FM 13 DESCIRIBEIGI A RECEPTION AT THE WHITE HOUSE, The Washington Star Says : , ~,t peeuitar Lyle of wearing the hatr,liat even tog, among t e ladle, , was a anbieeti k.l . much mment, and the remarks were, for the Most part, altogether In its favor, at t& beef:4234'g sub initiate for the waterfall. ' ,.1 , • An exchange says: "Now that the `waterhillt is a little pant, a is rumored that it originated not In i!sris, but In India." The. luxiiriant. glossy tresses of the maidens of the Indies have, fin centuries, been celebrated ano sung by a thousand bewitched poetasters, while the secret of their highest charms remained undiscovered. It was teft to Burnett, thufamons Boston chemist, to solve.the Mystery, In the Invention of the arti cle styled "0000AINE, it by which the active principle of cocoa-nut oil (a product which the natives used,) is secured in a deoderlzed and liquid form, delightfully perfumed and chemi cally comb ined with other Ingredients. This compound (brim an article unrivalled in excel lence, upon which the public has, Ibr years, set its seal of enduring approval. Its fame is rnt valled."—Cincinnate Enquirer, Fel. 19, 1863. Burnett , / Cocoaine Is the hair-dressing which the ballet and fashion of this country use. The effect upon the gloest %lea and richnees of rife appearance of natural and artificial hair is equally durable. Splendid and efficac:ous. "BuinettO standard preparitiohs are ,cele brated throughout the civilized -r. Tribune. Burnett's Standard Preparations 'Are Jun now all the rage among . the ladle,. who generally indorse therm at unrtralled. They ex press,themselves as highly delighted with Buraetes CoOzine, and dwell with notdischt enthusiasm on its won dean! effect in proniotlig and preserving the beauty of the bah'. 'hermit's HaMaims Is quails' admired as a healthful; fragant and beautifying cosmetic. Burnett & Co. are also the proprietors of the choleoPerftime called Burnett's .Florimei, and of the Pituing dentrlflca, Burnett's Oriental Tooth Wash. They have 11111 Ce added ,Iturnt . 4t's Cologne Water •to the list. It is mach admixed by connoisears, among whom it bas acquired the reputation of being second to none other, foreign or domestic. BURNETT'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS Take unexceptional rank as the best made in America. They are carefully prepared • from fruits and spices of the best quality. Their nni. ♦ersal success is based 'IMO their merit. Refer ence is made to the principal Purveyors, Coulee tioners and Hotels in the United States.—Chi moo- Tribune. COMMENTS OF THE PRESS BEGARDIFf 0 Barnett's Standard Preparations. Unequalled among the preparations of Ater' can chemists.-Trtie Fkip, Boston.' The ladlesg it :mr household ludoise them as nu .Tountai,' N. Y. Enjei the highest reputation among the ladies. —Leutstrttie lounuti." Deservedlj popular.—Cinetnitati. Oomernereta/.. Are tally established as goods c . f high order. CU ear° Tribune. Important manhole!a to a lady's toilet.—Waal ington Caroni° le. OL apprOved usetblueso—oll that they profess to be. —PhitadelPhia The beat preparations' of their kind extant. Scare Natiosat Reefers. Betnarhable for delicacY, freshness and purity —Christkin Gipardian. Toro We heartily recommend them to all our readers .Fhtatty Magoretne. Once !ased,they recomlnend themselves.—Ohris-, 'Sias Freewill. Baton. 1. : 'Bnniett rePititiOn 11 a ettflicleal gostaatee of the exeelleiee of his preparations.—Boston journat. . We learn man the drat confectioner of this city , that. Burnett's "Extracts of Fruits and Flowers are tonal to the English's:tides of the same kind `o the highest cilebrity.-"-Nmstrea/ Minas. ._._. . s ualw•rnAL Nl* YoitC, Bu well-rya STANDARD PIUff O A4ATIONS, rank high among the leading staples our line' or IrioN. lfirperence Sas taught us that'll TePury tation , so . ivide.sittead and ' enviable thaf en- JoYed ysy • thei articles of their manufacture; ean , only be earned by mains ewe. Tours, respectfully, BARNRS . CO. The above expresses the opfnirn of dealers enerally. Tor sale wholesale and retail by ill ;druggists and dealer* in medicine. Bum3wa Oriental • Tooth Wash la presarteioi the teeth,iand bitantitles Donn without Wiry to thienasnel. In this respect it stands alone.. The erldenee Of Chemists and of Ape Dental Faculty substantiates these facts. Burnett's iriorimei 3Closaiy resembles the odor of a rare and de/tears boquet of lowers, and In'this respeCestands un rhmlle4. ,A few drops will leave its peculiar and d'en ghtfbi fragrance upon the handkerchief for aeuii hours. NEW ' Al!iIhnE1111 Igr THE FIRST METHODIST 01WRCII. ( litreet,pear DedloCiA Icawßilicarrox. Pa.' S. P. fiROWTIIICP., Pastor. Preaching EVERT SABBATH. at 1U) A. X. and 7P. M. Public cordially invited. IarFIRST ENGLISH - EVAN GELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, Sus , • end' street—Rev. SAMUEL LAIRD, Pastor. Services TO-MORROW (Sunday.) and regularly hereafter at 1O) A. AL and IX, P. Sunday School at Wg..u. ' THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH, Firm Avz.sups, between Smithfield• and Grant streets, ALES. CLARK, Pastor. Preaching EVERY SABBATH. at A. K. and 7.30 P. Free seats and welcome to all. Sunday School at 9A. B. and L 45 P. et. • IgrFIRST CHRISTIAN Gray,P O o ß r, m e ets P t TTSB y U I RO L EVWIL. LEHAL, corner of Liberty and -Fourth streets. Services *TM -Lord's Day atlo3f, A. 2t. and Thl t. F. Subject for Morales discourse, ..COutUts OF CHEIgTO , The public are cordially Invited. gritimuoiotrs.—First Chris- TIAN CHURCH, currier Beaver street and Montgomery avenue. Allegheny City, JO HEPR HlNCl..Fastor. Public worship TO4dOR ROW, (Lord's Day.) at log in the Wowing° and 734, in the Evan MG. Free Beats. and a cordial invitation given to all. tgrIILESSLIII ENGLISH EVAN.. HELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. (Gen eral Synod. ) Hand Street. below Penn. Rev. J.H. W.. STUCEENBERG, Pastor. Religious servi ces regularly on SABBATH hereafter. Sunday School 9A. R. Preaching at 10S A. M: and 1 P. M. Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wedneal day evenings. Filends of the congregation and public are cordially Invited. 'WANTED:—A few good 'agents at Dr, Boss' Medical Depot, No. JlB St. Clair Street, second story. . W - - ANTED—A few good men to sell the Wheeler Sr. Wilson Sewing Ma chine on a salmy or commission. No CAPITAL REQUIRID. WM. SUMNER &CO., dT Pittsburgh. Pa. REMOVAL. -11. McLain & Dealers in Beal Estate Stocks, -Bonds. mo. [gages and other securities. have removed to their new Office, 104; Fourth avenue, Paulson's new Building. Any parties deslrios to buy or sell 'Beal Estate of any kind, Stocks or Bonds and Mortgages will do well to give them a call. mn27 WEDISTERN 'PEIIINSYLVANIA OIL CO. • . SDAY EVENING, March 30th, at 7,ti o'clock, on reeond doer of Commtrolal Sales Roma ; 108 timittineld street, will be sold by order of Orphans' Coors, 5 870 'beret Weih trn Pennsylvania 011 Co. n;b27 A. MclLWAlNE.*Auctloneer. F OR SALE—Bare Chanc&-A desirable two-story brick bonee on Congress Street, Cie rooms. basement kitchen. and )lin iahed attic. Lease of two years from April let. /tent esry tom. Inquire fOr three days at 111 Water street. FOR SALE, DRUG STORE, With lease of Store and Dwelling. Good pre scription trade, commanding the most select patronage in the vicinity: situated in a good neighborhood, on line of street railway. and Si ted up In handsome style. Cash receipts last year over 811.000. Excellent Soda Fountain, to gether with everything pertaining to a Ant class D ug and Prescription Store. Splendid place to live- To any enterprising man wistdna to engage In the above busineu, this is one of the best op portunities that has been offered tor years. ' 0001 i reasons for selling. For any hifonnation address or inquire of ROBB a SNIVELY. Si) Attorneys at Law. Grant street, opposite Court Rouse. rah27:gat Pittsburgh. NEW STOCK OF HOSIERY. ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN. AND DOMESTIC HOSIERY, In great variety, AT JAMES PHELAN'S Old Stand Stocking Store, mh27•11 No. 24 FIFTH AVENUE. RARE 'AND BEAUTIFUL • Staffed Birds at Attetioa. On MONDAY, March 99th. at 10 A. X., li aad 7 p. x., at Masonic Hall Auction Rooms. as and 57, Fifth avenue ,willto sold the choicest collection of STUFFED BIRDS ever offered in our city, embracing in part the rarest specimens and richest plumage of toe East and West Indies, South America and our own country. The birds were all caught and prepared by Mr. A.. H. Alexander. the well known American col lector, end are beantUbily mounted on sprays and under French glass shades. Mr. Alexander will be with his stock at the room of Mean's. H. B. bmithson it Co., and will cheerfully give any information with regard to bow and where the birds were collected, &M. Ac, Mr. A. leaves for South America in a few days and will sell his en tire stock without reserve. BIRDS on cxlii nition to-day (Saturday.) H. B. SMITHSON & CO. m 417 • CAR PITS: 200 PIECES BODY I{IIIIASSEI44. 425, PIECES ? - VAPESTRY BRUSSELS, 450 viscps 3-ply .and 2-ply Ingrain . „ The shave includes all the Newest Styles and Designs, and are now in Store and arriving, to be sold • LOW FOR PASH; . , At OLIVER -'IPCLITOCII: & 'CO F. 23 'Fifth Avenue. TACGAAT & - ' •'°s • . `GRAND 0P1E.X7.11; Spring an4,Sumnier BOOM SHOES AND GAITERS , WHOLESALE AND ESTAIL, AT *0.129 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny. Give nil a call and be convincedof the Durabll• lty and Extra Quality - of work at low prices. And all wUt be satisfied with a good article at tbsc lowest price'. BOOTS AND SHOES BADE TO ORDER. nihis:l47 041, es on ste ame rOTT o N-1 Robert Moore, to arrive for Stile b MAUI MICIEr a co. , PITTSBURGH ZETTE SAX. URDU " =EN miw mniat • pOsitwisowirvitfir4s. Under guarantee of the North Ger man Postale, t Department, Me office will receive money to be Pald by the respective Post Offices in the confederation *BEE 9P•cludiGE. and also pay all orders leafed by the various Postogices for parties' of thu dbtrict, At the'.l3Euakiiag Hous:.e"of PR.. R. , ILERTZ. • THE FIRST NUMBER APPLETONS' JOURNAL AN ART. SUPPLEMENT, Of the Grand Drive at Central Park. The Picture is designed by one of our first l ar- Alias, from drawings taken on the spot. it is printed on tiated paper, aryl makes an Engraring fit for framing; This Engraving is giveirtratis to all purchasers of the Journal, and Is of itself worth niore than the price of the Journal as a work of art: NEARLY EVERY NUMBER Will Contain Some New 11Inted Feature—Either. a Steel En graving, a Cartoon, or Illus . trata Supplementary . Matter of Interest. IN UN HUT NUM . IS COIIIINICED VICTCR HITGO'S FAMOUS NEW ROMANCE, TIE MAN WHO LAUGHS; BY THE KING'S CO3LMAND. The Journal Will contain 32 Pages of Reading Natter. Price 10 cents per No. or $4 per annum. in advance SEWS Fos BALM BY ALL NEWS AGETII lIIROVGII OUT TILE UNITED STATES. D. APPLETON & co., Publishers, 90, 99 sad 94 GRAND EIT., NEW YORE CONYBEARE AND HOWSON'S Life and Epis les `of St.' Paul. The only Complete and Unahridged Edition. The Two Volumes of the London Edition In one Volume, Bco, with the Text end Notes'entire, 1,048 Pages, 17 Maps, and 82 Engravings, at the reduced price of THREE DOLLARS. Buy this Edition and do not wait for Agents to Vit jou. This edition of Conybeare and Howson's Life and Epistles .of St. Psul dlders drom all others published in this countrYin giving nearly double the number of Maps and Illustrations (17 Maps and 89 •Endinvibirs); in containing the Tent 'Notes of the original Loudon satire, and in selling at the remattably low price of THREE DOLLARS. . For sale by mb24:wnins • 'JOSEPH HORNERBookseller PE and Stationer. METH ODIST BOOK DE POSITORY, Mettiodlat Epucopal Block, N 0.1119 Smithfield street. t Price. A Garden of Spices il A 00 Ancient Cities and Empires 1 75 Watchwords for the Warfare of Life.... 175 Man and the Gospel Yesterday, To-Day and. Forever • A 00 Hades and Heaven 1 00 Wild Life under the Equator • 170 Greater Britain—by Mike , a i g s Plain Words on Christian Living Christ the Light of the World 160 Characteristics of Christ's Teachings... ' 150 Simple Truths for Earnest Minds 1 50 The Empty. Crib • 100 Tales from Alsace ,'' - ..150 Noontide at Sychar 1 50 Memories of clivetS 00 The Life of Wm. Marsh, D. D 1,78 Our Life la thins 1 50 Studies of Character • 1 15 The Pivot Words of Scripture '-' 1 The Pearl et Parables.... - 1 A 6 Mind and Words of Jesus 50 "Views from Plymouth Rcpt • ..- ~1150 STEM-WINDINC WALTHAM WATCHES. These Watehes are of the weell.knorrn X Piste style, and warrantee to satisfy the most exacting demand. for beauty, finish anditenalW• . The naasiufaotaxs Watehen , atthie nue quality is not even attempted in this country' except at Waltham. lb* ItiLE BY I. a. REZA a Co., mu: PITTSBURGH. WALTHAM : - WAT43HEB: 84 Plate, 46 441 29 sizes. To the manufacture of these fine Watches thli Company have devoted all the science and skill intnev:t their: eofidiallti anafieniettentill clatM l'or anemia anaheautn;no lets than helms ter isamelenclea of meolistfimil and scientific correctness of &sign and ezecu these weirb o es fire upstumeesedanyvivere."l In ems ebuntry ^the mituUttietute or these rine grade of Wateltea In not even attempted, except at Waltham. • roa - PAI kr, ; L _it • B. irrazaaar a 00,i SPRIA r Gt -SPOTS. OFc BOW GRAY di LOGAN, WS 47 SIXTH STREET, (late St. OW.) ini6ii OF • CONTAINS BEPItESENTING A VIEW SIZE, 28 by 10 Inches. CALLED ROBERT B. DAVIS & CO., 393 Liberty street NOW BECEMIG BY NrAv..oo(l* NEW DOOR r! NEAP aooDs GOOD BARGAINS!! AT !S CENT'S, 1 NEW SPRING STYLEfi ;iiGHT. -- iotiAritEig. Ar • BEST CILICOES, New Styles. ALT 124 czarni, Extra Yard Wide Muslins. 'DRESS GOODS, IN Desirable Colors and MaterialS. HEAVY BLACK DRESS SILK. NE IV CASSIMERES. Table Linens and Napkins SHEETING PILLOW CASE INIISLINS: CARPETS! CARPETS! - VERY LOW PRICES. ch L slee'ir ebl d ttrlag E t'i% 3 llltPLlWt days. 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, IMIaML SEXPLE'S, rto. Ise AND 182 FEDERAL STREET; _ azzaciasenr. mh'S IKINTOX FRUIT FARM • AND • NURSERIES. GRIPES, Strawberriei Raspberries, Blackberries, Gooseberries, CUBA NTS, &e., kc., kr. Havl nt made the cultivation of the Above 'Finite a specialty for a number of years. our collection is much the most complete, of any In the country. Oar stook of VINES AND PLANTS For sale this Season is very large and superior, which we offer at prices as low as the same QUAL ITY of a GEN Ullgif article can be had anywhere. The country is flooded, by unreliab e agents.' with loterlor or spurious stodk. which wiligive nothing but disappointment to the planter. Vast sums of money are thus annually worse than thrown away, add by the time the Vines and Plants should produce fruit, the party who fur nished them is out Lf reach, and the planter hag no recourse. Failure in Small Fruit Culture is An?rally the result of a choice of inferior varieties and poor stock. We OVAISANTILE our stoca to give ENT= SATISFACTION in GENOININISS, QUALITY, PHI-, erg, and, with prover culture, YIELD or FRUIT. The NEW - EDITION of our DESCRIPTIVE and' ILLUSTRATED (+MALL FRUIT (VITA. LOGIIE of 01 _Pages; and PRICK LIST FOR. SPRING OP 1569, will both be sent to all appli, cants incloslng 10 cents, Whether Growers wish twonrchwe stock or not, they will these Pamplal. ts of 08 times pages th ot greate value,' and forth more than ten i. - - J. KNOX, BOX 155, CITY OFFICE 137 LIBReTY ST.,: utiaeatE2.BP PITTSBURGH. // , No. 37 FIFTH AVENUE, Pa. P. HUPP, Du keeping. PRESIDENT. Established twenty-eight years, having educa ted many thousands of Merchants, Bankers and Accountants in the United States and Canada In the most perfect class instruction, and Is now the first College America to Introduce the new important Improvement of combining that class Instruction with comprehensive exercise in mt,Esr.. nusizrEss, BrWld. H. CHARLES P. and ROBERT P. DUFF, all experienced business Accountants, each having kept books extensiv firms, et lug our stodents,the ram of becm Ina a:lance praettcsi Areotut ants' o Fl 3 new system'of Remnants , ' Manufacturer's, National Bank, Railroad and Private Bankers 3300 K -31 C13.101.1147431. Splendidly printed to colors by HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. pp. 400 Crown Bro. , 74. Postage BBC. The only wo rk' containing *Mimi Bank and Private Bankers' accounts. No other work of the kind has beeti so nnani 'moody and emphatically recommended by the presit, oy business men, by teachers, and by those who nave been educated from it. See our new _Circular, containing algid lac simile of WM. H. "UP '"8 Firate P r e mium Fillarallulain. Medals. O &c. MW OPT P. IYUk'W SON, Principals. , p. *DUFF 8c SON'S; 124 Seeond Avenine,Plttslburgli, COmmtssion Mdrokonts 4 -161 F / Eil li kt i r e t u Pio a rte in . • trit a tEa r i a b l iaiir d MrSend Mon: Weelurpoce otimat. n0213:266dan: , , 1•.,• - • _-' ) L '9T,F it3 TßlFrill?;? B , ' Plll . . beis , Materialsi, 821 41.5 AND IRON` ' COCK'S, s i:l •,. . .. _ . , • , Sitini Gauges, Gleam . PuMP3l PLAIN `IND GALVANIZED IRON PIPE, Etc, ' - • Tort estac Br iiklLErri FARRELL & -CO; ... . 167 Ihnitlikatu sir e ,t, , ' m hitvre .- n.. PITTSBURGII. WIRENS, Jong.T hUIgoPAOTITIINE OP • 1 WINDOW. GLASS '. warehouse—No. NT WOOD STREET, athlo:l76 Pittsburgh', . • . " • ' NEW tPEING ♦ND MI ,~;t*, lISORTMENT& Just Opened. Hats and lionnAts, . Flowers and Ribbons, Edgings and Insertions, Hamburg Embroideries, Lace Collars, , Lace Handlrerchies, Hoop Skirts, Corsets, Ladies Underwear, Rufflings, Trimmings, Gloves and Hosiery, Nainsook lifusli‘n4 Jaconet Muslins, Swiss Muslins, Bahnoral Skirts, Felt Skirts, Linen Bosoms, Collars, Cuffs, &c., &c., WHOMALE /ND arr.uL, Da WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 160' AND 159= FEDERAL STREET, ALLIIGiMUM BINEEPTCY PLAYED DE Tms T.V.WaVaj Chno , CARD entitles the bearer, on prese.ntatlon, to TWO DOLLARS abatement on a ,cash purchase 0t5115.00 at the great) ;cheap clothing house of - S. O. TRAVESMIABr, ORWINAL BIG NUMBER 11, Sixth Street, late St. Clair. Nobody beat by this establistunent, but fair dealing to all! Call and be convinced. All clothing plainly marked byPeinted cards, at LOWEST CASH PRICES, So that no one may be deceived. Remember the place, original big number 11, SiXTE dTRErk, late St. Clair. • BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS OF THIS! • S.- 6. TRAIMIBIM. deMan-S WALL PARER AND WINDOW SIIADES, of • New and Handsome Designs; NOITORENIFO 4.1 1 • Np. ±O7 Market pireet I (NEAR FIFTH AVENUE,) ' - Embrifeing a large and carefully selected stock or. the newest designs Am the man BTA.Mr- ED HOLD to the CHEAPEST ARTICLE known to the trade. All of which we offer atyrices that will pay buyers to examine. • . JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. , m 11231141 ANTHRACITE COAL! THE BRADDOCKS FIELDS Gam Coal Company 14 • ilik e ihildWbeen ainidnted SOLE AGEWN'top PlAsburgh and Allegheny Clilesandintroundlisc towns for the sale of tee Coal of ihe Pennsylva nia and Ohio Anthracite Coal and Trintsporta tion CompanY. Panics in went of a soperior quality of Anthra cite Coal from Eastern Mines, will do well to call on them. • General Office and Yard--CORNER OP AN DERSON S. and P. Ft: W. & C. Alin- Ai lls e-uY rich . Office and Yard — LIBERTY, opposite SIXTEENTH SEItitET, Pittsburgh. Postoffice Addresa,43ox 587 Pittsburgh. , • ' J. D. NIAIION;:= Superintendent Fonts..e 'Ohio inthiaeite 1 • No. 114 FOURTH. AVENU E! Pittsburgh. mh.23:09 . • • • ITRADE MARK. i fe,o: ''' . DMERIDU I S ' . snium.p . itoo.p - OffiNNEYS• ,--- V , '- 4_ , ., -,,_ WHAT EVERY ONE NEED& A FLOUR plat Will sake Choice Bread at a Lolr Mee. MEANOR, & HARPER Have succeeded In getting the hest Flour at the lowest price offered in this market tor the last jive years. They warrant every - barrel to give entire satisfaction, and It- has -never failed in a single Instance to do co. . Dealers will tied it to their advantage to g ve their WHITE RUSE trial. Kept constantly on band at their Ware houtuse,hie 3119 LIBIcIsTY STREET;;Plttsbargh. Pa. r a. !*Z'.lt':7!!‘• tgr'ALLEGRENT PREMIUM 1.,0AN ASSOCIATION. Thare will be mee_Unglor the above Association at SUTTON'S HALL. 'northwest corner Diamond. Allegheny .• on SATURDAY ICVENINO. March 5117th, at 1).4 o'clock.' All members, and others, wishing to take stock. will please attend. mb26: WRITMONE. Secretary, pro ten. g 26 PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK, gmrraigutoll, March SI, 1869:' A M lEFE TI N OF • THE StockhoLdere at sank, BANK will be held at the Bank, No $0Yowl& avenue, on MONDAY, MARCH 20. 1869. at one o'clock IN Id. me.23:g44 as. Y. VON BONNHORST, IarANELECTION FOB PRES- IDENT and SIX DIRECTORS .of the MANOHLSTER RAVINGS . BANK, will be held at the Banking House, on SATURDAY, the 37th dair of March, 1869, between•the hours of 1 and 3 o'clock nihiktie 7 THOS.H. UPDIKE, embitter. IRON CITY `. SPICE AND MUSTARD $ STRICKLER & MORLEDCE, Spices and ' Mustard. We call tnion of consumers to our EX. CELSIOR BOAS T ' 'OFFEE. sold in one pound packages and WARRANTED to be the verSthest in the market. Eel! CORNMEAL ground daily' All arti cles warranted to be of the best quality and de livered in the city free of charge. mh26 NEW GOODS. FINE VASES, BOHI2I/Air AND • CHINA. NEW STYLES__, • DIDIAAR SETS, • TEA SETS, GUM. CUPS, SMOKING SETS, ' • A large stock of SILVER PLATED GOODS of all descriptions. Call and examine our. fee! suMtted no oae Roods, and we R. E; BREED • dr. CO. ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. LEMON & WEISE. Practical Furniture Manufacturers, 118 ir 01:1-11.TIA' Where may be fetuida full assortment orPar. .for Chamber and Kitchen Furniture. deS5 UNION ENTERPRISE FOUNDRY, JOHNSON. Manufactnrer of COOKING STOVES, Arches, Grates, Fenders, Sash Weights, and all kinds of Hollow Warfa, Car Wheels and all kinds of Machinery CastingsOlt. WATSON • & SHIN GISH STS.. PITTSB UR GH. PA. antsto27wkB iv/mama:vs ELIXIR. MARSHALL% ELIXIR WILL CITRIC HEADACHE. IIEAREELALL'B ELIXIR WILi. CUBE DYSPEPSIA. ELIXIR WILL CUBE Coserez- NESS. Price of Marsballls Eltxlr, $l.OO por bottle. Depot,l3ol Market street. 31. MAReIiALL & Co , Diuggists, Proprietors. For sale,' wholesale and retail. by GEO. A. KELLY, Pittsburgh, fel:dalheirics SKATES, SKATES, SKATES. American Rink, New York Club, Empire, Stm.r, &c. All other styles aad itiea at the Ter/ lowest rates at. dell T 9; IPEDERAL ST.. ALLEGHENY' FRESH SHAD__ RECEIVED daily at BENJAMIN ruLPRESs' popular wish Stand, No. 45 Diamond Market, Pitt.- burgh, and at the Twin City. Allegheny Citty. corner or Ohio and Federal streets. Can be had all kinds, of Sea and Lake fish_ , Shad, Beak, Codfish. Haddock and Eel. AlsO, large supplies or White, Lake Fish, Salmon, Bass. Stergeon. Herring and Hacinaw Trout., which enables us to sell at the lowest market prices, wholesale or retail. We invite all lovers of Fresh Fish to give us a call. and we will'lnsure th4m a treat. Mh2S KEYSTONE POTTERY. c M. HIER & CO., fa. Ifanuticturers o RIIERNAWARR. BRAISTOI. WARE 44. office and Warehouse. 383 L.I.BEBTIr STRUT. sap All orders nromptly.aitended to. 4 itoptiolloili 44, vo., FANCY CASE BAKERY. CONFECTIONARY. ior, CREAM and DINING SALOON, 83 Smithfield street, corner of Diamond alley. Pittsburgh. tir Parties and families annulled with Ice Cream and Cakes on short notice. ( iAItDING.--A Small Family B , or two or three gentlemen can be accom modated with boarding from Ist of April next. In Allegheny City. Re (ermines exchanged. Ap py beibra let of Aprli. at GR Fourth avenue, Pittsburgh: after that at 44 Rebecca street. Alitgheny,.olty. g'3 i inh36:g22 REDIOVAL.--TheOffic•? . _ pf 14e t , /Sr P r f! )l4 4__• it i f t i l i I i •.- • mi t.l 1 remove ihithiPATCHBiaLAING, No. 0 Fifth Avenue, iecollit irido4"ion" Mondoy, ariiiiiBth..•:: a..: - .:, .., •, ,i • ~.„ '-, ,, bbist2 ____ . IpROPOSALS—For the Eno eon of Bank Building for MAW' Saville Bank Will be received at No. 6? Pourth avenue, roots No. 3, second slog., new the 27th inst. Plans and speeldcaUoni can seen t until the Mothinst.,'add all Information given by . ISAAC HOBBS & SONS, Architects.- mh17:112 G""D NEVVS. OBSI2 BREAD IS DEAR MOE Enquire for WAlripe Brood. T 1 e !weft sad beef. The Initials "R. es STEIV loaf. Take none Clap. aucrea REINOVAL. • It A. SHUN, Attornepat-Law Has removed his office from No. 139 Fourth smile. to No. 75 GRANT STREET, ( corper of Diamond.) lamas . • c < ,S • • •-