II PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, Tabus:3ex, March 18, 1869. The Market remains in that panicky ai}d muddled condition which has pre 'vailed for several days, and the tenden cy, according to present indlcations,'is to a still further decline. The large y increased stocks reported In the East, together with the fact that, exporters, along with the shorts and speculators, have nearly all become bears, has brotight about a "bearish" state of affairs against which there is little •or no resist -4 - ance being made; censequently, they have It pretty much their own way. The exporters want to buy, as do also the shorts and speculators, generally, but they, would like much better to force a still further decline, and it would appear that the parties coming, in the above category constitute a majority of the operators in the business. As we noted in our last report, there are plenty of buyers, for both Crude, and Refined for present as)well as future deliveries, but. as a general thing, they are holding back, in, hopes that by so doing they, will be enabled to'do so at a still further decline. ,; ; CRUDE—The operations in Crude to day, were unusually. large, aggregating twelVe thousand bbls. and fifteen cents seemed to be standard nrice for almost any delivery, spot or sellers options. At the close, however, spot oil was offered freely iftlhat figure without finding buy ers, 14% being the best offer that could be obtained. The sales were: 2,000 bbls seller till July. - 15 .2,000500 " • seller 30 days. 15 2 , AI " . 15 2,000 11 April to July, seller 15 3,000 " April to December, seller... 15 500 " spot- 15 REFlNED—Continues weak and pan. icky and drooping. March which was sold last,evening, at 31€031;‘, was offered this afternoon 30m, and there was a sale of 5,000 bbls for same delivery reported, in Vew York, at 80. Sales 1,000 each April and May at 33, and June at 331 i; 500 each April to June at 33; 1,000 each same months at 33; 500 each same months at 33;4; 500 each last half April and May at 33 and June at 33x; and 500 each March to May at 3234. LUBRICATING OILS. ' Eelipse.Winter Lubricating • oil 40c Eclipse Railroad Axlit3 so Eclipse Machinery - E . 75e Eclipse Spindle. 80c 011. SHIPPED EA ST BY A. Y. B. B. • Braun it Wagner, 400 refined to War. King dt Co., Philadelphia. C.Kirlepatrick 223 bbls refined to Waring, King dr Co., Philadelphia. Livingston Bro., 180 Bostwick, Telford di. Co.. Philadelphia." lidcKelvy dr, Bro., 189 bhls L . refined -to Bostwick, Telford dc Co., Phila.., • Standard Oil Co., 130 bbls tar to Libby dt Clark, Philadelphia. Total Shipments Refined 998 Total shipments tar 130 OIL SHIPPED EAST PROM DUQUESNE • DEPOT. Brooks, B. & Co., 48 bbls refined to W. F. di Co., Philadelphia. H. M. Long & Co., 1M bbls refined to Warring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Total shipments Refined_ 171 REPthERY FOR SALE.—We Call the at tention of the oil men to the advertise- ment on our fifth page, of Logan ct Davis, Philadelphia, offering the Victoria Oil . Works, situated in the 26th ward, Phila; delphfa, for eale. . Markets by Tilegrpb. NEW. YORK, March 18.—Cotton is less ' active and slightly favors buyers, with sales of 900 bales middling uplands at 283§c. Flour—Receipts of 7,387 barrels; the market is 10 ®lso better on low • grades, with sales of 8,400 barrels at 15,45 Igo for superfine State and western, /6,15 (58,70 for extra State, $6,10@7 for extra western, $7,05@750 for white wheat ex tra, $6,25®7,30 for Round Hoop Ohio, $7 (48,50 for extra St. Louis, and s9®l2 for good to choice do., the market closing steady. Rye flour is quiet: sales of 700 barrels at $5®6,90. Corn meal is dull; sales of 300 barrels Jersey at $4,25®4,35. Whisky is quiet at 95c for western free. Wheat—Receipts of 143,638 ..bnshels; the market is heavy and lo lower, with sales of 34,000 bushels at $1,45 for No. 2 spring, in store; $1,46;4 do. delivered, $1,60 for amber Michigan, and $ 1,65 for white Cal ifornia. Rye is dull and declining, with sales of 1,600 bushels Canada West at • $1,36. Barley is dull and unchanged. Barley Malt - is quiet. Cern—Receipts 25,592 bush; market heavy but easier, with sales 43,000 bush at 8ey,®8734 for new mixed western and 88c for western yellow. Oats — receipts 2,597 bush: mar ket drill, with sales 35.000 bush at 73c for for western in store, and 76@76 1 / 4 o for do. afloat. Rice dull. Coffee dull. Sugar quiet, with sales 200 hbds Cuba at 12Ne, and 200 boxes Havana at 12340. Molasses dull. Petroleum—crude quiet; refined bonded at 31c. Hops quiet at s®lsc for merican. Linseed Oil quiet at sl,ol® 1,02. Spirits Turpentine firmer at 50®51. Pork firmer, with sales 1,256 bbls at $32 ®32,38 for new mesa, 132,50(432,70 for old do, $26,50(427,50, prime, $28,75080,25, new prime .mess: also 2,500 barrels of new mess at $32@32,50(432,75 seller for four and six months and 132,17 N seller for_April. Beef dull: sales of 140 barrels at ;B®l6 for new plain mess, sl2@lB for extra mess. Tierce Beef dull at $2l for • prime mess, $27(430 for India mess. Beef Ham lower; sales of 175 barrels 'at 25® < 3L Cut Meats quiet; sales of 230 packa ges at 12N(413 for shoulders '16(417 for hams. Dressed Hogs lower; ' stiles at 13% @l4 for western, 14(4143 for. city. Mid dles firm.' Lard heavy and a shade. lower; sales of 850 tierces at , 18(419 5 %, for steam, 19%(420 for kettle rendered; also 750 tierces steam, , seller. for March, April and May at 19. Butter quiet at 30®40 for Ohio and 40(455 for State. Cheese quiet at 18®22. Freights to -Liverpool; quiet and firm. Latest.--Flonr closed firm lid low grades, with a good inquiry. Wheat nominally lower. Rye dull and heavy at $1,83, for Western. Oats quiet at 730 for Western in store. Corn—a moderate request; sales at 8 7®87N0 for new milted' Western. Pork quiet and stead at $32,25(41 33 , 2 5 for new mess. Beef dull and in buyers favor. Cut meats steady, with a fair request. Bacon dull and without decided change. Eggs steady at 24(426c. I CHICAGO. March 18.--Fsstern Ex-. change firmer, at 1-10 off buying and 1-10 'premium eslling. Flour dull, 5144 4,75 for spring superfine and $5, 6,85 „ for spring extra. Wheat in goon 8 ' demand and 2 ®2Nc lower;Vd es of No. 1 at 111,13@1,1:1; No. 2 at gl,leva 12; No. 3 at $1,02(41,04; rejected at 87 c; closing tame. at 111,101®1,1035 t er No. 2; sales of No. 2 this afternoon at 11,10. Corn moderately active and Nig, No lower; sales of new at 543;(455 1 4 c; tn, grade 52'@530; closing at 54©54y,0 for rejected and 543:@5.50 for fresh receipts of No. 2, and 5235 ®S2No for no grade; nothing doing this aftenatmin. Oats 4ulet and weak and= 1@1% 4 0 lower; sales of No. 2at 5235(45.1c; sales at 53c, buyer for March, and. f43,4453c, seller for le. ril. Rye quiet and XlVin lower, at ,o. A4.0.1-5.fr,..0„ 4- r* -- ' 7l ' '''.4#LigtOre'b-gzriu,,, $1,19©1,1934 for No. 1 and $1,17 for No. - 2. Barley neglected and nominal, at $l,BO for No. 2. Highwines sales at ~ 890. Seeds, dull, 'at $2,75 443,10 for timothy, $9,25 for `clover, and 10,25 for flax. Provisions. more active, nrmer and a shade higher. Mess Pork 25c higher, sales at #31,50®31,75 cash, and $32,25 seller. last half. of April, clos ing at 01,75 cash. Lard one-fourth cent higher; sales at 1834©18,,/,c, closing at inside. Clear sides 16c; loose Cumber land middles 1534(c; loose light Cumber lands 15C; boxed dry, salted shoulders 123‘c, buyer, March; sweet pickled hams 16(9163 c; shoulders do 123/ 4 c. Dressed Hogs quiet and Ilkm at. 1i1.2@13, closing at $12,25@12,75, aviding on 49 pounds. Receipts for the Past twenty-lbur hours —8,207 bbls flour, 25,741 bush wheat, 49,- 260 bush corn, 11,694 bush oats, 2,280 bush rye, 2,840 bush barley. Shipments —9,530 bbls flour, 6,864 bush wheat, 42,- 295 bush corn, 6,634 bush oats, 4,152 bush rye, 360 bash barley. • Cirri - ANNA:ll,March 18.—Flour market is dull; family, 0,25®6,35. Wheat dull at 81,38 for No. 2. Corn quiet at 64®65c. Rye is held at 11,45: Barley quiet and dull,closing-at 11,93®1,95 for No. 2. Cotton dull and prices are nominal; mid dlings, 27y,,c.. Tobacco is in fair demand and sales are .reported 84 hhds trash and lugs, 154®8,60; leaf, $10,70®16,60. Mesa Pork is higher ; sales 800 bbls $33, buyer, April at 532,50, cash; new is held at $33, cash. Bulk Meats are held firm ly at 13®15y,,c; no sales. Baeon quiet at 14c, 170 and 1730 for shoulders, clear rib and clear sicips. Lird sold at 19o; not offered at this, rate though the de mand is light. Sugar cured hams firm at 18;4®19c. Butter is firm at 38®420. Eggs,l9c, Linseed Oil dgll; retailing at SI,U3, but forced sales were made this afternoon at. $l. Lard oil is unchanged. , Petroleum at 33@34c for refined. Cloverseed duliat 16X %16c. Sugar Flan and there is a :fair demand; Cubs, 13® -14 c; Porto Rico and New Orleans, 14® 15%13; sales 140 hhds refined at 16®17Mc, latter.rate for hard. Coffee is in lair de mandp sales 740 bags fair to prime -at 22 ®24y,,c. Molasses firm; ,sales 269 bbls New Orleans at 80@83o. Gold, 13014, buying. Exchange is firm, at par to 00.3 per thousand premium, buying. The money market is active at 10512 per cent. , Sr. Louis, - March 18.—Tobacce is un changed and not much doing, buyers not being disposed •to • meet sellers' views; planter's higs new ss@6; "cominon new leaf $9,50®7,50;• medium dark new do. s6©lo; good do. $10,50@12,51:4 blank wrappers new $10@13; factory dried old leaf $9,50©15. Cotton nominal. Hemp; nothing doing. Flour weak and' nomi nally unchanged but prices favor buyers; superfine sold at $4,00©5,50; fall extra $6,00@6,50; double extra 16,75@7,00; fan cy $9,00@9,50, and choice treble extra $8,00@5,50. Wheat is steady and un changed; fair to prime red fall $1,35% 1,50; choice to fancy $1,65®1,95; No. 3' l spring sold at $1,10; No. 2 ranged $1,15@ 1.19. Corn firmer at 58@61c in bulk, and 68@70c in sacks. Oats dull and lower at 57%62c. Barley' dull at $l,BO for prime lowa, and $2,10 for choice Illinois. Rye steady at $1,28®1,30. Whiskey; nothing doing. Groceries: entirely unchanged. Polk stiff and higher at $32,25@32,50. Bacon strong, with no sellers, at yester day's inside prices; shoulders ',sold at 14c; clear rib sides at 17c, and for the next week liy„c; clear sides 1710. Sugar cured hams 18019 c. Lard firm at I.Syc for choice kettle. Cattle quiet and de mand limited; prices range 154,4/0@7.25 gross. Receipts-3,600 bbl', flour, 18,200 bus cheat, 3,200 bus corn, 16,300 bus fats, 3,400 bus barley, 1,000 bus barley. CLEVELAND. March 18.—Flour un changed, '-steady and inactive—pay made at _510,25(310,50 for treble extra white, 58,50®9,7.5 for double extra amber, Z7,50g7,75 for double extra red winter, 56,50®6,75 for extra. Country made at s7oBlor doable extra red and amber, 56,75@7 for spring, $9,60©10 for double extra white winter. Wheat—sales of 3 cars No. 1 red winter at 51,42, No. 2 do. at 51,30. • Corn held at 70c. Oats held at 61c., • Petroleum market continues dull and inactive; the asking rates aro 28®29c for standard white in 'car lots; the high est offers are 27@27y,c in retail lots, this being an advance of 2@3c. Tot,Eno, March 18.—Flour dull and nominal. Wheat' market lo better at $1,48 for amber on the spot; $1,53 buyers for April; white regular $1,48N; No. 1 white Michigan $1,68, closing with less firmness. Corn is better and only mod erately active; No. 167 c: No. 2 6334,c; no grade 62%e; yellow , 68c. Oats a shade better; Michigan 61@6134e, closing at the latter. Bye 2,c better at $1,30 for No. 1. Barley dull at ;2,12@2,15 for Canada. Clover seed quiet at $O. Receipts--1,600 obis flour, 3,000 bu wheat; 38,000 bn corn 7,000 bu oats, 400 bn rye. Shipments -1,500 bbls flour, 3,700 bn wheat, 23,000 bu corn, 7,100 bn oats. ' • Pirrt.Anst,Pins, March 18.—Flour a little firmer the demand limited; North western Extra family •at 6,50(247,00; Ohio do. at 7,00@59,00. Wheat comes in slowly, sales of 3,000 bush Red at $1,60 @1,70. l Rye $1,55©57,00. Corn dull, sales of 6,000 bush yellow ,at 80c; mixed Western 900. Oates plenty, sales of Western St 72®75e. Petroleum, Grocer ies and'Provisions unchanged. Whisky sells slowly at 93@95c. liginwscrirml, March 18.—Flour firm and unchanged. Wheat unsettled, at ;1,12 for No. 1, and 51,07 for No. 2. Oats firmer, at 52@53c for No. 2 fresh. Corn nominal. Rye unchanged. - , Barley firm at 52,02 for good, delivered. Provisions unchanged. Receipts-2,000 bbis flour, 9,000 bush wheat, 2,000 bush oats, 1.000 can, 200 bush barley, 100 dressed hogs. Shipment&-2,009 bbls flour, 1,000 bush wheat. , . • LOUISVILLE,March 18 .-- Bales of 199 hhds tobacco, lugs to medium wrapper at 434(4)18%c. (kitton,2Bx:c. Mess pork, $33. • Lard, 19®19y 4 c. Bacon—shoulders; 14/c; clear rib sides, 17)4e; clear sides, 18c; bulk—shoulders, 13,!‘o; clear rib sides, 16;4e; olear sides, 170. Flour, $5,50 ©6. Wheat, $1,50®1,58. Corn, 80®03c. Oats, 61®65c. Rye, $1,50. Whisky, 92c. Sugar=hard standard, 173%c. IMPORTS BY pAII4IIOAD. , PITTEIBI7HGE, "CRT WATHI3I . & CHI CAGO RAILitoAn. March 18. -1- car metal, John Moorhead; 18 do do, Nimick & Co: 1 do do; Brown & Co; 2 do do, Tas Wood Son .& CO; 7 do do, Bryan do Caugh ey;. 2 cars , dry saltid shoulders, E H Myers de Co; 'lOO bbls flour, 60 bxs can dles, J S Dilworth & C0;..1 oar wheat, 17 apples, Voigt, Mahood dt Co; 60 bbls, 200 ski flour, Segjimyer -a Voskamp; 200 bbIG do owneri,26 cases tobacco, E Worm ser & Co; 260 pigs lead, J B Canfield; 2 bales broom corn, W Diardorf; 500 boxs starch. C Morningtarf 1 - car lumber, John Nuns; 8 cars sties, M P Adams Bro; 2 kgs butter, S P Shrlver & Co; 7 sks rasa, Pitts Paper Co; 88 bbls apples, J A Graff & Co, 1 bbl tallow, E Heazleton; 8 bbla apples, Meanor &Harper; 1 oar corn, Scott & Gisalpl car oats, McCune* Bro; 4 bbls dry, apples, Carter, McGrew & Co; 1 car hoops, A. McClintock. CiarncLAND AND Prrrastraini Ross), March 18.-5 carsore, B hoenberger, Blair & Co; 1 do limestone ore, P & Co; 3 do luuiber,.l do shingles, W W Rlgdon; 1 do lime. P ahnestock, G k Co; 130 hbbia,herring Dilworth & Co; 1 car pig iron, Nimick & Co; 47 eke rye, 112 do oats, Soott & Gisal; 77 aka oats, Keil & ple butt Ritchart; 5 jugs er, Geo Bhantelt .t Cu; 9do . .. . . '"'" 1-7- A"4 - 4 - e-i..tri ". - " --- 4 5 -4- -.&„*"., 4 , - ..1 . 4 - 4 , 4' , - ' - ' 4- - , r. , -""., - - - - - • ,,. . 4,--- ,-.-• ...--,...."..-. - ", ' n"...r.....,...,..." _' '', ' , '" ,, ..---" , --" ,,,, , -4,,,, ' , ;; , - , "-S - ..-,..i. , -, 4! • X11;, , ,c4, - . -. -ss, , aV,V,_,"dis.-,0,..0-4.-- - .,1-,---,, , ,e , a, -•,-- , ..r..--- . •''' - - ' --",- , " • . -14N0Vi.41-70-t15.1.-.-'.'i4G3.-,4-44'i34-*f_ie.dig*,;s-7-4erici4,-,,W.tFii.•*ifferngt;Zetp.Ws,7'.--‘4WATIA.:4Ir . " ' -R- ---44-1-- . -- 1,- .-. - 4 . ; , 5 .-- .----•-, -44,- 3, k- \ 'f- - •- , 44x.. .w.:-..- - - 1 -'sl , - - 4. - '''''. ' . . - 4 7.4 `.. • • • , ..f...... , ,.. J.).•1'• • .-.1"' , ...r.3e4•1•''' , 13•4 • 40, .. •"" • . , ...: 1• •• - `&•WW.•‘ti , •••"''' . .,. • :•-.1 . ' ^ rxE4, fC l ' . ..A''• - ` -.• "'• - - • • . , . , • PITTSBURGH , GAZETTE: FRIDAY, , MARCH 19, , 1869, •maple mobilises, Van Gorder & togs dried apples, 1 bdl skins, Jones '& Kauf man; 2 hf bbls wine, Rev _B Wimmer, 75 empty hf bbls, 1 bbl sorghum, 5 bbls vinegar, Head & litetigar; 2'tubs cheese, JA Graff; 6 bbls beans, 1 cask, 1 bucket lard, 1 kg vinegar, 1 ,bg dried apples, D Feltner. ALLFARENT VASS= .KAILROAD, March 18.-8 eke oats, Leslie & Rankin; 560 bbls Jas Wilkins; 346 cases ref oil, Livingston & Bro; 6 pkgs rags, Mc- Cullough, Smith dc Co; 16 ska oats, 2do rye, Gay & Welsh; 12 do, do, 73 do oats, 3 do flaxseed, 1 car grain', Scott & Gisal; i car grain, Bingham & Laing; 2 bbls eggs, - J Miller; 2 bga flaxseed, J Tiursby; 1 ISbl butter, Van Gorder . & S; 3 do eggs, 1 do 'butter, R H Adams; 2 cars metal, John .Moorhead; 2 do do, M'Kuight, Porter Lk ANN 1 do do, Rees, Graff & Dull. ALLEGHENY STATION. March 18.-1 car staves, J M Heuiphill; 1 do do, Rayla &•Robertson; 47 aks oats, S C Mo- Masters; 9 bbls oil, S M Cummings; 9 bbls apples, J V Patterson; 7 sks , rags, J W Patterson; 4 cars metal, Graff, Ben nett & Co; 6 do‘do,Lewis ' Bailey & Dal zell; 1 car barley, Geo Ober; 13 - rolls leather, Jas Callery; 1 car lime, J Abdell; 1 car lumber, Lemon & Weise; 65 bdls bides, ,A Holsteine; l ! car wheat, R T Kennedy Bro. - PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL, RAILROAD, March 17,-55 blur axes , APBrane & jer; 7 bga oloverseed, A Kirkpatrick t Co; 2 'Ails sheep pells, Wm Flaccus & Son. .PITTSBURG • H" AND CONNELLSVI LLD RAILROAD, March 18.-2 cars metal, John Moorhead; 67 bbls salt, Beck, Phil lips it Co. RIVER .NEWS; The river was about stationary at this point last evening with seven feet two inches in the channel by the Mononga hela marks. Weather continues clear and cold and all that could be possibly desired for ont door business. We have no arrivals to record said e from the regular packets.- The Lorena, Mollie Ebert and Wild Duok, from St. Louis. are among the first 'boats due. The Lorena was expacted in last even , , even ing. Fayette; C a pt. Mason, is the regu lar packet for Parkersburg to-day, leav ing at noon. The Kenton was expected in last even ing and will 'depart to-day,,,as usual, at noon. c - • ° • ' • The Armenia, departed for St. Louls, with a good"trip; including quite a large , number of passengers. James Hamilton, and Marsh Hays. The CoMasai. Capt.. M. A. Cox 's new mountain boat, will commence loading for St. Louhi and Missouri River next week. The Silver Lake No. 4, Capt. Todd, will take her \ departure for St. Louis and Missouri River this;evening or, in the morning. The. Messenger, Capt. Jesse Dean, Jas. Russell, clerk, will positively• leave for St. Louis and the Upper Mississippi to day. Passengers and shippers can rely on. this. —The St. Marys, left : , 7e'r Orleans for Louisville on Tuesday. —The Morgan line at New Orleans handles Mobile freight free of warfage. —The Emma No. 3, was to have left Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Wednes day, —The Ajax and barges bound up, and the Stella and barges bound down, passed Vicksburg on the I2th. _ —Gen. Charles Barnes is a candidate for. the Republican nomination for sher iff of Allegheny county. —The Mary Davage, with two barges containing 1,000 tuns, passed Cincinnati on Tuesday for St. Louis. —lt is reported that the towboat Arrow sunk a barge containing 11,000 bushels of coke, at Raccoon Island. —The - Armadillo Is enronte from St. Louis to Pittsburgh, are is also the Leon idas and Wattanita from New Orleans. -Tho new Northern Line packet Min neapolis, is rapidly approaching comple tion, and will soon be ready for busi ness. • : 1?t,,. —The tow boat Neville was Friday, by Capta, Cochran and Varbie, ee to the Louisville Bridge ;8,400, delivered . there.. —Mr. Ed. Bouriad, of Memphis, well known among river men, was married on the ;11th' Inst., near Trenton, By„ to Miss Jennie G. M'Garvey.' —The porter of the Westmoreland was robbed of 147 on the levee at Louisville, Sunday night, by two men who pre sented revolvers to his lead. —The steamer which is being bnlit at Dover, on the Cumberland River, will soon be ready for the . Upper Missouri traderfor which she is Intended.. —The Lady Grace has abandoned the Evansville trade and conluded to try Arkansas river for a while. Cincinnati Is doing a magnificent business in Ar kansas river. . :, • —The Glasgow, Capt. Andy Robinson, Jr.,,is filling u p steadily for the Upper MiOsissip'pl, and will soon be ready to take her departure. Mr. W. S. Dravo Is the first clerk. . —At last accounts there were , gorges on the Upper Mississippi, at Buffalo Isl and, Mtuscatine and Burlington. , They are expected to move, at • any moment, and then the. Northern Line packets will begin to move; —The Mollie Ebert, was expected to leaveZine.innati for• Pittsburgh on Tues day night or Wednesday . morning. She is enronte from St. . Lotus, and stopped there to clean her boilers. • Pilote, Cap= tains Jake .Poe and Wash Ebert. • • —The high headed Glendale, . Capt. John M. Rare, is now in turn for fit. Louis, and •will be the first paeket out. She je in all respects, one of the best boats in the. trade. The veteran,. Capt. James Mellon, still ratans charge of 'the office. . .. —Red river advices report the Red river packet Judge Fletcher struck on.a rock and stove in her bottom tibabers, sinking her almost instantly. She was an • old boat, and of small value: The Boatmen's, Central and Eureka of Cin• cinnati, had $3,000 eactoon her. Meer and Weather. Lotrumms, March 18.—River falling, with, ten feet nine inches: in the canal b r y mark. Weather clondy and modera- STEAMSHIPS. rre LivEßpoolf, Ali . • QUEENSTOWN. TEE INDIAN'AtAIL STEADISEIII3/ Numbering sixteen flrst-elass vessels,' among to wile celebrated • CITY OF PAttliS A CITY OF ANTWEFP. CITY OF BOSTON, CITY OF •BALTDIIOItE, Balling OITY OF LOND EVERY. (SATURDAY, O f r om Pier 46, t, rth Elver, New York. For nasssge or further' informs:ion amity to • • ITILL4%II.BINGHAM, ar o 10 FIFTH STREET, (Chronicle Ottildlng.• 1./dualv mooing Post °Mee. Pittsbur•li W3Te t 7 E LIME . 200 bbla. - foi J. B.CIAXITZLD, STEAMBOATS! OR - . LOUIS, ,GA- i i ia gr a b . rl3l IT LENA, DEUKE AND ST. DL.—The new and elegaot passenger packet, GLENDALF JOON Si HARZ, Master. Wlll ave .for the above ports on FaIDAT, 19th Inv: at 4F. x. For frelgbt or passage apply on boak or to muttF ACK 4 COLLINGWOOD, Agent,. iI\TOTICE.—AII parties LIN owing or having claims against the steamer LITTLE am REESE, aro notified to call at the °Mee of .T.AI corner. of Duquesne Way and wourth &mi. meat of ihe sau.e. as she has Dd ettlemcnts desired. ` FOR. &T. Lt R I. FIFO- j i gai \ D VIIN 'CRT. OCK ISLAND, DUBI/QU AND B. PAUL. \ SATURDAY, March 20—F. TbO splenald passenger ste , mer GLASGOW ..... A ICD. ROBINSON, JII., wlllicave as announced above. Sror freight. or passe apply on board, or to A. ROBINsON Ja., Master, or • _nll3 • •A A J. COLI S N TT Agents. . WOG. GALENA, D T he AND IST. PAUL.—The ono passenger steamer 3tESSENtiER Capt Jima . DEAN. Will leave Par the above ports on THIS DAN, at 0 A. Mt. For height or passage apply on board, or to • LAMES COLLINS, GHRIEST k CO., Agents. GEORGE F. LIINICENS, at RoelMster Wharf Boar.' Agent. ! mbl2 ORTHERN LINE PACLET.—The new andeiagEt ep ended 1 Bt ti,bl EAPOLI3 Copt. J. B. Ritmo. Will leave for Sr. PAUL. about the 10th of April,, said go through direct. Thle splendid steamer offers very superior aclommooatlons for patstugers and stock. For particulars apply to PLACK & C9LLIN GWOOD; A gents, fel.':eati • . • • or R. C. GRAY. MIOR . A LTON, • ILLI— NOIS.—The splendid passen ger steamer SILVER LASE ' CAPT. TODD, WtL leave'for , the above and intermddlate ports on TEIL4 IJA'r,. at *P. tr. For freight or passage apply on board or to _ ' D. COLLINGWoOD, mhs . JOHN FLACK, Agents. parlrenu.RGH, Idd ir m e . , WHEELING, Nariettaind Parkersburg Line. Leave company's W h arf Boat, foot of Wood street, DAILY, AT 1R M. - MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. BAYA RD ..... loud D. Moore, Master WIDN4DATB AND BAttricoArd, GREY BABLIL ..... ...O. L. BamrsArt, Master. •I Freight will be received at all hours by sets JAMES Com Aria. Awent. 5 . 1)6 Iftlo UF NO) ZTO V: J. L. DILLINOES:.;. "A. Z. STEVEN/. 30N. DILLINGER & STEVENSON , „ COMMISSION MERCHANTS ) 87 Secoud , Street, Pittsburgh, .pa. RECEIVE AND BELL • AU Hindi of Country Produce," • All orders for Merchandise prom ptly filled, / at LOWEST market rates. Particular' attention given to the sale of Rutter, Eggs, Cheese ,Dried Frans, &c, We feel conthlent that we can give entire satisfaction, by making QUICK SALES and PROMPT RETURNS, at HIGHEST HAMLET PRICES. and 'therefore respectfully solicit yotir consign ments. All corres_pondence answered! promptly. Marking Plates furnished free. ,Grain in store and to arrive daily. / I an3l:t7B E STABLISHED t BY & T 7 / W. M. (40RAILY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No: 271 Liberty Street, (DIENCTthr OTP. EAGLE HOTEL,) ' se :fie P'TTT5131711431 , 13. PA. .&• CO., / 7raoLziusx. mixing nt Groceries, Illour.l Grain. Prinking , ' Provisions, Flab, Cheese, Carbon ; ' Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD STREET., near Lib erty 'treat, Pittabdrab. Pa- • n01:n56 INTER KEIL JAB. 1. . BICUA3T. SEA & RICBIART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DIII,LICES Ilt TLOI7II, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, ac., 849 Liberty Nt., Pittsburgh, liiy24:th37 Y. EITISLY 4. A. faZEI.Z. M STEELE & SON, Conimission Merchants, . AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, FEED, ito. No. 98 OHIO SPRZEI. near East Common, ALLEGHENY OPPY. PA. J. lILANCILARD. ' La ' Wholesaln and Retail Groom, No. 39e PENN 8111EET. apitimeo FETZER & AItNISTRONG, - FORWARDING & 'OOIIIIIMIOI XERONANTB, dor the sale of Flour; Grain, Bacon, Lard, But ter, ,geeds,_ _Dried Fruit. and Produce generally; No. 10 MARJO= 13TILBET, corn e r of Pint. Pittsburgh. - .fe22:st TrrTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants Dealers in Produce,-Flour, Bacon, Cheese Fish, Carbon and Lard .011, Iron, 1.7a25, GYM ' Cotton Yarns and all P•.:tsburgh ittantifacturei generally, 1121 and /lA. ditCOND' STREW, Pittsburgh. . , JOHN EIHIPTON IWALLAO2. § I3 I3 . IIPTON & WALLACE' /aria ,Whole -0 ROOERB AND PROD DeR DRAL No. 6 SIXTH WPRZET. PklßeborEch. ' - JOHN I. Hotms..mow. 8013811...•WII. H. HOUSE. JTORN I. ROUSE &BROS., Stlc. moors to JOHN L HOUSE ft CO. Whole. cats Grocers sad commission, !derma &ts, Cor• her of Smithfield and Water Streets. Pittsburgh. WILLIAM MILLER stk. CO., Nos:' 221 and 223 itberty Street. Corner of frwin, now offer to the trade stlow figures, strictly • Prime New Crop New Orinane Sugar and Moines& Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Sugars. 'New York, Philadelpida and Baltimore Re fined do. • Golden Drips, Lovering,, Brunpls, Stuart's, Adams' and Long Island bynips. Porto Rico, Cuba and'English Island Molasses. Young Hysen, Japan, imperial,' ,Clunpowder and' Oolong Teas. - Carolina lad Bangoin Rice. Java, Laraayra and •lo Coffees. Tobacco, !Lard Oil, Flab, Natl., Glaso, 808 ,04 Cotton Tarns, Sc., constantly on band. , AMIEIO, IMPORTERS OF Fine Brandias,Wines and Segars. Rhenish, 'Moselle. and Sparkling flock Wines of liumet & Co.: In bottles. sparkling Moselle, Sahartbsrg. and Jobannls banookbehner. Burgundy, . B r i g indenburg & Irrereal BUG 4L Ol e lve 011; do • do Olaretslmixorted In bottle'. do do White •Wlnel.• ,bottles.' H: wort. & Bons' Sparkling Catawba. Fine old Sherry. Madeira and. Port Wines. Free Old Monongahelaß Whistles. pure. do Very Superior Old Scotch •do do. • ALSO, ImpMlSri Arati for Moot & Ohandon , " Grand Yin. el' • • psesenay and Beller, Champagne. Brandies of our owa select.on and warranted. J2:0111 ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. MBE= IT. G TWEDDLE, MAICOFA6TUREiI OF Lubricating & High Test Earning Oils. Eclipse Railroad Axle Oil. Stands great heat without change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special 011 tropical c 'mates or hot weal hor. Locomotive. Engine, 'leonine Shop, MA cut. Screws Saw Mill and ' , Planing Mill Oils, Adapted for high speed. Spindle 'ail, W.ol!llead•Light 011, Oil, Tanners' Stu Ken sole. Barnes". Oil Parratkine. ARMOR VARNISH, to preserve Bright Iron Wcrk and Machinery from Bust. These producta are manufactured under Dr. Tweddle's patent by Superheated Steam In Vac cub. Thu Lubricating tills are almost odorless, perfectly pore. uniform, and mostly light col ored, stand a high temperature unchanged. and remain limpid during extreme cold. The Railroad Ohs are unequalled,, and-are In constant use on many of the principal Railroads Samples can be examined and orders left at 114 WOOD STREET, Works at bh irpsburg Bridge. tEi REES, street, for en sold And m11.5:g6 WARING AND tea, Conunlssion Merchants and Brokers In Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING,-DLIQUESNE WAY, pirrsatructit, PA.. PRIL.ADELPIDA ADDRESS, WARING, KING & TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its Products, rlttaleirgh I...4IIce—DALBELLS BUILDING, coiner of Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. Philadelphia Mice-IS 7 WALNUT' ST. DIAMOND OIL WORKS; - H. M. LONC St, CO.; Office, DALZELL BUILDING, fel3 ' DagneeneWil. Pitisburgh, Pa. :T CA LINT, 1869, APPLI • CA.TIONS TO rIELL LIQUORS:Med in the terk l a (Mee, for the month of March, 1869, PITTSBURGH. David Mop, tavern, Ist ward; H. H. N ached, tavern, lat ward; - Ed. McDermott, tavern, VA ward; Mathias Hass, tavern, iet ward; John Sehuett. tm'erii. let ward, Mag•a-Tagg. tavern, Ist ward; Patrtsk Devine, tavern, Ist ward; • John itichitne, - eating hours, Ist ward; Fred. Sella, other goods 1s: ward; Geo. Roseufeld, otner goods. lot ward; /kugene Zahrtuger, tale ru, 2d ward; " Adolph Ludwig. tavern, lid ward; . .1 , he Ull. Ich, tavern, 21,1 ward; Jame , Freed.. tavern Ad ward; Fred Ramie. tavern. 21Ward: , P. ingendsby. tavern. 2d wsrd• PeterKol barker. tavern, 3d ward; F: X. arettle. Wrens, ad WS 4; Joseph.Biser. tale, n, 3d ward: Wm. Robinson, tavern, 3.1 ward; Alex. Murray, lavers,. 341 ward; Hays Jr Simon, tavern. 3d ward; Fred. blunts, lavers., 3.1 ward: G P. & Viernei er, 3 i ward; John Kessler. eating house, 34 wa-d; SliriOn 'thcSock, other good;, 3d ward; James A. Lore. tavern 4th ward; J. Roth k ft .11, other gon•IP. 4th ward; James Mooney, tavern- sth ward; Henry Colvrea, tavern, sth ward; John Sweeney, tavern, sth ware; Thelma Grogan &avern, 5s h ward; Ant Anony , Monaghan. Co.. Cavern, nth ward: Christian 31 lier, tavern. Out ward; Mich. Sweeny, tavern, oth ward: John Hartsell, tavern. 6th ward; Wm. Temme eating house. 6th ward. James Freel, other goods, 6th ward; F. Goodwin. other goods, stn ward; - Lemon..t Hanlon, tavern. 91,11 ward; Wm. Hanlon, tavern, 9a ward; Peter Ham, tavern, 9.11 ward; Adam Swinehart, tavern. Seh ward; Joseph Blegner, tavern, 9th ward; Theresa Prate', tavern, 9.11 ward; Joseph fittester, tavern, Ost. ward; Daniel Voltz, tavern, 9sh , ward; • . Salvadorktiocum, tit ern Oth ward;' ' Louie Bear other guods,'9th ward; John Froelich; 'other goads, oth ward; James - eGiuley, tavere.loth ward; Robert Steele, tavern. 101, ward; Boild Smith. tavern, 10th ward•,-. Isaac Snyder, tavern, lilt,, ward; - David coning, tavern, 10th ward: A. & S. Knoorlinger, tavern, 10th ward; Rich. Hoffman, tavern. 12a ward; • John Power', tavern, 12th ward; „ • Charles Milstein, tavern, 12th ward; ' Patrick I tolan, tavern. 12th ward; Hunt erLore. tavern, 1211. ward; Benedict Longer. tavern, 12th ward; Wm: F. Kelly, eating huuse. 12 th'ward; . I Math. Orbiter, other goods. lath ward: - Simnel Moore, ether goods,•l2thward; Geo. A. Grier, tavern, 14 h ward; Daniel ardon. tavern; 15;h ward; Mama Wenger. tavern. lath ward; T.T.lndenfelser & Co.. other goods,lsth ward; Wm. Evans, tavern 16th ward; Margaret Schaffner, tavern, 17th ward; TLos. Fisher, tavern, 17th ward; Adolph Hammond, tavern 19th ward; F. C. Barker, 1 ward. • ALLEGHENY.LHE Wm. Burger., tavern, tat ward: Wm. D. Bois, tavern, Ist ward; Wm.. P. Allison, tavern, Ist ward; Fred. Andriessen, otser goods, let ward; 0. F. Lynch, tavern, 20 ward:.; Fred. Buener. tavern, 2.1 ward; Moms. Tscheditavern. Sid ward; Fred. Baefer. tavern, Sid ward; Lawrence Sproul, tavern, atiward; W. B. Newell. tavern, 2.1 ward; James• Healey, tavern, 2d ward; Patrick McGredy, tavern • 2d ward; Gottletb Tanker, tseern.'3d ward; , Jacob Sigmand...tavern, 3d ward; • - Adam Pool, tavern, 3•1 ward; Fred. Fehulze, tavern,.3d ward; Leonard Kern, tavern, 3.1 ward; August Ycitiek, tavern. 3d ward; NICK. Hock, tavern, 3d ward; Bohn &butters; eating Wats e, 3dwikrd; Fred. Koehendorfer, other goods, 3d Ward; Mind. Gantoner, tavern. 4th ward; Geo. Schmidt, Cavern. 4;n ward; Jos..Stadieman, tavern, 4th ward; .f • Conrad Sontag, tavern, 4th ward; Wm. Hoffman, tavern, 4th wart; John Salzmann, tavern, 4th ward; - Jana Kung . tavern, 4th ward; RI Jahn Gordon r tavern, 4th waral . Eberhard Ellwarmer, tavern, 4tio Ward; • ' • Antony Steffen, tavern, 4th ward; , Christ. Shansenbangh, tasern, 4th ward; Geo. H. Barker, tavern, 4th ward; Lampert Knoth; tav -rn, 4th ward; . 11. Hespenheid & Co., other go ods, 4th ward; Gontelb Bramble, tavern, s th ward; -Jacob Beget, Gavel n, sth wardt Christ. Jacket, tavern, sth wand; Alex. Beenee tavern, sth ward; • Hinson & T h . omas, tavern. 6th ward;, . Andrew Shackle, tavern. 6th'ard;. John Brosey, tavern, oth ward; John Rotenber e rli tavern,/ 6th ward; Richard Mann other goods, oth ward: Stephen Boffin .;eating helve,: Nth ward. Bonovons. Geo. Rimer, tarern, Dlrmlnghantt - Geo. Schafer, tavern, wirmineham; Fred Hagerierag; Birmingham: ' Hermanasmut. tavern, Birmingham; Angnst FOrd:tsVern, Birmingham: • • Martin Shafer r taverni Birmingham; Geo.'EletileY, tavern, - Birmloghatn; ConractSperdel tavern, Braddock; Fred %delta. jaVeVn. •Alizabeth; D. Garver,..tavern, Ilzaheth: Math tdater • tavern. lafieespekrt; JohnWitienbach, tavern. i liresport; Catb. &Mal, tavern, MeK port; Thonms Clark. tavere. Me sport; . • Petermetgar, {aver,, Melfsportt Fred.•Kaui, tavern, South , stsburgh; , Ed. reknit, other goods. th Pittsburgh; Martha Hopkins.' tavern. Bhaepanurg; • Jerome Baum, tavern, Sharpsburg• B. Alath,:tavern. Sharp:ham I TOWNaIIIPS. B. ILFllwortd, tavern. Ellzabetht H. Waldtehrnldt, • eating !mese, Blalock; Peter tlreantaw tavern, Bil Min; Jacob 'eras, tavern, M.Candiess; .. Geo F. Mitler,-eating botwe, Ohio; „Henry -Lteeperum. tavern. Richland; • - John Fredrrlek '& Co., tavern, Rosa; ' '.' J. F. P.,Neattufr. tavern, ROOM • - John S. haler, tavern, ROSS; Eliza Parmaree; tavern , Stder; . • George W. Boyd, tavern, Upper Bt. Clair; Patrick Hughes. tavern, Lower 131. Clair Jos_eph Schell tavern, Lower Bt. Clair; • hi Krelg, eating house, Lower St. Clair; • Wm. Beveridge, tavern. Versailles. - The' License - Board will sit for heating the above apelleations on THURSDAY, the 25th inst., at 9 o'clock A. M. • • JOHN G. BROWN, Clerk. March 16th, 11169. • mhlB 2000 feiRAFIEIF K, S OF PEACH , nit. SO Ale& STEVENEON:. 44 M ) BARRELS OF SORORII MOLASSEti. DLLLINGER a sTEVaxsoN MID OILS. 127 Walnut Street. R AI LROADS . 131TTSBURGIFIk cIIN EttsvlLLa.m=mmr-iNNIS .AILROAD. On and after TURSDAY, Ifoyember, lat , P, trains will arrive at and depart from the Deoot corner of Grant and Water !tree*, as follows; Mall to and from-Union town 7:00 A. at. 6:00 P. If. mckeesimiiai - cOlivivn //Ail) A. sl. 2:05 P. Ex. to and from unt , n • 3:00 T.. at. 10:10 A. X. West Newton Accom'd 4:30 r.m. 8:35 A. X. Braddock's Accomdt'n. 6:15 r. x. 7:50 P. 31 Night Ac. toXciPsport.lo:3o P. 6:45 A. Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton 1:00 P. X.10:00 A. For tickets apply • Z. M. RAYMOND, Agent W. B. STOUT. superinteneent. • no2o C NGE OF ALLEGHENY, VALLEY RAILROAD, On sad after MONDAY, NovemtWr oth. ISBS. TWO TRAINS DAILY will leave Pittsburgh Station, corner of Eleventh and Pike 'streets for Franklin, °Welty, Buffalo, and all Points 1 1 1 the 011 Iteetons. • RILEAVE PITTSBURGH. ARRIV IN PITTSBURGH Mall'. . . ... 7:15 am Mall . . 5:40 p m Express 7:10 D m Expre ss 6:30 Brady's B Ac 3:00 p m Bradys R Ac 10:30 I'm Ist &Ida Works Ist Soda Works • AcoomcL... 10:50 a m Accomod , n. 8.20 ara 2d Soda Works 2d Soda Works ' Accomotl'n. 5:00 pm Accomod'n. 3:40 pre Church Train leave Ittsburgh at 1:10 P. Y. Arrive at Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. B. _Passengers taking express train have but one change of cars betiveen Pittsburgh. Buffalo and 011 Regions.. Mail. and Express - Trains stop , only at principal points. Mixed Way and AD. commodatiod trains stop at all stations. HOMAS M. KING, Ass't. Sur% W. FOSTER Rory, Ticket Agent. nog PITTSBURGH, C INCINNATI ANDwcw-l' •.' . LOUIS RAILWAY. PAN HANDLE HOWL CHANGE OF TTME.—On and after: IitiNOAT: Nov.22d, 1868, trains will leave and arrive at tin 'Union Depot; as follow, rittsburglt time: DOA:wt. Arvin. Mail Expre5—..«......; 3:13 a. m. 18.13 a. m. Faat Line 19:13 a. m. 7:33 p. m. Fast -Express - 2:58 - p. m. 18:18 a. m. Mixed Way 5:43 a. m. 6:43 p.-tit. Mo.Donald , s Aec , n, No. 11:1:88 a. in. 8:33 p.m. Steubenville Aceommod. 3:38 p. to. 9:4-8 a. m.. MnDonald , s Ace.n. No. 2..6:08 D. in. 3:18 p. ni. SAW 3:38 P. t. Zxpress will leave dar.r. .131:131.. sr, Mall will arrive dully. Tbe 10:13 a. m. Train leaves daily, Sunday/ e3tepted, and makes close connections al New. ark is. Zanesville and points on Sandusky Mansfield a Newark R. R. S. F. BOULL, General Ticket Agent. W. W. CARD, Sup't., !Steubenville, n 025 1868. PITTSBURGH FORT WAYNE k CHICAGO F. W. and CLE'V'ELAND &PITTSBURGH E. R. Dec. 21 31 h..., Ig6g,ArallUl will leave fr ont and arrive at the union Depot, north side, Pitts burgh ei=e, as follows, Chicago Ex....3:03 m Erie k Ygn 11 1 17:213 a m Cl. WICg11'16:518 a m Chicago ita11..4:513 a m Chicago Ex.. 10:0S a m Wh'ir Ex 2:513 p m Chicago Ex.. 2:43 pm W'e Erf e Ex4:53 Dspurtfrom AliephouP. N. HMO's' Ac. B:SS a m Leetsdale " 10:23.a'm " ' " 11:58 am Rochester" 1: ig Pm Leetsdale Acc.3: m N. Brigt , n " . 5 :33 P m N. Brigt'is " .o:3ll3Pin Leetsdale " 10:43pm Leetsdale Sun. day Church. 1:13 p m Aar 2:43 p. m. Mem: Sir 11:58 a. in. Chi du= Y. NYEIIB, Chicago Ex..; A :13 ' reeago Ex.. 11:58s eeting Ex 11:13 ti stline Mall 3:53m !' Wage Ex....4:35m leveland Ex 4:09m i rle & Ten Exs:l3m CI. &Whit Rail:ss.st Arrive in Allegheny N. Brigt ' n Ae.7:03 am W. Brlal'n . " R:` Sam. New Castle "10:33 am Leetsdale " 9:13 am ... " 1 :ON put N. Brigt'n . " 2:13 pm Leetsdale `• 4:*3 pm 411, .. 7:18 via Leetsdale sun- m day uhnrch. 9:5S ant go Express leaves daily. Express arrives daily. General Ticket Agent: • ENNEITLVA-ammEnt NIA CENTRAL RAIL R AD. Onand after Nor, 213th. 11568. Trains will arrive at and depart from the Union DePot, corner o; Washington and Liberty streetoola follows: Attlee._. Depart. Mail Train.... 1:30 a miDay Express.. 2:30 am Past Line 2.40 a m Wall" s No. 1.. 6:30 am Wall's No. 1.. 8 20 a m Mail Train ... .. 6:15 am BrintonAccin. 7:50 a m •Cinciniti Ex 12:35 p 1 m, Wallis No. 2.. 8:50 a m Wall's N0.2..11:20 aM Cincinnati Ex.9:40 a m Johnstown Ac. 3:25 pm Johnstown Ac10:35 a miltraddocks No11:20pm Baltimore Ex. 1.45 p m Phila. Express 5:10 pm Phila. Express 2:05 pm' Wall's No. 3.. 5:20 pm Wall's No. 3...... 1:30 p m Wallis No. 1.. 6:15 pat Bratidocks No15:50 p in Fast Line 7:50 pm Wallis No. 4. 7:25 pm Wall's.No.s.. 11:50 pm Way Massie!' 10:20 p m • The Church Train leaves Walls Station every Sunday at 9:15 a. m., reaching Pittaburgh at 10:00 a. m. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12;50 p. m. and arrly en at Walls Station at 9:80 p. m. 'Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All other trait a daily except Sunday. . For flutter information apply_to W. R. B'ECKWITH, .Agent. The Pennsylvantaßaßroad Company will not as . slime any risk forßaggage, except for wearing ap• parel,and limit their responsibility to One Han dre.' Dollars In value. '.All - Baggage exelieding ths t amount in value will be at.the_ risks/ the ownar. unless fake ,, by special contract: , EDWARD H. WILLJA3I2I.z nal General Superintendent, Altoona, V. W• EST ERIII-MCMgal R PENNSYLVANIA ROAD.-0n and after b ov. 22d,18138, the Par senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rai road will arrive at and depart from the Feder.l Street Depot, Allegheny City. as follows: Arrfee. _ _ . , Depart.- i , Ws— gd'e No16:40 i m7:00 a m Freeport No.18:20 a m reeport No. 1 9:15 am Express 10:40 a m arpb'g Nol 11:90 am Sharpie , N 0.11125 p m press . 2:45 pm Freeport, No.; 4:90 p m ringd ie 21 o I 3:510 pm Mall • 5:55 pm eeperrt N0.25:20 pm Springd'e N028:45 p m Spring:Pe No27:110 pm Aboye trains run daily except Sunday.- The Church Train leaves Allegheny . Junction every Sunday at 7:40 a. tn., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. 1M Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:90 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Job* tion at 3:45 tr. M. CollaHrrAnow Tlemaia—For sale in packages of Twenty,' between' Allegheny' City,_ Chestnut street, Harris, Bennett, Pine Creek, Et and Sharpsbnri and gOod only on the trains st opping ping at Stations imaged on tickets. ,_ • , The trains - leaving Allegheny City at 7:00 a. 'a. make direct connection at Freeport t withWal. ker's line of Stages for Butler and BarmahL town. Through tickets mm be purchased at. the. Ofilm No. I ut Clair street, near the Suspensfcnßridger, Pittstrur. b, and at the:Depot, Allegheny. !or further inf J rmation apply to ANES LEFFERTS, et Agent, Federal StreDepot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad , ffin not as same say risk for Baggage, except for wearing woparel, and limit thew responstbllll7 to• One Hundred Dollars in value. All baggage exy seeding this amount In value wilibe at the-risk Of the owner, naleu taken by special Cont EDWAR H. WI A LIABB ract. , no= GeillATil Superinten D dent. lte L ona. FS. . . S MOK Y HILLMBRAIE UNION' PACIFIC RAILWA; Eastern : Division. The SHOILTEST RELL‘BI ROUTE from t43.e . BIM to 1111,POinia In Colorado, • Nevada, ti Caltlornigt,. Utah, Arirona,' IPlasitingt.cn, New Iltlealco,, Idabo, t.i • ....'Oregon.) t.ri - • TireTraine t teive State Line and Learenwerth daily. (Snodaya exceptedjon the arrival ot trains Of Paolfic Railroad 'iroxiiiSt. Louts. and' Haunt. pal and St. ',Yoe itailroad homLucy. connect. 'at • Lawritne.e, Topeka and ydi ameth st.a r ies for all , points) In, . Kansas. At end of tract west • of Ellsworth with - the UNITED STATES EXPRESS CONSAbik , S DAILY LINE OF OVERLAND.MAIL Aka) garasse CtIAORES FOR P3EZITY - Eng SALT ,ILAISEMS . . - ~ • te.ND All Points', in the Teititoileti iwiww;aNDEßEgma nu-wxxxLy LINE of MAO for Po Union, Bent , svFort; PSI. Albuquerque,. Santa We, and all Rohde..ill 4 ” 1.. sons and New Mexico. - • - • - With the renew additions of *Mug stock aid eittlip'ment,' and the' 'arrangements • made with responsible Overload Transportation Lines from its western t e rmi nu s , ..this road 110 W offer s unequalled :Wales- for the transmission of trelrht to the rar West. Tie/cats ter sale 'at all the DriedPdl ""'''l its She tinned Mate' and Canades Be Bare and Mar for tickets via TR'S fildOlyi. HILL It.OUTUNION ,1 /0 s ZASTRIIA DI VI SION . - • - ANDEIIBO3I4 ' OeLeral Superiutendeal H, WEBSTEEs General Freight and Whet Agi a Arrime. Dept;Ert . r=