The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 31, 1869, Image 7

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i : 'l- 7 ;• - 7 ,Y; 1 •—•,11 4 101.izi..1: .. life/ ' , ..1.w.i.",
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' _ 1 21..,)
eitrt i ef.Quarter ifiessione.-41nitge Stowe
Theft on tioturrriteil.,.tbartes Proutt
and Taonsas C. Graham ibr *Arson. .
MplinAy, March 9 The - 'case of the
Oominaiitalth ,vi.'.:.TOlin Bell; (bitrlea
I PrOutt -and Thomas .C..cliVa
ras ...indict...
I menti: Wilful and - malicious burning!
was tither:lip. Mr. tell owned a' trunk
Core on streett- , •Qn , the _.l 9th:
of October the fire -intke out in the
• logatillehment Which' resulted in the de.
Itruction of property •to A the value of
sb etweee tzt,osod 1,300: The alarm was
given, and but for the prompt arrival of
,theliremen i thii dama ge would have been
mole serkuhr. It was Charged that Bell
bonsp- with the other defendants to
)procnre the turning' of hie 'establish
„._ment,ln order to secure the insurance
'.' on the stock, amounting to four thousand
',. doillire; *bleb had been j3ffected in - tliti;
IlEmitiOcierpartf, 6f Efartfard, Conn., three
"thoUtiluid iif the Putnam, and fotir thott•
• •an Albany 'Company ' - t -- • • '
, . •• •• onwealth is represented:bi
let 4tinniPrr f acid, Messrs.,
alien arid A..C. Cochran.` It.
- , • _ p.n., ; appears. in . behalf of
Irsham, mid•Tohn W. lay=
..' - • ;hfr.Bell, '.' ' • -
- • ' tattir-srdn'•ZiettiO testily oni
- :- the; tonlftMftidalth. :11'hia .
• • indiOlo4,witlktli, other ~.
milejury_are not sworn
• ' .ie,testithidas follows: ~. •
Or Mr. Bellridid been for Itlx:
..,..§.4:tion ,ths?'"hadwnrked before-10r,,
.fildd)fttr ited there par Wieks,When
• daYeisl'weeteittint:ddati 'Malts' he
.” ck u - dte intting. ,roorn „and,
, loc k-• • Odoor,' titfalkedefeenntetfeit.
in • • - ,"traidha hid lived'an hOnest life
" • ilontr eidengtr. - Re'ealdite wanted Me' to
him a favor; I said,, _Anything I 'Can, -
, ohn .11.1 do '? He said ho tx•uidn't •
far want of money;
,::, , , , jacry on, ' the shOp any longer:, 4. was.
‘.,.,4g00ti - add he was in.,.
to gone
for len'thohatind dolleri; and for.
i me to burn down. thee/rap, he...would 'go
i' into another brusiness; I,told.hlm ',would;
see.: . 3 We went
. i to a- beer., Imiocn,:, firm
door/below • hitn, and drivak. , ,togetAwkr;.
went to dinner and came . hack,- to
work; worked two weeks - after that;
oneday- he said to me, at my • bench, for.'
me to coMe i backitothe shop after, Rap
' perkfts I' Aid- Ito, And: as be,' .wished,;:;,
% brought a iciutdiat /- got , : itiln .a-Lcandle
store. He wanted to knowthebest way. r-,
to bun the shop.. I said . " John, I don't .
want, ,to. do, JAW. as . I was _a &ranger l i .
..,14.44;;:tiftnit, to; get,'.into diffictilty..;_,He
. . kid pinto - get some one ADA:O4 - arid 'I
- • id Illtought I p6uld; ' T .mentioned:. it • ~ Proutt;Who'bSided where .I'did; He
. . _
,iftoutt) said be' would burn "It if Bell
'•.old accompany blit: - I told Bell this,
: • i:. . •iite - (13611) :ailddhe ' Well& paierbiln;
: ; :,!aeltedll r co ft ld dependl on •hitrt.: ;I'
;„. .. he could; tilati be .(PiinittYwas a:
e•.•• clever-fellow - ancildidn't think
• , -',.....Ft tillaqmeaL" . .--I. ' introdtked lihn to'
• . 1111.alleY, backed the.shopi , twoor
:,. days after, They talked in a ihed:
-. '.Tir? said he'd go awayla two weeks to
: •,b • •I;,'' trunk:4-I*nd. - 10 do it-whilete was
l'Ay; saldbethought he was suspected:
'-•;::.% the last fire. - Bell, before goingaway the city, came ,- -to me and said
• ..•.;:e had got another man—Graham—tow
- ls.: :, Lb:II - the burning. ProutS ~ w ould set
. fire down stairs and Graham up. The
varnish was up-stairs and the barrels
down ,stairs„- and . Bell said • to, fire
the. : varnish: _ Before going away
we Irina trunk boX, put the candle-In it,
and set it on fire to see hOw long it would
burn in the box. Graham went to. Alio
gheitynnd Proutt and I went sway. The
candle burned from two to - two and a
half hours. Bell went- away and was
gone /row- two weeks to ten days; when
became back he shook. hands with .me
and - went back - to the 'shop.. After sup.;
per he came to me and said. "the dung
has choked you," . He then, said his
wife:win:ill—that he halite go away with
her,- and to have it done 'then; B Utee‘ He
gave me 'twenty ' dollars; q gave it to
.n•ontt, and money - to - Graham to buy
candles.: -He bought eight In Allegheny
city, and: brought them over.; Bellcarne
back, and came to my bench, and shook
hands-with me;helookeddown hearted.
Before supper Bell and. /, and Tom Col
lins :went into the ShilcaPeare saloon and
drank and isittedit - over. -- ;Collins stood
on one side; aaidhoelidn't.wantio hear
anything 'our business: , --•A -few - days
after this—the- day after ; Abe, Mayor's
election—Bell said he'd go - away next
day s , and "I" nerd - Pdttri to CIO - eland 'to'
vote; .- 801 l ,aald to ^go and return' and
help Graham and . Proutt- .do it. Bell
that night • introdUced- me to Ward
Nieholson, , a liverr stable . keeper, Who
had bought a horseofhlm. Bell wanted
rx • far • me; ' Ward said to come
at nine o'clock In the morning. Bellsaid
he must go to the shop; next morning .4
eat'oysters, then went to the. livery eta,
ble and waited for the money; got none;
reported to Bell; he said, “rit go and
shove my .Watch;" he did 'go on Smith
field street. -Bell came back and said he
had ' , shoved" • his watch for thirty dol
lars; he gave me twenty; he took me to a
gambling shop; be bought me two dol
. We' worth of iochipe"-reambler's ivory;
I was pretty frdh Went to the National
Hotel and went to bed; stayed.there all
night and then went.-to: MoKeagort and
stayed there till •Thureday afternoon.
My wife came down with anorder on 801 l
on Tuesday; I.joat home Thursday night;
not to the. s hop;; Graham:. was there: he
said he had a • friend named Pallamby,
who went home seine: way he did' of
evenings; : he:- wanted to go twine ..with
Fallen:by and ' , shape" ,him;! . Graham
went up stairs with two Candles;
I went out and Proutt was there:
r he took three , candles in a trunk
box In' the - cellar; ard then put candles
in a Wand little box, and - *lndica in an
, other box; we commenced then to keep
the light dOwn; ho u rshted , them ;
and it was threebefore the a l arm.
I went to McKeesport on the 10:30 train.
I put deryn,the-mliar 4 ..r, 41110,41.Yrent
awaY o- ° l uolam Mmei - • tttii the hoard
ing house and I to illoße n eort. The:
firer irrily sk - Att- i lud a for nine:
wetwere'net or twenty Weird tbo•
bui uli lding. In one and a half or two
ho e rl6l4 ‘oll lll 4 l WritliSiten;
paW,BOII 0/1 =nosy atter the fire; hell
came to my bench and &Mat" with him;
tiAlV i ilayEpricg,mid noisy a bout,
siettamidi stemdJ
b e tter lease; there's a letter advertised
0 1
,_Bleigig_ S n iCliA r
eitplhe it
net3,l43wrat u
tbedtd o nd o4 seld " 11l s e
nd de
r eetovr , pleff;Wearlo'iiielteerportf:fteme
butt calledistalellis house; sawitionte
'tont E MONSTr a t u -a013 .4 I Prialigill, 44niAtt
i i rgat v la t' ivindagi,V,Virtvrid n e . A.
tWiiiiiahl , 4iiiittliefe•ilitte it inintiktirdlit
LOr 41110 c 0 I met him:again, itr• his': owe
shett#Plifititirtieh,ewM- "cloliih-.4ftd.iteld
-ult. - you son_eid it will ruin' me andby
Itually.'?-- .Hewentont r aaylng h e-would
borrow fiftydollars- - for nief-be didl
Mid gate it tftintr.binftididdolneafill'di
knows rat are thetoll9l2"-IMVitard,?•nita
don't.4rA ;n947-A o v4A4i 1
warmwted l on S un da y.' I"
kroutt!u.shoPi he‘4BYi. mat ' hiftkat
hie" g boarding' houses: be wantedriiiitatt
leave; ,said" 410 was going to leareldin-
. . , '!;.(: 1 4FPLI•g9 11 - , . 1 " 1 A! ;
self. He ran tiirei v e him
:$5; did Mille. etilildn;% 71:bar).t.
Duff ?underwent a lengthyrendimarch.,l
iiog-a .pt, at the panda .of.
ingsaliVat ? preVintailtiMilidadinlic(bet
fom. theldayo4 that howasnotltuPitts6 -1
hurgh.ou theinighV of the:firm lintalao
deniedithat Bell had ever. Imatunid
liim ofeircnilatingreports of his (EtelVs)
- having asked him. toL bum down :the
shopomd that. Mr: , Etell lad% dlschttged
him on account of it.- Inv orostkixami
•nation'of:the witness was-AM - concluded, •
InM will be resurited upon; the , Opening
- U . Court this morning. ••• , A • •
L;corrisoondenee of thelqtpalurgh Gazette.]'
I \ NEw ButOirrdit, March 26, 1869. :;
n my. article on , the New ; Brighton
churches, some time ago, typo made me
gi ' e the • probable : value " of =the First
M th.. st Church at 15.5.000. It shoidd`
525, I I I. ' I sent a correction soon aitek
b t_it did; ot aetSear. ", ' ~
' regard to the Quaker Chu.rch.l,,,tias .
mistaken,. I gave it at /MOO, whion Is
much teoligh. I thought the building
was better than it bi - and the grounds
;More extensive. It le not worth more
than• about °nal/court/4 of the 'aboVe
At thereeent C o urt in Beaver-.county, :
there were a nritnbef applications for.
,eatirs'Aithise (which meant drin king''
-home) lieetisesbfNewWthte . n, and idler
'fn Bildgesiaterr, but the Temaper
pleremoit'Strate3d4bid norieweregranteir.l.
Those 'lE' BOlkowiteir `viera'`forlaiero`
Ileeiplee": l lUnik • fortune tliEfer,
and' there'll' Judge' ' Who 't hopedge 'the
wishes Of the people it these thinks kid'
is ribtafriiidf,Olo right ;* May thUirrinni..•
berlTOre: l64 ; ';' . ' ' 'C.:
. ,
t 0 Heti" ( Estittis Transferk : t"
ThdrolltriSlog:ddeds were, fliod. . of robe;
Ord befOre -Suively,.: ItedhrdOri,
- Mare& 29, 180:,• . . 1.• . -. ~.;
John :Jsoub &oer et ` oz.Ao Oswald Heckman,'
'Nehmen V. 1260; lot On Magee street.. Pitts
_O3 by er. ree, with buildings ' Meal
ancyv•MarberMegadden to .0,101111: 'lnt deter,
Mat 111 1. 2 3. 11011,10 t IS An the BeeneVioaex- ,
• tension of AllegbenY. 20 by 110 teet..,...„V., SOO'
Mary M. Still to ThOthariSeei March. 19;-1Met .let
No. Se in Bobinsonla catenate:Lot the cal of
Allegheny,. with bOlirklolts t „,,., 0g
J.n es Aber to John Wahatt,Marelr .5;1 rr
in.hrkfrftdelijsowp3Vp,,c33; . a . anpacm a o r es , en d . -
12 perches
John.hellmer to Chrisloplier Mensemens Mara
30 lethabt on the south side of Juniata street,
Allegtutay,23 . o2 75 nett With Wilding*. MAO'
James ftentristOn to Wm. H. and Jos. P..llennis
too.,..leabruarl 24,• in iTwelftla ward. ,
Pittahorith..en,Peitn stree , 40 hy
.Bernartfltogere tnJohn Jacob 24=mm-I.o:tru e :
're fgahstfotthlteherve township: DVS? Ili tl ,
,0174141 1 . 11° ,1t i e l li s . U! Arl-,b k
1266,-‘ re, iota n'Chattferatolernship..c.
Wm. raled/holtr - Ptdi.'Bebv_f. March 73.!;Argin!
in the barough of Last Birminshant, en Weer
ton-street, 06 by '72feet, with build ingt".!..1.900
• Wm:Davidson:to CJ-P.:Cititthey, tot on • Jualths.
street, Manehesterf 24 try 325 sew. 40 ,
Idichijets; Milr_ro -Mary hrefirety, March 1 5 ,
• MC totrin thlr - orenty-drit•ward. Plustanirh,”
belagiot tof-the north Jane *rule ,
Bath Ltberir_..Plaukroad
JilinelN: W 00133 and•Jamas 11. Eramee to' *toe
semeniurebruery 054 WIC Tot011;0M reline.,
Ajlegh ear, Ai br / 1 10 Pro h . lottAldkiembi.aio.
:Mimes McCord Ann Jenne B. nes to mg,
Wledethom lot on th e north sld Ohio
entleoll:loltheitet: 38 bylOOleet. With' brain%
ueisrio; Breed Lytle:Jul2l,lsm; ot: in
Reserve tract.,_ellegbenTeltY. so by 172
Seine to sane., rinlY 20. - 1260: en *Mom anz 10t.•450
Charles L. Goehring to Be Dignah 8113ger/y. March.,
25, men Interest in rent o 6 Third:
avenue , • or. • 41 00 -
montelkoze'rlham, • • • • • -
Same day eighteen mortgage* were sled, of
The Lttelite4,..Men. hi Ai-eerie*.
Meer ork Correspondence Cincinnati Timm]
At the Metropolitan , Hotelare nineteen
citizens of Montana, the • most -diatant of
our possessions. • They came 8,000
fit miles,
across 'otintaitia, 'deperts, .prairlas and.
rivers, in,tezi days,' to purchase goods and
supplies fOr. Helena, now the, capital: of
Montana._l With '
theta, is the famous
"Quartz King"
,lames Whitiatch,
whose tistory la a romance transcending
the wildest vagaries of fiction In interest
and incident. • As a representative , man
:he illustrates the power of , energy "and
perseverance in conqueririg obstacles in
terposed, to pioneer life, and moulding
fate to . h u man purposes. ' '
J - MilThitiatch.;'tts hels called; *iiibern
in Pennsylvania, of indigent parents, and
the death -of his hiss father left him to shift
for himself at the age of eight years. In
'lB5O he • accompanied an acquaintance on
'the.if4y to+ ealifbtnia ei far as 'Kansas;
where 1318. ftienV **tired "by the parilsof ,
the, jonittly; 'deffeTted ,ifilmancl;ettirnixl
- to. thellittes. • -
tlachhiredasacattle,iiiper, Pitied
on to Colorado., and, after, the season of
hay making, commenced mining on his.
own+ account. +Hy. diligence and• parse-
Terence 'he accumulated some *5,000,
which he loat -wild cat specnlatians.
He spent three, years +in reeon; with
variable "fortune, andMbyed +oit ; to Neva
da, where he irea . more stute asful , and
again'lost . by impritdent 'ventures.
With'nothing tut I lls , :rifle and- mining
kit, in 1385, he wandered across Idahoto
the placer: diggings -0-MOntanao whose
productiveness had. just attracted• atten.
tion. Here he was so delighted with the
picturesque beauty: and fertility of the
country that: he decided, for thafirsktime, '
daring his adVentniotuk +Wanderings, -to
Bettie sad begin anew. With only twen
ty-fiVe Cents m t hia pocket, he commenced
prospecting. for gold: , Concleding,;that .
where so ranch gold : abounded 'on. the
surface it must come from somaivhere,
he set about finding- the origin. -For
weeks he wandered -np' and doWn . the
canons; built himself a cabin; and p unsold
Bill labors amid the 'ot ..otd miners
who had)avi.
,dhiCOOrilielt !Cilia:#*l
belide:;*ter+ uVathO . Pf labor and ,tri
eniiMa , to 1 ditaotaliga 4liy dile r !
mimaiwias: one day his ,elperlenced eye
dlsooveredila a lucky .;* r• • •:-
now - P • • '
an unusual quantity . of so melds' or gold
bearing iltusriat. ' ~z Inspired- with renewed
hope the young man,plied his pick and
viontit 1414 41 a k 4teutace of thmifeei
low,i the" suffice ~, uncovered . tong
sollght - velzi,l now , known. es the itunion
littinev.",wintace he derived the &Mutation
of hleffbrtuntuandlroml width-Ms VIC*
ceieer,lhe New Toth Mining Compaiff;
to' *hod lieibid.-16 cable Ida to tOt`
peettirdicilhiiiit' - 'dontlifthewcibt4ll4:
told million". It is saldlhit
:P 421 14P74 1 .‘
*O I .4 II 4.ERt.PIAggiftS::PXJ4 3z. irt.A444 ,
ma-„ , lavomopenuvor:•llo,.•lol:genedsiostem
sines fridhiPmeured'ltTa
entinpriseiltaitederafgrittlorto ;Hestia'
—theiftlittle MEW** latitiiitrav fats r
— and 494 1 m. igt:PANlsvrnfrid; , ,!°
wo g N pueoiirp ;,„ .
VAiLC -4- 4 , OIII 4 4Oi,rOWAMOI* I O7t,
ial itehtliOkktithilnifitbeeirfta 44005 P.
removed- Woodburn ...Bedford : 'county,
David; I. Kftw4lvlOtreit. Btofer. re
moved Sharpourg, Allegheny , emartyi
Oeci.ra: Harker , itimi F. "Rittli4 3 reVilltedr
litifsbtirgy Indiana - -courity;" Samuel
Moore, vice J. B. ,Robinson,"ieii•
Jgcluion7a StatienvMde .g•ountil W" lt4m
d. , Whitetoi4,, , vxce sou J. raise) , re
signed; " Ebensburg, Cambria. county,)
J. Todd Ilutchinsort,iice Rees 4. Lloyd,
rem ove d: , ‘.O 3„
. .
r • '" t
P IM . B it ;' 4 0E r rit : r*LwiftnsvEsiiattrittAcilt ''l , 1, 4AP1 I i l
itite , , _
..autturve i
W.M l 6.l ll MUFFiriii-but ., .!: , ;(
411vau&1Mt( 4 1 . . ninittosh.,
. 75 :n 1 .4; 4, 1 0404M:4.g 0919494 P.PW4 l .frel9i.P!:
lect to the 'decision of t h e ,Vnion Republican
-ConitsP ' `" 10i25igb-diP .
OrtaiV i tei :0144ZEICE(OV 4 . t.
- 7 y vO iarTx : rlPictittliy
announce mysel Cos a corniest° for the office of
MERE OF flOTTßTC'SUVect'tothe 'decision' (if
the 'Crawl -i eppldtean totrntYr convention.. I
:Would state that I ask the office but fir ORE
,TRAIL: lc the: tetiniastion , of:tridchi old •
Cheerfully retire, believing that, tbe reare others
eelinl i rentitled tOtheloner and emolunients Of
the o Lae S 4 competent as myself ,L wilt be
unde obligations to' the 'citliens °file 'Ctunty
- for Weir:support. Very reimectrullsc:—•
JO , EPH "mow:NL
Late 10Adlold731,h,ratid btli Pa. Vol: Real.
frgrNOTtOt EB) I 444IVEN
:to all :OWNERS .03 DRAYS; CARTE'.
cA.1131/.0103.311001W3 k &e., (whether resident
,or noir rteldenta la. the Clty of PAttsburgh,•te
pay their I,lcenees at tlds*fheo 10IITHWITS, an
accoidelleolwlth en act' of , Aeseuktily approved
Muth 30, 1860, and as °remit% of the Conn-
Ws of the. elty of Plitittergh, putted =April Id,
isaw : • •
All Ilteriges Atit Pald en or bettors 2trAV 15,
1888:*111ba'plaeoll In the Undo Or police or
trceir' Airred'ionic*, subject 'tta cbttenUOn• fee at
as era% sat an' persona who zipleetet ritual
to take lotit Lbtenses wilLbe subject SO a penalty
,6 t oebletha sianunt et the lice nig; to be recovered
beflnothe Mayo?. ‘l . t •
;.,Thud .metal - ylater or lett year maatabe re+ ,
laraearatthe-thae Lieenseaare tateiront, orllll
card' witutuxastivili tie alerted oaeadr r•Seease.
, - ' - 2 RiaTTS OF LICENSE: .
Mica aniehons yehicleat."44 `l.s o TARE
zaetktwo.forse-veolele r•••,, pppp
Eaelt four X9r l re vehicle e:•,.• r
~ Eitel' two , borrelwx " • ,
Otifdbisi 'ftfed%Tfailid• 'Wheels drawiii 14 , two
borsbi'i sll.lllk Oitedollar *lnt be
4:tamed Mt 'eta tioild tuba In an*. of
the 00CEIRAN;::''.
ter:Markin! , ' , D:`! • Clff TleititfieK
taftpil , 1 ) : 1 - Ott l SlLthip=
. • .... -
• , l'hii spieldid tifr The lithe bast hithe : TiOrldi
the eidg tiThiaad maim... Dye:. barmissai 'belly,
hie, instantipieeeei lio .dlsflPPaidtaleati risk ri•
edeelotta ' tints: remedies' Ana 111' effects I df ell
re , s ecingriaokstes *ad .ledamia the Hair set ark
km, - um* or brown:6 . Bold, hz, elillivia
and e.ff'emerst and'preperiit Ilepuee •it " e
we* pletait c .. 2404 15 'Valid , Etteet4 I eW
v a t. 4., . ~i; ;,, •:, '“ , 7.0., :•:i . (..-Nce:vra
gagatvntresirvivingear D
• —Moser adlleteit ear.'
nestly solicited to st - nd -foroCircular Letter of
References and Tissaimonials,„whicil will con
wince the most steptiMa - of nor eto.ltitv of the
diewnit.• std4rlP• 'VAN '*ktriMlC!LOC649Virt
M. ft.. 36 Giest louts Tart.
:tgrirlAititlitar 01, CELTIL42-
of soligfCmi An ifirm i t)graZ i _i_
whicloaliesteimpedinienteettr iLet. k amg,' with
We num% of relief. I3ent In, fesl*d letter en
velopes. TATE+f ctime. -- AddrestwDr.
Lily /100 DON, Howard Asioclattan.-Fttila
,dellAtN Pae,,•,,
AttrOTION • -
• ..'...11t4L.13ca11ittE80314.00, •• • .
„ . .
.•- . .
55 £3D 51 71J T& w sxvA. -
steam. H. N. 131irl8801t 3 CO:,-Mtprietois
of the well known Mani:tooth. Auettort•Hotble are
truth." an excitement consequent. upon the ...v.l
OrAlew Reeds 'l.ol_oh lire being sold at re
nmrksitly low prices: evobtevery variety • the
.11zest %lowed boots;! 'the' Most = duiblenable
moral 'alters and .anklet oboes, dipper.,
blankets, flannels, „cloths. eaulmeres, cutlery
and carpets . Cad and examine. No trouble to'
show; goods.. Ladles , . misses* and -children , a
furs Cl ahnostyclr OWls prldes. Allgood. war.
'ranted at represented. - • atom •
er e
' IirATIC)NAr .
_ ! ri
LIFE INSlllRCEttlffilit
is Atr,viz
.. .
okarhisa b* Spoigial Let of Chsaiireiss,
' Appioiral Jail* , AO, 18E18: ...:. -
(kid e ,. 0114621 , $1.000,0004
- • i!itAra-cix OFFICE :
intucang.Lrit . - •
Wbeie the gee beeftibit ofthb Ootepanyle
treassetedi saeßue whleb , ,gll:genena cones-
POneenee sbouldbeAubleessea., • -
01;AHENCE' H. President. • •
JAY COOK Mannazi Yinanbetcsad Stecuttom
HENRY D. 0608EIVRia lirealdent
ZUEMON W. P7E2llStetecarrana AcpLary.
ilia toStsiuty offees tnctotiovinkidvaiiitars:
It leit Nollooll teloOstaclOtlflentg el DPICI&I;
sot of aosmts, loath .
Wise liStuscuttbsoltitrot 41.000,1110% . -• . - ''::
11.01.eti lot Tmes Pfpremluinp_ __ _
le. n r ee lass mess tosuesseet flu Mit corn.
me w torus am, T09; 1 7. -- ~,- f t _- -tr . < r i
ttle (tatting sad arts! It itratitne.‘ _ •- •
it Vet 14 4 1 f en rto uroetee ll iW iach estrioroart, iiet z
polletsoi__,'.:!,_l ~ r 1 • ~.. - , .l4,4 f li t t a i t i l ;t. .tion 1T , 1 {I :
Vi t ie r firali , 4 tam whicatuttalbe MISS'S&
roltinitvittimatmx,artrerg n a ,
ibe,mutivippo r y .,,.# l.q
Fo e t e a- s w
_DS e en est Mid Darwinist -
sotedositaris fouls In sattpttles,St t a rpoillturlosi
e l ileritt i lth 1- 41 ; 14 : . ..? Ff i ll'Ai
- -jioreillateWlC taituaimpbateisicreii
'opiossloseigav ,, - , 11 - 4 ...: ii
~) 1 4 , -,, 4e ,
n y/PEM trt "gr facr al .
,ers4 Glyll , Thrk 101 _ I la bli
pas,!.tai l .. l ;i t l it:: '7 unik.,.,.1
e attestittylaietiess t
ovi4iglpf2ll,ttll..l"st,t,.l i: , t 211,, , 1 t1.4M- 1 ,:, 4 1 1 i 14 :1
• ~.L . ,. ........"„„..
=ono Irrw; vauLaa, a 004Pausagteitko: ' .1 , ~
;Gedetill:Aititta'fbelPityillfesssum SOMIIIIIV
iteirJaravri iI,LI ,- fo •:!'11 . 11.10Y bilvos •-•irr
i; rc. , tyiaT OWN 0 MAJW/Abisittohlriot Se hr
cl ar ioV4 llis k if e lTrai r ib l i t ivAlOnat
Aglitat iaL .'l27 ii e ' li-PMP . f_4 4l Ac el lA
e r
I ra, VA , ittillaSkitillirt&TETlM, tter
____rnisiiitugsfitratle,L e g o ime '-is WC , -s - •COMI4.
p A 2. atit eßastfitskozzazesorhy,i...ts:tlistr:
raa , . ties i . tri . ~.. -• •- „..,. ssubfos SP
.FoOLL, BETTEII.6,-130pitekliget
4reaf:Row Buttivinivreedayinurdl ate 10
14I,Liirst avenue.
~.. , For. r
, I , . ' : ; :',. - ''' 'll • 1 , 11" ..,'
T e/ StfliN.Atii 'lrllt .
W. :
~.l 1 i( .!,..-"
''t r
eolCOOeloertkeLgradlek of Illaaro3lll
. Akio:.l eolowaroll,e of i Coke ,OVenit
Elf ll 4 l Word— .-- - . ~ • ,
~ .
Beiiitrdcitnicr aftWeititaisti by the •Seliit
and Common Councils qr tee Citiott lleght 6 Y ,
arid 0 it asr•bis °reamed and .nactad te , Vie ° Pi'i
thorny 'elf the game,: That the Committee on
streets be and they are bereby:twittorized and
directed to lastiteand - receiveproposals for the
• =dittitof Sammillas ley, asafor t intni, and to coal
t therefor with the lowest and' best bidder or -
`bidders; at:their discretion. . 1 • '
• .bEC., is. That for the purpose of defraying th e.
cost and expenses of m
the said implovee n .
there be, and Is h.reby leried,a'tpeciat tax;to be
ecuallyliguestedupon the inverse lots bounding
•And abutting , upon , the said Sawmill+ alley • u
spectireir in Prt?P'Ortlo72 to the feet Iron , In them
respectively cotopri‘ed, and botoiding and 'abut- ,
ting asaforesidd. , , • . • • ••
Sec. 3. That as 8361 as the cost : audexpenses,
of said Improvements shalt 'folly aseertained,
it shalt be the ditty of the • Street Commissioners
to assess and apportion the same among the sev
eral loti bounding and abutting upon said 'Saw.
'mill alley respectively, according to the rule •
shove Inetleater., and thereupon proceed to make
,demand and collect the same. according to the
act of the' General. Assembly of, the Common
'Wealth Of Pennsylvania, entitled' "An Act
tag MO manner , of collecting the expenses of
grading and.paving theetreets sd le ye of the
City or Allegheny, gtid for' 'cif er_ptirpoSed,",
passed the thirtieth. %day of Matt lata '
• SSC. 4., That so much of any ordinance as may •
Confilettelti6 or be supplied oT the, foregoing. be
and the satire Is hereby repealed
Ordained hnd enacted into a law this, the(
twenty t tifth day of- March. Anno dondal. one,
thoultand eight hundred and six_ty-rdne.
' • 'JAME. 1 ' '
• Presidentof Select Council.
Attest; J. R. oXxxx, ,• • I •
'jerk of §eieci. connCil. ' • ' , •
rresidentbf Common Council. , i •
~.11.ttetat , •
clerk of Common Council.
Arantberttii the Giridlliir kind IPavirig
I 'South: Alley, Sixtb.WattL
SioirrlON .11s•ilf srdcrined.crad meted frits
Seled.and Common Cannot/. of As City 4:17 lil
t:nazi; nd Fe i 4:l lb l; 'er ", 4171 and
; on Streets be, and tner . are hereby,autoorised
and directed TO InvAfAsand receive proposals for
the Wading • shd 'refine of South alley,*• .a
aftnesald; and to contract therefor with Abe
eet atAiiest,bidder,?r- nklitexs,, ; 411scre•
•• SRO. it. That ftrr the !Vicomte of tic fraying 'the
• Cost and expemtes of ,the said . I mProlretneuta. ,
therelbe, an.d Le hereby, levied. a .00012.11 ex, to,
be e q ua lly.asselssed npon'the several lots bound- '
and: abutting. upon the Wald • South: alien.
respectively in proportiOtt , to the feet Trent In
them respectively comprised,, bounding and
abutting as aforbudd." .
hat As soon asltre , coseand expall Sae
Uf said mpooventents luily.ascertsined,,
it shall be tad Mite of-the Street CoMmis4oner to
assess and apportion tee same among the several
lots_ bounding and abutting upon mid South
'Alley. respelnively. according do'fhe rale abort
Indicated and : thereupon- proceed: to make. de.'
mend and collecttbe Jtaine,r According. to the pro"
visions of the Act (*the 'General Assembly of the ;
Commonwealth of "PennsylVishia; 'entitled' “An'
Act. (*fining the: manner .of .•coliecting.the
penses of grading and,pavieg,of the streets and,
Weys df the CitYy of' Allegheny; sand for other
• porpoies, 4 lpassed the alrn day ofillareh, 2852:
due .4, That. as much otany ordinance may
Conflict with,•or be snpflied brthe :Oregon:lL he ,
and•thVisamelli herein rePelled: ! •
Ordained and enact, info a law this the With,
day of klatch A. D. 1888
-• • ; ' President of Select Council: •
Clerk of Select Connell!:
• - •:President of Common Connell.
Atteit:.R.l.O.wouvu. . ,
Clerk of Common Connell. ' telh'29
;I:onikri A.s.lc4 1;
To &etherize - the Conetieettosi bf
Plank :; Sidewalk'on Perrysville
Plank Reed,
itardairted andenaefi by Me Be .
chid °Amon Council. of Vie Ott:, Of tlerlutnY:
and t - hereby. ordained awl eunotta by Me an,
Monty of ;the ,_itnne. That the -Committee ow
Streets be and they are hereby authorized Ind di
rectel 'to InVite and - receive prettesals for tne
tonstsection of ; Plink Eldewalk•Ant ;milk slde of .
the Pg r r a y sville Plank Road. beginning it sterts•
at no ern termination of Beaver stre':t. and
'extend to , cltyllne, the sumo to be In accord. ,
once, ellen apecidcations adopted by Councils.
and to colniact therefor with theiowest and best
bidder or Idders', - at their discretion. •
SEC:M. hat Or .tne.purpose of defraying the. ,
cost and - trochees of the said •Improvement ,s
there be tennis hereby levied a special tax:to be'
equally asselsed upon , the several-lets Wending
and abuttinunpon both sides of. sate -Perrysville
Plank, hued lenoentirelr. in proportion to- the
feet front to them respectively co!nprpieq, Mid
bounding and aketting as aforesaid. !!''
bEC. 3. That le soon as the cost ana expenses
of said Improvements shall be fully ascertained, it
shall be thedetY of the Btrect CommisSioner to as
sault and apportlot a mongllre several lots bound-
Ing lend ehuttillgtoots said Perrysvi ll e Plank
Road, reepectrrelv. 'Mcordlng to the' rule above
indleated. , Led thereupon proceed-to Make de
mand and collect the lame, according to the pro
to: of the Act of the General Atsembly of
the Cousnionwealth oe kettneyreania, entitled
An Act relative 'to , ^ink *tots In the City of
Allegheny. paned Marchisth, 1860. . , . ,
BE'. 4. That so much oksny ordinance - is miy.
contliet with, or , he' atlPPlied by the foregOing,
be an the same la herebirrF kap • '
Ordained and enacted into ataw this the path
day or My rrh.*A2 D. 180 W. -
." F. JAMMAiesnucte„
_Presideht , of left Council.:
Attest : J. ft. untatr; ,
Clerk of '
: AlattED SLACK:
President of Comoro ! council.
Attest: 'R. - invivOurn.
Clerk Of. Common Council. - _ Ewe'
gOo : T.0.11117:131JITER100.
ask - the attention of all interested in the 'redac
tion of the eixtriValsint Coat of Butter, to' thilr'
practical and eecitibmicartystetn of =aline 'pnzi
prime Butter tri the' aid of the ' • • '
A itrief allusion to the origin of. this inarbrtant
discovery may not prove uninteresting- Among
the authenticated records of the renowned Cap-
Coob , s voyagearoUnd the world, is found
the si atement, that while_ top:turning fora chart
time on the Breslau' Coast of. Booth America. be
eta ervfti tbe natives using.. in the preparation of
their food, a manila! oil, which, upon examma. found to possess the appetunrica t . taste
and datrar of gutter; urea tutcher inquiry, how
ever. be ascertained that At was mmply
.a auto
stance that the natives Idiatilled In a crude and
imperfect =Winn. from'.a rich aid.
plant Thar Wm 4 m 4 MMY an4POßidainil in
that warm , tropic a l ' . country. A.Tew3t.11.1,-•
KZ ettitientirreseh ehrinist, white 'on pr es:
sional visit to the tropics, made utimerods etPet• •
!matt. witn thicremarkable. production of na
ture, andsuriceodedinetractialt • conuentrated
essence efikepladt. The formula for its pritim:
mitten; the Bole:Med' for sate to
country are the exclasive property ofi
Pug. br , whein It l!al Plir.elMaf4 from ibi or?*
nal , 4 l Lnourer!(Ne.:elaiiii M-stas TaMarkAhle.'
743 t=zii0 - Poqem,tY= 43 =C 4 4
lts.rltyqbgitit use ititet.,itutt ottroteattili!pu
per cent. is mßadeln the spandiiidp* ) 1 11 ! ,.
Id.—that: flutter, which fOM age orirgativer
cause, -mark* 'etrtiked or
_ -
Coarse-inane& and compersttrely Useless" kw
genasinse, by_the WI of thlalElreot. 'lO ffo•
stored to ltebngli4l rrelliffC!ii stw, Inr.oetn,s ,
fluqrstei end end'eolor. -'` •• •
ikl: ylthe dtea'Vf Skis Extmettrotut pohnd MI
de mous. moo ma ISOr, jslthfpfdt7 made from
41110 t V: - . , • ti .
9Pr i mil le seqesdeßentiliblerßu cress
be n* de 11410440. afilta l vot
- tiffOgiriOVlMreaittra i r,"'"—" .
tithe- 1 11nd Butter nutualseturea Mr the ald of
r title Extract la toidriflo/14 tOtothelt
Butter =W r
ent o fumy me 17 od.
lith.— Tim ltxtract sfreVurotough anal ysIV,
aide ehaMtMaillrProaley tree
any deleterfous subitenm, Ike Ingredients
Ins urely of a sekettible nature.
I lbe,treffftlo l .• te Ilk 11
, ' 44gritihadT 1 4111fatiati
le aZet141111110Ertn14111111';' ' •
A uncle package of the Zstricrtifeumineut IMO
wilt b e e
ofilutter.smltk_Ml direetlons ibr
'ne t will be sent to ens address on realist Of SI.
clurtorra.ssoinumb or mown's' are tub.
jaettump4que tml one,
_we grcuit t r i ap
csataminglithlid hflOOWUtt
vertleod -All deb/.
},e /Arran' e itiiiniallOS4 lUttrillei t //
iSlerlPl r Al l t i * i l lt h. ° *lYA lion? ti.....IWIL eL T .j.
ir .
Limn v: 1n'. ,1-71 1 9191 YiTilltqf ENT ,
iirnos ib + sTiti l ii:
VACIrVr 41313 GUIS Math lit, Ili* yoppc n 1
ac i lttlll l ere IV_ llotgritilaitigrielitatira
sOW•elnillinell4l/117, 321111111i/ItY.:4
-,(1 e ilip...MlOVVEggeitMeerrinteriV ,- ,ocl
_ itipitiiWilt#4,liittiiithatii ilaiiiiiklib
nidigirrittligrita.lArgat etleitiwial
ca it, .. 41 .4 1 - 0 j ggrist,
bi :wive., is ire - pi inos ,sr
kegsfip rler ioos
llow. .ra ammo:AT MAIL
war dotal stv a ye Mete
v p
• •
Witra f attritiffelid T
• • ~.iipownykii . • •
• •
. .
: •:‘
win BElllaVo on the Istof April tO
NOS. 884 AND 886 PENN,
• 11 . „ .
Cor. Eleventh St.. (foricierli,,:Caliol.),,
joszPinti s. *lmps /4. co,
osalliar 1117i111..191. 19:11 and 195 1 1
rissTAniunrr. prensuguit.
' • izintsgricsimims. '! • :
VerPer"DlStMeAln Pure-Eye Whiskffs
'mitts 'and' La - :
QUOIXS. H Pf1.`441. ciadealst
gouiVrn , Lieri-liies,k`APPLl6l
• vAvroNstoBICLuLIQUOBB, Med In the
kts Odiceei, L. • t., ,
' . v
• ,
Henry Shaler,' taVern. 'lst Verdi'
Fred. Jacol , tavern, Xst ward; .„ • ,
Wm. poll( c~kF, tavern, Ist went.
, choke.' Qatlin, tavern, letwiddi
• Geo.-Free, tavern, AM ward; • .•
Daniel McCafferty, tavern, lat ward;
Henry ntihtid, tavern, let Ward:
, Wm. Ktoeger, tavern,Ast , ward; • • '
Martin Sonnetyilevern let ward;
Martinjoyre, tavern, ist ward; .
David'Releh; tavern, Ad ward; •
Reinnatt INlrich, tivern,lB4 mted:
Jai. MeCtiffer. 'aver. 4d , wftrdt
B. Gillisath, ta vern ' d ward:
Rudolph Bechteld. terern,• 4th ward;
Dan .Heenan; , invent, 4th ward;
Gotleib Mashey. w
tavem, 414 Ward;
Morgan R. Bryon, leVern,' I,n ward;
John Getty, tavern, 4t•il. nritt •, ~
S. H. Watson & Co., other goods. 4th ward;
Littell & Mechlingicither_gesnicAth wards , :
ward; - • '
Rdward ideGarr; tavern, s th ward;
Lucinda Puluress; tavern, Sthrward;
JauTa fay" ; ,
Dan el Shin p, severe; inn Ward;
' Mary Rustle hi; tivern.+9th Ward;
H. & J. Wain. !tavern, Alward; r
Wm.,V_Sitmete,r. tamp,.
Adam avisaleg.• tavern vt -
Henry FWhe. tavern litimirdif :.1; • • r.„r
Joseph Merida, sairhuense. 9th yard ;
Owen Sullivan. tav ern. loth Ward
• JohrildeCaMbridire,-t V.rn., 10th wirdi •
• John Schreiber. Ilwarra.llothssiandtil.,, •
Cornellusebeeeen, eatinig nouse, 10th ward;
John Frederick. eating house, 10th .Wardt'
Endlegker, taterrivllthliarely , t , -:.°:: :•_
Phil. Sobanimpbach. tavern ' , Alth ward; ,
Peter Kaltenpons,eatins,,house,llth ward;
' Voiret„ tavern. beth`traird, - •
J. G..Hommeh.tavern,illiktb Ward;
J. P. Pearson, tavern, 15th ward: • .
.Mich. Berger, taysre. Lilth ward;
JehaThalheimer, tavern, 15th ward; •
Mich. Wilitainsctaver7; di4 ward
F. J. Lentil, tavern. 1 tb.ward
MartoWildint, tavern , 'lsth *gide . -
Jacob Ontendor& tavern; latittward;
WM. Xt. RONAN eating bonen, 10th ward;
Hannah Dephiatett. ta v ern, 17th Wltrif -
John Kelly. taCern,llrels Werth • - "
b , • • fALLIEGMENY. •
Hugh Callihan; •
JIB. Getty, Jr..' tamelv, ward;
Adam Heyt, tavern, dm Watt; „ •
Mich. - Gregg% tavern, 3d wird;
Henry boric. tavirn, 3d ward;
A. Hoffman. :tavern 3d ward:
John Hoffmann, tavern, 3i ward
John Byer, tavern. ad ward;
Thee.'Hueskin; tavern. ward;
Z. Hess, tavern, 8d wird;
Caliper Saner. taverni 'dd ward: ,
F. Richter, tavern, 3d ward;
Chas. itocludg, tavern, 3d • ward:
L. Schuler, tavern, 3d ward:
J. Proetting, tavern, ad ward;
C. Gelb, tive•n. 3d ward;
V. Benyer, tavern 34 ward:
J. Schirmer tavern, ad ward;
C. Set Merbsch, eating house, 3d ward;
H. Herat; eating house, ad ward! • •
issac go. de. 31...wardt •
Keysert & Wernert, other goods, ad ward:
Nick Miller, tavern' 4th ward: -
'A. Glasser, tavern, 4 th 1.111.4; ,
F. J. Landgraff. tavern. 4tb ward;
A. G. Ehlers, tavern, 4th Ward; '
George Garber, lavent„ '4fir ward; '
Anna Froelion, tavern, 4th ward; •
John Bitoer. tavern.4th waid
Charles Jacob, other woods , 4t h ward:
Adam Gilg, tavern. sth ward;
Vad. Denh,ard, tavern, oth ward;
Fred. St&at,ltavern, etti wird;
W. f3Otithward,ltavern, 6th ward: •
John Hamilton, tavern. oth ward!
Phil. Wagner., tavern. 6th ward:
B. Reddenbach. other goods, oth ward;
Joseph_ Dierstein. tavern, .7th ward;
W. Eberhardt, tavern;7tirward;
P. Bomberger tavern, 7th ward t •
r.Btechte, eating house. 7th ward;
G. Fisher, taverul ward;
G. Schram, tavern,•Stil ward.
,110.11LOUGHA. •
P. Becker, tavern. liraddoeit ;
V. Suede, taVern; Bittainghtm; -
John Kammerer, tagern, , Blnninghlin;
Lewis Oddtb.„ lavers, Birinlii&harn.
Jos. Schneek. tavern. Birmingham;
Gertrude Och, tavern • Bitiningbamt •
John Windsmin, sillrMinghamt, •
J. Both, tavern, Birminehatot
J. J. Han& tavern, Batt B i rminghnnit'
John Oreili,tavern. East•Birzt= ,
J. A l .X.itipert. tavern,. Eaat Bir barn:
.Geo. tavern- '
tac: , tiommer, tavern, • EAU Birminghein;
' b ithl. tavern, bast 'Urals_ Clam;
J. rendeuricti, tavern. EsatJlinninitnnu"
R. ierrich, tavern Zest Birmingham;
H. Nrilbelni, eatinitionne., Kars Birmingham;
Jos. lid, tavern, oKeesport; •
John In. ;Seem, 'McKeesport,_• '
11.4/. ladsky, 'Other goinis,XoKelisportt.
ankekls ,. .tarenl dontidt•ittsburgh;
John. O.
Muer goolls,,flouth Pitiab•gh;
Peter Miner., tavern, ' bbartistitirg;
Dennis Heaies. tavern. Sharpsburs; e
.1. A. Hart, oiker gotfie. nbarpsburg;
Geo. Trilby, triers., Tarentum;
T. J. Richardsoi,... ; . ; 004 , 4 T e g i p er ,, nee yni e;
Alen. @Peer. tarsi?, Hampton:
Jacob Badmen; eiter house. Kilibuck;
• i.e. W. Warren.tilvera4arst...ll; , •
Wm.'Derson, tavern„ min ;
Peter Herres, tavern; i n • e
los. Cblverton, tavern, *rehire;
Chas. King, tavert.'Reser,e;•
J. Hartman, tavern,. Lowaelit,
Hogi, Fisher & Co., e. b.Loner St. Chdr:
F. B. liogle,,•ettinirchorite, Leweetlt. Clrirt• •
James Dictlinchy. tavern, Linton;
Yhtik.`--Welibl eating' bodge Bau m , •
Thos. Lawrence. tavern, ttrlP#S'
J. H. Meyer, tavern, Wilk in h •
The ;Licenseßoard .101 Ada b earing the
aboVe applicat i ons K NAB Y the 7th
April. at 710'clock ,
t , 4: r. , •,1 1
JOHN, G. BROWN. nleilt.
eta' .... 4111 - d - 11 Wed " / L
4 *iv AID Mb - , anci
ilialn h-RIAt 114144,10, , 2 1 44 114 411it-i lia*
L b i l aiVEN LIM t Pl ` ' Vnilt4r
1u0... , " ortill t aywilkw„
10 1
YF`fit•lL;ll.lL...„-A E.E.zonn !!
it(ItPURIEIn kinlaßLOODittl'i
• catLf.l, l / 'rat - f
8 A44 4 1 1/ r t 4 ).4qo4Arretri itt
unyttl N:11 tn ,
.7 sui* ENTEEWRISEnn (.:
. •
:-Ivl tAliViat
, ,
;ll ..,: „*
T+[Withlbittr~r o! EadoVtiotitstilVile.i
'his e% Pastier% ;tip!. w ta ,f ht %'o l/ 5i , 1 9 F 4
l fiateri ) , V enALffirl`4olTyr
.411138 AM..' PI ‘,.I.1111 . : taAerfitwao
4P, .44
re" cevitid t tioAd lot pp •
• , • ••
Walnuts " ireeatsi
nir]iitie 33p a% hid Grado7,
• Bg ? re '
~4 14‘q t JR.EtN,A,LIBENEVA , W,
mbw Coru er Liberty and Hand su'dol6
mar. , ,usauzasost.
Third, apiraratice of the .tavoilte and ancom.
Wished young artiste,
, ,
WEDNESDAY ItitENING 4 March 31si. lees,
will be presented Sheridan Knowtes' beantlibi
Ave act Dlay of the
M7Ncl3 Acmr..
• • • :•I
...Miss lotte .
Thursday trerdug—FANCH!"...N.
liraxidllmily ?dittoes on . BStutday:
..THE WORLD ItEßontii &ft
Two Ladles and Six Gentlemen.
Who have peribrmed with the greeted seceess
And lately received with the greatest enthusiasm
In New York, will give TWO,,CONCERTI3 in this
CitYl o .n* : .
~,• - :
Fri* N ext.
• , •
The programme w4leonstOpklmectloAs trofk
favorite p l orbic Interspertett
'Forming fan 'entertainment at Mime 'VNtQUE >
nXEE., and, of, She • ti#X. ll : 4 7*ii:A. Natia/a.•
Agmisitibit-".;Ptitlyietter Mia!Drecli rdii74l: - •
Family Circle. 40 cents; GallerF,46 - 44044 ‘; . • !,
neserted tiests gist' pm,obtaincti #
Medic Fiore,' 122' Wood creet, 4 1110.NDA.r.
MORNING NEXT, with Ont titre thereat; r • -
• W 2294421 • I • : t •
11, W. WlLLlAMikLesseeiiiid Hamtereri
Another conitellatlon.or Starr:- The beautiful •
and dashlaglte &JJ_GGISTA bAMEREII.)34, - ,:i
Miss - .NELLM WARD.'? he_ftelrU _ta.r Unmet'. -
Hlant tmCAR WIG LISA Ud JOH Nre CteLLIN S.- •
wonaerfnlitolliegi Doge. Carlo and : New. in the
exciting - drama called "The Watchman and 1118 • '
„Date:‘ , Lithe Beekett,' , Dltk Carroll," Charley
Gardner, aed all the Idonater.Copapanyin a new,
olie. .d.adiep..dfAnee eyery ;Wednesday and
Saturday.' • -
rS 111 Y T HEdS7 : AK E UIC
THEATRE. (Late Trimble's Varieties,)
Tremendous hit of the Heirl(. coupon)
• .THE D AIai:MOOD: StST lea% • •
• Hiss ANNIEn.W.LDELDGE. I , ,• •
Mr. nonEVI , wicKLE;
• - Mr. HARRY 6. , R10H.M0ND.'3;.
• A. splendid bill •if the new • °moony tonight I
ler111:11L1.13 11111IFITIIM
Th e ,
PrFTH AVENUE. between emlthileld and''
Wood streets • opposite Old Theatre. -
D 4 sad Zvenints. all thews! , round.' •
Clill , ,Ten. 441 cents.,
A. sot ilk, District Court. tifTsbe United mates
iontbe.Westene Dietriepot ennervaida, made.
March Ch. 1889: there 4.111 he exposed at Pub.
Ile Sale, -, st hicILWAINE , S , ICITCV.ON BOOMS,
.lo the City of ritteburghonkttip . .:.. ) •
;10th Day of Airil s 1809,
At 10 o'clock A. X., the following described Real
Estate of JOSIMA. BROLLE9, Bankrupt, sub.
lett, however,-to existing Hens • vie.:
Alt -that lot of: ground, situate in the First
ward of tLe Oity. of Allegheny , county of AIM. :
gheny, and 'Elate of - Pennsylvania.' bound.d and ,
described as •Ibilowst .Begthillitg at a point 132 •
feet 3 inches eouthwardly of ;Rebecca street. 14
inches westwardly ftom the line dividing ent-lots
numbeta 23 and 2*ln•theßeservetfact opposite -
Pitutbargh,• thence parallel with saidline south. '
- wardly *lb feet 3 incnes to Bank Lane; thence
along Bang Lane westwardly,l92 feet Cinches
to line of land of 3i'tf. L'lldsayany Ii D.Whip. .
pie; the , ce along said Lindsay and Whinple's
line northwardly 442, feet 2 inches to a point'
withinl3llTeet .3 Inches of said Rebecca street;
'thence north 81331 d gives east 208 feet 9 inches
to the place of beginning. • . ;= -, at certain other Lot or strin of land 14 ;
inches Mwidin •iarnd running arom Bank. Lane to , ' 4
Rhin 132 feet °lnches of Rebecca street afore,
said along the eastern bonudary of the tot
ground above described. at d extending from said'; •
eastwardly bonn dant° the tilt/Min line ht. tWeen •
out.lots ; numbers 23. and SIC aforesaid, less the : r
..following descrlbdd piece of the anove described ,
lot, to-wl6: All thateertainlot orple"etrf ground '
beginning-at fa ',point at the line of property of -
Joshua Rhodes on Bank Lane; alleneea.ongtno •
line of said property of said-'Rhodes 941 ieet to
a point; thence by a • line 34 1 feet 'okluches to
co ° nee of proper . ty of Li,ndsap muLlifeCnicceon;‘,,
thence by thebneofsaldLindsayand McCu.cheou •
9518 feet to Bank Lane; tnt-ttee along Bank Lane
38 feet. 8. Inches to; the, place otbeglnning,
which first and second described pieces uf groand, • .
less the last described plece'of ground, Is erected
a large'Brielt
Also. all awe two certain Lois of ground, mita!
ate In the City of Pittsbnrgh,con,.ty of Allegheny
and , state of 'Pennsylvania; - bounded lind de
scribed as fellows; -Beginning on Irwin street at •.
the distance of 188 feet 7,inChetwirom Duquesne,
Way thanes at right angles with Irwin street
80 f eet; thence Parallel , with:lrwin street .40
feet; limbos at right angina with Arwhastreet GO.
fest to
Irwin street; thence along the esme
40 feet to theplace of beginning, being lots
Numbers '3 midi* bi , a plan :of lotolahlont . by .
'JClthtla itbcdP s.
patle, 277 ,-rePorded - • Ade.4./Y9 l,
S.'w stAeirE T
• =ha:gm, ! A zs•
"L")KW17011167 - NOTICE.
J2A Wberesat lettere tiatialentary - to the estate
of J OM* OIL!MAL late - -of.ttte' CU, .of Pitts
' tomb. dt olllBo4 . Mire - been,granteO, to , th e, otk.,
derslinea. all reredos Intleotfd' to titd.'ettatit
are reeneeted ;to make.leitaedlete'oaysaellt,-aittll--
those haying eleline against the same-will present -
the 4017. elltheotlcated; to . WI LLTAX .41,/31;•;:..;
B a -u, at tne Bel:trot Plttalniralt; -‘•
Joax HBREBS;, •
0e1110:110 , w k :!. .•
All persons are nereby notjiled that Let
ters of Admhnstration on the estate of MARGA. •
ltit•C HA.IIt 4 HuY, Allegheny Alla. \
gbeny county Pa., have been granted to the un
dersigned. t:11 persona having debut( against' -
said estate will present - them-duly proved, and
those ktulleingt thereat Ives Indebted to as hl eatare
will make payment to the,underalgned without
debit' at my oMee, 91 Beaver street, AVeghenr •
eltY. z.oilt • o - •
xa ba:MW JOUNtltilfSkY, Attudsleintto' •
—Orheireite, !Letters of mintimintrition upon •
estate- - o 1 ICAUOALD riZECHt 1 111 14. ilk_
_._' the '-
tiny At. Pittsburgh,' decease d .
, nannit, b een;
granted to tmi undersigned; ill rsons Indebted"
tosald estate Are umreated Itarnediat,
payment. and-those.- Ting ill e tps or. deirmoo. I
aprajnot the batlite,di ` e gild 4 entramske,
mate knotrnibe Mlle withons dia sy-ur
( l''' ' •• , •.ECNACEI4 akaatuuttrairsx.
t out'. 4, lis 1:1 ~.Atioritell. Pop 81 -
. intim nd 1 t, PhD ta : ' libiniee•nr
' - STERNi.-p:VilOnlUM,:ofor,
; pNN PI, ' .
E 8 vA IR - J'' - flitucb A . D
t Pittsburgh. the • 1 ay o •.
o t.
1009. ?Ile UnSterbinei LWOW irei na t e
bl!APP o hUment as Ass finer of D..
Hamitifult.and JAME* Hi 31006 a ..Cclpart.
litre. of putsuergo, U i t.he., s county o,
legitenyt;ltattrol Penni tsivllllltiUt Ills. I.
trie.i.. Yr M r beeMlitirolAilintrir Until
bit owli p _Ow I let b COu of
- , Pl ui litr ib trig' - .Vr i*? A n ffo l*. rner . Al ata r ., l 4ll i nua gna tt t: 'i
f 1
A DlllRAlVllattlireStieliiiin
e t erhtSio • 1 -. P liMl2ri l l
iit .....- w,
.4 i . _
° lie he edienve WM gritair.- 4
detaild walla ft
to nbapitser..Wip s ....11177
in egr,
enato V Mesa , 42000 - des ,
. .-. ' afir4,ll4 , z4n ,
: ' ...i Nicrita i rs.3 l i c 't l i tr . ll ‘ , ,WO , P*Pii,,
. . ~ --....,i
-g.:lll`4l' 010,:fil 9 1 ' IA ri b .:,
peat l ' ' limr i n : . t. .4 411
i t ee rc la i l 8: ; :dr F e l . : - . 11 15
1 " I 1 9 11 4 7 3 7 1 I 1 1 4 ° :IT: L " :- t? le - -.C r 111 4 4 : 11 77 1 :1 77; : : 1:
I lia
streeN 4-itis - r.".,1 'EIASEUELIDAYIOBO34 tql
• i-,.f.t li.`'i'' • - '
. , j •”..-, ~ ;.4q/Pii iSKRM iti:' 'I ,
iliiii; , W ! ;-,,,- : - • - - - ' .. 9 - - ,
1 . i ttitritinOt t 4
:.. --. ti ose. it 'Ect ' e‘ . I`, Pat i liit and / Gal Wore t e i!
oeton Belthig-00100 lei instmitiet relit DTI 't ,
as le* ill , 1 105 illliallOritgoods con beClignill B IV
,the m.u,tuture l , A pr ~„.k.r nan ,„ an
at the ' India Hub r tot,-iile ii
_. tzl ' -
greet. , 1 iJV * i ,'A 0 ~% 1.1 . 4) at Bilpiumags, ',..P •
• fel. ..:.,1,,,., 1 ,0 1 41*A - Ws , for the .° 1110 " 14 '
Di 4 "` ZEklii.-Ltsoo
Onliirs LiAl2 fotiztle' 44' '"
°. '11. 3 4 °A
Iltir NirELD '