- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 11031ESi HOMES! Real , Estate For gale AT THE OFFICE OF CROFT & PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agents and Brokers, NO. 139 FOURTH. AVENUE. FOsc SALE—A Desirable Farm cow lining ItOperes. located' On-the A. V. R.. twenty-three miles from the city, and w i t hi n live mintrr.walk of statical.. 1 25 setes clear° calauce n good thnbe v r 4 itKlacres in grass, 30 acres an - Serial with a three- oat " vein of coal; sail erst.class, and tbe hawed me uta No. I.• con slsting of a new double tw0...m.0.1y, Frame House ofsey,,n rooms, tight-foot bans and" g_oott cellar. built and nuished in stilendbiltyle.' Large, ,new Bank Barn, 4C/X72, planed antPpalnted. ' Also all necessary out puddings are conveniently arrang• ed. Including a Tenement 'house of fear rmmts. Whom firm well watered, abd ean all be worked by machinery., Six acres Cr Orchard t select re - riety of Fruits* also small Fruits. Tots Farm Is without donbethe best in the nufahloorhood, and Era's only to be seen to be appre fated. From the house is had a delightful le wof the towns of Freeport and ,Natrona, ,'up and down.the Alle gheny river and surrounding country. tor OM.- ticulars applyto CROFT & FII.ILLWS; RealEs , tate . Agents, No. 139 Foarth..a.venne.t . • • p ti io• BALE .- RARE 111JSINEfilft • :OPZNIIII3.. 'lB,OOO purcha s e a!GRIST LL. SAW- *MX, woo Lir. N FACTORY and 9 Acres of good latid.located hi G.teen. couety, Pa., nea, the Mononge helaxiver. tes miles above Blownavil.e. The above works have- water and steam power, and are in complete running order and now doing 'a No. 1 busloess, as the books will show. Owner'a declining y, ars Is ttre reason for senior. An enterprising tune can buy he aboe a p plyer easy tern P H ILL I PSher larsto , 11,00 T Real ktote Avents. No. 139 roOrth It9thtf.- • • • VaR SALE.—Spleitithd Chance .2.: for a •WAGOI.r KER, — in the village of rarnase.us.' :the A. V: R. IC, 31.7.1Mllea.from the city. Bait an Acre of ground. on which Is orectsd a large two-story Frame Dwelling and 'Wagon tdo.p.. There is also on the let quite a nutrwer of frail trees and shrubbery: a'so a large quantity.ol dry lumber, work benches, &e., in blacksmith snot', adjoining. Th Is is a rare open lug for is man of small capital. and will Ife sold low, as the ow tv.r. is desirous of going West. rlenty of wdrk . for three hands. Termi'very I asf. A.pply C itOF e & PHILLIPS; Heat Es tate Agents, 139 Fourth avenue. FOR• SALL-Aeok Here. ,$35 per Acre will ntirenase a farm of 131" acres in Armstrong couhty, Pa.. •1' miles Loin Ross ton etaron, .A. V.. 6. B. %tact.' In good tim ber; balance in cultivation; all •undeflaid with coal, bank open; 4b acres in gra-s; Orchard of abunt 400 fruits trees: 6 goad dwelling houses; a tortekot 6 rooms and celtar,and a new frame of 5 room ; Bank barn, ahnost new. 41 by 56. All n y out bnildi. , es;- abundance of good wa , Sex and to gopd neighborhood.. Owner has de termined tog° West, °the; wise it could not be purchaded at the above prtce. Woe& and farm . lag tmplements aka Daman. Atsb, terms • asy. Apply' to CROFT` & PHILLIPS, Heil Estate Agentiti H0.'139 Fourth avenue. VOll SALE-- Grist mill and Saw A: Mill, situated 3 miles from Parnassus sta tion A. V..'s. it., In Allegheny county, Pa.; 3 story frame tirlstMill, tat A tun of bars, and le now doirg a. No.-1 business; 'has water power 9 month* In thjear, with Steam Power attached; adjoining t he, rf.t ts a raw Mil which Is al se, doing a a ' 'tontines!. Dwelling house,stabils and other tmlldtngs,• 9. acres' of land aimott all Cl ared under fence. _ Price $5,000. Terme to be a reed anon. Apply as above., . VOR. SALE.,One of the best .R..• PARRS IN ',LOONIER VA.LTRY., Weit murellad county. Pa., containing 156 acres, at only $39 p r acre, fotir Mlles by a rood read to two stations •oa Pennsylvania Railroad. - One - - Hun , red and Thirty acres cleared, residue in good White Oak Timber 85 acres in Grass, can ••'a.l he worked by machinery, well to the nu t an Is well , Watered. Improvements are a - • goo log house,, weather-boarded two stories high. oi nime roomsand good cellar; also a tete - meat housieuf two rooms. Fences are all good, • new frame hint barn, 35 by 55. geed limestone soil, - Quarry on the farm,. Public Road runntcg through the rdase, 21miles' item the village of Wer..Fatattid.-asmeittei ante to f'estolllce and 3 • Churches, excellent orchard •of grafted Apple Fruit; and ail other kinds of fruit in abundance. 13prine House, Smoke House. Wool Hohtse. The 'above farm we will-sell on half down, balance In equal annual, pamen , a, or w PHILLIPS ••sur.ll farm. Appty-to' CROFT & - 139 ,Fourth avennec , , • • acres of land. 1. AND ,RODWIS,. ntib, Boom., within or a mile of"Gtendale Station, eight miles from ~the city, on the ff.y .1?..W. it ph. It. B. The. hone 'is used ot'sireatrit- as a boarding house, ...also has .15111' Iteenost • - About one - sere bottom land, well qualified for garden purposes., The , balanee'relang. cm' liebith set. out about 600 (rase Vi -s. The location itgood. nd can bo bought , on easy , terms.. Pribe 62,500; 11000 bilanca, In four • enniti.igllgal fluTments. Apply as above. . . SALE* •-...01:7, STAND pi ift SHOZI4AItt tt. 0 CARPESTEIt. : — _Locatetlazt‘Weatistbrelanli ty,•Pa., lk miles itcni Derry Station. P. R. E. awl. 3 miles Lem the village Derry, ?few - Derry. 11 Acreirof good Land, ~-, acres.ottimber, eomfurtable house of 3. rooms • -and notch: sufficient' trait An' family nee; good ' baps bale, 30x35..- This U.& anngliittle tome tont mechanic of elthsr the above trades, with : ,aZundanceof workthe year round Price ISOIL Tsrms—Hilfeash. balance In. payments. App.) , tool3llolsT PHIGLIPB,Ifo. 1139.Pearth ave. L it " ' • • r .a._ _ e-ce au 'Cies Of Oiotirld riild cleft' Fields, miles hoot the city, on .E.. 0 H. At raebee:to the house Is a 'breelery, Which dc es a business; also, other ont hooding'. nt.w. buildings won., ablut 34 of aq:acre; the Warm- Is set our with , ic• iptekidid • • Orcha,d •of choice fruit*, and r Itarden Der Poses• the , land could not be better 4 or 'this iturpose.''The Tot fronts on two streets, 1110 by 500 'feet,. run-' Sing down re the river bank. The house is new o t n a 5 .ro o m S. Price 65:300. Terms— i_u Half cash; balance Id onend two years. Apply to CROPT P1111.1.1P13,' 1 0,139-IN:earth see 011. SALII , --rARBL e—te&O. Per ACRE will ruriliase a desirable Farm of 155 •• F acres. located in Wasimoreiand county. Penna.; 8 miles from the 'Wage of New Solent,' 7 mites from banal:rare. and 2' miles from .it Flo—both good market towns ab f stations on w. P. R. It,; 110 acre/ eleared; residue In good oSk timber; Improvements are-a good Log and. Prime Hone .of a roontS. Qood. LP/ Bank. sanieox.44,-and !wit necessary outbuildings; also a tool tenement f....bouse of 3 room s -; Two solid Orcbards of choice trait. The firm is supposed to be and rigid with • COAL, from. the fact that there Is abundance of coal in the Mighborhood. If Is hilenelosed by a 1-good. Pence, and 'well watered by springs and a small , running stream; also two good springs at 'the bon,e. 25 acres in good meadow; Grist. Mill. Saw Mill and Churches convenient, and one mile SO School and Store. Public roads lead from to . farm In all dlrectlons. 1 kis Cumbering a womb. ern and ea- tern exposure is a 10.1 Grain Farm, ....er.with Its water facilities Is a good s:caller= Terns half cash; balance In pa) meets. L.apply to CROFT PHILLIPS, No. 1419,:ourth Ave - - - „Vida SALE . -A'a r eilistile C•un ..ll: tartnielDENOß t olitbin five tante. walk oi - Manigeld Station - anti' Alt: D. S n-, And 6 'miles , troth the city; consisting' or 14 AM* of land, tasnsiblly tmoroved. on wllleb-le erected a 6story Frame Residence of 10 Rooms and good - 0 61111; good stable: carriage house and all octet-. sarrauthalldlugs; 400 grapevines and nabunda of mutt of sill undo. also small frswell . °rip:Leaden& " water at -the doore sad tiro-good , :gfifluits on, the place.. Xlevenacrys Is underlain vino/god vein of coal jolth a lAA open . Price $ 113 . 016 0. Terms...one. half eashvbsionce to' be , ,agreed. upon. Apply to olteigE a riiiLLIPB - above. F. . . . . r SALE. CHE 4P. Two' ,LOTI3 A 8 11 4111011. HOUST, :DC 4 MAIMS. ' I 0 8 h T owed o e t ward. A leghetir Clty, hunting 48 feet elt:Trantlin `street, neer the corner or : 4 ligthen7 Venue: and. tiztend int beet IMO feet' . to syseler's alley. OK feet wide); Louie Is kett-t ereetehe ' rear "og One - 101;_frontingon the. ; , Alley. ' street; and. alley; Dived: ' There' it oilmen lot s ntitOo47-01i Vetch trees and stgoodyiiire sr . bor. good cellnder entire bottom., v ery ea • ' - erty , wig. be. sold ' at *bargain and b b very easy terms. -The nurehases-have - haire but a small, amount to, pay each, iatlletrulp a mortgage on the ;Property 'laving a:Feire to nen. Apply to • 01F,orr,s razuktra,. Na. 139 ?Mirth avenue. ~ . . .... . .. cßOgly act ~Pk LIPS • Are Airs P0141811'48 of the PITI4BIJKOH BBAL Esgrin'izoiliza, rf IS GIVII/f AWAY Will be Sent. Free to any 2 .l4diess. . IL oontitna derorlptlons of vet. Ralf a Nillion Dollars worth of Beal, Estate , toldransure • FARMS, MILLS, ROTtS, 'STORiS, City and Suburban itsidenter. OFFICE, No. 189 FOIIIiTII ATENIJE. mh/,5 NEW ADVERTISMEENIS. farENIVERSAILIWM: FAIR. AND F.EsprvAr. OPEN. EVERY. 7,ilG/IT IN DASRMENT-OF TEE CHURCH. Inhls Corner Th'rd and Grant btreeta WLECTURE -MRS. M. BARCLEY, or Mem,. iellt'dellreisiFlClttiLtrefEME be- - fore the Ladles or a 11-aheny City. on !HONDA-I' AM.:RADON, on ••The ()sums of t.e I , ,say Peitfro , I.eellne f.4..t)oerletut Wetneo. and Hew to Train Chil4r.-a Di - Order to secure to thein Due Phys'eal, 'MOW' and Menial Deauti , ." Due notice at I he . eivitt-of- the-place-raw - a t It.. Lecture will be delivered. rosttivi-ty .. ritliFF. NIGHTS VNLY. eich. mend": c 't YIURSDAY EVES ING, March . FSesi,appearanee or , . thew:oat combination, EMERSON, ALLEN BL. MA NNINWS MINSTRELS. Prom their Opera 'House.-Cincinnati..Er ire eh an re of FirePrammeeacli ev.eninmintirpreted by TWENTY FIRST CI Ain ARTT&TB. Admission, 50 cents; Reserv..l Seats 75 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock; commencent 8 precisely. mblS:gB • • • - -HARRY FretiNCH, Agent. THE CO. PARTNERSHIP IterC :tpfore,e;istlng between A: DIZAI - attel ypl. is hereby dissolve'd 'by mutts). Consent. A. Diem Is authorized to collect all bills due and settlethe buslueskof thetiruy. ) ' 1. • WM. HARE. MARCH 1. 1889. mhYig2 • • • OFFIC'E OF CITF EEGINEEE, • Allegheny City, 3farch 15, 1865.1 UOT ICE::1 S-IJOREB ' W stree thop erhy hasdermentn eornG o ad F ngsa n s h r s et ffi ce noewnompt e o d, u •'a t d il w M i ONAY a March 24d. when It will be turned over to the City Treasurer for. collection. mtilSica 'CHAS. VAVI3: Clitt Engineer. ALTABLE STOCKS : AND . ~. BLiti Ps. ' UM- DAY EVENING, Mardi 16th, at 734 o'ciock. 'will be sold on secbmi floor pf Com mercial Sales Robins'. 106 Smithfield street. ' 410 shares Pittsburgh a Boston Mining Co. ot Pittsburgh; 1500 abates Es4le Cotton 3111's:- ' - 10 shares Citizen's 'National Bank; ' - /0 shares Coal Men's Ttost CO:- • ' 15 shares Pittsbarith Savings lank; 40 shares Boatmen's Insurance Co.; 10 shares Western lusurance Co 14000.Alleabeny Compromae lliAnd4l - 1 11000 Allegheny.egrBohsts._ .• , .. s .. , 1... mbls . A., DI'IIsWAINZ. Auctioneer: TO -LET. - • • • SUBURBAN RESIDENCES: Three Nice. .15NveIlings On RlOland - Aventie, East 'Liberty; it irresent 'occupied by - JANES B. LYON' and: WM. 0. MACRON, Esqs., and Mrs. Iir.GAZ2LAN.. Fine nelabborbood, ant ensive grounds and lOod board wallefroin Pennsylvania 'Railroad Statioa. Pos. 'sesalon given first or April.:' Eaquire;er LOOKAAAT. -111 LIV tic n, 174 Wood Street mhls:g7 OR "LE. Near Osborn street, on the Pittsburgh, Pt. Wayne and Chicago Ballroad, TWO LOTS, 'Containing About Two Acres :Each. ENQUIRE OE W. MACKEOWN- de , BRO., , 195 Liberty Street. =WS T.rmrkto .PARTNERSHIP.- PartA-Te unned have fo• med a Limited ne , ship underthe firm name•otSEWARD & EMERSON, for the purpose of manufacturing and selling .Fertfifsers • and more especial the •:EURILRA FERTILIZER," the manufactory and chief place of business in the City of. Pitts burgh. '1 he Reneral Partners are. WM. T. SE WARD and RUFUS Z. EMERSON. both -resid ing in the City of 'Pittsburgh. The Special-Part ner CONNOLLYi . who - reside+ in tt e city of hew lock, -and Abe amount 'or Capital con tributed 'iy him to - toe COXISmon stock is fifteen thou and' dol are In.,cssh., The PortinelllaP ye gins the' Sth day of MARCH. 11189. and it will terminate on the lst'dfil v of JITNR. - 1870: •• -RUFFS 11.EMERS1/17, - • • I: T. CciliiliioLLY. MARCH 13tb; 11189."*" • • mhid:g4 • • • C.A.UrTICVINT main -GREAT POPULARITY, bh account of Its Watery ptedlefuel effects, of EQl74tif. , 9 LONDON EP?EItVESCING 81. CARL #brAiss.i.lcir ble j am the Foie Anent, hie induced*:teh noinlnetpled partial to Ind :tate 10 hat!, and palm °free the nentdoe,woftb. feu trash beanianreseutblance eve i to the itepotted article. 'Those' desiiinr the true Po. obtiln fl from 'Messrs. J. d. MAT .TERN. J. B. CltiltitY; J. E. BURNS l a'. CO, and 13. . - SEKOlif ••TOHNSTCIN Agent . for- the Manufacturer, Coe, 4th Avenue and Smithfield St.' TAGGAR.T & SIMEN GR.cro OPE.VIJM Spring and Summer . ia. BOOTS, f910E§ .. V78 GAITERS, WHOLESALZ ;41ND RETAIL. AT s N 0.129 PEDERAL STREET, Allegheny. Givens &cull and be cotrigeedor the Derabil and- trate& Quality of wort 'at lois_ Vities. And all wiltfathiiied a good article at the lowest grices.' ' • • - , NOOTB,43OBIIOkI3 , IIAbE TO ORDER . -tf'; - • mhil to ' • . . M'PHERSON -MUHLANBRING . -. looltostorrlteurgoitli; ~/ .live ibit /rieebiell tbea i tl eaveunirlet i l i eia l l of to ig et r o , : g o i r :ell % p ert* old and l z ti v ' t fr e • to . be e t s s The . (Setting' Depart/mat wit, ,ti lti be superlu• teadectlvi tar. u u• ,* I take bleat alit la Victim mendins. the above Arm tge klbeqd 4S 3 PP F I° ! 4be Pat 4 la il bl 11:181 • • CI • WHAT, EVERY ONE NEEDS. • • - AYLOUR That Will like Eider Bread at allow Prim . • MEANOR • at - HARPER Hive siteceeded In tatting the best.inotin elite lowest price offered In this mariteVfOr the last nve years. They warrant every,. barrel to giver:: entire astisfaction, and it has never failed Ina single Instaneelo do so. Dealers will llndit' to 'belt advantage to rye their WHITE ROBE a trial. Kept constantly on hand at their Ware bonne: ERODIBItItTY STREET Plttsbur Pa .. =MO. - g Tr)SLED PEACHES. --1091 bales, as s prime Article, [or sal .. cby_ CANFIELD • , Ladies' Eats, Misses Hats, .Children's Hat*, Rat Shapes, Bonnet - Shapes, Ribbons and flowers; Wholesale and Re- tail,. at Nos. 180 AND 182 FEDERAL ST , ALLEGHENY. , • MEW; SPRING DIWSS GOODS =Zil AfVeiy; LoNi ' . dhoic, Colon, inloplini, Aluswai Lus` ties, Serges. •P _ Fine . Black Mohair Lustres; Black • Ponlin Black Wool De Laines, Black Wool taffies, Black Alpacas, Heavy .Black Repo Silks, Black Florentine Silks, Corded Silks, at - - t ': - .::.fdlt:l* 7 i' , ' :3 i"--,:' .•-.-'7.,i. tt,'• : - I . • ' Z11...5• Z- "111 • • 0:1-1. _ .....,... :, ,. .,..4.1§-9:9PO:' ,EV .. 1,,,.,11A.4 q.,NT. GOLD - *DS, The Lake Superior and Mississippi River Railroad Company. c. TREY. ARE A FIRST MORTGAGE SINKING FUND ROSS, ONE MILLION SIX HUNDRED'AND THIRTY.TifO ,THOUSAND,ACRES OF CHOICE And the itsiliroad. stock,iiS the statickatiee ti; the Gositratiy l A Double Security .4 First Diess Investment 2q every " ° P tct . Ylelll W ID R ur F ell q!7 l 7!Y TEN PER•CENT. PEE ABM. Present Price, Ninety-five and Interest. Gold. Goverzunetre Ion& and other Stock s re . ' O e t -Yet"Akrirn l2 ! titr!# highest / 4! 1 M ice ' :Vainigtteis and ridr inki)iniatton - etverco'n . f " 4A,Y. , C0411FE 41; co., situtADELi4fA. W. , CLARK az CO Strg,qt, Viscid Spents of die Like Superior & Stissiosippl Silver itallrosid &EXPLE & JONES, JAMES'_ T. BRADY & CO., 409 CivokEr & .CQ..- mhl3:lYB DEMMNfi. RECEIVED THIS DAY. ' ---- ALIMANDRE. - HID 6LOVES I, -_ grfotfiTurple, A1ti04144 The handinneit. shinlen .e7n!froduced In Kid Glom. Bfkied Bo* Riblibus, ..fg*nno!gelutill.bbogrv, Wiem ett izet in Laosandlinen, 101. 1 01Bobes . :oild5VAdolt,t' Sprins 8•01,,Bol*et qc Hat Frames, Spring iferbo•Underwear, • • • vloolrEes, Bovre,lorib, 4- ;: Gloved id Hosiery,; - - 1.: Best Assortment in the City. 77 AND 79 MARKET STREET. JOSEPH TORAENtig MANUFACTURES Or •WIND'OW GLASS,. Warehouse—No. 27 WOOD STREET, Inh10:170 ' Pittsburgh, . . . . Y - ' *- • • ! - - -' - r '7 k; y r • 7 1 / tri7 -Tuff:-.7f1/1 r -43-A-ZETTE : NEW SPRING STYLES SEMI"LE'S, ;~Y ~t: .~ '.~Sc". + ~ . WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, THISTY YEARS JO RUN, ISIJED . BY Free of United States Tax, SECURED BY • No. 114 South thila Street, PHILADELPHIA. II B; IctirAT tit CO.l EL JGS..HORN` CO. MI EIMEI DE ATTICAeI'i*E : ,pISrMAY. BATES ` -. : - .NW - S . Tbd.X. • , DieSSOSI • 1"-- White GC. O JOdi, POPULAR PRICES. $15,000 skooo p 5,090 'OATH OF GOODS _ SELLING REGARDLESS OF COST, THE. : KRIM STOCK OP DENNISON & HECKERT "' At No. 27 Fifth Avenue, ImUmllng a cOmpletejlne of Trimmings, Embroideries, Bonner 42ifil GLOVES, STAR SKIRTS AND AN ND SKIRTS AD CORSETS. •RIB- RoNS sinsw OWDS AND Inkpursas, skartotAttriours emu NOTIONS, fp 'PLOD* beep Durobluiett bi litiC)lfills II CARLISLE, They will open it up to the Anblie, on TH SDAY NORNIN . Peb. 11, With the most lINTRAORPIXARY HXl#(lf UN . °roe offered before In thhrilne Of Goods, FOB,'" •OASII ONLY, Thuskypitigttl s. e will Continue for ONLY TUBE - dzutrolissertirould do well to call r wen e woes is cooplete. INIDUCEMEL.473 to ineNtoolts and Dealer/ len wuLpnp Job Lac; . 1 111b,IXXI . ? ? izq,coo. simalro Ait'Atsecniiitcit.Aki NO. 27 FLErii :D` vi ri B2 BOOS PiT°Rl REMOVAt. ROBERT S. DAVIS & CO. Are Now Rekdi for Business wow Eitgai•e, 193 LIBERTY' STREET , A Few Doors Above St, Clair. mhl2:reat /I .. .... ~. a .v~ ~:. ~ 5 SEE ESIBLE ; " BELL'S Silks Shawls, Llllens Baimorals. SUE rx lattir:3:-i'..:'ii. , , NOTIOES—'•ro Ee4" "Ps' Eau." 4 "Sset." "Wiliacti "Strand. ,* "Boarding." #c” pot z reettillerOali M2TES each Wit be in eislizt i» hien iotrmni one* for - TWENTY-F/ VS CENTS : each seiditiatu: IMu FIVE OBSTs. WANTED-HELP. WANTED.—A steady GIRL for gement!. houtework. Apply at No. 3 KittS.PATKICK WritErri Eterenth.ward, op podtteTenlenury Church- ' ~ T TANTED.-GIRLS TO SORT V.AoB.—,..Aaply at. MOONEY'S BA.FKT FACTORY: Fremont street: net ValleF Paseenger Rahway, Allegheny City. TETANTED---HELP.-AT EM- Street, v PLOYMENY OFPIOE. St. (Jill'. Street, BOYr and BIEN, tor different kinds of emploment. Persons 'fruiting he; p of al4 kinds con, be aunplied on sltosiatotleu. . WANTS. WANTED—ROSCO, positivelY the grea.testilltielonlet. °Utile too .wents, an engagement lo travel seder salary or eta. es. Address, for one week, !1 agent. C. ZISIMEtt- - MAN S corner 18th -oa 4,lpeirty ; streets, (up ' , tetra.) glttehargh,Te.% AGENTS WANTED-:-$lO a Day. TWO $lO.OO UPI FOR $4.00. \) PATENT REVOLVING 'DOUBLE MAPS Of America and Edriliie, Atuer'ca and the United States of America. Colored—in 46,000 Conn-' ties. ;These-great Maps, non' just completed, Eton; every the - e, aIL Rallroada to date, and the latest alterations in the various Euro peen Stares. These Maps are needed in every School and family in the laud—they occupy the sPIuE at 0 05 Murt.'and bglnettus orthe Reverser gather side can be thrown front, and soy part brought level to the eye. County Rights and.. large discoant,gives togood Agents. ,Apply rOr Circulars, Terms, ar.d ,send inpney ter Satepte MapS, to • Z. T. LLOYD , fv27:ft`l,tl47` 23 COUTLAN DT ST., N. Y. TO LET m _ 0 • LFT.—A large, second story Fltozvr Room, 6 ultab!e for an Oilire, froui ,illst; at T 5 FcrartnAventill.,' Als6,well fur- - olsbed rooms eultanle for Gentlemen, with or without board. Enquire at 34 SITE STREET. . . . . twiirre" , HOUS E. —A t :flays ' !Title 'station, P. Pt. W. &C. It. IL, con taining four rooms and ' a wide ball with 3 acres or ground attacned , wltatn two 'minutes walk of Station. Por further pArtieniars apply to JADES CALD WELL. 4.10 Rebecca Si;. Allegheny City. TO-LET.II,OO S.—Two fine ROQMS !RoomsZETTg /WILDING. Apply at minting' , liik arid lielielfth avenne. ril(t•LET—That THREE STORY x - 1 1 1:1ILDIN6, - No."11LOgin street; contain lug el gat rooms and having large ya d attached. Beat 4400 per annum. Enquire of T. P. HOUS :TON, a•Azinurt.ornoz. ... •: • . Oi.LET.-ONE STORE ROOM. YOUR BABE-MENU, well. /19ltted apd OFFICES In the sreond story. BLEEPING RoOKSJAI.IIO third•&OM .and ONE LARGE . CL, with two ante. rooms, to In the fourth story of A. English Co's new d log. Fourtnavanne,; , ' Apply t ak: ENO. LT Ii ± CO.. No. 29 Filth avenue. VOR .111RATINA' : story _l2 brick Dwelling Hortae,, steam on .Dats street, near :second , &Senile: Stalli'lla Tab Tarlor, dining room, kitchen. wash house. bath room, six chambers, large . cella_,r gas suid..water fix tures, chandeliers. 'de. - Will be leased for two years from April Itt. •$. GUTH:BERT A 80ES, 85 Smithfield street. mbla NOTICES. SAN ELECTION FOR PRES- IDENT and SIX DIRECTORS of the MANCH EATER ELVVINQ 10E; wilt be . ,.beig at the, Baal:lnk House, .on SATURR")t.T, the Mth day of March, 1668, between the hdura of . . . And 3 o'clock U. . mbia:r9s TivA. B. 17PDINE, Cashler. arANNEAL, MEETING. , OF/ICE PlY4snono if AND tiOSTON MINING co.. _ Prrrounnoll, hfatAk Mu, 186. '-The annual meeting of the - Stockholders or the "Pittsburgh and Boston Mining Company of Pittsburgh. ‘, held' al 'the I OFFICE. OF THE COMPANY. in Pittsburgh, on-MONDAY. the p. s h. last., atap'clockr. M. - - • . • t THOMAS Mi ROW E. 'mhl3:E/1 Secretary and Treasurer. , OPTICS. 07 CIS7 ENGINISSII AND . SIIIIvEYOIe, ..- --- Pltteburgh, March oth, 18139. ' W*olrif lE.— , The assessment for eridier,Pating and Curbing TW EN 771frfT J REILT, - late Caraon street,.-from Mul berry alley to the . Allegheny Valley ,11allroad. is noar-Andy sar examination, and can be seen at this office until WEDNESDAY. March 17th, -1889; when lb will be tetUrned to the City Treas. urer a office for collection. toldidni 11:"-J.:MOOREo.C1t7,Endinter• - - BIBS to:tbe Capital stock of the Com pany "To erect a Brida over the Allegheny River. front Ewalt (now-43.1_st Alleghen y ity of rittoblirgh.' n count" , ore to the Allegheny and Butler Plankroad. at ormear the month of tilirtre are _hereby notified that a Meeting- fOr•nermanent- - organization will be held at the new PutsLlC se 3001.. HOENE, Fortieth street, seventeentlrward, Pittsoureb, (lute Lawreneeville,) TIIESDAT,• the 23d day of ,itMarch. D. 1589, between the boon of 2 'o'clock P. and 5 o'clock P. /1.. W en and where an e eaten will9e held by ballet for NINE MANAOSII4 and a TRAA'Sltwilai of mild Com pany, to serve for one year. JOHN RIDDELL. Solleitoe,for Bridge - Company. .Prrrsntriiiitrl; March 1. 1909. mtB:ll6 movirat..9 Co. PlTTs!"cill'F Ol;A r tlr. i 3;t79 tECERTABi, P1TT . 6969.66, PA",9 . 'sbruary 216, 11969. gar"rille : ANNU AL MEETING . 2 of the Stock .and Hasidimpiers 'of. the - Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Hallway omesny will behold at the office of the Com pany, In the City - of Pittsburgb, at 10'o'crook A. tr. of WZDNESDAT: March 17, 1869, for the purpose of tearing and considering the an. anal remit Of the.' Board of Directors, and`for the election of three (3) members of the Hoard of Directors to Servi, for foUryears in the place 9 rgtfeOuT 4 ,b,trq!ftioil, Or._A. l4l .l•Cg.C . xVired by law: - P. M. RtI74.)IIINSON,' mh2: f 34. ' ** tsS. !'f!ret.)lrY• ColvisOLLl,3 , B °rims 77- 7 CITY or ALLEGEMHYi - Mao lUUI 1869. ) rigr'N ( YrieE' 'T 4). N INSIMACE AFFENTS: • ' • " ' BEALIIII'VEOPOSALS will be 4oeieri at ibis office until 3 o'clk P: IC on leONDAY3lnrcti late, 1389.1 hr!clouting the MA34Et HO t; d cITY FULL. • ratao 8. •FRANS:I I fiI, 4:11t1 Co holler, _ . . ~ 'HiNING . COMPANY. : Books of sobiorlption foi'btiick-in Corn• ,pony are now open st N0.,67 rounTE AVENUE, • , - , Where Prospectus. Specimens Vic.. are now ready fbr Inspection. Property In (tutored° Ter. ;rltory, near Georgetown. Mine now open to nt ideh of 30 feet. - The Ore assays from $3O O to 4440 per ton. Ipfeirmallon with' reital4 to the stock, property Ao.. w il l be furnished Weaning :at the office °rine undersigned' - A..S. BELL. President pro.teM. BARRY C.. oAMpil___Em , , the Secretary and Tremeer pio tem. . I—. I R OLL ItoLL BUTTER.-12 pac Fresh Roll Butter, lust received and for s eby J. ft. CANFIELD, 1 141 First avenue. '; ip 7 FOR SALE 't4ALLE.—TWO LOTR.—En quire of JOHNS'S( rN &juaNsTONi, No. 1 Diamond street. Pittsburg - It • mb9:tt FOR SALE. --A NEW BRICK. RonsE- of 5 rooms and lot, 50 by 200 lbe s t, 200 grapevines, fruit trees, glinibberT, ac:. on the - .101, at No. 1100 Ridge sti e ' 210 h ward, Allegheny City. Por arms and partlem lays apply. cat he prPmise - F" : ALE.—FRAInt _ COT - won: eiontnlning feets and 1 0 th celltroritla To 60 by 187 ln tbe - 10th ward, iformerly• East Liberty.) Price Low. ' , moire on the premises, oradaress 8.. B. H., 0 necrra OR SA Ecr . ROCIERV rillt sOE . 1F —Lea e, Sfock and Fixtures of a li , ti clan rocery Sto , An'. one of the best , usiners .corners In Ail gbeny City: Rent low. Beason& for selling ao ng Into other hi:tam:be. A d ,, resa • •13.1t0CE,1t7-." GAZETTE OFFICE. . • mhl2 V . ,OR SALE. DIZVG, Sri)ltE pi: , •FIXTUPES--Conslitin g of-Sip;r Ic;.f, 100un. , ter, Bottles, &C., as the lawlerAlgoit d an , ) estrior to rete.Gre to • the new • tuildtag, a 1.7.- tlfyL% Atteet.,Lpril,lst. They. will-sell th'aN . atrea at _tbatr, atd. atand'i heap.. cHAL ~.i i; LI, k. 00.. Wyde and Washinaton streets. ig,nit The._ ihrte . RORY BniusF.: ;DWELLING -: BOMB. . coiner' of "ktoit'oreenbb" and ritt alley; /t.tegbenyelty. Lot 30 feet by A4O. extending to Water *Veal. loth ttabling . ago. carriage house. Tux Tireopon-. 11e .pnrcbatter f ternio:of payment-made to gait b aukteutPx& . 14q0lre - orklit)M 4,6 .11.110 WE, ant Block. ir Rh avenue. 16790 ,`: 1 Iwo ho - rre Spring' n i figon; 51 one horse Spring Wagons; one horse barrel Buck; $OO Packing Bbis .. suitable tornme orGlass; .50:Vinegar add 21olsestis Barrels By .JviiNisKEß, coins: Ridge arittAlleglienr avenues; AlleghOny. - tig.4ln , . - LIOR sAi'Thiee Story BRICK 19WELLISII,'noVrialiniediabd pled by me undersigned on Stevenson street; .".41Atii ward. Pics,sburgh. , 14; SS feet fro,nt by rcec Ae.tli.! Vit Mitre ciimtallis.oo ; L og= large size, tias;bot and Cold water, wash licuse, cellar tbrotiebout; and all modern conveniences ettathedc..lP nocaold, will bolo ..c s, rentj •Vdsses-. sion flrat of April. nihS:l72. . . . FFOR BALE.-RARE B VVBIV ESN ffl• OPENIN 16,000 will urctexse a Gst `l.‘v Woolen Factory, p anti 9 Acres ri of. Rood' Isud. losated In (iresn county, Fa., near the 31c nougabela River, tent:Liles abov,e Browns ville. The above works heve water and steam. oower. and are In complete ruin. ing order and now.doing a No. 1 business. as the books will show. owner's deelfo,ne years Is the mason for selling. A n t nterrrising man can buy the above on very easy I e I'M 9. For farther Rarticulars ap ply to CROFT & PHILLIPS, Rea/ 'Estate Atents, No, 139 Fourth Avenue. . rabl2:f93 • VOIR SALE:-1310USE.A FINE Erica, Mansion. containing 11 rooms. with all modern Improvements. situatedat 401. South avenue. Allegheny City. with a lot having a Pout of 50 feet, extending back 130 feet to an alley In rear. The tor Is sttuat , tl oa the bank of the Ohio river, having a beautiful view of :the riVet-and the 41stant cultivated ha's.. The Rebecca street cars pass It every ten minutes. A. eburic like tills Is rarely offered In .real estate. but the present owners contemplate leay.ng the city. wnil wlll sell- on 'easy. payments. For par tletffars call at above number . . . Q. 44 - 101 - ENE' RS' TAKE . NOTICE. Tbe FOURTEEN MILE lb AID, on -06 Alleglienr •Itiver, and now used for gardening purposes; well imrroved and in a high suite of cullivatlon. containing 10 or 50 ems. now - offered at a bargain. Call soon. A so, other Perms Au good loeatons. Woolen Factory. tiro Houses, and , twee tV litres of land onthe , (iiditral Railroad. Houses and Lots'For Sale and To-let In both et_iles. r or. runner par• flouters inordre of WILLIAM WARD, fe2B grant. street. Opposite Cathedral. 1 - TAI:T LABLE FA R M FOR SALE. ~ .aistrate -2X tpileb frohi Hadlit'S EttitlOn. Westent Pennsylvdnia Railroad. - it 'Mlles from Allegheny City; contains 90 acres of land.. 60 of , ertuch le cleared; balance in best timber, water in ecery - lield, underlaid w ith best of coal: soil excellent for strain famine ; on which are erected a tied story frame dwelling, two stables: a young_ orchard• Just beginulne to belt.' of best quality of fruit; good roads Irma station to farm. Persrms wanting one of the best farms in the county, and at low price and easy term- are ex. pressly directed to the above. • Apply MCLAIN, to - - feat Meal Estate w. nts, TIESTRAIer 'LE PROPERTY FOR SALE, IG;;21= • A Nevir Frame Haase, Of,* rooms and hall; Lot 20 fee: front by 131 i reit. dnegAgiriyette.ntrtet, between Chsrt,ler and Manbajtan stseeis, Allegheny. Also V.21..E L.Oll. 21 feet frontby . .l4o feet sleep, corner (harder street and Pine alley, Elstb ward, Allegl•eny. Also, Skx,tint- Magnifica% Building. Lots. Each r)44lhet front by 134 leet deer) to a 10 foot private alley. Front on Juniata street, between Frtble street and the Ohio River. ' 'All the above property Is convenient to Paasen- For price and terms, enquire of PAITER.SON, • mb3:f4s ?co. 56 PRlifitt ErrntEr Cijd,YC WESTERN LANIVA Y. 70,000 Acres or Land Tor . Sale In lowa and blinnesOta; price front *3.00 to SO.OO per acre: Land. bought andsold au coin nusalon. Taxes paldt. Titles examined catistracta ft:trashed; Sacveying and Plotting done. • InfOrniatlortittnitahed 10 reference to locality, - quality end valuation of lands. General collect ing business done. Address.. ' r. C'R'AY, WAT,A vurskroN',' ri)%OV: jaM;d69 001 EARN .FOR'.. SA flllt q c N1.411' Elrod 8 'iitron P: & C. B. 41.,a• 7 ea &Oaths city; 100 ecres. _ 2 . a .t. CLITH REILT & £ll, l -.0 -. 85 Satithtlebt§l ___ mbl3- TRADE mARK.Z,N • • MIDGE'S . llll plum- rixtoc*,l9 eivrtun if I Lamp ,oRn CHIMMISP. 1 • ~L~O'~Ax:, , ATIONAtiINSUMFFEEMPANY, Of the city r 4Tre ii7TFTI Tip Tla a kryvnirir 0 4 14111011, Second Nlonariirtir • - .IA ((111.ACMATtlalf011tyma EoHNEH•OV iiittsoANt VitEkt l AWD THE imh4 on :45a 00a 3„0.1 b9,,ei mutt - AN • •Ilo' 'um sale! w• igliKilkiffßetMito Has reNgronwellowthi...sii 139 Fourth A'rentrtMM:. InErliveiker ',~e ° i JaWen_ Doenagetle 1 *mated Wanly LHOW 0N2.1% - tt GRA . to trIaTLIJOBIGiIat P liblOt eapp l z a cm,lll Nassan.st r l Ne ld oalybc agents. R rsto all F.aa ra. BAign & PA1"10111 9 Who' . lon Merchants an DealerrrnlM=R l AT l ßaccugcheese. Fish. Carbon and Lard 'OIL Iron, Nails, Was, Cotton Yasuo and all P • lcsburgh Manuthetnres generally. 113 and 1)21 Kral:MP, Pittsburgh. enUog..? EIS=