Q STEEL - WORD: DIVMSNE' WORKS. COMMA .R.NAM 00. •- • - 31annfaetwerti Coe— : " •. IRON, -NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS, DIMIJESNE, L AND JLNIATA: :KLATMA3I.ROUNT , AND SQU ARE IRON. 'BAND, MOOT', SHEET AND TANK IION. Bothr.l3. AMIN AND II K ADS, a l d A n ltg, ° " r tlNlN A Vl ß li NON. . . T AND 'FLAT:RAIL, for Coal Roads. CR4 lW A a A.S.WEDGES & HARM MT TEETH, • ' SPRING.PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL, STEEL WINGS AND MOULDS eat to pattern. STEEL. TInES, STEEL SHAFTING, A. lE _ lT graH, r Allekii * and W AGON sritnui# and AXLES, pu.T.frA.ms KND srnacs. • . Ail Goods First Class and Warranted, OFFICES AND WORKS:: „ • 'wad 77 Water, Sextet., Pittsburgh. `CIODEFFROt 'IIIfANCKEII & CO 42 Exchange Plaits New York,,; Are prepared, as sole Agents in the 'United States for.the Prussian Mlning.and Iron Cora- Piny of Duisburg , Westphalia, to contract or sell In quantities to suit purchaiers, (delivered in aitherliewi'briz or Philadelphis,) the celebrated Gr.:‘ SPIEGELEISEN Vied so extensively for the manufacturing of BEISSIIKIER STEEL. This Iron is freetrom liulpur and Phosphorus, and contains aheary per centage of . Manganese. Full particulars, samples, prices or chemical analysis will Le promptly 'forwarded: kon aidallca . Won. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGEft;MEIGK & GO., PITTSBURGH. PA.. Mainfootuets of every description of • CAST AM) GERMAN • STEEL, W1L=3,15=1.1. TIRE, at., 40 NyateiamilOOffirst 13W SARA PAkiilN - connsai. PAICTIZZSI • WM. lacTiltr.ar, man3Ew •mmtals, ezo. w. BABE, 1- OHM/. ?Amax. .BrunisPArtinsrsza—gl. M. ZULEt. , Office, Na 339.. Liberty St, ‘.• rrrtastraeit. = B pwK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER VCO., Manolsotaiirs of ;alltlerialptioas of 2139L 1 33X10.1r-a. Once and Warehouse, IS STREETS'S/WOAD and 119 and 121 FIRST . - /RON WORIXS. JAB. Vsainal, Pron..— W. P. ?oasis, 3npet. piTTsituRGH FOItGE AND IRON CO" mustTA.cstraine 01 •a; ~ Bar from •• , ' • Railroad Fish Bars au* BOHR Railroad Cor Axles Rolled; • Batt ea ties , A.xleallammeredi ,_, beeo Rommeetive Frame Bhopal; , , • ' ltokee,Btraimn Vide/a Pew* , ' • steamboatswarm ..elteamboat Craults; .- Piston Iteds, Wrists; Piton= Jaws; •ConarsiAte. °Moe, No. - 177 . ',STREET, PITTSBURGH. PA ELLERSRIIISEN PROCESS: TldsTrUsiies' of ACT - w 4resiiredit Men, C for, tne use - of the •gLuElisfywanz. -FRP" —The 'Wielder watt*: brinarted.tir , 'lrebd : dren, sue Vest Imprcffleinent In inferior Iron, and the . reduced eoat.commend If, to all inane flicinrete of ipi rthe: uw ;It 1 N g t V ! " 3 1 / -. !wl 4 3*Ipi lipeques by tga AMES, P. ~spE ill ' 3 ',:. - 5 ; ,' i ' Att 4 Tl 3 ll for the trtertete, ",•,iIOFTICE, 'ski Pntt ' STROM i rrtes . laterened are . Write& tiir : iatati Mb 'l5 OENBZREVER WOURS.klthere 'Ube proms br abw inineceostut operation. , fee:47 co "xt . * zrEnsoN, PBEBToN fl r .; tY• Ytinsirliatila Iron' Ntirits • . • ~.... ...„..„...,.,., ,...) • w0e..., Nos. 166 andl67 - 111161 , . ATRIUM, ooposite Monossaaela Rouse. apn:ctil Y VV II I * OI 9I NOVELTY MORKI3, przirommuni . NOVEIRT WORKS . pew P•Mr a ir ADAMS; .2.1 4 ,11.Ek C0. . I ,xistr,,,Anump jaystoznr,isTillDAlitt,A T. e..lll2itT) .1 14 APPORK ,ABI/0 COUNTSR ciALES.,_, - Janus Paned Patent' Door 'Vida Sna Talltatuk . - 1 anfra",,Pl4ls 1143 r /34'E* Gout! Sf 3, , LT p jfftlie ' =I , eglititirrirt 4u!gerd. f a .eneli of - .AllOl l2l, Mi ttaMelMla OASTELTUAIIwa' railelikeitadlVidnUtStreeour t ta, ~,:up§muitrasan: --; atut • :r ii :ant :10 nr.i 'llll. qvd "'‘ " . _ - - • `*:Cq..s=Ck"'*':'-.*.g''`'''C'7k'=','3',.7%*.-yfrr4=*,',,,= • 1., = `f41.,...7z4,-s., t 7.., • '14;:o t ' 3*.ANC:4 l :4l3.tt-I_2+ • r^sVi.**'4,V. --?-7"t4 *••• ' ' • -`efv4'4. - Pt - , 4'4 4,1% '4l-" , lt?W 4.40,' , :t. , Ar .. ..JA7f2,.., (p+., • KNAP:FORT PITT . FOUNDRY COMPANY. t OFFICE AND WOltlifil, - TWELFTH STRE,Ei", • PITTSiItrAGH;,PA.; . _ or -Engines, Rolling Mia M achinery, - Nail Machines,. Re tortk find Castings generally.: • NAtioNAL e I AND PIPE WORKIt.': , ' : Corner , Carroll and Smallnum Signets, unarm P1TT1EWT.7114311 1 ,1",, WILLIAM 'SMITH, „ . Manufacturer of OAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOR 61‘134,ND WATER WORKS. Iffy Pines are all cut invariablyln Pits, in dry sand, and lig feet lengths. Also, fall assortment of general • Caathigs for Gas and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Superintend. ants of his Worlmto ray' make of RETORTS. ATLAS. WORKS, • ja30:(178 MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, VittotiticfnitlEß,Vrisident. .These.Woris are among tie lecleet end Mort complete establishments in the West* itlut; are now premixed to Mash • Zuglues, of every deseriptles: %/011erip, 011 Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. ; ,X 04 1 .11 * Boliias,MU Clastbig 'Engine Cast Lass. Machine 4:L.astlxigs. • 6hueral 4Dastituffs. ORDERS ex)r.rorrED. , ItORINSOII, REA & CO., thoieuprs, to Rintnosor,3cnan a mizthas. 'WASHINGTON WORKS , FOUNDERS AND MAUHINISTS;PITTSBUROU, Marinfactstre.rsof Boat andStaticrnary Steam BK. =llan Engines, Mill Machinery, eelling. , Outings 0411 descriptions: 011 Tunas and St Boller and Shea! Iron Work. _ Once. No. lit, corner Pint and Smit h field Streets. • • Agents for 430:1TABB'S PATZN'r INJECTOB for tending Boilers. - jallaM PITTSBURGH. 'MOM' BLANC FOUNDRY. • tier Street, Ninth Ward, (opposite Won Doti bunk) Bolling 'Bill and Bridge Castings, THISBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, A , . NACHINNNY A ND easTuros fiENZBALIM. Orders promptly and carefully executed. Crtuu:ps reifriHonable._ PPM k's*bitiank THOMAS 'CARLO' if , CO" Ithulli'llardFoiiudrir. Md 111aeklito Worki, .oszanom 13T, /34.p)431.7:01, MszVlip lgaShies, 011-Preesea, MSnand .1•11 =tag" MITI Work, Orb ':Wagon Boxes; 41e. Orate to ordet have on MR All Mew; " tevlems EU MEE --"' •; `ANR. ROLL WORKS 110LEIT-' 4 BOID Rt BA43IALEIN OM Mills. Lithes. T. LUDEBEEL• .,, • •,, _ _____ lIIIBE* 1' LUMBER! ! . • ALI3Ir.APIESIR PATTERSON. . .. voider* palic k hiab 'Of Lthatber. , . ~ ~...px HAND liirD roil. 551.31,,t ..,:,,, I. 000.000 feet DzyjincqueLßosrds;• - . _ ' ` 1 .50:07A "I ,' AcTkfnelnomm a gn redt; 1 • A'.3000,0# Nandi inth'Ohk; .• • ki , v' :'9 O. ~ 1 1X1011 D 11, S 550 WOO Ash, 5,000 ft. I . Zi, 10.0 berry 5 Maple. , .30 ,00 rt. Dux k 51 , 14 2 4 x 0 blob Poplar= p...feet Dry riio , s , Sliti s i.... iefi, ' ooolt. llftol4ol4wifet lW .- sao,999ta Winekt _ :pm 1e509 1 40,uvu o. 1 lo4noll oninstes. slum I - -. 50,000- lid*: -•— - --- - -- -- 1,000 Piro Tile. ... , 100 Tonarifire Ulan "__ YAIDd—No. BO PRDBLG,STRIC5r,_formarly Manahosferjaml 155DIBEGOA, STS/IXT.IPPP. , atte the Gas Work", s,seshpayiNt 7 . 11011 M swum' • meittesnekm, .X0;011 124 Fil'itliAreet , Pittibursl4 A g ent foiitie italOof Corawal4 Don , listru josepttpeolabelia,uuneaSllolsaittalto elem ne, . dort.and other broads of Aztimunte.ughlo. &WOOS Otte: IS: 431uomabr t ,v o Consignments areatotitqestfoilTsollt4oo. - . `SoynaituzjpipplAiiire.woliza RDY ;10.; Copper. 7 =timed CoVDer Wnems,Bitlaed Sot. , Omer Sobierkiridsp,lmpWrsiNkil Deal., ers etal, Thrriate./13-Wg Irani ler SI K .; von agintly or 4 band Maitre+ XsiLldries mot ls. Warebodee Bro. 1411•YlBST BTRICAT a nd IBS ABCONDOSET Plttsbotrah. eneelal e ra of bopper out to itlestredit e lo • 4914151;43 .lanitardir; , . :II , • ME PITTSBURGH 'GAZETTE : MONDAY. MARCH ~1869 ØSIØI EirrMill!RnMUL 9IMS. we )q/M?lliW_ :~EN@IN~B;~B© HUGH It BOIr 10,, Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St, pricAn TILE -INDEITIN 'Erfaihe' Bullire:rs," 'Fiiiiiiilers And - - - j ftehtiStS r• itiniiitiirelyrzliatlSAT kgtireirs and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all sizes. Special attention E N GI N E our new STATION ARy OIL WELL AND PORTABLE BOILER. of 15-horsespower. CASTINGS. of every kind. made to order atour Poundiy, on THIRD STREEll,below Market. _ RIGS for opIuksruPTOTe.:PIIMIXTS, RANGERS.RO andTOBAQUOSCRIEWIrand IRON TOBAC PBEWES, - olthand endruade to order, at the 4 INDUSTRIAL WORKS, 7 Vatiag CP.6O 411ejgheny River, near the Point, VITTSIIIiRGA, PA. lop All orders prouiptly filled. TRY 118. FORT PITT _ BOILER, STILL ARM TANK ;:WORKliarfl CARROLL Sc SNYDER, - • 11 T I CV?" 116°. Ttnrcrait, DODBLE4ILHRD TOBIFLARI PIRE•BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL- ' OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHERNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH rem, SET DEMERS; TLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND as • , BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES 91liee and Warehouse. corner Second, Third. 81toOrl Med ILdhertids. ' _ • p;l7SEttraGli s air Oideii - sent to tie move address Wilt be Prombtly attended to mb7:192 . M. tatiSIIIILL - & -C4: BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOB. AO, AA, 114 AND BIS PENN ST. Having secured alarge yard and furnished It vim the most siTIProvW zuchtherfl'i" of pared to manufacture enterydp on o - ERE In the bean:meaner, Ind isantodoo to any made In the country. Chimneys Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pans. Boiler Iron Bridges, Sugar Pans and sole insaufacturers of BarahlWs Pat ent Boilers. Repairing difsieoziktvirtest nol&W, iakdf ' - r ipnlES 1 4,* WM, Nos. 55 and 66 Waft" Street, PTIVISBI7BOII, PAL., 7: A111151 9 2 " IRON OIL TANKS, ILITTLIAEr PAPS, COPIIMSTIAM PIPE, BOLLLEZEI MILVOTALMIC" And SiikrrllliON'-Wtigt:' For Steamboats. JABID ...... D. BEMS JARED .11i. BITUSH fit. SON, wartrricruzudis or Steam Boileri; Oil Stills, Tanks. =MET IRON WORK. &O. 61 Penn litreq, Pittsburgh, Pa. 'OASTINGS, &r.O THE BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY-.14-CO. ISanufaetaiera ofthe'greitesriarlety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. Sole Agents for the celebrated Base Burning Oriental - Stoves and Furnaces for Hard Coal or Coke. Best In the World for Parlor.Ofileas Store or Church. Fire needs no rekindling—burns all win. tor. Do notb iy unU4c xi m ace kir,send for Circular. No. 30 , STREET. Our Agents for Orientals—DEWS:LEE BROS:, Smithfield St.: GEO. HUBLXY. Allegheny City. aw e ggs &co., au sirs wcirk*vr vAaurrr or . • err i CONTWII/S, 1 r 7:i ,- • _. IN _,,. BOSTON C O O KIN G RANGE!, i " TEE, F 1 MNACE," lon WeiatrNa EVILDENGS. THE ' NEW:kiin-DiE6*E 4 3IACI4444OR frilLt ic T i O n g.! COL Mtg. coOk z i r ihki 1!) AST ati - LF2, ' 44:y 43 EFL VE,, Ll3 , _ HATXll,434.trom d dui; GILL= auxTbs,...,Waß _am • • i if iv,ii . Lri .. 11 0 !ti t :,, , C'"CT, I,I 20 . and - 208 Libert St r ciatylfs 1 '7 . 7 , 1 f:: CI 73.Pitti313fattal 11,4, cooiL STOVES. " BEST. -- )BISAIKra. oit;i7t el: 'AA ' I . j .?-211•11iLltii•IT :FOB BiTrramous from,: ' • to d001e,404‘64104 , 4•8 well essity ether Iltetc.in the Union. ; ;11 1 1 . • : ! T-00keretV • t 4 ' Aiso on rwiti r for oil — a. viirowle <<, t'!! ' • . 4-44 , . was. r; 0 . :77 . : . • , I ; " • CALI COAtitt CO r • Ssvins removed thelr Mee to: giffil NO. 561 11 11BERfr CLltel7 alb, . Idnita!CO9ND ELOOB. Vnow prevaredto_thralth and YOUGHIO MST Luxe % zurr Clthhoßl44l.9A. at the 'Unfelt mom':frlo: , . AlLiarderi. !snot thetiodlde,i orlddratad to them %limpet the math will bo attended to promptly. STONE. WeeIiCoMBION Maelo,ofitotse_ Ircork_ao, - - 11s4iiiiweaciiiiiartirwestia=4 - ll* shirt. flißroit ATVATER & 00. Have betui orAreparen- I MC Hearn end WIWI:Lee, ;ear., a ,BrinPrego V W. 'Head Tomb tones. promptly anted. P ri ma reannabis . .P elf o(i.,1000, me%=: FORIIITIPIAIM COMPANY, No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : :.:` :: '$200;oto. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY -LIABLE, br.A.LEBI3 GOVERNMENT SECIIRITIES AND . .COLD. , OX TIXEDEPOSITS, Collections made on' ill accessible . Points ;n the United States and Canada,. • 1 =LECTORS: . _ i] Boatetter, a . '„ , Jno: 0 Ficaciry i. James Dordon, ' - Font. H. King, D. Wallace, . Andrew Miller, I. Fawcett, James H. Batley. !LERMAN', Pre'''. ssar.L. Me D. LEST NATIONAL BANK OF CO!IIIERCE lid _Stith 'Efts. A. PATT1CR8031,..«.....:. Prnibloat. JOB.ll. HILL r adrize.4 ; $50g,090. , _George W. Cus s _ sr: H.-Palmer • Wrai.DOugliks; ' Win: Wiest. A. Patterson, Hobrcnrn, Chas. Lockhart, , Dan. R. Davidson. '-- W. B. Raven. Ir, ti A. N. DISCOVNTS D avlnceti HART, CAUGHEY & CO., T BANKERS AND: : BROK RS, Owner 2711 rd `and Wood Streets, ' - - lirrrrosxistritert, P 6.. . (1317CCE88OB13* - 110241K - r AitT C 0..) DZLIJERS U. Exchange, Coin, Coupons, -.- nd particular stt s te i r a r e paid to the purchase GOVERNMENT BONDS. • Sight Itor,f•to on London. irtum • t • •-• --• : I 11,, I )1 - : • ".'1 - ' -3, =,` p - - 8. 57 Market Street, P/MISOTTEMI Hs PA. Collections Made on. a/1. the prifLOWil 'Ostia of sae United atoterood Caltadso. • • Stoeks,lionds and otheiBOurill ;.1!; ;11.>1!. .:c.•''.•!';',l :1:1 f " 80116132J21/1 SOLD ON. 00*11118131.0N. , raitlealer attenttOn 'shad to the thathase and sale of • • llnitesl. States Sepwrities DOLLIR &WINGS BEK After the First of March Next, Will be closed oti WEZPNESDAY EVENINGS, And open d ' sU tic 6 •9 boi ck.a "x. io 3'o'clock Y. x., and on Saturday RV - ex:kings. fel9:eBS OILS. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM , REFINERY., HERBERT IT. C. MEDDLE D _ ' ' • Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. - ZeMpite Mallread Axle Oil. • • I dersde sreii heat *ithout change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. special Oil for ..tronicaji climates.or hot weather- ,-- tbedUiSO-OSAPitliffa.lgltaiii i *Sbelh . Will cut Screws. Saw Mill and Planing Mill Oils, 41.42r 0 e" oiieeliMeadildght Olt Oil,Tanners' Staff- Mensal., Harness 011 Parredline. --- ABISIOR VARNISH to preserve Aright:4On Work nnittablokinerygeortentier..ifr.. , • • These producta p are manufactured under Dr. TaleddleCiattlint Beribtitt Reim in VaC cuo. The Lubricating U ll a are almost odor less, perfectly pumotnifornis lindr mostly . light col ored. stand a lihrillenitte 'stare tit changed.and remain limpid during extreme cold. The Railroad Ohs are runequallefoind are in genstant, use con many of the priribipallbailroang. --Rambles can be examined ann orders left at 114 WOOD BTBEET., Worka4t, fikutvpsburg Bridge. WARIN AND G D KING, • . `coznagigiiti &IA a NeUdelinkged ault rOti, .•4 DALZELLM BUILDING, DUQUIS P NE WAY, PHILADELPHIA ADDEEB9. A lititb;;VC64. l Tpuffmriplimit Street. MINIUM T ACK HBOTHEBB COMMISSION dffinallengi' •,.. Petrolenni and 16._ ProllitetE4 ocrr i nt spirgrao D wtioND 141WORIK114" E - 21. 77 , 1 " cr. 14. 4 LO & CCO•r , • ~rul2, .21114:11441F01. felt) Daumkolgaiy. piAtOlarittii Ps. 1:):13/9)/t4:::;t9:1 , -vot4idelli HOLMEE I / 4 11111141& : 420 4 , ANCHOR COTTON oti: r;1 1 V og. Yaw Dm:toren of 1011.V1 .10413:1= [mutt muLtinkiliA 1111/.I4WrINGSVOUVatn , WIIIIII. cp. -.?V itt •1:1:, 22=1 PACIFIC RAILWAY BONDS,' , The cheapest Investment now in the market for sale by • PIS. ]R• IMEETt r iCZ, • Corner FIFTH AVEXUE WOOO STItEE,TB. Also, deger• in Government Bonds. Gold'anfi Coupons and, European— Exchange at market rates.dexl JAS o_ n m lll-AlfY ari UOy • • (Snete s soin to 8. JONES & CO—) Ff Corner Fourti and Wood Sts., -3113'.43. f 15T35LM • • Bt iNDiELL GOTERNIEENT EiOlalt SILVER' LID COIJPONS, .) • OF MOST TLVOIRLBLE.TER.3IS. - . . c! . 7 tar lifterestl3lared9ll DepUßt ifirifoney 'loaned on Governmint Bonds at lowest market rates. Orden executed . for . the Purchase and Bale of .STOCKS,. BONDS: and JAMES T. BRADY & CO. ON. Cashier. Clj , ..lli#o:lq.gtj .0..i..0tt. OFFICE OF PITTSBI7IIO3ackIIZETTB, SATETED t tY, March 18,1866..k._ galdes.' l :4'tha: United States Treasury, to taictplace this week,- tote iloWil /: the premium, althofighithe market la heavily, oversold. These, ru mors are based on: Sacretary:Boutwell's notions. of bringing down Alie price of goid as rapidly as possible, and the low. currency balance ,now at the command of the. Government. As for the neces-- ,sity for goldlto. be sold to meet the xur rency demand, it may be said that the income tax is now being received to meet' all' payments required, whilst a mere pretext •to . sell a small amount of gold would carry down the Piamittm consid . erably and disturb the values of all inerchandise; The saltt alarge amount of gold at present, would actually weak-r en the credit of the government, and would bring "Own-Alio ctfour bonds at a mdment when we need money for the spring '.business. and give Abe bank of England a chance to advance its rate of interest, thas inducing are turn shipment of bonds which would • lead to an increased shipment of , ape cieabroad and prevents profitable ship ment, of our produce. A large decline of, the\gc i lit a i premium would also pre , vent an creased planti a g . of cotton for the seaso , as 4 . rednced price for the present produc t . would be very discour aging to- Atte, planters of a new crop. Former‘,iiktoerlences has , Shown that the most favorable'moment for the sale of -government gOldilf such is a necessity ' ,at ' is very much rdoubted—' wouldhe for t hentouthqfJune, before ar rangeoienti. Bill.4business are made, and prior .to the `large disburse- ' Intents of gold.intereat-iiOnlyth If the goiernmerit w ishes - to use its surplus gold profitablylo the best' advantage of the government and tax paying People, - it should useit for the pnrcliaseofonds;, which would answer the double purpose of.etrengthenink our credit and reduce thelkiterest on the public - debti:and is the,time when b onds can ,be bought conapstativelT che r sip .. .,foi• gold. , , 'The average price of, goid for the •past week was 1313 4 / beginning at 131y1, ad._ yam:ins-to./ ,3.4,1-and closing at 131,14. TieGoieinitnent''-Bchidg-iittetter -appro. elation of new .bonda is shown since Fri • Old 5.261 iii 1862,tadvatiefid'to ' 120 g, whilst new 1865'5, 1867's and 1868's' we'rettiellingl,A,,l,l2s44o 1.13, an 'actual' dfilereriao in favor of 1862'5, of 534 per 7 pent--,,_, long, ak.ik. was ,00ulidered doubtful whether bbnds-lwould-136- paid in coin, there was some reason in giving old 1862's or the first issues a preference, but all .Londe !avoid ha. alike, and the day may not be distant when all: new bonds command 120, or more, in' currency. Stocks were strong during the latter part, of the week,- put the, rumors of gold sales 'Would cause:a tightritonertnarket, which induced a great many speculators' Ito sellout.) iti ;/- t"; In block stkaritleir Val ley bonds are the only ones. They are more largely dealt: in' , and -considerable' amounts were on the market for the past week. - Business is - gmluallrimKovingiswitW - money liftetter auppiy. C lOBlll B q uotations -' ona as received by Ph. R.. Mertz:. Gold, - 13ly ‘ ; Rightrone'e,' 1163 f,:), Five ,Twouties,,- x1862,:189%; do. .1864•11i6; do): 4885, /1 7 X;fdlil886, now. ling; do t :- - 1807,` 113 r do, , 18641.13%; Ten Forties, 10 ,5,y• Cloy* , Port Wayne & Chicago. 183;; Chicago: & Rook Island, 28g; Ohicaircr&l - North- Weitterni -51 1‘ Clenti•ll6o)Aii Mehl. ; gan Southern,l97%; Reading, R/3(o,Pilio ori, l U. 4194 I_TaletraP)l pplyki4; - Morelututis-' ingot • Ex COMpany, 15; PSOI4OI7I4IIVT;AKOfORICUI, 60% ; Mninft'Aliteee---Bregir y, 2,60; Quartz: Sill , ' 7 o; . 1 4 11 4 1 14.111 , Par.ine10k, 1 1 20 t Vorr ,1 INN FINANCE AND TRADE. E !!!9 I.llkl'elisrpOti ti the tittsburanesstus.l lizw-ArfAnc.,-lilaroh 18, 1869. • k Zdoney. easy; ; at - 47.par , cent, on or.ll, with free; at• 6 bent: , tn „ afternoon. "Aterlpg-qtztutt tttpopF, : for, S'c'at' easel:AlN. vaa. steady ; tfie \ itiole range of the: day riailfroin 1111%©1316; closing at 1,34 1 19131U.,x Clearances voG i ooo,tip).- Ex plifit lo 4 Havatitt,' 110,4,- 000. _Exportkferfekt7/4,,t%628. Tho hank` statOnuint siioivl a 'loss on 52,127,9 6 3 bilaPedfs. Iladolc,bt• accounted for by the , customs and export demand;' but the Worm) 0f1 1 114,560, in Oirntda titan is a.little • ' , rectiarkable. The change loansildsposits and •legal tenders are ;Alight! arid unimportant I;(* 1 / 2 1' $261.- 669,696;'deoreasii, 5420,186. - Specie; 117,- '4.345Miii19-ct:9",e!:"WO9R% ' ' -077,F434;090,445; rinerease.434l4;s6o•;--A)e -posits, .5162,392,453;. decrease.- $211,979. - Tenders, (19,039,625;'increase, 8419,9.56. GoVerrimenti; are active and firth, with a further advance on all but 62s..Conpons 'Si, 116';'4@117; do. '62, 119 , , 1 :,"a 120; do. '64,115%115%; 'do. '65, - 111 N; do. new, 11388®I.13!-.(; do. '67, 1133‘@113)6; do. , '6B, 113,;@.113%; Ten-Forties 105; 1 84 105 X. ' State bonds heavy and lower. Mjs. &5 , ;g8630 Old Tennes.sees;*,x @67%.; New do., 64 . 14@65; North, Caro litias, 589 , .A59; Virginias; 60% . . • The Stock market was strong until af. ter the first open Board, when prices fell 3,c,4"/ per cent. The Michigan Southern wae i l tie leading stock and was strong on rumors of stock dividend and consolida tion. The - New York Central, North. western, Pittsburgh 'and 'St. Paul Were next in point of interest. The Western Union and Mariposa were active. The market continued strong at the 1 o'clock Board. the New York Central reaching 160%, on the report that the dividend on the 80 per cent. certificates would be paid out' the same time with that of , the old aback. 'Prices were subsequently a trifle oft; but with an advance and noticeable rise in the St. Paul common. ".Pitie-Onrty Prices:—Crimberland, 37g, 38; Wells Express, 325(A32X; Amen can, 42y 3 ©42%; Adams, 60%1;4)613%; Mer chants, 16%®17; United States, 56; .Qtdcksllver, 2.1%@24%; Canton, 60 . 02) 6031; Pacific Mail, 99%@09y 3 ; Western , Union ;Telegraph,: 345 , 538 X; Hartford and Erie, 25%; Mariposa, 15%,@161 do. preferred, 33%@34; New York Central, 1603( 3 @l61; 36®36%; Hudson, 140@i40%; Harlem, 136%®137'; • Reading, 91%®91%; Terre Haute, 363.11g)39; do. preferred, 66%067%; Wabash, 67%0 87%; do. preferred, 77%©77%; St. Paul, 88'4@88%; do. preferred, 79%@79%; Fort Wayne, 119©119%; Ohio and Mississippi, 32%4)33; Michigan Central, 118@119; Michigan ''Sdiithern, 97%@97%; Illinois Central,:l4o©l4l; Pittsburgh, 89%@8934; Toledo, 106hig106%; Rock Island, 1280 128?/: Northwestern, 8218; do. preferred, oil4@ing. Mining shares are dull. Copper Stocks at Boston—Copper Falls, 14, Franklin, 31; Hancock, 5%; Minne sota, 3; Quincy, 31. Receipts at Sub-Treasury, 8951,064; Payments, 2488,781; Balance, $87,787,075. Imports heavy; Dry Goods, $3,0.36,604; General Merchandize, $395,001. The Evening Form says; The policy of the Treasury Department in the im mediate future is the subject of much comment in Wall street. There have been some heavy short sales of Gold and Stocks, on the theory of early sales of Geld in consequence of the currency, balance at this point being reduced to 6.5;000,000. There is, considerable pres sure brought.to bear upon'the new Sec. 'rotary to 'wince him to sell , Gold,. "nom inally to increase his currency, but real -I.y to make a tight money market. The banks are in that condition at present that liberal sales of Gold would undoubt edly cause them to present their three per cent., certificates for' redemption, thereby producing a momentary disturb ance and unsettling legitithate business. The Treasury tolda-at .different tents over )110,000,000 of 'currency, -and =the recent rtainctiort•in the principal at the Sub-Treasury is due chiefly to large tranfers to army • paymasters and to the pension account which may not be disbursed for some time to come. The revenue receipts , Iran the income tax,- however, will soon be coming in, when the Treasury Will.be liberally supplied 'with currency. ETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF Prnestracat GAzEirrm, SATtritivor. 'i*rett 13, 1869. The market has some What ex cited and unaettlediforink the plud . W . ifek, , particularly duringzthe, past two or three d4s, during which the bulls and bears have had quite a Conflict, and the latter thus far appear to have had the beat of the battle.'.' 15ew York has .been selling pretty freely, and Pittsburgh seems to -heveelonemost if-not all- of the buying; ;theiohe with . ik deterinhhitron to : break the*tarkei - doien, =4 the other PaElf-atil fully.determieed to keep it up. For two or three days the Pitt,sburghers 'held 'f their 'ground, but yesterday there were - .manifestatkins ofweakness apparent, and .• , . today there was a regular break, partic ularly in Refined; March eelling.dci3vn Sfyesflidey, to 33®3234 to:dayi, It i . s claimed that this hear movem ent orig inatedit New York between the '. s ho rts 'and ,. exporters. both of whom are deeply • Interested In having limer pricea, and if ' -7 to-days - -operations can be taken as a criterion, the bulls have. concluded for the tim e e , being,. to let the beari have full swing. _ CRUDE-.-Ai'; already Intimated - . the Market was Weak 'and • a little panicky to-day and prices \ Compared with yester day are a shade lower. Sales of 500 bbis on spot,at tolit• 1500 do at 15%; and 2,000 do seller. for April at 16.: It was.reported sthir there'had tieen,a sale of spot oil `l6,.but we:did'not see- any one who had bought,or sold it 5 - • lI,EFDIED.The market was, decided ly,panicky to-day and compared with yesterday prices are off from ,one:-,to One and a r.half:. cent, • particularly, for • March delivery. Sales of 1500 table last half of3slarch, at 33;`1,000:do, at 22,%; '2:4100 'do, at •:3234, and 500 , each April ;to June at 84. ; • _ "RECAMuiIION.' Receipts of Vrude-this - week,6, 79; last: week, 7,091, January ist to - date,' 114,t03 slime time 1509'.19.t; Exports Befitted tbts;week, 4,812; Jest .4,544; from January , Ist to date; 61418; same time last • year, 45,393. Sales this week, 93,850: last week,t7,7oo.- • ••• 5 • OIL SHIPPED El ST BY A. V. R. B. rFawciett..Lc& B. 250 bbla refined to W. P. Logan &Bro., Philadelphia: Total aldpitatda Refined-- . .. . 350 outFt:uo- -ran. slum Diftitrittitta ; . FL; • toriairr.'4%-'s' 54, ' M. Long a Co. , 98 tAlti - ieflitoit to Co.,Warring, King dt Brooks.B.A • Oct., .50.5bbiti refined' to Ner. & Co., PhilactelphiL, ' iTtdobleann',olL'llit:Co4", 2TB Mils ref. to Warden. ; FreW & Co... Philadelphia. Tetal:ShipMenta' Refined • . 426 Dry Goods Market. - , NEw, emt; March 48.—The market hpslow_ly - rectivering - itorkthr. long. lull 191,104...1111trefereindleatleriseli.,more ad etra e aring.the coming week, as the cityl fs} ll, l o ll.3lPYero4,, There was a fair busi ness today and prices for most guiea Etre Ateadfil buteAhe pfinti ,miirket Isl .d little weak , and the prespeet 'ls that the Tirlece 91, many , popular, makes will be redneed law 'Monday to one shilling ius ceclrAlunetwitivoo reduction of Men (Sheeler, Lancaster and other brands, Alpaca, Braids...will rbe advanced next Monday pci •on all, makes, so , , , lmperial wilthe pra* ttisl,osi'and Union tto 'lll. • Crtra&tio, March lg.—Cattle Market..., Beef cattle quiet and toithanged, at ss® 9,25 for cows and.,4ltookers;,-td.B7-3,6©7,70 for good to!, ebelee beeves.' Hogs - quiet and a shade firmer, at , t 9 , 6 0©10,50 for good to 'cholooi ' :ReeniiSts--1;703 hogs. Sidpments-8,04 1", 7 11)1 ENE