A v , l-al-••*e,rAtwoaa 4+ •.q.4!l: El I c ZIECEI THIS TUESDAY EVENING. In GRACE , crruncrir, Mt. Wasbington, for the ben , tit of the Church. Mr. W. DlGtrr, Jr., Di rector, Mrs. Ida BIEDERMASS. planiste. TiCkets 50 cents. • • • ldh30;01 rirLECTURE. : MI MRS. BICL•AY, Of Chicago,will deliver a Frce Lecture before the Ladles of Pittsburgh, THIS AF rEHNI.ON. at, 3:3o;a t heoward's Cburch. Penn St.on "The Causes o r Early Physical D , Mine of American Woman ' and How to Traln Children to secure to them Th e. higuest Physical, Moral and Mental Beauty:" mhlo MEMBERS OF. THE G. B. A. Yon are hereby notified to assemble at fie Webster etreet "chool Hoes Allegheny. TUESDAY, Ma-ch awn, at lA o'clock In lull itegMla and crane on the left arm, to attend the Ihneral of Brother H. B. WILLIAMSON, from hls residence on Fedsral street. HArtar KiNstit, MOSES HOWARD, Prest Ss rgeant.at.Arms, S. A. NZALE, Secretary. pro. tem. ALLacumer. March H, .18C9, • 4 CADEMY OF SCIENCE. 101 Federal Street, Allegheny, (Savings Rant dlng.)• Spring tetin begins MONDAY APRIL :5 h, 1869. For circulars, itc., apply to 1030 R. S. 'ROBB. A. fit.. Prin. DENTAL NOTICE. Di. SPENCER, No. 11154 Penn street, annonn; ces to hts patients and those desiring DENTAL OPERATIONS, that his Milne will remain open Until Wo'clock every nicht NOTWE II OF ' DISSOLUTION. The Partnership heretofore existing between '\the underslimed, is '6001". This Day Dissolved By mutual consent. Either partner will sign in llquldatioit. mh3o:gi4l FOR SALE. WEST END DWELLING OF TWELVE ROOMS, with wash home, bath ' room, large cemented cellar, hot air, furnace.. ,marble mantles, hot it,.d cold water and gas ,marble . mantles, bowie. Finished in the most thorough manner, with all modern conveniences. Lot 50 by. 155. with fruit,. shrubbery Cud flow. era. Stable and carriage house on rear of lot, accessible by a twelvefoot payed alley. Situate on Liaeoln avenue , near West Commons Alie-• • gh fly—the moat desirable neigbborbooeln the , cRy Price and terms made known on applying GEO. W. HURLEY. , m1330:69 I ' f. N THE DISTRICT COURT OF • THE UNITED STATES FOR THE WEST - N DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. . MILL/AM GIBSON', a bankrupt under the Act I .l Congressof March Std,lB6l; having applied for discharge from all his debts, and other claims ovatue under said Act. by order of the Court,' 44 , whine is hcrebip given to all Creditors who hive o s y p e oe d t a h r eir on de ta bts e ,4attand o d tp y er or pemm y s . ln it t s e o re u st , l a d ; lO'clock P. Y., before JOHN N. PURVIANCE. ig.. Register In tßankraptcy, at his office, No. 10 Federal street, -Allegheny city. Pa:, to show ... 'aim, if any they have; why a discharge should ..i at, be granted to the said bankrupt. • , 4' I , S. C. fficCANDLESS. !,,1 d o. Cl er k of U. S. District Court for sato District. '',.' 1, •1 m:O7.T • .. : 'T, THE DISTRICT COURT OF - •,. ••• THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE WEST ', ~,,i • N DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. • ' ''' JUAN M. APPEL. a Bankrupt. , under the •„. o .qt: act of Congress of • /larch 2d. 1.807, haring ' 2 . applied for a discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, by order 1 otfo r th wCo u ha no t p e o ve d hereby gevtn to A nl orhdr persons interested, to appear on the 4th . day of . • 3IAT. 'lBO9, at 10 o'clock A, M.. before I JOHN N. PURVIANCE_ , Esq.. Register in • . Bankruptcy, athis office. No. 118 Federal street. . Allegheny city. l'a. , to show cause, if any they I have, why a discharge should not be granted to ii the said bankrupt. t. i ~__ S. C. McCANDLESS. Clerk of ti. S.' District Court for said Distria . ii _mhao g47-v, 11; : . El NOTICE OF CO - PARTNERIHIP. The endersisrned have, this day formed a co partnersldp under the name and style or R. SELLEUS & co., and 1111-contlnne the Provision and Laid OH bn a4kess 13 fteretotore. P. BELLER, • Plrrsntraccr, March 10, 18160.1" DURSIthA3O2I)I:gIS. Ile a tllF 'STYLES OF WRITING AA PAPERS. for Authors, ReporterB, Clergy men end Lawyers. .he perforated sermon and manuscript paper bare gained such rapid and ex tensive popularity thatnve herewith present our list: No. 'Author's manuscript, size 0 by 10, gat etmt, with two perforations at the top of each sheet, in ream boxes, 82,25; No 2 in ttibutor's manuscript, size .5 by /0, Hat sheet, with one perlhration a t the top, is ream boxer.. $2.00; No. 3 Editors manuscript, same size as No. S, thinner, $1,20; No, 4, sermon mote paper, size by 0, Hat sheet, with two, per forations at side. with ease, in ream boxes, $2,80. No. 5 sermon bath, size 7 by EIS Hat_ per forated same as No. 4, with case, In ream boxes. $3,95: No. 6 legal cap, best qualitylX the ream, in half ream wrappers , $7:00: serm on wows, enamelled cloth, 30 cents: sermon cases Tit: key morroco, silk lined, S2,HO. • • JOSEPH HOILVER, • BOOKSELLER AND-STATIONER, zokao:rrue. No. 28 Smithfield ofreet. 111 t; IRON CITY lUTUAL LIFE, INSURANCE CO Of Pennsylyartia. Office, 75 Federal St., Allegheny City • • . . DIEtECTORIIs ' Mon. JAMES L. ORAHAM, Rev. J. R. CLARK. D. D., Capt. R. ROBINStiN, - Rev. A. IL' BELL_.D., Res. S. H..lizoßlT, Dal., • - W. A. REED, Cashier Allegheny Trait Cr. JACOB RUSH. Real Estate Agent, SIMON DRUM. Mayor of Allegheny, 4 C. W. BENNY. Ratter, , ' A. 8. BElLL,Attorpepatqatii, D. L. PATTERSON Lumber Merchant, D sitiritß-limarinoe Arent. , ••• G' P. WratelllkNltOßli Eire . _ps • gaerv..J. t CLAM.K.,Ei.D., vlcirgire sifl ar . dexiii JACO], Rllllll, , lleeretary,.- , 4'• , . C. W. alf.llMllr. - Wrounnrer. , . • M. W. IVRIT7I, MiDIoAL AiV181:11. . .'' • • ~ . DMA ; wean, Gen:u *gild: '. .... ... . .. .. • nu Is a nontecaumaiyieondubted on the mutual • umaulPri• CAA. Dollar holder, receleingan equal • share of t e.nrOdts Or the Comziany • .P011cles• mill be -homed oit 'all theillfferent plani or Life Insurance. mud tleinglono acted on an 'eounoinl eat . nisei& will ,atford• n. rate Investment to er. policy bolder, and 'thereby relent 'the moue atl bea n o to extuoritochome industry. ' 1 mh 2 l4 . _ ' NEW RATS CAPS, . • - Jur Rzcarian AT XeCORD & 181 WOOD STREET. • ILIAOLE COTTON MILLS—Tule*, ilatAY ;VIC NO; it fah tato, at 7}6 otoloet. I on second door of lkinithet Mal Silt* Root of, Isoo i limlttifield street. br order or it; W. Msehey, A. 1 stgneit of Joshua Rhodes 41t Co., yi.lik rupts, w in 4 N. sold I 1 3to Shares Bogle Cotton Milts 'Company. mhite:lßT Al liciLlyADIE, auctioneer. fr nah7A:g4s xn1130:g75 7. SELLERS, R. OWENS, J. L. DUNSEATH No. 8 Federal atiee JOSEPH HORNS it CO., Notions, White Goods, _ Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Embroideries, Laces and Lace Goods, Boulevard and Balmoral Skirts, Hoop Skirts, Corsets, Millinery and Straw Goodß, Hats, Bonnets, - Ribbons, Flowers, Sundowns, To be found in the city, and which will be gold at the VARY LOWEST RATES Cash and Short Time . Buyers na 77 AND 79 MARKET STREET. .13 ANTHRACITE COAL ! • THE .IRADDOCICS FIELDS • Gas Coal Company Rae this day been appointed SOLE AGENTS tor . townsrgb and Allegheny Coals and an : roqnd a for toe sale of ot, he Peuntylva nia and Ohio Anthracite Coal and Transporta tion Company. onParties In want of asn erlorgnalUyorAnthra al from Eastern alines .. wid do well to call t Coal General Ofilce and Yard—CORNER OF AN DERSON ST . and P. Ft. W. A C. B. 8., Alle• sheny. B - anch Office ind Yard—LIBEBTY, opposite Srrnorwrtt STREET, 'Pittsburgh. Postoelce Address, Box 881 Pittsburgh. • J. D. MAHON, • - Rupeyinteldent Penna. - k Oblo inthrtelte Coal and Tranaportation Co., No. 1109 4 F.OURTH AVENUE, Pittsburgh, WO: , STEM-WINDING WALML.M WATCEIES. These Watehelare of the well•lcnown of Phan atyte,!and warranted to male/ the most enoling ttenuand for. beauty, finish_ and arming. - „ 'rine utsitiqatitari of Watehea of thig . aide 'quality is not 'even attempted 'in this eousitly except at Waltham. . . . ' SALE By • • •J. it REED & CO.,' : • • : - ALTHADV WATCHES' 84 Plate, 16 and 20 MEN. , To the manufacture otthese fine Witches the Company have devoted all the science aud skill In Mit an at their command, 'and confidently °Latin that for.fineness and beauty, no less than forte greater excellencies of mechanical and Id gatifie correctness of dostga and execti•lon, these waPhes are unsurpassed anywoere. .Im thl s . country the matistfactm eof thole doe grade of Watches ls mot even attempted. except at Waltham: FOB BALE BY • B..arrevoz & CO. ' Xlbi: . . HIED • lIIED FIIITITS..-- C HOICE : Halves Peaches. Peaches. Choice Third Peaches, Pee Quar c l i ,Praches. New Toiler Prune. New Cara ant IP W Vatencla and Layer Rlds lei . at WATT, LA 9 & Cv.,'172 & 174 Wood Si. inhao e4OBIIIEN OHEESE —ll.oo' Boxes Cholto Kew 'York Cutting Cheese, at LANG & 17* & 17* Wood &greet. uin3o NEW ADVERniiitmw JAY COOKE & CO., 334salt.e.ra, .114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, THIL+DELPHI A. STOCKS and BONDS of all descriptions bought and sold. Special attention given to the p t urchase and sale of Government Securities, ETNA IRON WORKS SPANG, CHAWANT & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Iron, Nails, Boiler Plate, AND . WROUGHT IRON TUBES , HAVE REMOVED To Their New Warehouse, &LUMEENT r CITY, Corner of Sandusky street and the West Penna. and Pittsbnrgh. Ft. Wayne & Chicago Rahway's, where they are prepared to fill orders promptly. Postoffice address, PITTSBURGH, PA. m11.304(30 POSITIVE SALE OF • FINE FURNITURE CA RPETS, AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Tuesday, March 30th, At Masonic Hall Auction Rooms.- 56 and 37 Fifth avenue, will. be sold without reserve, a lugs usortment of furniture. carpets and house hold goods, as follows: At 10 A. sc.. a general assortment of Ititchen Utensils, Fine Cutlery. Spoons, silver Ptated, Ware, ClgarsOloaps. Vti• aeons Blinds, • At /1 A. st., thirty cases Concentrated Lye, (Pennsylvania Salt Company manufseture.) At /1 - A. Sr.. special sate of new and second hand Carnet:. embracing .gbout fifty nieces of all-Wool two-ply Ingrain. Nag, Hemp, and Stair Carnets:, Alter whim kitchen, cane and cuthion seat chatmwardrobes. cupboards, sofas,lonnges, hat ranks etages. and marble top wash stands, plain and marble top dressing bureaus, tete-a tails'', new husk. cotton an halrinattruses, sev eral line feather beds. &c. Sc. Precisely. one fine six stop Mason & Hamlin Organ, two Pianos, one Seven Octave Chickering. almost new, and one Frederick Blume. Also. wa ln ut Melodeon. fine tone: Plain and oiled chamber snits. Parties baying fernttnre to'distrtse of will send In on or before att en t i on .ay evening. We would invite special to this aa le, &emu of the fur niture Is entirely new and very line . . H. B. SMITHSON & CO. mh27 Auctioneers. .43. 1 T° BUYERS WILL FIND THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF = E3l NEW -A..IM3,IIEfirENTS. FOURTILIJELT, 4869, APPLI r.',ATIONS TO"SELL LLQUURS, tiled In the C:triVe °Dice. • - . • Henry Shaler, tavern, , lst ward: Fred. Jacobs. tavern, Ist wird; wm; roll. ck, tavern, ltst ward: - Chas. Qulan, tavern, Ist ward: • Geo. Free, tavern, Ist ward; Htniel McCafferty tavern, Ist ward: Henry Schild, tavern, let ward: Wm. Kr, oeger tavern. Ist ward; - 'Martin Scnueti•lavern, ..- - . - MaitinJoyee, tavern, 1-sw a rd; David Retch, tavern, tav e rn s , 3 d ReinnartUllrich, tavena, 3d ward; Jas: - McCafferty, tsvern, 31 ward; B. Gatlisath, tavern 3d ward: Rudolph Bechtold, tavern, 4th ,•wr.rd; GMoin eMe M a s n he y v ta n e r4.t h 4 twhwdr d- ; Morgan R. Bryon, tavern, 4th ward; John Getty, Levert", 4rh ward. S. H. Watson & Co., other'stootTs. 4tb ward Littell & Mechling, other goods. 4tn ward: Charles Bilharz. tavern, 5:11 ward; /Edward vcGarr, tavern, sth ward; Lucinda Put ress; tavern. Sib ward; -t• Jameal. 'Wiggins, tavern, 9th-ward: - I Daniel Shields, tavern, Elth ward: Mary..K unsure, tavern. 9tn ward; Win J. elein tavern, tavern ward; AdantVeitmeler, tavern. Oth ward: i nosing, tavern 9.l.ward: . Henry Fuchs. tavern, 9th wvrd; Josep Mankls, edittng how e. tith ward; Owen Mayan, tavern, 10th ward; John den:abridge, tsv. en, 10th ward; John Schreiber tavern, 10th ward: CornelluaShecaan, eating souse, 10th ward; John Frederick. eating house, 10th warn; D. Gallagher, tavern, llth ward; Phil..Senaneenbach. tavern, /Ith ward; Peter Kattenborn, eating house, 11th ward; G. Voltet, tavern. 19th ward; J. G. Hommel, tavera, - 14th ward: . J. P. Pearson, tavern, 18th ward; Mich. Berger, tavern. 15th ward; " John Thalheimer,...tavarn, 15th ward; 311.11. WlllianlQ. tavern. ldth ward: F, .1, Lanth, tavern, 15th ward; Miry Waidler,- tavern. 15th ward: - Jacob Gurentlorf, l6th ward; WM. R. McKee. e atingouse. 16th ward; Hannah Donaldson, tavern, 17th ward; John Kelly, tavern, 17th ward. ALLEGHENY. mh3O Hugh Callahan. tavern, Ist ward;- - Jas. Getty, Jr., .tavern, Sd ward; ' Adam Heyl, tavern, 3,11 ward: Mich- Grogan, tavern. 3.1 ward; Henry , -ork, tavern, 3d ward; ' JohnOffman. tavern, 3d ward; Hoffmann, tavern, 3 ward; John Myer, tavern. 3d ward: Theo. Hueskin; tavern. 3d ward; . Hess. tavern, 3,1 ta v ern 3d Sauer, tavern, 3,1 ward; - F. Richter, tavern, lid ward; Chia. itechrlg, tavern. 341 ward: Schuler, tavern, 3d ward; J. Prnettlue, tavern, 3d ward: C. Gelb. tavern, 3d ward; V. • Benyer, tavern 3d ward' J. Schirmer, tavern, 3d wart; C Sctillerback , eating hou ,3d ward; H. He rat, eating house, 3d ward; Isaac stern other go. di., 3! ward: Keyaert s.Wernert, othr r goods, 3d ward: Bich. 1111.1er. tavern, 4th ward; A. Glaaser, tavern, 4tb ward; . F. tavern. 4th ward; A. G. Elders, tavern, 4th ward; George Garber, ',Mtn, •fttiWard; 'Anna Froelich, tavern, 4th ward; John Miner, tavern, 4th vra•d; Charles Jacob, otherg.nds, 4th ward; Adam Gilg, tavern. 51h wird; Val. Denhard, tavern, 6th ward; • Fred. out tavern, taver n 6th W. SouthWard,' tavern, ward: John liamliton, tavt-rn 6th ward! Wagner, tavern.' goods,,ard; H. Reddenbsch. other 6th - ward; Joseph Blersteln, tavern, 7th ward; W. Eberhardt. tavern, 7th ward; 'P. Bomberger, tavern. Ith ward: F. Stechae, ratite house. - 7th ward; G. FL-her. tavern, Sit ward; U. :school), tavern, Sth ward. BOROUGHS. H. Becker, tavern, Braddoek; V. Staaae, tavern, Birmingham; John Kammerer, tavern, Itirminghatti; Lewis Smith. tavern, Birmingham, Jos. Schneck. tavern, Birmingham; Gertrude Och, tavern, Birmingham: John Wlndstcln, tavern, Birmingham; J. Roth, tavern, Birmingham; • J. J. Haut, tavern, East Birmingham; John Groin, tavern, East Birmingham; J. A. Lipner, tavern, East Blrmingbain; Geo. ritrich, tavern, Last Birmin thm; Jac. Gowmci, tavern. Last - Birmingham: C. Feld. tavern, Is am Birmingham: J. Freudenrleh, tavern. East-Birmingham: It. Dietrich. tavern, East Birmingham; • H. Wilhelm, eating housc..East Birmingham Jos. LVtid, tavern, 31eKeesport; John Cain tavern, sicKeesport: D. m. Lindsay, other goods. McKeesport; L. Brucker, tavern. southlPlttsburgia; John. IG. Micah, other goods, South Pittab'gh Peter Bown, tavern, bharpsburg; Dennis Healer, tavern, Sharpsbure; J. A. Hart, other goods, bharpsbnrg; Geo. Trnby, tavern, Tarentum; T. J. Richartleon, 0. -goods, Temperanceville: TOWS/MIPS. Alex. Speer. terms:, Hampton: Jacob Madoery, eating honse,llbneh: G. W. Warren, tavern Marshall; Wm.Derson, tavern;Mlfli In; Peter Herres, tavern, .111181 n: Jos. Chlrerton, tavern. McClure: Chas. King. tavern Deserve: J. liartinan..vavern, Lower L. Clair. Howl. Platter & Co.e b. Lower St. Clair: P. S. Bogle, eating'bouse, Lower tit. Cirir; ,James Mcllinchy. tavern, ()Plea: • • Thos. Welsh, eating house, Union: Thol. Lawrence. tavern, Versailles;" J. H. Meyer, tavern, Wilkins. - the .Litmnse Board , will sit for beirini the above applications on WEDNASDAY, the 7th April, at 9 , o'clock A; M. JOHN O. BROWN. Clerk. mh3O•g4S . SPRING STOCK OF BOYS' CLOTHIWG NOW RitEIVING BY GRAY & LOGAN, hia 47 SIXTH STREET. (late St. Clair.) c) TRADE MARK. DITIIIIIDGE'S IMRE - PROOF . , Lamp I( °MIMS. A510:6126 WHAT , EVER I - ONE NEEDS A FLOUR That Will Ma ke Choice Bread at aliow Price. . . MEANOR HARPER Have succeeded In gettleg the best Wear at the t, price offered In, this market tor the last entirears. They warrant every barrel to give satistactlon, and it has never 'ldled Ina singleinstance to do so. Dealers will and It to their advantage to rye their W RITE .11SIC trial. Kept constant!, on hand 'at their Ware houselo, aFI9 LIBbatTIC STREET.pittsbnrgh. Pa. niti • -)xtYBll:itlc PoottEßY:'' ` Ica MI. C 0. 1 S 4fanulheturers o QUEENSWAItE. BiIISTOL WARE Alike.. °Mee and Warehouse. 383 LIBERTY STREET. airAn Gliders nrinnotlY allended td. oftOPOSALS--For the Erec tion;ef Banic•Builditig for DOliaf Saving!. Bank irlh . be reeelvei at No. 67 Ifoliith oventie, rowfl No. 3, second 'stem until the 27th inst. Piave and opocilleatlobo eon be seen - until the 20thInat., and ell Information given by • . ISAAC HOBBS & SONS, Architects. zonnirn JOSEPH ORHENS, • MANUYA.CTIIIIME Or WINDOW GLASS. Worelt”ge 7 No...*l.WooD STREET. nthlOiair Pitt/birch. 0011111 AND PEA urs.' 138 Backs Coen. 72 Pea Nuts. Now landing from steamer Kate Putnam, for sale . ' by nialAll DICKEY & CO. Int 24 ~ 186 4 f!,'.7•1 T't --• - =E. ' ZE_ - PI 118 BUR(ili. . 4 a 4 iP-AV - •-• ` ,l7 > ' O4OO WALL PAPE'S WINDOW SHADES, New and Handsome Designs NOW OPENING AT No. 107 Market Stree (YEAR FIFTH' AVENUE,) Embracing a Wire and carefully selected stock or the newest destine r.om the FINEST STAMP ED GOLD to the CHEAPEST ARTICLE known to the trade. All of which we offer at prices that will pay buyers to examine. JOS. 4. HUGHES .& BRO. mh23:g4l TAGGART & SIMEN, OPEAWrG Spring and Sumnier BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, NO. 129 FEDERAL STREE Allegheny. AGive us a call and be convinced of the Durabil ndnd .15..xtra Quality of wo go o d low prices. all will be satistied with aarticle at the lowest prices. BOOTS AND SHOES BADE TO ORDER. 1nb13:f47 MOTU PLAYED OUT! 1 4 ; 2 . 0 0. -TR ! S CAB" entitlts the bearer, on presentation, Ito TWO DOLLARS abatement on a lcub purchase of 018.00 at the great, cheap clothing house of: IS. 0. TRAIIIIIRALIN, I • ORIGINAL BIG NUMBER 11, Sixth Street, late St. Clair Nobody beat by this establishment, but fair dealing to all! Call and be convinced. All clothing plainly marked by printed cards, at LOWEST CASH PVICES, So that no one may be deceived. Remember the place, original big number 11, SIXTH STREET, late St. Clair. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS OF THIS! de2s:Tv-s S. 6. TRAITEILILLN.- IRON OITY SPICE AND MUSTARD HILL, Fifth Avenue, t near High St.,, STRIPKLER & MORLEDCE, Wholesale. Dealers 1n BOASTED COFFEE. Spides and Mustard. We'hall the attention of consumers to our EX CELSIOR s and ROA AST I OFIPEE , sold In one pound the market. packageRRANTED to be the very besein PktEoll CORN3IEAL ground All arti cles warranted to be of the best quality and de-- livered In the city free of charge. ISTRICHLZE & MORLEDGE,, mb26 Fiftkavenne, Pittsburgh, Da. .100 Wool, frrnmEr. ; NEW GOODS. , FINE ` --VASES, SOHEJELt‘ -AND CHINA. NEW STYLES DP42.4ll gr i hra, SMOKING SETS, GIFT CITFS, 4. large stook of SILVER PLATED GOODS of all descriptions, feel anLeit 4 g: ge7d faTid,t , bue slitewde. R. E. BREED dr, CO. 100 WOOD STREET ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. SOLD ONLY. HT • LEMON & WEISE. Practical Funaltare Jilaaufactorers, ates t 118 P01:111TH A.VENXTE. Where may be fulgelAttitrent of Par. SRA. SKA.7ItIB, ,SKATES. American Rink, New York Cln Empire, SUir, &c. et tie tie Wes's , lowest itaTESIDES' deli TO TXDERiL ST.. ALLEGFIIiNi. .< WESTERN LAND ADENCT. 70,000 Acres of Land for Sale, . . In :lows and Minnesota; Price from 113.00 to 113.00 per acre. Land bought and sold on oota. nussion• • Taxes paid; Titles examined; abstracts furnished; Surveying and Plotting done.. • Information ferillshed in reference te tonality, quality and valuation of land,. Ottanµ collect. lug business done. dddreas =3 arAnziprox, lOWA VIIESH SHAD: ItECEIVFiI A: dimly at BENJAMIN PITLPRESS' Popular r ith Stand, No. 43 Diafnond Market, Mils ku, gh, and at the 'Twin Cit,- Allegheny City, coiner of Ohio ant} Federal stret.. Can - be had all kinds of Sea and Lake fish, Halibut, Shad, Beak, Codfish.— fladilock and Eel. Also, largo supplies of White, LMte `Flab, Salmon, Sao, Stergeon. Herring and Afamnaw Trout, whick enables us to sell at the lowest market prices, wholesale or retail. We invite a ll lovers of Fresh Pub to give RS a cau, and we will Moor Hum A treat. • (Wm AND OF F°R good order T O-LEt • • DWELLING. The Residence and Grounds at present occu / pled by Hrs. Dr. Erazz on HIGHLAND AV ENtl4:Elari LIBER.IY. Good 'board walk to Pennsylvanlaiitallroad. Convenient house and pleasant location. Bent moderate. Apply to LOCKIIART, FREW . CO., IntLW:gn 174 Wood street. r r i O - LET--HOOMS.—In the new Butiding,lNo. 81 FOURTH AVENUE, be tween Wood end Market streets. ONE ROOM, 15 by 24 feet In the Second story, with tire-proof vault, suitable, for an office. TWO ROOMS In the third story.(which are connected.) one 22 by 48 feet, and one 15 by 18 feet, suitable for Societies, Library Oompanted, &o. All have good light and well ventilated, and eupuiled with gas: water, &e. Apply to LLOYD & SLACK, Kensington•Tron Works. tro-LET.I: • ' "VINE CLIFF," Homestead or fate Dr. It. A; Wilson, Mount Wealungton, *Man ten minutes walk of the city; an elegant Cottage House, with tower,con taining 10 rooms and cellar; with spring and cis tern water; entrance for carriage, etc.; now oc cupied by Mr. 10. T. Robinson, of the firm of Robinson, Read Co. Also, BRICEI ' DWELLING, No. 83 Third Avenue, containing 8 rooms and basement, to be completely repaired.., Inquire of HALL PATTERSON, Attontey-at• Law, 71 Grant street. , 2,000,000 ACRES Or CHOICE L ANDS FOR PALL BY TEE Union Pacific Railmid Company, zAspraii rimmost. Lying Woos the Bite of theit'xoad; at • • • • $l,OO TO 86,00 PER AMA' And on c OltiOni OP PO% Per Jr !!/! anreTAIIVZ • Land Cotemleettohee, YoPoha, Balsa' Or 111.141 a. isAXBoUN, ' St. 1271 CONIBEARE ANII,IIOIiVSON2S _ Life and Epis:les of St. Paul. The only Complete and Unabridged Edition. The Two Volumes of the London Edition's" one Volume, Sao, Willi the Text and Notes entire, 1,048 Pages, 17 Maps,and SS Engraviuga, at the Mined price of T UREE DOLLARS. _ Buy this Edition and do not watt for Agents to visit you. This edition of Conybeare and /101,80" and Epistles of St. Paul differs from ail others published in this country in giving nearly double the number of Maps and Illustrations (17 Maps And 89 Xdiravlngs); In oontxtuing the Text 'Notes of the original London edition entire, and In selling at the remarkably low price of .111 REE DOLLARS. For sate by C. WAT, mh2l:w::n:s • OR RENT.- 7 A LARGE HALL, corner of Fifth avenue and Smithfield St. OUTEIBERT SONS. B 8 Smithfield Wee:. CM lir 4140 TIOES- 66 To Let," • 'Per dale," "Lott,'". Walitt." "Inane'. 'Boarding, I , etc, nt esseedhsgwo es LINRIS each wilt he in ended in these columns onoi for TWBRTT-Flrli each additional line FIVE asyrs. WANTED---Ei.EILP WANTED -HELP.-AT KM. YLOYMENT OFFICE, No. 1 S. Clair Street, BO,lfe 4:11R1.8 and MEN, for different kinds of employment. Persons , wanting help of all kinds can be sunplied on short notice. Mil 'WANTS. WANTED.-01d1 Newiaplpers, • Rooks and Brqwn Paper a ve nue. nds. it C• P. MARKLE & CO.. 158 First • INTED—A few good agents at Dr, Ross , dteAcat Depot, No. - 219 St. C air Street, second story. . , WANTED =A 'few good. men to sell the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing' Ma chine on* salary or, commission. NO CAPITAL BEQULS.D. WM. SUMNER & CO., rittiburgh, Pa LOST $5O SaiIIar;AARCELTS TSDIAMO4?I7I 11INa, otlive stones. The ender will receive the thanks ot;the owner and above reward by leaving the ring at 114 s Mee, or J. R RILED Jc CO.'S Jewelry Store, Firth avenue. T os .—Retween Third avenue . Pittsburgh, and Stockton avenue, Age. gh.-ny, sometime last week, a GOLD SLEEVE eIITTONT, with a raised- black enameled Initial letter. t L.OO reward will be mild to Omfinder whowlll return It to the Glarrrix OrptcE. LOAN. LOAN ' TO ON $25:000 AND Br , /1/TGAGE ou Allegheny county property. Apply to cauFr PIIILL/PS. No. /39 Fourth Avenue. TO LET.) . MO LET—Frame House, live rooms. with hall and attic, on idanhattan street, Fift h ward. Allegheny City. inquire of , JOHNSTO s t r e e t ,HNSTON, No. 81 Diamond Pittsburgh. T O-LET.—ROOM, 40 by 105 2 4ge r n gligNAga r T n filtr and mo-LET—That THREE STOAT 1 It UILDING, N0..71 Logan street, contain ing eig. nt rooms and having large yard attached. Rent t4OO per annum. }lnquire of T. P. HOUS TON. GAZILVIIC OFFICE. L:T 0 -LET.--ONE STORE ROOM. FOUR BASEMENTS, well lighted and sbed. I OFFICES in the sseond story . t SLEEPING ROOMS itrthe third story, and ONE LARGE HALL. with two ante-rooms, in the fourth story of A. H. English a Co's new buildlni Fourth avenue. Apply teA. H. ENG LISH . CO., No. 29 Fifth avenue. 'DIOR RENT.—ROUSE.—For the some THREE - April Ist, 1569. that very.hata. some THREE STOR Y muur Dwzmarry HOUSE of 7 rooms and finished attic: situate on the west side of Elm street. near Wylie street, old Sixth ward, and numbered 94. Enquire of HUGH M. BOLE, Box 574, or at his OFFICE, hear the Po:at, Pittsburgh, Po. - TO LET.—Double Two-story House on the corner of Stockton avenue and Beaver stregt, Allegheny 'City. Handsome gsr.t den, stable and carriage house. Apply at No. 6 Stockton avenue, or Wayne Iron Works, Tenth street. Pittsburgh. ENT. ,- TUREE-STORY BRICNI?WELLING, No. 9 Ross street, In Enquire of; cl. U. PHILLIPS, 33 Want strcet .mhZ:g34 ROBERT B. DAPIS & CO.,. ] 793 Liberty street F, OR SAL E — TYPE .— About 400 .E pounnds MINION TYPE, nearly as good as new. Enritre at THIS OFFICE. FOR T SALE. -A NEW. BRICK OE of BALE rooms and lot, 50 by 200 feet, 200 grapevines, fruit trees .sttrubberT, dm, on the lot, at N 0.1130 ftldge'streit Fifth ward, Allegheny city . For terms and partten• tars annly ru the rorPinisea. FORSALE.-1 Lot, 21 feet 311 x 10 Alcorner ofDuncan and Eriti sta. 1 Lot, Al ft. by 100, on Dunean street. 1 1 Lot. 20 ft. ny 94, on Erin street.f_Fcr terms, apply to M.. HN 73 Grant s tree t c o rn nDiamond.. • F Olu —ire Chance—A desirable two-storytbflck house on Con&less strut t, nye rooms, basement kitchen. and fin ished attic.. Lease of two years from April Ist. Rent very tow. Inquire for three days at 111 Water street. . IPOr JS SALE. -About Twenty three and a half am.ss of Land near Hite tation, on the Western Pennsylvania Railroad, 18 miles from Allegheny City An excellent site for manufacturing purposes, having a large:tout on the Allegheny river and the Railroad, and a good coal bans near the premises. Also, s3veral suildinsr Lots at Hite Station. For further In formation address P. Y. HITE, Tarentum. Sheny, county, Pa., or call on the stittqcriber at the Railroad Station. P. Y. HILT. von. SALE.-BEAIITIFUL $ l3 BUBB AN BUILDING eITE, shamed the H,II overlooking tile Monongahela river. and within one mile of Haziewood elation. on Pitts burgh and Conne Isville Railroad. The grnunds comprise almost nine acres, and will be sold as a whole, or desirable 'ol,o suit purcers. countryould be a very location fora resi dence, having a delightful view, pure water and air, and within one mile of the proposed "CITY PARK." Terms easy. Apply to CRO T & PHILLIPS, Real Estate agents, N 0.139 F.Mrth Avenue. mhid FOR SALE, - DRUC STORE, With lease of Store and Dwelling. Good pre scription trade. commanding the rrost select patr,,nage in the vicinity; situated in a good neighborhood, on line of street railway, and fl i t s over In handso Excel l e n tash receipts last year over $ll,OOO. Soda Fountain, to gether with everything pertaining to a first class ng and Prescription store. Splendid place to live. To any enterprising man wishing to engage In the above business; this is one of the best op portunities that has been offered tor years. Good reasons for telling. For •ny Information address or inquire of ROBB tENIVELY. s a 89 Attorneys at Law. Grant street opposite Cou rt House. mh'274.2) Pittsburgh. FOR . SALE. STEAM PUMPS. On! No. 13 CAMERON SPECIAL. POMP; 18- Ida steam cylinder,' /2-inch pump cylinder. One . WOODWABD BALANCE WHEEL PUMP, IS•inch special cylinder, 4X-Inch pump. Apply to LOCKHART, FREW & CO., mh26:gEri FOR SALE. Near Osborn Station, on the Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad, ,TWO' tOTS, Containing About Two Acres Each. ENQUIRE OE W. MACKEOWN & BRO., 195 Liberty Street. mhl,s _PHI SALE - CBE 4.P.1 A two-story Brick House ,on Gibbon, near Chestnut, street; 3 rooms and cellar; 20;,¢x100: Price 41,200, Two two-story Brick Houses on AVirk street; 6 rooms each; lots 24x,100. Price 83,000; terms, $BOO cash, and balance In yearly Inetal:ments of 8500 each. One small Frame House on Aiken lane. Price $9OO. Ten line Building Lots. 510x80. on Locust at. Five do do 20x751. on Cooper at. ' Pour no do 20Sx80,on Lyndon st. N:ne email Brick Houses of 4 rooms each, on Maria street. Price $l. $6O; easy terms. TIISIIN & KLEE. 87 Grant street, first floor. inhts;g2l OR SALE. GLASS HOUSE. A Glass House property in a good location. a few miles Irons the city on the P. It. W. &0. B. H., consisting of one Ten Pot Furnace. with leers, iltfoula Shop, Cutting Shop, and all the requisites for a complete works. , • . 7 be factory Is now in successful operation. and thus offers unusual indueeMents to those wishing to engage In the business, as no time need be lost. Parties purchasing would haie the advan tage of a good trade al rr ady established. Address Batista - tory reasons given for selling. inl=4.lo Box "X," Comvsercial °nice. REMOVALS R _ EMOVAL:-11. McLain &. Co., Dealers In Real Estate Stocks, Bonds, mo , tgages and other securities. have removed to their new Office, 1104 Fourth avenue. Paulson , a new Building. Any parties. desiring to buy or sell Real Estate of any kind, Stocks or -Bonds and Mortgages will do :wellto give them a call. 27 IEARDWAIRE AND s' ' CUTLERY. I have In store and am constantly recoiling direct from manufacturers, a complete assort. meat of BUILDER*, lI.A.RDWRE which I offer fbr sale on as fair terms as any house - in the elm" together with a line assortment of CUT LERY, OUNB and REvOLVERB. Alao, the best: selection of MECHANICS , TOOLS, cm.. prising all the latest and best Improvements known tq the trade. ' I have my factory in fall i.peration sensual. and am. Prepared to do all kindle of lob work the same at before the fire of the tad of frebr t aary. such as fair ding raaors, scissors. knivef, pu light min itachinenifb ry ades, d rquilring all kind* of W an . JAMES DOWN, NO. /30 WOOD STREET. PITTSBURGH. • • . . ent ter Groeskope's humus MAGIC,LINEN MASKER, the greatest novelty In the world. • ~1e27:77 ARSTIALVS AESHALL , B Exam!: wita. uIIIIZ TIZADACMI. MARBIZAILL!S ELIXIR wint.'CruhllYerzesta. /n MAltatALL , fil ELIXIR WILL COSTiVi es. Price of MAishallis Ellifr,',ll:oo , per bottle. Depot, 1301 Mirka street. M. MAR S HALL CO thugitlsts, -Proprleton. For sale, wholesale and retaP. by t*EO. A. KELLY. Fittabargb. .fe4nd99.T:ya:s GOOD NEWS. (MAP BREAD IR DEAR ZMIL Enquire Per W./AEIPS Bread. Tl e largest and best. The In!Cats "H. W. ,1 oa every loaf. Take none else. entree jr B. 1(011WHONA C 0.., . . , . • • relict . CAN& stessay, coNIPEOTioNA.RY. ICE CREAM and pt141)19.4.L00N, 13.3 tsbnr Smit gb hfield nreft, corner of PlantOnd iney, AirPartlea an onamili supplied with Ice ream and Cake,abort notice: • , WILL PURCHASE t1 3 .0 • 10..eil wsar d e e a s . Id 411111inlaiille, CAM:: limestone, etc.; fence In good order; hosting on the yonghlogheity River. °Donal. a Railroad Station, and near mcßeepport. Terms eaay. S. CUTHBERT & SONS, • SS Smithfield street. mhZ4 ' a. 00n BLOW OPPEACEI DILLING 6 lar S. SR & STRVENSON. OF BORGIRUDI Ta DLLLINGICE STZVZNOON 111 FOR SALE 174 Wood Street,