The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 15, 1869, Image 3

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    '""''~'~~rtlßGEl' MrRSETB'~~`"
SATuunAy, 'March 13. 1869.
Business generally has been .dull du;
ring the week which has just closed, but
hopes are entertained that tbe dull sea
son is about over, and that wriwill have
'mod spring trade., l'he uncertainty in
regard to the tinancial situation, heti had
a good deal to .do with the , dullness
which has prefailed during the past
winter, but thereols now eyeryindtNttion
that the new adtninistration Will have 'a.
Round arid prirmanont finaticitti' policY,
and'wherithfil3 once deelriPed, :bug Will impr ve.not only here, tut all'
over the count y-, Capitalists .Who have
their money locked.,upl4, sto3cks, bondri,
real estate, etc etc.; will again put it into
- active 'employment, end 'With' an . easier
money market, there arri,riletity,of men
who , bY sheer f o r c e ge,cirCittrisfrinces,
have been kept in the back ground, will
once more•be enabled to, go , into .active
APBLES—Apples are coming in more
freely, but with a steady demand priceii
are fully sustained,lranging at. 84@EI for
fair to prime and tt3,50©7 for choice.
BUTTER -prime to choice Roll Butter
is in steady demand at 43@45:. •
BEANS—quiet; 111,50®3,75.
- CORNMEAL-41,75@1,85 per cwt.
' CRANBERRIES—SaIes at $18@522.
CARBON, OlL—Standard brands may
be quoted in a jobbing way at 80@31.
CbEESE'—niarket almost-bare; sales
_ _
DRIED FRUIT—DuII but unchanged:
Peaches 14@15 for quarters: 16©17 for
mixed, and 18@20 for halves. Apples
1.1.®1234 cts.
• EGGS—The demand is less active, and
with a full suply, prices cannot be
quoted above 20 @210.
JELLY—There is a slightly improved
demand, though prices ure unchanged.
We continue to quote baled oh wharf, at
HOSIINY-46056,25 per bbl.
PROVISIONS--,Bacon is quiet and nn
_changed at 1.1,1 for Shoulders; Ribbed
Sides, 16%®'17. and Clear Sides. at 18®
18,, and Sugar tAtred . llams
- Steamed Lard, 19®19;•; and kettle ren
dered, 20®20,4. Mess Pork 68 4 2582,50.
POTATO DS —Drill- but unchanged, at
75080 for small lots in store.
.:111Ci&NUTS--10 ots perpound. . •
'. •
SEEDS-,We can; report_ regular.sales
otOloverseeol at $1.0@10,50 and Timothy
at , scarcer- and
,may qtiotid:off2,4s®2,so,
libiLT—ls - gniet'but steady, and is still
:quoted at it by the car load.
• SORGH.ISIW-80®85c.
GROCERlES—The::market, especially
for “Sweets,'t is very dull, though prices
. generally are without> any important
• .change, Relined Sitgars have within'
...!,thoe.past top dsais declined fully 3 to 3%
cents, per, pound, and raw nearly the same
evEin,at this decline their is" no
demand. toffees reniain without 'im
portant Change. •
GRA.lN—Wheat is very drill and'some
-- of the millers quote prime winter at'
• ;1;55. Cate quiet and unchanged at 65&
- 66 on traot t and 6S@)7O in . store. Rye is
• dull; sales $1,43 on track and $1,45 de
livered. There is no demand for Corn,
and in the,absence of sales we continue
to quote ';'.s®so. Barley is steady, with
sales of good ut $2 and prime to choice
at $2,10©2,15.
FEATIitRS--Live Geeie . Feathers
qUoted at 751 o: 80, to thetrade, and the
usual advance in a retail way.
'• FLOUR—There is no improvement
to note in'the' 'Remand: for Plour, and
• prices are barely sustained. Spring
Wheat ' brands, $7,00@7,50' for good
'to choice. Rye Flour, $7,25®7,50. The
following are the Pearl Mill prices
for their brands of flour 'made of the
best wheat:* Pearl Mill' three 'star green
• brand In bairela, - $10,40 insacks $10;10;'
doable extra in barrels' $9,50, and in
sacks at $9,20; Pearl Mill family in bar.
rels. V 1,50.. and, in sacks at 58,50, Spring
Wheat brands in barrels .57,50, and in
_ sacks ft,Z). The Pittsburgh City. Mills
_ prices are as follows: Choice White Win
ter. Wheat 'Flow, bbls,. 59,30, and
sackal 59,00. ..Choice Red Winter Wheat
_ Flour. in bb1a,,57,76, and in,saCks $7,50;"
choice Wheat Flour in bls,
57, 3 0, and in sacks, $7 per bbl.
LARD OiL r -We now (Lucite No. lat
11,65, and Nei:2 at $1,30.
W.EDISKTY,-,--4ighwines *inlet and un- ,
changed: - .
ifarketil . by Teiegeaph,
It7zw: Yoa March :13.—Cottoti' more
active and-;a shade firmer;.sales 3,800-
bales at',2B% ®2B3ie. for middling uplands.
• Flour; receipts 4,848 bbls: dull, heavy: .
and. 1.0©15c lower; sales. 4,700 .bbis at ; ,
48,80@5,85 • for superfine State' mad
western, $0,00,©6,65 for extra State,
$0@0,85 for extra western, .$6,85@7,40 for
white wheat extra, 56,15®7,85 for round
hoop 0b10i47 @SAO • for extra St. Louis,A,
and 89 ®l2 for good-to-choice, do, closing
heavy. Rye Flour drill; sales,2oo bbls at;
55(x37. Corn Meal quiet. • Whisky quietp
• ~sales 50 bbls western et 950 tree, Wheat;
receipts• 62,930 bush; heavy and one cent
lower; sides 66,000 busk at 11,40®442. for
No. 2 spring in store and delivered. 51.7,5
for _white Michigan, ,and about.: 61,66 for ,
white ,Canfornia.,. Rye nominally f un-L`
changed.. Bsr/ey. _ quiet. Barley Malt
dull. Corm..vcelpts 10.004 ..bush; heavy:
and I®2o lower; sales 38,000 bush' t 90®
, 91c mixed western: , 92®93c for
high y mixed and 1 western yellow, 95®
95%0 for clear, mixed western in store,
:.and 950 tor am wsouthern . yellow. Oats;
receipts 900 bus; dull; sales at 73%®74 for
Western in store, and 75% ®76c for do.
-..afloat. Blew dull. Coffee. drdl. Sugar
dull; sales of 160 , hhds-: Cubs , ' at 12)40-•
Molasses dull. Hops , dull , at 1 6 @ 1 6n•
Petroleum dull at• 17' for crude, , and 820
- for refined. Bonded coal quititWLeather,
a moderate: request and unohanged.
-• Wool quiet; sales of 400.000 Sunda st
t •49®67c for domestic fleece. 62c for comb
tr. and 46(447%e, for pulled.. ;.Linseed
el quiet at 111;01®1,08. Spirits turpen
:-411311.dailhhavheavy et 4MsOke . ' 'wall
small retail adieuat 150%®53e. Sheeting
copper•steady at 83o; Ingot copper -un
settled. and prima rule in favor purohar
seri sales at 26% ®2630 for Lake Super
. riot. , Pig Iron steady, with'small : bast
nee* at $ 40 , 00 ®00.10 93r8cobeb, and i 3 TP
_ 043,90 tor American; - hat r quiet' an d
• ate*d.9 14 8 88 . 00 (490,00 ifor refined tam
-lith anti Anniripan; sheet quiet `at ' 11%0
for lalia,':10114 Wet; '545% for cut;
- (1%®6%%f0r clinch; and 27 30 for. borne- i
• Woof Totklidavy; loWery 60(r,bbls' it
. s3o,o7®3l,l2fornew triess; . $30,16080,06
for 01d•d01•526,00220,26 for prime; 828,50
(330,00 for PAM° mei% *deo 2.56 bble new
, •mess, seller_'!, months, at 631,00. -Beef
hoaV3ll6li,•h,lils` tit $8,00®16,60 for new
Plainineet4 '112,00®18,00 for new exfra
.mass, tierce beef quiet; heavy; 200 tierces
.. €,,,,,..;. . 01
.. for .' prime 018; 1,27,1)00
_. r mess. Beef hams, in mod: '
ers,l4iatittee ;'.sop . bbls at ,124;00®30.06.
Cut",meati, bee ; 170 pka at '12% @file '
- ' for shoulders; 16 1630 ler hams: Dress. ,
• , hogs , quiet; tig 14, 1 4 13.f0r *wain:l4lg
• 44g0 for „city. ifdles, firm, quiet; 25
- -', knee Cumberland Cut it 16e. Lard, tin
_ Se_ ttlea_.. .eitster;
.550 tierces at' 17%, ®ls;io
tor Isealn; 18%®14k3 for kettle rendered *
tbelatter price an extreme; awe 25 tier
-. , ces steam, seller March, April and May,
.at 18%e. Butter qui t 30@aaa for. Ohio;
, ,e
4013151!tel---uneesezli e
22;4c. Freights to Liverptiol quie; s a
shade firmer. -
• Latest—Flour closed dull and s®lo
Jower. Wheat .quiet with - some little
speculative demand for spring and dull
and - heavy for western. eye nominal.
Oats heavy at 75' for western in store.
Carry dull and heavy at 90 for new mixed
western and 95 for old mixed western in
store: Pork quietiand steady at $3l. for
new mess, cash and regular and $31,25
sellerfor last half pi 'April, Beef dull
and drooping: Cut Meats' and Bacon
quiet and without decided change. 'Lard
steady at 18% 'for prime steam., Eggs•
steady at 4©,24. . •
CrticAno, March 13.-Eastern Ex
change quiet at 1-10 premium selling
and 1-10 lift buying. Flour *extremely
dull, at $4,50®4,87% for.spring superfine
'and ss®6 for spring extra. 'Wheat in
light demand; mainly speculative; , sales
of To. lat $1,11%®1,12; No. 2at 11,08;,,/
01,09; No. 3 at 98c®61,00, and rejected
at 9.1 q 'Closing at sl,oB3f®l,oB!,ifor 0.2; ' Ig
sales of No. 2 since change at 41,00: Corn
dull and %®le, lower, at 5;1,553c foriinlyw
and '47%•349c for no grade; closing steady
at 52, 3 /c for new; there Wiignothing deing
this killerneon. I Chitsdnll.and lowere,
at 52% ®5334c fop regular. and
ceipts of red; closing at 52 c; ' Sales at
'&2e seller for. Last half of April; and 51%c
seller for last , half of, they month, Rye
quiet and 2®234a loiver; sales of No. - 1 at
in, 15 ®1415%. Barley:tiegleeted and nom
.nal, at sl,bs: for No. 2:in store. - Seeds
dull, at $2,75®3,15 for tunothy t and $2,50,
for flax. Iligliwines offered at 89c with
no buyers. • Provisions - quiet and un
changed.:,Mess pork geld at $3l. Lard,
18c; closineteady., Dry salted shoulders
steady, at 12e. Dreseed hogs quiet and
a shade-easter; sales ati11t,75©12,75; clos
ing. ail $11,75®12.50, dividing on 200 lbs.
Receipts for the past twenty h -four hours
bbls flour, 40,378 btis' wheat, 52,z
-654 bush .corn,-. 20,650 bush oats, 4,702
bush rye, 895 bush barley. Shipments
7,204 bbls flour, 12,957 bush wheat, 24,-
337 bush corn, 5,178 bush oats, 3,234 bush
rye, 2,320 bush barley.
ST. Louis, March 13.—Tobacco nomi
nally uncnanged. Hemp lower; prime
undressed -$1,52, choice $1,60. Flour dull ,
and 15®25c lower; fall superfine ss@
5,50, extra $5,75®6,60, double extra, tt6,50
®7,00, treble extra $8®9,00. Wheat dull,
lower and very unsettled; prime red and
white $1,50®1,55, choice $1,70®1,75, good
to choice No. 2 spring $1,15®1,20. Corn
61 and drooping; sales cholas white
at .60®c, and fancy at 69®70c. Oats
: rind:ranged ,and, the market very slow .
and heavy.' Barley dull' and loWer;
'spring $1,90®1,95, very ;
choice• $2, . 110®2,10- Rye, slow at $1,306,
1,35. Pork firmer and held higher at,
$31;50®32 . ',00 for these. - Bulk meats dull
andnothing doing. Bacon; but little do-'
, ing, and buyers dty' not come np to, the
views of sellers, who arefirth and not
disposed to sell at previous pricei; the
sales include city. clear sides at :lNc,
clear rib Sides at havers option for June,
18c, shotilders 14e. Lard unchanged at
.180 for chOice steam, and 18®18%c for
'kettle rendered. Whisky drill. and
changed. Receipts—flour , 47,471 bbls,
wheat 21,560 bus, corn 4,547 bus, oats 9,-
,840 bus, barley 3,129 bus, rye - 1,285 bus.
CiriCustivri March !S.—Flour and
Grain are nominally unchanged. Cotton
quiet but firm; middlings 273i(D27,z0.
Tobacco; nothing doing.. 'Whisky dull ,
at 91e. Mess Pork dull-and , prices nom,/
inal; held at 131,50, as heretofore. Lard
nominally unchanged. Bulk Meats are
firmer; shoulders 1244 c, and sides 143 c;
generally held 3.0 higher. Bacon firmer;
shoulders in demand at 1330, sides at
16 1 „6©17c; held y 0 higher at the dose,
Sugar Cared Hams le%@l9c. Groceries
dull and nrices unchanged, with very
little doing in any departmeht; Cuba
Sugar 11©1130,-Porto Rico 14®15e; New
Orleans 14©t6)ic; refined 1631V173 , 0 for
soft and,l7%®lB3 , c,for hard. Molasses_
80@859, for New Orleans. Linseed Oil
dull and 'declined to 11.03. Lard 011 in
moderate demand at 11,58@1,62.. Petro.
leum dull and drooping is the jobbing
way at 34©35c. Exchange firmer at par
to 50 premium buying and 1-10 premium
selling. Gold 131.
Cra.vEtaoin, March 13.—The Flour
market is 'quiet, steady and unchanged: -
•city made treble extra white is quoted
at 110,25®10,50:' amber double 'extra,
$8,50@8,75' ' red double extra,17;50157,75;
red extra,16,50©6„75; spring doable ex.
tra, s7os7.soroountry made doable extra
.red and amber, 17(g8; double extra
spring, 16,25Q7; double.extra white, $9,50
, @IQ. Wheat ' dull . and nominal; No. 1
' red is held at*; No. 2 do, 11,40..C0rn
ltrin 'moderate' request 'but lower; sales
of new shelled were made at 71e. 'Oats
are dull and tominally''unchanged; No.
'1 State tieing held at 624% Rye: market
Isle quiet but steady ar , 11.130@1,82 for No.
1 State. 1. Barley, lsnotninals 'but is held
Arm at 12,15©2,20 for No, i Canada; s2©
2,05 for State.. ,Petroleum. market• quiet
and ,unchanged; ,iptined is-hoidd at B.lm@
'3440 for Standard white In car iota, small
lots sold at 2@krper:gallon:adVance., :
NEw :13.—Cotton is
;more 'Wive and irregular; middlings
4 a30; . , sideil'of 6,300 bales ; receipts,' 1,162
biles; eiportii; 395 bales.; Geld 132. Ster
ling? 4 3 .; N. Y, Sight
44 premium. Flour liimr superfine K 25
-110)6,37, double extra #6,78 =treble - extra
.* Corn •scarce 82%©850. -Oats
tll at 75e. _Brea • #1415, Bayl prime
Sobbing at 128. Mess Pork firmer at $33.
,Bacon quiet at 1.4y,,,@17c.. Lard dull;
tie oe . - . 181/ .4 61, 84 1 and .20(g}20y,e
Sugar common 1250, and prime
• 14d. 'ltolasses dull at 70@75e for prime.
Whisky western rectified 923446
11,00.) Coffee nominal; fair 15Xe, prime'
MILWAUKEE, March 13.—Flour dull
and lowet; chtnoa Minne50ta,..5.76(4)6,00;
choice Wisconsin ; end. lovra, Pi2 5 @51 7 5;
'medium, $5,00®6,145 ‘1 , Wh0at lOwer, at
$1,0934c fox" Nci• 11 :anti , 51p0.534 ' for• *o. 2.
Oate,dtdi and ; lower,: .58© C for new."
Rye nominally --Harley dull and
ndehanged: • 'Proilidoner unchanged._
Dressed Hogs • - firti' at '812@i2,50.
Aleipts,-B,Boo'bbisjitnix,-'O,OOO btus wheat,
3,0(10.bua osta; I,loou bus corn; 4;000 bun
ryei 1,000 bus) barley; :Ethipmenta-45,000'
~bble dour, 24001 nm wheat, 800 bbls pork.
~Tatano, MarbitlB.-Xiour: dull and: in
active . and"; nominally : lower. Wheat'
dull and So lower on the isnot endlo
,lower. for .littYere,for, -April; sales of
amber= at, "146 on the spot ,eud..1,52,
buyer; kr,*p e t Corn : dull mid. 1 34 c•
lliwile•Ito• I . Ito,; 2624 , 4 0 .',4tr0de
62c. pats held - at 630 : for No kand 600
'forNo. V. , aye le loweir, ilkht•salse at
41,18 for fINb. Barley pressed
jrz co . not if ini t;,,.,„ 7.• fl
:80 htids* ; ' l l6 0008,001' ,, ebminon'i to
conning , lett 16,30 p itutleounty,-
s2l. l ,l2dess:Tork, lif12:1. • lard; 18,1®190.,
tßaeon; 14e;;,olear, Alb- sides,
./7oi ‘ol94Tleltleih,,kNot, moor
shoulders. 130:. dor ? ritk, aideet• 1 60 ; clear .•
aidet16301 , ,F10urr 85 . 50 1 66 ; 00 - Srleat ,
/1,50 I,W, - COn, .60®630. 6o@'
640. - ye, tit,'so • 'WhiSky, 93e. ''
13swilsomt quiet
and steady." iyheat.4ullllt6lo9 . Prltho •
l'earitylvente'' red - at' $1,70f61,75. - :•:Coiit •
firmer; sales of white at 6f ®B6d,rutaitYol. -
:lbw at' 86@)00c: , •'Osta; no" niarket:' -Rye
4101I'at Mess pork•quiet at $32,50
Q33,00. 1 t Bacon more 'active; sales of rib
sides•at, 116,4®170, clear do, 17;4419180;
shoulder*, ,-14%45150; hams , ; ,; 20%1P1e.
Lard firm at 200. Whiskey firmer; sale*
• •
Swig FeAsotsoo, March 13.—Flour at
14.76©5,00. - Wheat, quiet; choice 61,90 5
Alpha, :35; Belcher, 20; Bullion, 20; Choi- ,
Tar, 164; Confidence, 35; Crown Point. 75;
EmpireMill,l4; Gould Curry, 106; Hale
Norcross, 90r Imperial.; /01: IKentuck,
265; Ophir, 35; Overman, 66; Savage, 65;
Sierra Nevada, 32; ',Cello* Jacket, 68.
PHILADELPHIA, marcn X 13.—Flour
greatly depressed with: but a small busi
ness; northwestern extra family $6,50@
7,25; Ohio $8,00@6,25. Wheat dull and
weak; red' $1,50.. Corn dull and un
changed. Oats unchanged.' 'Petroleum
feveribh; crude unchanged; refined 33,%c.
Provisions, _ Whisky selling slowly
9.5@98c; ,• '
i 13.—C,ottbn'firMer at
2734@273ic; ,receipts 441 bales; exports
77& bales. Flour, quiet; superfine, 66@
6,50. "'Corn - 75c.' Oats 70c and dull.
Hay 127. ;Perk '833. ' 'Lard> 20@21e.
,Bacon steady;; shoulders 15c; sides 18c.
Balklleata firm, shoulders 13,c; aides
-/tUPPA.I.O, March. 13,-Flour dull and
unchanged. Vir,heat entirely.. neglected,
'Corn dtill; pew Selling on track at 80a@
81crtild nominal= ht . -90 c in Store. Oats
Ault„ 6#3,!,4c- in store. Rye; noMinal.-
Seeds dull;, no sales. .Pork and Lard un
LcourS; Marcli'l3-4-tattle 'Dfarket.--;
Cattle in light &Mind 434@7y 4 c ' for
fair to extra.„ Hogs firm at B@lo,,ic for
' light to heavy.
. • .
DAGO RAILROAD, March 13.-32 ears
metal. Nimick & Co; 18 do do, John
Moorhead; 4 do do; Bryan & Can hey; 4
do do, J W Porter; 9do do, JaEl Wood,
Son & Co; rdo dot Loomis & Collard; 2
dodo, Brown & Co; 4 cars wheat, J a S
Liggett & Co: 50 tea lard, E H Myers &
Co; 100 bbls flour,. Watt, Lang & Co; =2
cars bulk shoulders, J P Hanna & Co; 200
bbls flour,Peter Schlegal; 300 do do,
owner; 30 bait cheese. Arbuckles & Co;
25 do do, Smith, Johnston & Co; 34 skis
cloverseed, A Kirkpatrick & Co; 1 car
bailey, J Ii Watson & Co; 25 doz brooms;
H Riddle; 31 aks rags, Frazier & Metz
gar; 46 sks pearls, S Harbaugh & Co; 1
bbl hams. A Garrison; 1 car scrap iron,
Pittsburgh Iron & Forge Co. A
ROAD, March 13.-5 cars warm ore,
Sboenberger, Blair & Co; 4 cars potatoes,
Hulett. Bros; 1 do do, Bricker & do
bones, Seward & Campbell; Ido oats,
Graham & Marshall; 1 do - do, Scliomaker
& Langenhelm; 354 sits oats, tdo rye, R
C Henderson; 50 hf bbls fish', W Cooper
& Co; .63 do do, Knox &Orr; 30 grind
atones,'Bantu, ShenkleAt Co; 1 tee
slmuldenr,- Dslseli & townsend; 45 hf
bbls butter, Morrison &DevolL 4 kegs a
butter; Van Gordrir & -Son; 7 bbls oat
meal,;Strickler & M oreledge; 2 bbls oat
meal, 1. ~barleys / I Porterfield & Co;
lot stoneware', H/Onatott & Co; 10 * bales
husks; W F gr Noble; s.bbls cider, W
H Graff & Co; 2 bbls, 1 hi do eggs, 2 do
butter, Atwell & Lee; 2 bbla dried peach
es, 1 do herds, 1 do apples, Voigt, Ma
hood & Co:
- - - - - -
•VALLNY Ratratoen,
March,l3.-34 hbls oil, 6 bbls , ,tar, B W
Morgan; l'bbl whisky, E W Ewer; 12
sks / oats, 5 dfi rye, Scott 4* Gloat; 1
yoke cattle, J B Stewart; 2 bbls beans, 3
do butter, H Riddle; 70 bbls. salt, James
Connor; 1 car metal, John MOorhead; 33
/bgs corn, 8 S George; 2 cars metal. Mc-
Knight, Porter ik Co; 100 bbls oil, R T
Leech; 1 bbl butter, Wm Miller; 1 car
metal, Lyon, Shorb 6c Co; 1 car grain,
Blaney & Moore; 7 sks rags, Godfrey
Clark; 34 bgs oats, 19 do rye, Watt, Lang
& Co; 3 bbls eggs, 2 pkgs butter, J
22 aks oats, .1 box eggs, H Kuox.
car metal, Graff.- lingua d: Co 1 do do,
Lindsay M'Ciitcheon; 100 Ills flour,
Geo Stewart; 62 bales cotton, Kennedy.
Childs it C; 12 bas tobacco, J Koben; 2
cars, stone, Forrester .k, Megraw; 15 eke
oats, 42 do barley, J Serling, 10 eke rags,
W Patterson; 5 hides, 1 bbl tallow,
Lappe dr Weise; 64 hides, 2 bbls tallow,
W Flacons (Sr, Son; 4 cars metal, Lewis,
`Bailey & Dalzell; 1 do do, Graff, Bennett
& Co; 1 dp do, Superior Iron Co; 1 do do,
Pitts Iron ft Forge Co; 1_ car Oran, hi
Steel it Son; 1 car wheat, Kennedy Lt.
, Cro; 1 car shingles, M'Kirdy ..t Id 'Gin-.
niss; 1 do do, J Alston it Son.
March 13.-260 bge imalt, Brooks it Co;
42 aka barley, Dan Wallace; 6 bbls flour,
It 6c D C 81300 ;, Lbs. tobacco, Jas COODOr.
Both rivers continue to recede steadily
rt this point, tiith * eight feet six inches
in 'the channel by- the Monongahela
marks and nine and a half feet by:those
Of tbe.Allegheny.: Theweather pester
,daywas warm and Spring-like, and the
snow has almbst entirely disappeared.
Mercuryettoon was up to 60. •
The Glendale, from St. Louis, is the
_only transient, arrival we have to report.
She hag a good trip' and a very hand
some new pilot house in the place of the
one which was burned.
The Lorena, en route from St. Louis
'to Pittsburgh, was at Louisville on Fri-
The `Gallipolis .rourna of Thursday.
says: On 'Monday the Cottage No. 2'
came down the Kanatvliti, preparatory to
being _taken to• Pittsburgh, where a new
hull and cabin are to be built for ber
.maefiinery; suitable for • the Kanawha
trade. Capt. D. Y. Smithers will super
intend the building of the boat. leapt.
Newton owns tWo•thirdeand.l. W. Oaks
one•third of the Cottage.
A. Memphis paper. says: Fifty thou
sand dollars has been subscribed by our
merchants for the purpose of organizing
a barge Übe to tranaport freights from
St: LORIS to this port. The enterprise-is
bell* 'pushed. ahead ,in suah a manner
-that 'it is bocinftto be a success.
The-Wild-Duck pasted tiy'Cincinnati.
-en recite for Pittsburgh: u Thursday.
The saute departed for Missouri River
on Saturday with' a splendid, trip, about
six hundred tons; and all theplimensers
she con/0 accommedate. Pilots—Faw,
cett and 'fftighes. , ,
TlMlCenton, - for Portsmouth, and Grey
Eagle, for. Parkes also departed on,
_Saturday, with good trips. „
It is'reported that the Argosy will be
%back here in therootirse of a week or two
,and will again enter the: Pittsburgh and.
Cincinnitt, packet _trade. Capt, Lew Van
dergriftwasi expected' to"arrlve here on
flotturday.i.) , , L*l
The Bayard,, Capt. Geo. D. MoOre, is
theregular'for" Parkersburg to
day. lesting i at nook. ,
.--,TlieiCanlePa, Capt. Joseph Lytle, will
f posigrAypasse-payp t fer
shippers should
In Min& that. she will positivelygo
,throngit.; • • _
The Armenia, 'emit. Jas. Hamilton, Is
41111011116Ni:to leevefor St.:Lotibirtanibr. , -
TOW* as also.the Kate Putnatn. Capt..
G. W. teeti..for Cincinnati and Louis
cllle• • I
Messenger' Cain. Dean; SaVanti,
no-. 1 0erX 04 ; 0 4 1 and •Glaegow92 Capt.-
bIy:WM, are a 1 loading for, the Upper
liiissiesltfpi.. i thetliVanna; is for:
AoleaVe to.morroar.) . -t, • -
, The Silver Lake Sapt.
Todd,, is
I,:antionced Tor St. ',Louis and Missintri
, ;oapt, titockdale will probably
mence loading the new, steamer Alejan
dto for New Orleans, in the course of a
few days. • •
Capt, M. A 4 COX'II new mountain boat
14 4 - T: A." 4 . -
moNp: mATc ; r 5, I,BM.
ru eolltis"itiTrierlitirdirltiviiMETffetibin
pletion. • ,
—The Leonidas left 'New , Orleans for
Pittsburgh on' Thursday.
--Captain Ford, with the - tug Nettie
Jones, arrived at Memphis from.. Du
vall's Bluff on Wednesday; both boat
and Captain having been released by the
authorities of Arkansas. ' •
—Mr. Felton, of Lyons, lowa who last
summer built the steamer "Lone Star,"
which was speedy, is again. trying his
hand on a still smaller boat, the hull be
ing but eight feet wide and • thirty long.
The new boat will be. called the
—The Wrecking-boat Salyer No. 1,.
Was at /as accounts, alongside of the
sunken P oria City. making prepara
tions to raise her. The Submarine No.
1 3
3, 'has been sent to her assistance. Cap
tain Pewell, 'of the St. •Louis Ri7er
WreCking•ComiSany, has the contract for
raising her.
, --The St. Paul Dispatch,-of Monday,
says: i We are pleased to learn that the
announcement in Saturday's Dispatch,
that the steamboat war was ended, and
that It was not ended; was strictly ,(ior
rect. The' steamboat and railroad/lines
have 'agreed to meet: in Chieager, next
Wednesday to agree,,and• if, they don't
agree, it will be owing to • a failure to
agree upon the. agreement which they
have agreed to agree ,upon when they
meet on Wednesday to agree upon said
agreement. - /' "
•. —Captain Ruford, of ;the Northern
Line. was present at the Chicago meet
ing. and has retupied to his home in
Rock Island. He confirms the news and
informs the Argicathat the companies'
have agreed to fix on a general tariff, to
be maintained' throughout the season.
The proposition came from the North
western Union Line, and was accepted
by the Northern Line. In regard to the
rates, Captain Rutbrd states that busi
ness will - open with down stream freights
at 20
/ cents, and up stream freights at 23
cents. "All's well that ends well," and
it 7111 be a marvel if one of the lines
doesn't fly the compromise. Both lines
h ave entered into solemn league and
covenant- before, and ere the season was
fairly commenced, been at odds in the
.42ost vigorous manner.—[Davenport Ga
—We clip.the following from the St,
Louis Democrat, of Thursday: Mr.
Alex. Mcßride, long a citizen of St:
Louis, and an old boatman, has died
here—aged 49. He was a native of Pitts
burgh, or at all events long a resident
there previous to coming West. The
flags of the steamers in port were -Oita*
played as half mast yesterday. His
funeral takes place todav from 1124
North 6th street. Capt. M'Bride com
manded the Amazonian, many years
ago, in the trade' between Pittsburgh
ancipt. Lords, He Was engaged since
then on many. other steamers, among
them the Big Born. He was for some
time engaged in business here, in c•-n
-nection with a Pittsburgh iron firm.
Captain Mcßride was possessed of fine
qualities bf mind:and, heart, and his
death is universally regretted.
We • • .
clip the following from a late New
Orleans exchange: Judge. Cooley, of
the Sixth District Court, has rendered
Judgment in ttie case of Babbit, Good &
Co. vs. the Sun Mutual Insurance Co..
in favor of plaintiffs. In April, Mil, an
insurance was effected on 75 hhds of su
gar, shipped from New Orleans to Cin-
cinnati, for '*1,150. The steamboat Mars
was brought to at Helena, Ark;, boarded ;
and the cargo taken possession of .by
parties residing there at the time. This
was before may ordinance of secession
was,passed. The Sun Mutual Insurance
Co., under its contract, took upon itself'
to bear_ "all adventures and perils of the
river, fires, rovers, assailing thieves, and
all other perils: and losses, and mister
tunes that have or shall come to the'
hurt, detriment or damage of the said
goods or any part thereof." The defense,
claimed the Company did not insure
against public enemies; but the plea was'
overruled, and the Court • held that, the
parties who took possession of these}
goods could legally be regarded in no'
other light- than as assailing thieves.;
The terms of the policy specially bound.
the Insurance Company against such
peril; hence, the judgment for plaintiff.,
River and Weather.
Lotus - tux, March 13.—River rising, 1
with eight feet four inches in canal by!
mark. Weather•ciondy and mild.
tiPr. Louts, March 13.—Weather clear
and pleasant.
Practical Furniture Natinfictarers,
3.1.€4F °lmmix E
Where may be found a full assortment of Par- I
lor. Chamber and Kitchen Furniture. de2s
American Rink,
New. York Club,
Empire' Starr, &c
All other styles and sizes at the very lowist:
!Steil at
4ieir go rituricAr. iirl.r,Gtrrs r
HIER 'iv CO., . •
1 . • •• Maantactuias of •
office ogld,Wireltouso. 303 .LIBERTY STREET '
ifilrAu ?rders promptly attended to.
J. Z. awlicr J. M. nuArr
SWINT 84 nits=
No. 61 I Sandiski Bt. Allegheny Pa.
. f
A. lame assortment of NEWEL POsTEI and
BALLATEIO3 constantly on hand.. TtrilliNG
of all descriptions. done.
:ROS t ] j4lf3 i
lalaig§nr s'
, • • , •
CANNED 4310013€1i
Oneida Community, Winslow's and ittrtrinnti'
(irren .corn„ , fresh Asparagus. Peas , Okra. To
matoes.,reactles,. ao. for, sate by, the castor dozen
tt the Family Grocery titore of
Cornnr 4,1131 5 4 it ifit r r i s trrs
tab 11
11 , 44401( I*); Rd-EIDItx , qoARECTI4NA.Iii:,
CREAM and. SALiXkf,
BPatebtre3:smiihit gh ejd efreet, D i amond'
. .auey.
.`Putter and tanittieePUd wi h I ce
Cream and Oakes on short notice. l-
IDIVEMAIL ABIL-25 calks. fOr
JL sabibr . OAdOI3I%D.
>go ,
, • ,
N OTICE,.-'-All parties lit
- owing or haying- claims
against the steamer. .
. .
are notified to call at the office of, A'SIES REM
corner, of Dunuesne Way awl' vcurth street. for
a settlement of the same, as she has been sold and
settlements desired. - / . mlits46_
SATURDAY.Afarch 20—r. M.
The eplenatd passenger steamer
.GLASOOW ..... + 4 -K D. flour:sox, JR., Com'r,
will leave a; announced above.
.ror freight or p: apply on hoard, or to
/A. ROBT.Nr•ON, JR.. Master, or
mhl3 . Jen. COLLINa, Agents.
,VOWSIN-LOIIIS, 11E0- jaZ i t
: The line, passenger I teamer
Will leave for the above and Intermediate ports
loat TUESDAY, 10th Inst.. at 4 p.
or R. C. GRAY. Agents..
;A! Bmor. AND ST. PAUL. — ThelAidEit
ftwt:passenger steamer
win leave for the above ports on .115th
inst.. at 9 ii. at,
I For freight or postage apply on board. or to
. • - Agents.
GEORGE F. DIINBE.NS, at Rochester Wharf
!Boat, Agent. '
FOR CAIRO AND ST. j a dE i t
LOUIS.—The splendid Patten
Iger Packet • .
leave ter the above and Intermediate ports
, on THIS DAY. at 4 r.
' - JOHN FLACK, or -
tnh9 J. D. COLIANGWOOD, Agents.
. _
1-111 R 'CINCINNATI and A d!E i g
:11 LOUISVILLE.-The line pas
'sengfr-steanter •
KATE PIITNA‘IkI .. . .. ...:Cant. G. W. REED.
'W/11 It aye for the above ports on THIS DAY,
'at 4 P. M.
For freight or passage apply on hoard, or to
mhl2 A.J.'* HAnLETT. Agents.
F la
Nois.—The splendid passen
ger steamer .
Wilt leave for the above and Intermediate ports
on THIS DAY, at 4 1 p.
For - freight or passage apply on board or to
mhB JOHN FLACK. Agents:
steamer .
Capt . . Joslunt Lrrr a,
Wll. •leave, for the above and all interratdlate
ports, on THIS DAT. at 4- T . M.
freight or passage apply on board, or to -
i r id dr o b
Marietta and Parkersburg Line.
Leave Company's Wharf Bost, foot orWood
BA.YARD GEORGE D. Moons, Muter
Freight wattle received at all hours by •
sets JAMES COLLINS, Arent.
A New, Cheap and Brilliant Light
Nays ORLEAYS, July 9. 1869.
I have examined with the utmost care, and sub•
lected to the most severe experimental teats, the
Dantforth Petroleum Fluid, and find it perfectly
Ant-Explosive, more easily extinguished when
purposely ignited, and in my opinion the safest
of all the Fluids prOduced from Crude Petroleum
which I have examined. (Signed,
.1. L. CR VWCOUD, 31. D.,
. Prof. of Chemistry N. 0. School of Medicine:
CoLuknus, 0., December 4, 1808
have egsnitned the Petroleum Fluid sold by
'outs. Smith & Talbot, of this city, and am sat
isfied that it is safer to use than Coal Oil in any
other born which has come to my notice. IL is
non.solosive. The Board of Underwriters of
this city examined it carefully, and do not charge
any increased rite of insurance on account of its
use, or In buildings where it is kept for sale in
quantitleanot exceeding our City Ordinances.
(elgried;) JOSEPH DOWDALL, Agent, •
Representing Capital' City Ins. Co., Columbus..
' - Franklin _ " " ,
' - Ceatral : ~ - . ~ • ,
Manhattan. of New York. '
I' ' Merchants'. of Hartford. -
„ . Enterprise, of Cincinnati,'
I. Ins. Co. Of N. A., at. Phila.,
nil other Insurance Companies _
,••- - • - •
- ~ ..
.. . ,
.This Flula can now be bought at retail at the ,
following places:
' *. C ;DODDS,' Flfth'i:Venue,
JOHN FE.RST, Center. avenue.
. , DAVID _FREELAND, Center avenue.
- J. G. KREBBS, Filth avenue.
CASFLE k EBTMER, Fifth ward,
.. • -HENRY-131,1VEHMAN, Fenn avenue, •
A. RENEE, Pnn avenue. - , ,
GEORGE MYERS, Ohio street,i`hliti ward;
HENRY LENZ, SeVenth ward,
- 1 H. BENING, Fifth Ward,
• • J. KLAUGES, Epaver , !street, • _
• j'ACOR'IMITCH, Beaver avenue, ' - •
'- JOHN:JAHNS, Duquesne Borough,
• B. KEENA.N, Et/queuing Borough,
.. . . ;
- . .
, ..
, ~ . • . .
A. copori t arb, CO. • • '
, . .
.•,• . • : :WILIIINSBIIH.G. , •. • .
E. L. KIEHL & CO. , '., , • .
, -
TlMPAls44regovnuain- • ,i .
'' - vviqui TRAYNOR: i .. : .; : ~ • '
. ::- . • - ':..,' •', i , 'ICTIEA:.; ' • t -
,„.'.`,. SECARPSBIIB.4. . ... , .
. , .W. 'EIFENB. t.. ' • - ' - • • •
Pioptintoi of Allegheny C,ounty.
Owner of Patent for Pennsylvania.
SD% Llberty_street. Dealers in Drags,
to and Patent 4edlelnes. - *Mt
_.1n5;:f1.4.;t3 v /
On and otter :CoTember. 11th.
Dsot tmlus will arrive at and depart from tae
Depot corner of (rant and Water streets, mi
Mail to and from Union
Mc/reesportAccomdt'n 11:00 A. 3f. - 2:05 r. x.
'Ex. to and from Unt'n • 3:00 P. M. 10:10 A. M.
West Newton Accom'd 4:30 P. M. M:35 A. x.
Erruidock's Accomdt'n. 6:15 r. tr. 7:60 p. M.
Night Ac. toMeß'sport.lo:3o P.m. 6:45 A. M
Sunday Church Train to
and from West Newton 1:00 P.m. 10:00 A.
For tickets apply t 3
J.B. - RING, Agent
W. B. STOUT. Superintendent. no2o
, -
On and s.fter MONDAY, November Uth, 1666
TWO TRAINS DAILY will leave Pittsbnipb.
Station, corner of Eleventh and Pike streets for
Franklin, 0111 City, Buffalo, and all points in the
011 Regions. j
Mall . — 1 m ,Mall 5:40 p m
E.xpress ...1 7:10 pm l Express. . 6:30 azu
Brady's BAO 3:00 p in / Bradys Ac 1044 aex
Ist Soda Works Ist Soda Worke -
Acc0md....110:50 a m Acconi, W o rks . : 2o - aat
Ad Soda Works A d Soda
Accomod'n. 5:00,p m Accomod'n. 3:40 p m
Church Train leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. x.
Arrive at Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. H.• • .
Passengers taking express train have "but
one ohmage of cars between Pittsburgh, Buffalo ,
and Oil Regiont. Mail and Express Trains stop
only, at principal: points.. Mixed Way and, i.e.
commodatiod trains stop at all stations.
W. POSTER HOPE, Ticket Agent. , nog
Nov.22d, 1868, trains will leave and arrive at
tut Union Depot, as followa, rittsburgh time:
Depart. . Arrivo.
man Expre5„...«....... 3:13 a. m..131:13 a. m.
list Line 10:13 a. m.
Fast Express 4158 p. m.,-12 :18 1. m.
Mixed Way 5:43 a. m. 5:43 p.m.
McDonald's Acc'n, No. 111:28 a. m. 8:33 p.m.
Steubenville Accommod. 3:38 p. m. 9:48 a. m.
McDonald's Acc'n, No. 2..6:08 p. 31. 3:18 p. au
sat 2:5S P. R. Express will leave daily.
ra:l3 P. at. Mail will arrive daily.
The 10:13 a. m. Train leaves daily, Sundayt
e 3 carded, and makes close connections at New.
ark fo. Zanesville and points on Sandtulky
blansfleld a Newark R. R.
B. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent.
W. W. CARD, &Vt.. Steubenvllle, Ohio.
n col%
From Dec. 20t h 1868, train's will leave from
and arrive at the ifiunn Depot, north aide, Pitts
burgh city time, as follows:
Chicago E_ .3:03 a m Chicago Ex... 2:13
Erie eklfgn3l•ll:2B a m Chicago Ex,. 11:48s
Cl. &Wt M'18:28 a mtWheellng Ex 11:13m
Chicago M511...6:88 a mlerestline Mail 3:031
Chicago Ex.. 10:08 a mrhlcago Ex....4:38 pi
•CL & Wkit Em2:23 p m Cleveland Ex -4:oBpg
Chicago Ex., 11:43 p m Erie & Tien Ex6:13%
•W'e &Erie Ex4:53 pm Cl. & Wh' g Ek 6 : 5B Dl
Departfroes Allegheny.' Arrive in Alleghens
N. Brigt'n Ac. 8:58 a m N. Brigt'n
Ac.1:03 ass
Leetsdale " 10:28 a m N. Tirlgt•n • .
8:28 am
" " 11:58 a m New Castle "10:33 am
Rochester " 1:33 pm Leetsdale • •..0:13 am
Leetsdale Scc.3:sB pm " '• • . " 1:08 pm
li.•Brigt•E " .5:33 pmIN. Bri,gt'n "91:43 pm
N. Brlgt ' n " .6:28p ml Leetsdale " 4:53 pm•
Leetsdale "10:43 pm' • • -• Vie ons
Leetsdale Sun- Leetsdale Sun- m
day,eburch. 1:13 p m day Church. 9:58 Mk
Aar- 2:43 p. m. Chicago Express leaves daily.
sir- U.:58 a. m. Chicago Express arrives daily..
de.V. F. B. MYER% General Ticket Agent.
11101 E N L V A-allowei
ROAD. Onand after Nov. 28th. 1868, Tralrus
will arrive at and depart from the Union Depot,
corner n.. Washington and Liberty streets, as
- .
Arrive. . Depart.
Mall Train.... 1:30 a m I Day Express-2:30 ant
Fast Line 9.40 a m Wall's NO. 1.. 6:30 am
Wall's No. L. 6 20 a m Mall Train 8:15 am
BrintonAcc'n. 7:50 a m oCineln'ti Er 19:35 pm
Wall's No. 2.. 6:50 am: Wall's Na. 2..11:110 am
Cincinnati Ex.9:40 a m (Johnstown Ac. 3:25 pm
Johnstown Ac10:35 a mjßraddocks Nol4l:2opnt
Baltimore Ex. 1-45 p m iPhlia. Express 5:10 pin
Phila. Express 2:05 pm Wall's No. 8.. 5:20 pm
Walt's No. 3... 1:30 p in, Wall's No. ;4..6:15 pin
'Braddocks No15:50 p mlFast Line.. .... 7:50 pm
Wall's No. 4. 7:25 p m [Wall's N 0.5.. 1/:50 pm
Wa Passn"r 10:20 p m I
Sundayhurch Train leaves Wails Statioi every
at 9:15 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh at
10:00 a. in. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at
12:50 p. 111 end arrives at Walls Station
. at
2:00 p. in. - •
*Cincinnati Express. leaves daily. All other
trains daily except Sunday.
For further information apply to
• • W. H. BEG'ITR, Agent.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Compan y will not as .
rame any risk forßa,ggage., exce ptfor wearingly. ,
parel,_and limit their responsib tv to One Hun=
dre Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding
that amount in value wililse at the risk of the
owner. unless taken by special contract.
n 023 General Superintendent,.Altoolna.
Ri...IROAD.—On and after 1i0v..9941868; the
Pa, senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania
Hal rftd will arrive at and depart from the
Federal Street Depot, Allegheny City's' follows:
• Arrive. _ • Depart. •
BPritUPPe No 1 6:40 m Rail 7:00 a re.
greeport N0.19:90 a m PreeportNo.•l9:ls am
Express 10:40 a tr: Sharptog No111:90 am
Sharpb'g N0.11:95 p m less 11:41Ipm
Freeport N0.24:00 pm 8 ngaVe No13:90 pm
Mail 5:55 p m reeport N0.25:20 p
Springd•e N026:40 m SoringePe No27:10 pm
Above trains run daily except Sunday.
The Train leaves Allegheny-Junction
even dunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny
City at 9:50 a, na;- , Returning, leaves Allegheny
City at 1:90 p. M. and arrive at Allegheny Juno.
Um at 3:45 p. m. , •
CORKlnariOrt_Tititere — For sale in packages.
'of 'Puente,. between Alleg i lv t ly City, Chestnut , '
street, Servs, Bennett, Creek, Etna and •
Sharpsburg and good only on he trains stopping ,
at Stations. rpecif ed on tickets.
-The trains leaving Allegheny City at 7:00 a.
en. make direct connection at Freeport withWal.
keels line of Stages for Butler and - hiantuthetown.
Through tickets may be =purchased at the Office ,
No. 1 et. Clair street.near the Suspensionßridge s
Pitteibur.h, and at the Depot, Allegheny. •
• Fpr further information apply to
Western • . Federal-Street Depot.
The Pennsylvania Railroad will not
sesame any risk for Baggage, except for wearing
apparel, and - limit their responsibility to One
Hundred Dollars -In. value. All baggage eio.
seeding this amOlint in value willbe at the risk of
the owner, :unless talon by special contrast.
noR OenTraillunerintendent. Altoona. .1%
ROUTE &inn the Hut to all points In
Colesado, Nevada, -.
'California,; 'Utah
Arizona, - • Washington, .
New Meileo, Idaino,'
Oregon. ,
Two Trains leave State Line and Leave:am:lk
dailgar i g u a=eX,lon the arrival of trains
of St. Loyal, and Hanni
bal And lit. Joe ad Rom clatnoy,.oonnoei-
Ins , at -Lawrenee, Topeka, and . iy meg° rill
1 m
stokes tor all La 'ln Kansas. - : At exi we sit
Dwr -west ot - worth -with tbe 11
STATES . ESP BS • cowman; Illitt
IXNE °YAW bun, AND 113211 / 28
00ACH1111 FOB
DZlN'Vittiii EULT.Ir LAME&
AIM Points in the Territories"
of coAcsiss for Fort Unto N Bent's Fort, Pass.
Albaquerltie. Banta le, Sißd all points In Ask.
sons and New Ifezice.
With the recta additions - of
. relailifp
and equipment, and the arrangements _
with 1 esponsible Overland Transportation
Cram its western terminus, this r o ad sew oars
nee:paned facilities fOr . the transmission dt
freight to. the Far West,.
=Ma for sale at all the princiPsi caP s
the ,United States and Onadsa - •
Be sure and ask rot -tioicets via THE
BILL BOUT t ; .. ,L t lO
ASPi`. '
4 , - . ."-tle A
-.2. 'RP -•-•=•'''l
7:00 A. M. • 6:00 P. It.
Eastern DiirMsion.
6ez.43ral Peiixkbpsdas i
a. us 'WEBSTER/
Vowel Freight sad Tie Ret