ' Pennsylvania,
bounded' and described as follows, to
t • wit: :Beginning at a point on the south
1 - . side of Chestnutatreet, at a distance of
I -
two hundred and twenty-eight feet from
Manhattan - street; .thence eastwardly
thirty.six . ...feet- to 'Behis'. - line; thence
son hwardly along esid line one hundred
.and twenty 'feet nine inches to an alley;
thence westwardly on said alley thirty
'six feet; thence northwardly one - hun.dred and-Mienty feet ruble Inches : . to the
place of. beginning. • - . ...- -• ' _
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Herman Schindler, at - the
snit ofJcihn Gewiler.
, - - -,; 7 - ALSO,- - ' • .
Ali the right, title, inten•cat arid claim of
• Arthur Bello; of, in and to all that cer
tian lot lir piece of ground in • the .
Second ward; city of Pittsburgh; 'county
qf Allegheny and State of Penneydvania,
and beixtgpart oflot No:2W, asnumbered
in Woods' plan of the City of Pittsburgh
- - and bounded sndtiesoribeci as fOlbisra, to
• wit; Beginning on Second avenneon the
• .. line of lots Noa. 204 and 205 in said plan
• ' and at the distance 'of one hundred and
twenty feet above Cherry alley; thence
:northwardly along Second avenue forty: ,
;'''feet towards Cherry alley; thente by a
, line parallel - with Cherry alley towards
First ayenne.eighty feot; thence parallel
with Second avenue azd
_towards Grant
. street .-torty feet to the line of said lot
•v ',No; 204 ; thence mdpng thellne of lOte Nos.
. 204 and 205 eighty feet to Second avenue
• the place of beginning, on which is erec- -
ted a. three story brick building.
ALso, a lot of ground . opposite the
. above lot on Second avenue, being one.
half of lot No. 298 in Woods plan of the
City cif Pittsburgh, beginning on Second'
avenue silty feet from Cherry alley
'towards Grant street sixty feet; thence
Parallel with Cherry alley eighty feet
towards Third avenue; thence parallel
with Second avenue sixty feet towards
Cherry alley; thence parallel-with said
• alley eighty feet to the place of beginning,
' on which is erected a four story brick
- building and some sheds. -
Ain°, a - lot of ground adjoining
the above described, beginning on
Second avenue forty feet from Cherry
•• alley; - thence towards - Grant stree
twenty. feet to the line of lot No. t
298, in Woods' plan of the city of Pitts
burgh; thence pa r allel with alley eigh
-ty feet towards Third avenue, thence
westwardly parallel' with said avenue
twenty, feet towards, Cherry alley, and
thence parallel with said alloy eighty
• feet to the plaoe of beginning, on which
is erected a two story brick dwelling.
• Seized andtaken in execution 'as the
property of "Arthur Balbni r , at the suit
of Marshall. Bros. & Co.-a .. •
- •' - - ALSO ,... --
, , ..,
All theright, title, interiat and ctaim of
Birk E. ' Asheltnan oviner, or,' in - and to
all that - certain lot of ground situate' I
the Elixtlf.-wara of the 'city of Pittsbrirgh, '
county br,AlleghenY mid Btateof Penn
. sylvanhi; and bounded' as follows, - to wit:
Beginning at the souttr.east corner of Ju
niata street' and Beaver 'avenue; thence
isouthwardly gibing Beaver avenue one
hundrectand fifty-eight and 'it :half feet;
thence eastwardly one hundred aua
twenty-five feet to Evans alley; thence
northwardly along said alley one bun
dred and fifty-eight and a half feet to Ju
niatiC,street; thence westwardly. ales* .
said street one hundred: and •twenty- give
' feet to place of beginning, and, also, be
ginning at the northeast corner of 'Juni
ata street and Beaver avenue; thence
northwardly along Beater avenue two feet; thence eastwardly one hundred
and twenty-five feet to „Evans alley;
thence southwardly along , said alley for
ty-two leet to Juniata street; thence
westwardly one hundred fu)d twenty-live
feet to .Itui- place' of .begirining, having
thereon erected three. one story, frame
offices and lumber sheds. _
Seised imd taken in execution as the
• ProPertk - i.of Kris.
wealthati; :at !the
snit of the Commofor use of the
Mayor, Aldermen4ind. citizens of Alle
gheny City. -.' .; •-, i - r.; 4 ;.,. -, ••••'.
• . ALSO,
Alf the Tight, titierintereet end claim of
2dichaid'Otii snit% iii and tti ail that ceir- •
Min piece or parcel of land situate in the
Twenty i Fond ward of the rg city of Pitts
buh; lAbertylOwnithlPL Alleghea.9.•
scanty and: State •of Pennsylvania,:;
bona 4 and described as foliose, to-wit:
on Ilialitaltheria :Side : - :,of the;
rdechenl i oss turnpike road at, the line OP
George A. Berry'S land ; ' the nce by lino
or said` Berry's land south twenty-one
degrees, east one thousand five hundred
and AWentY4Wo.4oo44balM- ObViand,or.
.lamesß,Marrey south,seyent•pone de-
greds; eaat 'four' httlidredend two feet . tO '
a pbst; thence by label 'of Kra; Sarah D. --
Bair • (late of John' EfeFarland's heirs) ;
north twenty-one degrees, west ono thou:
sand, ronehundred,and ninety-nine feet:
to the - Pittabergh Farmers - and Meehan.
Ica Turnpike Road; thence by said turn ,
pike road north aixty;eight degrees and
ten minutes, west. one, hundred and
eighty two feet to a phi; .thence north
aixty-six 'degrees and twenty-six min
utes, east two hundred and forty.nibe
'feet to the place of beginning. _Contaih z
Inglis perearvey Oetober 25,1884, four-.
teen acres and one hundred and fifty per.
. .
. . .
.. . .. . . .
~ . •
-, - .
' tWea - g•a 7 ".,r . 47,--",.."7-, .;...:-.44,-,.:;!..:-7,-7:::-.-,•,,,,F---,t-t.:-,,.4„.4.,,,,,,...f.4.:..", ax-i. - 4---4; , -4 , --- , - -4 , ;"1 7, -s--,--- ~ -- ,-, .1..--.--,..-..t4-, .-e- , --4-,,- ,- -,---=w,,,--.v. - ' , A .-
.1 - 7 , - -, -- ,l 4t=-A. * '"'• ''''' "
,„441&14,2 4. .`. 4 "0% a . - Aiiie- , .,iff_1iv5e ., 449 . ‘,`10% . 144.1..10-4 ~.:,Mll-AUW.OI`3PW4O4,-Alit4lll,l`,-34,1,54.5004;.ft
"k" • - k ,l / 4 .."..."4 , 0 1 . , ew„.-6,. 51Atv.-tz.: X.z . , - .• . • .
... 1 p. , 4..A 4 ... - 4..„- - 7.", , ,a,.....t......t.wt• - - . .
. .
. . ..,. . . . .
, .
chew being the , Amer parcel of 41and.
which theisaid, plaintiff/It ay deed dated
the 17th of February. '1866, conveyed _to
the said Michael O'flaka, the defendaitt,'
and to - secure themirchase money there
of the said defendant rgave to the plain
tiffs a bond 'ettd mortgage, dated the
same day and year as recorded in Alio
ghenv county in Mortgage Book, vol
ume 69, page Ea.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Michael O'Hara; at the suit
of Harrison, Guardian of Sarah
L. and Ada P. McFarland and Francis
A. O'Hara.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
—Hubbard of, in and to all that
certain lot or piece of ground situate in
the city of Allegheny, county of Alle
gheny and State of Pennsylvania, and
described as follows,
.to -wit : Beginning
at a point one hundred and twelve feet
from the south-east corner , of Beaver
and Jefferson streets; thence eastwardly
along Jefferson' street twenty feet; thence
southwa - cUy one hnadred feet to Carroll
street twenty feet; thence northwardly
one hundreed het, to the place of begin
ning, :having erected ther,on one two
story frame dwelling house.. _
Seized Seized and taken into execntion as the
property of ----Hubbard at the Salt
of the the Commonsvealtli for use of
Mayor; Aldermen citizens of Allegheny.
ALSO, • - -
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Joseph McDonald, of, in and to all • that
certain lot of ground in the Fourth ward,
city of Allegheny, county of Allegheny
and State of Pennsylvania, boUnded vs
follows, to-wit: 8.-,-inning at the oath.'
east corner'of Taylor avenue and Buena
Vista street, running thence eastwardly
along Taylor avenue one -hundred and
ten feet to Morgan alley; thence Eouth
wardly along alloy slily feet;
thence at'right angles to said 'alley and
parallel with Taylor avenue one hundred
and ten feet to Baena Viata street; and
thence northwardly sixty feet to the
place of beginning. •
Sezed and taken xecution az 'the
property of Joseph in
McDonald, at the
snits of the Commonwaalth, for use of
the Mayor, Aldermen and citizens of Al
legheny. •
All the right, title, Interest and Claim of C. F.
Ifnekle,,of, in and to that certain dot or piece or
ground s andSituat stity of All , gnenv„ County
of Allegheny, na of Pennsylvania, "and
bounded and de.eribed mallows, to-wit: Con
tatnlng In front on Beare! , street twenty feet,
tabont one hundred feet North of Nixon street.)
and In depth one hundred and ferry feet on
which is erected one two story : triune dwe lling
Belied and taken In execution as the property
ed C. F. Heckle at the Butt of Ernest itecken
AU the right, title. Interest and claim of Julius
iticater.ef,in and to all that certain lot of ground
In the First ward, Allegheny Cy Allegheny
Comity. Pennsylvania, situate on t oe south side
of Diamond, fronting on said Diamond tweet..
four feet and running hick about obe hundred
feet, bounded as follow-: Beginning at the
South aide of the Diamond at a noint Easterly
from South, East Intersection of Middle alley and
said Diamond illtr-two and one-half feet; thence
Easterly twenty. four feet, running beek,preserv-
Ina the same width. about one hundred and ten
feet, and at right angles to said Diamond.
beized and taken la execution as the ropertv
of Julius Richter -at the snit of the Conimon.
wealth for the use of the Mayor, Aldermen and
citizens of Allegheny.
AU the right. title. Interest and claim of F. Beh.
met.. °L-in and to all Mitt certan lot In the First
Wald. Allegheny en', Allegheby county, Penn.
Sylvania, situate on the north ride of Water
street fronting on said street twenty. two feet
and ;aiming
.b.tek about sixty feet, bounded at
fol Intersection Beginning al l eye northwest point
of °Middle and Water street:
thence alung_Water street twenty-two feet , run
ning along Middle alley, sixty ieet, preserving
the same width,
Seized and tr. ken in execution as the property
of F. Behmer. at the suit of the Commonwealth
for use of the Mayor, Aldermen and citizens of
1.1 the right. title, interest. and'-claim of IX
boat.* r. In.and. to all that certalitiot of ground
N Ur the c.ty elf Alleeheure cutusty .
of Allostieny and State or 'Pennsylvania. situate
on the north side of Water - at eet. fruntiert said
street twenty•seven and one-balf feet. and run
ntug back about one hundred' and Sweaty feet to
lot of John Patterson's bounded •as follows,. to
wit: Beginning at a point ninety and one•half
feet from the 'a , rthweatern point of IntersteUen
of Eandusky - and Water streets thence west
wardly twenty-strew and one-hal f feet, runtung
back one hundred and twenty feet, preserving
the same width.
-Seized anl
-taken s u itecntion as the property
rf it. i/Jod. at theof the Commonwealth..
for use of the Mayor, Aldermen and citizens of
All the right title, interest angl.c'ans or Tier
man J.. Sella. ffer.of, in and to all Ma. certain lot
of grunnd in the Second ward. city of Allesheny,
county of Adegbeuy and State of Penns,/ yaws.,
bounce d and defer be c o rneril-q wit: Re
ginning on nonhwest of Jackson street
and Pasture Mae; thence along said Jackson
street went' toward Fremont ati Set one hun
dred and fifteen feet to a ten feet alley: thence
easterly along said alley two hundred sun thirty
alongf Wales l an easture lane; thence south
rly Pasture one hundred and fifteen
feet Mx. inches to Jacks. n street, the place of he
Se zed and taken In execution al the property
o* He; MIIII J. Schaeffer, at the Salt of the Com •
monwesith, for use of the Ifsyor, Aldermen and
citizens of Allegheny. •
All the right, title, interest and claim of J.
jtoecdg. of,ln
First that certain lot of ground
'situate Lit the ward: Allegheny City. Alle
then, C..tinty, Ptinnsylrania. bounded and de
scribed as 10110WS to-wit: Beginning at a point
seventt.aLt and ' one.balf feet East of douth
,:uitern then c e tersection of Middle fee t, , with
Diamond; Eastwardly fifteen run
ning Dace one hu ndred
n and ten feet, Preserving
the same width.
doled and taken in 'execution as the Property
o J. Koenig at the snit of the Mayor, Aldermen
and eitizczu of Allekheny.
Ail the right. title. Interest and cla're or john
A. Fries and alargaretts Fries, or either of them
of. in and to all that certain lot of ground in
Ogden and t.nowdents plan of lots in Chartiers
township. Allegheny tounly, Pennivivacia.
bounded and drag. Hied as follows; to.wl t: Be-;
.ginning en the north side of the eteubenville
Tempts° Road: thence east twenty feet; thence
extending hick at right angles with said Hord
thencend and twent w e ste r ly Elliott street;
&tong suit reet twenty feet to
lot now or lei ely of Richard Ifawklee,, of which
this is a part; teeny& along the same one hue
dreil at , d twenty fees to . rthe place of beginilinv,
bring the easterly pars ofsaid Hawkins lot, and
being the saute tot watch Richard Hawkins with
blip wife bY deed ated Much 4, MG, and recor•
ded • in said county in Deed:Boos, Volume 21.
par,fe..s. conveyed to the said John A. Frets, and
on welch is erected a three story frame house. '
and taken In execution SI the property
ofJohn •. -- Frels• and itsrgaretts Frets. las the
snit of Wettengal . & GOrMlo.i.
drawght, litle, Interest and of John A,
• 'M or, la and to .all those twosertain- iota
or piece of • ronnil situate la the Fifth Ward. Al-.
legheuy City, (formerly Boron.. h of Manchester).
Aliegheny rounty; Penna. , marked and number
ed 14 and 13 in • plan of sub.dtvbelon ot part of
on; 1at.r.0..5110 in ti nle eseree' , met, op mite
, ..rittaburgh. boutided and . described as t 'Mows.
Ti!:! , Beglunsag-St the dlstanee of sixty feet from
the sou east corner of Mantis , tan awl Fayette
. streets; thence ain-g the line' of . lot No. - 13 one ,
hunched land.lhirty-two feet toe twenty feet
Silet; Weinfl eaftwar.dir_alosf p u nyld -elerfer.y
.feet to line•• ot .lot NO. 40.1 t northwardly
along said line one hundred and thirty-two fee..
hayette str‘elt• thence. along! •ssette str ee t
,forty feet to the place et begioniug, each lot bay.
'lag a tonne!' tieenty feet on Fayette' street* and
running._ back westering the satiny width one
hundred and thirty-two feet.•W saidtwenty ;leap
ALSO, These four . eirtglif - Iota41“, uleceg - Of
ground situate in the Flfth.wird. City of Allele
ny, - .(ktantypf Altegh ny and +t,IP of P e n ns yl vii „
1.; Markt a laid I' . uinbOrft , 44; I 3.1.4 and-13 In
Van of tots died : al. NO. 03Jane 'Fi•roi.l3Bsl. la
Orphan'. Cone, whittl,tortin:e together bounded
and described a. fedows..,to wit: Beginning at
the , corner . or Repooo,.. and Belmout
henictrAt on,/ .In:twee-a-Street one blindre.r and
thirteen fee. to Mt - )10 in said Want: ;benne.
by said.l .1 No. ; ill tightlfeet to a) tan .tentfilley;
thence along • said Wel Slaty tett 'to - iielment
etreeti and thence •lon B Vehdon errant ninety
Aye feet to ttiticornero * I V* street the piece
of beginning.. eald . last - nbe4 • lots ;baling:
eretted then eon s two story b eit derailing heats I
'and seed stable. . . •
• elsrd and takimin execution sis the property
'Of JoDnA.
.lMatirawAttheautsuf,Agnitouit Du.
All the right, title, Interest and claim Of Robert
Robb. Ikxecntor 9t Frederick -Aesehrlinazi, de ,
ceased, to Elizabetta. e' Aeachrllnao~.
widow of said Frederick A eechel - deceased,
Frederick A. seuelrasn. 'CIwOUO isteseohlulan
and Phllopena Attcheltnan.• the last two by their .
:Guardian, Michael Perrott, heirs at law of eat&
Frederick Aeschelman. accessed, .lohnQ.
Uouneil. Assignee of Frederick Aesedelnlaii;
ceased, of, In and to all that certain lot ofground,
situate In the Bluth wsrd of. the ot Alie-
Oen,. county of Atligheny and 'Rate of Penn%
sylvan's. hounded as follows, to wit: Beginning ,
at the southeast 'corner of Juniata street Anti
Beaver avenue; tueneesouthwardis along heaver
avenue one hundred and fifty-eight' and - one-ball
feet; LUCCICe esstwardly one honored and twain-
Orri l igicoloCiltzErrginSATußiim
AU the rigiat, title, hitt reat and claim of C. Wcr
ler, owner, of, ha and to all that certain lot of
ground situated In the third w.rtl. any of Alio.
gheny. county of A.tierrhrty, and B'a - e . or Penn
sylvania . bounded and d -- ..tribed as fol'ows.
wit; Beginning at a point ninetv-t bree feet .toni
the norine-st corner of West and decent/ sty et;
thence e-tstwardiv along !Second street twenty
two feet: thence notthwardly one.hundrei and
twelve im t to Third alter .hence westwa: dry
along sato elleytwenty.two feet; thence touch.
waroly %Me buttered and ts e v erec t ed the pl. Lee
ot beslnnine. hLving thereen one twct
litory br es'1101:11e.
Seized and inset' in cx:tution as the property
of C. Werler. or Lirelener. at the suit of tee Com
monweaith, for use of the Mayor, Al.termen and
citizens ,otalle7heny.
All the right. title, lutere as and elaim Of JoSeph
Fisher, or, In and to all tit .t certain lot or puree I
of ground situate in Attest* ny city. Allegneny,
county and Ltate of Pennsylvania, bounded and.
desetioed as follows, to wit: Berinalmc at a'
point eastward II &beet one hundred forty-eieht.
and a half feet from the sou th. ,. .steru eolot of cal.
terLeetlen of. edar and Ohio s vets: thence eastz
wardly twenty-zeven fret running back ninety.
six feet, preserving the a :me
/Seized and taken in execution as the propm ty•
of Jesepn Fisher at the suit of the touiscoA.,
wealth for use of the Mayer. Aldermen and cit.
Dens of AllegLeny.
A MO, - •
All the richt, title. interest and Maim of Job*
Johuson. to and to ail that certain tot 'of
ground &Untie In the Werd of the City or
Allegheny, County of Anvil:etre and State of
Pennsylvania, and bounded and described as
follows to wit: BeglUning At the southwestern
extremity of lot owned, by C. Oripe, innate on
the northern side of First street, between West
and lailddle.atreeta; hence wes.warilly twenty_ .
two andX hail feet to It owned Dv N. Dow ney ,
running back one hundred sad nineteen feet, pre
,serviug Ihe same wid.h. •
helzed and t ken hi.exe - Orion as the property
or John aohnson,_at the Suit of tosk,Cottiniorp
wealth for use of. raleatitdeirmatangmeUs.'
stirs of Allegheny. • ,
All the right. titisi,, l st andellim Yilen.
L i ne glep, of, in and to all thsA.certeaskr of
ground in the -ward, the City of Ali be.
ny, and Crmaty of Allexbeny, end Mite fi un
nyiennia, situate on the south 'Dittla DUl:Wooed
street, fronting go said street Olteigpfeur feet
and running back abut '0 hundred
and ten met to an alley, timmdect and
described as follows, to-wit neginnlng
at a point one hundre t and raise feet
westwardly from the southwestern point of Inter
section of Middle and :second sorer: then c e
westwardly twenty-tour feet, ronnlng back one
hundred and ten feet, yrestrying the same width.
vetted and taken In execution as the nroperty
of Valentine Ileip, at the suit of trio Common- .
weaitti for use of tue Mayor, Aldermen and Mt
sans of Allegheny,
All the right. title, interest and claim Of John
WaltersoaLin and to all those two certain lots
or pieces of ground situate In the boroush of
East . Birmingham. Coanty . of Allegheny, and
State of Pennsylvania, being lots N os. 411. and
431, In John Brown's Wan of lots remolded In
to Plan Book vol. 3, pave 3, and jointly bounded
and described as follows. to-alt: Beginning at
toe Eisy line of In aver store.. co r ner distance
of forty feet Northward from thc of Oliver
att.. et and Misch,. thence Easterly by
l o t No. 40, in *aid plan eighty feet to lot No.
431 n sat I plan; thence Bouthwardly by said lot
No. 43 forty feet to Stilleben alley; themes West.
wavily hy said slier eighty feet to the, corner of
.111schell alley and Oliver street; thence .14 orth
wardly by Oliver street to the pia,* of begin
ning. -bring the tillne,propmy wbieh John
Brown and 'wife, bit their deed dated the 31st day
of Match, A. D. LBW. conveyed to the said Johu
P. Walters.
- Seized and taken in execution as the property of
John P. Walters at the suit of 'John Brown.
All the i Ight, title, Interest and claim of Henry
Herschhoser. of. In end to all' taut certain lot
or piece of ground situated in formeGy East Lib
erty Township, new the CHM or Pittsburgh. Al
legneny COOLLY and Ire of eeposylvania. 'prig
on the south side of itiXortY feet street, in the
rear of tile first range or lots on the south side of
Pittsburgh and Greensburg turnpike Road: .iatd
tart et running perallel with and a dhtance of
two hundred feet
thie south nee of said
Turnpike Road, said lokbelog described as fol.
to wit: • Com north
mencing at a pin nt the
west corner of oropertir of Lowry 's heirs on the
line of said for:y feet street and directly opposite
to the sotaehnneor corner of ocher property of
said tierschhou er; thew.° running fort.,West
wardly slung Ott:lino of, Slid forty lest street
one hundred and sixty fit t to a pin; thence run
ning backat right angles wIU. as d strut t about
°Le n ntited a nu. VO feel more yr les- to
Boutos line; thence ea/m*l(lG , atom noun's line
Minot one nUtulted Zed ItXty•tWO feet mord or
Ices to a pin at the eoutbwon rot said Low.
1 vie heirs property: thence no tnelistwardii
alone the 'line or tiaid Lowry's miss about one
hundred and slaty-threes... feet, more or
;es , to ..the lave of beginning. being_ the
same premisea watch Barbara A. Nerley, b. dee° ,
disked June a A. P. lien, and recorded In the
Recorder's Office. of .said Alleghe. y county, in
.Decd Book Vol. 199, gage 70. conveyed to the ‘ said
.Henry Lier , chhouser. on which is erected one
411 11.50. All that other lot ob ;deco of around;
Situate formerly In East - Lib rtyr Liberty town
ship,- VOW the City of Pittsburgh, bounty and
State aforesaid. Icing .on the south side of the
forly. feet strf et,; which runs parallel With the
Pittsburgh end Greensburg Tel spike Wind, be.
tog :.In Sito't ear or the Aral range, of lots on tun
south side of said Taniptkeitipad„ es Id Jet being
dale/heed le follows, le. : •Courmeneltig at a
phi on tke line of sa'd forty ifeet .street alibi
south at-4 end at theitlerthl‘clkt-e,eyeer of other
property or said Plerschhouser; and mining
bent° thwestwardly along the line of
*old steer(' ' eighty-seven and Ofty.elght
one-hundreuths met to a pin; thence run
ning back soutbwestwardly at tient *melte with`
ale street about one ' - htuidred and ninety
eight- !Mot more .or: 1 AL to - Jobs 'aline
thencehence iing. southe.stwardit alon Hours
line shone eighty-eight and one-half fee more or'
lest to 'the goutbsrest. Corner , Ot other pron.
erty of 'mild. lierse.hoonseil ; thence : , running
northeastwardly along gild* fie , lea honser , r line
nbOut one hundred and feet:Mere or
less: to lite Oblon of beginning. being the atimil
p-emlses winch Bathers A. N end r.. by 'deed
dated dintlAry let. A. D. -01 . 10 . record& In'
'the liecorderrs Unica 01 • sald , Allegbeny, meaty,
in t)eed Boos,vcl.J99 , "ptM conveyed to the
• said Ilearylierschhonseron welch is erected one
two-ate*, houtey wile 'mastery
back building, coal nousciand: other out-honses.
• eLtle7AU•that oth,r certain lot, piece er
eel of*groutfil situate , In termer's •the.enlage of
East Liberty: Pe . blestoWdshiiit. now: the cite of
Pittsburgh, ,CClnttlip.. anti Blase aforillatid. end :
bolindell anti oohed' e el s t all ; wittiftrlfln
ming en a thirty teat street - ,Whlehrrntrilit , ght
-singles with the Pitimburaband Greensburg turn
pike g( ad. It tee corner o f Moreland's Jot end
one Inmilred feet Mit/lint Loin saltititrnpirditOlid,
andrainhigtnence along suld.liiirty feet.street
sown twetityour utnre.e ferat,
uellqi.dred fe et to s' turfy fent 'street; hicrt:
runs parallel • with sal 4 ..Meniiike reset thence.
along said forty feeeatititit!slel4.oanythe
I s c l e rAy t iv en u e - e illl a d t •
° fil e n s an tt u d te gr s t t:l s tir fOrtY feet sect north'.
wehty.four and one-mtlf Minutes east, one hun
dred; feet, to Moreland's lot, and thence along
sioratueht lot and Parallel with bald lorty.folit
street n „ ri h sixty:gee and-onet alfdegrees wet' h.
nigtviiive net to the place of beginning; being
the snow prenGses winch see conveyed to the
said HenrrflersOhbouser by two de.edir,' the first
from John Bolin g er and wife, - "dated February
Bra feet toEvans Jref AM** oethir td!yoking
said elleyonabandro l .nad. filtr•alabt feet And
sitincites' te , addlittnitreet. - and - thence' Wett.
lewdly f e el ate on twen—
tr-fl,* feet to tbe pleee nbing, which '
crashed largecfnume lumber shed or blouse.;
ALso , -Alt that otuerlot ofgomndeltuatelntbe
Ward, cur, .ccant, and Mem aforesaid. .-bertiVi
Mpg at the nontiedet corner of :Juniata itr,et
lota Bearer Avenue: . then.e• nOrthwiunly , alting
Beaver avenue rutty ft' ;-thence d•
._ thence cawaedly .
hundred _wet kreeuty.cft. to Evans ellery
thence Etheilwardly &our said Alta forty feet to
Juniata street: thentat wesfward.) one hundred
and tivit . y-tlye.feet. -to tim:piace..of
having'thertoireiecied three , trante uillu.sand
two frmiisthops'onasioiyAngh. • •'• • :
Seized and taken In exteunin , prop as erty
of Robert Robb, raeCtitOr ar Fteder , ck A e.ctlrkt..
man, with noti,e t kilastielh
widot. of said neeetick oescnelman, di-ceased.
Frei crick Ae:serelman. nkflinamand..
Pillions:1) a Aese •einnen. the list iwo by' their
Guarolan. 311, hael Permit, belts ai• iitworea•d.
Frederick Aeso4rlman, ticak , ed: Juno Gir:Alo
cornell.:Aaslance of r Fre dcz la A escitelswinole,..
eeastd, at. the suit of Kobe. t Eobb, for eke or
u, W. SObb. • • •
A U the right, title. Interest a , d claim cf Jatnes
Whlte, of, lu and to eh hat Certain lot of around
VI lbwwa, city of All.Thenv, t entity of
Ilegheav, aims butte of Penosyiventa, - sheltie on
the west Ltde o - ZDarrah street. fronting. on .satct
stree. utnete ; u feet, and,rannirg, back. Ilfty.two
feet to William hrittt , s lot, hohnded as runoffs:
Beginning at &point seventy t rarest t oottot•mt
trom toe northwestern point of intersection of
Darragh with Robinson street: thence 'nineteen
feet northwardly nlnetetn 'feet. running back .
fifty-two feet: preserving the same wldth—f
Seized and taken In execution as the property
of James White, at the suit of ;be Coral:non,
wealth for nee of the Mayor, Aldermen and elt,.
sena ofdlleghtuy.
An therfght, titlit,•lnterest, and o---
Hubbard, of and to all that certain lot of
' ground situate Itr the Second ward. City of4,Alle
gbeny„Dohnty of Allegheny, and State of Penn..
sylyanla, bounded asfollowi, to wit:. liegthnlng.
.at, Kaolin One hundred and•ta eive feet' •tlm the
Aortdetaticorner of Beaver and: CarrOLlareets;
thence Rastwardly Conic Carrel street Prtnty
ihetrthence Nottbwardtv one hundred !bet to
Jefferson.street: thence Westwardiridogg
teraon sitreet twenty feet; theoce tioathtgardlY,
one hundred 'feet to the place or beg:nob ity
lag thereon Greeted one two story fame
Iscized and taken In exrcnttooas the proltertyof
.Hubbard at the snit of the Commo,dwealth •
or use of tie Mayor , Aldermen an. citlhans of
the City of
AL? O.
, . .
thd right. title, interest and 'elsini'of
O'Hara 0f,, , to and to all that certain:oot aground,
in the ward„ Allegheny eity„Alleghenycounty,
renusylvalei r a. situate on the north sidedf.Stoca-:
ton avenue/ outing on said avenue thirty feet and ,
runninfr.b.sok abons twohunt red and luny feet TO ,
- WatcreAreet, bounded as follows, tomtit: Begin
ning at a point sixty - eet ares:wardly (on
ton avenue) from the north we 6:ern• p.fint Of In•
tees - effort of Stockton avenue and Un. on &henna:
thence westwarilly thirty fLet, rant, log back two
handfed and forty feet, preserying the same
width. . .
Seized and taken In exeentlon as the property
of-- Otkikra. at the bull of the Commonwealth,
for use of the Mayor,' Aldermen and citizens cf
Allegheny: _ .
10th, A. D. Deg..aad trrinill„tiglinorrierl.
(Wee or said alleghe Book.
Vol. 274., pia.t r a Ard iherwarlansk-front Jacob
'Wigwam and , n.u.rllintit Wl* rracordl.
Cain - iald,rithin. RI Deed.BOOke,noi. 7. p .ire M.
onWhicnare *reefed Artieftwinirery rick 'dwel.
line 'house,• with one and one-half story back
bu.loloitand %No franie slaughter humeri.
Petra and tsket. in ezdentiolt is the properly
of He nry,BerschhOnsert, the cult_ or Nicholas
Mi 1.07. -.- ' ''- '' • —' : '
Art the right. title. linereit and . , claim . of . Peter
Ansinow - dc.. of in and to:;alinthat cer sin
Atuerguagennd teneturnt. helot a - frame bruidt. a
having a front of lllty.six f.-er on Church street,.
ands part of bald indining extending : hack about
tifty.feetsind a' part about - twenty feet In the
. but notch of. Blrmingban -. County or mieref try;
and State of P.unelivanis, li-tatit partly two
irtry. withriellar under a wallow of geld Jrcild
,,lt.„o, thirt.INSIX feet of the lons of sald building
-in e,a.d 'suet; being one store. and s:raending
ruck in depth count. ttr, nry.. feet 'h. twenty feet
otAe ihit or . Bald build lemon said et reel; two
:at so h cellar under thel to and extend
:iirrbitek.about iii.y feet. and the lot or piece of
expand, &c.; ihe said lot having a rtont of Arty
61r.leet on Church ttteet, lin said borough, ex
,teAO:whack fifty feet. and bounded on the 'one
.51 eby the lit of the heirs of Cbrls. DeislralL,
an on the otter side by lot - nf 'John Eloglnger.
.' • etteil and taken in execution as the property of etef , Auen at the suit of Georgb 410r.t0
. T.
ir Co.
All• the alvtd, t i tle ,
, me r e st , it and claim of the
Trustee/of the Metttodtatliurial Ground'. f in.
'and to all those two Certain lota of ground In the
sixth Ward of the• City of Pittsburgh, County of
Allegheny and State of Pennsytvania. situate on
,the: north side of Bedford street fronting on said
' stteet three hundred theteletren andh hatfinchea
• end running back about— beet to --, being
imp lots'of irrtnind ott the sow h side of Hanford
Redfordreene .behttc op lite south west corner of
- and DeVallers tire et,_ fronting on said
Bedford street two handy. I and nineteen feet two
inches and running back of that width along De
',lnfer& street 7---,„ teet tet—. . she ether being n
!the tbatbesat :corner • Of.Bedforn and DeVille a rs
str e et.f .ironttnironleald:‘Bedford sareet eighty
- one :::r.tnine son a half inches and running tank
along DeTilltra street of *Ant' width --- feet to
,'Palzett and..taked. in execution. as the property
or 'Prns;..rws of the Methodist Burial Ground at
the Butt Of the M'alor, Aldermen and citizens of
Pittsburgh -for use. e . • . 1
:in'tberfitC ItTe, totem: and claim of .lbseph•
Inelistatef.'idary Ann Ellis. Smite' Thomas and
George Duncan, heirs of ltachet Harding, of. in
and , to all that, certain leit of arot , nd in the EMI ,
' mitt:ward. City. of yu tsburgh. County of Alto-Ithety and State°, • Pennsylvania. sltnstt on the
Bast side ,of ••Arthur,. street, lrontitlg. on. said
- street ;wen wand , two-thirds. feet anti .running,
.back,ramtit O.' y;fetir fet lo lot of - B rnes and
1:POIRT , :el , and do.:eribrd as follows: Seine on
east .:,..'..., of:Arttulta , street next an between
lett o(John „Bruton, Thomas Gibson, fronting
On 411ot Arthnri street twenty feet r lent inches
and runnin ghee& of that width Any fear feet to
foe ofßattles. . t .
-- Seized and taken in eie ution. ra the pronerty
ofJo - eptilue Maasey. Usti Ann lf.its hinny
Thomas and Geor g e Duna .n. heirs of ' Rachel
Hording, at tile' suit' of tae City of Pittsburgh
fosse of W. C. Pattetton. . .
Aitthe right , title, im A erest and claim of 'Daniel
Little. 0.. in, and to ell that cer.-ain lot in the
Ninth ward. ell. of Pill abt , rget, :Aunty of Alle
gheny and elate of Penney. Vitae, on she north
aide of Mnlirerry alley, beginning at the onuer
or - Allegheny street anu tab. alley; thence alone
Mulberry alley es,atwardly ,one ht.ndred and
twent fret, and thence extend ng b. ek north
wa• 4' , e p trallel with Allegheny street twenty
.- z .t and taken fa execution as the pronerty
of 0...rt-1 Little et the stilt of the Mayor, Alder
men and citizens of Pittsburgh,
All tt. - • ' gift . title. Interest and claim ofWilnam
Bap' .. of. ill and to all 1 bat eertztu lot of
atom o . e no 1 bird Ward of the City of Pltte
b tirgn, t.: nutty of Allegheny and t tate or Penn
sylvania, situate on the north shie of i11..0 street
fronting on said ttreet nine feet and running
back stout one hundred feet to Vlrgla &Iles.
and lx.uneltd. and described as follows. viz: Be
ing on the north side of Fifth street between
. property of Gray, route! A nese and William ,
Schmertz, uontung on said Fifth stveet nine feet
And ro.anine_...back of that width abe , nt one hun
dred fr et to Vie tin alley, said strip being used as
_it ' , ulnae alley.
*deed and taken In execution its the pronert7
or.iitrutiam: Bagaley at Liao suit of the City of
~ .So answers ,
April Sld, 1869
Will be a catidtdate for the office of Ellerin*. sub.
Ject . .to the decision of tbe Union Republican
Conn 6 Venllol3. mba: 19-d&P
garlro 1112 - €ITIZENS OF AL.
- liEfailENY COUNTY: I riapectlbily
titrit e oTlMV,`:4ViTeltrot:ife, V.ITIZi of
the Union Republican ouantv Convn. I
would mate OM I ask the omen tau for te oNlC
TERN: at the teimmation of which I wi , uld
cheerfally retire, believing that there are others
*quad, Ittoi ied to the honor and emo . umentg of
the office. and as competent es mytelt I will be
under obligation., to the citizen. of the county
for their support. Very mimic:MlS%
Late 1024 (old 131,h,) and bth Pa. Vol. Regt.
nahl2: 07 -
Pittsburgh & 'Connellsville Railroad.
Proposals will be received up. to SATURDAY.
May let, inclusive, for the
Of the remaining 47 Sections of LI is Road, situ
ated at intervals oven the 96 mtlez . between Con
ra list Hie and Cumthriand.
tspeelddqlons will be ready for distribution at
the Pittsburgh and Comberiand Offices, on FRI
DAY. the 9th of April, and all in foranadon
necessary for the proper examinatlona. of tut
work..witi be afforded by the Engineer upon the
By order of the President and Directors.
Chief nginecv.
Pittsburgh, March 18tb. .180.,.
Diseases. ”yphilis In all Its farms Oonorrheea,
Meet. etricture. completeli eradicated,
That numerous class or cases re.sul lag from self
abuse, producing unmanliness, nervous debility lMta ,
Itly erunt,ons. seminal emitsions, and
flnelfglatpolency, permanently cdred. ;Persons
afflicted tyl h delicate. intric ;te and long stand
ing conatitution al complaints are Polite/if Invited
to call for consultation. which nests nothing.
Experience, the best of teachers. has, enabled
him to perfeet remedies at once efficient, safe,
permanent, and which In mon cases.elnit used
without hineranee to buelne,,S. 3 4 011 3.1101 Pre
pared in the establishment, which embraces of
fice, reception and waiting rooms: alio, °carding
ono sleeping apertments pstienti requiring
da ly pet...nisi attention, sod vapor and chemi
cal baths. thus concentrating the famed mineral.
springs. No matter who have-tabled. state your
case. Read whey he
addressn his pamphlet
Pages, sent to an% for two eternal'. Thou
sands of.catefi treated annually, at office and all
over the eountry, Consolation free, personally
or by mall. Office No. 9 Wylie street, (near
Court House) Plit•burgh, Pa. Hours 9 e. m. to
9P. M. Sundays IA m. to 51 Pe m. Pamphlet
sent tunny address for two stamps. apt
This splendid Halr Dye le tha best ln the world:
"the only true and perfect Dye: hartelecc rens*
hie, instantaneous: lIQ disappointment; no ri
dlculons Until remedies the elfectb of bad
dreg. Invigorates and leave. the Hair soft and
beautifUl. 'Clads or Croton. Bold by all Druggists
and Perfuinersi and property 'molted et Batche
lor's Wiz natal% No. 15 Bo York . nd 'street. New.
_ CY.—An Essay ter youngmen onLbeertme,
Of wilted% and the D/SEgiskti and A BUStill
which create linpedimebts to MARRIAGE, with
sure means of relief. Bent; In sealed letter en
veloprs.. free nt charge. Add' ess, Dr. J. SKIL
LIN HOUGHTON; Beward AsseelatiOn.
delpbia. • • lal9:din
Tor olklldron. Wilt Mims' threcipars wlthout
Um ( . :.1,40:4165-Tittise
FiVaZiAri'S' BUILDUIG; ' r .
, ' .
so:. as 'Firth sArveitiale: - thetottd' 'Moor,
. , .
.• ' - s Alrrslioneli 1 - lq ' .
Otpital•AtkPaglitrit o .
•,, -. ..,-,- 1 r DIRECTORS. • - - 1-__'
..'• • •
1 1
N. .r.,Nlitei,, ' N.W.4 l Coor. Jr. Cli.Pt.X.Baller,
D u i! woiwo, 6N. Hartman, 46. Co ozobero,
Tomas- . P.. XCI utlf 41. .Itit. X: baley:
Hiatt. Jno.S.Wipock: .• • .: - .
. • -, Ju.) KID T X ,JCHt ti, rresident. .-
JNO. It. 'JEN v1,N144, Vico p
' •.- ';
dixti...r.'JoUvcrom. a resident.
. 4 eiletarig
Copt. it. J . U,RAOS; Colin Agent. ' •
• -. .
Insinri•on Liberal'? Terme on all Fire
- .' and - biliulnis Hisao. • , •
311Anutitaiwers sad 'MOW. /Nudes. te.
Lamps,.. Ittnterns, Chandeliers,
rsimirrzreiria, ate.
N 0.147 Wood Street.
ae 9 m 22 Between sth ind eth Avenues.
, .
..• •
We are now prepared to supply Tlnners and
Potters. It is perfeet, simple. and as chain as
she pilau top. having the names of the various
Fruits stamped upon the cover, radiating from
the center. and an index or pointer stamped upon
the top of the can.
It is Clearly,.Blathetly and Permanently .
by merely piscine the name of the fruit the
can contains opposite the pointer and sealing In'
the customary manner. No preserver of fruit or
good housekeeper will use any other after once
seeing it. I mb2.5
White Goods,
Hosiery, "
• Embroideries,
Laces and Lace Goods,
Boulevard and
Balmoral Skirts,
Hoop Skirts,
Millinery and Straw Goods,
Hats, Bonnets,
Ribbons, Flowers,
Sundowns, &c.,
To be found in the city, and 'shish will be sold
at the
Cash and Short Time Buyers.
New Spring Goods.
t rn Jacona, Hamburg and SWiaB.
At the Lowest Prices
Pill NOES,
LACE COLLARS, new style,
SILK SCARFS, for Ladies,
CORe/sili, In white and colored,
Cluney and Maltese Laces.
Jockey, Dickens and Derby Collars.
78 and 80 Market Sireet.
Drays, ', , Vragom3, Carts, Hacks,
And Every Description of Carriages,
Take Out theii- _Licenses
.For each and every Wagon, Cart; Car, Dray,
Buggy, or Camay.. drawn by one
,Itorae. the
se= of
.116 00
Vor.each and every one at the above earned Ve-;
hides, drawn by two horses. the snmollabY 00
For etch am ',guy one of theabove' named Ve.
Wei. drawn by four horses. the sum of ol 2 OD.
Vernal* and entry Hack drawn by two' horses,
the sem of •
.... ..6111110
For each and every ehatilbua and Titab4 Whealt
draw n by Iwo hones, the . Men or ......$lO 00
For each addltional bone attachtertel NM , nettle
above named Vehicles, the sum 011
pumas $l. }lsbell be the duty Of alt Livery
Stable keepers)n, bald city , to make &return to
the City Treasurer. within twebt'lllaYll atter the
passage Or tell - Ordinance; 'and aii , esallY there..
after, on or, belbre. Est day .of May of each
and ever/ Tee, or the number of Vehicles of ev
ery aesettptlon, owned and used bythem In them
business. and the kind theree4.ant the same re
tarn shall be made under oath- ; •
BSC. a. All owners of carts.'Dr,iya , Waiaak
ana other Vehicles. who shat II gleet or refuse
to primer* &license as afore& ald;': shall be antJant
to &penalty, of or, less than' ten per cent. for
'very thirty days the min . remains unpaid after .
• the sat day or day of -eath' tear. 1.A.11' Liver,
stab e Keepers _ to-make .the return re.
esued In the 31 Sectioa tbleOrtimance.
Ice addltlen to the foresail:kg,' be Weleet to a Ten
alty- or not exCeedlng At dellate. all or Clich
Mundt? MIMI be recovered' before lbe Mayor. or
one or the Aldermen of 'said city. by summary
'conviction: and tt shall be th. duty 01 the Chief
of Pollee tee:Beek oat y.eriona Vrbo have Sahel
.to comphy , with any Of the provisions. of this oe
-41/lAnce and *Dort the skate to the City T,,easur•
:r atehl l e it all e e r tigl.lrtg b
be t . xed and collected
... I lan of the costs, upon conviction as arereliala•
The peaklike for non.compliaucti with the or
dime° wilt be strictly en forced suer 'he above
date, D. MACF &OVUM.
Clay Treasurer.
. " `t.tionaur-Orrr April 1, lea°. arm:o3
2,000 I,7I.rusuEL7OFPNAPIi
4,5 Thw Ii ltit writvlawscm.
CARPETI3 - - kipb
CAg . 3
3-ply and , Ingrain.
The above Includes all: the Newest
Styles and Designs, and are now In Store
and arriving, to be sold •
23 Fifth Avenue.
mb27 •
We simply request & comparison of
Prins, Styles and Extent of Stork.
The largest assortment of low brined goods to
any establishment, East cr West._
CA - RFETs:;
We are now receiving our Spring
Stock of Carpets, &e, and tut : pre-
pared to offer as goud stock and at,
as lo* prices as any other house
in the Trade. We have all the
new styles of Brussels Tapestry,
Brussels, Mee Plys 'aid. Two IV.
Best assortment of InpVin Carpets
in the Market.
21 Fuerll. AVENUE.
EintdawT -
The choicest styles ever offered la this market.
Oar prices are the LOWEST.
I Splendid Line of Cheap Carpets.
At *5 Cents Per Yard.
No. 71 and 73 'FIFTH AVENUE,
BY &
.B. mum& 00.
55 AND 1v'71221:1 AVENUE.
Messrs. H. B. SMITHSON & CO.. proprietors •
Of Memel known Mammoth Auction House are
creating an, excitement'consequent upon the ar
rival or new goods which' are being cold at re-'
markably low pitons: Goods °revery vanetytthe
finest .sewed brott, the_ most Muhl t&i lirt, ible • DM-
moral gaiters and anklet along, •
blankets, flallllBl.ll. cloths. twits sutler!'
and cargete. Can and examine. .cor troublo to
'bow imods. Ladles% misses' and childrea's
Inas at almost your Own prices. All goods war
ranted as reDreSellted... no4l
-; in Etna borough on ;MONDAY- APTER,. •
ths . April Illtb, s us 3 O , OIOCk. Od the premises,
in Etna borough. thrmerlyStewartstown: will be
sold that valuable improved paoperty. situate at ,
the junction of Bridge street Whit the Freeport
and Pittsburgh road. having' trent of 103 feet
on the Freeport row and 00 feet' in depth to -_
Strawberry alley. the improvements are a new •
tVio.ttory briah dweilLug, with-six . rooms 04
,double cellar; alma..story frame dwelling:l,lth •
two rooms and - cellar; a nets • twoestory halos
dwelling, with hail,: ilve room.' -Mashed auk,
and cellart, and • a', twcestorF Armco with Store, '
mom, three chambers an cellar. Algid, •n o •
doable .lot In rear of the'. above. having 80-f ee t,„
front on Sycamore street, andloo feet in • depth
to Strawberry ailey, upon which are erected' a"
large stable and a slaughter house.
trenlls of sale=One-pall cash, the purchaser to -----
assume the present mortgage : ti,Boo due;.
tallouticshbs,Wwaltiginlsierebsat,"secliiiren dalty!bzujnidw:eaniTde
mortgage on 1180 prom eel.
01, AIcILWA!NE. Auctioneer.
Ann.Essiii. Co.,rum! , Dice
4..) (Late wasonoNze b coo •
• WHOIMULZ mamma tzr - -
Foreign and Domestic Dry 'Goads,
- No. 94 WOOD. STREET,
Cad door al*Tii Diamond alley.
-• • -
muum;Ang rA, -
, . •
. •
• z
(Second Floor)