PI lan Fits tut Gaittts. THE WET SHROUD. "Ach. gohnl was halt Melt :,track'" `l3Lehe, Mutter, lima sing Tbranen." tMutterthranen. They gave her back again; . They net atked to ate her face; But gases upon her vacant place, Moaning, like those in pain. ?here was a brief bot thirst; A thirsting of the heart for streams Which never ra.re - , ave to sweet creams /lota that lost fount shooks bunt. There was a frightful cry. As if the whole vest earth were dead; Yet was one arrow only sped, • ttne s only, called to die. Then all grew calm as sleep: And they in honsehold s ays once more Did go: the anguish half was o'er, For they bad learnea to weep. They stood about her bed, And whlepered low.beueath their cloud: INtr oh,' might bear tnena speaking load She was so near, they said. Softly her pillow pressinr. With reverend brows they mutely ley; They scarcelr missed the risen cl*Y In her pure soul's caressing. Last. from their eyes were driven Those heart-drops. let. tl-so spoke their (cora— l' r robes. all heavy with h e aven Might clog her flight to • EPHEMERIS. —ltalian babies smoke. —l'areptt is still unwell —Suicides are numerous. —Xis. Scott Siddons is delighting New Orleans. —The fancies of fashion fill the female mind at present. • --Lamartine calls 'church bells ad vertisements of churches. —The Buiktin suggests that Philadel phia be called Philth•adelphia. —The evening train out of Washing ton is called the "swearing train." —The Peace Jubilee at Boston will be :the greatest musical piece ever performed. —Burlesque theatricals still rage, espe cially by the 'attractions of the London blondes. can be made from stone; so we soon expect to see house-fronts put up by —The monarchs of the turf are attract ing much attention; the papers have got on the "high horse." ' -one of oar young and , lusty archi tects takes.exercise daily by footing up a colupin.—BtAten Post. • --Shakespeare even cannot be presen -, ted in New York, now, without addition al scenes and the "belles of the ba/let." —The strongest opponent of female suffrage will not object to The ladies de-voting themselves to the men. —Barnard had a lively time getting into the U. P: R. 'B. safe. He has been on the qui rive.---Phitadclphia Bulletin. : —Quakers are decreasing in Pemasyl vania, but are occasionally found in South America, San : Francisco, and , other Parts- . —Forney says that Old Thad. Stevens' mantle has fallen upiii Gen. Butler. We wish that it had been old Thad's mantle piece.--(Prentice. —The French cavalry soldiers are much disgusted with the velocipede mania.— They refuse to mount the bicycles and tricycles'on any condition. —lf the Arabs in Philadelphia contort Themselves as a cotemporary does the En - • glish language, in speaking of them, tfiey must be wonderful to behold. —Two French actors In - New York have had a quarrel and want to fight it out. Pity they can't be allowed to do it on the stage, It would draw immensely. —Philadelphia is in doubt where to place her Lincoln monument. It is to be hoped she will find a location more quick ly than Pittsburgh has for her Soldiers' Monument. —An Oregon paper publishes marriages under the heading, "Fixed to stay." In Chicago the proper title for ma,rriage notices would be "Nix for stay."—Cis. po mmereial. Base-ball' "casts its shadow before," 4. and its devotees look longingly forward to the time - when their names Will be published in the papers with mystic Ini tials attached. —Panniers aro going out fashion, so packsaddles should be tke next step of progress. Yokes have long been. in vogue. Why will lovely women persist in burdening herself ? —A man out west has invented ahorse • velocipede, but, ft:ern the description, it is hard to tell whether the horse rides the velocipede, or the velocipede the rider, or whether the man rides at all. —Adelina Patti was called twenty ,times before the curtain, in St, Peters imrgh, * after the crazy scene in Donizetta's "Lucia di -Vemermoor." Mario, who sang with her, and whose' voice is almost entirely kone, barely escaped being hissed by the audience. -A Greenhorn at the Chicago Opera house, the other favored the world with an ingenious and novel explanation of the encore system. Said he, l'Them fellers, I suppose, is called out to see if, they can't try over again and sing better than they did last • . —An exchange thus qualifies ifs praise of antiquity. • 0 01 d things, arp sometimes', better than new,. and soinetirnes are not. As for instance, an old'iriend is the best, whereas an old corn isn't: Old wine is best; an old house-isn't. Old cheese is the thing,' but an old wife Isn't," .. shook ivithi.April in a eery angry mood. The, , theory, ; that if the month comes in a lion It will go catlike a lamb has proved signal' false, as both ends thill time were lions. The two animals did, not lie down .tegetker; cause, the failure of the lamb to arrive, We -trust to April to take theyoimglingin its arms. • —Some of our cotemporaries are resttr ..reoth!g numerous mad.stones indifferent . Tarts of the world. Edgetleld holds one , q 1 ,";-• %T.t. t _ , • ,$4 '45,%‘ *- . —,a44 4 aaft - q. t . a , a . 7 4".•X • Xt '4k SY" AT -4, ; r of these mad-stones, which is in posses sion of Aleck Joseph. In weight it is over half a pound, and thisidentical stone has been in Davidson county for over one 'hundred years. Some twenty-five yeaxs ago a man was bitten by a reale snalie, and nine days after the bite he was brought a distance of sixteen miles to Nashville,the stone applied to the wound, the poison extracted and the patient made well. —A Citizen of Saint Gall, in Switzer land, who has emigrated to the United States and married here without the con sent of the authorities of his native Place, deserted his spouse and returned to Switt zerland. Here he proposed to another woman, and the Council of the State at Saint Gall gave him permission to marry.. her, on the ground that:his previous mar riage was !inn and void, as he had not ob tained the consent of the Saint Gall au thorities to it. If the Swiss authorities could only unmake marriages between Americans, as easily, Chicagoans might combine pleasure and utility by a wed ding tour to Sivitzeriand, and a divorce when there. Eating and . Dinners. In the Herald of Health Rai. Mr. Frothingham has an article entitled "Eat ing and Drinking Damnation," from which we make a few extracts: • If the statistics of gluttonY had been as carefully looked up as the statistics of drunkenness have been, their would, no doubt, be a fearful tale to tell on that side. The-evils of excessive and unregulated drinking, though appearing in different form, they make less—impression on so ciety. An enormous burden of debt is • pressing upon our people, relief from which would give an impulse to every working faculty, and every industrial interest; and a sum of money, equal to three-fifths of the 1 whole of it, is annually spent by tb peo ple in a way that cripples those fac ties. aiminisbes the working power in the in. mutiny, and aggravates every depre sing and disabling influence. In the m nu facture of the stimulants thus consn ed, there are used grA,OO,OOO wo -of grains. all brimful of divine bent 'ty, rich with material for happiness, teething with future comfort, increase and nobili ty, big with the coming civilization, of mankind. So much -nourishing' force of blood made a cause of corruption in the bloodl Is not that drinking damnation? To the value of food products, add the la bor that is withdrawn from useful Chan nels, and practically wasted in the manu facture of this desolating power, and we have $2,250,000,000 per year, a sum suffi cient to pay the whole interest bearing por- I don of the public debt. Is not that drink ing damnation? Consider that this im mense consumption is a consumption not of values only, but of that which creates values, ofmuscle, tissue, nerve andbrain; consider that these drinking habits tend steadily, invariably, inevitably to blunt Sensibility, deaden conscience, paralyze affection and will, that they mean w.iste of time, effort, and opportunity, carte exprcis too strongly - the conviction iliat something very like damnation results from them? The dinner table is in the way of reform. It is wound about with such meshes of ceremony and etiquette, it is so asscfated with manners, there goes along w h it such a mass of opinion on all subjeo :4 affecting society, it is the rendezvous for so much conventionality of mind and feeling, that to break away from it is a task the strongest shrink' from, and to remember that the soul sits down at it, requires an effort of imagina tion too severe for ordinary men and women to make; but if it could be made, such weight would be added to the self-respect of the he.,or classes and the word—the better cl4.vcs would be inspired with such ear nestness, the worst would be shamed into sue'i moderation; the better classes would become so alive to their duties; the worst would become so alive to their interests; such an amount of right mind edness and sound heartedness would be generated, that a kind of salvation would begin to dawn, on the spot—the salvation of personal health and wealth, domestic peace, parental nurture, filial education, of social quietude and peace.honest deal ing, pure speech, gentle manners, and that reign of law which promises abetter age. The depressing thought is, that our unconscious habits undermine our hu manity. The .stimulating thought is, that by a change in these habits, we might effect a radical change in the social constitution. The bearing of these daily habits on social ethics is very wide. They all go together. Eating and drinking work in company with dress, and find in dress a valuable auxiliary. . The social aspects of costume, the spiritual, bearings of appa rel, present material sufficient alone for a long treatise. It is no light considera tion, that of clothing, seeing that on ;it depends the •freedom, of our breathing, the.erirmiess of our bearing, the liberty, •of ,our physical action, and through them the,comfort of our minds, the evenness of our tempers, the character of the soci ety we cultivate, and the cost of the in terests wepursue. We imagine that the world is kept back by some nameless, in visible'intangible monster of depravity, who has his seat In regions above our will t and can'De dethroned by '.nothing less potent than the special` grace of God. It is not so. The world is kept back by cooks and bar-tenders, by ta and boot/oaken. The reformers must ever face an army Of milliners. • The most formidable enemy the anti-slavery cause had to confront was the gentility that could not wear tweed or calico, or associate with those that did. Pine' hate stopped the win dows that might have let in light. Con fidence waited on cloth. Patent leather antidelicate kid suppressed conviction. The conventions brought together every kind of men but the well-dreased men, The dress was a livery that could not be disguised. The man might be willingto go, but the broadcloth was backward, and the broadcloth was the person. To over '-come the consciousness of apparel I was to overcome' tne consciousness belonging tOylk particular class in society. Could ,peoplff have been put into blouses and felt i lusts, , we should have seen.them marching -off in troops to the rendezvous of radicalism. The political• party which numbers hilts ranks the largest number of gentlemen,„ is certain if election day - •blippenis to be;storiny, and We, leaders anxiously watch the clouds and • the weather-cock, ktawing , that with their constituency the question is one of silk hats vs. vapor. Principle/Are unequally matched with pnuielli. - , _ ' PITTSBURGH. GAZETTE SATURDAY„ APRIL 3, ISM SHERIFF'S SALES. it VIIITUE OF lIENBUIt E X- B EUuTIONSS issued out of the Dia trict Court of Allegheny county, Penn sylvania, and to the Sheriff of said county directed, there will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in the city of Pittsboxgh. said county, on MONDAY. the 26th day of April, A. D. 1869, at 10 o'clock, A. the following described real estate, to wit : All the right, title, interest" and claim of Patrick Lanigan, of, in and to all those two certain lots of ground, fronting twenty-five feet each, on Centre street, by one hundred feet deep, to an alley, being lots No. 34 and 35 in T. A. Mellon's plan of lots of McFarland's. grove, Alle gheny county. Pennsylvania, recorded in vol. 3, page 74, etc., having thereon a ,two story frame house, thirty-two by 'sixteen feet,•with back building sixteen by sixteen feet, and a small frame stable, with necessary out buildings. Seized and taken in execution as the property of 'Patrick Lanigan, at the snit of Peter Phelan for use of J. S. Strickler, All the right, title, interest and claim of Jacob C. Myer and John Frohlick, of, in and to all that certain lot of ground situated on Diamond street, in the city of Pittsburgh, Allegheny county, Pennsyl vania, commencing forty feet from the corner of Diamond street and Cherry alley, at a point 'next the lot of Perry Wilson, and running thence along Dia mond street towards' Smithfield street twenty feet, and running back towards Fifth street, along the other line of the property of defendants', ninety. five feet, to the property of the Methodist Church. and thence along the line of Perry Wil son's property ninety-live feet, to the place of beginning, on which is erected one two story frame blacksmith shop and wagonmaker shop. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Jacob C. Myer and John Frohlick, at the snit of Adam Herch enrother. - All the right, title, interest and claim of Wesley B. Dravo, of, in and to that cer tain lot or piece. of ground situated, ing and being in the city of Pittsburgh, (late Borough of Lawrenceville) County of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, and bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning on south aide of a forty feet street (being continuation of Small mans street,) at the corner of Wainright street and said forty feet street, and thence extending eastwardly along said forty feet , street twenty and eight-tenths feet and thence extending back south wardly, preser vin g the same width, paral- - lel with Wainright street,one hundred feet to a twenty feet alley, and being lot marked F,and being numbered 25, in i t he plan of the partitiou of the estate ef PMr Dravo, deceased. and being one of the , lots awarded and allotted to the said said Wesley B. Dravo in said proceeding's in partition as part of - purport F, which said plan and proceedings are recorded in the Partition Dc3l. - et in thei Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county,' - at No. 192 in partition. Also, All those four certain contigu ous lots or pieces of ground altuated, ly ing and being in the city 'of Pittsburgh, county of Allegheny and State of Penn sylvania. each .having a front on the north side of Charlotte street of twenty feet and marked F, and numbered re. spectively In the aforesaid plan of parti tion of the estate .of Peter Dravo, de. cersed. 17, 18, 19 and 20, and bounded and described together as follows, viz: Beginning on the north side of said Charlotte street a distance of twenty feet from the northeast corner of Dravo and Charlotte streets, thence along said Charlotte street eighty feet to the line of lot No. 21 in said plan of partition, and thence extending back northwardly along the line of said lot No. 21, and par allel with Dravo street, preserving the - saute width,one hundred feet to a twenty feet alley. • Also, All those two certain cont iguous lots or pieces of ground, situated, lying and being in the City, County and State aforesaid, each having a front of twenty fast •on the south side of .a forty feet (being a continuation of Smaliman:street) and marked F. and numbered ..•espec tively in the aforesaid plan of the parti tian of the estate of Peter. Dravo, de ceased, 44 and 45, and bounded and de scribed as follows, viz: Beginning at a distance of one hundred and sixty feet eastwardly from the corner of said forty feet street and Dravo street; thence ex tending eastwardly along said forty feet street forty feet to line of lot No. 46 in said plan of partition; and thence extend ing back sonthwardly along thd line of said lot No. 46 and parallel with 'Dravo street one hundred feet to a twenty feet allay. ALso,. All that certain lot or piece of ground, siaLated, lying and being in the City, County and State aforesaid, and marked F. and numbered 46 in the afore said plan or partition of the estate of Peter Dravo, deceased, and bounded and de scribed as follows, viz: Beginning on the south side of said . forty feet street, at a distance of two hundred feet eastward ly from the southeast corner of said forty feet street and Dravo street; thence east wardly along said forty feet street fifty feet to an alley ten feet wide; thence northwardly along said alley one hundred and five feet one and one-quarter inches to an alley twenty feet wide; thence westwardly along said alley seventeen and sixty-four one-hun dredths feet Lo the line of lot No. 45, in said plan; and theace northwardly along the line of said lot No. 45; one hundred feet to , the 'place of beginuing,the said lot No. 46, and the said lots Nos. 44 and / ;. 5 . having erected on them and partly covcr ing each a two story frame dwelling house. - Seized and taken in execution as the property of Wesley B. Dravo at the suit of Charles Donnelly for use of Henry Holdship,now for use of George Hoerr. All the right. title, interest-and claim of A. & Shaffer of, in and to, all the fol lowing described real estate, situated in Upper St. Clair township, in the county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, viz: bounded on the west and northwest by the Pittsburgh and: Washington •Turn pike, on the east and northeast by lot of Mrs. Shaffer's heirs, on the south and. southeast by the Clutrtiers Valley Rail road, and on the south and southwest by lot of John A.Rowley, containing about one and one-half acres, and on which - is erected a frame - dwelling one and . one half stories ligh, and on which are also the remnants or wrecks of a woolen fac tory portly burned, with the engine. boiler and machinery of said woolen fac tory thereon. Aux', all the right, title, interest and claim of the defendant of, in and to all that certain lot, of ground, situated in Upper St. Clair township, county legheny - and State of Pennirilvania, bounded and described as follows. viz: bounded on the south by Chartlers Creek, on the west by lands of Mrs. Rays. on the ninth by lot of H. n. Mor g an, and on the , east by the Chartlem Valley rail road, containing' two acres and +seventy , two perches, on which is erected a story ands half fraMe house. Seized and taken -in execution as the property of Andrew Schaffer and David Schaffer at the suit all Robb and W. R. Johnston, Executors of A. Johnston,lde ceased, now for use of David McCabe. ALSO, ALSO, ALSO, ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of The ntana Refining and Storing Com pany of; to and to a ll those alt certain lots or pieces of ground situated in Re. serve township, Allegheny county, State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described , as follows, to wits Extending each in front twenty-five feet on the Saw Mill Valley Plank Road and running back, each preserving the same width, one hundred and twenty feet, to Vine street, being lots No.. 25.26, 27, 29, 80 and 31, in the plan of lots in said Reserve township, laid out by William Ferguson, Trustee of Matthew Ferguson and Sarah M., his wife. Also, All that other lot or piece of ground situated in Reserve township, aforesaid, being numbered 28 in the plan aforesaid, lying between lots Nos. 27 and 29 in said plan, and extending in front on said Saw Mill Plank Road thirty.seven feet and five inches, and extending back by line of lots Nos. , ' 27 and 29 to Vine, street. Also, All those certain three lots or I:pieces of ground situated in Reserve township, county and State aforesaid, each having a front of twenty five feet . on the Saw Mill. Valley Plank Road, and running back, preserving the same width, one hundred and twenty feet to Vine street, being lots Nos. 32,33 and 34 in the plan of lots in said township, as laid out by Wm. Ferguson. Trustee, as aforesaid. The above described property being the same which Kauffman et al, by their deed, dated May-24th,1865, and recorded in the Recorder's 'office in and for said county in Deed Book, volume 222, page 442, granted and conveyed to the wort gager therein named. together with all and singular the rights, liberties, privi leges, improvements, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the reversions, remainders, rents, issues and profits thereto, to have and to hold the said pieces or parcels of land above described, hereditaments and premises hereby granted or mentioned, and intended so to be, unto the said Wm. A. Reed, Treasurer, his successors and assigns, to and for the only proper use and behoof of the said W. A. Reed, his successors and assigns forever. Seized and taken in execution as the property of The Montana Refining and Storing Company, at the snit'of William A. Reed. _ _ ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of Joseph Logan. of, in and to all that car- tain lot or piece of ground; situated and being in the Reserve Tract opposite Pitts burgh, now in the Fourth ward, city of Allegheny, county of Allegheny, and . State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at the corner of Sawmill alley and Walnut street, and running thence along said Walnut street forty-four feet to a private alley twelve feet wide, and thence along said alley eighty-seven feet to another private alley thirteen feet wide, at the corner of the two private alleys, and ten feet wide at the corner. of Sawmill alley; thence along the last mentioned and de scribed alley forty-four feet to Sawmill alley, and thence along said Sawmill al ley ninety feet to the corner of Sawmill alley and Walnut street, at the place of beginning, on which there are erected four brick dwelling houses. Seized and . taken in execution as the property of Joseph Legg!, at the suit of John Aiken. AUSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of Abia B. Smith, of, In and to all those two certain tracts of ground and im provements thereon, described as follows, to ; wit : All that certain lot or piece of_ grOund situated in the village of Clinton, Allegheny county, Pennsylva nia, being \ lot No. 4, and bounded and , r described follows, to wit : Beginning at the no theast corner of lot No. 3: _ thence by he Main street south forty degrees, east four perches - to a lot of James Shaw, No. 0; thence by the same south fir y degrees west, eight; perches to a post; t-ence by the land of the heirs of James Thornburg, deceased, north forty degrees; west four perches ,to said lot No. 3; thence by the same north" fifty de grees east, eight perches to the place of beginning, containing thirty-two perches strict measure. On said described lots are erected the fqllowing improvements, to-wit : One double frame dwelling house having a front of forty-four feet, and a ' depth of seventeen feet and with two kitchens in the rear, one stable and one frame shop. ALSO, All that certain other piece or parcel, of land situated in Findley town ship' Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stone; thence by lot of John G. Irwin. south thirty-nine degrees ,east, four perches to a, stone; thence by lots of George T. Rice, north seventy ,thrpo degrees east, twenty-five and IVA-tenths perches to a stone; thence by lot of Chas. Wlb3on, north twenty-nine and one-half degrees west. eight and one- - tenth perches to a stone; thence north seventy-one and one-halt degrees east, -ten and one-tenth perches ' to a stone: thence south twenty-nine and one-half degrees east, eight and one-tenth perches to a stone, thence north fifty-five degrees east, twenty-four and ono te!-;-*.h perches to a stone; thence by other ittnds of J no. Wilson north thirty aid oite-half de grr:s west : sixty and 'e.ac tenth pozehes to a stone;' thence south sixty degrees west, twenty.aix . and half perches to a stone; thence south twenty-five degrees east, forty and seven tenths perches to a stone; thence mouth sixty degrees west sixteen perches to a stone; thence eolith twenty-live degrees west, seventeen and twenty-live .one-hundredth 'perches to the place of beghtnlng, containing thir teen acres and twenty-sixperches, more or less. . - Seized and taken in execution as, the property of Abia B. Smith, ni . lthe suit of Alex. H. Miller. ALSO. All the right, title, interest and claim of Arthur Ballo% of, .in and to all that certain lot of ground situated in the Second ward, of the city of Pittsburgh. county of Alio, gheny, and State of Pennsylvania, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning on Second -street, at the co;- nes of lot No. 297, in Woods , plan of said city, and running thence along Sec ond street eaatwardly slaty feet to the earner of lot No. 299; thence northward ly In a line parallel with Cherry alley eighty feet; thence westwardly in a line paraUelvith Second street sixty feet to lot No. 297; and thence , by the same to Second street eighty feet to the place of beginning. being half of loto No. 298 in said plan,. -subject to all the conditions, covenants and agreementa contained in a Certain deed of perpetual lease from Jas. Anderson, of Ross township, to William H. Hays, dated the let day of November, r 18811. recorded in the office for, recording deeds in and for the county aforesaid in Deed Wok volume 47, page 102, said yearlY ground rent in said deed being one hundred and lifty.seven dollars and fifty cents;.being the same which James W.Wood well and wife, by deed dated the Bth day of July, 1894, recorded dm. in Teed Book:volume 174. page 238, granted andaconveYed to Arthur Ballou, the pre sent :I:torts:gm, on which is erected a 'fonr story, brick warehouse. • Seized and taken in execution as the property of Arthur Balton, at the - snit of the. Dollar Savings Bank. ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of James N. Vickers, of. in and to all that certain lot or piece of ground situated in the borongn of East Birmingham, Alle gheny county, and State of Pennsylvania bounded and described as follows: Be g inning on the southwest corner formed by the intersection of Carey's alley and Caroline street; thence southerly along Caroline street twenty feet two and one sixth inches to the ground of said Thos. Ward: thence westerly, parallel with Carey's alley by the said ground of Ward, sixty-three feet seven and one-sixth inches to ground of Jane 0. Morgan: thence by the same northerly at right angles from the last line, twenty feet to Carey's alley: and thence, by the same easterly sixty-gx feet three and one-half inches to the place of beginning; being the same prop erty which said Ward by deed of even date herewith conveyed to the said Vick ers, and this mortgage being given to se cure the unpaid purchase money thereof; on which is erected a two-story frame store -house and dwelling. Seized and taken in execution as th' properly of James-- N. Vickers, at the suit of Thomas Ward. ALSO. All the right, title, interest and claim of Rosanna Morgan, of, in and to all that certain lot or piece of ground, same be ing lot No. 276,in William Robinson,Jr's., extension of the City of Allegheny, Al legheny county and State of Pennsylva nia, called ' , Buena Vista," situated on the north side of Taylor avenue, at the distance of eight hundred and silty feet west of the west line of the Orphan Asy lum lot on Taylor avenue; thence north wardly ninety feet to an alley; thence westwardly along the line of said alley twenty feet; thence southwardly ninety feet to Taylor axenne; thence eastwardly along the line of said avenue twenty feet to the place of beLinning aforesaid, in William Robinson; Jr's., plan of lots, re corded in Plan Book No. 2, page 61, be ing the same which was conveyed by. William Robinson, jr.. and wife, by deed dated the Ist day of October, 1853, to John Ramsey, recorded in Deed PI ok, Vol. 188, page 341, and conveyed by John Ramsey and wife to Rosanna Morgan by deed dated the sth day of May. A. D. 1862, recorded in Deed Book Vol. 153, page 228, the 6th day of May, A. D. 1862, on which there is erected a two story frame house. Aiso, That other piece or lot Of ground Nos. 277 and 278 in the • said ex tension of the city of Allegheny, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, called "Buena ' 'Vista situated on the north aide of 'Taylor avenue, at the distance of two hundred and twenty-four feet east from the corner of lot No. £79, ninety feet to an alley; thence eastward-. ly forty feet; thence southwardly ninety feet to Taylor avenue; thence westward ly along said avenue forty feet to the place of beginning, in the plan of lots of the said William hobinson, jr., aforesaid, recordc d in Plan Book Vol. 2, page, 61, being the same piece or lots which was canyer t by William Robinson, jr., and wife, by deed bearing date the 9th day of February, 1857, recorded in Deed Book Vol. 129, page la, to the aforesaid Ro , mina Morgan, on which there is erected ' a two story brick dwelling house. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Rosanna Morgan, at the suit of Joseph D. Smith for use of the Dollar Savings Bank. ALSO, AU the right, title, interest•and claim John McCully, of, in and to all that ce:';;. tiin tract or piece of land, situated in* Patton township, Allegheny county, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded .as fol lows, viz: Bounded 'by lands of :Robert Cunningham, Peter Sinhart, James Steel, David Gilmore and Thomas Mc- Jiree. Containing twenty-one acres, more or lets, on which is erected a log house. Siezed and taken in execution as the property of John ,McCullviitt the snit of John Ford. ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of Adam Hoffuagle and Joseph Hoffuagle, of. in and to all that certain lot or piece of ground situate in.tho city of Alleghe ny, county lof Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvanie, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning on the south side of Juniata street at the distance of two . L andred and thirty feet east from Chartier street; thence extending in front or width along Juniata street easterly for ty-four feet and in depth southerly, pre serving the- same width of forty-four feet, parallel with Chartier street, one hundred and twenty-nine feet nine inches to an alley, of which it has the privilege, being the same piece of ground which John Rosenberger, by'deed dated the 17th day of Aug., A.D. 1867,conveyed to said Adam Hotfnagle and Joseph Hoff nagle. Seized and taken in execution sacthe property of Adam ktoffnagle and Joseph _Hoffnagle at the suit of John. Rosenber zer for use of H. Bargwin, guardian. . ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of Morris L. Morris, William Harkness and Martha Jane liarkness, of, in and to or out of all that certain lot or piece or ground, situated in the borough of Mo- IKeesport, oonnty of Allegheny and State of Pennsylt .atia, bounded and described as follows : beginning on line of lot No. 132; thence extending along said lot one hundred and forty feet to Market street; thence along Market street southerly sixty feet to Right street; theneo along Right street one hundred and forty feet -to a twenty ;G.:it alley; thence no:therly along said alley sixty feet to the place of beginning, being lot No. 133, on which is erected one two.story brick dwelling house, also one frame dwelling house one , and three-Condi:is stories high, and bther . ant-buildings, with fruit trees, shrub •bery, well of water, &c. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Morris li., Morris, William Harkness and Martha Jane Harkness, at the suit of B. A. Stoney, for use of The . Dollar Savings Bank. , ALSO, - • ,All the right, title, interest and claim of. James H. Gibson, or, in and to all that certain lot of ground situate. In Wilkins township, county of Allegheny and State -of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Being lot No. 18 in H. B. Berger's plan of lots at Braddock's Fields, said plan being recorded in the Plan Book, voL 3, page 80. said lot having a front of forty feet on Burton street, and extending hack one hundred and seven teen feet•to a fifteen feet alley. - ALso—AU .that certain other lot of • ground situate .in Wilkins town , ship. county and State, aforesaid; adjoining the above described • lot, ' described as follow°, to-wit: Being lot No. 19 in same plan of lota of H. B. Berger. in Braddock's Fields,• said lot having a front of fifty-five feet on:Burton street, and extending hauk one hundred and seventeen feet to a fifteen• feet alley; said lot having neon conveyed,_to the party of the first part hereto by Joseph ` Linhart, deed dated January 21st, 1868.' Seized and taken into execution FM the property of James EL Gibson at the' milt of 0. B. Seely, for use of W. W. Woodend. All the right, title, interest and 'claim of Joseph and John Ross, of, in and to all that certain tract or plebe of land, situate in'Robinson township, county" of A.llO-, gheny, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded - and described as - to ! wit : Beginning at a' post' near the town- ship road, corner of land of the heirs of James O'Hara; thence north six degrees, east sixty-seven perches, to' a post; thence north five and one-half degrees east, one hundred and ninety-three per ches to a white oak; thence south eightY. five and one-half degrees east, forty-five perches to a locust; thence north eight and one-half degrees west, secenty-five perches to a stone; thence South eighty eight degrees east, eighteen perches to a stone; thence north seven degrees east, seventy-two and thirty-one hundredths perches to a atone; thence south seventy five degrees east, fortv-seven and sixty one-hundredths perches to . a walnut; thence north sixty-five degrees east, twenty-six and forty-one-hundredthsper ches to a stone; thence south twenty seven and one-fourth degrees east, forty- - seven and sixty-hundretha porches to a stone; thence north sixty-one degrees fifty-two minutes east, twenty-six and forty-one-hundredths perches to a stone; thence south forty-tive degrees east, thirty-six and forty-one-hundredth per ches to a stone; thence south thirteen and one-half degrees east, thirty-five and Bev ebty-hundreds perches to a hickory; thence south fifteen degrees east, one hundred and twenty-three perches to a white oak; thence south thirty-eight and one-half degrses west, two and seventy one-hund redt ha perches to an elm; thence south nineteen and one-half decrees east, twenty-four and thirty-one-hun dredths perches to e' VW: thence south seventy and one-hali degress west, two hundred and seventy-five and • eighty-one-hundreths perches to a post, the place of beginning, containing three hundred and thirty-seven acres and one hundred and flity-two perches, be the same more or lees. Aug). The bituminous or stone coal which is contained in and under all that certain tract of land adjoining the above, situated also in Robinson township, Alle gheny county, Pennsylvania. bounded and described as follows, to wit: Begin, fling at a post on the coiner of land of the heirs. of James O'Hara; thence, south twenty degrees east, twenty perches, to a hie tory; thence, south seventy-four degrees west, eig hty-eight perches, to a red oak; thence, north fifteen degrees west, forty-eight perches, to a post; thence, south:seventy-four degrees west, thirty-nine and twentv-one.hundreths perches, to a post; thence, north fifteen degrees west. twelve and one-half perches to a post; tbeace, south seventy-four de grees west, thirty-seven and seventy one hundredths perches, to a post; thence, south fourteen degrees west, twenty-eight and elghty-one hundredths perches, to a post; thence, north eighty-eight degrees west, forty-five and fifty-one-handredthe Rerches, to a post: thence, north six de grees west, inky , - eight perches, to a post; thence, Jiorth sixty-three and one-ludf degrees east, fifty-two perches, to a post; thence. south twenty-nine degress east, eighty and ninety-one-hundredth perch es, to a post; thence, north sixty-four de grees east, one hundred and twenty-one perches, to a post; thence, north twenty four degrees west, thirty-three perches, to a post; thence, north fifty and gone half degrees east, seventy-four perches, to a post; thence, south fifly-fiye de grees east, ninety-nine perches, to apost; thence, south six degrees west. sixty seven perches, to a post, the place of beginning, containing one hundred and • thirty-nine acres and twenty perches, be the same more or less, together with the necessary privileges, rights of way, drainage,ventilage, place of deposit for slate, stack and dirt, and, together. also, with the perpetual right of way in all and every railroad which may be 10- c,ated on said ground, and id all and ev ery entry or entries which may ne made in and through said ccial, to he used by both the said railroads and entries for the purpose of transporting Laid coal and other things in, over and upon the same. being the same tracts or pieces of land and coal which became vested in Jos. and John Rosa, by virtue of the follow-, ing deeds, to wit: James Ross and wife to Joseph and John Ross, dated June 28th, A. D. 1865, and William Glass and wife and William Brown and wife by Willis - n Gist% their attorney, dated June 24th, 1865, recorded in Rscorder's office of. Allegheny county, iu Power of Attorney Book, volume 4, page 545. to Joseph and John Ross, (laced June 28th, 1865; William Bell and wife to Joseph and John. Hess, dated Juno 28th, 1865, and Jonathan P. Ross and wife to John Ross, dated June 28th, 1865, all of which deeds -are intended to no herewith re corded. Also, Part of the < alma which was allotted to. Joseph Ross. by deed of . partition, dated April. 13th, 1835, and recorded in the Recorder's office of Allegheny ,coun ty,.. in Dced Book, volume 105, page 36, de. Also, Deed from the administrators of Samuel McMillan to said Joseph ROSS dated February 26th, 1856, and recorded in Deed liook,volume 122, page 239, de. Seized and taken in execution as the proprty of Joseph Ross and John Roes, at the suit of the Dollar Savings Bank. ALSO, ALSO. All the right, title, interest and claim of James W. Cahill, of, in and to all that cer tain piece of ground, situate in McClure/ 6 township, Allegheny county, Pennsyl vania, being bounded and 'described as . to-wit: beginning; at,a pin on the east side of Leckey avenue in plan' oflots laid out by IticKain Jt Lockey on'Woodw Run, (and recorded in Plan Book vol. 3rd, page 204 in the Recorder's Office in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania), at the corner of lots 'bros.%) and 13, and run ning thence eastwardly along the said lot , No. 20 one hundred and fifty feet more or less to Shady avenue; thence along Shady avenue northvrardly, sixteen and a half feet to a pin; thence westwardly Ina line parallel to the first course above ,mentioned one hundred and forty-seven "feet more 'or leas to the aforesaid faeckey avenue; thence southwardly long Leokey avenue sixteen and - one-hedf feet to, the place of beginning; the aboie part lot or piece of ground being a part of tlie lot No. 18 in thesaid' plan, and being also the same premises which the said'Wil liam S. Taylor and Jennie_ C., his wife, so' d and conveyed unto the said Jatnes W. Caltill.by their deed dated even, And. on which there is erected r. fratne'dviel= ling house. ' Seized and taken in execution as the: property of James W. Cahill at the suit of William S. Taylor, for ace of Charles Gilmore. ALSO, AU the right, title, interest and claim ,of , Col. William Sir well and Elizabeth Sir wel), of, in and, to all,that certain piece or ,' of ground situate. in ~the Sixth ward of , the city of, Pittsburgh, county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania,, ; bounded awl described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a •point on the southern • side of Decatur street, at the distance of sixty feet from Logan -street; thence sonthwardly alopg said Decatur street „twenty feet;•thence at right angles with said Decatur street south-outwardly sev entv-two feet; thence .north.eastwarilly on a line parallel with said Decatur street. twenty feet, and thence • north westwardly with - a 'parallel with line with Logan street to whir street, the place of beginning, being lot No. 2 in a' sub division of lots Nos. 96, 97 and 98 in Scott's plan of out No. 3 the Manor of Pittsburgh in Plan Book, volume 1, page 27, and the same lot.of ground which was conveyee. to the said Bliaabeth'Sinvell - by Thomas A: Brown and qraneis Sane, his wife (Continued on Seventh Pags.) • •`•- II 11 II