The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 27, 1869, Image 7
===== 1 . .... - yr. , -. : -:.. !. _ .., . ~.. *.:*(l-. - . di 1 I p .. .', .. $ . Galrtit 1 Washington items. There ate nearly fourteen hundred att; plicatienialready on'ille for the appOtit. Con mentef ial at . Frankfort-en-the-Main , and •ondoubtay Aix ituinired more bellied during the next twomeeks..; A report will be submitted in the Mis aluiPPl -case . within a day -or . so. by the Reconstruction Committee: ; it Willprpb• ably :embrace two :propositions, viz.,. to reassemble the Convention, which shall re-submit the Constitution amended to the people, or authorize another vote on the Ccmstitution, with its: obnoxious daises to be voted on separately., The Senate Committee on Foreign• R elations report favorably upon the treaty for the adjustment df Claims with Mexico. There are to be two commissioners, one on'each side, with an umpire, and all claims are - included which grow Out of orders of either'governinent.' The treaty was ratified some time ago by Mexico. It is hnderstoed Sat' President Grant only objected' to those 'provisions .of the Civil Tenute act which reiluiredhim to communicate_to the-Senate the reasons *Jr making removals daring thexeceskof the Senate. • , • • . The Meadville itepebticani has been. se -lected4y-the House of Representatives as one drat pp papers in 'Pennsylvania to pub lisp y•the- laws, &c., of,Gdn treaties. Two papers ere designated in 'each State for this service. . • ' • Interested partieasre urging the imme diate action of the :Senate on the Danish and other treatiet.negotiated by Secretary Seward, now pending before that body, but apparently without success, , as it is probable that none of them.will be taken up at this session. , If, however, the Sen ate is convened in'extra session,after th e adjournment, it is possible th at the Al abama treaty may be taken 'up and re jeted for the purpose of giving the new Administration a fair field for new nego tiations. .„ The - delegation , of the Society. of Friends, who are, here, had one or more interviews with the , President. The Society of Friends: will recommend, _at the invitation of the President, ten or - - twels of their -, number • for appointment Indianagents; to he assigned to a an ' perintendency for, the purpose of testing thesexperinient of treating the Indians on their peculiar plan.„ _ The locality where Akeysre to bet assigned has, not termined, but it will-doubtless be. some region where the- , exercise ',Of their pecu liar Virtues is 'most needed,' and- where their experiment canhe fully tried. The Friends themselves' are not over-confi dent Of success, conside&g - the peculisr _,difficulties ,of the situation; hence the limited scale.on which ~they .begin their effarts._ _They with industry and'patience to, Christianize and civilize the savages. • It is settled that General Eli Parker, late of General Grant's staff, is to be the nevrOommissioner of Indian Affairs, it having been decided that, through an In dian, he is a citizen. The President this afternoon gave au dience to a delegation of Mississippi Re publicans, to ask his assistance in secu ring the passage of the MississiPpi Recon struction bill now pending before -Con gress. The President . remarked that he had seen the bill reported, but he did not know in. what shape it would pass Con. gress. He had conversed With at least three of the Reconstniction Committee upon the subject, and he did not think it' likely that the bill would be passed in a . form to bring 'peace to Mississippi. Still Congress had all the evidence on the sub ject before them.. Colonel Perce here expressed Confidence in the wisdom of . Congress. The - President said there was no way for therestoration of, Mississippi by the action of Cona'ress. To him (the President) the most feasible, the least ex pensive and the quickest way to restore the Stateseemed to be to give to the Gov ernor of the State, who is also the Mill- . tary Conunander, time , to appoint all the officers under the recent law. of. Congress; then resubmWthe Constitutionto the vote of the_peopl allowing all to vote who are qualified under the Heconstriction acts, and none others. COngress to se lect such articles as they deem necessary to be voted'on separately, without allow ing theinto affect the Constitution as a ..whole. There were, he added, portions of the Constitution that might - be rejected and perhaps ought to be. A New YOUK letter of the 24th says This is the opening, day, with the Broad, way, Bleecker "street and Fifth avenue fashionable millinei.o.;-ita the „weather is delightful the fair are out In &toe to ex iunine the now styles, which axe distill• gnashed, beyond those of all prededing seasons ! for variety, elegance and extrav agance:- Floivers are more profuse than nsual; demi-wreaths, with half opened buds and blossOms being the faiorites. Leaves and mosses are of every conceive. able variety, Marabouts are again com ing m favoii. Round Late are to remain, and feathers 'of ''all kinds are in favor. Marie Stuart fronts are Voted"down, as old maldisb. prices, it need only be added that they are about an average of 5 per cent. higher than for the-corres ponding description of goods last spring. ' FORWARDERS, in consequence of the continued cold weather,, says the Roches ter Union, have given up expecting an • early opening of lake navige tion this season. It is reported that the ice it thick all . round the • head of R had that Wards are abasing the • Straits of Mackinaw on the ice. The re cent weather at.the Straits watt much the coldest of the present winter. Lake Eri - ;Ike* preltyittuMighlr frozen. It considered 'as probable that navigatimi will not commence so early by some ,WeekaitMiffeaz did, iu..1.813&, , several is thiliikes *easels ar e al-. readyrloaded, and are waiting for the lei Ot9 rOvce I 14. ' 1 iiittefvar or /882, there served toeetherlieutenaut Colonel Zech. ; ary Taylor, subsequently President of the •-17411415t141.1:2 1 4eateniu4 t son, the, hero of . Sumter; Lrzuktkt' ~cli'erwn, Davit , sn4 pinta' billet& •Lincoln of •Captalli Lee's company of - minotilfoutited Ander. &wear that he 'mustered - AbrahamLin.; coin in:and out of the•• volunteer savior!. on two occasions in 1882. Itirua,i lateresi our•readers to Jaw Just yhat GM Siamese twins are. , A ; learned French naturalist, Isidore Geof froy Bain Rillaire, puts them iii the order Autositairek as ,belOngiog to the f aril Idoitingudiana, and tribe Xiophcipage r in his "Dictionary of Anomalies." 11 :11 0(:)'s ai l .% Itti ot 10 : 1 ;e 8141 1 i , well witeredolwelllng benee,Cittiseri: I• etc.:, fepoi c irt volt orden twitting cm ~-..;1111b144111111reBiett3II-Ix'illtlEriliT24_ 1:1511N-Illtlilt:a4. 85 timlthtleid street. r i 'Ofc-i's . .',1,,.,...,;'-1, •• - :.-N., 4. r,,,1-;% w-,, , f1., - - - -; 0. ,:ki:q:..,3 ; • .- ;;-,, i., ..,. c:. ...;,:.:....;-.l', . . 47,,t'5% 'tt 4 -04ii--;'it . . -3.4- - &-t - , t , • 1 . , , • . - " - J.- . .. ~:•••, ~...2, 3 ; i 4 . - , 4. , ~..,._.4 , _ ‘,....,A,,,,,„,,,„,,. „ . „ 1 „.%; 3 1 , 1 , 7., ,,, . , q•5ii.,.4. , 5,..r...F.... - ..5 - 55.4 , , , , ,, ,, ,, i;T: , :i.5, -, ..7, - ;_1v , ...z..,,,z.n...-,-,41 , --7-7- , :.514....;- , .... - isr, t~ s i -,1,°•--,344Vc3-.:Ti7ii-,2,,,-,,,, , ,..::.-- _"'j;i'- - , , r.../.i..f4' , e," - - , - L ,..'";'t'k.'" , --";"'VCKfo't•,'s.t'f , eiS'M'V v ''',,k,• a 4 1, , ,.` 'V'O7-11T , P 2 W' -I q. .4.--'O A -V 2 4 0 . ---,,- t"''''''74% . ' -- . F . `"r 7 :Att 1 ",1 2 *...7 .13 ; .'- '• kt`-' : '''''':':.l -4* r k • - '''' ,4- 4 . 'M-tkP V- 43.1 4 it.Z., , .'-',.. c4i,,,-' 4-,6- g e-.,,-.-w , ,,g , P..-,,,,,-,?-,L.,, , ,-.:; - ..,,, , rk , •,..4:,..,.. , 4 4 : e., , ..#T. 4 , 5,-,, , ,k-q,, r m ! , : ,.„,,. A .,,-, i tl, -,-,t ,,, -;-vr-z , v11.--,..'- , Loii-..g,44 , 4 - 14.4-- -, o:•,>*w4 t * .„,,.. w .. ? ... 1 „„.4--•,.. vw4 -:.- i&-..a( n i.,%- 4 ,1,-,-- 4 , l rwt--..., . „.„- t-0.1- 0 ,... _,..-,.- Liu - ~ - 0 _„.. v .„,,. ,-..- •••-•, -:.. - 4 ,, .- Lr „,..,...14-, x4 -7-.. } -, d „ % , , ,, i , w. „--y - 4 .;,...,,,. ' -:- , .A...,%. • - -i*g-41, 0 k.,-„-. ? •14 -- .. 4 4 0- ~.--e: t„ -t- -.,,, ..-,...,„- -- -. •,, ....f ~,K t, ,w Nok-.., u 0 4 '5-- 1 .-?•-- ' :•,- • . ---- - -t'- - '' i:": '' - ' , ‘F_•- - -, W: ',- zr • ' l ` ftto-, ''''''' ::'':'-'4l4litt:4ai,k—Oft: ,d4.4 4 .1i... , , ' l- ' 7 ' ' . • 4 7".'" • jo6 i tiatelikko nt ga i hrs2 , 4l.6) 19T-Diteri;%leelilainuerßitiotkrinOviiiii. Mount :VntOn;• Ilnutlikdotr , tionity %vice- 4domic , Hapfuton Depot. Huntingdon county.— John Hamilton; vice John Shaffiseri re- East Freedom,• Blair county-H. •P. Mauriir, vibe W. Anderson resigned, ' Weaver 'Old. Stand, . 'Westmoreland bounty-'-William Armbrust, vice 11. F. Ruenbeugh, superceded by change of site. Dayton' Armstrong county—Robert L. Marshall, John T. :Smith, removed. W • Allegheny county—James E. + Rodgers,: vies Edward C. Negley, re- signed: 1 Tem mine, Allegheny county—. Mrs. Jan Carnahani'vice F. Fitzgerald, refnoved. • -' • Mount Washington, Allegheny county —John Pare, vice J. McSala,- removed. Potlltleal Item'. There is a movement on foot in New Hampshire for the formation of a nett/ political organization in that State, to in clude as many conservative members of the, Republican party and liberal members of tlie Democratic party as posaible. The matter, this , dispateh says. is now, in the hands of twenty prominent men,- ten of whom are Retublicana, • and ten Demo. crats. Private meetings havebee, n, held bythemfand it is said the whOle scheme willtts made public in June text Ex;Postmaster-General Reagan, of the late rebel 'Confederacy. has_written a let ter, dated March 14 to the people of Texas, urging them not to identify themselves with the Democratic party. Haepresses the hope that they will take no action, as partisans; on the subject of the new 'Con stitution, and that they will hold"nci•con ventionto nominate a Democratic Slate ticket.a. TEE Philadelphia Nort n. h America says: • The recent annual report of the Finn sylvanis Railroad did not make any mention of the Fort Wayne connection, because of the strange , conduct of Gen.' Cass in keeping in his fire-proof, with out action, for six months, an agree ment , bStviTten the two companies that had been maturely considered and de liberately agreed upon. Under such cir cumstances there was no other alterna tive than to take up with the Pan.Ran ' die: and Columbus route,which was done. When the matter was disposed of, the • Pennsylvania Company went to the res cue of the Fort Wayne road, and have succeeded in, defeating its enemies. The "airennufances arer,fraaght with useful lessons, if General Cass and his Pitts burgh friends will only heed thent. The result gives the 4 Pennsylvania Railroad the control of both routes to- Chicago, and leaves tint Erie without any direct apprtsaeh to.that great city. The victory has been won brilliantly, and deserves to' be remembered. The Pennsylvania Central is still the , dominant power of the Western trade. Real Estate Transfers. The following deeds were filed of reo- ord befbre H. Snivell, Esq., Recorder, March 23,1869: J. F. Illohardi to Samuel McCune, March IS, MN; lot lao. 4. In the borough of Ellzabetn, on w A ter Str l e t ,„ 60 by, IZt . . .... 500 BIZT" Samuel Robertson to Lucy Burrelibaugh, arch 22, 1860; lour acres ot ground In east Deer townip h • sae Beniam Gilmore to George Dale Aprll 1. Itlfft 112 acres of gtound in Jefferson iownstdp.46.l3s $O7: dam!. el Wilson to George A. Racily, Au gust 33, 1868; one acre of ground In the T wenty second wart. FiStstrargh la 430 James Stiller to Martin Stiller. March 19. 1869; lot in Versailles township, continuing 134 acres in.coo Andrew Bedell to Beni into Gilmore. uctober 10. 1564; 112 acres of land In Jefferson townsttip ' 690 Brrah T. M. E•33111.en to James Todd. February Z, 1860; lot on Bu;ler street, Seventeenth ward Plttabur..h. Why 100 feet 41 G. E. Warner to D vid-, , Crow. • March 20, DM: los Boa. LW and 126, Inclusive, in Tenrperance vine 111,900 Otto Graefe to Wm Lamleemeyer, September 9. , 3867; lot on Butler street, Fifteenth ward,Pltts burgh. wi.h bulldings...• $3,300 JohnlVlckline to Michael Wagenhauser. licto ber 17. 11368cIst on Spring Garden Plank Road. - Reserve •townslup, containing '1 acre and CI perches b. E. Warner to John Rubenstein, February ß 21 W , 1; lot on Bank lane, Eighth ward„Allegheny, . 60 by 60 feet 112.5 0 0 Wm. J. Lloyd to W. C. Brown, July 18, 1868; two lots In 'l'emperancevihe, on- Herr avennt. - haw Robert Water to John D. McCune, Karen V.. 1869: lots Noe. 54 to 57 Inclusive, In 31sr.hall's 'Dian. Chant.. rs township, 118 by 180feet-0450, Geo. Oschwender to Fred. lintenderr, reptember M. 1868: lots tios. kaff.d 2 In Vandegrill. , 6 pian. ,Llberty totirsishlp, 40by len feet 6 1 . 50 6 Tirun . sruir; Mll4ll 25,1803. Rev.liarnuel Wylie to Pat. O'Brlsuttbrust7 24. 109; lot on Li:iv:Lit street. Pittsburgh, 75 by 130 Jan B. Units to L. - b."llnks. March 10, 1009; lOC on Monongahela rlver Bouts PUttabargb..46s9 N.J. D. Soloman to J. W . Knox, May 14. 1868; saw l o t as above described JOhn`illc Intyre to Henrietta W. -Taylo.. Febra • ary 24.1969; lot on Lincoln avenue, Allegheny 24 by 140 feet, with bulldlnes 514.0t6 Pat. 4/ , Brien to Bernard Malone, P -Unary 24. 1869; Jot Locnit vtreet, Pittsburgh, 25 by INO Br Samuel Gray to John W. rimpsoti. October 'l9. 1E67: lot on Lincoln avenue, Allegheny City, 72 by 140 feet. ... .910,000 John W. Simpson todohn D. Laying, Marco 8, Inn; lots 58 and 54 Irwin's plan, First- ward, Allegheny, 3B by 140 fcet.. . . ...420,509 B. Shannon to John Wolz. M ' archls, 111171 lot on et. Mary's am nue. Seventeenth ward, Pitts burgh. 20 by 110 feet 91,000 J. D. Blanardson to Christ. Hoffman, March 15. 1809: lot oil, Washington stre.t, Braddock's Yield, 2.5 by 121 feet 4250 Joan Acid to Jarob Weiss. March 25,1889; rift lots Widen of AlleshenyPo 3r Farm,lB by So feet F. y 430 F. Albrecht to Ea. Holman, March 25,-1863; lot on Carlon street. Birmingham, 208 by 80 ftet. $3400 Mary O. Phillips to Philip Lent ey, January 1, INK: lot on Carson street, East Birmingham, 20 by 1211 feet 1 11.1(0 P121 . 81101101i. March 28, IMO. Jno. termer, to Elisabeth Smith, March 1.1889, lot in Lower St. Ctilr township, Sarah street. 21 be MU feet • ix.% Somme Garnlers heirs to Michael Hogan, March i 7. 1889. Mot la Nineteenth ward, Butler street ob 18 by 1000 feel Jame. Sloan te Geo. W. Fox, May 8. 1808. lot on Federal-street nlleghepy City, on Num ery 14.111, 30 by DO feet S4M Geo. W.' Fox to Louts Elseasor, Feb. 25, 1889. above desarlhed lot. Loni•Elsessor tO Alex. Beggs et as., March MO. same lot _ Robert F. Logan. admintstrator tol.leonse Brun- , ner, July 1, 11037. 88 acres land in Plum town. , skip. with-buil. lugs 94.250 Geo..D. Moore to Win. A. Sneepard, March 25, 18011. tot o 3 Centre ayenue. Eleventh ward. 22 ._by 72 met with Imildbig • $5.39). ;rhos, Mellon to James n. Corey. April 4 % 1855, botaln Wilkins rolvw.hip, 425 by imett, 451'Ageirs to D. P. etraumau, *tarots 2,•1882, twos - res of lanl In Sewicaly boroughs of Bearer and Grants rectal 13,000 A. Gurkenbeliner ThomasMcCullough, ,March 18M. lot on- North Common, SeCotta ward. : t ...Allstallany, 80 by n o-feel with building. ASO -Sam:. to Woe. Korb 17, 1869. lot at Payette and ...patron. streets, 'Fifth ward, Alleirueny, H be _124 ano. Lousier to &Oben. rnrkins, Starch 17, WM; 1 , 2 , 1011 In JollzabOtbtuwnship,. witri buildings Gowns , B. brim' .to hi u. 114 /..leuestrinson, , *men 28..15 6 :4•bit " ,Vf n e . 1 4reetsi O d V ekl Y bchtelg... 97 by las feet. ...... . . 800 George Freker to EMMA • s-Buch ta, Marche sB. 1817 t, n Locust:iltreete , Bth J y 129 fee, , George Made td Admit Waxer; Aprff LS, IV! ~abinte 1PH11+160 1 1140t 4 . - .. 4 .ii , . A... 444446.050 Mat.. ew Day to John Simpson, Meirch As IMO* let on Lincoln weep,* rat ward. 'Alleffutl27.`l7 b 7 149 feet.. *aim AntirewlDion Ale.X.‘ , Ftittt thrV. 11, M 54; nye - worta9 llll .. l /4 1 1145111 9 4 , 0 ;Y 1 `,' iffiltarlo l 4 l l o wn• sht . ............ .. . . Alex. Pottnier Jeterib , tleaskler,.March.Eit ISt es Me 1and.. :. ..., ; m ,JeitatkAY,r.,l, 7l .4o;nratitirgabiat6 w 7.?: ern avenue,(Blli th le Argo Alli d tjbeti.,4l4.4-4140.0)3 Tkoe McCullon to name Wellillnuir, Math 2s, 1889; above ot - ' Ed. Lang to John Cress. Jan 9, likeljtkiscres an d etdety.nye- perches of land In 11 , Mpton _township., .. 1821 Juliet Newell to John Mani itsten'a, 16591 lot on r.noteriek street, 11th ward,* Alleghertf, 46 by 72 fret,. .3...t...•4114.101106•41• • .. • .Stale V. W. Wallace to John March 11, 1889; lot On lett street. 10th Pittsburgh; any CI feet 41,700 J 66 nsropell to Jacob Gattendorf. Aug., 1. 1588; gig :ere. 01 land la Illginhall togtuitilp • -91.000 .7aeno Gtittenatirf to John Strobel.. Aug, 8• above 1an446 f • tlft3BTlVi4t: Vorvol s7 4l6oifit wf;:ijpW3 o ,l3 - . I m ; agircirdffis.": ikr3 - 40itaffsANOUBUrairitesehiatit AVM 814•4,tist tRSPII•OF!fuII oftealitf_VV/LerS/47,3 COOP; r,. f s tufm. , •`V~d-PliLp` : , EMI ANT - orrimixd.'l"lit. • Clair dnretif.: Bon , VIRUS , and ors aileron kinds of .exadloy.ment, Persons warding 'help of kinds eon invondigled on oho:landau w l mm 3 . z- NTED.OId New-p a lte r s WA Boot and: Brawn Paper at all kinds. at, C. P. wi.Ricrar, & CO.. 1113 k Irat.avenue. ~ _ . ILVANTE P. 4 lITNER:—In T • a good established ,Matufacturinit Com pany, with sweeping of from $12,000, to $2O,- 000; one whole coupetent to malaise the dung- Mai part of tire Waimea.. .Addra se; gjrlog real name, J. F. DENNING. Box 831 P. 0. - AGENTS W.OTEIII--$l O a DaY• TWO tlO.OO MAPS 101 $4.00. - 'i.,a4olrEV9 • PATENT REVOLVING DOUBkE , MAPS Of America and ICA:rope, Anieriesi and the United States of America. Colored—in 4,000 Coun ties. • These great Maps, now Just completed, show everyplacerof imvortan - e, all Railroads to date, and the latest alterations in the variorui Euro pean iltates. These' Maps are needed in every ft-hoot and family in the land.-they , occupy the space of one Map, and by meant of the .either side can' be thrown front, and WIT part brought level. to the -eye. County Rights and large discount given togood Agents: - • . Apply for Circulars, T ern, and send money for Rumple Maps, to 7. • T. LLOYD, . • - feinflit•d& T 23 CORTLANDT ST.. N. Y. .14"'N.-!-IletweetiThirdavenue Pittsburgh, and- Stockton avenue, Wile gn..ny. sometime last week, a GOLD SLEEVE /SUTTON, with a raised black enameled initial letter. et. 00 reward will be veld to the duder who will retain It to the O,SZETTE °MCP. CI TO LOA., ON •B,.ND AND MO .N RTGAGE on Allegheny county property. Apply to OttuFT I PHLALLPS. No. 139 Fourth Arcane. . TO LET.—Double Two -si erg House on ihe corner of Stockton avenue and Slaver street:Allegheny City. Handsome g‘r den; stable sad carriage honse. Apply at :kin. 6 Stockton avenue.; or Mayne Iron Works, Tenth s r !fet,Pittsborsh. . 0-LET. 7 —ROO2I,. 40 -by 105 • feet, with power, - on corner of Venn and Atith streets. Inquire of ROBERT. HILL,. rko- VET.:!—H110011118.-- ft Two .ne 'ROOMS In GAZETTE BUILDING. Apply• nntlagDoomt, 84-and 86 Fifth avenue. ril€WLEl':-Thilit THREE STOAT B OIL DING,' No. 11l Logan street, contain ing elgel roOras and having large ya. d &Untried. Rent **Myer annum: Maguire of T.L. HOCH?... TON, GA=tris 071 , 1C2.. . -ILET.-6HOUSE.--At Hays- E.,Ft. W. ,t con ning four rooms and a wide hall, with 8 acres or "round attuned, within. two minutes walk of Station. For fartherparticalareapoly to JAMES CALDWELL, 410 Rebecca St.. Allegheny City. Tth . LElC—That new lIIIICH DWELLING HOUSE. No. 804 Ohlo ave nue, near Bagalev , s Lane;• contains 8 704110/. Stith bath room, finished attic, marble mantles; gaS, wai er. and every other bonvenience. Thu is a No. 1 hou.e, and will be - rented low to a good tenant: Apply at JAMES WARD'S Grocery, No. 58 Palo Alto se eet, Allegheny. • 0-LET.,--ONE STORE ROOM. FOUR BASEXENTB, well lighted and n shed. OFFICES in the s.cond story. ntancrlNG BOOMS In the third story, and elm gimlS - 11ALL, with two anterooms, In the fourth story of A. H. English & Co's new building. Fourtn avenue. Apply to A. H. ENO. Lana k CO.. No. 39 .811th avenue. .IWO IiENT::--HOUSE.--For the year from April Ist, 18i 9, that very ban& some THREE STORY BRUM DWELLI.N4 HOUSE of I rooms and finished attic; Minato on the west side of Elm street. near wyue Street, old Sixth ward, and numbered 94. - Enquire of HUGH M..BOLE, 'Box 514. or at his OFFICE, near the Fo:ut, Pittsburgh, Po. TO:ILET. towmx.3E,Erip. The Residence and Grounds at present men pledby lire. Dr. bass .m. on •HIGHLAND AV ENUE, EAST LIBERTY. Good board walk to Pennsylvania Railroad: Convenlent house and pleasant location. Rent moderate/ Apply to LOCKHART, FREW & CO. 174 Wood street. mh26 frOaLET—ROOMS.—In the new A. Banding, No. SI;FOURTH AVENUE, be tween Wood sun Market streets. ib by 5 / 1 4 het In the Second story, with Lre•Droot vault, suitable for in °Mee. TWO ROOMS In third storY.(which are connected,) one AA by 48-feet, and ono 13 by 18 feet, suitable for Societies, Library Companies, &n. All have good light and Well ventilated. and eapolled with gas, water, &e. Apply to LLOYD & BLACef, Kensington Iron Works. TU)-LET. •• •J a . "VINE. VIN E CLIFF," • • Homestead of late Dr. B. A. Wilson, Mount "Washington; within ten minutes walk of the citr; an elegant House, with tower,con-, tattling 10 rooms and cellar, with spring and di tern water; entrance for carriage, etc.; now Cm; copied 'try Mr. a.' T. 'Robinson; of the Arm of Robinson. Beadt Co. Aldo: BRICK 'DWELLING; No. R 3 Third , Avenue, containing S rooms and baseinent, to be only/lately repaired. • • Inquire of HALL PATTERSON, Attorney-at- Law, 71 Grant i treat. MIOR RENT.--A LARGEHALL, c9r/Pr NifiliStvtlMltainsigtrrigillia :1124 ' 8& eimtfluSeld street. , 4tIOIION'SAMIIb3.. BY IL B. BIIITEBOI.IfrOO I 4-11ows,sHoEs AND canons FOE .11E111 iriziaok , • At • .smiTilso.4 . !.,,.!ploirpßi.p..m,-. : •Oil •AND: rxrra ; i1ea::4,31; litispubo. opf~the w ell wool& inflarMOlll Auction remise are • ere:an an - exeltemen w i t muequent upon the are. rival o nem.imOdi , Aire,belo=at re— ly orwytmes. tor en variety; Our. 1 3 1%4 sweat puma; r.the 111° -RlClllrjinklt"ZitirPP4ll44'4l°44 Miyake e s, Men eres. -end earpets. Call and examine. Bo troubl to! show goads. — Lam. 'misses , and rni ehildrea'a, Tumid, almost Polm, gnome.. All wer4 4alatimaa tairrimenost. . , MIS alt ten. ; "'I ••• ' EAST , BIIIMINGIIANT • PROPEIVIT At•lrt; , ir i ; , 4,, 7,;;;; . , r, • • a s 31.1 tuatweiname . meen or toropert s uites 9,,,,lreeht bettrann` Railroad Pate'lbw...," emoted a TWO STOR Y WALW,„,'" HOUSR. tow. orsople brxr. Tannee . bell, costaimmt robnis. Mile. hall andlißuben4 The lot 311 . Rot font on Ciont strati, ati, In' nnba et,t° WWl firtgar,PlMW' 4l ' metlaterl onjclyes: tr Terms° iale-41 Ood.beinsitlierridnw 9 a 4 nwer , may remain cm tie - property, beering d ll 4=: 11711 1 0e , ,Milintilly .to. tne widowolta x e c i e . add otiriirt u it i cin4 jli e si, "1 4 1 :1 1 1144 111 1;: `, r • n.- B. situnsoN t co.,' AlionoNzsze. mb2l mftwilten LOST. . LOAN. TO .I,IIT. ONE BOOM, igehmr. A .MlL P 111 3 ../ NW' r i11 gW41.4.1 114 -1 1 #40 0 Pounds' UN WitesslV its goofas vaquirestentMOPYWE.::7,.--: 5 r • rll - 14ALg.-4 intrust . o_wc: COWES!:an -10 s. SKI .3.3/ *O. sr, an - grapevines, fruit ' trees , shrubbery, /Le.: an PM lot.•at- No.' 160,1lidge istreta ward. Allegheny CUT. Arg For t e rms . and ;ot' lan it; ply on the lamb. e. • • • r*oll SALE: - 1 tot, 21 feet 31x 109: on canter of Duncan oho Erin 614. / Lpt.ll ft. %T 300, on D Orman street. • 1 Lot. 80 ft. of 04; on Erin street. r term/ ' non 4 to • 4 7— 't • - • NV3I - : A:811114; Grant street. cor. Diamond. FOR SALE.—About Twenty three and a, half, tic.* s of Land near Hite station. on the .Western Pennsylvania Railroad, 18 talks from Allegheny City • An excellent site for manufacturing yin rposes,lt airing a large front on the Allegheny river and, the Railroad, and a good coat bane nearthe premises. Also, siveral eittilding Lots at Hite Station. ' For farther in formation address P. Y. Mrs, Tarentitm. Alle• gheny county, Pa. , ar , call on the subscriber at the. Railroad Station. P. Y. HIM. . VW O BEAUTIFUL SU.. BUBB ANEIIII,DING rITE, I eft uated on the overlooking tee Monongahela river, and within tine bf Harlewood citation. on ritts..• burgh and Conne,terille Railroad. The grounds comprise almostaine acres, anti will T h is wou l d whole, or in lotato atilt purchasers. be a very dealriblejocation. for a country resi dence, having a deßghtful view, pure water and air. and Within one tulle of the proposed "CITY PARK.' 1 Terms easy.' Apply to 'CROPT PHILLIPS. Beat Estate agents, N0. , 130 Fourth FOR sALE. ~ • - • • STEAM PUMPS:. Oei $0: 8 CAMERON . SPECIAL PAP , lei. Ina steam cylinder, 18-ineh pnnip cyd i nder. One WOODWARD ^ •BALANCE . .. WHEEL PUMP, lif-inch speclaidylinder, 4X-lndtpumO. Apply to • - LOCKHART, TBRW a CO.. utta:ga - 114 Wood Street. FOR SALE. • j • . ' Near Osbotn Station, on the; Pittsburgh, Pt: Wayne and Chicago - Railroad, TWO LOTS, 'Containing Abbut NIS -Ades Each. EtiQtptif. szir. , W. MACKEOWN 195. Liberty ; freet. OH BALE CHEAP.) • tikotstoxy Brick House on Gibbon., nesr Chestnut, street; 3 rooms and cellar; 23h1:100. Price $1,200. - • ....Two mastery Brtck Houses on Wick street; 6 rooms each; lots 5114x100. Price 63,000; terms, 6800 cub, xnd balauce in yearly installments of One small Frame House on . Aiken lane. Price ..• . . • • Tentne Banding Lots. St0:80, on Locust et. Five do do 20x1511. on Cooper st. Four - do 'do 2034 x 80,on Lyndon st. Nate small Brick Ho - uses off rooms each, on Marla street. Price 4.1.e50; easy tenrus. TUSTIN & KLEE. 87 Brant street, first noes mbMg2l. FOR SALE OR BENT. That Fine Residene,e On Bin? Street, formerly occupied by Capt. Wright. House contains S rooms and finished attic; two cellars, with heater in cellar; marble mantles in two rooms. Cold and Hot Water and Gas throughout. *Pressed Brick front. Lot. frosts va feet on Bluff street, running hack to Apple alley 147 feet, With good stable on alley. Shade and fralt trees in 'abundance. QEQ. 8.. If ILL & CO . 59 row h avenn€ Apply to mbl9:g3o FOR 'SALE. GLASS HOUSE. A GIMEI House propertyin a good location, a few miles from the city on the P., Ft. W. & C. R.R., consisting of one Ten Pot Furnace. with lean, „Mould Shop, Cutting &hop, and all the requisites for a compete worts. . . he factory is now in successful operation. and thus oilers unusual inducements to those wishing to engage in the-business. as no lime need be lost. • garties purchasing would have the advan tage of a good trade air. July established. : Salisfa , tory reasons given for selling. Address Box . 6 •N, ,, Cossosercial oface. rols=:g4o . FOR SALE. Valuable Penn Street 17STNESS PROPERTY: Tbtevaluible n.onerty.'lgo. 409'Penn Street, will be roldat PUBLIC AUCTION, on tbe prim- Isee, on Monday, March 29th, at 2:30 P. M. It bag r front of SS& feet on Penn street, run ning back 300 feet to ia ulberry alley, with a good Brick House on it, now occupied by Schmidt & Prissy as a liquor store. Possession given Mune. TEM34I3 or Sar.r.-One-third . oath; one-third in one yea , . with interest; the remaining one-third, being the widow's dower. will be allowed to re main un the property It desired by thepurchaser, the principal to draw inter. st from day of sale. - ;Alter the above sale we will offer the valuable property situate No. 419 and 421 PENN WT.. adlolning 'National Trust Company,now.occu tiled as a hotel, baring &front of A& feet, run fort - ning back SOO rt tel Mulberry alley.- Immedi ateossession given. Terms or sale aame as the Forpart caters enquire at 409 PENN STREET or 101 NARRET STREET. _ Parties desiring valuable property.are request-, .ed td examine the arse. m1:=438 • ITALUABLE FARM FOR SALE,' V —Situate Ali miles front Hal OM Station, On Western -Pennsylvania ,Railroad,: 17 . miles from Allegheny City; .containe 90 scree of land, GO of which is cleared. balance in best timber; waterin.everr geld; naderiald with best or coal; soil.oxcellen for , gran. growing; on which are erected a twO Story frame ilWellln. bear tables. a yoting orchard just boginalna toof best' 9W/prof milt; good_ roadS from station to farm. Persona wanting one, of.tbe best farms in the county, and at low price and easy terms ire ex• grossly directed to the aboVe: . /tilt° Baste Atirthui. STERN MIND AGENCY. 1271004irN1-ofirAiiikNiFAle In lowa and laiinesata; price hems oo to a 6.00 per sae. Load bangit 'aid sold on tote zniratoni Saxes pal 4 Titleelizaridned; abstractil b ra w l ed; parleying and ?lotting done.", Utforniatlini iiinilitted in, referendeae duslitiyinditaliatioi of iands:' eineria collec t . initusuess done./ Addreaa BEM 149.68 enjltillAT ASHIGMEEM ,1114.LE.+1 , I 7 . ../kbecDENLXIMINt 614.14 Pig !wank, th e * 6 6 be rl. l sueevPlCtabizgy , ltdrett; isons,•4ol, gir Atarlaullank and yarinthit nt owerc and bnaonn, Cider 1111 1 : 0 * 5 . • burns, shovels: bowfin: nen bd fremillike% 'Artk , .lll7 and, hint* int 0/ ( nob' b to oll2 'The Aboyesooar,A, 54:101.141101001111181rooslosemli the sioeko - • I 'l'4 I:''9ilMi +m/>•ies _ _.. .-.---, gAIIIIIENESS MAKE: NINVIIICI , —TM BALE - The AVITEMN.,,jo 1 AND, on 00 ,Allegheny Bier, and no 1 md...grlragi y e lag i ra i e l l e oi rat, .poly.:Offerd.riciipon.i. , :•A,; he r r_orni au .lowniamt; .wOolen .I,ww, vim:WC ea Vwerriniseratif NM cOut Ventral Rolt{oooL.ilittuou founi!LOt4 Per, 'design:To-lot lain's! Fl t jiroutafrav: entail twiny Or '' - W/MiLIAM , , iz t lift ,fllo!kirmaritraist.Xummtgesthe ral,, tif:v i! ft- Ogrdos:esF.• • , , Will be candidate tar the :Waco of,bh edit, sob.: Ject to the, deehllint .oX, the Felon Ileenbheau dOunty Colietitton. nalil2s4l9;.diF tar'TO, THE CITIZENS OiP AL. LEHRER"! I - rrspectfulty annottnedinyself as 'a eanaidate for ,the office of ' I, ERK OF COVETS. subject to the "'Mallon of the. Tintorti Retrithitclui Conoty. Convention. - i would state that I ask the_ Once but for OHE TERM, at the -termination •of cheerfully retire.' bellevlng that, thercare others equally entitled to the honor arid emolu ments' of the office , and as competent as myself , I will be under obligations to the citizens of the county tor their support. !Nen , resnectfbil f. JO-EPH BRO WN Late 102 d (old 13th;) and sth Pa. Vol. Regt. mh.U:g47 TO COA74A,CII"ORS. Pittsburgh & Connellstille Railroad. Proposals will be received up to SATURDIY. May lst, inclusive" for the GRADIJITION • ILI 801 AND BALLASTING Of the rentalnlng,47 Sections of tt Is Roads.sltu ated at Intervals upon the 98 miles between' Con nellsvllle and Cumberland. - bpeeldestions will ba ready for distribution at the Pittsburgh and Cumberland .OMeese,, on FRI DAY, the 9th of . April, and all Information nerressm• .for tiler.proper examination of the work . willbe afforded by the,lfugineer upon the hue - By ordeeof the' President Ind Dtrectors. ' • BENJ. B.ILATEOBE. Chief Jingineer. OFTICLPura'uOa4 CONNitt.Lermt.gß. R. Co Pittsburgh, March 119th. 1116 . 0 . nab9o,43:arra OrWOlll/11101TSE.--Proposals • -will be received on or before APRIL 4th. - for a HORIZONTAL FORTY-HORSE POWER STEAM ENGINE, Including,rs • delivered and set no at the ALLLGHENY COIIN LP WORKHOUSE. .Proposals, to state size of cylinder, dimensions of boilers, and gen eral-construction of en eine. BM be left at the office of BARR & MOSER, Architects, No. 2 .and 4 SLath (late St. Clair) street. lN , H. LEMG, NY; S. F BItI3BLL. "`".• IgEr'ILITCHELOWS EW' DYE. This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world* the only. true maul perfect Dye; harmless, relia- ble, instantaneous; no disappointment; no ri dicuirms- tints; remedies the ill e ff ects. of bad dyes; invigorates sad leaves the Hair molt and beautiful. Wad or brown. hold by all Druggists and peritanerstand properly applied at Batche toils Wig 'Factory. No. 10 Bond street, New, York. . : • an2S:n2B Or - EPILEPSY CAN BE CURED A-Those hiving friends afflicted are ear. neatly solicited to at ad fora Circular Letter of References, and Testimonials. 'whiCh will con vince the most skeptical of the curability of the disease. Address VAN BUREN' LOC.KROW. M. D.. 30 Great Jones street, New. York.. . mlil9:g2S.d&F • . • ' IarINARRIADE AND CEILIBA• . CY.--AnZsisayfoidoizttg Men onthecrime of Solitude; and' the D ZAISRS and-ABUSES which create impedimen to MARRIAGE._ with sure means of relief.,Sent Ur Sealed letter exi le i t ins ou ffsiMar e. delphla. Pa. IarOBNAMEN'FAL AND lISE FUL. BUY ONLY ' • , TIPPED SHOES. For children. YOU outwear three re without tips. " lamudild-Tern:a latllf THE BEST AND .1." NAT PLUTO AND ODOAIf. • - Sehomac . kerios Gold Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The WHOYAZILER PIANO Igunbinet all the latest valuable improvements known in the eon 'traction of a first clue instrument. and has al ways been awarded the -highest uranium ex hibited. Its tone is fall. sonorous and rweet. The worknianslio, fin durability and beauty ass all Other'. Prices front *3O to 41211). to style and finish.) cheaper than all other so eailed first elan, Piano. • ZaTILDS COTTAVIE ORGAN Stands *Me head of all reed instruments. in producing the most perfect tdpe_quality of tone of any similar Instrument In the United etates. It is simple and compact In Construction, and not liable to get out of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT " VO.X InIMANA mgmoLo" is only to be found in this Organ, Price from $lOO to $550. All guaranteed for Jive DIANOS AND ORGANS -An en tlre,new stock of .; TIRADE'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS;' 1LUN1323 BSOS.. P/ANOS: PRINCE tiCO'SDRGANS AND MELODE ONS and TREAT, LINSLEY & CO'S ORGANS 'AND lamLolnorrs. - • cqmizoTTEl SLUMS. deß 43 PLtlll seenue, Sole Agent. MTHERSON & .MURLANBRING, No. 10 Sixth (Late St. Clair) Street. tisuceessors; K. McGEE & CO. ) NEEIROILINT TAILORS,. - - • Have Just received their carefully selected stork of Spring and Summer Goods. and Will be glad to show or sell them to old and new cuDtomers. The Cutting Department wilt rtLLI. be. superb/. tended by Mr. C. A. MUHLANDHING. PI take plesaure in reiommending the above firm to the liberal support ol the public. mb11:181 , . W. H. McGEE. BTIEGEL, ° Urals Cutter with W. Henenheide.) acraumArger Tarnorg, No. 33 Smithfield Street,Pitteburgh. NEW FALL GOODS; A. splendid new stock of CLOTHS, ` • CIASSIIIERES I &C., Just received by;,U ENR YMEYER. :NH: Merchant, Tailor. .73 Etadtaleld stmt. - • SCHMItr e&FRIDAy s I*POST E$ OP VINES iruSOOKILIt t if iiisiA,Ests jet • . S PIIRE I irt - 1011$11aE P4:l, L 4 1 .1 , 409 PENN .14:F -. • - . Atiots to ) &Mil APO - Dile ripri IS Old )• LTONDIDDE FINCH 11,4*,' Ic • _1 ,f iliNkl ll o4l ll 7ll§94.teji 0 1 1d-1195il 1 1 13 8 1,,, yERINLATTNISKIReart: • XAXEMACTIIIMEIS, OR %piper , Distilled , egre Bye Mao.ln : l4s*4lo* Nations no Lt. • - - Quo Ho, ,t' lini 41,: WAY, : loirs. lurk MENDERSONLA BROTHEIteI. 5146 - Liberty greet, Dealers to •Draira: t sad Pateat Medicines. AIM SPECIAL NOTICES. PIANOS. °WAN% &O. RABB, lENAKE it.IRIEETLER, No. 12 ST. CLAIR STREET ]MtOJUITT TAILORS. vnrua pquorts . ; Bto. 1 DRUGAITEITS: 'AMffT. to NEW OPERA HOUSE. Le - wee v ier, 1131110 X: iinfirE7 . „ SATURDAY An'TE —'-.. ENOON and EVENING, — March 27tn, 7869, wntin‘ e and 'Evening Der,: formauxe. for the l! ARE W ELL IiFSET.I.T of the Eminent' Matt median, . • • JOSEF'S JEFFERSON. Who will make his last appearance in Dion 800. . cleault's great drama of RIP VAN WINKLE, 'OR THE SLEEP OF TWENTY THAES• Monthly Evening, first appearance this Beaten of tne favorite arch Miss CHARLOTTE, THOMPSON'. irACAPEMY OF. MUSIC. OLD FOLKS' CONCERTS. Monday and Tuesday Evenings, at MARCH 29th and 30th, WE . BENEFIT POST 117, DEPT. PA,, 0; A. B. FORTY ARTISTES. tfrand Tableaux and cluvustres. FINE oncausTßAL . . ELEGANT COSTUMES from the East for the occasion. The princJpal pleces are,•viz: HALLELUJAH, "Mesgish, ,, - , THE 'HEAVENS ARE.TELLING,"Cres. • tlcon , Hayden. n Tlflll2 ctrontro Bishop. DOlNTA,*otig. PAUL* QUARTETTES, OVERTURES, &c 'prquette and Dress Circle Tickets 10.0 1 1 Palmy Circle Tickets 'Private Boxts S 5 and 17 each, for either night. Reserved setts' can be seenri'd wt'hont extra. eba , ge WI and after FRIDAY MORNINti, 20,1 k Inst.. at C. C. 31ELLOR'S SI Wood street. and BARR, -IiNABE do BtTETTLEts, 12.9 t. Clair street. 1 1 2t i r 2 ta t r 5 Veulars, seeiarge prtiranuaii; • lar SDI YTR E 9 AMERICAN THEATRE. (Late Trimble's Varletles,) SATURDAY NIGHT JUBILEE! A ROUSING BILL! • A CARNIVAL OP FUN! R W B LL T A , M M,I E s A GAN A M.O BR E O YC TAY O O L R O , POSTER; and the new people In a side splitting. programme. PaleYMonday', a tremendohs bid and the Ileyf COM. • IgrPITTEIBURGH THEATRE. H. W. WILLIAMS ...Sole Lessee and Manager. IitANUHARD MATINEE at"St)j o'clock.. " , THE LOOS OF THE OLD TOLL HOUSE," and Is_ kplendid olio. Al Night, SATURDAY'S JUBILEE: Mr. and Mrs. LDWIN BLANCH. AHD, and= their acting dogs CARLO and NERO. All the Stem! A:superb variety and the thtlllfag drama, termed THis, FELON'S DOOM. rriEltrierilttit t lii MUSEUM Alm PARLOU ninicionnza, •The <artist "Ittritl-30. 'Become. FIFTH AVENVIC. between Smithfield-and Wood streets, opposite Old Theatre. .'Open Day and Mfrenine, all•the Theatre. , round. Admission. ICS cents: Children. IS cents. rgrL A. EFT E COUNT of the interest manifested, the UNIVERSALIST FAIR will continue through the present 'week and cloFe on SATURDAY EVENING, at which time some one will carry off a due Tes Set, Goid Watch, a Velocipede, and numerous other valuable artiles. rah24:gte .ASSIGNEE'S SALE. TN PURSUANCE OP AN ORDER of the District Conrt of the 'United States tor theaWestern District of Pennsylvaala. made March 4.11; 1868. there will he exposed at Pub lic Sale, at aIcILWAINE'd AUCTION BOOMS, La the City of Pittsburgh, on the 10th Day of April, 1869, At 10 o'clock A. at., the following described Real Estate of JOSHUA RHODES, Bankrupt, sub -ject, however, to existing Ilene, vlz.: All that lot of ground, situate .In- the First ward of tie City of Allegheny, county of Alle gheny. and State of Peimsylvania , bound. d and described as follows: Beginning at a point 132, feet 3 inches sontbwardly of Rebecca street,: 4 inches westward )y from the line dividing ent-lots numbers 23 and 24 in the Reserve tree oppoAte Pitaburgh: thence paralml with-said line smith wordily 4.15 feet 3 westward l y ank Lane; thence along Bank Lane 194 feet 6 inches to line of land of J. H. L ndsay an^ H it Whip- pie; the ' ce along said' Lindsay and Whiqple"s line nortbwardly Mini feet 2. incnes to it point within 132 feet 3 Inches of said Rebeect street; thence north 68% d• green east 205 feet 9 inches to the place of beginning. Also, a certain other - Lot or 'Min of lando 14 inches In Width and running trom Bank Lane to within 132 feet :3 inches of Rebecca street afore said. along the eastern boundary of the lot of ground above described, and extending from said eastwardly boundary to tbe dlvldln. line be tween out.lots nambabs '23 and 24 aforesaid, less the 'following described piece of the. above described lot, to-wit: All that certain lot or ple,"e of ground beginning at a point at the line of property of Joshua Rhodes 'on Bank Lane;,' thence Meng tne line of said property of said - Rhodos 241 feet to a point; thence by a. line . 34 feet 4 ioehes "o co ner of property of Lindsay =a lilcCumbeon; thence bv the line of odd Lindsay and ItleCu , chews 5125 feet to Bank Lane; On ace along Bank lone 38 feet o inclo's to the place of beginning, on which first and second described pieces of ground less the last described piece of ground, is erected. a large Brick Malt House. Also, all those two certain lots of ground; slt u -. ate in the City of Pittsburgh,con, ty of Allegheny and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning on Irwin street at the distance of 188 feet 7 inehes from Duquesne War: thence at, right angles with lrw,r, street 60 feet; thence parallel with Irwin street 40 feet; thence at right angles with Irwin street 60 lest to said Irwin street; thence along the some 40 feet to the place of beginning, being lota Numbers 3 and 41n a plan of lots laid out by Joshua Rhodes, re c orded d - in Elan Book, vol. a,. page 277. ' • . mbi9:g29 W. MARILEY, Assignee.. - - IN T COURT OF ' HEQUARTE R , SESSION'S, Allegheny county, Pa., in . the matter 'of the VACATION OF GRANT AVE NUE, between Ohio and Washington avenues, - in the second Ward, of the City, of Allegheny. And now, .febrnary SR, k 869, the petition in this ease having beenpresented in open Court. le ordered to be,illed, • - , -, ~ And the . Court do grant i Mei 45 prayedler in said petition, to show'eause why thneworttoifor rd *Ant avenue, icing between Ohio Wash -o*ton avenues In said Second ward, should tot be vacated , and up cloaid u' and do In Iher order that notice of .the tiling of said; etition and of the griming of the rule athrmaid, be published • inice"a - Week,' for roar consecutive weeks, in the P11+11111172611 GA =TB; iltibilihed -In the City or Pittsburgh .; ...:-: ,- .- ",. :, ,--, '.. ;. • 1. • . lifronOthe Resserd,), .' f 4 4 - 1 . - JOlllril. BROWN, ' fe20419 7 17. - ,-,,. ~ Clerk of charter 8 ons. r., MAIN .-=' OICTME ' MEN ivitiolbold P1'1%0141%2'1= ITS or tht. *a Eidta i ttliTtlllrer;l i etirtti T it li Mgt::: mgr were made . IIDWI7 9. 1861kand that ctr vows: ktvtair talk 1 I L•mialci v. or , the numbers allrlita 114 Dor n , wponma IntereAttA on. 'their andrtrintl 'the WILISIMICITON KWAL LION' PEN Co PANT. New Tork4 • •- , , sue B.—Base was-Tim 4= ail ms or TH2 Hi. .... ~ - . .',. . , • - lat l INDIA . -DEMING, i~osom Steam Peaking an d l Hasheta of the stownelttos 06mbaalesisa *facture SSIRI O6O a,- qinlAltY cam bonaht of the tammfacturer: •mt swek on - land at the IndU Rubber Dejpet,, se ;au rae l u x u, ..treet••• Ja. Et. PHILLIPS. tea .Soleltimata (be the neMaslif• AR - iILOEATIIIIER IUPF BELTING .f 11 111211kartoy quaky:alKoround leather Belting of 41fiereat. otses„ A t.rge stock on blind it trio lowestlelem •R.• PITELLTES, fed • ondslN titxttestreet• NII4OTICE r HEREBY; G • 21 that an 'ailplleetiln 'for the paritoiror W. . leohlf on has been made: to the Governor.- loit A, tamos -rATE NT • LACE PLitA.THEO, for sale by • ~ P J. & PHILLI P S. Lei .l< , 4 . _ ill Handel. LEGAL' FRIM.