B PITTSBURGH RIARKETS. Os•tifon or Prrrasonew GAtzaTTE, FRIDAY, April 2, 1869. The markets in a general way continue . very oull, but business men still console thenuielves with the hope that an im , Prevenient is near at hand. It is to be . hoped that business generally will' be better this year than it was last, which , was one of the :worst we have experi. enced since the commencement of the • late rebelliea. • There were .; very few business men who made anything; some managed to clear expenses, while quite a number wore forced to the wall • and - that, too, pretty badly.; There was an • unusually large number of failures in Pittsburgh ddring ' 1868; nearly all of which can be .48,eed_ to , overtrading, • and we think„ that. with the experience of the past year in view, there ; willbe • fewer of them in 1869. The sooner peo ple become reconciled to do business in • n-legitimattrway, stop - tills overtrading • andi* xuatistled with-old-fashioned mar ;gins, the better it will be-for the country at -APPLEAe S te a d yng in more freely, • but with demand, prices are Maintainecl,rranging, from ' sloll6 per bbl. Seto quality. ,„. • • APPLE. BUTTER.-. 10 quiet and tin : changed.: at 90@$1 per gallon. BUTTER—The roads •are in suoh a bad condition"that there Is little or-no • butter coming in from the country, and, AS aoonsequenee,, the market is steady, with regular sales at 45(x148 for, prime to choice, with an occasional sale at 50. BEAN.s—In, good supply and rather dull but uncbanged; $8,50 to the trade,. and $8,75 in a retail way. _ BuCat.W HEAT FLOUR—DuII; 3@3L .• . CRANBERRIES—SaIes at $18®822. CHEESE--Sales of New York Goshen • at.24®25, and the market alxmat bare. CORN NIZA.I•-•-$1,75©L85 per awl. CARBON OlL.—May be quoted at 805 31 for standard brands in a jobbing way. DRIED FRUlT—Peaches dull but un changed, with small sales of quarters at nand prime halves at 18©19. Apples 10012, as to quality. EGGS—In " good • demand and fresh packed sold readily at 28. HAY—Sales of good to strictly prime tight pressed on wharf at $23©25. j HOMINY $ 1,7658 HEMP—Quoted at =5 per. ton. -"PROVISIONS—The market is steady with a ; geed _ city and country demand ," while prices remain unchanged. Sales of. Bacon at 14X(4) fbr Shoulders; . Ebbed' Sides, 16%@ 17: "Clear Sides.,lB®lByi, and Sugar Oniaff gams 19, 1 4. Steamed lard, 1935, kettle rendered, 20(§1.7035. Men Pork • $82,50: lined Beef 21. • . POTATOES—In better. supply but with a 'continued good , local demand prices are sustained, ranging from 75(4 tap, in store. - PEANUTS. eta per pound. GRAIN—The demand for Wheat con ' tinues light, and the market is quiet at $1,48Q)1,50 for prime Red Winter. Oats quiet, the demand being very It ht while prices are unchanged at 643i©65 on wharf and track, and 67568 in store. Rye Is dull with but little offering; we continue to quote at $1,40. Corn, also, is dull but unchanged; may be quoted at 70©72 for White. and 75(4)76 for prime ,Yellow. Barley is quiet with a light de • mend, though there is but little offering; buyers are offering about $2 for prime Spring. SEEDS--There is a very fair demand fok Clover, with sales at 810©10,50, and •s‘ - Timothy at 83.50®3,75. Flaxseed ' quoted at V.,45@2,50. SALT—Is quiet but steady, and is still quoted at 62 by the car Ioad. SORGEEDI-80@65e. FEATHERS—A shade firther, and we now quote live geese feathers at 80 to the trade, and the' usual advance in a retail FLOUR—Is in rather better demand, • but prices are unchanged. _Spring , Wheat brands 88,25 to 6,75©7. Winter Wheat -$7,50@t8. Rye Flour 117.00® 7,25. The following are the Pearl Mill prices for their brands of flour made of the' best wheat: Pearl Mill three star green brand; in barrels, $9,90 In sacks $9,60; double extra in bar rels $9,00, and in sacks at 88,90; Pearl Mill family in barrels, 18,40, and in sacks at 18,00, Spring Wheat brands in barrels $7,80, and in sacka $7,00. The Pittsburgh City 'Mills prices are as fol lows:. Choice 'White Winter Wheat Mon:, in bbls, $9,80, and lacks $9,00, ehoiee Red_ Winter Wheat Flour, in bbls, 17,75, and in sacks $7,50; choice 'Spring Wheat Flour, in :bbls, 57,30, and in sacks, 57 per bbl. WJEELSRY.:-Highwinet very 'dull; may be opioted in a jobbing way at 92@93. LARD 011=Sales No. 1 at 11,6051,65, and No. 2. at 11,2881,80. Mancetteby ,Telegniph. NEW Yong, Z.—Cotton without "decided change; sales 2,300 bales at 28%c :for . middling . nplands. Flour; re ceipts , of 3,075 barrels, and 210 ‘. bus; market heavy and s®loc lower: sales 7,900 bbls at $5,115®8,15 for superfine State and Western, 30,20(4)7,25 for extra western, $7,40(0 for-white wheat extra, 18,50@7,75 for Round Hoop 010.0.170&50 for extra St. Louts, and _119@)12 for _good to choice do., the market .closing.quiet. Bye flour is quiet, with sales of /50 bbls at."s6@7. Corn Meal quiet. Whisky nominal, and no receipts. 'Wheat very heavy and dull, and I®2c lower; es -I,- 000 bus white. California at 31,67 , and 2,000 bus white Michigan at 11, • Rye nominally lOwer. Barley dull and droop. ing. Barley Malt dull. Corn opened