V: DUVESNE 1901915. OMEGA TOM & CO., 11E111 Ifannesturers of /RON, NAILS STEEL, .. AXLES:AND SPRINCS , • D I I: I IWESNE, L X AND JIIBIXATA. PLAT BAIL ROUND AND SQUARE IRON. • BAND, HOOP. SHEET AND TANK IRON.. BOILER PL ATSAI AND HEADS, GUARD IRON,DR AO and DROPPER BARS, "'Le - ' , LANDAU,. WITTER BARI, CI LINDER obi T AN D PLAT RAIL, for Coal Roads. OROWBAXS WEDGES & HARR, tW TEETH, SPRING PL* AND CULTIVATOR STEEL, IRI ELWINGS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. STEEL. • Tin 151:li STEEL nHAFTIND, A. S. 'COACH. BUGGY and WAGON SPRINGS and AXLES. CUT NAILS AND SPIKES. . All Goods First Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND WORKS: :Sixteenth Street and Allegheny River, and 77 Water S Pittsburgh. tan GODEFTROY BRANCKER & CO., 42 Exchange Place, New York, Are prepared, as Sole Agents in the United States for the Prussian Xining and Iron Coin• Pant' of Duisburg, Westphalia, to contract or eli in quantities to snit purchasers, (delivered in (tither New York or Philadelphia,) the celebrated V. G. SPIEGELEISEN Used so extensively for the manufacturing of BESSEMER STEEL. This Iron is free from 2ulpur and Phosphorus, and contaias a heavy per cent age of Manganeie. Full particulars, samples, prices orcheMleal analysis will be promptly forwarded on &polka ja7A:d7B r stion EVIEFFEELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, =Oll & CO., PITTSBURGH. PA.. Yantintetarers of every description of CAST _ AN!) • GERMAN STEEL, C itiTFORKSPItINGI4 AXLES. STEEL TlREolte, are Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 First Ste. MILLER, HAIM & ;PARKIN. GINZRAL PARTAXELS WAt. MSTCALF,=IMAM MILLIE. OEI.). W. BARB. , I CRAB. PARKIN. EIPZCLAL Pirnixn-43. X. EMI. =NT .STEEL ISTO4KS, , BARR ,84 OSlce, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTSBURGH, P.&. fe.14:d48 BLACH DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Naattfaeturers of all descriptions of leirr i- MWfr 01tee and Warehonse,:l9o, 1911. 124. SECOND and 119 and 191 FIRST STREETS, IRON WORKS. Vicarta, Prestt..... W. P. P0W1713, 'PITTSBURGH FORGE AND IRON CO., XASUTACTVEZIIII 01 Bar Iron; Railroad SIM Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Hammerod; !Locomotive Frances; Zommotive Prime Shapes; Side Rodi: - Yokes, Straps; . Piston Heads; Steamboat Shang Steamboat 'Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitman. Jaws, Collars, Ste. OPloes, Tirp, 177 PENN, STREET, PITTSBURGH. PA , RELERSRIESEN ,- PROCESS. The Trustees ire now prepared tOgrant Men tes for the we of the, ELLE.4BaeI.IIBIW Plto - _ - • The superior quality Imparted to good from, the great Improvement in - inferior iron. and the reduced cost, commend it to all Manufacturers of iron. , Parties . wishing to use It can obtain licenses by opplying to JAMES P. SPEER, Attorney tor the Trustees. . ROOMS .1 and l. English's Building, 903 !oath avenue. Parties interested are invited to visit the SHOZNBEItGEB WORKS. where the process is now In successrui °Aeration. r feB:4lt7 EVERSON, PRIIIMN lc CO., . Pennsylvania Iron Works. Warehouse, Nos. 166 andl67 6TRENT. ovopOslte MCrltOnga:sele House • . 2024:d8 PITT11111:4011. NOVELTY WORKS. PIZTBBITRGII NOV NO Y WORKS. Founds 1 A. .D. ISM AbAms, arm Ar.],oo. suariticrosmie or K- Y NT N ) E LAT N F D MN AEA NNTBE RPAT SCALES. lanai Faced 'Pante Door Lock' and Latches, !Taint aad Cabe ac, 00ISEB OP MST AVENUE 4 GIANT BPI Pi‘ifb l irgbo 1103 1 11146 • 7-T:FA 111:9 itrirt ti 41 40 Wa.Le JOHN wcoorsit. ' Jos; HA! ...Simi! aria JOHNIL MOPES CO.'at. RWRIS. 711 MIP ZElar - - GAS ANIY STEAM ifritlM3 maaalicturera of PIMPS MID SZ4BBWKM of evegyrtinigetlein GAB 7/_ AID al iin z • Con of. Pike and Walnut Strode, PITTSBURGI7. y . , 9 ,+.i . , tair - A;• 400,44010",.; igillWate*.yft-241006,fiR.att ... • k• -• •• • ' - • • • "z_TeoP.34,zplvam, :74z kto irc il -t or 1 4:;:" 0 -$ 4 :3,5: 1 .,; 5 4' - rt " • • - •!f7,1-5 .- 4'N t *ra w . • • • , _ ' DAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COYPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. igrEngines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, ;and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS., Corner Carron and lilmallassu Streets, teams WARD,) .r.rx"ratruncm. PA. WILLIAM SMITH, Manufacturer of OAST IRON BOWL PIPE POE GAS AND.WATER WORKS. My Pines are all cut invariablyin Pits, in dry sand. and lit 2eet length,. Also, fall assortment of /antral Castings ferias and Water Works. Iwouldalsocall the attention of s iMperintend • ants of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. ATLAS WORK% MORTON STRIC.NT, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. MILLER, Ihimddent, These Works are among the Won sad Moat complete establishments In the West, and ire now prepared to tarnish - Enoinee.'of every description. Boners, On Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Castiisas: Rolling 31111 Xae,hfaleCastlngs. General ORDERS SOLICITED. no9:ntS ROBINSON, REA & CO., Successors to Ronnredx, linos At Mitaxag, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND NACHINISTS,PITTSBURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines, Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Gearing, Malting, Castinga of all descriptions: Oil Tanks and Stills, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Mice, No. Mil, corner. First and Smithfield Streets. fbr r Ageneed ts for Boilers GIFFARIPS PATIENT INJEC jaII:rS2 TOR ing . . Prrrssunum. 'ATONIC BLANC FOUNDRY. utter Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Union Iron NI ) • PITTSBURDE. Rolling lIIIV and Bridge Castlugs, THIMBLE SIMMS AND PIPE BOXES, NAOIRDEBY AND CABT/NO3 GENZBA.LLT. Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. , =BEET & KAMM. oeii:ilt - THOMAS CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Work , _ - BANDIYBST BT., ALLEGHENY OITT, Manufacturers of Steam Engines.. 011 Presses, Pulleys, , Grist and, daw Mlll Work, Bolling Mlll and - Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, &a. Build to order and have on handd - Engines of all sizes. inyll:q6 CEPITI!..A. FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS sso Penn street. BOLLMAN, BOYD & BAGALEY. Chili Bolls, MW Outings. Roll Lathes, &e. LUMBER! LUMBER!! ALZULANDER TATTERSQB. .1' • - Dealer in all Hinds of Ltimber. ON HAND AND FOR BALE L 000_ 000 , feet Dry Puie Boards; 150.000 feet 15i and 2 Inch Clear Plank; 30 1 (100 feet Dry 134 inch mon Plank; 30,090 feet Dry 1 and 2 i acbOak; . 25,000 feet Dry a, 8); ass 64 Aoli 4 • 5,000' ft. 1 , 17 2; 51 3‘. 3 BE. Cherry & Maple, 30,000 ft. Dry 1,15 k,, S and 3 inch PopAr: 10,000 feet Dry Poplar Scantling; 25_0,000 feet Hemlock Joists and Scanting: 780,0001.10. 118-inch Shingles, sawed; 860,000 No. 116-inch Shingles, sawed; 40,000 No. 1 16-inch Shingles, 'named: *O,OOO Fire Brick; 11.10100 Fire Tile. • - .100 Tons . Fire Clay; - • ••" '- Thane—No. 86 FEEBLE STREET. formerly Manchester and lel REBECCA STREITOPPP site the Gas Works. Allegheny City. ' 11013 LAKE SUPERIOR ' OPPICIt ELL AID 81111T11141 1101111 ; prrmErsultGEß. • PAIAN 4 MoCIIRDT: sir. CO.; • Banutaeturers or litheathlng, Braziers' and Bolt Cloppei?„.iressed eloppeeßotWas E4llO Still Sot. toms, iter fielder. ilso,lnarportx , rs Ind Deal ers .0 cal. Tin Plate, 13heet Iron, Wire Co. Constantly on kand Miners'. Machines sod Tools. Warehouse,' No. 140 FIRST BTIIIIssT and LBO IBOOND STREET Pitts h. OpeC4lll orders ed ant to alry desired pat. 47. „ aers•essottrT J. JWICE, DYER AND SCOURER. Mr. 3 BT. CT•ATR STMELET Aid xis. los tuts 157 nad street, EnWine Castings. LUMBER.! .COPPER. Dna AND SCOURER, ITtTlilttraeli. PA , 1121 I:•]Tr§7.lll;Tql-f.., pr.4x.Fl7 - F.44..,.,..TuE,§1).4.17,:.,.NA8,p4. ~30„.:,409. i'; larronins;imirmovsii:-- _ . HUGH IL BM 86 COI Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St" (NWI rar Pony ,) Engine Builders, Pounderi and Machinists. 3fanufacture STEAMBOAT ENGI N ES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all our new attention invited to our new STATION ART OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER. of 15-horaelpower. CASTINGS of every kind, made to order atour Foundry on Oil Well s, below PULLEYS, HANGERS. ?or u -fix°, PULLEYS, HANGERS.HOUSE and TOBACCO S CREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny River, near the Point, PIT7 i SBURGH, PA. SZP All orders promPOY TEM u 5. FORT PITT . BO STILL OD TANK CARROLL & SNYDER, XAsurACTOSERS OF TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR, FLUE-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL OIL STILLS AND OIL TARES, CHIMNEYS; - BREECHING AND ASH PANE, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL -SHIITES Office and Warehouse, corner Second, Third, Sheri and LLbertylitreets, PITTIIRGH, XS' Orders sent to the• above address will In promptly attanded to. rah7:lB9 • • WM. BAJINHILI: & CO.. BOILER MAKERS • AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 110, : 51S, SS AND Se PENN ST. : Having lieetired large yard add furnisheti. it With the meet approved machinery we aree rargintothnetelftacturiezeirmyteeripti no f BOIL- warrantedeu al to any made in themnantryi .Chlumeys c . - Breec a hing, Fire - Beds, Steam Pipes,LOOOMOUVO Condensers, salt Pans, 'Pnks; Oil Again tors,. Settling Pans, Boliariton,.Amtiges. della Pans, and sole manufacturers of Barn=l , s gat ent Bonen. •, Bemiring done on ahOrtiet notice. 1a6:e21 JAMES M. RUM, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, ririnnunait, itaxo7Acrusza cr IRON OIL TANKS, BETTLESIO PANE, corrza STEAK PiPZ, BOLLn% KILL STACKS. And SHEET IRON WORK, For Steamboat'. JAB= M. ...... D. situ= JARED M. BRUSH & SON, KANWPACTODXII.I3 Or Steam Boilers, Oil Stil s, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORE. &O. 61 .Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVE'S, CASTINGS, &c. THE BEST: STOVES. A. BRADLEY & CO. Manufacturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, TO BE POUND IN THE STATE. Sole Agents for the celebrated Base Burning °neater Stoves and nrnaces for Hard Coal or, Coke. Best In the World for Parlor, Office, Store or arch. Fire needs no rekindling—burns all win ter. Do notbay until you see or send for Circular. No. 30 WOOD STREET. Our Agents for Orientals—DEalMLEll, - BROS., St.; GEO.IIIIBLEY, Allegheny City. BIM! HUGUS . 00„ ma3o7AoTtraiso or sissy VAEIXTT Or 1108707 COOKING RANGE, "WE FIERY, j FIJRNACE," Fos W.t4UUNG RIIILDINGS. THE NEW. ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, CaS li9Ul t raV i irtit 9 VL STE lns trl TSZII RANGE CAST IRON MANTLEn _ELLMAN'S REF w.ECTOR,IIRATE,S free trom dist, stud dust.; Gd.A.TE FRUNTS, FENDERS, •ac. 206 and 208 Liberty Street, seZs:yll PITTSBURGH, PA. COOK STOVE& CET ?Ht BEST. • , it CO.'S FOR BIT UFO COOL. Warranted to Cook, Bake 'Or Road as any other wove to the BLISELL- & 004 No. 285 Liberty Wreet- Ll PALtrapif !c. COAL AM) COKE. COAL! COAL!! .COALItt DICKSON STEWART NO. F 567. LIBERTY STREET, Matelibity irlok )14:1410:60inOrat008. A re now •Plnd to'nuntsbiLooa•YOUol l l9. - . engin Lux% HUT COAL urBeLAOKi at fa t H teorket ales All orders lerrsr * their °Wee, Or adiiiesiet them through the snail, will be attended brostotir, STONE. . • - WEST COMMON Argehipe.fitonti - • An Northwest conieref West (knifteort, Tre.- istienw• ,IFRINCD,K ALTVATZ4 41 . ° O. HATO On bead or Prepare on abort notice Heart h and. Step, Stones, fl ags nil' Sidewalks,. Buller' Vaults, Ste. •Head and Tomb Stones,/lib Orders promptly assented, price seasonatwa STMWMM. 4,500,000 SEVEN PER CENT, GOLD BONDS, THIRTY YELLS TO RIJN, ISSUED' BY The Lake . Superior and Mississippi River Railroad Company. THEY ARE A FIRST MORTGAGE SINKING FEND B ND, Unitedll Free of United St s Tax, SECURED B ONE MILLION SIX HUNDRED AND THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS. And by theßailroad, its Rolling Stock, and the Franchises of the Company. Double Security & First Class Investment In every respect, yielding in Currency nearly TEN PER CENT. PER ANNUM. • Present Price, Ninety-five and Interest. Gold. Government Bonds and other Stooks re ceived In payment at their highest market price. Pamphlets - and fall tntormation given on ap plication to JAY COOILE &. CO., No. 114 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. E. W. CLARK dik CO., No. 35 South , Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Fiscal Agents of the Lake Superior & Mississippi River Railroad Co. IRA B. MoVA! & CO.l SEXPLE & JONES, JAMES T. 13411 Y & HART, CAUGHET & CO. mhLl:l96 FORT PITT BANKING' COMPANY. . No. 169 Wood - Street. CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, DRILLERS IN GOVERNMENT BEOURITIZEI AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. CollecUoss =de on all accessible points is the Malted States and Canadas. DIRECTORS , : • D. Hostetter, Jno. C James Cordon, Robt. H. Kalg, .• D. Wallnee, Andrew Miller, Z. Fawcett, I James M. Batley. ISABI'L.DIeCIIIBILA.N, Preen. D. LEET WILSON. Cashier: NATIONAL BANK OF COEIERCE, • Cor. of Wood and Sixth St& A. PAT TERSOA= JOll. H. HILL CAPITAL, : $500,000. DIREGTORS: L. Patterson, George W. Oa's, Wtn. H. Brown, It H. Palmer Chu. Lockhart, Wm. Douglas," Dan. B. Davidson, Wm. Reed. W. d. Haven, DISCOUNTS DAIL T. AT U A. U. HART;CAUGHEY & co., BANKERS ANL ' BROKERS,_ Garner - Third and Wood Streets, vrx , Temstatoxi, Pb., anrcONS43oil4 TO HANNA., HART a C 0..) Daalatae Exchange, Coin, .Coupons, had particular attention paid to the purchase • and We of GOVERNMENT BONDS. larima Sight Dra i kto on I:ondon. ISOLSIES & SONS, ." 334.1431%.3111=1.61, 57 Market Street; - przwrminrncan. g ° l l 4i ade n thernwairou 4 " tt B23 ttatt e st°9 l l o Mouda "Rd other 800 . Witie B BOUGHT AND SOLD ON 43610sesiciN. , , datuarlmeauckap,kl to the m otion salt United States SeouritteS. 'DOIIB . - -SAVINGS - - After the First of-March Next, - - Will be closed on • WEDNESDAY 'EVENINGS And open ditty from 9 O'clock A. 9. to 3 o'clock P. Y., and on Saturday Evenings.' feleseity • J. , elnwr - MATT jarINT & 131LITT,, - AxgatTraTtritAL Alp) ORNAMENTAL, CARVER.' 16.11 tanduoky 2L r A. large assortteent of NEWEL POSTS .and ' BALUSTERS constantly OlL.hand. of all descriptions, done. - . QOM! CEMAL AND ITICION PACIFIC RAILWAY BONDS, The cheapest Investment now in the market for sale by si PI • IkElEsit r rAZ, •Corner tIFTH AVENUE h WOOD STREETS: Also. dealer In Government Bonds. Gold and Coupons !and European Exchange at' market rates. ! de= JAS BRADY C o ., T . (*tamers to 8. _JONES & C 0..) Corner Fourth, and Wood " Sts., IEI AL I%IT 1E...11/ 113, BUY AND. SELL ALL KINDS OF GOTERNIIENT SECURITIES, . fi0LD,.5.111331 . KO. COUPONS, 01 - MOST FAVORABLE TERM,,,. lir Interest Allowed on Deposits. wzr Money loaned ; on Goveinment Bonds it lowest mirket rates: Order?) executed for the Purchase and Sale of .STOCELS, BONDS and GOLD._ JAMES T. BRADY & CO. Vtstutij Gairth. FINANCE AND TRADE!, OFFIOE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, 11 MONDIT, March 29, 1869. . . The increase in our imports during the present imonth, and the great reduction of the aVailable gold in the market for ordinary, buidness purposes, have ad vanced the premium to-day 35 per cent. . despite the tightness of the money mar ket. Unless the May interest is clandes , finely anticipated by some large houses, the entire amount of gold now in the' bankit will be used during the first half of next month for custom house pur poses. We sa y clandestinely, because a general Eutticipa4on of the,May coupons . would uot relieVe the present demand .for gold; for the, reason that nearly all the coupon bonde are held by Europeans and nobody would profit by it. But the foreign capitalists, even our own resi dent forign bankers, could not profit by it, as the gold so received would have to be shipped to Europe and our own investor in registering bonds would have to wait to Hay next. All the possi ble good derived from such a measure would L e a rapid advance of the' gold premium, and an increased export of our produce and cotton. Government bonds declined about M per cend from Saturday's quotations, with a Very." -dull market and more sel lers than! buyers. To-morrow and Wed nesday is likely to see a further decline, for want: of means by speculators to carry their bonds, or to buy for a rise. The continued drafts - on the eastern banks ior currency have drained these institutions to such an extent, that they are no longer able to - carry their friends' bonds, even at an enormous rate of in terest. The balance ,of this week is likely to witness as tight, a money mar ket as we ever had. Although banks, bankers and prudent merchants are pre pared for it In time, it is only the im provident who always come in at the latest heur, that will have to pay for their want of forethought. • • Stooks {were well sustained and even higher than last week. The principal support ' ,of the market are the clique of the Eriel Railroad with their brokers' connections, and the large 'speculative \banking firm of Smith, Gould dt Warson. These parties have borrowed money at cheap rates, and carry all the decks they hold throng any kind of money market. Epress shares were firm, Mining shares more active and , some miscellaneous shares ' were inquired 'for at-the decline. Business dull; money twelve per cent. Quotations as • received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 131%; Silver, 125; Eighty one's' 1153. 2 '; Five Twenties, 1862 v. 118; do 1864, 113%; do 1865, 115 M; do " 1865, Consols, 112%; do 1867, 112%; do 1868, —; Ten Forties, 105; New York Central, 159 M; Erie, —; Reading, 91%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne dt, Chicago Railroad - 1123%; Ohio 4St Mississippi, 32%; Michigan Southern, 95%; Cleve land dr, ", Pittsburgh, 89 ; Chicago dt Rock Island, 181%; Chicago it North Western, 83%; Chicago dt North Western Preferredi. , 91%; Adams Expre ss Com pany, 59; Merchants' Union Express, 1535; , Pacific) Mail, 91, 3 •,“ Western Union Telegraph Company, 873,; Gregory, 2,90; Quartz. Hill, _,9o;.Corydon, —; Smith 6t Parmlee, 1,75; W. Am. Express 41. LSI Toligraiii. to ihWPlttsbuiih Gaietee:l NEW YORK, March 29,1869, Money active and: etrlngiint at 7 per cent, Jug Old, and the same in currency, with' comthiSsions . of Lamy, 'per cent. Bankacalled in loans freely, owing to the great demand for currency- from . the in terior. There' - were some heayy, loans notid or -inorrow and:indication* point to a taeyere week , in the , money) market. City banks are getting dowp to their legal p reserve and are cautious. Doubts area ntertained whether the heavy shipmentielogal _tenders to Philadel ‘phiklbr lime' days pact, have - been en; tfrely satisfy legitimate demands. Discounta.,dulll at 10@12 per cent. The statement: made Saturday relative to the Michikain Southern and Erle roads, wall somewhat incorrect. , The Erie - in January, 1888, made a contract with the Michigan Southern. by which'the former was to build a from Akron to Toledo, and the latter .to lay a third - raft from Toledd 'CblPaito• J The.:64littaet good, but nothing has yet been done to carry it into effect. • • Sterling is dull at 8% ®B;.< per cent. for sixty - day, bills; aatt:B,obB)4 per cent. for sight and cable transactions. `.. ,7 - Gold was firmer „aiad opened at attly a . ,, and Closed, at 181%©131%, cash. , Geld scarce, and the rates paid for borrowing': was '2 per cent. apd 1-84 and flat, and, for carrying 2.31;244 and 146 per cent. Governments - dull and WWI" per cent. lower/, • The offirings . , •Seemdesigned'. ' rather to make quotations. than low .. , • Coupons of 'Bl, 115g®115 3 / 4 ; d. '62,118%®1173;.d0., '64, 113 3 / 4 01114; do. '65, 115%®115 3 / 4 ; new do., 112%@113; do. '67, • 112. 3 / 4 ® 113; do. '68,;112, 2 4®113; 1040 s, 105 ® ; Pacific Sixes, 104 g ®lO-:U. State Bonds are dull; Missouris 8734; old Teunessees 64%®65; new do. 610 64g; old North Carolinas 63@63g; new do, 57g®58. The stock market during the morning was feverish, yet considering the high rates for money prices were well sup ported by principal holders of leading shares, and were fortified against a stringency by time loans. The market continued dull and heavy most of the day until late in the afternoon, when Prices fell off a little, and closing heavy. 5.30 Prices—Cumberland, 33 1 4; Wells Express, 30%®31; American, 403 ®41%; Adams, 68 3 / 4 ®5834; Merchants Union, 15®1634; Quicksilver 19 3 / 4 ®20; Canton, 583y©59; Pacific Mail, 9035®90 3 / 4 ; West ern Union Telegraph, 37%(438; Mariposa, 18%; do. preferred, 34 1 4 ®39/; New York Central, 159 3 / 4 ®1591; Erie, 343/ 4 ®35; Hudson, 138®138 1 {; Harlem, 1353,®136f Reading, 91g ®9ll/; Terre Haute, 36® 38; Wabash, 66 43 / 4 ®67; St. Paul, 70 3 / 4 ®71; do. preferred, 78}i®78g; Fort Wayne, 123%®123 3 / 4 ; Ohio dr Miasisaippi, 32g®321,; Michigan Central, 118; Pitts. burgh, 88; Toledo, 106g®106 3 / 4 ; Dick Island, 131®131g; Northwestern, 82M,® 83; do preferred, 91g®91%; Burlington and Quincy, 172; Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & Indianapolis, 65; St. Joseph, 117; Dubuque dr. Sioux City, 114 3 / 4 ; Lake Shore, 106 3 / 4 . Mining Shares dull. Copper Stocks at Boston—Coppe'irann 9; Franglin, 16; Hancock, 4; Minnesota, 2: Quincy, 20. Receipts at the Sub-Treasury, 12,178,- 835; payments, $2,305.468; balance, 194,- 463,151; specie imports for the week, 11,- 995,945. ALLEGHENY CATTLE- MARKET. OFFICE OF PITTSEUROK GAZETTE,) - • MONDAY, March 29, 1869. .5 3,1441 , CATTLE—There was a lirger suppl of Cattle on sale to=day; 'than mull): • about nine hundred and thirty head, and with only a moderate demand, the mar- . ket was a very dull one, and when • we left the yards, at ten o'clock A. sr.; it looked as if . there wonld - be a good many left over unsold. - There was little or no inquiry forehipment, and, as ‘. already noted, the supply way too large for the butchers, ; though - the stock on sale, as a :neral thing; was rather .bet ter than I t week, and the most fastidi- • ous butcher had no difficulty in being f 'suited. In regard to prices, there is but little change compared with last week • the fact is, Cattle are too high in th' country to admit of any decline herd; without the seller. sustaining a loss, an. the trade is in a very unsatisfactory eck dition for both drovers and hutches though that could be , desired for stock growers. There is another drawbaok in this ix, ket, and that is the credit system, a the great diffimity in making coL. tions. It seems, impossible to do nese regularly ere without selling tat" or less on time, and this generally . sults in the creation of some bad deb. butchers, as a class, • are good pay, nc withstanding they are sometimes, ilk+ other people, hard-up and coniPelled,, occasionally, to ask time. We are in formed that one firm, sold 64,700w0rth of stock last Monday, on which less than three hundred dollars were collected. S. Lowensteine 18 Chicago steers, at 6,75@7,60; J. Kauffman 6 head mixed stock; Stakelv. Bro. 15 head mixed, at 5 to 7; L. Rotbchilds 32 Chicago steers, at 736@834; A. Katz 14 head Chicago bulls, at 5@634; 18 head steers, at 6 1 .4.@73/ 4 ; J. Needy 37 Chicago steers, at 6@834; Haas Kraus 35 Chicago steers, at. 6,4@7%; Greenwald &Kahn 57 do o, at 7,@834; M. Verner 34 mixed stock at 634@8; C. Metz 4 head, heavy Washington Co. oxen averaging about 1,700, at 834; I. Zeigler 21 Chicago steers, at 7@7%; Jas. McAllister 12 Ohio cattle, at 834(4)8x; L. Keefer 32 Chicago steers, at 6y,458; Hazlewcod Blackstook 50 head Ohio and lowa steers, at .534©834; P. Hartman 18 Chicago steers, at 634@734; Traurman Lobman' 80 do do, at 6,80(4)8,00; S. Marks dr BrO. 58 mixed stock, at 734@)8,i; L...t J. Shamberg 80 head mixed stock. at 1483‘; Holmes, Lafferty do Co, 235 head-only sold 50, at 634@834; balance drove over to Central Yards; Smith ..t -Blue 21 head cows, heifers and •bulls,. at s@6g; Nicholas Carr 18 head, at 634 @B/p Hedges 3c Taylor 51 from Ohio, at 6@)7y4. SHEEP—The supply of Sheep al thougu light, was nevertheless larger than it has been for several weeks past, and, at; present prices, considerably in excess of the demand. There werebut very fewgood Sbeep; 'the •great bulk of the offerings consisting of poor and cioni monish track; not the kind that our best butchers are accustomed to buying. .The sale* reported were as follows: J. Davis sold 84 head; Beaver county stock, for Meanor, at an average of 7 cts. Alexander sold 187 head from Mercer county; at'B2 per head, to 6 cts per pound. Adam Eckert 35 head from Armstrong county, at 53.4. Etneriek dr Co. 55 head from Ohio, at 7 @734. Stakely & Bro. 54—unsold. James Shaw 67 bead—expected:to aver age 6 eta ,C. H. Moulton sold 28,' at 534; Charles Metz" 45, head trent Washington , . co uhtn averaging 109 lbs at 634; John Kerwin 45, at 5(473.4. HOGS—Thivnaarket is dull in conse quence of the warm wpatiter. r wilich usu ally, restrieta ;the, , retail demand. retail way, prices may be given at 11®18 cts gross, for: common' to prime heavy averages. Dry Goods 'Market. NEW YORK, Mar ch 29.—The weather is inclement, but neVertheless' there is a a fair inquiry for seasonable styles at the low rates prevalent: Ellenton D Brown Muslin is ' reduced to 12 c, And Slater's bleached do do Bic.. - In'. other, choice ' goods ( ilterelO - 4404iiii0Aszt, 'ohatige'ed .quest at .1.134®123g0i for , "AnitAkeag.' Richmonda and: Spragues .heavy 'Sheet fogs bring 1 0® 15 341101830,40414e for secondi." Sbitidattir 170. Pipka.Cottonades rule lowat 180 ,t0,27e. Cotton Yarns are 'in good supply mid' fah,requeat at 1. :‘‘440c, ;but jobbing at 41r12X4f. Carpet Warps i are in_good re eat and &cid blonds' job at 2@2m43 ea illeilttes are active at 6234 c fort Hansdales fancy. Viroolens, .ji Sprinig weights, are plenty add 'dune tndfket ; is depressed. Crashes and Linen clothings are dull and heavy; fine linen fabrics are less plenty and firm in prices as are Silks - aud Irish , :Puplins, whibh •X rule steady': Black Alpaccas are in good re=" quest at 85c@51,05, Blikalto Poplins, in mixtures, ale In good demand at 41,25 to $1,20 for 20 and 28 inch. . . Tor. Enc; March 29.4-Mbar dull‘ Wheat inactive; wither' bpinled "itt r TIM and closed lc lower; No. 1 white Michigan 2103 bettar, seUing.i at 81,72%; No. 2 red $1,81; No. 1 MiEnni red $1,35. Corn le lower; No. 167 c; No. 2 63, 1 ,0, °lasing witik; btAyers of No. 1 at 6730. , Oaks quiet an unchanged. at 60e for No. 1:: Rye steadyi at e1;t0 for No. 1. Barley. Anil. Re ceipts-4,800 bbls flour; wheat, 16,600. bush. corn, 12,600 buah.