The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 19, 1869, Image 4

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Ely EttauxoGaitttc.
pENNINLAN,REXD& C 01; Proprietors.
Of Pittsburgh. 'Allegheny and Ans
_ gszeny Oonnty.
• •
Tama—Daffy.Weektv.i Week's',
One year-115,00 One year.s2.soiSingle copy—V.sV
One month 75 Six mos.. 1.51,5 copies, each 1.2.5
By the week 151 Three mos 75 10 1.15
Mom carrier.) and one to Agent.
FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1869.
• WE PAINT on the inside pages of this
morning's GAZETTE - Second page :
Posh*, "ira 4 caroni." Ephemeris, Penn
sylvania ltems,,West Virginia Items, Mis
cellany. Third' and Sixth pages: Ruin
- dal, Commercial, Markets, imports, River
News. &sent/Ipage : Washington Tppics
and Gossip, .grief Telegrams, Real Estate
Transfers, Amusement .Directoiy.
Pi I I
Ihmtown:meAt Antwerp, -Mg,ssf.
S. Boxis at FnuakfOrt,l37i*ii
GOLD cloied in New York yesterday at
1301(4180-1. •
townships and boroughs throughont the
Conunonweath will be held to-11ay... No
good citizen should absent himself from
the polls if entitled to tote, as the elec
tion is of much importance, eiwieCially as
officers to serve at ensuing elections dur-
the year are to be chosen.
WASIIitURNE proposes to put in
several weeks with hid family at Galena,
previous to departing for fore France, for
'Which country be will leave about the
first of, May. ; ,
DELAwinn dlreharges her politleal pop
gun against the Ainendment. That
little State is not proverbial for doing
proper things at proper times, and the
last performance will not mar its reputa
tion. •
Tat first official signature confirming a
law passedJ by Congress was , appended
yeiterday to the act strengthening the
Public Credit, by the new President.
An admirable , and auspicious commencp
Tae debate on the bill to repeal , the
Tenure-of-Office act was resumed in the
senate yesterday, but a vote upon it was
not reached. Mr. TRUMBULL announced
his intention to press She question to final
action to-clay.
Ex-Passenillyr JOHNSON has begun to
"swing, around the circle" homeward.
It has been said that a circle has no end,
but a too long afflicted country will pray
kr an endless exception, to this rulewhen
this pestilent demagogue reaches Tennes
Tun heamons bill providing for the in
spection of boilers - at -enormous cost to
the owners, has been defeated at Harris.
burg. There is not a boiler in the Com
monwealth so sadly in need of inspection
as was the motive hidden in the verbiage
of the condemned act.
Tam= is an unusually large attend
ance of representatives at the Methodist
Episcopal Church Conferenas, now in
session at New Philadelphia, Ohio. The
proceedings thus far have been harmoni
ous, orderly and systematic. Elsewhere
an interesting letter will be found from
our special correspondent in attendance.
Tan debate on the reposlrof the Tenure
of•Office law has drawn forth speeches of
no ordinary merit and ability, clearly
demonstrathig the material constituting
the Aenate.: The House members might
profit by noting the courteous dignity
-which has marked the important-discus
sion in the other branch of the National
SZNATOR SUMNER Oontradicta the ru
mor that he is about to make a belligerent
speech.. He declares that his exposition
of our foreign policy, especially in con
nection with tbe . Alabamiti business shall
be of the most pacific charaCter. This
is more creditable to the Behator, and
snore in keeping with a well-earned repu
tation for wise statesmanship.
WASHINGTON - 1B invaded with an army
of office seekers. GRANT moved - with
lees trouble on Richmond r throhgh the
close ranks of the 'enemy, than could he
now -walk down Pennsylvania avenue
through the line of button-holing and be
. &ceiling, friends. The country should
be proud that either in war or peace,
Armies flock to the_ National Capital _to
fOrce their services, on the government.''
.1 • •
IT WILL be gratifying to the
lanow that the , report of the capture of
General enaTan by the Indians Is With
- out much foundation. He' is a brave,
dashing officer, who rendered eonspiOtv
one, service in the suppression of the
relkelllon,lind it would cause Much tioi=
row throughout the land ahould he fall
into the hands of the redmen; Would;
loudly handle him With much tenderness.
• TEE bill, creating the office Of Gas . ,
spector of Allegheny county , has posed
birth - branches of the . Legislature.. If the
!I- • appointment provided for be awarded by
the Governor to some responsible gentle.
. ,
Editors and Proprietors.
man capable of attending to his flaties i t
:444-4ndependanLonough-to..6land• aa.
guard of protection , between the Gas
Companies and the people, -the comtim
i nity at large have much to congratulate
themselves upon in the passage of the law.
Two Murders pei day in- Texas since
GuAN-r's election! So says a mem9rial,
from loyal citizens of that State, which
was presented the other day to. t.lle! Sen
ate. That is a low average for Texas, tint
it should be lower still. And it will be
lower after the XLlst Congress takes one
strong, decisive step in the interests of .a
fully vindicated-Federal authority. Until
then, the Texan Aceldeina will garner its
regular harvest of slain !friends . , Of the
, .
Gun Consul General for Cakada, Gen.
AVERILL, who is so favorably known to
many of our own citizens, his made
many personal friends in the Doininion,
while his discharge of official duties has
secured for his cowl*, as well as, him
self, the universal respect of all our well
informed neighbors. The press .pf the
DOmilon deprecates any possibility of
his removal by the present Administra
tion. Fortunately, there =seems to be no
reason to suppose that his government
will be insensible to the. merits of a gal
lant soldier and faithful representative.
Tan appointment of an editor to office
his stirred up a terrible tempest in the
Harr' , elmrg tea-pot. The new dispensa
tion, which' has been promulgated of late
by a few gentlemen who can't see their
way 'elem. Jo good positions for them
selves, is to be enlarged, to include jour
nalists as well as politicians. 'N. B. This
doctrine was not broached until after the
last electioa,lior shall we hear so much
of it on the eve of another. At present,
it looks like a clear case of rebellion
of stomach against brains—and will real
ize, in fad, the same result as Lithe fable.
THE Indian trouble at Ellsworth, Kan
sas, ie a fair illustration of how the red
men - are dealt - with , on the fro: ;
,of flit, Pawnees, peaceable and
harmless, enter the town, are insulted by
ruffians, and because of making a show
of manliness three are cruelly butchered
and scalped and two taken prisoners. A
delegation of Pawnees, naturally enough,
demanded the persons of the wicked mur
derers, whereupon mar on the whole
tribe, which was at peace with the whites,
was waged by the military, and seven red
men were slain. Sympathy in this case
would be misdirected if bestowed`on the
civilized whites. .
.Twe Senate Judiciary Committee, re
porting a measure for the pacification and
reconstruction of Georgia, have clearly
recognized the sentiment of all loyal peo
ple. The new bill, of Which we printed
a synopsis yesterday, is radically, thor
ough in its treatment of the situation. 'lt
is simply a remand of the Georgian peo
ple back to the attitude from which they
have attempted to escape by an impudent
fraud. For them, their Original situation
is to remain unchanged until suitable
works shall illustrate their good faith, in
the acceptance of those conditions which
the people of the Union have imposed on
all the rebel populations alike.
THE Election Committee of the House
reports that, while the contest for the final
'award of the seat from the XXth Penn
sylvania District may be pending, the
prima facie claims of. Mr. COVODE shall
be recognized. This is in accordance
With the general imp'yession that, now Or
hereafter, his case is stronger than that
of his competitor. Yet the latter has en
deavored to secure the possession, on the
strength of certificates from certain re
bum-judges, and without the usu a l en
dorsement of the Governor of the Com
monwealth. Upon final decision of
this contest, Mr. COiODE is expected to
show a legal majority of several hundred
Apropos to a discussion about whiskey,
an "hcinerable member" from Ohio
"dares" another "honorable gentleman"
from Maesachusetts, do something.
Thereupon rises a colloquy in which the
liffo highly honorable members inform
Me world how much each dares, or the
other dares ,not, do, ending; as IC usual
with colloqrdes in wb.ich whiskeY is con
cerned, in a confusion of ideas on both
sides, and an agreement upon nothing
except a mutual exhibition of ill-temper
and folly. •
If "honorable" gentlemen' must en
gage in this:puerile businese of ',goring"
each other in periled:Lei:nary debate, why
won't they dare; and do, something
which the public may profit by ? Fitir
example, daresldr. Btrriza make a good
point, or say a sharp and sensible, thing,
in the interests o'f - his country, without
doing it, as has been his invariable habit,
in the mostoffensive . way, and wJh an
uniform impeachment of the honesty of
somebody else who don'tste it as he does?
Dares he venture to think that other
members_ or pubilc servants in any:ca
pacity; '
dould, by any possibility, be
honestly mistalten; in an opinion or tut,to
a fact ? he dare, just once, to
take it for granted that, as even Repre
sentatives ,are snot perfect, there might
now:and then be a case when one could
reall = y be in error while intending to In
right? Dares he have . a little. chariiy—
if rib inore'tharta grain of mustard!seed—
for * the Motives of any one: who ,differs
with him Pelf iu judgment upon e, pa =.
ticular Issue 4. Could he ever` k have, the
1. ym:4- 4 *. A.11c144
- Pt.•.,41t,f 9.60:44?, tr.g
anditilty tO 7 _ gb p Jiiid titatr.d inuitTa
-doessot.--Justifrqswasonistguit7 :
of a villaimous motive Wou ld'ever
aspire to the temerity
,of the reflecti on that sound ideas, commtndable Proposi
tions, or really just animadversions are
likely •to fail of their object„ if urged;with
an imperioustemper in utter disregard o:
the courtesies properly recognized among
leitkaen 2 Dares 'lie "remember,'A in
fine, that the fatal advocacy of the honora
ble member from Massachusetts—whose
ability no one denies but whose habit of
dragoooing opposition is alike distaste
ful to his friends and to his enemies-41as
acme to be regarded, in the light of Con
gressional experience, as the worst obsta
cle h the way of more than one meri
torions proposition?
A r:::!•,:".
So, it would• be a pleasing novelty to
a somewhat disgusted public if the "hon
.orable member" from Ohitywouldj"darp"
to respect himself, his constituency and
the• country so highly as to curb Et hasty,
petulant disposition, in favor of a more
dignified and sensible way of devoting
himself to the public interests. Dares he
to remember that the floor of. Congress is
no place for frivolous and .p rile .per
sonalities? That it is time endugh to re
pel an accusation'when it shall be made
That his characteristic sensitiveness to
personal insinuations is entirely uncall
ed for, and usually subjects * him to The
'Unjust construction of people who do
net kill)* his sterling worth?
We should like to• see these men—and
not a few other "honorable members" too
—daring to discharge all their public duties
with fidelity, and without flagrant offence
against, good breeding> and good taste.
Will they not dare -at least one trial, to
prove that a Representative may be faith
ftl without being perfect; that an error
does not always imply a dishonest mo
tive or justify the vilest of imputations;
that an official may be vigilaz4 without
uncharitable suspiciOns, fiym without a
pugnacious ,obstinacy, critical without
beccaning a blackguard, and even a mem
ber of Congress without, of necessity, for
feiting all the proper attributes. of .the
well-bred man! • .
Daring of this sort, in public life now
a-day s. certainly implies the highest order
of moral courage. Who will be the
brave man to inangtrate it at the Federal
Capitol? We dare to throw down that
gauntlet at the feet of honorable Repre
sentatives. -
Every week in the year, almost every
day in the week, we have predictions
from the newspaper press, from writers
and thinkers on political economy, and
from all classes throughout , our nation,
that the balance of trade is against us.
The universal cry is that our imports are
in excess of our exports, and that, as a
consequence, we are running into debt
to foreign nations, and poverty and ruin
are overtaking us. It is difficult to rec
onene our acknoWledged prosperity and
increasing wealth as ,a nation, - and the
fact that the balance of trade, in this
sense, has always been against us, with
the correctness of this universally con-
ceived principle, and It is time that its
fallacies should be exposed. It will be
worth while to examine into this matter,
and thus establish right opudons.
The first error into which a majority of
writers and thinkers fall, is in regarding
the books of the custom-house as the only
standard•by which the, prosperity, of the
nation can be measured. They estimate
the value both of our imports and exports
at nur own custom house, instead of esti
'Mating then In the foreign country where
the exchange Is made. We learn, at the
custom houses that one hundred and
twenty millions have been received dur
ing a certain period, and that only, one
hundred millions have been sent to pay
for it; and, if we are not acquainted with
the course of trade, we at once jiiin•in the
cry that a debt of twenty millions has
been Incurred, 'and shudder at the thought
of having all the gold and silver drawn
from the United States to pay/or It.
Noweprinciples are best tried by remit.
ler examples. A farmer has fifty bushels
of corn, worth fifty cents per bushel on
his farm, which he brings to market and
sells for five barrels of flour, worth ten
dollariper barrel where he lives. If the
value of these articles is to be estimated
at his owidoor, he has exported twenty.
five dollars, and imported fifty dollars.
But the expense of his journey ,has lieen
twelve dollars, which makes his exports
really thirty-seven dollars. Custom
house returns give just as correct a view
of the trade of a nation; as an aceount
kept at a Xannerls door of his out-goings
and incomings would give of, the state, of
his business.:" . ` These_returns are valuable
and, necessary, but for a very ,different
purpose than that to which they are ap
A inerchrt exports, from. New York
flour ifOrth thirty thousand dollars to
Europe, and sells it, there for manufac
tured goods worth fifty thousand dollars,
which all _appears on , the books of the
custom-house as the 131/th or his imports,
with only the cost of Ms flour at New
York to balance it. But as the merchant
must'keep lils vessel. In repair;; purchase
the outfits of his voyage, and pay his sea
men, the difference between his exports
and imports is really interest clf capital,
wages of labor and profit.' • '
Custom-homte 'returnst shuw:the net , of
our exports and the eras of, our imports.
A. merchant, sending liqs ship to sea, must
charge against his yoyage not only the
first cost : : of , ll4cargo,.butau the outfits,
provisions', aid witgeS sitivtuiced., , tciAtis
seamen, his own or liOnt, l B fervices, and
~~ =u-=
the 3iiiill44ll
the adventuxe i with„the seamen's, wages,
and all the expenses attending the land
ing and sale 'of the goods. 'ln order to
knovi,tion, whettierthe balance of trade
is for or against the country, the imports
of theinerchtint 'must be placed , against
all these charges,_and if they, exceed their
aggregate amount,' hie business, whfch
customhouse returns will prove ruinous,
can be continued profit to himself
and benefit to the country.
• When the tpdance of trade is said to
be against the country,ithat is, when she
imports more than she expirrts, farfrom
its being a sign of ruin pr decay, it may be
a mark of prosperity. In the ease of an
'individual, nothing can be plainer than
that his importaithould o t exceeff his exports.
How can a man pros per, unless by re
ceiving more than he parts with? When
the master of a whaler: takes ,out provis
ions worth four hundred dollars, and re
turns with oil worth five thousand dollars,
we would find It difficult to make him be-
lieve that, because his qmports are heavi
er than his exports, he 'was 'ruiningbim-
Self, and his country. When a farmer
goes to market with, a load of , pork,
which costs him fifty dollars to raise, and
returns with a load of merchandize worth
seventy-five dollars, which he • has pur
chased with the proceeds of his pork; be
sides paying the expenses of his journey,
he would wonder a little at that political
arithmetic which , would teach him that
he had - made a losing journey. •
The Same course of reasoning will hold
good with a nation. It the 'United States,
by expbiting one hundred millions; can
import one hundred and twenty millions,
we need not fear for ' , her. prosperity, for
it must be apparent to kny candid thinker
that sear': the whole lof the difference is
represented, not by solmuch debt, but by
legitimate gain to the country, in the
_form of interest on capital, wages of labor
and profit.
home Greece, 'Perkily, Egypt, Nubia,
and the Holy Land. By. Harry Have
wood Leech. With a portrait of the
author, engravings of Oriental Life,
etc. Published bi D. Appleton and
Company, New York. For sale by
Henry Miner, Pittiburgh.
Years ago we enjoyed the plealure of
reading gossipy-letters from the author of
this work, and we were, therefore, quite
prepared to find these "letters" enjoya
ble as well as piquant and instructive.
The simple fact that he has traversed fa
miliar ground, described over and
over again by gifted .pens, is no reason
why Much may not be well written, and
made entertaining by` others. Travelers
noi-a-days do not give us so much
"guide book" matter as formerly, btit
their observations from mingling with
the people" and at places of interest.
Changes occurring all the:time in the old
world; a sprightly writer and keen ob
server, cannot fail to write an entertain
ing work. These letters are from points
of interest to most readers, and the charm
ing, graceful style makes them both at-
tractive and Interesting. We think the
voltune a real addition to this class of
works. The illustrations will serve to
give readers a good idea of Orientallife.
Hint Marnerir's TOwEn. By William
Hepworth Dixon, editor of the_"l,:the
ineum". and author of "Spirithal
Wives," etc. For sale by S. Davis
Co.Qc and Henry Miner,-
It is conceded, hotwever objectionable
previous works of thu author are, because
of his highly colored statements, espe
cially in his work on "Spiritual Wives,".
his remarkable genius and ability itio
grouping events together in rich lan
guage, has been rarely surpassed; There'
is a wealth of thought, too, in the beau
tiful pictures , sketched by his pen, that
render his writings very attractive. '. The
thrilling events of the old tower are full
of tragic interest. Familiar •as these his;
torical facts are, the =moral:he scenes
are here encircled with a franiework cu
riously wrought by the gifted author.
There is' something ins acme, and the
shrewdness, of Mr Dixon -is demon
stratedv not only in naming this work,
but also the one; entitled '-Spiritual
Wives." Titles oilthis kind are apt to
excite curiosity; this volume, however,
is one of -decided: ability. The great
publishing houses of Harper & Brothers
and d. B. Lippincott & Co. have both
issued excellent editions of this work and
at low prices. • • ,
PANTOMIMES. Published by. Dick It
Fitzgerald, New ,York. For 'sale, by
' W. A. Gilderifenny, Pittsbrirgh.
This is a collection of tableaux vivant's.,
or living pictures,l embraclOg moving
tubiestux, charades In 'tableaux, tegether,
with directions for !arranging the stage, ,
casting the characters; and forming appro%
iriateiroepi. I
Pao Wovrxwozoir, cantsrzsi Jens
Reade. Household Edition: Published
by Fields, Osgood dc, ; Co. • For sale by
R. S. Davis dr, Co.; jttst removed to 193
Liberty *refit, Pittsburgh,
Popular as ,"Griffith Gaunt" and other
creations of Mr. R eade are, this , volume,
the eighth and 'concluding One of the
Household Editiorq is regarded by. most
of his admirers. as the beet. "Peg Wof
fington" is a story of touching interest;
indeed, all of them are interesting, as well
as short. Of the 'special merits of this
edition we have nained on two or three
occasions. For neatness in bi n ding and
text, paper and
• convenient size, the edi
tion is marvellously cheap. The P ub.
Ushers havo . given it practical demonstra
tion of their abundint resources. by issu
ing the eight volemes in such a brief
aPece of=-time. The people will appreci-
.7,':. - ri, ~, , lil=-:c. ~ "..`, . ;', . 1
. ?....;',i , ..-: , , 1, :-.. 1
ate such promptitude by a liberal patron-
HOW HE Wox HEE. A Sequel to "Fair
lay." By !ars. Emma ~ 130. E. N.
Southwoith. Published by T. B. Pe
tens= & Bros., Philadelphia. For sale
by W. A. Gildenfenney, Pittsburgh.
Most of our readers are familiar with
this lady's writings, as she" is the author
of a score of novels, most of which ap
peared in serial form in periodical publi
cations. This novel is tliought to be
fully equal to "Fair Play," which has
been extensively refill. Its highly wrought
scenes, and startling incidents, will please
her numerous admirers. The
gotten t*insubStantial binding, and sold
at a low price.
Scott. Bart. 3d vol. Published by
D.' Appleton ct Co., New York.
This voltune contains' "A Legend of
Montrose," "The . Talisman," "The 4n
tiquary," "Red. Gauntlet," and' "St.
Ronan's Will." When the first volume
of this edition came out; we took occasion
to speak in commendable terms of its ex
cellencies, and every succeeding volume
confirms the opinion • then expressed.
Fino paper, clear teat and elegant-bind
ing are prominent features of this edition.
and withal it is very cheap, only $1.75
per volume. Of the novels nothing need
be said, as they , are pre-eminent among
this class of literature. '
Plaricarrts; or the Despair or Science.
Published by Roberts & Brothers, Bos
ton. For sale by R. S. Davis de Co., 193
Liberty street, PlttElburgh.
Persons desiring light upon Spiritualism
will find much in this work to enlignten
them. It contains a full account of mod- .
em spiritualism, Its phenomena, and the
various theories regarding it, with a sur- . _
vey of French Spiritism. The ; name
hardly conveys a correct idea of the con-
tents of the work. The account of the
Fox girls, Foster, Home, Davenpprt
brothers, etc., is•. a curious piece of his
tory. The scholarly style is a commen
dable feature, dad reflects eredit upon the
writer. It forms the third volume of she
"Handy-Volume Series."
FIVE WEEKS; IN. A BALL . 00E: or, Jour.
no% and. Discoveries in Africa by
three Enlishmen. Compiled in
French by Jules Verne, from the otlgi
nal notes of Dr. Ferguson; and done
into English by William Lackland.
Published by D. Appleton & Co., New
Our readers need not be told that this
book is simply a satire on recent English
books of African travel. It is an amns-
ing affair throughout, and contains happy
hits at certain authors. We are told so
far as the geographj,.the ‘ inhabitants, the
animals and the features of the country are
deseribed, it is entirely, aecurate. _ The
mode of locomotion is, of course, purely
iinaginary, and the incidents and adven
tures fictitious.
HARPER & BROTHERS, New York, have
sent us "Ho Knew he was Right," by
Anthony Trollope, being the first part of
that readable story. The work is thor
oughly English, and is regarded with
great favor; but it is not advanced suffi
ciently to give an intelligent opinion of
the merits of the story. The wood cuts
are much better than usually put in such
publications. The same publishers have
furnished us with a copy of "Griffith
Gaunt," in paper covers, price only 25
cents. This novel has created quite a
sensation. The low price, and elegant
style in which it is gotten up, ought to
commands large sale of it.
LORING, BOSTON, has just issued "Mr
ginia- Graham, the Spy of the Grand
Army," and forms one of the series of
Loring's Railway Library. It is well
printed, and no doubt will sell well.
D. APrfarrox & Co., New York, have
published "The. Phantom Ship," one of
the series of Marryatt's Popular Novels.
,fit the low price of fifty cents. The lovers
;of these sea tales will, find this edition por
tfible and very cheap. •
The publication of Appleton's Journal,
by. D. Appleton & Co., New York, it
is announced, trill commence some time
during thii month. . It is to be, weekly,
devoted to Literature, Science and Art
Illustrations will form an important fea
ture in the plan of the Journal. Each
number willbe accompanied by either an
-Illustrated Supplement on Some popular
theme, a steel engraving in the best style
of the art, or a large Cartoon engraved
on wood.' In the first number will be
commenced the new story,. by _the great
French author, Victor Hugo, entitled
"The HIM Who Laughs." Price per
year l four dollars. For sale by all:news;
men. This brief outline will serve to
convey the character:of this new candl-'
date for , public favor, which .we expect
\yin be worthy of this eminent house.
~_-_-_..........-..„ •
The Tenure -of-office Law.
The . . debate. in the • Senate upon the
Tjentire f ef-Office act proved conclusively
that the Mende of that measure Will, not
abandon it Without a hard straggle, and ,
will not only place their own argument
hilly before . the people, but will compel
their oPP9lients to show every reason for
its repeah. - They admit that the act was
passed to restrain Mr. Johnson,' but they
do not admit that this was the only end.
They assert that it embodies a just and
'constitutional principle and that once in.'
corporated in,the laws it 'should there re
main, They meet the argument that the'
act 'restrains the Ptesident from removing
unworthy officers, - by declaring that the
Senate will undoubtedly concur In every
removal he makes, and by doing all in
their power to secure the suspension of
the law' for the cooling' eight months.
Mr. Trumbull and Mr: Edmunds took
this ground, and abiy maintained it.'
Mr. Morton made' the point that the
stiVension!' of the . act, implied ' die.
trust of ' Grant,', and, that . i.,ougresa
placed him i int Prtibation.' The friends of
the Inman? say that, on the Contraty;the
auspenaion of the ict,wonld be the high-,
est compliment to the President. It
-would mean--that,:-while -Congress
to the principle, it yet has such faith in
Grant's integrity and, judgment- that, in,
order to give him complete liberty to act
peremptorily and at once, it consents that
ajust principle should not interfere with'
a practical necessity. They want Grant
to have 'opportunity to undo what An
drew Johnson did, and part with a con
stitutiopal right to meet an immediate ne
cessity. Mr. Edmunds made spine:very
striking arguments, which had a power-
ful effect. 4 The result of the debate to-day
is that the opposition to the repeal of the
law has been greatly strengthened,though
the fact that. the President earnestly
wishes the act to be killed has great
influence with many Senators. ,
The President yesterday made answer
to an applicant for a certain office, ‘lirh'y
that place,. sir, is not vacant,"'which
would seem to indicate that Gen. Grant
does not intend to make appointments to
offices except where vacaticieS exist, un
til the repeal. modification, or suspension
of the objectionablelaw, holding to, the
principle of his inaugural, 'that the best
way to obtain the repeal of an obnoxious
law is to rigidly enforce its piovlsions.
It was stated that tho proposed suspen
sion of the act was satisfactory to the
President as far as it goes. There ;is ;in
doubt that he would accept it and act un
der it with his customary promptness
should it become a law.' But I learn that
he, yesterday, expressed himself earnestly
to the effect that he .preferred 'that it -re
main as it now is. Its repearhe would
`look upon as %, decided mark, , of, cone
dence: A, temporary suspension of its
provisions, as the reverse, or at least an
ungraceful concession.
The President has expressed his,views
quite freely to Senators and others about
the law. He holds that it protects office
holders just as much during the session
as during the vacation of Congress: He
says it authorizes suspensidh during va
cation for certain specific reasons', and in
his opinion a strict and fair intexpretation
of its provisions will not alloy removal
dtuing the 'session except for reasons war
ranting suspension during *acatio.N . but
that officeholders having political , views
different front those of the Admfnistration
does not in hie:judgement constitute•pro
per ground for Uspenston anditherefore
of course, not for removal . It may Is;
noted in is connection that he has made
but one removal, all his other nomina
tions having been for vacancies. The
paper in the cue of King, head' of the
engineering bureau of the Navy Depixt
ment, reads "in place of B. F. Isherwood,
whom I desire removed," but no reasons
were given. He could, of course, use
similar formula in other -cases, but
whether he would choose to do so is a
question he alone can answer. It can
also be stated that the view of the Pied- ‘-•
(Mut was communicated at the Cabinet
meeting yesterday, and was endorsed by
all the members.. The President has no
purpose •to antagonize Congress or the
I the Senate, bit must, under the Constitu
tion, see that the laws are faithfully exe
cuted, and that he has no official advisers
but members of the Cabinet.
THERE are four hundred joint stock
companies now in process of
tion in London. The total. losses by
these speculations amount to ten millions
of dollars.
Conicum.U.Nrylensrry has a 4ollection
of shells numbering 5,000,000,' repro.
senting 12,000 species, and which it took,
their collector thirty-five years to gather.
THEY have discovered the silver
buckle of the sword belt of Pepin, the
father of Charlemagne, 'and deposited it
in the Museum of the Louvre. Paris.
At no season of the year is the above Injunction
of more weight than now. The changes of tem
perature, hate been so sudden from warm to ex
cessive cold, that the human constitution, like
everything else in tatute, feels the stock, and
gives way to its impressions. Thousands of peo
ple _who lie down at night, unconscious as, It
were; of injury to the constitution, wake up with
hoarseness and coughs, which, unless the that
symptoms are heeded, are apt to invelve the
lungs ore' me other of the vital organs in deep
seated and incurable disease. If the fact were
as well knoin to all our readers as to ourselves,
that an infallible cure formost of these incipient
ailments may be procured in DR. KEYSER'S
LUNG CURE, the Doc' or's new stoke would
soon be too small to meet the exigenclee re
quired of it In the manufacture of this valuable -
• medicine. Dr. Keyser's Ltfng Cure is without
doubt a valuable desideratum in the cure of dis
ease, a fact well known to thousands_ of people
who have been relieved by its Ittaith.givingpow
er. It the primer estimate were placed on human
life and health, those who neglect coughs and
colds would be fewer in number. Dr. Keyser,
would in no ease, of a serious character, advise ,
the dispensing-with a doctor, but t ow many hun
dreds are there who, in the beginning of a dia•
ease, could be cared before a 'doctor could be
reached. it -is in these cases, as well se , others of
a more serious nature, that the • lung care eunes
to our aid and dispenses health and comfort,
which otherwise would never be 'obtilfied. It is
thus &handful of roots and herbs are made Into
healing syrup, which is often the precursor of
Ivatth and usefulness. The suffering invalid
would often apply for relief if he knew where to
promptly obtain It; and that it can be promptly
obtained in Dr. Keyser's Lung Cure is nolouger
a doubtful problem. Let not the Match winds
make dangerous inroads upon your health. when, ;
with a few doses of this .syrup, you can fortify
your system as well as drive out of It tho'e noxi-
ous mlasms which undermine its strongholds aid
render its exertions nugatory.
All other temporal blessings are comparatively
worthless. The dyspeptic millionaire who - bas'
tried all the'potioui of the medical - profession tit}
vain, end believes his complaint to be inctirableo,
would Sive' halt his fortune to he freed from the --
horrors of, indigestioo, and thus enabledko enter
the other half. Of course he woul4.
loss been ree munended to such a sneerer. -Possi
bly )te has turned from the friend who made the
sug stion with a sneer, Intimating that he bas
no aith In any "patent 'medicine." If this has
ie-en the case, so mush the teNees 'for. Aim.: ins
lncreduility dooms him to a life of misery. - All
theluxuries which vvedth can purchase are at
his command. Not one of them can, give him
pleasure. His own irrationat obstinaey is. Ida
bane. -
- The maws, happily for themselves'. ate legs
skeptics:. There is such a thing as t /Med unto
tstr. as well as bigoted crsdult p. ILA' a *Olden
• mean between :the two, which men anti women'
who are gifted wish common sense adopt and
profit by ~.,•These are the class that patronize and
recommend HOsTATTEIVS 11ITTrIPi. Why do
they up proVe 'ons an 11-d ys ne pnc and esti.
bilious preparation? kdroply because they have
hot been too much the staves of senseless ores
dice to give Ws fair trial. and bare found that
when ale ether tonics, stimulants and steiroichies
failed. It produced the desired caret. ' •
• ••Strike. , nut hear." said the Itoman'sage.when.
his Ignorant enemies . were assailing him.
voubt, hilt try.” says toe mane who haa
been cured of inillgesticei or biliousness. or in
terrnittent fever, by the • Hitters, as lie relates
his experience of the medicine to his invalid . .
friends. Whoever la'so.weddci to his foregone
theoretical conclusions, as to decline to test,the
properties of a medicine endorsed by,the testis ,
li w n e d u 7 o ii) o p t ; o i ri r t e e d lt n t t h e m pO n o l n e s e i e a r r 7 g
e v r l thm k, nipa of 1114