The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 02, 1869, Image 1

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TWELVE ItiNctooCus
I rraceedings of thetegislaiure--
4 : Senate' Considering the Gen,
era/ ' A PPrepriation - :111111-- .
1 • Free Pipe and Tank gill He
i called 14. y the Holum and In
detinateli Pesti/oE4th'
tR9 Telegrapb to the Pltiebarge Gatette.l
I , . . • Eils.nnissugo. Apr 111,1869:
',, EIKiTATH. :
, .
. . .
• The approprhalon bill; was still under
Ilonsideratlon, on second reading. -
Three hundred dollars to each Coin-
Inissioner of the Sharing - Fund was
Struck out.
Mr. ERliiiiii moved to strike Mit- two
thousand dollars salary to the State His
lorian, and two clerks at fourteen -bun
'Aired dollars each. Agreed to: -.
tp At the evening session theAppiOpria
ion‘ bill continued on second' reading.
rA - motion of Mr. ‘ OSTERHAUT, to
17educeu members salaries - from §l,OOO to
00, was rsjected. - -;
Mr. LOWRY'S . amendment, paying
three dollars a day for' actual service of
Siembers; was also rejected.
Mr. WHITE'S amendment, to strike
.Out allowce for stationery,was rejected.
MRHAUT offered an amend
nient giving two hundred dollars extra
y to ;the Transcribing Clerks.- Re
Au amendment striking out the GOV
iernor's Plano was rejected.
Mr. ' 4ILLINGFEL'I"S .amendment
tibolishing the franking privilege passed:
' HO7
1 The Philadelphia .Bhclpp Brokers', bill
Mr. ADA.IRE moved a reconsideration
t:of the - hill ;per yesteiday relativeto
)uits brought against Pennsylvanians o by
'on-residents. Disagreed to.
The bliriincreasing the eiemption of
roperkf.ef persona maintelning families
from three to five hundred dollars, and
Iltullifying all waivers of its provisions,
- sed dually.
). • .
r-The lalliknown as the Free Pipe and
ank law, extending the general min
o, inannfacturing and quarryin opera-
„IM3,.arid its supplements, to oillittn.s. in Yenango, Warren, Parrett and
,Crawford °minuet, having been recalled
gamin thaSenate Int Mr. DAVIS, of Phil
,kadelphis," he moved a reconsideration
Pr the purpose of killing it.
The SPEAKER decided - that . six
ass having elapsed since the passage
' ,•yEfouse, -, thamotion for reconsideration
_now out of order.
1 AVIS Vaasa moVed the indefinite.
i_.petiettiCet:'' '''' • - •
_, I
! , TUN WREC oPtiesied by Mr.
Si , iafiVenango, and Mr. CLARK, of War
., rap, who alleged that the present' bill
vas sustained by the oil in- n, and that
the Western Pipe Bill W. 23 universally
.31 - r. ANIES, of CraWford, wbo, origins
ed the Western pipo bill, &voted the Jai
*finite phstporreinetit of the ph:roe:it bill.
*.LM. WILSON, of Alieuheny, said the
. ,W estern pips bill wa, autre unpopular to
the of Allegheny than any
ii• other measure msseri. , It was obnoxious,
s old the pre_sent...bill should be ,passed,
-- in the people and the oil inter
-40-usts.. ' . : - -'
L_ Mr. Davis'a motion to indefinitely post
; pone was adopted yeas4l, nays 30.
; -
Mr. CLARK, of Philadelphia, called
OP the Senate bill making Good-Friday
* public holiday., .ss finally.
. Pi ss ed .
• -
.Evening Sataion—The j bill from the
Senate regulating the takinl t of game
Was warmiyadvocated by Mr. ORGAN,
Allegheny, and. pendlngth ' question
the House adjournbd.
.:' II
• ;I:,
• 1,
. 4 :
Telerrapb to the PLitaburzh Gazette')
NEw, Yonk, April 1, 1863.
The Union Pacific Railroad has coat
-1 • 4 . tneneed suit in the Milted States Circuit
A.• Court against James Fisk; Jr., for tres
s, Pass, in taking poasession of the office
andproperty of the Company, and other-
Wiseisrsiadlaing its aftairs,.- One titillieti
• OA : dollars as is s
• Leered thatcher suits will be brought
argalnst Fisk and his agents. The cases
of Fisk vs. the Road, in • the Supreme
Curt,and_ United Store ' . Circuit. Court,
re, oo ntinned:t&dav without result.
Assesor Webster has commenced ao.
Lion against members of the firm of
.-04141:ociutir Co4 l tc .!." ( l : e4' PCnaltiee
`,Sur ter • to make returns and -p&p
znents required by the Internal Revenue
law. Thiamin bring.uptthe question of
,the l iabilityttbahkers and brokers un
der the law. -'
•• The EPaiStantotlpper.eldpßalAo.,was
tieliEd-b# the_ 'United St ates 21.4risitat fot
,a, violation. or the
plauateugeriict) 4 ander
penalty of 1160,000, inte.,"ffeeAlPut
pail for Liverpool. ;nil not „, giVing bonds
for that anima, wag not permitted to
t., . . illinolll Lighantl/7e.
II Tagokuteiruab s
1i r ,
~, , litmetarsh eSzetts%l „
, 01.16A00;.4rir 1 . - -Ckritilatir . Palmer
t has oompletee the work of examining all
ttibit WE° , itt,l4ll. -1. 'nf
1- theAltiti PinirAttlatuf e'' abilkif =dn
. ‘ nand In ALL e hag la id aside one
s hin
' '• '
Bred sad eight of them without hi ap.
- . prove'. most of whichche will veto out- .
sight when the well
and tkif err egt hel nirill-zettyrn
; 31bn: Kindaglhelmpbttita' hint which '
t/411 be vetoed are the Chicago Lake'
l i* the ,Wh h giVeLto, trllinols
0 : ,- li th e . gait cantri4l sgrthe'
24 4 1
• e r tonisinibia ay roll-.
~,,,, roads b ooks of what Is known as
, . "Lake Part, i and to the Illinois Central
*VP Off ot4;01 barb moptit of the
. ' cago - river, and the billeuthbilzlog
the counties and towns of the State to,
• • 'INtY all,,
and miroad debts in exist
...i , once ,e and whit* may be created for the
'..• T,2 - - - 12 - 6 - Utah Aire, our - orthe extolls of State
hesse - Of 18x8.4 ,'X Ntaxes sisessed and collecto in excess of.
ii. -
LONDON, April I.—The Royal Commis,
eion appoint
,to -14 quire into the '
_of IlatlltallZati' 011, mane a report' and,
commended the enactment of a law-rec
ognizing naturalization abroad as alien.
ating British subjects from allegiance to
England, and propose the total abolition
of the disabilities of aliens to hold landed
Lor:Dorr. April I.—The Liverpool
Chamber of Commerce have petitioned
the House of Commons; Mr. Gladstone:l
and the Postmaster - General to support
the present contracts with steamship
lines for carrying mails to America.
The bank of England has advanced its
rate of discount -from three to four per
PAR/8, April 1.--The metallic reserve
in the Bank of France has increased
- 170,000 francs during the week ending
y Ol rela y. este. Bourse today dull: routes,
7. 1
MADRID April I .—Latorre has been
appointed Gliorerner General of tho Phi
lippine Islands. • •
LONDON, April I—Evening.—Consols
92% for money, and 92%@93 for account.
l3onds dull at - 833‘. Stocks quiet: Erie
2 j_g; 9634; Atlantic and Great
Western 31. Decrease of bullion in the
Bank of England since last report £462,-
000. Tallow 465Q46s 3d.
Fruwirronr, April I.—Bonds 87%.
LIVERPOOL, April I.—Cotton closed
dull at 1230 for uplands, and 1290 for
Orleans. Wheat; sales- 8,000 bush Cali
fornia white at 93 10d. and 93 Id for red
western. Flour 23s 6d. Corn 30s 3d for
new. Oata 3s . Beet,_9os. .Pork.,lole.
Lard 7444 Barlett - 638.. Uheese 76a 6d.
Tallow 46e 9d. -
ETAva.E. April I .—Cotton; low mid
dling afloat 146 francs; tree ordinaire on
spot 147 francs. z
—General Sheridan will leave St. - Loup,
Tor Chicago to-day.
—The ice blockade in the Hudson river
has broken and navigation is open.
—The freshet in the Hudson is rapidly
subsiding, and no more serious damagd
will (veer.
—The Mississippi river is open up to
Reed's landing, except a gorge just above
- •
—A bill abolishing the canal contract
eysterwpassed the New York Assembly
—Hoii. Heratio Seymour is still at
Keokuk, lowa,laid up by the injuries
he recently receivel the railroad dis 7.
aster near Peoria. .-
-The Galena' (lino Gazer& Ras
Hon. E, Washbu ll rne T
will leave ther y e
for , Washington- - on the 15th "instant, and
thenecsfor lorance on- the Ist of May.
—ll`fie boiler Of 311oe's steam Mill, at
_St; - PrincliPßiver i - near Sanke .Rapids;
Isn., exploded on Tuesday, wminding
fomien men, two of them mortally.
=-Orders have been received d'.scontin."
ning the military post at Memphis, Ten
nessee- The troops will be transferred
to Atlanta, Ga., much to thelregret of the,
• -
—ln Chicago, during Wednesday night,
William Anderson', while intoxicated;
fell with his heal over the curbing of a
sidewalk anti broke his neck. When dis ;
covered he was dead. - _
— The Desoto Houseat LaCroase, Wis.,
wal burned on Wednesday night; -Lees
not known. One' or two otheetire#3 - oc
curred the same night, supposed to be
the work of incendiaries.
Pe-has position of Control tirke ler on the Radca l the
in St. Louis, and Stephen. B. Barrow,
another old and prominent citizen, has
been appointed by the County Commit
tee in his stead.
At, Cincinnati, JO., the jury in' the
case of Stapleton, indicted for murder in
the first degree, after being out twenty
three hours, brought in a verdict of
manslaughter.'' The defense moved
fora new trial. e •
-=The Kankakee Gazette says the ty
phoid and scarlet fevers are very preva
lent in Menomee and vicinity, the latter
resulting in the death death of, a good
many children, sometimes numbering
from three to four a day.
—Thomas C. Bowie, belonging to the
engineer corps of- the North Missouri
Railroad, fell into a cellar at Kansas City
a few nights ago and broke his neck.. He
was a nephew of Hon. Reverdy Johnson,
and also of the present Governor of Mary
land. •
Chicnovel tournament Is to come off in
Chic To, some May. The Chica
go Bluchers Society offer a solid silver
belt, with a buckle of gold, to the
butchery who can kill and dress an ox in
the shortest time. The belt is a very
handsome one, costing . 5500. - " :
A:tilitiatch sittitiiii the fienitiith spirit
.o.f.the Ku-Klux-Klan, at axeansille, Al
ninuna, culminated a few days since in
,an attempt to murder S. S. •Gardner-of
the Proate CouiCof Butler cOunty. ' He
was sh ot •by a skulking assassin while
sitting - near an 'open „window. • - His
wound, it is thought, may pro fatal.
—One hun dred.homelesschildren ware
lent:West on Wednesday; , by ,the' Chil
dree'eAfd. Society or 'New 'York i t this
large shipment being 'mostly due to, the
generosity , of a wealthy - and charitable
lady, whO . celebrated 'the:twenty-first
birtb_day of her only son by presenting to
the SOcWty One.thousand live hundred
'liars, to be eXrkwidid la etnirlti,;;• • , :
: .:;1 617 " G alt' **se at ',Lotibi T ille
[ Ky., eroded aid 'ter/Ade:KV it TS, cost ,oi
-ailerons trdlliOnnfdollars,will hethrown
,open tar ; the acookiatfalationbf gnats on
, Monday, ithe sth inst:- - i It; isiponotine3d
thetlatiplathOtel la the West. , or Aotitti,
and in Plili of vlealincti ind",fitilett will t
• i probsb y surpass ,any similar establish.
want ,on this continent. ' ',. ' -
'rhe 'lllinois Press Association will
hold ite annual Convention - at . , Cairo on
the kist inst. The annual address will be
deliVered by Dr. C.'S:. Bay, of Chicago, -
anii,the poem by W. H. Bristel,''of tbe
Kankakee Gazerte. After the adjourn.
mint ofhe Convention ibt memberil*lll
take ane xcursion to Mobile( 14-Invita
tion of he Ohio' tip& Railroad
Cosupany. pie courtesies of the Mobile i
Road extends to one lady for every gen
.. .. . . . _
tleutan.• - "
I Piumurage the detection of frauds ou the
a ctin immoi, ?f m e n2 ru i r t i t i e e e n . t. E., Refer re d s
a to
d Judiciar . y
_ I nt
reso.ution to legality certain navy regu
lations. Referred to Committee on Naval
_ Affairs. c
The House then resumed the consider
ation Or the hill to provide for the organ
' ization of a Provisional Gov l ernment for 1
' Messrs. Ward, Maynard, Whittemore
and Lawrence advocated the bill, when
Mr. BUTLER moved 'the previoui
question, which was seconded.
Mr. BUTLER . , who was entitled to the.
-floor to close the debate, yielded a part
of his time to Mr. STEVENSON, who
ep Mr.e ok in favor o the bill.
BU resumed resumed the floor and
proceeded to criticize the course of his .
1 colleague, (Mr. Dawes,) its effect being
to keep the loyal people of Mississippi
out of the Union_
but - -
Mr. DARTS desired to ask a question,
cx,oc A.,211.
SENATE: American, Citiffens
.Cuba Ontraged—Politital
Disaoilities—Bills 'and Rem
propriatioifs. HOUSE: Tariff
Laws,/ Custom Houses and
Bonded Warehouses Bill
Providing Provisional Gov
eruMent torlllississiPpi Post
potzed Until Decentbr—The
Covode-Foster Contested Elec
My_ l'pperaph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l
Watiuziecrrox, April i, /869.
Mr. SUMNER presented a memorial
of Joseph N. Cae.svo; citizen of the 'United
States, setting forth the indignities pnt
on himself and brother at the hands of
the Spanish Government in Cuba, and
asking the interposition of the 17nIted
States 'Goverrithent in their behalf. Re-'
ferred to Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Mr. HAMLIN, frourComizettee on Po
litical Disabilities, reported a joint zeso
lution requiring every person pentition
ing for removal of ;Pier political disa
bit 'ties to accompany his petition with a
sworn statement, over his own shinatnre,
of the ground upon which he asks relief. -
Mr. SUMNER, from the Committee on
Foreign Relations, reported and recom
mended the passage Of a bill to facilitate.
telegraphic tximmunication between Eu
rope ana the United States; also, favora
bly, from the same' Committee, a bill,
accompanied by a repOrt,, to refund to
the States of Massadhueetta anci'Maine
Interest paid by them on advances made
for the United States in the war of 1812.
From the Committee on ludian Aftinrs,
a joint resolution authorienig the. Com
missioner of Indian Affairs to appoint
guardians for minor Indian children en
titled to pensions or bounties. Passed.
Mr. WILSON, from the Committee on
Military, reported favorably the
resolution directing the sale of Bergen
Heights Arsenal.
Mr. GRIMES. irutitt Committee on
Naval Ailiirs reported, with amend
ment, the bill to establise the office of
Solicitor and_Naval Judge Advocate.
Mr: POMEROY,' from Committee on
Public. Lauda, reported, with amend
ments, the- bill - granting - lands to the
State of Minnesota to aid in the construc
tion °fa railroad from Lake - Superior
Vermillion Lake.
Mr. OSBORN introduced a bill to se
cure the completion of the Wasnington
and, Lincoln. Monument. Referred to,
to r'ecoratintree nits_Public Building - utter'
Mr. HARLAN introduced a bill to pro
vide for the exenapliticatiorrof
records. Referred ‘so Judiciary Com
Mr; RAMBEY;! from • Ccirrunittee on
Yost Offices and Post Roans, reported a
joint resoltitlon authorizing tbeeonstrue
tion of a railroad bridge, with a centre
span of not lass than tour hundred feet,
over the Ohio river at Paducah; and; con
stituting it a post road: Passed.
Mr. WARNER, from Committee on
Public. Lands, reported a joint-resolution
to revive the grant of lands for the con
struction of a railroad from Belies to
Gadiston, Alabaina," and to, confi rm the
same to the Selma, 'Roine - and Dalton
.Rallroad A./company. -- Passed. -
Mr. RICE introduced a bill to extend
the time for the - completion.of the first
section of the Little Rock and . Fort
Sinith Railroad. Referred to Committee
on Pacific Bitilroad. ' • •
Mr. FENTON,lntrodeced a VIII for the
encouragement of yachting, improve
ment in naval architecture,: etc. Refer
red to Committee on Naval Attiirst
Mr. WILSON introduced a bill to re
linquish the title of the United States to
certain lauds in the city end- county of
San Francisoo. Referred to Committee
, on Military Affairs.
Also, a bill donating certain condemn
ed, material' tOr the Industrial lltitne
School in
Commistreeict of Columbia. Re
ferred t Citt on District of Co
lumbia. . •
Mi. 'THAYER' 'lntroduced a bill
amending the Homestead law, so. as to
rentdre the planting, of trees on home
stead and prekomption`settlements.
Mr. OSI3ORN Introduced a bill or the
removal. of-political disabilities of per
sons named therein. - Referred to Com
,mlttee on•Politidal Dlstzbitities.l
Mr. KELLOGG introduced a joint res
olution-granting the right of way to the.
New Orleans and Ship Island atrial Com
pan. • -
Mr y . SUMNER offered a joint resolu
postPonlng the election in Texas.
Referred to Judiciary Committee.
The:Nl to au jhorize . the, purchase of
-lands - frOM the Osage-/ridiant by •acitual
-settlers was passsd.
The expiration of the morning hour
- , brought up the unfinished business,' the
Indian Appropriation bill. '
- Mr.. HARLAN, frOtn-the-Cornmittee
on - Indian
,Affaire, offered a series of
1401(dthelltsilil.).*Q:3 tw 4. 01 i glare agreed
I tO, and others rejec
The Wit,!eai etilk otutsideration
into Eaeotitilre tiipsaloik,t9,4,,,aome time
after adjourned: - • .•
T , , auErptiox, from the Committee •
, n Ways ands, e i . iii)ortect
tion instinoting that Committee or a
sto-ttaminatl mittaoftherat apaica:van
br •we gamy;
ja t
mb:and grime-11nd regujations plat
tO ta ft brik Molise* knd. ISonddd Ware
howl", with, authority, to examine wit./
neteteli/fitlilF during;
yeeation, at such times and places Sarney
berdeeirted advisable, which was adopted:
, Mr.. l3 AWYPftc - icoth• the committee.
on-Commeree,,ra p o t*L-tha..ltitret. and'
sPrb ol l AMoroPtiagopi 1 4 11,, ,Referrad to
tne-Commitufe.onappropriatins: "
Mr. DAVlll : i ntrodneed . a. bill to define
;vacancies in, Wilco and to "- providet for
fillingnAtion_ the samo, and kt regulate resift.
4ißeterred so:.7,odieUry
Mr. DAyIS also introduced a bill to
The Insurrection in Cuba.
CGOrelegraph to the Pittsburgh Guette.l
H.tVAVA,r. April I.—The >steamer Co
nianditailo has arrived at Nassau and her
cepturers at last accounts had abandoned
her and gone ashore. She will probably
betaken possessioaof and brought back
to Ilavana bys Spanish man.otwar. .
The Spanish war steamer Quadaliiiii
ver found , a. schooner abandoned near
Sigitaneffilid,took her to Balaban°. The
schooner ie. - sum-oiled to be the vessel
Which„ recently, landed a 'cargo on the
;ccest near Llenfuegna.
In the 'Segue . flistrict seven ll:menthe.
%ilea 'Were caught and executed - on the
plaiititions which ' they' had destroyed.
- Ftektrtroniel . from •Spain arrived and
disembarked this morning.
, gttgar 4diett elites at 83.‘643% reels.
.tien...Citstur ' , dud the Indians-.. Report to:
/1 . Gett. Sheridan,
(By.TeleitzaPh tense Pittsburgh Gazette.) '
ST. Lewis, April L-General Sheridan
ftwelved,teday, the following -from Fort
• ,
General Custer reports from the head.
waters 'of- the Weithfist March 2 . 1 54 the .
,succeistful termination of his expedition.'
He has rescued the captive White Women,
Mrs. - ,ltiorgan_ end Miss White, and made
the Indians promise th int° their
ieservations andetibmit to the Govern.
`meat, and holds three Cheyenne' chiefs'
ae- security: for-the fulfilment of their
promise. ' 'The troops are in good health.
[Signed] Garr. Bei:corium, •
' . :Major General t. S. A.
Gen'l • Sberidan, Gaul, Dugan CoL
Atoore r Col. hicelorienand.Capt.., Beal ar.
rived here this morning • •
APR IL '2, 1869.
Mr. Butler refused to yield, and con
tinued with his argument. He warned
the Republican members, that if Missis
sippi and Getirgla were not reconstructed
with loyal legislatures, the Fifteenth
Ainendment could not be passed, and
they would lose half a dozen States.
Every man on the other side of the
house knew that well, and laughed in
his sleeve at those Republicans whom
they got to do their work. They knew
right well What they were about. He
knew them of old. , He used to be one of
them. (Laughter.) They used the
Whigs, in the olden days, as the monkey
used the cat's paw to pull chestnuts
out of the 'tire. Referring to the re
marks of Mr. Farnsworth yesterday,
:1.9 to,his taking , up the cudgel
for th black man years ago, when men
who were now Republicans were acting
with the alaveholders' party. he said some
Persons thought more of Judas than of
Paul, because Judas was the older apos
tle of the two. Mr. Butler would wait'
to give the vote to the white men of the
South, until it would be safe for every
Union man in the South to sleep in his
cabin with the latchstring out. Then be
would go with the gentleman (Mr. Farns
worth) for the black men, and not till
then; so help him God, not till then.
The House then proceeded to vote on
Mr. Farnsworth's motion. to postpone the
bill till the first Monday In December
next, and the bill was postponed—yeas
103, nays 62.
Ycas—Messrs. Allison, Archer, Arm-
Bird s trong,tell, Bailey, Beck, Biggs,
. Blair, Brooks, Burr, Caikin, Cleve
land, Cowles, Crabs, Cullom, Dawes, De
wees, Dickinson, . Dixon, Dockery, Eld
ridge, Farnsworth, Ferris, Finckleburg,
Fitch, Garfield, Get; (Milian, Galladay,
Griswold, Haldeman, Hall, Heuableton,
Hamill, Hawkins, Hawley, Hoeg, Eloi
man, Hopkins, Hotchkiss, Jenckes,
Johnson, Tones, (Kantuck,y,) Kerr, Laf
lin, Loughridge, Lynd, Marshall, May
barn, McCarthy, :McCormick, McCreary,
Mercur, McNeely, Aloiret, Moore. (Illi
nois,) Mooore. (New Jeracy,) Morgan,
Morrill, ( Pennsylvania,) Morrill,
(Maine,) Mungen, Nlbiack, O'Neill,
Packer, Palmer, Peters, Poland, Pome
roy, Potter, Randall, Reading, Reeves,
Rice, Rogers, Schenck, Schurnalrer, Sco
field, Shanks,Slocum, Smith, (Vol.-
wont.) flontioookbasit.).-Steroott.ginKs'
Atokes, StoneiStriekland, Swann, Swee
ny, Tette, Tanner, Trimble, Twitchell,
Van Aucken, Voorheee, Washburn,
(Wisconsin.) Washburn; ssach
setts,) Wells, Wilkinson, Willar (lsla d, Wil
son, (Minhesota,) 'Winans, Woodward
• -
Nays--Messrs. Atnbier, Arnell, Aspen
i Bremen, Beatty, Benton, • Bingham
Bowen, Boyd, Burlington; BurdeLl, But.
tor, (Mass.„) Butler, • (Tenn.,) Cake,
Cessna, Churchill, Cobb, (Wis.,) Cobb,
(N. C.,) Coburn, Cook; Conger. Donley,
Duval, Ela, Fisher, Hay, Heaton, Hill,
Hoar, Jones, (N. C.,) Judd, Julian,
Kelly, -Kelsey, - Knapp, Lash, Luvrence,
Maynard, Moore, Negley, Orth, Packard,
Paine, Phelps, • Prosser. Root, Sargent,
Sheldon, Smith, (Ohio,) Smith, (Tenn.')
Stevenson, Stoughton, Tillman. Titter,
Upson,. Van Horn, Ward, Welker,
Whittemore, Williams, Wilson, (Ohio,)
and Wilcber-62.
PAIlsiE; from Committee opson,n Elec.
tions, reported•that Mr. Sim claim
} ing a seat 'from the Fourth District of
South Carolina, is not eligible.
Mr. M AYNARDlntroduced a ball° in
crease the revenue from duties on im•.
ports, and for the ,equalization:or:exports
and imports, being.the bill prepared last
session by a snb-committee of the Com
inittee of Ways and Means. Referred to
COmmittee of Ways and Means.
Mr. BOYD offered a resolution require
ing the Secretary of Wei to furnish a list
of unpaid claims for quartermaster and
Commissary stores from the Fourth Dis
trict of Missouri. Adopted,
Mr. CESSNA called,- up the election
case of Covode vs. Foster, trom the 21st'
election district of Pennsylvania, and ar
,gged in support'of Covode's, prima facia
right to the seat.
Without disposing of the question, the
House adjourned.
Public Debt Statentent—Ap
'pointutents try the_ President
—Bill to refine Vitetufelbs - in
Office—Cuban RecOgnitiOn'
Nominations Confirmed.
City Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette./ .
W ASELMOTON, April 1, 1869.
ust issued, differs from that of last
cMonth, in:containing full details of the
Tonsolidated items heretofore
hhe decrease has been about two , and‘r
alf millions, which would hovel beet
. greater had.the statement been postponed
Until the fifth or sixth of April, so. as to
include . all the receipts of last month,
some of which have , not yet been .re.
turned to the department. At present
the statement shows the aggregate debt
bearing coin interest to be, $2,107,876,650;
debt bearing interest in lawful money,
g. 88,605,000;. aggregate of motored debt
not presented for payment, 54003,403;
debt bearing no interest, $414,413,485.
Total debt, principal outstanding, 13Z
-596,8980538, and interest accrued, 09,803,-
916. Amount of coin in Treasury, $62 0 -
530,835;. coin represented by gold certia
cotes, $ 21,672,500 : currency in Treasury,
$6,1302,628. Debt, less cash, f. 2,525,136,4131.
Total amount of bonds issued to the
Pacific Railroad Company, $56,852,320.
The amount of interest which has se
emed prier to Jtuniary lst, and up to the
16th,' 1889, is 13,300.000, and of this
amount the Government has received
from transportation, die., $1,317,352, leav
ing a balance due the United States of
The Committee ot Foreign Affairs hSs
voted in favor of - General Banks' Cuban
recognition. As sanctioned by the Com
mittee it provides for a joint resolution
of sympathy with the people of Cuba in ,
their struggle for independence, and
pledges Congress to give Its constitu
tional support to'PreSidept Grant, when
ever he may deem it expedient to for
mally recognize the independence of the
island. There is no doubt of its adoption
by both Houses. and the friends of Cuba
state that it will exercise an important
influence on the war, by securing the
revolutionists moral as well as, physical
support. It is expected the Spanish Min
ister will present a remonstrance to the
,State Dhpartment against the recognition
of Cuba, and that he will leave the Coun-
try in Mao of the adoption of th Banks
tktomilvariows BY THE PRESID
The following nominations were sent
into ,the Senate 'telday: John Allison,
of Pennsylvania, Register of the Treas-i
ury, and the following to be Pesti:pas- ,
tars : Henry Ramsoin,-Marshall, Texas;
A. M. Ellsworth, Lowell, Mich.; Stephen 1 1
H. -Brown, Woonsocket Falls, R. It
R. S. Humphrey, ,Vandalia Thos.
H. Wilson, Collinsville, Ills.; Ed. B.
Hanna, Morris, a. A. Kenor.
Dwight, Ills.; . A. Hurd, Aurora, Iffs.;
G. H. Ligtiale, Charlton. Ohio ; ' Perry
Rtivirpttittl4slitcreviouv c al 4
crwilforAitiqte, "Kaidettii; J. A.
ley, Warrenton, `Vu.;" S. Price, Laing.:
ten, Kr.; James P/ummer, Tyrone,
Pa.; P - aron C. Young, Proviticetown,
Mass;; J. Deleach, Memphis, Tenn::
The,Senate confirmed John Allison as.
Register of the Treasury, and Franklin
J. Rollins, as Collector of .Internal Reve
nue for the First District of Maine. The
remainder of the Executive session was
occupied in the discussion of the nomi
nation of Gen. Longstreet for Surveyor
at New Orleans.
The following is the bill Introduced hi
the llo l use by Mr. Davis : •
;9E0. 1 1. That all offices of the. United
States,ithe Incurnbor.ts of. Which are or
may, be appointed under and pursuant
to the in . ovisions of 'section two of atticle
two of the Constitution of the United
States, except Judges of Supreme and
Inferiot Court!3, shall become vacant
upon the happening of.. either of the fol
lowing C events: first, upon the death of
the Ineumbent; second, upon the res.
iguation Of the incumb ; third,
upon theVpitation of the term for
which the cumbent shall haire been
appointed, but - this provision shall not
be construed to prevent such incumbent
from discharging the duties of the office
until his successor be appointed; fourth,
where the office is -local, by the
removal, of the incutnbent from the die
trim jurisdiction within which,
the duties of his office aro by laid'
required to be performed, so he shall
cease to be a residentof such district or
jurisdiction, or by his absconding there
from; fifth, upon judgment being pro
nounced; upon. conviction of the incum
bent of any felony under the laws of- the
United States, or of any , State or Terri
tory, or of any act or oftenoe made mini
inal by the law of the United States re
/kiting ;to the duties et Macao?,
'Sze. 2. Resiguation of office shall be
made In'writing, and hien cases, where
'the °Meer Was appointed by the Press
• dent - Wand with the addice and'Conient
of - the Senate, the 'resignation shall be
made to the President :and in all,other
- .cues to the-officer, court of law, or , head
of department whom the appointment
was made; such,, resignation may ,be
-mute to take, effect immediately. or at
-some time, deeignated _therein, and the
appointment of a successor may be made
to take effeet'conetnrently with the roe.
,ignation. • -, •
Sae. 8. - In nil cases. iihek- a' 'Vacany
shall hap Pen duking the recess' of the
Senate; upon either of the events above
specified, In any. office appointed- by, the
President With the advice and °cement of I
the :Senate, :the President ;,,shall; have;
power tti ugthe game. by granting a
cornmisalon alkali expire, at the
end;or the'next Session of the Senate; all
otheerVeciricieS"'tnay4 be '- he
officer, ' court' of law. ' , or head =of pattment )ustringz law- the ;power -to*
appoint the officer. ; • - -
xt Econeratrorron. - -
Ex-Governor Hamilton made a speech
before the Reccinstrtiotion Committee,"
this tnorning. in favor of the reconstrac
tion of
adapted by, Texas n
under the constitution convention. Mr:Verne%
of Texas, ,orgued against, the constitution
and In opposition to the division of the
Delegates_ from Texas and Georgia
called on the President to-day, It hav
ing been announced that Pretildentanint
wait averse to reports being made ' of such
ware presen uo members of the press
; The contested. e/ection ea s from the
Third District of P‘ennsylvania was to
! day submitted to the Committee on Elec
tions, In printed arguments. ACT.
The Speaker and vice President have
severally signed-the amended Tenure
of-Office act and it will be,. presented to
ti President th-day r
J. owr.
Gen. StotierOari Was
been h cydered ' by
the'President to accompanyhm regimeav
;to the Pacdfle cook. having bees relieve& . 1
from comausnd Thchroond ye!terd a y.
~asstrautnitts -DSTIE!r
John W.:oDoug/ass, .Now Deputy Qum
mieSioperietjaternal Revenue, assumed
his duties tad*
The warrant issued 'by the : Treasuri,-
1 . daring March for the supwt of the Gov
eminent amounted ter $20,N0,000:
Stesmer Galatia. Sunk..
CBy Tetetrroph to the Plttaburth Gaaette.3
ISM. Lou, Aprii 1..--The steamboat.;
Galatia, with 225 tons of bulk meat on
board,. valued at $l5OOO, sunk last night
thiity miles above Alton. She lies in
shallow water, and can be easily mitred:
Her cargo is bur: slightly damaged.
snow la
[By Telegraph to the Pittobarith Gizette.l •
ST. PAL - L, April 1.--fi3z inchosol s
has fallen this morning; still
and. drifting.
An Expensive Breakfast.
There seems to be a diversity of opin-
ion about one of Cleopatra's-breakfasts.
It was the most costly breakfast that haa
ever been served. to a Single, human be..
ing. I will, therefore, tell what I know
about it. After having partaken of Cieo
patra's necklace, Mark Antem,y deter
mined to devise ,the costliest 'breakfast '
ever given. After several days of gastra, „
nomical meditations, not havingi found -
what he was looking for,. he sum:toted -
his cook to his .presence and told - him.that, if he could get up a dainty breakfast
for .a lady, which should—be composed of
as few and as small (althea as possible, ,
and at the same time t be moat costly, he
would ieward:hlm accOrdingly,
Several weeks afterward,, the cook en
tered Mark AntOityrs athdy, and told him
that he was,ready
,to serve the dainty'
'breakfast asked and that
it = Was
compose(' of one ohve only. At the
pointed hour, - the Cook 'entered the
room, followed ty one hundred men cal •
riing the ()Hie (in its artificial eifielopri)
on their shoulder& = They. deposited it on
a table %mho occasion,•and , :fifty carvers
were set to work on. it. - , After severan
hours of hard work, the triumphant`cook
placed the olive before the Egyptian
still vrith Queen, who looked at it with: amazemens„:
perteozelight. 0" -t-
The olivelSd been prepared in theefoto
lit was staffed 'WM a ricfi custard" then .
"put inside ; 9 f . a boned canary': which :was
used to stuffan ortolan. The latter was
placed' inside of a bored oriole, which.'
was used to stuff a thrush, which thrush'
stuffed a' boned lark. -I bared snipe was
stuffed with the lark- und3daced inside of
a robin which'was need to stuff a plover,:
and which latter bird filkd a quail, whic'
was then phrced inside of a pigeon:
The pigeon thief] a woodcock, the wood
' cock a partridge, the latter a grouse, •
1 the grouse- a pheasant ; the pheasant a.
chicken, the chicken a guinea fowl,winclo
was placed ioslde of a goose; the goose -
filled a turkey, the turkey a swan, the
latter an ostrich. which was used to stuff
a sheep, the sheep a calf, the calf an an-=telope,, the latter a pig, the pig a deer, the,
deer a bear, the bear a heifer, the latter an
elk, the elk an oz, the ort a hippopotamus;
the latter an elephant. The 'olive was
then roasted in its envelope, which en-
Irelope was thrown away and the olive
only was served.—Pierre Blot, iik March:
Galaxy. - •
Front an esteemed correspondent sta-
Itioned at Fort Macon, North Carolina,
we have received the particulars of a sin.
gular and fatal accident which occurred
there on Sunday night last. There are
about fifty army prisoners confined there
under guard. On the day previous two
_ companies, of the Bth Infantry, regulari,
relieved the 40th Infantry, who bad ,bben
guarding the post. The new officer of the
day gave strict orders that any' body leaf
ing the Fort after dark should be halted
by the guards . and shot if they did not
come to a halt. That night the cry of fire
was raised, a chimney burning causing it,
When the officer of the day and some sol
diers ran up to the top of ,the ramparts Vl
see where the fire was. The green guards.
`hearing the cry of "fire, fire,' mistook it
for a command, and fired with their mus
lets on their Comrades,' instantly killing
one and mortally'wounding the officer or
the day. • - - '
Markets by Telegraph. ),
NEW OnLEAtvs. April I.—Cotton nong
nal and unsettled; middliruts 2830;
800 bales; receipts 1.338 t bales; ezPOrts
6,843 bales. . Gold :182X. _ Sterling dull
141 X. Commercial /39X®140g. New
York sight %ex premium. Sugar dull;
common" prime 14c. Mol
prime 7234 c easy.'
. Flour drooping; an
lb,* double extra treble 11128. Corn
firmer at 7730. pas grai,at dam g nu
11,16. Hay firm; Ariniel27. Mesa pork
dull at , 538.. -Bacon firm at 143‘017%c.
Lard - dull; 'tierce 183(4)214 Whisky
'dull; western rectified tampahoc:Coffiiss
firm and unchanged. -
'Cateddw, Aprill: 7 -At ' open Beard In
the afternoon there was a moderate
intuid for N0.:2 Wheat, and the market
WOO•tooderately Retire, thougkiriepaild
•ye -lower; selling 81,89 01103 i;
0 / lig at NAIO. , Cora - dull an weak at
88 Ow for, new. In the evening the
market was quiet and unchanged., Prb
vlsiona dull. Beef Cattle dull ad droop
ing; receipts, 1,371 bead; sales n
at $ 4 ,4201
4.75@5,78 for butchers' stock, 86@7,4=m
for light to choice. and 19,75 for beeves.
lave• Bogs dull; sales 2,878 head at S 8
®9,76 for common. $ 9,9 00)10,35 for fair , t 2 60
medium, and # 10 ,50®10,75 for good, to
NAsErrit.r.n, April J.—Cotton dull and
ower; low to medlt!at at 26c, and good.
oidiriary at 240.