11 H Markets by Telegraph. t1 C 0mr. , 49474 1 -4.-reateilka4tede. l owerAndrather more active;, sales 20_500. bales at 28 214 . e for tied tiling utiltinda..." - ' ' Flour less active and prices without de. clded change; receipts, 5,480 bbls; 1,700 bbls at 35,45g6,00 for eltiperfine State and western, $6,156,70 ex ra State, I $5,4,5®7,00 extra western, $4,05@7,50 white wheat extra, $6,25®7,35 ro nd hoop Ohio, 37€,.8,00 extra St. Louis, I 9®12,00 good to Melee do., closing qui t. Rye • flour dell: ari nricharigsW sales bbla tit $5@6,99. Corn meal quiet a heaVY.- 1 'Whisky heavy: sales 10U bbls w tern at 1 95e for free. Wheat very dull and I®2e lower; receipts. 28,098 bus; sales 24,000 . bus at t; 3 1 e 12 e 11 . -1 •5.t •ter Ils;042,A111111k , in - store and delivered, - $1,60 for' 1 • amber Miehigan,l,6s for white California., II Rye dull and heavy. Barley dull; sales .of 200 bush at 31,90. Barley Malt dull , and unchanged:' Corn; 'receipts' 81,914 bush; market •about •lo lower; sales of t • 38,000 bush, at 85@)89e for "new mixed Western, chiefly 86Q87e, and 90©92e for 1 small lots of old do. Oats; reeelpte 41,- 1 260 bush; •there is a moderate request; sales of 99,009 bush, at 73nfor western in store and 75e for do. afloat.' Rice I Celle°, dull, Sugar Moderately active; pales of 630 hhds Cuba at 113@)12,11,10, and 2,600 boxes Havana at 11;4(3.1 ,1 3 ( 3 .3. t Molasses steadn, wiles of 7.5 bbls .New 1 Orleans at 82c; 020 hhds Cuba at 40c;".60 I - hhds Porto • Rico at 68e; 112 hhds Demerera at 44©6634 e . Hope quiet. Petroleum, dull; 1 0.4®16Ke for etude; 30)4®31c for refined, bonded. Linseed oil, quiet.; 31,0.3 in casks. • Spirits turperi ; tine, quiet. Pork; quiet and steady, 850 bids at 1 , 32..@32,25 for new mess, closing ! • at $32 cash; $31,50@31,75 for , old mess; , $26,50@27,75 for prime; $29@30,50 "for prime mews; also 500 bbls new mess, • seller 6 months, 3,32. Beef, dull; Bff bbls , at sB®l6.for• new plain mess; -,.512@)18 for I new extra rness. Tierce beef, dull; 25 tierces at $ 2.5@,30; 327@33 for Indinmess. ; .Beef haws, heavy, 430 bbls $26630. Cut meats, a abide Miner; 175 pks.at 13 1. _ol3;ie for shoulders, and 16y ®l7s‘ for I .hams. Dressed hogs, heavy; 2 141 (4)/ - for western; 14!,-. for city. Middles, firm : - and quiet; 180" boxes at 16Ne for Cumber -land Cut; 173?@17%c for South 'Stafford shire, Stratford. Lard, heavy; 1,060 / tierces at 17 3f@193ec for steam, and 1.9© 1934 c for kettle rendered; also 250 tierces ; steam, buyer for April and May, 193/c, Butter, steady,,3o@)4oc 'for Ohio, and 40;1)666.11nr,5tate., Cheese,- du11,! , L8©22:6. Freights to Liverpool nominal: Lvensx-Flour closed dull and s©loo lower,, the decline being chiefly upon _Medium and good gradas. Wheat dull :and nominally I@2e lower, Rye 'nein!. nal. Oita dull at 73c for western In store. Corn ‘ 1114414-186 @9 74 / 1 49citkilw mixed, western; old mixed western very dull and. •,Pork, utichapg4., %Beef in moderate request and steady; Bacon quiet and unchanged. Lard Eggs steady at 24q42.6e. • CipeX 'Ut;•' March ' s 19 :. 4- Dailern Ex change quiet and unchanged. .Flour very dull, at 35®6,3734 for spring 'extras, 47 for winter do., and $4@4,75 for spring. superfine. - Wheat tolerably active' and I.;‘,l3‘s•l•Aster; salete,ofithio....l at sl,ll© 1,1,5 for regular. fresh receipts at 95; closing at $1,09®1,09X for 'N0..2; sales of No. 2,at 31 4 034, seller, for. pril,• sales • 'change at $1,093.i:' Unix dttil - ami l . unsettled and 4 lower; sales of. new at .53®54, no grade at 51®513i; closing at .b3,12)53;.f for no grade; sales of, No. 1 at 68, seller for the last half eirSprll, and at 65, seller for May, No. 2 at 58 3 4 ', seller - for May; nothing doing this 'afternoon. Oats dull and ,ig(D lower; sales of No". 2 at 51%®58 for regular and fresh receipts; closing at 52; sales 52, seller for this • month, 52053. buyer for this month, 52 ;,seller • for last half of Rye in 4 fair .demand 'at 41,17®1,19 for regular and tread receipts of No. 1, and $1,16M4 1,17 for fresh receipts of No. 1. Barley dull and lower. at $1,85 for No. 2. Seeds dull. at $2,75©3,15 for Timothy,': $9.23 @9,50 for Clover. - Highwines dull at - 88c offered and 89e asked. Mess porkWel _ and strong.at $31,75@32 cash; "37,75 buy . era for April,, closing at ,$32 for, March. Laid nominal - and I ,4€l;Wi lower sales:at 18@18 ;c retail; sound loti nominal at j 18e. Sweet pickled hams active' at Ift dry salted shoulders 13c buyers for April. Dressed hogs quiet at 112,25©13, closing ate-at $ 12,2 41 1 2,75, div.itiln_g,on 200 darl'• and Weak et n 19,30@9,60 for fair to medium; $10®10,50 for good;' $10,75©11,25 for choice to extra , prime. New Orleans Anger ' 14igil6c for common ' to choice. Molasses $1®1,05. Receipts for the past 24 hours--8,055 bbls flour." 'f•-28,687, blr,trbeit,74l7;79obitte447.4ll7lThu oats, 5,204 bu rye, 1,880 bu barley, 4,343 hogs. Shipments-7,1390 bbls flour, 7,731' -_bu wheat, 27,837 bu corn, 8,718. bti ,, .117. 4 1, 1,550 bu barley, 4;53 - • 'I ST. Lops, arch 19.-.-Tobaeco un 'changed. Efensp' aniU Cotton; nothing doing. Flour dull, weak and - Unsettled at 35,25®5,35 for fall superfine; ~extre,: ' $6®6,50. Wheat; choice and fanny:fall a,. "little better at $ 1 . 82 34i2)2:00i Prime telow choice, $1,55®1,70; .spring unchanged at $1,15®1,1734 for No. 2. Corn stronger , --and. better at, 58®61,3, for Fellow and mixed white in bulk, .and. 68@a00•., in. sacks. Oats; market stronger, but prices,-. - unchanged, at 45734@e.62.e. •Barley-quiett; and unchanged at $1,8001,85 - for•primal ,to choice spring. Rye unchanged at, c '• $1,28@1,33. - Whiskyminslital at h9©9oe.. J Groceries unchanged.- LoriiiihruiSugar,.l _ ie. Coffee 18;i®25c.forlowpades,, *tit prime Rio. Molasses, 75®90C. 'Perk, quiet at $32,25Q32,50. Bulk ! . Meativdtillt, small packed sheuldere,atl,3e;,elear sides, 16: 1 „e. .;Bacon; ,denunict and prices barely nominal; jobbing sales, . •of - shoulders:at.l4e; clear-rib ,oldea,-17et clear sides, 173ie., Lard; Oholeetstearn,,, 183ie; choice country kettle, 181,c, Cat, tie; - only local demand at 14@7,26 . f0r fair, to extra. Receipts-Flour, 14,200 wheat. 13,500 bus; corn, 33.700 bus; eats, 6 bus; barley, 3,300 bintrryei I,7ool:bus, family f6.25®6,50. Wheat dull; no itales.-' Corr firm, at 65e for ear: .;-Oats dull;Nos • 1 66e,,, Barley dull, at 14E4240 ferNo• • - 2 -State., Rye:•unchanged,.. attd. dell Cotton dull :.sit;. 27Xe for, middling. Whisky dull at 90(i)91c. Meas . Pork dull at the close find - not saleable at t better", than 532. 1 3u.lk..Meats dull add lowerr • . offered at 1 3%©143,0 without buyensll • Bacon nominally unchanged; no sales. I • 61 "•ThUrlit ISt; tta bola* st.better than I 18Mc. Butter 2e higher and scarce; fresh 40®45e. Eggs 19e and steady.: . Linseed Oil , dull at $1®1,03. Lard 011 uiet at $1,5501,60.- , PetrOltttin dUll, at •I .33@ti5e for refined. , Sugar •drill; :New` Drleanty,l4@)lsXe; there isonlyajobbittg, Coffee fimat 22®26.5. I Moffitt, see steady;• at 'MOM" for New Orleans., Gold 1301113•1mVue...Ilexcitanot steady.; -• ciaiver,auri; Flour Is uric changed, dull and 'insetive; city made;;_ • $10,23®19;50•f0r trobleextra white; $ 9 ,60- %9,75-fordouble extra amber, $7,50©7,76: for double:•attia red winter, $0,50(4)6.75 for extra red; country made: 37®8 for . l double extra red and amber, 96,26©7,00 for double extra' spring, $9,50@-10,00 for double extra white winter. Wheat; sales of I,Bpo bus rro. 1 red winter at 31,42; Nci.' 2 6. 'held at '81,28" - Corn; -MAW fit Oats ; sales} of 2 cars at 60e. Petroleum •:lifit and nrigettled add nO"citrre6t figures 4:49 be. given; Itefimed nemtnally leearep , , . -Maieh 19 .-4iieir:', end heavy; no sales. " Wheat opened lower amber,,ldlosed 20 lower, sales, amber, $1,46; No. 1 white 4 11 (4' 91,68; white regular; $1,47; No, 1 arming, .91;26, amber, . buyer for April $1,50. Cori], lc lower, closing quieWjadell of No. I, 68e; No. 2, 62Mc; no grailkirki ti fflifklitrer3A l ill6,f; Cre% -- - , 4:Pattc - luter, innt: unchanged, 610 for Michigan. Rye, changed and quiet; sales at 81.30 for No. 1. Barley, nominally unchanged, : $2,12 ®2,15 for. Canada. Dressed, hog,s, nom inal. Clover seed, quiet. Receipts-- 1.600 bbls flour, 6,900 bush wheat, 36,000 bush awn. 2,700 bush' oats;l,6oo bushels ,barley. Shipments-1,400 tibia flour, 2,700 bush wheat, 14000. bush.corn, 4,700 bush oats, 700 bush rye. • • • . larnw.s.trime, March - dull 'and weak, with sales city, double extra at $5,75. , Wheat unsettled. and M®lc lower, with adles at: 61,11 for No. 1, and 81,0(4 for No. 2. Oats (lull at 53c. Corn weak at 56c for new. Rye lower at $1,13 ©1,14 for. No. 1. Barley steady-and un changed.- Dressed Hogs_firmer and pri oesLunchanged. Receips-3,000 barrels flour, 25,000 bush wheat, 3,000 buskoats.' 1,000 bush corn, 1,000 ,bush rye, 1.000 - bus barley 100 dressed: hogs. Shipments:- 2,000 Chia flour, 2,000 bush-wheat. Lowsvintz, March 19.-Sales of 107 hhds of tobacco 8(.1,34@ 1 / 3 .10 for neiv com mon lugs to old cutting leaf. Cotton at 165. Mess, Pork, 132,50. Lard 193. Bacon-shoUlders 14y„ clear - rib Aides 17M, clear sides-18. = Bulk Meats-anoul dere 13My clear rib sides'l6M, clear aided 17. Superfine Flour at 85,50. Wheat at $1,45®1,55.- Corn 60®65. Oats 61®65. Rye 81.50. Whisky 91. Sugar at.1.4.1© 161‘ for ,New - Orients. Molasses at 80® 85'for NBW Orleans. • ` - -•- Mssirrtis, March. 19.--Cotton dull and nominally unchanged. Receipts, . 967 bales; exports, 716 bales; week's receipts, 4,332 bales; week's exports,4,273 hales; stock, 25,967. I Flour, very dull, super at 86®6,50. Corn, 800. Hay, 827, Oats, 72 ®73c. • Pork, 833. Lard,, .IAM® . 2OMc. Bacon. ;,quiet.`: ;Shoulders, 15c. Sides, 180. Balk meats, steady;shoulders, 13%. sides, /63.. BA triMoßk-, March-19.-Flour - .fairly active' at previous quotations. Wheat nominal; Penna. red $1,60(4)1,65. Corn very dull and lower; prime white 82©830. Oats dull at •66®68c. - Rye nominal lit 81,40®1,48. Mess pork, firm at $33. -Bacon; firm; rib sides 17Xc; clear sides 18c; shoulders 15c; hams 20®21c. Lard trurat 20c. Whisky dull at 950. • ..11,kv:.1x).; March lg.-Sugar; there IS an lbaproved demand, and the market is advanclng,'ivith more • buyers •than sal lerS; ' holders demand an advande; No. 12D. S. at 9 @gm'reals. •-- • . CiEICAGO, March 19 -C a lve. 3fgrket _Beeffeattle 41111 ,,heAvy.and neglected'ilt f3;25@4,2.5 for common; e6(0,40 for good stock eeeirs., 7 I ..ries.trarax, marenl9.--Cotton le very dull and lowLmlddlings, 24340; good or .dinary,.23Xct stock, 0,000 bodes. • •-•1 , /1111POBTS BY. RAILROAD. PITTS/M.ll,kt. PORT WAYNE' & CHI CAGO RAILROAD. • March 19. —22 ears Metal; NlmLek & Co; 1 do do, Zug & Co; Ido do. Brown it Co; 6 - do do. Jas Wood Son it Co; 2do o, d Bryan & Caughey; 1,300 bbls flour, T C Jenkins; 100 do do, Culp & Shepard; 100 do Bingham & •Laifig;.loo do do, McClure & McKee; 100 do do,"M'Kayltro; 250 pigs lead, Dlth ridge &Son; 50 bills green bides, ••G H • Wood iic Co; ' 107 do do, G N Hoffstott; 5 bbls spirits, Shipton & Wallace; g bbls 'Harris & Ewing; 46 carboys amonia, C Pemberton; 7 sks rag.s, 2do beans, Thomas Bro; 54 ska rags, McCul lough, Smith & Co; 8 bbls beans, 5 pkgs •butter, 13 do apples Voigt, Mahood it Co; .84 doz brooms, 10 bbls flour, It Robison & Co;-1 bbl tallow, E flettzleton; 5 bgs clover seed, Bricker & Co; 139 bbls apples, •21 pkgs butter, 3 do lard, W II Graff & Co; 8 bbls apples, G Shanfelt; 2 cars horse shoes, Brown & Co; 2 bag candles, J D Lana; . 2 cars corn, J W Simpson; 1 car millfeed, J it W Fairley; Ido staves, M P Adams Bro; 25 bra starch, .1 Hender son Bro; 10 bbls onion setts, Hi ley & 13eckert; 76 eke raga, Godfrey & Clark; 1 car shingles, Slack & Sholes; lot carriage hardware, 'ldcWhitiney & Co; do do, Hare &Bro; 84 bills flour, it Stevenson; 8 bbls. butter, H Lenz; 1 car barley, Pier. Dannals & Co. ' • , . , , ' CLEVALAND Eirrestrnoir 'RA L• ROAD, 'March • 19. 7 4 cars 'wheat, J S Liggett & Co; 2 do"liinestone ore, Mc- Knight, P arm) E'do7 - war m ore, Shoen berger. Bialr'& Co; 250 irks barley, J M Carson it Co; 1 car brick, Park Bros & Co; 3 cars pig iron, Nimick it Co; 10 bas tumblers, McKee & Bro; bbls dryer, F C Nevin it Co; 24 bxs'oil.R 1; Sellers it Co: 6: bbls tallow, 75 ebtils •hides,•l. roll •leather, M De ;Lange; 7 bbls beans,.l do tallow, 3 do apples, 42 sks oats 10 do rye, - Morrison & 11; 10 bbls oatmeal, Strickler & Morledge; 10 kgs barley, E Hazeiton;- ,6 sks flaxseed, H Riddle; 9 rolls leather, N Hoffstott; 150" bills chairs, .10 do rockers,'Bodford Chair Co; Lear pigiron` Reese, Graft & ull Ido do do, He d - B it Co; 3 tea h a ms , cask bacon, Head it lifatzgar; 105 'oil bbls, B D Moore; 1.• bbl eggs, W:JSteel & Bro. Atisciftztist• -' • VALLEY RAILROAD, 'March bbls' sulphate, Seward it Campbell; ' 323' cases oil,- 'Livingston it Bre.; 5 cars•metal, McKnjght - ,Forter &Co; rdo do, r ? yon, Sharb & Co;' 24 eke rags. Godfrey & Clark; 212 bgs oats, 1 car grain, Keil '4 Ritchart; bbls eggps, 4do butter, A W• Beer; 5 pkgs Sel ctaft;l2 aka raga, MeCullotigb, Smit hit Co: 81 bgs oats, Blaney' it Moore; 78 do f10;,6 do ry,e;'Sbott Gisal; is ear metal, 'John - Moorbeiad; 12 ' aka rye, 2 do. flax eSed; JOhn.llif i tly; Maki; oats; 1' Leslie; bbt aSey; 160 bbls oil, James sBOO Mellor Bro; 9 hides, J. 'C'Lpippe; 240 bbis oil, 1) M 'Edgerton; 960 do, Warring.& King; 80 do do, Pool Bro; bbls being, W Goraill,*. ALLEGHENY STATION, March I9:-2 care : wheat, Kennedy,4 Bro; 18 bbls ap plea, A.--1 RoPer4 1 2 bills ste,E / 9 1/ders, G tkiPla IP IO P, tiPouffer; It Knox '& on; ,g 58 eke oats, ,oars& Bai -1 do do, ,C, C Lamm ,de - Co; ,I: ear, ..talteed,:(39,bbla 11Q11X, Hack Schwibla; ear metal, Graff; Hugus 41 Co; ..1 ear' staves, Hemaldhl 9 bbls,apples, I V Wlisop; 80 bmtimothyzieed,„loseph Craig. SST, ,EVERY ONE NEEDS. r!vvi.:;ll. ;:iy4 Ar -141LOtjtt'I -• That take Chotec . Bread at a Low.Pilce.. . • - Fa T • REAHurvarHARPER Have stirefeededln nettles , the beet Flour at the' lowest , brlee offered , In this market tor the last llee years.;JTher.warrant every.,barrel to glee, entirel.satlasetlon t .and Is has. never failed to s r; single inetence to,do so. :Demurs Will And at to their advantage to .cre „tlyile. :WHITE BuSE a. Irlst.rl Kept vorretantiv, on and at tlielr• v. are= bUnsf!.-229•LilhatT1<:81'ffISKT.Pittaburgh s ,Pa,;. tflugLANßltitit l~tid~tat`(LatelSt. Clair) Street. (B,iceeems,,,,:co.:w, 'Me' GEE et , CO., • . I VAILO thticiferalltelecteit atoriu or st)rJr.g. an - Bain leer. '0 odd a., and • Will be glad to show. •, or tell' tbem4o•Old And new taatomere.': Cutting : .Department be , ettfierin.; tended by' ar;, C. A. . MUIILANBILLNti. > : • r. X i;lice.pleistini In recommending lilt 4bove firm to the liberal, gUOPPr, Cott P tib "O' , • , TH. lieG , gE• IQ - '",LEAD.-401111,, pigs Soft= tend tor sale 'by • ; 'l4l First Avunee. ROD& At3llloo casks ' for sa/e P.; . AN J.'B. OFIBLD. . , • , PITTSBURGH GAZETTE IitiITBRTNEWB.. 1r • t ai f rei - drah amt - l n ~eaterBnq alter . , noon Sand the indications that evening were that it would - continue for some • Mercury at font o'clock P. 31. 35.• River falling, with six feet six inches in channel. by Monongahela marks. • The , Messenger- will positively take her departure for St. Louis and the UP per Mississippi to-dav, at noon. The Lorena, from St. Louis, is the on ly transient arrival we have to report. The Mollie Ebert, from the same point, was due last night. , The Fayette, for Parkersburg, and, Kenton, for Portsmouth, also departed. The Silver Lake departed Air Missouri River - with a good trip and engagements below, including - fifty tuns at Ports mouth.. The Armeina, which left here for St. Linda on Thursday evening, rnn aground at ' , Merriman" and stuck there nearly all night. She left here drawing six and a half feet. The Glend Capt. Hare, is annonn ced for St. Louts and. the Upper Missisz sippi forthwith.'She is, in all respects, one of the _hest boats in the trade. • • The Grey Eagle, Capt. C. L. Brennan, is the regular paoket for. Parkersburg to-day,.leaving - ar noon: The -Glasgow, Capt. Andy Robinson, Jr., 'is 'filling' up: steadily far St. Louis and the Upper Mississippi, and will be the first boat out. The ~C ollosaal," Capt. Cox's new makitain 'boat, will commence business neXt week. —The Allegheny Belle, with a tow of iron ore, passed 'Louisville on Wednes day, enroute for.Pittsbnrgh.- -The Maggie'Hays and Sallie, passed Evansville on Wednesday, and the Em ma No. 3; was advertised to leave Cin cinnati for Pittsburgh on Thursday. Mucky boat Homer, in aseending the chute on Wednesday with a barge of railroad iron, grounded hut was pulled safely by theotow boat Falls Pilot. —The St. Louis Time 4, several days ago, said: Dick Harmon, of Nashville, a river engineer, was foroed by the uncle of Miss • Virginia'E. Davis to marry her on Sunday, tinder threat of taking his life. Jutsice Andre performed the zero- —The large wharfboat Or Fowler, Lee dr Co., at Paducah, came very near being destroyed, by . tire on Thunday night about twelve'o'clock.'. It took fire from .the stovepipe that ran through' the roof of, the heat; The "Steamer Anna -WWI lying alongside of the wharf at the time, and with nigger 'engine put out the _fire befOre it (Haral* damage. On ' Tuesday, in the case oflt. J. Big. ley va. thp .towboat, which has for some time been, before, the United States Court at the ,plaintiff got j udgment, in the Sum of 10,515. The suit was brought for damages for breach of contract in failing to deliver coal at Memphis, and for sinking barges laden with coal.. — , A.Cincinnati paper says:: The _own era of the Madison packet West. Wind protose - thlortri a joint. stock, company, with a capital stock of $14,000, in shares of 151,000.. They will dispose of eight shares to parties living along the trade, and retain the remainder. They design imaking the West Wind a fixture in the trade. Captain Troy. /ate /n com mand of the Lady Grace, in tile same trade, takes charge of the Wind, Captain John Noss retiring. • —The Louisville Courier says: A short time ago we made allusion to a singular superstition - which prevails among steamboatmen, or at least a portion of thorn, viz: That when an accident be falls a steamer, two more of a like nature, making the fatal number three, are sure to follow, and cited the sinking of three boats on the falls, and the de struction . by fire of the Minh) Stephens and the partial burning of the" Glendale. The burning of the Ruth has filled the mystic " complement of , the ' fire fiend. Since the tame mentioned para graph was penned • three' steamers, the Peoria City. Agnes and Cuba have sunk within a few days of each other. Is there anything in the. superstition? It would --Adilces in regatd - to the destruction of the Ruth say the fire started among • the hay in thehold., The 'engineer made the disociyers , , spoke to the pilot through the Sneaking trumpet, and, the latter rounded. the boat on the. Mississippi shore, and,rtm het, into a: elttpof wit .l9weo where ahe wat4 breed to Op bank,- .and made fist by a chain. 'Thei;Vitsen ,gerAl,rtwo. hundre4 in lumber; a mong them sixty ladles, fief, ashore without ao cklent.:Nearlyoill the baggage was lost. including 4110,000 worth ef - jewelry. ''The , Rutli had 35041 tuna of freight,„ inclfiding 200, heal of boraea and Mules's, all ;of which were:lost. After burning about three-quarters pf • an hour, destroying. the upper.werkti, tie , omcere succeeded; in ecutliog thejoull. The steamers wpm, and Pistil tools 'the Ruth's passengers to Vicksburg. Loutsvi x. 1.944 lga3c_h "—River illation.' ary, with tenseet.snd,:one inch of water i tt , t 4 9 ,o4 4l ll . ,, Nitat4pr o vek and mild. . - .1413041.713.' :klOll SM . /mum- KAatir.. a dr ia ' . . „SAS CITY,,j,E&NCOVORTH. JOSEPH...OMAHA; 'IPOWL"ItENTON. AND ALL, ruipurs UNIT arlAtivickqua:4EvEAL— new Innen., er ereireer • • I coLtraiseLi:. ...4.iiio....lCipt, M. A. COX; Will ieIVIO far .the above and Intermediate ports , on T UESDAY, ! Mareb , sla;itt Akr: at. ! • , : - . • i • For frelght or JO/Stage suply on - board or to inb2o ...FLUX & ailLiaziovrutw, Agent°. FOR ST. _ LOUIS ' : GA i r iii tir a 6 ' LEN X.' MU MIR E '..f. Hatt. . teftliThill'''''''' ".4.lJtottgra3getallieNNitiateekrutl' Will. lwrootor;tneriaboye,..torta :poiFit4tAlf, 191,h Inst.., iit lk P. ~11K• •,' 1.. ..., ~ „ , . , , i For frelAtit or tontinge lIWT on board, or to . .. mnier ,PlJAcwa voLairstivotw—kiterisq. '• WICErAII I ikartivfliiiiMa • cittlrit- or qutilns- chards •as Witt e-stdanter '• • ; • LITTLE JIBE BEEREiI.:! are notified to call ii tho.Offlee of JAMESREES, 'corner: of; Dnauesne:Way.aud ,roorth street, for a settlr meat of the 'afro, as Shelties been Bold and settleidentsdestred : • AshOtigo .011 SlN—Lfll7lll:llpElt!iiiiii7g DAvitNPON't. , ROCK . ANIY, DUBINUN AND, ST: PAUL - : • March; The 'adenoid paaatutet etfrmiev • lALAAD . np1ar,3024• Cozi,r, NrllVldave aa ' sonounceit above. ror trelsrhVor puma amply. on board, or NoDireeoN, JA.,, pastor to ' , or tithis"? OHO4LLIINTIe,.!Agenta... • ViprE s i d gr a t. „ oRTHEB Pig-044T 21 ! - - MM.? - . 6 Y- • " 4 -,1- .• • itNEAPOLIIS::: ~.-",41.0411'1,0;5.110D1GEL Witi lure for, EiTs..4.Aub.. so4cthe .10th or! Aprta Lud go through dirett.:".. his ,ahletand Steamer offers very superior irmonumou Aslant for visseisgerS' gind 500k..). - For uartfoutpro apply to. YLAGIK, 4 - P944isoNvoon, ..e.227;eflh: , r - "' or IL . Atvi PITT) 81111 4014. :svitzmniro; • • Atari' atta and Parkersburg. Lino. litale Contpanyla Wharf Boat. ioor orVood .-• .)341Lir.". At la -• 1 I MONDATO AND, . ' .... , ...axSJGE,D. Noonz, Raster .3irx.oNgSro.vra AarD,,BATunibtits. ,4 . • 6EstlCAliLfg.... l ....q. L. Itzer.xirpt.)gutei.,. IN pours by • ' 141f7 ' 414105 coifLtis;'latt. ' ME MEI • TierHIRD LIST, 1869, .APPLI• w„„ATIONS TO NELL LIQUORS, Led fn the k l a Office, lor the month of Mareh,• 1 869, • ••• • • David • PITTSBURGH.' • moo/. &seem, lag ward; • • H. ll. , Neelank• tavern. ist ward; Ed. McDermott, tavern, LA ware; Mathias Haas,•taverm• sat ward; - • . . John Schnett, tavern. Ist ward, • Maris Tagg, tavern, Lit ward; .. • •' . • Patrick Levine, tavern, lat ward; John Itichltne„. eating home, Ist ward; Fred. bebild. other goods lst. ward; Geo. Roseurel d . other goods. - 15t ward: kugene Zaltnnger, tavern, ad ward; Adolph Ludwig, tavern, tad ward; • John Ullrich, tavern, 20 ,ward; Jame , Freel, tavern ad ward; Fred Ramlg. tavern. 2 J ward; . P, Ingo,daby. tavern; 2d wend: , • Peter. Koltreeker. tavern, ad ward; W. X. Sledie, tavern, ad wit d: ' - Joseph Kiser. tavern. 3d 'ward: • Wm. trobinson. tavern. 3 riwardll H Alex.urray. tavern, lid ward; I • Hays & Simon, tavern, ad ward; Fred. Smith. tavern , Lad ward; -. .G P. & 11. Vierhel.er, 3 • ward: * John Kessler, eating house,:ad wa-d: Nihon t chock. other good., 'ad ward: James A. Lore tavern 4th ward; J. Both & SOTS. other ;cools. 4(.11 sad: James Mooney, tavern sth ward Henry Colwee, tavern, sth ward: John Sweeny y. tavern, sth war , : Thomas Grogan. 5.. CO.. tavern. sth ward;j2 Anthony- Monaghan, tavern, sth-ward: . Christian M liar: tavern. But ward; MMIL Sweeny tavern, 6t h want: Jounli-inselif tavern. Ota ward; I 'IV at. T ename. eat lug house. oth Ward. - James Freed, other goods. Oth ward; Lemondwin. other ta v er n . Nth ward: & Hanlon, tavern. 9th .watd; Wm, Hanlon, tavern. Mb ward; Peter Gam tavern, O. ti warn:: Adam Swinelaart. tavern. 11;11 ward; Joseph Blegner, tavern, Oth ward; Theresa Pechtel, tavern, 9,11 ward; Joseph Koester, tavern, 9.11 ward; Daniel Volta, tavern,O.h ward: Salvador Slocum, tip ern - Otis ward; Louis Froelich. er irooda.,'Utb ward; \ • dohn other gouda. Otis ward; James , •ctilitlel, tavern, ,10tH ward; • Robert Steele, tavern. 10. h Ward; ' • Build Smith. tavern, lOiliward.• .• Isaac Snyderoavern, lOte ward,• • David Collins, tavern lOttt ' , card; • • - A. &S. KnoorlingerAavern, 10th ward: - • Nieh, HoSe an, tavern; lath ward t • John Fawn, tavern. 111th ward; Charles Millstein: tavern. llith ward; • Patrick tavern. Ilith ward: Hunter Lore. 41iiitirn, lath ;• Benedict Dilger. tavern, 12thward; • Wm. F.- telly, eating house. 111th ward; Math. Ochner, other goods. lath ward; Samuel Moore; ether goods, 12th ward; Geo. A. Grler„tavern. 14 award; Daniel L it•ardon.- trvern„4sth "..- CharaniVenger. tavern. 16!h ward; • . T. Lludt•nrelser & Co.. other goodsrlsth • witrd;„ Wm. ILVtioa, tavern, 16th ward; • - Margaret Sehloffner, tavern, 17th ward; Ti.os. Miler; tavern, 1711.wardt. ". Adolph 191hwardt C. - Barker, tAvern. 20th ward. AL.% Wm. Burgers; t L ave EGHENY racilat ward: • ! • 14 in. D. Bois, tavern, Ist. Ward: Wm. P; Allison. tavern. goo d sard ' • Fred. Andriessen. otaer lSt ward; Lynele, s •tavern,litaward: • . . Fred. Buener. taver2d ward; Thema.. Tactical'. lit:vent, ad wartl;; .:, • ; .Fred., Harter, tavern, ad ward: Lawrence Sproul , -taver6i. 4 2d ward;• W.. it. Nowell.- tavern, lid ward; James' Neeley; tavern; 2d ward: •'• ' • Pat rick.Mctirr dy,-tavern, 2tt ward ; . , • G: , ttleitt Tanker, tavern.'3d ward; . Jacob slamand, tavern, 30 ward; Adam Pool; tavern. Id ward; • • Fred, anhulze, tavern; 3d ward; ' Leonard Kern,' tavern', ad ward ;• ' • .. Annual Schielf,Ltavern:•34 ward;., .Nich. Hock, tavern, 34' ward; Sohn Sohulters, eattug house, , 341, ward •, • ' Fred. Koehendorfer, cattier good., 3d Ward; 0 Bled: ClaritOner,lavern, 4th. ward; 1., • • Gem:Schmid t, tavern. 4ln ward; Stadlelnan, tavern, 4th ward; L • Conrad Sontag, tavern, 4gth ward; 'Wm: Hoffman, tavern, 4Quward;! .0.. •• ; . ! John. Salzmann; tavern., 4th ward; 4, Jaeob Hanel tavern, 4th-ward' John• Gordon, tavern, 4tkward; I . • Eberhard Etiwanaer, tatveni. l 4th wad; • effert, tavern..4th.ward; I , Christ. Ilharlieabaugh: taserd. 4th Ward;' Geo. EL I>lerker, tavern,- 4th wardi; Latapert Knott!. tav rn,•4th ward: '• „1 - I,lrespeaheld., & Co, tithe* goods, 4th ward: . Gotbelh Drianble, tavertt,•srti ward;••• Jdah Xerel,LtareOu. O ttkward: , ' Christ. Jeckel. tavern, Silt Ward; - i • Alex. BeTer. tavern. sth want ; . • d Wettish & Thomas, tavern . tith war ,•;# -Andrew Shatikicr,!tavern.6th.ward;l: oho lirosey,lavern. o t h ward; John Rosenb erger,: tavern, oth ward;- Richard Ma'am:ll, other goods, 6(11 ward: Etephen Huffman. rating hwupe,-Pth Ward.. HOROUGLIS. Geo. Rinser. faverti, BtrininghaM; I '3'l - (le°. e hdhlri Okla ithrhall 1 Fred Hagerleng, Birmingham; iller n r aninsinus: , lavern„,Birinlngbam; . A uguat word. tavern, Birmingham: f • Martin Shafer, tavern;Bilinighstmt Geo. Eletiley, tavern Birmingham; • Conrad Speider, tavern. Braddock; :•• , Fred Gedintoh. tart rn.. ttlizabeth; Ir. Garver, liven:l,o lizaheth: i Math Slater., tavern, McKeesmart; • JolinWittenbiteli , 'tt'vern.l .l 4l 3o 436SpOrt,; - Cath. Seithal, tavern. . MAK Thomas Clar tavern , m a a pa rt ,- Fetertleigar. k- : tavern,. Mo K ritsport; • Fred. Kant, tavern, rinuthPittiburght - F.d. ramie, other goods. rotttb FltUiburgli; . Martha H opkins . tavern. ,bharpahurg ; ":Jerome sum, tavern, Sharpshurgq- F.-Auth, , tavern: trharpsbure...:; • • , •• . - • TOWNSHIPS: „ M. Flltimod,' tavern; 1011rabei Werdilehmidt. eating bonse, KilleaCk; Peter sr Oman tavern. Build.,; , .-Jacon Trak. tavern. 31.Candiess;' • ,co F; 311•1er; eating house. uhlo;• - • .. Henry. jdeperunr„ tavern.ltiehland: rm ao Frederick & Co:: tavern; : ' J. V; D. Keating. tavern, Resat.. • John Sltaier.lavern.nesa: Eliza Faralaree.'tisverng abater; , !! .6eorge,W,Boyd, tavern, Upper Clair; --Patrick Ruches. tavern, Lower St.o lair* Josenh Schell', tavern, Lower Sr. • !Kraig; eattnighouae, Lower ht. C t air; Beveridge, tavern..Versailletl. • • The; Meuse Hoard Will. sit NI , lieutiot the' akuvo!!apoilnedinns .on *14,11.143.1)AY,,V4e.250% last . nt, 9 Welock A. "' !•• • • ' JOHN 0. BROWN,' dIdrk:MARL 10th; 1809. = 1 • ' Ml6B' 2 000 itnsnEtsseri l lt ik , v 4 , BARRELS 01, SOBERiEN 110 LASSES. ; , Nuisaza 4 STZVEYON. SW ME ME EINEM = • 4+7'l, •I••rt.2 :~ iii Nial 1113 DAY, MOM 20, 1869. PSE: - . - PTitlkEUfit,liEF-1 I HERBERT W. C. IiWEDDLE), MANL• T FACTIIREB OP • Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. Eclipse Railroad Axle Oil. Stands great heat without !change; remains tropical climatesemperatures. Special Oil for or hot weather. Special . l lachine Shop, WIII cot Screws Saw Mill' and Planing Rill Adapted forhigh speed. I Spindle Oil, Wool llead.Light OR, Oil, Tanners' Stuff— nensOle. ing dt Finishingoll,l6asOline, Elarnesb Oil Iparraglue„ ARMOR ITARNISS, to - preserve -Blight Iron Werk and Machinery from Rust, These products are manufactured under Dr. Tweddle's_patent bY Superheated Steam In Vac coo. The Lubricating oils are almost. odorless, perfectly pure. uniform , and mostly light col ored. stand a high temperature uncbang_ed. and remain limpid during extreme cold. The Railroad Ohs are unequalled, and are inconstant use on many the, principal Railroads Sumulea can be examined' and orders left at 174. WOOD STREET. Works at Sharps burg Bridge , • WARING AND DING, coittassion iderehanin and Broken in Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, prrreaunon, b pd, t PIITLADELPfiIn ADDRESS, WA.RiNG, KING & CO., 127 'Walnut Street. TACK BROTHERS,:i COMMSSION MERCHANTS, . AND pg.A.ta2tB Petrolentil and • its l II Products, Ptilladelp4ls OlFce-1117 W ALNUT T. . ani:ww DIAMOND OIL H. M. LONC & Office, DALZELL BIIIIDING.I Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh, Pa i; .iil: ??~ -1 MITIE p" , _cts '-US/ TN-PURSLANCE OF AN ORDER ,j1.4:11-1..be District Court ni the United states bribe Western District of Pennsylvania, made March Ch. 1889. there will ne exposed at Pun tic rime, a: MeILW 'NE'S AUCTION Itoo3iS, iu the City of Pittsburgh. on the 10th Day of 4prit. 1809, At 10 o'clock A. at , thefollowing described Real Estate of JOSHUA ISHOEIKS.I Bankrupt, subs Ject, however to existing Ilene. viz.: AIL Mit let' of ground, situate In the First ward of tic, City of Allegheny, county •of Alle • gheny, and State of Pennsylvania, bound: d Sad described as follows: Beginning' at. P0int. 3132 feet 3 inches southwardly of Rebeeca street. 14 inches westwardly from the line dividing eut-lots rs 23 and 24 In the Reserve trae opposite Pittsburgh: thence paral.el with said line south worthy 415 feet 3 tucnes to Bank Lane; thence along Bank Lane • westwardly 192 feet 41Inthes to line of laud of J . H. L'ildsay an , II U. Whip ll the' ce' along said; Lindsay add Whllple's line northa artily 442 feet 2 Dienes to a point within 132 lent d Inches of said RebFees Street; thence north 08S d green east 203feet9 inches to the place of beginning. Aiso, a certain other Lot ihr Arlo of land, 14 inches in width and running tram Bank Lane to withlul32 feet 3 Inched or Rebecca street afore said along the eastern boundary of the tot of ground above described, and extending from said o as t tw o a ts r d num bo b u e n s d 23 t nail e 24 a fore said, tween less the following described piece of the above described lot, to-vent . .. Ail the certain lot orpiese of ground beginning az, a point at the line of property of Joshua Rhodes on Bank Lane; thence a ong tne line of said property of said Rhodes 241 lest to a point; thence by a line 34 feet 4 is Oen to co ner orproperty of Lindsay ano tehOOn thence bv the line of said Lindsay and McCu'cheon 225 fed to-Bank Lane; ttu•age along Bank Lane 38 feet 5 inches to the place of beginning, on which first and second described pieces ef ground, less the' last des-ribed piece f ground, la erected a large Brick Malt House. Also, alt those two certain lots of ground, situ ate In the. City of Mutat, gkeou. ty of Aileglieuy and otate of Pennsylvania,. bounded and de scribed as fellow's: •Ileginning on Irwin street at the distance of 188 feet 7 inches from Duquesne Wiry: thence at right angles with Irwin street 60 Met: thence parallel with Irwin street 40 feet; thence at right angles with Irwin street 80 feet to said Irwin street: thence along the same 40 feet to the place of beginning, being lots Numbers 3 and In a plan of lots laid out by Joshua Rhodes. recorded in Plan Book, vol- 3, page 217, _ R. W. MACKEY, Assignee. mbl9:g29 • IN THE DISTRICT- COURT OF - THE UNITED STATES, for_ the • Western strict of Pennsylvania.- 4.Eoltt+E. AIEHAPPaY and JOHN GAL-. THIAITH, Bankrupts under the Act of Commas of March 2d,, JIM, having applied for a dis charge from all their debts, anti other claims provable under said Aot, by, order of the Court notice is hereby given to all creditors •who hate proved. their debts, and other persons in terested, to appear on the Ifith day of March, '1869, at 10 o'clock a.m., before,JOHN N. PUR VIA.NCE, hari.,ltegister in Bankruptcy:at his office, No. 116 Federal street: Allegheny My, Penne" to show cause, If any they have, whi a discharge should - 11dt be:granted :to, the said bankrupts. fe27.l=-8 ,•- S. C. IiteOAbIDLESS, Clerk. IyESTERN DISTRICT .• OF SYLVA-NLA, SS. - - t Pittsburgh;-the 2161,h day of relirttary.A.Dt . The undersigned. hereby .gives notice o. his Impointthent - as 'Asslnnen. , of WILLIAM JOEINStiN,,of Pittsburgh. In .the county of Alle gneny. and State of Pennsylvania; within' said isuick.r it° bits been ,adjudged bankrupt upon Ms own petition by tile District Court of said die. .101114 . feW:Ptra li,saig .A:ttorney tam. n 9 Grant street. TRADE MARK. DITHRIDGE'S pray, pitoov Lamp CHIMNEYS. prirrsnunGll• - SILVER 'MINING COMPANY. Books of Subscription for Stock In said Com pany are now open at NO. 67 FOURTH AVENUE,' Where Prospectus. , Spectmena, kc.. lore now ready for inspection: Property iri Celdrado Ter ricory. near Georgetown. Aline DOW" open to .:epth of 30 feet. The' Ore assays from*3oo to $43 , 0 per, ton.' information wllh - .regard to the stock, property, &c.. will be furnialled by calling at the Whet+ of the undersigned! . S. BETA.. President pro tem. , C. .I,a.SIPBELL.- .mbe Secretary and Treasurer ino tem EDIO'VAL. NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Of the City of Allegheny, WILL BEHOVE AT THE FIRST 'OF APRIL TO, Second National Bank Building s CORNER Cot' FEDERAIPTILBET 'AND THE .'.;DIAMOND..„ FitEmpuntinit mg x,s w o mm ;L.1'1%414 4 - I thu.= SMA'$ 'l644tes, THE gEEIT . WHEAT CL E ANERS V P~rt~able Flour and Feed Mille r 44:111 * 1 0 41 :0Z:VOI;i All rig.taberp,44(l,4e4t torqale at . . 34. And 321.'1.11;erl*St., Pittsburgh NV. Wiir;tipy.. 44,sEra TQAuvisk • • • :•4 /ILANCITACMITRIM 9! o:Nte. Nrarehoute—No. WOO D . STREET." li gho„ nt • ' pittaburgh... „ . , 7-- Tlits; co oper ; . vnitini); • .• • • - 110;VIEOPATIIISTS; V1114etilO;O tbAi Office 'oiflite `Thrift of April next"to No. -4 A . Dlamond.:Allagbeny city ; rear of City . • •• • - -• 1it30079'- G ATTORNEY'ARD cotiNsEiLtort - ita LAW. efoe, No'. 137 FOURTH ~ A VENITE, Pitts; , burgh„ ( formerly , occupied .byjdon. Walter H. _Lowrie, ) nraollee Itie 8: 'Circuit and Dlstrlet Courts, In the (Rate Supreme and all the ,Courta of Allegheny 00.-..ty, and - make'eollee r . pone- JnaILOSLOC cheAdlacent gees. Jaz):o3 1, ir-mmA ~ .ittran Eß .;sw.,3,irgp l u s: A , ,t_figslugg;tioSttii:ft2.l l .Ll4.°: lic h e t . illl Ay ° W , as this quality.of Roods can be bong i or. the nialta Nan rd c:, za. i Inn stock !ilittigton -hand l at thq itidla Rubber De _pot,, 28 and 28 stith . street,, , •- it,,},414.14nLeatir..7. fog . ; ft,_.,..., Af22_Ltt , r2_ .L.."..._....,..............._ ..._),.., :' J H. IV OUNGS,O*.a c l o., , IPA: h 0 ViCarE IdAlrElhY i COMPEOTIONAIt CV: , (01 , .. 13,at.sitok Deigrof eguLpoN., stisizattitiatri'gtreet,,:gorior,;94pApplo 441 e s.: Pitteburgh. • - • ~, ,11 Pitart1eAnsi • .fallitaekr PP:Plied: 12 4 ice CreAun. and 'kes on oho notice. - 00, . -.-- riiit r ,. - A:ri: litir .irrtr. letEN , - - *fro,iTiord VATRON,l3ll.tetErris ofthe 2d. 1 tilt 'll'lP lifit,Ttitierrer3jlSligtiliTtitlt lifißniAf' dJa ry .1869 and 1- lit (dr= Icittitle7tallliat LllllntuthrrtlitlOK oethe an:hers drawn.l alit. oeksent• tir perfions,lntereeted,. on their addressing 'the WASHINGTON =DAL- Llo2.lieirai 00A1P/4.ldY; kNew Nurk-, -,'-- gigN. B.B.zeio .rur, TtCprrs' pp 1 , 118 4Frit SE* ...0 '-r, I I - ~' . .. , ;t • 1 pßESiiti-:: :7 ;,' ;31 ', 2,4f9 ~ ' - C A. I VN/1) ' C/C)01:18. • " Oneida COtniennitT,'lVlii si ikr , irand" Yam Ott th arcen :corn, fr , lnsiptiragus. rtes. Okra. To. matbenj"Pesehr:; t.ror sate by the ease or dozen at. the FatallyiGroiiery litnre D, - -•-- „,, . . AL. "d/siO. A.' EN811.)07, r ” trt.... i - corice.el,l4o-ir, ar,,4154,4 Innen/ , „ , NE HIE .. = =EMI M7MV! The' urtnerwr AND :.11051' RIELLILSI ROUTE from the East to all points. In Colorado) Nevada, : • California,rabi • Ailzonap• Wa4lllll*ton, NOW - Nextto, Idaho, Oregon.._ Two Trots leave ; kitate Lesrwortk racily, (Sungari exeeoteda I.4onine theand en arrival Of trains or.ramae Railroad' from ;tit: tome, : and alma., alai and St. Joe. Railroad atom Quincy, connect* ite.P. .i.Lauterle4l 'Topeka and Wameso : with .etam,e for all, notrits in Hlnelai. At end of 'trite* . -west: eCltnilrOrtlcL7 414 !MUTED lITATES - XXRREIii3 sumo 1 1 8 DAILY a.}IE .'Alin ammo 004411.3 . 03 FpB arDENVErti,lßAlaTzaning • Ail itifi,Teitiidiles, , tied With S.A.NDEBSOZPS, TRI-WEEHLY, UHL of COACHES for Fort Union, Bent's' Fort: • rails • Altalluerqne,tt Santa Fe, mug, All rbits ; ht; Ali son* and New Mexico. . ;Math 't the; recen additio ns . r o lling mom and eqtdpment, and the arrbagetnents Made • with 7 esponelblo Ina:land Tralumortallon Lines from Its western terminus, this road now NW. unequalled" - facilities - -ibr tlits -transudssion at politht to ,the Flit West., . Tickets for tair,,at• tbeStineirial the United States and Capadtslyr Be sure and ask tor EfS Octets' via ~,lOLO HILL . 11 OUT4UNtOti. Lt 1 tifitAl A 19 EASTERN DIV/SlO3l, t, t • -1, 4 ; ANDLB4O24I = RAILROADS ITTSBURGII& jagfmw--- ROAD. On and after TlnpsbAy. No ember. 17ttL leo!, trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot corner of Grant and Water streets, as follows: Mall to and from llMon town 7:00 A. Y. 5:00 P. X. /Wl:Pest:art Accomdt , n 11:00 A. M. SI:05 P. X. Ex. to and from lint'n. 3:00 p. m. /0:10 A, su West Newton Accom'd 4:30 p. 8:35 A. Braddock 's Accomdt'n. 6:15 p. y. 7:50 P. - M Night Ac. t oll aVeport./0:30 P. M. 5:115 A. lit Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton 1:00 P. K. 1 0:00 A. For tickets apply en E. M. ROND, Agent W. B. STOUT, Smftrtuten A uen YM t. talll ON G E OF W E RNim TIME. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD), On a TRAINSONDAY, Noieixtber Oth, s TWO: DAILY will leave „Pittalin Station, corner of Eleventh an d Pike streets • Franklin, 0111 City, Buffalo, and all points Beale Oil Regions. pr_LEAvg pyrrenunstr. lennror Drryrrinivning Mall , 7:15 a m Mall 5:40 p Express 7:10 m'Expreas 6:30 ain Braily•s BAc 3:00 p mißradys B Ao10:30 aa Ist Soda Works I let Soda Works • Accomd.... 10:50 am • Accomod•n, e.sq a a 2d Soda Works I3d Soda Works Accomod•n. 5:00 p m Accornod'n. 3:410p na Church Train leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. 111.• Arrive at'Pittsbnrglia ex p res s sr.. • Passengers taking train have but one change of cars between Pittaburnh, Buffalo and 011 Regions. Mall and Expre ss s - Trains stop only at principal points. , Mtxtd.Way and As. commodatlod trains stop at all stations. ' • THOMAS M. KlNG,•Aatin. Sup't. W. POSTER ROPE, Ticket Agent. . non. • r ITTSBURGII_,_. D CINCINNATI AE . • iikir RANDLE ROUTE. 1 CHANGE OF TIME.—On andliftel.BUNDAT. Nov.22d, 1868, trains will lea46and arrive tn. Union Depot, as follows, Pittaborgh time: Mail Depart. • • Arrloi. Exptee.t..—.....«. 3:12 a. m. 111:1L3 Fast Line 10:13 a. m. 7:33 p. Fast Line 11111$1). m. 1 8 43 11. a. Mixed way 543 a. m. 6:43 p. rzs. McDonald's Acc'n, No.111:515 a. m. B:33.Pats. liteAbenville Accommod. 3:38-p.m. 9:48 McDonald's Ace's', N0.2..5:08 p. m. 3:/5 P. ta. . , • MS. 3:58 P. 1G Express, will leave daily. 17:13y. Tra i nl arriVe datly. _The 10:13 a. m. leaTes Bus:dart cepted, and makes close connections at New. ark re. Zanesville' and points on Sandusky Mansfield d Newark R. R. • • 8. P. 801TLI., General Ticket " Anent. W. W. 04RD, finp,E, 4terubinvgillei, 0410. • n 025 1868. PITTSBURGH:, FORT WAYNE & CHICAGO P. W. and CLEVELAND &PITTSBURGH E. 11. • and arrive at She Union Depot, north side, Pitts burgh city, time, u follows: • • . , Lanes. Arnie/. ohiosgo•gx_ ..3:03a m '