The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 27, 1869, Image 8

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Biotite to Our — Reads' zi.--ini isairicriber
pripoidng to , remove on the first of April,
should leave the number of hie present
residence, and of that to which he de
egns removing, at ear counting room,
so that his paper'may be: left without in
terruption by the carrier.
Dull.--Business at the Mayor's office
has beervextensively dull for a few days
Titusville has had a real cave of hydro
phobia. Will Mayor Bragg' look to the
dogs of Pittsburgh?
City Councils.—A regular meeting of
City Councils will be held Monday after
noon, at two o'clock.
Attention is directed to the advertise-
Inent of drug store for sale, hi another
column. This is a rare chance for al
gain. • r
The Lock-up.--The Mayor's court will
not be as lively.this morning, as usual,
as the number of visitors in the lock-up
was comparatively small.
Logan is the , name of the champion
velocipedist of Western Pennsylvania.
'lt will require smart practice on the ma
chine to retain that proud title.
One solitary Individual appeared be.
fore Mayor Drum yesterday morning.
He had been intoxicated the evening be
'fore, in cmsideration of which a free pass
was furnished him to the house on the
A Rare Chance.—To persons in search
of a small house at a moderate. rent ip a
desirable portion of the - city, .a rare
chance is offered. Call at 111 Water
street, for.three days. See advertisement
in this morning's paper "For Sale."
Killed In a Coal aline.—John Davis, a
coal miner, while working in a coal mine,
near Ireland Station, on the Allegheny .
Valley Railroad, yesterday morning. was
killed by the falling of a quantity. of
slate, or "horseback," from, the roof of
the pit.
Smythe's American Thttitire.;— , A bril
liant entertainment is announced to.take
place at the Varieties to-night, (anima
cingthe strength of the entire company
of stars nowperforming at that establish
ment: -Mon&y . night, new people Mid
new attractions.
ggE.cce Homo," the wonder triumph of
mechanical ..- genius, the automatical
steam man, with heart and lunpof iron,
while awaiting a larger ball where thou
sands can visit him, as thousands have
done elsewhere, is now on exhibition at
170. 25 Sixth (St. Clair) street.
Y. M..C. A. Monthly Meeting.—The
regular monthly meeting of the Young
Men's ,Ohristian Association will be held
in their rooms, Ne. 2S .Fifth avenue, this
(Saturday) evening at 7% o'clock. Mem
bers are earnestly requested to be pres
ent, as business of importance will be
Sewickley Residence at Auction.—A
house of twelve rooms, on a two and two
third acre lot, between Osburn and
Sewickley, is to be sold on:Tuesday next
• at two o'clock. If your are in quest of a
real nice place; give this sale your atten
tion. The owner is moving west, hence
• the sale. • A. Lettgate. Auctioneer.
t Body Found--Yeaterday afternoon the
body of an infant was found buried near
the fence enclosing the Avery College
grounds.:. A man was engaged in repair
ing the fence and while digging a post
hole struck the body. It was apparently
that of a very young child and had evi
dently been buried some time, as decom
position had taken place.
Died of Heart Disease.—Celia Hart,
wife of Edward Hart, a blacksmith re
siding on Cherry alley, fell from her
chair and expired instantly, 2t her resi
dence, yesterday, morning. Coroner
Clawson was notifle - d of her sudden death
and held an inquest on the body yester
day evening. The jury found that de
ceased came to her death from heart dis
• Clothing Pound—Yesterday at an early
hour a soft felt hat, brown cloth coat and
vest were picked'up on Ridge street, Al:
legheny, near the railroad crossing, by a
'who took them to the Alla.
ghenyMayor's office. The articles were
neatly folded up and laid along side of a
fire plug. They were soaking wet,
doubtlesa with the rain which fell some
hours previous to the time of their dis
covery. The owner can have them by
calling at the Allegheny Mayor's office
and identifying his property. • '
Rime and Beautiful Stuffed Birds at
Auction.---Monday, March29th, at 10 A.. at.
and 2-and 7 r. 3x., at Masonic Han Auc
tion Rooms, 55 and 57 Fifth avenue, the
rarest collection - of Stuffed Birds ever
offered in this city, embracing the rarest
specimens' and richest plumage of the
F,sst and West Indies, South America
and our own country. Sale positive and
without resume. For particulars, &c.,
see advertisement , of H. B. Smithson &
Co. Birds now on exhibition.
Served Him Right.—The.Methodist
Church at Halmen3ville presented their
pastor, Rev. T. H. Colhoner, on the 18th
instant, With a super)) opy of-Dr. Kit
toe's Illustrated History "of the Books of
the Bible, bound in turkey, with an
envelope containing some of the "one
thing necessary," as an evidence of their
appreciation of his services. Rev. Hen
derson. of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, made the prewmtation.speech,
after which the pastor thankfully ro
ceived the presents, assuring the kind
M r donors that the only object of his labor
among them was their present and eter
s - mil happiness.
Dangerous Traveling.
• Yesterday morning a driver employed,
- by Messrs. A. & D. H.Lchambers,tin driv
ing down the Monongahela wharf to one
of the boat landings , with a wagon. load
of merchandise, neglected to lock the
wheels, and the horses being unable to
• hold the vehicle started to run and were,
only checked from naming inlotberiver
by comingln contact with. pile of
- freight lying ou the wharf near the
' water's edge. The torte were consider
ably injured by the shocklind the wagon
somewhat damaged, - but the driver for
tunately escap ed
yralrd:;46Philtialmt of the Board
of Health, reports .the, following inter
ments in de city 'of, Pittsburgh trim .
March 14 to March 21, 1869. _
Diseases:—Atrophy, 2; moment, 1;
spinal disease, 1; oerebritis, 2; diarrhos,
1; typhoid fever, 2; cystitis, 2; tuber.
oaloids, 3; pypNitis, 1; pnrmmonia, 2;
oerivubdons, - 1; dilation of the heszt, 1;
measles, 1; still born, 8.
Of the above there were• under one
year, 6; from one to two, 3; two to, five,
^B* ten to fi ft een, 1; fifteen to twenty, ,1;
twenty to thirty, 3; thirty to forty, 4;
forty to fifty, 1; sixty to seventy, 2.
Males 8I Whltes./... 23 /
Females— 16 / Colored 1 f •"•-••
That Fire Maxim Telegraph, Again.
In Thursday. merning's issue we_ had.
occasion to refet to the general Weill
clencY or•tha Allegheny,Eire Alarm Tel;'
egraph, and' of the trouble and annoy
ance to which the firemewere subjected
by reason of its failure to work properly.
The matter has since received the carefui:
attention of the Committee on Fire En
gines, of the City Councils, and the Chief
Engineer of the Fire Department, with a
result which more fully than any pre
vious experience justifies and
ates the strictures which were passed
upon the line, and demonstrates its prac
tical failure as it at present stands. The
t4st to which it was subjected was made
yesterday afternoon, and was of the limit
thorough character, clearly developing
its defective workings, with, possibly,
the remedy for the evil.
Previous to commencing operations
the Committee sounded a test alarm
from box 42, at the corner of North alley
and Sandusky street, Third ward. To
this the General Grant Engine, and the
Cplumbla Hook and Ladder Company
received the proper signal and arrived
at the point indicated, while the Ells
worth , received the wrong signal and
went to Manchester. The other com
panies failed to respond.
In making Ihe test afterwards one
Committeeman was plactid with a tallyist
at each of the engine houses and at the
Central Office, while the Chairman. Mr.
John hiegraw, and Chief Engineer
Crow, went to the different boxes
throughout the city and. sounded an
alarm from each, making a tally of the
boxes struck as they-.proceeded. The
examination continued allthe afternoon,
every box but No. 8 being struck. After
g.oing over the line in this manner,- the
Committee reassembled at the Central , .
office and compared lists, when it was
found that out of thirty-nine boxes from
which an alarm had been sounded, but
four. Nes. 2,8, 4 and 82, gave the proper
signals .throughout, and many failed to
respond at aIL The boxes located east
of Federal street seemed to be the most
effective, those on the west side appar
ently being altogether out of order.
The result of the investigation con
vinced the committee of the importance
of having theline thoroughly overhauled
and put in order, and the necessity of the
greatest care and attention in its future
management. Previous to the engage
ment of the present Superintendent, it
had received no regular attention, which
to a great extent, accounts for the date.
rioration Which it seems to have experi
enced. For a week past he has also been
-unable to, attend to his duties, on
account of siekneas,' otherwise the
department apd his care might. have
exhibited a different result ,yeater
day.. The whole system is so construc
ted that - to be kept in order' it should be
tested, at least partially every day, and
the e.anae of the -smallest deviation trom
proper working at once searched out
and - remedied. It wilt, however, be
once more put in order, and regulated
in. a-somewhat .411fferent -manner than
heretofore, when if, it fails to answer the
purpoie dedigned,4t will be abandoned.
This. coureaewill certainly be -much
wiser one thin continuing as beretofore,
with an expensive but. unreliable meth
od, which, instead of mitring more effec
• tive, only hinders the effectiveness of the
Fire .Department--one of - the moat im
portant interests under the care of the
city government. -
James Dunn, convicted some two
weeks since of larceny, and against whom
there were two indictments pending,
one charging him with highway robbery
and the other with aggravated assault
and battery, was brought into Court
yesterday, and through his attorney,
Mr. Cochran, plead guilty to the indict
ments against him, and was sentenced in
the 'three cases. Judge Stowe, who pro
nounced the sentence,, referred to the
surprising progress the prisoner, who is
quite a young man, had made in crime,
and stated that although his duty under
the law was an Imperative one, he
formed it in sorrow rather thanAn a
spirit of anger and hoped that the speedy
retribution with which his crimes had,
been • 'visited would ,be a warning to
him in' future and induce him to
lead .a -better life. He • then . proceeded
to pronounce the sentence s as follows:
On indictment No. 261, December Term,
upon which the prisoner. bad been-con
victed of larceny, he • was sentenced to ,
pay the costs of prosecution, .a fine of six
cents to the Commonwealth and undergo
an imprisonment of two years in the'
Western Penitentiary- and in No. 276;_
March Term, to which'the and _
guilty, fine and costs as above and im
prisonmegt in the Penitentiary for a
term of three years, the same to take ef
fect and commence at the expiration of
the former sentence, and in the other
case, in which he plead guilty to high
way robbery, imprisonment in the Pen
itentiary for one year, to take effect from
the date of the expiration of the sentence
in No. 276.
The prisoner evinced no emotion what
ever while the 'sentences were being
pronounced, notwithstanding the fact
that his father, who is one of our most
respectable citizens, was sitting immed
iately in front, of him, weeping bitterly.
Fatal Accident—Coroners Inquelt.
Coroner Clawson held an inquest yes
terday morning, at leyore's, on Grant
street, On the body of .Tohn Keeney, who
was killed Thfirsday' evening about sia
- o'clock, near the. Bound House of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company,. by be
ing run over ,by an :engine,. The:deceased
was not soundin mind, and-it appears
was riding on the pilot of the engine,
which was shifting cars for the purpose
of making up a min. —.A number of boys
who knew Kearney were following the
engine and throwing stones at him. The
engine had been backing downthe track
and Wormed, : whim Kearnersteppad off
' and just at that instant it appears the
engine was started forward and the pilot
caht.hisioot, throwing hinkapross the
track and one of the truck wheels passed
over his body before the engine could be
Eqppedf itio,- ; one oath, oar it appears
-kdeit - That irearne# hattbeen riding on
the pilot until after the accident occurred.
Tr a ltry returned a verdict of accidental
Several siaya mince Mr. liellXoCiaillolf,
keeper of an oyster saloon on Sixth (St.,
Cla/x)..alreeti received from a friend re.
the *kV iteift•iis 'irtoihe AUG.
Rheny river,
a young wild cat. Tie an,
imal was
.placed in a temParari cage in
the yard at'the rear' of the gentlemen's
premium In aid'bat it aßlitko beten:led.
.Thursday afternoon, ae ir company of vis
itors-were geeing at'the• animal, and
amusing thernselves by teasing it, it
broke from the cage, causing the tormen
tOrrilo beat a- rapid . retreat, and;finally
ensconcing itself in. an outhouse in the
premises adjoining. It has since re.
Maimed in its new quarters, and 'meths
contented to m_ske .tne place its perms.
nent -abode. It can hardly be caged
lain, and. will quitet likely% have to be
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Sentenced on Three Itultctments.
A Troublesome Present.
PITI'STURGO G LET TA - , - 1314tUn -*,; I 7,--18&x:.
Grs.nd Opening- st i r s z - Gardiner's
Dry Goods Wore West' Corner of
„Market, Street antl i ,FotitrGlllrlstate.,on
- Tuesday, - March - 30th 18111 F •
The event 'of next 'week in tints' diir
goglielimanellsWill be tbeAtnuldAPent,..*
ing of lie* goods at' the popular, -Wen
elveand well managed empOrium of Mr,
E. R. Gardiner,west corner, of Market
street and., B'ourth avenue; (Mgt. 69 mar
, ,
ket street ) . Thip house has long been
favorably regarded by 'retail patrons,
always, retaining front rank among its
contemporaries by carrying a , fine stock
of desirable goods suitable td the tease%
and by strict adherence to an universal
system of reasonable prices which per
vades in every department. The enter
prising and considerate proprietor never
permits himself to follow others in the
introduction of new styles; patterns and
novelties, but siniultarteously with, dr
in advance of his neighbors, he presents
his patients -with innovations' as rapidly
as they appear in the eastern markets.
The coming opening will amply demon
strate this, as the stock, which is now
daily arriv ing • and being arranged for
the occasion of next Tuesday, is one of
the finest and most inUncing that has
been opened for Many years in thiacity,
and while it is so superior in character,
assortment and quality, the prices which
we observed marked on the .goods will
prove doubly tempting and attractive to
the purchaser, providing economy in
buying - 1814M an item of consideration
with our fair readers. We had proposed
to run through the many attrac
tive. features of .the new stock.
and lay a seml-fashionable contribu
tion from our. pen before our lady
readers, but regret that a desire to
ftanish a few of the quotation prices,
deeming that a much more important
topic, precludes our entering into detail
in that direction. Without any apology
we present the following figures: Mixed
Poplins, of fine quality, 25 cents per,yard.
Wash Poplins, a beautiful mixture, as
low as 81 cents per yard. Silk-mixed
French Poplins, tour quarters wide, Illyi
cents per yard, which may be regarded
as a specially attractive bargain. An
endless variety of choice mixed striped
Chena Poplins, for street costumes.
range in prices from 87M cents up to
$1.25 per yard. Real Irish Poplins, per
fect gems of beauty, are marked at 11.50
per yliO, and really, worth 12.50. Table
Linens and Linens of all kinds are
marked down at very low figures, for
instance, bleached Damask Linen, full
two yards wide, is to be sold at 11.00 per
yard, worth 11.50., Bleached Loom Lin
ens, one and three-quarters wide, are
marked at 50 cents, which renders them
special bargains. Fall lines of Weak
Silks of durable quality range from
pm to 14.50 per yard, which, on exami
nation, will convince the reader as he
ing very cheap. A splendid variety ',of
Spring Shawls and Lace Mantles are of
fered at old time prices, and are by no
means the least attractive portion of the
stock. Cassimeres, Cloths, Tweeds,
Jeans, and all other goods of that char
acter, are marked down at •the lowest
marginal profits. But we cannot go
through the entire stock with our list of
quotations,' preferring to - permit our
friends to attend the grand opening.on
Tuesday next, examine , the goods
for themselves, and paha judgment on
the reasonable prices. A full comple
ment of attentive clerks will be in at
tendance to wait upon visitors, who may
visit the store either to purchase or to
examine the stock.
New Spring Gouda at William Semple's,
Nos. ISO aua /82 Valera! Street, Alle-
Mr. William Semple has just arrived
home from the Eastern cities, where he
purchased from first hands a very large
Spring stock of new dry goods, which
are daily arriving and being opened at
his commodious wholesale and retail
store rooms, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal
street, Allegheny. The stock hasibeen
Judiciously selected by Mr. Semple him
-self, than whom no other merchant bet
ter understands what ,suits the market,
and will be found to comprise all that is
new and novel. Every department of
the establisement rejoices in new goods,
and the purchaser can have little trouble
in making choice. The :prices in the
Eastern markets were slightly depressed
at the time the, heaviest portion of tho
stock was purchased, so that Mr. Semple
Is - prepared to offer his goods at even
more favorable figures than have hith
erto won for -his house the proud dis
tinction of selling .at popular figures.
Dealers and country merchants, who buy
.to sell again, in, making their purchases
in the cities, -or pre*ing their orders
for spring' stocks, should" ,not overlook
Mr. Semple's establishment, for they can
elsewhere buy to no better advantage:or
secure wider range for selection. 'Retail
purchasers know the house too' well to
render commendation to them necessary.
The Wattonal Peace anbilee,
An invitation has been extended by
Prof. E., Musical Director and
organizer of the great ,National Peace
Jubilee to take place in Boston, June 15,
18 and 17, 1889, to the amateur, singers of
this city to participate in the occasion.
Prof. W. H. Lawton, to whom was
addressed the Invitation, has set to-work
to organize a choral club fcir the bcca
sion, of ladles and gentlemen, establish
mg his headquarters at the. Music store
of Barr, Knabo & Buettler, No. 12 Bt.
Clair street, where applications for mem
bership should at once be made. The
Festival will be the grandest musical
epoch in American history. It will be
heldin , a colliseum to .be: especially
erected for the occasion, which will com
fortably seat over fifty thousand persons.
Pittsburgh elect& be' wen repreBented
on the occasio9, ,for if there is ono thing
'above another fer4whiehbur people are
cons . picuons, it is their ardent love for
Policemen DionLased.
Two members of the folicre force were
informed by Ms Honor Mayor Brush,
yesterday morning, that the city had no
farther. need of their services. The
rind Chief of Police are, laboring
faithfully to render - the force efficient.
and SO far hiveirttetieded beybbd their
Own expel:UW:lW' anUthe they:
have ado_pted to, harge every man
who neglects his duty .or in a way vio
latlleees the rules Mr the government, of the
po. - • .
The men who Wive • dlschsrilea t Y ol.
team it is stated, after reporting the
owes for dig n and answeringfo roll ca ll ;
instead of gon duty and remaining
there the the ,required, repaiied to a
henseof •yWherti'lbel•relflred
several betas. ' A •
That Two Story Brick Dwelling nente•
in East Birmingham, on Carson ` stteati
between Railroad and Page finceeti, heY
ink twenty feet front on< Carson' street,
running back 120 feet to Carey street,
containing six rooms, hall; dta. W, l E,b2,
sold at,auction on Tuesdavi,Maf.
at 2 o' c lock P. M. on th 6 pr,mllol‘, T.
, „
Every lady should have one of those
nioeishopplng satchels, for sale at ;Lteb•
tees, 104 Wood street.
The • OpeldnUat• Barktall--Pk!luttge
--As was— announced Thursday l a
ONiOnfete;thif.grirt& leg' of Spring
and Bunimer Cloike, Itt es and Sults,
took Plitee_. 4:.,W.TBarker4eloo.l 4 dry.
goods-house,- No. 69 itarket 'street, yes
teidiey: endue.-- the ocdesion see
to be an important one to our citizens
generally, as crowds thronged the
store -throughout. • the -entire day. - The.
exhibition was a 'success in every
particular, and few of our readers, we
venture to say, have:ever had the oprlor
tunity of examining a more extensive
stock of such goods as were offered yes
terday bp Messrs. Barker &Co.. The Ity
tention of the exhibition was . pimply_ to
give the ladies a chance to , inspect the
different styles of garments, to comment
upon them, and to determine in their
own minds which, of the, nappy styles
displayed, they would prefer. We feel
confident that not one of the crowd who
visited the store can complain of a lack
of variety, as ail -the latest , styles in all
the various materials were represented.
Some of -the - cleaks Mid ,sacques' were - of
the, finest fabrics!' elaborately trimmed;
while others were finished more plainly.
'All the kyles, however', had their ad
mirers. The display of scuts was partic
ularly fine, and included all the latest
materials. While all were attractive in
appearance, there were several suits
which seemed to satisfy every one who
examined ' them. The garments were
made in the beet style, and afforded am
ple evidence of the facilities possessed by
the flrm.for filling orders which may be
entrusted to them. Those who wish to
purchase cloaks or swipes should not
fail to - eall at - Barker & Co.'s.
Before concluding, We would call atten
tion to the fact that the firm is offering
an immense stock of new spring goods
which have been received. This stock
embraces every variety of dress goode,
from the finest silks to the domestic
.prints, including all the latest styles of
materials. A fall line of housekeiSping
goods is also included in the stock.
Wholesale and fetal' purchasers will find
it to their advantage to inspect the assort
ment. The firm has a resident partner
in the East, and being in the market Con
stantly, is able to take advantage Of every
change, which advantage will conse
quently inure to the benefit of their pa
trons . •
Laugh and Grow Fat.
Coming up Wood street yesterday
we met a very elegantly dressed and
handsome young lady, mouth and chOks
as tempting as red apples in an orchard,
and laughing all over at . one time. Be
ing slightly acquainted with her rho
stopped us and said: "Dogon knows, I
feel as happy as a baby in a sugar barrel."
Of course I asked her why, and imagine
ono& surprise when she said, "Well, 'Pa
.gavo me one hundred dollars to buy a
trunk, satchel and some other articles
necessary to take my usual spring trip,
and by good luck I • dropped in at Joe
Lieblaes and got the handelornest•outfit
in his line in this city for less than half
what I formerly paid other horlsoc, con
sequently have the balance saved,
which, of course, I'll return to Pa." To
the reader: at 104. Wood street,
does sell you all kinds of . trunks for
traveling for one•half what you formerly
paid, and warrants thorn to be the very
beat. Go and see for yourself.
Enlarged and koptowd.
Mr. Charles C. Baer, the well known
wholesale dealer In chewing and smok
ing tobaccos, anuffs, cigars, pipei. &c.,
No. 108 Wood street, has greatly en
larged and improved his store room, and
is now, 'better than ever, prepared
to meet the requirements of his large
and rapidly increasing trade. Mr. Baer
keeps constantly on hand, a magnificent
assort ent of goods peculiar to his line,
and sel a at prices as reasonable as can
anywh re else be obtained. His Spring
stock i very complete and'offers to the
trade great inducements, both In variety
and prices. We commend Mr. Baer to
the patronage of our readers, knowing
him to be honorable and fair dealing,
and always up to ?he requirementsof his
customers. .
-A Laittry
To the habitual smoker there is, per
haps, no greater luxury than a good se
, .
gar. If excited and nervous it has a
tendency to' . all the excitement and
steadylda nery ; iUangry or agitated,
no matter what t cause, a few puffs at
a "red seal." "little net," or any Other
good segars, amooths his temper and
calms his agitated mind. We would ad
vise all who wish to luxuriate in the en
joyment of a first class segar to call at
No. 45 Hand street, John Megraw's,
where a full stock of tobacco ' segars,
snuff, pipes, &c., are always kept on
hand and for sale, wholesale or retail.
VVhere to Purchase.
'W. W. Moorhead, No. 81 Market street,
has opened up a large and varied stock
of dresaNtrimminga, fancy goods, (Ito.,
&c., at his establishment, to which he in.
vites the attention of , ladies purchasing
spring outfits. The stock embraces ev
erything usually offered fbr sale in Burst
class trimming and fancy dress goods
store, and in price; quality, and style
will be found fully equal to anything
ever offeredln Pittsburgh. Those of our
readers who desire anything in tills line
should remember 81 Market street, and
not forget to call before purchasing- else 7
where. • •
At Ancticin,
.blonday, MaittiftOth, at
2)4 o'clock, P. ac., will be sold, No. 409
Penn,street, 24 feet front, running back'
100friet to-Mulberry idleyrnow occupied
by Schmidt Friday. liquor business
and dh3tlllery. The cellar ill the whole
depth of the lot, the rear warehouse and.
,distillery fronting on Mulberry allay.
Thhi lea rare chanciest:Loh as'. noti fre
quently found, to procure a piece of,
property that must neoessarilY. continue
to advance in value; the same must like
wise be said of Nos. 219 and 221 Penn
street,- be t weenEleventh,,and Twelfth
streets, adjoining' tbe''Nattonal 'Trust
Company, 244 feet fronti -, running back
100 feet to ?dulberry alley, will be sold
Inimedtlitely tlie abOve is wil!1". •
ConstitMon 'Water is a certain cure fel
Diabetes and all dismeas of the Kid
neye. For •pale by all Druggist&
The place to_get White Lirllie t Oal
tailed Pisster t Hydraulic Oenititlt.ll •
Baker it Clamtey , s, t3inithfieldfilreet
; Iraii sew tipriatt goods
just opened at Bates & Bell's dry goods
hones t / 4 19 1 24 MAI* avenue., ••
Great sacrillotorgoods at the Auction Merin :Carlisle* old*. gaud,
No 19 Fifth avenue.. Sales at 10
a St.' 2:30 find 7, sr • • '
*he Spring failklons'are noir opened at
Bates & Be ll 's dry goods hi:we, No. 21
Fifth avenue.
- New fliFyles Cloaks, walking coats and
sakues just - Introduced/at liates it
No. 21 Filth avenue. .
Ilebler's No. is 104 Wood Street.
Cineenssnre Bristol-ware, &c., •
Walleye heretoibr .called the atten
tionbof our readers to the wares mann
facturedat eKe ystone P/ttery, B:: hi.
Kier de. Co., proprietors, We desire,
however, to do so again, from the assur
ance we feel that in no other establish
ment In this city can they be - better
suited, either as regards price or quality.
The Qceensware and Bristol-ware on ex
hibition, and which is being, daily die
wsed of at their 'warehouse, No. 883
Liberty street, is fully evill to that here
tofore imported, and for which much
higher prices, in many instances, have
been paid.' Those who may doubt this
statement t should visit thei warehouse,
whether they wish to purchase or not,
and satisfy themselves by a personal, in.
spection of the wares manufactured.
Remember the place, 363 Liberty street.
Good Appuutmeide
The new; Cabinet appointments are re
ceived with general" favor thfoughout
the country, and -the appointments at the
well established :and iargely patronized
Continental Dlning. Saloon, over which
our worthy friend and fellow-citizen Mr.
lioltzheinier presidee with so much ease ,
grace an&dighity, are superior to those
o f any other establishment of its charac
ter in the city." 'Everybody and 'every
body's friends who have eater visited the
Continental and taken a meal there are
fully aprare of this fact, and those who
have not yet been there hate only to call
and take a., square meal to be convinced
of itretruttifWness. Everything is kept
in the most perfect order, and meals are
served at all hours at the most reasona
ble prices.
What They Will Do.
Dr. Rosa' Remedies are purely vegeta
ble preparations, ana are going more
good to the.peopls than any other medi
cines ever offered to the public. They
are sold at one dollai per bottle, and
generaDyone or two bottles have the de
sired effect. We mage aspeeialWof the
following diseases, and warrant a cure in
every ease: Acute or Chrbnid Rheuma
tinm, Catarrh, we have cured hundreds
of\esses, some of long standing; Dyspep.
oda; we believe we have the best remedy
for this disease "ever compounded. For
diseases of the Throat and Lungs our
Tar Compound is doing wonders. Dr.
Ross' Rentedies are manufactured and
for sale wholesale;and, retail, at Nos. 26
and 28 Sixth street, (late St. Clair.)
Miss Judith Russet, of New Bedford,
writes:"l haye , been afflicted with se
vere prostrating cramps in my limbs,
cold feet and hands, and a general disor
dered system. While visiting some
friends in New York, who were ming
PLANTATION BITTERS, they prevailed
upon me to try them. I commenced with
a small wine-glass full after each Meal.
Feeling better by degrees, in a few days
I was astonished to ibid the coldness and
cramps had entirely left ftte,-and I could
sleep the night thiough,which I had not
done for years. I feel like another being.
My appetite and strength have also great
ly finproved by the use of the PIAIRTA
!decorous WATER.--.Strpellor to the
best imported German Cologne, and sold
at halt the price. TELeoT.F.
Books and Statlonery.—Col. J. `D.
Eagan, at his book and stationery store,
Sixth avenue, near Smithfield street, has
one of thelaraest and best selected stocks
of books and stationery that can be found
in the city, which he is selling it wonder
fully reduced prices. All the latest pe
riodicals and magazines will be found on
his counter. Persons in need of any ar
ticles in his line will dowell to call and
examine his stock.
Reader have you ever tried the Aro
matic Coffee put up in pound packages,
browned and ready for use, by Strickler
dr, Moriedge, ,proprietors of the famous
Iron City Spice Mills, Fifth avenue, near
High street. It is the best and purest
Coffee in the market, and after once using
the housekeeper will have no other.
For White Lime. common Lime, Plas:
ter. Paris and Cement, go to Win. B.
Hays', Jr., corner Seventh avenue and
Grant street. All orders left at Citizens
Passenger Railway Office, at the stables
Lawrenceville, W. H. Brill's drug store,
Federal,street, Allegheny, and Shaffer's
Birmingham House, Carson street, Bir
iningham, will be promptly attended to.
11.4 Sheeting Muslim' just opened at
.T. M. Bureblield & Co.'s, No.‘ 52 St. Clair
Ask Your Grocers for pure mustard
and spialEi - sind take none that does not
bear the brand of Ste&ler 6t Morledge,
Iron City Spice Mills, Fifth avenue, near
High street.
Plain;Pink, Buff and Blue Pereleos,
lust received at J. M. Burchfield Jr Co.'s,
No, 528 f. Chdr street.'
Truth is Mighty and will Prevall.—lf
you donft believe us when we say Lel
bler,`, at; No.' 104 Wood street, sells the
beat trunks, valises, satchels, etc., for
less money,than any good,houswin Pitts
burgh, ' - go and examine „for yourself.
He is at all times pleased to show his
stock, and have yon compare his prices
with other houses.
New Table Linens, Towels. Napkins
and Prints just opened at J. M. Burch
field dc Co.'s, No. - 62 St. Clair street.
, Black and Colored Silks selling cheap
'at J: M. Burchfield & Co.'s, N 0.,. 52 St.
Clair street. "'4"
Aragon going to be Married t If so go
to Liebler's, 104 Wood street, he Can sell
you the trunk you want. The nicest and
best trunk lbr the least money, of any
hive in'the city. 104:Wood street is his
Those who deslre to make selection*
of choice dress patterns for Spring
wear, should call in and see the
Zitll% ne7
goods just opened at Bates Be No.
21 Fifth avenue. •
That 14prtnig is here is evinced by the
brilliant display of new goods just open
ed at Elates &Bell's fashionable dryipaods
store, No. 21 Fifth avenue. . •
ladles go to 104 Wood street whenvnt
to-day promenadipg and see something
handsome. We Know you *ant one.
Hard yptr examined , the finestock of
new, diy goods fresh: froth the im_portert
a n d manufacturers, at Bites 4 No.
21. Fifthiaienue.
A Grand Opening of Springloods hint.
been made et Bites and Bell'e goo 4
store, No. 21 Filth,averineo_
Beautiful new idyles.ofifr . esh,Bpiiiitr.
goods I have just teen received and
opened `at Bates de Bell's,' No. 21 Fifth
A flue assortment of housekeeping
dry•itocida 'ls It:Minded in the splendid
stook :of new spring goods just opened:at
Bates and }MIA's. Ito. 21 Fifth avenue.
BurnetPs Goods are established upon
their merits.--Gindinusti Gazette. WO'
The best and Origami Tome of Iron;
Phosphorus. and Calitta_y'a, known se
Calm max' It - Void Ferro Phostiha
rated Elixir-Utilise,* Tho Iron
restores color to ale. blood, the thospho
rus renews waste of the nerve tissue, and '
the Calisayn gives •a natural healthful C
tone to the digestive organs, thereby
curing dyspepsia in its various forms,
Wakefulness, General Debility - and De
pression of Spirits. Manufactured only
by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York.
Sold by all druggists. -""'
Spring Goods have Just been received
at Bates & Bell's, No. 21 Fifth avenue.
Ladies will find in their large stock all
the novelties yet introduced in the
Eastern market.
Great sacrifice of goods at the Auction
Sales of Maernm .2 Carlisle's old stand.
No 19 Fifth avenue. Sales to day at 1 0
A. 31., 2:30 and 7. P. at.
Remember the great auction sale at No.
19 Fifth 'avenue, of trimmings, laeegoods
and notions at the old stand of blurt=
& Carlisle, this morning and afternoon
• All the latest nosehietrin dress goods
fot Spriug weax, direct from the import
ers, just opened at Bates'& Bell's, No. 21
Fifth avenue.
Housekeepers will please remember
that George Beaven has just received . a
new supply of Foreign and American
Plokles, Sauces, Catsups, Jellies,Marma
lades, Stuffed Peppers, Mangoes, Pickled
Limes, Anchovies, Italian Pears, Pru
nellos, Dfites, Figs, and a new stock of
Fizzle Lozenges and Almonds, at 112 Fed
eral' street, Allegheny. Orders solic
ited. . 3t.
• Two Billiard Bails, supplied with
Phelan's tables, are among the minor
adjuncts of that pattern hostelrie, the
Rice keep pace with all the demands of
The attracUve stock of fresh dry tcoods
plit opened at Bates it Bell's, No. 21
fth avenue, should be seen by all Our
ladyreaders. The seloctlotur and assort
ments are very line.
There was a rush . on Saturday at the
Auction Sales at !durum t Carlisle's old
stand, No 19 Fifth Avenue. Sales today
at 10 A. M., A 2:30 and 7 P. *.
Shaving, Hair Dressing or Bathing.—
No lietter , .place for either than at t t he
flnelg ftirv,ished awirtmente'offi.
,Federal street, Alle
gheny. , s
Ladles wilt find a magnificent assort
ment of new Spring dry goods; -embrac
ing all thelatest styles and patterni in
domestic and foreign goods, at Bates et
Bell's, No. 21 Fifth avenue.
If you want cheap goods attend the
Auction Sales of Macrum & Carlisle's
old stand, No 19 'Fifth avenue. Sales to
day at 10 A. M., 2:30 and 7 P. U. I
H ZLETT—rin Friday morning, March 261 h,
at 10 o'clock, 'MARY HAZLETT, in the 76th
year of her age.
The funeral will take place from her late real . -
trice, on Chatitam - street, , (rear of Welsh
Church) on SABBATII AFTZEUTOON at .2 o'clock.
burgh, Fa, COFFINS of all kInds,OBAFES,
OLOVESS, and es ery description of Funeral Fur
nishing Goods fir niched.. Rooms open day and
nlabt. Hearse Ind Carriages furnished.
BarquoiNcits--Rev.DaThl Herr. D. L., Rev.M.
W. Jacoby/0). D.. Thomas Ewing, Esq., Jacob
B. Miller, Stio. •
AVENUE. Allegheny City, where their COISYIN
ROOMS a e constantly supplied with. real and
imitation Ito ewood, Mahogany and Walnut
Coffins, at prices varying from $4 to $lOO. 80.
dies prepared for inttrment. 'Hearses and Can
lieges furnished: also, Linda of Mourning
Goods, if required. Office of ex.atall honra, day
and night.
ET, Allegheny, seeps constantly on hand
a large assortment of ready-made Coffins of the
falowing kinds: First, the celebrated American
Burial Cases, Metallic Self-seallug Air-tight
Caste and Casketa, and Rosewood, Walnut and
Itosewocd .Imitation Coffins. Walnut Coffins
from $95 upwards. Rosewood Imitation Coffins
from $5 upward", and no pains will be spared
to glee entire satisfaction. Crape and plows
furnished free ef eharge. Best Hearses and Car
Magee furnished on short notice. Carriages fUr
nished to innerals at IPI
The great popularity, on account °tits salutary
medicinal effects, of SQUIRE'S LONDON EY
I am the sole Agent, has indncediertain unprin
cipled parties to Imitate my label,' and palm off
as the genuine, worthless trash which bears no
resemblance even to the imported article. Those
desiring tee true rotten Can obtain It'Srom•
- 31easTs...7. C. ItIATTERN,, J. B. CREIIR*, d.
E. BURNS A CO. and B. X . .bTORGRAVE...
Agent for the Kainfactnrer t .
Corner Fourib Avenue, and Sudth•T
field Street.
larj, have iedeced the price of WRECK
„NELL'S SKIN SOAP 215 per cent,' arid all'other
Soitris to very , low rates.. •
- ,
Would respectfully inform his friends' and the/
public generally, that bis
1 •
Cotner of Penn ottj . Sixth'. Streets.
. •
N 0.,; eq aqua :Re 'WM% nme
Clara bete lust neared from the Bastille best
.lot -of :New Goods for Spite; rano ever brought
the market. The hrin irirraattoout and nt
'Lie mike Olottio Cheiper)oid better:thin any
'6iit=chas 'hoax, In thlt otti: Anew and iplen•
sitortineut 0r,C1NNT1.43097°6 POITIEIII
EIR O 4 GOODS; are at .01 hates to be found;at this
house. -Oar Number Is 60 81X.Til STREET.
pos.. r. hArat,"Mi ,B. fIVITON • Ye D o
UNMERSiehriabil HAVE
J,AmsuoliTllD themselves toretherthr the ,
, PitlienCE OF IttEtgaiNZ.
Mee t . No. 1911rarrTorl AVlthrpt Axe.
tt. • v.%