1 14. • 1 6 •In WASHINGTON TOPICS AND . ' GOSSIP. As soon as it became evident to General Grant that A. T. Stewart could not here tained as the Secretary of the Treasury, teimmediately wrote . a very interesting letter to George 11. , Stuart, of Philadel phia,. tendering him the position, and tuging him to accept. Mr: Stewart re plied that his health was such as abso lutely topreclude his acceptance. The Surveyor General of Idaho is one of the many who walked ninety miles to ti lpai get around the snow-blockade of the tr on Pacific Railroad. He says the princ trouble on the line was in • tlie cubit. S l me of them, from one hundred to one thbu sand feet long, drifted full, and the snow was packed in them from ten to twenty feet deep. i. 2 The President's family will to-morrow !begin the transfer of their effeets to the Millie House, and will hereafter occupy it as their residence. Professor Baisett, a very intelligent 4xilored man, connected with the. Colored High" School of Philadelphia, is here, an applicant for the position of Ministe r to Br . oriceeireeley, Esq., ;this mOrning, bad an -interview with Secretary Bout .' 13ubsequently the President sent for. hipt;.*ltirwilom he had - quite an in teiview, the result of which was, same of his friends say, that he came away with feelings akin to those with which he retired from the inauguration ball. Dr. Marks, Collector of the Pert of Philadelphia, resigned to-day, as he would not take a position he could not hold per nianently. I Senator Cameron states "that the Presi dent informed him he was in duty bound to forward, all commissions executed by his predecessor, but that the recipient must not expect thereby to retain his po sition." No action will be taken on the Geor gia sekisiintil the question is disposed of by the two HoUses as to whether the State is entitled to representation. A portion of the. Judiciary Committee - of the Serrate favor the project of creating a provisional government in Georgia, as the best means of getting rid of the pre sent embarrassments. Of the President's. Secretaries, the Post znaster.General and the secretary of the Peasury are most sought after by th' eifilce-seekers. Mr: Cresswell is literally lun doWn with applicants for post.offices. To-day a delegation of Congressmen cal led on him and made some demands for • the appointment of women to office. Mr. Cresswell said he had ncktlace for theni. The last appropriation will make it fleets - liary for: him to retrench, and he will have to decrease, instead of increase his , force. • The Congressmen were not to be put off in this manner, but persisted. • Finally Mr. Cresswell told'them he had detailed a clerk, whose business was to make a record of all the Congressmen who made such demands, and when the appropriation ' bill for his department came up in Congress for action, and fault - was totind with his administration, ha would point to the list as an explana tion. This scared the Congressnien f and they immediately, withdrew their unrea sonable demands. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue • will recommend the removal of all the 'Democratic collectors and assessors in Ohio this week, and will, probably turn his attention to Pennsylvania next. The law of 1860, defining the qualifi cations of Congressional Printer, prohibs -its any one who has "an interest, directly or indirectly, in the publication of any newspaper, from , acting." This rules out Clapp, of Buffalo, who is bothowner and publisher of a paper. It seems to be generally conceded that the decision 7 6f the caucus of the Repub lican Congressmen from Pennsylvania hasunded by allowing each man to take his own, course. Your very full report of last night's meeting will show where the case stands. To-day it is intimated that nearly every member has a candidate for every office outside of his own district; While those in the district are left to his undisputed control. ' The case of Hon. John Ccivode, who contested the Westmoreland, Penna., District was taken up this morning by the House Committee on Elections. They agreed to consider only the points referred to them by the House, as to who , should be the sitting member during the contest. The further, consideration of the case was then postponed until Tistirs. day, when definite action will be had, and it is expected the seat will be giv'en to Mr. Covode, Gen. Banks has called a meeting of the Foreign -Affairs Committee for the pur pose of considering affairs in Cuba and St. Domingo.' It is maintained by many Senators and Representatives that Con- gram ought to clothe the President with ,authority to recognize the I da facto gov ernment in these countries, if, in his judgment, it is expedient to do so. The question as to how far public men. particularly members of Congress, shall be consulted in the disposition of the ap pointments, has been the subject of more or less consideration by the President and several members of the Cabinet. At least three' members of the latter expressed themselves on Saturday last, at an inci dental meeting, that it was necessary for • the success of the Administration inde pendent of all party considerations, that the leading public men in the several dia .'. trictil should 'be advised , with regarding all important appointments, and that their knowledge. and .experience . should be • snide usehil in determiiing the mein ' alone to, be arrived At. . The. President is understOod to have 'cheerfully and fully assented to this presentation of the case so far as consultation is concerned, and is acting 'On 'it every :dryi He, hcniever,, does sot thereby surrender his own 'right pfindmendent judgment,. lie will listen ' patiently _and 'freely to all 'that may be. - 'slid by those entitled to speak, and then in the light of the facts before him make aip• his decisions. • The President has said ithatlnsome cases and in sone localities Ile thought he knew who should be ap pointed, and that in such cases he would act:accordingly., With 'such men' in the Cabinet as Boutwell, Hoar and Cox, who are capable of fully appreciating the. extent to which the demands.of party ne cessity should be countenanced, the pros pect is that President Grant's Adminis tration ma,y be oqe which shall not, only reflect, a.t upon the country, but shall fix mom firmlythan ever the foundations -of theßepub Party. BRIEF TELEGILUKI3. --Gifin.Wrn. Barstow, .formerlvone of the staff of G en. •Dix; died at New York Tuesday night. grand conclave for the State of Virginia of the Order of Seven Wise Men organized at . Norfolk yesterday. . --John Thomas was murdered at fig Bethel, Va., on Saturday, by three un knOwn negroes whom he surprised while robbing his premises. . - —The Fi ft eenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States passed the New York Assembly last night by seventy-two against f• ,rty-seven. —The depot of the Winono dt St. "peter R. R., at •Wasica. Minnesota, was de stroyed by lire yesterday morning. Loss, with contents, ten thousand dollars. 4 —Dr. Newton, postmaster at Genii:oohs, charged with abstracting the contents of valuable letters in his office, was before the United States Court at Cincinnati yesterday. —Five prisoners at Sing Sing, New Mirk, on Wednesday night gagged two of the keepers and made their. escape. One of the, keepers died from the effect of hip:ales received. —The Governor of Louisiana has - signed the school bill, providing for mixed 'schools, and has appointed the commis [elopers provided for by the bill, among them two colored, one of whom was for merly a chaplain in the State Senate. —lt is stated that Miss Van Lew, who rendered the State some service as a Union spy for Gllueral Grant in the army of the Potomac, is to receive the appoin ment as postmistress at Richmond, Va. —A bill has been introduced in the Near York Senate mating it . the duty of the New York Central Railroad Directors to report annually their profits and re quiring the Company to pay all accumu lated profits over ten per cent reported by the Board in December last into the State Treasury.:, —Gov. Hoffman, of New York, has ve toed the bill to apthorize the appoint ment of a President pro tem of the Me tropolitan Police Board during the ill ness of Mr. Acton, and which requires the unanimpus vote of the three remain ing membels for acceptance. The board in Acton'a absence consists of two Demo crats and one Republican. —Late letters from Brazil state that Lopez is steadily ganiz orin his army from the remnant of his old g force and the natives who fled before the allies at Cerro Leon.- He has issued a proclama tion urging his people not to give up or despond, and the y , believe Implicitly in all he advises. Not a native is to be seen in the towns occupied by tire allies. As cunsion was completely sacked. Not even the houses of foreigners were spared. -—A dispute arose in E. A. Jessel's auc tion room on Randolph street, Chicago, qn Tuesday, between a customer named Carmady and John Jacobs, one of Jett eel's auctioneers. Carmady applied an epithet to Jacobs, when the latter draws revolver and fired at him. The ball missed - Carmady, but entered the body of a young Norwegian named Hans Rob ertson, passing througl; hia-lungs and inflicting a mortal wound. Robertson, at last accounts, was alive, with no hopes of his recovery. Jacobs made his escape, and has not yet been arrested. —ln the Superior Court of Hartford, Conn., on Wednesday, JaMes Wilson, alias Dave gently, th 6 notorious bur glar, was sentenced to five years impris oment in the State Prison, for commit ting a burglary in Hartford, and seven years for a burglary in Plainville. He is already , in - prison serving four years time, dating _from December, makfag sixteen years in all. He has heretofore escaped from Michigan, Ohio and New Jersey prisons, where he. has time yet to serve. In getting away from Michi gan, he froze both feet and had them am putated near his instep. He pleated his own case at Hartford and said the jury might have ouriosity to know how he was lamed; he said that be was shot by a rebel shell on the bloody field of Gettys burgh. Charles Retesolf - arrested with Wilson, and in four years, was _also found guilty of burglary, but was not sentenced. - An Address to the Christian World, By John M'Kee, is the title of a pamphlet of fifteen pages. left on our table, with request, by the author, to notice. We select a few extracts: "Calvinism stands on a proud eminence, as high as heaven above our systems; it is the compass that will direct the Chris tian to the celestial world, to the proud threshold of Jehovah's starry-palace. This is the true theory and there is no other system of truth; you can destroy Calvinism only by destroying- the Bible." * * * "Any church that erects a cross upon it is not Christian; any man or woman that wears a cross about them are not Christians." * * "It is crosses, beads and triangles that is sinking this coun try Into bell." * * * "Any man that believes in Armenlanism, Pu seyism Mormonism or Universalism, let him , be damned; any man that says the children of believing parents should not be baptised, let him be damned; any man that says he prefefs hymns of human composition to Psalms or that the negro has no right to vote, I,4,him be damned; any man that says women have any right to vote or speak in public, let him be damned, No Democrat should be permitted to be a member of the Christian Church, and any minister that permits them is permitting a sacrilege against high heaven. Christiansove are severe, but God's laws are hard against the wicked." We don't know exactly what to say or propose about this pamphlet. One at our elbow suggests that it be filed with the archives of•the Westminster ,Al9llklM .bly of Divines; atrother, that It-be re ferred to the next . Democratic Conven tion. We rather incline to advise the referenoe of author and book to some Coprnittee,on Reconstruction. Real Eatate Tratisfr.ze. The followinz deeds were Sled' of rec. .ord before H. Snavely, , Egg, Recorder, March 16,1869: • Joseph A. LOihrop to Lewis Petsrson Jr., and Wta. If. /twin. 'March...DM. Mot lot corner Washington and Preble streets, Sixth Ward, Allegheny, 162 feet T e tcinchee ['the Ohio river.' • with buildings 82 200 John Wittlanter to dobn Moms. retires', M. l lof 2 _; lot of grarind 111 Etna hOroogh, containing S 4 _percher • • W. H. Irwin andiewla P. tenon, Jr., to Jo•eph "A. Lothro, Ap I. 1166 ; - lot corner washing-. ton ind,Prehle rens, Isaiah J. McConnell to 'Rachel . McConnell. March IC ltAi; tract of Is nd in Elisabeth, town ship, cOntainiag terve., 71 Perches Sean Menotti Bayard chapinati, February . 3 5 ,11142i,tract of land in Versailles townstt earitalp_ing 2 scree ' • George Meade to Elizabeth Hinapii. 'March 15, Ifin; lot on Josephine wreet,EsTkllirsains ham 20 b y 120 feeL With Intildloss e 1,206 ,• °bees:Robinson to. Leith Pig; lot on North' Liberty street, Sharpsburg.loo fee t to low water- Math, 'with buildings _81403' George N. Yowler to Henry Dickinson, march 16. l 8 80;'8 lots vn Yowler's plan, Pittsburgh, • .W, gwing to Adam Lauber. January Ml. g 1 i. 200: 060 Altit en Woolsieire alley, Sixteenth ward, 24 by 71 feet . $OOO John W. Maley to John J. Wilson. March 16, 13W; right, title and interest to 210 acres of land In Richland township 0626 George Breed to Ist-bastlan'ticrchei t March 6. 1807; lot on Union avenue. 24 by 210 r est NOG • ItOoTOACine. Same daythere were nineteen mortgages filed of sword. PITTSBURGH GAZIME: FRIDAY, - MARCH j . 19, 186 P, 7 .7 -,,,, iiiiiik,otrazas or? DiCasxmlnig. CAREL WU. itir ool2 23. l .l4.4ltiliitther resident or non residriits)46 toe City of pttthtarsh, to Psi their ! Lieensy.s at tMs ogles icinynwyrit, in seeordaSee lean a iri Act of. Assemblir approved Nara; so, 1E49 and an ordinance ot*he Coun cils of the Lity Of PlttsOurgh, passed Aril 16, 1660. All Licenses not paid on or betnre MAY 11, 1869, will be placed In tlie handl of a police of !leer for collection, subject to a collection tee of 50 cents, and ail persons who neelect or refuse to take out Licenses will be subject to a penalty double the amount of the license, tote recovered befcre the Mayor. . The' old metal plates 'of last year most be re• turned at the time Licenses are taken out, or 213 Cents additional will be charged on each License. BATES OF LICENSE. Each one horse vehicle • 7.50 Eash two horse vehicle 14 00 Each four horse vehicle 15.00 Each two horn hack 15.00 Omnibus and Timber Wheels drawn by' two. horses, $ll.OO each. One. &Mar extra will tie charged for each additional horse used In any of the above vehicles. A. J. COCHRAN. fel2roagnary , City Treasurer. rirRATCHELOWS HAIR DYE. This splendid Hair Dye h the bestin the world: the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, relia ble, Instantaneous; no disappointment; no ri diculous tints; remedies the effects of bad dyes; invigerates and leaves the Hair so ft and beautifti. Plea or brtown. Bold by All Druggists andPeritunerstUnd.properly angled at Batche lor., Yketory, No. lel Bond. street. New York. • an28:11211 arBIARRIAGE AND CELIBA• CY.—An Essay for young men on ABUSES of Solitude, and the Dlc RAWLS and which create Impediments to MARRIAGE, with sure mean, of relief. Bent In sealed letter en yelppes. free of charge. Add. els, Dr. J. LIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association. Phila. Pa. - INSURANCE THE NATIONAL LIFE lICSUILINCE COVEY, OP THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WASIIINGTON.OD. C. Chartered by Special Act of Cog Approved July 25, 1968. Cash Ozpitai - - - $1.000,000. Branch Moe: PHILADELPHIA,. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BITILDING, Where the general business of the Company Is transacted. and to which all general-corres pondence should be addressed. DIRECTO 111. Jay_Cooke. Phliner, • E. A. Rollins. Wuhan. C, H. Clark, Phila. la. Henry D. Cooke, Wash. John W. Ellis, ClneDig. W. E. Clumdler,Wutr. W.G. MoorheaAl, Phlla. Jno. D. Deirees.Wash. Geo. F. Tyler. phtia. Ed. Dodge, N. York. J. litank/eY Clark. l'hlla. H. C. Yauneatock.N.Y ' • OFFICERS. C. H. CLARK, Philadelphia. President. HENRY OK COOKE, .Washlngton, Vice PresitPt. JAY COOKE, Chairman Biroslace and E.xeentire Committee. EMERSON W. PEET, Phil., See'y and Actuary. E. S. TURNER, Washington. Ass't Secretary. FRANCIS H. SMITH, M. D. • Medical Director, J. EWING , ItinARS. M.D.. 'Ass's Med. Director. - - MEDICAL ADVISORY BOARD. J. B. BARNTS. Burg. General U. 8. Ai-, Wash•n. 1". J. HURWITZ, Chief Medical Dept U. B. M.. Wa. 'angina. D. W. 8i..1.18. M.D.. Washington. 'SOLICITORS AND ATTORNEYS. WM. t. CHANDLER, Washington, D. C. HEORGE FIARDLNO. Philadelphia. Pa. • This Company, National in its character, offers, by reason of the Larg- Capttal, Low Rates of Premium and .New Tables, the most desirable means of insuring Life 3et presented to the pub lic. • The rates of premium being largely reduced, are made as favorable to the insurers as those of the best Mutual Companies, and avoid all the complications and uncertainties of Notes, Diet. dends and the misunderstandings which the lat ter are so apt to cause the Policyltolders. Several new and attractive tables are now presented which need only to be understood to prove acceptable to the public such as INCOME PRODUCING POI.J. CY and RETURN PREMI UM POLICY. In tffe former, the policy-holder not only secures life Insurance, payahle at death, but will receive, 11 living, alter a period of a few years, an annual - incomeequal inten-per amt. (10 per cent.) of the par of Ate policy. Thei t ter the Company agrees to return to the assured the total amount of money Aehaa paid tn , to ad: dffton to the amount orate pa/Icy. The attention of pereons contemplating insuring their lives or Increasing the amount of insurance they al ready have, is called to the special advantages offered by the National Life Insurance Com pan. Circulars, Pamphlets and full particulars given on application to the Branch Office of the Com pany In Philadelphia, or itskieneral Agents. .LOCAL AGENTS ARE WANTED in every City and Town; and applications front compe tent parties for such agencies with suitable en dorsement, should be addressed TPt THE COIL. PANT'S - GENERAL AGENTS ONLY, in their respective districts. OZNZIIAL AGENTS: R.W. CLARK A CO., Philadelphia, For Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. • JAY COOKE & CO.. Washington, _D. (7., For Maryland, Delaware Virginia, District of Columbia and West Virgnia. IRA B. e VAT it CO.. Agents for'Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Mercer and .Washington counties. For further particulars address B. 8. RUS SELL, Manager, Philadelphia. auZSGsvit&F . _,... . C O L GATE GATE &CoOs . ' . 1. '::. 0 .;i . FRAGRANT c..) kr , 0 TOILET SOAPS l A LIJ., Are prepared by skilled "Z. —. ..e 'workmen, from the, best [ ( 6. 4Z.... w m h a e te re rials. and are d :o: as -4' i '), Ird en r s A jm n itr i r. P.:li dealer MIC,ON . OPIUM YOUR FUEL, by using the SUM CEITRII , MIA GOVERNOR, the-Only true and• easily regulated Governor made; perfect in its operations and truly reliable. A lane size Governor can be seen at the Wilmot •PEKOB VAL BECKETT, Moghanteal Engineer and Eiolloltor of Patents, No. 79 rederal street. Allegheny City. the only agent for this Governor In the West. 5e22:791 YOUNGION & CO., ICJ • . , IrAl CY CAKE RAIEERY. CONFECTIONARY. ICY, CREAM and DLNINU SALOON, • 83 Smithfield street, corner of Diamond eller, Pittsburgh. OgrnPft with Ice THE MAN.' OR • THE BIER, an 3d o hoId_FATIION9B 110/11tT8 of the ala 11E81E8 OF WAtilliNOTOte 'MEDAL LION ,PNNS. We hereby Informed *Mahe draw. Infe were made January 09, 1880, and that cir ca ars string (1W information of the numbers drawn, will. be lentl o parsone Interested, on their wedressink the J.BIIINOTON MEDAL ,LION PEN OOMPAN , New York. N. o.—BiLue Tin Tlolllna 01 TIM 4111 82 8118. X i nt i s i tfent i nt7est e s ry order. for FRESH WHITE LAKE FISH, SALMON AND BASS. Bend to No. 45 DIAMOND IILARKILT.ritts• Intro, or his old well known TWIN CITY STAND. Anesthetic. market I . , NDIA RUBBED BELTING, nose, Steam Packing 'and Gaskets of the oston Belting Companies manufacture at Priced as low as Ibis quality of goods can be bought of the manufacturer. A full stook always on nand At the India Rubber Degiet, Se and AB ninth street,. J, A H, PHI LIMB, fes as. Agents tor the lloaapany. . .~~"+~ ROOTS, SitolES ANlif CARPETS ' 4?lr ` FOR zeirE:mizr,roar., SIVIITHSON'S EMPORIUM, 55 AND 37 FIFTH AVENUE - - . Messrs. H. B. 'SMITHSON £ CO., Proprietors of the well known Mammoth Auction! House are creating au each etnen t consequent,upon the ar rival of new goods which are beteg upon at re markably low prices. Goods ofevery Var.erv: the &nest sewed bn or+. the most rashiohable bal. scoral gaiters and anklet shoes, slippers, Lc blankets, flannels, cloths. cassimeres, cutlery and carpets. Call and examine. No ',trouble to show goods. Ladles'. - M1614!9' and ichildren , s furs at almost your own prices. All goods war ranted as reuresented. nosi GOOD HOUSES IN ALLEGHE NY AT PRIVATE HA LE.—Tho=e two new residenves, Nos. 1 74 and 178 Sheffield street, near - Bidwell street,' an offered at prices that should command an Immediate sale. They are on a good street. have a fine appesrance. and are Mien up with every convenience that good taste could suggest. There are 12 rooms, marble mantles, registers, baths, ctosets, speaking tubes, ie., ,tc. Three-story, pressed ',front, cut stone corners, stone stens, iron fence, under ground water conductors, Cement eellar, to. They are complete houses; A tnorough'ex amlnatioa is respectfully solicited. Prices very low. Apply to Frasier Brothers, Ohio Avenue, or to A. LEGDATE, Auctioneer,- mh/7 159 Federal street. Allegheny. LOT ON • • ALLEGHENY RIVER BANK AT AUCTION.I On Monday, March 22, at 10 O'Clock, Will be seld on the premises that lot Or ground containing 130 perches, on the Allegheny Poor Farm property, bounded by the raver, Rennet's Mill and the West Penn Railroad. Positive sale. Terms at sale. A. LEGGIATE, Auctioneer. mbIT MARSHAL'S SALES MARSHAL'S SALE. By ylrtue of a writ of eendittoni exponla Is sued out of the District Court of the united states for the Western District of Pennsylvania, and to me dir(Ctea, I will expose to public sale OR the premises, on SATURDAY. MARCH 20, jBB9, At 10 o'clock A. M., the following described property, to-wit: THE VINEGARMANUFACT I ORY Sltnate in the City of Pitt burgh, at Noe. 168. 169 and 170 Second avenue, (formerli Second street.) Inventors of Stock and Fixtures of Vinegar Idat,u , aelory of AR] HUB BALLOT', located at Nos. 149, 169 and 170 Second avenue, City of Pittsburgh, Pa, rleized April A 9, 1F68: Trough for washing shavings, empty. 4 Stands or Caulks with lime wash, I Large Tub; empty. 1 lot of shavings and lumber. 1 Lot of Lead and Copper Pipe. , 2 Large htands; partly filled with preparation for vinegar. 1 Lot of Castings and Hoops. 1 Lot of Bag:, Castings, ‘ Lumber, Pipes and Hoisting Apparatus. 1 Piece *hafting. 1 Lot small Vinegar stands. &Large Stoves; 9 Vinegar Stands. 1 J Barrel full of water and low wines. . B. Baskets, 1 , orks and ktopps. 9 Snot 1 hi barrels for recto:lug vinegar. from stills. 1 Lot of Lead Pipe. 1 Large rub containing shavingi, connccting with the worm tub. - 1 Worm Tub, with - its supply Pipe, waste pipe and Wee tog. j 1 Barreicontalning mixture for vinegar. 1 Lot of Copper Buckets. 1 Stand fen: casks. 4 Large Tabs containing rum:tire forj vinegar. 1 Large Trough tilled with suavingsand wEer. 1 Lot of Lumber. Hose and Connecting Pipe, arge utove and Pipe. 5 Vinegar utands containing mixturefor . vine gar. 1 Clock. 1 Barrel partly filled with v' tly filled with vin.iar. 1 Lot of Lumber and ir.m. 1 Lotlof Staud Top 3. • 1 Lot of Trough anallorn. 1 Lot of Trougl, o(.4h:icings. Lot of Lumber. 2 stand; tor Cast. 1 Barrel with mixture for vinegar. 1 Trough, empty. 1 Large Still. 1 Doubler, where the Low Wines w re taken Rem, Also. 1 Tub connecting with the Doubler with Pipes,- and also connecting with the third story. • 1 Lot or Steam Pipe connecting with ltne Still., 1 Lot of Pipe. Copper, Lumber and CastiLgs. 1 Copper Ns orm. 1 Lot' f Chips. I 1 Lot of Wooden Pumps. 1 Lot of Troughs. Shavings and Lumber. 1 Lot of tdd Load rip • and :spigots.l 1 Lcr,•of Chain, Castings, ishaftlng.'' Wheels, Pipe , .le. 15 Empty Barrels. 1 Open Tub. -2 Old Barrels ICask stand. 9 Barrel Molasses. :5 Barrels Vinegar. 11 Empty Barrels. - .1 Two Wheeled Hand Cart. 9 Empty Receiving Cisteans. 2 iteceivlng Ciaterrii,tilled partly with Vine gar. 2 Large. Casks. empty. 1 Stove. I.Lot 01M Plug lose. 2 Stands conta ning Beer.' 1 Trough, empty. 1 Gum Hose. - 1 Yeast stand in Trough, empty. 1 Lot of I.cad Plpe Hose 'chiefs, Hammers, Gauging Tools, Copper Kettles. 31easures, Glass Funne a, '1 roughs, nimping tte. 2 Barrels Molasses, 1 Lot of t t:oper ItnplemontS. 1 Lot or Huups and Hoop Iron. , 1 Cart. I Gray. 1 Wagon. 6 Barrels Vinegar. 1 Barrel Hop Water. 1 Empty Ale Keg. 6 Empty Stands. 1 Lot of Old Iron. 1 Skin. II 1 Lot of Empty Barrels and Lamb. r. 1 Wooden Pump. 6 Empty Hogabeads and Shovels. 1 Lot of Hoops and Iron. 1 Lot of E'mutreasks and Hoops. 12 Large:Rands. 1 Lot ox small Receiving thickets. 3 Large a ermenting Tuba. 1 Steam Pureeing lub, connecting with Fer menting Tubs. -1 Lot of Co;.per Pipes, connecting. with Fur nace. __ 1 Lot of Pipe (copper) leading across the street to other building. 1 Large Lot of Casks. Barrels and Stands, in bad order. I hate. 1 Store. 1 Otilce Desk and Furniture.' 3 Cnalrs, Stools, 1 Letter Press. M Lot Sample Bottles; 1 Barrel Partly filed with Vinegar. 1 Lot of Barrels, Measures, Spigots l and Old Iron. 1 Let Iron Castings. 1 Scale,Adams. McKee - St Co.'s make'. 1 Lot o Lumber and Pipe. 1 - 1 Large lot of Castings. Bags, .le. I Engine, Boller and Machinery. , 1 Lot or Belting, 1 Wheelbarrow. 1 Iron Pot, 1 lot of alum Hose. i ' A Barrels containing Ginger Wine. 1 Large lot of Lead Pipe. I Lot of Coal, 1 Lot of Ale Barrels. 1 Large Tab, empty I lot of Lumber: 1 Barrel Ginger Wine, 4 Jugs containing Yeast. 9 Bottles Wine. 1 Large lot of Lumber,. Ac., 1 Sharing Ma chine. 1 Lot of Castings and Iron.; 1 Carpenter's Bench, Toodrand Chest: 1 Ormdstono, 1 large lot of Bags. 1 Large Mash Tup, Copper Bottom, empty , . 1 Lo.. of Belting. - 3 Yeast Si and, ' (one of them fall.) and Pipes. 1 Copper Yeast Worm ,1 Mill aad Hopper. 1 Jug full Yeast, 1 Jug, empty, 1 Lot of Rose, Bei. Ina and Shafting. 1 Iron Kettle, 1 Platform Scale, .Tiarge Tubs. 1 Lot of empty Casks and Barrels. 1 tot of Shafting and Robbing Apparatus. Seized and taken as the oroner4 of ARTHUR BALLOU, at the suit of the United States. TILONAIS A. ROWLEY. ' U.. S. MARSHAL. Marshal's Office, March 19, 1889. tch11:1100 ORDINANCES. AN ORDINANCE oluting, Thrie food COmmts , alone:rm. ' I toBSC-1. Be iteriacted by the Oily of Pittsburgh, ticket and Common Counaia assembled. and a M hest by ordained and enacted by thl author.. ay of the *am. That the following named per• sons be and - the same are hereby at:pointed to serve as Road Commissioners for dull enselog leer: Harvey 4 13• Von Voorhee tor the •Pirst Plaided; ~• Venda:mitt, bir d the Second Platelet; Wre, Metcalf, fur the District. Sae. 511. 'f'hnt en, ordinance or part of ordinance sonflieting with the passage of this ordinance at tee present time, be and the same is hereby re pealed so far as tee same affects this ordinance. - Ordained and enacted' into a law in Cot:none, this 18th any at Marsh. A. P. 1809. JAMES McAPLEY, • - President of Select Connell. Attest: E. O. MORROW, . v. , Clerk oLßoicct. Council_ _ • W. A. TOMLINSON. • President of CommOn Council. Attest: If. McklAwrza. , Ultra of Common Council. table:gill nAke TANNED. LEATHER BELTING of a Superior quality; also round isstioir Belting of different sizes. 6 lane stalk honest as the low's& price& de • PIM . t a an Sixth 1113191. 13113 ,~ a r: ~. 11CW BY A. LEGGATE. , , , - mum - INSURANCE COMPANY OF PFITSIVITROn, °Moo. No. 424 PENN NATIONAL TRUST CO. BUILDING.) DIRECTORS: Robt. Dickson, Robt. Liddell, W. J. Friday, G. Sledle, C. Van Buren,F. Kirssh, E. H. Myers, J. Gangwisch Chris. !Rehm L. J. Blanchard, J. Weisser, P. Schildecker D. MYER.% President. '. DICKSON. Vice President. J. GRIER. Treasurer. LEI ETZ. Secretarr. , BOBT. BORT. fel9: .1. .J. A P ENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH OFFICE. No. 1.673 WOOD STREET, BANS OD COMMERCE BUILDING. This is a Home Company, and insures . against 100 or Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE, Vice President. " ROBERT PATRICK, 'Treasurer. HUGH McELHENT. Secretary. DLIIICTORS: Leonard Walter, George Whon, C. C. Boyle Geo. W. Evans, Robert Patr?ck, J. C. Lappb; Jacob Painter, J. C. Fielner, • Josiah King, John Voegtley, Jas. H. Hopkins, A. Ammon. Henry Sproul, 3y4: pDEMNITY AGATI4ST LOSS BY FIRE, FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA, 0/1174:73. 435 a 437 CHESTNUT BT.:near Ira. DIMICTOPS. Charles A'. Humber, Mordecai H. Louis Sam el Tobias t, Is aac avi Wagner, DdLea, S. Brown, Wan Jacob R. bmJth, Edward C. Dale, CeorgeW. Richards George Falco. CHARLES G. BARCH R, President. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. O. STEELE, Secretary„kro rem. J. GARDNER COFFIN, Assert. North West corner Third and Wood Streets. mtOS:wlii BEN FR ANKLIN ° INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEGHENY, PA. OFFICE IN FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK BUILDINGS. No. 41 Ohio St., Allegheny,. A 1101111 C 0031PANY, - Managed by Dtrecrtors Wel. known to the community, who trust by fair dealino to merit a share of your Patronize. HENRY IRW/N_ President. G.O. D. RIDDLE ...«........Seeretary. DIRECTORS: Henry Irwin, D. L. Patterson, Wm, Cooper, Oeo. R. Riddle . , J acob Franz, Gottlelb Faas, Simon Drum, J. B. Smith, Jacob Bush, W. M. Stewart, Ch. P. Whlaton, Joseph Craig, Joe. Lantner, H. J. Zinkand, Jere. Kohen ap10:935 . IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE CO • •IF OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1803. CASH CAPITAL. PAID UP AND INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED ING 08,000,000 IN GOLD. Insuranceagainst Fire effected on Houses and Buildings, Good e _, Wares and Merchandise, Steamboats, &c. Polieles maned payable in gold or currency. air United States Branch Omce, 40 PINE STREET, New York. All losses of the United States Branch will be adjusted In New York. ine.T_LA.VGITT:i2c, Agent. PITTSBURGH, PA. Ofilee, 67 FOURTH STREET: MeLAtIrGHLIN Company ent for the Man hattan Life Insurmice ses,:v72 WESTERN INSURANCE COM. PANT OF PITTSBURGH. EICARDER NIMICK, President. " • WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary. • CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, General Agent. Oface, 9:11 Water street, Span, 1 Co.'s Ware. house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will lazure against all kinds of Fire and Ma rl Risks. A home Institution, managed by in Di, restore whO are Well known to the community, and who art determined by promptness and liber ality to maintain the character which they have assumed, as offering the best protection to those who desire to be insured. • • DIEECTOES: Alexander Simla.. Jotili B. "(reline, R. Miller,Jr., Chas. J. Clarke, • James M cAuley, William S. Evans, Alexander Speer, Joseph Kirk trick. Andrew Acklen, Phillipßeyme pa r, • David M. Long, Wm. Morrison , m Itunsen. nOV pER t I N TES' INS ' ANCE COM- OPTICE, CORNXII WOOD & FIFTH EPIS ♦ Home Company,takinglrize and Marine liLiks. DiUCTOES: Wm. Phillips, Capt. John L. Meads, John Watt, Samuel P. Shriver, John K. Parks_ , Charles Arbuckle, Capt. James Miller, Jared M. Brush, Wm. Van Kirk, Wm F._Larc, James D. Verner Samuel McW, ekezt, WM. PHILLIPS, President. JOHN WATT, Vice President. W.:IG GARDER, Secretary. CAPT. JAS. GORDON. General Agent. L ILT. GM ENY INSITRANCE COMPANYOF PITTSBURGH. CA ICE, No. 31FIPTH STREET,BANE BLOM . • rnsnres against all kinds of ,Fire and Marine Risks - JOHN TRWIN, SC. President. T. J. HOSKINSON, Vice President. C. G. DONNELL, Secretary. CAPT. WM. DEAN. General Agent. =MOTORS: John Irwin, Jr:, B. L. Pahnestock . T. J. HosAltuton, W. H. Everson, C. G. }homey. Robert H. Davis, Harvey Childs, - Francis Sellers, Charles Hays. (lent. J. T. Stockdale. - Capt. W. Dean, • T. H. Nevin. WINES. LIQUORS, &c. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, =PORTERS OF - WINES, BRANDIES, GIN, &C., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN t. PURE RYE WIIISKTES, 409 PENN STREET, Win Remove: on the list of Apili to NOS. 384 AND 386 PION, Cor. Eleventh St., (formerly Canal.) _TOSEI O II FINCII lc CO, , . 50g.185.187,1119, an. an sad /NA MST STREET, PTPARBITROIi s RA2ropAorralBa OP Oopper Distilled Piire Eye Whiskey. Also, dealers In PORRIGN WINES and LI QUORS. HOPS. ise. aressanui TIOSATIAALIS PIIRMMI3 THE BLOOD. FOR BALK BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHEIIs. deibIG.MWT OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER, Allegheny City, March IG, 16010, .1i °TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to property bolder' on the line of ronntain street, that the sssss sment .ior Grading said street , is now completed, and will be retained in this office ter inspection until MONDAY. March gd. when It will be turned over to the City Treastirer for 4°lle:cram =Meg CHAS. DAVIS. City EnltLair. Va AGE LACE L;ATIr#3, hor isle by • "' MILLITPB. • • AMlTElErtuzirrE. ' • tar Manseer .......................... . CANNTII.O FIFTH ti ANTp Einittaracr BUOCRES of 141 e Emlno.t Anatr.cau Comealau, Mr. JOS*Pli armERRON. will aPPPIIe THrs (Thursday) XVEWING. March nth, /889, in Dlon Bouctenultos greet drams, entitled,. RIP VAN OIL THE SLEEP OF TWENTY TLAILS. Rip Van Winkle ............ ?dr, Joe enh Jetrenium. Jefferson .Ratl nee on . Saturday antenna°. PER at SON urday .Ever. lug, EttEN Elea OF MR: am. izritIERCANTILE LIBRARY • LECTURES. THEODORE TILTON f WILL LECTURE AT THE • - ACADEMY OF . MUSIC: Friday Evening, -March 19th. • Subject—" True Slatesmanshipeto Admission. 50 cents to all parts of the House. No Reserved Seats. Doors open at TX.' Lecture at 8 r. Y. mhis igraitAND OPENING OF THE • KEYSTONE - SKATING RINK. The underpigned would respectfully 1 1 :1130IIEICO -- that he has leased the alf.A/ING- KINK, and will open I on • FRIDAY NIGHT, 19th inst. • For ROLLER SKATING.on which occasion four of the most accomplished Skaters in the !world, Miss HENRIETTA bURDELLi Miss FANNIE POWELL, Mr. CIIIRLES SMITH, Mr. EUGENE ST. CLAIR E From the New York Skating Association.will ap pear at Intervals in Fancy and Combination. Skating. Admission, BO cents. Children. half price. W. S. CLOW, Lessee. N. B.—The Rink will open]) &Y and EVEN ING In charge of EUGENE ST. CLAIR, who will give instructions free of charge. Skates for hire at the door. Admission, SIO cents. Children, 10 cents, ex cept on egAlnitlon nights. d.h18:08 arMASONIC HALL.. . 4 Positively THREE NIGHTS ONLY, com mencing 7 HURSDAY 14YENING, March /SUL First appearance of the great combination, EMERSON ALLEN & MANNING'S MINSTRELS. Frost their Opera House, Cincinnati . Entire chance of Pro.rantme each evening, interFret:esl by TWENTY FIRST CLAsti ARTISTS. A.dmlssion, 50 cents; ReserveS Seats 75 cents. Doors epee at 7 o'clock:comment:lest 8 precisely. mhls:gS HARRY FAENCH, Agent. rIii.MYTHE S B AMERICAN CROWDHDATRE E SL a FUR I K o m i . e N V BTED ) FitIOAY EVENING, March 19, 16 1 139.CrU5. • WILLIAMS in new songs. A. new negro Ihresa written by Mr. EAGAN. entitled "A .earty the Name or Johnson!" NEULIE TAYLO the Queen of Song. 1 hunders of laughter a PUNa;II AND JUDY. Last night but one of IRELAND AS IT WAS. Great bil, on SATUR DAY NIGHT. garPlrilißUßGH THEATRE. H. W. WILLIAMS ...Sole Lessee and Manager. TREMCND 0 TIS RF. P N CE TIDN OF THE ,NEW COMPA r I MONDAY EVENLIO, and every eyrnlng du ring the week. the entire company will ar In aveplendid -MUSICAL MELANGE—the laugh - able farce of THE sTa GE STRUCK CH Mai 0. the entertalning FEMALE MINSTREL SCENE,• anti the local extravaganza of THE MILL GIRLS UF THE TWIN CITIES. cr - BURNELL'S MUSEUM AND PARLOR MENAGERIE, Great Family Resorts. FIFTH AVENUE. between Smithfield and Wood streets, opposite Old Theatre. Arai-0 pe n Diti and Evening, all the year round. Admission, ' cents: Children. 15 cents. arUNIVERSALIST AND FICS'PrVA.I_. OPEN EVERY EIGUT IN BASEMENT OF THE CHURCH, Inhls Corner Third and Grant streets LEGAL. --- TN THE COURT OF QUARTER -I. SESSIONS. Allegheny county, Pa., in the matter of the VACATION OF GRANT AVE NUE, between Ohio and Washington avenues, in the Second ward, of the coy of Allegheny. And now', February 23, 1889. the petition la this case having been presented in open Court, Is - Ordered to be filed. And the Court do grant a rale as prayedlbr fa isid petition, to show cause why that portion of grant avenue, lying between Ohio and Wash— ington avenues In said Second ward, should not be vacated and closed up; and do further order that notice of the, filing of said petition and of the granting of the rale aforesaid, be pubiLsheig twice aweek, for four consecutive weeks, in the pirrsurnen 6.zr.rne, published in the City of Pittsburgh. llfrom the Record, JOHN G. BROWN, Clerk of Quarter Sessions. fe26:fl9-Tr ORPHANS , COURT SALR:-- Will be sold on SATURDAY, Nandi' 27, 1869, at 10 coelock A. is., at the COURT HOUSR.. Pittsburgh, an that ~ W ars of or GROUND , Situate In the 1.2 di Wars of the City of Pitts— burg G eor gey' of Hattleld,) being lot Ito. 15 in 4. Bayard'a plan of lots, with the Improyemeauthereon, formerly owned by Ells atieth Benyett, deceased, at Public Sale, to the highest rad beet bidder. By order of Orpheus' Court. Tintatti—CASH. All papers and U. B. Equips to to paid for by purchaser. • .Tor particular., apply to JONES A PEARGOits istornegs, No. 64 Grant street, Pittsburgh. t0b.5:113-1. BY THE COQ • ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE 01' &IN* POINTMENT. ASTERN DISTRICT OP Pritnartwanta. se 1 8 8 ttsbnrah,tnis 11th day of starch. A . D. 9. Pi 7 I . . To whom ft may concerts: The undersigned hereby gives notice of hie a pal tam ita as Assignee orDOIXII•EOEVEI.- HEIM. of Allegheny My. In the county of Al-. legheny. and State of Pennerivania; within said. District.who has been adjudged a banitrupt Moot his own petition, by the District Court of sat District. • • '‘" , 'J. Etructit. Attorney istltatr. 87:IfIfth smlnlng. mill2alo-P - ' I• BANKRUPTCY: -;4lrestera DIBTIOCOrtiIt PENNSYLVANIA, eat,. + A..t Bluaburgb,the Bth day ofjdarch. A,D41111111„ The underegned herebyilvbe notice of Die ap polntment at Ceelenee Of °HARMS 0. ALGtd. of Allegheey oicr , to the county 'of-Allegheny and Stine or Pennsylyanta, within .4ald. Dlstile. who was adjudged a Bankrupt upon his owiCine. %lon by the Dlstriet Court of said Mettle& " inhe:nn _ -TP. r BBl4jAllt N As si 4lii 11 4•oLiik • gnee. M I XECIUTOWS • NOTICE. • , 1 Whereas, letters testautentaryon the estate or,IOH.N Tomas., Woof Pittsburgh. Allegheny county. Penna., deceased. having been duly' granted to the undersigned by. the litogistor said county, all parties having against siti4 !State are request d to omen; theta, for settlement, and those 'indebted tO Meld - estat. will inatepay.nent without delay to •. • re:4lW._ TOMO motor. DDI lON AND 144 M. ASSOm MARION 01 FIZANIISTOWN• • No.' I.— eb la hereby plven that nu applleattonima been made at No. 4-416. March Temn.118010.• tor a charter 'of Ineornoratlea for the above Imhof. iinUolng, and Loan animation. vat= 'WV , be (ranted at next temp of CoartivaleNlisoo„ =mato are Sled. Q . Maoo felieWP AttorAILY SOP 4pipwirial k . . , FA