[ll S i n=lro "V i tt ' a DuAvEog, 'wow. CoLENLM RaM & Kanursciarers of . _IRON; - N-AILS, STEEL, AXLES AND . SpRINCS D*44liianT: L icAND JUNIATA, FLAT BAIL ROUND AND ' I3QD/IRE IRON. BANWMOOPLSELEET ',AND WA.NK IRON, BOIL_ u trii PL VT.ItS AND HEADS, GUARD IRON. _DRAG and DROPPER BARS . - FLANGED CUTTER BARS. CYLINDE R LEWN • . *tit RAIL, i'or Coal iloUte. .CROWB itt3,WEDGES & HARUDW TEETH, SPIIING.PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL, WINGS AND MOULDS eat to pattern. STEEL SHAFTING, A. B. COA H, BUGGY indW ADDS SPRINGS and 'AXLES. - CUT NAILS AND SPIBES. • All Goods First Class and Warranted. • OFFICES AND WORKS: - • 81.xteentiilgtiee` t and:Allegheny Rival:, and 77 - Velater Street, Pittsburgh. tODEFFiIoY IRANCKER & 12 Exclutige Nam Neff York-, Are prepared. as Sole Agents In the United States for the Prussian Mining and lien Corn. 7 P 4 , 47 of Westphalia , to contract or Bell in quantities to suit purchasers, (delive red in either New York or Philadelphia,) the celebrated V. G. SPIEG-ELEISEN Used so extensively for the manufacturing of trrElm. This Iran is free from Sulparaadl Phosphorus, and conts.tria a heavy per cent age of Manganese. —Full particulars, tramples,{ prices Or chemical analysis will be promptly forwarded onapplica. l-"a m . ,js3o:d7l- SHEFFIELD WIDEL:WORIM %BING% & 00, • PITTSBURGH,. Pd. • 1-1 stsnewturers of ev ery W In' GERMAN STEF4 _ 3 : lll%.:ilii n 3 2 l 6 etiall'Oltld SPRING% AXLES, B'EZEL le.. ale! . Wareham" 811 Water anilloo First Ste. smin - & _ GIZIMAL vutirszas: 30 1 E0ALT. I BZUBEN XrE.L.II:B, eECk. W. BARB. I , GRAB. PARKIN. Brix am.. PARTarss.-11. X. Elll3. • CRESCENT ST*EX.WORS, AMER, 13,4118 PARKIN, Orrtoe, No., 339 Liberty 3t, PITTSBURGH, PA. falUdia . - p o LCK DWIOM) STEEL WORKS. VARK, BROTHER & CO., Manufteiureis of an deocrttettoas of era: ildnee and Wdzehonsd,_Vlll. 1211. 194 EUICOND sad 1.19 add LIU Fa ST 9T9JSZT9. pnTsisussic, IRON 'WORKS. Vssizia, W. P. MUM, Wt. FITTSBERGII FORGE AND IRON. co., ILAIMITACTIIETIN or Bar Irma; Itabilroad Fish Bars sad Bolts; liallroad Oil! Axles lieUed; liallread Car Axles .Closesomiitive Irrassaia 1411001nOtiVe FTIIIIIO Shapes; Side Rodin Yokes, Straps; Piston Heads; ateanalboat Shansi Mug" *odes *Pits ;. .Pitiiiaa Jaws, Collars. die. =Oct; 177. STREET; ELLERSRHSEN PROCESS. The Trustees are now nrepered gnat Dean -- Des for the use of the -ELLEBBIL&IIBEN PRO OWL . The snpetior quality imnatted to good !row' thee great improvemdat in inferior iron. and the reduced oest.commend It to eli manufacturers of I" lbtles . will:dna to nee it can obtain licenses by applying to _ . . 'JkIYEES P... SPEER, iittpli m for AtiNTrasiges, „- BOOMS I: 'find' 7; YnWatiqi-Bun' dint . '913 Boalth avenue. Parties Interested are invited to . vlsit ' the SHOENBERGSit WOUNS. where. the Process is now In successful operation. fet:dt7 EVERSON, PiIIEpTON & telliffiVaiga Iron Works.. Waren°llse, tros. lee 11411117 ; 7288 T 'roam, cyposAtis 1i° 31721 . 048..nau1t4 a0n . spal:de FITTSBIP NOVELTY WORKS. vonwrgliltrtiG, NOVELTY Irm..*:4 a- ,D! !Aim , ADANA MOM _& CO. AgkinntACT Ernal 11:3111TOBICEITANDARD. LVAIBBANKV?AT .XST) PLATIMiIt ABM COUNT= '6OAriES. haus Facsed 'r teat DoorlWks ADA Latchesi Past and ROP4lll.lus. &C. 0031tER OF FIRST avOrris a OUT 810. l'rr:lr-14.114.12F-vOinivYs Joiliar.toorsir roc xari;i.ittinhitallog. JOHN.PI6 COOPED ii, Cry , iniekt ziolmmur,7l .GAIEVAND,EMIAMITIT E NS , Mannfactaren orSusErs Ass s 421.vailiesetrintAon; &aim In OnIVI ~n-Tusortie, of ail lands. • - .of pike:and Walnut Streeth I , Tritatr7ROX4 - ; -- = -; • ; • • • • • • • . . " - -4? . . • -• • • • - ;••A -•- -• ' , - et • - - • 4 ".P.•:` , "•-• , , ,,, t ' ' nit .1 • •••%•• • ' • - • • - 1 , •••. ' t • •"- " , +!•47 , =:".".. ' . ;4. ,„ 4 elf? • . •__ '.••••,-,' • • , elArv7'an - ..4 5 `5.•1 TA% ti*Af. ' • • • ,- q - ' ll-4- w , , • • w - ~~ Nvurommu:o, 211tP- TORT PITT FOUNDRY COYPANI. OFFICE AND WORKSI TW.FeLiFTH. STREET, PITTS PI:MOH, PAL egrEngines, Bolling MUI Ma chinery,, ROL: 11,11111. 1 / 2 Re torts, and 'CasiiligB generally. S — ATIONAL r9VNTIottIE AND PIPE WORKS: ' Corner CarronAnd Minalmiantatriets, (lINTH w.uno.) rrx-rsinmiait • WILLIAM. SMITH, ManufactUrer of CAST IRON Rolm PIPE • • . YOB GAB AND WATER . „ My Pines are all cut invarlablyin Pits, la dry 'sand. and It feet lengtlM. ..411s0i full imartment of general Atisi-iPorte. !would also Call the , !Mention of lingerintand• cute of G i "Works to my make of BETORIt. ATLAS WORKS,: I[O~tTON. STRZ T. R ntk-Ward, l'r' l 7 P3 Pg s M. l TIHOWI N. BIUXER, President. These Works are among the.. Isms; and 110 ft complete establlihmeateiM the West, aad are now prepared to furnish Engines, of every. description. BOileriten Shoot Iron Work. , mettles. Rolling Mill c+ainn• Engine Castthits6 Itaelitie Cantina'. 61eneral.CaiMiggs. ORDERS BOLICITXD. no9:nea ROBINSON, BEd & CO., Baccessors to BOtansOir, mis It MILLERS, WASHINGTON. WORKS , FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, stanutficia . =era of Boat and BtationSey Steam Su es, Blast Engines, Hill Machinery, Seatint. slalting, Castings of all descriptions • Oil and grills , Boiler and Sheet Iroa Work. once,. o: 12, corner lint and Smithfield Stree. Age ts nts for GITIPABD , I3 PATENT I*JECTOR for seeding' Boilers. Jain 3 = BLANC FOUNDRY. Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Ifni= Iron 8011ing,,31111 and Bridge Castb,egs, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, SULCHINZBY AND CASTINGS GENZBALLY Orderspromptly and artfully executed. 5 EBBERTN Ilk WI I . I Mrrri puomui.s• cautrof & co., Fourth Ward Foundry aid Diackina Worb ISANDUBSY BT., ALLEGHENY =T. PA., Eanufactarera of Stearn Engines, Oil Presses, .lulegs, Shafting, lariat end Saw Mil Work, Bantu • JIM arid Machine Castings, Grate Ears, Weights, W•goa , Boxest . /3d to order and hays handEaudnes ol all elms. stiltia6 CENTRAL FOUNDRYIINDR AND ROLL WORKS esi!velFul Bl ;?re..o. Bouam, Bop) & BAGALEY: cu. jat bee ac. LUMBER. L UMBER! LIMBER! 2 - : •=4.MIATNIP.4 II fIetT,TMAXL:: , _.. Dea4er l ip all. K 1 }d, of fii190,41 1 04T. ? . .... , :02 . z.irilii .a :iriagiLli: , ' 1. : I, 00tSfeat Dry Brno Boards; ' ', '350, ~ fast 19 and S bleb Clear Blank, - 300 1 feet Dry 14 Inca Common Plank; . 30,009 feet Dm - land S Jaen Oak: =I sas,uao feet Dry 9, 99 sad 3 Inch Ask, I ' 5,000 R. Dry 111, sli • 0,,01 l/D r S y e xnLock- 3 dI & n o . u s C h rg e irnr ayg aA n. l taianl • g e,: 10000 feetDry,lPool& a= ; Pep : 95 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 f 10a •dnotWag and S s ca se 350,000 Nwll6.lnch Wangles, swell 90,000116:1 194neh Mangles, . star : • 10,000 Ifire Brick; 1,000 Nies TLte.. . ~ 190'Tons Itra (tar . ' I. ' • Mauna —Bo. WI PRES STBZET,__Partnerly Masebeutor.and IUiIIgIIII32CUA EITZNISTOIPPP• site thaSsaWorkst Anubsayati.. . , . T non - giorkux. rpm SIPPEIIIOII • KU& 4113111 111112211.14 /row ihrr.ristsictitott. A• • . p4R - K, iliac:6l63r A of ITheathiat a ls op.t radar to , cr, 171Z,Impintatt Tin Pude, Sumasims, Wirlh J.. ZlET u ralub. h. ardarl ' a r r 11 1°N .31 4 T 1 . itr urn ,1224 1 11 74 : 11: AND SCOURER; jawl. tie Loom; )OYER AND! SCOURER. ifo. ti sz;criamestrigiairr Sad NM ISS sad 181,Thir4 Street" nrZallin39B. PA. u jii mil Li vaimu l i ai riougga t mErw: SyrOW 8to • HUBll3OLE . tcl,_ Con, Point p Alley and pequesne orzAn THE POI IT,) Enigne , ituis; Founders and Mackiniats. MsinitetlireSTEAMßOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all alzes. &octal attention Invited to our new STATION OIL WELL ENGINE.AND PORTABLE BOILER, of 15-horsespowere. CASTMGgkof wren aina; made to order atour Toundry, - on THIRD STREET. below Market. - RIGS for 011 Wells, WAFTING', PULLEYS, HANGERS.BOUSEandTOBA.CGOSCREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to Order, at the 'Mk; ST Al AL -WORKS Pronitng on tin hilegheni layer, near the Point, All 'cirdeis promiltl7 lilted. Thy trti. FORT .PITT BUM,SM.M TANK CARROLL do SNYDER, TUBULAR, • riouptarAmmtn TIIBULAB, PLUE-BOX AND OYU:ND= STEAM BOIL IBS. WI STILLS AND OIL TANKS, MENET% BREECHING AND ABE PANS, BESTLIN ER JANB; BALT: TAM AND am. STEAM PIPES, OABOMETEEB AND LEON BRIDGES: PRISON DOORS AND COAL BERMES Wilke mod Warek earner aleecoad, Third, Short sad Liberty Streets, ar Orders sent to the above address will be romotly attended to. mh7:189 & . BOILER MAKERS taiD.SIIYOZT IRON WORMERS, MIL AO, 519, A AND AG PENN BT. Having secured a Ito yard and Welshed it gad t ts=ge li t il wre l3 Wr=li: : wato ta the best =arm, and warranted €4.1141 t-0 any made la the 09 talU_Feltael o t Arai c se Croadeln g tans . Tanaal Stills, AO tors, gett le Pans, iSceier Iros.4lbkish daps r a t M u ir ma" e.niu ral.- i lteosiiine done ott shortest *oldish taa:ell JA DIES IL, BITER, Noa. 55 and 56 Water ?Breed, PITZSBUININE, • ' auverrectinum • IRON OIL TA'I4II3.S, urrLmG zuuni, 00FrrI8TEAN 21116 BOLLING MILL IMAM., • And ISED9IT IRO WOES. • Forßteambosts. MEEI JAzirim..:....zpinirizo D. sutras j4III.IIED,Mt 13111:4111 SON, . . . fbarorreivaroms or Steam Bpliers, Oil MO, Tanks. IKON WOVE. &O. 61 Per atreet,'Figiburgh, Pa. STOVES,' CASTINGS, &o. TBEST STOVES. , A. RUE BRADLEY & CO. lisnufactarers Of the gre Cleat varlet; of Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves ) TO BE MIND IN THZ STATIC. !" • Bole Agents for the celebrated Base Burning Oriental Stoves and races for Hard Coal or . Coke.Beirt in Use Wor f i r Parlor,olßee. Store or Church. Flee needs no reldndllng—burns all win. ter. Do notbay until you see or Bead for Clstular. No. 30 WOOD BVIILET. Oar Agents for Orientals—DECllLZu IaBOB., dusttladeld Bt.; GEO. liustzy, Allegheny Cum. NANITIPACTOSSU Or mI,2ITALESTT iii ii rCPNTME 3 8082'02T COON.I2rCii IL4NO.E, " THE FIERY FURNACE," 701t.WARKENla BUILDING& • THE NEW ANTI-DUST cciosarsia.STOVE, .BEOULATOIL" COLUMBIA COOK STOVE VAN'S m 1111122, PORTABLE REP LECT_OH,GBATIAJree from ud Mist; CLL= rElaerls, YRNDIRS,. dc. . - • . 206 and, 208. Liberty Street, 5e25:717, PITTt3BUROH. PA. V STOVES: - ; • CET ,THE BEST. BISSELL' Inr;. CO.'S • , FOR . 812173 L 1210 US; .COIL. e• IYare OO terhakt Bake, er ItesaVaii 01 615 " 17 otier StOk* tie V1 1 0 1 •:-!' . BIESPLT, 4 No. b . , Liqtkeerpirlilv . avitgaloopos, k. g .• " . 1" SlAanf or • • COORINei, tittiLt Altar 4CO - . DICKSOI4, ifiTEVAILT: it 1)0,1 , . guimiremined thOdr °Mee . NO. 567 LIBERTY STREET, maciiiotti MiIIYWOOND 'too& tit% IMBOVIAM I taat' TOLlT E um'atthe lowest worket toe. All orderstharatlipp, or addreued to them WOO tke mall, tem attonded to WEsir COWS I ir "` ' , 1 44 - 1/10 Northwest comer o[ West Opmmon,,,Oesltenyi FitzDVE,A.TVAVIIIII, a CO: Rave on band orinPa onadstdcoOdelieu ttl an Tan d ts te te B . tc re ll 'ad lin l l l Torib a S td4 ton w eg li" ... Orden Prompt'' , = nate& Priam mamma PITTSBURGH, PA. WORK )lARVr•CTOBYBS OF PITTSBURGkI r 4Nri • • STON D. FINANCI3L. ~4i f i4opo- 0 :.:, EVEN PER , CENT, GOLD sosp, THIRTY TUBS TO RUN, .; ISSUED BY The Lake Superior and Mississippi Biter. Railroad Compity. THEY ARE FIRST IxonrcticiE FIIND BOND, Free of United States Tax, SECURED BY , ONE MILLION' SIX-HUNDRED'AND THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND ACRES OF CHOICMANDS. And by the Railroad, its Rolling Stook, and the Franchises of the Company A Double Deeuriti & Pint Bin Iniestment I 4 every respect s L eldlng In Currency nearly TEN PER . NT. PER ABNIJX. Present Price, Ninety-live andlnterest. Gold, Government Bonds and other Stocks re• celved in payment at their highest market price. Pamphlets and tall information given on ap- Plir.ation to JAY COOKE & CO., No. 114 South Third Street, PEULLADELPAILV., E. W. CLARK filz CO., No. 35 South Third-Street, PHII ADELPHin. Fiscal Agents of theolake Superior & Mississigpi River Railroad co. ILL B. Man & CO.l SEIPLE & JONES, JANIS T. BRADT & CO., HART, CAUGHEIE & CO. mhlBl9l FOIT PITT BANKING COMPANY, No. 169 Wood Street. , CAPITAL, : • : : :.$200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. GOVERNMENT 'SECURITIES AND . COLD. lATENEBT ALLOWED ON TINE DEPOBITS. the Collectio ns a nuida on all Canada'. aceesidble *data in United 13 tte' and DIELICCTOB&: dna. 0 Bieber; Andrew .11..n4r, Miller, James M. Bailey. D. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. 4ralince, IL Fawcett, SAW!. /Re D. LEET NATIONAL BANK coupc!,.. Cor. of Wood and Sixth St& A. PATTW.IIAOA..... JOll. H. BILL CAPITAL, s s s $500,000. DI/MOTOR& A. ratter/oz. eeoMe W. COSS. Wm. H. Brows, IL H. Palmer Dan getstnon. ;n i t r e l e rh. W.:11. Haven. , unsoovarra DAIS , ardital ART, CATIGHEI . , BANKERS 'Amy BROKERS, Corner Third and Woes Streets, 051Massoas TO mums. fia4lT 00 .. ) • Nicha n ges COills ' COUPons, Ai* %p articular itilaatilin to the IfiTehale -COV.ERNIVI ENT:BONDS. nrartos:pnT.Aondoi. isTusin , , 141HOLMI 1 B,& 11103 r.% Market ::. ; .7...i:..,-, ::: 7!: 5 .77 - ....-..,.::-,-..t:', , ,,L4-, , •. ~,,,:, Str ee t, . . Clollectioits mad* 141 pnnolpalrriats of ilattedittatim sadOmbaw;t ;., - .rtiaailr., - 41 34,1).1 . ... 4'11.44i/ i• 41i: SteekNßondsand otherSecurilles rue= Juni soiD oit oolonestos .212-1-4414111414,11.44-Mkillik, at? :United' wow- 7; DO SIVINGS::IIINh, WEDNESDAY EVENINGS 'And ttOn Lab !tarp AloloOk to 3 o'clock Saturday . fm:el6 siveinir ac ABOEUTM 3 TIMAI! 443 1 : 0 ORNAMENTAL 'CARVERS No. U jandnehy. SE: I Allegheny, Pa. A lart r thtteieit4f 1112WHIL AN:WM' and BALL constantly on hand. TURIING of all deactiptions, dom. _ cOdMidt CENIrRAL 4ND - I PNioN PACIFIC RAILWAY BONDS, The chea'pest Investment now in the market for sale by PM. HERTZ , Corner FIFTH ATENITE & WOOD STREETS. • , Mao, dealer in Government Bonds. Gold and Coupons and European. Exchange at , market AXES- -T Bey Bc CO. I 1. B (Suceessors to IL JONES, & C 0..) Cotner, .Fourth and Wood . Sts., . , r o2L TO" 32K: 3E3' gE3, , BUT AND SILL ALL RINDS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES,- souk straws AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. I . Interest Allowed on Deposits. /111-. Money loaned -.on Government =Bonds' at lowed; market gates. Orders executed for the Purchase and I Sale of _STOCKS. BONDS and Gaup. • JAMES T.-BRIJ:Fr& CO; !, .ityt...11#tg..*.ict'...0404... FiNA*cEl.Ain) OFFICE or PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, - FRIDAY, March 26, 1869. • . yesterday being Good Friday, there was nothing done at the stock exchange,. In our local market a great preasure for money is noticeable aniong all filmier who have to rely on . strict' accommoda tions, and high rates of interest were offered; but parties who have the neces sary: cash are . not anxious to discount, but prefer to see what will turn up in the .next few days. Parties in good credit-find their wants supplied by the banks, and bankers are fully Prepared for a tight , market. Basiness is still dull, and although reported with signs of greater activity aftef• quarter day, yet . so far it has amounted to nothing more than good prospects. Money, twelve per cent. for outside paper, and from fifteen to eighteen is offered for second grade. [By Telegraph to toe Pittsburgh Gazette.l NEW Yona, March 26, 1869. Tp-day, being Good Friday, was a par holiday in the stock market. The StoCk Exchange -and Gold Room were closed, and the inclemency of the weather preVented many dealings on the street. The Banks were open as usual, and the deMand for discounts was about the average amonnt. The rate wa s , firm at . . . 7 per cent., while outside transaction s were made at the legal rate, with a commission of 1,92®146 per cent., and 7 per cent. gold. Farther large orders were received today for cur rency from the interior, and. small bills axescarce. Theshipments of greenbacks for the week are eetimated at a half mil lion •to Philadelphia_ and Baltfmorri. Sterling is dull at B©B% per cent. pre mium for sixty days. Gold is steady. at 131%@131X, with a-trifling buiiness. Governments are dull and heavy, with a light business and a decline of yayi per cent. from yesterday. Coupons of 81, 116 ®116y,,; do. '62,118y,©1183f,; do. '64,(-114W?)114y 4 ; do. 1 65,0 • 116%®116%; new d0., 113xe111334; do. '67, 113y‘® 1131; d. 113g@11.3%; 10-40 s, 105(i) 105 4 3 , - Pacific Sixes, o husinesaln:State Sonde), Thersillw4i,market 411, and the only sales were 1,200 v eharliew.. York CenCral, -- 700 -Fort Wayne, 400,,North western, afict2.ooMichigan Southern. The latest quotations were, New York Cen tral, 162%@162%;,.. 9 71a,,, 134®134X: Ohio and Mississippi; 2 1 :4€0 2 311. Reading, 91,®9110 . Ya9634LlPck.,lsland 3.32:4.(i103344. Inf.;Miseellaneetta . shared there were some transactions made in Pacific Mail at 88X down to 88; Western Union 37 3 / 4 @98; Mariposa common 19%, and preferred 34,0)35. Eipress sharetildulL s . Arnerlead and Aleichlints Union 41. Mining skai_filliblithdt; LSmith and ,Farmlee, 160Iffregory, 286; Quartz Hill, —T t jr, r, LT.- n i The tiattipta lir the Sne•Treami day were $1,234,7631 payments, ,684; Balanee $94 319 839 . Preen LSON. Cashier. AT n A. N. ME=gt= EZ2 MN I= TEX Dry Goods market NEW YORK, Mir& 2fir-Although this is Good , Prlday and the iveathiti -some what inclement, trade is nevertheless) fairly active in cotton goods and Yankee; notions, bnt in woolen!' spd poskolassetk, oMetortlyra=l:9ol="4 ll o4Pr I andp ces ep . P oottcin b— , rics are in moderate demand pi slightly reduced pi:ll22OW lintt grades. Atlantic 'A brown sheeting!!! APPletohcA ItoWriletteyMA and4pwr Tende-tr-14o; Mom:wary A. A liteir-Bfitrir-A -15,0, Preeptont 012%, Pepperel N 12c1, tio 0 18800,, di? R 140. Bleached. Muslims stsadn_ Weitk.lor, certain makes. Colored Cottons steady. in fair request, and prices rule quite. uniform. Delaines deproseedijitnd good enough.. styles of Hamilton can be had at 17c, , but Irepliptyleabring 200. _ CLEverazie, March 26.—Flour steady andWeti ei elite ivgg9t9o.lol4(hlgh for treble extra white ; 18,80(401,75 for double, extra , amberi , $7;600)7;75 for double extra red winter; 118.50(§6,75 for I extra red; country made: s7®Bfor double extra, radian& amher; SeAfiltri for doublei extrespring; 19g9,50 - Tor - ciciublii - exirit white winter. litheati Boleti car No. '1 red winter at 11.40; vale Fear'No. 2 do at 1i.,30. Corn is haid,at 73®74c., _Oats are held:at 71a.- NO "Rye . offered And dull and nominal at: I.2l3(2iliBolbrlict.'l; No. 2 at $1,25®1,27. Petroleutnis'exel j ted and gken:r9iined,lo,lteld at 301144320 i f& oar l ots ; 41 mall lots are 2©20 -higher. ST. Louis, March 26.—Catlle &farket— Cattle, 14 good : , Waal den:Quid-13EO prices., areanehatigid. at 14®7%. - , ' .21141.R1MT54. OFFICE OF PrrrsaunaD GAZETTE, FRIDAY, March 26, 1869. There is but little to be said about the markets in a general_ Way, with the , ception that 'the :improvement in busi ness so long looked for has not yet taken place, although hopes are still entertain ed that it is near at hand, and that we will yet have a good Spring' trade. As Vet, however, the demand for almost everything is very much restricted, and the volume of bnsiness in the aggregate , is light, while so far as values are con cerned there are no important changes. APPLES—In moderate demand, and with a limited supply, prices are well sustained t4(gl6 for fair to prime and 46% for choice. APPLE BL" I'ER-90@ll per gal. BUTTER—Is in steady demand, and we can report regular sales at 45©48 for priufe to choice. BEANS—In better supply—may be quoted at 13,50@53,75. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—DuII: 3®3;,,'. CRA'NBERRIIIes at taogus. CHEESE-7We:: of New York Goshen at 2401125. CORNMEAL—SI,7S@I,BS per cm. CARBON OIL—Is a shade stronger, with less offering, but the market is so irresttlar that it is difficult to give quo tations: DRIED FRUIT Peaches steady at 14 @l5 for quarters; lU@l7 for mixed and 18@20 for halves. Apples scarce and in demand at 110123 cis. EGGS—Market a shade easier and the bulk of the sales to-day were at 26, though quotations, may be given at 26 HAY--Baled is dull but unchanged; sales of good to prime at $23@25. HOMINY---$6®6,25. HEMP—Quoted at Imo per ton. PROVISIONS—The market. is steady with a fai rjobbing demand, butlprices are unchanged. Sales •of Baoon at 1 , 44(4) for *Shoulders; Ri 3bed Sides,. 18%@ 17; Clear Sides ; lB@lB /, and Sugar Cared Hams 19%. Steamed Lard, 195, kettle _rendered, 20@20X. Mess Pork 832,50. Dried Beef 21. POTATOES—In good local demand with. rsgalar Sales,. In store, at 800 per bushel: - . PEANUTS-10 cts per pound. GRAlN—Wheat continues quiet and tinchamted—sl,43®l,4s for No. 1 Spring, and $1,55®1,60 for 1 Winter. Oats quiet; sales on•wharf • and track at 65® 653:„ and in store at 67 ®7O. ,Rys contin ues very sales ' -at 11,40®1;42, and demand very light., Cort 4 also, is . very dull but unchanged; sales white at 70, and prithe yellow' at 750177: - Barley dull; mime to choice Spring 11,90®2. SEEDS—There is a very fair demand for Clover, with sales at 510®10,50, and Timothy at P.50®3,75. Flaxseed quoted at 12,45®2,50. SALT—Is qtuet.but steady, and is still quoted at .52 by the _car loid. SORGHII.SI-40®85e. ••• s - FEATHERS—A shimie firmer, and we now quote live geese feathers at 80 to the trade, and the usual advance in a retail Way. FLOUR—The demand continues light but prices are unchanged. Spring Wheat brands 14;5 to 6,75®7. Winter Wheat $7;50©8. Rye Flour /7,00® 7,25. The following are the Pearl Mill prices- for their brands of flour made of the best wheat: Pearl ?dill three star green brand, in barrels, *9,90 in sacks $9,60; double extra in. bar rels 19,00, and in sacks at $8,90; Pearl Mill family in barrels, $8,40, and in sacks at 18,00, Spring Wheat brands in: barrels $7,30, and in sacks $7,00. The Pittsbnrgh City Mills-prices are as fol lows: Choice White Winter Wheat Flour, in bbls, $9,30, and - lacks $9,00; choice Red Winter Wheat Flour, in bbla, $7,75, and in sacks $7,50; choice Spring Wheat Flour, in bbls, $730, and in sacks, $7 per bbl. WHlSKY—Highwines very dull; may be quoted in a jobbing way at 92®93. LARD Oil—Sales No. 1 at $1,55©1,60, and N 0.2, at $1,25®1;28. PETROLEUM_ MARKET. ex . O L FI GS OF Prrrantraon Gazarric, FRIDAY, March 28, 1869. S Th kat was comparatively quiet to-day, the volume . of huainese in the ag. gregete being light; and annpared With yesterday, the feeling seemed to be weaker, and prices; particu l arly ~for Crude, were a shade lower. The Crude market appeared to, he weak in anticipa tion of large receipts, silt is expected that the arrivals by river within the neat few days will foot up 75,000, perhaps 100,000 barrels, and as a consequenetthere were more sellerslhan buyers. One thing that strengthens the belief that thetre .. celpts will be large, is the fact that are a great many sellers options out at better „ , prices than those now preistling, and it is but natural to suppose that a strong effort will l made by parties holding these options, to deliver the oil and get their, money. , , , CRUDE The market, as already noted, was dull and weak with a pretty strong pressure to .sell, and compared with yesterday, prices have dill further declined. We can report sales in lots of 6;0011 bbls, seller'till July Ist; Ist 2,000 same delivery and option, at 15%; and 1,000 each. May to December, (40, to 48; )'at. ' REFINED—AIso was very quiet and a little weak to -day, though the pressure to sell did not. appear to be as strong as in the case of Crude. We. have but a single sale to record, 2,500 bbls for June, seller,: at 85. April was quoted nomi nally at 34®343t April and May •at 8414;., April to June at .84.3.4®35:' April to De cember aC.86%®30%; March at 81%@82.- LVBRICATING OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil , 40c Eclipse Railroad Azle - 860 . Eclipse Machinery 750 Eclipae,Elphidle,. M .. ...,.., . SOO i • ore IgairrizeWilli; „ , .Lockhart, Frew & 00. 622 bbls refined arden, Fow l &Oct., Philadelphia. -- Mizanialft , ; o ?!l ;500 -bbbk to .Tack liti•sl'hatASlPl4.‘.BrO Ill'ate l o, l tf;: 33s iwtvicipt*A6, . 140?.11/64eiphia. ..toOyth, I;troe4 203 bble relined.to. F, A. DitivOrth _ H. Koehler & bbls.,refined to H. Koehler & Co., Philadelphia. H. W. C. Vveddle, 50 bble refined to J.-R. Battlett. -1- • • Brr,lt v&, Wagner, 50 bbls tar to New Paraftne - ds , Co. 40 MoKelvy Bro., 50 Obis tar to New York it Paraffins & Co. Total shipments Refined 1880 Total shipments Tar 100 faiiPPtux i T imitota Outiiriestrit _ DEPOT. • Long (ft,,Co.. 220 bbls refined:be W. P. Logan & •‘• Total Stdpmenta 220 CINCINNATI ) March 22.--Cattle Market -=Beet cattle tint sand• &Maud good at $.1@,75 for common to choice per can to' - gross. Sheep in lst* • mipply and prices 75e lower V,25@6,50 per mita'. Hogs dull, and lower the supply exceeds the demand at 9®llo per dental groan.