6. DUQU W ESNE'ORKS';' t' COLEM, 2g13.1 & CO., iisinilicturers of iRON,..—TsTAILS, STEEL, - AXLES AND SPRINGS , C TreEg. L X A ND . SVPilierAt - • SA'PLAT BARA;ROUND AND SQ IRON. ND IluoP; MEE" - AND TANS IRON. ' BOILILR PL +TES AI3D HFADS, AWARD IBON__ - DRAwand PROSPEIG BARS, - FLANGED' "UUTTEW RAM IRON,_ T AND PLAT BAIL for Coal Boada..L' 'CROW It • it.W,WEDGEtt & HARs.)W TEETH. SPRING;PLOWAND CULTIVATOR STEEL. iffila:WINGS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. 12 TIKES, STEEL 'bfIAFTINO, A. B. BTXKL. _ - ••' COACH, BUGpY and ViAuON SPRINGS and AXLES, CUT NAILS.,AND SPIKES. , , Goods First Class and Warr anted. OFFICES AND WORKS: . • Sixteenth Street and. Allegheny River, and e t 77 Water Sret, Pittsburgh. . . mh9 . GODEFFIIOI BRANCIAR & CO. 42 Exchange Place, New York, - Are, prepared,- u Sole Agents in the United .States for the Prussian liaising and Iron Corn- Awry of Duisburg, 'Westphalia, to contract or 'sell in eruitaittee to wilt purchasers, (delivered in either New York or Philadelphia') the celebrated G. SPiEGELEISEN Used so extensively foe the mentifactutine of BESSEMER STEEL. ' This fro free fro* Snip= and Phosphorus, and contains a heaiy Per cent age of Manganese. Full particulars, samples, pilees or chemical :analysis will be promptly forwarded on applies .l7 ja30:676 . t rwormiao.swEtt,w.ooo .•;:;.fati(}l3TtiNlMlg);(&:o.i AFTMEESTIRGB:‘ Pa... • Vanufsotorers of everg.des.orliAloo of "fatir • Aiii).GEßtill STEEL, BATia I` . tt• . - ... AXLICISOSTEEL SU 4110 Wilteijild/O6nrSt StS• -Arx.1209 BARR' & PARKIN. PAS27IIIB soWM. DIETCALT, BZUWEN MILLES, .W. BABR. I CRAB. PARKIN. Mew. P.uvrinlaz-M. X. EEL CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, NIMBI BARR & PARKIN, Office, No. 339 Liberty Sty P 1 iBBUEtGL .. fel4:d4B DLI.DIOND stmt. wojiss. PARK, MUM= a Co., Muoilsidi:.Lrero of - . l:fickmiPtlono of tErrXwv * VlT • • • ~ . . Office and Warehouse, 120, 122.124 SECOND and 119 and 121 FIRST 13TBILETS, • • Pirr9BUILOU: IRON WORKS.- Il.;[V swam.. Bnp.t. 1 :)ITTSUIM.GH FORGE AND IRON CO., g \ mmorrtagervoins . or r I • Bar Iron; Baiiroad rhiiit Born and Bolts; BailrMri Gee Anlei, Ironed; ItalgrOlint 444 Aztes 1111M120111 11 1 .10000308Iftilla FiaMela LOOCallagira Frame BlaaPall; ' lt Nid dlid e r dir Strn j pil; Aftbaibttlialdtar . 11 fteltr a .' OM" 6 r 14 / 1 "; '4111.0a Bade, Wrists; 'Pitman ifiais,; Collars, Lb. Oinof3 f Ttio.; PENN :STRFCT, ',:.!';'.iiiii'aiiiiritt iii;: ik. Atstiglitsi:PßOcpss. . 7 11' ft. :1 . • f • The Tiustees are now, orenared to Revi les tor the use of the ELLERBF34.III dEK PRO- The ihipirior .quiaitf itnnirted to good Iron, thagreat AsnroYstaent tq inferior.tron.Ankthe ~roducedcost4.comrnend josh tnanufacturers of iron. Partiefirtltdng to use It can Obtain licenses by aPPlYingto . JAMES,P.. ',SPEER, .&ttornejr toi the !great*, • . omeE,',itee PENN STREET.. rartieilliteseited : zit; invite 4 to vi sit the SHOZNBTAGER WORKS. where , the process now In stecesshat operation. .feB:d47 „: E vziwwig, onEsToti & Works. warehouse, N05•.: 16 6 . endll67 FM= • STEM”, o d posite 310(usgs.sehk_ouse. ap24:de ~ pkTTAßpwcal: Prio ßlm" VEM-WOlllo. rounded A. D. ,ISB3. iLD,a61059 ,BVEZE & CO. ILUIIIIP - ACTOZgi EiTANDABD4 jrADIBANSAPAT EDIT)'. PLATTIVID4 "AND, cpp wrist& Swns piceil l iptt c ll; 3 ,.Loc . b e a si o n . 4 0014188 OF lir: &MIT 1171_3i reniesm: AISMSTEAM m„ ii;:.:atenr: mu, JOON 11161300PES Cal EBAEntrotninzus rr) (-..GA13.! AND STM& FITTERS ?sauimminws PWIP% AHD Ass e qu deariMilegr i e.. o . 4ll/I=uff 6a 6 0 f' and W a l nut 2 , prrSstrizavi . . =I OVELTY WORKS TTING. _ Ear 1011 T • PITT . FOUNDRY COTIPAN'i. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH ,' PA. farEngines,ltolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Be torts, and Castirip gene 9• ATIONAL FOUNDRY 7 ni; AND PIPE WORKS. Ocquei: Carroll fnd Sp,lLakan Str•ets, (NINTH Wmw,) vrx-rsiturimu. PA WILLIAM SMITH, iNriumfoottiei of CAST:IRON BOWL PIPE !OE OAS A.ND_WATZBIFOILES. Plaas weal' cast luvislablyln Fits, iII dry sand. and IS feetlingths. Alao,.fall imeortment of general Castings for Gasand Water Worts. I would also can. the *WAS= of Superintend .nte of Gas Works tom'/ make of =MM. ATLAS WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, : ident. . Them Works ere among the largest and most complete, establithmenta tie Yireet, tind . are now pre pared to tarnish . . ; Engines, of ever, deseriplgOn. Boners, On Tanks. Sheet Irou'llreirk. Railroad Viwti Nonlifiainll Castings. Magna Ciatinglk EsehUte Castings. ilsnerai Cluitings. • ORDRES SOLICITICD. n09:n69 ROBINSON, SEA & CO., Successors' to licrentsaw, Mims & W ASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, ganufactarers of Boat and Stationer' Steam En g~lnesa., Blast TA& and su Shaftin e ,Boil l e ga and Skeet lima Work. Office, s zio. A, corner First and Smithfield Streets. • - Arcata for uPpPAREVS PATENT INJECTOR ferr reeding Boilers. jalltrel IVIONT BLANC FOUNDRY. al ltutier Street, Ninth Ward, Wpsoosite Union Iron 111111 s,) PITTSBURG'S. Belting Mill and Bridge Castings, „THHIBLF. SKEINS AND:PIPE BOXES, MACAWS/ M. APED CAESINGS oszennAlair Orders promptly and centrally executed. I char es reasonable. ERBERT IILiCKLROI. TIIONAB CARLIN 81:co., Yo Illteritandry and Nadia° Worb, BANDUBIET BT., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., Minglieturers tor: Btu= g, ----64 .:()J1 sees, - 211P rUileya, Shafting', .Orist 4 an 45arr. Work, Bolling Mill and - Machine Casting!, Orate Bars, wettibut, wagon , Boin, to. Bnlld tOlorder and have on nand EncLues of all, slam mvl4:qa . . CE3cTBAL. FoIWBET, AND ROLL: WORKS •7— , ifigo POluz:Strclet. Boy;MUM, BOYD k BAGAINI Chill Roue, am dutinge; 801 l Lathes, se. LUMBER. LLumina: -.. LIMBER 1 I AzzzarnmarrairrsitsoN. Dettlerin all Kißds.ef Lumber. , -... •,, f ,ON HAD ANdg:4I9II3M.X. ~ , t , • 1 009,000 feet Dry a Boum; .., , 150,000 feetllf Sp flinch Clear rung; • 30,00(eyeeeDnalclnethVortuncinrIsh k ; 30,000 feet Drill slid 2 filch Oak: -....: 1111i000:fherDr1 114 35f end 3 Inch Ash, I * 11,000 ft.:lDry 0;t5,4,0 in. Cherry &Maple, T - `30,0001t. D 1,-11t,3/ and , 31Uell Poplar: DOOO. feet ry Poplar Scantling; . ; 0 ~, 000-feet enilifeilolitf./43ant1111; • • ifiStriAnt, No'.. 18..1ne11-Shlngleireswed; 350,000 No.l 10-inch Shingles, 'sewed; : 40,000 No.l 10-Inch Shingles, stsveil; 40,000 Fire Brick; ; , 1.,,0U3 revue, . t- , -•-, , ~,, „••,, 10 Tons Fire &ay' ' ' Yeatoo—No. so PR EBLE 'STREET, formerly Manchester and III'f . IIEBECCA liTUNlCToppb site the 6•43 Works, -Allegheny City. . non .411.strripRitga '66Pw.,y `Ato elizanra vista EirriTSippllA3ll4.„ PARK, McCURIA & CO., gLatuticturers of iibeathingOkreziel3 1 mo, pen ooppez,Pressed Vna? BoCt=i,lllased isot... toms. ripener Solder. Also, Importers and Deal ers Metal, Tin Plate., sheet Iron, Wir_e &o.• Con itantlyses band Mineral hfacildnesaad Irarehousei• No. 1401111 ST STIUSsa and 1.00 COND, STURET,Pittsburgh. pecial.ordersOf upper cu A to any desired Do. , :raria!rakdrT ,§915-0141413 ^ti tar J. .Ll.O DYER ANICi.:SCOURER. isi.crwarl'erritEri. And, lies. 186 - and 187 tit*Stii‘'ol, iS PISTHSD~~.. Pr: ,32 ' • , _ .fi d. , " 44-I,o"l',Fk_ • . - jkf474,1?Vi.V.P.'41.1.1f. W,417^.v.5:wAr..777ife5..,_ .gO„.. t s2 " - Scee.'t .- ' —thf6, • ^. 3, t PrrfSBITRGR GAZEITE : SA.TVRDAY, MARCE 20, 1E69. msair Nopipm.ries illifili13011:8ri 011 7 Cor. Point Alley amt Duquesne St., Engine Builders;, Founders and Machinists. Mitmlhoture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and-STA TIONARY ENGINES. of all tdres. Special attention invited to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER. of lfirborsevpower. CASTINGS. of every land. maditoorder etc* Toandrp. Toandry. on TRIED STREET. below Market. RIGS for Oil Wells, SHAFTING. PULLEYS, HANGERS.HOUSE and TOBAC4O SCREWS as IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on band and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS; Fronting on the Allegheny Elver, netti the Feint, All Orders promptly filled. TIM US °!Yr DIEMBiSTILL AND TANN DMIBLE.FLIIEDI TUBULAR. InitE-BOX AND -4:SYLINDICE trTEAM. BOIL. ELM wricatartto bit TAIDEss. CHIMNEYS, BEEEDEING AND - ABA PANG, SETTLING PANES, BALT, PANS•,LND CON. STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND LEON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS .AND COAL BithTES OStoo; ond Ware Semis; earner Seoond, Third, Short a n d liberty Streets, air Orders sent to. to Cie - above addressmh7:lB9 will be .romptly attended WIC BARNHILL'S& COli - BOILEIt.VGINFoRS .AND SHRICW I.ROIC WORMERS, 11(*0 10 , jasl, 5111 AHD 111:1 gltaild FIT. Having ;mailed I large yard end tarnished It Won the.most_ approved machl e 14 we are pre- Dared tbeininutictereelatfd On of BOIL IBS In the beat rnanner, - sta wanted equal to any made la the country. admneys, Breeching, Pisa Beds, Stems Mee, Locomotive Boilers. Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agit*. ettlisi; Pans. Boiler Ison,Mig i t Suer Pane - atulsole assulactaxers GI 111 Fa Itopalftna done on shortest notice. iniltal • . TAMES''' • • Noa. 66 and 66 Water Street, PUTSBIIAIIII. Pl., wArtrauctrusitz 07 IRON :, OIL , - TANKS 5 larrrimeo PANS. COPPZIt wrze.mrtrz. siimrse 36 - 11 , mums; • AtidSHEET,thozg WORE., Poi Steamboats: COPPER., (NZAB: rOINTI) PrIVBROBO73. • PL. WORKS. 'Cifittot.L4L titrir DER, tiA2nm;/ ; 4:(itairiti of 1 3 ITiSB1711.G11, ;mum M. astron zwciarDa. sun JARED M. BRUSH & SON, - auattrracuriums or Steam Bopers, Od Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORE. &O. 61 Pena Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES;. CASTINGS, IEO. rrilE BEST STOVES. • A. BRADLEY & CO._ kientifkottirers of the greatest 'variety of ' . Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE.. • . Sole Agents for the celebrated 'Base Burning Oriental Stoves and - Furnaces for Hard Coal or Coke. Best in the WOrldforfarlor.Ofilee. Store or Church. Fire needs no rekindling—bums an win. ter. Do notbly until you Bee or send Or Circular. „ No. 30 WOOD STREET. Our Agents for Orientals-DERKLER imitldleldidt.; GEO. HURLEY: Allegheny City. . ." ' .itaarurAcmnums or swiss ThatirrY OP • BOSTON COOKING ,BAN GA "!'IIIIE FIERY FelialACE," W 4 2/11110 BUILDINGSe- THZ NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, "REGULATOR." COLUMBIA COOK STOVE PAN'S (01ne1~nit Paccepl) - .PQRTABIA RANGE CAST 11101.1 MANTLES. - WELLILLN , S REF r.F.CTOR.,EiItATES free Irom and Mut; GOATE rRUNTIN PEN/it/MB, . i. 206 and 20S Liberty Street, S. - 645344 .3 TI'TTS/SIMGH, re. 00,08,4iTovEs., CET THE BEST. 5 BISSZIOLI t CO I$ TBI7I3IIPH, . lattrifinlo V73' COA.L, • Warranted to CookOlake or Boast as Ntliasaity otherl;toye In:the trlllen: -BISSELL*I:IO Not% 285 I.Abertv Street. Lifiramiktutd and tor age s ' • PARLORBToM mo Arznntßa. ,cooxutifii ,NGE B . 41KI. COAL iND COACEI., coa , LI COALU Draisoitl,savvkarr . & co,. SATIN! removpd their to , NO. 567 ]LIBERTY stsivr gatelipity 7. l !Yar 31111)PEO,OND /LOOK. Are niiw' preps:red to buiiish good YOUGITIO. ORB ety I,,UW -NUT CUA.L 0118LAOKI at the. goriest mocker flee. • Alt orders 3 le vat their °Moe, or addressed to them„through the . mall, will be attuudeo to promptly. _ • STONE. WEAT CplllllON ' lifactitne Stone TYOrkii, Notthwaptioniterolt4est Own - mbniAlingliany. FRED% ATlTArtila i 4:10: flave on hand- or wepare on nonce Beartb and Stet" Stories,. NI ter indawalks, Brewer? Varna, an. Head an Tomb Manes. &o . q,i,rilFivinPs.l7 4 , 3 tell; Friona roarlonlbls :~~rte~T 4,5 ®.O .EVEN ..P.13 CENT: GOO BOND,S; THILTIt TEARS TOtItIJN, Issumi) BY The Lake Superior and Mississippi River Railroad Company. TREY ARE A FIRST' MORTGAGE SILNELING FUND BOND, Free' of 'United States Tax, BECUBED BY ONE MILLION SIX HUNDRED AND THIRTY-TWO • THOUSAND Ants 'OF ;CHOICE .LANOS. And by the Railroad, its Rolling Stock. and Lhe Franchises of the Company. A Double Security & First Class InTestmen In every reeipeet. yielding In'Ctirre ricrY nearly TEN PER CENT. TER AMUM. Present Price, Ninety-five andlnteres ill Gold. Uovernment 'Bonds and other Stricks re ceived in payment at thel.i t highest market price. Pamphlets and full . In . formation- given on ap- p4cation to. JAY 'COOKE, de CO., No. 114 South Thin' Street, PHILADELPHIA. ; I E. W. C144.11,tfi.& CO., No: 35 South Third §treet, PHILADELPHIA. Fiscal Agents of !betake Superter & *tsal Railroad Co. IBA B. Neal 4 VONI SEMPLE &; JONES, JAMES T. BRADY & • aiir, cAtriilt6 mhtatra6 ? FORT PHI BANKING BOIPANY, No. 169 Wood Street. cAray., ; $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DrajOKHB IN GOVFaNDIKI4T aFAILTRITIES AND' COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIDIB DEPOSITS. Collections made on all accessible points In the United states awl CinadlJ. DIRECTORS: Jno. 0 ,Itisher. Bobt. )3. King, Andrew Miller, James H. Bailey. V. Hostetter, - Junes Gordo*. D. Wsllnce, E. Fawcett, 11.1111'16.81 ~ . D. LEST . NATIONAL BANK OF - COMIERCE, cor.:lotvrociii and giiti A. PAT TICHISODI...O JOB. U. FULL • CAPITAL, $600,000. DD1ZOTOBB: A. Patterson, items W. Cans, Wm. H. Brown, H. Palmer • Chas. Lockhart. • Wm. 12onglas . , Dan. B. Dtvidson.' WM . -WM/L. 4 W. B. Haven. • ,1 0 ; AT DiSiXEC/Nill DAIL atd):o2 Burric, A P"P'"F il f' e tl , , BANKERS AND BROKERS, , ~, Corner Third ars . d , WoeS Streets, ,--...- 7 --,- .41. 1:- f.--... ~ .:1- .r-p•-• , -, — lf",;* — ''s ' --..- -vrx-remicarcons, 'Ptallair- - , (300ViiiiciiiTci itiata . a, EAT a C 0.,) - : , ainias s ra ..:,. , i 1E:: . . Exchangfr, :Cobh- ;Coupons, - ' ''.;11: tu, isr,;;;"' to i :.!•••, iiei. Zing' ar! _, . „ A sa r e taidhe p e cov ERN rii E.tit BONGS. ... - ' Bight iPiraftil on London. & soNs . - 1 6 39 313.4k-WIBLIFFIL . , , Ilrir4cit, Street,. r=l4B:oo 3 Etztxt. Colleetions made me tall the veMeirdrtata et. the Untied Ist4tee wd °pada& - • " Stocks,BOndiantl other securitles • BOUGHT *RD SOLD OR .0014XDOION. ; ~ , • Partiattlie attention paid' the helehese aide of ' • • trilited States - Secnirities: -11011111- t ;:I4VINGS $ *roh Next, ~Pill.be cloned on VMDNESDILY EVENINGS,' And open iaily:from O'CloOklA..x. to 3 0 9 0104, r. x., suid'94"f. • Saturday Evext.ing§.. 'feltne&S .; J.X. swim. r m. Haler! SWINT & BRATTuzi ~.441 3# 7PC ; L T A V a l dicitifißS .• ...A Imre suortment ofNEWEL_rung sod ..BALLSTERI3 constantly on band: Ttraillie done .;'-' , se, 4"11113 ®® RAIL AND UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY BONDS , The cheapest investment now In the market for Sale by : - 21N. tetla r r.Z9 Corner FIFTH AVENUE & WOOD STREETS. Also; dealer In Government Bonds. Gold and Coupons and European Exchange at market rates.. , deZI AXES . Ti BRADY 8c CO., (SuPeessOis to I. JONES k,CO.!) "Corner Fourth and Wood 'Sts:, =EEO S IL DINE. 3ra R. Sip BUT AND sum' ALL laNros or GIOVERNIF,NT SECURITIES, torn, COUON% ON MOST FAVORA.I3I.I.O" MOM. W Interest Alloititi on Detwlto. MrMoney loaned on Government Bonds at lowest market istes. • Orders executed for the PUrchase end Sale of _STOCKS, BONDS and .str!:' . . - Itt,OT,gt:Allit . !t , FINANCE rmli• TRADE. OrTicz OF Pirmiiirsoir GezETTE, / prrind*, March 19, 1869. —Coats quotiktions4oeived b7Ja . mes T. ...TV4y, 8c Co.: cold} .131; Patted stiaiie slid% 1881's, 11631; 5-204i,r*, 119; 5-20's, 1864, 114 X; 5.20'5, 1865, 117; 10-40's, 105;1; 5-20's7ail'y and July, 1865, 1133, do. 1867, 113,e do. 1888, —; Seven Thirties; par less X; Due Corn pounds, 119; Union Pacific Railroad, par; Central, 103; Cy.. Pacifies, 1013 . • OFFICE or P/TTSBCrig,3B IGAZETTF, Fkonair, March 10; 1869. If a declining and sick, market is what , the bears desire, they certainly had a triumph to-day, as at no time since the reaction sepin;haa.;Lhef Market been so• decidedly and completely under the .control of the bear eletneht. The YOl - of 'was,tinnsnallY the sales in thicii aggregate being larger then during any,prebeding day within the pas: two or three months; while -pri ces have fallen off, . since, yesterday, about one cent on Crude, and from one two .cents on Refined. The great pro portion of this oil was doubtless bleught , by the !shorts ," many of whom will re, slim very handadmelv out of it, while others have got off a toad deal easier than they had remelt to expe . ct a very few days age. • - The atockean the east are reported un usually and unexpectedly , heavy 4 about 140,0)0 bblii (crude and refined) in New York alone, and over 40,000 bbls refined in Philadelphia. Until within the .past few days, it was generally believed - that there was no • accumulation at either of these pointer, She .yery,Aight„shipmenta from Li:llB . piece, giving tdreright to such a conviction,- :but-it now- appears. -that Cleveland, the oil regions, and Other places have WO Pouring lou heavy stream, and' it , must . have , been these plactilthat glutted the eastern Market& It is said,. howifiyer,. :;that the atoekii 1 the _places 'which have - been', phipping so freely; 18' considerably 'redacediand that -while there is increase .on Ithe ohs' head ` tiPice : 10 g,il4.lllng of the ll~KAl4{Yres'w ON. Vashier._ . . CRUDE-=As already, - ,lntimated ,the market was considerably excited to-day, the sale's in the aggregate . - being: unusu ally heavy, while; coMPate'll Vit(*eitter day prices Are iqWer.„: Salsa' reported at on• spot at !$5,60. - Sales here were as follows: , • .;• 2,600 bets , first water 14% 2;060,' seller 66 days 14% 600 fiellin. T ' l ' 14% 1,000 " 'March, seller 1,004,-,"; till July) fsgler.....„ ea% 1 ,15,061) " 11 ' next lax. months"; seller-. 1,000 • is • nextriitteeh• days selle r .. .: tREFINED--Theb.P9/ 4 46 3 na1t 1 _ 1- wore also unusually .large-ih , :the *gra: gate, but as in the:east+ of• Crude, prices I are considerably -lower." We qtfote as off:glows: 1,000 April; last halt , 81 I,OIEI , !800 each April, May,;:32%,, - ,June" ' July ... . . ' ' ' "34: IMO March ...5...6 - so 500 April last Vat I 31 `soil each" to iSePienaiii. , . ' '3434 • 1;000 July. to Deo, ... ........... Terms. 500:", - May;,8334i 4 . 1 11 2 e 3 u l Y4';., ;3 4 IstIBBIOATINip' Eclipse Winter Litbricating oil - A 40c Eclipse Railroad Axle • 35e Eclipse 'Machinery 75c 'Eclipse Elpiddle • • 800 •-014.1314 7 117 a) EAST: BY. 1.1 - 5 , , B. H. , Fawcett, L.'& B. 147 , bbls refined to W. p. Logan & Bro.,- Philadelphia. •H. W.4.l.„Tweddle, bblei lubricating to Penna.,BlLCo. , • ' : Total ShiPMeritsßefined; l47 OIL eXtPran =or. *soli ''prtgrAttp's DEPOT: ...> - Brooks, B. &,Co., 48.bble tar to 14;f Ir. & B. Pertain° Oil 06., Pbll4 • Brooks. B. & Co.,•110-bbls refined to W. F. &C0.,C0. Philadelfitlitt:', .• , , H. M. Lohg 41t:C0., 186 bbis refined to Warring, King ck Co:; Philadelphia. Total shiPmente Total shipments • tar , 48 -1 • JAASEB.T. BRADY ti CO. EMI PETROLEUM MARKET. Drv.poods `• • Ngw Yong.lilarch' 19.--The , break in prints has become more , generali. and there is great excitement irk tUei ninrket today. - Pacific '1 4 .111111 ICON fedUcer;the price of their goods to 12340, and are sell.. Ing rapidly, as are also the Amoskeag, ':which reducektd`ll.lo. ',031.0114441ii are, "offered at redneed prices, ativielliiiifiney easslmeres of desirable makes, which are selling at , a loss price, generally, and have now found a level, and. trade is about starting in right good earnest. Printing cloths have *dined to Sc, and move slow even at-the .kedtictinir. PITTSBURGH MARKETS Orritxg,o7 Pii'TSßUnlarf AiETTE I FIikDAIN Mareih-19; 186%. , • • Business, we regret to state, continues very dull, though hopes are still ;enter tained of an ,early improvement. .The. demand for everything continues light, belnitonflned entirely .to Supplying im mediate wants, while prices generally have undergone no change., Flour• is, dtill ,as ever, and the same is true of Grain. Provisions are . a'shade stronger but unchanged, and but' little improve ment iu the demand. • Sugars are very dull and the saws is true_of Molasses and Syrups. The excitement' vihich pie vailed some weeks since has, entirely subsided, and .it is probable that there are some who got enough of "sweets" to make them sick. _ • APPLES-=ln fair demand with regit tar sales at $4®6,50 pet bbl for commcn to choice. APPLE BUITt/R--Demand - fair and market steadpat 80®900- • BI.I2TER--There Is a ecintitided fair demand and we can report regular sales of good to prime Roll at 43045. • BEANS—Ih better supply—may be quoted at 53,40®53,50. ~j i =CHEESE—Safes of Factory at 23 and bare. New York GO:311011 at 24. Market aImost BUCEWHEATYLOUR—DaII; 3®3 1 .A. - CRANBERRIES---Sales at $18®520. CARBON .01L—Theldiarket is Ault and drooping, but. cannot be correctly C,ORNMEAL 51,75® 1 ,8 5 per cwt. DRIED FRUlT—Teaches steady at 14 @l5 for quarters ; 16®17 for mixed and 'lBO2O dor haivies's , Aipples scare° -and in "demand at 11@1234 cts: ' EGGS—In rather, better demand and we• now quote at 23. • , PROVISIONS—steady but unchanged- Bacon is quiet and unchanged at 14 for Shoulders; Ri abed Sides, 163;®17. and .4:Rear - Sides, at 18®18%, and Sugar Cured Haim Steamed . Lard, 19®19 ; .;and kettle • rendered; 20®2035. Mess Pork 02032,50. • : POTATOES-In fair local demand and we can report small sales at 75 ®BO. POTATOES -Demand better but pri- • GRAlN—There is a slightly improved demarid for Wheat but prices are .un changed at.51;43@1,45 fo for No 1 Spring and .5 for Nerl Winter. Oats In limited supply, butlthadethand_is light; 65®66 'on track and 68070 in store. Rye is dull - and unchanged; $,1.40 for Western • and 51,42®1,4 1 3 /or, prime State and!Okde. Corn continues very dull eldmie now quote at 70®75, for-VM.te ‘ to Yellow: also isdiall and droop ing, and prime to choice Spring may..be Auoted at $2(i) 2 9 10 .. • • ••-•.,' • :V SEEDS—There is a - very fair demand for 'Clover, .with sales at $10®10.50,• and Timothy at ea 50®3,75. Flaxseed quoted at 52,45®2,50. . SALT—Is quiet but steady, and is still quoted at• ea by the car , SORGHUM-60 ®6SC. - FEATHERS—A shsde :firnaer, , and we .now'quote live geese feathers atl3o to the trade, and • the usual •usual advance in a retail • ' Ols. , LONS—DuII at 501,00@5 per bbl. FLOUR—Is quiet and unchanged. The following are the Pearl Mill prices for their brands of flour made of t h e best, wheat:, 'Pearl Milt three star green ' brand, in barrels,s9,9o in Backs 59.,60: double .extra in -barrels 59,00, and. in sacks at $8,90; Pearl Mill:far:Ulf in , 'I/dr. relsrsB,4o, and in sacks at 58,00, Spring Wheat brands in barrels 57,30, and in sacks 57;0,0:. The Pittsburgh City Mills prices are as follows: Choice White Win ter Wheat Flonron bbls, $9,30, and lacks. $9,00, ,choice Bed Winter Wheat Flour, in bbla, $7,75, and in sacks $7,50; choice 'Spring Wheat Ylohr, bbls, .57,30, and in.saoks, per,bbl. LARD OIL—We now qUote No. lat '51,65, and No. 2 at $1,30. • WHlSKY—Highwinet dull but un changed; may be quoted in a jobbing wayest.94Ws. • 1:.3_:;. PITTSBURGH METAL MARKET• otr , PrrisittraitaidAzirris; glazoes, March 19, 1869. The hait'beeti - quiet dating the past wevr., the volume or bw3irtestkiiihe.. aggro:4lde While prices have undergone no, hipor tantschanke. The demand for mill. irons has fallen off somewhat but for Foils- ' , dary irons especially, ier desirable brands, there is rethiii more inquiry, and with a limited supprg.Tirides are rel atively better, than j.i?tbe case of mill ' irons.. There no great ac- • cumulation of stock, and theici but very little Westeirii irons on the' market, the great proportion that inky drilving. being put in On : foimeir contrasts: It is • said, howevei,itialliiiFe'is rattier 'more eastern iron offertig ifian nimal;iiiid as a general thing the tendency for eastern brands atiatini "do'aiiiiverd, though, as yet,'flie'rei hies . bean'tin actual 'ileOliAl' !. The following sales were reported: astartAcrrs. 50 tons No. 1 Anthracite.....l)43. o o 4 mos No. 2 ... ;12,00 4 mos 26 ' NV. 2 '41:00`4 mos 70 " No. 3 " 39.00 4 mos . 60, J 6 NentraLgrey Yorge 40.00 6mm 200 , lit Mottled' •Ree Short to arrive 37.00 4 mos 190 - 66 • Close Grey :37.50 4 nios 151 YergC.•44... , 40,00 5 MOS 65 " No. 1 Foundty 43.00 4 mos syruartioris-co:st , supssion OBE. 200 16 L S Greg Forge to ' arrive-- 3838.00 4 0 mos - " 66 40.004 mos p 50 " • No. 1 Flry at . yard-'40:00 4mm I' 4 •60 66 No. 2 66 6 6 39.00 4 mos rt. 65 66 No. 2in 10t5,..138 - t06:49.0t f cash k'''•<% 20 " V . 136 4060 - 9,4 mos Pt 500 6 , 6 Close Grey Forge' at • ,3.5.50 A mos Kt , ' 350 66 Mottled to arrive....: 35.00 5 mos N ' 150 As ' lOpien f 66 37.004 mm TV -1 "-z 250 'Mixture of .I , l;ative `•"-- Ore to cirri* 38.00 4mm I'4 ntomus: • 10 " 95.00 : 4 mos 100 " Lake Superior .. 95.004 mos 48 " Missouri" - 'lOO.OO 4 mos CrHAll.OO_ 100 . , Zmoy.prand r lal Core 51;00 moa 75 • - rs u ' "52.00 6 mos ILAN!). ttEotmdry_ .46.00,6 mos 80 " 45.50 4 mos 94• - 4 4 : IMedintiC ; • ' «'= • '.45.00 4 mos L6O ." $, , 1141R;11,...146_.99@gmh,auct..4 mos March -19. L-Flour is more active; sales of 200 barrels North western extra family at $7.00@7,25, Ohio at $g8@9,,25,, fancy 159,50,®12. Wheat very quit* redJai #l. l s,ol)l,oo,ittribior $1,65(4 1,75, white $1,80@1,90. Rye firm at e 1,55. Corn in limited demand; sales of 6,000 barrels Yellow 'anti ;mixed ;western:' at Oabrin taltaernandiWesternatl3® 76. Petroleum feverish, crude nominal at nois in bulk, 201 n barrels, refined at 30 On? eliot 2 at.TII2).JOST , for April, May and June delivery. Groceries and Provisions are unchanged. Whisky dull 93. 1 g0ti.y. ' =NI A R , t: n ~~ ~• ~Ne 1 KS I -: `` ~0...:'~. .:I?Y.'.:':'~: ~.