8:,, All eginny was detoid oar Interest - oi Sat urday. 1 TM Street Railways .were. Wen patron ized in both cities ye.sterday. Yesterday ,was a beautiful day-, and as a eonsequ'enee the churehes'Were unus ually well attended. . - • Notwithstanding the near approach of "moving day," there are still numbers •of houses "to let" in both cities. • Large numbers of men Asithout em- Ploy - meat at present, are anxiously look ing for the openin” of the Spring busi- The street corner-loafers were out in 4ige nutiabers yesterday. Through the active exertions ofl the. police, however, this loafing• nuisance was somewhat 111:1thersalist Fair.Festival:This PEarls,to be'coniinlied one week more.' All •whti have not visited it should do so at once, as the. prizes 'are all going off Confidence Operators seem to have . for- Witten' Pittsburgh and vicinity, for, the last two weeks at 'least. Perhaps the activity of the detectives has something to do with this state of affairs. , • City,Councils.—A. special meeting o City Comp:111s will be held at two o'clock; P.,x.to-ruorrow, when it is probable thh subject of a Paid Fire Department wUIL come up for consideration again. Paddy Freel was arrested by the May or's police, yesterday, for breaking the door of his neighbor's house, in, the Twelfth ward. Paddy was drAnk, aUd was provided with lodging in the lockup. We 'Noticed some 'of the Manchester Passenger Railway cars were running t , without bells on Saturday. This may seem a small matter, but should an acci dent occur it might assume different pro portions. Brae, *alt.—Base ball patters, are be ginning to look np. Seve ral Cint,s have commenced. to perfect their organiza tions fot the Reason. From present indi !:tatione however, it will not. be a remark ably lively one. , Abandonment. —Kate Steiner made .lu ,,formation on Saturday before Alderman -.11/ohlasters against her husband, John -814ner, for abandonment. The parties ..reside In the Sixth ward. The officers are in search of John. The. Cotumble Hook and Ladder Com :pany, of Allegheny, are making arrange. manta to send representatives to partici pate in the , dedicatory services of the Mexican Soldiers monument in Harris burg on the 26th of May next. • The rain which set in last evening about nine o'clock quickly cleared the streets or pedestrians, and caused no little annoyance and vexation to, those in attendance at the yarlous chnrches, which had just been dismissed. • 'Open Air Mtalhgs.--Open'air religious 'ineetingS Will` Soon be commenced under the 'auspices .the Young' Mens' Lhris 'Association of this city. These - ineetingi were finite :popular wherever 'held last year, and seemed to be produe ,five of great good.: ' • Ge.o. Tatnall, son of Wm. Tetuan, manager of Shoenberger's was the, successful' competitor for the gold watch awarded to the most popular young man at the,Wesley Chapel Fair. He received 2,800 votes, a majority of 1,618 over all, competitors. Fell in a.FlL—Henry Matinl, driver of a milk wagon, fell in a fit in front of - the Custom House, at noon, Saturday. • Medical assistance was procured, and in a shdrt time he was restored sufficiently to be , removed to his residence , in, the • Twelfth ward. He is said to be subject to such attacks. Collided.—SAturday afternoon about two o'clock a car on the Minersville Pas stinger Railway, while coming down Fourth-avenue,; collided with a Metal wagon. at the intersection of the avpnne and Smithfield street. The platform of `the oak Wiiibroken and the body of the vehicle damaged to, a considerable ex tent; No person yins.injuied. A Velotipcde Itide.r--Wm. Granola, an ambitious velociPedestrian; while praC tibing with a "machine" on North Canal eire,et, FoUrth warcl;Allegh eny, Saturday afternoon, had the misfortame tcirun into a fire pin; and break both his legs and the_velocipede. He was picked up and taken to his home, in the vicinity, where his injuries received proper attention. yined.--John Wilson, a lad about ftf. 'teen yeara of, age, waa arrested on Stant.- day afternoon by one of, the Allegheny police for tramping over a part of the Al . leghenyTark, Which had been laid • out, for flower beds. The boy was taken be fore the Mayor, Wholined him .five;did t- lam for malicious mischief. His father secured his releue by paybag the Disorderly Conduct.—MrsantaaPayne made Information before the MayOr yes terday charging Barney Gallaher 'and Barney O'Donnell with disorderlicon duct. The accused were arrested and lodged in the lock-up to await a hearing. t Polk Harkins was._ arrested on:a strut ': lar charge s on oath of Alex, Murray, and• z , was ligacylse ) placed' in the totubs to • ' 't'awatt the conVeninguf thellfayor'eConrt. Little Wan,dererscyo little German .hioys, one thiee and the other four old' t 'ittire foOnd wandering 'Shout ..ithifairciets fii Atte :vicinity of: the gain -elevator yesterday, about 12 o'clock, and 4alroo to - the,Claptain's ()dice httho:watch. , hoist): :They remained there some two ,icr three houre,,when the father If one of 'theithi, who - realdeS on Ohhi Street, All* . gheny, City, called and took > them hcme, Allegheny Mayor's OMes.- , Nineteen forlorn and • clejeetsd i law•breakers filed in before Mayor Dram; at his levee yes ? iftudaymergingt; Whisiititelargestlplai. .ber .present on a similar "oomidon 'tor ,seyeralutoutON,::-hiest of ihem bud been found lying in the streets in & drunken condition Saturday night...Twelve.° the - num ' succeeded " ber ' succeeded " in mustering M otet:it fonds ,tp nay ; the tines, itu . ll'hioiewining , seven were' cornfort& ly ...housed In the (*duty jail. - ' ' L ::Child Severely scared. Saturday. morning about ten .1 o'elock; . ;W illie • Bh° 4l teig, a lad residing with his Parents t : - OW Wylie street; Was - tleterely 1110alde4 by ; the upsetting of a boiler 'of hot water. ' The vessel was placed pp the stove in the kitchen, and the boy in attempting to get a toy from the matins incautiously taught ; hold --of- it to sloadv. himself, with the result as statea. gb masa° badlyi . igar- - ed that in some places the flesh peeled off his bones. Dr. Phillips,was called in and rendered all the assbatince but the child's injuries are considered of fatal character,. • • . s Interesting Itervlceiitt' L i berty Street Methodist Episcopal. Church—Sermon by Rev. W. 11, Locke,: M.'—Sunday School.Annisersary--sdaresses by Rev A.'HongsonSrad Her. Dr. 0:-Milleis Much , interest exists among the con. gregatioussof the Methodist ; Episcopal Church in this city and Allegheny and immediate cinitY, at this pericid ot'the Conference year, to promote the sionary cause. All the systematic efforts to raise funds during the year. through ,the congregations and •Sunday Schools are brought to a grand climax just be fore the sitting of Conference. Several of the leading churehes of this denomina tion. have already , held antversary,meet , ings and large smile have eon reported. Yesterday Was.wholly, evoted by the old-time honored Liberty rreet Church . to missionary purposes. , The ,services were opened at the usual morning hour, with a ssrmon by the pastor, Rev.W.H. Locke, A. M., who discussed for a, good part of an hour the snceees of the Gos pel, from the following text, fdund in the 72d psalm, 16th verse: 'There shall be a handful of corn in the earth 'Upon the top of the mountains; the fruit there? of , shag shake like Lebanon.", The rev., erendgentleuaan commenced by remark lug that they, did not . need to be re-- minded that the fulfillment of prophecy hi received lui,oce of.the strong and en during pillars on which the Church has alatitys beer: content to-rest the inspira tion of the Bible, and the divine charac. ter of, ita teachings. }le. argued that he did not.,mean-by prophesy . those happy guesses of the future, which are often made by wise and discerning men, who have studientily observed the course of human affairs; nor yet such equivocal predictions as can be made to suit the event after it has transpired. There are no such prophecies as these recorded in the Bible; nor is this thectuaracter of those predictions upon which we depend to ad. thepticate.our noly religion. But, when events are foretold hundreds. and thon• sands of years , before they come to pass, and are portrayed with a minuteness of detail that could not be more par tietilitr if the prophet hid been Ma eye-witness of the --scene he records, then we must pelieve that some other hand than that . of the hum'an has drawn aside the veil of intervening cen-, turies, and brought to light things as yet hidden in the b3BOlll of the future. Such a prophecy he thought as this is contained in the text. Reference fa then made to the prophetic vision of King David, and of the glory that should arise in future ages to the spiritual kingdom, small at first, but grand and triumphant hi after time. So small did it seem to the pro phet King, that he compares it toe hand ful of corn. So great did the opposition appear, that it was like `+ planting that corn on the ,bbsak mountain i top. And* yet - .se abundant was-the har vest, that the . rustling of,'its fall sera sounded like the shaking of the goodly cedars of Lebanon. With this brief reference to the., introductory re mark, we can only give the points of the discourse, namely: 1. The - small begin nings of the kingdom of Christ. - 2. The opposition arrayed against it, and 3. The promised final success. - The 'discourie was carefully prepared, well delivered, and made a fine impression, and its ap ..prosiriatentisi was equal= to its merits. It would read rell in print, and deserves to be in type. Attheelosebf - theitertnon colitribittions Were made to the Cause ad vocated.- .lii - the afters:6On the than' sudienee chamber was well. filled by the. Sunday School and.. congiegatlim. Mr. Edward Heazelton, Superintenaent of the school, presided. Exercisss opening with sing ing and prayer by Rev. Dr. Pershing, after which Rev. T . S. Hodgson, of Trin ity church, delivered an address em bodying the idea of thanksgiving in the missionary work; followed by Rev. Dr. H. Miller. of Sinithfield church, who presented the contrast between the past and present operations of the mission cause. During the exercises' stirring hymns were interspersed under the lead of Mr. W. 8.-Krebs. At the close of Dr. Miller's address xbe teachers of the respec tive clasaei reported the amount received during the year as follows: Miss M. Patterson, $20.00; Miss M. Hershberger,, 520.00; A. Bryce, 520.00; Miss S. Liscomb; 620.00; Miss M. Hun flings, $20.40; S. W. Hay, $10.25; Class N0..13, 51.20: H. B. Lewis, 520.00; 3.; Henry , SZOM ' J. At. Arnold, S2O 00; Miss A. McFarland, $20.00i-Uss B. M 520.00; Miss N. H. Hay 520.56; 0, •W. Johns, $8:04; Miss ,A. Grier, $21.41; L. .Lea, $6.13; W: J. Jackson, $26.00; J. Shallenbergers $40.55; 3. H. Crump, 520.005,Mr5.g. 3..Caiter, $40.00.. This amount was appropriated to make the following LifeMeinbersef.the Parent Missionary Society, $2O each: Bessie Cun ningham, Jennie Wible,, R. Buffington, ' Willie Anderson, - Annie Lea, - . Jennie Banar, George Calder, Willie Shaffer, Maggie-McCausland, ;Sadie L. Cunning. ham -Emma J. Fryer, Fannie - Noble, J. C ornish, J. ff. Crump, Hattie Kiam mere; Nellie Drava. Protkeitions were then made to honor others in the same way. Mr. J. B. Hubs ley proposed - Orr behalf of "his sons 'to give $5 towards ,snaking Minnie Grier Heazelton a life member. The remain -der-Waft 4itlicklY raised; and the fojlow hag ':were' also constituted : Anne' J. Krebs, Eddie Looks, Ellen Simpson mid, Ellie Ashby ß arbour, Bertha Cun t:lngham, Will bravo. Zara Lewis, Maggie Miller, 'Frederkek. and Maria Gloasers _ - . : At night' Dr. H. Millet "discoursed, in his usual felicitous style on• the human cry fir' the, gospel and the duty of the chard:lto sendlt. was seasonable as well isinstruetive.. President Pershing participated;in this terylee:. Rev. Mr. :Tonke, the pastor; was active and bade fatimble thirongthint ithe • d r ily in :tiro-. miatingtheettiptelii,hatiffi . 'the 'close ollhe , service , Revs - Kincaid, I.Veashier,ltave a detelled , ,ltateMetit . of :the result' f the d ay's' Work, 'lncluding contributions previouslySnade, showing the total sum to be about ten hundred: and 4 4 4 1 04. 1.8 1 (.$ 2 19 6 q4' its • , , • •A , t "T a g er ,• •= • Siturdeiafternoon a gentleman from the, vicinity' of, Vanonsburgh, Washing ton county; giyho. - g the name of. A. Siva . Alert having come' to the city on business, meeting ari old secitutintanoe imbibed rather kio•freely of.Pittabttrgh whisky,- ' and: Was;picked up by the tsolice and ,taken 4,lthe, locX•up. After remaining _ , thereAntli tiesufficiently . w sufficiently sober to, travel; hofsiamirelkiaied on the payment' of s smell tine, and departed, having in 'his Ipowsktion about' forty-six dolbra. About half-past nine o'clock ;_the same evening Mr. Swager was again found oft, tharareet too drunk to navigate and was again taken to The lock-up., 'On exami- - t nation it was discovered that be had tut' four dollars and fifty cents left, some one • baying evidently relieved him of the greater portion of the fnrty-six dollars. fie -was taken =care of.' Until yeaterdaY morning, When waaallowed to con tribute four dollar's and twenty Ave cents to the support of the city, and having but, iwen_kr•AVO' _cents left '..he started - for Washington county, where 'Whisk*, Ih not so l d, a poorer if not a wiser map: . . • • PITTSBURGH GAZETTE': - MONDAY, MARCH 15, 186° T.! i 4. EE ,Aditntrned Meeting—Act. of: itacorporit-f stow-Mid Supplemental 'IIOL —A Hew Design for the Memnon—New Sites 'Propelled, dm: At adjourned meeting of the Soldiers' Monumental Association of Allegheny County, was • held at . -the romps of the Young Men's Christian Association, Fifth avenue, Saturday at two o'clOck rof„ Mrs. . McKee, presiding, and Gen. A. L. Pearson officiating 1113 secretary. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. The Committee on Incorporation re ported that the act of incoiporation had passed the' Senate and was now before the House. surpLEArewrAiris 1 ILL... ' Mrs. Robinson moved that the Presi dent be instructed to have a supplement ary bill drawn up and forwarded to Harrisburg, providing that after the monument shall have been erected the same shall be turned over the • cus tody of the Commissioners of Allegheny county, who. shalt have thesamein keep lug, and who shall - appropriate a mai sufficient to keep the monument in re •pair, and thus perpetuate the memories of the fallen heroes. The motion was adopted, and the bill will be forwarded before the original act'comes up, in the House. 7A NEW DESIGN. The Secretary read the following com munication from Joseph S. Kirk: Mrs. McKee, President of the Allegheny County Monunsentai .40.tociation: By request, I have prepared, and beg leave to submit a modified design for a Soldiers' Monument, within reach of the funds of your Association, together with a description of the same. In designing I have been governed by the following suggestions: As the Mon ument is to perpettutte the memory of Allegheny County's fallen, an authentic record of such general and local matters that figured prominently in the late con flict should he permanent that genera tions to come may be amply enriched by the memory. History is too general in' its character to distinguish any one class of its conn try:s defenders from others, who shared similar trials, endured similar sufferings in vindication of sacred principles. This is left to those communities whose sympathiesi mingle with theirs—is left with us; For.this reason, the names of battles should be conspicuous, as they in time will be confused in the roll-call of vic tory, without bestowing that share Of honor to whom honor in part is due. Equally essential from the constant change in costumes, is a correct repre sents:ion in fall 'uniform of the different branches of the service. Tne unparalleled - achleveruenta of 'the Christian and Sanitary Commissions, whose untiring efforts in the'can of hti manity and equal justice deserves more than passing notice, and as Freedom tri umphed, the Goddess of Liberty .is deemed approslate, and should occupy a prominent paition. pasquipTios OF DESIGN. , Five parallel courses compose a base on which rests an'octattonal pedestal sup s porting a corresponding, die, from whose centre rises a colossal column. , Each alternate side has a seitilkictago nal recess, which, with its intermediate raised scroll tablets, compbie in part, the lower portion et the mbuument. • In the recessalt are life-sized represen tatives in full tilitform,"of the different branches of the service—infantry, cav alry, artillery and navy. Names of bat tles occupy the raised tablets, while wreaths and shields, indicative of tri umph, are between the victors and the victories. The cap Is formed by a series of semi circular convex carved, extending suffi ciently beyond the pedestal to protect the statuary and raised work below. On the keystone of the arches appear, in full relief, badges of the different corps. The whole harmonizing in detail emblem atical of support and strength. - • On each alternate side of tho die above, whose general ,shape Is similar to the pedeStal, la a phiirt raised pannei, adding effect to the others, three of c luck are for - micli - luscriptions as the Association may desire,*.whiln" - "the otherls a base relief emboying II iibjegts cf..war - and National Emblems. .. . , . The crown corresponds with the caps ofthe pedestal and die, but 'converging forms abase en which is mounted a col lossal Goddess,of Liberty. . Entire elevation §eventy-two feet, (72,) with breadth' f base twenty-two feet six. inches, (226.) • By reference to the designLlA will be seen that great care has. been taken to prevent vertical joints or any projection that would impair its durability,. and without explanation show its full object. It is proposed,to make the body - of the Monument granite' and the` statuary marble, as, previously . selected by your Association. Respectfully submitted. JOSEPH S. K p IK. ," Rt Pittsburg)i., March 13,.1819. It was stated by Captain Jennings that Mr. Rirk would diiiiate the design to, the Assoclaticni if adopted, and that a moan'. .maul, constructed in accordance there with•would.cost about $25,N0. • **EW SIT*PRoPOSED.: General Pearson stated that lt was pro posed•te remove the stepe leading.to the Court House yard at•the -corner of. Grant street and Fifth _avenue, farther up pbe avenue, to erect a oollossal bronze statue in the corner, and he suggested that the moutuneut be placed there. Some objection were urged and no ao• tion was taken. • °dr:notion, 'the ( Association adjourned to meet at Cher WI of thepresident. . • • 'DiagraCeini , ROw. Betweeneight and: , , day nigh t a disgraceful "atfair' - Oecurred" at the', Pentiayivanie on Penn streeWlatheTenth ward, Daniel Volta „,, proprietor.Dikvid Jones and Jim . o .liaa PadiiyilPorterrit appfqtraisere,akisual, on K: thlrunk,', and ,at...the ; time stated went' into . _ . Yqtz'l 3 hotet,Ancpall94 for somethipgito drink, whicit*ta given to them,itndwliloli r thef,:Aftised 'to pay ,fart'" Words' Paisig "fietirecid them and. VPltzi and Jones,a litAtUZ44lthiew a beer glass a C V.ck Shed Ica but toox effect among the bottles -- and boil ittitil Milts ztheri`• ,plcked up a hammer and the "roughs". "fearing ,- he would' use - lit' ran out of the house, when they renewed 'the :attack 'ildtmeS,Fa Attaiber rhicili were thrown through the windows and door ; of .Iterpolice., it appears; had 'been filtsq that quell a. disturbance at the Meth odisrohureheruLibertylibreet„ ils•• tam* Aw a y, and e l imesqqautly knew nothing of the rbvi Until 'it was allover. Mr. Volts madelinformation charging 'the parties with malicious mischief, and the ofiloers arrested Zonal ; ,yesterday .morning and.locked tick ~ u p for a hear- Pc'rt'er . had not been arrested at a late hour last night, but the Oilieeriewere alter hint, and Will.probably haVe hint in, 1 1 ..liatko". this morning,;. 15 DEEM - • - . • r: • ts..• • p.zyk• "'IA; t • . •V• 4•• ' 4 1 4 , " • I•`•'' • . 4- • • - • • • . . - • - I , , • — reisted,tei. isezkalar l a Fa ll . lo . / 1 14 , 4 7ge The IsirotiiatioW., IV) 3 , , .ig uaGStWAII A•Tew dap - Aire in our telegrablild'aillinina I ia; trod df%tarles X.,Sccitt, a telegraph operator in Cincin nati, charged with sending a false mes sage over the lines, for the purpose, as it is alleged, of defrauding C ff. DflarraYik Co.; proprietors of a lottery in Coving ton, Kentucky. . .• A partial hearing was had In the ease Friday, before j ridge Straub, in Cincin nati, and was continued • for a further hearing on the 17th inst. Following is a copy of the information upon which the prosecution is based : The information is to the effect that Charles N 'Scott, on the 26th day , of Feb ruary, 1t369. with force and arms, at the city - of Cideinnati, then and there being a certain person connected with the Wes tern Union Telegraph Company, Operat ing a line *if telegraph in the State of Ohio ' as an operator in the employ of said Company, did, knowingly 'and, un-' lawfully, transmit by such telegraph line a certain false communication and intelligence as in the words following, to wit: "Hack," "Justil," "LOst," "Mana ger," "Newark,' t Olympic Phrase sanuine trimble volume August office . quintal nymph; said words then and there being cipher words previously ar- ranged by and between C. H. Murray dc Co. and their officers and'agents, to com municate Intelligence then and there, and I thereby and then and there being falsely used by said Charles N. Scott then and there, with intent to injure said V. H. Murray dr, Co. and a certain person and" persons and companies to the'said Pres ecuting Attorney unknown, contrary- to the form of, the , statute in •such cases Made and 'provided, and tigaliitit - ,the peace and dignity of the State of Ohio. - Mr. Arthur C. Letvis,:Whe has taharge: of the Pittsburgh table at the office of the Western Union Telegrigh Ctimpany, was put upon the stand by the prosecu tion to prove the' sending of the alleged bogus dispatch from - Murray Co.. of Covington, by Scott. The witness testi fied that between twelve and one o'clock upon the day in question Scott was about the table, and' while he was ab sent forn few momentethe message was sent. In less thanten minutes the'error was discovered by the lottery agents in Pittsburgh, and the. dispatch was sent back for correction. How the mistake was discovered' the witness did not know; it was;inferred to be.one of the mysteries of the business. As soon as he was noti fied of the error he gaffe the defendant the true message, which was sent with out delay. - - • Where are the agents in the city located`? Eleph,bllcskir PiamlnaUons The Republicans of Esat Birmingham held a primaiy election,on Saturday, to .• . • place in nomination `candi dates for the seve9l borough officra , to ?xi - fined t at •, the eneidili electioit r • ticket was nominated: • . • Burgess—August Animon. ;c oe * *ll-4111e 4frI t3 44P4e r ..ds'W.i• j w-241/* ler, Stinkin Zones, 11 . Constabte=.'ZedEti: Att:seattp - P:-Jael , Nidariett. - A i4diebi , GlSOrke ' Titiiittnan Milton Ch cam. : :, • ~ School Directors_ — ,ono. "14 'Jordan, M. Artihelt, - Jawia • - , judg - e of gleetiOn—' inspector' bf Wlediont4btrii:Shoplieidt ' Return burpector—Nvid Shepherd, Adam Trautman, Jr. In South Pittsburgh an election was held for; the same "purpoile,•,whervalie follmvingnamed gentlemen. Were placed in nomination: Burgess—Dr: J. - H. obeit s. CourmT—Frecierick Kauf, William Sheargold. School Diivetors—Robert, ' J. Eccles;. 3 yeras, William H. Barker, 3 years, Geo'. Coutant, I year. Assessor—William Millholland. Judge of Electione--David Davis, Jr. • In:vector of Elections William H. Howard: Return inspector,-Tieary Moorhead. Auditor—George . % - Robinson. Constatde- r John Brawler.' • • A tempted Robbery. At an early ,hour 'on Friday morning last an attempt was made, by some un knOwn marauder, to rob a grocery store on' 'Ohio avenue, ` near ' near Sedwiek street, Fifth ward, l Allegheny. The i;OPllliititr effected an entrahOe: to' a xaamtiver the , store through a side door from the street, using an “outsider", to, accomplish his purpose. He • had 'previously:, tried :to open the store door With the•sarhe in strument, •but failed the...attempt. The room into Which he !gained access was occupied by the ,;proprietor of the store, who was . aleakened by the noise which the intruder made in ransacking the premises. ;Discerning this fact. the would-be , robber -beat a precipitate retreat without waiting. even for the formalities of • closing the Actor after him, dropping the spoils; 'which he.,had secured, as he ran,and thus gain ing, nothing for his boldness and deritig. There Is no clue which vrould lead to his detection. • , . -• ,Profes,sionil AzTF,ste.d. . ' The Mayor's police arrested George Leslie yesterday, who, It is alleged, is a professional thief, ',Els presence in the city has been known, to' the officers for some time, and -notwithstanding they made-diligent nearati for an, GAY-10re unable -to ; sinab". him until yesterday. They fbutid him in 'room N0. , 17, at the Mansion House, where, it isulleged, -he has been ibr five_ weeks yet his name `One% ZAP aPPlar PEI= 4figlatert man occupied the room with 'him( , waa'#plailed.lni4hat , and . morning will be allowed to take his de-, parture from the City on the first train, 1 1 #b" e. , ,request riot So, return again, or if ue prefers it trill kaccolnniiited toJell for ninety; dart. way of the transgressorla hard. n ested: Chigieli - „Ggintov;it Prenchmen;, who A • • •• for.'sante , time ..piotra e . been staying. at the Soldiers'Afoute r was , arrested yea-, terds'y taken tO.tifitildoktutc,. and *lt _ be sent to j all this *oriArig'witti - a Vie6i of having bim sent to Dlimont Hostitt4; It appeara, that he serredirk - the " - army,'" during , fhb late and drawing, 4 0 (13111 bntousequenttattlipcmptree' • ceired: Ilis , mind is- ookudderablv ,Adev ranged, _and when AR drinks , Whiofijr the I becomes unmanageable.:; He had, Just drawn hift Imbillorifor the hug six months: and had alxitit tweety4vo" dolltitiVin hit possession when arrested. - That Re—, r era will re entiber• the infortnauo .tnde`hefore Alderman. MoMasters, some time sibee. by Jacob . Whitesell agstriatldwas ire nrfo* . ;rea., paw vi et avtifa, Taapargas are resulenta i of Sewickley and the allegetoffonce con : . elated in theitilling of a - valuable dog; owned by the , prosecutor. A hearing was had in the case on Saturday. before the Alderman, who, after a number of Witnesses had been examintd, reserved hts 4ecislon until to-day. The damages are laidiatliWbj , the prosecutor _.ltHo • . =T: . :1", , SFEZAT......14111111111111111114101117K:" OPERA, ifOrE.—The ,engagement.. of , , Mr. Proctor e vita ,igattirdliSr; nigh p, and tonight Mr. Joseph. Jefferson. the great comediani will appear in his great spe cialty of "Rip Tan Winkle." SMYTHE'S AMERICAN THEATRE,* M'lle Libel°, the great commedienne and vocalist, and Signor Cuppelo, the amusing pantomimist, .are the leading attractions at the American. to-night. Prrrsnunon THEATRE.—The success of the new company at the Pittsburgh Theatre Saturday afternoon and evdiung was unprecedented. Manager Williams has been peculiarly fortunate in the se lection of his people. The company comprise an array of talent seldom , found In a varieties establlshment, and' their entertainments are unsurpassed. MASONIC EtAtr,.—Emerson, Allen and Muni nge' Minstrels have engaged Mason ic Hal I for it short season,and will g ive the first entertainment Thursday 18th that. This troop enjoys a ,::high' reputation and is spoken of in the moat nattering terms by the press in all the western cities they have .visited. They will doubtless draw crowded , houses. Re-Opening. . • • In accordance with previous announce ment, the Second' U. P. Church; corner of Stockton avenue and Sandusky street, Allegheny; which 'has been closed forge. pairs and alterations: fbr several ?idol:dim was zoopened for public, worship jester-. day. The servicelythriiiighout the day were of ii.very interesting character and attracted a large congregation: The pas tor, Rev. 4. B. Clark, preached the. dedi catory sermon in the morning, and was followed at night- by- Rev. J. T..Pressly, D. D. In the afternoon communion service was held. The occasion was one, of great interest to all concerned. The congregation have now one of the hand, ; sourest and most complete church , 'edi fices the vicinity.• • - Reprehensible Amusement._ . William Reismyer, a youth of. about sixteen years of age, amused,himsolf on Saturday. morning by throwing stories at the Orphans Asylum,on Tannehill street. Several of the misseles went through a window, much to the annoyance of• the inmates, some of whom narrowly es caped being hit. Mr. William Bane s . a resident in the neighborhood, noticed the boy's action, and,. ~made information before Ald ci erman ,McMastera against him for,n3alious -- reischief., warrant was issued. 'lttditnYer isi be 'de mented. It is stated thathe was arrested some time ago for attempting to set . fire• to a building s but after a trial was re leased on this plea. If such be the • case. he should receive proper attention, ,and not be allowed to, roe at large. . , Very interesting religions services have been going on in the First, Cumberland Presbyterian Church • during the past week; ' and not without- abundant good , fruit,' _The zealous pastor, - ken: E: Squires, one of the most faithful laborere in the -vineyard of his Master, had the pleasure of receitinginto- the fold of:the Church, at Communion yesterday; eleven new mei:libel's, all of whorl:v.lre% wont() this banner of -Chrbit during. theTseriesmf religions:exercises held during meek: This congregation is one :of • the,lmost flourishing and- progressive in our midst, and, we are glad to note ftie faige. scees- Sion of members gained yesterday.; Kept' the }farness. ' • Jacob Allen- made informition before . . . Alderman M'Masters on Saturday-morn ing agninst Jacob Whitlow for larceny by bailee.' The- parties reside in Char tiers 'township. Allen alleges that he loaned two sets of harness to Whitlow, which" never were, returned. Whitlo . * states, nn the contrary, that he purchas ed the harness and, 'accordingly, kept 'His " property'',':owyThe property i digute id l. Valued at twenty-five dollars. hit low was arrested but waived a= hearing before the Alderman and gave bail in the !am of fly° hundred dollars for Ma ap pearance at Court.;: Information Renewed . Eliza - Grabarkt. made an information. before Ald erman httoblasterti, on Satur . day," agitinit Samuel'H . ar' kowieti,.:fOr larceny. • The prosecutrix alleges the de fendant obtained possession ,of" two 'trunks "Containing valuables to: the amount of tivetundred dollars t and one hundred dollars in' oney,' which he ap proptiated.to his own use. This Ja the renewal of , an old information which was made against the defendant .snme time since and upon Which he W a s' com thitted to jall"for but after ' remain ing there a few days,','secttred a release through some technicality. A warrant Painful Accident. Charles Housebeck, residing on Avery stxtieti-rourth ward, 'Allegheny, on 'Fri dal/ evening accidentally discharge& the contents of 'a pistol into his right 'ttapd, ~ lacerating it in a terrible manuei and lodging the ball among the 'bones:. `As soon after accident as possible' - Dr. N. W. White.was called in and dressed the wound; removing 'the ball andseveial pieces of thi, bones In the hand. There is danger that amputation will be Mmes. bat with care this maybe avoided. The injured man was attemptingtotthuot a vicious doglihen the accident occurred. Irareive!l c Rev. Morgan, D. D.; recently, pas. %tor of Christ M.E. Church; Pittsburgh, preached his 'farewell 'sermon to 'that, congregatAou,yeats4ty. The dlscounut I was, of. tmimus). eloquence and `power, and.waii:llstenad to 'b one of the largest audiences eyeradeMbled the church. Pr.' Morgan' 4 1cOn3s:r" this'bit Y to take charge of a congregation in Baltiniore, where he forrr(etly resided. - Thouglrre-' siding here but two-years, he has made . Many warm .friends, whose fond vitlahes and carnet& prayers follow Olds' rnesß deld•Of labor. - , • z, Agreeable RelatlensOks, Mary Cunnin and - Margaret Pun: rdighadi arepiatemin-law. They reside 40StilleektiOurt, Tunnel street. riElatur taay littlO dispute. arose be: 'title ) ( finally Waxed bele. rtetimis,TmuCh- to the annoyance of the :neighborhood.- Mary came off - second hest and accordingly. to - got .ovellvait/the' expresso -eel it,. lodged,MlOrmation beforeJ Alderman Strain, , forsurety of the peace • and disorderly conduct agalnat Margaret.. Warrantej were,Jaeaed or.ttha ; arrest of the accused. i e MEE Meeinaltied:—Alderinan Thames on Sattirddy eagitnitte4to'lail Johif •on Euf intbrtnation Preferred' against -him by Marlin Wide.- The. 'patties - reside in the Sixth - ward. • • •,• _ = • • Afarvinitßuperier• Crackere *me sa rior, tte,4455141A i ii thil)34V#9ta•Fgr A , 8 40 by _lP;ogeli 1 4:Atte eIV A 1,n 9 1 .. 111114 Yi 2 • • Bernard Lafferty made information be: . , . . fore Alderman MeMasters, on Saturday agaldE Richtat'd , - Pear for assault and'- . battery. The parties are employed at Lindsay & .11fcCutellcon's rolling mill, - Fifth ward Allekheny.: The* got' into a row in the mill on. Saturday, when, . according to the statements of Lafferty, Pear picked up a shovel and struck , him on the right hand, smashing the fingers. and almost severing one from the hand. A warrant for the arrest of the alleged guilty Pear was is s ued. Bond's Patent Step-Ladder, the best in use—light, strong and convenient. Call and see them a: George W. Hubley's, 63 Federal street, Allegheny. Ruiaell's Steak Gridiron, can be ueetl over any fire, without regard to smoke. Every family should have one. Mr. Hubley is aole agent for the cele. brated ALL Refrigerator,lce Ches.te —have been sold by Mr. Hubley for ten year's, and have proved the best , in, use. • Chintzes Ann Piquei—tiates . dr 'BeWs for Firiatensive tutsortnient. Ask Your Grocers for Marvin's Sttpe rior Spiced Jnnibles. - - inh4:eod2iv - Ipadies desiring - bargains in trimmings, lalaVgOods, de.. for spring wesir,- , should not 'forget to call at N 0.17, Flitkavenne, wherethe large stock of fancy stock of fancy-naveltite, ,recently purchased byy . Macrum, dt.,Carlisle from Dennison dr Heckert, is beipg rapidly disposed of at prices which' , can, hardly fail to , satisfy the most exacting.: ' Spring Shawle, - Lace Mantles—The choicest from'iMeei iniportation at Bates ez Bell's, . , -Linen abods—Everk make and discrlp don of Linen goods at Bates dc *Ws. The Purest and sweetest Cod Liver 011 . in the. World, manufactured from fresh, healthy livers, upon the sea shore; ; it Is perfectly pire and sweet Patients who have once taken it can take none — other. Ask for “Hazard and Caswell's Cod Liver 011," manufactured—by _Cas well, Hazard &Co., New York . Sold by. aII druggists..:: American Sliks—ltatee'et 13431Lbeve the different ►nakes; Bradley's latest styles' of Hopp'Bkirta at Bates & Bell's. - - • Rare Chance for. Bargains:, large. lot of House Furnishing cloods and 2(ueensarSre . will be soldat auction. thia y, at J. & Biztegli, 124 Federal street", All i egtieny City. Sales commence `at 9 A. ns. and 2 and 7 o'clock 'r. .ti: hiatows Superior Neap 'Crackers, only twenty pounds' in a barrel( for sale by all`grocers. - • Ladle's Frenekmade tuaderelothlAig at Bates & An Antereirting Pa - cf.-=-Those of our reader's seeking homes or Investments in real eatiits, Will - salts' time; trouble; and money by consulting the Piitsbiirgh` Beat Estate Register; It' is given away' gratis by the pobllsbers, Croft-..k Phillips, Real Estate Agents, No: 139. Fourth avenue,-or it will be sent by mail: ; Ao any ad dress..: Lace' Curtail/s--fates Sc Bop lyivs Att 01Sysitt stock. • r • Dr. - .AbornPs medical and surgical apartments, 134 Smithfield street, for the special treatment:of chronic and obsti 7 nate. diseases, such as Catarrh, Deafness, Discharges from the. Ears, all.diseasee.of the Eys, Throat, Lumrs, Nervous Affec tions, &c. No charge for 'consulta tion. • ' ' tf • Bates & BeWs.new stock is complete in all departments. Marcin, , s Eluperior. Lemon Biscuits for sale by,allgrocers. , • "The place to ,get Wrote Lime, Cal cine° Plainer, Hydraulic Cement. is at &HikerCaskey's.l3 Smithfield street Black ThlbetShawls, long and equate, at Bates & Bell's. White Goode-=Bates it Bell's UNDERTAKERS. LEZ AIKEN_ t: UNDER ' TAKER, ;SM." 165 - FOuBTEE 'STREET. ttsburon, l'ar COFFINS of all kInds,CRAPES, eLov - E. , and e. erg description of Funeral Fur. nlshlug ooddfornlshed. -Booms Open day and Went. Boars-...ad clarriages furniithad. Rizninsarcas-:-BaT.Lisvio Doi.; Reciß. W. Jacobus: 311).4,-Thomas B• , , • ARLES PEEBLES UN. vv DIGRTAKEILS AND LIVERY - STABLES, oornez,, , i 41.414D1JSKY STREET AND CHURCH AvEN - 0 r Allegheny. Clty. *there their COirTIN BOOMS a e cointantly anaidled with real lad imitation Iti e wood, Mahogany and' Walton Combs, at prices r aryingtrom $4 to slOO, Ito .• dies ..7preparad for tau rment., Beareea o and Oar tinges farnlshed; also. 11 , &Inds of "'Mourning G . ands, if required. - Otect elan at althoars; day and. , labpOlitT: T. RODN'EIY, 1311VER• a lkMtliElt AND Emextmen. tro. cs ouzo Allegheny" seeps constantly on hand ",a large assortment or resdphsade Carets otithe li•llowing - kinds: Pint the celebrated American Cues, 'Metallic _Self-sealing: Air-tient Casco and Caskets; and Mosewoodi Walnut and Upsets°, 'COMM' Walnut Conn,. from lima apwaida.,. Rosewood imitation Coffins from S 5 ntnrthl, and, no pains will be snared lo.ralve enure•sstistactlon.iyenspe and Moses AZ*hed free t• tcharge. 'Best litanies and Car , ittrnished• rzt short nottoe. Carriages far rdshed tolituterals at**, . - , . ENB G . BALE, , ---: MERCHANT TAILOR ivoiid:restkuuy idor* his - crierd 3 " and' the • . • ; • • SPRING.ITOCKOF , GOODS IS ,NOW QPIAPtErIT • SOLIGTIING , I3 EA111416 • I ' Coyner , of: 'Pew ant-Sixtivgtreets. mit HESPIE iftlDi . ik CO. No. SO SIXTH, STREET, (late St. , _ • have lust ieoetved teoet the Stast tb.e best lot of New tioills ibr SprAbiSifte iliar brought to the' market. } ' Aria: N 41704.14 leoi ind ac and uyke eittbei jiale4Pi'4t l beiter . I tratlotata - tOaaa 14tyte city Anis : and plea. ditkassortinent of REST _,ESUcIi , , II • MR ROODS ;arc at • all Most t 9 be:f o u l o at t bt. house. par Ntimber 16.450 • SLETEC :STREET. . . i.'zikui„ Orrrent;') D. 1111110:11DNICinigteiNED LEAVE tbetisetVes tbseethirlbx the PRACTICE OF eb k 170 19sTogirror llttattlit Avg Aut. • tTEIOS. D4LLZ,' if. D., iir- .4,ll3l.iaMili. Me. Di, , . ~., IMIE Look at This E 3