NEW ADVERTISEMEINTS. arNOTICE.. THEJLLEGIIM COENIY Republican F4eentive Committee Will meetlon TUESDAY, April 20th, 1869, at 11 o'clock A. m.. IN THEIR ROOMS in City Hall. Et ery nionber of the Committee I hould attend, - as business dt importance esquire their action. RUSSELL ERR .TT, Chairman. JOHN H. STE ART, Secretary. ap2.i74 - NOTICE O F . OTICE OF DISSOIXTION.- The partuerShiii heretofore. existing be tween the undersigned, is this day dissolved by mutual emisent All debts due by the Arm will be settled by, and all 'debts dile to the Sim will be collected by WlLadAll REID. WIL lA3I REID. ROBERT LINDSAY sp2:g73 NSURANCIE COMPANY, MELAN'S•I3VILDING. `No. AS Fifth Aveint. Second , tloor, • • PITTSBURGH, PA. • all Paid Up. , - DIRECTORS. ir J.Btatey. 11 . .Vir.i 1 llser, Jr, 'Copt.3l.Theley, iing woo lace, B . H. Hartman. A. Chambers, Jake Hill. IS. 311)1uriun. Jas. 3i. nalley. booms , Suitt_ ,_ll I Jno.S. I . ItOnERT H KINO, rresiden't. • 'Pc°. F. JENNINGa. Vice President. JOS. T. JOILVSI•Oti, SecrearY. 'capt. R. J. GRACE, Oen'l Agent. Insures on Liberal Terme on all Fire and _Marine Blabs. aptllgs7 • . OFFICE OF THE TREAisuarat OF' ALLEOHENY COUNTY. ilLtSbargb, April .n, 11169., , N PURSUANCE . OF THE 21st I section of an Act relating , to Allegheny Coun t', approved the Ist day of Ala", "1801. and of the sanendmentto said section; approved the 30th day of March, 1566, I do hereby give notice that the Duplicates fir the several Wards,' Boroughs and Townships WILL BE OPEN and I will be pre pared to receive the • , Comity, 'Slate, Poor,* Workhouse and Improvement Taxes for 1869. . _ On, after the Ist day of Miy. 11381. Bald takes isn't* bald ht thlr Mike until the lit day of August with a pEDIICTION OF FIVE PER CENT: for prompt. payment to all persons paying the whole amount of their taxes. There - Will be nodedection allowed during the mouth or Augurf.'..Theremill be Ten - ,Per Cent. Added To all taxes remaining ,unpaid on the list day of f3eptimber. 1869. - .J: F. DE.NNISTON. Treasurer of Allegheny County. CM BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF the Orphans Court of Allegheny county, made thellifilth day of March, A. D. 1869, at 1, *lrma Term. - 1888, • there will be exposed to public We on the premises. on WED: 4 .IEB9AT. the 1519 t day °May, A. D. 1889. at 10 o'clock A. It.. in such parcels, pir parts. or sub-divisions as will. In the Judgment of the undersigned, be most for the benefit and advantage of the estate, all that certain messnage or tract or land situate in Findley township, in aald county, ond bound ed be lands of Peter and omerles Aten, Hen' Weaver, heirs of Jeremiah -Morgan. deceased. and others, containing 5187 acres, I rood and 33 perches. nea ideanme, atiappears by plot TeY filed to sanumber and term, late thee s tate of Daniel Morgan, of said township. deceased. This is a very desirable property, and, all things considered. It Is believed to present a rare opportunity to purchasers. It is gently rolling. with no waste land upon -It. The soil is good and diversified, being adapted to the production of the Yarning grain., grapes and fruits. which flourish inihis climate. lie water is exceillent, well distributed and shiindant.'Consisting of nu merous never falling springs, perennial rivulets flowing thereupon. thereof is forest, hovered with !stately' white oak limber, Which for quantity and quality. it is believed. is not surpassed in the country. Therels a five feet Vein of good bituminous coal underlying several acres. The improved land is In reasonable repair Gableoad state of cititiratlo buildings cludes a yal apple orchard. • The are net cost. ly, but convenient. Hiles adjole lug the spirited Tillage of Clinton. and Is convenient to churches schools, millsand the various mechanics ns i ge to farmers. To the agriennurist. the cattle Ver. the wool grower and theihmber man. (and even the borticulttudat and fruit grower prospec tively In -theseraiiroad -times; here Is an oppor tunity which demands-Attention. TEams—One-third of the purchase money to be paid cash; one-tnird in one year and one third in two years from of the sale, wish interest; the two deferred payments wilt 'their interest to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premi ses.. A.B THOMSON, Adm'a% st • PaottleeAdd . ress; Seventy Six; Beaver County, Penna.. • - ap2:r7sF ILIST OF nra ntllll a, 1889: ud Alexaerd Andrews 0 14 Alien Wm 02 I Inglis Wm J Jones Nathan Sing k J Stonbelmer C Little Boiled Lutz Julia Barnett. Wm C Bamford Beal , Black Trion& Boyd Marla Z 'Brown N J .311 Matz to B Morgan David Mitchel Thos MillingarJu Mercer M. V B Nadine Wm Matthen ti W Morgan A McCaffrey Jno McGill T A hfcGrogham J McDonald Pat McDe rm naldott DT McDo McMillan L Mcilwiglreu A McVerran Mary Mcßeary Jno McQuilkin J M O'faread_y Jno Wrens LP I • Polfs Reuben Power Beni Pessinger J $ • Brawny Magee Barr Ells ;Batimorb Jno Bell 2iavoy Brown Jno Brown Prank Blakely J CannleghamJC vooper A J Cleric Jerome vornett D • Charlton Jos Carey BOSS Collins Jai Cooley W H - D - Drummond W . Drew J o ohn Z Grove SOD Harold Huy • HHug erise Helmer e o - A Helihln J ger hn Geo Henry geika HentHeg Hare GREAT AUCTION 'SALE - ' - .;CONTINUED, .. . .• - ' - Or ' '%:- • - '.. 1'; . Hcßint At C ARLISLE'S _.....-,.., : ....: . ~, . . .....: litiugg-irrock or. -Fancy %Goods, .' Hosiery, - Trimmings, -',. •" _: " -.- smumaipippinsi ,;.1 ;• -... : lumlisoll loops loileis Its., 14; -- - - , - , 'AT z ;.. - ' ? r • '• lfod '27 , F i f th 'Atiemte .. , . HaVinf secured - - the stare NO. So Fifth . . • I re e i t ille st.4 ertre i gt b lieagr. ofoh * c°- .... mAcnum 'dk..CARLISLE ...p.....„ ,-,...,... ;.T . roat their ;old store: NO ' ' AO FIPTHAVENVE, -,,...,. ;-; .r, 41 1 4 Ofill,coetieue A , DAILY 111VPION' SALES • ' *l'. . chn . 'wi•iiiiis ... _ _ . ...' •-•e TITURSDAT, &twain. it AP. 21. and at' the :.`114,2171;..1.' e ?Zit ' 1 ' ' "re" ',.,:,.. ,• :- ' .'. ll..Asi smarriason & Co., 4 . -i ''''.. --; '- ' : ". AUCTIONEERS. MACRON A CARLISLE invite the attention of their old customers to the elegant new stock .; yryvv il i s o n nes . dat their new store, No. %7 apt 113BIED FRUITS. - CHOICE Halves Peaches. Choice Third Peaches, noise Quarter Peaches. New Turkey Prunes, New Currants, _New Vaiencts and Layer Ratsint, ASWATT, LA O & CU., 17S & 174 Wood St. MS NEW ADvEraisErdiam THE BOOK STORE, AT No; 119 Wood Stree ( t ' Mae door below sth avenue.) Now' C 110633. Awl are are ready for business. with an entire new stock of STA r IIDARD LITERATURE • THEOEOGV, IN HISTORY. s.IOGRAPHY, .TRAVELS. LAW, , MED WINE, BELLES•LETTRES and FICTION. Of the latter class, an 1 / 1 1Tnelibe stock. SUNDAY SCHOOL DOORS, eaihErea with care. frossi all the best available sources—English and American. BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS. DEVOTIONAL and HYMN BCOKS, For all Christian Cbarchrs. SCHOOL BOOKS BLANK BLANK BOOKS. • STATIONERY, ALL AT LOWEST PAIGE% Wholesale and Retail. Lovers of good books are invited to make our store a resort. .S. A. CLORE & CO., ap2lg73 OWNERS OF Dray, Wagons, Caris, Racks, atinctit USES; • And Every Description of Carriages, ARE.REQUIRED TO CALL AT THE CITY, TREASURER'S OFFICE Take Out their Licenses THE FIRST DAY OF MAY NEXT. For each and every Wagon, Cart, Car, Dray', Buggy or Carrie g .. drawn by one horse. the sum of VI 00 For each and every one oi the above named Ve hicles, drawn by two horses, the sum of $lO 00 For each and every one of the above named Ye. /tidies, drawn by four , horses, the sum of GI 9 00 For each and every Hack drawn by two horses, the sum of ' 012 00 For each and every Omnibus and Timber Wheels, drawn by Iwo horses, the sum of lila 00 For each additional horse attached to any of the above named Vehicles, the sum of ' $1 00 SECTION 3. It shall be the duty of all Livery Stable keepers in said city, to make a return to the City Treasurer. within twenty days atter the passage of this Ordinan and an, Mary therea ft er, on or before the le t day of of each and every year, of the number of Vehicles of ev ery description.. owned and used by them in ilear business. and the kind tnereof, and the same se turn shall be made under oath. ' EEC. 4. All owners of Cart& Drays, Wagons, and other Vehicles, who shall n. glect or refuse to procure a license as aforesaid, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten percent. for very thirty days the same remains unpaid after the lit day of Slay of each vear. All Livesv stab e Beepers failing to make the return re quired in the 3cl Section of this Ordinance. shall, in addition to the foregoing. be subject to a pen alty of not exceeding tit% y dollars, all of which penalty shall be recovered before the Mayor, or one of the Aldermen of said city, by summary conviction; and ft shall be th. duty ot the Chief of Police to seek out ail persons who have failed to comply with any ot the provlstons of this Or dinance and report the same to the City T,easur. et, for which service he shall receive the sum of 897 eyes' in each case. to be taxed and collected as part ofthe costs, upon conviction as aforesaid, The penalties, for non-compliance with the or dinance will be strictly enforced after .ge above date. D. 31 ACP KRUOM, Cite Treasurer. ALLIGHZNT CITY April 1, 1889. aplige3 BATES lG REMAIN: CFPICE; April Phillips DIMI4 Palmer Jos lk Risher Geo ,Rate Henry Roberts Henn , Reddlek Jas M Sheridan Math aerie Jos etevenson dled& Christian S Sl ny c eder J ir Jos Smith W Slreriand D Smith John L Smith J Hula Taylor D Thai Chu Thomas Bev J Thenopomt Geo Taylor Thos V ' Vance Jas D Williams D Ward Theo Walter Mos WhartnablH C Wllllares W T Ward Michael Welhe Carrie Are lieceiVing Daily Additiens to their SPRING STOCK Dry ar,c)acif€4, ATTRACTIVE NOVELTIES =F2EI 1133E7LE3.190N m 129:.,. : tt fistatrieVs.'siiiit IN.. marg.. - Y. -- LiV'ACRES, - IMPROVZH, IN Cue OEN TOWNSHIP.- isATUBDAY D ux Ap r a lesith by or•tcr or John H. Haley ASSlffnee of Minim -D. Hamilton, Bankrupt., lise bold •,at CoMmercial Sales , -Lou danithtlelo• 'street. 0! :Ines and AO perches land In McClure Townsuip.,4l.lleg_beny :county Pa., giadjoining lands of Gos h L. Hail and Mrs. Hart n, upon which a modern style frame dwel ling otidroOml, pith stable and other outhouses; with grapes of the best quality and orchard of large and amall - frults, tne whole under good fence, making a handsome and desirable BUDGIV ban residenes.• - ~kisO.ONZ &oils 'or 'good land. suitable for gardening, mileinimg the above, and boraering upon the .TOWning:ltaad. The said reaLsstakt being part of Ueorge Draher , s plan of lots. Terms cash; sold free of Hens. sta • A...llolLWAM.'AuctiOneer. PIIING • - ECALTIEIip An Immense Stock at Low Prices, at McCO.II,D & CO's, , • 181 WOOD . STREET. FLOOR -OIL 'CLOTHS, ()BRIM OIL OLOTH FOR WINDOW nHADES. TEANaPARENT WINDOW ' , HADES. TOALCANTHFURNITURE IN EVERY VARIETY. .1. a H. PHILLIPS, apl Ea= SO and 118161.xtti qtreet. 119 WOO a STURET AHD ON OR BEFORE BELL OF IN ALL THE OF THE , PitiSETIRGTX GAZETTE: FRIDAI, APRIL 2; 1869.- NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! GOOD BARGAINS!! • AT IS% CENTS, NEW SPRING STYLES LIGHT DELAINES. CENTS, BEST C &LICOES, New Myles. AT 12% CENTS, Extra Yard Wide Muslins. Bp! MING DRESS GOODS, Desirable Colors and .111aterials. HEAVY BLACK DRESS SILK. NE IV CASSIMERES. Table Linens and Napkins. SHEETING PILLOW CASE MUSLIN& CARPETS! CARPETS ! IMI VERY LOW PRICES. Large additions of NEW GoODE pur l d etut a eed In ew York within the last few at. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, - AT WI:LLIAX SEXPLE'S, NO. 180 AND 182 FEDERAL- STREET, JUM3GUENT. mb27 tat: IRON . CITY MUTUAL LIFE INKRANCE.-GO, Of Pennsylvania. Office, 75 Federal St., Allegheny City • • DIRECTORS: Hon. JAMES L. GRAHAM, Res. J. B. CLARK. D. D., Capt. R. ROBINSC.N. Rev. A. K. BELL. D.D. Rer. S. H. NE,BIT. C.D.. W. 4. BRAD. Cashier Allegheny Trust Co. .JACOB RL'SH. Real Elate Alert; . SIMON DAUM, Msyor of Allegheny, . C. W. BENNY. Hatter. A. S. BELL. Attorney. at-Lsw, • D. L. PAITERSON, Lumber Merchant, D. WOOER, Insurance Agent. Capt. ROBT..ROBIN.ON, President. Rev. J. B. CLARK, D. D.,Vice President., JACOB RUSH, Secretary, C. W. BENNY. Treasurer. - W. WHITE, MEDICAL ADVISEE. DANIEL WOOER Geng Agent. This is a nome comnany. conducted on the mutual prlnclpieeach polls,' bolder receiving au equal share of the profits of the Company. Policies will be leaned on all the different plans or Life Insurance, and being conducted on an economi cal basis will afford a safe investment to each policy holder, and thereby retain the money at home to tricourage home industry. mhZ:g.TI HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. al* I have in store end am constantly receiving direct from manufacturPrs., a complete-assort ment of . BUILDER HARD% ARE which sit offer for site on *stair terms as any hone in the env. together with a fine assortment of CUT LERY, GUNS and REVOLVERS. Also, the best selection of MECHANICS' TOOLS, cony prising all the latest and best improvements known to the trade. I have my factory in fall operation as natal. and am pre d to do all kinds of lob work the same as ore the are of the 9d of February, such as itrif ding razors, scissors. knives, put ting gSt in m knife lY blades, and repairing all kinds of 11. • JAMES ®OWN, ` NO. 138 WOOD STREET. PITTSBURGH. Also, Aent for Grosikope's famous MAGIC. LINENMARKER,.the greatest novelty in the world. STEM-WINDING WALTELAH. WATCHES. These Watches are of the well•known M plate style; and warranted to satisfy the most exacting demand for beauty; finish and accuriey. The manufacture of Watches of this 'qnsUtP is not even attempted. in this country except at 'Waltham. Fog BALE UT z. R. REED AL CO., tali WJUVWE WATCHES, 84 Platel an 18 d .20 Slaw. To the MIA alhature of these fine Watches the Company tem devoted all the science and skill In the ert at their command. and Confidently claim that for fineness andneanty. no less than for the greater excelencles of mechanical and scientific correctness of deelgo and exeen•lon, these watches are 'insert:hissed anywhere. Ifs this country the manufaetute of &baseline grOyde of Watches is not even attensptedi **cape at Waltham. YOU SALE BY ' • u, irrazaulat & 00. &d' 4" SHAD . HESS ' '• RECEIVED (hay at I BENdAIditiFULPRFAM' popnlu 4.lln , Viendi NO:. 45 Diamond, Market; ritts bn gh, and at the Twin City, Allegheny CM', corner of Ohio and Federal streets. - ran be bed all kinds of Sea and Lake fish. Halibut, Shad, Seek, liOdesh. - Haddock a nd Eel.' Also, large supplies of White, Lake Fish, salinuou, Haul, utergeon. Herring and Alactnsw Trout, which enables us to sell at the lowest market.: Prices,. wholesale .Or. We invite all lovers or Fresh Fish to give.ns _cull, and we will loser hem a treat. Intat LISTEN TO THE MOCKING JLIBIEJX .- TheTratileltrbbitie and Animal Im. itator can be need br aeh lid. It ls made to itni. tate the songs of every bird, the neigh or a horse. the bray of arr auk! the great or a beg; birds , boasts, and entices are enchanted and entrapped. by U. -•ltlie used trr DSO Bryant, Charley White and all the Minstrels anti Warblers.. Ventrilo quists can be learned In three _days by aid. cent anywhere upon receipt of Wie OCI .• thre e for 50 rte.: $1.5115 per dozen. A. eI..HITOMOOOK, 148 Fulton street, New York. mbillmMow 4 6 CADIErfilr OF OCIENCE. 101 'Federal Street R Allegheny, (enyingenns t i ding.) Spring ternebeelas MONDAY,. APRIL CIA 1869. For cireuhlri. Rc., iinalr to la blo It 8. ROBB. A. M., Prin. \- o 0" ‘>•\, c 9 cP` cp c,C) %-I•o.