The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 20, 1869, Image 7

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    Cits ttiartt*fixytts:,
From a letter to the New York T ri bune
• teemake the following extracts:
Binghampton hasabout fifteen thousand
inhabitants; on the-New York and
'Erie Railroad, and at the junction of the
Chenango and Susquehanna rivers. Two
miles distant, and on a hill overlooking
the Susquehanna and a wide extent of
mountain country and valley, stands the
State Asylum far Inebriates. The front
is 860 feet long, and three stories, and
there are wings of about the same extent.
It is built of the Onondaga limestone, and
' it has the general appearance of a Euro
, peen castle. 'The cost exceeded $300,000.
The rooms for the patients are, in al
most every respect, similar to the rooms
appropriated to 'guests in a hotel, being
well furnished; heated ty a furnace and
lighted . With gas, . and they are supplied
'yvith water ' coming , from mountain
spriags. An elegant parlor, containing a
.piano, is open to alli there is a library of
I,loo' volumes,.: a .:Teadhag•teem where
leading newspapers are on file; there are
bath-roonis, billiard tables, and a ball'
alley. -z-The - -cedings- are lofty, the finish
of the rooms solid, and even costly. A
better idea would be conveyed if the word
• Ooze :'were 'vied' instead -of the word
Asylum; for the generel impression is such
.as Is received - on visiting a hygienic es
. tablishment.
- The patients . are, not con fi ned, stil:,
'there are regrifeldelni which, are submit
' ted to, beCause they are manifestly reas
onable. There,le perfect freedom to go
. in and. on!, nor are there ,
• locks, send
' Ids, or 'surrounding , Walla. But if one
, - wishes to go in the city, permission is
asked, and, it granted, a, pass is given.
P Of the eighty-six patients, ten or twelve
are generally refined a pass, because they
are known' to •be unfaithful, that's, they
will get drank if they can, although a
dealer is • liable in-a- heavy penalty.for
supptying. , thern with liquor. When a
patient betrays his trust, and either comes
hack: or is found in the city drunk,, he is
confined, in .a cell two or three days,
when • he • is labored with, shown, how
' Weak •he is,and that he cannot be per
flatted to leave the grounds for a consid-,
liiAbeflirgedlriint haThone will see all
the inmates. 'Theiese many tables. The
-stYlisit'atid:StleaP •eroaltery, the high sil
ver-plated castole, the plumes of celery
and !Ate white napkins, each in its ring.
give air.. of elegance arid , refinement:
When all are Seatedldiere is a pause; then
a bell is touched; Vbeirthe voice of the
ehaplalit is heard' Invoking - the _Divine
blessing. From the place where I sat a
frill view vina.,ebtidned. The youngest
were about . twenty years old, the oldest
probably fifty, but the - average 'did not
much exceed thirty. 4 Here and' there are
traces of inebriety, but the greater part
appear* to be proper:men. They were
every way well and even fashionably
dressed, and their behavior and general
conduct were such as characterized gen
tlemen.' The tratbis, they belong to the
class in onr.nOnntit. they are used to
good society and, generally, They are well
educated. That they have come hither
- for treatment is an evidence that the M-
I. tellectual and moral struggle for predomi
nance.. There are about ten freepatients:
others payfrom $7 to 12 a week, accord
, ing to their means. but no distinctions are
made, and it is not to be supposed that
they who are rich' and pay -must, know
which pay least. There are literary and
, professional men, among which are farm
' ere, merchants, bankers, clerks and three
clergymen. To treat a patientimcessful-,
ly, it is necessary_ that,he have certain
qualificatious. He Must be a man of_
feeling, that an appeal may be made; he
must be intelligent, that he may be
taught, and he must have honor, that he
may be trusted. It is conceded that the
institution would be a failure if the pa
tients were ignorant, brutal and depraved:
', Little good is expected from a patient'
who does not come voluntarily - - -
The number of patients since ito,'
- 1:17, has been 310, and of thesel47 were
periodical Arinken, 168 constant ones;
146 were married, and 164 were , single..
The number knewn to have reformed,
after the second , trial 11,litter a third 8.
Of 25 there is nohow. Owing to distance:
or other Canal; 68 have not • . b ee .. heard
front., Si; used Oplem. *, .: •' -
A patient ,. is not warranted a core;
From: the.•iirst he is. told - that he must
nervelpiniself up for the ,work. What
'fremiefitly has been advertised as a cure
for drtniitenness is an imposition, .for It
is an _etude: "The medicine which is.
considered of greatest value hihromide of
, potassium, given in well diluted doses of
from 20 to:40. grains every four or five
hours, or, in cases of great nervous ex
haustion, the doses;may- beincreased. It
has been known that this salt acts upon '
the nervous centers; but it is a remit dis
, covery• that it bean. spe'cificl action upon
the brain and spinal marrow. Be aztjim.
dpient stage of/mania it is of great vete. ,
The average time required for a cure ii,
._. four months, while some stay a year. 7 - -
Druakennees is caned tha(ruLti
more properly it lays the Youndatien., or_
disease, such as delirium, diapelisiti;iii.
sanity, general nervous disorders; bitlauk.'
. ; nation of the braid,. epilepsy, eniargek
meat of the heart, liver and kidney dis
'.. uses, including .hright's disease, mail,-
du, and, Ashy, hy ,ImpOverishing- the '
blood, consumption. - It also prepares the
f ,„ . stem_ for the reception of the virile 'Of
,i z: yeonietiqqialtmtpestilenbegettl!,'
h em
y, while - it 1U a most powerful-Of*,
; dea ,likAevelop , hereditary , dis e ases
—lt i rise ifbildice delimit, ~The;
3 step. gent is, of .course, total '
'it ' ' thtfts')te :restore the de
hen_ezated_ htl powers. .1
, . "r—usr. (hammered by a ,lefdro- 1
4 20130ktit e thplie(1491, opens a
" ttenvard• mrb a u o D u tt . o.:o d .d h i v nelr,
bwleilbt4l4 l 4*ft l 4 l 4ll o7o 4Y l l
f• , t A 1 . 1 11 40- 11;elftly s puitt cf. the vliiWu 1
: , -tit --,91 1 . i .,, .r,el,lloh t4ere can be no r
.. l cure tor driiiikenaele ' and in car-
I t' ', ' t i i ii — ii °lt ' 121 . - e fl 'lttrk . " 1 errefortnati . au rtbbs,
' 'ha Irlurpiesee nPottheyntlent:::lkunisii
' •,.- limeeitt -enforced9ior,a„most terrible
P M ainer4ll Ibl Dajtila hoithkr. With luck
pt.. captoimieadoylttif ElgthttPß In.,'W"
t.c.rießUS 4 loollideclio thp rocesp 0 /''
, itratuit kin that 'they cannot trust
resiiuidittit* that,
(it* ' man Whqk
-hat self•control la he who •iever.,drUnk. -
.., here must , be a. profound realization tlutt
when he became a drunkard he log his
•'''wlkontrul, that it can never.coma aga i n ,
audthat the only power left him, is the
Pima of resistance. Dr. Day mentions
-,' that wire* patients leave he is in the habit
"- et:presenting a copy of the Bible, with Et
request that they read every' day the
marked passages, and that when the re
quest is complied with he has never'
. " TV-1
0, jr_ r* err
Iknown'tne'lto , lfall. f ,IRregtrUS ;Per Q
- - 0 9 041 for Ja:Thge ..PrA, ,trust.,, ct,Drawlne not - 0 4 , 8 7, - *Ltb 41 A :wicked, :
and with tha ...workers of iriignity..": "I
*as a reproach among'all mine enemies,
espelially among my neighbors, and a
fears at my acquaintances." 1"0, spare
me t that 1 may, recover strength before I
go hence and be no more." - "Remember
riot the sins of my youth. nor my trans
gressions; according to Thy mercy Ire
umber Thou me."
With the stupid, the, young, the de:
prayed, and the , introlunUtry, reform is
difficult. Generally, a reform is more
easily effected in those of middle age,
who can be useful to their friends and to
society. 'They tvho have suffered most
by disgrace, disaster, and remorse, will
make such efforts as are most likely to
be crowned with success.
Regarding the adulteration of alcoholic
drinks, Dr. Day Said that the harm they
do is of such little consequence as to be
scarcely worth estimating;• for the ques
tion as to whether they are poisonous is
an insignitlceht one in comparison with
tfie deadly quality of alcohol; for they
dilute, they do not change. When a vic
tim is shot through' the head, a stab with
a knife cannot add to the fatality... Wine
and beer contain less alcohol than whis
key, and because they contain less they
are peculiarly fitted for preparing the way
for stronger drinks.
A sensation was created by a statement
that several hundred,rich men :had made
application for admission to 'this asylum
for their daughters, but it ,
was - denied,
with the remark that American women
are not intemperate:: This, every one be
lieves to be true. Still, t is admitted
that as many as pIP applications have been
made, some df which, however, were
opium cases. But when we consider
that, no idea had ever been conveyed that
this institution would receive females,
and that the existence of the habit, na
turally, would be kept secret, the fact
that even a small number of applications
bed been made, would indicate that, cam
pitratively, a large number of inebriate
females really does exist. The fashionable
custom of wine drinking would lead
to this conclusion without other ev
idence, and itmay confidently be predict
ed that, be the present number small or
large, it is destined to be increased.
The question arises whether this
Asylum is a success. I would say that,
for persons of standing, of.culture, and
of self-respect, it is a decided success, and
it should be encouraged. If it seems
more suited for the rich than the poor, it
must be Considered that rich people have
claims as well as poor people, for they
are by no means exempt from taxation,-
and if they can be enlisted in the reforma
tion, an important step forward will be
made. • Some of the most unflinching ad
vocates of temperance hate already Is
sued from this asylum, and temperance
lecturers of marked ability undoubtedly
Will be added to teach that alcohol is the
moat deadly enemy of the human race.
The!Death of,Gen. Phil. - Kearney.
We are informed by a prominent law
yer of this'city, that while sojourning in
Amboy last night he passed a pleasant
hour in company with a former rebel of
ficer, who was attached to Stonewall
Jackson's division of the Confederate
army during the war, and who related an
interesting reminiscence of the death of
General Kearney., of which sad event he
was an eye witness. "The gallant Kear
ney," he said, "received his death wound
from a private in my command, and when
be fell from his horse I hastened with
many otherslo the point where he lay,
not supposing that his wound was a mor
tal 'one. Just as we reached his body,
however, his-:limbs gave one convulsive
quiver, and then all Ives over. Seeing,
that be was a Major. General, word was
sent to headquarters to that effect, and
General- Jackson coming to the spot ire
medlitely, gave one :glance at the dead
officer's features, 'and ercillmed, 'My
Ged, boys. do yon WOW IMO you have
killed? You have shot the most gallant
officer in the United' States .army. This
is Phil. Kearney, who. lost. hia arm in the
Mexican war; He then involuntarily
lifted his hat,- every officer In the group
following his - example, and for a moment
a - reveientral silenCe was observed by all.
Silbsequently the , boffy, of the dead soldier
was phicaupon two boards, and when
being removed to , headquarters,, was fol.
lowed by General lacksoi, General Ewell
and other officers, while'a regimental band
preceded it, playitig a det4i march." .
Wealthy Meanness.
• A Mewlprkletter asp : "A very large
and properons pablishing firm here hkno
torlotui for its...meanness. It pays sacii
small prices for.o literary work, that the
wonder is it can find any one to do it.
Men who write, however, are usually
impractical and short of• funds, so the
mystery is e*lly, explained. The house
,l!kMedtoMe years since a very important
work on :which they have made $709,000.
or $800,000; aid Abe price`it paid &any.
contributors waa $1,90 *page:
. .::•tiltiotiong ago the ,house : eraP l 4ea a
:wellsknowslitteratuerto some writing
It , was done After. some weeks .of hard
work, and tlievriee determined t .
so low : that the - anther complained.. • ne:
Wag it'wes all 'that 'the' Arta :could..
..afford I.o,tay: • 'Consequently he agreed,
akzePt it, his ,circumstances being
pre'ssing;.-.lmagirte his imutkricA 'when
one of the members iif the house,lnatead•
.ota hank cbeokidilinded lihn.4 note
Alt In ninety dayat4:•Meallisl,hol#4l2tet(
their. task - -yeryimuM And thought ' he
totighttoluive it, - 0 0,e well,' ed the
Obbliihey; '4f Tow“Aittaa hays, the:cash
we'll die coinit; notetitloilee per !cent •
itzfobtb; Whiblibs the heist fauit,we can do:P1
xffigOly 00tindreliCh
roared'outge auth6r; *theli left the
• -la;
lit*Mali*ttluM lAtoulian4 h o
91 ' Vas siiieterint iShaketseelmt scholar
Charles afrititlarr Cowden Clarke, have,
2libliv*Ltea"tliElfrdisontted editioni:of
1 6 1Mnitt-'
OldiiniNtitggltded7#wa*cullt cl O
iiblectlSnithle" aS'odf_ tittip t lten 1 ,1444ki,
pe-are wrotp s _blit *nicht AN no exadli:,
marling shonld occur gm esinver'of.
spositril , ,ll4 met toge the r tti•enjor
faximi-gthet;father per
lined theft `64m*itiOn6(the meiw
and 1 OP, theboYs lvitX
elates t ;OC, .1' we made :the
,milmlon of , Ow' that *gat haye
checked thareadli taiiitet
Anosio,the officers let. WithmlCel 3l3 ;*
mends by the consolidation:of :regiments,
are Doubleday, Sickles, De Trobriand,,
Wager; Swayne .
.and Buttertlelffi. , Gen
eral Sherman suggested'yesterday that the
pay of officers Waiting orders might
properly be reduced.
• ,r
,11111 r, 00111111/—”.10 AO Bahl.
*at ' l ' ' " "litifMad. "SoardtiOn
atr.;_46easidauprormtmass Mara stilts fs!
*OW istkot goSorm.• emu for TWENTY-71FX
MINT& ; sar* rrecdatosrai Me ?ZIT czars.
experfeneed. Cook a d
Houstkeeper.. To a eomreienL Demo a vod
ealary and poute offered._ A r
pMy Boom N o.
3. recona floor, 67 - FOUBTH A VENUE, !qua
burgh: Best of References required.
v PLOYMENT OFFICE. Wo. 1 St. Clair
Street, BOYt tfIRLB and MEN, for dillerent
kinds of employment. Persons wanting help
Of :all kinds can be supplied on short notice.
TANTED.—OId Nevi-pipers,
Books and Brown Paper of LU kinds, at
C. P. MARKLE 1 CO.. 156 First avenue.
$25.000 TO LOAN • ON
on Al iegheny county property. Apply to C hoFT
& PHILLIPS. Ho. 139 Wourth Aveone.
TWO $lO.OO MAPS FOE $4.00.
Of America and Europe, Ameeca and the United
States of America: Colored-1n 4,000 Comi
These Area; Maps, now Just completed. show
everyplace of Importan-e, , all Railroads to date, -
end the latest alterations In the various Euro
,pean States. Theta Maps are needed in evert
School and fatally In the land—they occupy the
novice of one Map, and by means Of the Reverser
lather side can be thrown front, and ant part
brought level to the eye. County Rights and
large discount given togood Agents.
Apply for Circulars, Terms, and send money
for Sample Maps, to
fahtti.d&T A 3 CORTLANDT ST.. N. Y.
lOST.—Between Third avenue
,4 Pitt sb urgh , and Stockton avenue, Alit.
g -nv. sometime last week, a GOLD SLZEVE
SUTTON, with a raised black enameled initial
letter. St 00 reward will be mad tothe finder
who will return it to the GakErra OFPICZ.
.4. year from April Ist, IllirD. that very hand
HULSE ut 'I rooms and Onisned attic; sl , uate on
the west aide 9E lm Street near Wylie street,
old Sixth' wan% and numbered 94. - Enquire of
HUGH M. 8GLE..805.514, or as Ms 9F.FACE,
near GarWo",,lrt. ?Mat:lran. Po.
ET.—House on Centre
A.:• anai. with hall, parlor. dining room end
kite en on firsts floor, and four te d rooms, gas
and water; ill lu ecimplete order. Also, two
small boater, with (horsed five rooms; r.nt mod
erate. Inquiry, as 1111.C&NTEIC A.V6NUE. ,
ITSO LET.-4rirst Class llasiness
Stand, No. 45 üblo street, tour doors west
of lamond. Alb glferry. next door to •Franklin
Savings Bank, consisting of store room and
.dwelling attached, with cellar suited lor selling
produce, Ad. Rented separaty a bo veestred. Also,
a set of 4 rooms In rear ofstore roo;u.
Rundlre at,W. CARSON'S ,Leather Store oppo
large, second story
PROIsT ROOM. suitable for an ()Mee from
• arll Ist, at. rt
Foub Avenue. Also , we l l fur
nished rooms suitable for Gentlemen, with or
without board. Enqulreat 34 MIRTH INTBET.
BUILDING; No. I Logan street, contain
ing eig , tt rooms and having large ya, d attached.
Rent #4OO per annum.. Itacintre of T. P. HOUS
11017 SE - Hays..
ville ?Station, P. PC? W. ? & C. R. R., con-.
axing four rooms Nall a wide haq with 3 acres
of ground ?Mooned, 'within two minutes walk of
Station. For turiber Dart iculirs apply to JAMES
CALD'WELL, 410 Rebtees St.. Allegheny City.
at onnilag Bums, 134-and 60111th avenue.
.YOUR BASEMENTS, well lighted and
n stied. . •
OFfICEB In the mond story.
BLEEPING ROOMS in the third story, and
ONE LARGE HALL. with two ante-rooms,
!tithe fourth story of A. li. English & Co's new
building. Fourth avenue. Apply L.A. H. ENO.
LISH £ CO., No. X 9 Fifth avenue.
TO -LET -800x8.-lathe new
Building, No. 81 YOURTIC AVBYUE, be•
tween Wood and Market streets.
SS by 24 feet in the Second story, with fire-proof
vault, suitable for an office.
In the third story.(whieb are connected;) one 22
by 49 feet, anti' one 1& by 18 feet, suitable for
Societies, Libras) , compinies, ad: • "
All baye good light and' well ventilated, and
eupbiled with gas, water, &c. Apply to LLOYD
& BLAD if, Kensington Iron Works. .
TO -LET. .
Homestead of late .Dr.,B. A. Wilson, Mount
Washington,. withla,,ten minutes walk-.of the
city; an elegant . Cottage House; Vtith tower,con
taluilig,ll) rooms and cellar, with spring and cis
tern water; entrance for carriage; etc.; now oc.
carded by Mr.. G. T. Robinson,' Of the firm of
Robinson. Rea'Alt Co. ' ' " •
Ads°, .112.10 E. DWELLING, No, 23 Third
ATentte ontaining 8 rooms and basement, to
be completely revaired.
Inquire, HALL' PATTERSON, Attorriey-ati.
Law.,' Tl 6 tint street.
aL ithe! , Banking House, ..on SATIDIDAY, the
dip ofMgreh, 1809, between the hoot'. of
TTIOTICF4--4 1 Haf.- Masseur.
ittuds4.o their agott‘Latock or the Ootn
pany Teo erect , & Brldge etrecipe. Allegheny:
Elver.'recuif Fatah tnosegiittetreetb: In the. City
of Pittiburgh?' - n the county of Allegheny, to
the lAuger.jelludtroed. at or near
_ltiti l lgrOti 0 NOW' ire 'herebt matted ,
ta in Meg or: bertaanenttorgazdsattowwlU
:beheld at Ibis iei efira. t a r ec idOiretA
"oa etregitleiltee. t wart, Mary ,
f ro " ma% t pik w3DA. .
betwleen the homy of
A o'clock P. N. and o'clock when and.
where sn e action will be held bi ballet for HINZ
114.grAekad and a l'llitedpltlCktor aaldcomr:
Intunto verve tbeendteldva,l! , l::,. , .
tit A..A4igp e ptiffat l Pl DZ bin i ' t ci" '
fki • LW
te - I.\ "1.
airejk.ol4lll4llolVßlLUll' 141117,1 1 '
7 - -mr4,i iz t .%, ; ell* ~, i l i a . 11.
, Mt . ,
.... „,, ~,,
4. .,, . i
• , •
~4 sak. •
o "IlWalr4lllllll '1 . • • .1,,,, tr AW • .
Mouton Hata rem , ar ~,
.. ~ •
a f i r
mi dYli til l i tt or - gat ' all I rotate'
tad Pi . as Az ar, Bucha
a i rr 6 - ;•, , 7 . ~ . ; Mt. s l rl2l ll
- .1` • 1 .. ' *mut rST ilinievatuot 1 1
Ille‘ti nr i . ti e ' P i * %le 7of •
Hofer. aau Test moo awn& ti
vince,ge •, At okiVjaal ot AMP (Hy EY
loatio. • ''• tut vA3 BUREN Ltre rill'
11 11 441 ! I t g Sakai 1011r110141* Y1"111 !
:04 ' '
ariffiW: 1441111 AND • . /.
leci- 4 17 . wan men T . fr
oltruh. law a ,
1) lob v pretarapsa ,
A4s o, sof er: Hini 9 d ,z 0. 1
t. 'roof 0 bargb.l( &limp Dr.rt i kit
'L HOUGHTON. Howard 4Associatlotki thud
delorda.Ta,... , Jalatd T t 7
. ,
Yet ()Waren. WUI outwear three palm Wlthouj
pilule article, On sale by • '
sa • . J. OANPIICLD.
. mi t t,. •As uir-2 1! c o a A s z mi lL t D o . r
$.l - 7 - r
rig :.:1,001811
:YENCING , POSTS.,: Enquire -of ,Tg
Ui C.
AVER: as.. Wr aTedue.'
. .
• - quire' of JORVEITON JOHNBTOY, No.
:Diensolad street. Pittsburgb. • , inb9:tt
. mind ,hand, eleven Inch bore, thirty in• h
at reke. irereale at 319 Liberty street. W. W.
WALLACE' • • •
vorss- or s iootes and let, 00 by 200
feet, 200, gtapevines, fruit trees, shrubbery,
&c.. or, • • e lot, at No. 180 Ridge stre-t Filth
ward, All Itheny Mts. For terms and particu.
late surly , 0 the nrPrelses. •
AG p
lotnning nve rooms and excellent
cellarwit 6O by 187 feet. In the 19th ward,
(formerly East Liberty.) Price low.. Enquire
on the Drtmlses, or ath.ress D. B. .1.1.., GezErrs
FOR SALt.---The three story
Lockton avenue and Pitt alley, Alegheny city.
Lot 31/ feet. by 240. extending to Water st•eet,
with stabling and carriage house. To a respon
sible p.nrcnaret, terms of Payment made to suit
his convenience. Inquire of THV3ldtl 3L HOWE
Bank Block. Tifth avenue. •
Brick Mansion. containing 11 rooms, with
modern Improvements. situated at 2020outh
avenue, Allegheny My. • with a lot having a
(rout 0f . 50 feet, extending back 130 feet to an
alley in rear. The property I situated on the
bank of the Ohio river, having a beautillil view of
the river and the distant cultivated bilis. The
Rebecca street cars oats It every teu minutes A
chsnc.. like, this is rarely offered In real estate,
but the present owners contemplate leaving the
city, and will sell on easy-payments. For par
ticulars call at above number
FOR SALE.—About Twenty-
A: three and a lull aorta .bf Land near Hite
Station, on the Western Pennsylvania Railroad,
10 miles from Allegheny City Art exCellent site
for manufacturing purposes, having &terse front
on the Allegheny raver and" the ItailrOad, aed
good coat bana near the premites. Also, ssveral
building Lots at Ilite Station. For fUrther
tbrinstion address P. Y. BUR, Tarentnm. Alle
gheny county, Pa., or call on the subscriber at
the Satiated Station. P. Y. HI CE.
FOR SALE--Vabiable Proper
'.TY, within 3 minutes' walk of Wood's
Station, P. Y. W. & C. IL W. A good
brick house. containing ten rooms,..ith nearly
efz acres of land, planted with Fruit, Shrubbery,
Tile hence and nearly three acres stain sold
separate; the balance -In five l.ts of from one
third to one acre. Enquire of ALEX. TAYLOR.,
on. piemmes. or P. PETERSON, 41 if ederal
street, Atte' henv.
OPENING.. 4 6,000 x lll purchase a Grist
Saw Mil, Woolen Factory, and 9 acres of
good' land, located In Green county, Pa.. near
the Ifonongahela River, ten miles above Browns
ville. The above works have r ater and steam
power, and are In complete rooting order. and
now doing a N decl i ningnes as the books will
show. Owners years is the reason for
selling. An enternrislng man can buy the above
on very' easy terms. For further partlculars aP•
ply to CROFT /PHILLIPS, Beat BE ate Aryans,
Ice. 139 Fourth Avenue. mh12:192
'OR SALE—Look Here; • $35
A. per Acre will purchase farm of /31 acres
in Armstrong eounty. tkl.plies from Rosa
ton atat•on, A. V. R. R. 21 acres in good tim
-ber. balance in cultivalion' alt underlaid .with
coal, bank open; 40 wires In gra•s; Orchard of
about 400 fruit trees: 2 good dwelling houses:
n brick of Oroomsand et lisr.and a new frame or
5 room • Bank barn, almost new, 4u by 50. All
n• cessav'y out braldisies. abundance of good wa
ter and in good neighborhood. Owner, has de.
termined to go West. otherwise 1 cotud pot be
purchased at the abuse _price. Stock and farm-
Applements at a P HILLIP Sgai terms • asy.
to CROFT Real Estate
Agents, So. 139 Fourth avenue.
Near Osborn street;-on the Pittsburgh,
Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad,
Containing About Two Acres-Eaelr;
• •" ; ENQVIRm Olt
- •.
. 195 Liberty Street.
6;1 c
subscribes offer their Petrolenniliellnery, j
well and fiverably known as the
Twenty-sixth Ward, Philadelphia„l
• FOR - "SAL.
perhis a capacity of 51;500 barrels Refined
per mOnth, Is connected by rail with all the
'tome yardi in the city, has a private
. telegraph;
to ogre of late Arm in Walnut street, and Is in.
every reimeit .one of the most complete and
modern establishments of the kind In the court-
try. Will basold with or without the grounds In
' • - - •
Nor further particulars address
rohlirg2e! • •
F o R
That: Residence
On Bluff Street, fOriderlY‘oentiPled 3:1. CaPt. B.S.
Wrlght. House coatains 8 roome and
,fluished ,
attic; tiro cellars,. with' . heater In cellar; marble .
=titles in 'tiro rooms. Cold and Bat Water and
Gist thrOugliont. , Parsed Oriel fronL.
Lot fronts-73 feet on Bluff 'street, riluline:
beck to Apple alley . l4l feet, With Itoodelable'
an alley, .iilhade and frail treea In abundance.
Apply to . GEO. B. HILL' /t CO
mah.e:g3o . 38 rourihaventie. ,
70 - 000 Acres of Land for Sale
• f
° wit..Fid:.? 4l2 Teeo l 4 price from 13.10, to
00 per Rife.; Li/IC/knight inii!'sold on coin!
exsunlitedi abstracts
fUrnltledt.Anrvefing and Plotting done. • ' '
linfonnation furnished in reference, fa locality,
guilty and fa/nation of lanais.. peneral
tug business done. 'Address • •
' - '' , O. , 'WAY, •
,jta • 4.
ux. • •{,
t rLtrAigLE am FOR BALE;',
• ..• „_•—situato• Ali miles from. Rataht4 Station:l I
on Western Pennsylvania ;Railroad,' Pk
:from ;alleghetireity;.containa .00 acre s of land; . 1
•80 of •whieh .elearen..balany.e jorest timber('
• waterin trtery field, underlain witn but or•eollt
solrexeellent for twain. rrowl i kon Which are •
erected sant° stotr throe dere) twO stables,
•1 . young erehatd:lnst be beat of best
• qnillitr of ftniti.goodzaids from:Station
• Fe 7503111. wanting .one of the best Arms_ An Vie
county': and , ar low - prior sad/soar' lire. 7
4mM-7dt:toted totlii abort.; Ai to •• • . . •
.... , • • +. • el; IN,
, I . IIWI 1 tr tote •
trimAir.,LAsiaiscitittiti siiiit,
tstruemord. G &WEN ONEDB.,
, Vial ---7- a •0010., dar.ta: datr,!et Ale]
. P 6 AIVIR•ta, eel
store or Bittetu a Lorls. fici l ii taneligi
ia,tpitt - Pft a ,La - UT a lot orL a ns; :
0.,,,,,Gira &mislaid de, Allricaitkeitd.
WO1114011411:Vlb 11 7 11 4 ( 1 1 14t - :it
i s
iItWATrit;WIP titiatlitlinta"oo4c,ll
'Z."?lpt. I at lo ori o ldie t st , 1 )
PI M V ti at ifilr $ 0 6 ,1- 1 , 11 4.
T• rw,t r .. A .. t *ifittilieffiJi f;
. tf, t 4,,t 4,- , At ...: 4 ' t
i" P. • • ititx*TbegtOgliTtlM , Ainag,;,
i, t ,,,. tiojalclu th ratm,rg i ,to 4 4o, ,
~ r,,,,:.:l e tiavetiFilatrifillsoll eofitTifing 40 or
• • ' fll • Irotellr WllilatillaLlt.ii i apaieeth Ii 1
i t •1' 7 ,1; 15 'i • Ir ig li nie_ LPAITIMPS II iiiIfICIIt•
f i. * It iltillrosol'A• (now 4 Loll For
;SM aa ! relleie l IV!(OI%Me?AiP r, ,fay pltragt,ita=critii
, • •
' l l - rill LITABLE , ,..AIt•tIEGUENIr
v .rnormt s'Y. YOlt"B,4l4lC t if 'arge d ;to*
story brtek dwelling boost. 201 i ' 'bu ilt 40 ' 'a
4aelraPle location . well arreeire4,ssith swetails.
large parlor, sitting rocnn'.....• OE. • Ilb 7 3 ,... " h ri bLu tW° 4
batik rooms , dining:MOM, klenent Wash ge.
gse arid water extures, __ , lnrus e; lite.; /I nibbler"'
utid grape vines.' Lot MSS feet front on Ridge
street by 200 deep. For further information 1
ap m p a ly la to S. OU'rtIBERT a EIONd,
85 emltheettt street.
' 4 41:97, 1 Prir SALM :
-1 • STI &JP SMITHSON 400. .•
•••- • . • ,
Misers. H. B. SMITHSON & CO., proprietors
of the well known Mammoth Auction House are
creating an excitement consequent upon the ar
rival Of new goods which are being sold at re
markably low prices. Goods otevery variety; the
finest sewed t-ote the most fashionable bal.
inoral gaiters and ' anklet shoes. slippers, ac.,
blankets, flannels, cloths. castdmeres, cutlery
and carpets. Call and examine. No trouble to
show goods. Ladles', misses' and children's
furs -at almost your own prices. Alfgoods war
ranted as represented. ) nor 4
BY L 10341AT8.
NY AT PRIVATE BALE.—Those two new Nos. (74 aad 176 Sheffield street,
near Bidwell street, ar, offered at prices that
should command an Immediate sale.. They are
on a good street. have a flne appearance. and are
fitten up with every convenience that good taste
could suggest. There are 12 rooms, marble
mantles. registers. baths, closets, speaking*
tubes, &c., Three-story, pressed front, cut
stone corners, stone steps, iron fence, andel ,
ground water conductors, cement eeliar.
dtc. They are Complete houses. A thorough ex
amination is respectfailv solicited. Prices very
low. Apply to Frazier Brothers, Ohio Avenue,
or to A. LEGOATE, Auctioneer,
tahl. . 1511 Federal street, Allegheny.
On Monday, March 22, at 10 O'Clock,
Will be sold on the premises that lot of ground
containing .180 perches, on the Allegheny Poor
Farm property, bounded by the hiver, Bennet's
Mill and the West Penn Railroad. Positive sale.
Terms at sale.
A. LEGGiATE. Auctioneer.
Ay Yirtne of ri writ of minlitioni ex,pinute
suedout of the District Court or the united
States for the Western District of Pennsylvania,
and to me directed, I will expose to public sale on
the premises, on
MARCH 20, 1869,
At 10 o'clock A. M., the following described
property, to-wit:
. . •
Situate in the City of. Pittsburgh, at. Nos. 105..
169 and 170 Second :avenue, tiormerly Second •
Inventory of Stock and- Fixture' of Vinegar
Manufactory of ARTHUB, BALLOU, located at
Nos: 165 168 and 170 Seoond avenue, - City of
Pittsburgh, Ps, Seized April 20, 1866:
I Trough Air washing shavings, empty.
4 Stands or Casks with. lime w ash. •
1 Large Tub; empty. 1 lot of - shavings and
lumber. .• •
1 Lot of Lead and Copper Pipe. • •
2 Large Stands; partly Slice with preparation
for ^vinegar. • .
1 Lot of Castings and Hoops.
1 Lot of Bag!, Castings, - Lumber, pipes and
Hoisting Apparatus.- - •
1 Piece Shafting. I Lot small Vinegar stands. •
Lary,e Stoves; 9 Vinegar Stands.
1-Barrel full of water and low - •
3 Baskets, rocks and • Ropes.
9 smat,a4 barrels for , rece.ving vinegar from
stills. •
1 Lot of Lead Pipe.
1 Large Tub containing shatiags. count. •
with the worm tub. - •
• 1 Worm Tab.-with its supply pipe, waste pipe
and false top; •
.1 Barrel containing mixture for vinegar.
1 Lot ol.Copper.Bnckets.. I Stand for Casks.
4 Large Tubs containing mixture for vinegar.
I Large. Trough filled with anavibgsand water.
.1. Lot of Lumber,-Hese and connecting Pipe,
1 ergs Stove and Pipe. • •
-1 51finegarilliandaeoutainituurdatuto . for
Clock. . 1 Clock. 1 Barrel partly filled with,vinegar.
1 Lot of Lumber and /run. 1 Lot of Stand'
. 1. Lot of Trough and Hose. I Lot of Shavings. ,
1 Lot of Lumber. 9 Stands for Casks. • ,
1 Barrel with mixture for vinegar.
1 Trough. empty. 1 Large Still.
1 Doubter, where the Low Wines were . take n:
from. Also. " • •
1 Tub connecting with the Doubler with Pipes,
and also connecting, wihe third story.
1 Lot. of Steam Pipe connectsng with toe Still.
.1, Lot of pipe, Copper,
.Lumber and Coati...its.-
, 1 copper Worm. 1 Lot oi Chips. ', •
• 1 Lot of Wooden Thitops.
. 1 Lot of Troughs, Shavings 41 d Limber.
1 Lot of old Lead rip , and Spigots.
1 Los of Chain, Caatiugs, Shafting. Wheels;
Pipe, &c: . • • • • , •
Empty Barrels. 1 Opea Tub."'
2 Old Barrels 1 Cask Stand.
•;.9 Barrels Molasses. 5 Barrels Vinegar.
. ,111 Empty Barrels. 'I Two Wheeled Hand Cart.
. 9 Empty Becelvink Clete/Mi.' - • .
f fteceirlagCleteSita, partly, filled with Vine-
Large Casks, enimy: •
Hose I Stove.
Lot Lar ge . Ca s k, Plug .
Stands.coutVaing Beer.
1 Trough, empty. "I"Gunt Bose.
Yeast ritandin• TrOnih. empty.
1 Lot of:Lead, ripe ose. Hammers,
Banging Toolie, , Oopper elites, Measures,'Olass •
paiince,Tiought,.Pmping.eklds, dc. • '
A Barrels Molasamt, r.•••••
.., E of cooper's Implements. , - • -
1 Let Hoops and "Hoop Iron
: . • ' •.-
t.' .'• 1 Dray. 1 Wagon. ' ' • • •
Brunie Vila. /Barrel HOD Water..' •
' 1 Empty Ale " Reg..; 6 Empty Stands: :
Lot Qs Old Iron. I Skid' • •
. 1 Lot of Empty Barrett and Lamb ,
1, Wooden , Pomp.
Empty Hogsheads and Shovels. • " •
Lot °Moons and iron." . • • '
Lot Of Empty Cdsks and „Hoops. • •
ISt Largo Wanda. . •
1 Lotail.amati (teed Buckets
• .
3 Large termentipg, Tubs. - •
•L. : 1 titeam , Yorchie ,, Tiati,, otinneeting - With Fee.,
nientinytTubs. • • •
1 Lot of Copper Flpes, connecting with-Fur;
nave.. , • • „,
1 Lot ot-Ripe(copper) leading across the street
to other, building.
Large Mot ofCiiks. Bantle and Stands, in
1 • • • . • ,
1L Odiee Desk and Furniture. • , , .
..3 Cnairs; 2 81.4Xd5,:l Letter Press: • • • • •
2' Lot Sample. Dottiest:l, Barrel -partly Ailed
with. Vinegar. • •
1 Lot of Barrelsi Measures. Spigetti and, Old
. • . •
11.otlron Cuttings : . • ; .
;I , l3pcie; Adidas, _McKee d Co.'s make. .
1 Lot of Lumber and Pipe: - - :
I , Latiliti lot. f:Faailli d gg i • fir ,
vi rof o i niet e ttit e g r ; s at Wagibt,l474.
•.1 Iron Poi, 1 lot Bum Hose. ; •
•if 'Barrels* containing Ginger Wine. .
1 , -.Large lot of - Lead P,f . •
1 Lot of Coil; 'Lot 'of Ale
1 - 11argeTub; empty tlotof Lumber. .- '
1 Barrel (linger Wine, 4 Jugs . containing -
II Bottles:Wine: : ••- • , .
1 Large lot pl.l4lp4ler. 1 • thaVine Ma
thine. • • -
Lot Caking"? andiron. • • k
I Carpenter's Sefton, Tools and Cheat.
,11 rindstone,
1-• • .
Largelliach !TUN copper 110 Stole,' empty. '
f1.11, - Ofißeltlng.
.;• 3 froXesAtiStAnd..ot;tkeni . fialf.)jand Pipe..
Copper laas OW 4'14,111 add Hopper.
•1 ..110torlhassn. , Beli pips Shafting. - • -
Iron TWO, 4,,P1 Orin Scale, Wiarge Tubs.
"• 1 Lot 0 ilittPtylditil mad Barrels.•
1 Lot 0 tHilittailatid , HOlatintApparittna
<Selzetteud‘i.,its the. , prooertir of ARTHUR
BM.,LOU et 1101,t Of Ole lilted Stated. , •
• • 0!ItAlt 4.3IIOWLEY• '
2% 1. .U,A1...111A8811411,.,
Marshal's Ofilbeatifeli-11.11i39.r,zohij:noo'--
1-'I,,qISII4I RDINABrOEIBV., ; , .
I.'• !-•.:•••-• • • •
.1/ • ''
c9l MFs f l a stP ';'.
a 41 , 74itaitr - Obbi law a
to !Metro' Vela; wwwitt dr. thrall 18101*
e h efil a nO t aliPtil t g:Nl l 4
4... jillaidlantanlislanonr,fovinfl,BElel
VADrbA elk (fat nro
blgotert. .T.-,Vanaeatiff 4 '.fOr oecoß
c e: faewthe Thlta DisUi.__ot.
' , TUMMY OffitalagOo o ptMnPrit"l, l 7l
Gentile hi with the poor i gt e ,l4 tai tr i dAlf4
( Otnritt -1111 I nt eVatita *filets OM oraltlAaUt
Ordained mid Nu e " . 9 1 °9?!12
'444'Pl`k FshlA4thingildentlirr:',.h,
•LI I " Tresidont of Woof
TUMLINSON;; - •_, ,
• • - President of Common Co:l3lF .U.
• At ;
4teli Cleric of vommon
BFLTING of 4 PIZ POI4Or Cinalltl4- alto ronrid
leather Belting of Olderent 'itrge
on hand at the Wirral pri 4 xi
ces.' '
. a , PS.
114 Au andmas Six th PElL LI
Hire Ct.
_ _
liar'.lMir OPERA ROVER:
Lessee .
Manager 'M. W. CANNING!
SATURDAY AV T /Rh ON,. March 96. 1869,
Rip Van Winkle Mr. Juse:pb Jefferson
Sixth night of blot' Bonetearat's great drama
entitled '
Rip Van Winkle Mr. Joseph Jefferson
Erpnlng--Ifr. JEFFERSON. •
Poeltivelv TEIRVE NIGHTS ONLY, corn.
mooing 1 YILTRSDAY 'EVENING, Maroh ISth.
First appearance or, the great combination,
From their Opera House. Cincinnati. Entire
change or Pro• ramme each evening, interpreted
Admission. 50 cents; Reserved Seats 73 cents.
Doors open at 7 o'clock; commence at S precisely.
'MONDAY EVE %IN% March 512, tee Troupe
will appear at East Liberty, -
mbls • HARRY FRENCH, Agent.•••
. .
THEATRE. (Late Trinableis Varie,t(es,)
First appearance of Idles .LILLIE BECKET.
The great two act drama, DICE. TDRYIN, The
Bold Highwayman. EACIAN , I3 new act) "A
Party by the Name of Johnson... Airs. WIL
LIAMS l in new songs. •
MONDAY—FIy° New Stare • and the DASH.
H.: W. Wl.4LiMS — ,..Bele Lessee and Manager.
N . •
every owning du
ring the week. the entire company will appear
` the week.
Muswei. MELANGE—the laugh
rArce of THE osT A HE CHAMBuIL-
H ill no. the entertaining FEMALE MINSTREL
SCENE, and the local extravaganza qt ;THE
The Great" Family Resorte.
FIFTH - AVlttarE, between Smithlield and
Wood streets, opposite Oid Theatre.
AtirOpenDisy and Evening, all the year round.
ddinission, 215 cents: Clilltiren. 16 cents,
PAIR AND ‘..F.E.s.r.rv-Aa,
nibla Corner.Thlrciand Grant streets.
ask the attention of ail intereste fin the rOdno.
tion of the extravagant cost of butter; to their
practical and economical syStem of patine pure
prime Butter by the aid nfthit •
.• . .
A brief allusion to the origin of this im • •
discovery May no . - Among
n • reeOlia'ef the seaweed Cap
tali Cook's voyage around the.' world, 11;1 . 0666
theet statement. that While 'isOlollining' farts t bort
time cn the Brasillappea4rattientik,lllpatica, he
observidtheiiiitlyeausffig, lathe preparation of
their food, a peculiar oil, which, upon examine ,
Pon, he found to possess the appearance, taste
and ilaybrof Batter: neon - farther inquiry, how
rt nedthat a ii wan su i p i y „ it
stance that; the .na 'es
imperfect manner. front a _deb and lux - arta%
pleat'that grew spoetaneouly acid abandintlY in
that warm tropical country. A few tears •
an eminent -Trench Chemist, while on a pr fes
atonal visit to the tropics, made numerous exper
inmate With this remarkahle productioti of na
ture, and succeeded In extracting a concentrated
essence of the platit. The formula for ita prepa
ration, and the Sole Bight; for its sale in this
country* the eiChiAve property of this Cern-
PinY, by whom it Was purchased from the oriel.
hal discoverer. We claim for this remarkable,
yet simple and perfeitlytermless preparation—
Its.—That by ita.use stet gain of from 50 to 200
per cent. is ma de in the of Butter.
Ad.—That:Butter; which frail age or whatever
cause, may be strong, rancid, streaked or
coarse-grained, and comparatively useless for
general nse,.by the aid of this Retract, is re
stored to its original trelliiiessand 'sweetness,
fine-grain; and even cols:.
ai,—By the use of thityxtmrt, one, Round of
delicious, freih &utter , ii actually made from
one pint at :OA: ' ' " " '
•Ith'.-iftiit a pure ant eicalleit table Bbiter can
beinada, it a coat 'ordeal IS tell°. 6 nte,per
pound. The chief exPemmilliheredri being But
- ter; which tallier eiblinthd.hasi. •:•
• tithe-That 'Butter minnfaCtured•bv the aid ot
this Extract Is cilia/lie every:expect to the best
Batter made bytbitrtribtary method/
Bth.—.Tae Extract attar Atiraingli mays% by
- able cbentbstailepronouncedpertectljqtee from
any deleterious substance., the ingredients be
ing purely of* vegetable nature. '
proof of .be foregoing assertions, the
factory of this companytirmatmg one ton of
Butter perdayivrMoiSigesstitvrith 'ready sale
, 4
in the lew Tot* Mn.W and is consumed from
the tables of the Unetela,' Restaurants and
Private Amities la thteel 4 elsewhere.
sample putouts Of lbw- ancient to
make fiU lbs.rof Butters .ttith4oll dons for
use, will be sent to atm
..adareat care
articles of *U.:nun sub
, ject to-spurious imltettooa, wewould specially
caution the public asalasteennterfeitti and worth
less Imliattoos, • advertised, as' powders; COM.
pomade'. aw. se theXitract OUUturatitter PLant
is prepared and sold only Dv , , • I •
•I• • ••• ' The , Ecouguty 130ter Co.
Moiles 1137.11350TT Eirmr, t"P
moral T, *3O OBJCISIV/Ca Yost;.
, Stine, County and OW Rights for sale. . tiering
'to capitalists rare 'opportunities for establishing
a staple busitiessi.paying alacritous PrOfiti.
Avnts4Vantelt Everxwbere.
t. DADART , d PursT.4rtabia Coloring/ I la •
pound, surielent to eve &Mob, golden yellow to.
1100 lbs. of Whltd.klattertlW , °cots per llamae
package. sent to any address, .2‘o Farmer should
beirrincnk it,t as'*DUO and=srsaldri Batter 1.
worth .from slx to ten Aunts,• Jrioand less In aU
- mar eta than that of a - rich yellow: -t frineri
. ,Ivtrat'' BE RFT;
mil g OOO 5 . 4:. fficeot-the'r , .:. .--
- K -- OEIVPD . at .14P P z ,. . - :;„4„„, 1129,
,t: •• • .1 , .., -..z....,_ .:-• a . -..-.. 8 wv
W 4" March. 42,
ni ,h et i le i'k e ' t."';tiaiii 1',4°15."!1.'t
_ _a _ - .-a ~--,., L -L,., 11i.... , '... ...'
• , s ALL,I tu0r,,,00:-.-..: 'COAL
. .
'.-- -X* ; - '
, rnii. ;- it cruars
lieia, - - iki ' ' iiik_ r -,- - tiiiK ill,o9, to
'eaavaiii , irog iromu
apru 4,..
..east: ittr t tryeat.
az 8
AixiM'lrii" ; :ti' v i,°4 lC* L
t ir iiArl i ltd ... 4 : y ‘ : anw ell . . rielft:n
N a s : bel lirtijh.
.h 4 .4263 aii,d litTlFie
' 2i_44,,,...nctilinbSrlaPfEelp-„abe,,ovoarariel
LA.,10„---..--5.„,md-of ....h_— iii,, ww specify' the!
feet ''' -*tier- Vn t irlit s - 'l5 and 20 inch r.ipcs,
bY 'ht. 41 - Asts,i '_. ~,,fis and Parruiet.
loPriocen3.rigimr irturAtgth--fi; dupe:intendant.
mita .IUS
, .
6. a,, itittorßlElE, ,
ipii_44oitatiso... • -
-.-,1,.. -,iio.,__.-- vi ii c epr iAirs, Arab%
ii i i , ji.:=,, hti,..psdiiii,lu,k,4l'os
ffAntstrwarz Pr, AL BHiN •
mn.n.:,,4TTlkom, A. ''
, mAnsuALL , e, Emma WILL (WILE Dirs , paro
mABOIIALII'S'ItLx3tya ; NAT. - guns LosTz
price Of tfl tralydp , llllllz , r, $1 00 per Do_
DeDVlo3ol.4oet street.. 2d. 3.141 HALL
aco u.uaahrta'Prottrlotors•
• For intlo:- : wholesale and .retslL by
ICKL I•Yr. Plslobu .D. , • fikibdovvynal
IOPOLL - 11:11ITTER.-12 packages Fresh Roll Butter, lust' recemed and for
sale blt J. B. CANFIELD.
/ 111 Sint nrenne.
.~i >YIa.J ~1