g 1 . • mayor. , Drurs.:qt3,l4.4o4Tritsprne 4l borne last evening. Yesterday WatLa remarkably dark day, even for Pittsburgh. *Mouse Cleaning" will soon be the or der of the day among good housewives - . Two common cases were disposed of in the usual way at the Allegheny Mayor's•ciffice yesterday morning. New Publicationew—The announcement of J.'B. Lippincott & Co's. new publica tions will be found on the fifth pale of to-day's paper. Acting Mayor Bowden, of Allegheny, fined a countryman two dollars and a half, yesterday, for driving over theidde walk in the Diamond. Wow 13e11.—The Second Ward, Alla ghenk,ihlic School Hodse has been furnished with a new bellin place of the old one, which was broken some time Latest Montnlies.—W. A. Gildenfen riey, No. 45 Fifth avenue, has received the nd April" numbers of the_ ,, Atlantio Monthly, 4 , elodey's Lady's Book," a 4'Our Young Folks." • Call in at the Universalist Fair, on the earner of Third avenue and Grant street, to-night and take part is the pleasures of the occasion. The velocipede, with the exploits and manoevres thereon, cause 6 lto merriment. Mr Charles Thompson, a resident of ' - Anogheay, while exercising on a voice'- tede on Sixth - (St. Clair) street, vaster , m • ,sy orning, ran into a passing vehicle. . , 'The bicycle was demolished, but Mr. 'Thompson fortunately escaped serious Injrulr. April Magazines.—Pittock, newsdealer, opposite the Postoffice, Fifth avenue. has sent,us the Atlantic, Godey's and Har per's Monthlies for April. They are lined with interebting and instructive reading matter. Plttook has received all the April magazines. The leading eekliee, literary, political and pictorial, will also be found on'his counters. Important to. Pennsylvania Reserves.— ' By` the provisions of the sot of the 3d Anat.. soldiers discharged by reason of cexpiration of term of service," are en titled as though they served their full term* of enlistment. This will give t 6 each member of the Reserve corps who has not received a hundred dollars addi tional bounty. fifty dollars -more. For further information apply to RallFatter ' roe, No. 71'Grant street. Snit.—We gave the par iculars Yesterday of a case of assault and battery and trespass - , in which Philip Young, a seloon keeper in Sharpaburg, ap pea red as prosecutor; and George Beiletein one • of the,-three- defendants. Subsequently madeinftintnation before Alder _ man Mullen twin Young for selling liquor to minors.' The alleged offence consists in selling-liquor to George Bell stein .Tr„ a youth about sixteen years of ' age. 'The accused was arrested and after a - hearlng, in default of bail in the sum of three llriudred dollars, committed , for The Committee on. City Property of tho Allegheny Councilti have awarded the insurance 'on the City Buildings to the: , ;Monongahela and Boat men's Insurance Companies of this city, for three years, they having been the lowestdrid best bidders for the contract as, antlibrized by a resolution recently passed by the Councils. The whole amount of insurance is 135,000, of which - 125,000 is on City Halt and 1510,000 on the Market:Howse. , The risk is at the rate of 33X. cents per hundred for the three 'Vara. The silver lantern awarded to the nu at popular Railroad Conductor by the Wesley Clutpel Fair Was handed over yesterday to Mr. C. Di. Ludwick, Con ducibr on the Western Pennsylvania road, he having *waived the majority of - votes. , The lamp presented was worth several hundred dollars. being of pure coin metal,. of „exquisite worktbanship, manufactured by Dir. Dunseath, the well known Fifth avenue Jeweller. Mr. Hugh Forrester was at the Ramo time presented with a handsome silver•plated lantern in tokep of appreciation. Speolal - policemen have been appoint- ' ed by the;'Allegheny Park Commission era to prevetit all trespissing on. the grounds neder,their care, or in any way injuring the . trees, plantsi flowers, &c., on the same. This action has been found necessary to properly protect •the Parks , from the raids made upon it by vicious boys and others, who have heretofore Method recklessly over the flower beds, doing considerable damage thereby. • There. is' an ordinance,: recently passed by;Councils, in reference to this matter, which the . . Commissioners are deter mined to rigidly enforce. =I . • Mortuary Report. Dr. Virc . "Boively, Physician of the Board a Health,. reports' the following inter merits in the •. city of Pittsburgh from March. 7 to ; March 14, 1860. Mates 9:I Females. ; , 13 Colored.— 0 $ The diseases is the ye 08888 were: IParalYaist I;„Pneumonia, 1; Debility, 1; Chngestion of Dings, 3; Bronchitis; 1; Tu hrec4loB/e, 2;t2darastuus, 1; Convulsions, . ' trilypOrtrophyof Heihrt.lj BrochoPneu .monia,lt Softening of, Brain, 1; Measles, 1; Arthritis, 1; Still ,Boro,' 3; Hydroco phabisl4. • ' ; • ten; thealxviretberitweroßuder one year, ten; from oneto two, orukt frontm two.to lb* t*ro; Negri tiVeloten,ose; from twen ty to thirty three; from thirty to forty. ' : .011ei'fr0pittF forty tlAy, t iro . • i guep.litealiaX uonfidenixs *AEC on email scale, 13401/1t_e'.8,137,11111.1.510: Wood ; street, .1.-ntuseay - 0033, , and: repre- - sigitekthi(. heibad been sat by Idr. 1). Bnperhltendent of theidle zheny goor,Farm, to get some seep. He/ -obtiined Ave bimes f ct the article, which suftemientlyUtteropped to die of to a grocery 'keeper - in idlest, The . $14 1)00 V-4 'mot' AurtlYAr• 4 0 % 11 low* prloe at whiclittie weft witsoge dj. asnsnd. - ,pected that :something was Wrong, after prevallingtmon the. Win' to leAve .it, until the next - morning; called upon ; • .111esers.;SaWyer & Co., when he learned that the transaction was a fraud. The -confidence man mist have heard some thing of the developments'. as he'failed 4o ; cati yestordayemorning according to agreement. , ME City . aurance. Elegant Accoutrements. Special Appointment. ': = ,The annual - Spring 'elections were . yestexday in the 'several townships and , boroughs througbont this State. In this locality the day was, as usual, a Very dia. -agreeable one, but notwithstanding the inclement weather, so far as we have been able to ascertain, the vote polled was heavier than usual at Elec tions. We give below the S p r it u on the south side of the river, so far as we have been able to ascertain it. , In East Birmingbain the contest was attended with unusual interest, as there, were several matters of local nature forced into the canvaite, and a decided effort was made to defeat the Republican candidate for Burgess, 'August Ammon, Who was misrepresented in many re spects, but all to no purpose, as he was elected by a handsome majority. In Birmingham the contest was as usual a close one, and the result would indicate that party lines have' not been drawn very strictly. Justice Salisbury, the Democratic candidate for Burgess, was elected by a small majority and , several of the other offices are filled by Republicans. In South Pittsburgh the contest was close and resulted in the election of the entire Republican ticket, with one ex ception. In Monongahela borough the vote was quite large, - but the contest appeared to be a three man affair, as there were three candidates for Burgess, all from the Be-. publican party. The vote in the several boroughs named was as follows: EAST . Ib SPEC'tOR• * John Shepherd, R.... 63 Chris. ILlehel, D 43 t•lr11311.1C INSPECTORS 'David SimPlurd.R• . 163 • A dam Ti autmae,Jr.- - Nicholas Hatters, 13...14 James Herge.D 50 ASSESSOR. . Jarrett. R 196 Bang, D 339 . AUDITORS. "Deo. Trautman.R... -- 11111 ton Church, Peter Helsel, 1.0......330 Val. Rossart, D 331 CONSTABLI. Zedel, B 5 • 4 iL. J. Rapp, D • 390 =3 . . "'Mins& Ammon R... 550 John P. Helsel. fD ..421 COUNCIL, .Jenkln Jones . 18 572 Henry Shepherd. 1c..569 • dim. J. 1tht1er,R,....5831 Gregor Fox D Domlnee amen's. D.. 4131 ChrLstlyn Feld. D.... 376 SCHOOL Dies.cross. •Jno. L. Jordan, IS, 3, years) 599' years) Archon, IL 513 582 'Jacob Gue,R, Iy-6E/el Rd. noun. D, 3 y.... 377! W.l.l.43lundorff. D-368 Jno. Waiker,D, 3 y..373i JUDOS OF ELECTION I 'David Sheerly', R.. 586 Thos. Lleaphey,D....2B3. BIRMINGHAM — F' BURGESS. D. C Ripley. R 2131 'James liallanyy.D..lB4i r*J.N. COUNCIL. •Wm. Doi R 348 "'Conrad Voaely, 13..335 Bernhard We1ker.13.255 Frank Zel el, D 154 SCHOOL DIHICCTORS. *E. G. Krthan, 8....253' *Chutes Event, 13...234 ' Geo. Kuhlman, D.... 148 L. Kuchnemen, • BURGESS. D. *James C. M, Sallsbury,D —Me , EL 8. McKee. vred. Maul. R... ~..2110 *David B. 4RiTer:lOO..Zl !Joh° schwas, SCHOOL ntancsonsi •Ir.. G. Meehan, R....Z7 *Charles Eva.s. M. L. Knehnrison, D.... 3161 Geo. Kuhlman, "James W lllock. R...= U. F. Vogel. D 2e2 JUDGE OF ILLECTION. IL,. N. Felker. 8....247 Voter Aslbaeb, D.. 261 t INSPECTOR. WIli: Barr. B " 244 •DeoulaDoran D. . .U 7 ELTVD.v INSPECT OR. *Fred. Albeit 1it._8...256 Go). H. Smith, D.... 247 SOUTH PITTSBURGH. - BURGESS. H. Roberts D. Duty. D... 1661 '...-COUNSIL. Preerjr. Kent, R.... ler Wm.'l3bearitold. It. 501 ''oeo. A. Brown D).. ITO - James Hunter. D.. HA SCHOOL DrasCrois. W. H. Barker,3l, B 183 Rota. J Eeeles.3yß 1661 Geo. Content. ly, - R 1811 •Preply S.:Browzi, 3y 166 K Crefebton. 3y 167, •Wm• Stark, Iy. D.. 1781 ASSESSOR 111111hoi1and.r. 1110 Jonathan Drawl: D. 133 .110NO.NEIAKE1 •Dr. J Thos. 11171101/S9. , SCHOOL DIRECTORS. H. Tl. Little 49,*G•eo. W. 30pc....... 40 *James Stevens :...:. 51 1 E. W. Stoeier los H. L. trKane 89; Richard Hamilton... 10. • doi7scti.. l*David Mors an GI: - •J09901k Kapplar.... 112 W. B. Stewart 3 °Henry Pletcher • 15 Nathan Broken M Titomaa Edgar 251 JUDGEOF ELECTION. W. H. Stewart..... 348Uchard Perry 133 'Jahn Funk ' 80! - iltaracion. James ',ally • 501 8 Thos. Kearnan 117 D. Boyle 19 N.H. Corneas 97 Thos. Rodtter 55,Joeeph Kepler 15 '"D avid M0rr0w....:. 571 N. D. Black' 19 ciao. W. dope. ...... •. 1 • N. COIISTABLE. *Fred: Smith 57 *dais: MeCiellaad.... 83 asessaort. C. 'Gall tber 42 dohs Quiggan ... 32 T. Ilequade ' ' 9 'Thos. Roamer • 104 • , Those marked thus VI were elected: -- 1 MT. WASHINGTON. ' • The following is the ticket elected in Mt. Washington borough: DUEGILSS• Isaac W nltLi r. COUNCTL. John Burford. John Wilbert. John Ferguson, -, fifteens. Fred. Beamer. SCHOOL DIRLCTOIII.' Jacob ntelo, 3 years, tieo. • Chivers, ayears, Jacob Wilbert. 2 years, JusTICZ TUE PEACE base Whittier, JUDGE OF - ELECTION. Edward Brats. Clean Up. During the winter season - there invar iably collects around the premises of even the most particular housekeepers q lot of rubbish and garbage, which,with the approach of spring, , should be at once removed. Aside from the mere measure of cleanliness, this matter should receive attention more particular ly as a matter of health, for there is no fact better established than that filth and dirt around a dwelling is one of the most frequent causes of sicle.nest and di sease. There are persons, however; who, notwithstanding they feel this:to be true, Vet through carelessness or some other feeling allow filth of all kinds to accu mulate around their premises and never think of removing it until they are so compelled, either by the complaints of their neighbor', who are the sufferers, or by the enforcement. of those laws rel ative to the matter, which have been enacted by the authorities of every pre•p• erly governed munici p ality; . • This much preParatory to • an an nnencepient which we' have been. re quWed to" make for the benefit of real- Gents in. Allegheny. f, • It seems-ior-an -.ordinances , recently' pained bothecit7 Councils, that the de; cumulation of orbs' or rubbish , of any, kind, calcula :t4ttr,litterfere. In any de gree with the'health of the ;inhabitants otitis city, iststrictly :forbidden within the corporation limits, the person offend-. ing being liable , to arrest and fine. In accordance with the pro Visions of the.or. dinanoe, and to ensure its pro Pei enforce. meat, or Drum - lise !Modally. ap. pointed policemen for the put'uose, And instructed them to arrest any person; foiling to comply strictly with its terms, .uplb whom - the severestpenalties will be Imre& ' ere f , nre- number of nuisances, which are: now , in-existence, but Which will disappear 'MUD' ordinanoe Is thus enforced, as It should be, but as none but theguilty will. suffer, there can be nojust complaints;lt Would '-be well, however, for all of our readers to look about' LIMA' pow. just at the Wining of ppting, When, if ever, they are , 'table, to offend-in .this respect, and see to it that they gave their premises in proper order:, oA word to 'the wise is sufficient." '• • - - ~ , • 4.1•' • .., K" S, " • • . • V. • . tk n ' • - ` ser*. - A., 3 6' '•' • . PITTSBURGH GAZETTE': SATURDAY, ASIARCII 211 - , 188: A highway robbery was perpetrated on Penn street, In the Twelfth ward, Thurs . - day evening, of a very bold and, daring character, and the arrest of the perpetra tors, we are pleased to state,- was- as . prompt as their crime was` daring. )51r. John Lee, residing on St. Clair street, it appears was passing along Penn street at the time stated, when be was attacked by two persons who came up behind and klarroted" him, choking him so severely as to rsnder him powerless and insensi ble. They then knocked him down and robbed him of his gold watob and part of the chain, which -was broken by the thieves in their efforts to secure the watch. The facts of the robbery were made known to the police, who went promptly to work ' on the case, and their a Lion was rewarded by the arrest of th perpetrators and the recovery of th property. Lieutenant Joseph Thom as, assisted by o ff icers Weisenber ger, Mower, Garber and Mooney worked the, case up and arrested th thieves within three hours a r th robbery was committed. A cl e w I obtained to the perpetrators by sl e me r ' marks made by James Dann , anotoriou character, who was convicted, during th present term of Court, of highway rob bery, and is now waiting sentence, which led the officers to_ believe that he, bald If not implicated in the affair, knew something about it. It was also ascertained that Dunn and James Allen were seen together in the vicin ity where the robbery was - cdm mitted about eight . o'clock in. the evening, about half an- hour after it occurred. The description of the men who perpetrated the robbery, as given by Mr. Lee, accorded with the appear ance of Dunn and Allen, and after some little search they were found and• taken to the lookup, where Mr. Lee identified them as the men who had robbed him. They were searahed and a pawn ticket issued at Le Royrs pawn office found in bun's pocket, and on presenting It to Mr. Le Roy the watch taken from Mr. Lee was produced. Mr. Le Roy identi fied the prisoners as the men who had pawned the watch. They had a hearing before the Mayor, yesterday morning, who after hearing the testimony held them to bailin the sum of $3,000 each for their appearance at COurt, in default of which they,were committed to jail. The information was returned to court immediately and the grand jury found a true bill against Dann and Allen for highway robbery. Dunn was to have been sentenced to day for the conviction above referred to, but he will probably be respited a week longer until the present case is di sp osed of, when, in all probability,L.he will be so provided for as to be no fdrther trouble to the community for some time to come. MST PRECINCT. ASSESSOR . .. • . ,*Alex. McLean R.... 252 M. Hammerl, , D 142 COII/ITY I ONSTABLE. *James Wiliest, 1i..241 IG. F Vogel. D 153 JUDOS 07 ELECTION. *James McDou aid, 8.247 Itobt. Wal ace. D.... 147 INSPECTOR. . - 'John Rid:atom, R... 2.15 Henry Conrad, ID —146 RiTIIIXIt IXBPICTOII. D. J. Thomas, 8....255 Lorene K0ener„D....146 COND PRECINCT.' ASSISSOIL Yesterday afternoon Joshua Porter, hailing from Caroline county, Maryland, arrived in this city, having in charge four horees, which It appears were-ship. pad at Clayton, Delaware, foi this pity.— * filer. NeLeant R.... 2% Unamerl. b 'Zi CONSTABLI On his arrival -here he had the norses taken from the car'and removed them to the stable at the horse market, where he wasAirected by one of the brAesmen of the road. Shortly after stabling his horses several persons endeavored to Purchase a horse from him, and he final. , ly agreed to sell and it appears effected a sale of the four horses for $195, The _ party , purchasing, he ever, thought he had' purchased - them too cheap and that there must be some thing wrong about the matter. The horses were in the stable, and the pur chasers refused to pay Reed%the stipu lated price ($195,Y and also refused to let him take the horses away. Reed, who is an ignorant man, not knowing what to do, started to the railroad sta tion to see the man who had directed him to take his horses to that place to ascertain how to proceed in the case, but before he had reached the station he was arrested and conducted to' the Mayor's office, where he made the following statement. The horses belonged to hisfather-in-law. Da aid Porter, who formerly resided in Caroline county, Maryland, but had about a year,since moved to Columbus, Ohio, leaving the horses in hie posses sion. lieluid his brother kept the horses until about a week since, when he deter mining to try his fottune in the West, shipped his family for Tipton. Clinton county, Indiana, and having previously notified his father-in-law of his intention, was by him directed to sell the horses if he could and if not to bring them with him to Columbus, Ohio, and in accord ance with this request he shipped the 1 4.1.0 horses as : stated. He- say he did not offer to t sell the horses not he was asked to do so and he thought 5 was about all they were worth. Chief But ler, after s l ttiorough investigation of the case, could dud no reason for detaining the merit putting him to ii heavy expense, and decided to let him go on his way, fak ing the necessary steps, however,to ascer tain whether his statement in regard to the matter was true, and providing,' tor his arrest hereafter if there should be anything in the case. Reed gave the names of several parties in Carolina coun ty, Maryland, and, also in Delaware, who, he said, knew all about the horses. and requested that they be telegraphed to relative to the affair. . JUIIO3 OT RIACTIONS. *0 Arid Dsrls,Jr.,l2.'l9l • Jos. 0. Cuter • D... ISS INarZC'3Of ILECTION. Howard,lt 193 loaner Carson. D... 142 •A3TUR74 INSPECTOR •slanry liloorhead. H 08 Wm. Leiria& D.....1;.1 ' AUDITOR. I.Lito , T. Robinson It no 'Herm. Lang, D 174 • - • CONSTABLE. noemler.- H... 2.01 .1 W Chi= I:Stewart. D. A BOROUGH' INSPSCTOILEI. B. 1.. Cu burn. Job Wilbert. urrniet I Itsrr.crogs Jobn Pare Wm. Engle. • minivan. John Barn), 2 3 ears, 1 Daniel Touse, 7 years. ASSES-On. George 11Jh ever'. AIIIIIBTANT A5e7.590R6 Jacob Wilbert, Wei. Engle. , Con STABLE Christ Knerbart. N A Premature Arrest. Real Estate Transfers. The following deeds were sled of rec ord before, H. SnJuly, Esq., Recorder, March 19,1869: W. D. 'Moore to Samuel Killgain, May B. 1857; le acres of Bind in Collins township gi,Boo Hiram Lleitman to Wm. Wright. March 7.. LOW lot of ground In Baldwin lownsblp. containing 150 perches .. , . secio John Beeebeito John GCLtill, Sept. 1. 111135,• log No. 7, la Beecher , s plan, in Coiling townis i , 'Daniel AgnjW to Jane, Porter March Z. leg: lot p • No. tain orterriiplan,* Fifteenth ward. rim'. saris D.M. Hagen to O. IL , SWIIIIf, Feb. 100869 i lot en Greet itreet, near Fourtn avenue, sz bY 80 feet 61,768 Samuel and Hebert, tug to tieorge P. Betted an d Andrew Wreg,.l,. March 15, 1559 lot on Zwalt street, Lawrenceville, 87 by Itelfeet 3 OGO Joseph Schulte to Thomas Sheplar. teat 1 8 641 lot iti Snowden township, containing 10 acres • 114 perches ••• •. • ..... mysiek to Samuel Bell. Man* No. 501 a tirette l s pied, Birmingham, 100 'feet. with bulidingol.32s Geo..yr. Johnston to C. If. Zwing; Feb. 10 ; 18691• lot 'An west spoor Grail street, near Fourth , -Fj b,- $4,000 isms day there were 'ix mortgages siee , or rec ord. monody the,best Yesterday morning Joinii =paw, one of:';the. Aran /enlgbiliti on the > Panhandle hhelala Railroad, while passing , thtdough the Oslo .ikepot picked Up a pocket book oodelluingf7ls, PAlltsto)4eteilebt• short time : afterwsrur , *g , iste*EN: drover, celled at the thilSetoffiee Cadmic he had lost his Pocket- body a des p. tion of ,which oorrestamairisiththat of the one found. He had plosil it inanide 'pocket. which' unfortuhately,had , a. In it, thivugh -which ' , the wallet 'also peared. The loss wasnin diaooverg4ttntii. he had proceeed sus far as Diet Libertylni his way east , "'Min' inannidiately re tutned to 'the city, After receitini his money Mr., Stewart; with commendable liberality, rewarded the finder ,ftt b ille seven, hundred and fifteen dollarirby giving, hint the odd fifteen dOlie.4lv "True Statesas Ziotwitbststadini the extreme disagree` : I ableness of the weather, a large and ntel ligent audience assembled last evening in the Acadetay of Musts to hear :Theodore Tilton discourse on "True statesman ship." The lecturer took the stand about.eight o'clock, and for inore than an hour entertained the assemblage with his views on the questions of prison dis cipline, the Indian, emigration, the negro, and woman's rights, which, he contended were the great questions de manding settlement from the statesman ship of our, country, "true statesman ship" consisting in their adjustnient ac cording to the principle enunciated in the Golden Rule. While the conclusion at which the lec turer ultimately arrived was Unquestion ably the proper one,there were many ar• gnments and illustrations advanced in support of his theories,which were,to say the least, peculiarly Tato - nigh, such as a man of ideals, but not practicalities, might Have accepted. The lecture, how ever, taken altogether,wae quite up to the standard and fully sustained the feputa non of its celebrated authors Scattered here and there thoughout were beautiful and eloquent ' passages—like flowers along the wayside—which :seemed to touch a sympathetic chord in the hearts of his hearers, and called forth frequent and unfeigned Applause. The noXt andUst lecture of the course will be delivered by James E. Murdoch. Gold Has beendiscovered in very considerable ' quantities on the lands lately owned by Waterman Palmer, Esq., an analysis of which, at the Philadelphia mint, shows a yield of from $6OO to $9OO to the ton of rook. The existence of gold in Marquette county has long been known and ac knowledged, but it was not believed to be of sufficient importance to warrant any considerable expense in the way of exploration. This latest dicoveryseems to warrant the belief that iron is not our only source of wealth, and it is not im possible that Lake Superior may ere long be set down as one of the:gold producing , districts of the UnitedgStates.—Lake Su perior Mining Journal, March 10th. The tract of lands alluded to in the above consists , of 3,120 acres, in Marquette co., Michigan, three miles south of the town of Neganne, and on the branch of the Peninsula - Railroad. The property is now owned by Messrs Wm. Bagaley, S. H. Hartman, Samuel Riddle; Wm. Smith and Andrew Kloman, of the city. and Messrs W. Palmer and Thomas Woods, of Philadelphia. We congratu late these gentlemen upon the recent discoveries of Gold. in addition to the previously known rich deposits of Iron Ore upon their property. When the Mehl ganders lay golden eggs, who cares for the National debt? Valuable Real Estate.—This day at 2 o'clock r. M., on the premises, will be sold that desirable lot of ground corner of Liberty street and Stevenson alley, Op posite Union . Depot Hotel.t At 3 orclook that warehouse and lot 359 Liberty street. At 4 o'clock that property corner of Fourth and Ferr, streets, knOwn as the "Farmers Inn.' AlsO, a vacant' lot adjoining property owned by C. Slade, Esq., Fourth street. AlsO, a gro‘ind rent of VIO9, payable out of lot owned by C. Slade. See advertisement of 'H. B. Smithson & Co. • - Machine Works, Foundrt , Machinery, Sc., at Marl - hon.—lmportant to biachin iste and Planing ?dill Ownets.—The X. L. Machine works, Irwin avenue, Alle gl)etty,•are to be sold on Tuesday next, at two,o'clock. The sale includes Real Estate, Machine Shop, Foundry, Machin ery; Engine, Boiler. Machines* Horse, Vehicle, Dwelling House, Lim , &c. A prime opportunity is lime presented to parties desiring to embark in the ma chine business, by A. Leggate*Anction eer. • Pittsburgh is rapidly ! gaining reputa tion on the quality of queensware man ufactured at the Keystone Pottery of Messrs. S. M. Kier & 363= Liberty street. The • ware is fully equal to the bestrimported articles ' and is sold at pri ces away down below those obtained for such. Housekeepers ask .your grocers for the queensware of the Keystone Pot tery, and you will get more than the lull worth of your money. • , • True Merit Appreciated.— 4, Bnows's Bitoricarm. TROCHES," have been before the public many years. Each year finds the Troches in some new, distant lodall ties, in various parts of the world. Being an article of true merit, when once used, the value of the Troches is appreciated, and they are kept always at hand, to be used as occasion requires. For Coughs, Colds and Thidat'Diseases; the Troches have provedtheir efficaey. Col. J. D. Egan, Sixth avenue, near Smithfield street, has ;on hand all the magazines for April, together with' the current periodical publications. A aplen did assortment , of new and second-hand books will also be found 'at this favorite literary depot, Full lines of legal, busi nesa and epistolary stationery always on hand at lowest prices._ Pure splees'esn' best be obtained by the purchaser selecting no other brand than that of thelron City Spice AllUs;of Strick ler & Moreledge, blfth avenue, near High street. All the spices of this, min are warranted' pure and free froinfcireign substantes or any adulteration whatever. The Comblnaflon of h central location ' for bosiness,fora quiet and retired home, is afforded by the addition of lorty_sultes flf rooMC to -the: 'Attramtrt SOME, ' BOSTON. - Travellers will find this hotel one of the best - in the, land. ,• The gieeldtir Collee, pnt up in pound packages, browned ready ibr WM, is the very beat n t h market. It is prepared at the extensive spite Mills of Strickler & Atoreledge t Zak avenue, near _ High street. ' t emember the greatanotlon e a o. 19 Fifth avenue, of ttimmtnat, laoegoods and noticumat the old stand. of Diagram & Carlisle, this morning and afternoon ~;._~~~ . pr 11 . 111agaalnes—Harpet,' Lippincott, Dowered, Goders Lady Mend, Ballou.sB, at .Pittooris, PPPWte the Postoghse. ' , Auction, Sales ' this day, -of .Faupy. abode, at IWatiium & (larAisle's old stand, 19 Fifth avenue.. Bee advertisement. -..,,; forty pieces DaMficOoklirrEalf Dime Music, 'o,t •Pittopkla, , opposite tile !oat-, offiCe. _ , Photograplut end Photofirsph Alb Ulna cheap, Ist*Pittookte, 'opposite the Post CoppteteUldloe a Water, ea omitted!' otlrOlfoi ,Thetili,"nd. oU dhows of the LiCid nos, For . sae by all DriVglat46:4lf 9ettSwimiti VeiVA Rpid Perils* t P Oak% 01410 site the riotagrapheof Lotta,"at Pittookqe, op pestle the Posb3flies. :". . pp phootßoo th s ittytttock'ef opt potuie 45e.Yoetoe ke.' ' - • • - ME CM The Continental fliS weiru«eloo - aigillf - Ord.led - ilia . sign don of onr readers to the Continental Dining Rooms,rifth a - Venue, next door to the Poiatornee, over whivh -Mr. Holtz helmet.. presides, and desire •to do so again. It is not from •any • desire, how ever, to especially . benefit Mr. Holtz heimer that we do so, but rather with a view to benefiting the public, in whose welfare we are at all times interested. If there is an institution in this city in which the public are interested, it is our duty to set forth its advantages and the benefits to be derived from it, and it is in this spirit that we refer to the Conti nental. There are numerous persons in the city, and hundreds of strangers who come in daily, who are interested in the matter of dining saloons; and desire to know where they can get a good '"square meal" on short notice. We refer them to the Contindntal. What They Will Do. Dr. Ross' Remedies are purely vegeta ble preparations, ana are uorng more good to.the people than any other medi cines ever offerdd to the public. They are sold at 1 one dollar per bottle, and generally one or two bottles have the del sired effect. We make a specialty of the following diseases, and warrant a cure in every case: Acute or Chronic Rheuma tism, Catarrh, we have cured hundreds of cases, some of long standing; Dyspep sia, wetelleve we have the best remedy for this disease ever compounded. For diseases of the Throat and Lungs our Tar- Compound is doing wonders. Dr. Ross' Remedies are manufactured and for sale wholesale and retail, at Nos. 26 and 28 Sixth street, (late St. Clair.) Segars—W here to Get Them. It is scarcely necessary -for ns to in form our city readers where to putchase a first-class article of segars and tobacco, as there is not a lover of the weed in the twenty•three wards' who does not know that John Megraw, No. 45 Hand street, keeps constantly on hand a superior stock of tobacco and segars, embracing all the choicest brands of the latter and the best of the former from the most reliable Manufacturers. But we have a host of country readers whose only means of ascertaining this important fact is perhaps through our columns, and it is for their benefit we make the announce ment. Retail dealers will find it to their advantage to give Mr. Megraw a call. Garibaldi Waists, in Cambric, Nani sook and Levies. Ladies' Under and Dress Skirts, plain, tricked and embroidered. French Corsets for infants, misses and Ladies' Chemises, Night D:esaes and Dressing Sacques. Lace Curtains, from $8 to $45 the set. Nottingham Net, from 35 cents to $2 a yard. • Gilt Cornices, from 50 cents to $12.50 a window. " • • The Ladies' Underclothing. Depart ment is in charge of ladies, who will take pleasure, in showing the stock. • BATES iSt. BELL, 21 Fifth Avenue. . - 1111i.s . Judith Russel, of New Bedford, writes : I haft,' been afflicted with se vere 'prostrating crainps'lis my limbs, cold feet and hands, and , a general disor dered systsm. , While, visiting some friends in NeW :Yorgwho were ruling PLA.Ni'ATIOW Byrrsus, they. prevailed upon me to try them. 'commenced with a small-wine -glass full atter. each meal. Feeling better by degrees, in a few days I was astonished to finclthe coldness and cramps had entirely left me, and I could sleep the night through, which I had not done for years. Ifeel like another being. My appetite and strength have also great ty improved by the use of the PLMiTA TION BITTERS. MAGNOLIA WATEIL--SllpeliOr to the best imported German Cologne, and sold at halt the price.. • TFLEWLY. The best and Ongmat Tome of iron, Phosphorus. and 'Calisaya, known as Caswell, Mack do Co's. Ferro Phospho rated Flivir , of caltaaya Bark. . The Iron restores color to the b lood, - the Plitospho MI renews - waste of the nerve tissue, and the Calisaya gives a - natural heal thful tone to the digestive organs, thereby curing dyspepsia in its various forms, Wakefulness, General Debility and De pression of 8 trite. Pdrunaketnnsl bnly by Caswell, Hazard dr Co., New . York. Sold'by all,druggists.• Auction Sales Of Faric,y Goods, at Ma erum 6c Carllsle'd ofd stand, 19 Fifth av enue, . day, at 10a-, at., 2:30 and? Choice Readlng.--Book.s; magazines, pipers, stationery, &c., Vcc., may be found In endless variety on the shelves of Col. J. D. Egau's band news depot, Sixth avenue, near -Smithfield street. ' The Colonel makes a specialty of being fully abreast of the times. in his business; and consequently anything and - everything in the literary line may be procured at his• establishment, and at prices which laugh at competition Persons in need/ of articles , in his line would consult their, own interests by !giving.call. the Colonel a - fibres Anctlon Sales of Trinkmings and Fancy Goods, this day, at Maortim & Car lisle's old stand, 19 Fifth avenue. To The Ladies.—The cause of the great' rush to W. , W. Moor head's trim ming Store, 81 - Market street, and the reasons why his counters are always thronged with purchasers are easily ex plained. He has an immense stock of trimmings and, lace goods, hosiery_ And gloves, of a very superlac which. - fact. having come' to the knowl edge ,of many ladies. they are rushing there to make their selections.' Carpet Cleaning. To ' have carpets well cleanbd from dirt. i• soil andmotha, pat ronize - the Steam Carpet Beating. &tab liahnient.- To economize -have ybur car pet cleaned once a year. The great aooty mutation, of dirt. ; waste ,them out and gives them a ,dullappearance. Shrink ing, riprdng,apiio and•• of 'colors ere avoided. ' - • ~ Creat AuctlOn , Sales; • • Mt'' day at 10 A. lit t 2:Bo"andl" r. Maori* , &Oar lisle a cad ustatpli i :Fifth !Keine. It Is a bury an¢ a*otiMirt to bathe shave, r have, your hamout or : dressed. at the elegant establishment of Williamson, No 190 "Wet, Al legheny. Try 4. -I.4lobeeting Muslin itulf,'opened at IL St ti”lifld'4k Ctitei . 24o,l4 st..olslr, nartoniuk r, i:witac,o424ved . - B r bi¢eid Co Bo : 74evt utitiluning, `Zb~vOlt }, Napkins and ad opened at - . Jl - • . • Blirch.• Geld No. 62 Clair stmt.) Illaelr and Colored Silk e selling:()heap at J. M. lintehilelt , de. co.'d, No.• 52 Bt., , Burnett's Goods are eatablioned upon theirmerito.Oinesunnti Gazette. ',lva& Mid Gloyes—A speoulalty.. Also tip bast-anollai Corsetln-the city, atniwlL. Carr's, 118 Federal street. t New sikkle NV o 9o.eMrn Ces I for down—Batesi.t,l3ellio. • Black Poplin Alpacas—An extra good ' bargain, at J. M. ;Carr's, 118 "Federal street.. SprlngStkawls-Xomplete stock of dew' 4 designs—Bates it Bell's. Marvin's Superior Cream Crackers, only twenty pounds in a barrel, for sale by all grocers. • Balmoral and Hoop Skirtg--Batss & Bell's. - MelodeonCovers-7AII lielors, cheap at -,, J. M. Carr's, , 118 Federal street. • Marvin's Superior Craclters are supt, rior to all others In this'untrket. For sale ) r; - by all grocers in the city and eotulty. I r ,At 15 els elegant Chintz, Prints, v ery handsome, at M. Carr's. Towels—Extra good bargains at $1,50, .3 $2,40, $3,00, $8,60 per dozen,. at S. M; _ Carr's, 118 Federal street. 4 Spring Cloaking received. Bates & Bell's, Marvin's Superior Lemon Biscuits fo't sale by all grocers. Bates it BelPs new stock of sciTtef. Dress Cioodismul Skirting. The place to get Pi'bite Lime, Cal cined Plaster, Hydraulic Cement. is at a BakerCaskey'e, IS Smithfield street' • ?few Goods—lfew stook—lktfles & BeUQi Sbaiing, Hair Dressmg or Bathing. i No better place for either than at t hb finely fbrnished apartments ofH. B. Wier lliamson, No. 190 Federal street, Alle;• gtieny. . • a Ask tour Grocers for. Marviris Supo, nor Spiced Tumbles, mh4-mod2w MAR9IED. ALDEN-4TLEB—OnTnesdayerening.Mareit 18th; at the Fourth F P: Chnreh, by the Rey. C. A. Dickey, LLEWELLYN ALDEN. Esq, of Charleston; South Carolina, to GEORGINA. second daughter of B. 6..•T71er, Esq.. oe Alle gheny City. BERGIN—IiLA.CE. — At the residence of the bride's parents, March 1eth,.1.81119; by the Rev. W. M. Mortard, Mr. GS OBOE V. BEtGIN qa Miss MA.GGYEE.'SLACk, all of Pittsburkb, DIED: , . WAIIGII—On Wednesday, March 113th, ae the residence ofJoseph Wright, nme miles from this city, on the Washington pike, Wht. WAUGH, Seq., In . the TXd year of his age.• • BOBBER—At his residence, Wliklianorg,_ March 19th; at 9 o'clock .A. X., .Mr. JORN HORNZA, aged 73 Tears. BLACK-Mr. .J.A.IIIIS BLACK, a.. veteran Christian soldier, departed this life IntrtumPh. at Me residence to Weer Brighton. on the 18th inst., in the 75h1 year of his age. - .1 . Funeral services THIS. arigitgooN. , et o'clock. • - f- • . . ' V".. '' ' [Father Black _ was an exemplary Christlii ~, and will be much missed both In {lie Chumboi ? in t h e `community. ' t ' • •, . 'O4. ::,i IMERTI9UM. AtuLEI. '.I)IKEN, uND st - y- - TAKER. No.' 166' IrOVILTH • ETRE 3horga,.ll" MYYII , IB of all kinrnheßhp, OLOVE", pad ery,description of 'Funeral nlelilng 8160418 frinished. %BOOMS 4.12 day •••• .nlebt. , , 'Bears "n 4 Carriages furs Med.. Barnsiattp"..9,-44,.v.Dalriu Herr. liev.v. W. Stenbia.% D:D., Thorns.' Zwing. ESQ.. JacO" 11 Hiller sa , • - .. • , A RIMS & PkEIBLESiLITN. U-DIMMILETZ AND LIVERY STAB m itn. cornea • f dANDUSBX EiTRBNT AND CH AVENV A Allegheny City. where their. COW/rf BOOMS &e coastantly supplied with-real ant imitation lto. ewood, Mahogany and Walnut Coffins, at prices N crying from 114 to lila ,0 Bo• dies prepared for inktruient. Hearseaand.Car• sieges hirnisbed: also .11 clods of • Mourning Goods, if required (Ace ol en at 1111hOnfa. dAT and night. • • ' TAKER T.' RODNEY lINDEJEt• AHD EMBALMEI I / 4 110. 4501310 T, Aliegheny, seeps cons utly on Wind • large assortment of ready-made Coigns of the Rowing Muds: First, the cern:mated /Aced= Burial Cases, Metallic Belf-sealingAirgight Cast s and , Caskts,' and 'Rosewood,' walnut ind Rosewof d Imitation Coßns. Walnut Coatis from $25 urfards. • Rosewood ImitationCodint from $5 upwards, and no Vitus will be spared to Give entire satisfaction. Crape Ind elcrrei furnished free e f charge. Best Hearses and Oar tines furnished en short notice. Caresses fur. alined to funerals at Mk. • JUST Per Eiteamer BELLONA, from London. soO LD a . E . 81. cos POTASSA. 200 tbs El% err. 3IAONESIA. 200 La EP. SEIDLITZ POWDER.% 200 Ibs.EF. 17101IP SALT. • • 200 Tbd BP.KISSINGEN /3A.D T. 40 Gross RREOHNELL'SAKIN SOAP. AO Gross LOW'S BROWN WINDSOR SOAP 10 Gross t.O..IIIRE'S BLYCERINE SOAP, Gross SARO'S VIENNA SOAP.• 10 Gross prack , s GLYIZERINE SOAP. Also, a laige assortment of PZTEB SQUIRE'S EXTRACTS AND CHEIIICALS. SIMON JOHNSTON. Druggist and Importer of Pl= Drugs, Chemical% Perfumery, tloaps, Corner Smithfield Street and Fourth Avenue,' Pitisburigh. inhume HEAmtv. MEROMINT TAILOR, :, . • . , ' ' , : i . i •-. 1. Would respiotiully iribrm tda . friends !and the IA public gensrallT, thatbis • ti l , .., SPRING OF GOODS , fzi . IS Now - COMP i f. EYE, 4 1,,, ,-SOLICITING. 41i EARLY CALL, t.';z, .. N t'zl Corner of: t' Penn , and Sixth ' Streets.v4 - ' ' .q14 . -.. Ver- , ' ,, HESPENHEID. , * CO., • ''; 26. iiiiiiii:thc .intiiiii,T, (late Bt.. ao Claira have, merit received fronttkilfut the best t., , ,.. 4 - lot of New : ' ettge l ls, ihr',l3pri,is IStitii ever brought . ~fft, i ., . to . the ;dirket., The. inn Kariankto out and At V:t ineruaki• Clothes cheaper: 1 addhetter thin any * 2 4::', ' drit4htia' house in tale oltV : A new and i spiels- .-;.', Attl'ailortineni, of piwiLiatirs% ripariss- 'iri4 GOODS ire' at 'an tini. F ttii;:iouna at this L . house. Oer Number p is 50' 81itif wrazirr. A '':i.4l IVA.. D. DAS* D B. BUTTON. K. D. MEM UNDERSIGNED HAVE .1813001A.T2ED themselves toiitether for the '• , PXL&CTICE .Or MEDICIN E. 011041,: No. 19 137702KT05...11x • t (May THOS. Y. 101.11•1431 - B. &Si • ql• c i • I,Y 51,F1 U II MI