El STEEL WORKS DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN,. WM. & 0 'Manufacturers of • IRON, NAILS, STED AXLES, AND SPRINGS , • Drioureinie;z. N. AND •TUNIATA, FLAT BAR, ROUND AND SQUARE IRON. BAND; HOOP. SHEET AND TANK IRON. BOILER, PL AND :HEADS, -._ GUABD IRON,DRAH and IRO P ER BARS, 'FLANGED CUTTER BARS, 011,1Ni/OER reoN .AND PLAT RAIL, for Coal 1101411. CROW Et Itti,WEDHEO & HARR , IW TEETH, SPRING.PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL, HILE .2.• WINGS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. • LL TIDES, STEEL SHAFTING, A. B. STEEL A COACH,- BUGGY and WAGON SPRD7OS and LES. O9IINAILS AND SPIKES. - All Goods First Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND WORKS: • Six te ent h Street and Allegheny River, Tabs wad 77 Water IS ,Pitteitnarsh. - GODEMOY BRANCKEB & 42 Exchange Place, New York, Are prepared, as Sole ~ A gents In the united States for tie Prussian Xining and Iron Com pany ofDalsburg, Westphalia, ,to contract, or sell In quantities to suit purchasers, (delivered In either New York or Philadelphia ' ) the celebrated V. G. SPIEGELEISEN, Used so extensively for the manufacturing of BESSEMER STEEL. This Iron is free from 13111pur and Phosphorus, and contains a heavy per rental e of Manganese. hall particulars, samples, prices or chemical 'analysis will be promptly forwarded on applica.: Ja3o:d7n ation SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. BINGER, KECK & CO. PITTEIIVCIIIGU. PAL.. Yeaufseturers of every deicripUon of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, B ta.M.:c B/ 2ffirtatny BPBINBB,_ BTxra. TIRE , ac., so •• WarehOu/14 . 1311 Watd and 100 First Sts. AVILLEI! BASS & PARKIN PAIITNIOUS wit; iurramar, BEUBEN MILL ER, ezo. W. BARB, I CHAS. PARKIN. fin=Az. PAarnai-E. X. EMIG CRESCENT STEEL 'WORKS, MILLER, BARR & PARKIN, Orrice, No. 339 Liberty St, fel4:d4B 'I7"II3I:FRGH, PA. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Nanufacturers of all descriptions of einEow.lm-r Mee and Warehouse. THIRTIXTH, THIRTY ?IR= aad RAILIsOAu BTREBTS, PITTEIBIDESH., IRON WORKS ' ..Ai. v iausza, , Wes's. .... W. P. POWEL". Sup% pl i rrigentill FORGE AND IRON CO., iIIARVI'ACTIMMUS OP Bar Iroia ltaUroad Fish Bars and Rol* - Railroad Car Axles Rolled; Railroad Oar Sides ilamanor(4l laronibtiro ' lacearotlve Framer shapes Slide ltedkr, Yokes, Straps; _ e) jPistaaineSitiof Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; • Piston! IlleMs,,Wrists; - `Plumaik4aws, Sollars, Ste. 011!toe s No. _177 PENN , STREET, t PITTSBIIIMI. rs- - - ILLERSIIIIISEN - PROCESS. The Trustees are now Iwo dto grant Heels, See for the use of , the F RABAIII3ILIZ FRO CZS/3. , The superior quality imparted to - Rood Iron, the great, imprcrvirm ern to Waldo? Iron. and atm aiducu.lipOSG. commend iato ah auutufacturen of Parties wishing tome it can obtain Menses by applying to - - • JAMES P. 'SEER, .Attorney for the Trttstees. BOOMS 1 and A, English's Building, 983 i youlth aixonne, , . • 1 ' Partial , iirtetheilivi lire bitted to Ilia . the 8110ENBERGER WORKS. where thp process is now In successful operation. - ETippsoly„ ropproN a, co., l'ennovivania Iron.. Works. , - OT W ATr z invp;nl f teloii l66 er ld"7 • Plan ap24:416 PrIVirJRCI Ha NOVILLTY -WOIARS. pllll, • NOY:111/17 - .WORKS; sramai it ded..4!l ,1.. 11 , 11., Ap t Aill, *ILEE e Co. iurreAcrusplis cm _ .. : - imrsiliztitorDANHs 4. )74llllll4l MC . 11 PAT ifN77 r I T II P 4 I. ...''9utallF 2, t:: Jamul /*odd 'Pateni Vool• Locks ind•Latabes, - . Paint and 0p4%*&1114 to. - 00U1311 OP FIRST AVENUE &GIANT** • Pittsburgh, /Pean'ia t . , , '- ' G- : - • I - " FITTING. TOME N. 000rtti • =las :mai oxrpritar. - Co4 • BRAss gorzrxtruitA• 4: assutiatuross of Mali AND jk _a g cdoierlowitpltkon dolmas 4:150.) ilt - % ar ali biotitea leer.. of Pike aild , 'Welent Stitetip ENE Trmrsnvngir. FOUNDERS, ELAORINIS OAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. OF - Engines, Rolling Mill Ma clattery, Nail Machines, lie torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOCI - DRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and BiosMow" Ogee Oh MIME WARD,) prrriirsurteiEr, Ps... WILLIAM SMITH 7kianufaoturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE POE ees - AND WATER WOR K S. My Pines are all east Invariablytn Pits, In dry sand;and la feet lengths. Also, fall assortment of general . Maine; brake and Water Worts. I world also call the attention of 13u3 erintend• eats of bas Works to an' make of RETORTS. ATLAS WORKS, - MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, •W M N•• • These Works are among the largest and Most complete establishments in the West. and are now prepared to furnish Sagineo, of every deserlPll,llh Mailers, 011.Taiks. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Castings. Rolling mu Castlngs. muihke feasthw. Maehine Castings. general Castings. ORDERS BOLICIITXD. no9:1011 R°l4lllllON, SEA & CO., ' llaccessors to somargar, NEW2I3 s XIZZAMI. WASHINGTON WORKS , FOUNDERS AND NACHINISTSiPITTSBURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Staid. • steam Bil- Mes, Blast Engines. M ilne, Castings cleft deserip : - Otr a l r ; Once,s, Boiler and Sheet Iron - ark. • N IA, corner d Stalthleld Streets. Agesits for GLITAIIIPS PAL 4 EISIZECTOII fbr Leading Boilers. jall:rfd li • B. MONT BLANC NW air. , istier Street, Ninth lard, Wpm:Re Ulan Iran MU, I PITTSBURGH. Bolling Kill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MUM:MIRY 4MII CASTINGS GENERALLY. Orders promptly and carefully executed. Masses reasonable. - EBNERT LiCKLIBID. Milan THOMAS CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and lodine Works, 81.11DINKT BT., ALLB6E3NY ern PA. Manufacturers of Steam Engines, 011 rresses, Fluters, Shafting, Grist and Baw 11111 Work, Boiling Mill and Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, de. Build to order and have on hand Engines of all sizes a1v14:415 CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL , WORNII sso Penn Street. BOLLIAN, BOYD 8; BAGALEL 'Cldil Bolls, 311.U1 Castings, 801 l Lathes, dc. vn~sER: iparsza: ummEß:i L ALEXANDER •PATTERSON. Dealer in all lii.nds of Lumber. . . , OBVRAND AND Ant BA1X „ 1 `OOO 000 Stet Dry Pine Boards; 150,400 feet 1* and 3 luck Olear Plank; - 30 t 000 feet Dry 1* Inch Common - Plank; 30,01 W feet Dryll o'4en IE3I Oak 05,000 feet Dry 3; and 3 Inch Ash, 5,000 ft. Dry Si, 33% In.Cheny &Maple, 30,000 ft. Dry 1, IhS and 3 inch Poplar: 10,000 feet Dry,PoPlar ecanWn/t 1150,000 feet HeMlocit Joists and wanting: 450,000 No. 1 18-inch Shingles, sawed; 050,000 No. 1 164n0k t3hinsles, sawed; 40_,000 No. 115 - inch Indstglts, shaved; 30,000 Fire BMX; 1,000 Fire Tile. LOU Tons Fire Clay; YailAS-4/o.; Be'PIIOOIMLBTBXIDT.. fortharly llanehetter___ndls3 BZBZIODA STEIEXT, eppo site the Oat ' Works. A/Italie/1y Olty. noI2 COPPZIL r i efus SITPEIIIOII • ,OPPU, An marine WOBfl Prrreanaloix. higiCURDY & CO.. Mr idaeturers r...2 ° J nelazgarme ri ti tLalt toisu!,..orter Solder. tt i. oar tteri and D—eil tseertithainVitwargacMts a r ia Z+oo are mp ots i ett c ynaßST h. l3TElEsT and Lir IDeedslArdellottoopet= to soy oesitett i nt. om./..aw DYQR AN3:)%BQOIMM, LANCE, OYER AND SCOURER. NO. ST. criAsin sirritlawir And Noss 185 and 187 Third Street, PITTSBITIMIL L. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : FRIDAY, APRIL ~2. 186 g. HIIGH I N, BOLE & CO ConiPolnt Alleywd Duquesnefit., (XLAR THY ronrs,) Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all sixes. ARY OlLttention invited to our now STATION WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER, of 15-horsetpower. CASTINGS, of every kind, made to order atour Foundry, on THIRD STREET. below Market. RIGS for Oil Wells, SHAFTING. PULLEYS, HANGERS.BOTTFE and TOBACSO SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO MUSSES, on hand and made to order. at the ' • INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Prontirig on the !Melberg River, seer the /Wats PITTBBUB6H, PA. jar Ali orders promptly fined. Tinr Us, F ORT PITT • • EOlisER) STILL A N D TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER. asixtrrAcrunios or TUBULAR, DOUBLE-IMBED TUBULAR., PIRIS-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM - BOIL OIL STILLS. AND OIL TANRS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT. PANS AND CON• DENSERS; STEAM PIPES.' GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL Sauna OMee and Warehouse, Censer Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, PlTTSEtnitGli i Pa. ar Orders sent to the above address will be promptly attended to. zah7:lS9 BANNIIILL do Co., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON .WORKERS, NOB. ill) OA Mk AND se PIEN/IST. Haring secured a large yard and tarnished it vita the most approved machinery. we are pre pared to maniac tare every description of BOIL ERS la the begin:Leaner, and warranted equal to, any made In the country. Chlzaeys, Breeching,' Fire Beds, Hteant Pipes, Ltive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tank Oil Mils, Agita tors, Battling I"=s, Iloller Iron. Brldges„tegar nub and Sole mainit 8a.11.1'11 Pat ent moil _ers. Benarrinidone on shortest notice. 12.3:catt J A ES M. iarnart,/ Nos. 55 and 56 Water Sim*, pniantaian; PA., NANMPACTVZia 01 IRON OIL TANKS, BITTLING P/Llf3. Cernla STELAE FM% 11,0=30 MILL 3TACXS, And SHUT IRON WORN. For Steamboats. JAB= St. ...... ....DDYUND D. BBC= JAILED M. BRUSH & SON, KAITOPACPI7III7t6 OP Steam Boilers, Oil Stills; Tanks. SHEET IRON WORE, &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &o. THE BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY & CO. glangibLcturers of the greatest sarlety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, TO B& FOUND IN THE STATE. Sole Agents for the celebrated . Base Burning Oriental - Stoves and Purnaces for Hard Coal or Coke. Beet in the World for Parior.Office. Store or Church. Fire needs no reklndllng—burrie all win ter. Do nattily antil.yoa see or send for Circular. Ea 30 WOOD STREET. Our Agents for Ortentals—DEHßlLEE BROS.. Serithrield St.; GEO. HUBLZY, Allegheny City. 01M, HUGUS ,&`CO, MANII7AOTIBBOIA 0,..8V8AT YABIZTT OP OB I T I CONT3MI9 7 BOSTON Ar.7OOIOENG RANGE, "TICE FIERY FURNACE," Pon weskits Butramtes. THE NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, "REGULATOR." COLUMBIA. COOK STOVE. rtA A ria 3 E C l frattgbiD i rtitl, PO I T IA i n REFLECTOR, GRATES, free from dirt. and dut; GRATE ERUNTS, FEN DERS, so. 206 and 208 101terty Street; 15e25:717 PITTSBURG : PA. Coos STOVES. CElt TFIE BEST: BI SELL CO.'S Illtrit.PH, P- - FOR B V OUS .0041•• ' . ,W IrrnulKle C 40014 Pike or Spelt u oiLt.ge any_ other tiitere.th the-17111°a. BELL & 00. NO. 285 Liberty, Street', also on amid aad tor sala, • - - PARLOR STOVES, ENLTING GRAT E TMTL Iir KZIWKIIK COKING ONG; ,am ' 1 2 OClAlrdEril-00 Cow v0a,14: . • c . DICKSON, STEiVART & CO., BUIS/I=lo7oa thaw:most° NO. 567- LIBERTY 'STREET ! (Lately City IPloar Ml11)13200211:12L0014 Are IIOW L to turnteh ood : st n@RUNT LUMP, NU'T 00AL OR MACK, lowest morket price. . . • _ AU orders left at their °Moe, or addressed to them through the will be :attended to twonotir. • - STONE. WEST COMMON Machine Stow Works, Northwest corner of West Common, Allegheny. "MEMEL ATVATIOR & GO. • Hive on hand or p_repare short notice Hearth and Step Stones,_7lsgs for Sidewalks, Brewer? Varlos,Ae: :Head and Tomb atones, its. Ordors promptly ozecutod. Prtoes reasonablo ;FORT, PITT. BANKING COMPINT. No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,000. STOCKHDLDERB INDIVIDUALLY LIABLF,, Dir sa. Rs, LINT GOVERNMENT SEOURMFB AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS Collections made on all accessible solute in the United States and Canadas. DIRECTOBBt P. Hostetter, Jno. Hither, James Gordon, Dont. H. D. Wallace, Andrew Miller, Z. Fawcett, • I James M. Bailey. BAWL. 11(iseLIURRAN, Pres% 1.111.15444 NATIONAL BANK of COMB% Cora of Wood and Sixth Ste. A. PAT ...... ....Drastdest. JOS. H. HILL CAPITAL, t s s $500,000, DIRECTORS: - A. Patterson. • George W. Can. Wm. H. Brown H. Palmer Chas. Lockhart: it tr Wm. Douglas, Dan. R. Davidson. Wm. Seed. W. 8. Haven. DISCOUNTS DAIL att9:o2ll • HART, CAI:WREN & CO.; BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third Wood Street., iorx - rosietrimm. cauCCIIBOBB TO HANNA. HART I CO") DIALIRS IA Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to the purchase sue sale of COVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Draft. on London. aiTl:euts , N. Holum A SONS, 57 Market Street. .r.r4. -- .A. - th3/311:TRG113. PA. OoLleetloas made oa all the principal potato of tae Era Med States and Canadair. Stocks,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMIED2AION. Particular attention paid to the purchase and side of United States Seenrities. Ja80:al JAY COOKE & CO., 33aaals.eria, . 114 8O 77TH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ,STOCKS and BONDS of all descriptions bought and sofa. Special attention given to the purchase and sale oillipovernment . Securities. - mh3o OILS. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY, HERBERT G TTITIDDLE, MA.NIIPACTIMER, OP Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. senpse Bathrwia Axle Oil. Stands gr heat Withoiit -change; remains limpid a w e t lst temperatures. Special 011 for tropical clhnates or hot weather. . Locomotive, Engine, Machine Shop, Wilt cut Screws. - • Saw Min and Planing.Mill' Oils, Adapted for high speed. Spindle Oil, Wool Heisd•Light 011, 011, Tanners'', Stag. liensole: ing & Finishing 011, Gasoline, Harness OIL 1 IParraillne. • ARMOR VARNISH, to pre serve' Bright I ron Work and Machinery Prom Hum These products are manufactured - under. Dr. Tweddle , spatent by Superheated Steam in Vac ciao. The Lubricating Oils are almost odorless, perfectly pure, uniform, and meetlylight col ored. standshigh temperature uric ed. And. remain limpid duringextreme cold., The Otis are !unequalled - and are hi constant use on many m i n princirialHailroads. , Montan can be exd and orders left at 174 WOOD STREET. Works at Sharpsbnrg Bridge.. . _. WADING AND SING, Oconaa Kerebaata sad Brokers In Petroleum and its products, DALZELL'S BUI E DINB , DUQUESIIE WAY, rrrrasincen, PAL • A3)l:)ructms, , arABIN43I, KING 4 CO. 197 Widaut • Streef.. T A II4W lEII t 00111MISSION•MEROHANTS,, !In) 1 4/ 4 4* 8 IN 'Petrole*, o rrOducts, Pittsburgh Ornee — DALSSIILL , B BIJILDINGr earner of UnquesneNay and Irwin streets. thlier - ,ligir.ip.AlSllT sr. mn:wss • fill:41110ND WORKS, -.. • • H. 1111i , LONC & CO., Onice, DALZELliiric,pure, Duquesne Wiy, Pittsburgh. - Pa. J. OMNI. • J. Y. BB TT & BR&TT, • ';44tciVrEoTußftr , AND ORNAMENTAL, CARVERS - , . No, 64 SanduAliy st.,, illeghenyja. ilastMierit Of RENti - EL • i i osis and BALLSTE.II4 constantly on hand. TErhaPrtili. of all descrlD tuN•dtool.': • • txgltyliti CENTRAL AND UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY BONDS, The cheapest Investrnent now in the market for sale by PH. R. MERTZ, ;Corner PTPTH AVENUE & WOOD BTEEETS. 'Also, dealer In Government Bonds. Gold and Coupons and European Exchange at market rates. . den iliams To • Day & Co., (Successors to B. JONES A C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood 'Sta., 33 AL IV IC. : 11 Mt BUT AND SELL ALL KINDS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ; ON MOST FAVORABLE Or Interest Allowed on Deposits. - *Money loaned on Government Bonds at lowest market rates. Orders eseensed for the Petrehate and Male of STOCIRE, BONDS and stomp. • JAMES T.. BRADY 41. CO. ON. Cashier. Ts AT 111 11.112/ )fig Vitbinalt etaytte. FINANCE AND TRADE, OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, THURSDAY, April 1, 1869. The gold minket was strong to-day and advanced from 131% to 131%, with a firm undertone, despite the high rate of interest paid for money.. The steadily dedreasing belance of coin in the banks and on the market, and the increasing dernand for coin to pay duty, will soon have exhausted the supply now on the market, even before May next.. Import ers and speculators on the bear side are counting on the Secretary of' the Treas ury to supply the needful, either by sales, or by anticipating the May inter est. i If the tendency is actually a rising one, it is needless to say that any gold will be sold, according to the reported de termination of Secretary Bontwell. Ru mors are constantly put, afloat that gold is coming from Europe, but if it is true, the I return shipments must be still larger, as it is well known that our trade balance is unfavorable and coin is only shipload to enable some of the foreign bankers to get their bonds to Europe, which they are at present'unable to do, finding it impossible to sell their ex. Change. Gcivernment bonds were firmer this morning, but declined at noon about per cent. The high rate of interest will eventually force large amounts of bonds on the market held by speculators. • The stock market was well sustained and rates advanced on yesterda*quota tionsi. Nearly all the western shares are higher. On local and Express stocks little:is doing. Money commands from 15 to 18 per centAn some instances, and 12 per cent. is the ordinary rate. Quotationsa as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 1314; Silver, 125; Eighty one's, ilog; Five Twenties, 1862, 118, do. 1864, 113%; do 1865, .115%; do 1865, Consols, 112%; do: 1867, 112'%; dd 1868,, 113; ' Ten Forties, 105%; New York Central, 61%; Erie, —; Reading, 91%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne it Chicago Railroad, 124 g; Ohio doMississippi, 32g; , Michigan , , Southern, 901 s; Cleve land id: Pittsburgh, 89%; Chicago di Itocklidand; 126 g; Chicago dr North Western, 84%; Chicago d:.North*Western Preferred, 94; Adau3s Express Com. pang,! 58; Merchants . Union Express, Pacific Mail, 89%; Western Union Telegraph Company, 89;6; Gregory, 2,60; Quarts ELM, 92; Corydon,.—; Smith Paradee,`l,Bs; W. Am Express 40%; -- - [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) .N.Ew Tons, April 1,1869. Money stringency was very severe to day. Call loans, B©9 per cent. gold; and 7 per cent. currency, - with commissions of .1-16@% per cent. Many bank ac counts mere not made up until after four o'clock. The stringency occasioned a general yieldg of prices in the Stock Exchange. The banks are , presenting their three pei-ciant oertifieliteeil for 're demption, and to-day one institution drew from the Sub-Treasury half a mil lion 'in greenback currency. The bal... sued' there," - iit ihe cline, was about 000,000. o Sterling dull; prime bankers' bills, 7fx 6°lo firm, in response .to the advince to 4 _lar cent. of rate2'l4,dhicount and Washington telegrams (probably tions) of a break in , the: Oalilnet,aud On.; ban rebognition: " prices. opened it 181 X, advanced to - 1111 X, :and' closed at 181 X. The, rates paid' for carrying:varied from 1 • tg*rpcit .oerit. and la Per cent. to. flat. Export today: : to Europe, 147,000; to Vane, $168,000; clearance !MOW,- 00o Governments were dull, but' teadyi most of the day, and became heavY and - deolinialat the close on the high.. rates paid for mo ney . ; Coupons - of 'Bl, 115X® inv..,'62, 117X®118;• do. -'B4;' lux ®114 ; 'B6, 115x©116; new , do,‘ 112 X ®112%; do. 'O7, 112X(g$112X: do:MkII2X @ul2.3i' t 104 % 105011' 1 q 4 N; Pacific' Sixes, 104 3a@1.04X. State bonds lower: Millaituns, 8734; Old Tennessee% do ®6O; New do., 63x®84X; 47ortittflarolinaa, 6434@ MX. Stock market steady during the morning, except Rock Islaudpod Port Wayne, which. declined. ' .- Northwesteni and St. Paul advanced; in the afternoon the market was excited and unsettled. with a' general decline nul rate, money stringency being the cantle: ' - 5.30 Pnces—inberland; 884;; Wella. Express, 81.%; American, 403‘; ants, 57(4)58; Merchants ;Union,- 1834(§;; 15X; , Urdtal States, ;56 ; Quicksilver 20829t/o - Canton. 59 ; Pacific Mall, 88X®89; Western Union 39Xa.39%; Mari posa, 18;i@18; preferred, 3434®31%; N. Y. Central, 160, 1 ‘®160X; Erie. 33X@34: Hudson, 138 y, ©139; Reading, 91 3 4 ©91%; Terre Haute,.3s@36; Harlem, P 2 1i.%/ 35 ; Wabash; 683,f ® 67; - 80. preferred, Tt3;*t. Paul, 71%®715(,; do. preferred, 803;® 90x; Fort Wayne, 124@1243.; Ohio' and 32 3 ,®323{; Michigan South ern, 95X®953,; Pittsburgh, WWI; Toledo, 90 3 / 4 ®91; Rock Island, 127 M. Northwestern; 833,, ®B3X; do. preferred, 93 3 8093%; Chicago and Alton, 150; Lake Shore, 91. • Mining shares duU: Gregory 260; Smith Parmelee 190; Quaker, Valley 94. Copper stocks at Boston; Copper Falls 8 g; Franklin 16; Heals 75; Hancock 4; Minnesota 2; Quincey 25. Receipts of the Sub-Treasury were $779.875; Payments n 237,72; Balance $86,237,601. PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, THURSDAY, April 1, 1369. The oil market, although , firmer, was 'quiet to-day, and there was little or nothing done, the volume of business being unusually light. Compared with yesterday, prices were fully sustained, with a reported, sale of 20,000, bbls in New York at 42 eta en spot. Farther `more, it was reported that tuese 20,000 bbis were taken for export, which is re garded as a favorable omen for those who are interested in high prices, and it is possible that this operation had some thing to do with stiffening the market. The foreign advices, however, are by no , , means fayorable, Antwerp being quoted , down to 53 trances, while the stocks in in some of the foreign ports are reported unusually large. We noticed yesterday that there was a rumor current of a party having refnapdto take .10,000 bbls of oil in Philadelphia, the time of delivery having expired with the last day of March. It is said to-day that the party referred to disclaims having anthoritsed any oue to buy said, oil, and, if so, he, cannot be censured for refusing to take it. If the contracts were accepted by hird, that is an end to it; and it not, the sellers should have seen before this that they were accepted. CRUDE—Market, as already noted was, very - quiet today, while prices, compared with yesterday, 'have under gone no change. Sale 250 bbls at 15 and .1,000 bbls 18 per bbl atDif City. -Quo tations for spot or April, sellers, option, may; 1 be - given at 15©15%. July to DecemP her, REF 7y., INED--The market for Refined was also very quiet to-day though firm, and compared with yesterday . ' prices were a shade better: April, Ist half, 31; last half 323; April and May 83%; April to July 34%. asked,, 34% bid; May to Sep tember' 36; and April to September 35. Salfi—llist night —5OO each April to Sep tember at 34% for the first tind 35 for the remaining months and 1,500 last half April at 32%. LIIHRICATTNG OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 40c Eclipse Railroad Axle 85d Eclipse Machinery 75c Eclipse Spindle 50c OIL SHIPPED Ed ST BY A. V. B. H. Citizens Ref. Co., 500 bbls to Tack Bro., Philadelphia. Lockhart, Frew & Co. 519 bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Phila. Total shipments Refined.. ,1019 LIVE STOCK SHIPMENTS. • Through the kindnesii of Mr. J. H. Grayson. of the Pennsylvania Railroad, we are enabled to give the daily ship ments of live stock from the Penna. Cen tral Yards eastward. The following are the shipments for the week ending Wed nesday, March 31; ' - eattle.Hege.Sheep.fforses. Thursday,, March 25' 870 1,817 4,000 62 Friday, . 26,1,195 2,134 3,207 33 Saturday, " 27, 174 3,494 450 94 Monday, " 29, 122 2,193 1,118 104 Tuesday, " 30,778 1,259 1,289 84 Wednesday, " 31; 208 1,515 2,582 56 Total.. . . .... ......2,947 11,91312,648 433 Dry Goods Market. - Maw Yofix Anril I.—The dry goods market remains inactive yet steady for most grades of Staple goods. Wequote heavy brown Bheetings at 15jg@l63gd for common to extra. Printing Cloths, 1731 ®l*3 for common to extra. Best Madder Prints are held,: at :144 ®l2Nc. Mons Delaines, 18®20O: NeiirYork Mills Alias lins, 2730; Wamsutta, 26c; Tnsuarawa, 22c; Masonville, 183tc, and Red Bank, 12 - 34 c. Colored Cottons are in limited demand at unchanged prices. •.. P. £l.,Since writing the above we learn that Amoskeag prints 'have been ad vanced to 11/ o, while American Alas been reduced to 11,Sic. Trade, on the whole, is dull and unsatisfactory.- Yes terday was truly'a bad day for it is Pain ful to learn of the suspens ion of one of the, first houses among the trade, whose credit stood Aat home and abroad for forty {years;; we refer' to the firm of L. & B. 'Curtis &Go.- Live "Stock Markets." CzNoirticerr, April I.=-Cottle Market— Beef Cattle dull and usi4tang.4. • Sheep very dull and prices drooping, at 0,50® 6,59 per rental the whole range. Hogs dußlit'eB(g)lo.2s, . Ca:lc/at!), April I.—Chttte Market.— Live hoge:dull and' 10@15o lower; sales at 19,59®10.75 for common to choice. Beef cattle dull at $5,0061,623i0 tor , oft to choice shipping steers. ; • CINCINNATL April I.—Flour and grain unchanged and quiet: Cotton dull, but "prices `,,nominaßy unchanged. whod er at 90®910. Tobaccofirm at full rates; sales of 194 hhds. . Provisions un changed an d' - quiet; 'not 'lunch done; prices nominally unchanged; prime city lard sold at 18c, but this was forced sale. Butter firm, with s , , lightLegpEly,., at 40® 450. Eggs $lOl at;': 18@wai mos firm and In fair demand, ar 14®1001 for North Carolina. Linseed 011 held firmly at $1,05. Lard : 0111 5 1 , 5 5. ,1 60141 , 131X, buy log. Money market stringent at 10®12 per ce P t .._.; E o. ll4ll llqtinie.tattAr buYilltt• Apri l .-1.-7•Plour quiet. , Wheat firm; sales good to prime red at $2,104@2,25:,:i Oorn reeelpte , were sinallr White 85 )86c;' yellowsunchang ed. Oats dull At. 60@850 for good light. Rye nominal. Mess Pork is firm at, 632,40. ../311301finn 1..; Tit sides 16X,0; clear sidei 17X®18.:1; shoulders :Niglio. .Hams 20@210.. Lard firm. Whisky is firm and scarce; sales at No. PHELADF.P.,..II4., ;lellour less active; Unchfiziged. "'Wheat q " riot; red at sl,Bo®l,6B;•ambevat $170401.80, "vhit , P, at 14,10.-O.ONn dulland lower; :. western 81% , yellow at Mo. Petroleum quiet and unchanged. Oats, Groceries. and' ' - Provisions un chaned, Whisky.firM, 11,00, - - Drrnort, Aprii_l.-- 1 4Theat firm; extra *jhite.sll7s„• - ,dc•. , 11,55@1,46; No.. 2 11,35; ' 141 0.1 , ainner , 51,42. , - Corn advanced to ,720, with - ;fairk demand. .151111 Stuff-- meet soame:!at 12,00; coarse middlinga at , 220. • : ,