MR== KNIGHTS TEMPLetit. The members of Plttsba•ah Comniand. drl will meet st the As3lam THIS (Thursday) AFTERNOON. at 1 o'c ocx. for the nurpose or attending thl funeral of Sir ISAAC Will deceased. Members of other Commanderles are !melted toJeln - us. tor Kniguts srld appear In full Templar costume. except white gloves Instead of gauntlets. By order of apl 1 JOHN FIT ANA E C. r_4o - NOTicE.—A Meeting of • PITTSBURGH LODGE, NO, 338, I. 0. 0. F., WIB •be held. at their HALL. corner Sixth ave nue and Wood • street, THIS At TESNGON, at I o'clock, to :mead the tune,al o f P. Si, I. - WHITTABF.R. he members of stater Lodges are Invited to attend By order of th G, ata:oo BANX or Prrranuaan, March AA. 1M69. I rgrA GENER &L DIEIKTLIM OF the Stockholders of this Bank will be he'd at the Banking tionse on THIIIPSDAY, the day of April *Jaime, ab the hone of 11 o'clock A. M., har the purpose of consid, ring the expedience of accepting the recent act of the Legislature renewing the Charter of the Bank. m 4a•a2o:rrt n. Biltißiltrßia. °ashler. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS °BEEN OiL Ut.lvTli • FOR WINDOW eIIADES. TICaNtSPARENT WINDjW • , TAisL. , ANp FURNITURE C LOTT'S ' IN .nVERY VARIETY. I. & H. PHILLIPS. . 28 and 28 dlxth Strcet. _ 488IGNEWS NanocieoirAP: POINTMKNT. • ESTERS lir.sratcr OP PENNSYLVANIA. 58: At Pittsburgh, this .3011 day of Karen, A. D. 1889: To Whoa it May Concern:—The undersigned hereby gtv a nollee of his appolntzrent as As signee of Al GUS I ' itWENF.Y, of Freeport. In the county of Armstrong and State of Penn sylvania, within said -kistrict, who has been adjudged a bausrurt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. D. T. WATSON, Asslanee. apt:ged•TH Attorney -at -Law. ST Bth avenue. SPRING An Immense Stock - at Low Prices, at McCOBD & CO's, 131 WOOD STREET. IN THE DISTRICT 'COURT OF THE lINITEDAT ATVS, for the Restern trict of Pennsylvania. JACOB ..WEA Jn.. a, Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 23, 1867; having ap piled for a cllscnarge from all his debts. and other claims provable under said Act, by order of the Court, notice Is hereby given to all creditors - Who have proved their debts, and other persons • Interested. to appear on the sth day of MAY. 1269, at 10 o'clock A. ){.,before JOHN N. ViA.NCE, Elio. Register In Bankruptcy , at his office. No. 11.6 . Pe0er.1 street.-Allegheny City, Pa., to show cause, If any they have, why a dis chaptrge should - not be granted to the said Bank ru. aplig6s-gg 8. C. IifcCANDLESS. Clerk. rCABII INSURANCE COMPANY. No. SA Fifth Avenue. Second - Floor, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. • CAPITAL ALL PAID UP_ President, 11011 T -. H - - ICING; Vice President, .JNO. F. J'EN,O INGS; Sc. teary. Ji IS. T. JOHN. ISTON; (Rhin Arehi..C.nt. GRACR. Dinh, I`ollB.—N J. Bigler, Daniel Wallace, Jake HID. Lomas Smith, H. W. Meer. Jr., • 8 Hartman. Samu 1 3lcClurk,n. John S. Willock, Captain 31sdisonliailty, Alex. Cham bers, James .H., - insures on 'Abend Terms On all Fire "and iliarine Risks. • apizisr LBOIIITY STREET it. 040.11 - STORM. - We have received— -06 Bayard Taylor's By-Wayrnf :Europe $9 25 Max Mullcr's Chips from .-a German Work • '.. shop •5 00 • Hepworth Dixon's Her Majesty's Tower. 00 Brewster's Digest, from 3d Wright to sth rmith. '-: .Amerlean Chess Nuts; a collection of Pre- Memo In Chess 3 50 Memoirs of Baron etunsen 7 50 Force and ,Na we, by Winslow 5 uO •Ouicebell's Life of Liston. • • : Biographical isketches, •by Harriet Mar s- Orman Essays,Philoimphical and Theological. by - • James Martineau 590 , The Ring and vie Book. vol. 2 (complete tg the work) 2 00 ;Th n it k sad Act. Men and Women. Work a d Wages.. By Virginia Penny 1 30 Ed lweiss, -by Auerbach. author of On the eights 1 00 .11 u Primeval, by Due. of Argyl e,. _• 150 ; B ee s' Cyclopedia 01 Moral and Religious • ths, Loudon 5"00 .i. Dr. !Syntax's Three Tour,. new ed., Lon. 375 - ROBEItT b. DA MS & CO., 193 Liberty atreet GREAT AUCTION SALE CONTINUED, ' UM CRUST & CARLISLE'S ESTIRE STOCK OF Taney Goods, Hosiery, Trinunkge, anoinz tams, FURNISHING GOOIM, - NOTIONS, &e., Xe. 27 Fifth. Avenue, Having secured the store room, No. 29 Fifth avenue, lately oo 'tuned by A. H. kngttsh .1 Co., me have removed the entire stock or MACRUM & CARLISLE From their old store, IsT o .19 FIFTH AV,E*NtrE, And, will continue DAILY AUCTION SALES, Commencing THURSDAY, April Ist. at 1 P. X and at 10 A. X.. l and P. Jr. every day here atter until the entire stock is closed out. H. B. ISKITHEON & Co.. lAucTioxzwia. . . MAOEI7II at CARLISLE invite• the attention of their old customers to the elegant new stock they havejust opened at their new store, No. 27 7IrTH Air&NEF.E.. . apt - nwsrEns or DRAYS. ' WAG. 4 EONS. OAIla S. RACES. OMNIBUSES 'AND IC I TIRY DESCRI.PIION OF CAKIHAEIES ARO THIRED TREASURER THE ,OFFICE OF ,1 CIT 0 AND TAKE OUT THEIR LIOEIIOEB ON .013 BEFORE THEIST TI er Or HAY NeXT 7or cult and every W 401; , (art,, Car, Dray, . Buggy Or tlarcise.. (intent by one horse. the sunsof...... .. . ...... ... .... . . ~.......... .;. $6 00: For cads and every one albs above named Fe. lames,. drawn by two horses, the sum of 11010 00 Tor tom and everyone or the above WOW Vst• hides, drawn by fon.horaes, the shM of CM 00 For each and every, Hack drawn by two horses. the saes of ,) • eIE 00 For each and eve Omeibusand Timber Wheels, drawn by two h rses, the sword' SIB 00 Tor eaeltad ditto si none attached to any of the abase named V Melee, the sum of .41 00 SIMONE. It ball be the duty of all Livery i f Stable keepers in said city. to "make a return to the City Treasurer. within twenty days atter the, passage of this Ordinance, and ant.ually there after, on or before the Ist day of Hay of each and every year, of the number of Fetucl.....s of ev. ery description. Owned and eyed by them In thea 'business. and the kind thereof, anti the Same re— turn shall be made wider oath. eau. 4. All owners of Cara Dray's, Wagons, and other Faith:les, who shall welds or refuse' to procurt &license as aforesaid, obeli be subject to a penalty of not less than'.ten percent. for every thirty dsys the same remains impel& after the letday of slay of each year. All LivetY Hob e Keepers tailing to make the retina r e =in the A.l Section of this Ordinance seal!, Mon co the foregoing. be sehleet to which alty of not exceediect Bey dollars, all of Venally shall be recovered before the Mayor, or one of the Aldermen of asid city. by summary conviction: and It shall be th. duty of the Chief of Pollee to seek out sit persons who have tailed to comply with any of the provistons of this Or dinance and report the same to the City Treasur er. for which service he shalt receive the sum of fifty Dents in each cw. ft, to be taxed and collteted akpart ortbe costs, upon conviction as aforesaid. The penaidee f o r n n.compniance with the or. slinar.oe will be strietry enforced after'. b e above date. " , • D. diIACFr.RUON, Cov Treasurer. ShtleistsicreMv April l i. ltiett. apitee3 • ll= NEW mwmtilitumriiimis )ji,;.s3)t;44zil ENIOVAL. LEWIS, OLIVER & PHILLIPS Have Removed to the Warehouse FORHEBLX OCCUPIED BY SPAN, ,CHALFANT & CO., 91. and 92 4 C1Fater Stleet, and 114 a I, And 116 First Avenue. EIIOVAL. THE CASH INSURANCE CO. Has removed from its old office In Burke's Build ing, Fourth aveune, to SECOND FLOOR, PHELAN'S BUILDINC e 1.0.22 Fifth Avenue. ara:oB MISSES 'N2C7l2.l.toClam, SIX SIZES JUST RECEIVED. F. 11. EATON. SABLE IRON AND NAIL WORKS J ZIT CP • Manufacturers of Iron and Nails, RAVE REMOVED TO ThEIR .4rEpr OFFICE, Corner _Etna and Thireetnitr Streets, (THREE BLOCKS FROM DEPOT.) wirParticular attention ' Paid to the filling of city orders. *pi OFFICE or THE TrEASGBER OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY. Plztabungb, April Ist. 1869. ( T PIURSUALIIICE OF THE 21st section of an .Act relating to All•gheny Coun ty, approved the Ist day of May, ten"; and of the amenGraelit te. said section, approved the 30th day of March, 119681d0 herr oy give notice that the Duplicates WI LL several Wards, Borough, and Towiwhins 11. g. OPEN, and I will be pre pared to receive the County State, Poor, Work-House and ilounty Taxes for 1869 , On and after the let day of May. 1609. Said taxes can be pats at oils üßice until the Ist day of August with a DEDUCTION OF FIVE PER CENT, for prompt payment to all persons paying the wh olel amount of tneir taxes. There wid h. no deduction allowed during the mouth of August. There will be Ten Per Cent: Added To all taxes •emalntng lineal I on the Ist day of Septtniber, 1869. J. F. DISNNISTON, apl Treasurer of Allegheny County. FIFTH LIST, 1569. APPLICA TIO%" TO SELL LIQUORS. Med In the Olerk's Office: Pittsburgh. Jere Toomey tavern. lit ward; Patrick Regan. tavern, Ist ward: • James McColl, tavern, tat ward; Jos. Gibson, tavern, Ist ward: C. P. Mugele. tavern, Lit ward: A. achlrat ' tavern. Ist ward: .T. F. rinld:r, tavetit, lit ward; Patrick Kenny. tavern. lit ward; Albert Stehle, tavern, Ist ward; Patrick Duffy, tavern, Ist ward: Thos. Welsh, tavern, Ist ward: J. MeD. Crosson, tavern. 24 ward; H. bhirls tavern, 2d ward; A. Relneman A ton, tavern, 2:1 ward; John Simpson, tavern, Std ward; Joun C. Roth: tavern. 2:1 ward; H. berbier. tavern, WI ward; George Bender, tavern. 2d ward; Ellz: Shields, eating house. 2d ward: A. Wetgand, tavern. 3d ward; F: ed. NHier. tavern, 341. ward A. Troutman, tavern, 3:1 war d; b. Irslatesta, tavern, 3d ward; John Wilhelm, tavern, 3d ward: John Butte. tavern 3d ward; M. Gruber. tavern, 3:t ward:' Cavenara, tavern, 3d ward; • Georde Heineman. tavern, 3d ward; Jos. Reinhart, tavern, ad ward; N.) oung, eating hinge, a., ward; W. Holtaheimer, eatingnoatt, 3dward; A. B. Biblaian, other trooda.-341 ward; Robert)! yarn other goods, 3d ward; Mary Weish, tavern, ward; Jos..N, Andesson, tavern, 4th ward;.• Hubert Campbell, tavern, 4th ward; W.4tneckelson, tavern, 41h mud: N. Blaney. timers. 4th ward; It. Siveenev, tavern, 4th ward; J. Newbaner, tavern, 4th ward; kt'Laushtin, tavern, sth ward; ',.Jobnu , Neill. tavern, am ward; -Johans McGraw. tave-n. sth ward: '. Peter McGee, tavern. sth ward: Jerry Coughlin, t :vern. SU: ward: Win. hod:, tavern. Bth ward: A. S. Dellartln. tavern. sth ward; T. W. Inglis's, tavern, 7th ward; M. Broderick. tavern. 7th ward; Wm. Moore, tavern. Sth ward; Peter Gernert. tavern, 7th ward; H. Wilton, tavern ; ward; Jas.. Kennedy. other goods, Bth ward; Oita. Keck, tavern, 9th ward; Thos. Duggan, tavern, oth ward; ' M. Rub Pty. rn, 9th ward; It. Prysi, tavern, 9th ward; - C. (*Angleton, eating bhnse. 9th ward; C. Mllbaner, eating huuse. 9th ward; n. W. Buegter, °MAAR I.onaP, 9th ward; H. Weber, tavern. 10th ward; C. Raab, tavern. 10th ward: John Metirath, other gbods lath ward, Dan Mcßride, tavern. lltk 'ward; C. F. Gooe. tavern, 11th ward; Geo Brattier, tavern. 12th ward; Jas. Neesan, tavern, 12th ward; • Tile' &hull)", t.t ern, lath ward; Arthur Rogers. tavern 12th ward; DSO • JUirati. tavern, 120rward: John Bardslev, tavern. 12th ward: Sam Turner, tavern. 12th ward; Mich. LandY, other goads ' ward; Jane wd; Jame Crosson. other goods . 12th ward • Ed. Davis, tavern, lath ward: Ann Bennet. tavern 14th ward; Al. Goebel,. tavern, 111th ward; ' Thos. Eelinacker, tavern, 15th ward; John Thomas. tavern, 15th ward; B. O. Gschwender. taverna 15th ward; John McCarthy 'tavern. 15tu ward; Jos. Fnbrer. other goods, 15th ward; Lewis Engle, tavern, 16th ward,• John Messner. tavern. 181 h ward: Geo. Lobar, tavern. 10th ward; James McCatrry, tavern, 16th ward; Fetor kleWhirtar. • tavere. a 6th Ward; James Young, tavern, 17th ward; H. B. Graham, tavern, 17th ward, L. Hart, tavern,•ll.7tb ward; Mary Fox, tavern, 17th ward; Jclan T Patterson, taverns ilulth ward; Chita. Hambel, tavern. 21st ward; - - A. Breigel. tavern. 3d ward; M. Geier, tavern. 3d wind: • , Richard Brown, eating house, 3d ward; Wm..Eirchenhaus, tavern. 4thward; G. Ge.essmitt, tavern, ward: Thos. Bargee" " tavern, 4th ward; • C. M. Hedrick. tavern. 4th warn; ' Jacob Klein, eating house, 4th ward; ups& Huffman, eating house. 11111 ward; A. Toting, tavern, btu ward; W. Weigand, other goods h 6th ward lb s . John fichafer. tavern, Fred.'Albr gut, tavern, Binsongliamt G 0014vern.,-Birmingtiam: • • ' L. bt rsuai, tithes good' s , itirmingnam: Jos. Bre tavern, Bastßlrminetstu; 'ohs*. Gehring, tkvern,__East Birmingham; Peter HI mtg. tavern, gam ,Birmingham; • Adam Pie, tavern. halt Birmingham; Ed. A‘err. tillfera,23111B1111112abilla; •Er. Bauch; eating heave, East Birmingham; Robe Reed, . avers. West, Elizabeth: E. Elcheulatib, - tal errs. Etna, .• • . Henry deity. tavern. Etna - ' ' • ' 'ltotit.. Forsyth, tavern. Mc K ees port ; J. F.. Wol f -, tavern Meileespon• H. 'Bohm:Mack. Elaine house, lakeraport; F. McWilllaMs, tavern; Urn shy; - •. Jas. obey, tavern, Ormsby; F. Culwes. eating house, baulk Pittsburgh; F. liotecker,.chher goods. boutti Pittsburgh; Louts Aurin, tavern, West Pittsburgh: Michael Rodgers. tavern, 'l'emPerallusrule; Pat. 0 Nell, tavern, Temperancerlile: • Jas. Welsh, tavern, Union. Townshipb.. Jas. Legan, tavern. North syette: 4 Bobt. Eimer. tavern. Hir.lison; Peter emith, tavern, Mifflin; Prank Wolf. tavern, McClure; John K own, tavern, boss. Jacob tits, tavern, Lower St. Clair; The License Board wil l The License Board will sit for hearing the above .PP , lcationa Tit UltlibA Y. the Nth 01 April, IP 69, at 9 o , aidok AL, 11. JOHN G. BUG sv.N. D1:04 , Clerk. I 2 50 ' . r 4 • 7 7. " I.: PnUniatGß , - , GAZEITE: - 1 - 1111 . 13 11, APRIL . 1 , 1.869. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS !. NEW GOODS'! GOOD BARGAINS!! AT. ISX CENTS, NEW SPRING STYLES L.T6t;r DELAINES. AT 133% CENTS. BE CLILIpOES, New Style& 1 - Extra:g, a 'Wide 11111S11118. *rag .G01):113, Desirable: Colors and Materials. HEAVY3LACK DRESS SILK. XE fr CASSLICEBEkiI. Table Linens anti Napkins. SHEETING PILLOW CASE /MUSLIM. --) CARPETS ! CARPETS ! AT VERY LOW PRICES. Large aiditlotia of NEW Goon 2 put chased in ew York within the last few .WHOLESALE AND DETAIL, .14 1 .W.1 -TA WILLIAM SEIIIPLE'S, NO. 180 AND IS4 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEIGIEEINT. rah« THE IRON OiTI MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Of Pennsylvania. Office, 75 Federal St., Allegheny City. DIRECTORS: • Hon. JAMES L. GRAHAM, Bey. J. B. CLARK; D. U.; Cipt: R. MORINSAJN. . Bev. A. K. BKLL, Rey.lL NEtIIIT..u.I.L. W. 4. * lt FED. C-abbler Allegheny Trust Co.. JACOB RUSH. a 1 Emitt. Ap eta. SIMON [Mtn', Mlyor of Allegheny. C. W. BEN NY. Hatter. A. B. BELL,__Auorner-at-Law...z D. L. PAI TEmsoN, Lumber dfetcha.. D. rolVOliBB, insurance Agent. • Capt. ROUT. ROBINSON, President. Rev. J. 11. CLA RIC, D. D.,Vlce /President, JACOB RllSHojecretary, C. W. BENNY. Trea.urer. M. W. WHITE, 3littneaLDvigen. DANIEL SWtIDER, Gong Agent, mis is a nome cotatiany. con uc te don the mutual principie, each polley holder receiving an equal share of the profile of the Company. Policies will be issued being the different plans of Life Insurance, and conducted on an economi cal Nuts will afford. a safe investment to each policy bolder, and thereby retain the money at home to eicourage home industry. mhZ;glig ANTHRACITE COAL I THE BRADDOCKS FIELDS Gas Coal Company Ras this day been appointed SOLE AGENTS for Pi taburgh and Allegheny Cities and an. ronndiarl towns lor tee sale of tre Coal of 'be Peunsylra-, Ma and Ohio Anthracite Coal and Transporta tion Company. . - Parties in want of a soperior quail , y Of Anthra cite Coal troy) Eastern idines. - whi do well to call on them. General Office 'and Yard—CORNER OF. AN DEIMON ST.: and P. rt..W. a C. R. R., Alle gheny. B-anch Office and Yard—LIBEBTY, opposite SIXTEIr NTH STRLET, Pittsburgh. Postoffice Address, .Box. 557 Pittsburgh. J.. - IVIIi.HON • . • Superintendent ..Penna;B;" Ohio Anthracite Coal and Transportation Co., No. 114 FOVETII AVENUE, Pittiburgh. mb23:g49 NEW STYLES OF WBITING N PAPERS. fur Authors. 'Reporter& DIMS/- men and Lawyers. •• he perforated sermon and manuscript paper have gained such rapid and ex tensive popularity that we herewith present our list: No. /Author's manuscript, size 0 by 10, flat sheet, with two perforations at the top of each %beet, in ream boxes, 12,25: No. 2 Con tributor's manuscript, size 5 by 10, flat sheet, with one_perforation at the t.:p, in ream boxes, 811,00; No. 3 kditoria manuscript. same csize as No. 2, thinner...l4.2o; No, 4, sermon note raper. size 53. i by 9, fiat sheet, with two per forations at aide, with ease, to ream boxes. *2,80; No. b sermon bath, size 7by ilat , per- Snared same as No. 4, with case, in ream boxes. $3,98; No. 8 legal cap, best quality. 12 lbs per ream. la .half ream .wrappers. $7,00; sermon cas..s. enamelled cloth, 30 cents: sermon cases Turkey morroco, silk lined, $2,110._ JOSEPH HORNER, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, mh3o:rvws. No. 2ElSmithfield sr rest. 1401 USES AND LARGE LOTS, in Stna borough. on MONDAY AFTER. • boroug h. 04 at 3 Steoe the premises, . In b tua formerly anstown. will be sold that valuable improved ptoperty. situate at the inaction of Bridge street with the Freeport and Pity burgh roed,hattnir a trout of 103 feet on the rreeport road, and 93 feet In depth to Strawberry', Hey. 'lhe Iniplovements are a new tw,i-story brick dwelling, with six rooms and double ceitar; a two-story frame dwelling, whit two rooms and' cellar; a neat two-story frame dwelling, with hall, Ave room.,- Anlitted attic and cellar; and a twO•storyhams, with store room, three chambers an cellar. Also, the doable lot In rear of the above, having 60 feet front un Sycamore street, and 100 feet in depth to Strawberry alley, upon whirl) are crectea a large staid.. andre. slaughter house, • Terms df Sele—Otle-half cosh, the purchaser to assume the present mortgage of $4,600 due March 23d, 11171; balance in six one twelve months, with Interest, ,secured 'by. .bond and mortgage on the preneses.• A....DieII,WAINE, Auctioneer. T %STEN' TO TOE MOCKING B...IBIRDr—The Prairie Whistle and Animal Im itator can be used by , a child. - It is made to Imi. tate the gunge of every bird, the sleigh ors horse the bray of an ass, the grunt of it hog; birds; besets, and snakes ere enctianted and entrepived by. It. It is used trllarr Bryant; Charley White sad all the Ilinstrels and Warblers. Ventrilo quists can be learned, in , three days by Its AIM wrnt anywhere upon receipt of )18 eta ; thrse for 80 Pte.: 41.98 per dozen. A. J , H ITCHCOCK, 148 Fulton street, Ns« York. • • mb3i:gs7ow 4 CADEMY OF SCIENCE; 10/ FederilStreet; All egbear, OavlosliMMlc Bo idlng.). Spring term bee las • NONDLY APRIL 1869. For eifetflere, apply to eotao - R S. ROBB. A.. M., Prin. • • SIEDPACHES.--100 UJ a prime article, for sale by e 23 J. IL OANFrELD - i t i t i zk rze !4, ' - %4R:a%%"tc.'- Hats and Bonnets, Flowers and Ribbons,' Edgingaland .Insertions, ii Hamburg Embroideries, Lace Collars, Corsets, Lac eHali dker°llefs' R o-oP Skirts, Ladies tuderwear, I Trimmthgsf Gloves 4nd...,Hosiery, Nainsook Muslims, Jacket Muslins, Swiss Atuslins, l i Balmoral Skirts, Felt Skirts, :- Linen Bosoms, ► Collars, Cuffs, &c., &c., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AND WILLIAM SEIIPLE'S, FEDERAL STREET, J . " ROOFING" SLATE OF VARIOUS Qualities and Colors. ,), IT , T, l YZlt n oit? n kt`r",in.ggraT.g.s.'t r ttl .ddre. J. S. NEWMYER, • ' No. 43 Severnh Avenue, inti3l436- PITTSBURGH. B.L. JA...E NEW METHOD FOR THE PIANO FORTE, by WILLIAM MASON. ( theringuished - plantato anti E. S. HOMILY , is a at improvement noon all previous works, and used and recommended as such by the brat teachers. It preserves what was valuable in previou.•books. and add. many new features.' It is the only modern Piano gone Instructor published. presenting the technics of modern Plano gcrte playing. It is easier andench and learn from. and secur e s more rapid thorough progress than any other book. No teacher of the Plano Forte ran afford to do without Pa aid. It isihe best book for beginners and the h. st for those who' have made progress. Price $4. To facilitate Its examination by teachers, we will. until. July lit. send a shale copy to any teacher of the Plano Form by mail,postage paid, for half price. Ma donor*. An edict°. la published with European /Plag_.rfng and one with Axicat- CAN YINGZIIING. PUNI hen by MASON BROTHERS, 154 Tremont Street. Roston. nsh3l:o3 OOB Broadway. New QIPRING STOCK. OF Li‘ ';YS' CLOTHING hl9 47 SIXTH BTREET. (late St. Clair.) WHAT EVERT ONE NEEDS. A FLOUR That Will Bake Choice Bread at allow Price. MEANOR & HARPER Rave succeeded In getting the beet Flour at the lowest price offered In this market for the last live years. They warrant every barrel IA give entire satisfattion, and it has never rand In a single Instance to do no. Dealers will fad It to their advantage to, Eve their WRITE ROBE a trial. Kept constant', on hand at their Ware house. 329 LIBitItTY STRlCET,pittsburgh, Pa. min NOTIOE OF . , CO - PARTNER 1 : HIP. The underslined have this da formed a on partnership under the ire and style of and will contlnnothe - Provlalon and taut 011 be einem as heretofore. P : SELLER; • Pirrourraali, Much 10, 1109 j. 6 1" ij , UNSuhl4dl6o7lo6. KEYSTONE POTTERY. • Q 111. KIER & CO., hianufsetarers o . 41,117EENSWARE. BRISTOL WARE Re. Office and Warehouse. 383 LIBERTY STREW. AlirAU orders nromptl7 attended to. DENTAL NOTICE.' Dr.' siTliczu, No. 25 11 , Penn street, =noun. ;es patienti, and theta desiring DENTAL brEIIATIONS, that his Oa° .wlll remain open untiliicoolocit , every night. - znh3o:g7s joiliPit;;; TfaRRENS, '• • .-yusUIPAOTURRII or WINDOW GLASS. Warehouse—No. RI WOOD STREET. 1nli10;170 Pittsburgh. NEW ASSORTMENTS !I Just Opened. A.• - r ISO. AND 182 ALLCGITENY. NOW RECEIVING BY GRAY & LOGAN, TRADE MARK. DITERIDGE'S P'14,00/' Lamp CHINNEYS:' F. OILLEROOL CO Me* .1/027171117.-**So Let," ~ter Sate ' s' "Lat.'? .!`)lnned.-** "Boarding, de., 'not nisenlinoWOVSAL43l3 each wilt be in amid in thus minium, ones for TWENTI-FIVB ORPTA each additional ifs. FIVE 0R17271. WANTED- -- SITUATION. - - 'WANTED. —Situation bY - a young man in a Dry Goode, Trimming or Hardware business, either , wholesale or retail. Can give best city reftrences as to character. eLddress, Clerk, Box S, Gazette Office. VITIMTED---HELP. WANTED.—A d the ma y n well ac good fmintan ho h trabl cit bu a n S s l T orf man must be sober. upright and energetic, and give good references. measly employment given. Ad dress for three days, care us Box W•, Iid2ETZE OFFICE. - WANTED-ELELP.-AT EM - PLOYMENT OFFICA, No. 1 t3t. Clair Street. BOYe kiLltLb and NEN, for different kinds of employment. Persons wanting help of all kinds can be implied on short notice. WANTED—TO BET.—To or BUT.—Two thiee Man Houses. Address at once, Box B. Gazette OHlee, stating terms and loca tion, and where an interview can be bad. WANTED BOARDING. second story front room. with blc in front—snitable for a man and wife. inquire at No. Wiley strettniti3l 'WANTED.—OId Nesviiip pers, Books anßrown Payer Uf all kind at C. P. MARKLE .t CO.. MS First avenue. TXTANTED-A few.good agopts IF If at Dr, Rose , -ideoleat Depot, No. 28 St. Clair Street, second story. WANTED-,A few • good mien v to emu the Wheeler & Wilson Sewlng Ma chine on & salary oA' COMMISIIIOIL NO CAPITAL nittintlatia. ; • WM. SU3INER & CO.. Pittsburgh, Pa. LOST. -Between Third avenue gu _EA Pittsburgh. and' litocliton avenue, sometime last week, a GOLD SLEEVE tsIITTON, with a raised black enameled initial letter. 81.00 reward will be mad to the tinder who will return It to the GAZETTE OFFICE. $25.000.„1TA1V3e-„ITTGIM on Allegheny county pronertv. Apply to COUFT A PHILLIPS. No. 139 Fourth Avenue. TO -LET.- RoolllB. Two line ROOM In GAZETTE, BUILDING. Apply minting Booms, 84 and 86 Ptah avenue. LET.—ROOM. 40 by 105 rent, with power, on corner of Penn and 2 ill streets.• Inquire of ROBERT RILL. MO-LET—That THREE STORY BUILDING, No. 7 t Logan. street, contain ing elget room annumina. Enquire of attsebed. Rent 4400 per Enquire of T. P. HOUS TON, GAZETTZ OFFICL. MO LFT—Frame House, live rooms. with ball and attic. on Manhattan street, Fifth arard. aliegAteny City. In.juire of JOHNbTub, te oursro. si Diamond street, Pittsburgh. lICILET.—ONE STORE ROOM iIbUR BASEMENTS, well lighted and sben. - OFFICES in' the s.cond story. SLEF.PING IRuOMS in the third story, and ONE LA RGE HALL, with two ante -rooms, the fourth story of A. H. English .S; Co's new building. Fourtn avenue. Aorlyle A• H. ENG. LISH & CO., No. 29 Fifth avenue. T , LET.Double Two-story TO House on the corner of Stocklion avenue and Beaver street, Alleghtny City. Handsome den, stable and carriage house., Apply at No. B Stockton avenue, or Wayne Iron Works, Tenth Street. Pittsbeigh. . • • TIV ALL PAPER A 141113 WINDOW SHADES, New and Handsome Designs, NO* OPENING AT No. 10* Market Street York (NEAR 'FIFTH AVENUE,) Embracing a large and carefully selected stock of the newest designs from the FESEST STAMP ED GOLD to the CHEAPESP ARTICLE known to the trade. All of which we offer et prices that will pay buyers to examine. t JOS. L HUGHES & BRO. xub'Zl:g4l TAGGART & GR4.LrrD OPEX7.II"G Eipring and Summer BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, NO. 129 ,FEDERAL STREET, ..6111egheny. • Give us a call and be convinced of the Dumb!' Up and Extra Quality of work at low prices. And all will be 'satisfied wish a good article at the lowest prices. ; BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO ORDER. mhl3:f47 IRON CITY SPICE AND - MUSTARD MILL, Fifth Aven3.le, near High St, STRICKLIFR & MORLEDCE, .Whyilisala;-Deikieri in . BOASTED COFFEE. Spices and Mistatd. We call the attention of consumers to t our 'EX CELSIOR RoAlfh, , Oratit, laud In ono and hacksa rketw, and wAnn.urrito to be the very best In the ma. ifttEcti CORNMEAL ground dilly. All arti cles warranted to be otitis best quality and de. livered in the clty free of enarge. ItORLEDGE, mh26^ Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. tx)o OBXII I BREAD IN trail TIMES. • . .x.amiquire, for WARD 'S Bread. Tl e /tritest and but. The Initials 4 '13. W.i , on (mom loaf. Take none 'elm.. £U4'l7l‘ Le%rontri Mach 30, 1869. "V[rHITELIME.-200 bble. foe T sale by J. DMA.NFIELD, WANTS LOST LOAN. TO LET. OF 1 OF Adiria; V*Li. mhst:gas FOR SALE FOR SA LE--TYPE.--About 400 pounds MINION 'TYPE, nearly a. goon's& new. Enquire at THIS OFFIOE. • FOR S ALE. -A NEW ERIC BOTTSE or 5 rootna and lot, 50 by 00 , fret, 20IY grapey:ape, fruit trees, ebrublierVw- Ao.. on the lot, at No. IGO Ridge atretd, FICtl ward. Allegheny Clty. For t,:rma and partletv litre firmly on the or.nalsea. "VOR 8.4.LE.-11 Lot, 21 feet by 1 100. on coinernf Duncan and Erin sil— -1 Lot. 21 ft. by 100. on Duncan street. 1 Lot. 20 ft. uy 94, on Ertn street. Fix terms. apply to WM. A. SHINY, 73 Grant street. cor. Diamond. F OR SALE.-`2©O Acres of Land, 160 Acres cleared; .100 Acres of bottom land, btl nce finest of limber; now occntled as a. Dairy, well sto Iced, *V mites trom Paitsbursii. Wig be sold on long time so that the payments only amount to a rent, with or without the'stoca. Possession immediately. {Fill exchange for bonds or cltrproperty. - • • • ' • Apply to ND. 51 THIAiI A.NENUE. mb31:00. SALE.—BEADTIFUL `Su- FAR BURR AN BUILDING KITE, situated on the Hill overlookinytne Monongahela, river, arid within one mite of Haalewood Kiation. on Flits burgh and Comae lavitle Railroad. Tne grauads comprise almost nine acres, and will be sold as & Whole. oda lots to suit purchasers. This would be a very desirable location for a country resi— dence, barite a delightful view, pure water and alr. and within one mile of the proposed ...cur PARK." Terms *may. Apply to RO PHILLIPS. Real Estate agents. No. 139 Fourth 'erne. nitt2.B FOR SALE. • • WEST END DWELLING 9F TWELVE ROOMS. wt th wash bowie, bath room. la. ge cemented cellar. hot air furnace. tmaobgh mntlhe, house. .F inoshe wa n r t and - m sae thorough manner, with all modern conveniences. Lot SO by 142, with fruit, shrubbery and flo*. era. Stable and carrlike house ou rear of lot. accessible by a twelve foot paved alley.. Situate on Lit coin avenue, near West Commons, Alle gli -ny—the most desirable neighborhood In the city. Price and terms made known on applying to mb3o:g69 FOR SALE. Near Osborn Station, on the Plttabnrgh, Ft. Warne and Chicago TWO Containing About ENI/17131 W. MACKEOW 195 Libert mbls OR SALE CH A two-story Brick HI Chestnut, street; 3 rooms Price $1,5100. Two two-story Brick 11( rooms each; lots 24000. $BOO ash, and balance In $5OO each. One small Frame noise $9OO. Ten aim Ruilding Lots. Five do do Four do L -do N:ne small Brick Holmes Maria street. Price Meal WIZ 2 FOR SALE. GLASS 1 - 10XISE:.. 4,- A Glass House property in ayee4dl4ttionk miles from the city on the P.. pl w.:11,4 - ..".,.54 t ..1 couslAing of one Ten Pot Furnace. Mould Shop; Cutting Shop, and all he rely raNt , for a comrete worifg. , • be, factory fe noir in successful operation."' t 1 thus offers unusual induct-snouts to those wish to engage In the. busintletwas - no time need lost. Parilen- - Istrekasitig would bare the- adra* tsar of a good trade already established. tialefa tory reasons given for selling. Address Box ••N,' , o..mmerciaL office, nati=:a4o CIARDENERS TAKE NOTICE. N..A — FOR SALE.--The FOURTEEN MILE IpLAND, on, ihe Allegheny River, and now used for gardening purposes; well ironroved and In a high state of cultivation: containing 40 or 50 acres. now °tiered at a bargain. Call soon. A. so, other Farms in good locations. Woolen Factory two Houses, and twenty acres of land on the Central Railroad. Houses and Lots For Sale and To-let in both cities. ror farther par ticulars inquire ,of WILLIAM WARD, fets 110 Kraut street. onnosite Cathedral. R13.50(1 WILL PURCHASE a:_y a desirable it arm ofloo acres., roat. soil, well watered, dwelling house, timber, Ilmestono, etc.; fence In good order; fronting on the Youghiogheny River, oppost.e a Railroad Station, and near McKeesport. Terms ea_sy. S. CU fIiBERT &WINS, 85 Smithfield street. Md 24 REMOVALt3. ETNA IRON WORKS. SPANG, CQAI,FANT & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Iron, Nails, Boiler Plate, AND WROUGHT IRON TUB. , HAVE ItEMOITED To Theii New .*arehouse, ALLEGMINT' CITY, Corner of street and the West Penna. and Pittsburgh. Ft. Wne & Chicago Railways, where they are prepar e to MI orders promptly. PostoMee address, PITTSBURGH, VA., mbao;g3o • 11 10 1 0 EMOVAL.—B.Ictain A. 11„, Dealers la Real Estate blocks. Bods. zuo, tgages and other securities. have removed to their new Unice, 104 Fourth avenue, Paulson?' newguilding• Any parties desiring - to. buy or sell eal Estate of any kind, Stocks or Bonds aud trimmed will do well to give them a call. STEM•WENDINC WALTHAM WATCHES. These Watches are of the well.known ft Plate style, and warranted to Sathify•the most exacting demand fbr beauty, finish and accuracy. The manutheture of Watihes of this . 4 flue quality Is not wren attempted in this country except at Wa&them. . 0•• ;OR BALE BY R.: REED & ea, inh4 p,Pt # y aviii 84 Plate, 16 and 20 Mess To the manufacture of these due Watches the Incpany have devoted all the science and akill n the art at their command, and confidently claim that for Oneness and beauty, no less than for the greater excelancies of mechanical and. selentill° correctness of d•elgn and execution, thefts watches are unsurpassed anywnere. In this country the manufactstio Or these fine grade;of Watches la not even attempted, except at Waltham. FOB BALE BY z. a sl i mpAZIN a OW mb4s F RESH 811 RECEIVED daily ' . da i ly at BENJAMIN PULPHESo , popular ieh Stand, No. 4) I)lamond Market, Pitts, Mrsh, and at the Twin -City. Allegheny -City ' earner of Ohio and Federal streets. can be , h ai l all kinds of. Sea and Lake fish, Hallhue,l3had. Seak, Codfish; Haddock and Eel. Also, large anpniks of \White, Lake- Filih , Salamon, Hismi s bterneon. Herring and Melnaw Trout, wch enables us to sell at the lowest market pri ce,, wholesale or retail. we invite alt lovers or Fresh Fish to give us a call, and we will Inane lhrn &treat. mb2s pRLED FIRVITS. CHOIC,EI:: Helves Peaches , Choice Third Peachea. •.,oice Quarter Peaches, New Turkey Prunes. New Currants,_New Vatencis and Laver Itaiblas,, at wArr, LANG} & CV.. 172 it 174 Wood bc. t' 6: GEO. W. ROBLEY. No. •8 Federal street e t~~~i_rX.3 PITTIIBURCIR .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers