N ; 01/Timor Prerseundsr GAZETTE, i WEDNEsDAT, March 31, 1869. The general markets are a little more 1 • active; with every indication that a still , further improvement is close at hand; . • ' it is to be hoped that the .stagnation an./ depression which have so long prevailed I •:. are about to .give way to that activity •. i. and bonyancy which should characterize ; business at this particular semen of the • year. The great drawback-qo buSiness • , just now is the want of conildence and ;-- , • general distrust in regardito••values, and a tight money market, but we are in . ; hopes that these obstacles will soon be I ; liven u remove p d and that trade generally Will .f 1 . APPLES—Are coming in more freely, ' but with a steady demand, prices are ; r amaintained, ra n ging from s4®6 per bbl, ' 1 • 1 quality. APPLE BUTTER—Is quiet and nn- BUTTER—I., „, i changed, at 90(141 per gallon. - BTJTTER—Is in fair demand, and firm but unchanged; sales prime' to choice at , 1 45®48. BEANS—In' better supply-maybe i quoted at $350(453.75. , CA BUCKWEAT FLOUR—DuII; 3®3k. 1 RBON HO IL—ls quoted in a jobbing 1 way at 344 -for standard white; taking - ; the Philadelphia market as a basis, it is not worth over 28 here. • • s . CITANB ERRIES--Sales at slB®s22. CH EESE—SaIes of Nebo York Goshen 1 at 2 4®25, and the market almost bare. I CORNMEAL—SI,7,S®I.BS per cwt. ~ ; DRIED FRUI T I,7b®;1 ,7b® ; sales of peaches ; at 14 for quarters; 15®16 for mixed and • t 18®19 for halves. Apples at /0 ®l2, • as , i 1 to quality. : EGGS—Very scarce with considerable ' 1 inquiry may be quoted at 2 7 4®28. .mAY—Tight pressed hay is being sold .: 1 on wharf at, $23®25, for good to strictly 1. prime. • HOMINY—:6®6,2S. • i& ; HEMP—Quoted at $220 per ton. PROVISIONS--The market is steady with a good city and country -demand whilep r rices emain • unchanged. Sales of Bacon at 1434® • 1 • ; for Shoulders; Ri abed Sides, 16x® ' 17; Clear Sides, 18 © 18 Yis and Sugar Cured Hams 1934. Steamed Lard, 1934, kettle rendered, 20®207. Mesa Pork . ; , 132,50. Dried Beef 21. S PUTATOES--In good local ' with regular sales, in store, at demand 75®80 per 1 • bushel. PEANUTS--10 eta per pound. G RAlN—Wheat is quiet and nominal at $ 1 ,43fM 1 40.f0r No. / Spring and 11,50@ • 1 1,53 for Winter. Data dull and un changed at - 64 on track and wharf and 67 1 1 ®6B. in store. Corn is dull at 70(4)73 for - . r White and 75®78 for prime Yellovr. - Rye i is very dull and cannot be quoted above I 1 41,40. Barley dull and nominal at $1,85 QI2 for fair to strictly prime Spring. SEEDS—There is a very fair demand • I , for Clover, with sales at $10®10,50, and quoted at 82 45® • Timothy at $3 50®3,75. Flaxseed ••• . , 541 SALT—Is , quiet 2, bat steady • ..' quoted at 82 by the car lose and is still ..1 . SORGHUM --60®65c. • 4 '-'-' FEATHEJIS—A shsde firmer, and we -. now quote live geese feathers at 80 to the . .; trade, and the usual advance in a retail ; way. • • FLOUR—The market is firmer with • ; a slightly improved demand, but as yet prices are riot quotably higher. Baring . • ; wheat brands 86,25 to 6,75®7. Winter . t . Wheat $7,50®8. Rye Flour s7,o(fig .. ,4 7,25. +The following are the Pearl 'Mill prices for their brands of flour ' ...; -I made of the best wheat: Pearl Milt „/ three star green brand, hi barrels, $9,90 il, in sacks ;, - 9,60; double extra in bar- - ' •1i rein MOO, and in sacks at $8,90 Pearl ' Mill family in barrels $8,40, and in •••-•:. sacks at 18,60, Spring frheat brands in ~.' ' ' barrels $7,30, and in sacks $7,00. The Av.. Pittsbnrgh City Mills prices are as fol i '. . • lows: Choice White Winter Wheat Flour, in bbls, $9,30, and 3acks $9,00; : • choice Red - Winter Wheat Flour, in • • bbls, $7,75, and in sacks $7,50; choice Spring Wheat Flour, in bbls, $7,30, :' I and in sacks; $7 per bbl. WHISKY—Hie hwines very dulltmay be quoted in a jobbing way at 92®93. LARD Oil—Sales-N o at $ 1 ,60®1,65 , - • 7 1 l and No. 2. at $1,28®1,30. ,'•^4 • G ROCERI‘IS—There is a slightly irn • proved demand and a better feeling in . : the grocery market, though with the ex !' . whic opti h on of Sugars and Molasses, both of h have still further advanced, thire - - fis no change worthy of special notice in quotations, •• • i 4, " StroAns.—Crashed E 18k; ' 0 .,4" Coffee 1734; B" 17 x I, "C,' 17; Cuba, 13®1615, ; PPortoßico, 13®15; New -. 1 Orleans, 130).1 as to quality. Mer.AssEs—New Orleans, 85®90; Porto ~ Rico, 68®78. ' I ' Syntres--Whita• Honey Drips, Bay State, $1,15; Silver Drips, #1; 51,25; fair to , 1 medium, 75©95- . i CoykEE--Fair to Good Rio, 20®22; Prime4k ®25; Choice, 26(4493. good, 10c. ; R Carolina, 11 to llkoangoon, • - TEAs--Young Hyson, $l,lO to 1,85, G. -• P.. $l,lO to 1,90. Imperial, $1,40 to • to 1,80. Oolong, 8.5 to $1,45. Son Chong, 9013 • $1.50. ~- • - STARCH-Pearl, 7k; Silver Gloss, 1234 c, •• and Corn Starch, 13c. CONCENTRATED Lam-18,00 per case. FEurrs—Layer Raisink, $4,00 iaer box; •Matt do, °58,25; - Prunes, 15c; -Currants, :' 14c. . SeicEs—Cassia, 90o; Clover', 45c; grain ' Pepper 36 to 38c; Allspice, 33c; Nut griegs, 51,50. BAR LEAD--:123.4c; Shot, $3,50 per bag. 1 Soses—"Babbit's,""OakelY'at" 11340; Roabi, 5 to 7c; "Dobbin's," 15c; • Wiz, 10c; Chem. Olive, 934 c. CAnrnr.Es--slould, 160; Star, 25c. - ... CARD Sol:re--87.50 per 100. • Fos—White Fish $934 per half bbl Make Herring $ 4k. •• Markets by Telegraph. s.:* Nita% Yon, Maxch 3 1.—Cotton is less ': • ;active and a shade lower; sales 1,200 bales :•#. at 290 for . middling uplands. Flour— . • • receipts 2,937 bble,lclull,heavyand s®loc lower; sales 5,400 bbl at 5,75@0,20 for :: superfine State. western; fe,2_s@s,po ii for extra State; $ 8 ,25@7,35 for extra western; • $8,45®8 'for white wheat extra; 's6.6o@ , 0 7,76 for R. H. 04, '768,50 for extra - St. !oohs; i 9 ® l2 for gOod to choice do., efts log_ .Iniet. Rye Stair quiet; sales 750 bbls lat g 507. Corn meal drooping. Whisky nominal. , Wheat dull. heavy and 2(gi3o lower on spring, and 6(g;8o lower on win. i ter; sales 87,000 .bu at $1,48 for 2 in store; 1 1 ,49@1,60 for. do dolly ; ..1,723i id 61,80 for white California; 11480 . - •for white Michigan. Rye quiet; ales 50,000 r bu western •at 1 1 .40®/,41,• tb latter .an extreme, Barley dull; sales 000 ion of Sicilian at ;440; 5,600 bu German at $2,15. Barley malt dull. Corn—receipts 17,612 bu, lc, better and a fair demand for ex ' ports and home mix sales 64,000 (o r at 88 (4910 new mixed western; 90c prime shipping parcels; 89.! for white western; e~~y920 for southern yellow; 9 3c , for western ellow; 92(4930 for old mixed western in , and 3534 c for do. delivered. bu a t ~ ats . Re ceiptt 76@ s—Oats. 4,871 bu. Oats dull; 28,000 7539.3 for western in store, and 7 7 @7/X0 for do. afloat. Rio Coffee dull ttd Quiet. Sugar dull, 2,000 hhda Cuba t 14i612%0. Molasses dull. Petroleum dull, I®l2 %0. Molasses for crude, and Btßo for ed bonded. 'Hope quiet; • 834150 for • _. PITT snvada AwucErs. American. Linseed ell quiet at 11,03 for small lots, and' $ 1 .00®1,01 for large lots. Wool moderately active; 130,000 Meat 42®500 for domestic fleece., and 37y2c sh a deashed. 3 30 0 h er — herulock sole a easier at 30 ®32c for Buenos Ayres and Rio Grand light and middle weights. Coal fi rmer; there were sold by auction to-day 80,000 tons Scranton at 14 ,30®,37 for lump; $ 4 ,45®4,473i for steamboat; $4,47MN,50 for grate; $4,60 4 for egg; 1 1,4 , 85 03,00 for stove, and 8 4 ,25®3,42X for chestnut. Porter opened heavy and drooping, but closed more firmly; 2,000 bbls at 131 , 2 5®31,50 for new mess, closing at $31,25 cash; $30,75®31,00 for old d0.;526,00®26,50 for prime; $2Z75 030,00 Mine mess; 100 bb an d at sB,o® 16,00 for new - plain; mess, and dull; 30 tierces at, $25®30 for prime mess, , steady with for India mess. Beef steady, with alo 225 bbls at $25®31. Cut ales:its steady, with sales 350 packages at 12x® 133‘c . for shoulders, and /6 1 A ®l7c for ha ms Dressed Hogs steady at 13% ®l3,y, for western, and 14c for city. Middles steady and quiet. Lard unchanged,with sales 800 tierces at 173/4®183g; chiefly LW for steam, and 193( for kettle ren dered; alto, 250 tierces steam, seller for April, at 18;4c, and 250 do. do., seller for June and July, at same price. Butter quiet and steady at 80(4140o for Ohio, and 40®50c for State. Cheese firm at 18®22. Spirits Turpentine quiet at 503 , 5®51c. Freights to Liverpool nominal. = Meats— Sheathing Co. paper steady at $33. Ingot Copper very dull at $ 2 5®24.25. Pig Iron. firm, with a moderate. demand at s4o® - 42,50 for Scotch, and $37®42 ®9ofor Ameri- n. Bar Iron dull at $B5. for fined English and erica® A. Shvet Ironrequiet at 115®130, in gold, for Russia. .Nails steady at 43g(4)5c for cut, 631®133i for clinch, and 27®30 for horse -shoe. Latest—Flour closed dull at 5o 'lower. Wheat very dull and nominally at 1(4)2c lower. Rye quiqter and firmer at $1,40 for western. Oath dull at 750 for western in store. Corn steady at 89®900 for new mixed Western, 93®950 for old mixed western in store and afloat. Pork firraer , with sales of new mess at $31,44. Regu lar beef dull and unchanged; cut meats in fair request and steady. Bacon nomi nal.. Eggs firm at 27®290. CHICAGO, March 81.—Eastern exchaitge quiet at par buying and 1-10 premium selling. Flour in fair deman4 and firm at $ 5 ,00®6,373g for spring extras. Wheat in fair speculative inquiry; No, 2 de clined I(g).l3ic, with sales at $l,ON® 1,12, closing at ,$ 1 ,11®1,11y,: No. 1 quiet at $ l ,/6®1,17; sales of No * 2 since 'Change at $1,113/ 4 , seller April. Corn quiet and yliggo lower; sales of new at 55®56c; no grade 54®5431c; closing at 54®54X0 for new. Oata lesse active; opened firm, with sales at +53©5510 for regular and fresh receipts of No. 2; olosed dull at 53 ®53,(0. Rye steady and a shade easier at $1,19 for regular, and $1,20®1,2034 for fresh receipts of No. 1, and $l,lB for fresh receipts of No. 2; closing at the outside price. Barley dull and nominally lowerat $1.62®1,70 for regular and fresh receipts. Molasses; common to choice $1®1,05. Provisions more active. Mess Pork sold at $ 30 , 5 0®30,75, closing at $30,-: 10®30,62N. Lard 18c. Sweet Pickled Hams in good demand at lge for city, and 101 l god for country. Dry Salted Shoulders 123 , 4 c buyer, April. Sweet 'Pickled Shoulders 12c. Receipts for the past twenty-four hours-6,636 bbls flour, 10,775 bush wheat, 16,474 bush corn, 8,474 bush oats, 1,407 bush rye. Shipments -11,639 bbls flour, 11,563 bush wheat, 32,- ti bush corn, 3,745 bush oats, 3,690 bush rye, 1,539 bush barley. ST. Louis, March .—ers and sellers apart and 3l there Tobacco: is not b mu uy ch doing. Cotton is a little better; 27,a;c is paid for middlings. Hemp is in limited request at $1,40®1,50 for choice un dressed; do dressed $2,45. Flour is ex tremely dull. with only a small order de mand: superfine ranges at s4®s: extra, 5 4 ,75®5,75; doable extra $5,25®7; treble extra to fancy, $7,50®1L Wheat; there fa very Hue demand; good to choice red fall sold at $1,40®1,75; fancy red and choice white, $1,80; spring sells slowly at $l,lO for No. 3. Corn inactive and un changed; 63®76c for yellow and white in sacks; 59®60c for mixed in bulk. Oats are unchanged and sell at 57®60c. Bar ley is very dull and there is but very little doing; Illinois and Minnesota spring sell at f1,65®180. Rye is unchanged at $1,25®1,26 Whisky is dull at 89c. Gro oeries are very dull, and there is scarce ly anything doing. Sugar ranged att,123,/, ®lsvo for Lousiana. Coffee: choice Rio is scarce at 25 ®2a3ic; other grades range at 1834 ®2210. Molasses unchanged at 75®79c. Por was dull at $31,50®32. Bulk Meats; there nothing doing in city meats; country shoulders golds; 12c; rib, 14c; clearrib aides, 153 4 /c. Bacon is very dull de w sells at 13 t H, for shoulders; clear , 141 c; 15,000 pounds of a nd is last of April, sold at 17y,c. Lard is flat and , there was nothing doing. The receipts were—flour, 725 bbls; wheat, 2,005 trash; corn, /4,240. bush; oats, 2,200 bush; rye, 800 bush, C/NOINHATI, March 31.—Flour and Grain are unchanged and quiet. Cotton is firm at 2730 for middling. Whisky is unsettled and prices are nominal at 90®91.c. Provisions are unsettled. City Mess Pork sold at $3l, but this was a forced sale of 400 barrels; country sold at this rate delivered at Delphi, Indiana; $31,25 was offered for city at the close, but holders asked $31,50®32. Bulk meats are unchanged; email lot of aides g sulif at 144 / c: shoulders are held at 12 ;c with sal e s gne o Bf shouldersacon la in beat tter 13 demand, c a clear rib aides at 16M M c. Lard is at nd 1834 c. Bul ter is BIM 'at 40©45e. , Eggs are dull at 190. Cheese is scarce,' with sales of firm: but State at 24®26c. Sugar is firm but quiet, with sales of New Orleans at 14@}16,• ' Coffee is steady. Molasses, 80(435c. Linseed Oil has 'ad vanced to $1.115®1,06 and is in good de mand. There is no change in Lard Oil and Petroleum. Gold,-131g. Exchange is buying at par. The money market closed with more demand at inside rates, ten per cent.. TOLEDO, March 31.--Flour dull and nominal. Wheat dull, and opened to and closed 2e.• lower; amber, $1,441,„ on spot; $1,49, buyer for April. Corn quiet and firm; No. 1, 43.830 -- ner:cgrifde;• 62 1 ,4; - new 67k. Oat a is held at 600, but .no buyers; at that price. Ryeftuiet and unchanged; NO. 1;61,30; rejected, PM. 'Barley dull • and nominally unchanged; • NO. .State,, 61,75;•Canada, 114042,10, The 'receiPts for the past twenty-font; bout* amounted' to 1,500 barrels .of Sour, 2,600 btustels' of wheat; 17;000 bushels of 'corn, 4,ooo.bUsh.' els of , oats,(Boo'. bushels of ' rye:'' The shipments for the same time , were 800 ' barrels of Soar, 700 bushels of wheati7oo bushels ofcorn. r, , OLE:vim:4ND, March BL—delour market , dull and unchanged; sales of city. made at gi0,25@10,80, for ...treble, extra white, $8,5013,8,75 for doable extra amber, •$7,50 ®7,75 for double,extra red winter, 16,50 @6.75 for extra red; country made, at $7,0064.00 for double extra red and am ber. 8 6 ,25©7.00 for double extra spring, and 6 9 ,00®9,50 for doable extra white winter. 4, Buckwheat:flour dull."" Wheat —sales at 61,45 for No. 1 red winter, and 51,80 for N0..2 do. Corn, 710. Oats,' 60c, Petroleum market quiet; refined held ,a,t at 80®3Ic for large lota small lots ••2®30 higher,. LoUIsVILLE. M arott 3l .—Tobaeoo; , sales 372 hhds at $4,50 for pigs, , and $28,00 for black wrapper. Cotton, 26 35 0. Mess Pork, 831,51 Lard, 18%e. Bacon; shoul ders, 13,0; clear • rib sides, 1634 e; clear sides, 17y,,c. Buik Meats; shoulders, 12o; PIMMIRGTV:G.AZETTEI7.Ir.THVASPAT,.i.....A.PILLEIZIIB6IE clear rib sid es, • 15c.; clear aides, 16y 6 c I . 'Flour, 1,5,50q6,00. Wheat. $1,45@1,55. Oats 63@650. Corn, 65(g68c: Hay, G 21 .1 Sugar and Molasses unchanged. DETROIT, March 31.—Flour steady At f 6 ,50@8,00 for superfine; sales fancy brands at $8,50@9.00. Wheat firm; sales extra white at $1,75, and" No. 1 amber at at 81,43; the rate s for March delivery, at sellers' option, are $1,50 for No. 'I amber and $1,40 for No. 2 do. Corn a shade higher at 70®71c; mill stuffs, sales fine middlings at 28c, and coarse at 22)4c. Mir.wAtargg, March - 31.—Flour dull and prices unchanged. Wheat dull at 1234 for Z7lrt. 1, and $1,0834 for No. 2. Oats dull and nominal. Corn steady and unchanged. Rye steady and unchanged. Barley dull and nominal. Receipts-- ' 1,000 bbls flour, 5,000 has oats, _l,OOO tons dorn ls , 1,000 bus rye.' Shlpmeats-5,000 bb flour, 1,00 l bus wheat. EUPPALO, March 31.—Flour Inactive. Wheat neglected; sales of 1 car Canada amber at $1,50. Corn dull; sales of 10 cars new on track at 75c, and 2 cars ' old at 7 5•576 e.• Oats dull and unchanged. Rye nominal. Barley a shade easier and very dull; sales of 2 cars Canada' on track at $1,90; 1 car on the Central Rail road track sold at $2,00. Peas, seeds highwines, pork and lard unchanged. .PHILADELPHIA, March 31. —Flour steady_ and unchanged. Wheat very dull but unchanged. Rye very dull but unchanged. Corn hi limited inquiry; sales ofo,ooo bush; yellow 85@86c; mixed western 84c. Oats unchanged. Petro leum, 1734 c for crude in bulk and 30X@ 31c for retined. Provisions and Whisky unchanged. Mg.birErts, March 3 1.—Cotton firm at 28e; receipts, 483 bales; exports, 305 bales. Flour unchanged. Corn. 73(4)75c. Pork, $ 32 . Bacon'quiet; shoulders, l4' c; sides, 1734(g.17xc. Bulk Meats steady; shoul ders. 121 sides, 16;40163,,;c. Oats, 85 @67e. Lard, 19c. Ray, ti2t3. • FiLTIXORE, March 31 .—Flour quiet and steady. Wheat firm ar12,15@2,25 for choice red, and $1,76@1,90,-for Penn sylvania. Corn scarce; sales of white at 83@85c, and yellow at 86c. Oats steady. Rye steady and unchanged. Provisiorts unchanged. Whiskey less‘firm at 93c. —The new mountain boat Nick Wall, Capt. Tom Poe, is up for St. Louis and Fort Benton, as is also the Ida Rees No. 2, Capt. Thompson. -Capt. J. Alex. Frazier has sold the G. A. - Thomson to Oliver Dotson, of Omaha, for 810,000. She goes in the wood trade on the Missouri River. —The Rate Putnam, ('apt. G. W. Reed is announced for Nashville, and all inter medite points forthwith. She is in tip top eiandition for' blisiness. —The Mollie Ebert, Capt. G. W. Ebert, is tilling up steadily for St. Louis and Missouri River, and will take her depart. ure to-day.- Capt. Standlsh Peppard, will be found in the ofice. —The new mountain boat Collossal, Capt. M. buso, is now at the landing ready fo rness.. She is pronounced, in all respects one of the most complete boats yet built for the trade, and is hard to beat. — Napoleon B. Jenkins, pilot of the lII i fated America, has appealed from the decision of the Local Board at Clncin ,_ 1 natl, revoking his license, to Colonel J. Live Sleek Markets. . Guthrie, Supervising Inspector of the CHICAGO. March 31—Cattle Market.— . Sixth District. Colonel Guthrie will not Hogs opened firm and steady but closed xa t he a .1 ' dolt and tame; sales at 8 9 , 0 5@.10,58 for 1 Inspector[ in ne f c Se mat the Supervising o the Seven[ District has common to choice; receipts 3,058 head; ' sanctioned the appeal. shipments 2,589 head. Beef Cattle in i large suprdy and dull at $5,75 for fair to • —The Louisville Courier sacs: The towboat Ajax arrived from New 'Orleans, good cows, 5t3,50 for light fleshy steers, ? and 87@7,80 for good to choice shipping , ,i eaterday. with six boats and eighteen steers. , 1 barges (ezoptv)—the biggest tow ever 1 .b. rought . up tlie river, and came over the Sr. Loris, March 31.—Cattle Market.— ails yes.4rday and departed for Pitts- The Cattle market was quiet and prices ' ,4gn. w was 2oc feet wide and unchanged; tialea were made theretoa 4rit,7l(„ej ~.u0 feet lord?Joaeph anigherty and Hggs are very dun, and s but ; John Stafford are her pilots. vac/little deniand: light'sold at 5 1 'g 7e; medium and heavy at B®loe. f —Capt. Alex. I%leClain died at his farm, _____,____ one mile above aloscow Ohio, Sunday ; night, aged eventy-tree years. He I3IPORTS BY RAILROAD. I was a pioneer steamboatman having PITTSBURGH, FORT. WAYNE it CHI- I been en metal, , n the river nearly . half a crAoo RAILROAD. March 31.-33 cara 1 century. Ile engage, active' river life in metal, Nimick it Co; 4 do do, J W ' I 1847, his last ent being on a Porter; Ido blooms,' J Moorhead; 4 na -boat used ler cleaning out the . Ohio cases lard, J A Renshaw; 45 bbls spirits, ? , ricer, Capt. 3 loClain leaves a family In Hostetter & Smith; 25 do flour. W Mc. ' good circumstances. Dowell; 100 do do, Watt, Lang it Co; 100 1 —The case of Chas. Lattitner ve. the do do, Shomaker it Langettheim; 35 do 1 city of Columbus, Ky., came up last bulk hams, Robinson & Co; 500 do flour , week in the U. S. District Court, now ha owners: 100 do do, J S Dilworth it Co: I session at Paducah. The plaintiff' (I°- 100 do do, D Wallace; 30 pkgs wooden dares that In August, 1801, his boat, the ware, Watt. Lang it Co; 30 don brixims, B. P: Cheeney, then plying between E Hazelton; 3 cars staves,;sl P Adams & Cairo and St. Louis, was boarded at Bro; 1 do do, W Hastings; 3 kga butter, city of Columbus by a mob, captured and 30 bbls apples, W H Graff - dr Cci;l. car bones, Seward it Campbell; 2 bdls hides. carried within the Confederate lines, and Jdi Laughlin; 2 Pan ore,Zug it Co; 50 i b ills his dama ge" at S H AM. Columbus enters a plea of "not guilty," and under bbls flour, W Restage it Co; 18 doi that plea Proposes to show that there was brooms, Gerwig & Co. • no tumultuous assembly in the city at cLEvELiarth AND PrrYsstritoff RAIL* the time; that the boat a:as captured by Roam March 81.-1 Co pig iron, 3do Confederate stainers who came there for blooms, liimick & o; Ido paper, God- that purpose, and were not citizens fret' it Clark; 2 do rye, T bloore; ido thereof, and that the capture was made limestone ore, Zag it Co; Ido potatoes, 2 without the consent or knowledge of the bbls dried peaches, 1 do (miens, Ido authorities of the city. The city one eggs, 11 jugs molasses, 2 tin, I hf bbl tends further th at the capture was effect butter, Voigt, M & Co: 1 car potatoes, ed by and through the connivance of the Bricker & Co; 1 dodo, Van Gorder &S: brother of the_ plaintiff, who was Captain 1 do do,Woodworth & - D; 1 do grind of the boat. The city also relies u n stones, Rloncian & Rloman; 130 bbls the statute of limitations s a c s. barring the flour, Watt, Lang & Co; 15 bbls beer, J Kepler;-40 bbls apples, F Devine; 6do right of recovery on the part of the Plain tiff. No do, J A Graff; Bdo onions, Robb & H: Thursda been rendered on T hurs da y , decision had 15 kze barley, E Hazelton; I do do, I- bbl - flax seed, H Riddle; 22 do fire clay, J B River and Weathir. Canfield; 6 bxe cordial, A Torrence; 5 LonisvlLLE, March 31.—The river la Wats oil. .S P Shriver & Co; 100 hides, rising, with 17 feet 4 inches lii the canal. Hays it Stewart. Weather cloudy , and mild. - PirYsnunon CiNcINNATt Atirn ST. .mem..........-- LOUIS RAILROAD Mareh 31.--1 bx wall paper, Carter, MCGrew & Co; 2l bbls potatoes. Elliott &Berger; 10 bgs meal. Illpley it Beckert; 15 bbls bighwlnes, J McCullough: 9 bbls apples, Day it Co; 38 aka wool, W Barker it Co; 1 car corn. Hill it Belt; 3 cars staves, J Painter & Sons; 4 do do, W Hastings; 800 bblaflour, T bacon 100 bbla do, 10 tcs hams, 5 hhda baccn, Watt, Lang & Co; 10 bbls oil, 10 tca hams, Jae Lippincott; 28 tc hams, F Sellers & CO; 20 tcs lard, 25 Ws lard oil, J H Parker: 5 bbls lard oil, Win Miller ,4 Co; 21thda tobacco, A Schaub; 30 bbis whisky, Dillinger it Stevenson. ALLEGHENY V aLLmr ' RAILROAD, •March 3L-7.2 sks oats, Heil it Ritchart: 27 do rye, Scott it.Gisal; 1 ba tenter, L J Blanchard; ,4 bans Ilmestone,Shoenberger it Blair; I,car metal, McKnight, Porter it Co; 2do do,Jonn Moorhead; 8 aka rags, E Heozleten; 8, do do, Godfrey & Clark; .920 bbls oil, Maher' Bro; 400 dodo, James 28 Wilkins; 6i6 di) de, Wattingi.King & C , aka potatoes , B' Barclay; 7 skis oats , , Knox it Om 200= bble.tef oil, 'MeKelvy Bio; 400 CMm oil, : Livingston Bro; „ ALLEGHENY' STATION,' - * liiirCh 81.— 510 pigs -lead,- Beyniffitt, L'lr& 'Co 1 car metal, Spang, Chalfant & Co; 3l do do, Graff, Bennett de Co; .1 Car wheat,.Well it co; 16 hides, Lap_pe & Weise; 10 bbls peas, •Becklield & Nlehotule; 1 car wheat, - Kennedy it Bro; lEksks raga, J - Jsl* Patter. Dry Goods .. NEW YORK, March Market 31.—The "has again lam market lapsed in a „quiet state, sti there is no particular change to observe in prices. Most textile fabr ceippear to be selling at unprofitable rates. Heavy -Brown Sheetings in limited request . , at / 6 ©16346 for the best eastern makes, the latter being an extreme; white seconds can be bought at 1,52•@15rei. Printing cloths quiet, at 7;1@7 3 / 4 c for seconds and 7 N@Bc for standard anti extra. Prints less active but rule steady, at 123 Sc for Merrimalk D and Sprague; 12c for Rich. moods and American; 1134 c for Amos keag. Gingbams quiet, being held at the old raters and above . views of buy ers. Dollan's shawls have all been closed out at /2,70, which is very low. The prices of all woolen goods is, in fact, inactive and greatly. depressed. Pyrrannuorz earn CorrznarzavlLLE RAILROAD, March 31.-200 bdls paper, J B Hammer; 2 rolls leather, F B4bob; 25 do do, G H Anderson; SO bdhl iron; S Severance; 6 bbl vinegar, Brown (IL ,. TVII- 'lams. o=22=mznA A.mwdean Rink, New Yoik Club, • Empire, Starr, Ike. , All other styles and sizes at the very lorist rates at • • . -: WHITESIDES & DREW.. • . dell' 711 PZDEFIAL SZ; Arazenzwr. The Monongahela River was at a stand ~_ last evening, with 1914 feet in the chan nel while the Allegheny was rising with 2034. feet by the marks. Weather yesterday was cloudy and raw, with mercury down to 41 at noon. There has been no • arrivals or depar tures aside from the regular packets, since the date of our last report. The Wauanita from New Orleans, is among the first boats due. The Emma No. 3, Capt. J. H. Marratta, will positively take her departure for New Orleans to-day, and passengers and shippers blinuld bear this in mind. She. is an exeellent boat. The Mollie Ebert, Capt. G. W. Ebert, with the veteran Standish Peppard, in the °Blois, lenves for St. Louis and Allis. sours River to.day, without fail. Will Fort Bentonto-day. clear for St. Louis and The Messenger arrived at St. Louis on Monday. The Andrew Ackley, Capt. Vanhook, , is advertised to leave St. Louis for Fort` Benton to-day. The Carrie V. Rountz, G. B. Allen. Fannie Scott, and Henry Atkins, burned at St. Louis, on Monday, was all des tined for the mountains. —The %unite, left Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Monday. —The Robt. Burns was loading at Cin cinnati on Tuesday for Pittsburgh. --The Giendale was at Louisville on Monday, as was also the New York at Evansville.., —The Bayard, eapt Geo. D. Moore, is the regular packet fizz. Parkersbtrg'to day, leaving at noon, —The liabilities of the Dexter, amount to about 530,060. The surrender to her creditors was voluntary on the part of her owners. • !NS IJRA NCI; REMOVAL. NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY Of the City of Allegheny, • WILL REMOVE AT THE FIRST OP APRIL To TEE Second &Bona' Bank Building, CORNER OP FEDERAL fTREET AND THE mho DIAMOND. ________........... i ENTEAP,IRLITE . INSURANCE COMPANY or siirrsistraoß, PA., 4:11111cio,. No. .424 ..1 I, 333rimr 'Err. ► (IN Namort o u. TRUST a), BUILDING.), .: : • DU/3MM : , . b r Robt. Dickson, Sobt. Liddell, W. • Friday, G. bledle, C. Yea Buren; P. ESrseh, Z. B. Myers .44 augirlseh. rho. Alebert. L. J. Blauchird , 1. Weisser,. • I.: Zehltdeeker. ~- '• . IL B. BYERS,'Preeidesit.. • BOUT. D/Q_KsoN,_ vu e pr ei ld ent. BOUT.d. GNIER. Treasurer. fel9: J. J. ALZIET7.. rieeretarr. • , BEN .FRA.NALLXN . . INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEpgMy, ?A. OPTIOE IN FICiI.NRLIII- SAVINGS BAY BUILDIERS, N0..41 , Ohio 9t..141.1 . ♦ HONE CIOIIPANS. Managed by Directors wee*nowt to tho commtutityorho titbit by Mir dealim merit a share of your patninase. • a HIONIZY .. . President. eletis , DIREOTOBB: ' U. L. ratt.ersonf Wal Coo_per , I JteobriPrans, Gottelb rasos J. B. Smith, Jaoob Rash, Oh. P. n . Joseph Craig, H. Jb Zlakand , Jere. Hotel., Henry:lrmo, Simon.llldOle, Dram, \ W. If; Stewa doe. Lautaerr. RIVER NEWS. pITTSIII.7IIGI* hitgruit 6 YIIEELI Marietta and Parkersburg Line. Leave Cotopatara 'Wharf Street,Boat, roc% of Wood MONDAYS AND iTIVIRSDATS, EA.TARD.... ....... ZOROZ D. Pdoo}lE, Mailer WIDNISDAYS AND SATITILDAY6, GREY:L. BEzwzrAsr, Master. Freight will be received it all boors by sell JAMES ! COL L /NS: Area t. TO LIVERPOOL ANDogis QUEENSTO WN, TUE INMAN MAILI STEAMSUIPS. Numbering sixteen nrst-elase vessels, among tn- :be celebrated CITY OF PARR', CITY OF ANTWEFP, CITY or BosyoN, CITY ; BALTIMO R E, .Sailing ALTINOEZ. CITI OF LONDON,- Sailing EVERY. SATURDAY, from or 43, Z.( rib River. Now York. For ounage or further Inforza.tou army to I : , BLVIRAM, Jr. ST 10 FIFTH RE.ET. ienCnnlcla .1111111.1mita POP. am,-- si,truh ROCK THE BABY LEMON & - WEIS . Practical parEitture 311 inalhatakets t 49 1 118 rquitrrx ..I*MAII7M. lo Where ma y be found a full essortinesit or Far. dhamtwranU II lichen Furniture. deli WESTERN -LANDS AGENCY. 70,000 Acres of Laid fer Sale, In lowa and Minnesota; grlue ;front moo to {6. 00 per acre. Land bought and sold on mu mission. Taxes paid ; Titles examined; abstracts furnished; Surveying and Plotting dcine. Information ihrnished in refeienee te quality and valuation of lands. ;General collect ing busbies. done. Address Jall9;d6B °TICE The Partnersilp beretutors he undersigned, le -• --Nit between • . • . , .27cfs pay .I)iBBodved Bo mutual consent. Zither part ner Will sign In liquidation. F. sEr:LEns. R. ()WENS, J. L. DITNSIDATR. • mb3o:gs2 .. ! j B. YOUNGION & co., PAZ% OY (JANE R.AKER)44 OGNPBOT/0248111. . ICIP CREAM and DINING SALOON, ' 'B3 Smithfield street, corner' or I)lamond tile/. Pittsburgh. air Parties and on stirmiled with Ice Cream and Oakes on short notice. 7VCONODIFLE YOUR, FUEL, by using the -, • 1; SiIIVE CENl'llrk 1.16 AL OOVERNOIt, the only true. and easily regulated Governor made, perfect in its operations and trulY reliable. A [Tr size Governor can be seen at the °Mee of PE E VAL. 'BELIKETT, Mechanical Engineer and elicitor of Patents, vo7ll Federal street. Allegheny fifty, the only agent for this Governor In the West, . • seEhrfle „ ,41V-•v4l:44.:* , , „ ". • l4.TtiWielAkte4' AMY - NASHVILLE FOR CLARKSIFiLLE4gZit AND N.ARVILLE.—The fine passenger steamer RATE PUTNAM' Capt. G. W. REED, *III leave for the above and intermediate Ports on SATURDAY, AprD 3d. at 4 p 31. For freight or pasbagr apply on board. or to mhao 'FLACK & COLLINGWOOD. Arent.. inNaNitrATx Fox WHEELING, zis jZ i g .31.4..RTVT rA,PARE."EuSBURG • N.D CINCINNATI. Leaves Pittsburgh EVERY TUESD AY 4P.M. Leares Clgannall EVERT FRIDAY--4 Y. 31. The swift and- superb Sidewheel Steamer ST. 31 AP.YS.. T. 4 SWEENEY, Commiuder. leave as antrqinced above. For Freight nr Passage appplvon hoard. er to FLAGS COL 1 .1NOW001), or COLLIN° i & /RNE., Agets. . B.—No Frefklit received LA on Tuesday n atter 11 A. M. tahZ lIPPER MIS S IBS mi.'. Alt:Zit 1869.- xidarst NORTHERN LINE PACKETS, St. Louis'to Keokuk and St. Paul, AND ALL ISTER3ImDIATE PORTS. One of leavelendid Sidewheel Steamers of this tine will St. Louis da ly for Ffeokuk,D men pert, Dubuque, Winona, Stillwater Ann St. Paul. 'Through receipts for Freitht and Passengers will be oneiv steamerspoints oh the Upper Ml-61 slssippl. connec , ing with 'the Northern Line Packets at St, Louis, thus enabling consignees to get their Freight ihroushl witnout delay and at lowest ratee. Apply to i JOIIIC FLACK. J. D. COLLIN GWOOD. R. C. GRAY. Agents, or to i 91 Water street. mhZ3:v23 end - .ritTIIERN LINE j i g i z et PACKET.—The new and Bp MINNEAPOEIS.:.. .. .Capt. J. B. BROOKS. Wilt leave for ST. PAU L. about the 10th oi April. t.nd go through - dirret.v , This splendid steamer offers very superior s c"ommouations for pa:sengers and stock. Tor pavticulars apply to FLACK & CULLINGWOOD, Agents fefe2:e9s -T or E. C. GRAF. ST. LOUIE • ,FOR ST. LOUI . /111 - • A da t RI RIVER AND eNTON the steamerFOßT NICE WALL .. . . . ............. ..4"apt. Tom POE. will' leave for the ; above and all intermediate ports, on SATURDAY, April 3d. For frelg.ht or piesage apply on board, or to Ram FLACK .1 COLLINGWOOD, Agents._ REES LINE.. -For ST. MISSIMRI RIVER FORT BEN TON.—The ateamer—="77 IDA REES, No. ....... .. T. Tiionrsox, Wlll leave as abore oh Wild DAY, Aprll 1. For trelifht or passage apply on board or to rnh24 A. J. 11.3LETT &CO. Agents. FOR ST. LoITIS 4.lVD.Eadat 3111SOLTRI RIVE e. WITH OUT ItEaNIPPING.—Tne new and splendid passenger steamer MOLLIE EEEKT...o. W. EBERT. Commander. Wilt leave for. the above ports on Than DAY, at 4 o'clock P. at. For traight or passage apply on board or to JAIIES COLLVrie. FLACK tr. COLLIIVGWOOD, Agents. MICI ; VOIR ST. LOUTS Sr , ~ KAN ...1. J 2 AS CITY. LEANENWORTH. OSEPH. 031Ak. FORT BENTON. AND I ALL polsr* li us THE 3.IIsSOURI. RIVER.— nen- paasen.er steamer pOuirisAL . ... Wrl ti-sr.., for the and Intermediate ports on Tim URSI,AY. AprO lat. at 4 r. M. Form rr:alit or nasbnp!noplT on hoard or to For FLACK A; C...PLLIMiWOOL).Azents. ____.---.-----_------_-----,---------,------ ..31EMPIIIS AND NED, ORLEANS .1 211E:tiPDIS ND ...NEW ORL E.INS—The steamer vSi MA No. 3 ... .... . . O,APT. J. H. MAILLTrA. WI! , 1 , ... ,- .! f..r . the abort, and Inttrine,liate ports on THIS DAT. Ant!' lit. at 4 P. 3t. Not trelgtit..r oassaae, apply oo board, or to JOHN' Ft4AUK. rr .1. D. coLumiwcir,D. Agents., r~~ 73 4.1 LT. 4T /A M STIUmSHIPS ME RNEST'S PATENT CRIB SOLD ONLY BY WAT, RLLINeTOIP, OF DISSOLMON. FAIS FllO3l Nos. /72 and 174 WOOD ST EET. nearß erty street. Pittsburgh. Pa. noB:n2S-. REMR E mu/. ....... . ..... JAS. F. simians. ' & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND D. 11 4.14.1u1 IN . FLOUR, BRA , SEEDS, mil FEED, *4.2 ' 349 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, my24:b37 L&LOD. • L. -.. •D7B:xia•No• • 3 R 6 , :Ralf N BTRICET. • WhoLEe El ' a era, & as.slo;t4echnt: Caim Dealers in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Chem , ottonarn and Lard 011, Iron; Nalla, Was; Yarns and all Pt:csburgh 'Manufacturs generally. MI and /12.4 oitCOND STREET. Pittsburgh. FETZER & Ai Mii j - --------.___ wosG;_ PoRwARDIIG & 'ooBilinßarn itElOne• For the sale (inflow', Grain. Bacon, L.ard, Bat ter, Seeds. Dried Fruit, and Prodnee generalln 7.tio. 11.11 IKARKET STREET, corner of First, dittsburgh. . fe22:Sn Jowl. WALLACE Rm. ampToNii, iiiiiiiluE__, %%Ole SALE GROCERS AND PROD-UGB DEAL • No. 6 SIXTH STREET,Pletsburch. tan:rss .101/X 1. BOUMZ..xDW. WY. H. 1100/Bil: _TOUIV 1. ROUSE &BROS., Sticm u cesaors to JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., Whole sat; Grocers and Commission Merchants,, Cor ner of Smithfield and Water Streets. PI ttsbrirzh. DRS. COOPER, WALLACE and WILLARD, RO MEOPATRLSTS. Will remove their Office on the First of April next to No. 72 Diamond, Allegheny city, rear of City Hail. 111.30:d78 a w.De CAMP VI • ' ' 7 ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT ;LAW. °Mee, No. 137 FOURTH AVENTSt. Pitts. harsh, (formerly occupied by Ron. ;Walter H. Lowrie,' will vractlee lu the 11. S./Circuit and District Cotins, In the State Snprem'e and all the Courts of Allegheny county, andimake collec tions In mos________t ortheadjacent counties. Ja?P:d7ll - Art. B. / ALDERMAN AND EX-OpPICIO JUSTICE OP THE PEA( . OFFICE, 89 AVENUE. colirectigartV Ild e figtr:th ! , g•"° up. auu AU legal Mullnesa attended t:gprompty sad accurately. / JOS. A. BUTLER; / • ' . I .I.DEIMMI AND POLIOB ILSSIBTRIMIL 0/1Ice;114811r1I'LIE STILIMT, near Wm;llington / PITTSRMIN, PA. .,, Deeds./tondn,.Mortgages, A cknowledgment; . Depositions, Collections, and nil. other leetl ____Maz e neatness executed promptly mUnlflati S.X2KririL DicIitLiSTERS, -7 .A.I.s.reERATJUV. Ex.ol3clo Justice of the Peace_and Pollee Mag. trate. Once, (+RANT BTicEBT, Opp It the Cathedral, PITTSBINGH, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgment; Doposittous, and all -Legal Mildness executed w____ promptness and dispatch. sable EATAITACE s. MORROW, ..ttiame..IELIMEAN, idE-OPFICI JUSTICE OOP THE PEACE AND °LICE MAGISTRATE. OFFICE, 73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Montages, Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. myte JORN A. STRAIN, A. I.ODEIEDLAZT, EX-OFPIOIO JUSTICIC OF THE PEACE FOLIOS 3LAGIBTRATIC. AND ordee,lLll FUME STREET, opposite the Oa- L thtarni, Pittsburgh, Ps. - Deed; Bonds, Mort ittetriLClutt Deposluor ettldziag. dlasniteb. wi th In "I' A. 41111110 Ni justice' of the Peace,. • • CENVerANCERL:REAL 14.14 TE, U • IN;U•NANCE, Akwh ClAntiON STREET, ZAST PLIZACENG/Wif• Co/lecnon of Rents ooltoltod andprompuy at. tended to. . • - mrstrlo ipr . - ATTORNEIVAND !COUNSELOR :AT LAWb _ rfo. 69 Gzatit:,l9weloa,, Ton* w, RIDIHOLL, • - ATTORNEY-AT;akAW. , . 9010e1116 Hisamond Street" (Oppoatte the Conti House.) h115:04 j 8. FrInGIDSON, AT T OR N IC Y••AT7XdUVii Pro. 87 Firth Street, Hamra pi oon; Pamir -.114xm. Anonnuira HI eawr cntrinEriz-Aer.' No IS FLIPTB STREET.' PlTTBl3rateli. PA apeumaa, OD A , ABII.--100 casks, for sal* by • J. B. OARBIBLJI - I ......... C ° 5 1:0u.a.08,54:1N PIRPRAL.N.Tir #J. L. Lricaza..'..... .. ' .e. N . 87 , , , DILLINGER & STEVENSON I ' 7 - COITATISSIO.N. NERCILINTs, 87 Second ;Street, Pittsburgh, pa. RECEIVE AICI3 BELL A a l l l l . o ir rde indS rs for 11Cfrcepha:idlnseipTotoPpil"dy alle Ue d, a: LowasT market rates. Partieular attenttoa given to the sale of Buller, Eggs, Cheese Dried ruits. dm', We feel confident, that Ire Call RiTe entire sat leksion, by making' Quallr es.4B and pn 03! pit rrNS, at HISZIEST MARRECT PRICXJI4 and therefore respectfully solictt 'bur consiwn. =exits. ail correspondence answered sonnatw. "Ilarhing Plates furnished free. Grain p In store awdlirie and tr. arrtvo dallv. VSTABLIMED BY A. & T .IEKBAILY, ISI2. W. lg. ORALLY, WHOLES/ME catocza, No. 271 Liberty Street, (Diruccni. OPP. EAGLI HOMO se :316 Pri"riS.l3l3llo.la. 1,141. .. . SONS A. emus. • N B*.ELE •Commiagion liervhants, AND DEALIEBB .I fir ErLOVll,oll.4t.ny.V3Exo.4*.e. No. 95 OHIO STREEI. near East Common. ALLEGIOINT CITY. PA. WATT, LANG & CO., W.ECOLESAIA DZALZRB lIP Groceries. Flour. Grain, Produce. Provisions, Fish, Cheese. CarbOAß 011. dre.. Wholesale and Retail firoee re, PROFESSIONAL rIZSZA prrrsatrams: =a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers