PITTSBURGH MARKETS. „ °OE OrYsITTSBURGE GAZETTE, - M WEDNEDAY, "Muth 17, 1869. The markets in a general way present but little that is really new or important. There seems to t te a more cheerful feel ing in commercial circles, and the feel ing is gaining ground that there will be a good Spring trade, and that the dull ness and depression which have so long prove . ed, will be succeeded by that bony cy and activity which usually preva I s at this Season of the year. AP LE BUTTER-85@90c. f APPLES—In fair demand and limit d supply; sales at s4@6 for fair to g d, and 56,50 for choice. BUTTER Prime to choice Roll is in good demand, and we .can report rega l:la sales at 48g45. • CHEESE—SaIes of Factory at 23 and - New Ydrk - Gpshen at 24. Market almost bare. CARBON' OlL—Dull and lower, and may now be quoted at 29@29%, ' BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—DuII; 3(g)3 4 . CORNMEAL—SI.,7S©I,BS per cwt. • CRANBERRIES—SaIes at slB@s22. DRIED FRUIT—DuII bat duckange : Peaches 14@15 for quarters: 1614;17 for mixed, and 18®20 tor halves. Apples 11@124 cis. , EGtis—ln good Supply but with a slightly improved demand, prices are inentained at 21@22. - HAY—The market for baled is a Shade better and we now quote at 524® 27, Wiwi:lad. fox' good to strictly prime. HOMINY—S6,OO@S6,2S per barrel. PROVISIONS—The market is a shade firmer, but prices as yet are unchanged. Bacon is quietand unchanged at 143 x, for Shoulders; ,Ri abed Sides, 163;@17, and Clear Sides, at is@isy,,, and Sugar Cared Hams 19%. Steamed. Lard, 19®1935; and kettle rendered, 20(i)20%. Mess Pork 13 2 @ 32 1 50 . POTATOES —Dull but unchanged, at 75@80 for small lots in store. - PEANUTS—IO eta per pound. 'GRAIN—Wheat is dull and neglected and unchanged; No.l Spring $1,43@1,45, and No. 1 Winter $1,55. Oats quiet and unchanged at 6:)(ga6B on track and, 68©70 .in store. Rye is still quoted at $1,40 for Western, and $1,42®1,43 for prime Suite and Ohio. Barley is quiet; W(§)2,10 for good to prime State, and, $2,15 for choice do. Corn is dull and unchtuaged at 75@B°. SEEDS—WA can report regular sales of Cloverseedlit $10@10,50 and Timothy at - 15,50@3,60. Flaxseed is scarcer and may be quoted of 52,45®2,50. • • SALT—Is quiet but steady, and is still quoted at $2 by the car load. SORGHUM.-430@65c. - FEATHER S-A shade firmer, and we DOW quote live geese feathers at 80 to the trade, and the usual advance in a retail wa-v. FLOUR—Continues dull and with out material- change. Sales good to choice Spring Wheat brands, at $6,75(4)7,25 and Winter Wheat, The following are the Pearl Wall prices for. their brands of flour made of the • beat wheat: Pearl Mill threSstar green brand, in barrels, $10,40 in sacks 510,10; double extra in barrels $9,50, and in I sacks at $9,20; Pearl Mill family in bar. rels, $8,50, and In sacks at 58,50, Spring Wheat brands in barrels $7,50, and in sacks 17,20. The. Pittsburgh City Mills °- -prices are as follows: Choice White Win • ter Wheat Flour, n bbls, $9,30, and nicks_ $9,00, choice led Winter Wheat Flour, in bbls, $7,75, and in sacks $7,50; -choice Spring Wheat Flour, in bbls, $7,30, and in sacks, $7 per bbl. GROCERIES The Grocery market continues dull and Sugars within the past week have still farther declined, and even at the decline there is little or - no demand, as buyers generally -are , holding off in anticipation of a still further reduction. Molasses and Syrups are also lower, while Coffee is steady at L ' previous quotations. The following are ;-the ruling quotations: SUGARS—Good to prime' Cuba, 134 g) 1435; do Porto Rico, -13@14%; do New . Orleans, 13354@15; Crushed, 18: "A.” Cof. fee, 17%; "R" 16,i; EL "C," 1335; "C" Yellow, 16. Morassse—Sales of Good to Choice New Orleans at 80@f85. • Corns—Fair to Good Rio, 20@22; Prime, 2435@25; Choice, 26@2635. Sys:use—Amber' 75; Silver Drips, $1; White Drips, $1,25. - Rios—Carolina, 11 to 1134 c; Rangoon, . good, 100. - Tates—Young Hyson, $l,lO to 1,85, G. P., 51,10 to 1,90. Imperial, $1,40 to 1,80. Oolong, 85 to $1,45. Son Chong, 900 to 51,50. ' arsrien—Pearl, 735; Silver Gloss, 12%c, and Corn Starch, 13c. ' • CONCENTRATED LYE-43,00 per case. Fauns—Layer Raisins, - $4,00. per box; Matt do, .18,25; Prunes, 15c; Currants, 14c. ;• Ssicss—Cassia, 90o; Cloves, 45c; grain Pepper, 36 to 38c; Allspice, 33c; Nut megs, $4 50 . BAB LEAD-12%c; Shot, $3,50 perkl. ' SoAss— "Rabbit's," 1 2c; "Oakels, ' Wc;' Rosin, 5 to 7c; "Dobbin's,' 15c; x, 10c;'Chem. Olive, 935 c. CANDLES—MouId, 160; Star, 25c. • Br CARE SODA-07,50 per 100. LARD OIL-We L' now quote No.l at ' 41,65, and N 0.2 at $l l 3O. -." 4 WHlSKY—Highwmffi_dull but nn changed; may be ,qtroted — ia a jobbing -,LLL way at 94g95. - Markets by Telegraph Nsw Yons, March 17.—Cotton decid edly. more active, and a shade firmer ; sales of 4,3 00 bales at 25)%c for middling uplands. Flour receipts: 2,518 bbls, and 27,580 bags. Flour a .shade' firmer and more doing, the improvement chiefly on low grades; sales of 980 bbls at $5,30® 5,85 for superfine State and Western, 118,00@8,50 for extra State, 85,95490 for extra® t $6,90©7,35 for B, white wheat extra, $6,10@7,35 for round hoop Ohio, $7,00@8,50 for extra St. Louis, and $9,00@11,00 for good choice; do. closing steady. Rye, flour heavy; sales of 350= bbls at 535,00®8,00. Corn meal doll and declining, Whiskey dull; sales of 50 bbls Western at 9534 c? Wheat re ceipta: 83,587 bush. Wheat I@2o better for spring, and without any decided ac - ,1 tivitb sales of 41,000 bush at $1,45@1,48 • for No. 2 spring in store and delivered, 11,55 for extra abaci, No. 1 do. delivered, and 'M541,72 for white. Rye 'nominal. Barley quiet 'and heavy. Barley malt quiet. Corn receipts: 10,820 bush. Corn dull and lc lower; 89,000 bush at SW@ 88if fbr new mixed western; 89@90c for western yellow. Oats: recei pt s were 887: Prices are /ewer; Wes 9,000 btleh at 78@73/c for westernbi store; :7 5c for do. idlest, sloe ordet. co ff ee_ , t. sugar in fair demank sales 1,250 hds c u b & at 12,©12/0; also 150 boxes Havana at ny e _ 1,10 asses dull. petroleum firm at 17c for crude:. 3130 for refined, , bonded. Hops dull at 5€5150 for &inert-. Amu. Linseed 011 quiet at st a ol@ Lo3. 'Coal: foreign_ is qniet at i 9,50 for New Castle g as; $l5 for Liverpool how,e can • uei; domestic is in moderate request at sr„,6o®7 per cargo. Leather:.. hemkock sole is in, moderate re:iest at 1;432 ; Buenos Ayres and Rio cirand light , and middle weights. Wool 15 quiet stikun. changed; 125,000 lbs sold at 50(4,550 fore domestic fleece; 850 for scoured; 47,2449 e • pulled. Spirits Surpentlne dull and heavy . at 48(&48%0. Pork in fair demand. sales of _1,300 bbls; 451,87 @um, for ne w: mess; $31•25@112,50 for old niem4; 4128,25 !! 111.1 Mai ®27,25 for prime; 528,75®30,00 for prime mess;. also sales of 1,500 bbls new mess at - 532,00, seller till April. Beef. dull; sales' of 100'bble; 12c - lor new plain mess; 12® ®lBO for new extra mess. Tierce beef, heavy ; $25,25®30,00 for prime mess; $27,00®33,00 for India mess. Beefliams, firm; sales of 300 bbls at $25,00 ®31,50. Cat meats, dull; sales of 130 pkgs at 12% ®l3O for shoulders, and 16®17c for hams. Dressed hogs, quiet; 14®11%c ' for west ern, and 14311®15c for city. Middles, firmer; sales of 400 boxes; 16%0 for Cum berland Cut; 16%®17c for short ribbed; 17%®17% for short clear. Lard, firmer; sales, 800 tierces; 18®19 is for steam; 19% for kettle rendered; also, 100 tierces steam, seller for March and April, at 19%. Butter quiet at 30 ®4O for Ohio, and 42® 55c for Stats. Cheese quiet at 18@22c. Metal—Sheeting Copper steady at $33; bigot Copper dull and declining at $26 for all kinds. Pig Iron firm, with fair business doing, at $40®42,50 for Scotch, and $37@43 for American. Bar Iron dull at 585@90 for refined English and Amer ican. Sheet Iron scarce and in moderate request at 11%@13c. in gold, for Russia. Nails steady at s®lBc for out, 1335 ®6%c for clinch, and 27 ®3oc for horseshoe. Freights to Liverpool quiet and firm. ' Latest.—Flour closed s@loc better, with more doing in common grades Wheat a shade firmer for spring and dull and heavy for winter. Rye nominal. Oats dull and heavy, at 73c for western in store. Corn dull and heavy, at 863,® 87%c for new mixed western. Pork firm, with buyers of new mess at $32, cash and regular. Beef dull and heavy. Cut Meats quiet and without decided change. Bacon firm, with a moderate inquiry. Lard steady, at 19@191.c for fair to prime steam. - Eggs steady, at 24®2130. QuinAi:3o,March 17.-Eastern exchange steady at 1-10 per cent. , off buying and 1-10 premium selling. Flour firmer at 55,00@6,25 for spring extras, and 53,62% ®4,65 for spring superfine. Wheat is firmer and ly,@l%c higher; sales of No. 1 at 51,15@1,144. No. 2 at $1,11%@1,12%, No. 3 at 51,03@1,04%, rejected at 96c; closing steady at'41,12,. for No. 1; • sales since close of 'Change at 51,11%. Corn firmer and more-active and 114®136c higher; sales of new at 54®54‘, no grade at 51®520; closing at 54%0 for new and 52c for no grade; unchanged this afternoon. Oats in fair req uest and 1 4 @l%c higher; sales of No. at 53@54)4c, and rejected at 500: closing' with seller No. 2at 53%c; sales at 54c, seller April. Rye in fair demand and 1®24 higher; sales at $1,19@1,20 for No. 1, and $1,16@ 1,17% for No. 2; closing at $1,19@1,20 for No. L Barley dull and nominal at 51,80 @1.82 for No. 2 in store. Highwines firmer at 89c. Seeds dull at $2,9003,05 for Timothy, and $9,50 for Clover. Mesa Pork firm and 25@bl:hi higher; sales at $31,50; closing with buyers at $41,25, and sellers at 531,50. Lard held at 18Y.@ 185{c. Sweet Pickled Hamssold at 16%c. Dressed Hogs quiet at $12,00@12,75; closing et 512,50. Receipts for past 24 hours-6,432 bbls flour, 23,450 bus wheat, 32,690 bus corn, 15,869 bus oats, 3,550 bus rye, 3,114 bus barley, 3,078 bogs. Ship ments-7,031 bbls flour, 5,559 bus wheat, 32,013 bus corn, 9,254 bus oats, 5;089 bus rye, 4,925 barley. 2,224 hogs. ST. Lours, March 17.-Tobacco, unchanged. Cotton is quoted at 27g 240. Hemp, nothing doing. Flour. , drill, weak; superfine, $4,50®5,50; 55,25@6,25; XX, $5,75®7.25. XXX 57,50 8,50. Wheat is more active but un changed; 51,35@1.60 for choice to fancy, $1,75®1;95 for spring; . $1,15@1,18 for No. 2; $1,20®1,22 for No. 1. Corn, firmer; 67470 c for sacked. Oats dull, lower: 60@62c. Barley, heavy, lower; $1,90® 1,95 for choice lowa and Illinois spring; $2,25®2,35 for fancy Minnesota, 52,25@ 2,55 for prime to choice. Rye, firm; $1,27@1,30. Whisky, dull; 90 cents. Groceries are very dull, nothing doing from first hands. Sugar ranging at 13@1.40. Coffee nominal at 725 1 ,4@ 25%c for choice. Pork stiff at $32. Bulk meats higher at 16c for short rib sides. and 16 1 40 , for loose clear sides. Bacon stiff with jobbing sals shoulders at 13% ®l4c; 16%®17c for c e lear rib sides, and 173.60 for clear sides. Lard in better de mand at 183(@1440. Receipts - 4,400 bbls f10ur,13,700 bush wheat, 1,200 bush corn, 8,00 bush oats, 3,400 bush barley, 2,200 bush rye. CINCINNATI, March 17.-Flour dull: family 56,25@6,50. Wheat dull and prices nominal. Corn in moderate demand at 64c for No. 1; shelled held_ at 66c. Oats dull and unchanged at 65c for No. 1. Rye steady at $1,44@1,45. Barley unchang ed. Cotton dull, with middlings at 27,4 c. Whisky dull at 90,5910. Provisions gen erally firmer and prices in some cases higher. Mess Pork advanced to $32,25, [ and is now held at $32,50®33,00. Bulk meats held firmly at 13c for shoulders, I and 15@15 1 4 0 for sides. Bacon held at 14c for shoulders, and 17®17 1 ,0 for clear rib and clear sides, but not much de mand, nor is there much offering. Lard held at 19c, with no sales. Butter scarce and firm at 33@420. Eggs 19c and firm. Cheese very scarce at 22c. No change in Oils. Sugar steady at 13%®146c for raw. Coffee firm at 21@230-latter rate for choice. Gold 131 buying. Exchange firm at par to 50 premium buying, and 1-10 premium selling. TOLEDO, March 17.-Flour inactive, with small salesof fine at $4,75. Wheat a shade better but quiet; amber 51,47%; No. 1 white Michigan $1,67%@1,68; white regular $1,47@1,48. Corn; No. 1 quiet and unchanged. at 66c; No. 21c better and moderately active at 63c. Oats lc better and quiet, at 61c for No. 1. Rye dull and nominally unchanged. Barley; Canada was offered at 42,15, but without buyers. Dressed Hogs nominal. Re ceipts-1,700 bbls flour; 4,500 bush wheat; 22,000 bush corn; 10,000 bush oats; 700 bush barley. Shipments-1,000 bbls flour; 3,200 bush wheat; 31,000 bush corn; 7,000 bush oats; 600 bush rye. CLEVELAND, March 17.-Flour-City Made at $10,25©10,50 for treble extra, white $8,50®8,75 for double extra, amber, 57,50@7,75 for double extra, rod winter 56,50@6,75 for extra. Country Made at $7@S for double extra red and amber, $6,75@7 for spring, $9,60010 for double extra white winter. Buckwheat" Fleur $B,OO. Wheat, No. 1 red winter held at $1,42. No. 2 do. held at 51,30. Corn held 70. Oats held at 60. Petroleum market continues dull, refined nominal at 29® 30 as being rates for car lots for standard white. BUFFALO, March 17:-Flour steady and but little doing, Wheat dull, 700 bush Amber Michigan sold at 51,48; other grades nominal. New Corn is in fair demand and scarce sales; common to yellow 80@824 on track, old norninal, 900 in Store. Oats dull and - unchanged. Rye nominal. Barley nominal at 52405® 22,10. Pork dull and'steady, sales 3,250_ bblif heavy mess. Lard very quiet and quoted at 19@19;4c,,Ifighwines nominal at 95d; retailing at about 97. intact:Mil; March 17.-Flour dull and nominally unchanged.. Wheat firm and higher ;11 I. 12;4 No. 1; $l OBl 4 No 2. Oats nominally, 53@53'4 NO. 2. Fresh corn steady, 560 new, Rye firmer, 51 12 @ll4. Barley nominal. Provisions quiet and unchanged. Dressed hogs firm and unehanged. ' Iteceipts-4,000 Flour.; 10,000 wheat; 3,000 oato ; 1,000 corn ; I',ooo rye ; 1,000 Barley. Ship ments-5,000 flour; 3,000 wheat; and 1,000 bbls pork. LOUISVILLE, March 17.-Tobacco: sales 217 aids at 14,12017,75 for lugs to me.' diurn Hart county leaf. Cotton, 2634 c.: Masa Poik, 532,50. Lard, 190. Bacon: PITTSBURGH shoulders, 143 , 4 c; c ear rib aides, 17340; clear -sides, 18c. Bulk Meats: , shoul ders, 133.0; clear rib sides, 1634 c; clear sides, 17c. Superfine Flour, $5,50@6,00.• Wheat, $1,50@1,55. Corn, 63@65c. Oats, 62@64c. Rye. 51,50. Whiskey 92c for free. Flay, $l6. MIMPITII3. March 17.—Cotton is nomi nally held at 2734 c; the receipts today: were 666 bales, and the exports, Vb. Flour is quiet, with sales of superfine at 56(4)6,50. Corn is in good demand at 77®80c. Oats dull at 74Q75c. Hay firm at $26,50©27. Pork, $33. Lard is dull atsl9M@2o%o. Bacon is steady at 150 for shoulders, and 173,g18c for sides. Bulk Meats are quiet, at 13c for shoul ders, and 163 0 for sides. • PiarransLritia, March 17.—Flour dull and weak, with sales northwestern extra family at $6,50@7, and Ohio at s6@9. Wheat dull, with sales 3,000 bash red at li6 0 , and amber at 516567. Re at 01,5312;4,57. Corn dull, , withsales ye y llow at 88@900. Oats unchanged. Petroleum unchanged. Provisions are held firmly, but there is very little doing. Whisky steady at 93@98c. CHICAGO, March 17.—Live Hogs opened firmer and active, closing tame, with salsa at 39 ,00@9;37 1 ,4 for common, $9,62% @lO,OO for fair to medium, $10.123@10,70 for good to choice, and $1,0,95@11,12 1 4 for extra prime. Beef Cattle active at $5,40 @6,00 for stockers, $6,3714@6,75 for me .dium, and $7,00©7,75 for good to choice shipping steers. BALTIMORE, March 17.—Flour inactive. Wheat very dull; sales fair Maryland red at $1,35©1,40. Corn dull and lower; prime white 80@)82c; yellow opened at 86(488c, but closed steady at 85c. Oats dull; light Maryland 59@650. Rye dull at $1,35@1,40. Provisions very firm at yesterday's prices. Whisky dull at 95c. Sr. Lours, March 17—Cattle market. —Cattle; receipts and demand light; prices unchanged, ranging at 4@7;;0. Dry Goods Market.- NEw Youk, March 17.—Incteasing de. wand for seasonable goods and for all ' desirable makes. Prices rule firm! but some concessions are being made on least desirable patterns of domestic prints. The Amoakeag prints now sell at 12c. Victory at 11c; Freeman and Arnolds each 1144 c,, and Lowell and Brastgs 10c better; qualities are firm at 133ic and calico at 14c. All domestic brands of heavy, plain and colored commons firm at full former rates; imported dress goods of desirable grades, good request at full prices, and so are imported linens, large particularly in light supply and firm. Alpaca brands have risen 5c and now sell at 1,00©111,05. 'p ZErrE THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1869. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE & Cm -OAOO RAILROAD, Mardi 17. 11 cars metal, Nimick & Co; 3 dodo, John Moor head; 3 dodo, J Wood, Son & Co; 3 do do, .J W Porter; 2 cars wheat, Scott dr. Gisal; 100 bbls flour,.D Wallace; 200 do do, 76 sks rye, 6 do seed, Culp dr Shep ard; 2 cars rye, 1 do wheat, J W Simp son; 100 bbls dour, Watt, Lang & Co;4300 do do, owners; 129 bdls hides, G H An derson; 10 tcs hams, Dalzell et Townsend; 2 bbls crackers, Lewis & M'Clure; 45 bbls; spirits, Hostetter & Smith; 5 kgs liquor, John O'Connor; 1 car barley, 1 do rye, W J Meek; 100 bbls flour, J Bon ner; 100 do do, P Schlegal; 40 do apples, Voigt, Mahood & Co; LOS sks 'barley, W H Ganard; 56 sks rye, D Wallace: 2 cars rye, T Moore & Son: 1 do barley, 9 sks eloverseed, Keil & Ritchart; 1 car hay, 0 H Allertou; 50 bbls highwines, M M'Cullough; 8 do apples; 1 do butter. H Rea Jr; V. bales cotton, A H Childs & Co; 1 car millfeed, R01 , b4.t. Herron; 1 car bones, Seward & Campbell; 9 hf bbls butter, Van Gorder & Shepard; 5 bbls pearls, S Harbaugh & Co; 3 pkgs . butter, W H Graff & Co; 2 cars lumber, Mix well dr Davis. • CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH RAIL- ROAD, March 17.-10 cars warm ore, Shoenberger & Blair; 5 cars pig iron, N,mick & Co; 300 sks oats, J & W Fair ley; 238 do do, 5 bbls pearl barley, Strickler t M; 250 sks barley; H E Strong; 1 car pig iron Lloyd .k Black; 1 do do, Wm Smith; 84 alts oats, 49 do rye, sdo barley, McHenry I Hood; 5 bbls oat meal, Seighmyer Jr V; 10 kgs, 3 bbls" pearl barley, Watt, Lang & Co; 10 kgs pearl barley, S P Shriver Co; 5 bales excelsior, E Edmondson & Co; 2 bbls whisky, J S Finch & Son; 30 bbls pota toes, 13 Riddle; 14 bdls rockers ' Bedford Chair Co; 3 do do, T B Young do Go; 8 sks rags, Frazier, M & Co; 1 keg apple butter, 1 do lard, Voigt, Mahood it Co. .ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD, March 17.-480 bbls oil, Fisher Bro; 240 do do, D Jl Edgerton; - 160 do do E Long; 9 bgs rags, 1 bbl seed, J E Cowan; 5 bbls whisky, bicCullough,Smith dc Co; 3 cars metal, McKnight, Porter & Co; 5 do limestone, Shoenberger & Blair; 20 bbls Oil, D O Shearer; 1 car hay, Bing ham it Laing; 1 car metal, H Woodsides; 50 bgs oats, Gay & Welsh; 1 car metal, Lyon, Shorb it Co; 1 bbl eggs, Knox ik I Orr; 12 bgs oats, Jas Shearer; I bbl eggs, Patterson & Ross: 33 sks grain, George Viroolslayer; 1 ear grain, Keil &Sitchart; 23 bbls onions, Voigt, Mahood & ALLEGHENY STATION ' March 16.-17 1 car lumber, Lemon & Weise; 65 bdls Bids, A Holstein; 1 car wheat, Kennedy & Bro; 1 bbl egos, John Selling; 13 rolls leather, Jas Gallery; 6 bbls apples. Moore & Bro; 2 do eggs, 1 box butter, J , Kohen; 1 car shingles,:C C Boyle & Co; 2 bbls eggs, 1 do butter R gt A Carson; 1 car oats, R Knox •& Son; icor middlings M Steel tic Son; 15 doz pails, J 0 Hanlon: 10" do do, H Riddle; 1 car iron ere, Lind say & - M'Cutcheorn 1 • car wheat, W Mc- Kee & Co; 1 do barley, J Rhodes it Co. PITTSBURGH AND . CONNELI4VILLE RAILROAD, March 17.-2 cars metal, Bryan & Caughey- 1 do do, John Moor head; 3 sks flaxseed, S P Shriver & Co; 23 kga nails, Lewis 011iver & Phillips, 35 kgs powder, D N C Bidwell; 20 bbls charcoal, S APCuckert- PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD, March 15.2 sks cloverseed, A Kirkpat . rick & Co; 74 bgs barley, Rhodes & Co; 20 illour bbls, W W A.hderson. RIVER NEWS. There hays:oBon. no arrivals since the date of our last report with the exception of the regular packets. The Wild Duck and Lorena from St. Louis, are among the first boats due. The river remains about stationary at this point with seven feet six inches in the channel by the Monongahela marks. The weather continues clear and cold. The Savanna left for the Upper Misfits sippi yesterday with a good trip, includ ing quite a number of passengers. The new steamer Carrie V. Kountz, de parted for Port Benton, Capt. I. C. Van hook in command. She has, we under stand, engagementa below. The Bayard, Captr GM Moore. Is the regular packet for Parkersburg to day, leaving promptly at noon. The. Silver . Lake No. 4, Capt. Todd, is announced for St. Louis and Missouri River, forthwith. , The Messenger, Capt. Jesse Dean, is announced to leave for the Upper Mis sissippi this evening. She is an excel lent boat, and offers superior induce ments to passengers. • • The Glasgow another good boat, Capt. 'Andy Robinson, Jr., is also announced for the Upper Mississippi forthwith. ■ The Kate Putnam departed for pinata- nati and Louisville, last evening, with a good trip. The America, Capt. James Hamilton, takes her departure.for St. LopisAo.day, and passengers and+ shippers- should bear this in mind. Capt. A. S. Shepard has charge of the office. The. Carrie V. Kountz had 500 tons on leaving here and 125 tons engaged be low. —The Emma and Mollie Ebert were loading at Ciniennati, for Pittsburgh, on Tuesday. —The Annadillo, St. Louis to Pitts burgh, wait Cairo on Tuesday, as was also the Leonidas, from NOW Orleans. —The Sallie, Pittsburgh to the moun 7 tains, also left Cincinnati on Tuesday, with asplended trip. Pilots—James Madison and John Kirkpatrick. —The Maggie Hays, Pittsburgh to St. Louis, left Cincidnati on Monday,Sull of passengers and loaded to her utmost ca pacity both boat and barge. Pilots— Barney Clark and Chas Boyer.l —The New Albany Ledger, of Monday states that Capt. Stein, of the P. W. Sirs der, had to pay. Jesse Mitchell, of Bed ford, Ind., 1450 for keeping live stock on board three or four days after the adver iised time of the departure of 'the boat. The Strader had agreed to take a lot of 100 horses at lower rates than the Vir ginia, and after the departure of the lat ter she laid over several days. —The Cincinnati Gazette of Tuesday says: •There was a report on the wharf boat last evening, that the G. ;A. Thom son, now on her way pare from Arkan sas.river, with Captain Alex. Frazier in command, had been sold to parties in Lotilsville for $lO,OOO. It was further re ported that Captain Frazier would take command of the Lady Grace on - the ar rival here , of the G. A. Thomson. , • —Captain Frank Hicks, of the Magenta,. and Captain Nat. Green Of the Missis sippi, are having a lively time over the bell-rope prize offered by W. M. Wil liams, Esq., of Vicksburg, Mississippi, to the boat carrying the largest trip of cotton into the port of New Orleans.. Hicks has forwarded a certificate from his discharging clerk, stating that the Magenta had the largest number of bales, without mentioning the number, how ever, while the Mississippi's books show that she delivered 4,113 bales on the wharf. From the present aspect of affairs it would seem almost impossible to decide which boat is justly entitled to the prize, and it is more than likely that a little swearing will have to 4 be resorted ,o, —St. Louis advices of Monday report as Mows; The Kate Robinson brought a large load of passengers and full freight. All Cincinnati boats arrived here heavily laden. Captain Davidson has arrived here, and roports the com promise between the Northern - and White Collar Lines consummated. When the river opens to Dubuque, the White Collar boats will run in the St. Louis and Keokuk trade. The White Collar Line will fix rates from Dubuque to St. Paul, and the Northern Line fix them below Dubuque, each !Line adopt ing the tariff of the other. I Large car goes of grain and other produce are com ing out of the Illinois river. Several barges with wheat and corn in bulk, for New York have already arrived here, and quite a number of others are to, fol low. The trade of that river promises to be very large this season. —The St. Louis Republica?? thus sav agely "goes for" the Richmond's Head light: Some one has sent us two marked copies of a dirty, scurrilous little sheet— published on the steamer Richmond—a No-called packet between touisville and New Orleans, known as the "Richmond's Headlight;" the copies' mentioned are dated off Memphis. MarchlOtti, and Om tain three low flung slings at St. Louis [ steamers, one of which is intended for the Ruth, and another for the Great Re public. Mr. Will. L. Visacher, editor (!) of the Headlight, may think it bare wit to pen such articles, but when gentlemen read them, the natural 'inference Is drawn that the author in quite the re verse of either a wit or a gentleman. It is not to be supposed that either Captain Neal, commander, or Captain Woolfolk, chief clerk of the Richmond, indorses, any such conduct on the part of an at tache to their boat; yet they will meet with their shareof censure. The steam ers alluded to by the Headlight have an established reputation on Western wa tens that, in every respect, is equal, and in many respects, superior to that estab lished by the much vaunted and so called "low-pressure thirty-five pound steamer." ' - I STEADIBOATEL y OR ST. LOUIS, GA . i gEt . LENA, DUBIIKE ANC, ST. AIIL.—Tbe new and elegantpassenger packet. GLENDALE JOHN M. HARZ, Master,_ 'Will have . for the above ports on FbIDAY, 19th Inet„ at 9- P. 11. ' 4 For freight or passage apply, on board. 'or to mnla FLACK A- IJOLLINGWOOD. Agent'. .140 - cvnicE.--An parties ff .„„g=h xs owing .or hating chains against the steamer 11•"" LITTLE JIM REESE, ' ' : are notified to call at the Glide of JAME 3 BEES, corner of Duquesne Way Bud "'clink street, for a settlement of the same, as sbe has been sold and settlement* desired. I mhis:g6 . VOR ST. LOUIS. ICFO• KUK. DAVENPORT. ROCK ISLAND, DUBUQUE AND ST. PAUL. SATURDAY. March 20—r. in. • The splendid Plunger steamer (}LASUOW AND. Rqamson, JR., Com , r will leave as announced &bare. or freight or passage apple on board, or to - A. ROBiNeON,Jit.„ Master, or A. J. DASD? TT mhl3 JAn. COLLlNd,'Agenti. OR GALENA,_ DU- z i ggE i t FMIKE AND ST. P AUL.—The nno r passenger steamer . . - 31EbSr...N0ER ' Capt JESSE DEAN. Witt leave for the above ports on THIS DAY , at 9 A. M. For freight or possage apply on bo•rd. or to . J AMES COLLINS, - . tiIiRIEST & cO. Agen • Agents. GEORGE F. LIINKENS, at Rochester Wharf Boat, Agent. Whir " - 01FLTIRERN LIIINEzaS i t PACKET.—The. net , and sp endid . MINNEAPOLIS ;Capt. J. B. RHODES. Will leave fur SP. PAM, about the 10th of 'April. and go through direct. This splendid steamer offers very superior accommodations for pat imagers and stock. For particulars apply to FLACK. & COLLINUWOOD, Agents, fei:e9B • ! 'or R. 0. GRAY. OR CAIRO AND ST.a is gr i g 1.7 LOUIB.—Tbe splendid: Passes ger Packet • I ARMENIA, Cart. A. 8. Bnsranan, Will leave for the above and intermedlate ports on THIS DAY, at 4 P. x. JOHN PLAVE, or . J. D. COLL NRWOOD.Akents. FiOR ALTON, i 1LL1.:4,4=11t .: 4 ,4=11t NOll3.—The elendWpassen-lIIIMIIimm ger steamer - I LAXE, SILVER Ln Will leave for the &butte and Intermediate ports on THIS DAY, at 516 r. E. /for trelgbt or passage apply on board or to J COLLINGWOOD, JOHN .FLACK, Agents. CM piTTSBURGIIIi , - a " • WHEELING, Marietta and rarkersbitig,pne. Leave Company's Wharf Bost, Coot ofyiFood Street, MONDATEI AND TiItIRBDAYB. BAYARD Gionoz D. bloonE. Morn WICONISDATB AM J BATURDAYBs GREY EAGLE ' G. L. linatrarnx. Muter Freight will be received at. SU boon by '414 JAMES COLLINS, Areat Co J. L. ansurwra.... -...........A• E. BTEVENiO2t. I DILLINGER 86 STEVENSON ! CO3I3IISBION IdERCILINTS • 87 Second -Street, Pittsburgli, Pa. • • RECEIVE AND SELL" All Kinds of Country Produce, All orders for Merchandise promptly filled, at ' LOWEST market rates. Particular attention glven to the sale of Rutter, Eggs, Cheese Dried Fruits, _ltc, We feel confident that we can give entire "satisfaction, by making QUICK SALES and PROMPT RETURNS, at HIGHEST MARKET PRICES, and therefore respectfully solicit your consign ments. All correspondence answered promptly. Marking Plates arnished free. Grain in store and to arrive daily. anfil:t7B E STABLISHED BY A. & T W. N. GORILY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, (Dimic:LT On. EAGLE HOTEL,) PITTSBURG - B , PA. se :re WATT, LANG & CO., Groceries, Flour. Grain, Produce, Provisions, Fligh, Cheese, Carbon ; • . Oil. *e., Noe. 1751 and 174 WOOD STEEETt'near M em street. Pittsburgh. Pa. n08:n55 MIR NAIL JAB. 7. MEWL% KEIL & RICHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FLOUR, 6BAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, ac 849 Liberty st., Pittsburgh, my24:b2a Y. =ULU STEELt & SON, .L.TA• Commission Merchants, AND DEILICBH E 1.1401711. GRAM. FRED. as.ch No. 96 OHIO 13TIGIFIL near East Common, ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. L • J. BLANCHARD, FETZM & ARMSTRONG, FORWARDING . fr. - 00MK181310i XE FICISANTB, For the sale of Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Bat ter, Seeds Dried Fruit,• and Produce generally, No. la MARKET BTBEIT, corner of First, Pittsburgh. • fe22:811 liITTLE, BAIRD - & PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants an Dealers in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard 011, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns aud all f"..mburgh Manufactures generally. 11l and 1114 ne;COND STREET, Pittsburgh. JOHN' SHIPTON A WALLACT. eIPTON & WALLACE j Whole SALE G ROCERS AND PROD IiGE DEAL No. 8 SIXTH STREET. Pitt sburgh. lantrriq JOHN 1. HOUS.X...EDW. 8017811.... WK. H. HOUSE. JOHN I. HOUSE &BROS., Sue cessors to JOHN I. HOUSE St CO. Wnole sal: Grocers and Commission Merehaitts, Cor ner of ISmitbileld, and Water Streets. Pio:burgh O . APT. TODD DAILY, AT 1A pi ISSION MERCHANTS .WHOLZSALZ DICALIMEI IN AND DZALEEB IN Wholesale and Retail Grocers, . No. 396 PENN STREET. •07Bs8a • ' GREAT BARGAINS IEI NIX _GOODS, JUST RECEIVED EMBROIDERIES. • In traconet, Hamtrurg'anci Swiss WHITE COODS, • . At the Lowest Prices TRIMMINGS , A Mt AS2OIITMEN'T OF ALL COLORS BUTTONS, A LINE OF SILK, IVORY, JET, etc The finest patterns of VALENCIMIN AND THREAD LACES. mot and Swiss Puffing, all width A. Desirable line of LADIES' UNDERCLOTH IF°, INFANT'S E.3IBROIDERED ROBES. A full line of COTTON HOSIERY For Ladles`, Gents and Misses MACRI7)I, GLYDE & CO., 78 and 80 Market Street. tuillAra ELLER s co., Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street. Corner. of Irwin, now offer to the trade at low • - • figures. !strictly Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and olasses. • Porto Biro, Cuba and English 'lsland Sugars. New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore • Re fined do. Golden Drips, Lovering., Brunjts: Stuart's, Adams , and Long Island Syrups. Porto Moo, CILIA and Engildh Island Molasses Young Hysun, Japan, Imperial, - Gunpowder and Oolong Teas. Carolina and Bangoln Rice. Java, Laguayra and •10 Coffees. Tonacco, iLard Oil. Fish, Nails, Glass, Soaps, Cotton Tarns, kr., constantly on hand. ALSO, LIIPORTERS OF Fine Brandies,Wines and Segars Blienish, Moselle, and Sparkling Hoek Wines of junket & Co.. in bottles. Sparkling Moselle, Schimberg and Johann's burg. liookbeimer, Burgundy, &r.. Brandenburg & Freres' Fine OUve Oil. . do do Clarets , imported in bottl do do White Wines, In bottlea. M. Work & Sons' Sparkling Catawba. Pine old Sherry. Madeira and Port Wines. Free Old Bloaonganela Bye Whiskies. pure. do Very Supenor Old Sotoh do do. AMEIO, Bole Agents forlioet & Ohandon's Grand Vin. m beriar - Nrerzetitiy and Seller, ChalViattne• Brandies of our own seleetLon and warranted. Vd4.3 ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. BOLD-ONLY ST LEMON, WEISE' Practical Puritan lilanufacturers, &o n 118 FOURTH AVENI333. Where may be round:a thll assortment of Par ler. Chamber and 'Mahan Furniture. - dere VIMESIt • • . , CANN'Ea) 001:013. COmnunity, ' , Winslow's and YarmOuth Ocean Corn frarl'Atellarligut. ' Peas .: Okra 49: matoeh en lizettcytitligeerilgoirAteo;3' ineeage°r" at JNO. A. ItEnnitSW, tali Corner Liberty and Band strems. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY., HERBERT W. C. TwEimix, 'MAN El FACTURER. OF Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. [ Eclipse Railroad Axle on. Stands great heat without change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. 'Special oil for ' tropical climates or hot weather. Locomotive, Engine, Machine Shop, Wtil cut Screws. Saw Mill and Planing Mill Oils, Adapted for high speed. Spindle Oil, Wool!Head*Lightoll, Oil, Tanners , Staff•Mensole, • ing&FinishingOi,: Gasoline, • Harness Oil Parrailine. ARMOR- VARNISH to preserve Bright Iron Work and Machinery from trust. These products are manufactured under Dr. Tweddle , spatent by Superheated Steam in Vac coo. The Lubricating Oils are almost odorless,- perfectly pure. uniform, and mostly light col ored:, stand a high temperature one an remain limpid during extreme cold. The Ohs are unequalled, and are In constant use on many of the principal Railroads Samples can be examined and orders left at 174 WOOD STREET. Works at Sharpsburg Bridge. 117ARING AND KING, VV ' ' Commission Merchants and Brokers la Petroleum 'lnd its Products, DALZELLIS BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, Pluisunau, PA. • PHILADELPHIA ADDRITES, WAKING, KING do CO.,' TA BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, &ND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its Products„ J. A. STIALII, Pittsburgh OffIee—DALZELL • B BUILDINe. corner of Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. Philadelphia Office-127 WALNUT BT. apinglo • DIAMOND OIL WORKS, H. M. LONG & CO., Mice, DALZELL BUILDING, T o LIVERPOOL, AND i alk QUEENSTOWN. • •:- ~ . • TUE INDIAN MAIL STEAMSBIm Numbering. sixteen first- class , vessels, ismoms , tn. m th e cembrated • CITY OF PAlstia. CITY OF Alrrwzrp CITY or Bowrox, CITY ' OF oeurntoiz„ CITE OF LONDON, Big EVERY SATURDAY, from Pier 45, 4..rth Ether, New York. For naassge or farther Informscion apply to WILIAAN BINGHAM, ilr. TO 717111 STRZET, (Chronicle Building.. Nearly opposite Post ()Afro. Plttatratrb PROPOSALS WILL BE Bp- CEIFED at the office of the • PITTSBURGH WELTER WORKS, Dtantoncl Market. until 7 o'clock, Mitcl3. AA, 1869, • FOR ALL LUMP AND NUT. COAL Needed at the LOWETt WATER WORIC.I4,O , IIars street. for the year from April 1, 11:169, to Aprll 1, 1870. Also, an the Lump • and Nut Coal for the UP PER WATER WORKS, Bedford avenue,Elghth ward. .TO FOUND:HYMEN: BIDS will bereceived for PIPES and MISCvL LANEOUS CASTINGS: Pipe to be of 9 and 1% feet lengths, and of such size as mei be ordered by the Water Committee. Bids will specify the price or 4. Eh 8, 10. 151, 15 and SO inch pipes; also for JO S E PH: g stop Coo mb9 FRENCHSuperin ten dent. FRENCH BURR NULL STONER. French Burr Smut Machines, THE BEST*WHEAT CLEANERS MI7EII. Portable Flour and Feed Miilas All numbers and best quality. ` ror sale' at 319 and 321 Lll}ertySt., Pittsburgh. 1113 GRAY'S FERRY PRINTING DR WORKS. C. E. ROBINSON, Black tuid Colored Printing kilithograiihie Grails Ferry Road and 88d Street, fel6;e6o SKATES, SKATES, • SKATES. . Altether styles and sizes at the Ter, lowest razes a • WILMESIDES & DRUM, del4 79 FEDERAL tST.. iktrEEIYIEN T. KEYSTONE POTTERY. . . SM. KIER & CO:, • • • hianntaetnrers o . • 41TEENswARE. BRISTOL WARE ite. once and Warehouse, 303 LIBERTY BTBEZT. Sir Au orders nromptly attended to. • UNION ENTEHPRISE FOUNDRY, wm. M. JOHNSON. Manufacturer of COOKING WFOVES, Arches, Grates, Fenders, Huh' Wehints, and all Made of HollonWare Car Wheels and all kinds of Machinery Castings, COIL WATSON -A SHIN GISS 13T8.. PITTMURGH." PA. - autstvlifwAtt MARSILAWS ELIXIII. . R BHAta, 9 B ELIXIR WILL CURE BEARAUBLE. • MARSHALL'S ELIXIR WILL CURE DYSPEPSIA. miater!ALL , ct ELIXIR : WILL CUSS, COSTIVE- Price Of Manball , a Eltxlr. 11/.00 per bottle. Depot, 1301 Yarket street. Si. 'BIARSIEIALT. &Co litugglsts, Proprietors. For sale,_ wholesale and retail, by latittl:' A. KELLY. Pittsburgh. fetdagilyillit 127 Walnat Street. Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh, Pa. STEAMSHIPS. BOLTING =/TBS, W. W. W*LIAOII. MiZiIIYA . CTITAZII OF INKS, VARMSEIEI3, PHILADELPHIA American Rink, ' New York Club, Empire, Starr, &c. OBPIOE giVidze/rigil7l69. IgOTICE 'ISI. IHEREIIYV-GIVEN IA: to property holders op the ]lag oL rouritsla infe ct, that the assessment for - Grading said street la now completed. sad will be retained la this othoe for Inspection until MONDAY. Kurds Stud. when will be .turuo4.lo7er to' gig Ultr Treasurer for whllksh ORM. isAVIS, Olty Engineer. -. 4 2000 51511E148 011:11FACH sits .roirdalortaii & wrzlnorsow. 4 . 0 BARBELS OF SORGHITIW -70- r • DILLIIWER 1 EITEVENiON% 4;1 1'0kk•Kg4t9.4V5,4;. *A 1 . 4 .7t1W1M'0 . r 5 -014:44* 3:4.,gke.A3VatryFitft(o7- JIAI } AT: "50P14.47,"-Vidst,z4N.,llol: -Z 4' • 7• V Al, A , ",•?e,rittft••-4.t.,444.1 n ••• 11 II U II LI 11