The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 03, 1869, Image 1

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FIRST. lan
*Proceedings of the Leghlature- -
Aipropriation Bill Passed by
the Senate, Aniended—Phila
dolphia Cattle Bill—Tax on
T'ancrigz to the Pituhargi (11/4 tte.3
. • 41ABISLEIBURG, April 2, 1869.
The *pprekiation bill was still under
Ilusoutidou on second reading.
Mr. ERR _ ETT moved to strike out two
thousand dollars for the Philadelphia
Eichool of Design Agreed to .
Mr. iiriWß 4 f moved two thousand five
hundred dollars for St. Mary's Sisters
Charity, Titusville. Disagreed to. •
•New. Brighton Retreat was struck out.
Mr. FISHER moved to amend by in
-creasing the appropriation for the Mexi
can monument dedication to fifteen hun
%tired dollars. Disagreed to,and the whole
section thrown out.-
The Erie Marine Hospital was niduced
from twenty -five to ten thousand dollars.
The bill then passed finally.
-I.lltaen hundred dollars for a piano for
• the Executive Mansion was struck out
late ihst night. •
The appropriation to members of the
Phildelphia Judicial Contested Election
' Committee was wrongly printed. Three
*hot ad should be three ltundped.
The bill Incorporating =the Philadel
phia Cattle Market Company, and estab•
fishing a depot for , . the sale of cattle,
calves, sheep and hogs in Philadelphia,
- and - for the inspection of the ' same,
passed, finally. - • '
Adjounted till Monday morning.
_may important action to-day was
tbe:tinal passage of the illematel bill au
thorizing corporations to increase bonded
obligations and capital stock, and of. Mr.
Wilson', bill imposing a tax of one per
cent. on national banks and State cl
ings institutions, in /lonof other tax.
Adjourned tall to-morrow.
• Safe -of the Union Pacific Railroad Con.
pant Broken Open by Sheriff's Officers
-.adgt t. of the Proceedings Intadtae.
1 0 1 .. nY, ,t l irit, e , - -
.i • tur Taiestapa to.the eittstarat &matte... 3
.Thsiv Team, Aprie..2,1.869;
• A ratharkable scene occurred to-day et
the'office of the Union Pacific Railroad,
~ ~ .
on .Nassau street. tinder the • order of
" Judge Barnard, Win. M. Tweed,Jr., the
receiver appointed by the Judge, appear
ed in the offloe, accompanied by. Sheriff
O'Brien's deputies, and without other
..` opPosition than a warning to leave, on
pain of being prosecuted civilly and crim
inally, proceeded to the work of breaking
open the safe. The operation was finished
about half-past four, and what books were
found were takenbefore A. A. Redfield,
who appears to have been some days ago
appointed referee by Judge Barnard.
The evidence of Mr. Tuttle, Assistant
•Treasurer of the•oompany, was partially
taken. • -The books were then committed
to the receiver until to-morrow, when
they will be taken before Judge Barnard.
With one exception, the books captured •
are some two years old,- the newer one
. embracing a portion of transactions down
to Deoemoer last. •
Simultaneously with. these proceed
ings an attempt nes been made to direct
ly stab the credit of the Company, by the
- circulation of rumors that their paper or
acceptances had gone to protest, which
is without the slightest foundation, and
by equally false statements that bonds
were 'down' to . 62%. It appears a few
betide were pressed on the market for
exult and sold to 85, but the depreclatift
was quickly checked by unlimited offers
by, the Company atllo, they having with
- a
In few days refused an offer for one
million '
at the latter rate. These trans
actions have no effect on the , operations
* of;the line of road which is being car
- ried fbrward rapidly to completion:
IL appears that the recent proceedings
of.Janies Fiske, Jr., before Judge Bar
nard, originated as follows:. ' In the Fall
ot, ifle7 there was an active contest be
'Weft' twoparties` among the stock
holders of the Union Pacific Railroad
• Company to control an approaching °Rio.
tion of Directors. At that time flake
tendered a subscription for one, million
dollarsof the stock,on which he offered to
' pey fifty cents 'on the dollar. The
Vealutrer of. the Company refused to'
receive this subscription, unless the
stock should be paid up in fall, accord
ing to. the requirements of the charter.
Various other parties tendered eel:scrip
tient:, amounting to fifteen million dol- '
lars,elr of.a bleb were - refused; for the
sante reason, as it wee known they would
be when offi:red. Fisk afterwards bought
sic shares of stoek,,of the Par value of
Nix hundred dollars, which Le the entire
amount c , f his hiterestinthicOmpanY.
The cliPpet ship Baltic; seized yester
day for a violation of the passenger het,
was formerly the steamer, Baltic, ' and
was.bound to San Franoiscio, not Liver
paid.' •She gaye 131,000 bond% -and Was
permitted to preobed today. The Judge
• remarked that the proceedings ,againer
this vessel were hardly warranted by '
the biota • - .- - . i
• Among the bOoks found*in the safe of
the Vidor Amino Railroad Company was '
the st ledger of the Credit Mebilier, in
which the following names appeared:
• Thos. - 'Durant, Geo. F. Train, 0. M:` HMI, . W.-Barnes, L. E. Frenehund
High Water at Loutavitte.
LotntIVILI.II, April 2.—Ths Ohio river
at this point has been rising at a very
rapid rate for several day a,:d the Water
to-day reached the siddwa ks' on the
lower wart'. It is feared t t the inbab-
Hittite along the levee will soon be driven
from their quarters by the, approaching
—The Aesociation - of thp Army of the
Potomac Will give a grand banquet in
New York on the 6th of July nest.
SENATE Indian Appropria
tion Bill Passed—Bill to Es
tablish a Uniform Currency.
HOUSE : Covode-Foster Con
(tested Election Case Discussed
and Recommitted.
Cl3!Telegraph to tee Pittsburgh Gazette., ,
W ASHINGTON, April 2, 1869.
Mr. HOWARD presented a resolution
of the Lagislat are of Michigan in favor
of the construction of a ship canal to
connect the St. Lawrence with Lake
Mr. DRAKE presented a. protest of the
Kentucky loyalists againit removing po
litical disabilities front Kentucky rebels.
Referred to Committee on Disabilities.
Mr. RICE reported a bill to extend the
time for the construction of the first sec.
tion of the Little Rock and Fort Smith
Railroad. He asked immediate action.
Objected to.
Mr. HOWE, from the Committee on
Claims, reported a bill, for the settlement
of the claims for quartermaster and com
missary stores Ittrnished to or taken by •
the United States within the States in re
bellion during the late war. •
Mr. SHERMAN introduced a. bill in
relation to the coinage of gold and sil
ver, which was referred to the Commit
tee on Finance. With a view to promote
uniform currency among nations, it
provides for the establishment of a new
standard of weight and fineness for Uni
ted States coinege, being identical with •
the bill reported from the Committee
last year. •
Mx. HOWE moved to proceed to the
consideration of the bill to extend the
time for the construction of a railroad
from St. Croix lake.. or river, to the west
of Lake Sapertor. • )
opposed the motion, but it was carried.
.Mr. MORRILL moved to recommit the
bill•to the Committee on Public Lands.
This motion was discussed until the
expiration of the morning hour, which
brought up the Indian Appropriation
bill, as unfinished bilsiness.
Mr. HARLAN, from the Committee on
Indian Affair* -offered several amend
ments. •
- -
An amendment providing for the or
ganization of a Board of Ten Commis
sioners, to be selected for their intelli
gence and phihnithrophv to supervise,
to control disbursements of appropria
tions for Indian purposes, was modified, •
on motion of Mr. FESSENDEN. so as to
give the Commissioners not absolute odn
;rob but only (hint control with the Inte
rior-Department, under the direction - of
thePreaddent. it was then agreed to.
~.. The bill teas then
At ludtpast three; the Senate went in
to Executive session, and atter some time
anent therein adjourned.
Mr. FINKELEURG, introduced a bill
to prevent vexations land litigations.
Referred to Judiciary Committee.
The joint resolution to purchase or
Tease suitable premises in New York ibr
the Staff Department of the Army, etc.,
was passed; also, relative to government
buildings at Totten. Dakotah, with
The River and Harbor appropriation
bill was reported, and made the special
order for tomorrow.
The Election Committee reported that
J. T. Hoge has aprinut facia right to the
seat for the Third South Carolina District.
The House then took up the Covode-
Foster contested seat case.
The debate on the 'question occupied
the whole day's session, bat was devoid
of any feature or incident of public in
terest. •
Mr. PAINE moved to recommit the
whole subject, with instructions to re
port on the merits of case.
Mr. SOHMELDSaid be was request
ed by his friend\ (hdr. Covode) to say he
was notopposedlto the motion made by
Mr. Paine, and desired to have the
whole subject in*estigated on its merits.
What he was op Posed to, was the giving
the seat temporarily to Mr. Foster ' on
the mangled elut ion, returns, which the
Governor bad ected.
Mr. CESS' NA also appiOved of the mo
tion made by Mr. Paine:
The previous question was seconded,
and the motion by Mr. Paine agreed to
without discussion. -
Botha whole subject was recommitted.
Mr. WILSON, of . Minnesota, intro
duced, and asked to have acted on imme
diately, a bill authorizing the Northern
Pacific Railroad Compa ny to extend its
branch line from a nt near Portland,
Oregon, to Paget's nd. and to connect
the same with its main line at the Cas
cade Monn'ains, the Company not to - be
entitled to , any subsidies, money, bonds
or lands, except such lands as may be in
cluded in the right-of-way. He explained
the objeet of the bill.'
Mr. VVREELER, Chairman of the Pa
cific... Railroad Committee, moved .an
amendment. requiring at least twenty
five' miles of the extension to be corn
pleted ,by the first ofdttly, 1871, and forty
miles per year thereafter.. .
iTha amendment was agreed to.
Mr. PITCH moved' to lay the bill on
the table. Rejected.
The bill was then passed without di-
Mr. CARR, from Committee on Print
ing,.teported a reatolutio rescinding or
ders heretofore _ given for the printing of
the accounts of the Treat' rer, and of the
evidence in theßusteed impeachment
case, - Alaske and Ovarian Mail case, the
rBports - only to be printed.
• .. Mr.-JENCKS moved today the resoln
tion on the table. -
On division the - votevras ayes 52; nays
45—no quorum voting: , - _
' The' , House thereupon, at tau, ad
journed till to-morrow.
Ezetutton at Ironton, Ohio.
LB/Iligralott to the rittsharanesaette.i
Chricnirtiiii April 2.—Adam ;Prick
was bung at 'Anton for the niqrder of
HelgerOurg, OcCoberldthilB6B; He' al
leged that Andrew Sp ears , : his otinfeder
ate, sent to the penitentiary fer life; was
more guilty than he. • , "-
—Silver has been disooversd in the
mountains near Sonora about 'seventy
miles - from San Francisco. There is :a
great , rush of people there and' olaiins
are rapidly stakedoft
Large List of • Nominations by
the President—Colored Alen
• Appn4sted ffi
Televiaph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
Wismicerrox, April 2. 1869.
tcommericncs CONFIRMED, .
The following nominations were sent
in to-day:
To be, Collector of Internal Revenue:
John Richmond, Seventh District, Illi
nois; H. C. Denning, First District, Conn.;
R. J. Donaldson, First District. S. C.;
Wm. A. Darling, Ninth District, N. Y.;
E. H. Hobson,' Fourth District, Ky.;
Chas. - F. Hogarte, Sixth District, Ind.;
Wilson Bowlbv, District of Oregon: Jas.
P. Prince, Second District, Va.; A. W.
Mann, Third District, W. Va.; E. F. Mo-
Gill, Sixth District, Tenn.; T. S. Johnson,
Third iDistrict, La.; James S. Chapman,
Second District, La.; C. A. .1* ord, First
District, - Mo.; Jas. A. Galbraith, First
District, Tenn.; G. C. Evans, Third Dis
trict, Pa.; Lewis G.. Brown, Second Dis
trict, Texas; Thos. W. Davis, Twenty
second District, Pa.; Wm. M. Bair - d,
Eighth District. Pa.; C: J. Brunner, Four
teenth District, Pa.; Geo. Babb, Eigh
teenth District, Ps.
To be Assessors of Internal Revenue:
Charles W. Pierce, First District, Ala.;
A. P. Shattock, Third District, Miss.;
Chester S. Cole, Twenty-seventh Dis
trict, N. Y.; George B. Johnson, Third
Dlstrict, Ohio; 0. Hatch, Fourth District,
Wis.; B. F. Joubert; (colored) First Dis
trict, La.: S. B. Davis, District of New
Mexico; K. R. Cobb, Seeond District,
Va.; 0. W. Manlier, Third. District, W.
Va.; James O'Brien, First District,
Tenn.; H. C. Redigo, First District,
Texas; F. M. Sumner, Fourth District,
Texas; Benjamin Emmons, Fourth Dis
trict, Mo.; J. B. Kenny, First Dietrict,
Pa.; Sam Knox, Twelfth Pa.; Russell
Errett, Twenty-second District, Pa.
Also, George Eyster, Assistant Treas
urer of the United - States at Philadel
phia; William A. Martin, 'Sur.
veyor of Customs; Portsmouth, N. H.;
William R. Hollidoy, Surveyor of
Customs,` Wheeling, West Virginia;
George Jerome, Collector of Customs,
Detroit; J. H. Bailey, Collector of Cus
toms, Portsmouth, N. H.; William R.
Leeds, Collector Internal Revenue,
Second District, anon:, D. M.-Carinan,
Assistant A r, Telath Distzict, Pa.; .
A. Chamberlain. Amesso,r.
tract, Pa.; William F. Henderson, Anon
sor, Sixthltistrict, N." 0.; J. F. Wilcox,
Collector, Fifth- District, Pa.; George
Willey;Vaned States Attorney. Necth.
ern District, Ohio; D. R. Parker, Marshal
in Virginia; E. E. Camp. Attorney, East.;
ern District, Tennessee; Robert
Smith, Middle District, Tennessee;
'lsaac M'Qpiailly, • Marshal Northern
District, N. Y.; James Marshall, 'South
ern District, N. Y.; - , ,Edward Plerrepont,
Attorney Southern District, N. Y.: A.-F.
Ackerman, Attorney of Georgia; Joseph
P. Glover, Attorney Northern District,
Illinois; Thomas B. Wilson. Attorney
Southern District, Q. S. Strickland,
Associate Justice of Utah: A. hi. Barney,
Collector of Customs. District of Saot
Texas; Wm. Muller, Collector of .
Customs at . Mobile; A. J. Goss, do. at St.
Atigustine; Wm. D. Nolan, do. at Dela
ware; E. 0. Goodrich, Surveyor of Port
of Philadelphia; W. H. Hawkins, Collec
tor Internal Revenue. First District, N.Y.;
W. H. Treadwell, Assessor, Seventh Dis
trict, N. Y.: John O. Gridley, Co/lector,
Eighth District, N. Y.; Sames McCurtin,
Assessor. Fifth District, N. Y.; James
Freeland, Collector, Second District,
N. Y.; A. P. Ketchum, Assessor, Ninth
District, N. Y.* Aughstus Ford, Asses-
Bor, Eighth Dis trict, N. Y.; J. F. Bailey,
Collector, Thirty-second District, N. Y.;
J. S. Cleaveland,' Assessor • Thirty-sec
'end District, N. Y.; L. L. Doty ~Asses
- sor t Twenty-secondDlstrict, N. Y.; G.W.
Palmer, Collector. Twelfth District, Pa.;
J. T. Foster, Collector. First, District,
Ala. ; Alfred Pleasanton, Collector,
Fourth District, N. Y.; G. L. Ford, Col
lec or, Third District, N. Y. -
The following to be Postmasters: J. J.
Kamm, Fort Wayne, Ind.; J. W. Foster,
Evansville, Ind.; Wm. R. Holloway, In
dianapolis, hid.; Wm. M. Binekley,
Columbus, Incl.; 3. T. Hogaterigg, Greens,
burg, Ind.: A. G. Wade, Frederick, hid.;
Jas. McGowen, Ellicott's Mills, Md.; Jos.
T. ,Mahon, Elkton., Md.; Andrew W. Den
nison, Baltimore; Frank B. Stewart, Al
toona, Saml. Dutton, Media. Pa.: Danl.
A. Brdckly, Bloomsburg. - Pa.; Charles
-Eckman Danville, Pa.; Robert S. Lien
sirich, Chattanooga, Tem.; Jos. W. Dom
inick, Montgomery. Ala.; Howell Flour
noy, Athens, Ga.* E. D. Fisher, Jackson,'
Miss.; Arthur J. Eggleston, Columbus,
Miss.; 'Thos. J. Peckett,. Paducah, Ky.; :
B. L. Winans,. Newport, ICy.; J. H.
Clement, Portsmouth, 'Va.; John O'Con- '
nor Baton Rouge,La.; Edward H. Rood,
jaeksonvine, F 1; Jefferson L. Wat
ford, Corinth, Miss.; James A. Mc-
Kee, Galveston, Texas; Charles P.
Wilder,, ColuMbia, S. C.; Thomas B.
Richey. Salem, Oregon; Denniston
Steele, Toledo, Ohio; Thomas H. Foulds
Cincinnati. Ohio; Ablel Beek, Newark,
Ohio; H. Wolt Rolla, Missouri: J. M.
Vooris, Chillicothe, Missouri; Joseph
Binders; Charlotte, Michigan; James
Coleman; Fon - ln - lac,Wisoonsio;Williata,
Utley, Racine, Wisconsin: John Wilcox.
Eddywllle. Iowa;. D. O. Atkinson, -
ginia City, Nevada; IL A. Sackett, Peta
luma, California; William J, T.Jarey, De
catur, Illinois; A. D. Cadawalder, Ling
coln, Illinois; Francbs'A: Eastman, Chi
cago, Illinois; Isaac Keys, Springfield.
Illinois; James H. Clark,:Mattoon; Ills.;
Thomas McKibben,. Ills.: John
A. .Milea, Charleston, Ills.* Warren E.
histeKlee. &dein; Ills.; W. L. Ames, Jet..
sevville, Ills.; Joshua V. Brown, - Tahoe
la, Ills.; Richard Evans, Hayes City,
Kan.; Chas IL Troli,Junction City; Kan.;
Cornelius Partnentsr, Parmenter, Ohio;
Richard M. Stephens, Santa Fe, New
Mex.: 8. G. . bloiratt, Boonesboro, Iowa;
W.• 11. Adami, Montana , Iowa; Jno. J.
Griffins, • Williamsport, Penna.; Jno. 8.
, Scott; BrOokville, Penna.; R. P. Bnoddy.'
Shippensburg, Penna.; :no. F. Johnson,
Bellefonte, Penna.; Dennis Martin; Tarr
Pam; Penna. - ..- , • .
. • .
Coirespondence has been in **ogress
for ame time betsisen certain prominent
men the British Provinces and lead
ing men in this country, relative to the
prospeCtive annexation of the Provinces
to the United States. Enough has been
developed to warrant the belief, among
some members of Congress, that if the
matter could' be reached in an official
way, proposals would eventually be made
to the United States looking towards an•
The following resolution was sought to
be offered in the House to-day, but, ,ob
jection being made, the effort
Resolved, That the Committee on For
eign Affairs be and they. are hereby in
structed to inquire into the expediency of
investigating the - condition of our rela
tions, present and prospective, With Nova
Scotia, and that they be authorized to re
port to the House at anytime.
Two of the five persons nominated to
the Senate, yesterday, for Justices of the
Peace, for the District of Columbia, are
colored men. B. F. , Joubert, nominated
today as Assessor of Internal Revenue
for First District of Louisiana, and. S. M.
Weder, Postmaster at Columbia, South
Carolina, are also'colored men.
Lieutenant Governor Dunn, of Lonisi
anna colored, had an interview with
President Grant to-day, ,
ricemnmEN's inanEA.u.
Brigadier General Howard, who was
to have been relieved by Brigadier Gen
eral Hatch, will. continue in charge of
the Freedmen's Bureau,
and the.latter
will take command of his Om regiment.
General Howard has made a large redue.
tion of, the force of his Bureau, except
mg in the bounty and educational divis
ions. He intends to advance educational
interests in the South and to appoint one
Superintendent of Education in each of
the States in that section.
The Senate this afternoon confirmed
the following nominations: Geo. Earle,
of Maryland. First Assistant Postmaster
General, vice Skinner removed; E. 0.
Goodrich, Surveyor of the port of Phila
delphia.; Gea.. Bergner, Postmaster at
Harrisburg, Pa., and Alfred B. Dade,
Postmaster at St. Joseph, Ind.
Thelcommissioner of Internal Reve
nue wee sent for to appear before the
Senate Finance Committee, in order that
that Committee might obtain his views
in feldtion to the proixsed change In tax
on tobacco, as embodied in the House
bill now before the Senate.
Secretary Boutwell has given official
notioe that interest coupons payable on
the first of May next will now be paid
on presentation at the proper officer.
upon a rebate of interest at the rate of
six per cent, per annum.. , .
The Serrate discussed the nomination
of Gen. Longstreet as Surveyor of the
port of ' New Orleans, and adjourned
without reaching a vote. A Senator, who
has made a canvass, thinks he will be
confirmed by six majority.
pirg)ow,umwr ccernmMwoN.
David Clark, of Hartford, Conn., after
a personal inspection of Howard Univer
sity, kas given '25,000 towards its en
Commodore Thornton A. Jenkins has
resigned the office of Chief of the Bureau
of Navigation. He will be assigned to
other duty.
Mr. Hubbell .argneit before the Su
preme Court to-day in thsavvitobeil ease
far the defendant, but no decision will
be given till Monday.
The eqbaaa Insurrection.
City Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Cissette.l
HAVANA, March 30, via KEY
April 2.--Troops are concentrated in the
'Cienfuegos district. The War steamer
Pizarro has arrived here from Cadiz,
with two hundred and seventy troops.
Innocenclo Casanova, . s citizen of the
United States, has been arrested on sus
picion of complicity in the plot for the
seizure of the steamer gommanditaro.
• TheiJnited States steamer Nartaganset
has sailed for Key West to coal. She
will return In a few days.
A gang of negroes on the Manuelita
plantation, near Cienfuegos, have joined
the rebels. Troops are pursuing them.
Four hundred imilitia and cavalry left to-
day by railroad. for Cienfuegos.
Jews iram Mexico
tßy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tiaaette.l
HAVANA,' April 2.—Advices from
Mexico are to March 27th. It was re
ported that Colonel Meyer, late of the
United States army, who was arrested
on a charge -of conspiracy axitinst the
Meiican government, would be banished
'from the country. -
Executions withoui, trlal continue to
'take place In Yucatan, by order of Gov.
The sale of Mesion.territory' to the
'United States was agitated at the Capital
and found many supporters.
Private letters from Mexico accused
Lerdero De Fejada of hostility to Ameri
.cans and of defrauding the Mexican goy
Marketafby Telegraph.
NEw Ont.wasrs, April 2.—Cotton re
eeipts toddy, 2,883 bales; for the week,
.31,541 do.; expecte, 2,900 bales;
for the week to Liverixel,,922 do; Con
tinent, 9,111 do; Coast, 2,8i5 do stock on
band, 128;898 do; sales to-day, 18,000 do;
demand limited, and declined, go; mid
dling upland sold at 28ge. Gold, IU.
sterling exchange, 141 g; commercial,
140@14034; New 'fork sight. Nig% pre
mitun. Sugar dull at 110 for com
mon, and 140 for prime. Molasses steady
at 700 for prime. Flour firmer; sales of
aupertine at 55,82; doable extra, 88,10;
treble extra, $8,85. Corn firmer at 77350
for ',hit% and 780 for yellow. Oats ad
vanced to 700. Bran, 51,18. Hay firm at
$27,00. Pork • firmer at 538,00. Bacon
Quiet at 143{(4)17%.3. Lard dull; sales at
f 830184 0 for tierce; and 20@203(c for
keg. Whiskey dull and nominal; sales
of western rectified at 135©92gc. Coffee
quiet at 1430315350 forfitir, and 173f0 for
prime. .
0th05..30, April 2.—At open • zioaru in
the afternoon there was a. moderate bu
sineis for No.. 2 Wheat, but the prices
ruled IC•wer,' selling at 111,0835@1,09. nth. ;
er grains were quiet and the prices nom
,inally the same as' at`, the , elm; of
*change In thoeveniug the market was
1 (inlet at 51,09 cash; sl,lB'sollers for. hlaY.
Prirvisions lively.
N - AsitviLtat, 2.—Cotton dull and
droopingi lQw middlings' 24ge; good or-'
(By Telsgra - ph to the Pittsburgh %Janne 3
MADRID. April 2.—Troops are , going
forward to the Pyrenees to prevent par
ties of Carliste from crossing the frontier
into Spain.
Marshal Serrano inforined the Cortes
yesterday that orders for the holding of
elections .had' been sent out to Cuba, and
deputies from that Island were expected
to arrive at an early day.
CONSTANTINOPLE, April 2.—The diffi
culties on the Persian borders are in a
fair way to be settled. The Porte has
agreed with the Persian Government to
refer the rectification of the frontier to a
mixed Com Mission of Turkish and'Per
elan subjects.
LONDON, April 2.—Another explosion
at Axley Colliery, in Lancastershire, to
day. killed twenty-eight persons land
badly injured many others.
GLASGOW. April, 2.—The steamer Be
nnis, from New York has arrived.
LoNnow, April 2.—Consols for money
92%; for accaunts.92t(A93; 5-20 s quiet at
83%.• Simko quiet; Illinois Central 97;
Atlantic It Great Western 22%; Ertel 24%.
Tallow 46s 6d. Refined Petroleum is
ioy,d. Fine' Rosin 14a 6d. Sugar to ar
rive 29s t3d. Calcutta linseed 69.
ANTWERP, April 2.—Petroleum firm
at 51054%f.,
HAVRE, April 2.—Cotton dull on spot
147414634 f afloat. •
FRANKFORD, April 2.—Bonds 87X.
Livaapoor., April 2.—Cotton flat; mid
dling uplands at 12U®12%d; Orleans
12%ct012,0;sales ofe,ooo bales. Wheat;
California white whekt at 9s 9d, red west
tern 8s 11d.. Western Flour 235. Corn
305. New 4ats Ss 4d. Barley 55. Peas.
Pork 101 s. Beef 90s. Lard 749. Cheese
76s 6d. Bacon 62s 6d. Spirits Petroleum
9d, Refined le 9d. Tallow 45s 6d. Tur
pentine SO 9d ©3ls.
4i): $ 1;~a MNYill
Last Dap's' ,Proceedlags— Mealsluv,
Resolawny!, ac., Adjourn.
Institute , re-assembled at the stated
hour, President Douthett hi the chair.
The exercises were opened with prayer
by Prof. Gillbert.
After a song, Prof. Jones, of Erie, de
livered an , address on the "Laws of
Teaching."! He held that. the following
were the ;post important laws: First,
Teachers should know: well what they
. , ,
pretend to teach; Second, They should'
get and keeprilie .atteiction of, the pupil%
Third,. They should use plain. language;
Fourth, They should pass from the
known to the unknown; Flfth, They
should tell nothing the 'pupils can ascer-
I tajn for theinselves; Sixth, They should
require pupils to tell, in their own lan
guage, all they know , about the lesson;
Seventh, Reviews should be frequent.
The speaker commented upon these laws
at some length, and contended that a
strict observance of them would be ben
After a recess of five minutes Prof.
Northrop was introduced and delivered
a lecturetthi gymnastim, and urged its
general introduction into the public
schools. He contended that snob exer
dee would contribute to the development
of the physical 'powers of , pupils, and
would likewise stimulate the mental fa. i
When o the Professor had concluded, the
President announced that the next busi
ness in order.wouliii he a discussion on
the question "Are the evils of absentee
ism, irregular attendance and truancy
capable of correction or materially les
sened by legal enactment?"
Prof. Northrop opened the discussion.
He had nd fault to find with the law on
this subjeet. but he contended that kind
ness and• moral suasion on the part of
the teacirers would exert more influence
in correcting the evils complained of.
Rev. Mr. Gilchrist, of Washington
county; thought something could be
done by legislation. Kindness sad moral
suasion could not reach children who
would not come to the school, and he
favored the enactment of some law
vshichshould compel attendance. When
that was secured, the influence of kind
, nese and moral suasion could be brought
t& bear.
Mr. Johnstma, of rhant township,
thought that, in the rural districts at
least, the, attendance of pupils would not
be such as was desired until the school
houses and schools were. made comforts.
ble, pleasant and inviting.• Without such
improvement all other efforts to correct
the evils would be in vain.
prof. G. L. R t Eberhart, of New
Brighton, read selections from Brvant,
Saxe, and "Skeddan's Ride."
Prof. Shoemaker followed in a brief
lecture on Elocution as a Science.
The Bietitute then adjourned until two
•o'clock. 4 . - •
The Institute opened at the usual hour,
With music by the choir. '
Miss H. Renwick. Principal of the
Eighth ward, schools, Allegheny, then
read an interesting end well, written es.
say on "Sumas:
.Prof. Shoemaker then read several ge
lections in• his usual effective style, after
which Mr. Hornex sang the song (Tree
as a Bird," with most adneirable effect-;-.
Miss Frisbee performing the sectimpani
ment. ' - • "
Prof.Congdon of Harrlaburgh, then
spoke for fifteen:minutes on the subject
of teaching penmanship. He thought
little children-should write at least an
hour each day. In some schools : the pu-
Plis wrote but one line, two or three - days
in the week. In a session of ten months,
the quantity written was not more than
would occupy a good writer liwo hours.
He thought, this was a great mistake
and supported his position by forcible
Prof. yirickersham, &ate Superinten•
denti:,ivas then introduced. He expressed
his gratifleation at Abe laige attendance,
and argued from it that the cause of edn•
cation was progressing in Allegheny
'county:`; He then spoke of :the fact that
the Legislature. for the lirat time in its
story, had passed the school, APProPri"-
I ation. The sum appropriated was 1500,-
000. The "machine" ran is sell' now, and
1 be was not ashamed to ask for all the
I money demanded by the children of the
Commonwealth. He then alluded to the
amount being spent in building schools
in the State. Almost $2,000,000 had
been expended for this purpose last
year,•and this year the indications were
that $2,500,000 would be expended—an
amount greater than was expended in
any other State, even in the great ""Em
pire State" itself. This was another very
gratifying fact. The proposed changes
in the law relative to the collection of
school taxes, and allowing, uniformity in
text books in school districts, were then
alluded to. The speaker doubted the
propriety of concentrating large interests
in the hands of book publishers. The
1 speaker continued his remarks on the
1 different questions arising in the man
agement of the Common Scheel System,
exhibiting a thorough acquaintance with
the subject, and engaging the close at- ..
tsntion of the Institute throughout.
Rev. Mr. Gilchrist, of Washington •
county, made a brief speech, con- . .1
1 gratulating the Institute its sue- i
' cess.
Mr. Caldwell then announced the or
ganization of the Committse on Per
manent .Certificates, with B. F. Gam-•
ber as President, and J. Morrow as Sec- -
retary. The Committee will meet on the
second Saturday of each month, • except-. •
ing July, in Prof. Curry's school room,'
St. Clair street.
Mr. McClymonds, Chairman of the
Committee on Resolutions, submit
ted a report. We append the more im
taut of the series:
4. That the Legislature be requested to
pass a law which will compel every child
of the Commonwealth to receive an edu-
cation, sufficient to make it an intelli
gent voter.
6. That the school book agency syatem,
whether conducted openly or secretly, ••
should be discountenanced, as being in
jurious to the cause of education, by in
ducing directors to exchange one series
of books for another without any per- •
ceptible advantage, enteiling needless
expense, and creating and embittering
opposition to the whole system of puh
lic instruction. • • '
7. That in A. T. Douthett we recognize,
a faithful public efficer, and respectfully
request the directors of Alleghetiyenun
ty to re-elect him to the office - he has
filled with credit to himself and benefit
to the cause of education. ' '
The eight resolution was one of thanks'
to the different musical organizations
participating in the Institute, and to the
members of the press.
The ninth and last resolution,we*. ex
pressive of regret at the death of Hon.
Charles R. Coburn, in whom the case of
education had lost an able supporter.
A motiou,was made to take up the res
olutions aersatim, but the President Bug
Rested that to do so would consume too •
much time.
It was then moved to adopt
them as read, and agreed, to by a very,
light Vote—several ladies, RAM/Mein
r an enstiluitic • • ,
Thelustitute adjoirned until evening.
Superintendent Douthett called the in
stitute to order at seven o'clock. The
attendance, both of teachers and visitors,
was much larger than usual.
The Philharmonic Society rendered in
excellent' style as an opening exercise,
a song entitled "Spring Time," after
which Rev., Wm. Evans was introduced,
and entertained the audience with elo
cutionery exercises for about half an -
hour. ' • - •
Misses Frisbee and Johnson now:fa-
Vored the audience with a vocal duett,
which was heartily encored.
A recess of five minutes then followed,
after which 'Prof. Caldwell offered the
following resolution:
Resolved, :That the Executive Commit
tee of the State Teacher's Association be
requested to hold the next meeting of
the Association In Allegheny City.
essre. Douthett, Caldwell, and Still,
were appointed a Committee to confer
with the State Committee in reference
to the matter.
Prof. J. P. Wickersham, State Superin
tendent, was then introduced and deliv
ered ,a lecture, in which he t discussed
at length the objections made to the Com- .
mon School system by its opponents: He
' said-the oblectioneseemed•te be , those
which were made to the principle upon
which it was based , and the plan, by
which' it was carried out.' .
The, speaker then took no in detail and -
examined in an able and convineing man
ner the minor objections ariaing out of
these two; contending that they are with
out foundation, and at variance with the t
prigressive spirit of the age. -
At the conclusion of Prof. Wicitiere
ham's remarks, the Philharmonic-So
ciety sang the hymn, "What mean those ,
holy voices,". after which a resolution
was pasied, requesting a copy for pcibli
-cation of 'Rev. J. B. Clerk's lecture, +(de-
livered Thursday evening). also a resolu
tion thanking Prof. Wickersham fbr his
able address, and eiroressing the cone
deuce of the Institute in his ability, and
devotedness to the school interests of the
Professor Shoeinakei then read a nttni.'
ber of selections, alter which a . reselu- ;
tion of thanks to Professor Douthett for
the manner in which he had presided
over , the deliberations of the Institute •
was, unanimously passed. ..
The Benediction was then pronounced
by Rev. - Evans, and the ninth 'annual
session of, the 'Allegheny. County Teach:-
ers' Institute stood adjourned. _ ;
ResoleUens or. Respect.
At a special meeting of the borotigh
Council of'' Mount Washington. held
Thursday eveiffrig, April let, t
lug preamble 'and resolutions were of
fared by Mr. D. B. Ferguson aid
motuffyadopted by the Council;
-WaSiltass, The Almighty, in. Ills
&ratable wisdom, has reino`ked from
amonalt us Isaac Whittier, Burigess of
the' , borough of. Mount Washingten i we
imin e i b ers of th e, 00111Ment over . whichde•
(*.ailed ',resided, deem it but fitting to
paiitribute to his memory: Therefor% '
Re4olved, That In , the death of Luse •
Whittier our borough tuts lost a most ex-:-
*Aleut citizen and anellicient Officer. In
his long sejourn in this • community he
was ever- held in the highest.esteem, his
integrity being of the highest order, and'
his life pure end unspotted in all ;coped%
Resolved, That the Council presen.C. to
the friends of deceased an attested copy
of theie rettolutloter. and that they also
be entered upon the minutes of the bar:
ough Council. , , .
. ^S+~^."scn.~~~4 ry k y . -n+.