The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 15, 1869, Image 7
El I I C n? :.` FM LETTER FROM THE WEST. (Corp. spiindence Pittsburgh Gazette.] Sr. PAUL, MINN, March 9,1869. At Chicago (a very small deseof which pious place always satisfies me) I learned I accidentally that our old Water 'street neighbor, Matthews, (lately. of Wood, *Matthews (t Co.) was proprietor of:th e new hotel just opened in Milwaukee, and, of course, on landing from the'Northt *western Railroad's fast train, lat once sought the Plankinton Rouse. • t- And a magnificent - establishment it is; alike in situation, architecture, luxurious furaishment, and table; doing credit to the taste and enterprise °fits builder, (an old Pittsburgher, II believe,y from:whom it takes its name; as also, to.the skill and good Managenient - tif the lessees " Messrs. Matthews'it Segue, whose" genial kind ness reaches all their/110U: ~The house` fills a, want long ' felt hy ViiitOrS , beautiful and growingAreaM city. - I left,:reluctantly. for a week's staying in the woods.ofvast , ViSoonsin, 1 ie. the vicinity. of the Upper Wisconsin.lriver. Came by stage.(on runners) from Appl- • ton, on the 'Chicago and „ Northwestern Railroadi , tb- Steveas' seventy-five' miles: 'Thirtectili'ptits, , .Or,' deducting stoppagesil3itnesila and chengseflionses and the mails. in a MO:toyer eleven hottrik' Stevens' , Point is the headquarters, for the lutaberinen.of :the 'Upper. Wisconsin; and is a lively, growing town, looking' forward M the gocd''time coming with the railroad. The otherwise monotonous scenery of roads ctit'as straight as a gun barrel, through louden - se pine forests, was now andthen relieved by the appearance of Lo the tczo, , wrapped in blankets 'and earring his wigwam (of matting) on his back, attended by squaw and papoose,v who seemed. to take to snow like young ducks to water. One small patty of these original (Chlppewa) Americans, who' passed through Warsaw the - other day, sold to a dealer ' as the - result of about a hundred relleghunt, some twenty pelts, comprising otter,_marten . fox; 'tnusk rat and seven black bear skiiis with-as ;ugly buckskins.• - - At Warsaw I foundari old Fifth avenue teighbot,-.T.• C. P. Sinith; who is • largely itterestedin the mineral-developments of this - valleY; and will commence bOring for salt as 'Soon as the.-season per 7 snits, with the'most sariguineexpectations. Returning; I took the lover'. or ' Prai- - ris du Chien route - if the_ railroad, {I mean the, Miliankee St. „Louie .Rall road, which takes you every where An the northwest, with its-895 miles of road in operatien, to say nothing of the 'tied:irk - Lions and the partly built Tomah & St. Croix Railroad, which - svilkgive the trav eler a third choice of route letween Mil- Waukee and. St. Paul.) ;roiling, the Atia: 7 slasippl inice :boats, (pontOons on' rnn-. ners drawn by horses,) between Prairie dtv Chien and McGregor, and thence a a very pleasant ride over the Minnesota prairie to this place. _r (Nom. TO TaavEts.—The Milwau kee and St. Paul ltiftlroad - charges fare after the usual or ' eastern manner, and not by the hour , as some of these" - Prairie roads do. I dd one the other day five; *toilers for ninety miles transit, at the rate fvftlfteen-miles pee tronri)----- I find St. Paul (whose tons- , lttor In spftting underthe guidance:of three old Pittsburgh neighbors) suffering, Rider a combination - of - velocipede, -Henry cent, M. M. P., &c ., female s uffrage (which :was lost in the lower house. last night by one vote), and land speculation, though the last item is-differently pronounced Is ire. think they call:it, "AA get tore ' Move the capitol of Minnesota'. to the Countr,of Kandi:VidA." The aforesaid place i s the fortunate "geographical cen tre" of Miunesota, and lies, it I am cor rectly informed, Min the woods between Minneapolis and, Alaska." ; .lore anon, from yours, • II loam eta - , sertmes-and the itest-LOrbakt'S , onions. t . IlPechil Correspondence of Cmcit Times.) C. & X. Asp It & 0.1 t,/ R., • - March 1 and 2;1869. i -The moat noticeable.peculiarity about the contents of this- through B. & 0. car which wed get into at Xenia Is the_ great - prevalence _of faces _that one: has seen so often:at political conventions. - These are all on a tour of pleasure to. Washing. ton. They, look' pleasant arid popular; and have hopefal'imiles upon them, re minding yon of the picture in the comic almanac of the-tabe thit" was. "going to law," whereas the same returning abopt next week,lf you could see them , in the -divers and sundry -trains in which they t, will_ge lengthening, dolefully home , out • of Washington,: would illustrate Vie con- 'trusting picture of hiving "been t o i nw k, ,i For theee fedeti :ere' pleasitre-touring more to tban they wiAbefrovi.f , :lt must happen to - 13108 t of I l l elie-ev.°4 7 worse limn it did to .: my fr iend Berliget of PEON - inftame singtdne e itd- Ottniqed i reistalr i I-wentover thleyery route in , 1 1.. He had beel - thecriduM inventor of biro. ' , haat Lincoln; indite& ' fi le& Ma Caveat to ' that efilmin his ,paper—the Boonilinon Gauge—months before any other journal in the tinitni hadjhe ,IlE,Wie f likfr - Bcriggs was not a man of immodest altibition, d would, be, satisded with a moderate' 7 recompense for his -InestimahlesserVices.' 801 44_5 k` asked only "the' little ' Consulship, 8l glary 34000 gold; and he; ri...... , 5i ' ja/sillPtii* ,r2 , W 3 heek and ' N/ 0 17 - .ITTI°O g r an w un me mere ash'l ''' •Z t li k tlftliftr at fk?t , lttd , w l i fe, ' wiaali are ngttle,.t.‘k)crigik- Z atiridgise . if with a new plug hat, and ' if promptly before the au it tittreuhPf POfte gayety w new pog, t. Inteqii al*lllr WWI Ihe•- 4 . _.. tie. ' in - ley nikirnin - irsetltip yr , . d as; • 'Abe anpardlicins comb of game r.. mr, " ' :" . and - the -disconsolate , ancl • heart-broken' . looklta t s ..F , Plng WAen s, lt,eikke rid." i .Ipg,ti ln 3 .-, ~. iNf‘d disgtllite §,OOl. ii•act , ' ,beck te d:' .er, e r msatated' sue a I di:, Irene kolitiiiiint tnik "the vanity of Inman, ~ . 7 Willies" elf-would 'halm tnade lhe Orions ! . a id ,neithin ingeis•`•bawl with laghter. '-r'iktnd Bcrigga , left, after &protracted, and , • heszt•slokeningagony of , hopes Arm e d for four weeks, with a commission in bi - locket for the three-hundred-dollar p o e t ._ I offi ce othiSlittleheme village. _ . The bloat of these -present waytni e n i • will go back with a much smiller per cent. of consolation than- Beriggs did. The new administration ,canuot, if it ,:would, make outs enough to make link of• . all these. Judging from the appearance of-this train, there will be people enough 'A gracitießiiiread Town. "Carleton" .writes' to, the, Boston ~fo,4rt he.following account of the present terminus of the Union Pacific. Railway-- the town of Bryan, eight hundred. miles west of Omaha; : I . •, . • -The United States ,- at the preient time can exhibitone thing'ffot to be' found in any other country-- - n Pacific Railroad town. By that we 'denot mean a town like , Omaha, which is an old-eitablished city, but one of the mushroom places which grow. up in a night, lean week or two,• and!then are torn down and moved on to another locality. The railroad is bashed forward so fast; and the terminus changed so often, - . that a town only * gets finder, way heft:ire it la pulled down`and sent forward to a new place. Tiin can find houses at the present terminus, Bry an, eight hundred miles west of Omaha, which have been put up and taken down ' fifteen or twenty times. • The people who live in them are American Arabs. They are not only nomads, ever on the move, but they can steal and plunder as adroit ly and with as little compunction of con science as their brethren the Bedouins. Civilization and Christianitrhave not re fined Or softened their' inhuman nature. meant *tie ..anderstocid :fanny that every man in one of -these railroad towns is a villain, or a blackleg; .onthecontraik, honest men are to be found who a ft er 'bearing patiently with rufilansi till pa tience ceases to be a virtue, , and. there 144 no law. or order, or, orgardied so .e.tety, ,take matters Into-their own hands • and become a terror to evii;doers. Wllen some flagrant crime hes; •been • committed ...—murder or assassination -these law- Abiding men purify place by han,ging the murderers to the nearest tree, or if no tree is near they - extemporize a gallows by tilting up - the tongue of aWagon, and -- sending= the ;ruffian into eternity iefore -the *body, of the. , victim is _cold. _Stich :sudden punishment Janke lightning on lc „syltry day--pnrifylng and invigorating. ' • - It was, late in the evening when, we entered the new • town of. Bryan, then about two weeks old. •Werode up a wide street,. bright with lights. flaming in , the windowaof the' . restaurants and saloons, each shopinari and barikeeper , trying by arrangement of kerosene lamps and col. ;tired glasSes to oatshine hie neighbor in , his endeavors to attract a' Crowd. , “There was a* sound' of revelry,'and Bryan had gathered the largest part 'of her population for a high time. There was such. - dancing and fiddling, such _drinking of. bealths r . shuffling • of cards ,audrattling.of dice r as we never saw , be fore.. Prom the dance. saloons oenie the ,sound ,htirdy 7 gurdies, violins and ban jots, the rattle and clatter 'of 'the double shuffle and _plantlitifinbreik-down, mingled with shouts 'and Oaths, thejing ,ling of glasses, as the rude men, wild'with 1 I whisky, and woinan,: decked' in eatins, and • ' , glittering with trumpery jewelrl,,. went rwhisking,hveach other's arms round,the •), - mho stdOonv' during the..*day.,arefnot much patronized,” - but are thronged at night. ItlfralliVely loins", The whole - poprilatiom liVetin *small .territory' and are dependent • thct for supplies. ; • liferUoo l cari to MP PM.' ning tke comniunity would brought' to . the Tergf,'Of statTatiOn' iit'4**weeirf but' that odigiugeriOyviti'4t and; 1410 ,46;irtfitriltr,:rii.nOrtkaFtukerk to;gether 1 1 1) Puke ,A)POSIWg fro m i U 1000447 9i; I , R4Wir 9 3 gY e workmen into lheit Alias", ...:; 1 •1 • BIM • vdepthi of, gnownizetithem citz of 'Mahe is i ‘allnokrtennprecetlental atrlbis season of the yete..,ln kinthpiplaotnit, lays seyw,fnet - -tleep- on- a level. 1 1 14 Banger Wftigiaiotti soitielV il the4 4 o t Annul -141' nettethrtry ,, tcf-punl - ' Ivan /stivalitdsixto *lite briltillatVPAß 44 1 91 1 T , t... lea,taposioalowippw: supplies to„ , theinampsons , uvnliotimn pperatlonstralovkane extent' New lumt•etmenleinalhozel *O4. of,libonehead! liaVe.Onitrout.' tom.cuminrat lititateit bait Meat' been brdegbi into 7 00 in ?deist for lac dies.. Four of these old lasblOhedirehl-l' cles :Isere a slpirklimel,so PP-Been at: the rikspeCtlixi doors or 141414 est4f4hion. Ada:Anti Iha *km chairs have oqly beettzused' torildlng 4 1 ; church and for short moriting.visits:f special toilet has,-been invented for this, sort at co nveyance,'consisting o f f$ nautilia ,. with icuipurei (kimtv• Ill iefj`ttnitthe. 'costume is -- balled. a Jort4 I d'eglise. I.qBBl . in Vialangtitt this weeeTc !with therioridli,- to fill ill the offlceit itt United States threelinies over,' and tins of thouswads to spare. So, with the' pros' pect that Grant will not turn mat many, If_any, of the present incumbents except for cause other than political, arid that these my fellow-travelers ,have to w*it for their warm seats indefinitely— and then maybe not get them—they are to be. pitied 'as one pities - the innocent calvewin the tail-end of a market•wagon that is driving rapidly Ito the slaughter house. Here are five or six of our southern brethren, with their swarthy and solemn faces; their licked soap-locks under' slouched hats, and their niggery pronun ciation. The slabsidedness of the 'Yan kee is proverbial; but, for utter leanness, abiolute famine of, red blood,'Mul fever, aridity of all the ; Nital juices x there is nothing in the,American nature compara ble to the aristocratic: Gulf State man. The Southern,heart heal:teen fitedSo fre quently that all its; gush seems to have turned to crackling flameln.the veins. ' • There is another characteristic of your aristocratic Southerileil; be is fearfully and-' enderfully solemn . He isawfully earnest in his majestiebear ing,}.An-:asst of,Alte most distinguished, breed, could not lopk more preterhaturtigy., Saga and,itaposingln his, mien. , Sm 4 he May, *long .ifitervals,lwith It most nia-' presidia air; butilaug.h, is:condescendlig ,andPatiohliing; is.altewV" - tragedY expression in like thestaelotts and smile qfstage.) , kings and princes of the blood. lle.lioes not laugh; 'he only:rattlealtia nnoiled ris ibles cumin a while, like watehman's Theselnelaricholy Majesties of the GM: federate "Stat'es are Of. cciriiielt e ed lOyal Men all;and 'they ate. going to ask "your Govern-meof, Bah." to renietn ber them. for their hOlire end constant de votion to the Republic thiaigh .Its years of peril.'' Sue 'lttiriihPs 'ease Vies not more' clear than . theirs. Give them - the offices, and •there shall !straightway - , he reconstruction, and peace.:: And) so • ;fOrth..., But there will be a tinge of Booth ish blood and bushwhackery added to - :this ,this grand gloom of Southern counte nances when theklave seen Grant on the tollic of •officeis. •t ' M diet zire) - - . . gariAretiet WaREirf.4IV.EN to ill 'OWSERT OF DRAYS, CARTS. CA.RRIARRS, BUGGIES, Ac.. (whetherlesident or win resident,) in tne City' of Pittsburgh, to pay their Licenacs at this 021.C0 TORT/IR/TH. accordance, l* with an Act of Aisembly approved March 30, 1160, and an ordinance of the Coun cil:l of the Cltrof Pittsburgh, passed April 16, 1160, , ••,-. All Licenses:not pald on or before MAY 15, / 869 1 will lie Plaeedltt.the hands of a pollee of ficer for Cull4ctio'n, enbject to a collection fee of 50 cents, and all, Pinions who neglect or refuse to 'take oat Lleetuses'will tie subject to a penalty dohble theamohnt'of the license, to be recovered before the Mayor. The -old metal Olates of last year must be re. turneiat . the thuel.leenses ate taken out, or 215 cents" additional Will be charged ma each License, EI.TEB LICENSE: Each orie berse vehicle Etch two Each ft - 'e bur- tour urge ..... Each Lilo hors!) hack ' 15.06 bunilbus and Ilmber Wheels drawn .by two hoiaes. sq.9o. each. One d altar extra will' be chittiedpr each additional kers?" used In any of .4. J. cpczi#4N. ~ • :o.ll3:..treasurer. IaraII.TRIIIILOWS,III DYE. the.enly toe ; pe eet Dyei:batiniess, Wei • instantenetere: istv dhisppointment; • ho'4l - 1.1 renredies the- effects of , bad dTee4.l4lTitnittates,and leaves the Heir Bert,'And I)eimm_ .1 'area. or D./titan.' Bold 1:1111 - 11rngetsta antiPerrainereaeniproperle gni Batehe• /6 " , W4t No. 16 p9/14 sues ~ziai! Mr , ' MARRIAGE AND CELIMAI of iiiigtiClzidEZ7s3lntiligeigall3sl34 which eremite Impedlitent,s 'to-MARRIAGE, with rue thee or Teller. Bent; 'l4 'Seated letter en. venspos. freeat charge .: Addiess, Dr. J. ISHII, LIWAQIITGHTOI , I, ovrird Association: £l4lle delphlxVPW. -" •• • t • • • ' lelt4:traT egrOHNAINIENTAL. AND. , • FTJL. .BUtONLY • - - SILVER TIPPED 8II0E8:' I , Ct thildiellt Wlll•ontwear tbreepatrir•wiliimat tiP5. INSURANCE. Titt 1123 unimsoNECOMPINT, OP Tat UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WASHINGXQN. D. C. . chartered by Special 'Act of Coratirege, Approved July AS, IBSS. Cade Ca. - - - $ 1 ,000,000. Branch 01Ow PHILADELPHIA. PIBBT NATIONAL MINK DITILDEta, Where the general business of the Company le transacted. and to 'which all general cones- Pondence should be addressed. DIRECTO it. Jav Cooke. Piffled*. B. a.. Bolling. liCaarri. Cal. Clark,. Prated& Henry D. Cooke. Wash. John W. Ellis. Cineing. W. E. Chaadler,Wash. W.G. lloorhead. Phila. Jae. D. Detrees.Wash. Geo. F . Tyler; Phila. , Ed. Dodge. N. York. J. Hinckley Clark, phils. H. C. Yannestock,N.Y C. H. CLARE, Philadelphia. President. HENRY D , rOO.ll"E, Washington, The Presidn. JAY COO NE„ Chatrzaan•Fluoice and Executive Committee. EhtElteON WA PEET,' Phil., itee'rand Aetrsry. E. St.-TURNER. Washington. Aset Secretary. FRANCIS IS, SHITS M. D. Medical Director, J. EWING. D.. Assn. hied. Director. MEDICAL ADVISOR* HOARD. • J. E. BARNES. Sam: eilesseral 11. S. A., Weston. P. J. HORWTTE,. et' Medical Dept N., D. W. BLIS s. M.D,4.Washington. somorroMM AND Arentiemtig. WM. Z. CHANDLE%-Washlngton,--D.C. GEORGE MAIMING. Philadelpdh, Pa. This Company... National In its character eters. by reuon of the Lux. Capital, Lon. Hates of Premium and New Tables,. the most desirable means of Wearing life et presented to the pub- The rates of premlem tielils lsi sly redueed, arebtade u favorable to theOganrers as those Of the-trest Mntual Companies, and avoid all the wmpuOttitras and tniurta.thtles of Notes, M D dendaand thatoliunderstandings which thelat ser are Co apt 'to cause itie - Policy-Holderi. • , 'Busunl , new and t titractlve tables .are now preluded which u only to be'understood to %roll te&telleAt ei . . b, g c hrattNpral: .04,wy. Inaba former, the policy-h Older not Only steered lite Insurmice.paYable at death. • but vili-reetiee, liviny,after a period of 41 few ryarn. an 7=11103 01 0014141114 , ?‘ ttlitff, per emst. ao per cent. rbf pgr 4tr hti "whey. The ha ter the Company agrees. to return to the assured the Mat asnount of mono /ohm paid ta, In ad ditioato tbs assount of. hta policy. The attention of persons contemplating insuring their lives or increasing the amonnt of insurance they al. ready , have, is called tp the special advantages offered by the National Life Insurance , Cote, Circulars; Pamphlets and frill particulars given on application 1.0 the Branch °Mee of the Com pany in Phlladelph or its General Arouse. mir - LooAL AGENTS ARE WANTED M every City and Town; and applications Dem compe tent parties' for ,such agencies with seltablees dorsetnent. ihothd be addressed Tr, - COLS • PANT'S GENERAL AGENTS ONLY.:In •their respective districts. - • GPN.IRLI, A 1112178:, E. NY: CLARK CO., Philade/Pbia; • For Pennsylvania end Southern-New 'terser. _ JAY 1 41.. y, a CO:. Washington ,D. C., • Tor Mary _Vela,. ,Virginits, District of polambla MI west vir nit. • IRAN, eVAIL C414,‘ Agettflfg Allegtuk t denyer K i Metter , and se ngton Oa ,or, further. PetHeltiarligddrese EUß Manager,Philedelpnbi. A.. • • Aticinopi (1544410.,', • ' tal)(o4,lt k • , . AIIOICSAND 4141tPlerit noar.. , f L FOR -27131,1117E1KL10N • • •,I ' l:( 1 I r 424,1 r 'Ls; r, OMP OR I OIVI ri /U n'Aubliattienfficjoirtiqyzwri , •kri /4 Po' IU - e...31,. %1'f.,1 Messrs. CO., proprietors. i Ot the o A km sQak4 stt exclaim t - upoa Tamara! Wh i alla%lol4,stra-1 fraMiririrts.-frooiti - '5 . e ' pea ofr.Mbig nisteit bleolook ter* sad aunt. moan re, its.. l'lbutol c uataba ' fluttery, niplut,y intej; üblk , 4 a.attallawak,oar • IFlpah ..161 , ar's ; (. •4 4 .1111 AI" ." . " • "tta jttt -------- 1; , 14,. - erne . , .;. ilk rnpa r Ain, 1 1 .1 L -. 4 -= ~,,, 1 I ivitAb IMI k. 1+.71i; 03. , r-te ; Ntrlltilv 1. ..t PragarlNW ,' AND ABOSTON ,I , vinsate AND EAtitLir, COTTON, AlUti fj l ba ... aii 77.4tfi:-Ati;,,iiii4lifilifiliii-fig' : z i el 77 . Ina too qui 11 4tElabone Noon 'of Omit • ,tilurciat Soleileornk i'lltitithila itc h lb„., oa , s pie d , A 1 9, 1 4rf sfP rAtPO.°;, fi 1100 snares Cotton litAfici r i ,(,,: nuno .. , •ILWA. E. Auctioneer. • t - yr o A * • 7 101 .Z 1 '" Ali • 66 410)3 iv— „, , ' EOUNZ I A 8 8001A2 1 1141! StItLIDIReIk Moo; Land *SL'qate :Strain; Pittsburgh, • Pa l elkieLil:, :attention' ; even 'to , tha t designing: and ;11afidita. :Ayr 'DOUBT and - PunGl tAG. „ , P.A id E'S: ..TVAT.LA.T, .. OE LEATHER, tor ` aide `J. & PHILLIPS." • 4 4' f.-tv - r , _ . TiCitC MARSHAL'S' SALE. •ned ou s t of of therti of venltifont unit sned out of District Court of the %united States for the Western District of Pennsylvania, and to me dirtmed, I will expose to public sale on the premises; on At 10 o'rloeh . A u., the following- deiertbed- Pro Pert h• THE TDPEGARXINLIFACTORY Sluate in the City of Pitt. burgh, at Rae.. 168 ago and 170 Second Avenue, ttormerl f Second stns!.) Inventory of Steck and 'Fixtures of - Vinegar 31anufitetory of AR/ /JCR BA LWII. !located at Nos. 168, 169 and 170 Second avenue, City of Pittsburgh, Pi., i-eizeti Aprd 1t68: ) Trough for washin shavings, empty. 4 Stands or empt y. lime wash. Large Tub; 1 lot ef shavings and lumber. 1 Lot of Lead and Copper Pipe. 2 Large islands; partly filled with preparation for Vinegar... 1 Lot of Castings and Hoops. 1 Lot of Bags, Castings, Lumber, Floes and Hoisting Apparatus. -- 3 Piece bhafting. 1 Lot small Vinegar stands.- Large Stoves; V Vinegar Stand". • 1 Barrel full of water and low wines.: 3 Baskets, Forks and Booes. 9 SZCA:I barre/s/for-reeetving vinegar from arina. 1 Lot of : Lend - Pipe:: ' • , Large. rubcOntaining shavings., connecting with the worm It ‘ to. - ,[ 1 torsi Tutqwith its Selig!) , plge„ -- waste , pipe and false top; 1 Barrel contataing.mixture for . 1 - Lot Of Copperßuckets. 1 Stand for ("asks: 4 Large Tubs containing =niece for, vinegar.. : 1 Large Tr o u ghlilleiCwislinnavingsand water. 1 Lot of Lumber. Hose and Connecting Pipe. - I.Large - Stove and Pipe./. • - • I 5 Vinegg bta.n.fis containing mixture for !rine-, gar. • 1 Clock..l Barrel partly filled with tinagar. 1 Lot of Lumber anci /run. -1 Lot ; f Stand Tops. 21 Lot of Trough and Hose. 1 Lot of Shavings. • 11. Lot of Lumber. 2 Stand* for• Casks. 1 Barrel with mixture for vinegar. • '1 Trough. empti. 1 Larne Still. .1 Doubler, where the Low Wines were:taken from, Also. , - -,• . , I•Tub con necti nrith Deubler witbPipes, and also conntetin with the third story." - I Lot of Steam Ppe connecting'. with-the Still. Lot of Pipe. Copper. Limber and Gasbags. 1 Copper 'Worm 11 Lot a/China- • 1 Lot WoodenFumps. -• • 1 Lot of Troughs: hlhavinga and Lumber. 1 Lotof Leadgpa and eragots. • Ptos'of chain, Begs, bhafting. 'Wheels, ipe, &o. ' ; . • . af).EmptY Barrels. 1 Open Tub. . „ • - • • .2 Oldliarreis - 1 Cask stand: - ' • • , 9 Barrels Molasses. 5 Barrels Vinegar. • • -11 Empty. Barrels. /Two Wheeled Hazelnut. '9 ,Empty Receiving Castel ns. 2 Receiving Cisterns,•putly filled with Vine- Large Caaka. empty. 1 Stove. 1 Lot of Gum l'lttg 1 - 11 , se. ' • 2 Stands cbutantnir Beer. Trough,- empty. 1 Gum Hose. • _ 1 Yeast btand - in Trough empty: 1 Lot 'of •' Lead Pipe. H ose. Hanimers. Gauging Tools. Copper if eales.3leasures, Glass //unite s. 2rouglis. Putuping-:kids, Ate- 21 Barrels Molasses, • - . 1 -Lot of .'ooper , ithripleniOnts. • • • LOt es Hoops And Hoop Iron. • / Cart. 1 Dray. 1 Wagon. • Barrels Vinegai. lila/vet Hop Water.' 1 Empty Ale -- eg.•' , .Enipty Stands. / Lot of 014-Iren, ISkie.• • .. 1 'Wooden 1 Lot of ETV,' Barrels rop. azid Lumb,r. 6 Empty Hogsheads and Shovels. , . • - 1 Lot of Hoops and Iron. • 1 Lot of Empty Caste sad Hoppa.' • ' • 12 Large Stands: • ' - • 1 Lot ol small Receiving Buckets. 3 Large.. eraenting Tube. '1 Steam Forcing 7ub, connecting with Fer menting Tubs- nace- 11. Lot of copper Pipes connecting with Par -- , Let of Pipe (copper) les a d r i l ig across theitreit to other building . ,• . 1 Large Lot of ' Casks. B and Stands, in bad order. 1 Safe. 1-Stove. • , . 1 Office Desk and Purnitere. 3 Cnairat:Xelools, 1 Letter Press. X LoLpple Bottles; / Barrel partly tilled with Vin L -1 Lot :Barrels, Measure . Spigots and Old Iron.l Lot Irina Castings. , 1 Scale; 'Adams, McKee & Co.'s make. 1 Lot of Lumber and Pipe. . 1 Large lot of Castinrs, Rags, &c. a E . !iglu! Boller and Machinery. • 1 P ot , clog, 1 Wheelbarrow. 1 Iron 1 lot of Gum Hose. Barrels containing Ginger Wine. 1 Lae lot of Lead l'ipe. 1 Lot of Coal: 1 Lot of Ale Barrels. 1 La-ge Tub, empty 1 idt of Lumber. - "Y , 1 Barrel ,Ginger Wine, 4 Juge containing east. • 9 Bottles Wine. • ' ! 1 1 . Large lot or Limber, &c., 1 Shaving Ma -1 Lot of 'Castings and Iron. Carpenters Bence, Toota and Chest. ; 1 Gr.ndatone, 1 large lot of Bags. 1 Large Masb Tup, Copper Bottoni, empty. 1 . Lot of Belting. 3 Yeast Stands, (one of, them Intl.) and pipes. I.CopPer Yeast Worm ;1 Mill and Hopper. / Jug full •Yeast, 1 Jug, empty, • • 1 Lot of:Hose, Begins and bits/Rog. 1. iron Settle. 1 Platform Sask., 3 - large Tubs. - 1 Lot of empty Casks and Barrels. • 1 Lot of Shafting and Hoisting Apparatus. tielsedigind taken as the property of ARTHUR BALLOU,,st the stilt of the United State!. . . THOMAS owLEY. Marshal'. omee, March 151; /269, ishie:for M itismr AL'S SALE. •Bt ifirtne of a writ of eendgtont expeses, issued opt „of the „ District Court of the United . . &stele for. the Western District of PenneylVania, .611 d to me - directed, r will expose to public sato at. the CUSTOM Horst, Pittsburgh. Pa., on lifONDit; March 15; 1859,at 10 Welook the following described property, to-wit: SO Barrels Distilled Spirits. • Seized as the property of Lang, Horseman* Co. THOMAS A . ROWLEY, U. Maluhal. , . " Mattlift.tme Omen, March O. 1E039. mhele f 7 , .„ • • 7.50 . 1S U 0 Q~V4l', bLLtR SAVIN9S BANK.; NO. 65 FOURTH STREET. ASSETS - 0 9m:dal/Y.. from .9 o'clock A. m. to '3 o'clock Y. at .. sad SA.WITRDAIf EVENINGS, from May le t to November Ist, from "1" to* O'clock. and from Nbrember Ist to May lay from *to 8 Deposiftr e d of all stuns of. ‘ nOt less. than ONh. D ~a nd a dlVldecid• of the. robots declare twice -a, : year, In June and December. Interest haabeetedeelared sethl-ahnnally In June end he, Ma of M Decelnher Agee the Bank ma; Organized,, at tx per cent. a year. I . - foterest, - It not draw s out , : Is plaeed s, to . the .Oreditior 'the depeattot lis prlnelpal.and bea r. the rage tot-treat fromthe, Ist , eine : of Jane and ugt ber. compounding tminti a year,' without • tree g the depositor tdcill;fteven tO present MIS a bookm,'/It-thltritte sooner wilt double In lega"nc4=Mentlicnnitei.,' ity4;airo;'linles # B ooks knogulatiOdai arnionefr graph on. applies.' tloa at the °face. .-. .111 , .._,_ .. .11114, i P A U ra i rMre". lo 7l o llo2.,. !4/4..111C• ' 1 I I. ,„•-'..'... -;. - .Vit:pFle4r4tpijormkg , . , , • 1 Jr. Backoltaa,—..... A. M. Pollock,..M. D. , Bent. P. /bimetal, Robert Robb, Ja es Berdmitn.!, 1.,.. , olkit B. Shoenberger, James McAuley, Junes diddle, ~.!Jazatika:.o, morkehioi, ailisianderapeer, .i 4 .1 1 1 ., 11 A . .,.P ° .% • Chr 1 114u2 , 11 , - PYer”, ,=1".1*.:0'.. 4411tholi t 1 - Robert O. ?imam i• outin Annum: • ' atenry 4. 2 Lynch.- -, • L4Al i t Tirthriai 11 rsit te r:&. l 4 l 4earti- , . • R ip a ri o n , lay/terabit], i.l.,.gus- -,,1,11, i'lgialter-P.- Marshall, 4. Canter, - John B. IdoPaildep,. 51.141 a:Vottptiv 4 .l , ll Onfirby PlllllO4 III; Piril . ' ' ' P = I N i e ur ßuiVi ir re • , t it , 11 f 4frend Ma. M. : - MS 611 '' • •Ilt , Th '• e , t .tat'7 0 fliefiao . e l': k; ••• .1 iaift. ''' • • LVI•i JNutiLp: ~ 1.,: it.., ir : 7 l ll* * 3.l!! RI- : • B '7 3 ' 'I. jfnl'l*ool,4VWll,llloltrOe -4mi itiVRI) tie bmbefot tbe .• v I::' , ' • ..:. , i. , :',1! klis tart - : 1 .. ,- , .1.:4 : f i*.' L,•'! ; ipirsnininiazi witiriat wistiiii, ~. fir p:.:1 ,, I D i l , 0 a 1 ii-l . L o , St L , rudt,fkP, 01 i ~ 1 otc. 0 t c . f , '• nT` i,i ' i , i i . v ;Ity: y: 411 itHiV/ .:-1(0 f;f1: , ~4401-ALL,-LMI L II , w Needed,Althriowna Avrawsbßata'Rusl " 4 "4ll4flii} fit gfir .tßat.iiiiru- , 11/ - 1 ! 50 ?! S 4 ?' Mow, stlz thir.Ltimp atid;;Niattlosttar.the 1:1P4 riciA ,W4,4141.1V02, Pi ldf q.d . " 7 !"* 24 , l AS Itll wig' : • 'lrei .• ,-, • , ' ' - .O ' rT.NRMEYirt- , r 1 27 ,-- ~, .. ...• .f,t 1...1 It) : r.14:-.01 , L, ; 811/8 Will be received ihrPlPlßitaid•maictl... , LANEoug sus/ INON. Pipp,- to be of, and IA ;feet lee cc and of tech else aa nl 4 l - berordered • f eet the wider counrittee, ' Bids *lir 'specify the price oi . 40 . 18 0 , 10. IR, /5 end Rd Inch tipaa: ; also for .Fire Mae. sktly COOkII and Perrale44,, :. ;... uth9 sosicra P.u.NNOR, bunetintendena,•.-„ Soft lanG LEAD. -500 Galen LBl4 , for sale py 0..25J. N . cmarrrELlN: 141 First Avenge. „ , I 1 LT II - • -- MARSHAVS'I'S ALES SATURDAY. MARCH 20, ISG9, CHM:MIMED IN 1855 $51,315,604 61. :45ki:E . 41* 4, 7 7 ' ice.4 , l- . <"*".4'• i faliags-Vritagivi4 .: ~`~~; uzstntANcE is EIIiTEMPRISE • , INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIITSBITAGII, 01Roo. No. 424 PENN (lF Ramona L. Timm Co. BUILDING.) • DLIIECTOIIs Robt.-Diekaon, rob:. Liddell, W. 'J. Friday, G. bindle. C. Dan Buren, F. BLrsch, E. B. ?dyers, J. G andwisch, Chris. ,Biebert. L. J. Blanchard, , Welsaer, ,P. 114.3111 decker. ROBT E. EL .•DiIITILIO3I. President.' eicsols. )Vire President. BORT.J. GRIER, Treasurer. fen: Secretary, • pEI I isSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBUR6II No. 1 0735 WOOD STREET, BANE OP 430111,1ERCE BUILDING. los This F a r e Home Com ivelpan', and Insures against . ovexclusy. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE Vice President. RoBERI. PATRICK, Treasurer. /Mali McXLEICNY. SeCretary. Di/MOTORS: • Leonard 'miner, Gm wlison, 0. 0. Boyle, eor Goo. Robert Patrick, ,J. C.Lap se, Jacob Painter,' J. C. Pleiner, Joslak John Voegiley, Jas. H. Hopkins, . A. Ammon. • Henry Sproul; INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BT . FIRE. FRANKLIN INSURANCE •00, OF PHILADELPHIA OffinCE,4l7lllh 113 101E8TNEIT BT., near int. Dinzerons. ' ()WM" W.Esneiter, Mordecai H. Louis Tobias Wagner, . David Brown, , Bamnel Unpit„ , IsaseLeiL Jacob B. Smith 'Edward C: Dale, . endue W. Elegarda.., , Ucorge _ r ales. , ~CHARLES BANcgsa, rresident. EDW.. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. ETEELE,_B L eeretary,:pro tem.. ' ~ • J. GARDNER COEFIE, AnzciT, Mortb,West corner Third and Wood titreetn. mn.lovwl.s • BMr intAmai4.ll INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEGILENT, PA. OFFICE IN FRANBLLI SAVINGS. BANK pII No., 41 43410 ,St....4llOlitherrY ._ , ,- • A HOMB OOMPANY; • restaged - by'Direetors well imown to the •temamnalty, who trust by Stir dealtaa, tolaerft a, eltsre of your Patronage- • . • „ , Ifiltintlr 10101111(..«.--..:....4.'.:• Presiden. ~ IMO. P. 1111D111.i.Iic '. .. - .... - :.....:Seeretary' . izieitrilmin... D. L. Pattersoh. Wea l Coo_per, . Geo: B. Madre, SaeobTrans; -Ge oh peas, SliaeaDrats, • J. B. Ettalth 4 :• • Jacob Bash, W. Al. Stewart, Oh. P. Whlaton, Joseph Qrafg,: 1 Joe. lanther, H. J. ZlAttaad. •, Jere. /Lama. . . I . , MPERIAL .‘ . . • FIRE'INSURANCE OE' I.ONDON:- ENTABLIBECBD 1803. CASH eArrrer. PAID ATP AND INVITSTED FUNDS =Opp 'NG 1F 0 .000,000 IN GOLD. Inloraace, veins; Fire effected . on Hawes and Good/. Wares and Merchandise, liteatoboauf,' de. relieles issued payable ill gold or corrency United States Fall.llCh Once, 40 PINS itrANET. New York. • All loss - es of the Dulled tltates Branch will be adjusted In Mew York. • J. 1i".1:MeX.A.170137,..1DT, Agent, • PITTEIBURfiII,- PA. . Ofiee, ei 'myna . irrimaT. aut. MOLAIIGHLUE II also Agent for the Man. batten Life Insurance Cempany. sedre72 TERN INSURANCE COM. PANY OP PTZTSBTIRGH. Mit Imacrx, President. WM.: P. HERBERT; Secretary. • CAPT. GESRME NEZLO. General Agent. Piece, ins Water street, Slang 1 Co. , s Ware. house, upstairs, Pittsburgh. Will inrure _against all Muds managedd Ma rine Maki. A lame Inslitutiork,by Di rector' who are well known to the community, and who art determined by promptness and liber ality to maintain the character which they hare assumed, as offering the best protection to those who desire to bs insured. DEBICTOBS: Alexander Nimick, Jetin Macke.Jr.. . Chas. J. Clarke. ; Junes McAuley. WilliaKirk vans. Alexander Speer, Josephpatrick. Andrew Action. ,Phllup_Reymer. David M. Long, Wro. Morrison„- D. Ihrneen. ' no M A, PANT. OFFICE; N. Z. CORZZLit WOOD a FIFTH BTEL Home Cempany.takingrire end Kathie Bias DizaerOna: • Wm. ice'r . Capt. Jelm L. Itheada• John Wtt, . Samuel P. Shelter, John E.-Park_s, Charles Arbuckle, • Capt. James Millar, Jared M. B ru sh, Wm. Van Kirk, • •Wm F. lAng James D. Verner .. ' SamuelHCOM4Art Iri an Whi: PHILL - 'resident. JOHN . WWI iceYresident. W. F. @ABJ)24 aeor CAPT. JAL OCR ON. General Agent. - A. L L E 6}Ama n cIITRAN E COIkiVANY OP lITTBB H.. ICE, No.' BYPEPTEI BT Tail.= BLOCK. ' lames aganst, all-kinds of Mire and Marine Maki • . . • JOHN ktram. 4i., .Presifieni. JOHN_D. • sacOORD, Vice President. O. G.- DONNELL, secretary. • OAI'T. Wlll. DEAN.r General Agent. • . DLazirrOna: Joins Irwin, Jr. .- • • Wm:' Dean' • ' John D. ItcCorli. - :: B. I.2.rannestock O. G. Hussey, W. H. Everson,' HarveyOntids, Robert H. Davis, • T. J. Hostltisail. . . Francis Sellers, Chivies Hays, - Caut. J. T. ntockdale. . LEGAL. c9IIPMFAMS?r C 06.111. 11 SALE.-BB virtue of proceedings of the. Orphans! Court l Allegheny minty, tho uniersigned ; gua rdian of the tstates of . .jobnlf:an James Me Millen, minors children and)heira , Of JAmea ale ullkert, deceased, will offer at Public Sale. at the 1..0UR1- 110 USE, in tbeclty of Pittabursh, on - , • Monday, March ood 1969 -,.. P 9 . _ . . .. At 10 o'clock A., el , the following described Lot ex - piece-or groun d , ; situate in Ina Borough of Birmingham, being .part ,of Lot No. as in the plan thereof, bounded as followsz - eegisinlns at the dimance :of ility.ave -metfrons the corner of II eville and•Onsisby sireeta.:. en .oonabystreet; thence aioog_OrmsbY street 40 feet tothe.llne of Lot No. te a: thence westwardlymong the line of said LQ 1,11 0;1,03 4O t'B . ineheas:thence r ns,r;hwaruly onune parallel with Ormsby: street 40 yeet to A dye foot alley; thence aleons•said alley eastwirdlys'xtv.feet six inches toile place of beglaning,ltogethar. with . rigekof way to said five loot alteyZajmo tior'y Brlek Dwelling Dense' 'helmet:hereon. erected.' • ' --v•..-• • '. . • • • . i - Terina miii. am toads Austria on Aar Cd-liale, orl :In ADDHCB fi q ,-i. . ..- , rMUifa-Iff • • 44A.1111111 laritit,•.oliaiiiiills. if-THE7I Difatil7tOtritlrol4 THE UNITED TOr the Western Dia:" et of Pennsytapka. ••••___L- . „. smarts I. Dw.O,LwILLIATd B. .DBAVO • • anm • ANTROtriaIk.I,,DHAVCR ' , late. ::panners, Basikugsts under the Act Of Congress of Horeb: • Sldl'lseit;haVingtoolled foe allischalge. from all their debta, and, otheaciahnsprovab.le wide.; said' Aet, - by'Order'Of the *Art: nosier it tiehtry given So AU. amnion.. whit hayoprovcd titeir debta,and ; ether persona interetted, Witpnear' On the be . AO Of Air HMV i /NOW at /0 t r i t ;ai, . fore SAMUEL EtAlirElt, /so. e ter MBank*: ynptev, lel - ZIO OEM.. 01o:;' 0111 mut saran, ;OWEN.. k_a.. to , ;lila* .. canf. if , any they H'have,"w a' 01 sc , hargelmerttld'notte granted to • os mild ~ _ pt. ~ ~ - _.,. ~,. .. :.., , • .._,.. mht: `C . .'llicoA*lLlDEStL•iirk - 4 1ssu l l Ev i. --- $6.1w0 - 70} -177- A0 Vaterb DistrictOlVennstivaillM;M: At 'Pitts- I. *WEN rev. We eib, 0,T0rpir.0 . 14„,,,A,,,D,„Aeg0. .11 4 , 1 4,4 0 may cebeern. .._, '_, • ' it Undersigned hereby Mires notice '6f mfa ap• l;Mintment , ssagadgnes ofr,THQ/11.46 K. WILm , SOL, of Alleitheny , el•y. .in ttio, county OliAlle.,. ,ghsoe and mate of penosylvanirs, w, ittan• said -.1 , larksi s; who ' hat . beet. dindsed,. k IBankrupt . npooL his own eetltion - ,brAte.Distrlot Users of, 'Ps4- 4 bnotri" k ... ' ' wilithigElt: kitliee, . 1011:00.2a . Attorney-av Law ; 81, Fifth avenue, nits. •• who hob'. PATRON'S 'l'lllKETs'of the Rd an ad SERIES OP WASMNOToze hrEMA.G. - LION PENs, are hereby - In (brined that the draw. legs were Merle dati0317'29. - Ll.BBO. and that cli• calve glelng full information a( the, munbere drawn, wilt be sent CO Verson! interested, on 'their soldreeetatt the WASHINGTON &MAL , - V.E3N, COMPANY. New York. R N. IEB letealt_ • 13.--Rkob TIM. • TiCKETEr OP' TON 4711 SE. . =2 'I maw OPERA Lessee Ww; HENDiREON. !Manager 31.. W. CANNING. The Manage r takos es , tem: -, r;41 , e to antiontirinte 'an engagement'wtth the ennaear American Co median. Mr. JOSEPII wl-0 will appear on TUTS (Moeiday) EVENING.; March 1503, 11469, in 1)Ion Boucieruit'. drams, entitled, RIP VAN WINS LE, On THE SLIM" OP' TWENTY rEATIS • 'Rip Van Winkle Mr. Jorent..l, ff..ra.:ll Grand Matinee on Saturday. _ 7 ""S Y TEE E'S ANT:Isle ty TA i tATFIE. ante Trimblek " (1.11-4. MONDA.Y EVENING,- March 15 I, !Min. Art t appearance or null. I- nut. and Vocalist, and nIGNOtt CA FF,•I .6. Pant.. &c. Entire change of Yro.ranyne night. F. A. TANNEHILL and Hie Troupe in new Mays. youtinuvd sue, a of ti,e 16:Imitable H W. EAGAN and his , .6r, a r medians. The Star Cottage(' IlirUn. I • a 111 , 4, , In more of his original tongs. NELI.Ii; TAT, ,LOB in beautiful ballad!. PITTS BIURi4 H. W. WILLIAMS ...Sole Lessee and Manager TREMENDOUS lIRCEP lION OP THE MC NV t• A Iv Y MONDAY EVENING,-: , snil - every eveninz da ring' the week. the entire coninianv will a i ppear In a oplendid MUSICAL MELA Kt' —tke able (tree of THE sT AGE sT KUCK CHASM.. It. MAIO. the entertaining 1 0 EMA..LN 'MINS/ Init. SCENE, and tit, local extrhvaganza et MILL tittlLS UE THY. TWIN crnEs. • EMI 10'''BURNELVS-DIIIISE.DI/1 AND PARLOR DIENAGIZIDID, The G4vat Fall I 1 .Resorts. • FIFTH • AVENUE. between Elmithtleld and Wood streets, opposite .Old Theatre. • : >i en Dar and Evening. all the year round. Admission. 15 cents: Cialdren. 15 cents. . THE ECONOMY BUTTER CO. . . ask the attention of all 'interested In the reduci. tion of the extraiigenteoat of Butter, to their practical and economical arsteln of making pure prime Butter by the aid of the ' EXTRACT OE' BTITTER PLANT,. A brief spusicin to - the origin of this lmrottant discoVez y may not prove unintere'sting: Ant Ont the aathenticated records of the - renowned Cap tain Cook's voyage around the world, is found the statement, that while sojourning fora short time on the Brazilian Coast ofSouth Amities, be obitiVed the natives tieing; in thepreparation of theirSood,h,ifecullar irhich:'upcinexamma-tion, he found to - Possess - the appearance, taste and liavorof Butter; • upon further laqithry, how ever, he ascertained that it Was simply a sub. stance that, the: natives' distilled in a crude and iMperfeet manner; 'Prins je, rlt i. hid In.xclidant plant that grew spentaneoluily and abandantlyin 'that. warm tropidal country.' A few 3ears ago, an eminent French cheintst; while on 'n profes sional-Visit to the tropics,aaade'nunteroas exper iments witn • this arkable .production, of Lure, and s ucceeded - In - extracting a concentrated essence of the plant: • The formula ferns prepa ration, - and the Sole Bight for dth . sale in this country are the of this Com pany, by whom it was pitychased. from the origi .nal discoverer.:: We claim for this remarkable, yet simple and perfectly harmless preparation— its.—That by its use a net gain of from 50 to 200 Per cent. is made lathe manufacture of Baiter. ad.—That Butter, which front age or whatever . cause, .may be strong, rancid, streaked or coarse-grained, and comparatively useless for general use, by the aid of this Extract, is re stored to its onginal freshness and sweetneiS, tine-grain, and even color. 3d.—By the use of this:Extract, one pound of delicious, fresh Butter is actually made from one pint of milk. 4th.—That a pure and excellent table Butter can be made, at a cost of from 15 to AO c tits per pound. The chief expense wherein being But. ter,.which is the essential base. sth.—That Bitter manufactured by the aid of this Extract is Cnuallin every respect to the best Butter" made bY the'Ordinary method. • Oth:—The Extract after thorough catalysis, by able chemists, ispronouncedperfeCtly free Erma any deleterione substance, the ingredients be lug Purely of a - vegetable nature:: Bth.—ln proof of .ne foregoing assertion4the factory of this company is maxim; one ton oi/ Butter per day, - which meets with ready sale - in the New York hirrket. and is from the tables of the lint llotels, Restaurants and Private families i Labety and elsewhere. A sample package Extract ounlelent to make 50 lbs. of Butter, with full directions Sr use, will be Sent to any address on receipt of Alt. • CAUTION.—As articles of real - merit are soh ject to spurious imitations, we would •speciali y cautn imitations , ic against counterfeits and worth less- advertised as Powders. coin poends, &c.. as the Extract of the - Butter P.aut Is prepared and sold only, by • . . • The Economy Butter Co. .. . . OPPTCE, 116 Luotaff, lierstrarr.. , • FACTORY, St3B tiESICAW/CIL ItT., NEW YORK. State. County and City Bights for fie. , fferittg to capitalistarare opportunities for establlsktag a staple ; business; ,paying essormous profits. Aunts Everyghere. Wanted . M. CADA.RT'S Pura .VeSiaakit Cleforlog. et; a pound, anfticient to give a sluts golden yellow ,to' 100 lbs. Of White Sutter; 50 crab( per somata package. sent Wang address. lib farmer should , be without it, as .w4lte and streaky Butter. is worth from six to ten cents a pound lest; tn all . markets than that of a rich yellow feB:OA . • - FOR SALE. I. Acre at Woods Raw 4 . Acres and House in Eat; Liberty. &Acres, unimproved, on Troy Hill. SI Acres on Greensburg Pike. 5 Acres on Four Nile Hun Boa 13 miles from Z. O. IL it. 70 Acres near P. F. W. & C. R. 11. • , 118 Acres near Pa, 1t.8., WestmorelanAcort 90 Acres at 11.11191de Station. Pa, E. B. , 4 Farms in Preston county, West Virginia: 185 Acres In Artastrong colomty, underlaid WII4 109 Acres and good improvements, in Trill.A* county, • 900 Acres of 'Timber land, with Saw dwellings: - 1111 l and:- • 'Rouse and. Lot on Center Avenue, „near patrick. , House and Lot on Vikray street': House and Lot in East. Liberty.' • ••• • f••• • Sanas and Lot In Mansfield. • House, and Lot on street,'Ailegheily. ' 1 House and Lot on Heaver avenue. 9 Hones and .4 Lots, very, cheap, on Tfine street. Lote. - ierY cheap , on Vine street • • • A 'Houses and Lot on 'Franklin Street ' r 1 House of 9 Ragas and A Lmq on•Hobertgut. • Farms In Illinois. Missouri and West Virginia.. Coal Lands in Allemeny, Westmoreland, Fay. att. and Beaver counties in geniis,. • • . • ..117044E1N • - , nausea offs mooing inthe llTthWdrd;ll34t, 00 • ' 4 de. of 3 do., do. Wi th go. do. ,14•4: SS • do; qf B'. • do.. With •do. - : do. • 156 • A . - do;• of 6 : do. • • dog - 40. 'ado - . ore dO. • do. 1ith,,d0., 1 ao. _3OO do; do. do; • Sht 60. s do. 6 •doo•of3 do;••• • doi, • -oth : do. ••AO. 00 1 do., of dot oth dil•c•-, 40 , 5 E40 Ido, of! do. 1104 Ifth ao., 419. 166 • go. 'of • •426:. do: Ad 10: t • do. ot do. Grant - ameet..-i• - • .• The Rotuma that lhave for tent will be rented • very tow to good tenants for the balsams of the :saw year - •,.tr ,e• ' • , i i v l;o4*• D i•,. -;: • • • - so.vt.prankstAftets.b. APPOONO I OIO O,I O II 4-111W44.:by vw.a. :sue ~ .insito,:_._,-i ~.- ---. •::. WrISTIUGA ..60 . , 14 the only true 'and escUY„`segolAce4 - made; perfect to ate operand trail? fellable. A laryealseikrverearoao be peen at the °Moe of skitßaz VAL BZCAELI7,/ r teeha n t aki gotz _. ano Holfditor of Patente. , eith 'l9 Pomfret, 7 . 7' 'Alleattgl-171M th°ll°nlY ligln ktor - Pfk blOtertioi , 'e the we4t......_,.4.,.111ta50 TANNED ' LEATHER— w SILTING Of • komerlor wiellt7; Also,teand iestber Betting of dAttereekttzee., &Urge otoek r band at ;be lowest prieep.... 4 !P , - - .: l 4 l tandire Slue Sret. STATE/mix. Etto 010 SOILGEIII Ati. 3 4. tituAsioo mike J.ohi B. nELD. by - **i'Ar: 7 • , -4 +